Airport Advisory Board – April 2024

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Airport Advisory Board – April 2024

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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Speaker 1 2:19
Good evening. Welcome to the APR 1120 24 Airport Advisory Board meeting. Call it to order Kayla would you call roll?

Speaker 2 2:31
Chairperson Harrison. VICE CHAIRPERSON Melinda Jordan, board member mouth. Malcolm Dean’s Here. BOARD MEMBER Kalispell, Montana, your board member Steve sharp. Board Member Dan Meester, your board member Matthew Menza. Your city council member Marcia Martin here.

Speaker 1 2:51
Thank you. We would know let’s see we would normally do public invited to be heard but everybody out there indicated they did not want to speak tonight. So we’re gonna go ahead and pass right on by that and go to approval of the minutes. So we have the February 2024 minutes and I didn’t see any edits in there. Did anybody else?

Unknown Speaker 3:09
No, it didn’t either.

Unknown Speaker 3:13
Could I get a motion to approve the minutes?

Unknown Speaker 3:17
Motion to approve.

Speaker 1 3:17
Malcolm motions to approve get a second from Matt Mensa. Any discussion? All in favor of approving the February 2024 minutes say Aye. Against nay All right, they have been approved. Next item as we cruise along at a clip updates from our airport manager over to

Speaker 3 3:41
Levi. Alright, got some few things to update the occurred since last time. Looking at the minutes last time we did do talked about getting mowing contract those go up for RFP and we did select mowing. Individual I didn’t name the company escapes me at the moment, but we have made a selection on them. Now. We’ll be going ahead to some conferences. We talked about that the last Advisory Board meeting triple A conference in Nashville is coming up into April and then of course, local Colorado conference will be coming up in July. And that’s going to be I want to say is an eagle Colorado this year. And then also going to try and Lou unfortunately can’t make the sustainability conferences here because of the airshow. We’ll be doing the general aviation airport managers conference. That’s coming this August. What else do I got? Recently released in fact, last week by the FAA. They’ve announced that they have some discretionary grant dollars that they’re going to start giving out so jumped on that and had a talk with the engineers. We think that the project that we potentially have that could best be competitive for monies like that would be the LED transition from the runway over to from standard incandescent to LED So they’re currently writing that up, the deadline for that is May the fourth prior to getting those applications and so you know, cross your fingers knock on wood, you can’t get it if you don’t apply for it. Let’s see, I’m sure we’ll be talking about their show a little bit. Other big things still moving forward with wildlife fence completion this year. That’s moving along at a kind of a steady rate. That’ll be an entitlement project. So we’ll be using money entitlement monies that we’ve gotten from the FAA for completing land, just signed an agreement with Ayers consulting engineering, to do a mastered range review of the south side of the airport and, and general review of the whole airport. What the idea behind that being I’m sure I talked about a little bit last time at any future development on the airfield will require drainage improvements most likely. That’s been one of the hang ups, the major hang ups, I haven’t heard people come they’ll propose a project the city of kind of him Hall and what they want to do on the drainage. And they say, Well, you might need this, you might do that. So we’re having a review done. So we know exactly when see be redone, be done. If the city needs to take on those responsibilities and do it, we have tentatively had those conversations with the city that said that they may be willing to do that. So we can get that project taken care of. So we can have potential development on the airfield. That work is supposed to be completed by the first of June. So that should be a quick little quick, you know, but in our realm of engineering and in doing projects, quick little assessment done. At that point, we will then decide whether you know, the additional projects need to be taken to improve your age or how we may proceed forward. What else have I had one other thing that I didn’t write down that I was going to talk about? Oh, Alexa is open the food truck backup. That’s what it was. I’m very happy. She’s making fresh hamburgers this year that are really, really good. And I’ve heard excellent things about her breakfast tacos. Were there any questions on any of the update update items?

Speaker 1 7:08
When will though I saw the helicopter there last night when it’s off while I’m training.

Speaker 3 7:14
So wildfire training has begun it started. Today is Thursday started yesterday. And there’ll be doing probably at least a couple of days per week of having a presence here on the airfield. Over the course I want to say three weeks there two heavy training days will be the 17th and the 18th. So they’ll probably have couple Chinooks, three or four Blackhawks couple Kiowas. Stuff like that out there on the on the ramp. So yeah, we’re already seeing this week, a spike of people coming out to watch the helicopters and stuff like that. So if anyone’s interested, certainly swing by those guys usually love talking to people too. So they get tours of the Blackhawks if you want stuff like most probably I can’t promise that. Any other questions? I really like your shirt. Oh, yes. Thank you. I forgot about that. I guess that’s something else I’m going to be on. So we did do a very small airport shirt purchase. It’s I think we got four or five shirts all together. Do for me one for Mount Menza with public works because he does some events with me. And then one for Phil Greenwald also, just in case he’s doing airport events too. So we do have some official representation. That’s one thing that was kind of lacking, that it kind of stuck out when we’re going to conferences and stuff like everyone had like a city of airport shirt, and we kind of didn’t. So we made a little small order there. We got these jackets that have the airport logo on it. Oh, that’s certainly something to eat. And we actually already kind of tossed that idea around as maybe we should do a quick order do like a little airport swag kind of order. Just to kind of have some stuff on hand. Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 9:07
finalized cost for the year.

Speaker 3 9:10
You know that Matt was actually just filling that out today. I could check on that for you get it what else we did to go with the course, the lowest on that. And I’m also excited about it, because the gentleman that bid on it that was lowest also seemed to be the most engaged to me. So I was kind of happy that he got picked and that he was also the lowest but I’ll get you a cost with that wound up to be I’ll get into that.

Speaker 1 9:31
I’ll add to that. That was the referral I sent you. And yes, yeah, I was thrilled to hear he got it. Yeah, he

Speaker 3 9:36
was. He was super and he was the most engaged. Yeah, he came out he walked everything he was really passionate about, you know, and I think this new business, right,

Speaker 1 9:44
he purchased Harvey Jackson’s Okay, so a very old existing business. So he’s a takeover. And he Mo’s all the hay from for this wax and all that era. He knows all that. Hey, okay, so he worked for Yeah, so he’s over there. And he knows the terrain. And yeah, all the

Speaker 3 10:04
pits and potholes. Really nice. super engaged. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1 10:08
So he’s a hard working party one. So that’s why he was able to be the lowest bidder, because he, he has all the equipment, he usually maybe has one other person work with him. He’ll do it all. So it may take him the whole day to get it done. But he’ll get it done, which is

Speaker 3 10:20
fine. Because honestly, the my most positive experience is when we had a similar setup like that before an older gentleman that had his own equipment, he just kind of came out and did it. And it took him a couple of days, but it was still easier than scheduling other people and it got done quicker in reality, so hopefully, it’ll be a similar type,

Speaker 1 10:37
you will have a good experience. Yeah, I can vouch for him for sure. Any other questions?

Unknown Speaker 10:43
For the fellows? No, no?

Speaker 3 10:46
I can. I apologize. I don’t have a finger for that, either. But I can get that for you also. Yeah, this, I know that we were actually under budget this year on something that was actually came up when we were going over budgeting stuff and stuff like that. So that’s good fact, if I recall correctly under budget to the point where we were talking about reducing it by $15,000 or so. So that’d be good. I want to say at the end of the year, it turned out to be closer to $20,000 total for snow removal, which was significantly under what we had budgeted for before. So that would be good. But that’s estimation. Yeah. It’s yeah, that’s the way it goes. I mean, we all we can do is kind of be the best

Speaker 1 11:29
on the welfare training. Who is it officially that’s out there? That’s

Speaker 3 11:34
I want to say that’s technically Well, it’s it’s a lot of different use as the Colorado National Guard. And, but then it’s also the, you know, the forestry department. And then we’ve also got local firefighter representatives out there. So it’s a mixed bag of folks in and around there. And

Speaker 1 11:51
then are there any other I know, it’s the Helena helicopters, but they’re usually branded for the Helena team. But is there are there any people that come from out of state?

Speaker 3 12:01
That I can’t speak on with any clarity? I know that it’s it’s a Colorado adventure? I don’t know if they have anyone else that’s participating, but not I would I would I can safely say not on a larger scale. If there is

Speaker 1 12:13
there’ll be, there’ll be some discussion on next door, no doubt.

Unknown Speaker 12:17
And there already has,

Speaker 1 12:18
has there been already? Yeah. And the people don’t realize what that brings in just that it brings in meals because Alexa feeds them. They go to the you know, they go around the area and eat. They’re staying. Yeah.

Speaker 3 12:31
But let us open to make half of her profits for the year over the next two weeks.

Speaker 1 12:37
Yeah. Yeah. So the public really doesn’t realize what an impact hosting something like that has on the economy, and always want to be sure and say something to that effect when the opportunity arises. And the fuel, you know, just lots of fuel cells. It’s a fuel so I

Speaker 3 12:54
can report positively that things are going pretty smoothly with fuel cells. The trucks have been running well this year. So that’s good. Oh, fantastic. Thank you.

Speaker 4 13:07
I received a letter from the Boulder County Assessor specifically addressed to me as Secretary, my interest their return requesting physical inspections or properties. leases, any provision for either hanger reasons. property descriptions, they should be accepted for an assessment, which I had no previous knowledge in. Does anybody on board have any information on this?

Unknown Speaker 13:41
Should we talk about that on Section nine? Or should we? Yeah, what’s the procedure for? Oh, there are two nights? Yeah. Yeah. I wished he was here.

Speaker 1 14:04
Do you get the Lopa emails Okay, and because he just ignore it, ignore it? Yeah. Which

Unknown Speaker 14:11
may or may not be saved?

Speaker 5 14:16
Wouldn’t it be most likely to be a response to an appeal that happens during the assessment window, in which case ignoring it would be the absolute wrong thing to do? Well,

Speaker 4 14:26
it says Dear property owner in preparation for upcoming 2023 tax your Board of Assessment Appeals. So I mean, that’s the Preface. I don’t disagree with what you’re saying. Yeah. It’s always a good thing to avoid anything that could potentially affect your Property Assessment.

Speaker 5 14:50
If there’s a shot that things could get assessed downward that would benefit everybody. That’s the classification.

Speaker 4 14:57
One would hope we’ve You mentioned that meetings vast, but it’s gone beyond the local level and local county level.

Speaker 1 15:06
Yeah. So I think what, for lack of expertise on the subject, let’s note it. And then let’s go ahead and put it on for next month’s agenda. And we’ll see if Steve Chuck will be here. And if he can, if he has stuff to contribute on that, or certainly

Unknown Speaker 15:23
reach out to Steve to Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 15:25
you have a deadline for responding?

Speaker 4 15:29
Well, they want to do hangar inspections by May 6, or 16th. In response no later than April we’re going to work. Now, next month will not.

Speaker 4 15:55
Come into the I don’t think that they can get x access to every single one of the hangars, simply because we own shares, you don’t own the hangars. And I don’t think that’s unusual, though. You know, the complexion of ownership changes from hangar complex, the hangar complex, is the first I’ve ever heard that access to the hangars has been requested. Our

Speaker 5 16:24
lease requires that the hangars are used for what 90% deviation related.

Unknown Speaker 16:31
Primarily, our

Speaker 3 16:32
leases require that hangars are used for primarily aviation. So the I guess you could say the most lenient way that can be defined as it must be at least 51%. Aviation, which, you know, we’ll see. But that’s not what they’re looking forward to my understanding. And there, the leases do require do say that the airport has the authority to inspect the hangar in any given time, but that’s just the airport authority, also, to my knowledge.

Unknown Speaker 17:07
Access to the building.

Speaker 3 17:15
Yeah, I imagine the reason they are doing that is so they can get a full, you know, take notes and potentially help your case, I would assume. But yeah. True, but yeah, I feel if they don’t expect it. I guess they really don’t have anything that could go on. So I don’t know. Good question.

Speaker 1 17:36
On the items you discussed, I wonder also add that the LED lights? That’s a that’s a girl. Yes. That’s a good, good.

Unknown Speaker 17:42
Great knock on wood. Yeah. So

Speaker 1 17:43
when boulder switched over to LED, I went down and flew it. And it was a big difference. Yeah, really bright. And that’s

Speaker 3 17:49
and that’s a win win. And if we don’t happen to get the discretionary grant money, that’s something that you know, we will still eventually pursue. It’s going to save money for the airport that they led is going to give us a longer life lived. bites, and it’s you know, it’s nothing but benefit.

Speaker 1 18:08
Yeah, new stuff with warranty, because you weren’t you were working on signage, lights. Yeah, directional. And that was expensive. Yeah,

Speaker 3 18:16
that’ll be so I can I guess I can give an update kind of quickly on that, since you mentioned it also. that I needed to email them. They’re supposed to be having all that stuff put together right now. The first part of April, they said, initially, the quote for that was 16 grand, I did a little finagling and found some extra parts and kind of brought it down to 13 grand. So a $3,000 off his has better than nothing with some of the stuff that we had stored up and we could steal parts of and stuff like that. But that would also help in the long run for those costs Association too. So the initial cost for purchasing all that an LED, of course would be significant, but over the lifespan of them which save the airport money.

Speaker 1 18:58
Then you’ll have all the extra parts to sell to the other airport.

Speaker 3 19:01
Yeah, there we go. And then we can start selling our old parts get a flat valley to put

Unknown Speaker 19:05
in something besides tiki torches. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 19:07
there we go.

Speaker 1 19:10
That’s where that one’s lit with Tiki torches. Um, all right, anything else from your side? Should be good. All right. I’ll take the airport the air show. Sorry, my airport. I’ll take the airport. I’ll take the air show. We have a meeting this Saturday at nine at Fire Station five which is at 617 Barbary drive which is airport Nelson cross from produce pizza, larger space so we have some elbow room. I will go ahead and and be reserving that for the next couple of meetings although we do have to pay for it and I did reach out to Lopa to see if we could get a hangar host so Lopa has tables and chairs in the hangar down, you know, looking out at your office, past Delco statuses hangar. And so that would be my goal is to keep us on the field. So people come to the meeting and then book out and deal with I want to do especially as the weather’s gorgeous. And then the The meetings are, you know, we’re pretty well through the rolling up our sleeves, parts of the meetings. So now it’s updates, where people need help where they need support. And so interested vendors, sponsors, donors, volunteers, anybody who’s interested in attending to find out more about the airshow or come give an ear to what’s happening, and be able to ask questions is invited. So we’ll go with a larger space, either at the fire station where the hangers in the meetings ahead, predict I’m proposing the next meetings. This one’s April 13, may 18, June, June 15, July 13, August 10, all around the 14th kind of sticking with that same that same date. The airshow portion is he’s got a lot of things locked in. He’s got a guy with an L 39. Albatross on the field that he got locked in. He’s got he was wondering if you needed any help on the B two was wondering about that

Unknown Speaker 21:06
this week, but don’t get me back. I’m gonna have somebody help me out with

Speaker 1 21:08
that. Okay. And that’ll be Matt would be he’d at least know something more than I do for sure. And so it’s that my personally for me, it’s the I’ve got three different support vendors now because I couldn’t get a hold of recess factory. So I reached out to others. And they’ve all just kind of gone quiet. haven’t given me a bid. So that one’s heavily on mine. So the airshow portion is lined out, of course, dialing in the time will come later, the least we’ve got sticker Giant was our first official sponsor outside of the city of Longmont, of course, as always our big sponsor. And then we’re still looking for sponsors, donors, I did book the scissor lift for the Air Boss and ask them if they would sponsor that. So everything I’m I’m getting that isn’t 1000s and 1000s of dollars. I’m asking them if they’ll sponsor it. And if we can get it for free. And then Trevor did get the website stood up, it’s Longmont air And then again, just looking for a hanger host somebody that would have you’ve seen how big the meetings are 1520 25 people if we have a pretty big house, but a lot of people stand and some people come and have to leave being on a Saturday. So first thing I’ll ask her, does anybody have questions here about the show? Your show? What was I asked Lopa that would be to host the meetings on the Saturday meetings so that we’re in a little bit more airy space than the conference room. And then I’d like to see on the field or close to the fields so that people when they get done can go about what they’d like to be doing on a Saturday instead is their own air show. So that I’ve got that request into Lopa, but they have tables and chairs that are available if you’re a local member about 75 used to be

Speaker 3 22:57
tables and chairs would be nice if we could always asked you lead aviation to but I don’t think they have tables and chairs. Okay,

Speaker 1 23:03
yeah, yeah, we maybe could meet in the executive hangar. So yeah, we do have to pay for the fire station. It is air conditioned and all those nice things. So we’ll do it this time. And then we’ll keep looking to see Yeah, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 23:14
we are locked into the fire station for the Saturday. Yes, yes.

Speaker 1 23:18
9am on Saturday. Any other question? Yeah. What Kelly’s strategy

Speaker 6 23:23
and approach to recruiting donations,

Speaker 1 23:29
I have a sponsor letter. And then the sponsorship tears and I can give you that. And it’s just describes what the event is. So you just basically go in with what the event is, and that it’s completely free and open to the public and it’s being run by a nonprofit. And so we we got the money that we get out of the airport budget and sponsorship. And so in kind donations, food we like Chick fil A donates usually the breakfast for all the volunteers. Tana terrapins is talking to Red Frog coffee for coffee. Sticker giant donated 1000 stickers. That’s five $568 I think it was. So what I’m asking for services, I’ll ask them if they can. So United rentals spent 800 for the scissor lift. So I’ve asked them if they will sponsor that. And then they get banner, they get shoutouts they get to be on the website, there’ll be on our T shirts, they get lots of exposure. But the selling point is that it’s free and open to the public. And anybody can come in there’s they don’t have to spend a dime there if they don’t want. So if you know anybody that so it’s places you frequent, but sponsors great sponsors in the past have been car dealerships. People who really do that advertising and really want their name out there people who advertise in the paper and really spend the money. So I guess we should go to why it’s what gets because they advertise big in the paper. I hadn’t thought to ask them. This

Speaker 6 24:51
is the future air. future of aviation. I mean, I reached out to any of the local aerospace startups.

Speaker 1 24:59
Yes, no. other startups don’t have a ton of money. But I’ve reached I’ve reached out to the big one industries as a buddy of mine, okay? I don’t know them. So that’s the idea is that if you know somebody or want to cold, call it and so I’ve cold called a few for participation, and I’m not having a great return. So I’m gonna go in, I’ve got to pull my astronaut ticket and get to John Grunsfeld to push a little bit and get his expertise. So anybody that you know, I’ll get, I’ll send you the sponsor letter. And it describes the event, the nature of it, and then it has the tiers and just to give them kind of an idea, but our auto sponsors in the past were 10,000. Like Toyota, and wasn’t King it was prestige. They were a big sponsor in the past some construction about 10,000.

Speaker 7 25:52
Retail Stevens, nice to work with. Okay, please help. And the budget is a lot of advertising. And they’re trying to kind of push themselves as marvelous homesteader. Yep. So I can reach out to them as well.

Speaker 1 26:01
That’d be fantastic. Thank you. I will send you guys the the sponsor letter.

Unknown Speaker 26:07
People, they’ve already hit up saying, oh, yeah,

Speaker 1 26:10
I’ll send you the spreadsheet. When did you do for social media? website. So Trevor is one of the volunteers that always does the show for us. His I believe his wife’s business is going to sponsor the website, the the recurring fees for it. And then he’s just as it is one of the volunteers. That’s his job for this. And then what was second party question? Social media is my intern. So my intern, but no, otherwise, it would come out of the budget? And we don’t, we haven’t done anything traditionally, that cost anything. So I’ll get an newspaper article in lieu of that and go and things to do. And we’ll use all the free avenues to promote it well as to be in the city

Speaker 3 26:55
line. Yeah, I would add that I’ve already filled out a communication forms with the city communication team, letting them know when they make sure they know when their show is and ask them what they can do to help. Yeah.

Speaker 1 27:06
We have a we have we already have a Facebook page. I think we have an Instagram yet. We have an Instagram, a Twitter, and then he created the website for it. So I can get all those links in that information? Definitely. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 27:19
But board members, for example, could all share? Yes, they could share that. With right groups and stuff. Yeah.

Speaker 1 27:34
That’s a big draw. And then yeah, just any place where you go to do business that you think that they would be interested in being a sponsor, they’ll get a lot of name recognition, and visibility in front of 5000 people. So it’s a great opportunity. And then the bigger the business, they usually will, especially if they’re selling to the public, like budget, Sun construction was a big one. We’ve had a couple of other construction companies that obviously we’re doing a lot of business, Marian, we’re good sponsors test in the car dealerships, so the people who really embrace paid advertisement, and this is a great opportunity. We got 10s events for to put up banners and then we do the shout outs through the air show in the program. So it’s a great opportunity

Speaker 7 28:25
to reach out and meet with the one of our cadets, they’re always helping people with them throughout the year. And also lindo right up in a development as well the call I’m certainly interested in doing their car show and

Unknown Speaker 28:39
Oh, good. Excellent.

Speaker 7 28:43
Last meeting and so when I came up with a with a traditional roster of how you could do that a car show and so they’re gonna have their information. I’m talking to them as briefing those we’re gonna definitely be in the car show, okay.

Unknown Speaker 28:59
Oh, yeah. Wouldn’t be wouldn’t it? Yeah.

Speaker 1 29:04
Seeing all things air show, I believe. I think that’s it for now. And then the meeting, it’s more updates. So we do have a working spreadsheet that has to have everything that you can get information, but I guarantee everybody that you guys mentioned, I have not reached out to or seen anybody say, Hey, I bagged up a big sponsor. So I appreciate you guys reaching out because it’s really that it’s knowing somebody you know, you can go in cold but it’s better if you know somebody, and then anybody aviation related, aerospace, any of the disciplines any spin off. SpaceX stuff would be phenomenal. In the past we’ve pursued anybody. So we had my favorite one to refer to is we had a vendor booth that was long not friends of cats. And then we had Tutor Doctor and that’s fine because we have a lot of students and that is a better one this time. We’ve had some injuries we’ve had, like, cosmetics and stuff like that. Not, you know, we took it because we needed to raise the money. And we’re trying to avoid that and go more education, exploration. The organizations that are apart, you know, the FAA in the 90 nines and the universities and the space companies, and if they want a vendor booth to have a display, that’d be wonderful. And so that’s really that we’re trying to kind of dial in that focus this time and not make it like the county fair, which we’ve done in the past. So that’s more of our office space. I think I reached out to them on their contact us, but I’m going to think I’m going to have to ask John for some help. And for by, um, need his help on by. Do Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. That is appreciated, for sure. So we do have a local astronaut, if we need help getting into the Yeah, you in the astronaut program to

Speaker 8 31:03
know so we have two astronauts. Besides John right next to oh, he’s a new member. He bought it.

Unknown Speaker 31:13
Think you’re right next to mine. Oh, wow.

Unknown Speaker 31:15
He’s also an

Speaker 1 31:16
astronaut. Interesting. Okay. Yeah. I can talk to him too. Okay. Yeah, I was trying to get by or space, or he mentioned pipistrel. Some of the others. But I’d love to get at least one e fire at the show. Yeah. Yeah. So and I haven’t made gotten any traction, but I had to go through the Contact Us and the normal routes. Thank you. Thank you. Alright. And then the annual report is the other item. Chairman, Earl has been working on this. And we’ll have a draft for us for next month’s meeting to review. And then in the meantime, the board, any pilots on the field, governors and the public are all invited to contribute information to that. He didn’t tell me where to send it. Can they struct it your way, but

Speaker 3 32:01
they certainly can help coordinate that or if you have his information to. And I’ll just kind of added that. I think kind of the thought process behind that. Of course, there’s an official annual report that I have to do, which is kind of a forum like thing that goes to city council. And then there’s kind of the nice annual report that we seem to we want to do. So well. So I have to make both of those documents. And I’ll start working on that official for me one. But yeah, I’m looking forward to coordinating with Harrison on kind of his vision on how he wants that to come together. And so

Speaker 1 32:33
for the board, the annual report that Levi does, it’s very dry, it’s number of operations.

Speaker 3 32:39
It’s pretty much a list of Yeah, it’s really more of a financial

Speaker 1 32:43
operations report. And then handful years back, we were we were coming out of lawsuits and all the issues and and I think it was my bright idea to have it be tell the community what else happens at the airport that they see planes flying around, but they don’t know. You know, they think everything’s just fine off to go play golf or something. And there’s so many things that go on at the airport that either support the economy or support the community like the firefighting, the business jets that are coming in the and then we have a lot of the animal rescue flights coming in and out of there. based at our airport, we’ve got the five mile high skydiving team that jumps for the Broncos and everybody so there’s a lot of things that happen DLQ attaches Oskar Blues uses their jet for Angel Flight, fly medical fly medical patients. So there’s a lot of things that happen at our airport that the public just would not know when they see you know a jet coming in hot and they don’t realize they just took a little kid with cancer someplace. And I think it’s important that we might as well use that vehicle to tell the public the other things that are going on besides just GA people popping in students coming in to do touching us then I was going to ask about the Fourth of July fireworks discussion. To

Speaker 3 34:07
my knowledge I think that there was a there’s some talk about potentially doing that therefore I think that’s kind of the cardbox has been put on that because of the complex nature. So yeah, in essence okay so they have I knew they kind of I thought the FA M hot a little bit and then they said okay, I

Speaker 1 34:28
only problem I see is people leave to go fly and watch the or watch the fireworks and so it’s usually active at the airport. Otherwise the drones is that’s appropriate but then that’ll be the STEM center that will be at our show and opening the airport to something public like that. Is always you know always helps. But knowing that a lot of people do fly out to go fly around and look at it

Speaker 3 34:52
and that was a discussion it we were initially the FA and because I had been bouncing off they were looking at kind of comparable situation up in Fort Collins where they ones had to fire show like right outside the airport limits, and they didn’t technically have to, you know, let them do it. But yeah, I got kind of complex. And at the end of it, the FAA said, now it’s too much, you know, we can’t handle that. So

Speaker 1 35:13
I remember that that was only a couple years ago. That’s since they opened the remote tower and everything. Does anybody have any questions about the show or the annual report? While we’re on this? All right. The next item is the pending legal action and legislation. We you know, we’re Advisory Council. And so we would need to with Levi discuss, is there something that that we as a Board want to make a recommendation to council? Are it not a recommendation I request to counsel to represent us and go on the record on the the House bill House Bill 24 1235? There’s, I did read both of them. The House Bill does have House Bill 24 1235. So that’s the House bill. And then there is the pending lawsuit, Lewisville and Boulder versus Rocky Mountain Metro. That’s about touch and go. operations. They just came out with the noise report. The you know, we all have plenty of thoughts and opinions about I mean, just the noise level was less than a conversation so that that’s pretty much out of our hands. We do worry about it being here. So we watch it carefully. But I don’t think we go on. I don’t think I don’t know that we want to be on the radar. And that when the House bill had some deadlines in it that were seemed impossible. I think September difficult 24 for converting to unleaded fuel. And yeah, it was. No, it was I mean, it’s not possible. And then, especially with the fact that the university of north of South Dakota, North Dakota, South Dakota, they made a committed effort and moved over to Swift. And they had to go back.

Speaker 3 37:19
Yeah, they did. They had some major mechanical issues. Yeah. And so

Speaker 1 37:23
there’s, you know, so that that’s good, because that’s great information back. Now, they can work on that.

Speaker 3 37:28
But I can comment a little bit. So Sandy cedar actually asked me to put in the comments for this, the city essentially on when you can fill in the comments when they put those bills out. And this essentially what I responded was, what was what you just said? It, unleaded fuels come in. Everyone expects it. But their timeline is unworkable. And they also essentially part of that bill require everyone to go file for a supplemental type certificate and go through that whole process, essentially, by September. Also, they want to buy the plane. So it was, yeah. But anyway.

Speaker 1 38:03
Do you have any other comments about the the board the other issue was there, we have a seven member board they were proposing to antagonists. And I just know how hard it is to get anything done with the board anyway. And so it just seemed like that would just put them in the perpetual loop.

Speaker 3 38:19
And that i That’s the comment I made on it. Also, from those on that board that I know and or close that board that I know essentially that was feeling is they’re just it’s they would be putting two people that would essentially just always say the exact opposite, whatever the board said, so it kind of felt like a not a positive thing. Colorado airport Advisory Board, aeronautical advisory board.

Speaker 1 38:45
As I said, so is individuals we can say and do and go and do whatever we want. It just seemed like the time it is definitely something that we all know, you know, and we’re, we know, it’s coming and we’re okay with that. It’s just the timeline, and then the installing dispensing equipment and the and then changing out aircraft, you know, changing out parts of the aircraft. And I don’t know that they’ve solved the problem. They, it was valves that were being eroded. Has that problem been solved? Even that, you know, do they even have a fix for the problem before people go retrofit and do that? So I don’t think we’re there yet for their timelines. And then I did, yeah.

Speaker 3 39:33
So my comments was that from a practical scientific, you know, standpoint, it’s it’s kind of an unworkable from their timeline, because you just couldn’t do it. I mean, essentially, you’d be shutting down aviation for from September to whenever that technology actually came.

Speaker 1 39:48
Yeah, with an unknown. Yeah. I would hope that the smart people who designed the engines and come up with the materials have been working on this, and they haven’t

Speaker 3 39:57
been for a long time and I’ve been following you Yeah, I’ve been following the fuel stuff personally really closely. The issue has been they’ve had some difficulty with it and then also just playing on production. Last summer, they had a big production facility out in the Washington area that they had a bunch of hope for. They’re producing unleaded aviation gasoline, they couldn’t make it and shuttered doors. So just getting the volume of unleaded aviation gasoline to these people when they need it is a huge, huge part of the equation that people don’t often think about either. It’s like, great, we got unleaded gasoline, but I can only get one gallon every two months. That’s not going to do me can’t

Speaker 1 40:36
even take off. Do. So who advises Do you know who reports on the facts back to the legal button? terrassen would definitely know that. Who relays that kind of information to the people who are trying to put the bill through? So the

Speaker 3 40:58
car, excuse me, Colorado Aeronautics Board, actually, they have, they have advisors, and they have lawyers and everyone else that you know, so they’re definitely making a case for this. And then I’m sure they’re deep in meetings and stuff like that with the facts. I know, I personally met with the director of AV fuel for the Northwest region a couple of weeks ago, he just happened to be coming through Longmont and we had lunch, but he’s also one of their advisors because he’s been in the industry forever. And actually, he was the one I was talking to about the production and stuff like that, because I’ve been following that really closely for a while, but they do the Colorado Aeronautics Board is is being very proactive about getting information, all the information they can to the legislators.

Unknown Speaker 41:43
Thank you. Does anybody else have questions for leaving?

Speaker 4 41:48
A comment. So as I understand it, gammy is most known for making fuel injectors for aircraft is the, I guess the chief mixologist for unleaded fuel. They need a distribution tab it was doesn’t currently exist. Secondly, there’s 240, somewhat 1000 general aviation aircraft in United States. The amount of fuel that they use that dispenses lead is miniscule in comparison to your motion just to state Colorado. Yeah. 23 million cars. The other thing that I read recently is that the lawsuits that have been brought against Metro show no additional

Speaker 3 42:46
there’s there seems to be an a course from my exposure to it. And you know, reading reports and facts there’s seems to be little physical evidence of the actual health concert, as you mentioned, the the amount of pollution that general aviation adds to, to what’s going on in Colorado is miniscule, it’s almost unregistered. And on top that distribution production just doesn’t exist yet. Everyone’s moving that way. But yeah, it’s the timeline is is kind of crazy. And what they’re laying out. A lot of what I think you see going on right now, especially with the court cases, is very political driven. There’s a very strong, vocal, small population of people that are pushing political leaders to do something. Getting into the realm of I’ve been down this this trail a couple times for when it comes to car hits and stuff like that. I’ve seen it, you know, what’s being done for votes or not? You know, it’s kind of good question whether even those politicians believe their success behind actually producing them, as long as they’re doing something. Maybe it’s kind of a thought process here. But from a workable standpoint, my personal opinion is that yeah, it’s not super workable. Not yet. It’s common. Yeah. Everyone wants it

Speaker 8 44:13
the FAA for unleaded murky waters, yes, exactly gave me has to. There’s another one that we’re working on. But it doesn’t negate the fact that from a scientific perspective, engineering wise, engineers will design and that level as a lubricant, nutrient, high altitude and depression. And we can’t seem to get around the fact that there’s not as

Unknown Speaker 44:36
an alternative to be able to cool the motor properly because we’re all air cooled,

Speaker 4 44:42
which is exactly what older automobiles bought. Yeah, we changed the unleaded gas

Unknown Speaker 44:48
was also an anti knockout of the two.

Speaker 8 44:52
That’s part of the problem with lead. Generation. It’s not as true You’re saying it’s not going to happen on somebody’s timeline, there’s a lot of people who are working really, really hard to solve that problem. We as a state of Colorado, enforcing legislation is not going to be

Speaker 4 45:17
the local aircraft community or communities at indication that similar situations could occur here, as are going on in Rocky Mountain Metro where

Speaker 3 45:31
our noise complaints or noise complaints are much less than Rocky Mountain Metro. That’s what I would say is that not at the moment, but it’s something that we should be cautious of.

Speaker 1 45:43
We’ve sort of already been down that road with, I think skydiving lawsuit,

Speaker 3 45:49
I think that really took the wind out of the sails when they lost all that lawsuit. And then it came back that they also had to pay the court court case because it was a frivolous lawsuit. So I think that the local community that was focused on the airport that really kind of suck the wind out of their sails. But as we move forward, there’ll be new issues. And that’s why I would stress that proper planning in the city is very, very important when it comes to the airport and making sure that we’re paying close attention to what’s being built around the airport and good land use.

Speaker 1 46:39
Our advantages, we take FAA money, Boulder stopped doing that a while ago. So they were they were preparing for this day. And so we’ve been preparing for this state by taking their money. And then we did have all those lawsuits and years of agony and our protagonist moved to Florida last I knew and and then we did have one other supporter who used to come to our board meetings, but we haven’t seen him in quite a while. And so I think the least the organized effort is gone. And that was really their target was skydiving. And the touch and go operations are what’s been targeted for Metro.

Speaker 3 47:20
The new focus and noise complaint has kind of moved away from all pilots are these small pilots to it’s been kind of directed towards students

Speaker 1 47:30
lately. Yeah. Yeah. Which is not a great idea if people ever want to get on a commercial flight because a lot of those guys are training for the airline or some

Speaker 3 47:39
interesting arguments. Like Well, you know, make him do it in the middle of Kansas is lightened. That’s not really practical. I

Speaker 1 47:46
won’t have as much experience with traffic there. Yeah. Do you want to make any comments to the board about the the Metro lawsuit other than just sweep watch and, uh, we’re not going to make compelling

Speaker 3 47:59
actual legislation. Um, I but we had an excellent discussion, I think, you know, at this time, and not particularly I’ve you so feel the need to write a letter or something like that, and to assist with any local legislation? I certainly wouldn’t you know, discourage that and if there’s any opinions particularly on the legislation that’s going on regarding unleaded fuel and stuff like that, because that’d be a timely matter since they’re they’re deciding that stuff right now.

Speaker 1 48:30
So Harrison did ask that we put this back on the agenda for next month the House bill I think that’s probably like we just kind of stand back on the lawsuit and try not to get caught in the crossfire. Yeah. And then put the hospital back on to at least find out

Unknown Speaker 48:46
what put in for comment while it’s still in.

Speaker 1 48:49
So we’ll put that on and then watch for activities on that yeah do we know that I’m

Speaker 3 48:59
not sure I was reading that but I’ve I would have to go back and look again

Speaker 1 49:19
it’s it has yeah hospital 1234.

Unknown Speaker 49:43
So proceed.

Unknown Speaker 49:44
They’re looking at the date won’t see.

Speaker 3 49:49
You Yeah, I want to I want to recall I was talking to having discussed last year it was some point in the future. I don’t think we missed it.

Speaker 1 49:59
No, If you’re Yeah, a few, we’ll keep an eye on it. And then I know Harrison will be to

Unknown Speaker 50:07
motion passed on to age to appropriation.

Unknown Speaker 50:12
So it’s out of that this is not necessarily good for us. No.

Speaker 1 50:19
Okay. I’ll let Harrison know to because he’ll take a look at it. And then if there’s see if there’s anything we need to do, we can do to help. There’s

Speaker 5 50:29
already been done. Know what’s in appropriations now.

Speaker 6 50:32
So it might be worthwhile reach out to whoever’s in fiscal notes.

Unknown Speaker 50:37
Appropriate appropriations.

Unknown Speaker 50:41
April 12. Okay, thank you. That’s tomorrow.

Unknown Speaker 50:44
Yeah. I was gonna say well, it all happened really fast.

Speaker 1 50:51
Interesting. All right. Last, aye. Next is final public to be heard. There is nobody wishing to speak so we’ll move on. So board city council and staff comments. Are there any we’ve kind of had an easy flowing open discussion, which has been nice. Anybody have any other questions or comments?

Unknown Speaker 51:14
Oh, good. I think we’re good to adjourn then. All right. Thanks for being here. We are adjourned. Right, it’s about to be so beautiful. In that check. Yeah. CNSA. That’s yours.

Unknown Speaker 51:32
Oh, no, just my use the next time around.

Unknown Speaker 51:35
That’s the firehouse order for like the meeting on Saturday. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 51:39
you just come to the main doors. It’s the Canadian

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