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Transportation Advisory Board – June 2024
Speaker 1 1:18
Okay, looks like we have everybody here and we’re going to start the transportation Advisory Board meeting for Monday, June 10. Called order. We just did that. Let’s do roll call.
Speaker 2 1:32
Chair laner. Board Member Bennett Here. BOARD MEMBER Wicklund, Vice Chairman key Burroughs. Board Member McInerney, board member Kim.
Speaker 1 1:46
Great, thank you. And before we do the number three approving minutes of preceding meetings, I wanted to just take a quick aside here and recognize Phil for his 24 years with the city of Longmont.
Speaker 1 2:04
We do appreciate your dedication to all things transportation in the city. Okay, we’ll go to the approving of minutes of preceding meetings. Do we have any comments or corrections to the minutes from May? 2024?
Unknown Speaker 2:33
Yeah, exactly. Can we get a motion to approve?
Speaker 2 2:41
I will motion to approve the May 2024 minutes.
Unknown Speaker 2:49
Speaker 1 2:51
All those in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed, okay. And then we’ll move to communications from staff. Phil, take it away.
Speaker 3 3:05
Great. Well, thank you so much for the recognition of being here that long. Appreciate it. Yeah, sometimes. There’s been some there’s some folks down the table who have been here longer. So behind the table. So there are some people who have been here longer than I. So I appreciate them, of course, teaching me everything I know. We just want to let you know that we’ve gone through the nominating process with our nominating committee of three folks to on the board and one staff member. And so we do have three applicants that we’re going to share with city council, it’s been recommended that I not share those names quite yet, until they’re made public to city council. So you will find out with everyone I think in the next month or so, as we hopefully in June, at the one of the next meetings, you’ll find out pretty quickly so that we can have a good meeting on in July. Because one of the things that we’d like to do is that July business meeting and just a reminder that we’re moving that to July 15. So just want to give you some heads up there. Also wanted to let you know that a micro transit provider has been one vendor has been selected as far as moving to the next phase of the process. So again, I can’t say who it is at this point, but we’re hoping we’ll hopefully have more information at your next month’s meeting. But I did want to let you know that we are moving forward. We hope to get a micro transit vendor onboard and ready to go. I’m gonna say by Labor Day and that might be a little optimistic but I’m gonna say Labor Day. Lastly, we had a downtown projects open house last or a couple was last Thursday. There’s a couple of Thursday’s ago. And so it was very interesting with all the folks we had a free taco bar which was got a lot of folks to show up. So there was a it was well tended, it was really about downtown projects. And it was it, there was some transportation element to that. But a lot of it was the hotel and different things like that. So well attended and Public Works was really the lead on that. So it was very good, very good event well attended. And I think a lot of information was moved back and forth at that meeting. So we appreciate that. And with that, I think that’s all we have. Oh, good. See, this is Jim. Jim. Jim, I want to state this. Okay. Well, we, we just want to make sure you all know that that spiked work day on June 26. And so Ben sitting behind me, and he really kind of runs that show. And Jim provides the budget for that. So it’s been, it’s really good, really good event and well attended. So if you can make it on June 26, early in the morning, we’ll have free pancakes and sausage for you. So right by and we’ll, we’ll get to something and I think there’s a number of other stations in town, too. So there’s one at South Sherman Street as well, typically for the Public Works facility down there for so they’re the two city ones, city sponsored ones. And then there’s other sponsors that take over from there. So I think with that, that might be it for I don’t even staff. Yes, sir.
Speaker 4 6:25
Phil, what are the breakfast hours for bike to work day? What
Speaker 3 6:29
are we saying Ben nine or 7979 79? Okay, thanks. Please stop by we’re right there on the West Patio of the library.
Speaker 1 6:44
Great, thank you. Sounds like it’d be a fun event. Let’s move on to public comments. We have Dan Wolford here.
Speaker 5 6:59
Good evening, how is everyone tonight, before I get rolling Dan Wolford 18 15/3 Avenue. I’d like to congratulate Phil for 24 years, I’d asked him how his eyesight is my wife’s been his eye doctor for a few years, maybe not anymore. She recently retired. So I’m here representing a group of folks stand with our St. Vrain. And I’m here tonight to make an appeal to the transportation advisory board. I’d love to see you folks provide a city council recommendation related to the city’s permanent open space sales tax extension. This is kind of a weird process, a lot of times much of ballot issues and those come from council or going the other route from a citizens perspective. And we’ve been working on this process for a little over a year. The bond issue if it gets placed on the ballot will not require any additional sales tax. So that’s a good thing, very similar to the transportation tax that was approved to be permanent, what maybe 10 years ago, you know, a significant process to go through that process. By making it a permanent sales tax, the open space program will continue to further purchase open space Lands and Water Rights to support those lands. It’ll help maintain the existing open space and nature areas that the city has. It also allows us to do long range planning. And certainly from that perspective of knowing that you’ve got a revenue stream you allows you to do that as well as provide further capital development that that goes on to have the key issues of the criteria associated with the open space program. Besides wildlife habitat preservation and sustainable agriculture is the linkage of trails to public areas through our open space in our in our parks as well as implementing Greenway and open space policies and strategies. What that means, you know, from a transportation perspective is supporting the goals and strategies of the cities for multimodal transportation by means of public access greenways trails for passive recreation opportunities and typically non motorized as I was looking through your agenda tonight the astute staff of which I’ve worked with many of them have for you an update of the 2020 for capital projects. I just wanted to relate to you the relationship that the open space program has with the transportation program, a variety of trail projects. And in particular, for instance, the RSVP project. I’m certain you’re all very familiar with that. Much of that work took place on city open spaces, as well as having monetary contributions for the success of what’s been done through the open space sales tax. Is that my three minute? Wow, that was quick. All right, thanks. The other one is a couple other ones. St. Fran Greenway, where there’s been open space lands donated for that purpose, as well as monetary contributions. A variety of other trails. I know there was at least three and a half million dollars worth of open space spent on this success. And I think we’re on phase three of the spring Gulch. That connection. The widening of Weld County Road 26 funding associated with the open space program, dry creek community park and trail connections through those areas. You know, being involved in many of the planning efforts that this transportation Workgroup has gone through the open space program was the lead on the Colorado Front Range trail project if you’re familiar with the trail from Wyoming to New Mexico, and certainly we participated with Phil and a group, as we look through in envision at Longmont. As you can see, there is that long history of work between the open space program and the success the successes of the Transportation Group. We’re not done yet, we got a wide variety of future trail projects that we’re going to be working together. That includes the same frame Greenway, going east, to St. Francis State Park, to the west to lions and Pella crossing. I don’t know how familiar they are with the county road 26 project, working with Weld County, through city open space from Union reservoir at St. Francis State Park, that’s just coming down the line as well as connections from Lake McIntosh to the Greenway. And what we would love to see is the dry creek trail connection under 75th to the ahi and laarman property. So a long history of working together. How we got to this process of the public process for looking for the extension of the open space program has been a process it’s run us nearly a year in that process. In that time, we’ve collected over 1000 names on on an appeal throughout the community at special events, like rhythm on the river, pride fest. Let me say Artwalk Earth Earth Day celebrations, as well as the most recent Water Festival. So a lot of public process. We’re also
Speaker 1 12:54
will give you 10 More seconds. Okay, got it. Yep,
Speaker 5 12:57
we got tonight. On the other side of town. The Parks Board is listening to this and we’re doing the same thing. So you know, just to wrap up, you know, there was a great relationship here. And that would continue if the open space sales tax, or to be continued. And we want to see that, you know, permanently. So what I’m asking for tonight is a request from tab to consider an action item for next month to provide a letter of recommendation to city council to support this open space sales tax extension. Again, we know that there’s quite a bit to be done from a trails perspective and a transportation perspective. With the passage of that. I think we can find that and come to a fruition of many of these goals. happy to address any questions or concerns. I tossed a brochure on your desk. There’s any questions don’t hesitate to holler or shot. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 13:56
Great, thank you.
Speaker 1 14:08
Okay, thank you. And I guess we’ll move on to information items, the 2024 CIP update.
Speaker 3 14:17
And I’ll just introduce Holden Jenkins for our crew and he’ll take it from there and tell you who he is and the folks with him. Thanks.
Speaker 6 14:27
Good evening, Chair laner JB members, council liaison, Yarbrough. My name is Alden Jenkins. I’m a senior civil engineer within public works. Joined tonight on my left by Alan brining and Philip green mode on my right and tonight we’ll be providing an update on our 2020 for capital improvement program as it relates to projects that are under some level of current design or construction. One quick clarification about this presentation is that it is different than a presentation that we typically provide in August. That Aug presentation is focused on our future forward looking projects or our proposed five year CIP budget. This is project. The presentation tonight is focused just on our current projects in 2024. So as we go through our presentation, I’m sure you’re going to have questions as we go through these projects. Feel free to jump in as we go as we conclude a specific project showcase. If you have a question, feel free to jump in and we’ll address it at that time and then we can address further questions later on if need be as well. So, that being said, We’ll jump straight into our active construction projects. The first project we’re looking at is our asphalt pavement management program. This is an asset management project that focuses on our asphalt pavements throughout the city with a focus that is, is accomplished with multiple different scopes of work such as asphalt rehabilitation, sometimes asphalt reconstruction, concrete repairs in the form of damage, sidewalk curb and gutter, and then also upgrades to deficient curb ramps to make them more accessible for pedestrian users. It also includes components of preventative maintenance in the form of chip seal and crack seal. While this program does have a focus on on asphalt management, we do take the opportunity when it presents itself to make adjustments and changes to the facilities on that corridor itself. So for example, the photo you see on the screen is actually a somewhat of a dated photo from sunset street some years ago, in need of rehabilitation. We took that opportunity to provide an update to not only the pavement surface but also adjustments to the travel lanes by adding bike lanes. There are some instances of that happening with this year’s program, notably airport road south of 17th Avenue is seeing some minor adjustment to the striping to provide better bike facilities, as well as South Florida Street South of believe it’s Clover base and drive is seeing some level of road diet also to improve the bike facilities on that corridor. The next project may or may not have heard of is the Kauffman street mobility improvements project. This is a project along Kaufman Street from first avenue to Ninth Avenue does also have a component of asset management to it as the asphalt pavement is in fairly severe distress and in need of replacement. But at its core this project is a multimodal transportation projects. Significant improvements in will be focused on pedestrian sidewalk upgrades, improvements to the existing intersections in addition a bit more cost crosswalks as well. transit improvements include the addition of dedicated bus lanes in some areas as well as bus stops, and then also bike lanes both northbound and southbound, actually to clarify separated bike lanes so fully separate from the street along the entire length of the project. One key feature of this project includes the installation of a protected intersection of both Fourth Avenue and long speak Avenue. One of the benefits of many benefits of a protected intersection which will be the first of its kind in Longmont is that it makes the experience of pedestrian and bike users using that intersection to have a much more safe and comfortable experience. So I don’t have any great photos of that project under construction. Up to this point, there’s just been pre construction activities in the form of utility relocations. But the main project is going to be starting actually two weeks from today with an expected duration of two years, so that’d be June 24 is our planned start date for that project.
Speaker 6 19:07
Our next project here is the spring Gulch number two improvements project. This $4.5 million project is located from trail project is from Weld County Road 26 down to the sandstone ranch underpass at Colorado 119. This is the third and final phase of this trail project. That has been the third phase has been under construction since since September 2023. As a result, most of the trail segments of this phase are actually already complete. At this point, we have a few areas that need to be filled in. But our current focus right now is to complete the pedestrian or the trail underpass that goes underneath the Great Western Railway tracks. That’s been under construction for some time now. It’s quite a bit to go that goes into that. So this is the the key component to get the whole thing completed at this point. it. Right now we’re tracking this project for a completion in July of this year. So right around the corner, we’re going to be looking at an opening day for this one. So I’m gonna go ahead and pass this on to Alan for the next few projects.
Speaker 7 20:19
Thank you all. Appreciate it. I’m going to speak to I’ll start with the Boston Avenue bridge replacement project, which is currently under construction. I am managing that project. I’ll run through a few of the highlights. If you have any questions about this, when I feel I can maybe answer those. The project is replacing the existing Boston Avenue Bridge. As you probably all know, if you’ve driven by or written by or walked by or anything down there, we’re constructing a new bridge that will be longer and wider both. So there will be additional widening to accommodate about an eight foot pedestrian walk across the bridge on both sides. The last one I don’t know if you remember was about a four foot wide walk that was a little frightening to walk across. If there were big trucks coming around, smack you pretty easy with their mirrors. The new bridge will also have on street, five foot wide on street bike lanes, there will be one lane in each direction and a center turn lane over the bridge. So the bridge is going to be quite a bit wider. It’s about 110 feet or so longer than the existing bridge was. While it doesn’t even exist anymore, we demolished the rest of it. Last month. The city entered into a contract with sector in September of 2023. The project’s contract time originally is 18 months, which takes us to about March of 2025. Demolition of the first half of the bridge started in October. And with a very aggressive schedule and some beautiful weather for construction. We put traffic onto the half of the new bridge that we’ve constructed in April. We’re started demolition almost immediately after the entire Old Bridge is completely gone now. The new foundations columns, pier caps abutments are all complete on the new section. We cast the last girder, well actually it will get cast tomorrow. So we’ll probably have a girder set in July. So there’ll be a two night closure when you can come down and watch some very large cranes that we don’t typically have in town very often swinging big girders into place on the second half of the structure. There is a modular block retaining wall pretty impressive one on the west side of the creek that is now complete all of the excavation for the new channel. We dropped the bottom of the channel about six to seven feet under the bridge. So we excavated down into bedrock about six or seven feet. And our regrade have regraded and landscaping will start? Well, I would say probably in about a month. Right now, if you go down there, it’s pretty flooded. The creek has come up rather substantially in the last week. So I don’t know that we’ll be doing landscape immediately until the creek till the river of the creek goes back down and we can get back in there to work. Actually the contractor is approximately seven months ahead of schedule. And we could be done building the structure in October of this year. I hesitate saying that because then I just Yeah, I just stepped right into it if I’m not done by October. I have some personal interest in being done in October Jim so the next project is the Boston Avenue connection. This is one I’m very excited to see moving forward. We tried a few years ago and met with some resistance from the PUC. We have gone back to the PUC with a better plan now and then this route. The Boston street route When this is complete, will be an important part of the connection for transportation because of the bus rapid transit will take access up from 119. Up and across and through into the new first and main transportation hub. We submitted 30% design drawings to the PUC in June. And we received conditional approval of the new at grade crossing, pending final plans. Final plans are scheduled to be submitted to the PUC in the end of July. We have an estimated cost on that one of about 4.1 million. And we’re planning to start construction in the spring of 2025. Next one, the ken Pratt Boulevard and sunset street improvements. This is a real interesting project. From the engineering side of it anyway, there’s an awful lot of shareholders who were involved and you have to work through an awful lot of departments. There is the BNSF railroad CDOT. Colorado PUC again, that energy and Xcel Energy has some lines and infrastructure that will be needing to be relocated in the long run power and communication, of course has lines that we’ll also be affected. This one, there is a we received a grant for about 1.2 million from CDOT for the project. Most recent cost estimates about 3.9 million design efforts at about 90% complete construction is anticipated to begin early in the spring of 2025. And the last one for me is dry creek Greenway connection. Oh, I neglected to mention I’m sorry that the ken Pratt Boulevard sunset street improvement includes creating a quiet zone at the BNSF with new gates, new locations for the gates, a new median, all of the things that go into creating a safe, quiet zone. It will really improve pedestrian and bicycle facilities make them much safer and ADA compliant. Now the last project sorry about that Holden is the Dry Creek Greenway. This one is a connection from essentially the Overstreet underpass at the village at you Creek village at the peaks excuse me across sunset Street, and over to where they can connect into price road and Nelson road where then you are easily into the st ring Greenway. This is also a connection that will help facilitate the new Longmont Housing Authority development. By offering optional transportation means for people to walk and get to downtown Longmont pretty easily. Project is currently in design has a budget of about $163,000. Construction is scheduled to start in spring of 2025. And the preliminary construction cost is about $973,000. Anyway, with that, pass it back or pass it back to Phil, by the way, Phil, congratulations. Nice to have you on board.
Speaker 3 29:02
Thanks. I guess I’ll see you in October. There’ll be a party or something. Okay. So I’m going to tell you a little bit about TRP 121, which is also known as the Colorado 119 Overstreet intersection improvement project. And this one’s a little bit more amorphous. It doesn’t have a lot to it right now. As we’re working with CDOT, but as you know, I think we’ve talked to you quite a bit about this project. It is included in the Colorado 119 Bus Rapid Transit and the safety, mobility and Bikeway project. So there’s a lot going on in that corridor. And this is kind of the very, I won’t say the very end of the corridor, because it does extend as as Alan mentioned, it does extend up over to Boston and then Boston over and we all consider that part of the 119 corridor. Once it gets to first in May, and then a couple of corridors kind of come together there but this one really has some intersection design issues. I think we showed you some of those A while ago, where we wanted to do an underpass. That was what the grant, the raise Grant was really meant to focus on was, how do you get the boulder bound traffic underneath hoever. And, and eliminate one of the turn movements, pieces that are one of the conflicts, many of the combo a few of the conflicts actually. And so we’ve been working with the Colorado Department of Transportation, Tom and I have been in a number of meetings with them. And we kind of laugh because it’s been tough, tough going, because everybody’s under budget constraints. So the first thing we looked at was utilities, or they looked at was utilities and found it very difficult to do an underpass in that location, because of all the utilities, and it would take a lot of movement to make that work. So we’ve been working with CDOT, we’re pretty, I think, excited to move forward with the idea of an overpass instead. So it’s basically the same thing, but we’re just going to lift it up over instead of under. So the issue there was the bicycle and pedestrian piece. So we’re working with CDOT to make sure we get kind of a separate bicycle pedestrian underpass, probably most likely, under the North leg of that intersection. So the overpass will kind of do its thing with cars. And then the underpass will do what we need for bicycles and pedestrians instead of we were trying to combine it before, which we thought was pretty elegant and pretty interesting, but it’s too much it costs too much it blows the budget out of the water. So just to let you know that we’re going to be working with him on that that’s a CMGC project, which means construction management, general contractor. Do you get that right? Wow, pretty close, I got pretty close. I’m just a planner guys. So but that typically what that technically means is basically they do about 30% design, and then they take that design and go out there and start constructing it and work it out in the field. So it’s a little bit more efficient. And it knocks those costs down a little bit. And that construction is tentatively slated to start late 2025. So we’re looking, it’s actually I think you’ll see it starting for the rest of the project. So we get a lot excited about our section of the project. But the rest of the project is going to start here in the summer, this summer. So you’ll see the other elements along the diagonal going into the summer, but ours will be kind of on the tail end because we don’t have quite the level of the design. That’s, I think that’s it for that one. Thanks. Thanks, Phil.
Speaker 6 32:34
All right, I’ll be taking the remainder of the projects include out and conclude the presentation at this point. So our next project here that we’re talking about under design is the first main transit station that’s been mentioned, I think a couple times already now this evening at this point. This is going to be located at the southwest corner of First Avenue and Main Street. And just a quick orientation here on the graphic point of view here is at Kauffman Street and First Avenue looking to the southeast. So this is a it’s a partnership project with RTD Regional Transportation District, and it does include some components of private development. But the main piece of this project is a new transit and parking hub that will be supporting RTDs new bus rapid transit facilities once they start to come online in the next few years. As I mentioned, this is a partnership project. So that means that city’s taking a primary role in a few tasks with this project, one of which is to take on the design and construction of the extension of Kauffman Street from First Avenue down to Boston Avenue. So that graphic on the previously there showed the constructed extension. This is a plan view and cross section of the proposed improvements. So this extension of Kaufman Street will will include pedestrian significant pedestrian improvements and bike improvements similar to those to the area to the north on the Kauffman street mobility improvements project. So that would be tying into that project to the north. It’s all separate projects, but it’s all one enhanced effort for this general area. Design is currently sitting at the 30% stage and we are looking to go to construction for the extension of Kauffman street in 2026.
Speaker 6 34:33
Next project here is the railroad quiet zones project. This photo that we’re providing here is actually an example quiet zone of one that was constructed in Windsor, Colorado. This project is intended to implement quiet zone features at all existing crossings within the city of Longmont and what that what that really means in the end when something becomes a quiet zone is that when a train approaches A crossing that’s designated with those quiet zone facilities or features. They’re not required to blow their horn and just a clarification on that is that sometimes requires that multiple crossings adjacent to each other, also have to have that same designation for you to really get any benefit from the quiet zone condition. What that really is geared towards to illustrate is that the area in downtown with all of those subsequent crossings along Atwood Street, collectively, for that to be a quiet zone, one of those to be a quiet zone, they all really have to have that same the same features at that point. Generally, though, there are numerous intersections that this project includes of which they’re divided into various packages. There and each package is is at its own various stage of progress, currently, some of which are close to construction, and some of which are in the earlier stages of design. The first package which is includes long speak Avenue, or sorry, Third Avenue, long speak Avenue and Ninth Avenue and 17th Avenue. That project or that package was issued for bid earlier this year. But we were unable to actually award that package to a contractor within a budget that would work for the project. So what that means for us is that we’re having to revisit our design with respect to some of the utility challenges that go alongside that first package. And our plan is to rebid that project again this summer.
Speaker 6 36:34
All right. Our last two projects are on County Line Road. First here being the county line road shoulder improvements project translate and drive to the st. Green River. This is a joint project between the city of Longmont in Boulder County with Boulder County taking the lead role, lead agency role for design and construction of the project, with the city having a contribution of $475,000 for construction. Plan improvements include the addition of Paved shoulders on both directions of of County Line Road from Zion drive to the same brand Greenway. Boulder County is expecting advertisement of the project for construction within coming weeks. And the hope is to start construction soon thereafter. And the completion of the improvements by the end of this year. Last projects also on County Line Road this time to the north up from 17th Avenue up to Colorado 66. Similar project and that it’s going to be adding paid shoulders along the length of the project to support buffered bike lanes. It does also include a component of asset management as well to address the deteriorating asphalt along the stretch, as well as some focus to address the significant drainage issues that occur in some areas along the corridor as well. That project is a 90% design completion. And we are hoping to go to construction on that one in early 2025. For our last slide, wanted to provide a list of all of our projects that we have at under active design or construction in 2024. Not every project listed here we showcased. The ones that we did not showcase highlighted here now there is additional information provided any communication this evening that you should have. And we also have staff available on hand to answer questions about not only those but any of the projects we’ve talked about up to this point. So that concludes our portion of the presentation. So thank you for your time and we can address any questions you may have.
Speaker 1 38:48
Yeah. Do we want to start on the end? Do we have questions all the way around? Don’t mean to put you on the spot. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 38:59
I don’t have any immediate question. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 39:08
Yeah, sure. I’ll
Speaker 8 39:09
start well, thank you, Alden, and Alan for the presentation. And and Phil, for for your part. I guess, general questions. concerning these CIPS is, you know, I’m assuming it just kind of follows our standard design, like we have a street design standard, and we just follow that. Do we ever deviate from that? So my general feeling always and I’ve mentioned this in this setting before is, you know, bringing up how we use the road space. So such as hearing a center turn lane on Boston bridge. I’m wondering what’s, what’s the point of that? Could we also have a wider bike buffer type of thing.
Speaker 7 40:04
Excuse me to the purpose of the center turn lane over the bridge structure currently is there’s a movement turning movement onto South Francis, which on the west side of the structure comes in there and the pickup and drop off traffic that goes to the school there locally, uses that center turn lane quite heavily as a turn Bay. There are also going east. Several of those businesses, I’ve noticed have used the center turn lane, both for turning traffic and for unloading. I’ve actually seen several that park in the middle of the road and unload from the center of the road. Could it be used or striped differently? Certainly, if the rest of Boston is constructed to where it could support that our improvements are mostly paint on the surface. We’ll have a wider that we could use, as you say for other purposes, if the rest of the roadway supported that right now. It doesn’t.
Speaker 8 41:24
So yeah, if the rest of the Boston was complete? Yeah. It says the west of the bridges that still is that city or county right now? Because there’s i.
Speaker 7 41:36
So I believe that the property on the north side of Boston has been annexed and is now in the city. And the part of the South is the city. So I believe the city now owns or controls the right away anyway, from the bridge to sunset. Anyway. All right,
Speaker 8 41:55
thank you. See? And then on one question on that we didn’t talk about as Overstreet reach from what sunset to over. There will be another, you know, a spillway for when the river overflows, and there’ll be another bridge. What south of the president bridge is north of Boston? Is there a plan for also extending maybe multi use pathway under there as well for all the future development that is happening to the west? Just curious.
Speaker 6 42:40
I don’t know if I’m quite suited to fully answer that to the to add sufficient manners. So mate, let Tom jump into that.
Speaker 9 42:49
Tom St. With Public Works and engineering department? Good question. It is a consideration. We’ve just issued our RFP for design services for that particular project. We have received some grant funding from the state and FEMA. So design is moving forward, it’ll probably take us two or three months to determine who is a preferred design consultant is on that. But during the alternative evaluation process, that is one thing we’ll be looking at not decided yet, but it’s certainly a consideration.
Speaker 8 43:21
I think it’s a great idea for any multimodal transportation to get under or over or across over somehow safely is probably the most pressing. All right, then final question concerns the railroad crossings. Alden. You mentioned that the, you know, the bid was or the the contractors were too high. So now it goes back out to bid is there a way to you know, save money? Because I’ve see that every intersection is being used to have a quiet crossing? Do we need every intersection? Can we get rid of one and then maybe make the neighborhood safer? Less through traffic?
Speaker 6 44:11
So I think to I guess, address the latter part of your question and feel free to jump in. Jim, if I’m talking off base on some of these things, but one component of the quiet zone project actually related to the Boston Avenue connection is to actually close two intersections. One of which is at the Terry street just north of First Avenue. It’s a small, short, relatively short dead end cul de sac next to the grain silos that are there and near the overpass. And then also Fifth Avenue at Atwood Street is also going to be planned for for closure. So sort of serving a dual purpose there and that that was a condition of being able to add the additional crossing at Boston Avenue but at the same time, that’s one less crossing that we actually have to be implementing as a quiet zone. Because collectively at Fifth Avenue that would have to have been acquired, so on to yield the benefits at Fourth Avenue and long speak to the north Sixth Avenue as well. Okay. I
Speaker 8 45:08
found it confusing just because Fifth Avenue is listed. So maybe it’s just the construction to close it. I guess. I believe
Unknown Speaker 45:16
that is the case. Yes. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 45:24
Well, that’s all I have for now. So thank you.
Speaker 2 45:32
Thank you for all the useful information that was illuminating to see what projects are under planning right now. My first question is related to the dry creek connection to St. Brain. And I was just wondering how that route is going to be actually mapped out. I don’t have a picture in my mind of how that is going to look, I’m going to presume it’s going to be kind of a as an alternative to using Nelson. Is that correct? So,
Speaker 7 46:02
Phil, if you want to, I can speak a little bit to it. But I don’t know that I’ll have all the answers the connection. Currently, there’s a underpass under hoever. That comes into the mall area that what used to be the mall. There is some signage and a connection that gets you supposedly through that area. It isn’t. Right, exactly. And so what we’ll do, I believe, is improve the signage, possibly some additional concrete work, to clarify where the trail goes to get from there. To behind the thing, it’s Sam’s Club. Yeah. And there that there is no walk that continues from there over to sunset. So our link will run along the top of the channel, as I understand it. There’s a dry creek channel that runs through that. And the chip bike path will be on the south side of the creek, and it will run along the top over to sunset. And then there’ll be an at grade crossing, at sunset, that can get over to where you can get to Nelson price.
Speaker 2 47:25
Okay, that’s helpful, because that was always a bone of contention for me, because I like to do that all the time. And it’s, there’s no safe way for me to get anywhere near Nelson without writing or Nelson. So yes, I’m happy to hear that route will be a future project. My other my guess my general comment is, it sounds like you’re doing a lot of road projects, but and you’re including bike lanes and buffered bike lanes, but I didn’t hear any mention of adding separated bike lanes in any of those projects. And I’m just wondering if that is a no coffee industry is going to have a separated bike lane, but like, more widely implemented for having them across the city.
Speaker 6 48:12
So I think generally, the challenge with separated bike lanes, at least up to this point has been what’s the best way to maintain the separated bike lanes. You know, for now, at least, we’ve been having lots of existing roads that have been built out the existing pavement section is really all this available to us to be able to be putting in those bike lanes. So I think it’s something that we’re we’re definitely considering pushing forwards on on projects that can allow it but when we have the vertical barriers that are going to be designating as separated, it has proven to be a maintenance challenge for the areas that we’ve pilot piloted on in terms of snow removal and sneaking, sweeping and keeping it actually clear. So you’re right Boston are a Kauffman street does have separated bike lanes, as well as the extension from Boston Avenue to the south from first to Boston. So we are definitely considering that where we can but there’s not all at every location can lend itself to be able to implement that as much as we would prefer to. So
Speaker 2 49:20
okay, so I guess an extension instead, have you considered my instead of just doing a buffet and making that natural permanent strip of concrete, for example, instead of it just being a stripe buffering, making that permanent concrete strip. Does that make sense?
Speaker 6 49:35
Yeah, as in just like an actual curb in between the absolutely the the conditions still exist, though, and that seems the same scenario where it has to be wide enough to be able to get a decent level of maintenance equipment in there. So whether it’s a vertical barrier in terms of bollards or that permanent strip in between. Challenge still exists there.
Unknown Speaker 50:02
Well, I would love to see more of them. So it’s
Speaker 6 50:04
certainly certainly something that we look at where we can implement it for sure. It’s just not all locations can seemingly do that,
Speaker 2 50:12
of course, the way you’re adding the buff at once is probably space, at least, essentially,
Speaker 6 50:17
generally, our operations department has wanted to see those that are running the snow removal and sweeping operations, at least what they’ve tested is a minimum 10 foot distance from any sort of physical barrier to the curb. And so in some areas, we have the buffered bike lanes to be able to support something like that in some areas, we don’t. Okay.
Speaker 2 50:41
With the project with County Line Road, that you’re going to be adding a buffered bike lane on the south section of that there’s Latin, or is that just gonna be a shoulder?
Speaker 6 50:53
I believe it’s just a shoulder. Am I right on that time? Or is that going to be a buffered bike lane as well?
Speaker 9 51:03
Both ends of our County Line Road project again, the southern segment is a project managed by Boulder County, but we do have buffered bike lanes on both ends.
Unknown Speaker 51:13
Okay, great.
Unknown Speaker 51:19
I guess that’s all my questions. Thank you very much.
Speaker 1 51:26
Gotta go to work. We’ll just go right around. I just have a couple. The first is on the Hoover, I guess we would call it a flyover. Now, I suppose. I guess my concern is is the speed and the sightlines. So folks coming in from 119 into right now if you notice, there’s that rise and Hoover and people still maintaining a fair, high speed, I’m afraid with a high with a flyover. It could almost exasperate that kind of situation. So in terms of the design of that, is there going to be any mitigation in terms of the speeds that come out? Or I should say, in 119, as they come in, because it’s a very short amount of space right now where the speed goes, I think from 65, down to 40, or 45?
Speaker 3 52:16
Yeah, it’s a pretty quick transition right now. Both directions, I guess, I think what we’re talking about is to kind of handle some of that, I think. We also think of the southbound hoever traffic merging onto the diagonal piece. For the latest iterations that Tom and I saw the that traffic would have to go underneath the overpass and make a more traditional right turn, though, it’ll still have that skew, right. So it’ll still be a little more prevalent there. But they’ll have to be a little bit more traditional on the right turn where it actually connects to the roadway and go and merges from the left, I believe. So there’s some things that are going to change with that. See dots doing everything they can to talk about speeds, and mitigating those speeds. So at this point, we’re waiting till we see a design more, that’s further along, then I would say this is kind of conceptual at this point. So as soon as we get to that next level of design, we can certainly make sure that that I mean, that’s an issue for all of us. So we’ll certainly carry that forward. So appreciate that comment. Yeah,
Speaker 1 53:23
um, and then the other thing would be on, I know that you had mentioned at the beginning of the presentation that you do make some I won’t call it design changes, but some either accommodations or changes on some of the pavement projects. And I know I’ve stated this before, but on Clover base, and for example, by the Save rain school, you know, district office, we’re going to have an accident there. Somebody’s going to a bicyclist is going to get hit on that road, I can guarantee it. I’ve almost seen three close calls already high speeds, the street is too wide. It needs to either have a separated bike lane, not even a rumble strip, I would put bollards I would put something up along to protect that. Just saying I’ve seen way too many vehicles crossover into the bike lane indiscriminately because they’re going too fast and they don’t pay attention. So on these other projects that we have, and as my other board member mentioned about separated bike facilities, wherever it’s possible, I would think we would should look at any alternatives to create some sort of separation. Because I’m afraid that there is going to be something serious happening on some of these streets that we have, especially when they’re too wide. So I didn’t know if design is going to be incorporated into some of this because as we all know, I think when you narrow the roads you have a tendency to slow down the speeds. Streets are wider. So I don’t know if there’s any comments to that,
Speaker 3 55:00
I do want to make one comment just about Clover base and Dr. There’s a review that’s coming just west of well annexation, and then a development likely to come out of that annexation, just west of that location that you mentioned. And with that, we’re gonna be doing some fairly significant improvements to that northern section of that road. And really, it’s kind of two pieces. Right now, it’s kind of almost a funny little rural section to the west. And we’ve improved that section to the east. So it does lend itself to having a little mix of suburban versus rural kind of nature to that roadway. So we are going to alleviate some of that. And I think Kyle has some more to add to that.
Speaker 10 55:45
So that one section with a new development proposal, we are looking at traffic safety through that straight away area. So that’s gonna be part of our code. We do require some public improvements, as well as traffic calming measures of some kind that are acceptable for that type of roadway. And as well as you travel west of clover basin. We’ve been talking with the districts to improve our coordination on projects as we do repaving strip ceilings, as well as just general safety improvements, as we talked through Vision Zero. So a lot that’s gonna be coming with that program of seeing more things out on the road, more attention to bicyclists and pedestrians in the roadway, as well as more protection at crossings. So we’re going to district on the few items and few standards to make sure on the same page, I mean, kind of all except the layout for around the school and how school handles releases as well. So that goes for the Altona Eagle Crest. And then Silver Creek High School. Yeah, I think that’s the road, right? Yep. So we’ve been in conversations with them about roadway safety along that road and then Grandview Meadows as well.
Speaker 1 56:49
Just say thank you. Yeah, Nelson is awful when? On silvercreek when school that’s out.
Speaker 10 56:54
Yep. Yep. We’re having conversations that right now with the SRO and kind of future projects to make the flow go,
Speaker 1 57:03
I don’t think we could slow down those 16 and 17 year olds in their cars. That’s
Unknown Speaker 57:07
that’s the majority of the issues.
Unknown Speaker 57:10
Understood, thank you.
Speaker 4 57:21
The first part of the presentation was about the asphalt management program. And there was a reference to some possible restriping and reconfiguration of airport road, just south of 17th. And I’m wondering if the the existing double white lines are going to remain at that position. And I also wonder, what is the double white line mean in Longmont?
Speaker 6 57:55
So I believe the changes that are planned at that location are actually to eliminate what’s now a dual southbound left on airport road itself. So from 17th Avenue heading south, there’s the two parallel southbound lanes with the double white between the two of them. I think the original attends at the time when that was installed. And gosh, that was many years ago at this point, especially considering the faded nature of the striping that’s out there right now. The intent was to keep I believe those making right turns westbound or eastbound right trends that go south on Airport Road, separate from those making the southbound turn for westbound. 17th Avenue. So you wouldn’t have those two lanes merging together at that point. But with the changes that are being implemented, those two lanes are going to be merged into one without additional pavement actually being then repurposed into the bike facility that’s there now. And I believe, as it stands today, I don’t think the northbound bike lane actually even makes its way all the way up to 17th Avenue. So the change is planned with repurposing that and eliminating that lane will allow for that northbound bike lane to extend all the way up to 17th Avenue. So sort of by answering explaining that the second question is the double white is just going to be going away. And what it actually really means it doesn’t have any legal purpose at that point, but it’s not like a double yellow obviously.
Speaker 4 59:28
Okay. This improvement wasn’t part of your presentation, but it was described in our packet. And it was also on the list of improvements that you presented at the end. Pace Street from ninth to 17th. What type of buffering is proposed for the new bike lanes there?
Speaker 6 59:55
So that project is in the early stages of design. I believe we’re only just now was selecting a design consultant to be able to start working on those improvements. So the initial concept is to provide at a bare minimum, our standard buffered bike lanes, which is this two foot buffer with a five foot lane. That would be accomplished by minor widening on the west side of Pei Street and the addition of a curb and gutter on that side as well. But as we work through design and potential alternatives, it may make sense to expand that to either a larger buffer area, it just depends on the amount of space which we have to work within, as we come into both the intersections is Ninth Avenue as well as it Mountain View Avenue and proceeding up to 17th as well, since that is actually capturing that whole stretch from ninth up to 17.
Speaker 4 1:00:48
So in Longmont, when you say two foot bopper is that just paint? It’s two painted lines. Yes.
Speaker 6 1:00:54
So in terms of referring to it as a buffer, as opposed to a separated bike lane buffer would just be the paint separated would include some level of physical object in between the bike lane and travel lane.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:05
Got it? Thank you.
Speaker 11 1:01:12
Hulu. I just want to make comments on two things. So for the sunset improvement you mentioned, making it more ADA compliant. What are those features that make it ADA compliant?
Speaker 6 1:01:31
I think there’s unreferenced reference to the first project we talked about with the asphalt rehabilitation project,
Speaker 11 1:01:35
no the sunset and got 10. Pratt, that one
Speaker 7 1:01:43
the improvements include two through lanes, one center turn lane, and dedicated bike lanes. The biggest thing is the alignments the crossing will be aligned. in a better manner for pedestrians and people crossing the road. There will also be ADA compliant ramps that get people on and off the street safer meet the ADA requirements for slope and grade and things like that. There’s also some drainage improvements that are having to happen. So all of these things can happen at the intersection. And then sunset Street, north of 119 is also getting this similar road diet to what happened from Kansas Avenue South out there, where then that will carry through from that Kansas Avenue, all the way up to Nelson is my understanding. So where sunset used to be a four lane roadway, it’s going down to a two lane roadway with a center lane and dedicated bike lanes on both sides.
Speaker 11 1:03:02
Awesome. That’s great to hear. Because I know that intersections crazy.
Speaker 12 1:03:08
One other addition would be we would upgrade the traffic signals for any push buttons for to be in compliance with ADA.
Speaker 11 1:03:19
So I just I’m wondering now like, are there other other intersections and long map that are not being ADA compliant as well?
Unknown Speaker 1:03:35
The answer to that would be yes.
Speaker 11 1:03:37
And are there like more plans to address that as well part
Unknown Speaker 1:03:40
part of our asset
Speaker 12 1:03:40
management work is and it’s a it’s a rule of Department of Justice is that whenever a community goes into any improvements, whether it’s asphalt rehab or an intersection improvement, they are required to bring those intersections up to two ADA standards. And our loved ones been doing that for years. So whenever is often indicated whenever we’re doing an asphalt rehab, we’re also repairing and replacing concrete and adjusting curb ramps. So the city whenever we’re doing a project is bringing our our intersections update ADA standards.
Speaker 11 1:04:17
Awesome. That’s great, amazing to hear. I’m glad. And then my other comment is not related, really. But to the dry creek Greenway. I’m really happy to hear that development because I walk a lot around Longmont and it’s gorgeous. And that’s like one of the best features around here. But my question is related to the fact that I live on the east side and across from Ken Pratt on the south. And I’m wondering what is the way or I guess how to phrase this, between you know, Costco, and those new apartment developments. There’s the quail road and then there’s like Literally the St. Vrain Creek, would there be way to connect the greenways there and people living on the east side to all these major new developments that are happening. Because in theory, if I could walk out my door all the way to the mall, that’d be crazy and amazing as well.
Speaker 3 1:05:20
Part of that most of that is in the planning realm. So what we’d really like you to do is work with us on the transportation mobility plan, and make sure that those connections are included in that. And so then we can share those up and start to develop projects and start to get, hopefully some grant funding or some kind of funding to make those projects possible. We don’t have a lot in that area, quite frankly, it was planned to have the same brain Greenway. And obviously that plan changed a little bit, Dan was gone, oh, he’s still here. And he knows a lot about the changes of how the Greenway then went south and didn’t didn’t go next to the neighborhood that I think you’re talking about. But we do have other ideas of how to get people across that roadway, hopefully more safe. We also have a Vision Zero plan that’s coming on, you’ll be hearing about that in the next month. I think we’re going to bring that up in July. So that would be a great place to also make that comment. So we’ll certainly take it into consideration and move on to the next step. So appreciate that.
Speaker 11 1:06:20
Yeah, no, no problem, because I’ll just walk from my apartment to, like, slain by Walmart, and then into the sandstone ranch. And then I wrapped around Quicksilver and then it’s like, I have to go north and then deal with the road on Ken Pratt or keep going. And I’m like, I don’t feel like going like 20 more miles today.
Speaker 3 1:06:42
And we are trying to make it safer for you to go down East County Line Road, and be able to connect to the Greenway that way as well. So there’s more direct connection, hopefully that way.
Speaker 11 1:06:50
Yes, that’d be great. And I very much wholeheartedly support the same open spaces. So a person who benefits directly from it, it helps a lot. So thank you. That’s all I had.
Speaker 8 1:07:09
Go me first. All right. All right. Now with everyone else’s questions I came with with some more so 119, in Sunset, you mentioned the realignment for pedestrian crossing, do we have a distance of what that crossing will be? Like, because I like currently, I’m looking at Google, I do the measuring thing, and it’s about 146 feet to cross including the slip lane part if you’re on the west side of Songza. So I’m just curious in terms of safety, obviously less distance, the better.
Speaker 6 1:07:51
I can probably speak to that a little bit. And if anyone wants to add anything, feel free to do so. But I know one of the challenges with that particular crossing is to absolutely agree that yes, shorter distance is going to be better in the end in terms of less exposure time. I think by by accomplishing that shorter distance, you would have to realign that pedestrian crossing such that it was farther away from the sunset at sunset Street intersection. So you’re crossing rather than it askew, you’re crossing it more at a perpendicular angle. And by doing so, at least on one leg of that crossing, you’re pulling the section of the crosswalk away from the sunset Street intersection so farther away from the visibility of the corner so that those vehicles that are going to be making a turn on from say, northbound sunset to eastbound 119 While you could shorten the crossing distance, you would be sort of tucking the pedestrian crossing farther away from the intersection and the vehicle could be making that turn without seeing that there’s somebody that’s in the crosswalk potentially. So, balancing shorter distance and visibility is something that I know that the project managers manager has been trying to, to work through and consider as far as are we making it much shorter than is is it from what it is today? I believe it is with the addition of some of the or improvements of the islands but it still is a long crossing I think any way you look at it due to the nature of it being a skewed intersection it’s going to be a long crossing without the addition of say a center island to provide refuge and
Speaker 8 1:09:27
then with like you know obviously it’s complicated because of the skew. Is that why we have to have this slip lanes essentially it’s just too sharp of a corner to get onto the
Speaker 6 1:09:41
good question I don’t think I can fully answer that
Speaker 8 1:09:45
it’d be a slippery slope lines are always if he tricky part where a driver is not necessarily paying attention that people on on the crossing so well
Speaker 3 1:09:56
with the other stakeholder in this area being a Major moving company? Oh yeah, we’re just being cognizant of the trucks, very large semi trucks that have to use, actually both sections because of the deliveries that come in as well. So I believe that was part of the issue was just trying to accommodate probably the largest truck that our roads carry.
Speaker 8 1:10:22
And then my final comment is I just like to second wheelchair laner. And, and board member burrows just because, you know, in terms of buffered bike lanes, I would be curious. I’m sure there’s a study out there that I’ll find that will talk about, you know, how effective is paint? When, when we know if we widen the road, vehicles go faster? So does paint solve that problem? Are we just creating faster cars? So just something to keep in mind for all our future projects? Thank you.
Speaker 13 1:11:03
And thank you, Jerry later for allowing me to gather my thoughts. I yeah, overall, I love the hearing the updates on these projects, very excited for spring goals to that’ll help my commute as a someone that likes to work. I also am someone who likes to work and does bike on County Line Road where it is. And I also share the concerns that cheerleader and chair and board member Mickey burrows has on the the side streets and I am concerned about the connection from 17th Avenue to to highway 66, I don’t see the why it would be necessary to get a shoulder when I think instead we should be encouraging pedestrians and bicyclists to use Sundance drive. From what I can see, they can easily access Sundance drive to 17 to get onto County Line Road as it stands. And that adding a shoulder creates a false sense of safety. But that’s just my concern. Because as it is right now I go from Ninth Street to to County Line Road to highway 119. And I do not feel safe on the shoulder personally, I end up using the sidewalk whenever possible.
Speaker 3 1:12:36
I would just maybe make one comment to that. Part of me is I don’t know if you saw the picture that was associated with that presentation slide where the person was walking on no shoulder. And so people are out there bicycling and walking that today. And they’re not. They know about Sundance, and they’re not using it. So that was part of the consideration. And then also just the general safety to all traffic, like all users of the roadway, being able to provide that shoulder actually gives little leeway. I mean, right now, if you look at the cross section, it is just the white line. And then it falls right into gravel and dirt and some grass, I guess. But so this allows a little bit more latitude when somebody is not paying attention or things like that. So we’re hoping that it really affects all drivers. So I’ll just leave it at that.
Speaker 14 1:13:31
All right, I’m just wanting to say thank you for the update on everything. Thank you for the comments from the board. Yeah, I think for me, personally, I think that there needs to be a shoulder over there. Just listen at the comment. I understand. You know, I understand the opposite. But I feel like it needs to be a show that just even for drivers to have some way to pull over in the middle. I mean, it’s dark on 66. And if something happens and just for public safety reasons is is important to have a shoulder on on that road. But because people do not follow rules, we know that right? And so if we can thinking about Vision Zero, thinking about how we can lessen fatalities or accidents and cabin or shoulder on a major highway or like that is very important. I just wanted to come in. Really I wanted to come in on Sunset. I live right there on Kansas and sunset and so I walk Kim Pratt all the time, and that light crossing that light going west on I’m Kim Pratt 119 is the way you push the button to cross. I’m trying to be a good pedestrian. So I push the button and wait for my little, the, the little white man on the screen to tell me to go. But you know, you don’t have enough time, I’m glad we changed in the lights because there’s not enough time, oftentimes to cross at least for me going West it is. But for those who are going north and south, because it’s so wide of a road is not enough time I’ve seen so many people almost get hit, whether they were on the bike or pedestrians walking over to the bus stop. And the light in general just to make a left hand turn to get well to go any turn, the lights are so short, and there’s no turning lane. And so I’ve seen so many, almost accidents almost every day. And we know there’s a high school right there. We know that Front Range college kids are right students are over there, we know there’s a middle school parents in the afternoon or early mornings is crazy. And let alone talking about Johnson moving company, that’s right there as well. And so you have teenagers drive and you have parents who’s dropping off and parents who picking up and all right there at that corner, really. And so people who are on Kansas is really difficult for them to get out to go north on Sunset. And so I know what I’ve done many times is turn around on Kansas and go the long way just so I can get out of that. So it was very, very challenging for that the residential community over in that area. And like I said, I walk all the time. So yeah, I don’t know how you would tighten it up. Because I feel like the when you want a crossing, you push the button, and you have to walk to that corner. It is sometimes cars are not paying attention. Yeah, you know that. But and I know it’s a pedestrians responsibility to also pay attention to the vehicles. But when the light is very short, you basically running across the street just so you can cross it. So I think one of the things is making the lights longer, for sure. And I’m glad we are narrowing the road and we do need a turning signal and the lights need to be longer in where you push that button to cross over on the east side of the street. It is far from their corner. So if you don’t have that much time to cross and you already push the button and you have to walk another I don’t even know how many feet it is from where you push to get, you know the option to cross over for the little white man to tell you to go. It’s not a woman. I don’t know what it is. It’s a white second symbol. My friend who lives in London show me they just have the female and male sign on the lights over there. I thought that was pretty cool. So yeah, we need to do something more inclusive about that. Just saying that since we’re talking about the lights. So anyway, there’s a lot of issues. I’m so glad we’re working on that. But there are a lot of issues on Sunset. And Ken Pratt right there, not just that light, but the street that you all have already paved over there. Like I say you have a middle school you got to high school, and that traffic is so backed up. And then you have these big 18 wheelers just sitting on the side where you can’t view and see where you go. And sometimes they have the trailers on Kansas and you can’t see. So just being a consideration of all those factors and variables that’s over there.
Speaker 10 1:19:07
Yep, and all the points you brought up. We’re hoping to have a presentation on your travel project, hopefully, maybe in August for you last time. But part of that project will be to have Turnitin indicators and dedicated turning movements for left Turner’s for that area as well as if you notice on that sample is a third and Kimbark or fourth domain. We are starting to add dedicated leading printed pedestrian intervals. So Fourth Avenue is the one I probably like the most is read by our office. But that one’s about six seconds of leading in real time. So she’s people about halfway across the road before the lights turn green for opposing traffic. So encourage you guys if you haven’t tested it out, that’s kind of what we’re piling in right now as part of that new system, as well as with the I know we’ve talked about the slip lanes a little bit. But the point of that is to be Use that time between crossings does leave a little bit vulnerable. But what we’re trying to do additionally is with our new detection, provide a little more variability for different types of pedestrians that we might see in the roadway. But I will have some more in depth information and infographics for you guys over the next couple of months. So obviously have more questions about that later.
Speaker 14 1:20:22
Great. Thank you, thank you in trains come through, they’re blowing their horns all the time, all the time. So I’m happy about all of what you all were talking about. And that should be part of the quiet zone. Right? No,
Unknown Speaker 1:20:37
no more train tune.
Unknown Speaker 1:20:38
You’re gonna love it. Thank you. Yep.
Speaker 2 1:20:45
Just following up on that comment about the delayed pedestrian crossing. Since you mentioned that I’m
Unknown Speaker 1:20:53
waiting. Yes. Leading pedestrian. Yeah.
Speaker 2 1:20:57
When you’re figuring out that timing of when you start traffic being able to flow, do you take into account how long it takes to for pedestrian to get halfway across? Because on some of those leading MIP OPI LPI they’re pretty the way you press the button, and going to the actual corner is pretty far away. Yep. And so even for me, like, it’s already, the timing is already going down before I even get to the crossing. So do you take that into account when you’re figuring out those timings is my question. Yep.
Speaker 10 1:21:35
So for leading the leading present? Yeah, the leading pedestrian interval? Well, the requirements is that the Brittanys be pushed before the cycle starts. It starts after we do a program that’s called a free service, where I’ll give you the Walkman again and the countdown. But since lights already green, it will go back to red, because that causes a lot of confusion. So you can’t lose that protection. So you won’t get the Leading interval until the next cycle. But you can get the RE service so you can be able to cross the road.
Speaker 2 1:22:08
Okay, yeah, cuz some of them are pretty far away.
Speaker 10 1:22:11
Yeah. And as we’re doing these upgrades, there are some ADA compliance upgrades we’ve been doing most recently, if you ever want to go over to 11th domain or 19th domain, we just want to say we see dot, we’re just provide some consulting, update that area with you’re still working on it and put some concrete in, installed new pedestrian push buttons. And those are closer to the curb ramps and returns as well as some of individualized to allow those movements. And as we switch over our new system in the coming weeks, we’ll be introducing more of those leading intervals for traffic just to get people in road and let people know what they’re crossing and out for especially for those left Turner’s.
Speaker 2 1:22:52
Okay. Thank you. I just, I went through one today. So that’s why I’m asking the question because they didn’t come back at the tent. The button is miles away from the corner. Like it’s, it’s a good five feet. Yeah.
Speaker 10 1:23:06
And we’re as we’re trying to upgrade these, there are some stipulations. It’s right now it’s 10 feet from the flow line of the curb, for the push button needs to be. So we’re trying our best to adhere to those standards as much as we can, barring utility issues or a right away issues. But we’re also exploring more to more passive measures as well for pedestrian detection.
Speaker 2 1:23:31
Okay, thank you. I just had another question. I’m sorry. It’s about the ADA compliance. I’m not 100% familiar with the ADA compliance on the curb cuts. And how you do those are the corners, but almost every intersection, the curb cut is a diagonal to where you cross. So you, you either get if you’re going like north south or east west, it’s always between the two streets. And so it’s never really a good angle for either direction, because you’re always going basically you’re going straight into traffic because there’s a diagonal. And I’m thinking like if it someone who’s in a wheelchair is going to be literally riding right into traffic because they’re going diagonally rather than going with the flow. Does that make sense?
Speaker 10 1:24:16
Yep, yep. And we do have a lot of those cut sections in the city. We have been as we’ve had projects, trying to rationalize those as much as possible. The reason for the kind of dome ones I go, kind of diagonally is most likely for spacing, it wasn’t older standard. Their standards would like to edge towards more directional ramps where we can fit them. But there are certain instances where we can’t have the correct spacing and turn space for directionless ramps. So if there are some interesting looking ramps that would be the reason why but we strive our best to installed rationalized
Speaker 2 1:24:57
Yeah, I’m just thinking about the one you just read it on. pike in Hoover, because it goes like basically it’s all the way around now, where you have the curb coming down. So it’s, it doesn’t matter which direction you come from, because it just goes all the way around. And there’s not just like one tiny little strip
Speaker 10 1:25:16
of little chuck that top my head. I can’t quite picture it. But we’ll check it out and see sometimes does happen with kind of the turn radius of just the entire intersection. And how much again, right away we might have is I know, I think it’s Oskar Blues on that corner. I think we’re right up against the right away, I
Speaker 2 1:25:32
believe. Yeah, I’m thinking about the east side. You just do sighs we did that.
Speaker 10 1:25:37
Yeah, that’s what we’ll look definitely look into it. Yeah, see, because I really like I
Speaker 2 1:25:41
really liked the way you did it. Because it’s very easy to enter from an either direction. You’re not dealing with a going into a diagonal traffic. So anyway, I just wanted to ask that question.
Speaker 1 1:26:07
Okay, Phil, do we have any action items?
Speaker 3 1:26:10
We have no action items tonight. So thanks to our staff for coming in. Presenting. Appreciate that.
Speaker 1 1:26:17
Yeah, thank you very much for the presentation. Okay, we’ll do comments from the board members, and I’ll switch it up again. We’ll start with councilmember Yarborough and we’ll go this way. How’s that?
Speaker 1 1:26:35
Oh, but I gotta do that. Yeah. Thank
Speaker 14 1:26:38
you. I really don’t have anything to say. I think I’ve talked a lot already. So I will say that I won’t be here next month, I’ll be in Japan. So sorry. I’ll miss that. Because I really want to hear about Vision Zero update and everything about that. What what are you gonna tell me?
Speaker 3 1:26:56
It’s on YouTube. Okay, it will be saved for you. So we’ll get okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:01
Yeah, I’ll watch it when I come back. Yes, yes. Thank you.
Speaker 11 1:27:11
I also do not have any further comments. Appreciate all the information tonight.
Speaker 4 1:27:21
I want to thank staff for the presentation. Very informative. And it’s great to hear and see. So many projects ongoing in Longmont with multimodal components.
Speaker 2 1:27:39
Just two questions and comments. So from our open forum, public hearing, mentioned about the open space and asking us to put a nomination to city council. I don’t know if that is a possibility or if that is a process in a bit here. Okay. Okay. And my other question, or I guess, comment is, in conversations that Taylor named Phil had, we talked about maybe having a discussion about the board coming together and kind of talking about what we want to see moving forward in July when we have a new board members. And I was just wondering if that’s going to be happening.
Speaker 3 1:28:25
We should talk more about that. But we will have our business meeting in July. But that’ll just kind of be the first they’ll just be the introduction. Right. For for any new members. So we’ll have to do that first. And then we can talk about if you want to bring that up. Maybe as same thing that we’re going to try to do item number 10 here for the open space pieces, bring that up as something specific on the agenda for future. Thank you.
Speaker 8 1:29:00
I don’t really have any comments. So thank you for the presentation. Thanks for answering all our questions. I hope it was entertaining for you all. So it’s always informative for me as well. So thank Thank you.
Speaker 13 1:29:18
Yes, yeah, I wanted to thank staff again for the insights and yeah, I look forward to really conceptualizing what it looks like to honor Vision Zero with with these sides. These bike weighs so very thought provoking things that I’ll be taking with me. Also, I just happened to find this piece of art from Caitlin zest summer that is a local Colorado artists and it just made me smile. So I just wanted to show it to everyone and supporting Colorado local artists. And yes, also I wanted to thank Dan and the friends of open space for really keeping the tip in mind on something that they are very passionate about. And is it appropriate to make a recommendation as an action item? Or we wait, we, we will wait, we’ll wait the next step. So just want to say thank you.
Speaker 1 1:30:24
Okay, um, again, thank you staff for the presentation and all the information and I would second what board member McInerney said in terms of, it’s nice to see that we’re looking at things that are multimodal now in regards to these projects. And so to address the SOS because it’s been brought up now, three times. What I’ve been advised is, city can’t really be involved in this. But as a board, we could vote today to recommend to the city council that we they adopt what SOS is asking for. So we could bring that to a vote tonight, if we would like there’s any discussion points, we’re open to have a discussion about it as well. So what I’ll do right off the bat is are there any concerns or discussions to be had about this? I’m sorry, Phil. Yep, just a point
Speaker 3 1:31:21
of order. I just want to make sure if you’d like to act on this item, we’ll have to add it to an you’ll have to add it to an agenda. So we need a motion and a second to add it to next month’s agenda. And then we could add it as an action item to next month’s agenda, in which it’ll get posted. Everybody will be able to see what the action item is. And then you can take action on it next month. Just to be clear,
Unknown Speaker 1:31:46
thank you.
Speaker 11 1:31:53
Motion to add the adoption or recommendation to city council, the SOS to next month’s meeting. Second
Unknown Speaker 1:32:08
all those favor.
Speaker 8 1:32:10
Can I make one comment for discussion purposes? Sure. Are we allowed to ask Dan Wolford? Any questions about this right now? Or no? I’ll take that as
Unknown Speaker 1:32:27
my thought is it’s more appropriate next month, but
Unknown Speaker 1:32:29
okay. All right.
Unknown Speaker 1:32:31
Thank you, Melissa. It’s about this, moving it to next month.
Speaker 1 1:32:45
All those in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed? Okay.
Speaker 3 1:32:57
So the other items for next month’s agenda is that business meeting we talked about having as our first meeting as a new board. So we’ll have it, it’ll be a new makeup next month. It is going to be July 15. And not on the typical meeting date that we have in. So that will help us with the holiday piece. Get away get as little further away from the holiday so that people can make that meeting. We did pull the group and I think we found that most everybody can make that July 15 Meeting except for one person. Apologies. We’ll also talk about Vision Zero. And we’ll have some more information about the transportation mobility plan at that meeting. We probably will have some updates as well for micro transit. So we’ll get everything in front of you next month. Thank you very much.
Speaker 1 1:33:45
Great. I think with that, we can wrap it up. I guess I need a motion to end the meeting.
Speaker 13 1:33:58
A motion to adjourn the transportation Advisory Board meeting.
Unknown Speaker 1:34:10
Second right. All right.
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