Callahan House Advisory Board – April 2024

Video Description:
Callahan House Advisory Board – April 2024

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

Read along below:

Unknown Speaker 0:00

Unknown Speaker 0:02

Unknown Speaker 0:06
and everyone is here with the exception of Christian, which we didn’t expect, right.

Unknown Speaker 0:16
Okay, approval of agenda.

Unknown Speaker 0:21
Does anybody have any comments

Unknown Speaker 0:24
to add to was the last one alone and that’s good job. Motion for approval of the minutes of the agenda. I move that we approve the agenda as set. Second.

Unknown Speaker 0:36
All those in favor?

Unknown Speaker 0:39
Any approved any post approval of the previous month’s minutes?

Unknown Speaker 0:45
Anybody have comments on the minutes? They do? Include visitor

Unknown Speaker 0:52
speak up

Unknown Speaker 0:58

Unknown Speaker 1:00
you did, and I have corrections, it’s okay. In case name is felt like?

Unknown Speaker 1:09
Well, I want her to have that.

Unknown Speaker 1:12
So it’s an E costume.

Unknown Speaker 1:18
So it’s E D YKY. And your last name is Ward WA. Okay, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:33

Unknown Speaker 1:35
this, which is on page three.

Unknown Speaker 1:41

Unknown Speaker 1:43
the last sentence paragraph, it just needs to be pulled up. Because

Unknown Speaker 1:51
where B is that’s actually the last part of the last sentence of it. So if you could just kind of pull that up.

Unknown Speaker 1:59
Oh, and then change the rest of the letters.

Unknown Speaker 2:05
I know.

Unknown Speaker 2:07
little hiccups happen. And I get all the time too.

Unknown Speaker 2:11
So then also, instead of the word puzzles in that last word in that sentence, it’s applications because we don’t write grant proposals. Right? All right.

Unknown Speaker 2:33
What is now letter B.

Unknown Speaker 2:37
What I asked them is if you could provide experts. So if we could just do take the word experts estimated? Because we were looking to get that from?

Unknown Speaker 2:49
What’s the name of heaven? Yeah. Yeah, we’re looking for the expert, the historic preservation restoration contractor.

Unknown Speaker 2:58
To help us understand kind of a timeline a little luck.

Unknown Speaker 3:06
Not to ask so much that then write that but we get that from from from the start.

Unknown Speaker 3:13
Then in what is now letter C, if you could just include one last sentence, I suggested value electricity to the guest.

Unknown Speaker 3:23
Because when asked the board to think about other items, Karen really came up with the landscaping.

Unknown Speaker 3:29
And I suggested adding electricity. So

Unknown Speaker 3:34
have you just added it’s still in under new business. That’s now letter what letter See, just one last sentence, Karen Kay suggested adding electricity to the gazebo.

Unknown Speaker 3:50
That was what I suggested.

Unknown Speaker 3:55
Then one last thing for us now letter d.

Unknown Speaker 4:01
That was really helpful in helping us understand what we should be looking at focus on for that CIP list. And he specifically said we need to focus on projects that are costing 50,000 and greater than cost. So maybe we could just add one last little sentence

Unknown Speaker 4:20
on to it.

Unknown Speaker 4:23
The the focus for the CIP is projects costing 50,000 And right

Unknown Speaker 4:31
now thought that was really helpful information on two levels.

Unknown Speaker 4:36
Yes, projects customer 50,000 and greater

Unknown Speaker 4:41
and helps us understand

Unknown Speaker 4:44
you know, what magnitude or maybe focus on request

Unknown Speaker 4:56
items from the board

Unknown Speaker 5:00

Unknown Speaker 5:03

Unknown Speaker 5:07
I want to make sure

Unknown Speaker 5:17
it’s what I’ve shared with the board. And the very last part of

Unknown Speaker 5:26
eight B that needs a dance

Unknown Speaker 5:29
router. The Alice was better ever. That’s not quite accurate.

Unknown Speaker 5:34
I really don’t really wasn’t that. No, she wasn’t there. But the historic news never said that she was not. Oh, only recently has.

Unknown Speaker 5:46
People have been saying, Oh,

Unknown Speaker 5:49
I just don’t want to state. Yeah, there is nowhere. And so if you’ve read my historians comment, and this because I want everyone to see it. Anyone who says that she was a bad driver is incorrect.

Unknown Speaker 6:03
Okay, but you know, there is no information printed in historic

Unknown Speaker 6:09
newspapers that suggests that. So there’s no historic information that ever suggests that. Okay. I just want to be clear about that. I don’t remember my assertion. I just say anyone who might think, yeah, anyone who might we don’t even talk about some like saying it? Yeah, I mean, it just Yeah, I just

Unknown Speaker 6:30
don’t want what it says, But news of the answer and precipitator. I thought, Oh, dear. How would that be taken? And I don’t know how you might have received that when you read that. But a one might doubt anyone who might doubt that analysis, a good driver would be correct.

Unknown Speaker 6:47
However, okay, but there’s absolutely no historic information and historic newspapers suggest that

Unknown Speaker 6:56
documentation also all of that probably was just so important that there was vaccine.

Unknown Speaker 7:03
And that was it. There was no scuttlebutt making happen, it

Unknown Speaker 7:08
can happen to anyone. I just take out the last part of that’s what I did is that that’s what I did for whatever last part. So just take out but news of accident. So to write out that driver.

Unknown Speaker 7:23
Serious stroke out? That’s correct. So

Unknown Speaker 7:29
then I think

Unknown Speaker 7:32
aside from that, the the suggestion to select a date that is now right now eight, see, I think that should be nine because that was future agenda items

Unknown Speaker 7:45
that I skipped on there. See. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 7:49
So wait a minute where he is right now? Oh, that actually should be number nine, because that nine is the future.

Unknown Speaker 7:59
And that’s where I brought that up. Oh, that year, I see what you’re saying.

Unknown Speaker 8:05
I’m sorry. This should actually be

Unknown Speaker 8:10
the future agenda items.

Unknown Speaker 8:13
So we do have one future agenda item. Yeah. And then that trickles down to

Unknown Speaker 8:21
the German nouns. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 8:27
I don’t believe I’ve said anything under D.

Unknown Speaker 8:33
I don’t think I said anything about setting up that thing. Okay, maybe I guess that was you. Did anyone say that? Well, I heard today.

Unknown Speaker 8:44
I read it. Here. I brought it again, please.

Unknown Speaker 8:49
Return. So Karen

Unknown Speaker 8:54
was mailed to me and marine care here of the Callahan House. And thank you was to hearing in green and just, you know, just wanted to thank you both, again, for so much of your wonderful programs, Callahan house, get into our PDF I understand numbers. So let’s read it.

Unknown Speaker 9:13

Unknown Speaker 9:20
well, I’ll just say to the board, should I say to the board or thank you card to you?

Unknown Speaker 9:36

Unknown Speaker 9:38
anything else?

Unknown Speaker 9:40
And I have a motion for approval of minutes as

Unknown Speaker 9:46
the minutes of correction.

Unknown Speaker 9:50
Morrison said almost in favor.

Unknown Speaker 9:54

Unknown Speaker 9:55
would say

Unknown Speaker 9:59
I’m sorry.

Unknown Speaker 10:00

Unknown Speaker 10:03
create a new one. Okay, launch for public invited fever is no one can be public so we can

Unknown Speaker 10:11
get past that we’re on old business. The first item is to digitize scrap.

Unknown Speaker 10:17
On holds currently and until we are moving forward. Great. Okay, it’s perfectly.

Unknown Speaker 10:26
And the updated video. Yeah. So the RFQ that was in last month’s meeting went out. We’ve gotten two of the three quotes back there due April 15. So at that point done, review, and we’re, I reached out to Pam roading toolset helping from purchasing within the city that’s been helping her best to see exactly what the review process needs to look like. And you can be involved with that. So we’ll figure that out. And we’ll get the last few books back here in a few days. And then we’ll go from there. Carry on, sorry, I was scrambling, I was scrambling and scribbling. I didn’t hear how you how you got some RFPs. And put out a request for quotes we’ve got to go back in. The final one is due April 15. And

Unknown Speaker 11:19
just waiting to hear back about what the review process should look like. And then go from there. Excellent. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 11:27
Candy Club affair. We’re meeting following this meeting, upstairs today. And the goal today will be to take a look at

Unknown Speaker 11:41
the list of groups that we have identified and found information on as far as who wants to send invitations to and take a look at our letter that we want to send out to

Unknown Speaker 11:58
the groups who want to invite and then there also should be a public letter that we need to compose as well. And it won’t necessarily go out in the form of a letter, or it will go out in the form of a letter and an email. Because in the past, I’ve found that people use letters, you end up sending an email anyway. So we’ll probably do it both ways. It’s a formal way. And then informally through emails, I did run off enough of these that I can hand them out to each of you.

Unknown Speaker 12:31
So you have some idea of who we’ve identified. And if you have any suggestions or additions, they can let us know it would be helpful if you had a connection

Unknown Speaker 12:48
to get with

Unknown Speaker 12:50
a contact person

Unknown Speaker 12:52
or anything like that.

Unknown Speaker 12:55
These are alphabetized and they are identified by the green ones that have quite a bit of updated information that I think we can move ahead with. And then the white ones are lacking some information that we need to either follow up on or

Unknown Speaker 13:15
investigate further.

Unknown Speaker 13:17
So there are I think, upwards of 60 Something

Unknown Speaker 13:22
groups on the on here, there are some that I chose not to put on purposely for example, like sunshine club, Sunshine club invites to join up again. So they would have no purpose reason to be a group that would be rude invite to share their information with the public PEO is pretty much the same as well. So the PDO group started on here,

Unknown Speaker 13:48
bring it to groups who gave me that need here are on here.

Unknown Speaker 13:54
Because we’d like to include them make sure that they they can participate to

Unknown Speaker 14:00
welcome our members. Yes. So

Unknown Speaker 14:05
I, I would like to have us ready with your communication just sent out by

Unknown Speaker 14:15
the next meeting.

Unknown Speaker 14:18
I know you guys would like to move.

Unknown Speaker 14:21
So that would be the goal to have that done and occasion being the announcement to everyone or the invite.

Unknown Speaker 14:30
Both okay.

Unknown Speaker 14:33
Because I think it’s it’s time to do that. Some groups may not meet during the summer.

Unknown Speaker 14:41
But I think if we contact via email, you’re always in contact with that because they’re interested.

Unknown Speaker 14:49
Whatever we’re gonna get that email is going to make it Yes. It’s not going to be

Unknown Speaker 14:56
so many questions.

Unknown Speaker 15:00
If you have any info on some of these that aren’t fully

Unknown Speaker 15:04
completed, please let us know.

Unknown Speaker 15:12
We’ll be helpful

Unknown Speaker 15:14
on to the club selection criteria

Unknown Speaker 15:29
here at the house on Tuesday, March 19th, at 10.

Unknown Speaker 15:36
This is a list that resulted from that.

Unknown Speaker 15:44

Unknown Speaker 15:49

Unknown Speaker 15:51
additionally like

Unknown Speaker 15:55

Unknown Speaker 15:57
interested, something you would like to do during this ordinary meeting

Unknown Speaker 16:03
scheduled for another?

Unknown Speaker 16:06
Guest, like some direction, what would you prefer?

Unknown Speaker 16:10
Was? What’s your pleasure?

Unknown Speaker 16:14
Do you want to discuss this now? Or do you want to

Unknown Speaker 16:17
take it to July? I think we discuss it. Because I think it’s very thorough. And I think we can just move right through it. It’s very thorough in to take it back to another meeting was just, exactly. I didn’t know which one did you do today? So if we could

Unknown Speaker 16:37
just, I agree, just to kind of move things along. Does anybody have other comments, in regard to this criteria itself?

Unknown Speaker 16:48
I thought it was very well thought out.

Unknown Speaker 16:52
I think we need to discuss number one.

Unknown Speaker 16:58
Of course, that is in the deed, but it’s not word equitably. It’s not meant to be exclusive. But I do because it is indeed, these days listed. It doesn’t exclude any club. It just doesn’t doesn’t.

Unknown Speaker 17:15
It’s just

Unknown Speaker 17:18
another club. Well, that kind of goes to the

Unknown Speaker 17:23
balance. And as you’ll see in thoughts down here, consider a priority percentage of the above criteria. Before example, maybe we want 75% of the clubs, clubs. And maybe we want 25% to the others clubs.

Unknown Speaker 17:41
will not use percentages.

Unknown Speaker 17:45
Be cautious enough such a thing. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 17:48
So but there needs to be something that gives us direction on how to

Unknown Speaker 17:55
make sure that we’re balanced, yet staying true to the gifts and and

Unknown Speaker 18:03
how do you really, how do you put that? Yeah, I mean, the only way to do that, and those numbers

Unknown Speaker 18:11
they would be meant to be formed with

Unknown Speaker 18:15
guide posts, rather than actual static and you cannot do it’s more of a let’s try to make sure that we are staying true to the gift by having the majority of the clubs being women’s clubs. Others can be mixed in whatever

Unknown Speaker 18:37
it may be that that doesn’t necessarily need or might not have a place to be stated here as an actual criteria. I think, given the fact that it’s all women’s clubs now and that will likely continue to happen naturally in nature, the nature of it, I think, lends itself to be women’s are primarily.

Unknown Speaker 18:58
So I mean,

Unknown Speaker 19:01
the only thing I would be concerned about kind of thinking from

Unknown Speaker 19:07
the gold city standpoint, what can be said is

Unknown Speaker 19:15
if there’s not a problem now, as far as we’re having

Unknown Speaker 19:21
men’s primarily men’s clubs come in then and just I don’t want to set itself up for the question when it’s not necessary. I mean, it’s one of the things we could adjust. We can adjust this in the future if we find that that is a problem. I just the wording is

Unknown Speaker 19:44
slightly concerning and I understand where it comes from and I don’t disagree for sure myself, but I’m just I don’t know. I don’t have a really good answer for you guys. I’m just consulting be sent to the fact that while the gift

Unknown Speaker 20:00
So, while the house was given as a gift to the city to be used by the women of the city, we are an equal

Unknown Speaker 20:09
opportunity facility.

Unknown Speaker 20:12
I think there’s a way to include to rewarding them the original deed, to say this is just include that wording. So this is, you know, circulate, you’re saying this is why the house was given.

Unknown Speaker 20:26
And that’s it. It’s just stated there. But there’s nothing in the actual criteria that’s been created now, that states that women’s clubs are preferred or prioritized.

Unknown Speaker 20:36
So, you know, so it’s not written.

Unknown Speaker 20:41
We, we currently, I was inclined to ask this question of our attorneys right now. I’m,

Unknown Speaker 20:50
I liked him. He’s, he’s really responsive for us, and has been

Unknown Speaker 20:57
very reasonable in the way he said, things like this. And just, you know, get his opinion. He may he may say, No, that’s absolutely fine. And

Unknown Speaker 21:09
I think it’s very possible. So I, that again, I’m always reluctant to I want to send that out to attorneys. I mean, honestly, it’s it’s, I understand where you’re going. But I also think that I think we should hold true to why the house was deeded to us is just like the citizens of Walmart and build the senior center for the seniors. We don’t have to use go in there. It’s a simple

Unknown Speaker 21:36
statement, and we women tend to be an underserved population still. And so I don’t think that is a negative. I agree with you. And that’s where I wonder if that’s where I kind of think he might just say, I think that’s fine, based on exactly what you said, which I agree with 100%. So

Unknown Speaker 21:59

Unknown Speaker 22:04
potential legal issue, if

Unknown Speaker 22:08
not a little bit from the original.

Unknown Speaker 22:12
Well, I think we, we think we might be okay, just mentioning that it’s there in the need? Well, I think it’s important. I think we do at the same time. And my opinion would be if we if we actually actively tried to exclude whenever group, you wouldn’t know.

Unknown Speaker 22:33
I think we all know that

Unknown Speaker 22:36
we’ve ever

Unknown Speaker 22:41
honoring, and not being any kind of legal problem, if we don’t adhere to the original, it acknowledges it, but then maybe, as you said, candy,

Unknown Speaker 22:57
but we are open to all. I mean, I liked the way you phrased it. Yeah, however you did it, but explained that we are Yes. History. Definitely. Like, you want people to know that, you know, Charles out seem to be why they gave it to the city. Because I mean, that’s another part of it, was to serve the community.

Unknown Speaker 23:21
So maybe that’s a little bit. I mean, it’s hard getting into bigger pictures there. There are gems that are just for women. There are places that are just for women. And that’s okay, that is the illegal thing to do. And so I think I might be creating more out of this than there really is.

Unknown Speaker 23:42
For me, I kind of want to just check this check with Jeremy. And when

Unknown Speaker 23:49
there have been attorneys who are worried about I’m not as worried about Jeremy, I feel like he’s been really responsive. And again, our attorneys are advisors.

Unknown Speaker 24:01
Not our bosses. I’m sure.

Unknown Speaker 24:06
You’ve seen this. Have you seen? Absolutely. Okay. And

Unknown Speaker 24:14
well, I have my opinion.

Unknown Speaker 24:18
I’m not so sure but but

Unknown Speaker 24:24
just like for a nonprofit who receives

Unknown Speaker 24:29
funds for specific use from the nonprofit’s required to use those funds for that specific

Unknown Speaker 24:39
angle those funds Rec. Similarly, you know, where I’m coming from from is intended.

Unknown Speaker 24:48
I don’t think it’s

Unknown Speaker 24:52
because I’m on your side.

Unknown Speaker 24:55
What I guess I’m saying is, the reason it’s listed is because

Unknown Speaker 25:00
We were staying true to the history of the house as a gift. And true to the recorded warranty deed. And it is a piece of criteria does.

Unknown Speaker 25:15
Absolutely. That’s the overriding

Unknown Speaker 25:19
right there, I think that’s where

Unknown Speaker 25:21
I think there’s a couple ways that we can handle this. I mean, he could pick part of the criteria. And then, in addition to that, what we could do is we could stay exactly

Unknown Speaker 25:35
above it.

Unknown Speaker 25:37
Maybe the wording that he wrote in that letter that the men have their clubs, the the women, the children have their their playgrounds the women should have, maybe we could state that as

Unknown Speaker 25:50
kind of like the picture of the post

Unknown Speaker 25:54
at the top of the application, that could be

Unknown Speaker 25:59
and maybe, maybe we do that, and then we take it out of the creek terior per se.

Unknown Speaker 26:07
Not listed. The Women’s Club isn’t a piece of criteria, but it’s mentioned original use. Yeah. But all are welcome. You know, just like that. So it’s so maybe we were one

Unknown Speaker 26:21
other? Yep. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 26:25
I see against number one, either. If no, then they are not allowed. So that’s not there. This, this criterion is consistent with the gift of the house, as stated in the recorded warranty deed, which I thought was good. And again, what up in the note below, the criteria will be weighted in a point system 05 on like a rubric and for each question. So just because they may not meet any one particular set of, you know, pieces of criteria, does not that exclude them, right from being a club to use the house? And just if we ever got into a point of all right, we have apple, an apple and

Unknown Speaker 27:06
a full house in. Okay, how do we choose between the two? And I don’t think that we’ll ever get to that point.

Unknown Speaker 27:16
Well, but if we did, we might

Unknown Speaker 27:21
want to be a club here, right?

Unknown Speaker 27:25
Yes. gives us those guidelines

Unknown Speaker 27:29
to go about? Well, let me let me throw it.

Unknown Speaker 27:35
Exactly. Or make some adjustments. I think the general idea.

Unknown Speaker 27:39
The German will have an answer.

Unknown Speaker 27:43
Back to you, and you can disseminate that. And just make some adjustments for next month. If you

Unknown Speaker 27:52
think we’re okay. My gut told me, but I only thought about this first one is it’s not like personally, it’s not clear to me that a non Women’s Club is still well. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 28:08
Yeah, yeah. You just need

Unknown Speaker 28:11
a Woman’s Club is still wrong. Yeah. Yeah. And she’s I don’t want to say anomalies. But I want to say a club other than Yeah, specific. Woman’s clubs are still

Unknown Speaker 28:24
about, like, our newest book club. They happen to be a group of women. I don’t think that that’s necessarily what they were exclusive to that when they were creating this group. So if they end up having, you know, somebody else that wants to join them, knowing that they can do that, you know, just to so

Unknown Speaker 28:43
that should be acknowledged. There are a lot of clubs that are on this current list that are male and female. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 28:52
Okay, okay.

Unknown Speaker 28:54
Yeah. Okay. Anything else on this list?

Unknown Speaker 29:00
I thought it was really well thought out. And we came up with a lot of things didn’t even occur to me. Like one of my concerns was that our current clubs are all grandfathered.

Unknown Speaker 29:11
Yep, there’s nothing I don’t have to reapply.

Unknown Speaker 29:16
Yeah, I would not see that that way. And the objective here is just going forward.

Unknown Speaker 29:24
Thank you for clarifying. Because I just took that as a given.

Unknown Speaker 29:31

Unknown Speaker 29:33
then there was also discussion about

Unknown Speaker 29:38
what companies are looking for for

Unknown Speaker 29:44
awarding grants to nonprofits and

Unknown Speaker 29:50

Unknown Speaker 29:52
that’s something for another, I guess, committee meeting just to talk more about how we can

Unknown Speaker 30:00

Unknown Speaker 30:01
be prepared when as we’re selecting or as we’re including clubs and house hopefully a lot of that will cover many different areas that companies are looking to support

Unknown Speaker 30:20
so do we want to

Unknown Speaker 30:23
set date for that? So I

Unknown Speaker 30:29
think that that helpful so it’s

Unknown Speaker 30:36
just such as the calendar

Unknown Speaker 30:41
to be clear that would be the meeting will be held here at the house.

Unknown Speaker 30:48
Okay, what would you suggest? Is there you met with Cindy right

Unknown Speaker 31:01
did you want to meet him this month? Or do you

Unknown Speaker 31:06
what do you think

Unknown Speaker 31:12
like it’s next week sometime a good time or

Unknown Speaker 31:25
are you here?

Unknown Speaker 31:28
To be here on

Unknown Speaker 31:30
just because it was in the house but

Unknown Speaker 31:33
I know we’re supposed to try

Unknown Speaker 31:37
to stay away from the Wednesdays because that’s Wednesdays are usually it I mean, sometimes we do that but

Unknown Speaker 31:44
we are looking at the 19x accent but everyone else’s there

Unknown Speaker 31:55
were a sports Thursday better.

Unknown Speaker 31:58
More time on

Unknown Speaker 32:01
mid morning like 10 Again, we’ll see decision can’t make the pitching it’s about

Unknown Speaker 32:09

Unknown Speaker 32:18
Tuesday I can make

Unknown Speaker 32:23
someone Wednesday’s could be possibilities if that’s like on the 24th We’ve just got the group upstairs. So this space is open. I could actually do

Unknown Speaker 32:39
yes, I can do that.

Unknown Speaker 32:41
Anytime we find

Unknown Speaker 32:48
the time is that it is at a decent time not too early. So April the 24th at 10 o’clock

Unknown Speaker 32:56
as long as my sister’s coming in that day.

Unknown Speaker 33:01
Don’t do that.

Unknown Speaker 33:06
Okay, anything else on the

Unknown Speaker 33:11
club selection criteria? Are we good with that?

Unknown Speaker 33:15
Okay, let’s move on to the Callahan house membership program

Unknown Speaker 33:25
so yeah, this is the same

Unknown Speaker 33:29
framework that went out previously with the addition of patrons probable names

Unknown Speaker 33:37
but otherwise it’s just open for discussion unless

Unknown Speaker 33:42
we want to discuss today or

Unknown Speaker 33:46
anybody has thoughts

Unknown Speaker 33:49
like purposely left off principle Library Friends of museum because I included whatever we decided we are right so we can

Unknown Speaker 34:01
source people to become patrons as

Unknown Speaker 34:08
well, are we okay with patrons of the cabin house? Should we just go ahead and make that said? I like

Unknown Speaker 34:15
the Cal State patron patron. I mean,

Unknown Speaker 34:20
yeah, was it patrons or powerhouse patrons? I like for sure I like it. Oh, my god of patrons.

Unknown Speaker 34:29
There’s just something about it

Unknown Speaker 34:37
anybody else are you

Unknown Speaker 34:42
agree, should we all agree? We all agree

Unknown Speaker 34:48
that we got jumped in double

Unknown Speaker 34:51
check something and this isn’t a critical piece. It’s not like something’s gonna happen frequently from now. So

Unknown Speaker 35:00
We can continue to consider it. But do you want to work about it? Or?

Unknown Speaker 35:09
Do we want to descend? Specifically, whether it’s patrons of Kellyanne house or Callahan house patrons?

Unknown Speaker 35:21
Patrons have

Unknown Speaker 35:23
provided an agreement. That’s okay.

Unknown Speaker 35:30
I just think maybe if we set a meeting, outside of our board meeting to flesh this out a little more.

Unknown Speaker 35:39
Right, yeah. Test me.

Unknown Speaker 35:42
Is that something that we could double up on another meeting? So we’re not? Yeah, we could we could piggyback off of, we could pick you back.

Unknown Speaker 35:51

Unknown Speaker 35:54
me, okay.

Unknown Speaker 36:03

Unknown Speaker 36:05
We’re kind of thinking of the timeline. It’s a beautiful consideration of Brittany in the summer and things things coming up.

Unknown Speaker 36:12
Maybe from our end,

Unknown Speaker 36:15
if we can kind of have our framework set that we will get going on this.

Unknown Speaker 36:20
All right, and get something set up. So

Unknown Speaker 36:24
25 or rolling? Well, something like something like that.

Unknown Speaker 36:29
wants me to actually kind of push this out, when we do the club club are

Unknown Speaker 36:39
somewhat combined with

Unknown Speaker 36:42
recall. So we can be a slow roll shirt. Yeah. So we have the ability to sign people up for it at that, what we’re looking for, I would certainly say okay, I don’t want to I don’t want to slow anything down like that. I think if we can have that criteria we can do we can do a little bit of work, make sure we’ve got a little bit formalization with it. But as far as us looking to roll it out, and kind of the bigger scheme, I would think towards the fall, but

Unknown Speaker 37:11
soft openings. Yeah, that’s why that soft opening

Unknown Speaker 37:16
was pretty much here.

Unknown Speaker 37:21
Okay, moving on, the ice F Autohaus. Rethink many

Unknown Speaker 37:29
news. Tables are here, chairs are coming.

Unknown Speaker 37:35
Storage, Kevin came in is working on a quote for a potential storage unit inside Autohaus.

Unknown Speaker 37:44
There may be another option, maybe not look at

Unknown Speaker 37:50
the possibility of additional shed outside on the other side. So

Unknown Speaker 37:55
it was a different visual behind the current garden shed, which also has the potential dual positive as

Unknown Speaker 38:05
well, to pick it up, well, potentially also cutting down on that space that’s been used as a homeless encampment.

Unknown Speaker 38:16
So potential dual purpose. So is it because it’s been being used as a help desk? I mean, it has been the corner. Yeah, just because it’s

Unknown Speaker 38:29
so good. That’s an idea that’s come up, we would need to pave a path in order to get the dollies in and out of that spot. The other idea is I had a meeting with parks the other day, and they don’t really use much of the current garden shed. They need a little bit of space for some vats of you know, fertilizer, but otherwise, they’re not really using much of that it’s it’s more like winter over overwintering pots and things like that which could go below in the outhouse, they could go in the basement. Yeah, and just have a little bit of space left in the garden shed. So that could be another possibility of to still need a paved path. Either way, if the shed or your shed is being used some caution, it would be a whole lot more.

Unknown Speaker 39:15
Kevin comes up with Yeah, yeah, I think it’s kind of

Unknown Speaker 39:20
get the full information for all three potential options. There’s still you know, there’s some cleaning out cost. The tables and chairs are our resident plastics that we don’t necessarily need to be insulated or Capitan temperature.

Unknown Speaker 39:36
So kind of weighing all those options. So Kevin is working on Cuoco storage unit currently, and aside from whether or not a storage unit goes in there a little bit of revamping, as we’re calling it, you know, just in the bathroom and kitchenette area and give us a little bit of update. That’s not the word but what about the floor? Yeah, we’re tear to the floor. So you know, a few things that need done in there.

Unknown Speaker 40:00
Okay, maybe some rearranging and things like that, but kind of figure out what’s going on with the space before we get any of that too far.

Unknown Speaker 40:11
So is the thinking that

Unknown Speaker 40:14
maybe I misunderstood but I thought that the tables and chairs were all going to restore inside a newly built kind of cabinet that would look nice inside the house.

Unknown Speaker 40:30

Unknown Speaker 40:33
so we’re not doing that and then also doing an outside.

Unknown Speaker 40:38
I think my only hesitation about doing another

Unknown Speaker 40:43
building outside of the auto house is that it does actually obstruct the view of brick building.

Unknown Speaker 40:53
And I know that it’s rare when people are out there and actually back in that area.

Unknown Speaker 41:00
But I’m talking about just behind the garden shed right here. And yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 41:05
And I think that, that, that’s just a little piece of me that thinks, you know, every time we put something in front of the little house, it blocks, yeah, more of this historic structure. And I don’t know that I’m excited about that idea. For two reasons. One, you can’t see the structure anymore in the two, you really can’t see the structure and maintain it anymore. You know, like, what we’re going to do is be pointing the bricks. So

Unknown Speaker 41:32
I hesitate on wanting to put anything more built outside of the house. And that’s kind of came up before seeking departs and finding out how

Unknown Speaker 41:44
much of the current roadshow space could be available? Yes. So maybe that’s yeah, very, very fancy. So well wait for Kevin’s quote, can then discuss a plus? Yeah. Yeah, I probably get a quote for like paving to the garden shed and what that what you know, I think it sounds like it’s more of those two options at this point. I’ve seen what those look like. And he’s with his quote, he’s going to do a little

Unknown Speaker 42:10
design. Like, kind of a Yeah, example so that you can see what you’re getting. Yeah, it’s special inside the auto house that I look like. So.

Unknown Speaker 42:21
So some sort of plan.

Unknown Speaker 42:25
Design you Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 42:29

Unknown Speaker 42:31
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 42:34
I’m sorry, I kind of felt rushed through the last one. I wanted to clarification when we’re working on this, for the about the movement, the membership program, how are we doing? Are we literally setting up a piece of documentation or a document that would be an application for somebody to be part of the paper? It’s

Unknown Speaker 42:56
my take is that we’re working toward that we’re not, we’re not going to work out solidifying all that.

Unknown Speaker 43:03
It’s soft. It’s a sophomore moment. I’m sorry, we just have a clarification in our mind on what we’re gonna be about. I mean, the idea of somebody is becoming like a regular donor, right. So probably something where they can sign up online, not so much an application, because they’re going to be reviewing and saying

Unknown Speaker 43:29
them someplace. So yeah, would indicate there’s an opportunity to join this. We’re working on fleshing out the program entirely. I don’t put anything out there until it is, you know, to really solidified. But so what is the soft rollout?

Unknown Speaker 43:49
Mentioning the program? I would love to have something close to right. I mean, it’s

Unknown Speaker 43:57
right. Yeah. They’re together. Okay. Bye.

Unknown Speaker 44:04
Yeah, I think it’s doable. At that point, maybe we find out that there’s some tweaks that need to be made after then we’d like to do that. But I think it can be ready to go for.

Unknown Speaker 44:13
So we’d say this is the program and yeah, this is what it is. It’s a membership program. You donate it here, the first good opportunity to get to get the word out. In could we have a possibility that people could sign up? Because not everybody? I’m just thinking of like,

Unknown Speaker 44:34
the people I have to deal with, they don’t always deal with everything online. So is there an option that they can sign up? Just yeah, we could probably either have like I’m interested or so we just get their permission. We can send that later or we might be set up with a station where we can just okay.

Unknown Speaker 44:53
Yeah, I’m sorry to hear that.

Unknown Speaker 44:57
You know, data sharing would be flush

Unknown Speaker 45:00
into something presentable and deciding.

Unknown Speaker 45:04
Thank you how we want to make it interesting people. Thanks so much, Brittany, I’m sorry, no, you’re good, you’re good that we flush that out.

Unknown Speaker 45:14

Unknown Speaker 45:16
And he also knows me, we’ll move on this property will you find UV protection for windows in the library, drapes, etc.

Unknown Speaker 45:26
We got quotes, it’s been accepted, but from Scottish glass. So that’s being paid. And then as soon as it’s like a half payment to pay students, it’s paid and they’ll schedule the time. So we’ll have Empire boats or

Unknown Speaker 45:42
cable Empire come out to take the storms off so that the film can go on interior of the storm windows.

Unknown Speaker 45:51
And, and then they’ll replace those for ice. Scottish glass is doing the work, they think they can get it done in a day. We’re not doing every single window in the house, right? So right now, basically, everything that south facing this window,

Unknown Speaker 46:10
the the main window and the parlor, you’re not doing like the kitchen windows. So anything that’s getting a lot of sun exposure, or that’s just kind of a main window in general, we can always add more later, the film is clear. So it’s not going to change the look of anything. So you’re not going to know which ones are done and which ones aren’t.

Unknown Speaker 46:32
And it basically, because we’re a commercial building, they can’t actually give a lifetime warranty. But basically it lasts forever. So

Unknown Speaker 46:42
yeah, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 46:45
So when I did great work, I love the work.

Unknown Speaker 46:51

Unknown Speaker 46:52
So thank you. Yeah, we’re excited about

Unknown Speaker 46:57
and the library drapes, and

Unknown Speaker 46:59
I’m actually going to be talking with her tomorrow. Sorry, I will have more to update this meeting. All right.

Unknown Speaker 47:08
I apologize.

Unknown Speaker 47:10
Because I’ve always been

Unknown Speaker 47:15
straight, okay, about the potential of making it a little bit thinner for us.

Unknown Speaker 47:22
You can see more of the window reducing keeping them kind of period, appropriate that reducing the amount of covered Afric. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 47:34
Anything else on that?

Unknown Speaker 47:36
Okay, we’ll move on to H Bucha. restoration and preservation list. Everybody got

Unknown Speaker 47:45
updated with where everything currently stands.

Unknown Speaker 47:50
So I think the idea was to see if there’s so that the recording is, you know, going to be submitted for CIP again, if there’s any other major projects that

Unknown Speaker 48:03
want to submit for that, or little things, just to I mean, there are things that are already, you know, kind of any other larger projects, although there was some talk about

Unknown Speaker 48:12
about 2020 29 things for PDF one.

Unknown Speaker 48:19
Or for Steve tip, well, specifically, PDF 1.5 is a CIP. Okay, that was for five years.

Unknown Speaker 48:30
Now, yeah, and figure out exactly what you need five years from now by Monday.

Unknown Speaker 48:40
You really didn’t need sleep.

Unknown Speaker 48:44
There was also some thought about, you know, we’ve been submitting the recording. Maybe if that gets submitted by itself, it might get approved.

Unknown Speaker 48:53
We were we have been told we just had a meeting last week. We were essentially told don’t don’t put anything in and that doesn’t count the stuff with that or anything. Okay, so this year

Unknown Speaker 49:09
the point thing will go in

Unknown Speaker 49:12
chaos, and that’s the only thing

Unknown Speaker 49:18
did you get the update? I reached out to Kevin and he reached out to me, basically.

Unknown Speaker 49:28
But yeah, that bit will get in before it has to be submitted by the end of April. It’s it’s it’s making what it’s for May 3,

Unknown Speaker 49:39
and may 6

Unknown Speaker 49:41
may start the date for that.

Unknown Speaker 49:45
Remember there? Technically there will be some funds on that for just a number and they’d love to have that number checked by them and urgency

Unknown Speaker 49:56
to come back.

Unknown Speaker 49:59

Unknown Speaker 50:00
So that’s what I’m saying. So yeah, if you can come up just, I don’t know, however much we’ve asked for here for the last few years, which I feel like it’s

Unknown Speaker 50:07
10 15,000. Ish.

Unknown Speaker 50:13
I’m talking about PBN, 145. So projects, small projects. Okay. So just ask for 10 $50,000 worth of something.

Unknown Speaker 50:24
The key with this particular fund is that, yes, we recommend that it’s five years in advance, you know, things change, so, but you want to come up with things that you may need. But we know that if we come to that day and something else become a precedent, we can adjust those dollars pretty easily, as opposed to like appointing CFP, which is that

Unknown Speaker 50:47
that’s created as a fun probability. And

Unknown Speaker 50:51
so it’s very, it’s the one that we need to survive on immigration.

Unknown Speaker 50:56
We spent some 3000 a year on in recreation

Unknown Speaker 51:00
equipment, so and things change. So we’ve gotten Kalyan house evolve the last

Unknown Speaker 51:08
four or five years.

Unknown Speaker 51:11
What it is, is not that we need explanations basically.

Unknown Speaker 51:19
For extraction

Unknown Speaker 51:24
we end up using it on something else.

Unknown Speaker 51:28

Unknown Speaker 51:32
So yeah.

Unknown Speaker 51:37
Yeah, so I think stands out to anybody. I mean, I’ve kind of got some ideas here, the things that are in progress are probably going to be the ones that we were gonna say, Do you have something in mind? Or do you want to take a little time I mean, I’ve got a, I’ve got a kind of an ongoing list of potential TV 145 stuff.

Unknown Speaker 51:58
Most of it is here some things that we’ve talked about

Unknown Speaker 52:03
fountain and

Unknown Speaker 52:06
Bacchus and Venus statues, restoration,

Unknown Speaker 52:11
restoration of the stained glass panels, you know, those have some broken pieces.

Unknown Speaker 52:18
There’s the

Unknown Speaker 52:21
call foundational issue with a stairway and all being shuffled out.

Unknown Speaker 52:27
What was one of the gaps, and those are all kind of in there sort of listed here as in progress, because they’re things that we’ve talked with Empire about, or

Unknown Speaker 52:37
you could just say items from contract. Restorations or translations. Yeah. You know, from the ceiling was repaired here, but there’s some

Unknown Speaker 52:48
potentially, you know, there’s issues, no shortage.

Unknown Speaker 52:57
But those things in another thing that we that we do so, so there’s, I don’t know what, what Callahan houses for 25 or 26? I don’t know. But if you know, if this becomes a priority, we can do that next year, knowing that now I’m 29 the money that we were going to use towards this person, something else there. It’s a really flexible funding.

Unknown Speaker 53:26
This year, we’re I mean, the tables and chairs, I think

Unknown Speaker 53:32
that and we’re trying to also get some string lighting in the garden for summer events. So things like that we’re working on that will probably be that money for 2024. The only thing that I have to say from looking at the list

Unknown Speaker 53:51
I did call to your attention downstairs the carpet area issues or friends. Yes. And those are being those were investigated and are being

Unknown Speaker 54:03
kept an eye on. Just watching. Yeah, okay. There’s no, there’s no major

Unknown Speaker 54:12
circumstance. Well, I guess they’re right panic. Yeah, I just wanted to call it to your attention. Yeah, that’d be something that should be listed

Unknown Speaker 54:24
on here somewhere, actually, when when I see when I’m seeing scientists, like no, like something that had been you know, maybe been an issue over time, but they’re going to be keeping an eye on Okay, so they weren’t concerned about it being something I just didn’t know if it was something that needed to be repaired or you know, yeah, anything creepy crawly and

Unknown Speaker 54:51
yeah, I just didn’t like

Unknown Speaker 54:54
that should be there should not be holding. So I’m just gonna end

Unknown Speaker 55:00

Unknown Speaker 55:03
structure and your wood being solid is always I

Unknown Speaker 55:07
can’t remember I added that to that so it can just be like general on the general meaning

Unknown Speaker 55:16
I didn’t read it that’s the only recently bring in yeah no thank you

Unknown Speaker 55:22
yeah I

Unknown Speaker 55:27
sorry so if you know about a perfect so if you know yeah

Unknown Speaker 55:36
anything else anybody

Unknown Speaker 55:49
move on

Unknown Speaker 55:51
okay we’re going to new business the date for the

Unknown Speaker 55:58
cup of tea in NLP

Unknown Speaker 56:03
was October 1 So the fall seems to be a good time because we can do a recap of the year share with past board members and city council members

Unknown Speaker 56:15
the accomplishments of the year

Unknown Speaker 56:21
last year yes

Unknown Speaker 56:25
feel about having another Sunday take him Do you want to be another

Unknown Speaker 56:32
highlight the fact that it’s a Sunday so doesn’t mean we have other things occurring

Unknown Speaker 56:42
first Sunday in October is the sixth

Unknown Speaker 56:47
there’s not a lot of

Unknown Speaker 56:53
going on

Unknown Speaker 56:55
at this point so right

Unknown Speaker 56:58
Should we wait with October the sixth we can adjust if we need to as we prepare this to 10 tentative dates

Unknown Speaker 57:09
I just liked the fact that it’s it’s if we can if something wonderful comes up and they can you can use that Saturday right

Unknown Speaker 57:20

Unknown Speaker 57:22
with the tons

Unknown Speaker 57:28
this is why I hold this thing

Unknown Speaker 57:43
went from two to four

Unknown Speaker 57:47
last year

Unknown Speaker 57:49
but time again again it’s not meant to be like this whole sit down meal it’s

Unknown Speaker 57:57
more about yeah

Unknown Speaker 57:59
so to forestall good time

Unknown Speaker 58:07
doing good Senate committee it started

Unknown Speaker 58:10
thinking about that. I think it’s good to

Unknown Speaker 58:16
be part of it. I’m happy to lead it okay. I’d like to share how to use that flag old stuff so that way they can come

Unknown Speaker 58:29
so it’s probably not critical that we start tomorrow but

Unknown Speaker 58:35
the sooner the better

Unknown Speaker 58:47
you want to do we want to stay within this month that to me is that

Unknown Speaker 58:53
we do that or we

Unknown Speaker 58:55
do is your April

Unknown Speaker 59:02
when did we send out invites last year

Unknown Speaker 59:11
my left arm workout

Unknown Speaker 59:24
the RSVPs was finalized September 22.

Unknown Speaker 59:32
issues where they held on July 24.

Unknown Speaker 59:36
July 24.

Unknown Speaker 59:39
We’re getting

Unknown Speaker 59:40
ample notice of it because that’s the feedback we got from prior people would like one madness

Unknown Speaker 59:52
three four months of

Unknown Speaker 59:55
advance notice.

Unknown Speaker 59:57
So if we meet in maybe we meet at

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00

Unknown Speaker 1:00:01
We’re meeting on May the eighth

Unknown Speaker 1:00:05
because we’re here. Yeah. That sounds like a good

Unknown Speaker 1:00:11
one. Yeah. To be upstairs.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:37
Comments on them.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:42
Okay, so everybody has deep down maybe 810 or Wow, outlasted board meetings.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:48
11 ish, probably.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:52
Okay, moving on to the club’s survey,

Unknown Speaker 1:00:57
which we did last year

Unknown Speaker 1:01:02
was the last

Unknown Speaker 1:01:05
letter that

Unknown Speaker 1:01:08
I know it went by so fast.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:13
reason this is on the agenda as I asked

Unknown Speaker 1:01:19

Unknown Speaker 1:01:21
in conversation about Cindy and I were talking about the criteria, selection criteria. And I thought, you know, what we really need

Unknown Speaker 1:01:31
a section for to ask, you know, do we need to go ahead and do a new survey.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:40
It helps for two things, it helps with providing information in the annual report that will go to City Council this year, I suppose, satisfaction of the bugs.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:54
Also, it

Unknown Speaker 1:01:56
helps with gathering information about the clubs.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:02
In that.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:04

Unknown Speaker 1:02:06
Again, it goes back to the whole gathering of information so that we can show how inclusive we are

Unknown Speaker 1:02:15
for for everyone. And there’s all kinds of different special things about the people in the clubs meeting here at the house that go to benefit the community beyond just having a cleaning.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:32

Unknown Speaker 1:02:34
instance, we have a few new clubs anyway, we haven’t.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:41
We haven’t asked them that both the both of the PDF chapters that are meeting

Unknown Speaker 1:02:47
started with just

Unknown Speaker 1:02:50
a few clubs. Maybe we need to go ahead and do our questionnaire or survey again, I originally set up the survey, it was something that we consider that we might do over two years to five years. So it was out there that it was never I don’t think we ever made a decision that we’re going to do this every whatever, but

Unknown Speaker 1:03:16

Unknown Speaker 1:03:20
I don’t know, if this is something, I certainly don’t think it’s something that we have to do on a yearly basis. I think this is something that we can kind of do

Unknown Speaker 1:03:32
every two to three years. I don’t know if it’s time to do it now.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:41
My input on this is that we didn’t last time, we there was some resistance people

Unknown Speaker 1:03:51
deal with that. Or everything’s fine. Just because yeah, I got a lot of that. Yeah. So I didn’t want to push it, you know, doing it too often. Yes. 10. roadmap i, because there was resistance. And

Unknown Speaker 1:04:09
I didn’t want to be a negative I want this to be a positive that can and want to get positive.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:18
Positive just the positive information. If something’s broken, we don’t know about we can’t fix.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:25
I think it would be wise to do it every

Unknown Speaker 1:04:31
day see every three years but I think every three years is we do it every three years simply simply because I think it’s good for them to be aware of what you’re thinking as well. So because I do get asked questions. Well, you know why?

Unknown Speaker 1:04:54
But maybe we do want to consider doing it this year because then we could give them a touch base on that year.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
We’re going to be doing the club affair, and let them know that these guys are grandfathered in. So there’s no hesitation, we can kind of cut

Unknown Speaker 1:05:11

Unknown Speaker 1:05:12
proposed thinking negative thinking off of at the start. I mean, I’ve gotten mixed emotions about the whole thing.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:21
I think makes no sense probably existing clubs about

Unknown Speaker 1:05:26
know about doing this survey, okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:30
I don’t want them to think

Unknown Speaker 1:05:33
I don’t want them to think that they have to reapply that, you know, for some reason, because we’re asking and new clubs to join, I, part of me thinks, you know, if we could get me in front of the gossip training, before the negative theories are thrown out there, and they’re not accurate. I’ve got mixed emotions about it.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:58
What if,

Unknown Speaker 1:06:00
you know, this is like, kind of involved. And this sort of goes out here three years, five years. But you know, we send out a club letter every fall, make this one out in October 22, two videos, just a little reminder in that on an annual basis, like if you have any questions, concerns, feedback, positive or negative, please reach out to blah, blah. And if we want that to be,

Unknown Speaker 1:06:28
you know, the board instead of myself or whatever, or both, like if you you know, if you have any feedback, here’s where you can put it, but not necessarily requiring it

Unknown Speaker 1:06:40
to this level?

Unknown Speaker 1:06:42
Yes, I think we need to do it for granted reasons in depth at some point. But maybe I also think that we, they need to know that they can contact a certain point. Yeah, there’s another.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:57
People are weird. I’m sorry. But people are unique and different and, and what they feel comfortable reaching out if there’s a problem,

Unknown Speaker 1:07:07
how they’ll handle it or not handle it.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:10
So maybe,

Unknown Speaker 1:07:14
maybe just a statement that, you know, our board meetings are here. You’re invited to come in as as a public person to come to our board meetings and hear what’s going on? Maybe that’s something that we put in there

Unknown Speaker 1:07:28
may be intimidating for some people to be publicly

Unknown Speaker 1:07:33
discussing. But the

Unknown Speaker 1:07:37
point? I don’t know, it’s okay to put it out there. If they don’t want to complete it. They don’t have to. I mean, I mean, when I say by survey, when I receive a survey, even if I’m just overjoyed with whatever the service was, you know, and like, you know,

Unknown Speaker 1:07:56
it’s like another survey. Yeah, I’ll go.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:59
I’ll either go through go. Yes. Excellent. Excellent, excellent. And then if there’s like, is there anything bigger, I will think of something,

Unknown Speaker 1:08:07
something positive that I could say, oh, I really specifically like that, or, and then I’ll think of, you might think of having this.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:18
I mean, I just worked on just daughter’s college. They sent out a survey to the parents, and I can tell you what to do. And so I put in my little couple of things, guess what, they’ve just changed something that is a packet of care package thing for the students impact because of what I submitted. I was just like, my mom figured this

Unknown Speaker 1:08:44
out. So you just never know what somebody might have to say, to share

Unknown Speaker 1:08:51
that opportunity. I think what we need to do is decide what exactly we want from this if it’s for grant purposes, or if it’s just for our general knowledge, just check in and make sure it’s real. I think this could probably be simplified to maybe five questions. I might be easier for me to not feel overwhelmed. I make it easy Vegas, like a five star system. How satisfied are you? I think that’s part of it. They just look at it and say, Wait easier to fill out your filling. So we can go one through eight or something along those lines. Not if somebody feels like they want to get more in depth. They have the space to do it. They don’t feel like they have to do it. Right. Yeah, that that I think this was one of the things that like, I needed somebody from the board. That wasn’t an issue. It was just difficult to look at this thing and they said

Unknown Speaker 1:09:47
could we do this later? Yeah, exactly. later became 14 questions.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:54
A lot.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:56
Yeah, and the reason I was there and the reason

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
Now was to gather information for grant writing future grant writing,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:06
just so that we had that, because we clubs are coming in, we can gather that information at that point. Right, right. But going forward, we can definitely have a smaller survey that is just just

Unknown Speaker 1:10:19
really so truth that when we did this, there were some things happening. You guys wanted information on, you felt like, things were maybe not being said, and you wanted information. So that’s was a piece of this pie at that time also. So I think a little bit of revamping this, I think,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:42
maybe a little bit of the trepidation with it was, I’m just speculating.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:51
But this is a really nice idea. And I tend I think we sell it when we sell it and get responses say, this is to support this facility. Yeah. And going forward. And that’s when we really push that and that’s how we get that positivity that this will help us in the long game in the long run, get more dollars to support this was a tonight that’s the positive. And I think it’s a good idea to pare down a little bit of some open ended questions, maybe some maybe some circle numbers sorts of things. Yeah. That’s my I agree. I think if we had some more circle, number of things, people would respond better. And I think they were also intimidated when there was going to be backlash if they have anything to say. So I think

Unknown Speaker 1:11:37

Unknown Speaker 1:11:40
intimidated about I don’t want to put my name on this because I’m afraid there’s going to be backlash from the board members Now to be clear. And unlike when

Unknown Speaker 1:11:53
it’s anonymous, so you don’t have to put your name on it requesting that you do and it was still I don’t feel comfortable. So I’m like going okay, but then then we went through the surveys that were filled out and it was pretty much parking and parking

Unknown Speaker 1:12:16
we can’t

Unknown Speaker 1:12:18

Unknown Speaker 1:12:20
we can’t move the building

Unknown Speaker 1:12:23
if so that was

Unknown Speaker 1:12:26
back you think that the plus school seeing the positive aspects of it that this is some way that we can get information to better support

Unknown Speaker 1:12:38
maybe we put that statement right at the top you know, this is why we’re doing this

Unknown Speaker 1:12:44
let’s get it out

Unknown Speaker 1:12:48
around that time that sort of

Unknown Speaker 1:12:52
so they don’t feel like they don’t feel like they’re doing an additional thing.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:57
So that’s fine

Unknown Speaker 1:13:07
actually filled this out. Was it 2020 June

Unknown Speaker 1:13:17
I would say let’s do it this fall you’ve got the club a fair so you’ve got some some things happening there that have this happened 20.2 was also right after COVID Our back into whatever our new normal is.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:34
So I think it’d be a good time to do it again. Couldn’t we do it on the yearly signup thing and have it kind of combined? Like the fallout? Yeah, yeah. So when they redo it and they renew their memberships it’s just part of bringing the membership

Unknown Speaker 1:13:54
Okay, so we’re gonna have to revamp this

Unknown Speaker 1:14:01
put this one aside.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:04
We can we can take

Unknown Speaker 1:14:11
that on, keep everybody

Unknown Speaker 1:14:16
down a little bit.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:18
Go further.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:21
Okay, items from the staff

Unknown Speaker 1:14:30
Okay, so just following up with this, the oven safety check additional extinguisher. We had the, the director of facilities, Larry Xavier, come out to inspect the oven again. You know, we had somebody come out and it was passed to express the seniors or extinguisher situation, and they felt like an additional extinguisher was overkill very much

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
overkill. The hood itself functions as an extinguisher and we’ve got an additional kind of handheld one there. Just on the back, of course. So they felt that the situation was very,

Unknown Speaker 1:15:12
very safe and good to go. So good access under the hood is an extinguisher

Unknown Speaker 1:15:21

Unknown Speaker 1:15:24
So that’s one of my questions that I did bring up this one. Is it on the maintenance list? Yes. Maintenance regular. Yes. And to make sure that the city does that on their own actually to inspect the hood, and then all that that equipment, but it’s also been added to our list also, just to make sure that cool. So should we.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:46
Yes. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:51
The Public Service Recognition Week is at the border commission reception like we went to last year, as part of the city council meeting is May 7, at 615.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:06
So if anybody wants to go to that, or to No, it’d be very nice. Thank you for your.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:23
Cash putting?

Unknown Speaker 1:16:31
Yes, so that’s may 7, at 615 at city council chambers.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:36
And I imagined that set up the same as last year where there’s a small reception beforehand, and then you can join the city council meeting, if you’d like to. So certainly not required for anyone but

Unknown Speaker 1:16:50
do Okay, so I spoke in terms of getting the skateboard book re printed and spoke with Jeremy from Louisville. And

Unknown Speaker 1:17:04
like, hopefully, we can, what we want to shoot for is getting the rights to the book from the CMR they don’t know how possible that is or anyone has contact information.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:18
Yeah, so the nephew is the one that’s running the show right now. Okay, so she she doesn’t care care. She doesn’t care.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:32
Power of Attorney situation are

Unknown Speaker 1:17:37
we He has power of attorney otherwise he wouldn’t be selling the house or having the ability to do all that.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:43
I don’t have his personal contact information,

Unknown Speaker 1:17:48
or a name or anybody that we might be able to simply go and circumvent the contact information trust. Basically, we can’t we can’t move forward without at least your permission to acquire rights to the book or to at least do another reprint which then potentially in future pushes it down the road? Well, you know, they are no longer around at some point. Being able to get those another reprint right from robber heresy estates may or may not exist. So we could maybe get one more printing But ideally, we get the rights to it so that we can reprint continuously

Unknown Speaker 1:18:28
if neither of those things are a possibility, then plan C is we

Unknown Speaker 1:18:34
look into creating a new version. Yeah, maybe the museum can help with that. Maybe it’s something that we it can be you know heavily

Unknown Speaker 1:18:47
resourced from existing

Unknown Speaker 1:18:53
So, yeah, that’s so that’s basically is hopefully Plan A we get the rights to the book. I put her really her house was sold and so it might be under public records on to handle the sale and we’re doing

Unknown Speaker 1:19:13
it I would assume that would be under public.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:19
Yeah, very contact information. Well, you can

Unknown Speaker 1:19:24
call them Boulder

Unknown Speaker 1:19:28
County Clerk and recorder.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:31
You can also just search

Unknown Speaker 1:19:35
for names in my properties.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:41
I can do it that way. I try to

Unknown Speaker 1:19:44
tell people that I can ask okay, well, I’ll see what I can come up with and then go from there. So

Unknown Speaker 1:19:55
should we does this need to be added as a

Unknown Speaker 1:19:59

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00
Whatever, we’ll just move forward and how we can put it on what we can do. Future agenda items, and then we’ll see what information you get. Get it back to you.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:10
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:13
And then Fred going, who is maintains the same way and was looking for a POS source to come up with a couple of options.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:25
There’s one psychologist and it prints anything but if you’re okay with passing around, I found

Unknown Speaker 1:20:33
one is in Fort Collins is listed for free. It’s they’ve recently restored Fred feels like it would be a good option for us. We’d have to pay to get moves just like we talked about, but it is a super free.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:46
There’s another one that

Unknown Speaker 1:20:54
was listed for 3000. And they’re willing to talk about

Unknown Speaker 1:20:59
offering it to us for 1000s are excited about, you know, it potentially being here at Callahan house.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:08
Can we see? Yeah, and Fred feels like the one for almonds is probably the better option. I think it’s less aesthetically interesting. But anyhow, here’s the four columns one if you’re a pastor or a person you can have you can scroll through photos, too, right? So widespread say they’re looking for compromises, because it’s probably musically It was recently restrung and they both been recently restored. It looks like the one in Fort Collins has been recently really strong. So I don’t know you know what all restoration typically takes place. But that that one’s been really strong. And price wise, it’s better preferring it for free rather than potentially $1,000

Unknown Speaker 1:21:54
is the way to go so I’ve reached out to both and heard back from both okay, I’m probably missing with your phone wrong, but I’m only seeing the one

Unknown Speaker 1:22:06

Unknown Speaker 1:22:12
And I actually had his son’s will just to my piano one for 1000

Unknown Speaker 1:22:18

Unknown Speaker 1:22:20
well I’m

Unknown Speaker 1:22:24
just getting the dimensions of age will be important. Yeah, I remember that we hear both uprights of they’re going to be similar to the last one that we looked at, right.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:36
Yeah, I remember that. Ideal.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:39
Look more today. So pray. And did you see that I’d like to

Unknown Speaker 1:22:48

Unknown Speaker 1:22:54
you all

Unknown Speaker 1:22:57
right. Hi.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:04
Five feet. So there Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:10
I do. Yeah, that’s $1,000 When

Unknown Speaker 1:23:15
it comes I gotta find the other one. If I just keep going on. No, he I can set it back up for it. I’m sorry. No, it’s fine. If they’re on Tuesday.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:25
You have to talk.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:27
It’s the prettier $1,000 one. Yeah. What is the purpose?

Unknown Speaker 1:23:34
That’s the whole lot.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:36
prettier. One was more expensive. It has been lease restored, but it’s maybe not really strong. So just you’re paying $1,000 for the pretty and what’s the customer string?

Unknown Speaker 1:23:52
not inexpensive.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:56
But we also what are we looking at? I mean,

Unknown Speaker 1:24:01
are we looking for the visual aspect? Or are we looking for the tone of it because we want it to be quite so

Unknown Speaker 1:24:13
well going to pick up often.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:16
And exactly how often is it gonna

Unknown Speaker 1:24:20
be a whole lot more exactly. So we need to pull about maybe the average year wouldn’t notice. And and the reason is a customer string it is we might get beauty in and it might just take us a few years to build up the funds to restrain Yeah, I was the $1,000 And I also think that’s what

Unknown Speaker 1:24:46
can we did you say this asana 3000

Unknown Speaker 1:24:56
They will come down to 1000 disabled that

Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
All right so what are the other ones?

Unknown Speaker 1:25:04
Just like the one in my house Oh, that was offered for free okay this one I keep in mind it would

Unknown Speaker 1:25:12
still have to pay some still have to pay

Unknown Speaker 1:25:15
so we’re talking more like 15 Something like that I think when we looked at movie as

Unknown Speaker 1:25:29

Unknown Speaker 1:25:36
you can do it

Unknown Speaker 1:25:39
with the costumers yeah

Unknown Speaker 1:25:45
go with pretty

Unknown Speaker 1:25:48

Unknown Speaker 1:25:54
and they were very much like we really wanted to go somewhere everything to be cared for, which just means they don’t care.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:01
You know?

Unknown Speaker 1:26:03
And it hasn’t been. I like the looks of the free one. Oh, okay, jus. Yeah, I like that simple look. I mean, it’s already ornate without hearing just because it is ornate.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:20
Did you see the the other

Unknown Speaker 1:26:23
realtor that I did look at I tend to like the more ornate one because it mimics the turning or like the pieces that are already here. And that’s the wood pieces here have ornate decorative

Unknown Speaker 1:26:43
frames I had first thought Yeah, it’s okay dimensions.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:49
The dimension

Unknown Speaker 1:26:53
might be

Unknown Speaker 1:26:55

Unknown Speaker 1:26:57
In my mind, the channel I have on today’s grandmother, and maybe her mother. And that was just down the street by central schools without penalize It was totally refurbished by Cindy pillars, rather, okay. And nobody plays it in my house teaching my grandson how

Unknown Speaker 1:27:22
my girls could care less that piano was gonna go

Unknown Speaker 1:27:27
when I’m gone. So what I want to do and I meant to do it earlier was get a hold of this piano tuner and have him come to my house and tell me if I can get the Magic Marker off keys

Unknown Speaker 1:27:43
tell me what my piano would be in terms of what you’re looking for. My concern was that it looked different from what sitting in there looks just like it’s the same dimensions. And it’s historic. I mean

Unknown Speaker 1:28:02

Unknown Speaker 1:28:05
Mumford son Yeah, she was alone. So it is smoke off and the town leaves who were he was the treasurer for the treasurer of Chicago. So it’s got a

Unknown Speaker 1:28:19
historic connection that would be good I need to see if it’ll clean up and there’s one key that doesn’t work. So I want to see if he can get show us because So would you please send me his info I have his son map Yes. Come and do mine so you sent it to me Yeah. And you suddenly see one store right what it needs to be restored

Unknown Speaker 1:28:44
it just needs to have that one key checked she wants to make and I need to have the figure out how to get the Magic Marker off

Unknown Speaker 1:28:52
we’re going to talk has been Restore has been restored. Okay. A few years that was that was like the big thing that Fred said that we want to look for. So has been restored.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:03
He was amazed on the son Matt came into my house and and work on my piano and I have a chip ring that

Unknown Speaker 1:29:15
making 40s But

Unknown Speaker 1:29:20
he was just fabulous. So

Unknown Speaker 1:29:25
Well, I think at this point what I’m hearing is those are possibilities but we would also like to consider what candy is proposing.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:37
Can you take a look at this info and please want him to go Yeah. Okay. I just want to

Unknown Speaker 1:29:45
History Connection of that. You know, who knows how fast he’s about.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:52
I don’t know that panels are flying off the shelf.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:56
You never know.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:59
If somebody

Unknown Speaker 1:30:00
gets their hearts out on something. They that’s what they want. So sorry. But do you really like the thought if we could have a historic tie into the community? Yeah, I agree. And it would do my part. So good to know that it was someplace that was yes. It’s both your girlfriend straightaway.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:21
Yeah, that was the other thing he mentioned. But both of these are like quality brands that were made. Well, you know, when they were made, yeah, there’s Derby, Connecticut

Unknown Speaker 1:30:32
was where it was name.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:34
It’s got serial number and everything. So there’s he looks at it, he’ll be able to Yeah, so the other thing is, is with what the wires are, what

Unknown Speaker 1:30:47
grade requires is huge. It because at a certain point, during like, during the war years and other things, they cheap down on the wires, because they use data use the metal. Yeah, other things. So depending on when it was rewired, and that type of stuff is a huge. Another cool thing about it, it was used during the Bicentennial, it literally came to our house moving company, moved it to the dickens opera house will be used. They used it during the

Unknown Speaker 1:31:22
somebody wrote

Unknown Speaker 1:31:24
vignette, or whatever it was about Chicago colony and employment history. And that was a piano that was you smooth hair just to play that for that.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:37
That’s so the tie in with this would be amazing. Lots of

Unknown Speaker 1:31:44
waiting. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:46
Yeah, okay. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:31:49
wow. I’ll send you that today if you can.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:54
Excellent. Okay. Just get dimensions.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:00
The dimensions of your camera. He’s amazing. He’s got this book that he can look everything up really quickly, once he gets the serial number. And he looks everything up. And just.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:11
That’s fabulous.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:14
And if you

Unknown Speaker 1:32:16
don’t know,

Unknown Speaker 1:32:19
I just want to mention that that in our packet is the quarterly report.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:25
If you’ve got any basically cables, if we have anybody have any questions about that, I love the format forgot it was

Unknown Speaker 1:32:39
really great information.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:44
I like the format I the reason I did that is to be

Unknown Speaker 1:32:49
to make it easier to be honest, based on how we gather information and how we keep track of information. So it’s more reflective of that so that it just transfers over really easily. Good. I really liked it. I thought it was much easier to read and sweet. Great. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:08
It’s like a new term for a baby shower. But on a smaller level or

Unknown Speaker 1:33:14
oriented as just like a gathering is more like celebrate the

Unknown Speaker 1:33:23
child’s Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:26
Yeah. So you hope you?

Unknown Speaker 1:33:30
Well, yeah. I guess the only thing we don’t really have is financial information. Do we need it?

Unknown Speaker 1:33:42
The last few that we’ve done.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:45
We talked about was doing it

Unknown Speaker 1:33:49
without about quarterly, which would be like next month. So we get to do

Unknown Speaker 1:33:56
I know well, can we

Unknown Speaker 1:33:59
really get like now, you can’t get a financial complete by now would have to be made to get the

Unknown Speaker 1:34:07
financial troubles wrong. But that was those we talked about.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:12
What would you like to see, I thought what was discussed at one of the board meetings is that we would be getting the numbers quarterly, make it easier for you and

Unknown Speaker 1:34:24
with the city Report reports, so we can do those, you know, additionally, April quarterly report can be available then in May.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:37
That’s how you want to do it.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:41
Basically, you know, it’s it’s basically the husband. It’s what is in the Annual Report,

Unknown Speaker 1:34:49
which just do it on a quarterly basis

Unknown Speaker 1:34:55

Unknown Speaker 1:34:56
breaks down. I’m about to use yours for you too.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:00
So you’re not constantly. Yeah, this is your, this is your quarterly, this isn’t something they can do every minute, right every month. So let’s do it the same information that’s in the annual report with the quarterly report. We will be about that. Yeah. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:19
So check this

Unknown Speaker 1:35:22
out. We I

Unknown Speaker 1:35:25
have it all I can get that stuff. Thank you. Okay. Anything else?

Unknown Speaker 1:35:36
Okay, moving on to items from the board, anybody? Um, I did bring that postcard in that I got from was a picture of the house, which I thought was interesting. I had received a postcard

Unknown Speaker 1:35:53
from my one friend

Unknown Speaker 1:35:58
the Monterey Broncos. And she, she goes all over the place and does archaeology.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:05
Things. And she had gotten and received some postcards from Longmont, specifically, that were written on.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:14
And one of them was the Callahan house. And so I brought the postcard and gave it to you. I don’t know where to put it, but scrapbooks, but

Unknown Speaker 1:36:26
it was interesting, it had awnings on it, the house should and

Unknown Speaker 1:36:33
but I thought it was a neat kind of thing. And I was wondering if you know, we’re looking at selling various different things maybe White might consider trench replicate an antique postcard and consider selling it with, with the books and

Unknown Speaker 1:36:53
pictures. Possibly, it was really kind of cool. I liked that aspect of it. And

Unknown Speaker 1:37:02
that was feeling

Unknown Speaker 1:37:04
like that, oh, I have a lot of experience with merchandise. And I’d like to expand our offerings, you know, a little bit appropriate way since we’re doing like a quarterly open house, but I think that kind of thing always sells. It does that because I know for a fact that’s something I would purchase. So I’m on whiteboard. Cool.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:29
That’s just one aspect of something and then the other thing that I did one that I know that we’re not listed to talk about it but

Unknown Speaker 1:37:37
I did go ahead and set up

Unknown Speaker 1:37:43
Blakey today and I apologize, Mr. Monroe, Sal, who come in redo the music for the

Unknown Speaker 1:37:54

Unknown Speaker 1:37:57
And I think you know, the great thing about that is then he can include us in his

Unknown Speaker 1:38:05
he’s kind of huge fun people

Unknown Speaker 1:38:08
and you could include us in his outreach as well to kind of

Unknown Speaker 1:38:14
that did help our numbers so yeah, I found he was very family friends and whatnot. So

Unknown Speaker 1:38:24
it’s kind of great repertoire he’ll work with us and do anything that he does he’s all upbeat about it. So did our RPM here’s a feature

Unknown Speaker 1:38:42
but you six

Unknown Speaker 1:38:48
I mean finding somebody that will work at that price and be enthusiastic plus we get their numbers

Unknown Speaker 1:38:57

Unknown Speaker 1:39:01
Anybody else I have two things why the historians brief and then the second is going to be a pleasant surprise for a second but I’m going to give this to Cindy so that you have it because I’m going to read this off plus you just relax and enjoy listening for read this off so that everyone can can hear this little story it’s free

Unknown Speaker 1:39:27
and I just so you know I gather the information that I’m recording to you all from It’s a compilation of several sources, some housekeeping books, some from old newspapers, some from

Unknown Speaker 1:39:40
tours to historian some from

Unknown Speaker 1:39:44
other research I’ve been doing. Here we go. So this is going to be the topic today is on clubs and get to the house. And I picked this because it seemed fitting for what we’re doing with our for business.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:58
So both Tom and Al

Unknown Speaker 1:40:00
So we’re active participants in lawless society. Tom had his clubs.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:05
And then Alice was a participant when many clubs she didn’t lady McCabe’s. So speaking about is that a historic club care of some of those historic clubs lady Maccabees at Columbine number 11am Eastern Star mutual improvement club, fortnightly Club, which club can seem to club and then of course our favorite the PDF. Chapter M was the first chapter of PEO here in Longmont and she is listed as the 37th member. There’s this beautiful history book for each member, as they’re initiated is finding. She’s the 37th member of the first chapter.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:46
And she was initiated in 1911 and was actively participating till they left the city.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:54
She often hosted club meetings here in the house, although really abilities clubs met, obviously within just their own homes or sometimes skin a fellowship hall in a church,

Unknown Speaker 1:41:09
Manhattan clubhouses, lodges in specific meeting locations. Anyway.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:18
So speaking about the Callahans in 1938, they decided to move to Reno, Nevada to be closer to other business interests that they had, as well as their only child Raymond and his family. They were living in California. So Tom and Alice are

Unknown Speaker 1:41:36
respectively 80 and 71 years old at that time, in May of 1938. Prior to them, Macau hands off the hip, the house to the city, and specifically experienced Woman’s Club building and sitting home. And here it is in a letter printed in the Daily Times called Tom wrote, quote, the men have their lodges and club rooms, and much has been done to provide recreation for the young folk. But the ladies seem to have been forgotten. This place will make an ideal home for club meetings and parties.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:14
So Mayor Ray Lanyon quickly called a special meeting of the City Council to take action on the Callahans proposed gift and the special meeting occurred on May 27 1938, wherein the Council voted unanimously to accept the territory property and authorize the city council, city attorney to drop the papers to effect the legal transfer. The recorded warranty deed was signed by Thomas and Callahan and Alice e cow. On June 11 2038, transferring ownership of the property to the city of Longmont. And then in the weeks following, the city council enacted ordinances to regulate the use of the territory property, a Callahan house board was authorized to take charge of the home and supervise its use by for the women of the community.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:01
So it’s just an important history to remember. And in part why we have our mission statement to remind us to preserve, maintain and promote the gift of the historic henhouse for the use and enjoyment of the llama community creating memories and providing a legacy for the future.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:22
Special history. So something just as a side note, inlays and Russell’s book,

Unknown Speaker 1:43:31
this is where this is where they got a piece of information. She got it listed that

Unknown Speaker 1:43:38
the city accepted it as a gift from Tom and Raymond.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:45
That’s not what happened. It was from Tom Ellis. And actually, there was a correction in the title work that was done in advance of the title work being transferred from Tom and Alice to the city. And that was because Tom was on title to this lot, the main house, our house was on title to that month, she bought the house from Mary Jones. And then Tom was on tight to the 30 foot strip of land

Unknown Speaker 1:44:19
that he purchased from eg Jones, different Joneses. And so, so to clear things up, right. They had to go ahead and let’s deeded her property to write Raymond. Tommy that his properties to Raymond. Then Raymond, turn around and deeded the entire property, all of the legal descriptions for lots and to both.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:49

Unknown Speaker 1:44:51

Unknown Speaker 1:44:53
two days to do it, right. You actually occurred? I’m not sure about that, but it occurred over some time.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:00
I, and I think in part they did that it wasn’t an advance. Because time it took time to get things

Unknown Speaker 1:45:11
notarized. It also took time to record the documents. And so you had to allow that process. I could share that time with you another. I did not bring those with you. But I do have copies of because I’ve printed out I’m sure you did. So I really don’t need to wrench into things. No, it’s just it’s just the history. And they were very purposeful in everything that they did. And

Unknown Speaker 1:45:36
so that is a piece of information you should be aware of. It’s in the scheme workbook. But that piece is not correct and quite, not quite right.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:47
So that’s something to remember, if we are doing reprinting that we could possibly make a correction in thinking about

Unknown Speaker 1:45:56
thinking about maybe writing another book is already on your radar

Unknown Speaker 1:46:10
might be the route we have to take

Unknown Speaker 1:46:15
as only a drink here. And so for my surprise.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:20
Along those lines, I have all kinds of weird papers at my house. This happens to be the deed of

Unknown Speaker 1:46:29
trust, I can yet release a deed of trust to Mary Jones for the property over there. And this was solid side to long term.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:42
Whatever deed of trust happens, it His name is on here and so is Herman or Hyman, Shai? Well, we haven’t quite figured out who we Yes. How he fits into this little stuff. This is Solomon shy, who released the deed of trust to Mary Jones, and I have the original at home but I can’t

Unknown Speaker 1:47:06
wait cool. I mean.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:10
Oh, yes. So the reason this is in here is because when I find you

Unknown Speaker 1:47:17
get needs to go to the white Museum, then this scrapbook?

Unknown Speaker 1:47:24
Sorry, Jacob. Shai was the attorney. That’s Yes. Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:31
So interesting.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:34
I find all kinds of weird stuff like she

Unknown Speaker 1:47:38
treasures, treasures, right? I don’t know what to do with all of it.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:45

Unknown Speaker 1:47:48
So onto my say hi, to your surprise. So I’ve been in contact with Blencowe

Unknown Speaker 1:47:54
because I Oh, Lynn Callahan. She is Randles one of brambles daughters. Oh, okay. And so she still is she still Callahan? She’s Mildred Lynn Callahan. She was named after her mother.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:09
Raymond’s first wife was Mildred born.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:15
They had Randall.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:19
And Northern born passed away.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:24
Early into their marriage.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:26
I think you may have read in the scan. She traveled up to the mainland. Yeah. So. But Randall came here to visit the house with his wife, Beverly, and his youngest daughter, Libby, back in July.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:47
Teens 7079.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:51
And they hadn’t been back since then. I was able to reach her and she lives in California and she’s taking care of her mom that relate who’s still

Unknown Speaker 1:49:04
she’s going to be turning 94 this year. Still sharp as a tack though because I’ve got to speak.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:11
Right, right. Libby is also in the area in California as well. And so Lynn and Libby would like to come and visit.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:22
Beverly is Is she here and unable to travel. But my hope is I’m helping you with your blessing. You can do this with that I can arrange a time to FaceTime with them so that I can let them tour through the house. Beverly can see because she when she was here. She did not get to go upstairs. They only had a tour downstairs. But

Unknown Speaker 1:49:52
so if it’s alright.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:56
To use it, she’s turning 94 Eastern

Unknown Speaker 1:50:00
Vietname Is there a limit that we could also send her a birthday card from a board? Yeah, absolutely. It would be in the fall, but

Unknown Speaker 1:50:14
I think that would be a nice added touch.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:21
Yes, she will

Unknown Speaker 1:50:25
probably be

Unknown Speaker 1:50:27
proud that so many

Unknown Speaker 1:50:29
said they’re excited because they have so much to share with us. And of course, we have lots to share with them.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:40
And it will be

Unknown Speaker 1:50:43
that continent is it right? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:47
That’s new. That’s really

Unknown Speaker 1:50:52

Unknown Speaker 1:50:54
What are you thinking on a timeline on when that would occur? I’m not sure yet. That will be entirely up to them. Well, as far as that travel out to visit that’s up to them.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:08
Lynne does take care of the family. So she’s kind of a primary care provider.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:14

Unknown Speaker 1:51:16
we’ll have to figure that out. But in the meantime, as far as doing

Unknown Speaker 1:51:22
a virtual tour, I’m hoping that can be done sooner. Sure. So make sure that always included it works.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:30
Wonderful. Thank you for doing that

Unknown Speaker 1:51:35
cool research

Unknown Speaker 1:51:40
Oh my goodness. It was great. It was great conversation. She’s like I could talk to you forever. I will listen

Unknown Speaker 1:51:49

Unknown Speaker 1:51:51

Unknown Speaker 1:51:54
I think that’s it. Entertaining adjournment.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:00
Second, all in favor, okay. never tempted.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:09
Move on to this

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