LHA Advisory Board – February 2024

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LHA Advisory Board – February 2024

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
I’m wondering, yes.

Unknown Speaker 0:04
Yes. Josh Jansky love pepper. Generally, yes, we’re selling here. There is no, Molly O’Donnell here, here in McDaniels here. So they’re

Unknown Speaker 0:19
right. Next up on the agenda is approval of minutes from our January 9. Board meeting. Do I have motions?

Unknown Speaker 0:27

Unknown Speaker 0:30
I’ll second

Unknown Speaker 0:32

Unknown Speaker 0:35
On other words, talking about land donation, it talks about affordable housing at ninth and tearing but all the information that was sent to us, it says like like the interior, so maybe that needs to be changed.

Unknown Speaker 0:53
And here there are modifications.

Unknown Speaker 0:57
Alright, that one modification votes. All in favor say aye.

Unknown Speaker 1:02
Aye. Opposed, Any abstentions? Motion passes.

Unknown Speaker 1:08
Number three is designated 2020 for official posting location for DHA Advisory Board meeting agenda.

Unknown Speaker 1:18
We do this for February advisory board

Unknown Speaker 1:22
for the year. So the official postings that we’ve done are the CFO website. So the agenda management portal, as well as the

Unknown Speaker 1:32
website and then the west side entrance of the setup center.

Unknown Speaker 1:36
So if you want that, did

Unknown Speaker 1:39
anybody have any opinions on that?

Unknown Speaker 1:46
As well?

Unknown Speaker 1:51
Alright, let’s go to number four public voted, you heard, I don’t see anyone

Unknown Speaker 1:57
else good to five organizational updates.

Unknown Speaker 2:01
We do have an organizational update.

Unknown Speaker 2:05
We put the FHA assistant director position out there, and we’ve had

Unknown Speaker 2:11
a small pool of candidates that are qualified. But we have decided to hire Lauren Sally as our LNG assistant director starting February 26. So congratulations, we’re super excited and happy. That also doesn’t mean that she wouldn’t be able to serve on this board anymore. So the clerk’s office is organizing around the board recruitments for the spring. And so I think that this because of your start date would be February 26. This would be your last meeting this board. But

Unknown Speaker 2:47
capacity, we can just really? That’s right.

Unknown Speaker 2:53
So we’ll have a vacancy on this board as of the next meeting, and then we’ll go through that quarter.

Unknown Speaker 2:59

Unknown Speaker 3:04
Housing that paints generally so we’re finally getting

Unknown Speaker 3:08
the housing team globally. Ellijay side and the city side staffed. So Katie, how are you? Oh, no. We’ll be back

Unknown Speaker 3:21
next week.

Unknown Speaker 3:23
And then we also have hired Christine Wiseman.

Unknown Speaker 3:28
Police as the housing investment manager on the city side. So we have

Unknown Speaker 3:34
kind of read it over counter. Christine, my coworker. Yeah. And so I think we’re all really excited about China’s trajectory and the staffing that we’re bringing on board and what they can really do for us. I just want to contrast the standpoint.

Unknown Speaker 3:55
You know, you guys will be happy to offload some work.

Unknown Speaker 4:03
I wouldn’t call it offload. I just say share the distribution in a way that makes more sense.

Unknown Speaker 4:12
Number six development project updates. Oh, there’s one more. Sarah

Unknown Speaker 4:18
is moving from Sarah is going to be splitting time.

Unknown Speaker 4:24
Elise and develop service center. Sarah is going to continue working with us on the housing authority issues that Sarah is also taking on a coordinating role for what I’m told that you’re going to be doing. So we’ve had a lot of silos with the smaller enforcement groups and park rangers parking

Unknown Speaker 4:49

Unknown Speaker 4:52

Unknown Speaker 4:54
yeah, those are the four and then we’re basically we’ve had so many issues because public safety is

Unknown Speaker 5:00
plus groups touch a lot of the work that we all do. And there’s no shared data, there’s no share of training, there’s no shared education, really, it’s very early belief, so to speak. So the idea is for me to kind of be that conduit to get everyone connected with all of those things.

Unknown Speaker 5:19
Training, data sharing, and that way, you know, if you have a police officer willing to deal with something, they don’t know, the code enforcement might have dealt with it earlier in the day. So that’s going to be challenging.

Unknown Speaker 5:34
It’s indirect, we’re getting

Unknown Speaker 5:37
compensated, it’s good timing. So that would be pretty nice.

Unknown Speaker 5:43
So the benefit for us is, I think it’s just more coordination with more city departments. So as repeating certain things, or maybe we need somebody to drive by, there’s a park ranger, and so she’s gonna have

Unknown Speaker 5:56
the pulse of everything going on. And I think they are some opportunities for us on the housing side, in terms of how to leave work more closely with other areas of the organization.

Unknown Speaker 6:11
So lots of changes this year.

Unknown Speaker 6:14
So what is your official title will be then is it really long, hasn’t changed?

Unknown Speaker 6:19
I’ve been reassigned. So, um, you know, between Harold, Joanie and Zack, we set free, you know, free to go to

Unknown Speaker 6:30
Germany or still trying?

Unknown Speaker 6:33
I think this is there’s going to be an evolution to this in terms of what we’re looking at, but we have to do the work now. So it’s okay, we’re gonna lay aside, and then we’re going to continue working through to figure out what that looks

Unknown Speaker 6:49

Unknown Speaker 6:53

Unknown Speaker 6:54
So a sense is heating up quite a bit. They’re getting ready for building permits and metals. And there’s a lot of moving pieces going on right now. The goal is to get building permits, first of July, and close on the financing by mid July, and certain construction right away. That is something that developers really, really wants to hit for multiple reasons.

Unknown Speaker 7:19
That means though, that we got to work really closely with building right now, right now their timelines are not, we’re Miami with our timeline. So we’re gonna have a conversation to see how we can help facilitate.

Unknown Speaker 7:32
There’s new

Unknown Speaker 7:34
EV electric vehicle parking lot requirements coming out that this project is going to be impacted by,

Unknown Speaker 7:42
which is, it’s wonderful for an equity lens for the residents down the road. But in the immediate term, it’s, it’s a cost hit that we’re trying to sort out. And so I’m going to be talking about that with you, Harold. But I’m trying to get some information about the steps that they need to take, of course, they need to take them like now

Unknown Speaker 8:03
to see if there’s any sort of waiver to help this project, because it’s one of those that are in progress and not going to make the cut off deadline for grandfathering. And it results in about 40% of the parking lot having to be either up installed or up ready. And so so we got around by having it installed, but not putting in the actual charger. So we’re we’re going through all of those alternatives. Right now. There’s

Unknown Speaker 8:29
so this is every electrical permit that’s issued by March 1 has to comply. And this is specifically on multifamily. There’s a there’s a lot more to it, because it’s a statewide thing. But we’re trying to scramble pretty quick to see what the plan is going to be and how we can figure that out. So I may if we have enough information my might be briefing the board on this next Tuesday, trying to see if we get enough information first, though. But will this affect the suites parking lot, as well as we’re gonna have to change? We’re eventually got to redo that. Right. Right. But it’s a new electrical permit is the trigger. Oh. So we wouldn’t have that there. And city is definitely well ahead of the schedule.

Unknown Speaker 9:13
Because it’s Evie ready. I mean, there’s like three different categories. So one is basically just putting in conduit and others putting in the conduit and the transformer. And then another one’s putting in the conduit to transfer the charge. So I think understanding what that thinks is

Unknown Speaker 9:33
just going to be in order to get cost estimates ASAP right now to just see is obviously qualified for

Unknown Speaker 9:44
since you brought it up,

Unknown Speaker 9:46
you know, we put the money in for county requesting partner for some of the sewers. We could look at augmenting that request, take that money and actually connecting to the sewers.

Unknown Speaker 10:00
So as part of the Transformers for charging stations, and the Navy that could offset it, because that’s also that new technology that will tie into

Unknown Speaker 10:12
flat River and 100%. And

Unknown Speaker 10:16
in terms of how you do that in a different way is that is kind of

Unknown Speaker 10:20
another solution. So there’s also a state opportunity that’s due this Friday that Shannon or the the team is looking at.

Unknown Speaker 10:31
That is specifically is charge ahead Colorado program. So we’re, we’re looking at all of this here in the next three days, yeah, immediately,

Unknown Speaker 10:42
to try and figure out what the plan will be.

Unknown Speaker 10:45
So we’re just in a lot of that type of thing. Lots of fine tuning and firming up costs and timelines, the Early Childhood Education Center,

Unknown Speaker 10:59
we have applied for

Unknown Speaker 11:02
six or so grants, we have received between the city’s contribution of $525,000 of our funds, or interest earnings, and then we apply for 750,000 worthy cause we’re only awarded 150. So we are at the just about the 650 700. That’s how about $700,000 Mark Out of our $3 million, that we need to include the AC E, our Colorado Health Foundation, that that’s our biggest one.

Unknown Speaker 11:34
We requested 2 million because our other Stoller strong communities grant come through, they are telling us that most likely too much to ask for. So we are not, we have not filled the gap on the ice. And if we do not fill it here by about April, it’s not going to be a go. So we are furiously out there, I put in one, I did some cold calls.

Unknown Speaker 12:00
I posted one with the

Unknown Speaker 12:03
remember, I’m gonna forget the name of it off the top my head, but a foundation where the goals of the foundation align. I’m gonna put when I’m with the Safeway Foundation, because they do have their goals align, and you’ve got the Safeway right there, you can see that the employees could live on site and have childcare so that when I’m trying to put together, we’re just it’s all hands on deck, I’m going

Unknown Speaker 12:26
to try and get that money solidified before we reach the foundation. So they we need grants, it has to be a grant, we can’t have a true loan on this one with repayments required. And they are they were trying to set up a revolving loan fund, and they wanted to give a million dollars to it. But it would have to be repaid which we just cannot support. So we’re talking with them to see if maybe if we went down to 500, could you figure out a different mechanism. So that’s still in the works? Do you still have that in the works and the Colorado Health Foundation we’re waiting to hear, but we’re just planning on it not covering the whole thing at this point and still reaching out. So that is going on there as well. Because we really want to include it it would be real shame to get this far and not have it funded when

Unknown Speaker 13:22
designing shell funding. No, it’s not the shell it’s it’s the build out. It’s built out.

Unknown Speaker 13:29
So we are all hands on deck on that towards Boyd, can you carve out this orange shirt?

Unknown Speaker 13:38
We’re starting to come to Plan B which that’s when we’re on the design view which is right after this. We’re gonna start saying okay, can we get a revised costume some effort has to show and then start filling it in as we get more funding over time. That’s the plan B hopefully do any other you know like big corporations like you know Walmart and Safeway have any sort of program like that, that you’ve heard of like Target for example? Or do you think that that Kroger to any extent or anything else major in town? So far the you’ve reached out to multiple just cold call basically already interested in this but

Unknown Speaker 14:15
what I’ve done so far is really follow like the state’s

Unknown Speaker 14:20

Unknown Speaker 14:22
portal and then who contributes there and who was connected. That’s that’s just the trail I’ve been following so far since

Unknown Speaker 14:31
posting capacity is limiting the amount of research time but we did dedicate a good amount to it. So

Unknown Speaker 14:39
just keep working hard on it.

Unknown Speaker 14:44
For Chrisman we have two buildings that are now we’re getting leased up there partially occupied, thank goodness. The next one the TCO is coming next one for the third building next week. And then the fourth building is still a good month out or so

Unknown Speaker 15:00
So it is running behind. But we are making moves, we’ve got people moving in.

Unknown Speaker 15:07
And the all of the powers that be have approved it moving to an income averaging project. So we’re I think we have just one set of consent documents to sort out and then all of that will be settled as well. So

Unknown Speaker 15:24
Zinnia moving along as well. I mean, they’re, they’re in full construction mode still on, on target for next up in September.

Unknown Speaker 15:34
Can you expound a little bit of a recovery cafe?

Unknown Speaker 15:39
On the Yes, so we’ve got two arms of recovery Cafe going now. So first, we were trying to get them to build sweets, it’s it’s seems unfeasible in these looks, partially, primarily, because

Unknown Speaker 15:55
they would have to have a ground lease, because the land is owned by the partnership. And the partnership would not subordinate the mortgage. And so they’re having trouble getting a mortgage to complete the build. So

Unknown Speaker 16:10
what we have worked out with them, they had about a plan to be working this whole time, which we do about and we’re supportive of, they are looking at purchasing a site and building from there in a different location. And if the city has agreed that if they still bring in programming to the suites, then we would still make a financial contribution to help make that happen. And so that is the plan right now. And actually, they’ve already started programming in the seats. So we’re going to be briefing that

Unknown Speaker 16:41
to the board on Tuesday as well, where they started recovery circles, recovery circles there. And it’s been extremely popular off the bat. So we have a programming plan for them. But I believe we went over all the screws to go over this. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 16:59
And they’re off and running. We’ve got we have services recovery services in house.

Unknown Speaker 17:05
And now we’re just planning for if it really is this popular, how do we build for more a second circle in the week and then maybe we’ve talked about could we tap into our via contract through

Unknown Speaker 17:19
connections to the city manager’s office to see if we can pick up residents and take them once per month over to her cover cafes current site for their open mic nights or like social events. So that is the status on our coverage.

Unknown Speaker 17:36
I’m gonna pull

Unknown Speaker 17:39
release right now. 12,000 ish. I think we said tenant first. Well, for my from my contingency fund to

Unknown Speaker 17:48
help support this project.

Unknown Speaker 17:51
Part of it is because of the call volumes that we have for police and fire.

Unknown Speaker 17:58
Core responses. For more we can support them in this work, the better at supporting the overall system. So I can really see an ROI on this since I’ve been out of my contingency

Unknown Speaker 18:15
into food costs every call if it goes for the first circle, have some money to tap into. And then we’ll be watching it closely if we need to do another circle there.

Unknown Speaker 18:27
So is there any way that you could tie transportation in with the micro transit that’s coming out? Yeah, we have to see what the RFP is going to be. But yeah, so I mean, I think that’s the thing is, once we get the RFP, we’ll see what that’s gonna look like.

Unknown Speaker 18:43
It could be in that micro transit connection.

Unknown Speaker 18:55
Number seven items for input

Unknown Speaker 18:58
for the lhf Board of Commissioners, LSA goals.

Unknown Speaker 19:04
Okay, so we have a document in America looks like there’s a little bit of cut off, but

Unknown Speaker 19:15
so this is something that I plan to present to for next Tuesday.

Unknown Speaker 19:20
You’ve seen this, we went over this last year, this group helped formulate these goals back in 2022. And then, last year, we reported on our accomplishments in 2022. And so this is a report on what we accomplished in 2023. And what we would like to focus on in 24.

Unknown Speaker 19:41
So I’m trying to think about the best way to go about this. I think I’ll do kind of a high level summary of each overall goal and what we really focus on and accomplished versus if we haven’t been why. Okay, so our first goal is really about

Unknown Speaker 19:59

Unknown Speaker 20:00
President communications and residents quality of life. So we’ve our coffee conversations have been super successful. I mean, they are so valuable, we get so much input from them. And the residents really do participate and give us feedback that we really use in in

Unknown Speaker 20:18
making our day to day decisions.

Unknown Speaker 20:22
We also highlighted on here the extensive engagement process that we went through on the village on Main,

Unknown Speaker 20:29
really the big message there is the residents, that village got something that the Aspen Meadows residents did, just by way of the Aspen project was right in that transition time between old LBJ and the military.

Unknown Speaker 20:44
And so we’ve used a lot of lessons learned to make sure that we went through this in the way that the Aspen residents told us they wish they would have gotten to do. And so that has been so successful, we have more positive feedback than negative we’ve had, we have our first round of residents out, I guess I didn’t mention this on their development updates.

Unknown Speaker 21:06
But we have our first round of residents out at the hotel, we have heard no issues or problems or complaints of any sort or, you know, other than day to day managing of the small stuff.

Unknown Speaker 21:20
It’s been really a success. I think the way that we went about it bringing in a real real relocation team, a professional relocation team. And having these engagement sessions throughout the last two years of prep, everyone has really paid off.

Unknown Speaker 21:34
We did not finish our resident handbook that we wanted to have as like a welcome to Oh, ha, welcome to your community. We didn’t finish that. But we did get it started. And that will be a focus area for 24.

Unknown Speaker 21:49
months, just kind of picking out some highlights but specific questions, go ahead and stop me. Well, I have a question about the MSU project and how well that went.

Unknown Speaker 21:59
In the facilities. And because we did, we did that at the hearthstone lodge ended up not choosing assets to do that. But for each event, it was about a two to three hour class. And we had about anywhere between 10 to 50 residents at a time but residents were coming in and out from both parties interacting. So are you going to continue or is that their semester is ending? So we just had our last class, not last week, but the week before? Good?

Unknown Speaker 22:34
Are they going to be doing follow up or report out or anything waiting to hear because of groups that originally started only one has continued with it with us. So

Unknown Speaker 22:46
in terms of other just resources that we brought in and partnerships, we talked about recovery cafe, we have the Center for people with disabilities, that MOU was executed in 23. And that the services are taking off. Now this year.

Unknown Speaker 23:03
We did complete our community managers handbook, this is something that the board and staff have wanted for a long time. And that’s complete, and we’re just in the rollout of it now.

Unknown Speaker 23:15
research efforts across other housing authorities, how do they measure quality of life? We have not talked about 2023 is really just capacity. But that is something we already have a we got immediate inquiry here a couple of weeks ago about somebody reaching out to housing authorities across the region asking how do you measure resident satisfaction. And we could have not done a full resident satisfaction survey of sorts. What we have done is those

Unknown Speaker 23:45
community conversations, so it was more of a narrative and really trying to but that was as we were building and reaching back in 2022. So I think that was valuable, but it’s not something that we could measure necessarily. So that’s something that we could look at for 24.

Unknown Speaker 24:03
Yeah, I think that’s all tied together. Any questions about this for school at all? Worse For suggestions, too, if there’s something that you see is could be a 24 hour focus area, that is something that we could consider putting on here before we go to the board on Tuesday.

Unknown Speaker 24:27
Go to about core focus area, so Boucher development, property management, etc.

Unknown Speaker 24:33
So this is really focused on that housing needs assessment that we did. So this one is really, really complete this pretty much this whole goal is complete at this point.

Unknown Speaker 24:45
The grant that we did receive, we have fully expended as of late January, early February this year. So we’ll be closing that out here soon. We completed that housing needs assessment and we have a dash

Unknown Speaker 25:00
For that helps, that we can maintain over time that will help show our needs and how they change. And then,

Unknown Speaker 25:07
as a result, affects how LHD plans our developments to see what target populations that should be doing.

Unknown Speaker 25:15
Continue to use,

Unknown Speaker 25:17
often do we need the housing needs assessment as well, how often are those kind of download every five years, they are certainly done every five years for the CDBG program. And then what we did was well give us and CDBG and that something, and so

Unknown Speaker 25:31
at least a portion of it is done every five years. And then for us, it’s really, in the future, if we feel like something has truly changed like a pandemic, or just kind of if we see the needs shifting, then it would prompt the designer to do an update. Of course, that might be dependent on funding availability. But

Unknown Speaker 25:54
definitely keep an eye on that in the next few years. I think where we don’t know. So there’s a lot of legislation being drafted right now. That has the housing assessment on it.

Unknown Speaker 26:08
And so I think seeing what state moves in terms of what they’re going to require frequency is something we’re gonna have to watch. So generally, yes, you want to fight hearing, it wouldn’t surprise me.

Unknown Speaker 26:22
If there’s something that comes out and probably thought inside around three years, just because

Unknown Speaker 26:29
the interest in the state lists on what’s produced, that means to your goals, so they can track how valleys are doing.

Unknown Speaker 26:41
More bureaucracy

Unknown Speaker 26:43
take us away from actually doing stuff to

Unknown Speaker 26:47

Unknown Speaker 26:51
So goal three is really about

Unknown Speaker 26:55
about your program. 2023 was a challenging year, how did not increase our voucher funding, even though in our mind, we met all of the performance targets, it should have resulted in an increase in funding. So we’re trying to, to engage HUD on that.

Unknown Speaker 27:12
And try to figure out why and what to do for this year.

Unknown Speaker 27:17
They were definitely not answering for quite some time with the in the fall is not a good time to try and call HUD since it basically shut down.

Unknown Speaker 27:26
We also started formulating, and did some research around our regional relationship on vouchers and how we work with BCHA and BHP snatcher program. And really, in 2024, will want to be able to really wrap our hands around that we’ve been starting the conversations, but I think that our conversations will start to do deep dives here this year.

Unknown Speaker 27:49
Overall, we didn’t have we really focused there was a lot of no fuss. So it’s like a you funding opportunities released by HUD for voucher programs, there was a ton in the end of 2022, that we looked at really hard to see if they would work for us. And they did not at the time. And then it really quieted down at 23. There just wasn’t a ton out there. But our voucher team, we have a super solid team, they are settled and established and they’re ready for the next thing to see, can we start really trying to grow this program? So we’re primed and ready. We need HUD to be a partner in it and have original conversations and really try and make some headway on this point. Don’t expect HUD to necessarily be increasing funding across the board this year, right?

Unknown Speaker 28:41
Probably not since we’re still waiting to hear from our stonewash to increase funding.

Unknown Speaker 28:47
So it’s gonna be a tough environment, but we’re gonna be

Unknown Speaker 28:56
with HUD, I mean, do they, when we report to them? Do we tell them which ones are part of the housing choice vouchers? And which ones are project based vouchers? Or do they not care how we do the care how we divvy them up? Or is it just

Unknown Speaker 29:13
20% of our suites vouchers are not included in those of their supportive housing. So those get excluded, which is 40 minutes. So that’s why we include the ability to place

Unknown Speaker 29:28
them in terms of yardie Is there any sort of part of you already that we’re not using full effect? Or?

Unknown Speaker 29:39
I mean, we’ve found we’ve had several things, and just from feedback from other community managers that have

Unknown Speaker 29:46
to say, do we have this do we have this use what are some of those examples? So an example would be like they we lost the person that was doing our state reporting. She retired in December so it was coming out

Unknown Speaker 30:00
other community managers to do that recording with the state. One of the community Realtors reached out and said, Hey, can you already do this for us? So I reached out, they sit down. I mean, the reports right there, here’s how you do it. So I set them and apparently it’s working. So and some of them have to go back because I don’t think Fall River was doing reports here wasn’t in this person’s.

Unknown Speaker 30:24
So they have to go all the way back. That was perfect, because this report actually says,

Unknown Speaker 30:29
when it’s when the changes are in GM and all reported on an appliance

Unknown Speaker 30:35
standard state does. So that was one thing.

Unknown Speaker 30:40
Another thing was the payables, you know, having better workflow, segregation of duties, having communion, or see what actually is coming, what what’s actually being charged to their properties, there were several managers, these people wouldn’t even show up charged. And another one was like, Where are we paying for these maps? Let’s, let’s not pay for these people. I mean, those are just some, some examples. We also have been looking at the utilities, because that was taken off to a workflow, just so that we’re not paid on time. But you know, for a CNN, you know, you could have people that day, and then actually have utilities in their name. And so if you need to start seeing this county doesn’t know, if it’s supposed to be in somebody else’s name. So they recognize that or they recognize problems during water just increase, like, dramatically. We have

Unknown Speaker 31:37
constantly so that’s so I mean, there’s definitely and there’s there’s probably more in theory that we haven’t even explored, that we could be paying for it.

Unknown Speaker 31:49
Is it’s just finding those things.

Unknown Speaker 31:52
I mean, do we have full advantage of yardie? Or do we have to pay for different uses? You do? So we have

Unknown Speaker 31:59
a package that encompasses a bunch of stuff that they set up in the beginning? But then there are other packages that yes, yeah, that you can add on to so like, our workflow package was an extra package. But by doing that, we went on a different platform and reduce the costs in other areas. So it’s just researching, knowing the struggles of community managers are having struggles that HCV is having, I mean, even HPV is known as some. So workflow areas like they’re they’re doing stuff separately, when there’s like a workflow that can actually just move them through a process. So little things like that.

Unknown Speaker 32:43
So part of it

Unknown Speaker 32:45
already, on the city side,

Unknown Speaker 32:49
we’re moving into Salesforce, for starting off with our customers, and things like that we’ve been working on.

Unknown Speaker 32:59
He would call it DCE. But what is this I can’t remember.

Unknown Speaker 33:04
And stuff versus enabling caring communities, which is, we also knew organization and we weren’t connecting

Unknown Speaker 33:14
across the organization for people that we’re serving. So we may have orangeade working with someone if they’re an older adult, it’s highly likely that you’re working with a senior center. And we just weren’t seeing those connections. When we did, it was just pure luck with human intelligence. So our utilities went into Salesforce.

Unknown Speaker 33:40
We’ve been talking to Salesforce about enabling caring communities. And at the time we started that work, no one had that platform built. So we were working with the University of Colorado School of Health. And they’re working with an entrepreneur, and we’re kind of doing the test cases and building

Unknown Speaker 33:59
within that five years Salesforce building.

Unknown Speaker 34:04
The interesting piece on Salesforce is that and is this possible in your day, they have an API that is built for you already already, is working with the system. So I want to learn a little bit about that, because now we’re going to connect

Unknown Speaker 34:23
the financial side, potentially to the human side, so that we’re getting real time information in terms of what’s happening. And then that in turn, works with Power BI, which then starts allowing us to create dashboards. So there’s a lot more work coming in this, but it really is taking buildings motherships and then utilizing the eight guys that can pull the data so that we can start seeing certain things that’s happening. And I mentioned Sarah because we’re Sarah’s doing it’s gonna be really critical here with Salesforce.

Unknown Speaker 34:58
That also will help

Unknown Speaker 35:00
Sara connect to Kendra or somebody else.

Unknown Speaker 35:04
And what really kind of reinforced this in my mind. So we were dealing with an individual that had about your

Unknown Speaker 35:12
and she was on a payment arrangement because

Unknown Speaker 35:17
income reporting issue.

Unknown Speaker 35:19
And so when I was meeting with her in terms of had an accident,

Unknown Speaker 35:25
so couldn’t continue on payment or something wrong. And so I met with him personally. And what struck me as she came in and she ever cares,

Unknown Speaker 35:35
was cared for him analysis, utility rebates, grocery tax rebates that they get during the year, but she hadn’t done that.

Unknown Speaker 35:46
And so when I started asking some questions, we have 452 people on volunteers, we house for

Unknown Speaker 35:57
four, let’s never have all four.

Unknown Speaker 36:00
Fortunately, for 20, exam vouchers,

Unknown Speaker 36:06
so get about 100 people, right?

Unknown Speaker 36:09
We are not internally proactively signing them up for the cares program, either on the doctor side or on the housing side. And, and so when we look at their disposability, we’ve got to figure out a way to do this. So Eric has started to work with that with Korea to put together something where when we have someone ordered their voucher or in in one of our units, we’re automatically pushing them into the cares program. So they get these other benefits for the city. So it’s kind of that flips into one person,

Unknown Speaker 36:45
to your point that you’re already in that sales forces, we need something that’s connecting the dots, because they’re missing out on any other benefits that we have in society. So we’re going to continue working with that.

Unknown Speaker 37:04
Go for is really all about development, which we had plenty of headway, we kind of talked about most of that already. But the one thing that we did not get into was affordable assisted living, which you’ll see it pops up in a couple places on here.

Unknown Speaker 37:18
And that really was I think we’ve recorded on this briefly in the past, but

Unknown Speaker 37:23
it is going to be extraordinarily difficult. We talked to people that have

Unknown Speaker 37:31
done affordable assisted living, and you know, you have to get into the Medicaid reimbursement world. One of them flat out, said don’t do it.

Unknown Speaker 37:42
Like the system is not ready, just is not ready for this.

Unknown Speaker 37:47
And we were hoping to maybe rather than to put money into development kind of we then instead like buy space at an existing place. But that’s an ongoing funding commitment. And what we ended up having was with construction cost escalating so high compared to when we first set our our allocation. So this is all stemming because we originally set aside a

Unknown Speaker 38:12
piece of our ARPA funding to to try and do something around this. And every other project there gaps rose, we had projects sitting in front of us ready to go. So the city council did say, but we allocate that amount that was set aside for affordable assisted living and get done what we have, and then try and figure out the best method to move forward in the future. But we really did a great, it was totally worth the exercise to go through and try and figure out the ropes and what are the key drivers and what do you really need? And what will it take and it will take a lot.

Unknown Speaker 38:48
But I think that it’s still

Unknown Speaker 38:51
a worthy thing to try and keep on our radar and see what we can do and see how that pain reimbursement falls together and things like that.

Unknown Speaker 39:03
That’s really unfortunate because it’s such a high need. And it’s close to impossible to bring together.

Unknown Speaker 39:12

Unknown Speaker 39:15
Oh, and I will say on this, there’s a lot in here MexicanUS development is is converting housing choice vouchers to project based vouchers. So we awarded out all 44 of our project based vouchers this year. And so the village place the electron they the village just gonna say the village covered bases.

Unknown Speaker 39:36
That’s already we’ve got to have it ready to go and those units have been assigned. We did a lottery system for the residents to get into those units which was super, super valuable. So that is taken care of and then the other award allocations went to a cent so that will be coming on board and we will be working towards that getting into that into a half contract.

Unknown Speaker 40:00
as well this year, and then the app would project which they’re gonna attempt to go for my tech financing again. And so we’ll just kind of hold those

Unknown Speaker 40:08
and see if we get successful. To do so that was a big goal. When I first came on to La J, starting to transition into 2021. That was something that Kathy and Karen really wanted to do just for

Unknown Speaker 40:23
health of our doctoral program. And just for development,

Unknown Speaker 40:27
I will say that we had development proposals all the time, and they always want PPVs. And we are fully allocated at this point. So our answer right now is we don’t have anything available. And we are until the doctor funding increases, we won’t have anything available. So that is an unfortunate limiter for future stuff. Because everybody who doesn’t want those

Unknown Speaker 40:53
kind of future delegates, we won’t be adding duties as we get additional

Unknown Speaker 41:04
well, then we may have to

Unknown Speaker 41:06
shift reality, some other things.

Unknown Speaker 41:11
There’s an interesting opportunity that is presented itself.

Unknown Speaker 41:18
It would require us to finance in a different way that would be both affordable and attainable.

Unknown Speaker 41:27
What’s interesting is Singh is working on the Abbott project,

Unknown Speaker 41:32
it may be more than your greatest hour, we actually have a conversation about

Unknown Speaker 41:39
sliding them over answers this other project if you could.

Unknown Speaker 41:54
Okay, next is our preservation of affordable housing. So obviously, that was that was the biggest target here, which we’re on track with. We did put parsimony lodges on here for the 202 program. So we did do a lot make a lot of headway on researching this and figuring out what will this take? And what will it look like.

Unknown Speaker 42:16
And so we met with HUD

Unknown Speaker 42:18
to go over what their process is. And of course, it’s very prescribed and the timeline is very specific. And so you have to do it. Within that you have to complete it within 90 days or something, or your budget approved within days, yes, your contract date. So you have to find it extremely intricately. Well, they’re not approved today. So I mean,

Unknown Speaker 42:43
you could almost have to make sure you’re, you’re under the threshold of just, which is your support person. So we just had a 4% increase would probably be approved already. But because I asked for more. That’s why our problems are so so this is planning an entire development with a refinance rehab, and having it all set and ready to go so that you can hit that 90 Day trigger point.

Unknown Speaker 43:09
Finances, the reserve replacement, so they don’t get HUD doesn’t give you additional right as to do it yourself, what here amount is budgeted for two to the RAD program. And if you have reserves, that’s kind of what they look at, if you have reserves to to that additional work, whether it’s at the lodge or whatever to. So it’s transpacific, and has to be very well time. So we’ve been in touch with

Unknown Speaker 43:38
one of our consultants that we’ve used on some other projects, just traditional affordable housing, she knows a consultant that has done this. And so we’re engaging with him to say, let’s plan this out. And what I feel like it’s most likely going to be as we work in 24 to plan this out, and be ready to pull the trigger and 25 Of course, if we could get all of these other little pieces to line up.

Unknown Speaker 44:01
So that was what would be ideal because it has to be 24 We don’t have enough time for 24. But we could plan for 25 If we have enough capacity to actually take this on. I will say 24 And I’m thinking about our staff that we’re bringing on board and Katie, Katie is going to be in construction

Unknown Speaker 44:24
through September on village. As soon as village is done with construction, well actually overlapping, we’re gonna be in construction on the set. And then Zinnia is going to be leasing up right at that same time. We’ve got other things in the works too. So it’s, it’s gonna be a real busy year.

Unknown Speaker 44:45
But we at least want to get that consultant on board so we can see what does this really look like how big of a lift is this and how well do we have to sign this? So

Unknown Speaker 44:56
we also have on here being reciprocation of aspen Meadows neighborhood

Unknown Speaker 45:00
So 24 is your 15th. And traditionally in the past, we would that’s the point when we would attempt to start that recertification process.

Unknown Speaker 45:10
But we know that CHAFA is really looking for us to be more at the 20 year mark. And we were able to come in under that 20 year threshold on village on Main, because the last recertification that really only did critical system upgrades and not the rest of it. So we were able to convince them that this should be looked at earlier, on Aspen Meadows neighborhood, we don’t have as strong of an argument there. So and also considering our workload on development, that it might be an okay thing for Aspen Meadows neighborhood to come a little bit later. It doesn’t have to be you don’t have to start this year, with a low probability of success. It started a couple of years.

Unknown Speaker 45:50

Unknown Speaker 45:52
All right, that’s development, moving into partnerships with service providers. So some of this does end up kind of

Unknown Speaker 46:02
crossing over two of these goals that we’ve got quality of life, one that we first talked about. So we’ve got, I’ve talked about center for people with disabilities recovery cafe, you’ve engaged children, youth and families to help us with service provision at a sense. So that’s not in place yet. But we’ve got that partnership established and coming.

Unknown Speaker 46:23
We also worked on our positions to help improve improve service provision. So the resource specialist position, we retooled that to be truly a resource specialist position serving

Unknown Speaker 46:38
seniors and all of our properties, but not necessarily focused at the suites because the suites really just has a population that has a higher acuity of need, it’s more than resource specialists. So instead, we’re redistributing that we’ve heard somebody that I have not met him yet, but apparently, he’s wonderful.

Unknown Speaker 46:57
That is just diving right in. And then at the suites, where we’ve talked about covered, changing that model for clinicians, and really making sure that we’ve got the job description in the community manager there reflects the high duty of lead and the trauma informed

Unknown Speaker 47:14
methods of dealing with people. So we’ve been working that kind of on the back end on this.

Unknown Speaker 47:23
So there are some partnership ideas on here that came up in 2022, that have not necessarily come forward into a full partnership yet true pace, they did come out and did do education on Medicaid reimbursable for residents, but we haven’t necessarily partnered with them to figure out Medicaid reimbursable so many other, you know, formal partnerships yet, but that can still be something that we look to do. And then we’ve talked to the next line. But the federal funding

Unknown Speaker 47:56
that makes it

Unknown Speaker 47:59
free or certainly reduced, but I think it’s free, primarily through the federal funding for residents has really covered that need for the time being. And they’ve helped us we’ve had events with them to make sure residents are connected to the resources to get that and that type of thing. But we didn’t necessarily do a bulk agreement at this time, because there was another source out there. They’re currently doing events the last two weeks and the speaker right now, just trying to get more residents signed up and connected. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 48:28
Molly, and I haven’t had a chance to catch up on this, I had

Unknown Speaker 48:32
lunch with the CEO of Mauna Kea Hospital, which is UCL, and we had a conversation about an adolescent that would see center. So the three of us are going to have conversations about the hospital systems, how we can work collectively on something even though they’re in competition, but find an area that makes sense to work collectively. And this was the item that I threw out is in terms of working with our housing authority residents or voucher holders, in terms of charter community health issues. So we’re going to start working on that just because

Unknown Speaker 49:12
we know that that will benefit them. Because the more work that they can do on the front end with individuals, the less likely we are to have emergency room visits. And we also understand

Unknown Speaker 49:24
the financial capacity of many of the individuals in terms of the financial impact of hospitals. There’s actually common interest among surgery organizations

Unknown Speaker 49:36
in terms of calls for service emergency room visits, and so we’re going to be having that conversation and we’re going to

Unknown Speaker 49:46
be hoping for like an annual like clinic where they don’t know I mean, options of options are really kind of endless and and you know, we talked about maybe on the side of the vouchers or you

Unknown Speaker 50:00
can ask them meadow, how they bring folks into understanding

Unknown Speaker 50:05
how to eat differently and things like that. And they have their own foundations that can come in support.

Unknown Speaker 50:12
In terms of some of our other properties, it could be that they bring in, you know, physicians or something and do like a free health care or health screening, or we don’t know what it’s gonna look like, we just know that it’s a common issue for all of us. And so when I look at it on the police side, I live near four properties. And I see the number of runs that our fire department is making to all four of those properties. And those are health related. And, and so what does that mean, in terms of calls for service, they end up then going to either hospitals, and, you know, how do we minimize, you know, at the cost of service, but at the end of the day, this is very uncalled for hospitalized for a long period of time. So we know

Unknown Speaker 51:06
it’s bad to have this conversation, but we know that there’s a really significant financial.

Unknown Speaker 51:12
But beyond that, we want people to be Well, generally. And so it was just a brainstorm Overwatch, and they both are kind of committed to doing this work together. So we’ll see where it goes out.

Unknown Speaker 51:31
Soon as you’re brainstorming, obviously, you’re talking about the keys that will bring people in the hospital, getting some preventative care as well,

Unknown Speaker 51:42
like meeting like some sort of focus on just longer term health goals. Yeah, the preventative piece is key, because that’s really what’s going to

Unknown Speaker 51:54
shut down, you know, obviously, he doesn’t to be there. But it’s going to minimize that. And it’s going to minimize the acuity of it, the more you’re on the front end working with clothes,

Unknown Speaker 52:08
then they know how to charge Medicare.

Unknown Speaker 52:11
So the piece is we may actually be able to tap into Medicare on some of this, if they’re the ones that are doing it, and they know how to do it and have an infrastructure. Maybe we can bring Medicare resources. We also talked about once they become involved, it’s how do you get home? Why? Or how do you get somebody to then SWAT in and then have really the broader all of the systems in the community supporting what we’re doing.

Unknown Speaker 52:46
So I think, in the last minute dimension via vs, we’ve talked about a lot in the screen, but that was one of the major service partnerships that we had going on in 23. And we’ll continue that in one four.

Unknown Speaker 53:03
There’s other there’s a lot of smaller efforts to that aren’t necessarily community partnerships. But staff on their own. Lisa and her crew have put together a donation program at the suites for essentials for those that are moving in with nothing.

Unknown Speaker 53:21
That has been really a positive experience, I think and it’s just been a win win. I mean, Have we had any issues with it, it’s just been great. We have residents who don’t need the help for integration wanting to donate. So it’s going both ways are the residents helping.

Unknown Speaker 53:43
I think that’s is just telling given capacities tough, but we have managed to establish some great partnerships, and we’re managing to kind of do what we can just in house to to make things.

Unknown Speaker 53:58
So the next goal and the last page, the really the this is more affordable assisted living. So we’ve now talked about this on the Belton side and, you know, maybe modeling different types of partnerships to try and make a dent somehow, for now and then really with a long term goal for this. So I’m not gonna rehash all that.

Unknown Speaker 54:17
Number eight, formalizing a partnership with a provider to establish facilities for early childhood education programs. Alright, so we’ve talked to since we brought it Children, Youth and Families for that.

Unknown Speaker 54:30
What we have not done? Well, we could, once we get through this process with AC E on this end, and we’ve built that partnership with the wild fun, then I feel like we could use that use that knowledge gained to see okay, what’s next? What else can we do?

Unknown Speaker 54:47
But generally, we’ve tried to what have we brought in for families and obviously we only have one true family property existing. It’s only 20 A unit so it’s not a large number of families.

Unknown Speaker 55:00
Use that we’re talking. But we have brought in. I think this was 22 though when we were doing those connections, seniors to kids connection because we’re doing that. But we’ve had, we’ve been inviting them to some of the Aspen Meadows stuff with Kaiser Permanente, we’ve had them come in and doing crap events every six to eight weeks at all the properties there now invited to do come to ask the seniors, we have just different parts, you go to my old parties going away parties, just different things on the site. We’re inviting asking the neighborhood into that to start building that relationship.

Unknown Speaker 55:35
This is kind of a, an offshoot. But

Unknown Speaker 55:39
we did also bring in the Eagle Scouts to do a project at Spring Creek in Fall River where they did garden beds for us and they brought they got Home Depot to deliver plants. And so there, that’s it’s smaller, more targeted, but we are trying to engage youth organizations to try and make some headway. I think there’s a lot more we could do, though, in time when especially when we have more family members on site.

Unknown Speaker 56:07
And then finally, homeownership pathways and opportunities. So we have not completed much in 2003 on this, but we did hire in the very beginning of 24. on the city side, our Homeownership Program Specialist, that as we have and we have the 185 units up for sale, affordable attainable housing that we’re going to hear up until we afford to do a lottery process and start getting a pool of buyers ready to go. And with that, that now is our opportunity. We have a staff member and we have the project coming where this is where we can use to kick start

Unknown Speaker 56:41
talking to our residents about prepared preparation for homeownership and using the Boulder County Housing Counseling, the personal finance coaching program to try and get people here that so I think 2020 for us.

Unknown Speaker 56:58
Okay, so overall, those are the goals that we’re setting 22 I feel like LA j is moving at lightspeed that some of these goals are still totally applicable. Some of them were ideas at the time, but the world has morphed. There’s a whole slew of things that we’ve completed that weren’t even anticipated in 2022. And I just want to kind of highlight those, and then see about what to do in the future. So we we’ve stacked three different federal funding sources, which by the way, is not an easy job,

Unknown Speaker 57:29
to do ADA accessibility improvements across all the properties and do the new playground that I am in and resurface the entire parking lot at her so much. And will bring in the security cameras in 24. Across all the properties to time to the city system. There’s a bunch of capital stuff that we’ve been working on, just for really it is for quality of life and getting our properties to be as good as they can be. And so that is not reflected here. But we’ve completed all this purchase except for the security camera 23. We sold 659, which was hugely beneficial to the site for people with disabilities. Also, we got services out of it. Also that was a financial plus for the housing authority.

Unknown Speaker 58:18
We haven’t there’s nothing about meth on here. But we’ve been doing a ton of work on that. But the the new cleaning company that we’re testing out, and that’s detectors that we’ve been working on, so that’s not reflected here.

Unknown Speaker 58:32
I think I might have it on here, but I didn’t mention that the clutter events that we did, we did basically hoarding prevention. Across all the properties where we brought in dumpsters, we organized an effort for people to declutter what they were wanting to. And I think that all the residents were super happy with that it was just an opportunity where they don’t always have somewhere they would like to get rid of something that they don’t have a way to move it out or put it anywhere

Unknown Speaker 59:00
else or share volunteers. I think I did have that in there. I just probably skipped over it.

Unknown Speaker 59:06
We updated our property tax exemption policy, which sounds kind of dry, but honestly, that’s it brought LBJ into the income averaging world and then prepped us for that entire world, which is clearly the path forward and like tech, Siemens, so it seems

Unknown Speaker 59:23
we did the Adrian house, which is in 2019, city council directed staff that are multiple houses that the city owns because they wanted to purchase the land for your open space or water. And they had houses and some of them were vacant, the Adrian being the first one where on the city side, we spent over $200,000 We having it so that we could rent it to a low income household. And then we’ve completed that

Unknown Speaker 59:52
the property management agreement basically all of the structure got in place in 2306 for Lhh to be able to manage that and

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
If you haven’t ready to go, turns out renting it is incredibly challenging.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:05
But we’re getting there as well county

Unknown Speaker 1:00:09

Unknown Speaker 1:00:11
voucher programs in Boulder County going in Weld County, by county housing authority is not necessarily super responsive. But we’re trying to get a household in there, preferably with a voucher.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:24
And then we made headway on our asset transfer from LSCC to lmha. The Spring Creek property has one approval left to go before it’s ready to be transferred into an FHA asset. And then Chrisman will come next. And so that is still moving forward. We’ve been working on that. We’re having our attorneys work on that for us over this whole year, and then talking about we overhauled our city vehicle purchase and snow removal programs completely overhauled that for operational cost savings and for to get better service to residents. So there are some things that are not reflected on here that I wanted to make sure we highlighted about what we did in 23, because it was a really big year.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:10
And one that to feed into our plans for 2020 or beyond two. So the question I wanted to ask you is, hey, is there anything that you would recommend that the Board add in here, the focus area for 24, and B,

Unknown Speaker 1:01:25
this isn’t the prettiest way to do this, I would love to spend the time to make this much more of a functioning document. But what I would really like it to be is more of a living document that we can add goals to remove old stuff. So that’s an effort that might be for for the next year. But if there’s any ideas from this group on the best way to keep this more alive, rather than a spreadsheet once a year, that’d be falling, we may help with this too for more strategic integration.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:00
goals. So this is a stuff that I’m going to want to be pulled into dashboards.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:10
feedback in terms of goals, closing down now the CC

Unknown Speaker 1:02:16
disapproval and

Unknown Speaker 1:02:19
getting that done.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:22
Well, now it’s not closing down, but

Unknown Speaker 1:02:26
morphing to the rich, it’s we’re trying to use it as a charitable organization. So that is, I would say, certainly a goal where we really want, we’ve talked about how many opportunities that we talked about where if we could have somebody really able to focus on that charitable side of the partnership. So bringing that money in, that would be really great, then at least you see as our vehicles,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:49
fall rivers, the problems because of the way that it’s structured.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:55
It’s far up, right when we can do that. So how we work within collectively, charitable organizations, the ability to keep it. So how can we allocate it and people are more engaged. And I think the other thing has changed is with all the development they are doing.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:15
So there is a different interest in wanting to stay involved. I think where they are wanting to

Unknown Speaker 1:03:21
where they want it to disengage, that’s when there wasn’t development going on.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:26

Unknown Speaker 1:03:28
we just have to work through it with a charitable piece and

Unknown Speaker 1:03:34
then eventually that Well, I guess we would always keep all hdc that open has a charity site, but transfer property. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:45
I would just add that I think a big topic of discussion that’s gonna start this year is IDD housing. I don’t think that that’s been included. Intellectual disability, developmental disability as a reminder there, there’s lots of money at the county level. And there’s no levy for Boulder County. So there’s millions of dollars to tap into for the services, which are the hardest part to have, right? Most service providers you can do, you got to twist their arm to underwrite for 10 years, 15 years, it’s impossible. But this is a fun, that’s not going to go away. So it is more possible. I have great connections with the website and and HHS, we’ve been trying to do it. That will be part of phase two, which I will no longer be focused on. So

Unknown Speaker 1:04:32
to address that in lumbar side.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:35
How do we

Unknown Speaker 1:04:37
fit that it’s not the same as permanently supportive housing is different, but it has its own issues with Medicare, Medicaid waivers. So lots of conversations happening about that. I don’t think it’ll be something we’re able to incorporate necessarily in 2024. But getting some of these conversations started with the state because that’s sort of voucher program that we would target but a lot of Dodgers

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
So it wouldn’t affect our vouchers, increase the number in our units. So that’s one goal that I’d like to see.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:11
So this sounds very small compared to that sort of thing. They serve as like a subsection under the resident quality of life. And, you know, education, I remember held Senate one of the meetings a while ago that emotional support dogs were like, allowed in units, right about something federally, that if you’ve got a support animal, and it’s different, it’s like more inclusive than, say, the dog that can get like on an airport or something like, so when we, when we were having our meetings,

Unknown Speaker 1:05:42
at different places, I mean, huge dog person, so I just kind of watched and there were a lot of dogs coming in and out. And often, you know, big dogs, and I just thought that something that might be helpful for educating Republicans to just, you know, even just put up fliers and resources or contacts that Humane Society about low cost behavioral training, because even though these dogs are, you know, again, I love them. But dogs are animals. And I think like training around especially more vulnerable populations, like older people and small kids, would be helpful. And then also, you know, as we’re continuing to, you know, improve the properties to have areas that are specific, you know, just like small areas for dogs and places, so people can clean up after that and make sure that they’ve got a designated place.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:29
Again, it’s small, but I think it’s like one of those things that really starts to hurt people or can even be dangerous without having some good resources available, like blood through the LHC. So nothing that or sorry, not Elijah, I can think that lhf long run Humane Society. Sorry about that. So again, that’s something small, but if it just I saw the dogs coming in and out, and I just thought it might be a good thing. So while we’re thinking about minor improvements in properties, we actually have a sternum that we have, we have the sweet, they’re doing a shock clinic.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:03
Once they believe there’s a good release that is coming into a shock clinic for all the animals for cats and dogs at the suites.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:12

Unknown Speaker 1:07:17
I would just say,

Unknown Speaker 1:07:19
we have one for like, operational improvements. And when you set

Unknown Speaker 1:07:24
a goal for that, and just listening to you could certainly be working on a future, right and bringing in a assistant director, like I’ve got a million goals in my head. So I feel like that’s a huge piece. It’s not necessarily here.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:43
I’m not sure how you phrased this but I think it’s important to focus on actual homeownership. And so that’s a goal on there for number nine is establishing the partnerships but homeownership just the impact of that has to be generational. And so I think building that as a goal to be affordable

Unknown Speaker 1:08:08
Yeah, that’s actually good. I mean, you made me think a lot of people that are moving to Aspen and was looking at the affordable for cell units that we’re gonna be building a plus thing

Unknown Speaker 1:08:20
you may be thinking about is how do we start working with

Unknown Speaker 1:08:23
because if you can get them to move from Aspen into homeownership opportunity then you open up Aspen for the poor people.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:33
It’s how do you

Unknown Speaker 1:08:35
that’s a good point. That’s actually really good goals in terms of critical and I think we need to also focus on having

Unknown Speaker 1:08:42
for emergencies, because that’s one thing that people forget like you buy a house and even if it’s affordable if your space

Unknown Speaker 1:08:51
or you didn’t pick up you don’t necessarily have the disposable income to put down $10,000 When I lived in my unit my tankless water heater broke and thank God it was under warranty I still had to shell out $2,000

Unknown Speaker 1:09:06
for the labor so how can we support homeowners in a situation where they have to make a huge purchase and then education I didn’t know it because I economy to get coverage under your homeowners insurance for

Unknown Speaker 1:09:23
when they love you assessments, huge assessments that you just pay your deductible. I didn’t know that was the thing.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:30
Other people

Unknown Speaker 1:09:32

Unknown Speaker 1:09:34
we do have a CDBG program specifically for things like furnace went out your Yeah, qualify. But

Unknown Speaker 1:09:42
if the homeownership becomes larger

Unknown Speaker 1:09:48
well there’s you know, downpayment assistance programs, matching funds type programs. You know, as you’re building your pipeline, you get a certain amount now.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:58
That is on the city side.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
because this was 23 was our first year of real serious family revenues from inclusionary housing side, I went, we’re going to work on and propose potentially a locally funded downpayment assistance, because our federal one is just too difficult. So, we are going to need those buyers to be able to access that. So we’ll see that’s, that’s an idea. We’re gonna formulate it and then take it to council sell. But Erica, would you

Unknown Speaker 1:10:36
really got me thinking to say, well, if I’m looking at our sustainability goals 100% renewable electricity?

Unknown Speaker 1:10:45
Can we, you’re talking about fun, can I create a fund

Unknown Speaker 1:10:50
that actually is larger out of utilities that says we’re gonna put so much money away.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:57
If water heaters and things break, we can pay to convert it very to the TriCity.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:02
But then we put some type of deed restriction on that house that says it has to remain

Unknown Speaker 1:11:11
affordable or whatever, over time. So then we have a pipeline and then we have increasing level of stocks until the funds are paying for that it’s actually benefiting them on the sustainability goals.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:34
Any other input on the lecture goals or?

Unknown Speaker 1:11:44
Quality of Life, anybody have any slips?

Unknown Speaker 1:11:51
Number nine LHL report an update on operations matrices.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:00
So it’s just it’s kind of discipline situation, right now. In September, you can see our past $10,000. Now it’s at 31. And it’s just a process of those tenants, get evicted and have costs, try to go through what you know, get payment plan on collections. And it gets sent to accounting and we send it over to collections. So it’s kind of I mean, there’s nothing on AR that is concerning. And it’s just kind of going to be fluctuation from quarter to quarter depending on

Unknown Speaker 1:12:36
who you have in the eviction process and where they’re at in that process on whether or not we have a higher capacity balance versus a lower one you guys have questions

Unknown Speaker 1:12:57
so typically, I mean, we got sweet Spring Creek are typically our higher

Unknown Speaker 1:13:05
balances amounts

Unknown Speaker 1:13:07

Unknown Speaker 1:13:09

Unknown Speaker 1:13:10
Well, sweets is always gonna,

Unknown Speaker 1:13:13
it’s always going to have those units that are tested.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:17
That seems to be a property that

Unknown Speaker 1:13:21
always has units. And so that’s where usually the higher cost films are, and and the longer it takes now to evict somebody, if they’re not paying rent, we did decide to change our admin plant based leave out your which I think is going to benefit some of these tenants because our HCV vouchers were requiring and our admin has to pay at least 50 bucks. But what was happening is people have no income whatsoever. They can’t pay that 50 bucks. So we’re not helping the landlord though. We had some of those situations on our properties as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:00
Where where’s we’re kind of saying, you know, you’re investing 50 bucks, what, technically, you’re also getting the same person necessarily. That goes more. So it’s like how do you know you have to have fair housing. You can’t treat one tenant different than the other. But I did notice a flaw in our system that we probably shouldn’t be requiring

Unknown Speaker 1:14:23
on our HCP vouchers, because it doesn’t assist the landlord’s if that person really campaigned.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:31
So we are changing. The current legislative legislation being proposed in regard to evictions this year is that totally different from last years is something added or

Unknown Speaker 1:14:46
I have not seen

Unknown Speaker 1:14:49
anything come across from Sandy regarding eviction, so I don’t know but we can definitely look into

Unknown Speaker 1:14:57
those right now and are going through the processes

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
Alright, let’s figure out what’s going

Unknown Speaker 1:15:05
on revisiting just cause.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:09
So that is going to council tonight that one. So that’s I’m glad this is coming up actually, because they’re I’m in the middle of reviewing several of these, the cause one is going to cancel tonight for a vote of support or do not support.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:25
There is another one regarding

Unknown Speaker 1:15:29
there’s multiple there’s like five and flying around right now.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:32
Tenant protections was

Unknown Speaker 1:15:36
not specifically eviction process, but like, we have to give them a settlement about to move out, we have to pay them to

Unknown Speaker 1:15:48
call for cause downs are just as they’ve taken out. Last year’s

Unknown Speaker 1:15:55
series is a little more digestible. That’s so helpful.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:00
But they, what they took out this time is relocation there’s

Unknown Speaker 1:16:06
and then also, it is still there. But if you do it wrong, correct, yes. But not and not If you do it correctly, but it took out the

Unknown Speaker 1:16:19
lease that you can offer a choice term, she could interview for a substantially different lease in their first just cause and that this one also has

Unknown Speaker 1:16:34
said that financial penalties are there, but not kind of secondary, that this one doesn’t preclude you from raising.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:41
So you can manage your tenants out under this bill by just saying your basement is now $6,000, at least as a private, right? So if you want them out, you can

Unknown Speaker 1:16:52
there’s no financial restriction and how you can do that. So you can’t end their lease without cause under this, but you can also raise the rent.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:03
However much if you want to use that as management, which is what will happen.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:07
I had just been like I

Unknown Speaker 1:17:11
really well.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:13
In my analysis that I provided to Sandy to for tonight’s conversation, I, my analysis centered around basically I see the problem you’re trying to solve. This is solving a lot of things around the problem, but not necessarily timing to it. I am worried about let you know when we are going when we are dealing with behavioral issues. And we’re trying not to evict termination of lease is sometimes the best for everyone involved. And it keeps it off their record and et cetera. So I’m worried about that I’m worried about no such thing as a month to month lease anymore, always having 90 days. I am worried about that for the housing authority.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:56
But I did spoke speak to one of the housing advocates in our area about ETs who helped write it. And the point is, the reason that it is going forward in this form is that they hear a lot about how

Unknown Speaker 1:18:13
tenants are just having leases. It’s turned out basically, because of things like complaints about not getting items fixed.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:24
And fair housing. And I said, Well, fair housing, we already have fair housing to cover that. And there’s already something nice about very happy to have already have those things. So apparently, people are finding ways around it. And they’re just seeing a lot of people

Unknown Speaker 1:18:42
being turned out of their leases for reasons that seem

Unknown Speaker 1:18:48
to be not this is her words, we advocacy role,

Unknown Speaker 1:18:52
not worth the impact to the community and society

Unknown Speaker 1:18:57
where we’re then having people on housing subject to having to find new places with higher rents basically. So that’s, I see what they’re trying to do. The mechanisms, my recommendation on the mechanisms is not quite targeting the right issue, but well, so other than you

Unknown Speaker 1:19:19
for classes or just houses that are

Unknown Speaker 1:19:22
within their credit limit I could do myself is just turn them out via a massive increase, right, like which you have consequences. Housing Authority wouldn’t be able to have that same right. You’d be stuck, where I could just be like, I don’t like you and want you to go on your hands now. Right? Oh, whatever. I want to make it

Unknown Speaker 1:19:44
which is what I’ll do. I mean, that’s exactly what so that’s an unintended consequence that I think is not worth it. And number two, another unintended consequence is this looks so unattractive to rent, to lock yourself into such a massive commitment that I’m afraid that it’ll discourage me

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00
landlords from renting period which then drives our costs up overall anyway. So those are my

Unknown Speaker 1:20:06
concerns, I got a unit because of the new eviction protections came here last time I bought a unit

Unknown Speaker 1:20:16
because I just couldn’t find someone that I thought was going to be great, I would have never done before. And now you’re, you’re super careful about what you’re thinking about doing. It’s just stuck. You’re literally married to the Senate.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:33
You know, and so I went as a private landlord.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:37
And that is an unintended consequence that we’re not trying to. And that’s about I definitely talking to my landlord smaller

Unknown Speaker 1:20:49
is taking them off the market together.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:02
Yeah, anytime they start sticking their fingers in it, it makes it.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:09
So it means we’ve kind of seen it a lot of places we’ve seen in criminal justice reform and other places where

Unknown Speaker 1:21:19
they, they don’t mean they don’t take the time to understand how the world works. And so they’re legislating to the exceptions of the rule.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:30
The unintended consequences just start snowballing. I mean, not that it’s housing. The best example of this was card theft legislation.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:42
I mean, they shifted so dramatically, Colorado went first in the nation card.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:49
And because there’s a bill,

Unknown Speaker 1:21:52
this is exactly what’s going to start happening. And the unintended consequences, people like yourself, if you rent homes, and things are gonna start selling

Unknown Speaker 1:22:04
to single family homes.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:08
As soon as they get kicked out,

Unknown Speaker 1:22:10
we’re just stuck. I’ve had I’ve been forced to funnel it and sell it, I would have never considered that. And now, I mean, what’s better private landlord, who was in the community for a week out of Texas? How are the tenants gonna be better off under the roof or with your guarantees or not be better off to just going to, especially in that middle market, when between five to 50, where you’re still on the property, you’re managing a larger portfolio? I, I hear?

Unknown Speaker 1:22:44
Are you okay, with sharing that I can learn and happier,

Unknown Speaker 1:22:48
we actually, for the first time ever had put firm on retainer for attorneys, because I just can’t, the changes have been so fast and quickly and every legislative session, that I no longer as a credit manager keeping keep up, but I’m spending so much money on legal fees, and to figure things out, in this next session, like, I would redo my lease, I just did it and the lawyer that I retained, why bother? In June, it’s gonna look completely different.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:21
You go

Unknown Speaker 1:23:22
outside, you know, states have have these owners, we have no way and we have problems even grow. It’s like, I’m trying to hunt down a vacant lot right now. And it’s a nightmare.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:39
It’s very difficult. So if you want you can public invited speakers at the beginning of the meeting, this will be at the end of the meeting. So it might be a little bit of time, but you can always stand up and seek it out if you’d like to.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:00
I think it’s important for us to take what you just said and say to the council look, I mean, we’re specifically hearing for folks that are saying they’re gonna sell and we’re gonna lose vocal ownership

Unknown Speaker 1:24:16
and move into the reads and if they have a problem now, wait till the REIT start playing their games and

Unknown Speaker 1:24:25
pay their late fees and

Unknown Speaker 1:24:30
I’ll take your way theater in a pod facility. I have a tenant who does

Unknown Speaker 1:24:37
not I’m like I’m great with that but it would be really I mean, in terms of like single family homes or the larger occupancies that are for us, but it’s gonna be so dimensional

Unknown Speaker 1:24:54
Let’s proceed and

Unknown Speaker 1:24:57

Unknown Speaker 1:24:59

Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
claims, I guess it’s all the time, but

Unknown Speaker 1:25:03
their lawyer fees are called 100 to $200, for example, do a prediction. And that gets dumped back on the channel.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:11
Am I missing? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:17
We said this, you know, Susan, I go back to talking about this for years. That’s exactly what’s starting to happen in my classroom.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:28
Real Estate Corporation, they’re not going to deal with

Unknown Speaker 1:25:32
your lawyer fees are going to be higher.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:36
So we don’t, the LA che board does not necessarily take a stance on on legislative issues. Definitely on the city side, where I’m doing the analysis and such.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:49
But I feel like this is a valid conversation to be having here each year during the season and going over some of these large houses prior directly. Lhh. How do you? How do you manage your price? You have Katie Couric? How much does it cost, you have the same issues that any third house in Britain has the exact same issues in any private

Unknown Speaker 1:26:16
so maybe even if it because when I submit the analysis, I’m talking about, you know, the city pressprogress perspective, and I go into what the community impacts could be. So in this case, landlords, which includes le j.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:28
So even if we don’t have the FHA board, right, directly taking stance, it goes through the city, and we’re considering it kind of in both ways. So maybe next meeting, we still have some of these. In Progress, we’ll end each legislative season, maybe we’ll start to bring some others to this conversation. Tonight, when Sandy goes over this, I’ll jump in and say, Look, this did come up in the housing authority, there’s a lot of concern based on

Unknown Speaker 1:26:56
an unintended consequence of reducing the number of

Unknown Speaker 1:27:00
local landlords and so it in REITs, because this presents to Steven of a challenge to deal with. And so I’ll figure out how we really jump into this. It’s the loss of sorry, to jump, but it’s the loss of local landlords, but it’s also just the cumulative cost will be borne by the tenant.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:21
A past week, $1,200, every three years, on, now I’m gonna raise everybody’s rent.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:31
And in terms of the forecast, the only way to separate that marriage, the only way to get them out is in a private space, we’ve been raised around to the customer level, or, in the case of lousy onboarding, you’re gonna have to, it’s going to, in order to meet instead of just saying, Look, this doesn’t work, it’s not working for you, it’s not working levers, your lease is over.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:57
And now you’re gonna have to go down the path of actualization, which is a worse, a worse scenario.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:09
So the other one out there that I’ve sent around to Susan and Lisa, so far to help get some feedback on is, this is a warrant the breach of warranty of habitability? How are you feeling earlier with that one at all? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:28:22
I’m just getting started. So I don’t have anything yet. But maybe we put this on next month. If I, if we’re still, I don’t want to wait too long. Make sure to get this in before they start talking about it. But that is another one that’s on our plate.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:37
For today, those last month of your presentation is doing a pretty cool thing on all these today.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:44
Can you record that? Are they recording? I’m not sure but

Unknown Speaker 1:28:57
to a position on every single proposed bill, but on ones that seem significant, but we never touched these bills until the Housing Authority became part of the city once the Housing Authority became part of the City Safety started forwarding

Unknown Speaker 1:29:16
because it wasn’t necessarily operational.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:22
But the same thing,

Unknown Speaker 1:29:24
I guess

Unknown Speaker 1:29:26
the adu issue? Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:31
Kind of going into municipalities and counties for the governance of this. Yeah, it’s interesting. My wife’s going into real estate, or talking to some friends, where you can get into real property purchasing, they’re going

Unknown Speaker 1:29:48
don’t do it.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:53
Which is bad, right? Because if I’m sitting there, it’s an individual. Telling my wife

Unknown Speaker 1:30:00
Do not do this.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:02
And she knew she was

Unknown Speaker 1:30:05
seeing where I am saying that what is that about?

Unknown Speaker 1:30:16
We ended up here, where are we talking about?

Unknown Speaker 1:30:26
So guess what we do know a lot of legal fees this year.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:30
So some of the increases are just budget overruns. We have utilities, it was usually that the gas that was over on those properties, because we couldn’t, we didn’t budget in time for that increase. So we saw gas prices increased on all of our, all of our properties. We have insurance. We have insurance repairs, and non insurance repairs happening.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:59
Because of our insurance rolls over in September, any claims before that, if there was math, recover any claims after that.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:09
So we have to see about past moving forward to get these minutes. Hopefully, this cleaning company

Unknown Speaker 1:31:16
will be our content.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:19
And help us out along the way on there. And then and then we have legal costs and a lot of inspections. Yes, we are doing the same thing. We will constantly back to the tenant. And then that goes to collections of we haven’t I mean, we’ve sent about 400,000 numbers over to collections. And we haven’t seen and I don’t think

Unknown Speaker 1:31:42
mainly because a lot of it’s just costs and fees.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:46
I think we might be able to see stuff if it was rent there. There are some that have rent tied to it. And at least it it does have rent and you can

Unknown Speaker 1:31:56
take it to those credit agencies to show that. But so

Unknown Speaker 1:32:03
the tenants

Unknown Speaker 1:32:04

Unknown Speaker 1:32:07
Do they get

Unknown Speaker 1:32:14
programmed with tennis shoes when they can’t pay the rep program and get money to help around it?

Unknown Speaker 1:32:22
It has, but we’re still gonna we’re still getting

Unknown Speaker 1:32:25

Unknown Speaker 1:32:28
They’re not getting any new applicants or anything. There’s another one out of Susan and I were talking about. Yeah, but it’s very hard now. Because allergy can be anybody who has just a weight notice.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:43
Conviction you here.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:45
And you’re starting to get overwhelmed and was trying to

Unknown Speaker 1:32:51
log back live right now.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:56

Unknown Speaker 1:32:58
let’s do that. Would it be worthwhile for us to step in and help on those programs? For it’s important to get involved in milliers.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:09
But that’s the biggest issue I’ve seen.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:12
on Fridays.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:14
They’re under an eviction coordinator before they apply for money and buy them you’ve already accumulated itself at all.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:21
Which airport pays?

Unknown Speaker 1:33:24
Well, and I don’t know how many of you might know that number. This is actually how many of our infections are related to and I think you even commented on the docket that was never because of rent not being paid. It’s usually for something completely different, and usually probably involves risk in the same process. But it’s not. Just recently we’ve had a few red ones, but typically if they Oh, right, and we are trying to come up with every resource here and I work very closely on this, like, have they gotten the Ochsner housing policy or services? Have they gone to a woman’s work? Have they gone through that, then I go to Susan before we even hit the documents.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:02
So unfortunately, but what happens is we inflate our revenue, because we’re charging potential. And then we also inflate our bad debt expense. Because if we just write that that officer was to collections, so it’s kind of

Unknown Speaker 1:34:15
it was really in the in the heart

Unknown Speaker 1:34:20
because of that, unless we get

Unknown Speaker 1:34:24
something together saying earlier, what’s the cheapest route to go take care of all your fees and all this

Unknown Speaker 1:34:32
right now to

Unknown Speaker 1:34:35

Unknown Speaker 1:34:37
situational race. Yeah, I mean, severe let it ride. But if you have a significant issue with that resume, then that’s so long.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:49

Unknown Speaker 1:34:51
Think a lot of times on the money side.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:54
Do you try to work with him and find other situations? I mean, it’s really up to you

Unknown Speaker 1:35:00
Because if it’s just purely financial, if we’re ever pulling the trigger on an objection, because the financials, it’s because we have tried to work with them and find different solutions, and they have just not worked with us, at that point that number.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:16
But, I mean, it’s, I would just say there on the financial side, from the housing authorities perspective, we’re leading them to where the resources are. And they’re just not taking it.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:29
And that’s typically I think,

Unknown Speaker 1:35:34
if you see read, connected and gather was, please, because the issues are so significant.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:40
That when you when you’re trying to deal with a significant issue, obviously, what you’re doing what everyone has to say it’s multifaceted. But

Unknown Speaker 1:35:50
think of what two or three,

Unknown Speaker 1:35:53

Unknown Speaker 1:35:55
probably the last two or

Unknown Speaker 1:35:58
three threads.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:00
And I know, at least on the ones I didn’t negotiate in, this is not random. This is MCV vouchers. So it’s termination of the voucher.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:10
I have probably what, seven or eight, several agreements that is really above

Unknown Speaker 1:36:18
3000, or 5000.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:21
Probably anywhere from 20 to 30. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:27
And so the way it works is Kyndra, her staff can do it. If it’s more I think 2000 or

Unknown Speaker 1:36:34
2000, then they sit with me and we work out the data plan. So we employ 20 to 30 of the 20 to 30 that we’ve had, I think there’s only been at least the ones that I signed.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:49
Thus far, there’s only one that we’ve had determining the voucher because they didn’t stay in compliance with the agreement or come and talk to us about why they couldn’t. So that’s a rarity for us. So there’s not much and taking that out of the picture.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:07
Wasn’t really for

Unknown Speaker 1:37:12

Unknown Speaker 1:37:15
community, you know, like that person, the community can consistently write another 30 days or they’re violating that other harassment accident.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:29
Significant behavior issues that have occurred over time and multiple occasions.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:37
People make it as a jaybird in the hallways

Unknown Speaker 1:37:41
a couple of occasions.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:47
I don’t have that

Unknown Speaker 1:37:55

Unknown Speaker 1:37:57
breaking into our facilities, threatening other tenants, loud disturbances that occur on repeated occasions that’s disturbing everyone else. I mean, it really is that significant behavior, even minor behavior, if they can work with it.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:15
You know, we don’t tend to go down that road, but it’s the significant issues.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:23
The deal for again, taking meth out of the equation for for other drug related evictions, people like selling for anything like honors, it’s usually just actually

Unknown Speaker 1:38:36
any, any suddenly.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:40
One that we at least suspected,

Unknown Speaker 1:38:44
I felt was very.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:55
Very little word. Some bureaucrat is

Unknown Speaker 1:39:00
extremely right. To challenge on that. It was kind of gets into the Swedes in the security conversation that we’ve had, that we had, we had this conversation with DLH and HB. And why do we have security there? Because I would say the area where the sweets is, okay. It’s not so much the other tenants selling to them. It’s the people that are selling that are kind of

Unknown Speaker 1:39:25
trolling the area to facilitate it. And so, for us part of the reasons why Serna talked about this, why we need security there is

Unknown Speaker 1:39:36
as much to do with the outside influences and the threat to the individuals living there, as it is, probably I would say, maybe more bad and then being able to help with the disturbances that we’re seeing. But you know, it’s it’s extremely frustrating when I hear from Sarah and others the amount of crane activities that occurred not only on our properties that I think around you, Canadians

Unknown Speaker 1:40:00

Unknown Speaker 1:40:02
they know where they live, they know where they are, they’re going to mean it’s just that it’s that

Unknown Speaker 1:40:12
summer is also

Unknown Speaker 1:40:16
in a negative because we’ve had an interest in depreciation, we usually don’t have those on a monthly basis, because I think it helps our property managers manage their budgets.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:26
And it kind of gets in the way of things. If they’re all saying negative, I probably wouldn’t actually think they actually have money.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:34
But that’s tendency why most of us are here?

Unknown Speaker 1:40:39
Well, it turns out that no question on fancy expenses, what are we budgeting for in there, so just interest or we did a couple of them, I’m seeing that they’re

Unknown Speaker 1:40:50
over budget, like quite a bit, but even like, so no senior

Unknown Speaker 1:40:54
was included the budget for two, what’s the actual

Unknown Speaker 1:41:01
sweet to

Unknown Speaker 1:41:04
Greece making over. So thank you are they?

Unknown Speaker 1:41:47
So financing expenses are all those loans. So it’s not just the mortgage.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:53
And we don’t watch it for that particular expense that hits

Unknown Speaker 1:42:00
for the mortgage interest than we do but

Unknown Speaker 1:42:05
for the other ones.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:09
So it’s any loan that’s come in, for housing, Fun Home Loans, that are on those portfolios, that happened to two to 5% interest on an annual basis that we have to record. So that’s what’s the most.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:31
And if you want more details to that, and you’d like to look at it

Unknown Speaker 1:42:42
any other

Unknown Speaker 1:42:44

Unknown Speaker 1:42:48
gone to them the voucher insurance.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:54
So we just recently sent this stuff.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:58
I haven’t showed you guys the first page of this, the first page kind of gives you what HUD has given us funding for it. So that first set of columns will let you know what HUD is projecting for 2024 to give us what we have in current year. And those two, I don’t know whoever built this the spreadsheet. There are so many macros, but you enter the data, and it tells you if you’re going to be underfunded, over funded in two years. So it’s kind of why they call it a two year tool.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:35
We don’t ever really touch the funding proration that’s kind of already set.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:41
And then the second set of columns. They provide us with what our attrition rate is we pick and what pick is is Tracy sibs reports to them on a monthly basis to say, no longer has a voucher who’s got the program, all the details of

Unknown Speaker 1:44:01
each voucher, whether new or leaving, and they expect our attrition rate is about 10%. Right.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:09
And the other part is the success rate. And the other fields below that, like how long it takes us to lease is from yard. So we already also tracks this information, we can pull this report and it’ll give us these details so we can enter those into the report which then goes to the next section, which is where we’re going to be adding two years.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:36
So it kind of does an analysis of what we’ve submitted where actuals are and

Unknown Speaker 1:44:44
what vouchers have been issued. We have seven vouchers issued at the moment when we ran this report.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:51
Based on this analogy, we will not be adding e vouchers and we are

Unknown Speaker 1:44:57
hopefully projecting anywhere from three to four vouchers.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:00
and off the program on a monthly basis. So that was in October of 2014, we can add at vouchers for village place.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:11
But right now this portfolio shows us coming in using all of our reserves coming in within like $50,000. So we’re gonna have to closely monitor this, because of the payment standards are pretty high, about $200 per month per unit. So depending on the notes, and what we’re seeing is because of the taxes, landlords are increasing the rents, you know, they need, so they’re going to the top level, so we have to monitor that it is pretty aggressive, like you can see what she meant by it. And then this, this yellow column,

Unknown Speaker 1:45:47
over here, kind of does an analysis of what it thinks your voucher voucher amount is going to be per month. And that’s how it kind of

Unknown Speaker 1:45:57
analyzes if you’re going to be under run over run into years, by March, we’ll find out what our actual funding is, for 2024, and then 2026. And we’ll start

Unknown Speaker 1:46:09
right now, we’re still kind of in the hole two years old. And then we’ll start to come March, when they give them funding, give us a new two year tool that has our dollar.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:22
So that’s where we kind of stand right now, we won’t be issuing any more vouchers, unless we lose a ton and feel like we have to. But right now,

Unknown Speaker 1:46:31
to be able to fund village place their communities, you got to start bringing stuff up the program. And with the cost increase, I mean, it’s right now we have at the end of 2020. We have 426 vouchers, and we expect for 12.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:50
How does importing other doctors from other agencies affect this

Unknown Speaker 1:46:56
will depend on the type of treatment. So like we have as our vouchers, that’s on a completely separate program runs its own path. When we transfer a person in the lodge to grad program, those would be honest, separate programs. They run our past.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:11
We have quarterly vouchers right now, but we have not been.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:16
We have about 10 or 11 that have recorded in two well known or surrounding areas

Unknown Speaker 1:47:23
in Boulder, but we haven’t been able to absorb if people poured out from us, it’s all dependent on the same thing. Is that housing authority?

Unknown Speaker 1:47:35
Or are we going to continue

Unknown Speaker 1:47:38
to have that voucher. So it’s really important outs that if the Housing Authority Mayor

Unknown Speaker 1:47:46
absorbs them, then that

Unknown Speaker 1:47:48
which could be part of the attrition rate as well

Unknown Speaker 1:47:53
rather than reduction.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:05
We are in the process of getting some bids for security contract for security companies.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:13
That currently,

Unknown Speaker 1:48:15
with our purchasing department.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:19
We’re still using the same security that we were using, but this week’s there. So they are as of yesterday morning, they’re no longer

Unknown Speaker 1:48:27
so their contract ended. It was pretty much the emergency contract with them. So

Unknown Speaker 1:48:34
now we’re waiting for these bids to come in local purchasing, hopefully, happening ASAP. So there’s

Unknown Speaker 1:48:44
actually one of the companies reached out to us and asked for us to provide a tour of the suite. So I met them yesterday morning out there is called Code for work.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:56
And for four people show up for pretty extensive tour around the building showing what we currently have going on as far as cameras access control

Unknown Speaker 1:49:07
the problems that we see on a daily basis so

Unknown Speaker 1:49:12
that was the only competitor reached out to us for it to Ursuline.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:17
That was good.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:21
Anything else in the security piece.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:25
But we aren’t just looking for weekends, nights and holidays,

Unknown Speaker 1:49:30
coverage and then monitoring across the board. So essentially we in our cameras

Unknown Speaker 1:49:35
having that individual or that company monitor, we have the properties here in Canada.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:43

Unknown Speaker 1:49:47
talking to Harold and document detectors was decided that for purchasing to the newer platform devices to put in to where we see as needed. We’re working on

Unknown Speaker 1:50:00
Not right now.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:03
The one we do have, it’s,

Unknown Speaker 1:50:06
you know,

Unknown Speaker 1:50:08
this is like Groundhog’s Day. And he’s saying this, but again, it’s it’s successful, but we’re seeing the same issues picking up that carrier. So draining, draining the battery pretty significantly. So the two we’re gonna buy, we’re gonna put when we know we have strong signal strength to

Unknown Speaker 1:50:27
make sure that the batteries work, then we’re looking at other solutions to boost the signal strength.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:36
where needed, because it’s goes through cell and Wi Fi.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:44
So moving into that, so looking at Cedar subclusters leasing space, which I’m meeting with Tracy, for the week, we’ve seen space at these, these properties, so self care is becoming a

Unknown Speaker 1:50:59
potential thing that they’d like to do. And we’re also looking at that next one. So you have three options that basically come down with whom to get this lease in space question, if that’s even a possibility.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:15
So hopefully added see answer sooner

Unknown Speaker 1:51:19
to this area. Where do you see leasing space, you’re talking about putting yourself out and

Unknown Speaker 1:51:24
I would be real careful of that for a future recent vacation projects and thinking about how you write your lease.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:32
We finance one for brothers development where they had a cell site on site that we set up with that pathway 12 the process really

Unknown Speaker 1:51:43
just be thought forward to do that. Hi graduates to accompany

Unknown Speaker 1:51:49

Unknown Speaker 1:51:51
and then as far as Resident updates, it’s been it’s been pretty smooth. We’re going to ramp up coffee and coffee conversation starting this week. And I’m really going to ask the residents to put some thought into to what they would like to see from the public safety side as far as presentations.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:14
What, what they want. So building that out for the year

Unknown Speaker 1:52:22
that’s all I have.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:26

Unknown Speaker 1:52:30
than any other business anybody else?

Unknown Speaker 1:52:37
To turn 10 to

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