Parks and Recreation Advisory Board – June 2024

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Parks and Recreation Advisory Board – June 2024

Speaker 1 0:00
I’m calling to order the June 10. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting. You start with a roll call.

Speaker 2 0:07
An angel is not here. Scott Conlon here. Thomas Davis not here. Paige Lewis here.

Unknown Speaker 0:15
Sam Liddy.

Unknown Speaker 0:18
Nicholas Novello. Your Council liaison, Sean McCoy.

Speaker 1 0:25
Thanks. Alright, let’s move on to the approval of the agenda. We haven’t yet. I

Speaker 3 0:33
was just gonna ask if we could go to six a first and that surely make her presentations. So go back to our old business after

Speaker 1 0:45
that. It’s a really considerate and very common. Yeah, I think we made me you wait and previous meetings. I’m okay with that. Okay, so that if that’s the case, then is there a motion to approve the agenda as amended with six items? It’s a at the top rank approval agenda. Right. Okay, cool. Well, then we’ll come back to previous month’s minutes. Oh, do we have a second? Sorry. Second. All here. Okay, cool. All the procedures. Okay. So then let’s let’s go straight to that then. And then we’ll come back to the previous month’s minutes. Still share it please, sir. Well,

Speaker 4 1:27
thank you. So I do have some remarks that I’ll just read because I get nervous sharing Why 1632 Sherman, way long. My resident of four years here to speak to item six, a lot of mental in space extension. I have these brochures I we were here before we get them out. So you need another one. Maybe we can ask those around and somebody would like to refer to that. Thank you. Thank you for making this an agenda item. And in considering this issue. As you may recall, I’m a member of a small group advocating for our city council to place the extension of our current open space tax in perpetuity on the November 5 ballot. Our original open spaces use tax of point two cents was passed by longtime residents in 2000 and extended in 2007. As two cents and every cent dollar spent. This tax will sunset in 2034. Just in the voters in Longmont permanently approved the three quarter cent transportation tax. We believe they will likely support the permanent open space tax exemption as well. Lafayette voters extended their open space sales tax indefinitely with 82% approval. This is the year for such a ballot issue. There are not a bunch of local tax questions before the voters at this point only St. Green Valley School District is asking for a bond election without the need for a tax increase. Having an ongoing established revenue stream would help the city and Natural Resources Department with long term planning and relieve competition on the general fund. Long term residents love our open spaces and the many benefits they provide some of the obvious experiential benefits residents we see include hiking and biking trails, recreation like swimming, picnicking, photography, painting, fishing and tubing alternative alternative transportation connectivity, wildlife viewing opportunity opportunities, community buffers and scenic views, less obvious, yet essential benefits, critical wildlife habitat and movement corridors, protection of forests in my period health, restoration of native plants and pollinators, safeguarding our workforce and decreasing flooding in riparian areas by stabilizing banks, helping our air quality and supporting agriculture and local food production. Healthy open spaces have mental and societal benefits. A 15 minute walk in nature improves mental health by elevating mood, reducing stress and improving memory and concentration. Physically, it lowers heart rate and blood pressure and moves our immune system. Our Open Space Program is an amenity with economic values that attract families and business in Longmont a desirable place to live, play and work. As long as development continues to flourish and densify. The myriad benefits of the open space program will become only more valuable to ensure resources are available for the future. We’re asking that our city council place this measure on the ball ballot. We have a long term obligation to protect and maintain our open space lands. That takes resources. Our group has been educating the public and garnering community support on this effort for the last year. We have an appeal we’ve asked people to sign so far we have 946 names on our appeal. I’m here to ask for crabs. endorsement of this effort Doing so helps inform city council to give serious consideration about how they will maintain our valuable open space amenity to align with long runs core values. We intend to update city council about where our efforts are tomorrow evening, and formally asked for their direction to staff to be made on June 25.

Speaker 1 5:26
Thank you, Sherry, for sharing. That’s great. So when a partisan discussion or if there’s any questions or comments, you want to ask chair or PC,

Speaker 5 5:36
city council had any previous discussion?

Speaker 4 5:42
We’ve kind of, you know, lobbied or talked to a few and we’ve been very enthusiastic. Similarly, I met with city manager, and he was also, you know, very, kind of enthusiastic about our, our NC and, you know, I wanted to make sure I didn’t see any issues or, or have any, you know, any concerns or the, you know, just kind of have that conversation, it was very productive conversation. He was enthusiastic. So, of course, he’s not going to steer Council one way or the other, but he himself was, so

Speaker 6 6:17
I guess I would say nobody has said anything negative. I don’t think that I think that the majority of folks on council right now would support that. I can’t think of anybody. I don’t see anybody, you know, railing against taxes, you know, charity, and all that other stuff.

Speaker 4 6:38
The biggest question seems to be why now it doesn’t. 2030. And so the rationale is, as said, development is happening now kind of gives people a sense that, wow, you know, this is something I can do, and kind of connect to the value of open space. And then we want to do it in a presidential group year, that’s when you have big turnout. And in the worst case scenario is we didn’t pass this fall that we have 2048, you know, rather than 2030, to wait until right again, so it’s just sort of a strategizing. You know, kind of, interestingly, you know, some of us, there’s only a handful of us doing this, maybe won’t have the bandwidth and fiber for eight years. So, so that’s kind of that’s been the big question is, what’s the what’s the rush now?

Unknown Speaker 7:31
And that you will be irrational waiting, right?

Speaker 5 7:38
And is it just another city council recommending it, city council, when

Speaker 4 7:42
we asked them to direct staff to, you know, to pursue this with coming up with some language for the ordinance, and then it would come back for first and second readings and that kind of thing. But were we actually thinking of doing it in July, but then, like, well, these things take a little bit of time we’re doing because we’re still working events, like we’re at Pride fest the other day that volunteers will be attuned to them, so we’ll continue to campaign for it. But we wanted to come to town, our goal was actually 500. And then we rose to 1000. And right now we’re at 946. So we’re in very good shape to go forward. And they actually might even do it because, um, the Natural Resources Department is presenting an update tomorrow night. But David Bell, the director is out of was on vacation, and Mayor pack is also on vacation. So that’s why we’re going to wait two weeks to come back.

Speaker 6 8:37
All right, I take this out, because this is the laminated this where every council member, that these are the core issues that the council is interested in focusing on. And of course, climate action, and, and the issue around, you know, some of our core services in the water, and everything, and recreation are one of the are some of the most important aspects as we see. You know, we’ve built the pillars of our community on that. So that’s, that’s kind of where we’re at. And I think that all Council agree to that. And so that’s a good thing. So we’re trying to always stay true and focused on those sorts of things. So I can’t I can’t see. You know, we’re, we’re dealing with interesting times, as they say, you know, people, there are going to be some folks that think that we should not add anything or do anything like that, but we’re always going to have ups and that’s, that’s a noisy minority. Not the majority of folks. I feel, I think, was it loose? Will you sit or laugh? Laugh? Yeah, I think that’s a good reflection of Lafayette particularly is much more closely aligned to Longmont sort of Old Town sort of small town sort of Thinking of teaching in Lewisville Lafayette in the spirit area. Exposure to and I feel that that’s that’s something that we’ll see here too. And one

Speaker 4 10:12
more thing I didn’t say but that slightly out Lafayette voted for it and why we’re feeling so confident that Walmart will too because when the first four words on the ballot are without raising any taxes.

Speaker 1 10:25
That’s a good indicator for yes. So So I want to be digitally friendly to make sure that Sam you have an opportunity to speak up. Are you are by the way are you dialing from like a log cabin looks amazing. But I do want to make sure you have an opportunity to chime in. If you have any questions or comments.

Unknown Speaker 10:44
It’s all on Capitol

Speaker 7 10:53
Records Commons to I would just ask. I’m going to show you how the how the tax rate compares other municipal base taxes of Melinda with the county taxes extended last year. Due to the note there are other city level taxes as well.

Speaker 4 11:10
I don’t I defer to Danielle for that and Stephens not here. She’s looking now looking.

Speaker 7 11:21
It would be helpful to be able to compare that and say either direction is it’s more than as a briefing facility. If it’s less than it’s good deal for voters maybe I would think that that’s something to consider is whether it’s an appropriate amount, it’s certainly easiest to not change it. But it would also be a chance to consider changing it if it’s an insufficient or if it’s substantially less than other similar municipalities. So yeah, I’m totally in favor of standing up like you said, but I also miss a chance to look at as a as

Speaker 4 11:58
an excellent question. We’re going to we should get our backs on that before we go to counseling, we’re actually going to the other board somebody else’s attack tonight and we’ll call this out and next week the web.

Speaker 2 12:12
So the folder county 2020 for sales and use tax is point one.

Unknown Speaker 12:25
Two there’s also a city of Boulder. So yeah.

Speaker 5 12:38
I’ve always been really supportive of setting that. So permanent, permanently extending this tech. So I mean, I’d be happy to make your motion and

Speaker 1 12:49
I want to get there for sure. I do want to reach that you bring up a good point, which is on the agenda. We talked about it as open space tax extension, but it’s really not an extension. Is it the company that codified making it permanent? So So I’ve made that just an agenda, proud thing, but more so just a note. Is that Is that how city council or question is that our city councils in theory should be calling it like permanence of the commission to sort

Unknown Speaker 13:14
of have the thought of it that way. But yeah, that’s an excellent point.

Speaker 6 13:22
I think. I think I’d be careful about using too permanent of language, I say just because people are funny about that, if you just see them making a permanent, good. If you see cockfighting starts to have the ring of some of the the political advice, you know, things that are going on, right now in regards to let’s say abortion, things like that. Sure. So you probably want to be careful. As much as we all take. Yeah, that’s exactly what it is. Probably that language means a lot to some folks. Messaging.

Speaker 3 14:09
I would just say if, if you do a motion to recommend that you just leave that part out. But counsel,

Speaker 1 14:19
you have to detail something, it’s really the well, we call it it’s an extension, right? Okay, so let’s talk about what that what motions really gonna look like. Right. So we talked about like, okay, endorsing this. I really think the action is recommendation to a potential action right would be a recommendation to City Council, to pursue a few to ask city staff to pursue an investigation or pursue this is

Unknown Speaker 14:50
an extension of the open space.

Unknown Speaker 14:53
Okay, so,

Speaker 2 14:54
I misspoke Our language from November 2023. And it was what our increasing taxes 15 years point

Unknown Speaker 15:12
zero 5% 05. Okay, so lesson so they do to combo, the membership?

Speaker 5 15:20
Yeah, yeah, I move that I recommend to the council that they support a permit extension. It’s based on it’s on November 24.

Speaker 1 15:30
Okay. We have a second for that. Great. All those in favor?

Unknown Speaker 15:37
To be more awesome. That’s great.

Speaker 1 15:43
Okay, that’s great. So I think that means that we’re we’re gonna match up it’s really exciting stuff. Thank you so much for coming in as the US. Yeah, thank you so much.

Speaker 6 15:58
Wouldn’t be using the isn’t just to get it on there or the case somebody were all the students use

Speaker 4 16:06
for it. Oh, this says we be the undersigned urged mayor and city council members to protect low as important incentive, current and future open space areas from the intrusion of damaging urban development. Specifically, we are asking council to place a measure on our 20 plank or llama ballot asking residents to local Longmont open space use tax permanent for the purpose of land acquisition, as well as maintenance and enhancement of open space areas. So

Unknown Speaker 16:36
you don’t use those in case

Speaker 4 16:40
we’re just using, you know, this is just kind of, you know, we’re just getting kind of garnering public support and kind of talking to people about the value of open space. And as we get kind of say, there’s a lot of people would like to see this process. Formal petition, it’s an appeal.

Unknown Speaker 17:01
Petition to put something on the ballot at the city level. Yes, yes,

Speaker 4 17:05
we could have done their debt class a lot of money, you know, kind of get the languages right and run all the copies and printed on

Unknown Speaker 17:13

Unknown Speaker 17:15
X number

Speaker 6 17:17
is the same point. He’s talking about, you know, the council has this conversation and says, Hey, we maybe should, you know, look around and see what other communities are doing. Point to Point Zero 2% Is that what it is, is is willfully low, and we don’t know what might happen in the future then maybe we should but I don’t think that anybody’s going to go down that path. I just think that that’s just easier just to make it Yes. I can always expand that.

Speaker 4 17:58
Yeah, that we purposely did not do that make it permanent because that would be a much harder

Speaker 2 18:07
it looks pretty in line with other cities from what I’m seeing here and like cursory research public housing the city of Lafayette is called see boulder just had it

Speaker 7 18:33
also has held us tax not only property taxes. So there’s two different correlative.

Speaker 2 18:43
Well, then all I can say for certain at this point, but I’ll put that together for you guys.

Speaker 6 18:52
Soon, better for me is it’s on first reading.

Unknown Speaker 19:02
Tomorrow, I think tomorrow we’re

Speaker 6 19:04
just on zero reading. Discussion. So in case it comes up, and then I can respond. Yep, that’s

Speaker 1 19:18
fantastic. All right, let’s let’s teacher. And we’re going to move on to back up to Agenda Item three, approval of previous month’s minutes. Many comments on the previous month’s minutes that you were just mentioning. Now, we have a motion to approve the previous month’s minutes.

Speaker 1 19:53
Stage Okay, the second exam I don’t know how that works. Yeah. You’re gonna just abstain. Okay, but we okay passes. Okay. Cool. All right. So let’s move on to old business, which is finalizing the board field Jeopardy. I’m very excited to be here. Oh, I really am. Okay. Yeah, you’re fine. Thank you for calling that out. Do we have any public event to be heard? We don’t have any public event up here. Thank you again, for calling me.

Unknown Speaker 20:29
So we will come back and say we didn’t do something right.

Speaker 1 20:31
You’re right. You’re right. Yep. Okay, let’s move on to oldest phones aboard. So, Jeff, you’re gonna help us to talk through this a little bit. But we went back and forth on this in the past two meetings that we’re kind of leaning towards, I think, right, we’re we’ve aligned, we wanted you to feel trapped, you want to go and be in a good grip. And we’re looking at different different times. So the CLI and how they came around. And it seems like the really the what we’re coming down to is August 5, is really the times that work, and specifically, the itinerary we have laid out, which is awesome. And Hubert Do you want to take over from here? It sounds like you. Sure.

Speaker 3 21:19
And after talking with Scott, early before the meeting started, it looks like all six of the board members are going to be available by then we’ll we’ll have a seventh member and we’ll often just verify with with them. We we talked, Stephanie and I talked a little bit today about the tour itself. And we thought that we have kind of a unique opportunity this year that we really have not had in the past where the board will actually be able to go on site of three different parts that are going to be under construction. So we will have Yeah, well I actually have hard hats. Yes, and everything for you all to go out there and feel like we’ve got enough time we start at the here at 515 with the van leaving at 530 and we’ll have everybody back to this building by eight o’clock. Be the plan hopefully everybody’s okay with that. I’m finding a good thing. Yeah, yeah, well and it’s really odd that worked out because before we talk to board with staff did a survey and August 5 was the only date that all for about staked out as well. So it’s pretty, pretty odd that it worked out for everybody. So we will provide some kind of sandwich that night out on the in the band, so that you have something to eat. Again, we’ll get back here at eight o’clock

Speaker 1 23:18
to give a lesson on the I don’t think we need a motion on that right now. I’m really, really looking forward to it to me really informational, and I can’t wait to take a picture with all this with the best. That’s my highlight of it. Okay, then let’s move on to new business. We’re going to skip over six A because we’ve covered that already. And we’re going to move to the update on eight parks in five years eight and five and five. And this is going to be

Unknown Speaker 23:55
zoom from the second.

Unknown Speaker 24:19

Unknown Speaker 24:24
Okay, I’m gonna try and

Speaker 8 24:31
move see how this goes.

Speaker 2 24:41
All right. So yeah, we wanted to give an update to some API projects. There’s a lot going on right now. And it’s really exciting. I know. So we put together all of the slides and Daniel is going to help me because her team is students in these products as well. But as you guys know, we have Have a project identified to be completed in five years. So Clover Meadows neighborhood park, Prairie Creek, community park, synthetic turf, flux meadows, those are all three under construction right now. Union and we’ll get into that, as in the works on that slide. And then the last four are the ones that we’re putting in the CFP to determine those timeframes with the funds needed to do those projects. So skill on to cover Meadows totally up to us. So Clover Meadows made this thing go away. But um, so anticipated completion date for color meadows, this will fall 24th. And this is what we have to this is as of last Friday. So if you look up here at the at the plan that it’s been put together, this is based off the original master plan, it’s just a little bit more specific. Now that we’ve had the design completed, we have the main entry down here with the playground, then there’s the shelter, playground, the restroom building, and then some green lawn space for kids to play nothing, no official sports fields just for practice, or whatnot, whatever they want to do. Crossgates This is Heatherdale Street and old ranch drive. Thank you. Yeah. And if we need to pop out to to Google, just let me know. And then up here, in the north, west, we have an apple orchard, that’s going to be going in and we’re getting we’re working with our forestry team, they’re actually going to procure the trees once the park is constructed, but all of the irrigation and things will be set up for that. So that we have some of that, you know, it’s similar to what we have over at Rogers grow a little bit more established. And if you’ve ever walked to the Rogers School, and then over here we have a bike playgrounds called so you can kind of see it taking shape here.

Speaker 2 27:04
So it’s, you know, we have a little bike area over at Dickens, but it’s it doesn’t have any of these types of features. It’s really more earthworms and things like that logs. So this is actually all of this design was by the same company that just did the Virgin Bikepark and several others ceria. So they’re just starting to get them all live, it’s just some fun ups and downs, they go through some hoops here, some wavy things, you know, up on a little platform and down swear ups and downs, and sometimes, so should be fun for the kids. And then this is the playground starting to take shape. So that is this larger circle. And then over here, you’ll see this little circle, which is the sand player. So this is one of the play features that’s already been delivered. It’s just put off to the side while they’re building. But it’s kind of a fun nature theme playground. So yeah, so every week, a lot of progress is made, and they’re getting ready to getting close to the restroom. Building to be set as well as the shelter. The next, the next one underway, so dry creek. Now this one’s not quite as exciting visually. But it looks a lot better than it used to. So this is where the old sports fields had originally been located that were failing this, the turf didn’t grow. Well, they’re trying to see you can’t see. So to orient you, I don’t know if anyone’s been over there. There’s the cricket pitch over here on the east side. And then the new multi use sports fields over here. Those won’t be striped, they will that will allow the recreation programming to strike up for whatever age they’re having. And the cricket pitch is actually going to remain national turf per their choice. So that would they will get it will be over seeded and improved some. But yeah, they’re getting ready to I think now that this is all graded, they’re going to start coming back and putting in the underdrain system. And that’s really the biggest piece of this is how to get the water out because that was the biggest issue. So

Speaker 6 29:20
there’s a room on the side of the cricket pitch. Yeah, and that’s currently there. Oh, that’s kind of cool, because I know it the other cricket pitch over your cardmakers i that verb there and that folks are playing all the time and the United States be Pakistan. I think there’s going to be a bigger interest in the market. And there’s

Speaker 3 29:47
a history word that they’re already in playing there. They can’t play. They’re now struggling. It’s the same as garden acres that you go out there on Saturday and Sunday. is pretty packed with cricket players.

Speaker 2 30:05
So Fox meadows, so we’re going to be under construction yet this month. So it’s getting ready to be mowed and the fencing is going to be going up mobilization for the GC will be occurring. So a lot of activity in the next couple of weeks, we just reached 100% design. And we’ve worked, we’re working with the contractor on finalizing the GMP, so that we have a construction number to work from. But that just keep moving forward, it’s been nice to have the best value approach on these projects, because we established the kind of the, the contracts last August for all of this work design and construction. So that doesn’t slow us down, transitioning from design to construction on the other projects. This one’s kind of fun, too, because it has also more of a nature. That’s what in the public process, they chose a nature play for the playground. And it’s just kind of got fun little things that look like logs and wood that aren’t logs. And so he’s more durable. And this was the other unique feature about this park is it’ll have a certain line. There’s only a couple more cancer kids like that’s like Homer Johnson, I don’t know how long it is. Sorry. Oh, I don’t know. I don’t

Speaker 6 31:30
get into the example is with the kids. Right? It is Yep.

Unknown Speaker 31:35
And this was, like a half court or something?

Speaker 2 31:38
Yeah, there’s a half court right here. Yep. And, and then we’ll also have a bocce court. And the shelter, the restroom is here, the shelters here. So this one, the shelter and restroom replaced, sort of between the half court and the playground. It’s about you are here. And then this one, you know, this is basically a detention basin, where this part is constructed. So that the deepest part there is the part that will need attention to a bit of grass. But otherwise, there’s going to be a long portion here for the kids. And whoever wants to play on the church board version. And then aside from that, there will be some native grasses and then some Crusher find a combination, of course you’re finding him.

Speaker 2 32:27
So I handed over to you. This is the union reservoir, interim trail, and we are

Unknown Speaker 32:39
going out for a design RFP.

Speaker 2 32:43
This year, we had a critical meeting with some other departments today, engineering and water resources, kind of to get some questions answered so that we can get our RFP out the door and I’m sorry, hold on. Oh, there we go. Okay, I tried to stop the thing. And then I realized, oh, so anyway, this is the this is the interim Trail, which is funded separately, then the greater union reservoir master plan improvements. So this trail is meant to be built and will be in place until which time the union reservoir is expanded. So getting to the point where we can get out for a design RFP in the near future, this year is exciting. And that’s where we’re at with this

Speaker 6 33:31
one. And you have to go into the into the front end of union to access

Speaker 2 33:37
or and so that is all of its to be decided still. It’s conceptual right now, but that’s the way the rangers would like it because it’s gonna make it a lot easier for them to manage. Everything was true. Yeah. One ingress egress.

Speaker 6 33:56
Unlike obviously the Macintosh, but you don’t necessarily Yeah.

Speaker 2 34:02
Yeah, this will. This will have a technical advisory committee all throughout especially during that conceptual design phase where we’ll hear from Rangers wildlife technicians, everything. So all the different values and things will be brought to the table and discussed a little bit. Sure.

Speaker 7 34:31
Design it we can have a practice session about that as well. As an interest interesting complex topics, it’d be great to have a chance to talk during the design phases about where you guys are getting into movies going. Reviewing design when it’s already.

Unknown Speaker 34:49
Of course, yes.

Speaker 3 34:51
Recreation would like to be a part of that too.

Speaker 6 34:54
Okay. Well, you are you’re on the tack, Sloan’s on the tap. I will I would like because that’s

Speaker 2 35:07
great. Okay, so now the remaining projects, so all of those going under construction. So then the next of the projects that we had included in the CIP, where they scored the sandstone ranch show, just kind of showing the bright areas of what’s still to be completed in order to complete what was intended by the master plan. And so that includes the four ball fields in that complex. It included the sports court over by the scape playground, as well as a new playground score of nice restaurants and shelters. So as I mentioned, we put it in our hands, I put it next year, I get it will be submitted to council in September, October. And then

Speaker 3 35:55
one, one response on that, I don’t think you need to build score because we have

Unknown Speaker 36:02
limited use, that would be

Unknown Speaker 36:03
a good piece of that design discussion, for sure.

Unknown Speaker 36:06
Oh, score booth. Oh,

Speaker 3 36:09
because if you have them, you generally have to have a volunteer, paid person to do that. And most groups just have somebody with a book and or

Unknown Speaker 36:21
if you’re doing big competition that gets to

Unknown Speaker 36:24
kind of like the concessions as well.

Speaker 3 36:29
concessions, we have gotten out of that world. And I would say that we my thought would be that we make space for food trucks and that sort of thing. So that they can come in during big events. Well, we found, that’s when we made money on the evening things, there was not enough demand. So if we have people out there really for nothing, because what we got out of it.

Speaker 2 37:02
Again, this is another one on the open space screen. Same thing. Anyway, 12, we also submitted it into the 2025 2029 CNP. So we’re looking for a comfortable response and direction on that. And so this would be the final phase of the st frame Greenway with, you know, work. As you know, we’re currently working on phase 13, which goes east for sandstone ranch and connects into St. Green State Park, we will be building an underpass under the highway and connected to the state park. So this would be the final phase on Phase One through 11. Both the city and then this phase starts at Golden pines in goes west and connects into boulder County’s trail system. And so we’re looking to start design in 2026, using Conservation Trust and open space funds. And like I said, it’s in the CIP for review and

Speaker 6 38:01
this is what says prosecutor here.

Speaker 2 38:05
Well, this is airport. So this is this is golden Hans. And the traps. Oh traps. Okay.

Speaker 6 38:13
And that building over there is that is the one this house. Yeah. Is that it’s one counter just up from the city. Facilities. Yeah, right. Across from the same framework. Yeah. I was just trying to wow.

Speaker 2 38:34
So the trail is currently in 2011. It was a feasibility study as with the potential route, it will be revisited just to validate that feasibility whenever it leaves a group because this all was studied before the floods, the one but also just you know, are there in universities is the best location. But what they had planned was to bring the trail along here, and then up here sticks a little closer to them along that property boundary of the land that will be transferred to the city and then it pops under the road here to those web property. And that’s where it connects the Boulder County and the land transfer. We do have six or seven submitters now disease and I expect the last one this week so we’ll be transferred to the city. That’s all of those are received.

Speaker 3 39:23
I think you should wait like a week before after David gets your share that

Speaker 7 39:31
we just a quick question on this is a question that Tony tells us American election was that that is basically the public crossing trails.

Speaker 2 39:44
And they’ll go along the railroad tracks and then over to airport. That’s the continuation of those. And then it goes down that East side of this web property.

Unknown Speaker 39:55
On the east side of Airport Road, east side of the property

Unknown Speaker 39:58
that’s on the is on the west I’d have Airport Road.

Speaker 7 40:03
So go up to the traffic display and play on the Cagayan trail system. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 40:10
What’s their time frame for that?

Speaker 2 40:13
slightly behind ours, I think it’s, you know, we start designing 26 I believe they’re starting design and 27.

Speaker 2 40:28
So then we have the girl Campus Master Plan improvements. As we submitted it in the CIP would follow the sandstone branch response logo. And this is the one that’s a little different because the master plan originally called the Ice Arena. So I don’t know, we don’t know if that would go back to council for review, she goes the goddess to me, maybe a pickleball complex would be more value to the community. So that’s a discussion that needs to be had available. But in addition to what that element is that it’s also additional parking, there would be a Creekside labyrinth on little plate space, and then some open storage area. And then there’s still another need to expand irrigation pond a little bit. If that work doesn’t occur before this project is underway. There’s other projects

Speaker 3 41:21
and I think page in regard to the ice rink, that it wouldn’t make sense to build another recreation, and so they right next to ours, that’s, that’s why pickleball might be a better opportunity here. But that doesn’t mean that an ice rink couldn’t possibly go on at Dry Creek or Clark park or any of the other ones that we’ve identified over the years.

Speaker 5 41:49
But in the master plan to have both the Rec Center and the ice facility in this location

Speaker 3 41:53
as as a possible location. Yeah, we’re at the at the time we were doing it. We were we just wanted to reserve land if to make sure we had a space if needed. And then after I believe after this was done, the first time Dry Creek became an opportunity.

Speaker 6 42:19
Yeah, there’s a lot of push nicey. Nice. crowd in the pickleball crowd. Pickleball crowd is much more dedicated. Again, people don’t pay money. No, no, I agree with the boat. And the hockey folks pay a lot of money and are really engaged and active with it. But they are really committed to making sure they’re getting their kid to the the game and to the practice and everything like that, but don’t seem to have the same dedication to get it on the ballot, helping you get it funded now that I agree with that.

Speaker 2 43:06
So this one’s going to require a little more public engagement discussions with city council. It’s not quite as simple as completing the master plan.

Speaker 3 43:18
I want to talk just a little bit about the the some of the improvements. We don’t. Right now there’s there’s a dogleg that the city owns to to back to Main Street. And there isn’t a document that says that whoever makes the land swap happen first has to pay for improvements to that site which includes Kansas, which is at the top of of right in there as well as the road back down to to quo road. And so at some point in time, the museum’s gonna need more parking. But we also are trying to work with city engineering and determine does that road that goes up to where the pickleball courts could go could that be a a park road as compared to a dedicated street because the improvements are way more expensive to dedicated as a street as compared to having just a road in in park. So those are things that would be discussed along with this as well

Speaker 6 44:40
that mean that it would be like gravel or it could be asphalt,

Speaker 3 44:43
but it doesn’t have to have all the curb and gutter and all of those.

Speaker 5 44:49
Just so this only includes the exterior. This wouldn’t include any like upgrades needed to the rec center that’s on this campus.

Speaker 6 44:59
So what would need improvement is over here, where you have the roundabout. And that part into the into there, where you’re saying you’d want to put in your curbing gutter and all that. Yeah, I

Speaker 3 45:12
think part of the discussion would be if if that connects roundabout to roundabout, it probably needs to be a street. But if it’s just a way to easily get into the Rec Center, or up the tennis or pickleball, it maybe it doesn’t need to be as extensive is as maybe what this was originally discussed

Unknown Speaker 45:44
looks like we could have another cricket course.

Speaker 2 45:49
So then that brings us to drag community or phase two. So this is a pretty significant phase two. So what you’ll see here, this is the master plan, I’ve kind of shaded out the areas that have been either have been, are being or will be at some point completed. And then the darker areas are the areas that would still need to be included in this case. So in this we have a couple of ball fields. They’re not like the sandstone but more practice fields. A maintenance building is a piece of this, which would lessen the maintenance step to have a zone you know, a home base in this zone over here. Outdoor handball racquetball, this is when we move the sledding. So you know, we had a sledding hill, we take away the sledding and we flew back to sledding hill, and then we moved the sledding. So also seeing volleyball, some water, some water plaza with interactive water features, and the promenade crossing and dry creek. So that becomes a really fun space like this whole area. It’s just you know, lined with trees and a nice little areas for families together, kids to play and then it also has a playground and some more restaurants and shelters. So this one is the furthest out this was towards the end of our CIP that we just submitted. But to Jeff’s point on the ice, you know, it makes more sense here that there that’s kind of where you know, we have the discussions with quail see what we can do with dry creek?

Speaker 5 47:20
Where’s the space that would I mean, what does this still reserved space for? Future rec center?

Speaker 2 47:28
Right here so it’s the pool, the outdoor pool and the Rec Center and this summer here

Speaker 3 47:34
I think the one thing Stephanie will need to remember is that if a large facility is ever built there there has to be a second entry exit into there might tie over to that

Unknown Speaker 47:50

Unknown Speaker 47:52
yeah, they’ll let that be considered that I think this may be drivable I can’t say that would be a consideration

Speaker 2 48:15
there are markings I wish I had the rendering there was a rendering from the master plan I don’t have it right here right now. To see what it was but it was all conceptual. So

Unknown Speaker 48:25
you do it your earlier slide where are you Where was that with the

Speaker 2 48:32
Oh, so the cricket so it the cricket ended up being here so this is from the master plan when they didn’t know they configuration sportsbooks would be and I don’t know if they had originally planned to put it in the middle which seemed odd

Unknown Speaker 48:45
ended up being over here so this is this is this is the conceptual plan literally from the master

Speaker 5 48:56
so there’ll be additional sports fields beyond but the ones

Speaker 2 49:00
that are there no no that new programmable sports

Unknown Speaker 49:06
to the to the west there would be there was a two ball fields

Speaker 2 49:09
and that that would be the addition of sports and well totally No, I Well, I think that because a lot of that for the Rec Center is so then you know, it’s this disc golf kind of migrate within here. Once again, discussion on disc golf is a pretty easy thing to accommodate you know, just finding some fun route some things but this is this master plan was completed a bit ago. Whenever we get to this point, it’s just going to everyone around the table and let’s see what we can do with it. But that continue with

Unknown Speaker 49:53
this one.

Speaker 2 49:54
This is specific to park versus the Parks, Recreation and trails master

Speaker 2 50:03
So the other sites I have I can do doing staff update for other parks. That was that includes the eight and five update.

Speaker 5 50:14
So Nina callow was not part of a time. It’s just out. And it’s one of our biggest parks. And it’s going to be under construction. Did it go back out today?

Speaker 2 50:28
So it will by the end of the month, it’s in procurements too. They’re kind of backwards. Right now. There’s a lot of projects going on. And I know my team has three or four like proposals or things going on, didn’t it right now. And in June, it’s also in that queue. So

Unknown Speaker 50:45
it’s in a string status updates.

Speaker 1 50:47
Great. Any of you had a lot of questions, any last thoughts on this move on? From Sam?

Speaker 9 51:02
I guess in terms of what’s been proposed in the CIP, like, what’s the feeling in terms of priority, these elements in the CIP compared to other elements? Well,

Speaker 2 51:13
the part projects, the new parts are coming from the park Improvement Fund. So we’re not competing for those funds, which is nice. It’s more than renewal projects are the ones where we compete the most for money. Having said that, you know, we have to open up about our cash flow. So that’s where it all becomes rather tricky.

Speaker 1 51:40
Okay, all righty. Let’s move on to discussing it in the packet. Anyone have any comments, questions or

Speaker 5 51:53
add an item, just kind of a note said it was just for you hang out. We talked last time about a statement or or stillness about not interested in, I’d mentioned that, I’d be happy to talk

Unknown Speaker 52:07
with you more about it, because we’ve been

Speaker 5 52:09
doing some work on conservation. So I just wanted to make sure you knew that. If you’re interested in talking more about conservation in partnership, assume that would be great. I did touch base with

Speaker 2 52:23
them the other day, to get clear on when we could potentially fit in their queue. And it’s in their fiscal year 2026, which starts in July, they can do two direct exchange transactions per year. So that’s when will the space Minister potentially occur?

Speaker 5 52:42
And you got some work to do in exchange, not as a purchase?

Speaker 2 52:48
No, they just call it the direct exchange process, we would be looking to purchase the property that we currently have a recreational use. Our recreational is currently expires in June 2005. So you know, that’s paid by water resources $2,000 a year, and we would free up that in the interim time. Let’s see in the state land board, they said they’re experiencing that he can do between now and then, you know, we wouldn’t want to get an appraisal, because it will. It will get stale. By the time we’re ready to get started. There are other things we can do. Leading up to it. So sure, let’s have a conversation.

Speaker 9 53:35
Then with revenues, from recreation, do you have a sense of like numbers in terms of like visitor numbers? Because it’s hard to I guess it’s been hard for me to like compare apples to apples since the rates have gone up each year? It’s because obviously, yes.

Speaker 8 53:56
I’ll put I’ll put something in for next month. I can tell you given the Rec Center, Chris at the Rec Center report for us actually every week on attendance there and that is pretty much every week is above last year. This last week was not which is not surprising because a year ago rain and so people go to the rec center this year during sunset, so that will be the difference. But yeah, it’s it’s past what we were last year similar to what we would have seen in late 18. But I can put something together next month. And I can tell you sunsets shouldn’t be a surprise

Speaker 9 54:49
you you another I have another so yeah, it feels like Thompson Park is slipping. I mean we’re now We’re talking about renting that’s going

Unknown Speaker 55:02
to be offensive by the end of the month as well.

Speaker 9 55:05
Right? Yeah. But we were talking about like, having started even earlier. Right. So,

Speaker 2 55:11
right, so that we do, we did have two bidders. And that was great. Yeah, they’re both qualified. And they were both very close to each other’s costs. So it really, they were two valuable bidders, as opposed to what we experienced. So they’re awarding that and want to say it’s next week is when that contract is executed.

Unknown Speaker 55:35
So I don’t know that there was a time

Speaker 2 55:40
whenever we get the contract with the executed with the contractor, then build a construction schedule. And then we’ll have that commercial day is anticipated to go into quarter one to 25. For Thompson. Part of the update as well. So.

Speaker 1 56:06
Sam, anything many times in the packet, you want to ask that?

Speaker 7 56:13
As well, last week, or last month on resiliency, rain and the Boston bridge, you should end the Army Corps work on upstream of the text in the packet updated isn’t as work as a confirmation whether both the bridge and put on boarded or the RV park still pending award.

Speaker 2 56:34
The Bridges has been awarded that’s been under construction. Yeah. The Army Corps project, it has not been awarded.

Unknown Speaker 56:45
Okay, that’s the packet says so many good amendments started? Well,

Speaker 2 56:51
I should rephrase what I just said. It hasn’t started construction. And I’ll have to go back to the staff packet and see what seems a female was, but they haven’t started construction. And whenever they do I know that because they’re coming to the dry creek site, because they’ll be going through our fenced in area to start moving material. So that hasn’t that hasn’t occurred yet. I want to say that was all they’ll have to look back at the packet

Speaker 7 57:20
to see if it’d be something about this clarity.

Speaker 1 57:32
Where you have to get an answer on that. In real time at MIT. I can tell what year. I know. No worries, I just thought you were looking at it. Okay. I have one more that I wanted to bring up myself, which was about the white nose syndrome. That’s coming Dempsey disinfector Ellis for the first time this time, about bats being found in Longmont with this white nose and all need to make it sounds from what I’m reading about the description that like it can be really severe and to get an entire roosts that’s never called that. But I’d imagine that has a lot of knock on effects to an ecosystem and all the bats are cause ripple effect of different things across the board. Right now. We’re in like, just like monitoring state. But my question is like, is, you know, is there anything more proactive we should be doing for this? And like, do we know like, from other communities that have been affected by this, like what the impact could be like, I don’t want to have to revise some strange, delete, do X be done right, but still couldn’t be severe. So what does it look like this?

Speaker 2 58:41
Well, let me clarify this by saying I’m not a wildlife biologist. Yeah, for sure. The update was written by Sam cedars, our wildlife biologist. But so yes, white nose syndrome is actually a serious problem. And it’s already ongoing throughout the country. And it’s humans getting into their habitats, like humans touring and walking into caves, where bats and sensitive species live. And we’ve even seen this on some of our own properties. So we’ve, you know, things that things that you can do if you have like a cave on your property, and you’re concerned about the bat habitat, or you’re aware that there are bats there, you can fence off the cage such that the bats can come in and out but humans cannot. And that will protect them from white nose syndrome, because it’s, it’s humans that are walking in and introducing this. So that gets added a little bit. I mean, there are there are things that we can do. You can work with the Colorado Division of mines, and they will they have a program to fund these exposures. So that you know if say a cave is at the mouth of a creek, and the water needs to come in Now, if you put a door there, then you’d be, you’d be affecting that habitat in a different way. Well, this, you know, cage with crosshatch to the sediment can come in and out the bats can come in and out, then humans cannot. But you know that, I think, I mean, the Colorado divisions of mines probably has more information about it on their website, and large mammals also use caves. So you have to find the balance of that to check in. Yeah, and, and then I’m not

Speaker 1 1:00:38
fair. That was really, really helpful. Some that I that I caught my eye that’s,

Speaker 2 1:00:47
well, I just was certainly shooting in West Virginia, and we toured a cave, and I was thinking about it. Yeah, you should be here to a guy who was really young and he was telling his story isn’t it was mostly folklore, but I was thinking about white nose syndrome, right.

Speaker 1 1:01:06
Thanks for that. Okay. Um, we should feel slightly better. During that there is like, maybe some of you do. Okay, any other items that weren’t?

Speaker 7 1:01:20
There was a nice little timeline on screens here about open space education activities would be great. There was mentioned a presentation on space our past and future on display. Does that happen? It

Speaker 2 1:01:34
is actually happening tomorrow night on the 11th. And I’m sorry, I think I miss doing my updates this month, a minor one month out of date, my apologies. So okay, no worries, I can get into more details because there’s a series of things coming up and I can do it in my staff, okay to be like.

Speaker 7 1:01:56
Okay, I’m just looking forward to that mothership, whether it was in the reporting or not, but sounds great. Okay.

Speaker 2 1:02:04
tax amounts of the different communities to my informational presentation

Speaker 1 1:02:15
are great. So then let’s move on to items from staffs regarding others.

Speaker 2 1:02:35
Other parks and trails projects. So we have spring Gulch reached phase three. So this was still on scheduled to open by the end of this month. So I don’t know if you guys have seen any, anything really sneaking up there. But so they have the bridge in the tunnel, and that goes underneath the railroad tracks, which is pretty cool. That was prior to this, this was on Friday, the reading through and that so these two pictures are taking like right here within so. And right here, actually. So that is the last thing that needs to be poured. And that’s pretty exciting. So by next meeting, maybe we will try this.

Speaker 9 1:03:35
year, it was very painful. Well, yeah, I just, I’m so excited. And people are excited. So this whole completely.

Speaker 2 1:03:43
It’s a great. I mean, it’s a great addition. Yeah, that segment, because now you can just keep going around. Yeah,

Speaker 9 1:03:50
exactly. So yeah, first of all, I’m gonna have a bit. Probably a few weeks after it opens, you can’t really

Speaker 2 1:04:02
I don’t have the numbers on that. I haven’t heard anything about the neighbors. Now this has been managed by one of our streets, engineers, project managers. And so I’m pretty sure I’m on our team is helping her with some of the administrative pieces of that. So I don’t get a daily like updates or anything but Trish did want to take all those pictures for us on Friday just to share with you guys. Thompson Park as I said, So, the anticipated award date is this week with the construction contract execution on the 20th and then it will immediately begin. So these are the areas that will be under construction. We haven’t received a set logistics plan yet once the contract is executed we’ll have that to know exactly what the extents of events in unity so new shelter, improvements to the restroom, new shelter and somewhat different playground footprint and some new As where they were more straight. And now they’re a little bit more organic to kind of follow some of those social

Speaker 2 1:05:14
Nino Gallo. So it’s in the procurement teams queue, we posted it went into June, we’ve changed the scope to have a lot of add alternates, as well as adding more money to that bucket. So hopefully between those two activities, we’ll have more realistic bids coming in. All of the scope is still there, just some minor modifications of quantities of like sidewalks, the type of restaurant, wherever we could not detract from the argument and use that a little bit more value for our dollars. So to make this a feasible project, that we do have garden acres bridge pedestrian replacement that those proposals just came in. And I think it’s the first project meeting was actually just set up, set and I was sent out today. So this hair as we’re looking at the edge, this bridge will be replaced with one of the bridges we have in storage, the bridge that we have in storage is longer. So that may take a slightly different angle, which might actually benefit trail users on bikes isn’t won’t be so 90 degrees, but more on a slant. So because most of the travel comes from this direction, across and it continues, where do you start your wastewater? Yeah, it’s a place you don’t go over Roosevelt Park, that renewal at least is working on that statement of qualifications now to go out to design teams has been working with Jeff and Ben’s teams on the adult fitness course piece to get some, they’re starting the public engagement process on that and have a will have some boards with some photos and questions a survey at the Rec Center and at the senior center to start working in determining because they’re going to do a playground in the adult fitness course outside of that. So getting some feedback on what is that adult fitness course going to be? What is it? So this one starting design now is as Thompson’s just starting construction, Thompson will finish construction and diverse about so that the two parks one of the tours always open.

Speaker 9 1:07:48
Is there any plans to do something with the shelter? That’s just not

Unknown Speaker 1:07:52
for this renewal shelters, rentable and often seems scary. Yeah, that’s very clean and nice inside. Check out logs. There’s a big, just a couple 100 people, US somebody we’ve heard a lot of it wasn’t

Speaker 2 1:08:26
the dog park so Steve’s working with some internal city staff to quantify what this really wants to be with regard to where we do get a bit better about. So they’re just kind of talking through water. Is there opportunities to have water at the dog park, where to place the shelter and whatnot. He’s working on getting his results out to engage design as well. So that’s just getting started. Basement team. Oh, you quit. Okay. So base 13 is a little bit stuck in right away acquisition process. We this to city council, June 25. And that’ll help us work. That’s about it all that’s going on right now. We’re trying to get out of this space and move into the next phase which would be putting out an RFP for construction. So

Unknown Speaker 1:09:34
we knew about the conflict where we’re just still negotiating

Speaker 2 1:09:41
with landowners and multiple, multiple landowners. We’ve got multiple stakeholder, private landowners along the trail and most of the negotiations are going fine. There’s except one So that’s what we’re working on,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:03
is starting. Since

Speaker 2 1:10:05
this is a CDOT funded project, we have a third party seat out approved negotiator that that is doing all the negotiations with the landowners, for us on our behalf. This is a slow process.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:27
There’s our tree going away.

Speaker 2 1:10:30
Yes, their leases ending there at least technically ends December of this year. But well, they’ll probably get to stay through their lease because of these right away. First Nations. But yes, their lease is up. Yep. Smells that. Wes knows. Unfortunately, yeah, the trail is gonna go right through there and the construction there too. Conflict. That’s not to say that they can’t come back when the trail is built. If if a deer if you know, we’re not, we’re not opposed to that. We just can’t have been there during construction. period of time is gonna last. So we’ve been talking to them about it, they’ve been having trouble finding another space. Wearing that T.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:28
Shirt? Sure. Yes.

Speaker 7 1:11:52
Just one thing that I’ve had with the Lisa t shirt that design documents that she had that were incredibly detailed, and really built my confidence that a lot of questions that haven’t been taken into account around example, tree health and token action and access events. I think generally the public and I certainly and hungry for information about these designs as they are completed and discussed maybe about a year ago, because characters are very receptive and satisfied. One way to build public interest, maybe even show the public in favor of this interest to let everybody who are open to visually show the public. Which is this going to be amazing. Here’s a very Luxe, probably all excited about it was right, no one’s interested as soon as things are able to share. Investment.

Speaker 2 1:12:52
Right. Yeah, I’m happy to do that. It’s a little sticky with the private landowners when negotiations are still going on to share our design publicly when we’re not quite done with rightaway negotiations. So that’s kind of why it’s

Speaker 6 1:13:12
the issue of thinking that somehow we have deep pockets or, or is it just an issue of how it weighs across the platform.

Speaker 2 1:13:24
It’s it’s just an issue of not agreeing. The landowner would like us to buy the entire parcel, and we would like us to justify the trail right away. And we’ve been speaking to this landowner formally since May 2020. And we’re unfortunately, at a standstill.

Speaker 2 1:13:56
So that’s So more to come on June 25. Okay, so that’s St. Green Greenway, please. 13. Oh, going back to the timeline, the overseas education timeline. So yeah, I put that in the prep packet. And then the updates. I am sporting items four and five are upcoming and Item four has the wrong date on it. So So tomorrow night, June 11, is the informational open space presentation of the City Council is very similar to the one that I gave to prep back in September 2023.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:39
And so that, that’s tomorrow night,

Speaker 2 1:14:41
and then then coming this Friday, June 14th. Is the open space field trip is the same field trip that we did in 2023. And we put it on the city calendar, the council proud, the public are invited. So So depending on who shows up, we might caravan in people’s own cars. We have some city cars for the city council members and have members that have RSVPs for that

Unknown Speaker 1:15:12
support team. That’s the 14th

Speaker 2 1:15:16
Yeah, then we’re meeting at the upper parking lot at sandstone. Hopefully going from there and it’ll be natural resource staff and then gene Turner or oil gas specialist looking for that.

Speaker 6 1:15:30
And I just was looking forward, I kept looking forward in my email, trying to figure out who it sent it and I it was sitting in the back of my mind, but I can try to remember where I see it. So I’m glad you mentioned that because I’m like, I was afraid to miss

Unknown Speaker 1:15:57
it’s certainly 10. So I think it’ll be too so mine. It was hard to come up with the date and time.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:09
We’re gonna be

Unknown Speaker 1:16:11
we’re gonna meet at the sandals, stone

Unknown Speaker 1:16:13

Speaker 2 1:16:14
soccer parking, the wide closer to the visitor center, but not across from the visitors and a big parking lot before you get to the visitor center. And the upper parking is not the upper parking lot. It’s not the across from the visitor center as before for that

Unknown Speaker 1:16:30
group shelter.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:30
Yeah. Shelter. You guys describe it? Do you have like the groundwork or anything like if I was able to join for part of it and just have to go in my own car so I can leave before you have done? You? Yes,

Speaker 2 1:16:50
I can try and send that I think we’re doing the same route that we did last year. So let me see if I can pull it together and make that get listed. Go to send in this long email here.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:06
We have any other items from set?

Speaker 8 1:17:08
Sure. For the July working towards an event that night as you will know, our works will be shut off at the truck our Training Center working with we’d be brewing for and the cops and all sorts of groups trying to get something done in a very short timeline. Everybody’s really really chipped in their health did some incredible administrative gymnastics with liquor licensing to allow that their license to expand to the streets and so basically the plus of those streets second and Emery and we’ll have orange fence around there. Aquinas is helping with some good guards with liquor control. We’re gonna games for kids working on bands working on Symphony so it’s all in the works

Unknown Speaker 1:18:18
together in such as

Speaker 8 1:18:20
some starting about five o’clock on the fourth so we out there out there at that time

Speaker 6 1:18:29
data before it at Roseville is the 70s

Unknown Speaker 1:18:35
I simply first round yes

Unknown Speaker 1:18:41
I haven’t personally No, no, no.

Speaker 3 1:18:43
I would think there was a press release that went out today that covered both of those

Speaker 8 1:18:51
so the questions on it it’s it’s happened as simple as possible for cops and staff and us and

Speaker 1 1:19:06
any other Yeah, sweet and amazing event. Okay, then we’re gonna move on to items from the board do any other items want to raise outside of updates.

Speaker 5 1:19:21
I’m just wondering to view since I wasn’t able to help the crowd.

Speaker 3 1:19:28
So it was very odd this year. We had six candidates. Thomas joined us for one of the interviews. And David and I did were in all three of them, that one person withdraw to be considered for different board and to the candidates would not respond, respond to our emails or phone call. was to schedule an interview. So Hannah faced her last name. But we made a recommendation to council to appoint her. I believe Council is doing some of their own interviewing this Saturday, and then they will make appointments are at their June 25.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:28
Which would mean that we would have an additional certified July

Unknown Speaker 1:20:31
in July. Yep.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:35
Okay, thanks.

Speaker 9 1:20:40
Um, yeah. Any improvements in terms of like, picture of the website? Yes, no. This is this kind of speaks to Sam’s issue of communication, why everybody’s like, whoa, wait until the new website comes. You know, we’re in like, a two year old.

Speaker 8 1:20:58
I mean, I don’t want to offend them, believe me on that. But I think it’s actually been a really short timeline compared to the last one, which was,

Speaker 9 1:21:04
that was like six years. That was so.

Speaker 8 1:21:07
But I think it’s moving along leaving, but I’ve heard that July there.

Speaker 3 1:21:13
I don’t know. I heard July. But I know. We will. We will be ready to report on that. Next.

Speaker 9 1:21:22
Okay. Thank you. Yeah, I mean, because just as things happen, whether it’s these groups, any other groups, that just never seems to be a plan on how to update information on the website, like one central command is never going up, works. Your thought departments speak to the website. And so you have yet to deal with the policies.

Speaker 2 1:21:49
Parts of the US development page, we do work with them frequently to update our current statuses on our projects. I don’t know if you’ve been to those lately. Yeah. But you know, we just added I think it was on Friday to revise the color

Speaker 5 1:22:05
rendered statement just so commuters who have easy access to it.

Speaker 2 1:22:10
We do have frequent communications with them. And I know we have Fox Meadows construction starting up going on the website for discussions today as well as there was something like that for dry creek. I can’t recall what

Unknown Speaker 1:22:22
it was but just from the words

Speaker 1 1:22:30
said any. Then I guess we can move to the last item on the agenda for future. Motion to adjourn. Second, Second. All those in favor. That’s great. We’re adjourned.

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