Video Description:
Historic Preservation Commission – Annual Retreat 2024
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Speaker 1 0:00
Okay, well officially call to order the annual retreat work session for the historic preservation commission Waldman. Can we have a roll call please? Commissioner Sibley Here. Commissioner Fenster. Here, Chairman lane, air conditioner going. Conditioner Jacoby view conditioner here. Okay, great. full commission here. So, next would be welcome introductions, Jennifer infuses our guests. Sure.
Speaker 2 0:37
And Josh will give more detailed introduction when he returns the item on the agenda. We have Josh ohada, who is fraud errors associates, the r&d consultant who’s working on our survey. So a big chunk of our agenda today will be devoted to that. One housekeeping item, I should say is to use your projected theater outside voices, setting up the camera can pick it up.
Speaker 1 1:06
Thank you. All right. Next, we’ll have public invited to be heard. So if there is anyone in the audience who wishes to make a comment now is your opportunity. Don’t there’s no obligation? Okay. Seeing no one who would like to make public comment? I will go ahead and close the public invited to be heard. And we’ll begin our discussion items. First order of business is quarter, second quarter of this year’s meeting time.
Speaker 2 1:40
Yes. So it was brought to our attention is calling to know the Safety and Justice building is undergoing some very extensive repairs. So they are going to be moving the courthouse or the courtroom operations to the city council chambers, starting in April. And while they are hoping to be finished at five o’clock every day, there is a chance that if that they may not be or that we’ll just bought right up to our meeting time. So just wanted to make everyone aware of that and suggest that we might want to consider pushing the meeting time to six o’clock temporarily. They anticipate it would be for April, May, June, maybe July. So basically all the second quarter. And obviously, as construction projects go, we just never know how this happened. But that’s what they’re projecting right now. Anyone needs to have extra.
Speaker 1 2:43
Oh, any thoughts from commissioners? Are we ever assists clock time better to avoid sitting in a room for 45 minutes waiting
Unknown Speaker 2:51
for the? Easier?
Speaker 2 2:57
All right, I will adjust. I will adjust the meeting invitation.
Speaker 1 3:04
Alright, so just when if we had many whether it’s Jennifer Maria, I’ve just never requested when that especially that first meeting that changes over, you know, like a
Speaker 3 3:17
bowl by the gutters. Cars.
Speaker 2 3:25
So play on them for the April for the day always April 4. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 3:35
Yes. All right. Great.
Speaker 1 3:38
That will be fine. All right. Next on our agenda would be the recap of accomplishments and progress in 2023.
Speaker 2 3:49
So looking back at what we’ve done in 2023, we actually have accomplished quite a bit, I think, and have made progress on other priorities that have been identified over the years. The Dickens barn transfer has officially is official as of last week when we finally got the plaque recorded. So we’re still you know, there’s still some final details on that. But that property has been has been joined to the city. So the next step will be stabilization. The farm there were some structural work that was identified by a structural engineer that we retained last year to do that assessment. So we’ll be looking at doing that.
Speaker 1 4:34
So, would it make sense to to proceed with a landmark okay.
Speaker 2 4:46
There are basically two next steps. What is it because there is a pot of money that that the developer dedicated to the city as part of the land as part of the foreign donation And that money is specific to using the stabilization. So we have a head start on that the next step would be landmark status for ultimately for state grants. That is something that kind of dovetails into the end, because also with that particular bar, we have several different there were a couple of different cultural resource surveys done. So we have it’s very well documented that it’s more than eligible for landmark status. Given its association with the Dickinson the Allied families who were significant to the founding in the early days of the city of Longmont. dovetailing with that is Tower compassion. So we did have that survey. Excuse me. Yes. With
Speaker 4 5:41
regard to the barn is there before its designation, actual designation, does it have any vulnerability to zoning or? renovations are?
Speaker 2 5:58
Yeah, because it is now city property. We own that. Oh, okay. So it was in a portion of there’s a, there’s a piece of property in the corner around the east side of town, the northeast corner of us Lincoln Drive, and can Pratt Boulevard highway when my team. And so basically, when that property was purchased for development, the original owner basically told the developer, No, we aren’t carving off a little bit, you got to buy the whole thing. And so a big swath of the property was a floodplain that was adjacent to greenways, quite a bit of that property is going to the cities and we own it, there’s no issue at all, you just have to get the work done. So we’ll be working with the parks and facilities first to stabilize it to secure it. To keep vagrants out of the building, it’s been pretty well secured already. So we so the next step will be landmark in as well. Like I said, dovetailing with that is the tower of compassion. So we did that survey, and finding of historic significance that we have that we’re now discussing internally to start that landmarking process. I’m meeting with the city manager next week to actually get this ball rolling. So what our assistant city manager Jenny marsh and I were discussing, and maybe we just tackled both of these landmarks concurrently and just get it done. So. So we’re moving forward with that as well. Don’t have a timeframe for that. But I am we are meeting with the city manager to make as early next week to discuss that. And what the process
Speaker 4 7:43
I noticed that there’s a neighborhood that has a banner display, which is titled tower of compassion. Is there some special interest of that particular neighborhood? That’s right off cartography.
Speaker 2 8:00
I actually am not familiar with that. So I know the parking in that tower is located within is part of the sophomore neighborhood. So it was you know, doing it was donated as part of that parks developer that Park was developed in the subdivision was developed by the Academy of Family. So I’m not certain, is
Speaker 4 8:25
there any reason why we should inform the neighborhood leadership? Because that neighborhood seems to have leadership,
Speaker 2 8:34
I wouldn’t be what we’re doing, I will be working with with us as we proceed with this process. I will definitely coordinate with our neighborhood services or coordinators, the NGO like coordinators. I’ll be coordinating with them on this as we move forward. So an
Unknown Speaker 8:51
area south of Collier. Okay.
Speaker 1 8:53
So notification processes for the landmark status will be so similar to that there is a here a public hearing, I believe
Speaker 2 9:00
so yes, I haven’t dug into the nitty gritty of it. So it’s been a while. It’s been a while. So just need to go through that section of the code again, but there is a plan of creation process. Yeah, so the next step at this point, like I said, meeting with city leaders to map out that path forward to get this taken care of. Speaking of color streets, that was another I think big win for the commission is at the February 13 meeting of city council, they did uphold the Commission or the historic preservation commission decision to deny that window replacement and also denied the certificate of hardship based on the fact that the applicant had not submitted the information so that we could not make make it render a decision different than what we were what you would originally renders. So I would say they upheld the Commission’s decision. I’d say that’s a big one for the commission. as well, you know, I think they’re getting a little more educated on sort of preparation processes. And as we move forward with the landmarking, though, the landmark projects, they’ll continue to get more familiar with it. So. And then the other final thing is going into the next agenda item is, we have started working sorry, plans. So we’ve got some initial GIS work done to show nappy work. And at this point, we’re using this retreat to really get in the from the commission. So that if there any other questions for me on the 23rd 2020, to recap
Speaker 5 10:44
this question, so I know our landmark forum, it’s actually pretty late.
Unknown Speaker 10:50
Yes, very, like is that
Unknown Speaker 10:53
actually do with that word?
Speaker 2 11:01
Oh, yeah. So and the other thing, the other good news is we do have, we do have a couple of us socio planners on on board. Milling neski is one of them she is they’re both going to be doing a lot of development review as kind of their initial version and onboarding, but she will be doing, assisting with some long range work. So I should have some assistance. So it’s not only sense, I’m also doing a few other things. So so we are working on doing sound. So she she started a couple of weeks ago, so like two weeks ago, so it’s yeah, she’s still very early. And so we are working on. We’re very, we’re slowly but surely getting snapped up. So. So stay tuned for yesterday, we are marking the landmark separately.
Speaker 1 11:55
At least for the time being since you brought up so that being said, support on the Community Development Director position, what’s
Speaker 2 12:03
going on the director. So I don’t actually know. My understanding is they’re doing a lot we probably do. Which is typical for that type of position. Currently, Greg headland is interim director, who’s our development and he’s our development review administrator. But he’s he is interim director, and assistant city manager, Jane Marsh, who was previously Planning and Development Services Director, she is going to take it over level of office and spending a fair amount of time as well. So she’s, they’re going to tag teaming all while the director type of activities. So make it work. So yeah, we’re making it work. You know, I’m picking up a lot of a lot of digital stuff as well. So we’re all kind of sharing. So we’re working on it.
Speaker 1 13:02
Any other comments or questions regarding wrap ups?
Unknown Speaker 13:10
All right. All right, cool.
Unknown Speaker 13:15
All lowercase all over.
Speaker 2 13:22
I’m gonna turn turn for the Joshua Hava to give an introduction of who he is and what eras is and dallies. And he’s going to lead us through some discussion exercises on
Speaker 6 13:40
I’ll get scanned if that’s okay. I’ll see you. Okay. Appreciate you all inviting me here to work with you today on a wonderful Saturday. It’s so nice. So I’ll be respectful of everyone’s time too. And I know you have some other agenda items, so we’ll move through it as quick as we can. So my name is Joshua, I’m our western planning lead and IRS associates. IRS is a multidisciplinary firm, nationwide firm. We have offices here in Fort Collins and Cheyenne. And I work on my home office and really most of the time, which is really nice for my family and everything. But in our development services, where I’m housed, we have planning, economic development, landscape architecture, and then also environmental our team does a lot with brownfield revitalization. We work with black communities on plan updates, code updates, we provide on call support services, which is what we do here in Longmont. We started that about a year ago based on the need from the city of just having some extra support so they can pick up the phone make a call. And that’s kind of where the survey plan approach kind of came from was that you know, we’re on staff we’re here to help and able to help you guys as needed with different tasks that may come up. And so my background I have been with EHRs for it’ll be three years this June, prior to that I worked for over a decade in the public sector. So just like that For I worked as a planner for municipalities, I worked in Windsor for five years. And I also helped oversee some of their historic preservation activities I was involved in early on and helping like the mill project, kind of transition into the new ownership, a lot of the downtown revitalization, facade programs, things like that I worked on. I also did a lot with survey tours and surveying old historic churches and other items there. So a lot of experience in historic preservation from that perspective. After winter, I was down in Broomfield for about five years similar to cower to planning and preservation support have revamped and helped overhaul their preservation program there and got it kind of moving forward and then shifted over to what we always call the dark side or the private consultant side. So, but happy to be here again, to work with you all today. Before we type into kind of the project and the goals and everything we’re going to talk about, that could go around get me your name, promise, I probably won’t remember it just takes me a while with names as long as you sit in your seats, but also curious, you know, how long have you been in Longmont? How have you been on the condition? And maybe, you know, what’s your kind of special skill or interest in historic preservation here in Melbourne? So
Speaker 5 16:21
I’m Holly Martin. I’ve been in Longmont for over a decade now. Without a commission for a few years, I don’t remember exactly come on me, and I am the state
Unknown Speaker 16:35
champs Joe and some of those individuals
Unknown Speaker 16:39
were lucky enough to have someone from the state
Speaker 6 16:51
I don’t ever claim to be the experts. But it’s nice to have resources like that. So thank you. All. Right. Yeah.
Speaker 7 17:04
30 years, maybe now, maybe this morning? And do I have any special skills and not particularly. I’m a retired doctor. I live in a historic home in historic district. And I’ve researched a lot of the history of the towns that it was
Speaker 6 17:27
also a passion interest for preservation community. Awesome.
Unknown Speaker 17:33
Doug Barnard, I
Speaker 3 17:33
put you on my phone just before COVID. Okay. And got lucky. Out here.
Unknown Speaker 17:42
Speaker 3 17:45
main, my main interest is the history and history of history. And so I studied history. And I practice it just been involved in a lot of public efforts over the years, identified this one as something that kind of brought some of my skills together. So kind of the non historical preservation person learning and growing at each meeting.
Speaker 4 18:18
Thank you. I’m Herbert Fenster. I’m about 89. And I have degrees in architecture and civil engineering, and a master’s degree in economics and Law degree. And I practice law in Washington for 60 years. Part of which I commuted from here because I moved out here to Colorado in 1979. And that’s my family. Thank you.
Speaker 1 18:55
Steve Leigh, laying on the current chair with architects. I’ve lived in London for about 14 and 14 years now. And a portion of my practice has been historic preservation, adaptive reuse. Everything from true historic restoration to loft better downtown Denver loft.
Speaker 2 19:26
Awesome, thank you. Suzanne Sidley. I’m an interior designer. I’ve lived in online now for about 10 years. And I got into cert preservation when I was in college because I switched trees so many times in the taking some Master’s classes while I was doing undergrad and preservation on but lots of interests in antiques in older homes and renovation stuff. So yeah. Cool, awesome. So preservation adjacent.
Speaker 6 19:59
So very different. screw up, I’ll make sure I don’t bash architects
Speaker 6 20:08
or the attorneys. So it’s kind of a joke in the planning, landscape architecture, architecture engineering each other, so that’s fine. It’s all good fun, but no appreciate having everyone here and your unique perspectives. So our approach here, I think, has stepped back with kind of the survey plan. As you can imagine, there’s a lot of different ways to go about doing survey plan work and strategies, things like that, you can do it, you know, kind of a quick hit when you can also spend a year plus and this really thick, detailed document. My approach with any work in preservation work has always been had that right size approach and be more methodical and targeted to help kind of move through the implementation get to the actual doing stage of things. And so the way we’ve kind of set up the scope working with Jennifer and the team is worth kind of like a strategic plan approach with the survey plan and identifying, you know, what’s what’s existing. So having that existing analysis snapshot of the work that you’re often doing, and continue to do, obviously, a couple of examples presented earlier. But then also diving into the what are the future opportunities within the community? Are there existing survey properties that need to be re surveyed? Maybe, maybe not? Are there new neighborhoods that we need to consider? Obviously, with 50 years, it seems like every year, it just keeps ticking along, right. And it’s harder to get caught up on all the older neighborhoods, but then also with long months development pressures. And you probably all have seen that where you’ve seen homes or neighborhoods get raised or get added on to and you’re like, oh, my gosh, I wish if only we had XYZ done this at this time. But so again, our approach is really look at for more of that strategic plans, you know, a concise document that covers that history and kind of the next steps, that then gets you more of a strategic action plan have identified neighborhood areas, what the costs are roughly with that. So I have a colleague, who holochain knows Tim Stroh, he’s a architect by trade preservation is by Trey, very knowledgeable on history and architecture and buildings and the area. So he’ll be kind of helping me on the side with the analysis. Once we identify some of these neighborhoods, he’ll come out and we’ll be driving through some of the neighborhoods, just to get a feel of what there is, what are kind of the characteristics of each of those neighborhoods, not the full detail, you know, reconnaissance or windshield survey or anything like that. But more of a was this place feel like what are some of the attributes we want to protect or keep in mind with a survey with a future survey effort. And then we’ll work with a few preservation specialists that do a lot of the detailed survey work, or the designation work, so they can provide a general idea of costs associated with each of those areas. And then kind of a prioritization and funding opportunities, which, of course, Holly will know all the funding opportunities. So appreciate that.
Speaker 6 23:10
So that’s kind of how we’re seeing this, this survey strategy planning, I probably say like eight words, or the whole title, but we’re that strategic plan approach. So really excited to be able to do this, taking shape over the next couple of months goal is by kind of a mid end of May to have some draft, back over to Jennifer to review, probably come over to this commission to also review and then be able to June to come back and present that report for final exams. And again, thinking at some age type report, it’s not going to be one of those really big details, have all your history, read document and other documents, because one, you probably already have that in all places. And to that we’ll go into the more detailed survey worthy actually do with each of those. So again, our goal is to get you into the doing stage of work, which I know that’s what you all want to do here. So any questions with kind of the approach and the timeline and scope and I heard Holly say that’s fascinate is really fast. So keep me busy
Speaker 4 24:15
will you have divided Walmart Kwadwo into neighborhoods if we wanted to have arbitrary this certainly arbitrary histories of particular neighborhoods, we would have some basis for doing that. So
Speaker 6 24:38
that’s going to be part of our activity today that we’re going to do a little bit we’re gonna be looking at some maps and you’re gonna help us define what are some of those target areas mean you know the neighborhood better than I do? You know, if you were those kinds of lines roughly are drawn. And again, when we do have our card, kind of quick drive around for a day here and this next this month later. April, really sorry, two weeks away from April, we’ll drive to some of those targeted neighborhoods that you all helped identify today to understand where some of those edges roughly are understand, like, we may not have the exact like it’s at this street or this alley, but this is the area, that neighborhood area. And then what are some of those unique characteristics that we’re looking to preserve based on time and architectural details? So that’s part of our exercise today that we’ll do. And we’ll bet, if that helps.
Speaker 5 25:30
Other than talking about the draft to the final report at our meetings, is there a public aspect.
Speaker 6 25:37
And so this one generally, is this part of the Commission’s meetings, so kind of open meetings, since it is more of that strategic plan approach. And it’s really helping you identify those. And then I think the next stage, when you get into the full detailed survey planning efforts, that’s when you pull the community and more because that’s one of those, you can go a lot different directions. And that’s what we kind of agreed was probably the best approach for this, again, to get you into that next step, getting some funding opportunities, things like that, to work with the community. Because of course, you might document like, well, they know, right, as property owners and everything like that, they have more insights, and even you guys here at the table, so So yeah, that’s, that’s when you’ll take that deeper dive into that next phase, and worked with some of those specialists that really work in that because, you know, it’s one of those, I could say, I could do some of that survey work, like the neighborhood survey details. But there’s people that specialize in that they do it efficiently and thoughtfully, and they just do their stuff. So it’s like, rely on them. That’s why we can utilize their knowledge to help identify the costs as part of the Strategic Action Plan. So if you think of kind of like that matrix table structure is kind of what you see the last part of the overall document. Obviously, the more we identify neighborhoods and prioritize and understand, okay, this neighborhood scaling, development pressures, this neighborhood is just getting old unknowns, but money in our efforts into it, we should probably document what’s here before that wave comes in and changes what could be there, or the western side of community, right wildfire impacts, you know, those that are in areas that are at risk due to wildfires and flooding, which I think and hail, kind of three core things here get along by Think Outside snow. But
Speaker 1 27:22
if I can make one little comment about, you know, because you’ve mentioned development pressure a couple times, yeah, and I want to, at least this is my perspective, I want to be sure that this exercise is not necessarily about preserving everything that’s over 15 years old, right? Because we do have its development pressure, but it’s also like affordable housing pressure, right. And so that when you say affordable housing pressure says, it sounds nasty. But those are things that are going to compete. And I think it’s going to be important if somebody goes in and destroys to do a project in an area that you know, where the homes are over 50 years old, but they don’t have a massive amount of significance. And they don’t have a richness that they don’t end up getting bogged down and in the privacy assumption morass, because they just happen to be over 50 years old, the goal is to really identify pieces and parts that are that are, that are that would be really critical to say and understand that
Speaker 6 28:26
that not is not going to happen everywhere. Preservation history versus old. Yeah. Yeah. And when I say development pressures, it’s development, revitalization, reinvestment, it’s kind of all those pieces, I’m just using broader terms. So
Unknown Speaker 28:40
because that has a tendency to be looked at. And that’s what we’re gonna
Unknown Speaker 28:43
dive in with a couple of our answers.
Speaker 2 28:46
Related to documentation may not be saving other needs to at least what is it
Speaker 6 28:57
might be a higher study, higher analysis, just hey, this neighborhood was created during this time I have this role in the community. And maybe that’s it. And it’s great for new housing opportunities for affordable housing, there’s we have any role
Speaker 4 29:09
in deciding whether it’s going to be preserved or scraped.
Unknown Speaker 29:17
So I think that’s
Speaker 4 29:20
asking in the most general sense, yes. So
Speaker 6 29:23
I would say it starts here with some of the activities we’re going to do. We’re going to talk over some of your goals, some of your challenges you see, with preservation in your effort as individuals on the commission. And then we’re going to pull out some apps and you’re going to serve to draw some of those areas that you think we should focus on that we should identify and look into a little bit further and make a part of this strategy plan to prioritize. And we’ll probably visit back with you all in that May timeframe to go over that action matrix and help prioritize those areas. And then I think your work with the survey plan and designation work. That’s where I think that this commission has that opportunity. To decide some that, yes,
Unknown Speaker 30:00
are you good to do all alone.
Speaker 6 30:03
So we’re looking at generally the whole city area. So if there’s certain properties, you know, way out in the edges of the community that maybe 1980s or 90s, some of us like, even though they may not exactly hit 50 years, it’s very good to have on the radar. And it might be a lower priority for something, like 10 years, let’s, let’s focus on looking at this because this is an important farmstead or something else. I always think it’s a good idea to not just say, if yours is are cut off, because I tend to do that work. Now we’re 20 more years, and it’s like, oh, shoot, we got to go back. And we missed something. So it’s always kind of looking ahead to, and one
Speaker 2 30:39
of the starting points within the maps out is you do have a map layer, basically, that identifies everything in the city that was planted 50 or more years ago. So that’s, we figured that would be a really good starting point, just to kind of give us a reference.
Speaker 6 30:55
Yeah, we have the subdivision site. And then we took from the assessor the year built, which, of course, is as close as you can get, obviously going, there could be some variability there. But each parcel then is color coded based on your bill. So you can get an idea of where the concentration is where those outliers that you maybe like, maybe we need to look at that. I don’t know what’s out there. Just see if that’s important.
Speaker 7 31:19
So that’s gonna take up, I noticed wandering around town biking, jogging through it, there are old homestead houses plopped in the middle of so this system will.
Unknown Speaker 31:33
That’s our that’s our interest.
Speaker 6 31:34
Okay. Yeah, you could have just a spot in the surrounding of a suburban neighborhood that, you know, this doesn’t have any significance. But maybe that one does. Great. And you want to take a deeper dive into it as a commission, and community?
Speaker 5 31:48
Yeah, so I think my I think this sounds wonderful. My only concern with the direction we’re going down to identify neighborhoods and properties is that this is not a very diverse group of people. And also a very diverse people who might know some, you know, different things about Hispanic neighborhoods or Asian American, or other things like that, like, how are we accounting for those kinds of cultural biases when we’re trying to do this?
Speaker 6 32:22
Yes, I think that’s a good question. I think it starts here with just the discussion if there is more needed, think that’s a conversation that Jennifer and I have to decide, you know, do we need to reach out to a subject matter expert in that area, or in that part of the community, there’s good representative of that community to provide us some of those insights. Because, you know, phone calls, very easy and quick one on one, I live in Greeley. So for me, it’s not hard to come down. My wife has some family here in town. So it’s, it’s nice anyways, to come down and visit. So yeah, I mean, those are the kinds of things that what’s that’s what’s nice with the ideas, we scoped everything we have kind of a budget idea has been proved. If there’s those little add on things that add value to the overall project, the fact that we have a non causal relationship is that we can look at, okay, a couple more trips is this, let’s wait till we get towards the end and see if we just need to modify budget, a minor amount, cover some of those additional asks, which we’re happy to be flexible with and understand. And
Speaker 2 33:22
we can definitely, you know, from my side, I plan to touch base with our GLA, folks. And, yeah, in terms of looking at that as well, just making sure that we’re not as we get, you know, drafts put together, talking about, what are we missing? Are there areas that we haven’t thought about? Other communities?
Speaker 4 33:49
Yes, do you have some predetermined protocols for managing neighborhoods, which contain institutional buildings? Schools is one example of that, but not the only one, schools, libraries, etc.
Unknown Speaker 34:08
So in terms of like partnership, or conversations,
Speaker 4 34:10
how large the neighborhood should be, what should it contain? What are the limitations?
Speaker 6 34:17
So I think that gets into more of just identifying the area of the school helped to kind of establish or that public building helped to kind of create a certain neighborhood area that I think we start to identify those boundaries as best we can, at this level that drive some of those areas. I know, Jennifer, your thoughts on that component? Public buildings, and I feel like
Speaker 2 34:40
it’s a component of the overall community and it’s kind of the approach you described, is probably accurate. I mean, look at the area that those buildings would serve. In the case of schools, you know, kind of the neighborhoods historically served. So that’s, that’s going to be something that we will Look at and I do know a couple of our neighborhood schools are a couple of our historic schools are landmark. Yeah. Socially. Yeah, we do have a couple of landmark schools already. So yeah, so we do have a little bit of a basis for that. So
Speaker 6 35:20
questions before we dive in? Well, so the first activity is I’m gonna have you all strive if you’re able to, if not, less known effort to know, I can my scribble writing probably doesn’t do justice. But what I’m gonna do is handle some stickies, the first thing we’re going to do and you’re welcome, what we’ll do is we’ll use this on the start and we’ll ensure if you guys use someone else, so the first thing that I want to do is understand what are your as an individual goals with moving in through the survey strategy plan and moving into surveying properties and also designating property so kind of a multi tiered approach, but looking at it from your lens, you know, as as an individual on this commission, you know, what, what drives you? What’s your motivation for establishing kind of that, that process and those steps and so I’ll give you some stickies, right, a few different thoughts on those and then we’ll talk about most universal I take the next five minutes for each of you to kind of write those out individually and think through that and then we’ll move into the simple
Speaker 6 36:30
ones otherwise I have some too I think Jennifer has some resources to help you with you okay, that’s it just thinking of like what’s your goals what’s motivating you as part of this survey effort what do you think that does for the community right going through the survey process going through the designation process thank you
Unknown Speaker 37:08
is that it was true
Speaker 2 37:14
that I’m not aware of me if I had existed anywhere I’m sure that change
Speaker 6 37:30
metro to sometimes domestic exercises and process mapping stickies I think everyone here unfortunately
Speaker 6 37:58
Oh through this challenges the mapping will take a while for format ops and figure estimation which is fun
Unknown Speaker 38:20
such a good insight
Unknown Speaker 38:29
into my position
Unknown Speaker 38:49
Unknown Speaker 38:55
Unknown Speaker 39:10
Doesn’t matter
Unknown Speaker 39:28
Speaker 6 39:53
questions What’s inelastic is being read And then you get a report out that’s even better as you get to kind of describe yours and don’t get stuck up on the board
Unknown Speaker 40:10
and I wasn’t drivers
Speaker 6 40:19
perfect and then on top of the lower one so the tool that has a handle to a whole chain of blocks
Speaker 6 40:54
awesome give a couple more minutes. Never want to cut someone off from writing but of course if you have other ideas while we’re talking, we can definitely capture those hear something from someone else that trigger something we can definitely capture that.
Unknown Speaker 41:09
Yeah, for sure.
Unknown Speaker 41:22
Very good. Okay.
Speaker 2 41:35
I like it all the time.
Speaker 5 41:49
Nice things is being honest. I know in your professional life, I’m not here because it’s different.
Unknown Speaker 42:10
Was there a reason why you gave us such a small path to
Speaker 6 42:12
write on? Yes. So you had to be concise because you’re willing to just feel that you can be concise and break it out if you need to, in the multiple cities, sometimes. Sometimes they give a Sharpie because you can only write so small.
Unknown Speaker 42:29
It’s quick ideas. It’s quick brainstorming.
Speaker 6 42:32
When I do I’ll work with who’s due process mapping to them, although in addition to processes and stuff, so I’ll do process mapping on the big butcher board paper across the walls. And so he’s a sticky a Sharpie. So you can only put about three to four words, you have sticky notes, it used to be concise on your task, and very end, you start seeing the AMS ads and like those are all different stickies. And then they start to see the process like, not like I’m talking about lying. And just think that’s what the development community is experiencing when they work with you, tax consultants and developers. There’s always that lightbulb moment. Awesome. Well, let’s go ahead and start reporting out. And of course keep right your thoughts. If you have them. If you hear other things, go ahead, and I can grab the stickies or you’re welcome to bring them up and stick them down. So we have this board here that’s going to be kind of our goals, motivators, drivers, cetera, that we’re going to place all the stickies on so you want to start discussing yours and you can either come up or I can do it as if you won’t be able to stretch or not. That’s your choice. Sure.
Speaker 2 43:41
I might have had all sorts of privacy. When I got involved in the Commission on I live on the northwest side of town, my house was built with CC and my my experience with preservation and always Victorian all the stuff from the 18 hundred’s Civil War, whatever. And that’s all great. But when I moved to my side of town, like okay, it’s terribly, you know, there’s not much money, much insurance or anything like that. What do we do with all this stuff? There’s crazy hotels that are you know, infested with math. And once we’re cool and like really cool with exactly. Cool old sewing store that was a restaurant that looks like an old log cabin leftover from whatever. So there’s some really neat stuff and some old historic signs and whatever. And, you know, to your point earlier, not everything needs to be preserved because there’s a lot of junk. Just Go. On the flip side, what are some creative ways to deal with this on? Yeah, because again, not that I want to see anything good and reasonable downtown to get removed. But those are areas that at some points. And so that’s that’s my big thing. So that’s probably for stickies. And, yeah, what else? Oh, and the other thing, too, is really to educate on different eras and different types of history. Because there’s, I’ve been in Colorado now 12 years, and in Longmont about 10. And, you know, there’s a lot of things that are very different here from where I grew up outside of Detroit. And so, like sugar beets, wow, that’s a big thing. Like, what is this all about? And so, I think for us, this is a, an area that is growing so fast, and there’s people from all over coming in, they don’t know those things. And so they need to, because I think that, you know, with that knowledge, becomes easier to say, Listen.
Speaker 6 46:16
It’s awesome. It all ties into also the housing. Scott was saying earlier about affordable housing. How did the housing come to be what it was, why was it sighs away or built the way to do with workers at the time and the needs at the time, the evolution of the community
Speaker 2 46:31
kills me, I work for a builder right now. And so all of our houses are now three storeys tall, and you may or may not have a garage, and may or may not have parking. And I live in this, like old, you know, dumping area that yeah, I have to write about hail, I have a party. And so, you know, maybe those things haven’t been unusual or different. But, you know, certainly. So. So what do you do with it, you know,
Unknown Speaker 47:03
some great insights judge.
Speaker 3 47:06
Just before we keep going around, could you maybe explain to me the outside of what the survey is?
Speaker 6 47:15
Yes. So I can start, like Jennifer and Holly correct me and or fill in. So the intent of the survey, the base understanding of the survey is to identify the historic properties and those properties that have historical integrity within the community, that really kind of lead towards either a designation or understanding the history of an area or a neighborhood or a community. And so you can use surveys at a lot varying levels, and a lot of different needs, you know, if you’re looking at property survey versus neighborhood survey, so that all kind of leads into those different things. So it’s really looking at the history and the evolution of how those buildings came to be, as we just talked about with housing in general, how that schoolhouse come to be, what is the history behind it, and who are the important figures in the community maybe at the time that were associated with that. So it all ties into those various categories that are part of kind of the designation criteria of properties, both from your local ordinance as well as the National Register criteria, the Secretary of Interior standards. So other thoughts to build off that
Speaker 5 48:24
question is, so as you guys are identifying these different neighborhoods and develop the strategic strategic plan? Are you looking only at like, what would be our local ordinance or like consumer code is local, or state has to be a national registered neighborhood?
Speaker 2 48:43
It’s on the table. It’s on the table. And likewise, in that neighborhood versus that individual property, their individual properties that you’re aware of within neighborhoods that we don’t have surveys on or you might need some more documentation indicate those as well let us know what those are.
Speaker 6 49:03
Yes, that because there are some things that are very unique Longmont, right, that fit more long months ordinance versus maybe the state or federal governments, you know, based on integrity or relevance from a historical perspective. So it is important to understand all lenses if there’s
Speaker 2 49:19
like a weird, I mean, even if there’s just something weird, I think back to my hometown, there’s this one dive bar on a urine highway that just looks like a cinderblock building but it’s rare. Leonard Skinner played their first show
Unknown Speaker 49:36
significant history,
Speaker 2 49:37
but an outsider might do likewise, cinderblock box is more so kind of that kind of cultural that local cultural knowledge so late
Unknown Speaker 49:49
tangent, ZZ Top are coming to a Blu ray now.
Speaker 2 49:56
There’s not a single original member I haven’t have
Speaker 6 50:13
any other questions or comments on on suicides and insights? So kind of I just jotted a couple notes. Of course, we have all your details there. But really, it’s preserving those key history, preserve key history and integrity, you know, really identifying those key elements that make up long months history and the culture here, over the various decades and times, that may or may not be the sexiest looking things are the most traditional looking things. But things are important here, for the community at large. And also the education portion that goes with that. Were kind of two big things I had pulled out of your really great notes here. Yes, sir.
Speaker 4 50:53
What kind of a product or you were We were together? Are we going to produce? Is it going to be a product that it has a physical embodiment document? In the setting documents? Yes, that are available to the public? Do have? Are we at a point yet? Where we can begin to frame its content? Yes.
Speaker 6 51:20
So I have my colleagues who are helping me with the report some of the history analysis and background analysis, they’ve created an outline structure that we’re kind of working through. And as we get more information, we kind of adjust that. But it is a report,
Speaker 4 51:33
that’s going to be our structure. Also, what’s that? Is that going to be our structure also.
Speaker 6 51:39
So working with Jennifer, we’re going to talk through what that structure looks like based on our scope for the project. And that’s where we’re going to do more of that introduction, kind of what are the goals of this report, dive into existing conditions, you know, where those existing neighborhoods have been surveyed, the areas have been surveying community, some maps. So some of the maps here that we’ll go through will be refined, made to look really nice for report, some graphics and photos, some illustrations there. And then we’ll dive into kind of the work we’ll do there today, or here in a little bit, which is more of a what are those potential next neighborhood areas or properties that should be identified for further survey work? And then we’ll have that action matrix, there’ll be a couple pages at the end is,
Speaker 4 52:22
are you going? Are you Are we going to produce a product that will be available to the public, the public can carry around to identify as Dr. Joe walks through various neighborhoods, where it is and what the significance of okay, where it is. So
Speaker 6 52:43
there’ll be part of the next phase that this will help inform will be that more detailed survey or reconnaissance, when she’ll serve a full detailed historical survey on those specific properties and neighborhoods where you will have the photos, the whole breakdown, the form that you fill out for a property. And so that’s more of the detailed survey that this project will inform as far as
Speaker 4 53:09
we are going to produce a product that is useful to the
Unknown Speaker 53:13
public. Absolutely, yes.
Speaker 6 53:14
Yeah. Because these are, these are like things that like this is phase one of probably three phases, or four phases. So phase one is this strategy plan under should seem where should the city you’ll identify and target your resources and pursuits, because they’ll help you as you go pursue grant funding to say, we’ve stayed we’ve analyzed this as kind of our priority list. And you’ll be able to start chipping away at Phase two would be that more detail reconnaissance full full historical survey of either neighborhoods or properties based on your priority list. Phase three could be designation, it could be or it could three and four, it could be either designation of those areas, education, could be tours, walking, digital walking tours. So you kind of have a lot of different iterations, a lot of great deliverables along the way that are fully public.
Speaker 2 54:03
This is the first step. This is the first tool that blocks that we’re putting together. So we should probably start going through this. Because I’m
Unknown Speaker 54:14
great conversations, though. I do love
Speaker 5 54:15
this. I was just wondering if it might be helpful to remind the historic preservation commission. So we keep saying, you know, buildings more than 50 years old, but let’s not make that we have four criteria. So we’re interested in buildings that are important to our social history may have been related to important individuals in our city’s history that are architecturally engineering. Important, and then the last ones are LG gentlemen. So three, three criteria. So that’s what what neighborhoods is moving forward with needs. Kind of those three criteria importance Does that help? Because we still always, I think that’s the unsaid things because of historic preservation is, we have to align with the Historic Preservation Act and what their criteria are. Is that helpful, Commissioner Fenster? And
Speaker 6 55:19
that looks you can go between the old versus reservation. Yes.
Speaker 5 55:28
important architectural, or engineering? And that’s good. To know.
Speaker 6 55:37
We’ll also have an area that has a unique situation. Yeah. Yeah. Those are great points. Sorry, I made some assumptions that some of you guys already you all probably use some of the criteria. So thank you.
Unknown Speaker 55:48
We do but we don’t have
Speaker 6 55:51
perfect. live it every day you wake up today.
Speaker 6 56:01
Excited? So. So let’s keep rolling around to get everyone else’s insights. So yes, sir.
Speaker 1 56:06
Chairman. So my vision would be that we ended up kind of mapping out these neighborhoods, right, when we have this, again, I’m a graphic version, or visual person would be nice to have this like graphic where we have different colors, and these are the different neighborhoods and how they developed, right, so you could really absorb it really quickly. In terms of timeline, and then within that you could document you know, sort of the typical architectural styles of those particular neighborhoods, right, based, again, on the timeline, identifying high value properties, within those neighborhoods, and particularly, on the fringes that might be one offs, like these old, you know, are there cultural properties in barns on the edge of town, sort of thing that aren’t necessarily part of neighborhood development. And then finally, the, you know, one of the end goals is, with all of that expansion, to then educate people in those neighborhoods, that, hey, there’s some resources that are actually available to you, and to your property to maintain, you know, its its significance, maintain its integrity over time, even though you don’t live, you know, in the historic site or something like this, all the stuff is still available to you.
Speaker 6 57:24
I think education is something that as a commission you’re always doing, because there’s always a bad example of something that happens, or an extreme community example from somewhere else, that we won’t need communities, we all probably know who we’re talking about. But right, they then completely skewed that mentality where then you’re like, back to the drawing board, you’re like, No, this isn’t what it really means. This is what it is. So really appreciate that. So yeah, well, I know what I can do, you
Unknown Speaker 57:52
go ahead and just write
Unknown Speaker 57:54
or do user,
Speaker 4 57:56
you know, well, I’ve stated already. So my objectives. But before I launch into that, I live in an area that’s called Fox Ridge. And Fox Ridge is a series of buildings, three storey high at the most, some only two storey all wood frame, and spread out over a large area. So you have a rental property there that covers maybe 2020 acres. And it never would be built, again, because of its lack of density. And it has an historical significance for just that reason, two and three storey frame series of structures, but it has great future significance for that reason. And I’m wondering whether we’re going to pick up some of these last month and fuel your areas. And that that one really is the killer in this survey, so that people will realize, even if they’re not looking at history, quiet history, they’re looking at an area that has particular significance, because it’s not reproducible.
Speaker 6 59:28
I think it adds something that’s what’s really interesting of black communities in the front ranges as they’ve grown, right? They start with some of these more rural estate type neighborhoods around the perimeter to kind of treat that band right that Trent, that transition man, that as the population has continued to increase and revitalization to communities then that that growth has occurred, which then has either taken up some of those neighborhoods or leaked over those neighborhoods, and then they become kind of a pocket. And then a lot of people wonder, what why are they here and it’s like, well, they played a part in terms of framing the cover Unity at one time, they were like that, that edge. If you think of urban planning, there’s always a core. And then there was a first tier ring around the community, and then a second ring, and it just continued out over the years. And so it does play to the community’s history and, and what was considered kind of the growth edge and the transition to the rural interface. So it is important from those elements. So that’s perfect. Awesome. Anything else ever? All right, Doug.
Speaker 3 1:00:28
So I’m not sure whether these fit in or not. I think the question of local, getting getting current on local projects, so local preservation projects that are in play right now, and see where those fit into the, into the surf, whatever that’s status and timings are. We’ve talked about a couple of them already today. But there are others out there. And they kind of pop up here and there. And I think we have a central area for all those that would be quite helpful. And to the public to that would include things like we had a lot of different inputs on the sugar mill. And there was it was part of one of the things that people voted on was how you was possible use this shirt that was voted down. So now it’s all back in the air. And there’s other open space areas like that, that we get, we hear about every once in a while, and if some of these could be historically significant. So I think that’s just one general area, the whole concept of local preservation and, and rebuild projects. Service should have some whether it’s what on which stage, it would be some tracking of changes of public opinion, over time, that we measure the effectiveness of various initiatives and programs. So where we are now is a good baseline, what public opinion is right now. And then as we move along a year from now, or whatever, you would then re measure that target to ask ask about what what do you think of this sorting through that and see if it’s having any change that would buy that would include what what Holly’s talking about, which is that when we’re tracking public opinion, we’re careful to make sure it’s a diversified response. So we’re getting it may not be polling, it may be local discussion groups, targeted, it’s currently discussion groups. And that would come back to the last one, which is feedback from residents, businesses and other stakeholders in the communities.
Speaker 6 1:03:20
think those are great elements. And I see those kind of trickling in a little bit here. And then really, as you ramp up some educational efforts in that next before you move into that next wave, because I think that’s what’s great as you what we’re going to provide with the matrix and the priority list. It’s your living document. And it’s gonna be given to you in a way that you can go in you can adjust your priorities, if there’s public input and a shift in perception or interest into other areas or some high risk thing happens in two years that we don’t know about, you can go in and adjust that. So that way you can prioritize for the commissioner for the community. So I love that. Those insights. Thank you so much. Moving right along.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:05
Well, two stickies
Speaker 7 1:04:07
I put down here first. opposite of each other one is flush out research of old homes in the historic West Side neighborhood. And I wrote that just because I don’t know if any of you have gone and you can point this is accurate. But this is a cultural resource survey. It’s done one month just disappeared because my battery’s dying. See, combat. So if you look at this, you can see the east side and you can see the west side there’s nothing research beyond Pratt Street. And the West Side Historic District is much larger than the east side. And so I know the east side has been very active and has gotten grants to do some of the research and has worked with the city promote other grant research. So surveys have been done multiple times on the east side, the West Side is way behind. And if it is, again, the historic district, but there’s no restrictions on developments within historic district, we really need to research that, to recognize what’s there to appreciate it to preserve it. So that was the first thing I said, push out research on the historic west side and then expand recognition of houses and neighborhoods outside the historic districts is certainly everything.
Speaker 7 1:05:29
And goals of this whole process should be to encourage awareness of preservation options with the recognition. I think one thing is the first step is to recognize what’s out there. And to document it, yes, but I think what we really have to do is encourage the community to recognize it. And so reservation can continue. That was this one, right recognize common homestyles with unique features. So things like ranch homes are a dime a dozen. But we have a little neighborhood over here where all the ranch homes are tilted on an angle. And it’s neat. There’s all kinds of theories why that’s there. It’s something that I think could be missing some surveys. But again, little things like that neighborhood unique and all the cells looking for stuff like that, I think would be a goal. I wrote down here highlight Hispanic history of long months, which has been long neglected and other minorities at the saving places contracts for college had two tiny little pamphlets, one on African Americans in Fort Collins, and one on Hispanics in Fort Collins. They’re tiny for the city, but it’s a 250,000 people. You don’t even have enough information for one little pamphlet on every minor online as it exists right now, as far as I know. So I think encouraging more information there is this
Speaker 7 1:07:04
recognize disappearing are unique, medium age structures that are not yet old enough to be special yet scratch, because it certainly you know things go from being new and pretty neat, to being kind of old, ignored to being downright dumpy. And then it’s old enough to be special. And we had to find those dumpy things that are kind of unique and recognized.
Speaker 6 1:07:29
Middle Aged tones. Those are perfect. I think what I’m hearing is there is that kind of education component. And I again, I think that is always so critical. And that’s something that I always pushed as a staff person was like, let’s work on our education. We kept building new information, and revising, build new information. So I don’t know what the rest of your guys’s agenda after I leave is, but I’m sure you guys will talk probably over your education strategies for this year and kind of your approach. I think that’ll be fantastic. And hopefully this tool that we’re providing will kind of help with that visibility. And, you know, what’s the commission doing? Well, hey, this is what we’re doing. We’re wanting to document the history, we’re wanting to understand those those unique neighborhoods, those unique properties. And hey, come along with us for the journey at this next stage. Awesome, Holly. Last but not least,
Speaker 5 1:08:20
I think that I’ve gotten my thoughts boil down to one, I think, I think ultimately, what I would like to see as we move forward is that historic preservation should align with similar other goals as a city, into the city’s interested in portable housing the city has interests in in the environment is concerned that a historic preservation plays a role in all of those things. I, I feel like this is my personal perception, historic preservation in general kind of our commission. For some reason, like we always kind of sit apart from other things that are going on. It’s under baptismal silos. So we’re not part of that larger conversation. And I know, that’s a lot to ask for one survey. But in some of that, I think is continuing the education with the council, you know, is really paying, you know, great attention and really supporting the commission. You know, but how do we recognize that historic preservation is part of the solution to some of these issues? And that, you know, to, Chairman, last point, that not everything has to be saved, how to do that strategically, but also like how, then do we have infill development and new developments? Be complimentary to historic events, and I live in a little neighborhood on the west side. My Street is a little mini 250 street and right around the corner from us It is one of those buildings I always see on social media that zoning doesn’t allow anymore. It must have like eight apartments in it. But it’s it’s not huge, right? It’s this like lovely little, like eight apartment building that’s right there and a bunch of residential housing. And, you know, I feel like we talk about extremes in Walmart, like everything has to be saved, you know, exactly as it is, you know, or we have to build an 18 story, affordable housing.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:29
Yeah, like, understanding the middle ground
Speaker 2 1:10:32
used to add a character, but integrated in the show.
Speaker 6 1:10:40
question to the group, and we’re gonna effort but young spot does not have any kind of design guidelines or criteria that helps protect some of these neighborhoods, in terms of compatible infill development, necessarily,
Speaker 2 1:10:52
we have, we have something to talk about or last item on our agenda that we have, that we have to implement in order for conservation and the latest news, and it really does get into that, you know, ensuring that the development is responsive to its environment. Yeah, there
Speaker 1 1:11:17
are a few of the sections, there are some like residential compatibility standards, compatibility, so there are some components like backdoors and face to fraud. I mean, they’re really broad, and some of them are a little honestly, weird. Like there are some like downtown looking standards that are in places that don’t aren’t anywhere near downtown. So like, Why does your building have to have a base in the middle and cornice when it’s on the west side of Northwest? Walmart, right? Yeah. There’s some weird sections
Speaker 2 1:11:48
that relate to commercial Miss bass use districts that are adjacent to specific, like low density residential, like how do you do those transitional buildings. So we have some elements, I just don’t know that there is integrated as long as
Unknown Speaker 1:12:08
helps me out is worth 4 million ideas.
Speaker 4 1:12:10
All this gets to the question of whether we’re supposed to be finding what constitutes, quote, historical, unquote, for what purposes? And is the answer to that? Yes. Or is it No? Or is it something in between, because there is no definition of that kind has ever been laid on us, at least to my knowledge.
Speaker 6 1:12:39
Yeah, and, and just know, like, when we identify an area of the community for a survey, that should be surveyed in more detail in the next phase of this overall efforts, there might be properties within there that shouldn’t be surveyed, or that don’t add to the overall integrity. So they might be more of that quick windshield, take a glance, identify what’s in there. And then you’ll dive into more detail on those two properties add to the history and integrity that you look to preserve. So when we talk about identify neighborhoods, it’s not like everything in that neighborhood fits XYZ criteria, it’s this one might be in this category, this one might be in this category. And this one might be in this category, for example. So it allows you to not just look at neighborhood as this whole neighborhood needs to be preserved just as it is, or maybe it’s this block, or this street front edge that carries that historical significance because of the three criteria. So that’s one thing when we do the map exercise here, which we’re going to pull out,
Speaker 2 1:13:37
in the interest of time, we should probably jump on a scene that will answer a lot of your questions and frame a question. So
Speaker 6 1:13:43
we’re gonna pull out a handful mouse, we’ll probably do a couple at a time probably have groups of three just because it’s easier to circle around a map and the goal is I want to hear from you all like I get an idea of some neighborhoods and driving around I could guess perception but wanna hear from you like what are those neighborhoods? Where are those properties that we should be sensitive to and be aware of? And also where does this fit in the overall prioritization? Which ones are are the most critical early on which ones need to have a you know can be a little bit further down the process. So when we do so we’re gonna hit out Sharpie so you guys can you share some nice what you’re getting noticed with some of these as they zoom in and zoom out at different levels. So let’s do some division maybe on one side and these now another section is at work so what we have here for Maps is one Jeffers bringing around that’s gonna be on one end or side, you have to do is enter the subdivision area, and it shows that it shows the survey properties and areas within the community. But then also some of the other neighborhoods won’t have now in this way is that you’re built, Matt like, we got the index up here that shows kind of the color coding per parcel. And so you’re gonna see different layers. So this is more zoomed out, obviously more zoomed into the court and you start to see the points for designated and certain properties. And then get even zoomed in a little bit further because the town core area was one area to make sure we got the town core focus addressed and then zoom back out. Then the other map here is more just broader context to have more aerial map. So you can use this more for reference in case anything here is hard to read with the colors. And so what we’ll do is we’ll get some sharpies out different colors, you can kind of circle identify, you know, put a point and start, draw a line and put what you see is important about that property and talk amongst your group in groups of three. So, let three down at that end with those maps. And then we’ll have three down here with a couple of these maps that you can sort through cycle through and
Speaker 2 1:16:00
rotate through the maps as well. So just certain the subdivision map, individual subdivisions aren’t demarcated only because some of the slides are very blurred in terms of their boundaries. So this is basically a base map showing all areas that were planted so and then the triangles are indicate so this is the original town this is the original town boundary and each triangle is a property that we have or we can definitely have a cultural resources survey on
Speaker 7 1:16:38
where’s that map from? It’s the planning department and it says I went to the center but it says this The Cultural Resource survey trick the city right it goes beyond the last one This must be it because it goes something to the west
Speaker 2 1:17:07
absolutely either either digital or they’re a landmark landmark we know we have some some survey grads where we are there so
Speaker 6 1:17:24
so yeah, so start your case groups of three generally and then what we’ll do in about 10 minutes is we’ll rotate five to 10 minutes we’ll rotate and just see if you see anything different from the other group and talk through that identify some new areas and then we’ll come together as a group for the last few minutes and just talk through so again he’ll be as close as you can to accurate terms of loss areas understanding goals to get a general understanding of the area for us as well as specific properties
Unknown Speaker 1:18:12
town district
Unknown Speaker 1:18:17
so the sensor snaps
Unknown Speaker 1:18:34
some of those misses becomes hygiene number
Unknown Speaker 1:18:36
Unknown Speaker 1:18:42
This is interesting because just because they’re
Speaker 7 1:18:48
like my wife she doesn’t see nor to the cops she can see things right some people can do it some can’t
Speaker 6 1:18:58
feel free to ask us if you have questions. Jeff knows more than me in terms of areas
Speaker 7 1:19:06
I mean there are 17 or our neighborhoods right I don’t know
Unknown Speaker 1:19:12
well this is what I’m kind of hoping okay
Unknown Speaker 1:19:17
I would here’s
Speaker 7 1:19:19
subdivisions pre 1974 Rickover and sunset decent
Unknown Speaker 1:19:35
identify the circle or Dasha What do you think is important? A relevancy drive through we can drive through at least sometime
Unknown Speaker 1:19:53
but as you know, this is such a such a for so yeah There
Speaker 8 1:20:00
are two oh my god that is not filled in this whole area
Speaker 1 1:20:06
but these are all have this knowing that
Unknown Speaker 1:20:12
I don’t feel the question is
Speaker 6 1:20:15
really show like there’s this Neiman Marcus late here do you have division somewhere that walks like they may or may not and
Speaker 7 1:20:30
there’s gonna be more things here these are gonna be
Speaker 1 1:20:36
signs right yeah people I think it deserves a shout
Speaker 9 1:20:50
out now that to me you makes
Speaker 6 1:21:30
you feel like you want to you’re like no fun farm
Unknown Speaker 1:21:42
Why is it
Unknown Speaker 1:21:59
those are ones admin documentation of a survey report or designate some quarters or some districts are separate I live down here I live from the west airport
Unknown Speaker 1:22:19
okay she’s getting
Speaker 6 1:22:38
into the specific neighborhoods just to get out a little further let’s say there’s there’s something unique that we need to keep in mind there or you know we chose this neighborhood over here is really unique in the cities context and what the neighborhoods called you know anything you know about it in terms of
Unknown Speaker 1:23:02
their I don’t know why
Speaker 3 1:23:05
I asked was what and then we’ll get to no clue what their clients like that Colorado
Unknown Speaker 1:23:24
Unknown Speaker 1:23:35
so and it could neighbors
Unknown Speaker 1:23:39
Yeah. Is there really aren’t you want us to do with
Speaker 6 1:23:46
no specific areas that are in the referee here that you think are you know of neighborhood sites that are relevant that we need to consider?
Speaker 5 1:24:07
architecture that is that are in this house. Anything down?
Unknown Speaker 1:24:16
Was that 11?
Speaker 7 1:24:17
Yeah. So there’s speech start at Martin. And so let us be just west of Martin.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:28
They’re out here.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:30
Some properties of that lake.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:31
Speaker 1 1:24:34
vision that circle. They are very consequential. Okay.
Speaker 7 1:24:41
There’s an old stone house out here. Yes. Outside of nine room thing out here. I don’t know where it is. Right. So
Unknown Speaker 1:24:53
it’s an old farmhouse Sharpies?
Speaker 4 1:24:57
Sure. Yeah, thanks. See if there is a property right here
Unknown Speaker 1:25:02
okay here’s a system okay never No
Unknown Speaker 1:25:14
sir trash cancel trespass things that should be looked at as plastic
Unknown Speaker 1:25:47
the whole thing your
Speaker 7 1:25:55
second house is that I have been making mental notes outside just write them down yes perfect yeah go ahead sure where are these others are I know what my neighbors are
Speaker 7 1:26:13
streets definitely worth looking at but others just drive over here somewhere
Unknown Speaker 1:26:23
Speaker 2 1:26:26
is interesting but builder builder
Speaker 7 1:26:32
to do and they may have been a lot older than me
Speaker 1 1:26:42
that’s still there so it hasn’t been jogging around
Unknown Speaker 1:26:49
it’s just some address looking for better ones there are absolutely no hostilities
Unknown Speaker 1:27:03
and to list of them
Speaker 4 1:27:11
I think we’ve got our districts pricing search working correctly
Unknown Speaker 1:27:29
date the hospital okay
Speaker 6 1:27:32
let’s do two more minutes we’re gonna rotate to rotate and I was
Unknown Speaker 1:27:40
told at one point that a lot of this this
Speaker 7 1:27:42
house here I’m looking at like a two old metal yes it’s big top three steel I’m not sure where my mechanism I don’t know what’s been documented what happened but I was like what the heck is this thing
Unknown Speaker 1:28:07
anyway yeah
Unknown Speaker 1:28:20
History Colorado Colorado
Unknown Speaker 1:28:22
history background and information. Stone that might be good information especially because it was so hard. Okay
Unknown Speaker 1:28:43
thank you so much. It’s really nice to be looking at
Unknown Speaker 1:28:48
this this is a worn out, find ourselves
Unknown Speaker 1:28:56
the most important
Unknown Speaker 1:28:58
things are being houses
Unknown Speaker 1:29:09
I know.
Speaker 6 1:29:17
All right. Let’s rotate. And of course, if you get to the map where you’re going and you’re like, I don’t have anything else to add, you can go back to where you were. And where you can all come together and start talking over the maps. We got probably about five or six more minutes and then we’ll talk as a group
Unknown Speaker 1:29:42
and volunteering your time.
Speaker 6 1:29:46
You’re built bipartisan. You’re constructed based on the assessor data. And then the dots are the survey properties and the districts in blue and then tear this map for So that’s where they started identifying some outliers so additional outliers or even specific areas
Unknown Speaker 1:30:08
of the district that
Unknown Speaker 1:30:11
didn’t do it right that capture everything into
Unknown Speaker 1:30:15
farmstand really bad
Speaker 6 1:30:22
requested and these will be show a little bit more
Unknown Speaker 1:30:30
Speaker 6 1:30:33
claves of county areas that aren’t within that green
Unknown Speaker 1:30:42
I look forward to checking those out that sounds fun always always wonderful to go off
Unknown Speaker 1:30:50
yeah oh so that
Unknown Speaker 1:30:52
was very unique
Unknown Speaker 1:30:54
and it was challenging from
Unknown Speaker 1:31:00
your neighbor’s bedroom while you’re brushing
Unknown Speaker 1:31:02
your arms straight
Speaker 8 1:31:05
that’s like some of those corners are
Unknown Speaker 1:31:20
Speaker 4 1:31:28
locations as well on Main Street that
Unknown Speaker 1:31:40
Unknown Speaker 1:31:42
yellow yes
Speaker 7 1:31:45
across from the park where is that is
Unknown Speaker 1:32:15
people were very I think I was just yeah here’s Harper
Unknown Speaker 1:32:28
here yellow for sale and so I was up in this area where literally barbed wire fell in love but they had a lot of those so it was always I’ve been doing one thing that was on sale and I said take a look
Unknown Speaker 1:33:16
at it this way instead of putting money into it and
Speaker 6 1:33:18
I just gotta be ready to
Unknown Speaker 1:33:31
drive here
Speaker 7 1:33:40
went out and saw it’s in the middle of nowhere but yeah. It’s like from nearby the model there’s another Frank Lloyd Wright’s house moved to under yeah
Speaker 10 1:34:01
and no one has ever
Unknown Speaker 1:34:13
Unknown Speaker 1:34:28
I can’t draw
Unknown Speaker 1:34:34
I considered all those.
Speaker 2 1:34:35
I started out in architecture. What killed me was the model. It was early it was 1972 we still can’t get
Unknown Speaker 1:34:43
models on board that you can.
Unknown Speaker 1:34:57
Gray versus As well
Speaker 7 1:35:10
classic 70s architecture they redid the whole place the country club
Unknown Speaker 1:35:35
it’s like sure
Speaker 7 1:35:45
they’ll be like should they used to be I know we were first
Unknown Speaker 1:36:03
Derby was the guy who
Unknown Speaker 1:36:05
titled On Thursday
Unknown Speaker 1:36:21
district here
Unknown Speaker 1:36:31
Unknown Speaker 1:37:08
sure what to
Unknown Speaker 1:37:25
do kill
Speaker 6 1:37:51
there’s some unique variables out here that fit to the contributing part of that
Speaker 7 1:37:58
did some needle housing I get some Lincoln Street to and you think about it
Speaker 6 1:38:06
just what’s what’s unique about them or what we need to consider
Speaker 7 1:38:11
unique small article unique small houses I don’t know because you look at the age the ages that place 30s is still unique. Yeah.
Speaker 5 1:38:19
Well and then Lincoln Street also has the literature at school which is just now we’ve it’s their offense could
Unknown Speaker 1:38:26
be that parcel
Speaker 7 1:38:30
of city owned property like counterpart so we also want to do that you want to look at the Lincoln school
Speaker 5 1:38:36
well, I mean kind of all that green This
Unknown Speaker 1:38:46
is a nice way your neighborhood their
Speaker 6 1:38:50
age of the home with the school you kind of start to see like there’s a concentration before you hear theories in there do you want to know? Yeah. I just make a couple of those notes.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:25
Unknown Speaker 1:39:27
Yeah, mainstream.
Speaker 5 1:39:28
So this is the old school. That hasn’t seen it. Right. I don’t know if that’s in line marked or not. Just still own it, but their district offices. Have it done.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:44
So it’s not the research. Oh, yeah, that’s true. Yeah, that relates to some time sometimes if schools are
Unknown Speaker 1:39:55
Speaker 6 1:39:59
So the green is your we age, it’s so it’s probably a newer home that was constructed. You know, they probably raised the old house there or it was a sliver. That’s
Speaker 5 1:40:09
yeah, I think. I think Josh is looking at the bread. So you’re,
Unknown Speaker 1:40:12
you’re looking
Speaker 6 1:40:14
at the green. So we’re getting Yeah, so the green is Yeah. Oh, yeah. Sorry. I was flipping those around. Yeah, greens, it was probably one of the earliest sites or visits or look at that. So
Unknown Speaker 1:40:24
all of this and then on this side, I think that’s, I mean, perfect.
Speaker 6 1:40:36
How are we doing over on the big map, you guys, we ready to kind of talk over them. Maybe I’ll huddle up and identify some of the things we talked about.
Unknown Speaker 1:40:44
That’s the goal.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:01
possibly having a grand scope.
Speaker 7 1:41:17
You in park, you know, kind of started associating. And I guess the search researching.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:26
Let’s jump over here real quick to the
Unknown Speaker 1:41:31
fire report out here.
Speaker 5 1:41:34
So this is wrong, because this is Central School. And maybe the latest edition was in the 70s. And 80s. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:41:49
that could be how they have. Reason structure. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:55
I’m good start.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:57
It’s a good base to build from.
Speaker 5 1:41:59
I’m also the way they did those additions was really well done, because they’re complementary, but you can still see you can tell. That’s definitely
Speaker 6 1:42:10
already. Key thoughts, takeaways on the big map? Anything to note, looks like we captured a few homes on the north side sites, some Victorian areas or some hospitals, potentially kind of a woman night area up in that area. And then we’ve talked a few properties were listed over here,
Speaker 4 1:42:32
do we have a division of work that’s going to look at farmsteads?
Speaker 2 1:42:38
Not necessarily. But if we identify if some do come up, we can definitely highlight those. Yeah,
Speaker 4 1:42:44
you know, because we do have we pass for instance, very frequently, because we live in the outskirts of town. And some of those farmsteads, I can identify as being a pre Civil War, most of them are post Civil War, but the architecture varies. And that is of great interest to me, because we’re not looking necessarily at the Victorian architecture that we saw in the 1870s and 80s. Sure.
Speaker 2 1:43:18
So yeah, if those come up, you know, just do pop up on the research that can be included. One thing to notice, we would be looking primarily within not as solely city limits, but within the Longmont planning area. So we have a pretty defined area where we can, you know, where we as a city can can really work as well. So it’d be possible
Unknown Speaker 1:43:39
to get that one month planning area, just
Speaker 2 1:43:46
want to make a note of that. So we roughly go out to the airport. For the most part, it kind of jogs out around the airport, right? It goes about as far south as what you’re seeing. It doesn’t go very far south, north is generally round by 66. There are a couple little chambers that go north, on the east side and goes you’re counting on Line Road. That also kind of goes just when you get somebody union reservoir, we do have some we do have some in Weld County as well. So it’s basically just with it’s pretty darn close. Yeah, our planning area is we’ve almost completely filled our planning area outside of a few county enclaves. County
Speaker 6 1:44:34
has a lot of preservation areas to where you can’t grow. Yeah, we
Speaker 2 1:44:39
are surrounded almost entirely by permanently preserved in space. So things that are owned by the city one line. So that really does you know, the key word is permanently protected. You guys should have farmsteads certain projects, farm slips, some of those open space areas do have farmsteads on them. So they would have conservation easements like agricultural conservation easements, a county may actually probably owns a lot of those to farmers.
Speaker 6 1:45:23
All right, let’s move over to the detail camcorder, core city map down the way younger doesn’t have hold up anyway.
Speaker 6 1:45:36
All right, so we got some good notes on here, some good subdivision areas to look into in properties. Any key takeaways or thoughts on this one from the group or from individuals that looked it over added notes?
Speaker 5 1:45:51
So my neighborhood, I noticed here, I, we all call it like bronze plaques or something? I think that’s what it is in the city assessors. But so it’s mostly like 1950s or early 1950s. You know, hit through box sort of things. They’re cute. I don’t think architecturally like they’re individually significant. But I think the neighborhood, you know, as a whole might be. But one thing that I think is really interesting is that we still have old Apple transformative apple farm yards as features of Google. And I don’t know how much that sort of stuff was in other neighborhoods, but I think would be important to identify me
Speaker 6 1:46:35
from an urban planning standpoint. Well, the fabric of a community Yeah, why that was one
Speaker 5 1:46:41
of my neighbors has been babying this apple tree, like the poor thing died 10 years ago. And he’s just,
Unknown Speaker 1:46:48
like, limping along.
Speaker 5 1:46:50
You know, and I don’t know if you know, and I think he’s, you know, replaced some other apple trees and got other neighbors with individual trees, but I don’t know if that’s the sort of thing that the city would ever consider, like, helping individuals who have those features.
Unknown Speaker 1:47:07
Especially from a culture standpoint, and
Speaker 2 1:47:09
yeah, there’s a guy in the last trees Yeah, he was talking about getting seeds from some of these old trees and didn’t plant nursery in Fort Collins.
Speaker 6 1:47:33
And the other key things anyone wants to know that they call that that they thought was really neat, or kind of a surprise to them.
Speaker 2 1:47:43
We’ll just in the neighborhood thing again, going back to my particular block. It had the original model poems on it and so there’s some cool again, the houses themselves are particularly interesting to hear some things in there. Crazy windows out there, and then I hide Martin. Okay, perfect. I got a neighborhood present neighbors
Unknown Speaker 1:48:22
sort of fabric isn’t it’s just stuff.
Unknown Speaker 1:48:26
It’s like that’s the best
Speaker 2 1:48:31
stuff in a city that just kind of identifies it.
Speaker 1 1:48:35
Like for example just thinking about so we are looking talking about landmark in Kanemoto park, but there’s also History of that neighborhood because it was cannibal was foreign ended up like the kids decided to develop the original farm into a neighborhood somewhere
Unknown Speaker 1:48:59
I want to I just
Speaker 1 1:49:03
you know, so it’s, it’s sort of a weird, you know, period of time if we didn’t have this Japanese heritage. Right. And so that probably needs to get thought about and then we talked a little bit about just the north north side of llama being historically Hispanic. And I really had no idea how that really developed. But we do have the two chamber commerce and it was probably somebody that knows more. There’s absolutely somebody that knows more than anyone in this room.
Speaker 4 1:49:36
Kinomoto area which is, I guess, East, Collier east of that neighborhood. Sophomore.
Speaker 1 1:49:48
Yeah, kids under South right. So they can’t be accountable for that they had that. And that never was I mean, there might be others. Yeah. So my good friend we are but that was so yeah, there
Unknown Speaker 1:50:03
were a number there was like the
Unknown Speaker 1:50:06
Tanaka yeah
Speaker 5 1:50:14
and I think one of the significant things, and I could be wrong to apologize that I am, but I think they were pre tournament families like these were not necessarily families who came to Longmont not cheer camp or not and they were pretty terrible generally.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:32
Compassion. They weren’t in church.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:36
Kind of a holding place for
Speaker 2 1:50:40
the southeast part of the state. Walmart had a number of Japanese party families. I’ve been here since the very early 1900s. Fortunately, the governor of Colorado at the time, perhaps in the state, he said, you’re not getting my residence. Gotcha.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:59
Gotcha. Okay. Yeah.
Speaker 5 1:51:04
It’s not technically a context, but CU Boulder has put out this really nice Boulder County Latino history, and they talk about different areas of the county have different histories of the county. So that might be helpful as you guys are trying to identify those subject matter experts. And it’s available online. That’s
Unknown Speaker 1:51:24
perfect. You know, I go so much. So. So is there anything else? What else do we have on these
Speaker 7 1:51:37
dimensions? I didn’t see that anywhere here. But when it was just the city founded on temperance, they made North Longmont just north of night. That
Unknown Speaker 1:51:50
was that was where you can buy
Speaker 7 1:51:54
from saloons. Oh, that’s very, but the water supply was from the city. So they slowly twisted arms and got them incorporated in the city and they took away the saloons, but old North Longmont, I think it’s around all the potluck. And there’s a lot of tiny little old, very modest homes in there, which might be worth very
Unknown Speaker 1:52:16
interesting. That’s very cool.
Speaker 6 1:52:19
Awesome. Well, I appreciate everyone’s time, work on this, I know you got other things to get to. And again, it’s a beautiful day, so I don’t.
Speaker 2 1:52:29
So at this point, I’m going to say let’s take a like 510 minute break. I’ve built a little bit of cushion into our schedule. Like for example, reserving the space for longer than I had scheduled for me for the retreat. So we have some wiggle room and some cushion. But let’s just go ahead and take a break get a chance to go to the restroom. For us recall, we sat down.
Speaker 6 1:52:52
And just so the commission knows what we’re going to do is take the maps back on my team digitize it. So you can see bubbled areas or defined areas, call outs or gender, make sure I read everything correctly. And they the terminology and then I believe from there, we’ll we’ll kind of start our next phases internally of working on that but of course have this also kind of got checked back to the group to make sure we didn’t miss anything or someone else popped up if anything comes up after this. Oh, we’ve got that one neighborhood
Unknown Speaker 1:53:26
Unknown Speaker 1:53:28
would it be possible for you to share these amazing maps as PDFs just taking your blood out it’s really your head as well while we can integrate.
Speaker 6 1:53:44
And I think it adds to this the notion has been that living in South Africa right because that’s why the intent is not to build a document that all stitches upon itself but it kind of builds upon so that way as you all work, we hand something off a month later shoot that one spot okay? And don’t have the GIS layers and they’ll be able to edit and change up the map and then your index you can add a new line and start to do that so the goal is to build you the framework so you have that tools and resources
Unknown Speaker 1:54:16
those PDFs to
Speaker 6 1:54:20
having been a public servant I that consultant idea of proprietary information and you can’t change anything so always want to provide that service via awesome
Speaker 2 1:54:43
materials the green line is our IS OUR Walmart so roughly this is 66 here
Speaker 2 1:54:58
yeah Yeah, this area is is is permanently protected open space. Yeah, so that’s really a lot of work. That’s yeah. So we have a lot of permanently restricted space around the city. And that really limits how far out can you go. So anything that has a color on this map is city has already incorporated. So you’ll see that the white, there’s a whole lot left. Yeah, so there’s really not a lot left. So we’re really an infill redevelopment with
Unknown Speaker 1:55:38
the cyclotron.
Speaker 2 1:55:42
Airport zone. I’m saying the airport right here. And so there’s different we’re taking look, we’re taking a look at that zone right now, just because of the way our code is written. It’s very broad. There’s just some deeper issues. I won’t bore you guys. So, but yeah, so that’s the report. It was extensive to the county as well, that just has to do with areas of roughly two miles about approximately from Broadway. So what’s the neighborhood? Like? I mean, there’s, like camo sometimes. Right here. Sometimes. Mistakes, roughly right there. actually get started. Right here, right. Here’s Canada. Right. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So that’s currently a lawsuit County. So it was it’s there it was, you know, agriculturally out. It was originally owned by some members of Canada family. There was a there’s a conservation easement that ran through the property, but it was, it’s called a regulatory easement. And it was a it’s not a perpetual conservation easement. So that’s the that’s the disagreement between the organization that’s suing the county right now, they’re trying to say that you weren’t important. It wasn’t appropriate to release that. I will share my opinions on that, because we are in a public forum.
Speaker 8 1:57:21
Oxymoron, not perpetual conservation. So we’re going to use it?
Speaker 2 1:57:26
Well, it’s the way it was. There’s only a few of those in the county. So it wasn’t what was called transfer development right site. So basically, it’s, it’s the kind of easement that could ultimately be sold. And that’s essentially what the county was trying to do was sell easements, and then use that money to purchase additional open space that wouldn’t be permitted, permanently preserved in space. So that’s really kind of the mechanics of it. It’s it’s one of my projects. So it’s been fun. So with that, let’s get back on. The next item for discussion is really getting into your other points from four priorities. Several commissioners, send me a few topics. And we can obviously add to this we can flush this out. I’m going to go through one thing, well, a couple of things. Really, one primary thing was historic preservation month of 2024. I’ve already been in contact with our social media folks was our communications team about doing some posts, that’s an asset, I have a commission, because I’m only one staff person. So and if you have items of interest that you think should be shared citywide, for example, historic tours, historic resources, send me that information. And I’ll get I’ll work with our communications people to have that posted on our various sources or various sites. So and I’m also in the process of getting the proclamation, the historic preservation proclamation for either have the last there’s the first meeting in May isn’t until May 13. So messy about getting in on the on the April 30 meeting, which is the day before, so I’m in council. It was at county council. Yeah. So I’ve just got figured out Yes, sir.
Speaker 4 1:59:38
We we have a downtown mentality here because we’re looking at the history of the settlement of that town. And that focus on downtown does not necessarily include For the rest of the city of Longmont, which includes farmsteads
Speaker 2 2:00:06
I didn’t say any interesting things that any any thing items of interest, but there’s
Speaker 4 2:00:11
its it has its own history, the Civil War, post Civil War, Victorian structures of preservation of tree life, etc, etc. And I think some time and effort should be devoted to that subject. Because remarkably, it’s part of the city of Longmont.
Unknown Speaker 2:00:36
I’m gonna start doing to ask,
Unknown Speaker 2:00:38
which is not so much, necessarily.
Speaker 2 2:00:47
Alright, so adding to this list, then
Speaker 1 2:00:54
I would support your notion, but I would disagree with the fact with a statement that within downtime focus, I think we’ve had, we’ve had that as a component of importance for a while. So I agree with your goal, not with your introductory statement.
Unknown Speaker 2:01:16
Downtown. We call it the original town plan.
Unknown Speaker 2:01:21
Okay, so original.
Speaker 1 2:01:27
For, for example, I mean, the two projects that are on, we’re on our accomplishment list, you know, cambiato is not in the barn is certainly, and we’ve been talking about this importance of really recognizing the agricultural history. So I think it’s something that we’re absolutely focused on in parallel.
Speaker 2 2:01:47
And so related to the Kanemoto, as well as the historic preservation month, I will work on putting together kind of work based on the research done by Carl as kind of one of those cool fun facts about Longmont for and I’ll work with our columns group to get some data about like that out. Once I have better direction from the city manager’s office on landmark unit and such I’ll be able to flush out a little better. Yeah, I think it would be worthwhile, you know, kind of the fun facts about like historic things about Longmont. You know, why is there this farm on the outskirts of town? So I think we can. Those are a couple of things I could definitely any I’ll talk to Rachel about doing maybe a series maybe there’s like a post a week about, hey, is this sort of preservation month? Here’s some interesting stuff. But definitely, I need your help with that. So yeah, send me in for send me items. If you have an article or something or a letter to the editor or something that you’ve written in the past. So that to me, and we can see if we can resolve it and get it to Oregon next year. You’re walking for?
Speaker 4 2:03:04
Have you had any contact with that kind of Moto neighborhood group?
Unknown Speaker 2:03:08
Not yet. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 2:03:11
they seem very well organized, not
Speaker 2 2:03:13
yet. Working? Yeah, that’s gonna be part of the project. We’re still in the very beginning stages about you know, I feel like now that I have, you know, a staff member on board, we’ll be able to have a bit more capacity to do some of these activities to do some of these things. But it also it’s, you know, coordination with the GLA staff.
Speaker 1 2:03:41
Just let them know, when you talk to city manager, I think it would be a fair statement. And correct me if I’m wrong, that the HVAC would encourage you to, to, to make note of the fact that may is preservation month and so if there’s any progress that could be made by May, of any level along the lines of those two landmarks. Great
Unknown Speaker 2:04:16
that the applications in the hopper, right, right,
Speaker 2 2:04:21
just for direction or have had gotten because I think, because they’re sitting on properties, we will have to have formal direction from city council to pursue them. So that’s really something we’re looking at. So yeah, so I’ve already started thinking about historic preservation month. Other topics by other commissioners will be improving our coordination with the st. Green Historical Society. I think that’s a very worthwhile activity. idea of improving the Certificate of Merit process. Again, property or outreach, that somebody’s staff standpoint, you just have a capacity for it. I think that we have some better capacity this year, that better coordination and the ngvla staff that’s been one of my want to do so on a few different things. So it’s just a matter of making that happen and breaking down some of the silos and various departments and then pursuing state grants. So that’s something as we find if we hadn’t had money budgeted already for the sort of a plan. But as we get into the actual serie activities, and also doing the Preservation Plan, which will tie into envision Longmont as well, that is definitely something we would pursue state grants for an additional any work that we do on once we get landmark status for the tower and for the barn, that we can also pursue grants for restoration works and rehab work on those as well.
Speaker 7 2:06:00
You know, don’t have anything else to do with our free time, I came up with another idea.
Unknown Speaker 2:06:07
Speaker 7 2:06:09
What it was that the meeting in Boulder gives you ideas, you know, because a great presentation by planners in Denver on guidelines for solar panels in historic homes. And it’s not hit us yet. We you know, Denver has big buildings, less trees, we have lots of big trees and smaller historic homes, but it’s going to hit us sooner or later. And when someone comes to us, it would be much better to have guidelines in place before they come. So we can say yes or no rather than create them once they come there. And then they think we’re picking on them if we don’t like what they do
Speaker 2 2:06:47
for this one. And then call that sustainability standards and guidelines for historic properties.
Speaker 5 2:06:56
Solar panels, specifically a CHP just put out some guidance. And I think, because this has been a big deal, it is about to hit Colorado. Some other states and towns also have stuff. So there’s information out there that we could.
Speaker 7 2:07:16
vendor is revising their guidelines, because they looked at guidelines all around the country. And they came up with new guidelines, and they presented the process and their new guidelines at the meeting. So you know, it’s been we’ll do something a little different, probably. But I mean, it’s already been done. We
Speaker 2 2:07:33
just have to get right to it. Yeah. So as we move into 24 priorities, what else? What other priorities do we see for the year? Yes, sir.
Speaker 3 2:07:44
I sent it around. So a while ago. But one of things I wrote was consultant work and grant writing, and place to start would be a non competitive grant of $15,000. From the State Historical. So
Speaker 2 2:08:03
basically, is that state grant, I put that as the catch all state grants includes
Speaker 3 2:08:08
that 15,000 competitive, any some grants, you got to fight for sure, sure. Ours appears from what I’ve read to be. And that’s as we
Speaker 2 2:08:18
as we move forward with some of the survey work, we would definitely be pursuing some of those grants. That’s that’s definitely something on there. I didn’t include everything out list, because so those are kind of in process or things that we have kind of percolating already.
Speaker 3 2:08:33
We have a presentation as the Commissioner, maybe a year ago or more about Churchill. And since then, it moved in a different direction. And then that was the feet of the polls. So I guess what I’m curious, is what? You know, at what point do you think it would be good to get another update?
Speaker 2 2:08:57
I think right now, there’s a lot going kind of behind the scenes. Tony shikonin. Our office is, is our redevelopment and redevelopment manager. So he’s really spearheading those efforts. I will talk to him and see when he thinks it would be a good time to give an update on sugar factory, because he really is spearheading those efforts. There are a lot of different moving parts right now. So I think the answer is we’re getting there, but it’s a very long term project and very far out. But I will coordinate with him to give an update on that that’s
Speaker 3 2:09:35
here. The other one I’ve talked about before and I sent you the link to Louisville, city of Louisville and produced a booklet on historic preservation. And we had talked about doing that part of the problem was you didn’t have staff and the other so that might be something we need to grant order to get grant money for you I sent you a link to Yes. We couldn’t remember the name of it. Yes, yeah.
Speaker 2 2:10:04
Yeah. So yeah. And that’s something. I think that also goes into the property and our community outreach as well.
Speaker 3 2:10:14
Well, why do property owner? We would develop a booklet. Yeah, we would promote it.
Speaker 2 2:10:23
Well, I’m saying community outreach, general community outreach, something that we put together for public consumption. Right.
Unknown Speaker 2:10:32
I think you’re talking about the preservation plan.
Speaker 3 2:10:35
Yeah. He’s called Exploring Louisville, historic museum get involved Historic Preservation estimates. I see property owner outreaches, we reach out to property owners, find out what they’re interested in what concerns them. And that helps inform us on our decisions. This is something where we’re is we are publishing something, which we can then distribute it lots of different ways. I mean, we haven’t talked about that. But there. I’ll be glad to give you 20 ideas, and how would you distribute booklets? Sounds
Speaker 2 2:11:14
like to then that was set sounds like something that would be good to collaborate with both the same brand historical society, but also the one what museum on so maybe we add that to Walmart museum coordination.
Speaker 1 2:11:31
was looking at that in the water, I knew that there was a if it would be of some value to reach out to the potential both those organizations just have one common meeting similar to this and just get around the table to say what, you know, how, how do our goals align, and the support each other, just have?
Speaker 7 2:11:55
A story too, so nice to meet her and introduce ourselves. Eric is now he’s the director of the museum now, but he’s no longer the historian.
Speaker 2 2:12:07
Is that something then that I put together as an agenda item and presentation for a future meeting? Future commission? Well,
Speaker 1 2:12:14
is it is it a commission meeting? Or could it be like, if this group, I think, if this group meets with another group, like the circle designer Museum, and we don’t conduct follow up business, you know, can that be something that doesn’t necessarily have to be? I’m not saying it’s a closed door thing, it doesn’t have to be sitting around with Dyess with a presentation, it’s more of a more work
Speaker 2 2:12:46
taught to just consult with our legal folks to make sure. Just like, especially because they are, the museum also has its own board. Yeah. So I think if it’s a board to board thing, it probably needs to be the meeting. But maybe it’s something along the lines of a study session.
Speaker 1 2:13:09
So I’m not trying to say make it something that the public doesn’t have access to them saying it’s not a it’s not a formal presentation at a historic preservation
Speaker 2 2:13:20
commission. Yeah, I think, yeah, maybe we use it. I was thinking you use a commission being for kind of a study session work session.
Speaker 1 2:13:28
I just couldn’t do that in the room or something. Just so everybody’s, again, just thinking about optics of
Speaker 2 2:13:36
study sessions are typically open meetings, and they’re just in studies. So I don’t see why we couldn’t. So
Speaker 1 2:13:45
that helps coordinate timewise in terms of everybody’s resourcing time commitment, especially if there’s a meeting if there’s a commission scheduled hearing date with no, you know, no. foreseeable agenda. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 2:13:59
right. Maybe
Unknown Speaker 2:14:00
that’s a good
Speaker 2 2:14:04
that’s what I was thinking is using the meeting time since we all have that on a calendar. So from a staff standpoint, I can coordinate with both organizations. It’ll probably be at least a month or so just based on other priorities that are that are going on right now. That’s something that makes it makes sense that we are so siloed.
Speaker 3 2:14:33
We have a historic preservation month. One of the ideas we talked about in previous meetings, is getting Steve in front of those.
Speaker 3 2:14:51
It’s a softball interview, I mean, especially this morning on labor. Just couldn’t get a chance to talk about what the commission uses. As part of historic preservation, we’re talking, you know, getting getting the face out there is another way of getting the community. Yeah. Look, it’s important.
Speaker 2 2:15:11
Let me get, I’ll need to get into our comms group, our communications office. And go from there. Yeah,
Speaker 3 2:15:19
I just I know you’re meeting with the media team. And I just thought I wanted sharp remind you about that note? That that same group and looking at the calendar of events page, and we also talked about, I also send, you know, we talked about this, we did talk about this community outreach sessions, where, like, the, like City Council does, they have two members of city council, so it’s not a meeting, see that two members, and I know Rick would volunteer. Oh, there are the sorry, for East Side meeting, and we do a west side. And we do have just idea. Even if we only do for a year, it would be more than be more interaction, than we’re getting feedback. And we open our meetings of the public of one person shows up. Okay, so that’s not working. But it’s not like nobody cares about what we do. Nobody knows what we’re doing. And that’s, this is our opportunity to get out there.
Speaker 7 2:16:24
You know, I just say, I think getting out there first. And raising awareness is important. Because if you arrange a meeting like this, without raising awareness, we get maybe one person coming to our meetings, we’ll get nobody out there to come sit with us and chat about historic issues, we have to raise awareness first, before we have the meeting, I think
Unknown Speaker 2:16:46
that’s maybe a long term goal.
Speaker 1 2:16:50
My sense is that would start to make that would start to work. As we develop something like this survey plan, right, we get the survey plan. And now we have a piece of information that somebody might be our
Unknown Speaker 2:17:05
we’re gonna have a little chat
Speaker 1 2:17:08
and say, Hey, we all have you thought about this cool building on whatever, you got something. But it
Speaker 2 2:17:14
goes back to the historic preservation plan. That’s the kind of outreach we use as part of historic preservation, as well. Right. So I think
Speaker 3 2:17:23
you mean, the booklet, or having a formal historic
Speaker 2 2:17:27
preservation plan that would be incorporated into our comprehensive plan and digital online?
Speaker 3 2:17:32
What’s good word? Is that something on our agenda?
Unknown Speaker 2:17:38
That’s a long term goal?
Speaker 3 2:17:42
Yeah, long term gold moves, we’re not gonna talk about it for a while.
Speaker 2 2:17:45
Well, it’s just in terms of in terms of the order of operation, we need to do the survey plan, First, identify what gaps are. And really kind of doing the surveys really does help that dovetails into. So once we and then we did surveys, and then once we have the surveys, we would get, you know, do that historic preservation plan, because maybe what we’re surveying, we find, oh, my gosh, we need to do something here. Or maybe we don’t need to do something here. But it’s something that it’s all additive.
Speaker 3 2:18:20
What I’d like to see is some kind of when I when we get finished with all this talk, you’re starting to absorb everything that you’ve got today, some kind of a timeline. So that, for me, at least, we have suffered doing now. So we’re doing next one. And then everything after that is a club. I have no idea. You probably know because you’ve got some idea to put I don’t know what, what is happening in this year? Or what’s a year from now? Or what’s two years from now? What’s five years.
Speaker 2 2:18:57
So I would say realistically, in terms of timelines survey plan should be wrapped up. I’ll say summer. Wise public works director once told me to speak in seasons.
Unknown Speaker 2:19:14
So mentioning the year of the season,
Speaker 2 2:19:19
the seasons of the year, so I would say summer 24 would be we can expect a certain plan to be finished. At that point, we’ll need to digest it and again, incorporate it into our work plans from a staff standpoint. Following the survey plan would be to surveys, I won’t have a good timeframe for that until we understand really what the survey plan says. So when we get the survey plan, we’ll be able to better develop the survey view when we’re gonna do a survey. I would expect that to be 12 to 18 months probably so that would put us towards the end of 25. Figuring out when we’re going To the preservation plan that ties into larger discussions about an update to envision Walmart, which are kind of parking lot right now. But, you know, part of our challenge from the department is we’re in this interim leadership’s period. And so it can be challenging to, you know, from a staff standpoint, at least, having the department priorities get in this interim period. I mean, I can just say for a minute, for example, when I was a consultant years ago, we were hired to do a comprehensive plan update for a County. County, the planning director resigned shortly after we signed the contract, we did the plan under an interim director, a new director comes in and says, I think I want to go into a different direction. So we had to pivot. So I’m, until we while we’re in this interim period, I’m hesitant to give timelines. That’s kind of where I am
Speaker 4 2:21:00
speaking of the survey plan. We might we almost might be better served. If instead of this quote, summer, it was a specific date in the fall. Which gives you a little more flexibility.
Speaker 2 2:21:20
I’ll do more when I after you know, Josh and I digest. better idea of exact
Unknown Speaker 2:21:29
date for the target. Summers to some
Unknown Speaker 2:21:37
summer the September 21.
Unknown Speaker 2:21:44
Fall could be December,
Speaker 7 2:21:46
match, survey grant, grant cycles, should we be applying for grants now to start the surveys? Do we have to? Is it a rolling grant? Or is there a certain dates? If we want to get moving on this stuff? We do that? For both kinds of grants. Okay. Big grants are typically
Unknown Speaker 2:22:06
time sensitive.
Speaker 7 2:22:09
Yeah. So do we have a spine? Yep, she’s looking at it. Once we have this come the end of summer fall, boom, we have the money we can get started with it and fall winter spring? Or when do we have to get that grant out? And is that it? I’m just wondering, the first step
Unknown Speaker 2:22:26
it was in January is that
Speaker 5 2:22:27
there’s a CLG grant, which I think would be a really good one. Yeah. In January, there’s the big the bigger SHF grants would be October 1 would be the next year. Those are like a huge
Speaker 2 2:22:45
SHF grant is what was used for the restoration in this building. Right?
Speaker 5 2:22:49
We need to kind of digest, what neighborhoods are going to start prioritizing.
Speaker 7 2:22:54
I’m just wondering, in January work, you know, we’re both hands the same time so we can keep going. We don’t say Alright, now we know what we’re gonna do. Okay, now let’s start applying for grants. Alright, now we have to wait. I think
Speaker 2 2:23:07
we need to have the strategic plan completed before we start applying for grants.
Speaker 1 2:23:14
Yeah, sounds like we’re okay. I mean, if we if we get a survey plan by the end of the summer, if we had time to, you know, massage to hope that that of a genuine grant cycle for claimants completed with an action being part of a survey plan when I heard that we’re going to get an action matrix. And so it’s like, okay, one of those action item matric matrix boxes is going to be apply for grants in January 25. Alright, and we can emphasize that
Speaker 3 2:23:51
I have no problem doing that. Or even your idea of adding something in the summer or something like that. My concern is with a lot of great big open dates out there. It’s hard for the or I think that condition to really understand how we’re progressing along what lines? Well,
Speaker 2 2:24:18
and I think, really, the most realistic idea is at each commission meeting, I’ll have an update status report on where we are. Which I think is the most realistic, we
Unknown Speaker 2:24:31
can pick a date, but it’s
Speaker 1 2:24:34
like meaningless. It doesn’t matter. It’s the same thing. You can say it’s going to be done by September 1. Or you can say it’s going to be done in September in the summer. And it’ll get done when it gets done. I mean, it’s just the reality of how all of this works. I think what our job is to keep not to focus so much on the exact witness, but the pressure of this is still important, right? Yeah, like,
Unknown Speaker 2:25:00
every time
Speaker 1 2:25:07
it’s like, just just keep bringing it up and just keep talking about, just keep getting an update.
Speaker 3 2:25:14
One of the things we sometimes some of the things, we do need money. And we, the only way we can get that from is on the city budget. And that’s, quote follows a certain timeline. So right now, they’re, they’re in the semi final stages of getting a budget ready to go to the city council. So if there’s anything we want to do in 2025, that’s going to need money. We have to be asking for it today, or tomorrow, or next week. For next couple of weeks. My room?
Speaker 2 2:25:51
I’ll be honest. So there’s budgets are typically adopted roughly October. So they are in the works. I haven’t.
Speaker 3 2:26:01
I need to I’ve met with the city manager on Sunday for some other things. And they’re in the final stages right now. You’re talking about when the city council goes, boom, but boy, that is? You say, Okay, you’re gonna prove it in October. So September, we want to suggest this.
Speaker 2 2:26:23
Plant Yeah, we’re still we’re working towards it. So I need to have the discussion. My director, I don’t know where we are in the process. Sometimes we have kind of general dollars, short few projects, especially project dollars, is that something that we can allocate some of these things? I think having that strategic plan first is going to help guide us. And grant funding, this is something that we’re pursuing as well.
Speaker 3 2:26:54
So yes, my question is, is there anything that you can write, instead of just general, generic monies that we might need? In 2020?
Speaker 2 2:27:05
Probably some supplemental survey funds. That’s in real realistically, a part of that is going to come up with some various discussions that we’re having, as far as landmark status, what is it going to take to get the bars or store to get it and to make sure the tower is stays in good condition. So there’s a lot of interdepartmental coordination that is in the early stages right now. And I’ll have more information next.
Speaker 2 2:27:43
Year Suzanne had a sort of off topic, and it made me think, sort of preservation coming up with mutations. What about asking people to throw in their stories that might help? We’re talking about neighborhoods and whatnot, openings, but people submitted this live No. Matter getting this idea of getting people to do well, anything was.
Speaker 3 2:28:25
Cool. We talked about the same great historical society. We went to one of the meetings. I think our long range goal is like Steve said, I think that was great. I did, maybe short term we could send to people at the next meeting, to just chat them up document that we’ve talked about certain things. It’s not a meeting, because we wanted to people there. And they can just start establishing conversation with them.
Unknown Speaker 2:29:00
How often do you have meetings? I don’t like that. I went to
Speaker 3 2:29:03
a meeting at least quarterly maybe monthly. I can look it up before the meetings over into that question.
Speaker 7 2:29:13
cattle prod and MP. They apply for grants all the time. They have significant staff, they have a huge volunteer base, I didn’t realize how big they are. So if you could somehow coordinate with them and get them do some of the work for us.
Speaker 2 2:29:28
But it would be nice to have him they occasionally tend to our meetings and
Speaker 3 2:29:35
I think that’s part of inviting them. That’s probably what the two people do is invite them to come to one of our meetings and stuff
Speaker 1 2:29:42
like that. And I think I think we’re maybe the idea of the context is that his historically, this body has been more of just a procedural body, right. It’s been through review the COA. You know, somebody wants This, they go through the process and they show up HPC. And that’s it. Right? So for a really long time, that’s all HPC did was just stamp the COA. Well, you know, somebody from the historical sites not going to show up just to kind of listen to one person whose desire to get a COA. So as we begin to broaden our out, you know, what we’re trying to accomplish as a commission, that then becomes maybe on us a little bit to let other similar like minded organizations know that we’re doing that. Yep, that tried to bring the resources in. But this is a new thing.
Speaker 2 2:30:42
Right, right, that we’re doing. Thank you for saying that. Because in my head, I was thinking, some of these groups might be doing these things already. So
Speaker 3 2:30:54
for instance, the sacred Historical Society sponsors in May interest in historic preservation, a Strawberry Festival, for a fee tonight, at the county fairgrounds, that’s not what it’s that’s kind of what we do. But the point is, they’re actively doing things in there. They also print, they distribute pamphlets that was the number on the side and outside, they
Speaker 7 2:31:25
have, I think, three walking toward pamphlets, they’re just eight and a half by 11. Sheets, we
Speaker 3 2:31:31
got to get that information with Josh, he probably has, probably has most of the information, but maybe the I don’t know if they do this, or if I wrote this down some kind of a drawing contest in city schools. On historical homes or events, drugs would be posted in the library and on my library, and people would vote for the winner of the Best City School District. Now that may or may not be able to get that in time for this time, if that could be organized maybe for next years. Because say, for instance, the school district have to approve it.
Speaker 2 2:32:13
I think I think that goes that that would tie into that coordination with the Historical Society and the Longmont Museum, that seems much more of something that they would undertake, than we would ever take would be to take a look at our bylaws and our basically our charter effectively. That seems that’s a collaboration type thing, and not just something on us.
Speaker 1 2:32:37
Right? To me, it feels like if there’s a if, if we’re just helping make people aware of it, or if we’re supporting their efforts on how you can just as commissioners, because that’s interesting to us. I don’t think it’s appropriate, the planning side the survey and the preservation plan. And those are things I think that’s an appropriate play the role for. Right to undertake, right. And then and then supporting groups that are doing some of that other stuff, I think makes sense. But they’re not taking it over. Right? It doesn’t, it doesn’t feel like what we’re here to do.
Speaker 5 2:33:20
Which also means that any outreach we do should remain focused on large.
Speaker 3 2:33:25
I agree. I guess we’re um, I’ve we’ve been talking about historic preservation is our mission, and that we’re not just going to be escaping ages, the only things that we’re talking about doing are things where we’re reaching out to the community, and the idea to have interface, find out what their what they know about historic preservation, what are the neighborhoods, what is it? What is Jelly, know how to, I mean, that’s, that’s not stamping anymore. That’s interaction with the community, and how far we go. And we’re going forward, stepping on toes or other people doing that. Right. I appreciate that. But I guess I don’t I don’t. Sure. I mean, I think I think, at least my vision of the HPC is that it’s an interactive proof that talks to people about preservation and how the community feels about preservation, and educates them on preservation. So now that’s
Unknown Speaker 2:34:29
very different from what Steve
Unknown Speaker 2:34:31
was saying, No,
Speaker 7 2:34:32
we need to have a mission statement. Maybe we should think about making defining what our role is, especially maybe it should wait until we toss the same thing Historical Society Museum so we don’t duplicate efforts, we complement them and we focus our energies where it’s most needed, but maybe we should develop a mission statement. That
Speaker 1 2:34:52
might be a bad idea. You know, again, I think, I think if we’re taking our role from the lens of a more technical body that is looking at preservation planning, right in the city preservation planning. That’s what we do. Right? We were looking at what are landmarks and why and what are they and what we’re trying to expand, right? What are these neighborhoods, but it’s all under the lens of the more of a planning perspective, right? It’s not just I mean, not that it’s not cool to have, you know, a fun exercise out there in the school where the dryer sort of house, but that’s not what we’re here to do. We’re here to guide the city’s planning effort, relative to historic preservation.
Speaker 4 2:35:39
I agree with Steve and I go a step further and say that we have a proactive obligation of preservation for us needs to mean finding those things that are not yet designated for preservation, making sure they are preserved, making sure that the preservation requirements, statutes, regulations, protocols at center are continued and reinforced at center. So we, the term preservation for us is a proactive term, we have things to do. And it’s not just preserving that which is historically already preserved.
Speaker 5 2:36:29
So we have our bylaws, and we have our charter from the city about what our responsibilities are. But we are CLG. And we’re a historic CLG because we were first certified local government in Colorado. I believe our
Speaker 2 2:36:49
review is coming up. Yes, we’re doing our we’re in the midst of our quadrennial review. So Lindsay will be attending, I believe. Maybe, would there
Speaker 5 2:37:00
would it be appropriate? And we’ll do we have time for Lindsay to maybe give us all
Unknown Speaker 2:37:13
I can ask
Speaker 2 2:37:23
you I think she’s going to be your April meeting. Yeah, I have one agenda item for the April meeting this far. So we have a city property, the Walmart, fire firehouse Art Center. So is there’s restoration work that’s programmed and there’s an RFP on the street right now. So product manager is going to come and talk about the scope of what they’re doing a lot. It’s going to be whatever restoration work. So Ozzy will be our DNS table, something this team will be able to discuss what they’re planning what they’re doing with that particular property as well.
Speaker 3 2:38:09
And I’d like an update to your central and give us what comes out of this meeting what you know, as far as by April, know, everything but you’re more than Sure. What’s happening from this meeting,
Speaker 2 2:38:27
I’ll definitely be able to give a recap and progress report.
Speaker 3 2:38:31
We also have three weeks from that day until beginning of history, historic preservation month. So anything that has to be in play, as these be started, absolutely continued with that point. Absolutely. So I don’t I don’t expect the meetings.
Speaker 2 2:38:54
I had an agenda. I do have agenda items. I’ve got agenda items. We have things for discussion, as well. So So yeah, we will not be canceling the April meeting. Any other audits would not be useful, or is that just me being like, I think it might be useful for a commission or commission thing
Speaker 1 2:39:19
to do, I think it’s whether it’s a true mission statement or not. That’s again when it seems like Oh, everybody needs to be reminded about what’s important. Yeah. What what are the criteria?
Unknown Speaker 2:39:32
Why are we here
Speaker 2 2:39:38
right now just saying talking to me getting from, from the state perspective of the review process. Any other items on the priority list for next year? I know what you’re gonna say.
Unknown Speaker 2:39:53
I’m not gonna say anything.
Unknown Speaker 2:40:00
So what am I going to say?
Speaker 2 2:40:02
Historic Eastside cultivation overlay? Well,
Speaker 7 2:40:05
that’s a topic that is important is that
Speaker 2 2:40:14
it’s not an HPC item, it’s definitely a planning and zoning item we’re working on we need to give, I’ve got a date working on today, a date in front of Council, they are requested back at the December 12 meeting, basically, an overview of the process because they don’t know the process. And it’s less about where we are, what are we doing? And how do we do it? And what is the ask? Because, you know, we have the pre application meeting. Part of that was the minute that this the there was a report that I did for that meeting that basically says, here’s a checklist, here’s some items that we need from the community, because it’s supposed to be a community driven process. So I will be giving an update to the Council on that probably near the end of April. So I will keep you posted on that. So I’ll keep you posted on that. Because they don’t they need to understand exactly what it is and what the process is because they don’t know that.
Speaker 7 2:41:18
So there’s two ways that I’m trying to make the conservation overlay work. And one is brought it to the commission that we should change the rules so that the planning director if we ever get another one can wait to see. But I don’t know where that’s gone. And then there was the East Side specific request, because the zoning was changed. Chin’s with concerns raised at the time with Jodie Marsh, I guess. She said, we’ll deal with that later, we’ll fix we’ll get your your restrictions back. After we get this old 20 vision 2020 thing. So that was kind of a unique thing for the east side. And so that was part of the request that they made. was well, since the city said they were going to fix this. And since the city took away our our preservation restrictions, can you waive the fee for us once? So there’s two ways to approach
Speaker 2 2:42:19
it. And I don’t know what either way at this point, it’s going to require city council approval. Right, it’s easier if they can do the special they can do the case by case waiver, which I don’t have any reason to believe they wouldn’t do where they AM, and or they can direct us to amend the code. So that’s kind of the question. I think this is such a unique situation, that it may be most appropriately done on a one off basis. But it’s a discussion. It’s a discussion we need to have with counsel, because wasn’t
Speaker 7 2:42:54
presenting the record the recommendation that the Commission made for the change in the city code, he wasn’t presenting it, he was going to review it or something. I forget what the words were he used, but I got the sense that this isn’t. I
Speaker 2 2:43:12
don’t recall it what I know, council discussed it and asked about it. Okay. And so they didn’t, it was essentially what I got from that discussion I was at that meeting as well, is that they need to understand the process before they can approve the labor. Right. So that’s what it comes down to. It’s a chicken or egg type situation. So they need to understand the process. And what the ask is,
Speaker 7 2:43:35
and we’ll go from there. Because if we are going to become a more activist, commission, and try to do more than just what we are required to do, I would think conservation overlay for all historic districts would make sense. There’s really no restrictions on redevelopment of historic national historic districts. You can tear down anything you want. If we had a conservation overlay for all of them, it would help preserve them in a palatable manner. I would think for
Speaker 2 2:44:07
both of them. What it comes down to ultimately is regardless of what you call it, is rezoning someone’s property, right? So we need to have there needs to be a certain amount of public bias, political will to rezone someone’s property. So we have to go through that process. There’s a process we have to go through. And it ultimately turns out that majority of property owners aren’t in favor of it, then it doesn’t go anywhere. But that’s really where it that’s a big reason it needs to be community community initiated. Because this is something that you as a community want and you need to drum up support in your community and demonstrate that support and that’s what we’d go for any neighborhood that wants to do conservation overlay and you’re you’re basically because it is a legislative action and you are effectively rezoning people’s property. It’s what
Speaker 3 2:44:58
it comes down to. Yes, sir. So not to step on your district. But I think we just want to clarify what the basis for my comments have been section 2.5 6.0 for powers and duties of the commission, and go down to D, E, T, E, F, and G. Visor assist the public on matters relating to the city’s historic preservation program, development assistant public education programs, including but not limited to walking towards brochures, market program for historic properties, lectures and conferences. And then Gee, assisted financial assistance for projects and programs. Residential, so that’s not standing, just to see that first part. That’s stamping grenades doing any F and G is what we’re talking about, which is public education programs, interaction, making people aware of getting their feedback on it, using that feedback in our decision making. So I think we’re well within our mission. I always love writing mission statements.
Unknown Speaker 2:46:16
We don’t need to write more
Unknown Speaker 2:46:18
in our mission,
Speaker 7 2:46:21
is already there. Yes. And that’s what we’re just starting to do.
Speaker 3 2:46:25
So we’re starting to do what we’re authorized to do, as I’m saying,
Speaker 4 2:46:30
but there’s very little of what you’re just recited, with which I agree entirely, that isn’t good and need to be funded.
Speaker 3 2:46:39
funded? Well, there’s several things that I said that we’ve talked about, they don’t need funding, some stuff needs funding, and that, whether we need to, I think, to come back to the what Jennifer said, who probably forgets the city for funding, she may have a way of doing that within her system. But if we’re gonna get the kind of money we’re talking about, we’re really talking about 2026. And responding, having a funding request being a function of what the work is that we’re doing right now, you talked about doing that, but getting, for instance, getting a brochure printed on historic preservation in the community. That’s a grant that we need that we’ve we’ve talked about getting that for two years now. And we just need the money for it. Maybe there’s a way to ask, Oh, we
Speaker 2 2:47:35
also need the technical assistance to do the graphic design and get the content together. That’s money, right. Also, ultimately, its coordination with the Communications Office, because that’s something that we would need to work through that.
Speaker 3 2:47:52
So they need to put that in their budget for us, I’m not certain. They can’t put it in their budget for us. And we have to put it in our budget. So
Unknown Speaker 2:48:03
let me talk to where we can
Unknown Speaker 2:48:05
pass the pot.
Speaker 2 2:48:06
Let me let me talk to them and see what we do. Okay, because there is I mean, when it comes to putting together that type of Doc, that type of information for public consumption, we do have our city protocols that we have to go through. So and because I’m the keeper of the time, we do have this space until five, which is when we need to be out of here. So I gave us a nice little cushion in our in our time after last year. So if we want to any other item primate What 10 more minutes or so, any other items. One thing I will say which does relate to our priorities is we are now in that mid year improvement process. We have one open regular seat and to open alternate seats on the commission. So if you know anyone who might be interested, urge them to apply. As a CLG. We always have a particular need for subject matter experts for people in who are qualified professionals. So those design professionals, historians of that things of that nature, there’s a whole list of it’s pretty broad. So that is something we could definitely use. The Commission’s is on this is recruiting new board members. So moving forward, that’s the deadline for this cycle is April 19. So you know anyone got a little more than a month to get everything out. And so let’s see what else I have on my agenda. Alright, so recap is next steps.
Unknown Speaker 2:49:54
Recap in your
Speaker 1 2:49:56
list of accomplishments. You did include the demo Oh,
Unknown Speaker 2:50:01
no, I forgot
Unknown Speaker 2:50:09
that little thing.
Unknown Speaker 2:50:15
point. Good point. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, that’s important one. Yeah. It’s important It popped into my head. Yeah, that’s that’s actually a pretty new accomplishment. So yeah, 2023 was a lot of more time we did some stuff.
Unknown Speaker 2:50:46
Yeah, we got
Speaker 1 2:50:48
that demo. And this was something that I was talking about the first meeting that I ever did on HPC were really seemingly forever. So
Speaker 2 2:51:06
perhaps maybe that’s one of the things we look out for, are the historic preservation items is just kind of, here’s what we’ve accomplished.
Speaker 1 2:51:16
There may be, you know, that may also be something that’s worth a little. Think about trying having outrages in some of the talk about
Unknown Speaker 2:51:30
what we actually do as opposed to so
Speaker 3 2:51:37
that could be in the form of proclamation, city issued proclamation, which we’d have to write them. They would know what to write. And whereas following that URL, and that could be talking about the city council moment, it’s too close to
Speaker 3 2:51:58
something think about and then that something that proclamation could be the lever to get Steven to talk to you the Yeah, we’re,
Speaker 1 2:52:09
it seems like the Proclamations are usually a little more general. Yeah, they’re very often they’re very general. They’re just sort of like, it’s preservation month, we’re going to celebrate preservation month, that’s all fine. You still leverage that into something, you know, it’s just talking point that opens the door. Right. But I don’t know that that document ends up being so broad brush, we’re recognizing this right. But again, it’s adorable.
Speaker 3 2:52:36
Sure, who, where, where do we see this list of accomplishments? going next? Where does that go? Just into the library, or we wrote out what we accomplished this year. And what do we do with that was? I mean, I think we figured it’s a report that sends a report to the city.
Speaker 2 2:53:02
It’s not something we usually report out. But it’s something that as we’re, you know, I can I can talk to, to Germany, to see how it’s treated.
Unknown Speaker 2:53:12
That’s my way of saying we don’t report it at all. I don’t know. I mean, we’re gonna report to whom are we responsible
Speaker 2 2:53:25
to be part of our annual art and reporting to the state or CLG. That’s definitely something that we report to. So we don’t, it’s not something we put under a rock and ignore.
Speaker 1 2:53:37
This doesn’t even look back to council because everyone’s approved the first place, you know, it seems like all cyclical. But to get to CLG, we’re actually doing something. We’re doing our
Speaker 7 2:53:52
job summary report to ourselves. Have to do we have really it’s for us more than anyone else?
Unknown Speaker 2:53:59
We are here. It’s true.
Unknown Speaker 2:54:02
It’s part of the planning and development services.
Unknown Speaker 2:54:06
overall budget, although we had a
Speaker 2 2:54:09
small and we do, we do have a small allocation, I’ll have to double check up on that is
Unknown Speaker 2:54:15
10 or 15? Is the what’s the allocation for?
Speaker 1 2:54:23
That my understanding was it was just sort of a miscellaneous spot. Use it. Occasionally we
Speaker 2 2:54:30
use it for the window. We have a landmark for getting those brass plaques for the historic landmark. Those are definitely not cheap.
Unknown Speaker 2:54:40
Cars. We pay we pay Carl
Speaker 2 2:54:42
out of it. So something in our survey dollars or survey, or consumer surveys, anything we do, from our standpoint Josh’s that’s coming out of our general consulting we had some general professional services dollars for that
Speaker 3 2:54:59
rows, that’s just planning for general. So baby is support in a memorandum of support for the item in the budget, we’ve just covered what we’ve accomplished during the year danger to pagers, but can help draft working on it. But I just think something should get into writing. And that can lit because if somebody looks at that item and say, well, and they say they’re cutting, too well, do we really need this 5000 or 10,000, or whatever it is. And there’s no support for it other than what you say, well, we could use a well known slip to this document, which is what we accomplished for hardly any money. It would have to pay rent or anything parking space.
Speaker 4 2:55:50
Yeah. Okay. Do we have any physicality? Are there any documents that are uniquely ours?
Speaker 2 2:56:02
At this point, no. You know, we have a section on the website that we’re working on, the city’s website is doing an overall update.
Unknown Speaker 2:56:12
How old are we?
Unknown Speaker 2:56:15
As far as CLG? We are. Back to the 70s. Right. Yeah, I think 71 That sounds right.
Unknown Speaker 2:56:24
Not producing?
Unknown Speaker 2:56:26
I don’t I’ll be honest,
Speaker 2 2:56:27
I don’t know. Because there I mean, there were a lot of other people before me, I have stacks and stacks of binders. And our files are historic landmarks. So
Unknown Speaker 2:56:39
your cultural? Yes. Like no preservation plan, right. And that’s
Speaker 3 2:56:48
right. Which date is 1971? Yes, those programs formally began about a month.
Speaker 2 2:56:59
All right, well, so our April we we will have firehouse Art Center. That led to Lindsey who will be here as well from state to talk about our CLG review process. And also just what we do and see what our responsibilities to CLG is, or purpose. I’ll have a update as far as progress on the work that Josh is doing the adjustments team are doing that survey plan and then looking at having buyer made meeting having a deliverable, a progress, basically a mid midpoint deliverable, as far as based on the work that we did today. So we’ve got definitely some things moving forward. Otherwise, I don’t have anything else on the agenda. We keep the basic good progress on the deserting fanworks Jupiter, Steve, because you’re the chair
Unknown Speaker 2:58:05
sort of gleefully.
Speaker 1 2:58:07
Shepherd. Sorry, if I offended anyone by taking half an hour. Yeah, perfect. So I, and then we’ll obviously have the the record of minutes of this meeting to review. And so I think, you know, there’s, we could look at setting up talking about maybe just goals for other freedom for this next steps list, rather than just like language. I don’t think we’ll have time today. But in the April meeting, we can sort of pinpoint a few of those and say, hey, what can we talk about? Putting this you know, put, put an item on a future agenda, for example? Okay, okay. Okay. Well, thank you very much, Jim, for this gather.
Unknown Speaker 2:59:05
Maria. Yes,
Speaker 2 2:59:07
thank you so much for refreshments. believe all the nurses, this is what I was thinking, Oh, this isn’t my hometown. I haven’t painted this picture. This is my office, dyspraxia T Rex Dinosaur than the before dinosaur and he’s given a golf mascot and maybe storage was the mini golf closed down and his crab Mr. Hall was put up, everyone wanted to keep reps and they were all incorporated reps into their potential area and he is projected by my school.
Speaker 1 2:59:45
Yep. There’s a whole architectural trade. It’s a restructure theory. Probably right. It’s like ducks. Just random weird buildings. I might hometown that to milk bottles. Yeah, either end of the time. Oh, I can’t remember
Speaker 2 3:00:08
this was a little ice cream Yep. Yep, historic preservation isn’t just weird stuff. Well, thank you so much everyone for sharing your Saturdays with us and
Speaker 1 3:00:31
if you do I cannot accept a motion to adjourn. So moved. Right so I’m going to fire
Unknown Speaker 3:00:41
Jacoby yes
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