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Parks and Recreation Board Meeting – November 2023
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Speaker 1 0:00
We are ready to start. Hey, I’d like to call the November 13. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting and we start with the Roll call, please. Yes. Erin Angel. Not here. Scott Coleman. Prison. Thomas Davis. Page Lewis. Sam movie here. Nicholas novella here. Dan Olsen here.
Unknown Speaker 0:24
And counseling is
Unknown Speaker 0:26
on Tim waters is.
Unknown Speaker 0:30
Great. Okay.
Speaker 1 0:31
We’ll move on to approval of the agenda. Any proposed changes to the agenda? Okay, seeing none, can I get a motion to approve?
Unknown Speaker 0:44
Motion to approve the agenda.
Unknown Speaker 0:47 a
I’ll second. All in favor,
Speaker 1 0:48
aye. Okay, now, let’s move on to the minutes. Are there any edits to the minutes? If not, I’ll need a motion
Unknown Speaker 1:04
to approve the minutes as written. Great.
Unknown Speaker 1:06
I’ll second. Thanks for your good team. Favor? Great, sorry. So it looks like we do have some public invited to her. Do you have a list? Now do we know.
Speaker 2 1:36
Aggregate lesson. So I’m Dianne christum, the vice chair of the transportation board, we usually meet at the same time, but it was canceled today. So I’m taking the opportunity to come see the park and recreation board. We think it was Nicolas and Harrison urlan. And I that had a conversation at the city about how it would be kind of nice to have a little more time to relate to other boards and see what you all are doing. And coordinate a bit I don’t say coordinate. But you know, just understand what’s going on in the city. Between each board. I’m the Vice Chair of the transportation board, and I just recently elected to Tim waters seat that he’s evacuating. So that will come into effect in December. So I just want to see what is going on with the park and recreation board. I think you have some interesting projects. And we just want to see how it could relate maybe with the transportation board and other things that are going on. So that’s all I had to say I just wanted to introduce myself while I was here. Thanks for having me.
Speaker 3 2:48
You’ll be off the transportation board soon. Or maybe this council is on or you know, or maybe it’ll be here.
Speaker 2 2:56
I don’t know. We haven’t decided yet. And our liaison is counselor Yarbrough, so she and I have a conversation about that. But but sometimes it seems like you know, once you leave a position, maybe you should just leave a position. Yeah. And counselor waters is on a couple of boards. So let’s see what he has evacuating in January will sort of renegotiate the whole city council will renegotiate who would who goes where? And when?
Unknown Speaker 3:32
You don’t want to speak? You’re just
Unknown Speaker 3:34
listening. Right?
Unknown Speaker 3:35
I’m here for the parks.
Speaker 4 3:37
I just want to hear about the new park. Oh, great. Okay, well, let’s
Speaker 1 3:42
move on to old business. So discussing the results of her Falcon
Unknown Speaker 3:49
can actually start this one.
Speaker 5 3:52
I feel like you’re saying for someone sitting on a side a little bit of this and watching this board working on this. I just want to thank all of you for the work you did. It was a lot of work out there. And I know there’s a lot of challenges that some did. You know, we all do a lot. But you know, Scott, no one can doubt everything you put into this. And I saw that in the staff side and public side. So he was going to post mortems it can get painful way. So I want to acknowledge all the work that we did on this and say thank you,
Unknown Speaker 4:16
especially just
Unknown Speaker 4:24
so you want to start it off?
Speaker 6 4:27
Well, I mean, yeah, I mean, clearly, I mean, I think our only effective position was to probably stave off a bigger loss. I mean, it’s pretty much across the board. Statistically the same number is two four to one. You know, voters voted against it, that the county’s numbers aren’t in yet in terms of who voted but I have a sneaking suspicion it’s pretty much odd year voters are the ones who showed up. So and so that’s why kills, you know, these type of things is having those folks. So we’re only those folks. Right? Yeah. And so, yeah, and then, you know, people time and time again, you know, said it’s, you know, bad time to ask for money when property taxes are up. So just how this how it goes. I mean, there’s no real opposition, right? There’s you, if you put it in Dry Creek, people in Dry Creek are worried but traffic if you put it in North Lamar, people in Northland monitoring and worrying about traffic. So, you know, just whichever way it’s split, there’s some sort of thing. So at mixing, the why, and Centennial pool with the new rec center didn’t really hurt really, right, because there was no real difference in the vote. Otherwise, people said that, but I don’t think that really created too much of a thing. And then we still had the same issue. We’re going to do a survey when the statistics come out, so we could test test that whole idea, but I don’t think that was really the problem. I think people just voted financially. And that was it. They already had it in their mind just got no across the board. And that’s what happened. So. So it’d be interesting. I mean,
Unknown Speaker 6:20
do you ever engage Jeff? No,
Speaker 7 6:22
no, yeah. I would agree with what Scott said, I, I don’t know whether it would have made a difference if the Wi Fi was on, it’s on one way or another. But I, at this point, wished it would have been just to see what to say. But I can’t say that it made it worse or better. I think it made it different. Because clearly there are people that love the ride and didn’t know either. Why was working with the city. And clearly there are people that don’t really care for the why. And but I’d like to see the Rec Center be on its own. I think in in the months and weeks to come, we’ll be doing some debrief, and then also starting a process with the public to just get a read on what they would like to do. I think the the other issue is having three questions on the ballot was hard for four people. I think the the thought behind that was people would vote, if you only put recreation on there. Well, I’m not going to vote for that, because I really want the library. So it’s kind of that given take that I think Scott was trying to describe it as well as far as where to build it or not to build it. So I think as the coming months and weeks, we’ll be coming back to you and in doing more of a a debrief with you all or we can start that tonight. I will I’ll tell you and I can’t speak for Ben or for Scott that pretty disappointed in the results. I didn’t know that it would pass. But I didn’t think it would be as one sided as as it was. And, you know, the feedback we as staff get on a regular basis is that people want another rec center. And they want basically a newer version of what we have at Longmont rec center. And I think the timing of of the new assessment was was very hard on things and then just the general inflation and people not wanting to take the chance of paying more in taxes, which I certainly can’t blame.
Speaker 1 9:08
I think I mean, I do think it’s worth a conversation with City Council. We started kind of at the last meeting. And I think of you know, it’s really challenging, I think when the city works, to put an item on the ballot, and then basically steps back. And, you know, you guys were able to represent and we you know, appreciate it that to answer factual questions that when the city is not able or willing to invest in really promoting something that they’ve worked hard to put on the ballot, and it gets asking a lot of volunteer citizens to sort of raise their own, you know, time and resources to advocate for something like that. I mean, there’s always going to be a balance needed. I mean, you could certainly, you know, go out and advocate just as an independent citizen code, but I do think it’s worth the Congress. Session, I’m not sure what the city can put forward if they continue in that position that would be really feasible to pass in the sort of political climate that we find ourselves in. So I think it’s worth talking more about that reality. And I also think that having three items on the pallet three big items was really overwhelming
Speaker 3 10:24
for people that failed in a similar weight. All or None? Factors? No one, none versus all. Yeah,
Speaker 1 10:34
I think, again, like having priorities, you know, prioritizing what’s gonna go on without it, you know, enabling staff to support that and a little bit more flexibility. I
Speaker 7 10:49
think one of the things that we’re starting to do work with some of the other communities that have passed elections, just to see what kind of restrictions their organizations have put on it. on them, I think that timing is is a big thing. I don’t know if anybody saw the paper today. But the school district announced that they are going to have things on the ballot in 24, which I think that’s what we need to do as we move forward is make an announcement early, so that we have a extended period of time where staff can work with the public to not only share what what our thoughts were, but certainly to gather feedback from our community, come up with a plan and have a group that, that is going to advocate for the project that when we do get the, to the time where we can’t talk anymore, that that group can really carry the torch with as much information as what staff might have.
Speaker 8 12:03
Right? Just just add to that, the feeling of this was it was very, everything was really at the end. And be prepared, more around January, that the city when we can do things, January, and like Jeff said, presenting that out to the public January through July, rather than making a decision in the middle of July. And really not knowing until that really could work.
Speaker 6 12:37
I’d also like to throw in to that to the city manager promised something that never got delivered, which was that there was going to be an agreement in place between the wine the city, to city council, and that, in that that really took a huge amount of communication time. Because people were like, well, let’s see what the agreement says like, it really is that it’s going to be a public access or public private partnership. They feel better about it. I mean, I don’t know if these things overcome the two to one laws. But these things add up. And it just, you know, we did start with a project that really came to us in April or May. And they got thrown onto the ballot, like, last minute, and that was a big problem. But you can have things that go on to city council meetings, and then they’re not responding, right like this, at least city has to say, Okay, well, yeah, this is not going to happen or whatever. Because it was like a lot of playing defense about you know, what pricing structures or what access would look like,
Unknown Speaker 13:42
for people who live
Speaker 6 13:47
in Mountain View and bashley sort of thing. See communications to really Netflix promises Spanish version of the voter guide and never delivered one. That’s really unfair, especially since I listed like 30 people who asked for it. The why wanted to get out to like a third of their, their membership. There’s a general communications problem in the city anyway, we can. And between that in a position stance. Those are really like institutionally institutional problems that need to be overcome for whatever ballot measure is gonna be. I just
Speaker 9 14:26
added that, like, I thought that mailer was great. The English version that went out was really great. I mean, talk about the last meeting, I had gone out yet, I think, and we couldn’t get on the website. There was nothing on the website that was like that. And it was really quite a compelling and detailed explanation of the ballot measures and what they were impacting everything and I would love to put forward to that. But all I could say was look in your mailbox. The website, not but maybe a week before the election, and like it was really it wasn’t until I don’t know we were all rushed. I’m just like, I want to say it was really good. And that was kind information that people want to see is it was a little more nuanced. Once done, the type of language they see in the in the book,
Speaker 3 15:04
big poster size versions at the rec centers of that should have a look ahead these big, you know, and especially like you said in January when all the people have New Year’s resolutions, and wow, it’s crowded? Well, let’s go about new rec center. I mean, that’s the time, you know, like you said, six months in advance of what we did last time. And I agree the the thing that did come out was very nice. It was really late in the game. The challenge
Speaker 7 15:35
with that, though, it doesn’t really answer the questions that we were getting at the public meetings if it was the city side of it, here’s what you’re voting on. And here’s what it’s going to cost. It didn’t really say, why did you pick Dry Creek? why did why aren’t you building in northwest? Online? Those are really the things that people wanted to hear about sled Hill. Yeah.
Speaker 1 16:04
They really want to hear from like you guys be able to say, we think this is a great idea. The city really needs this. You know, we think it’s here’s what we see,
Unknown Speaker 16:12
every day staff complaints,
Speaker 1 16:15
you know what I mean? Like, because I think it’s kind of weird when you’re at a public meeting and the city, like officials are being really careful for really good reasons.
Unknown Speaker 16:24
Well, when the why.
Speaker 1 16:28
I mean, and we know that’s not true, but I think it does a disservice. We look like
Speaker 7 16:35
that, that that is a key of why things have to be in place. We need to be inviting ourselves to other public meetings, so that we can see state the facts as as we see them, prior to not being able to say anything, but what has been approved by the comms team and our legal department. And
Speaker 1 17:02
I think clarifying whether that’s the only interpretation. exploring what other communities are able to deal with and helpful. Yeah.
Speaker 3 17:15
What did we rush? So, last spring, should we have said 2024, I felt like we were in a hurry, because we got input from Tim, from you all, we need to get this going.
Speaker 7 17:30
I think the challenge with 24 Was that the district was going to go to an election and the city tends to not put things on the ballot of, of this nature so that they’re not competing. And so 23 was why that was picked, or would have had to go up to 25.
Speaker 10 17:55
People did indicate to me that they were just overwhelmed. It was just an overwhelming amount of like, amenities to be voted on. And I don’t know, including my own any person under the age of 25 that voted.
Unknown Speaker 18:15
On this, they were just super unaware of the issues.
Speaker 7 18:18
I think that was a challenge across the board, not just with young people, because unless you read the times call or the long lead people did you know we had one of the public meetings and somebody made the comment. I didn’t even know that you were having an election until I read it in Reddit. Do you remember that and like, what’s already so clearly, you know, what used to be, you know, I’ll never forget in 1999 when the Longmont rec center was on about the times call had the center part of the paper two full pages talking about what what what a great facility design a great process and something that we really needed
Speaker 3 19:14
for all of the that was for museum, the senior center etc. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 7 19:19
None of that sort of thing. happen.
Speaker 6 19:24
WhatsApp, they just asked for a bundle of cash to put in that.
Speaker 7 19:30
And then the chamber coming out against was was at the very end was almost the nail in the coffin. You know, that was really not good for us. And I will just say a little disappointing because I don’t think they ever talked to any. They didn’t talk to me. I don’t think they talked with Scott. And they didn’t talk with Ben so I don’t talk with me.
Speaker 1 19:59
I don’t know why as a private citizen, that’s pretty disappointing for them to take that kind of a political stance against something that would be for the benefit of the community. I mean, that was a real, that made me think twice about the Chamber of Commerce.
Speaker 6 20:13
What I got from the chamber is it there is a little bit of a push by a couple of members of the chamber that made it a public vote, otherwise, they would have usually have stood back. So in Scott didn’t seem to be able to control those people. So which is really disappointing. I think the other side and just building like an trying to, what do you do next time is building a building a coalition and recreation is really difficult, right? It’s very, it’s disparate, like the swimming people have different needs than the pickleball people, and everybody has their own little space. And unless it’s designed in, and you fit their specific space, it was what were the kind of what we heard from swimming, you don’t really have their ear. And it’s really, it’s like, a lot of small groups. It’s not like all of library or whatever. So it’s, it’s really difficult getting those groups to be excited. And to just embrace, like recreation in general, there’s even outdoor sports versus indoor sports, people fighting about, well, there should be more trails before I spend more money on recreation, and seeing any particular organization that I’m just, it’s just, really, it’s just really tough that you don’t have this natural group to really, you know, you’re
Speaker 9 21:29
starting from a subset to the five numbers. How many people might want to actually ever use the rec facility? It’s something less than a half of the population, I would guess, on
Speaker 7 21:39
a regular basis. Yeah, I ever, I would get pretty low 20 20%, depending right, but that’s a moving target, right? Because some people might be there every week, some people might only go once a year. Yeah, you know, it’s difficult to really track how many people are out in the parks or out on the Greenway. As far as individuals I, I think there are things that parks will be doing in the future to be able to do number counts of how many people are using the greenways. But that’s not going to tell you that it was David I, David and I 100 times. But I know the numbers and
Speaker 9 22:19
it’s a hard thing to do to connect people to understand that that’s all part of the same system is that they don’t just expect it to be there. And
Speaker 7 22:26
and like, like Scott said, there’s no real energy for people that want to take swim lessons. There’s real note, not any energy for drop in basketball. It’s it’s more of those swimming groups and athletic groups that have the biggest pool, but we didn’t even see them coming together really. And you know, some of the swimming folks were wanting us to put the competitive pool back on the ballot. And we already did that. And it did not fail. It did fail. And it didn’t make sense to put that on him again,
Speaker 1 23:04
I do think it’s going to be important to clarify, like make it really clear what the situation was centennial. Because I do think there were a lot of we heard a lot of people, I think that just like didn’t buy it. You know, it’s like if we vote later, please don’t vote for this centennial will get repaired and it’ll be there. And I think there just was not an understanding that that’s not the case. I mean, at least that’s what we’re hearing. But that’s not the case. And so there’s a lot of reluctance to support something else. It’s like, Well, I’m just gonna hold out and get what I want. What,
Speaker 6 23:39
I don’t think people know how property taxes work, right. Like there’s like, bigger problems with that, right? Like, they go up because everything costs more, but
Speaker 9 23:49
you also don’t know the city’s funded. Exactly. I just have no idea all of it works. And so it’s very scary to say, three $20 million a year. It’s all people worried and up indefinitely, that language looks at not for three years, but just forever.
Speaker 7 24:04
There’s a belief that the city has a lot of money in that. Just write a check for right $72 million
Speaker 9 24:12
isn’t about fixing the roads and not build these things. Yeah, just
Speaker 3 24:22
speaking of Centennial, we passed three something else four or five years ago is that back on the table we’re kind of waiting or my understanding
Speaker 7 24:33
what we were but it’s my understanding that that that money is no longer there available because of the interest rates that money that was dead already took everything so that 800 And something 1000 is no longer there.
Unknown Speaker 24:52
Do it is illegal.
Speaker 7 24:53
I must be City did it. I didn’t do it.
Speaker 3 24:57
I’m just surprised. When we pass an issue like that I used I assumed it was for something I,
Speaker 7 25:04
it is, but I think we have gone through the last few years with a real different set of, of costs going up. When and the year before are no, that same year golf also passed. Right, right 1 million. That number for golf right now is closer to eight and a half million for us to do most of
Speaker 3 25:32
what was a solid pipes today at Twin Peaks. So it’s like, oh, something’s happening. That’s what reminded me of Centennial.
Speaker 7 25:38
So I just think that choices had to be made to move forward with certain projects and, and some Tenyo because of the unknown was was one that was let go,
Speaker 3 25:51
there is a one very loud master swimmer who won’t let this go to Centennial. So who do I tell him to complain to? Well, you can complain
Speaker 7 26:02
to Ben. Ben or I, you know, we can talk with them and and hear what what his concerns are and
Speaker 3 26:15
what he said Monday morning yesterday? Yeah. Long time ago. Anyway, he said, you know, we passed this bond issue to fix up Centennial or to do this. When’s that going to happen? And I mean, it that’s the first thing that occurs to him after this thing failed. So
Speaker 7 26:33
it also when you have a building that may be on a
Speaker 3 26:38
shore or not listed a bandaid on this silly. Yeah, I agree. Oh, since he’s one of the sticklers for I voted for this. You know, money should be that kind of thing. Yep. All right, we
Unknown Speaker 26:49
can certainly talk to him. All right.
Speaker 9 26:51
I have one more question before we move on just just the what happens on all these different topics now. So like, what’s the next steps on the existing rec center, that money didn’t get approved, so that any of those organizations, none of those are gonna happen? Correct. Centennial, what happens in the next year, or centennial? And what happens with the why generally,
Speaker 7 27:09
or we don’t know yet? Well, the why the why during the public meeting said they continue on, as is and look at the opportunity for other partners, or to see if they can do that on their own.
Speaker 9 27:24
But they can’t pursue pursue that site. Because that required the vote to
Speaker 7 27:28
Yes, laid away the city charter requires that if Parkland is going to be given away or sold, it can only be done by the vote of the residents. So that is not an option until we could go to an election again.
Speaker 9 27:47
So that person was something, we’ll see what they come up with.
Speaker 7 27:50
So I would say at this point, they will be doing their own thing, we will continue to evaluate what we need to do at Centennial, and communicate that with council and get their direction on how they would like to handle that. The money for the renovation at the Rec Center, we were going to use the recreation impact dollars, about 5 million of that, that can only be used for new construction. So if we would go to a vote just for centennial, this all hype, medical, because we haven’t had any of these compensations that money could be put into that put back in this intent or to the Rec Center, that the key message that I think all of you that would like you to hear is if the rec center doesn’t have an investment in taking care of the groundwater issues, updating it, we’re going to be having the same conversation at some point in time about the rec center that we’re having about Centennial pool right now. And then the future of another rec center. Generally it takes four years before we get another chance to go on the ballot. Maybe that’s shorter this time. Maybe it’s longer, but that’s kind of what the future is. But I think we as staff need to immediately start doing that those public meetings, getting feedback from the public. The Dry Creek versus Northwest, Longmont is a big issue, that my concern is that if we did have land in Northwest Longmont southwest Longmont would be upset would not be in favor of either. So we really need to do some, some groundwork with those two areas of town to really get a feel of what would be acceptable to them.
Speaker 1 29:55
Thanks. Thanks for watching. It’s very conversation I’m sure it won’t be the last one about this and thanks to both of you for participating in the public meetings, we appreciate you guys taking time out of normal work hours to join those meetings and support those efforts. Thank you, Mark.
Unknown Speaker 30:16
Thanks, Scott.
Unknown Speaker 30:20
I have a lot of science
Unknown Speaker 30:24
shows that find a way to recycle them
Speaker 6 30:29
okay, yeah, the white the whites sitting on 200 of them
Speaker 10 30:33
is plastic fine. Yeah, I guarantee that they’ll want them for me middle school program Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 30:45
I feel like those 14 course it was
Unknown Speaker 30:51
okay, let’s
Speaker 1 30:52
move on to new business facts Meadows. Thank you, thank you very well. We’re gonna start this up. We’re
Speaker 5 31:03
just gonna move that you have a new tuna paradise, you see the clinical rather than losing introduce them at that time.
Unknown Speaker 31:08
So we didn’t have our new senior
Speaker 5 31:12
join Joseph that Yep. So we have is your project speaker. Thank you. So we have Elisa champ, who has been with the city for seven years, but has joined our
Unknown Speaker 31:30
team virtual development team,
Speaker 11 31:33
as a project manager. And you are working on several projects right now. I think the renewals Thompson Park renewal, which is in the early stages of just finishing public engagement, once this week, as well as helping us with one of the side projects, Clover Meadows. And we’ll be doing some renewals as we come into 24 that were approved for the CIP. So we’re excited to have Elise on our team and out of parks operations where she was prior to your working at Roosevelt and other areas.
Speaker 11 32:13
And then we have Trish for story just six weeks ago, seven weeks ago, she was a landscape architect, just a new Senior Project Manager. And she comes to us with a wealth of knowledge on all things playground and landscape design. And you’re working on you’re going to be doing the construction portion of clover meadows, filling in some gaps right now and some project coverage with regard to the workmen slash needle Gallo project. And then also assisting the recreation team on some of their efforts with some irrigation work at Twin Peaks in Sunset. Kensington and Kensington Park restroom. She’s taking the lead on that piece. And yeah, so that is that’s pretty good for seven weeks. She also just joined us up she comes from Ohio moved her family across the country to join our team. And you’ve been here two weeks. Yes. Yes. Today’s
Unknown Speaker 33:09
my third week. Yeah.
Speaker 11 33:11
So the beginning. She’s gonna be taking the leader has already on dry creek synthetic turf, one of our Aiden fives. You’re working with Steve on Fox Meadows. So we have do some coverage on all of those pieces.
Unknown Speaker 33:26
And I’m sorry, Steve, who Steve.
Speaker 11 33:29
Steve would have been here tonight. But he is out of office. You
Unknown Speaker 33:34
know, I’d love to come back, I guess.
Speaker 11 33:38
So we have a lot of things gearing up. Now. She is starting week three. So we tried not to completely overwhelm her. But yeah, you’ve came from a park or a parks district, a park district in Ohio.
Speaker 4 33:54
Which is I guess slightly different than a city. It’s with the county. And it’s funded differently by a tax levy once in 10 years. So it’s a very, I guess, separate organization rather than city parks system.
Speaker 3 34:10
I’ve heard of that in the Midwest to the town I grew up and yeah, that sort of thing. So that Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 34:14
different feature enables that.
Speaker 11 34:17
So she’s experienced all the weather. So we did want to give an update. So Fox Meadows Park, one of our first rate and by is the one that had to go through the master planning and the public engagement before others were further along, like Clover had already gotten, I think reached like 60% design and whatnot. Box Meadows has just finished the public engagement. We do have a conceptual plan, which we’ll share with you. That is the result of the public engagement meetings that we had. We had three in total The first one was to solicit ideas, we had lots of surveys, lots of feedback from the public, I think on average, and you guys were both between the two of you at all of them, and I was at two of them, maybe 40 people, on average and each one, or 40 households, I should say were represented by but it’s let me go on to this next keyboard here.
Speaker 11 35:32
It’s a nine acre site. And I don’t know if everyone’s familiar with where this is, it’s over by the fox federal golf club. See if I’ve got a plan here. So here’s union Reza for years, he’s coming on County Line Road, and then the fox Hill golf club here. So this site is in the green portion of deer woods. It’s currently a nice field with some native grasses. Well, they’re not native to here, but they’re nice grasses. And then next to it to the east is a property owned by the same rain Valley School District, which has no development on it at this time, there’s been discussion of will it be an elementary school or what we honestly don’t know what it would become. And then, so both of these sites, and I’ll go down into used to using teams to do a presentation. It’s well, as I said, it’s the 94 part. And it’s currently a bowl, it’s kind of a detention time, I’ll come back to this site, because I want to get you guys down to where the so here, so these tacos, so here’s the low point on the site that we would be putting the park, this is the low point for the future school district site. So taking into account those contours, that drainage and the need to keep the detention for that neighborhood, just kind of strategically locating the park elements and amenities. What do those look like? And and how can we make this entire space successful, intentionally, but also paying, being mindful of the existing land? contours? So there are lots of ideas suggested by the public. I’m going to go back up a couple of slides. And we tried, you know, wanted to get their input, knowing we do have a budget. But what kind of things did they want to see at the park? And what kind of things do we have proximate to this site that could also serve those needs without going too far. So you know, things that come up are always pickleball. That was a write in somebody had put on there. We also had anti pickleball. So we had both sides. We had we would like an off leash dog area, we had anti off leash dog area.
Unknown Speaker 37:38
So then we just kind of started
Speaker 11 37:39
to say, Okay, let’s just look and see where we have these around. So proximate to this site is Clark centennial, not too far away. And we do have a pickleball some new pickleball there. Elisa was part of a project to help support operations to get significant ball striping and one of the tennis courts was it Yeah. Next new pickleball courts will be at the quote, campus with that expansion. So that’ll be a really nice new facility that could potentially host you know, tour tournaments and whatnot. Then we have dogs off leash areas currently at Steven de union and sandstone, so not too far away from the site, but still wanted to listen, let’s see what we can do with the budget that we have. So this is a nice, it kind of gives you an idea of what it looks like right now. So it has some nice established grasses. And it does, it’s hard to tell where the how far it goes down right now just because of the grasses. It’s a good intention. So this is one of our I think this was the first meeting, just some images for we had some storyboards after the presentation. And everyone had stickers and they could put green stickers on their favorite photos. I think everyone maybe had four or five stickers that they could put on. And they had several, like topics like this with the landscape trails on planning, Park amenities, and so you could essentially vote for your favorites in each category. Following that effort, the design team went ahead and put together you know, here’s where we went, everyone likes, here’s what we were hearing, maybe they didn’t like, you’ll see things like that it’s more like typical ball, just off the charts in both direction everybody’s likes. So, three concept plans were presented in the second meeting based on what we were hearing in the first meeting. So there was kind of a space adventure edge concept of fitness on the prairie concept in a nature play group concept. We wanted to so everyone listened to the basic elements of each conceptual plan that was presented and then they could also make comments in our circles on what they did didn’t like things they’re still not seeing and things they really have strong feelings about. As a result of the second meeting and going through all the feedback that came in the nature play concept was the one that really stuck out with the neighbors that the residents that had attended a public meeting. So, you know, this is comprised of more organic forms, natural materials, those types of things. There was also a need or a desire from several to have, like at least a half basketball court, maybe some fixed sort of games like bocce ball, just tables, things like that, that many different types of park users could use. So with all of that feedback that they received through this public meeting that they went back, and they did put together a conceptual plan for the park that’s specific to the nature play growth concept. This was just for imagery that accompany that concept in the second meeting, but just showing you examples of what that could be, what are used in other areas. So then, ultimately, this was the concept that they did right after having that public input. So this is starting to outline kind of where all of those different elements will be with the playground kind of being central. And then having I think in this one, they had two shelters, and then the restaurant buildings made a shelter here, those are the number twelves. Restroom building being here, number 1113. Oh, that was the pump house, there is a potential that will either if we use raw water, we’ll have to put in a pump house to bring some water over from the the country club, but just kind of showing a natural turf amphitheater type hill here, really playing off that those contours that are here in the park. But doing a little cut and fill at the same time this becoming a sledding hill, sorry, that that keeps popping up. Because we love sledding hills are popular. This is where the low point is. So really just letting that be, you know, that’s part of the sledding hill, there was discussion of potentially doing an off leash dog area, in this area that kind of is a boundary for the more usable area that’s of a higher elevation on this site to where the detention is. Now I’ve got if you’ll notice on this legend over here, a couple of things that are kind of gray down a little bit. At this point in time we’re about we’re told our contractor, this is a design build project. So they’re constantly evaluating where we stand with cost and schedule. And right now we’re around 900,000, over with just some of these ideas that the community is provided. So this plan here, we’re still trying to bring it back to within budget. So a couple of ideas with that one being leave as much of the established grasses we can and go with still needing to do a little weed control, just to mitigate any risks that are mixed in with that. Second, we’re looking at what is you know, the dog fence, the fence dog area, weighing it, we’ve got some proximate to, you know, not too far away from it’s harder to walk to. But that’s of significant cost with all of the infrastructure that would go on with that. The other is a three wall handball court, there could be some savings, if we did one wall with a different type of concrete versus it’s actually a concrete block with a coating on it or whatnot. But just some ideas that are currently being discussed on the design side, to bring this back into budget. And think we have our meeting on that one tomorrow. So we’ll have an update next month, kind of where that’s trending. But otherwise, it’s really a fun play on a bunch of nature. Type elements here, I think is a supply for the kids. And then also using I think there’s, there’s a sled that uses the hill or not sled a slide, and you climb up the hill and you go down, it should talk more. So just some fun, you know, there’s some fun elements that really would cause the appeal to all the ages that are public meetings, it was a wide range of types of attendees. And so just trying to get a little bit in here for everyone. In this concept, the only actual irrigated turf area would be this portion here in green. And then the trails would be for the most part, the main routes would be the concrete trail, but there may be some Crusher finds some softer trails sprinkled in. And those haven’t been completely defined yet. But that’s kind of the early concrete conceptual stage.
Speaker 10 44:28
Was it save money to not have concrete trails would still be ADA accessible?
Speaker 11 44:34
Yeah, I think to some extent, that’s kind of every all of those pieces are what they’re weighing right now, from the cost perspective, how much could we provide just for ease of access? And what can we do you know, to still provide access to the park but not on a hard surface? So all discussions that are underway. Let me see what is back here. So this is kind of some of the precedent images of what They were leaving the amphitheater, it would just be at this point. One of the cost saving measures that’s been discussed is not to do the retaining walls to have more of a, just as a sloping hill with her on it. This is what I had mentioned the three wall handball court. Maybe it’s just an it’s shared with the basketball court, but maybe it’s just one basketball. So you have something to ship to throw something up against. But it’s not a true three ball court. Yep, and here’s the like the embankment slide.
Unknown Speaker 45:32
Just tables.
Speaker 11 45:35
And we’ll play that we’re trying to get this on the agenda for city council to review. They haven’t seen that conceptual plan. We’re trying to get it on for December. I think that’s hopeful at this point, just because it does take a bit. I’ve had my entry into the system, but I’ve haven’t heard from anyone. So I have no, I think it might be January before we can actually get on an agenda. But I wanted to open it up for feedback. And share that we do have this name for the park out for public input and we have received all of three presentable names that
Unknown Speaker 46:15
is one of them future park,
Unknown Speaker 46:17
it’s not strange. I know.
Unknown Speaker 46:22
That’s what the sign says.
Speaker 12 46:25
It’s gonna be that Astra park that I think that would be good. But now I think we have to change it. Yeah, I’ll just skip to the
Speaker 3 46:33
boisterous person who told me that has moved out of Longmont. So she, maybe it doesn’t have it invested anymore. But
Speaker 11 46:42
so the names that have come back Mark hospitals park that’s how park they see it as a place where it’s like a hideout replace that hollow. And then Leona sticker Park. So she was the mayor. I was here at the time. stacker. Yes. And so it’s just says during her terms, Mayor she had foresight to see the need for fiber optics was successful in getting the city ringed with the technology. That was her her efforts that resulted in our current award winning next slide, high speed internet many years later, although over 25 years removed from her mayoral position, she is still logging on biggest cheerleader. So we’re open to other game suggestions as well. And it’s on our website on the Fox Metal page. Well, I’ve been clicking both
Speaker 10 47:34
I know how things got named. Like, you know, like left hand Creek Park have suddenly been a thing as far Park and like pagoda Park. And like, those are the names the colloquial names, like then disfigured apart Katsumoto. Yeah, yeah, like I mean, you know, we’ll go to park and then there’s spinny Park. And there’s like things like this. This could be, you know, log Park. Like, that’s what kids and that’s what families end up using anyway, like that. Nobody knows where Leona sticker Park is, you know what I mean? You’re not going to know that. My books are hollow. That’s
Speaker 1 48:15
the timeframe for deciding how long do people have to suggest or vote, we’d like
Speaker 11 48:20
to have some suggestions when we get this on Council’s agenda. So as I said, it’s looking like that’s probably going to be January. So and then our communications team is going to push this on social media a little bit to get more votes out there. We just had very long response, we even solicited made suggestions on the slips of paper for meetings, and that one was, was suggesting anything. That’s
Speaker 3 48:52
your early pictures, the future park signs there
Speaker 11 48:57
might have been why one of the concepts was kind of a space to kind of play with. But the timeline, so the design will be going into May. And then we’ll start with the construction portion of the park. This one is slated to be completed by early January of 25.
Unknown Speaker 49:23
And I believe that is it.
Unknown Speaker 49:25
It’s really beautiful. It’s
Unknown Speaker 49:27
kind of fun to see where it’s going.
Speaker 3 49:30
It’s pretty cool that the whole thing is going to be done in a year ish. That’s I mean, that’s a whole new thing for any of us that this is a multi year project normally, that you know when Steve would start these Yeah, yes, someday. That’s pretty amazing. But again,
Speaker 5 49:47
thank counsel for that too. And here right because it was Steve about Steve and all this stuff. He’s got a
Speaker 3 49:54
no I understand. I just think the whole thing is amazing is really, really cool. Cool
Speaker 11 50:00
and this team is doing you know clover that is slated to be completed Clover Meadows neighborhood park in the fall of 24. Early Fall I think and dry creek shortly thereafter the synthetic turf field so it does take a team but with this team we’re like, why don’t we have just sitting around
Speaker 6 50:24
question Handball is that a like a big thing do people like
Speaker 11 50:28
mentioned it and just you know, and the kids were like, We do like to just throw a ball against the wall. Save your garage door, you know? Yeah.
Speaker 10 50:41
Yeah, I mean, it does look like a good ground. Nice playground. So that’s good. I’m seeing some repeat elements in there, though, that I’m wondering like, I’m like, I’m super cheap, if anybody knows that, but I’m super cheap. And my thanks. And I see some speed go down to the elements a little bit. Like, did you want to do the picture? Yeah. Like, you know, the two to five year old play like, what? What’s the difference between, like the hollow log up there? I’m like, I’m using my touchscreen that’s not yours. The whole log up there. I feel like like the cute little nice snail. I can. That’s adorable and all but the tunnel is great. I have to haul logs.
Speaker 11 51:24
So none of these are necessarily what’s going in the park or just concept images. Okay, the final selections haven’t been made. Okay.
Speaker 10 51:33
And like, I’m all for using down trees in the area. I mean, we’re losing a lot of ash trees. Let’s use some of them. Yeah. Can be beautiful.
Unknown Speaker 51:47
I noticed there’s no parking. That’s purposeful. Right?
Unknown Speaker 51:50
It is a neighborhood park.
Speaker 3 51:51
So I thought that was the definition. Okay. And is street parking.
Speaker 11 51:58
There it is possible. There’s 25 I think they’re in a 31 call. I think it was 25 spots that they counted along this portion of street as it goes around. It is available for parallel parking.
Speaker 10 52:13
I noticed that it’s kind of far for a lot of people they have to go all the way around. But back to a better shot here. Yeah, I don’t have to go all the way around the country club which is really a forbidding thing to go around. If you are a young person trying to get Yeah, if you’re a young person that’s trying to get from Rocky Mountain elementary school to that site and I just feel like that rocky mountain you know Rothrock del Park isn’t super exciting and that is just such an impoverished area
Unknown Speaker 52:54
I wish there was like a way that they could get there better I don’t doubt Fox Hill is gonna give us up
Unknown Speaker 53:04
to the railroad tracks
Unknown Speaker 53:07
Yeah, I mean that’s that’s just
Speaker 11 53:13
Yeah, and even like right here. That’s like a big Those are three detention ponds that come down the hill from the golf course. So that would even be there’s a quite a bit of great change through here.
Speaker 10 53:24
But that’s cool. I mean, it’s cool for a very nature natural area also for wildlife. Hopefully there’s a lot of wildlife viewing area still in that neighborhood park with you leaving that native grasses I
Speaker 11 53:36
think it’d be a good balance you know, it’s really not changing the landscape of the park but just making it more fun and usable because right now you you look at the park at the land that will become the park you don’t interact with it
Speaker 10 53:51
I tend to see young people needing really Nick natural areas and like you know I have to from my program but the important sticks like I have to drop in Yeah, like truck in sticks kids want to play with sticks kids want to play in like there’s no place to play hide and seek. So if you leave a lot of grass and leave it nice and long, you know there’s places to play hide and seek there’s places there’s a lot of play. It can even be slightly prompted so people start using it the right way this
Speaker 11 54:25
area here is all of that existing grass and then this is the irrigated turf so the grass and then all of these for the most part there are some existing trees along the perimeter but majority of these are added as well to give shade around the play areas and usable areas. So there will be six
Speaker 10 54:49
Dixon grant and like things to play with and I could just see some of them maybe the internet would be around because of its seems like it’s Fox Theme. So around foxes you know that should Be a red fox area should be where red foxes so you have red fox inter, you know, do you see the fox hiding? And you know, that kind of thing might be kind of cool? Or would be really cool. It’s a beautiful,
Unknown Speaker 55:13
beautiful park. I can’t wait to go play
Speaker 6 55:19
are there any mature cottonwoods? In there already? Do you have
Speaker 11 55:23
any trees? See if you can see it in that any of those photos and if not get rid of that little thing there. But over in the right of way between the sidewalk in the street, there’s a few. Not a lot. There is a tree down in the
Unknown Speaker 55:42
center. And that’s like
Unknown Speaker 55:44
the low point right there.
Speaker 3 55:46
In the middle picture to the right of the blue sign the future park sign. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 55:55
so decent shade with those trees.
Speaker 6 55:57
Well, I just Yeah. I mean, because in any concept drawing of a park, like it shows like cottonwood Grove, it’s like well, that’s all it’ll be there for years right now. anytime soon. So
Speaker 11 56:08
well, this is a good captured plan view of what’s there currently.
Speaker 13 56:20
Okay, any other questions? You have a question? On the on the budget topic, right? Trying to go through? How do we shave off? 100 grand off the budget? I struggle with this question because looking at this, we look at it like the dog park was removed, then think about like how many houses in the area have dogs versus how many houses in the area? play handball? I just have a hard time seeing
Speaker 11 56:47
that. And I shouldn’t be it’s those are the things like we’ve just decision we’ve prioritized based on what can we do? And how much money can we can we take back, you know, to put back make sure that we make the intended the budget? Yeah, those items haven’t been struck from the plan yet. We’re still talking about what it will be, but they are towards the end of the priority. Let’s just do the amenities that are in other approximate parks. And what can we put in this park that might be unique to this park that you can’t get to quickly
Speaker 13 57:15
but in the park, right. And there’s all these houses that? And we’re also I mean,
Speaker 11 57:19
no one wants to lose any in the end, you know, and so just trying to think of what ways can we save, you know, substantial monies, but, you know, the native seed versus, you know, originally it was going to be the scrape and do a
Unknown Speaker 57:33
native right? Mix.
Speaker 11 57:34
And now we’re like, no, let’s leave what’s there, it’s beautiful. And let’s just treat it for weeds and see where we if we can put our money at a place was so we don’t know what the savings that will be realized from that idea is yet we do have our meetings on Tuesdays and tomorrow we’re going to have discussions.
Speaker 13 57:52
Similarly, the empathy reimagined overhang was removed. Isn’t that reduce the does that
Speaker 11 57:59
mean? Well, if so, the amphitheater, it’s really a place for the kids or the parents to sit and watch the kids play or vice versa? Sure. And I think that if it’s turf in it’s on a hill, it will be just as successful. You know, parents who play tend to not sit in it as much as the kids when sure there isn’t this little stone step to sit on. But it’s just, you know, what are the most important pieces of the park? Right? How can we appeal to the most users?
Unknown Speaker 58:26
I think those trade offs are trying to kind of where I’m trying to understand it a bit more, but doesn’t quite there yet.
Speaker 11 58:31
So I’ll report back next time.
Speaker 10 58:34
Okay, what about a set up while retaining walls like as a slope, like, here’s a flat folder over here, and maybe one over here and maybe one over here? Like just you know, three flat boulders that could function is that seeding that teenager, like I see teenagers on that.
Speaker 11 58:55
I wanted to see if they’re not labeled, there are some boulder elements that are seating areas within this plan as well, that are aside from that amphitheater with the Stonewall ID. Okay. And I don’t know exactly where it is here. But it is a part of the concept that wouldn’t be removed. And if you guys recall, I don’t know if any of you recall. This is one of the projects that Steve is managing. So let’s
Unknown Speaker 59:28
see if we can I don’t think we can see it in there
Unknown Speaker 59:38
well, it’s exciting to see this coming together. It looks like a fun concept. Yeah. I think it will be okay, thanks for taking time and I really great to see your expanded team. Awesome. We’ve
Speaker 1 59:55
been advocating for a long time that is more project management capacity and you didn’t so It’s great to see that thinking of reality. TV
Speaker 1 1:00:11
Okay, next on the agenda is items from the packet. Does anyone have questions on items from the package?
Speaker 10 1:00:24
Well, I’ll just jump right to Nino guy apart. taken, taken a while. And I see I see some contrast between this park and you know, bio, in in the park. And I’m not. I mean, I just spoke this evening, right before I got here to some people from some teenagers from that area. They were like, Oh, he made that field, that’s going to be something. And they’re really excited. They don’t know about it still. And I, and then I said, Yeah, and they’re like, so what’s going to be there? And I told them that it’s going to be pickleball. And there’s gonna be a pickleball park and a disc golf Park. And they thought that was interesting, but they didn’t think that reflected their their neighborhood at all. As a neighborhood park. That’s more of a community park. And I just remember the remember it was a quote from Steelers like, yeah, it was the easiest thing to do. And I’ve been talking about like, Can we get some representation from the area and I know that that there was there some efforts made, but when parks went to the elementary school, they went to an elementary school that none of the actually the kids in that area actually go to the area they’re zoned to, but all those kids in that area, come from Spanish speaking families. And if you go, if you have a Spanish speaking family, you don’t go to Burlington elementary school, you go to Indian Peaks, or maybe Timberline, or you get bused all the way, you know, you your parents drive you all the way over and you go into one of the charter schools. And so I don’t know, I still think I mean, it’s not built out yet. I would love to see some representation. Like, first of all, like, pronouncing the name correctly, Geico. Like it’s really important. It’s really important to pronounce that name correctly. And then also some representation, there’s still time for representation. There’s no ground has been broken. I mean, it’s gone over budget under budget, like it’s things have happened, there’s still time for representation. And I know I could get you a large group of families so easily.
Speaker 11 1:02:57
A just going out to begin. It is with our Purchasing Group. Now they’re getting it loaded on the net over
Speaker 10 1:03:04
the next week, kind of seems like that’s what’s been happening. We did, we
Speaker 11 1:03:09
had to wait for the appropriation of the CIP amendment from City Council, which went through on the 24th of October. And so that is what provided that additional funding we did, because of the cost difference from I think it started in 2018. To now, but we will design has been completed, I think, since June.
Speaker 10 1:03:31
Yeah, I just, I mean, I’ve been mentioning it since I got on board that like, that’s the reason why I got on board is to represent natural spaces in marginalized communities. And that’s my community. Those are my kids. Those are my families, those families I work with all the time. And they like pickleball pickleball. Like, it doesn’t represent the community. We’re importing people in that community. And so neighborhood park, and then I see this beautiful park, and I want those kids to have that beautiful park. I want them to have that and not saying that, but I see. Like, it just the difference when you go to our large trailer park area. And so it’s
Speaker 11 1:04:19
good, it’s pickleball. So it’s also there’s a there’s playgrounds there shelters, there’s a new restroom building, which is actually going to utilize one of those old silos. It’s over on the property next, oh, that’s cool. And it’s going to be quick over so it’s going to be like you’re going to the restroom in a silo. So we’re using
Speaker 5 1:04:38
that sort of agricultural history of that area to have reasons to do that. And again, I don’t want to step into it. But it has been a long process and I just point out the toggle as you get to step updates, but it has been hard to engage with communities. I think we all sit here saying, you know, we’ve put up the Spanish speaking flyer, we’ve gone to that school, but we’re not engaging, right. And I’m talking about that a little bit later too. But I really do think that part is going to have to do to work hard to make sure we are including natural. I think we’re staying in that native but they’re, you know, grasses that are been around smooth groves and hay grasses and stuff that you know, aren’t weeds and are nice tall grasses that attract pollinators and stuff and other forage frozen plants and stuff. So we’re include a very large sort of natural area, we’ve got walking trails within areas, dogs, dogs, because we knew that we didn’t have a lot of backyards. So I really do think is, as much as we could do with the input we got, we tried to take it out. But again, when we see neighborhood park, the whole community does get to show up at those meetings. And that can be a hard part too, because you’re trying to balance you know, the neighbors show up with the community shows up as well. So I’ll talk a bit more about some,
Speaker 10 1:05:47
I just, I just like, I’ve been a resource, like I’ve just like why, like I’ve been a resource for this. I’ve been saying like, that’s my I mean, I work with Casa de la esperanza all the time, like there’s Casa de la soprano, is the heart of that community. And you have a meeting there. I mean, nobody like Vanessa, who is the director of that still never had been approached, like, never been approached. But like I, I mean, I know it’s a county program versus city. But I don’t know, heartbreaking. And it’s frustrating, because I’ve been saying, I can get you those people. And I’ve been hearing for a year and a half. Well, it’s done anyway, it’s done. And then I’ll hear like, oh, click, I just put on another pickleball court. And I said, like cans of brown, or how to soccer, like a soccer field. And then it’s there was immediate, it’s like a canned response ready to do that. And so I will just say that I’m super frustrated with that you’ve had me as a resource, you still can have that input, you could have that input next week, you could have that input tomorrow night, because robotics meets there tomorrow night, like you could have that there’s no excuse. There’s a community center right there that families are out there every single night. Like, I just feel like that there could be better representation for the young guy out Park.
Speaker 7 1:07:16
I hear what you’re saying. I think the challenge with it, though, is starting over means starting over, which means they have to start paying their consultants all over again. You have to do all the design again. And you’re you’re a year, you’re down the road, then
Speaker 10 1:07:35
I know. And that’s so that’s the thing I just said keeps getting the camera at like it keeps being it’s too late. But it was too late last year when I mentioned this, and then this is a year later, and we still haven’t actually started so I just was throwing it out there. Because that I mean, and like I feel like I feel like what I’m saying is fair, because like I did say it last year, though I was little shyer, because I was only a few months into the process. But well,
Speaker 5 1:08:04
I just wanna say I appreciate Jeff saying because I felt good mine was to be that canned response you you’ve been hearing. But I think we’re so close. Now. I think the idea of giving that community that neighborhood, a park that I think does has really nice elements into it is valuable that I I want to jump into my other presentation here. But I’ll talk about it a little bit too. And it is Miss opportunity. I’m not going to tell you this not I think though that getting this park out and getting it something that those kids will have, and we’ll have those nature spaces and I’ll have your quiet space, we’ll have a playground, and we’ll have a really unique, they say restaurant that incorporate that agriculture heritage into it. So
Speaker 7 1:08:42
there there is bond space for soccer play too.
Speaker 10 1:08:46
And they really need a new ground as part of this playground to play. Yeah, it’s getting old. Like their tiny little structure. They need more grounding. So that’s what I mean, that’s the representation of our Earth. And that, but I just wanted to I, I kind of wanted to that on that. Because, like it’s been there, but we want to park right. That’s the big one we do.
Speaker 11 1:09:09
It’s taken a bit to get some of these older projects up and going again, but that parks running right alongside these other parks that we’re doing, right. And so it also will be completed about the same timeframe as Fox Meadows. So they’re all running running concurrently. You know, in a year, I hope that we can say wow, we just added you know, three parks and synthetic builds a dry creek plus all these Park renewals that we’re doing. So it’s not just even these parks, it’s other parks as well. But you know, two weeks, seven weeks. We’re getting
Speaker 10 1:09:46
like, I’m really pleased, like I really play this and I’m so excited about what you’re going to talk about next. Like I’m so excited about that. And yeah, like in with that and so maybe I should have waited like
Speaker 5 1:09:57
that’s okay. Yeah, it’s a fair comment and I really do have a piece missing and wants to get things done. We’ve waited a long time to do this. This group has already saved us 85 But it’s 85 Plus renewals plus, you know, Gallows plus, you know, it’s
Unknown Speaker 1:10:12
Speaker 10 1:10:15
GEICO. Geico. Like we lived in Colorado. We all speak Spanish because we say the name of our state guy Oh, guy. to Mecca. Yeah. Like, it’s really important to get his name right. Sorry. So
Speaker 5 1:10:32
I don’t know who you’ve talked to. But when his daughter did the work with us, I I was I was trying to do that, that double L two, and oh, well, maybe.
Speaker 10 1:10:42
It’s hardly okay. I could say it. Like, I’ve been on camera saying this, but everybody in the community has told me. So that’s
Speaker 5 1:10:55
what some presentations. Yeah, it was the way that she was saying, so I apologize. We may have to learn something.
Speaker 14 1:11:00
You know what? I could apologize. I could be totally wrong to what everybody told me. Oh, yeah. Here’s the cool is do I got you? So sorry. No, that’s
Speaker 10 1:11:11
well, this is Colorado. So we have Lewisville. Exactly. Yeah. I just like, want to make sure he gets his thing.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:24
Well, I think you have to
Unknown Speaker 1:11:26
start. Yeah, whatever is John.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:29
Yeah, the community all like said like, if
Speaker 3 1:11:31
you want to go that way? Yeah, you’re right. Yeah, right.
Speaker 6 1:11:39
Yeah, two quick ones, I would think, one sprinkles to base three. Looks like it’s going badly fast. Because I saw like, the path cut out. And then I saw a concrete down. I think that pictures Oh, my gosh.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:55
We have an update. Cool.
Speaker 6 1:12:00
No, of course, you’re not getting credit for it. Yeah. Because online climbing creative. Like that’s not the case.
Speaker 11 1:12:08
So look at this graphic here. So this is so the areas in blue. So here’s the phase three from from this line. Let me find the road. Okay, there’s the parking lot. So along here, and always. So the area’s in blue are the sections of concrete that have been poured. The areas in red are areas that will be poured by hand in the spring, because that’s where they’re doing the underpass into the train tracks. And then here they have a bridge which is held responsible. There’s there’s a bridge somewhere, and then must be and then green. Will be handpoured. This week, on Thursday. Oh, well. So this is what it looks like in the port section. So Wow.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:01
And Scott, that did happen really fast. A couple of weeks ago. None of that was there. So yeah, it’s a ditch, because we got to
Speaker 11 1:13:12
just poured concrete to actually give some support for Alden, who’s managing the project. So awesome. But yeah, we walked it one day and got it to her. And I’m really excited just before the concrete is. Actually it wasn’t Monday, I guess if had been somebody that sticks to your boots and didn’t. Oh, yeah. So that is the status on that piece.
Speaker 3 1:13:39
You can see it driving in on 119 Because I was there like Thursday. What? I’ve been totally right. Yeah, me. What there’s concrete. Yeah.
Speaker 6 1:13:50
Yeah, so the underpass is still sometime in the spring. Okay. So yeah, so that was that was super exciting. I don’t know if I asked this last month, but the soils question I got probably three times in the last 30 days. So I know there isn’t a contractor yet. But for Isaac Walton. The soils are going back to dry creek going back to same spot or they’re gonna go to the west side. Initially,
Speaker 11 1:14:18
they’re going to the same spot. Okay. All right. So our plan with that touching on is on the dry creek synthetic turf project, and you’re working to get a meeting scheduled. That was one of my meetings scheduled in December in
Speaker 4 1:14:33
December. Yes. Do you have a date yet? No, no, they because the consultant they need to figure out when they will be ready for the meeting. Okay.
Speaker 11 1:14:42
And at that meeting, it’ll be a neighborhood meeting. And we’ll are going to have Josh with our group, it’s over working with the physical Levy and removal and relocation of the sledding hill. He’s going to attend that meeting as well and answer questions about that scope of work that will be ring and those are going to be occurring at the same time. So there’s some logistics to work out with that piece as well.
Speaker 10 1:15:08
For the day, that would be really helpful. Okay, cool. Thank you. So we’re just going ahead and building and that in that area that was going to be the rec center, right? Like, this is what I’m like I was confused. Okay.
Speaker 1 1:15:29
Building what now they’re moving. They’re taking the soil. Well, you can’t say what you’re okay. But the soils visual
Speaker 10 1:15:36
sledding hill, yeah, no, no, I was talking like because you’re saying like, you know, all the like, because it looked like there was stuff going in there. Like around where the make That’s why I asked, okay, you’re looking at me confused. I was because I was confused, too. I thought that was all going in the area, like the artificial this synthetic turf and all the stuff was going the area that was going to be the Rec Center, the same thing. Okay, I’m confused.
Speaker 11 1:16:01
The synthetic turf is directly south at the high school, there’s a detention pond. And then it’s an existing grouping of fields.
Speaker 7 1:16:10
where the fields are, okay, grass, grow. Okay, synthetic turf. Okay,
Speaker 10 1:16:17
I thought it was like a few fields besides that, okay.
Speaker 11 1:16:21
So this is where, okay, the fields will be going, where the cricket pitches and these fields so you can kind of see straight Krypton cricket pitches gonna stay where it is not going to become synthetic, I believe. Last we talked about it. And this is based
Unknown Speaker 1:16:39
on curricular feedback.
Speaker 11 1:16:44
This is the unofficial sledding hill. So they’re going to take some of this soil and move it to the new Levy and then break some of that soil and bring it back here. Dry Creek community park phase two is when this unofficial sledding hill moves to permanent slate in the location on the other side. Okay. There is not a timeframe on that park yet.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:06
Okay. Okay. Question.
Speaker 13 1:17:08
Yes. I had a question on the lawnmower ice pavilion, I see we have new glycol cooling baths. So I guess my question is, is this a bad? Because I think we’ve talked about this before where the equipment is aging and kind of getting to the end of life? Is this a Bandy that’s going to help us extend the life of the of the program? Oh, longer or is this more permanent? Well,
Speaker 8 1:17:33
it could be either. Okay. Because you we, we weren’t going to be running it without new mats, the mats were leaking all over the place. Right? How do you get repaired a lot. So this had to get done now to continue for the short term. But if it continues long term, then then these need to be there anyway. So it’s both.
Speaker 13 1:17:53
Okay. But this is there’s still the other comment the ice machine, the first chiller is called a game, there’s no current plan to a much more expensive,
Speaker 8 1:18:03
okay, it’s probably $700,000 At this point, as for a jeweler. So it’s great to say, okay,
Speaker 13 1:18:12
so this is extending the life maybe, but not going to quite completely resolve the issue.
Speaker 8 1:18:17
Yeah, I mean, our plan going in till the possibility of ice being built, right, was that we, we can get this to keep this thing going for two to three years can’t guarantee it. Because the chiller goes down, down.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:33
There’s no glycol, this jelly mat is gonna
Speaker 8 1:18:37
you know, yeah, chilly. glycol mats are gonna help him get like cold glycol to it. But that being said, we believe if that doesn’t occur, we can keep it going for the next couple of years. And we have some investment dollars from the city to do that. So that’s that’s where we stand right now. And now that the vote happened, then new decisions will have to be made over time. That we don’t have any answers on that, because we’re waiting for that.
Speaker 7 1:19:06
If the Iset for why there’s going to be filled, right, the pavilion would have closed down, right, but we had to
Unknown Speaker 1:19:13
get a couple more years. Yeah.
Speaker 7 1:19:15
Yeah, if it passed, still two years out. So we wanted to at least
Speaker 8 1:19:19
we have some fencing some of the fencing security around a little, a lot better, in my opinion. We just painted the building. Just trying to keep it nice, keep it as nice as we can. But it’s a great facility. We all love it. I want to keep going.
Speaker 1 1:19:38
Here. So that was one of my questions, too was what would be the process to be thinking about sort of extending that five year period and recognizing how long it takes before any kind of
Speaker 8 1:19:53
budget process that’s there, in my opinion, rather than get into the budget process of how much needs to be spent. To look at five plus years, which means a new chair,
Speaker 1 1:20:03
that’s, you know, I mean, we have a whole list share with the board sort of what’s needed. Yeah, I feel like we
Speaker 13 1:20:11
have probably, we’ve certainly got like a CIP item on that exists for this.
Speaker 7 1:20:19
Capsule replacement. Yeah, so it’s PBR
Unknown Speaker 1:20:22
Unknown Speaker 1:20:33
Yeah, so yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:20:34
I mean, it just be helped.
Speaker 8 1:20:38
So we put in requests for that for five years out. But we also could move that money around a little bit during that time. So, but specifically, the chiller would be our thought, and we’ll take guidance from Harold on which way to go with this as they will be a Capital One time item request, right? Because that’s a big one. But yeah, can
Speaker 13 1:21:00
you believe to start my new plans? Well, I think it’s connected to the the the other programs do so. Thank you.
Speaker 10 1:21:14
Any other questions from the packet? How will we know when the firewood goes on sale or sale all the free the the antelope Park free firewood,
Speaker 5 1:21:26
we can either probably read update or we’ll get it on the website too.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:35
Okay, items from staff
Speaker 5 1:21:42
that I will touch on. Last week, I was actually in Austin, Texas with Taylor was a volunteer coordinator, and individuals from community Family Services, youth services. And it was also in partnership with Longmont Foundation, who wasn’t able to make it and then Thorne Institute. And it really was a grant to the city got to pay for us all to go down there. And what they’re really looking to do is we talk about these communities that don’t show up at all of our meetings, we put them on like, Well, we did our part, we send out flyers and like, well, they had their chance. We know we’re missing something. And I think we keep using the same tools over and over saying, you know, why aren’t they showing up? Why are they engaging? So this really is how do we work with those communities to see what they need from us so that we can do a better job engaging with them. I think one things we really talked about there is taking people in your spot where you know, you have those connections or people in that community. They’ve actually paid to be that liaison, and that just kind of all come back to the same people and say, Hey, we have a need to engage this community. Can you do this for us? Can you do this for us, but looking at how we did their job of that. So it really is an ongoing conversation for like next at least year to figure out how we do a better job of saying, we want to engage this community in our parks in our natural areas. Instead, let’s keep coming great ideas in this room with these demographics and Sakers we have for you, how do we do a better job of asking what you want? And asking how we can get a job of having you show up and have your voices heard.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:22
Before? You tell me what,
Speaker 10 1:23:25
like the promo Torah, like a bit. So it’s like finding community leaders. Yes. Actions already. And but paying them for their time, which I love that. I love that aspect. Yes.
Speaker 5 1:23:38
So it was a great event I was kind of tagged at last minute, because we’re trying to get these grants out. They wanted the commitment from the leadership of the city to be there. There were city council members there, there were it was a great group of people down in the communities. I think we were one of seven cities, the guard these These grants are everywhere from Massachusetts to California, and then us in between. It was a great group that people try and do how they do more of these communities they know out there within their community. But we know underrepresented in our park system, and especially our natural natural areas, like gravity, we got to do that.
Speaker 1 1:24:16
Here, yeah, season tation that they did. I was so sad that you missed it.
Speaker 5 1:24:21
And we that’s something to again, you know, it’d be great to have Rachel and Taylor come back and continue to update this group and how we’re moving forward. So we have some work to do internally as we come back and do stakeholder groups internally. And then, you know, really updating our leadership within the city. And what we’d like to do, because this is a at least two year commitment and then really reaching out into the community to see how we build that relationship.
Speaker 1 1:24:46
I’d actually like to ask that we maybe consider making that like a standing agenda item because I do think it’s a really important initiative that you’re doing and could really have a big impact on how the city engages with communities. Send around. Carson Park us since I want to make sure crab is involved and up to speed. And so if we can, I mean, if there’s nothing to report kind of like the we can say nothing to report, but I think just having a standing
Speaker 5 1:25:19
make sure time retailer or have her show up, you know, it’s with her volunteer piece. She’s always doing the odd schedules and stuff. So I hate this attitude just to be here. To
Unknown Speaker 1:25:30
you know, working with just so we can hear from them.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:34
Yeah, so yeah, it was fun time to on top of it. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:37
Good. Good.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:40
Is everybody else in Colorado jealous of you?
Speaker 5 1:25:44
Yeah, I don’t want to kill nobody yet. But I, if anyone knew about I think they should be. Yeah, I was I felt we were pretty unique situation to do something pretty special for our community. And and hopefully that will, you know, have our internal leadership recognize an important thing is we didn’t really kind of highlight that.
Speaker 10 1:26:01
I’m excited. I kind of felt like we’ve been lagging behind Lafayette. I would say, considering Lafayette, this big. Yes, that we’ve been lagging in our in our outreach in our equity in our you know, in getting mobilizing. And so I’m so excited to
Speaker 5 1:26:21
say, you know, we’re not alone in this though either where we’re at right now. I think we keep using the same tools. So we haven’t been able to kind of signs that I was, you know, it’s the same thing you do? How do we do it? We kept trying to sit in that room and come up with ideas that will work for them. It’s really
Speaker 10 1:26:36
hard. It is it’s a lot of work. But we can’t give up. That’s the thing is we can’t give up
Speaker 5 1:26:43
going back to this. I think you know, I hope you don’t eat for this with our new park
Speaker 14 1:26:58
Oh, guy Oh, now to until we until we
Unknown Speaker 1:27:02
get back to Arby’s
Speaker 5 1:27:04
Yes. I really do think we pushed to try to get out there at the beginning. And then there was that gap, you know that and I think for us really trying to have that push to get things done. And then step back. I think that was a hard piece to do as well. So I think you know, having this momentum and stuff right now it’s it is hard for me to say we were going to start it’s already snowing, this deputy has got to go out to bid right now. So it’s really not to see it’s gonna get kicked down to rural road will begin but I think we have opportunities coming up to really do a lot more. A lot better. That’s
Speaker 10 1:27:39
not the only area but as underrepresented in law nine, so right is that and so that’s great that we’re doing that. Yeah, I’m excited. Yeah. Did you see that?
Speaker 5 1:27:54
No, that was just to tell you it was either bats or barbecue for me, I
Unknown Speaker 1:28:02
guess barbecue. I don’t know if it’s okay. For me. I don’t I don’t know. I
Speaker 10 1:28:08
never get it like timing and what to do, but the City of Boulder has on their websites. And you’re like, like, comparing us to Boulder. But they have something cool that like wood ties into all this and ties into that park and everything. And I’m trying to Okay, so city of their parks and rec facilities, like you just pop in, and like you’ve just pop on any park and went to like one I didn’t even know I’m like Arrowood Park, and then every single one of their websites, you go in the park and you look at the amenities, and at the bottom and every single one nature play opportunities. And it talks about the nature play opportunities and everything. And that I like that. And that’s not hard. And we could do it. Because we do have nature play opportunities, a lot of places, but a lot of people don’t know how to access it. And it could show us how they could show that we’re really committed to that now and there’s more commitment to that. And like every part has a nature like tells you how people can engage with nature.
Speaker 5 1:29:21
And I’ll go back another piece to that. I do think one one. Historically, even though we’re learning more, we’re doing more, you know, having neighborhood parts are reflected that that neighborhood isn’t always going to have the same elements especially as looked at when they were designed but our system really has a great way to get people comfortable in their neighborhood park with a trail system that gets them to now a Dickens Park and Dickens Park is a place we can touch and play and actually that extra play area our force recruits delivers. They deliver sticks and logs out there so that kids have stuff to play with to that trail then once you feel comfortable get joined st a trail out to sandstone or out to Golden ponds. So I think you know that we can do that idea of educating kids that really say, you know, I think it’s up to us. I learned too, that we’re always saying what nature is, and you talked about, they were more of soccer fields, and they want more shelters and more stuff for family. And that’s where they feel comfortable. And we just automatically say, No, you have to go on a little island and middle of the river and play with sticks that can feel pretty foreign and unsafe. So to get them educated, comfortable in their neighborhood parks, teach about the built in trail systems we have that really can move people from the neighborhood to the next level. And then ultimately, the system will be from their neighborhood park, to a community park to a Dickens Park to a sandstone Ranch, tying into the state park eventually. So I see great opportunities. And that’s where I think you know, maybe our is a little bit different than Boulder, where it’s not every park is the same, but it’s like how do you get to more nature from this spot, here’s what we offer here. But now we have greater opportunities as you move throughout our system. And we’re actually doing some web page design updates. And I was volunteered to that team, and I think is a great way that we can start looking at some of those things that other communities are doing
Speaker 10 1:31:10
do a better job. Yeah, I mean, like some of the theirs are pretty lame, I’ll tell you. Like, you can play in the sandbox, we you know, but like what I mean, but that effort is that it just shows that commitment to. So
Speaker 11 1:31:25
we have been working on information on our parks agents. And we’ve had some made some traction there as well. So we have some up to date information on the website. So check it out. Sometime. There’s points of contact for every project manager and every park project. And we have some photos, and I won’t say it’s perfect, but it’s better than it was.
Speaker 10 1:31:48
When we get a whole bunch of our parks on mine. I’ll design a scavenger hunt for families that we can go out to go to the different parks. That’d be fun. That’d be fun.
Speaker 1 1:31:58
Okay, any items from the floor?
Speaker 6 1:32:06
I want to just express my appreciation for detour signs. I got those got up last week. So excited to see you over there with that sounds like there’ll be timber across South Bowen Street for the railroad crossing as well. I did have someone in the community though, I guess talk to the hill the brands and they said they maintain the crusher fine path. And I want to see if that was actually true because they asked for it to be do we deviated and have this community gardening group do it. And I didn’t I didn’t know what the relationship was in terms of I know we have that right of way that we’re using their property for that little pathway there on the first avenue, but I didn’t know who is maintaining it.
Speaker 5 1:32:56
I might have to follow up this is a little complicated area over in that area.
Speaker 3 1:33:01
Okay, this is the path just north of Arrow tracks from from sunset to East Yeah. Right. Yeah. Right. Right here on the Hildebrand says that that weird that
Unknown Speaker 1:33:21
already County, so yeah, it’s
Speaker 6 1:33:23
okay. Yeah. So Yeah, Dad just expressed that, you know, they’re getting older and they needed someone to help maintain. It came from somebody who’s a super volunteer in the neighborhood. And I was like, I thought the city was doing some of that laying down Crusher finds and XYZ. But you know, let’s, before we get volunteers jumping in on it, let’s figure out what to do what.
Speaker 1 1:33:50
So I have a question. I think it might be for you. But stay with me effects on paths. I’ve seen so many, like, almost terrible interactions between eat bikes and pedestrians and even a bike regular bikes.
Speaker 5 1:34:08
I think it’s one of the things that we’ve kind of avoided. It’s a piece out there. I think that we’ve watched other communities, we’re kind of waiting to see what they were doing. And I think as a ranger program has grown something that we really need to start looking at, but historically, me personally. Yeah, no, exactly. That’s what I was gonna say. I do think that looking at E bikes now a little differently that as far as equity and ability for people to use our park systems and as long as our trail system is that having a bike to the systems is something does make sense as you’re looking at people that are, you know, commuting uses for low, you know, low carbon offset cheaper means of transportation. It is unhealthy, very get away from but I think the ability to regulate what types of bikes are on a trail and then you start getting to So it really is, as we looked at that, here’s the challenge we get into, it’s like, Should we put up speed signs, if you put up speed signs, then you do have Ranger sitting there with radar guns, and unfortunately, is a lot like ski raises really when there’s gonna be, it’s who’s gonna be at fault if there’s a problem. So I think, you know, we’re really looking at how we set regulations in place, having regulations, we want to have authority to really do something with it, it doesn’t do a whole lot just to say this is regulation because even people complaining that you have regulation, no one’s doing anything, we don’t have staff for it. We don’t have tools for it can be a challenge, but it’s something that I do think when you start looking closer at, but it’s not just to you bites there are, believe me, there are people in spandex and helmets and rode bikes on those trails without any electric, you know, assistance that are flying down those trails.
Speaker 10 1:35:50
It’s not just those, actually. I mean, it’s not the fast cyclists. It’s not the Scott that’s flying because you can write it a lot of times it’s people just going beyond their speed of capability and control. So it’s maybe somebody who, like they’re like rain rain frantically, because they’re going too fast for them to stop. If I trip and fall, like while I’m running, then I’m going to emanate.
Speaker 2 1:36:20
Yeah, if you don’t mind me chiming in this falls into transportation board, because we talked about, you know, when we do vision, zero says 00 deaths, pedestrians and bicyclists sometimes lead to deaths. So right now, as part of vision, zero, we’re talking about separating the two separating pedestrians from bicycle trails. You know, we also have bicycle trails on the street, and we’d like to have those protected. So in other words, a barrier, whatever, continued bicyclists, and then maybe move the pedestrians into more of the park where there’s maybe more of a foot trail, that kind of thing. So it’s clear this is pedestrian justice bicycle is a bit of a superhighway on
Speaker 5 1:37:04
this does. And I think that’s one of the challenges right now as we start designing. I think one things is kind of nice with us. All working for Joanie, now in that same arena that you know, you probably will be the Phil over transportation event too, but even the Springboks we just did I don’t think there’s any you know, we typically put a soft surface walkable trail next to that, but we don’t have them like set out that is a, again, Austin it, they do have that set out where you have to pay attention to around the green bike area or not. But in our system, our walkers make that change pretty abruptly. They love walking to and three of wrestlers are having conversations and shifting over to a soft surface trail on the side, I think there’s be some questions there on how do we help educate that that’s where we’re gonna go with this are finding
Speaker 2 1:37:56
just like a rising wind is working. And
Unknown Speaker 1:38:00
so those are great things.
Speaker 2 1:38:02
There’s gonna be a task force to help with that, or the community and this would
Unknown Speaker 1:38:07
be the great group to be working in a lot.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:10
To begin with, I think we have some overlap.
Speaker 10 1:38:14
I wonder if starting with just that the share the road YIELD signs, because I don’t know people think that because they ring their bell that the head I’m fat, I’m like a lightning runner. No, not but um, you know, like that. People have to move out of their way or whatever, and they don’t actually it’s, you know, the and, and so some of those shared road signs, you know, along some of the zoomy fascinate
Speaker 5 1:38:42
as we continue to grow and continue to have these pieces, you know, having a good ability, one of the kind of, we had sure the trail days where we’d have Rangers out on bike and equestrians, and we’d have people out there that had the pedestrian mode, and we’d be talking to people trailheads about what that really meant. We had that the triangle to share the trail. And the again, I think people like you say, it’s really, they ring their bell, or they they yell on your left, and what’s the person do they step left?
Speaker 1 1:39:11
Yeah, I just think I mean, I’m glad to hear that transportations talking about it, too. I just think that, you know, I’m seeing more and more, you know, kids my son’s age. So you’ve got 1312 1314 year olds out there on things that can go 40 miles an hour, right. And they’re not able to do that safely. And so I think just getting ahead of it, get communication out there. You know, like be thinking about what that means.
Speaker 15 1:39:36
And just to tie into a couple elements from tonight, like multiple boards, maybe tying together figuring out some joint things. These are actually all every nearly every I’d say literally every concern address here tonight, was either brought up by another board or was addressed like as one of the key issues during the State of the transport mark. downs are tied up But the steering committee that I went and attended, oh, like as a part of the Hawks member Yeah, yeah. And so we did get to see that vision zero is going ahead and the street dieting and all of the different elements, they didn’t really tackle one particular thing. But they did actually bring up pretty much every single one of the 13 year olds on a, on a vehicle that can do 35 miles an hour. If you got a key, you can make it do 45. Now, so yeah, all of those things. 28 was the limit. They’ve got ones that you can basically, I forget what they call the key, but you can pop it in and just remember, it’s the electronic limiter. Just goes to whatever whatever the motor can spec out to.
Speaker 3 1:40:45
The class ones, there’s 2020
Speaker 5 1:40:48
Right. And that’s where I think you have limited the class, you can have
Speaker 7 1:40:55
a golf carts, we reduce them, because people are crazy. Yeah.
Speaker 5 1:41:00
So it’s transportation that talked about having speed limits, or driving in a safe speed for your ability. I mean, that’s,
Speaker 2 1:41:07
we have that arm wrestle for a long time, regulation and practical concerns. And right now we’re sitting at and we really need to have separation and barrier, you know, and I’m talking about, like, between bicyclists and automobiles, but also also pedestrians because pedestrians and bicyclists don’t mix well, you know, and they tend to pedestrian walk in front of bicycles. And it’s always like kids, you know, and there’s still a big danger of injury, right to see what half of those end up in fatalities. So we have
Speaker 12 1:41:42
a lot of injuries. That’s why we have a lot of bike versus pedestrian injuries on our actual path bike paths so far. I mean,
Speaker 2 1:41:54
they’re not necessarily on the paths in the park system but definitely on the streets. And I would say I would tell you that our death rate is seven times what it is in Boulder. Boulder has been doing Vision Zero since I think about 2012 So we’re a little behind but we’re gonna catch up because we have a lot of municipalities to learn from
Speaker 3 1:42:18
I had several different people from the tennis community asked me because they knew there was a meeting coming up one was the lights at parks don’t always go on soon enough now that it’s getting dark. Is that is that a? The LTA publishes a web number phone number at a 416 you know if there’s a problem or is that orange? Yes go to and now we’ll go to is that a tire thing? Or is that a darkness thing? Well,
Speaker 5 1:42:47
I believe the timer is not a photo, which right now is changing rapidly
Speaker 3 1:42:52
you know this person Okay, I’ll tell them to go to their Mega complaint there. The LTA board had a meeting recently and they have money not a lot of money but some money. Remind me that’s a preface to remind me. How did Quayle tennis courts get built? Was that a city only thing or LTA help somehow with that,
Unknown Speaker 1:43:20
I think of a city only? Well, the
Speaker 3 1:43:23
LTA wonders if they could put some seed money in to get either more walls built, or the shelter built at Quail. Is that, you know, public partner partnership, could they do something here? I mean, we don’t have a lot of money. We meaning to LTA people. But the like I said, but last month, the complaints that we got, were filtered, or a lot of them were it’s friggin hot and worse the shade, and we had those Easy Ups and elaborate thing. But you know, that that was part of the original vision for quail was to have a pavilion or something, you know, attend whatever. And if there’s talk of a pickleball facility down that way, somewhere that’s going to have the same issue. So I’m not sure if that’s, they asked me to ask you or to ask who to talk to.
Speaker 7 1:44:15
I think we can certainly talk with them about that, you know, that the amount of money is going to matter to shelter is going to be fairly expensive, right? But we certainly can, can can talk in see what their interest is and and then David and I can report back to them on what we can or cannot do.
Speaker 3 1:44:38
I expressed that the shelter is expensive and it’s pushed out to whatever it’s not even on their current plan. It’s maybe five years away. And so that and I think they realize that even with some money, it’s not enough to even put a dent in that. So I think short term they’d be more interested in more walls like at Quail and To remind me, what did that cost at? Car Park? For example, the most recent one?
Unknown Speaker 1:45:05
I don’t remember.
Speaker 3 1:45:08
Yes, yes. We wish maybe this year a new park with a quasi handball court, suddenly you’re paying old strike three feet off the ground and into a tennis court practice thing, you know? Well,
Speaker 2 1:45:22
on the opposite side, like a soldier park. There’s handball on one side and a basketball on the other side.
Speaker 3 1:45:30
Right. And actually, people use both sides for tennis. Yeah. But it’s not a very good wall, because it’s kind of POC marquee. So it’s fun. If you’d like to chase, I know.
Unknown Speaker 1:45:42
Right? Shade sails,
Speaker 3 1:45:45
there are those I put them up personally. There was one spot where the fences are close enough together to do that, but it’s not very convenient. You have to be right there. They’re not very big, you know, compared to a pavilion. So
Speaker 7 1:46:00
but those are expensive, too. We have some of those that sunset pool. And because you can’t put a neighborhood one up, it has to be commercial, which then requires that it has to be out there. I mean, 120 mile an hour winds, that’s those numbers,
Unknown Speaker 1:46:19
you know, the ones I put up were nothing like what he’s
Unknown Speaker 1:46:25
doesn’t show him have something like that?
Speaker 3 1:46:29
Well, we just ordered some from Amazon, I got turnbuckles. And I put them up there, but they’re not gonna put up with 120 wins. And that’s kind of what we did just to get but it’s still it’s nothing like what you really
Speaker 10 1:46:43
talked about, actually, I feel like shade is needed pretty desperate on there by like Greg recreation and the museum, like all the summer programs like just even, like, it’s
Speaker 3 1:46:55
just, it’s not we live in Colorado, it’s hot, right. And
Speaker 5 1:46:58
a lot of times, you pull that out of the oven, and what we’re discussing today, today.
Speaker 11 1:47:09
So there’s a grant for its heat, extreme, extreme heat. So in order to provide shade, specific to us in parks and areas like that, for residents that don’t have access to air conditioning in their homes, pleased to get respite during the summer, there’s an opportunity to get some of these grant dollars in, we’re working with our sustainability team on this effort to put in some better shade elements or cooling elements within park spaces. Initially, they had done a heat map of lumber and the area and the greatest. The greatest need, which was their initial focus was the Kensington Park Spangler and Linden Park. Neighborhoods, I think they’re called park districts that are neighborhood districts anyway. So we were talking about some ideas with shade sails and whatnot, you know, over playgrounds, but not like what was installed over garden acres playground, because that was burned. And then it melted onto the playground equipment, which then sustained damage as well. But the type of Connie Moto, which is really it looks like a tall umbrella, it’s not a lot of shade, but we came up with some interesting ideas that we’re going to vet to see what what kind of class we’re talking to put in some new elements over some playgrounds over some benched areas where people sit and watch their kids play potential misting elements or splash pads. But these structures being one of those big discussion points. So we’re working with Angela with art and public places to see if we could do some custom designed shade structures that would provide like a model but like a tree would. But it would still be a nice place to go and get some some respite from the heat. But all of those discussions so we’re kind of we walked away from that meeting today with some next steps on just quantifying what do we think this is going to take? I know that the sustainability team to capture dollars and 24 will be doing those applications the first part of December so we’re under a bit of a crunch getting all the information you’re going to need but hearing this helps maybe there’s some opportunities for that
Speaker 10 1:49:21
and maybe there’s like to even get more grant money What if the shades were generated power BI I told you about that yes, my solar some solar or some wind turbine power that would that was a discussion that they’ve good brought up as well.
Speaker 5 1:49:41
I think the the pieces for the bringing dollars to the table the pieces of the bullet challenge on that. Again, great to hear but that would be the group working on that shelter air code coil. So how do we incorporate that and optimize but really, if you look at eight and five, we will be looking at the coil campus for the pickleball expansion of that, it may be something we could roll into that at least at least. Ah, gotcha. Well, yeah, everyone have feels definitely staring at me over my shoulder here. We’re gonna have a RFP going out, and it’s going to be that same year and we’re mobilizing people at spot, it feels like we’d be missing an opportunity if we didn’t at least look at that spot.
Speaker 10 1:50:19
What about until that happens, a lending program, you know, because we have our lending lending library, a lending program that people can check out a shade shelter? Like, that’s like? Yeah, like an easier but a bigger one. Because you know, people can afford the $99 one, you know what I mean, but a bigger shade shelter like that, that you could check out from the library for or, you know, from the rec program or whatever. And you could, you know, give them a driver’s license and
Unknown Speaker 1:50:52
check it out for two days.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:54
Just need money. Yeah. graduation parties, I’m picturing that would be very popular. Yeah. Yeah, like, celebrity checks out, like camping equipment, or all sorts of stuff, like, so shade shelter, talk with the library, I will talk to the library. I’m going to their staff meeting Wednesday, whoever
Speaker 3 1:51:23
tests people, they would like it six days a week, because there’s delete matches virtually every night, and they’re stuffed, every Saturday, all day, every Sunday, you know, that kind of thing. So they visualize a permanent shelter, which was kind of they thought part of the deal when quail was originally built. So that’s where they’re coming from. And I think realistically, they don’t have nearly enough money to make a dent in what the city would spend more realistically would be another wall or two at Quail or somewhere else. So if you could find out forget what that one a car park, you know, and duplicate that somewhere else. Maybe they you know, a cost share or whatever, or they have some idea, but Oh, oops, nevermind, we’re there’s a lot more money than we had guessed. And then we those folks don’t seem to know. But I expressed that I think the building is going to be way more money than their real rent or they realize. So anyway, that those two things came to me from I already brought up the swimming thing about Centennial pool.
Speaker 1 1:52:26
Right. So if there’s any more real like eight minutes left, before we have to vote to get standard,
Speaker 5 1:52:32
I have one more rule that I hope I have, I want to follow them backwards. accoyo the lights on the timing with that the bikes with kind of ranges, maybe get with transportation, see through and make sure we’re not having to divergence or conversations and make sure we’re really focusing on this. And then make sure I get tailor can be an update. I feel like I committed to one other thing that told me
Unknown Speaker 1:53:01
you’re going to check in with Adriana on the pronunciation of that part. Yeah, and then we’re going to park Oh, it was spring. Thank you. Thank you. Anything else anyone wants to squeeze in?
Speaker 16 1:53:28
I can tell you if it’s helpful that I’m placing a shelter right now and it’s $1,000 for the structure 24 And that’s just a structure that’s not the pad that goes underneath. That’s not building.
Speaker 3 1:53:40
Okay. Thanks. That helps. An order of magnitude gives me an idea right. When people like things, you really only two people wanting to be on this board with three slots to the both of them are asked
Speaker 1 1:54:00
if there’s any updates on you didn’t have any applications.
Speaker 7 1:54:06
Correct. And so we didn’t have to do interviews. Right. I sent a recommendation with napkin Scott to be reappointed. Well, thank
Unknown Speaker 1:54:14
you for recommending
Speaker 3 1:54:18
the times I’ve applied there’s waiting list. I mean, there was six or eight people every time that’s amazing. Four
Speaker 8 1:54:25
more seven. Wow.
Speaker 12 1:54:28
I think when I applied there was like 12 people Yeah, that’s amazing. I spot usually parking
Speaker 7 1:54:34
the record is a big deal biggest Yeah. Again, I
Speaker 3 1:54:38
think it’s the falling off of the newspapers cyst. Yeah, I agree. There’s just the community doesn’t share info like it used to. There’s not a repository. Yep. Right. Funny. World Fashion Week.
Speaker 10 1:54:55
Sharing, I think more to share than ever before, but yeah, There’s
Speaker 3 1:55:00
not a single spine. It’s
Speaker 1 1:55:05
like up at the top like, Hey, you want to be on the Parks and Rec? keeps telling
Speaker 7 1:55:08
me that I have so it’ll be June before that’ll happen again.
Speaker 3 1:55:11
I can tell you’re old when you say Google calm so how long must I be off before I could reapply? I think it’s a year Yeah, three years for you
Speaker 6 1:55:27
know, tennis for one year will never bring up tennis but entire year.
Speaker 3 1:55:34
Over here doing other people. You guys think pickleball tennis people are generally pleased because they look at Boulder and other cities that are courts are getting scraped or repainted. And tennis is doing okay by staying the course. Which is around if you speak pickleball it’s incredible. So, you know, I think they most of the tennis folks feel like, Hey, we’re okay. I mean, we’re busy as heck. They of course are full, but Pickleball is just running roughshod all over. I mean, Boulder is horrible for tennis right now. And it’s getting worse. So could be worse.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:18
All right. Yeah. Motion to adjourn
Unknown Speaker 1:56:22
in December.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:23
Yeah, we do. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 1:56:24
so you got one more before you’re off the hook. Is there a Bronco game? This was great. Great game. I’d like to
Unknown Speaker 1:56:45
All right.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:46
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