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LHA Board of Commissioners – August 2023
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Speaker 1 0:00
In every house, and you have different people moving in and out every week, that a lot of neighborhoods may be against that. But if there’s a way to encourage homeowners to rent out a room to college students, or somebody that’s 25. And working in town, that would open up hundreds and hundreds of rooms for rent, and inflation, and rent are all driven by supply and demand. So if you can increase the supply of rooms, through decreasing the demand, and rents will either hold flat or come down. To last I heard there were a lot of restrictions or people talking about restrictions, about houses, letting renting out their rooms. And I think that could be instead of building hundreds of more homes, and having the government have more and more control over everything. If we can encourage more open rooms from houses, I think you accomplish the same thing. Without having to buy more land and build low income housing or affordable housing, whatever you want to call it, and still resolve the problem. That was I thought about housing. Thank you.
Speaker 1 1:18
You want to wash your name? Okay. Stay at a local resident area. Right. I came here to, you know, mentioned something to the city council, but it’s a housing issue. This is about the Lamplighters, it got shut down because of, quote, a math situation. I’m pretty sure most hotels in this community, if they did a careful examination, we could find traces of math. The thing I was going to mention is that what I was working, was going on work today get paid today. There was a woman, if she had a relatively young son, she was freaking out when she didn’t get over 10 hours of work that day, because she was she didn’t have that many hours, he wouldn’t be able to stay in the hotel room. I think it was either the rank lighter or the one nearing. So these are one of the things that the housing should really be concerned about, is make sure we have more of these low cost hotel rooms in the community for people like this women are selling. And I know this is something that is really hard, because we got people that are screaming about it in what I was planning to say I said last time at the City Council is that these sort of things have to be put on a ballot because any council or public person that supports this sort of stuff, like in Fort Collins when they had got rid of a lot to what got ready some of their regulations. And all the city council people were kicked out of office. And then Fair Housing stuff was kicked it was removed. So that’s my two things is the need not just places where people can Oh, we can move in and start a family here. But when something doesn’t work out in relationship, and you have a young son or something like that, and you have hardly any money. That is a critical need.
Speaker 2 4:27
Thank you Thank you sin. See no one else are close public invited to be heard again, this agenda revisions and submissions of documents for the revisions to this agenda. Documents to these were now an open new business resolution resolution 2023 20 management agreement for the property located as well. 336
Speaker 3 5:00
Hi, I’m Molly Donnell housing director. This, this item here has a long history behind it, the city council in 2019, did provide direction to staff to go ahead and use existing housing that is on land that was purchased for either open space or buy water resources, particularly around your new reservoir, but not exclusively, and use that for affordable rentals rather than renting them out. And so that was in 2019. And the staff at the time started working on an MOU between what was then Public Works Natural Resources and community services to to go through the properties determine what was appropriate for each one, and put together an MOU COVID put the brakes on some of that for a while. But in the beginning of 2022, they did finalize that MOU between the two divisions, which now are in effect HCI, and parks and natural resources all within the same department. So the first property on that list was the newbie house, which has been rented by Habitat for Humanity for their AmeriCorps volunteers for the last several years. And that has been going smoothly, they did some work on the house in exchange for lower rent rates. And then the second house is what we call the aging house. That’s the one we’re we’re looking at here. It was over 100 years old was a two bedroom house was in need of lots and lots of repairs. And we spent affordable housing fund dollars to rehab that since HCI division does have a rehab program. And that work is now complete, all are waiting for his final utility tokens. And then that house will be rent ready, we renovated it to go from a two bedroom house with four bedroom house, it has a two car garage and has a yard. And it really is looking wonderful. And we are really going to be setting up tours as soon as we get the utilities turned on, for everyone to see if they would like to. But now that the lhsaa in the city are in partnership and the HCI is very good at rehabs and lmha. Their core mission is property management and affordable rentals. So what you have here is a management agreement between the city and the lmha. To manage that property, and then lease it out to a low income family, and which the lease is one of the exhibits on there, what that would look like. And the idea is we have people through for four bedroom vouchers on our list that have been looking and can’t find anything. So we would like to prioritize our voucher holders and and get them in there as soon as we can. So this is a this is an interesting one, because it’s a this is kind of a pilot programs, right? It’s similar to other things where open space or the water group have been using PMP property management to lease the the homes before. So we kind of used that and modified it to be specific to what IntelliJ management agreement would need to include. And so they’re they’re still in review on that they’ve generally agreed to all the terms but we couldn’t get the open space. I’m sorry, park and parks and Natural Resources attorney to get it totally signed off ahead of this. So what we’d like to do is send this forward to you tonight, we are confident that we the issues to resolve if any are minor, and then we would have to bring it back to city council anyways, because of the lease of city property that wouldn’t have to go through two readings. And so if we ended up having to make any modifications as we finalize that last legal look, then we would bring it forward at a council meeting and adjourn in that direction. But we don’t anticipate anything substantive because we wanted to make sure we still brought it today, in case you wanted to have any discussion on it in more depth.
Unknown Speaker 9:16
So can I make a motion to move from Monday to Saturday? Is there any discussion?
Speaker 4 9:30
Commissioner waters a pretty long list of rules. They’re just curious. What’s going to work
Speaker 3 9:41
that so that is the house rules that are in place at every LSA property today. So the property manager this property for this property, LH a property management staff would enforce.
Unknown Speaker 9:54
So you’re
Speaker 5 9:57
sure so JC IT investment building. We have housing authority management. So this will be the housing Work Cited Visa has already
Speaker 2 10:15
been moved by Commissioner waters, seconded by Commissioner almost by Commissioner toy by Commissioner. All those in favor? Opposed That passes unanimously.
Speaker 3 10:41
Since you have final post pre and post photos, I will bring those back to you as well. So you can see what the
Speaker 2 10:49
resolution 2329 is an approval of cabinet accounts receivable layoffs.
Speaker 3 10:56
So I’m covering this in kindred Daniels’s absence. This is you just had one of these come through last meeting. So it’s kind of following the same order of business here, this current right office for $100,984.60. And these are just being sent to collections. So if you have any questions and happenings
Unknown Speaker 11:25
Yes, one is
Speaker 2 11:29
the motion for resolution 323. And adopters approved by Commissioner Martin seconded by Commissioner you got a question What is the main reason for the write up I know what I’ve always
Unknown Speaker 11:57
Unknown Speaker 12:15
Unknown Speaker 12:31
Unknown Speaker 12:35
thank you both for your time.
Speaker 3 12:45
I think they’re both hands as well, actually. Because those went away. That’s when we found the pipe after vacated. Yep, these are these are both prior Methodists. But they’re cleaned up with this.
Unknown Speaker 13:04
Alright, so let’s vote. All those in favor say aye. Aye. All those opposed.
Speaker 2 13:19
See resolution 2023 30 approval of execution of construction. For the village on Main rebuild project with painters construction.
Speaker 3 13:30
I’ll be taking this item that they have come where we are signing construction contracts for the village on Main rehabilitation that will start in January. This this is two exhibits. And if you aren’t very familiar with these types of architecture contracts, they’re not often used for city vertical builds, but it is the standard in the line type world. And so you’ll see what looks like a bunch of track changes that looks like a draft. But that’s actually the final contract. It’s just modifications to the template language. What’s unique about this one this time is this isn’t the final construction cost that comes in the the guaranteed maximum price contract later which comes just about before closing. But this one is is agreeing all to be general terms and authorizing a certain value of pre purchase. So for specifically, we have a 72 week lead time on electrical panels. And we want to make sure that we order that in time to be during our construction period. We also would like to do a demonstration unit ahead of time so that the residents can see what it would look like. So one of these construction contracts the A 133 does allow for that free work ahead of guarantee the maximum prices just work up to a certain value
Speaker 2 15:00
Okay, you know I have motion resolution 2023 through 23. Second Commissioner McCoy 2023 The second area, is there any more discussion? Seeing none, let’s vote. All those in favor. Now it go Jemaine incent at overcrossing predevelopment planning budget.
Speaker 3 15:35
So for this one back in fall 2022. Between the Lhh and the LSCC, it was agreed to loan $250,000 of development funds from the hdc. Cluj to fund pre development costs on the village on May. And we have been paying invoices since and really making headway. And because we would like to do such things as order electrical panels and be able to do a demonstration unit and just continue finalizing design and getting permitted. We don’t want to be scrambling at the end of the year with the holidays and plants closing in December. What this request is for village on meeting is to leave the $350,000 loan from the HDC as is, but then put aside $650,000 of the Lhh general fund aside to cover some of those pre development costs, knowing that closing is certainly scheduled for early December, and we will close the year with that money back. So that’s the first we will need a motion and a vote. And so I’m not sure if you’d like to do them together or separately. I think we should do them separately. Okay. So can I have a motion for the village on the budget modification for the village? Here, readings and emotion motion. Second discussion? Yes. Mr.
Speaker 6 17:17
Molly, there’s a big chunk out of the general fund. And was this anticipated or is this going to have other impacts to lhhs expenditure,
Speaker 3 17:27
it will not impact electric expenditure. It wasn’t necessarily anticipated. But you’ve done budget projections, and it will not impact your ability to do everything else that we anticipate. And as long as it’s back in the bank at the end of the year, it will be.
Speaker 5 17:40
So remember, we’re selling the building adjacent to this project to the center of people with disabilities. And so that’s half a million dollars. And in addition to what the fund balance and because it’s closing in December, and we’re in the same fiscal year,
Unknown Speaker 18:00
we’re okay. Thank you
Speaker 5 18:02
we’re working through appears it looks like it will jeopardize closing. And we’re going to pump the brakes. On how we close out
Speaker 3 18:12
your financials. We’re actually running ahead of schedule, we would we would close earlier and we didn’t have a prepayment penalty in November that we’re trying to look away. So.
Unknown Speaker 18:24
So let’s vote. All those in favor, opposed.
Speaker 3 18:32
And then we want to do. So the our development partner Penrose is putting out $2 million of pre development funds of their own funds to be able to get us all the way through to textbooks closing on this one. So again, we’ve put in our application for tax credits, if we’re successful, we’ll know in about November, and then the goal would be to close on that financing next July. And so they’re going to be fed funding $2 million of pre development costs, which is quite significant and is one of the benefits of bringing in these experienced development partners. So on our side, though, we do have some costs to get us to next July. And those are now that the property is no longer in release GC property. It’s an LH a property, Li j has to assume payments at the commercial HOA fees. And then also we do have some legal fees as we put that development agreement together. And then not all of those can wait all the way till next July. So the request for this one, it’s $150,000 from the LHC general fund. This one would not be paid back to this year, but Kynar has projected out that budget and would also not impact operations or
Speaker 5 19:47
I think when you look at timing to look at how we’re moving it to the August one that really really fast to Submit Application came down the river. We’re gonna slow down a lot Do do a little bit here and there with us and not expect your products. If we’re not awarded the tax credit application in November, then we’re going to wait again in August so there’s going to be a point where we’re really will be awarded the tax credit to trigger the expenditure.
Unknown Speaker 20:24
So can I have a motion to approve the budget modification of overcrossing
Unknown Speaker 20:34
second by Commissioner
Speaker 2 20:42
Olli, just out of curiosity, sounds like we’re moving a lot of money. What is going to be left? In our general fund, with all of this
Speaker 3 20:58
What mounsey At the end of the year, yeah. I think Kyndra is running projections because she’s prepping the beginnings of the 2024 budget right now. And so I think that I can get that answer for you. But she’s got a lot of things reports running right now to project that out.
Speaker 5 21:14
Yeah, I mean, so when you look at the numbers related to village that’s essentially a wash at the end of the year because it closes in here expended. So we’re really talking about a couple of bugs and so it really is that 100,050 So I think Los
Unknown Speaker 21:43
Angeles this month
Unknown Speaker 22:10
I see that we have
Speaker 5 22:15
so we have so we’re looking at current assets or cash million of restricted and what we have thrown in there just an additional half a million. So if you look at just from the Center for people with disabilities two to 350 in additional revenue coming in, it’s probably the easiest way to look at it from theater to Washington. still see a revenue in general. So
Speaker 3 23:00
yeah, there, there are. Our quarterly financials are attached here. And so I’m seeing that generally each property is showing that income overall but a couple of minor small number changes there we can definitely get a more comprehensive summary to the food kit. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 23:35
So let’s vote all those in favor. All those senior is best. We now the LHC asset transfer update and charitable organization.
Speaker 3 24:04
So when the city was first coming on, with LH a partnership, we did engage or the the BLS GC and I should say engaged an attorney to look at the LSCC organization how that fits in with LBJ and what the ideal structure should be and various related things. The HPC board has shown over time, there are currently three members and the at the time and 2020 and 2021. There wasn’t a lot going on in the development side. And they were looking for purpose, I’d say and it felt like that they should dissolve if there wasn’t much of a purpose for them, and that was what they desired to do. The opinion issued by a tax credit attorney that we work with a lot said that it would be financially a good decision to observe orbit the LSCC accept assets into the LBJ with one caveat that they might run into a related party debt issue, which I’ll get to in a moment. So we took that direction and started working with the attorneys trying to research which for each property, what would it take to transfer the asset to FHA and just really get a plan going, which we’ve reported to before. So since then, we’ve actually completed one of the transfers because the land the overland got moved over to La J for the for the ascent objects. And then those plates will be taken care of what the recent vacation, so that’ll be done by the end of the year. So then the ones left are Spring Creek Fall River Hearthstone Lodge and Chrisman one, which we don’t yet have ownership of, but we’re not partnership structure or lgcs. So, the when doing the research, first of all, Hearthstone and lodge are kind of their own animal, we have to do that exit that HUD 202 program. So we started working with HUD to kick that process off and see what was going to take. It is essentially a development project because you will be refinancing loans, most likely putting every habit with it, because you have that, that cash infusion to be able to do that with a loan. And also tying it very closely with the HUD budget approval for those properties. It has to be basically you have to make it to a certain point, within 90 days of your budget approval. It’s a very structured process. So we knew that in 2023, we weren’t going to make that because that was the budget for tables here this month. And so we’re shooting on as that as that 2024 project. Unless we end up wanting to do a rehab that’s more sizable, we need to plan that out, it may be 2025. But that is kind of what that those set of properties would need to get transferred out of the 202. And then really into the allergy side of things. Spring Creek, Fall River and Christian one. Well, let me I’ll break them up Spring Creek, it is possible to go ahead and swap out the MHDC entity with FHA and move that over what that really takes is a fair amount of attorneys fees. And you really have to get consent from all the tax credit investors and lenders and there’s a waterfall and it takes it’s a process, but it’s doable. And we are going to go ahead and pursue doing that, but just not in a huge rush at the moment. Bottom line is because Fall River is the real interesting one that is making hdc want to stay on from this point on. First of all, the related party debt issue is coming forward on Fall River. And that means in order to transfer l hdc off of the partnership structure, you would have to bring in another 501 C three or a different independent community partner. So that could be Boulder County Housing Authority, it could be fissile, they would own 21% of the LHD C’s current interest in the partnership, and we would have to do that, or else we would be running afoul of the whole deal. So we presented that to hdc last month, they agree that that is not desirable, we would rather keep it in our own system. And because now that we do have development coming and they do have a way to use their expertise and fulfill that purpose they want to stay on. And so specifically for Fall River because we won’t be able to really touch that until recent dication and since it just finished construction in 2020 That won’t be till at least 2035 So that is kind of prompting hdc to stay on with us. They are interested in development still. And then there’s another purpose that I’m gonna get to in a moment that we’re considering for that as well. But first the last property Chrisman to this one is currently HTCs entity is set up as a corporation which is taxable. Do not sure why that was done that way but it’s not ideal. And so we’re going to move ahead with that one as well. transferring it over to get lmha on and change it to an LLC a non taxable entity. So moving forward with Chrisman one screen, Fall River staying in Hearthstone and lodge would move eventually with that too.
Speaker 5 29:33
So basically, when you sell perform in the way that we did, under the tax law requires you to have this ancillary corporation which is LHDs. And so that’s the way that was called in, which basically says unless you bring another group in and performs the same function, you have to wait until the race education materials weigh up. And either you can go go to Boulder County thistle, or you have to create the same type of structure again. So it just kind of made sense that if you have the structure, you need to leave it. That’s just that’s what occurs when you self build. So finance, but it’s different. This is why Christian, we didn’t understand it because Chrisman is very similar to the approach that we took on Christian to the approach that we’re taking on Zinnia. And the approach that we’re taking on over which in that scenario, don’t need to set it off the way they set it up, which actually has tax implications, which makes it cleaner to to remove that and shift right in, but follow sort of that any piece, there’s not much we can do with it based on the way. So that created a bit of a different issue for us. And that was part of your
Speaker 4 31:08
industry statement, I think over LHD see in their portfolio, 21%. Ownership of Fall River is a part of there is an asset. If LHD is going to dissolve, they’re obligated to to award or assign those assets to another. And they can’t assign those
Speaker 3 31:36
to Jay, it has to be it cannot be related party.
Speaker 4 31:40
So it’s not a cash tickets, it’s a physical asset or ownership. So the you might be able to find something else or is there some reason it’s only visible over community or
Speaker 3 31:54
it can be another housing authority, as long as it’s not an ELA check,
Speaker 4 31:57
it has to be a housing, housing authority or a 501 C for more profit because of how it’s because of the tax credit
Unknown Speaker 32:03
tax law related entities.
Speaker 4 32:05
So So rather than I wouldn’t want to I wouldn’t be IBO, I would be opposed to saying 21% Fall River to the county or this or that. That was our perspective or less so nicely continues continues on and then maybe another role for them to play. Right.
Speaker 3 32:26
So is there any other questions about this piece, and then I’ll move on to this role.
Speaker 2 32:34
So this is kind of a is LFCC involved in our new projects at sed over all the money
Speaker 3 32:48
that they provided funding, but it’s all through Elijah and Elijah is on the entity on a purchase session.
Speaker 5 32:54
And that’s that’s the difference in our projects is we’re working on. So for me so far. So we have the other partner, which really takes away the related party issue that occurred in Fall River. And because we’re at the Lhh, actually, is in LLCs talked about diversity. That’s correct.
Speaker 7 33:28
I think you’re right, I think it’s out of my brain was on the last question. I think the reason it needs to be something like ficil Is that he wanted to be an organization has a similar mission. So they don’t just take interest in different directions.
Speaker 3 33:48
So that the traditional role of Housing Development Corporation is they come in and they do a development, and then they’re on the entity, the ownership structure. And then when you re syndicate and you’re not pulling as much, you’re just refinancing loans essentially, you’re not necessarily always having to pull in a large amount of funding to do it from scratch. Then, traditionally, if you’re self performing and LH DC plays that upfront role at re syndication, they transferred it to La Cit, which is exactly what happened at Aspen Meadows. Before we started this model. It would bring in partners and we still sell perform for sale performing village places.
Speaker 5 34:28
Yeah. Funding so yeah, for sure. Shifting is the same issue that emitted the development and problems because you are limited financially what you can do, you’re just taking a different approach, basically. And you can do more because you’re leveraging private capital project
Speaker 3 34:54
so on the next piece, something we’ve been interested in the staff for a long time is a Considering we need, we need some way to accept donations. Right now we accept donations of, you know, supplies and materials or that type of thing physical goods. But we do not the Ellijay does not have a mechanism to accept financial contributions in the form of a donation. Other housing authorities do so boulder Housing Partners has a bhp foundation that is targeted towards providing resident services. And they do a lot of family work and children accessing children to resources and that type of thing. BCHA also has a foundation. And so we’ve had a lien for a long time. And we can see that continuing and growing. If FHA had a way to accept donations for our residents services, or for development, one or the other, or both, we could have two separate funds. But the LH DC because they’re already set up as a 501, c three nonprofit, we could use the LH DC as that foundation arm to benefit the residents of LH A. And so we were talking to them about what that might look like they are interested in. We’ve spoken to our advisory board, one of our new advisory board members is a community banker and does a lot of high tech work. And he is offering up some resources just to get started and figure out what that could look like. And so that’s something that we’d like to run through. Well, HTC may seem interested in this.
Speaker 4 36:45
Question, but I do have a prospectus bounced the right time or during counsel or initial comments. It’s from home ahead, which is another rather, I think, how is the URI I crossed paths with these firms their mission. Their mission is to collect the right people downsizing, whatever, they collect furniture in and donate it to those who have moved into housing, now at home but don’t have furniture. And is in dispute about this? I’m just curious how many of our residents who find themselves in that situation? So shouldn’t we need to do this at the end? Or do you
Speaker 5 37:33
think it makes sense now because this can be but I think how that can interplay with the foundation. We work together? There’s an interesting
Speaker 4 37:48
I had a phone conversation said why don’t you send me your information. So I can share it with either of us as a council or us as, as commissioners, based on what allergies and they collect their biggest challenges is, is not getting furnitures where to put it. Right if they don’t have a place to store it, right. But they’ll collect it, they’ll store it, and they’ll help get it delivered and set up with Google on us. So it just seems to be at some of these concerns.
Speaker 3 38:17
I will say that we kind of started this ad hoc on our own, because we’ve had some residents pass away and their families just give up possession of the unit Cluj don’t want to deal with anything. And we definitely have people coming in at the suites without dishes without just the basic setting. And so because the sweets has so much storage space, we’ve been pulling it over and creating our own little donation center. It’s all internal. It’s not accepting anything external at this point. But there is a clear need, and we could
Speaker 4 38:51
okay, I’m happy to do an email and connect you I guess, for you in, in Job, whatever the whatever the right combination would be just to learn more about where they are whether or not it’s an opportunity
Speaker 5 39:02
for us. It was worth thinking about it and space needs. LH DC had the foundation and somebody donated space in the foundation. And the foundation could do that tax reduction for them or deduction for them. That then space could be a partner. So they could use it to store the stuff and then if they set up the homes and have that operational burden that we’re worse, there’s a way to scan or
Unknown Speaker 39:37
it sums up to do this. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 39:42
it sounds like there’s no
Speaker 2 39:53
so what do you use is just informational for you.
Speaker 3 39:57
It is we have not done Then other than you need to figure out it, because the entities already created, it might just be an accounting function that we need to add. But then also, you know, there’s a backside and we should, we need to plan around it. And then flhdc is the entity then the official approvals will go through there. But if it’s for the benefit of LBJ, we’ll kind of see what how that ends up playing together
Speaker 5 40:22
with each other it works, but we didn’t want to spend a lot of time on this and outright conditions their lives. If you really
Speaker 2 40:35
go forward with it. You send us a document of who is on the HPC award, or who were the entities there,
Speaker 3 40:46
we can say it’s a funny person board person, we do have the contact list
Unknown Speaker 40:53
to ask for that curious durabak
Unknown Speaker 40:58
deaths many years
Speaker 2 41:08
so I get to do you want LNJ to continue with his
Unknown Speaker 41:21
worship the fiscal
Unknown Speaker 41:24
year I think we are we are back to
Unknown Speaker 41:38
okay to get your drugs behind the direction.
Unknown Speaker 41:43
So now we need to talk about this vehicle purchase.
Speaker 3 41:46
So this is kind of a just an informational item on some of the just an example of the ways that the city and Ellijay partnership are really benefiting both. Both organizations. So the government’s here. So the LE che could use some trucks, we’ve been paying for private snow removal service that has, we’ve talked about in that in this meeting before breaking like it’s just very expensive every single time and our staff is going out and redoing what they do anyway to make sure it’s meeting the needs of residents who are expecting or what their needs really are or safety reasons. So we’ve been talking with fleet services, to see if we could purchase a city vehicle that was going off the you know, would be going to auction on the best. And so we’ve worked out a plan with them and with purchasing to purchase a truck and a sander so that we could do our own snow removal. And that is happening as we speak. It’s always within budget. So there’s no budget modifications or special requests necessary. But the total cost of that is about $6,000. I’m sorry,
Speaker 5 43:11
the first truck is 1000 $5,000. Maintenance is 2000 fuel at 7000. And that includes the standards and gates. And then we’ll have an annual replacement cost around change Friday. $18,000 that’s all within budget, and that lets us replace that truck in five years truck. So the total cost is this year is 30,008 67. And then the ongoing component of that in future years is trying to balance on that roof. When is the
Speaker 4 44:01
maintenance and then the replacement cost your advertising.
Speaker 3 44:09
So working with fleet services to help them manage that, for as overtime,
Speaker 5 44:15
there’s a second truck that we’re looking at doing. Minimizing that’s probably going to be next year. We do find a way to finance it or funded in this area. But our fleet order trucks got canceled a month or so ago so we can’t get the truck that we weren’t going to get until the new trucks come in. So it’s probably going to be a delay until next year but we’ll go ahead and bring the second truck included to that is also a I call it the utility vehicles at UC that’s also included that we use on sidewalks To purchase a trailer, so that we can do all the sidewalks. And I think we found out that those things can go all the way across town. And so may not necessarily trailer. So we may have to deal with things. But what this is going to mean at the end of the day, even the ones recommended to guess that that’s going to reduce the operating costs to each one of these properties. And so what that allows us to do is then probably more aggressively fly the deviation of the storm into the drawers and allow us to find capital replacement. And also, maybe kids and services. So I mean, it’s going to be a net savings. And we’ll know recently finished trading costs. Associated pretty
Speaker 3 45:47
expensive. In terms of contracted it out now. Last snow season, we paid over 200,000.
Unknown Speaker 46:02
So you know, that’s
Speaker 4 46:04
super easy to resolve that are some procedures to get the contract signed.
Speaker 5 46:08
So it says all Yeah, do you have to hire somebody or? No, because our maintenance staff. So here’s the problem that we would have snow removal companies come out and our maintenance staff would have to do it anyway. Because either they weren’t getting enough for what we needed. And so we’re going to use the maintenance staff working on this, but basically, we’re going to account for their time based on all buildings. So if you use Dave and Dave’s attached to Spring Creek, then instead of having that awesome building will bring Randy and Randy have boots for free so that we can account for
Unknown Speaker 46:54
already encumbered the installers. And so there may be some minor overtime since we’re gonna have to have personnel. Now, that being said,
Speaker 5 47:08
as we start limited add facilities, we are going to have maintenance personnel in these facilities, and they’ll just become part of that group. And so, you know, I would say, if I looked at it, in a really conservative, taking nothing to spin things can happen, you know, probably no less than $100,000 savings. If you really wanted to push it, I think you could be somewhere in the neighborhood in aggregate around 160,000. And that’ll vary by profit. Because we have to afford some space. So properties and larger parking areas more sidewalks will save more properties and smaller areas.
Speaker 2 47:51
Is the truck that you’re getting. The first one, excuse me isn’t in plowing center.
Speaker 5 47:59
It’s one that we already wanted does that work currently. And it’s in good shape, we’ve seen it actually they delivered it to us before we title transferred. So they send it back until we could get all the title transfer. And so it’s been reforming that across the city now and we know that the condition will last for over five years, we’ll still be doing maintenance. That’s gonna be part two.
Speaker 8 48:25
Thank you. Remember when I first started out on number one on a budget, and I was I was doing it because where I came from this one. So this is beautiful to me, because I couldn’t understand how contracted that much out. Whereas most housing authorities they use a maintenance to do that that works. Of course that
Speaker 2 48:53
makes a huge difference. Have a window executive directors report development.
Speaker 5 49:04
So I want to have Molly start off with a development update. It’s going to transition into a piece of my report that you are going to hear as the Housing Authority commissioners, but you’re really going to hear it as the council but in terms of the Housing Authority world, it’s probably more important that you hear it to understand what that really means to us developing more projects.
Speaker 3 49:31
Yep, so we really are just moving along on the Hunger Project village on main project, everything is just rolling. For October. We are slowing down waiting for tax credit but we still are working on design just not full bore. Everything’s just moving on village on Maine. We are ahead of schedule so we’re just getting making sure we have all of our ducks in a row and anticipate everything. What I really wanted to show you tonight is Is some updates on the recovery cafe. Because we now have a potential rendering of the village, I’m sorry, recovery Cafe, located at the suite. So here’s where we are in this project. The feasibility study has been completed, it is feasible, in terms of it can be permitted, but utilities we can work out, it will be quite a project to get all of the suites investors and lenders to consent to everything. But we just went through that on video. And we kind of know how that would go, probably navigate along like a snake, but we’ll get there. None of them so far have said that they think that this is a bad idea. It’s just how do you make sure that our existing deal doesn’t, doesn’t get infected. So the recovery Cafe Board is considering this tomorrow night, whether they want to keep moving forward. So we’ll report back on how that goes. But cost estimate they have a pretty detailed cost estimate on what this would cost at this point. And it’s, it’s about a five to $6 million building. So they are going to be discussing capital campaigns and financing options. And they’re already going to be applying for for the cause. And there are a lot of things in the works. But so we’re moving from the project is feasible to Now, what does, what does this look like financially. And so we are funding, they’re designed to date with our CDBG COVID money. And we do have ARPA funds tech for this as well. And so once we get word that they are moving forward, they are gathering resources, then we can go ahead and contract that article finding out if everything looks like it is, is a go. I just wanted to share these because this just came out from their architect. So what I really liked about this one is that here’s the sweets, which we know this week’s looks. It’s not the most attractive building in the world. But when you put this in front of it, it does look like it’s kind of an intentional look, I think. But it’s very welcoming. This is the right, here’s the cool BISAC. And so it would have a storefront look at that closer, I couldn’t be more, more inviting. And here’s kind of what they are showing in the means in the middle area. So I just wanted to give an update that we have reached a milestone, the project is feasible. Now they need to come up with their plan for the financing of this. And so that’s what we’ll be reporting back to you all on as we go forward.
Speaker 5 52:53
Part of the conversation with the investors is the most significant issue that we face in this series is people dealing with. And we also know that many of the reasons that folks struggle with recovery because of health issues. And having this kind of facility at this location, I think when you look at the long term viability of their asset, and the protection of our asset is that the more we can have this available at the facility, and we think the core successful, not only this facility, but zenhaven. Being kids, we just know what issues we’re dealing with. And so we talked about this with you all before. But you know, this is pretty important to both of these projects in terms of having successful projects.
Speaker 2 53:47
And totally agree. Having on site health, you know, it’d be nice in the future if we had mental health care as well, so that they can work together.
Speaker 5 53:58
So that’s part of what we’re thinking. So we have this preserves position. I know Valentin are working on that we had that person. You know, we’re we’re also I think we’re thinking that position, deal with situations, nurses, traditional social service work, because it’s a different role. And, you know, one of the things that nurses invest in previously about, you know, what we’re doing on that house, I think part of it is the relationship because of Sara and Zach, that we’re now having with the floor and the conversations that we’re having on HealthPartners is we’ve actually made some progress in terms of how we share information, how we support the individuals, because we were so compartmentalize it was hard for any of us to do. So this is just a map that we have more work to do. What I was going to talk to you about is as we start evaluating projects and And the goal that you all have for us in terms of six housing units in five years was and so obviously, you’re seeing two under construction. Hopefully builders the third, and we have another floor for. And then when we talk about the city project, which is, you know, the affordable, attainable homeownership opportunities, that’s five. What are the biggest challenges that we’re facing right now on that on the housing authority side, in cities, these are inherently connected. When we merge, we really looked at how we take advantage of economies of scale, and actually produce for humans, what we found is that it works. What we’ve also found is it probably reached our limits in terms of our capacity and what we can and can’t do. And these positions also can generate revenue for projects. And so can you you’ve seen in the in the conversations, at some point in the mix of the group at different phases is different. We’re different people are involved. It’s the same people in every project. And so at one point, we had Christmas starting construction, we’re moving on Zinnia. And we started over. And we know the village place we syndication. And we asked Hades, you can you get a grant for the affordable, attainable homeownership. And so this is where it starts. And I’m going to try to keep this as separate, separate as I can, but I can’t because of the work that we’re doing. Well, Katie, you know, in that work and meeting, or dolla, or do h and we got a million for that project. We can’t keep this up. So as we began looking at how we approach it from the housing authority standpoint, knowing that in order to really make the Housing Authority more viable, we need more projects. When we look at the work that we’re doing on the affordable side, attainable side, we obviously need more projects. And so the only way that we think we can win this is on the city side of it. We have our administrative expenses capped at 10%. We’re looking at in order to produce more housing, like zinnias. And so the project also homeownership opportunities, we need to move that cap to 20% position and bring another three out reality of how the world’s changes. And we originally created this because there were no revenue sources. Now, there’s so many revenue sources out there for housing, that we’re almost at the point on both the Housing Authority side and the city side, where we’re not able to go for things just because we don’t have the staff capacity to do. So the land in this, and it may show itself in the housing authority budget, some of the cities, we really need to drive that administrative cap up. But we’re pretty confident that we will, I mean, well, if you just think it this year, nearly tripled the value of one gram. And the thing that’s also in play now is problems in the sense of how that can apply to both rental and personal projects, and overs really going to be a test case that I think crosscut into the middle income housing authority based on how they’re looking at price points. And when you’re averaging 23. What we’re going to be able to do is going to be much different in a year than it is now we just don’t have the staff so no on both sides of the house. This is going to be part of the budget. To me and so important. What you will see on the probably the first presentation and your role as a counselor early on in this process for the housing authority. I’m leading with this in terms of what we can do, but it’s really about generating units.
Speaker 4 59:24
So the 10% good nursery cost
Speaker 5 59:33
of all of the funds that we have coming in and are directed so we’ve put a million dollars into the Affordable Housing Fund and
Unknown Speaker 59:51
the 10% generate the revenue minus tax expenditures. What’s the numbers for Sometimes
Speaker 5 1:00:03
364,000 at 10% is the cap, and then the other gentleman by transparency, six 20%, where we need to be, because that gives you Christian salary increases, that would be 749,000. So
Speaker 4 1:00:25
the assumption is, it could you may represent so you’ve added capacity by either putting a CD or someone else in the capacity to build and use the past to generate new growth to secure new revenue streams, and they’ll be engraved. So that the over time, the more you generate capital, and I guess that does grow among the problems,
Speaker 5 1:00:53
when we build other revenue sources that are coming in on the housing authority side. So as we get more administrative expenses by managing the facilities, you know, we talked about that with the wind and the housing authority that starts boosting that revenue stream, so that they can start contributing in this at a different level. So it’s at five, we’re trying to apply, we’re starting so that we are ramping up our ability. So we’re more comparable to what you see in Fort Collins, and we’re in Boulder somewhere. And
Speaker 4 1:01:26
then is there a way to get you really communicating for someone else? That’s one thing good about? What about buying back some of your time? Well,
Speaker 5 1:01:35
I’ll be honest with you some part of these two positions is actually buying back some of our time. Because right now, you know, as we look at this, I look at it from the standpoint, trying to fill needs from the bottom up. Because we’re routinely finding issues this year, it’s like we need another So and, and that is part of the equation because the more we build the industry and expenses, it may not be that we can get an executive director, but we can get maybe an assistant director that’s paralleling with Molly, but on the other side, this is going to be Molly as she’s having to do to assist Katie, what I didn’t say about Katie is Katie’s terminal condition, because we use ARPA funds to do and so we know that the other issue is on our funds right now. And so the hard part within the broader broader budgeting process is I can’t budget and the reality is the number I gave you a seven tour guide, I don’t need for the next two years, because the harbor dollars are going to continue to flow in. And so that lets us balance that overall system. And so actually, it’s a lower amount that’s going to be coming in, but I have to sit down
Speaker 4 1:02:57
to get them in terms of values with that kind of capacity to create revenues and kind of fly where you want it to go. There’s another part of this, just a non payment, if you ever decided to leave, wherever it sits on this council, in this conditions can be a hell of a job finding somebody who can step in to manage a city. So some of the capacity that has to be built is part of succession planning.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:29
And part of that is, so that’s why I hate
Speaker 4 1:03:37
looking for somebody to replace you to ever. But
Speaker 5 1:03:42
that’s a worry I have here, right. And so I think part of it is is if I can recall that Molly can have some universal for succession planning to bring in place. I’ll just say for mental health. And I’m
Speaker 4 1:03:58
going along for you. And for Molly and for everybody else’s. It’s been a full court press, I get four since day one. And that’s not probably sustainable long term. So as you’re talking about building capacity, there’s got to be a little.
Speaker 5 1:04:14
Yeah. And that’s again, kind of where the wind comes in. Because on the other side of the budget for workload, and we were trying to figure out how I get some support to help balance both sides, and we’re just looking at this year, I think for all of our mental health. Right now, I’ll just tell you, the group that I’m the most conservative is really our property managers. Nobody has a clue to what they deal with on a daily basis. And that’s where we’re focused. Because there’s day, literally we took a day where we had a meeting set up and I just came in and said let’s go ball. You need a release and either pressure relief No, because that works tough. And I would say but for Sarah, and it’s even more out of force and again, combination, or something in the budget on the other side, that’s gonna let us get more Sarah has Sarah helped coordinate across the board on many issues we’re dealing with. But it’s connected to like two moves to because I can inject $50,000 in the system and actually get Sarah more freedom to do this stuff and create another neighborhood service officer was inherently work to support the same things. So you’re now starting to see that interplay between both systems so that we can maximize?
Unknown Speaker 1:05:49
Conditions. Thank you.
Speaker 6 1:05:58
I recall, we had a 10% cap and 20% cap. And I guess what I’m asking is what’s the reason for the term cap and what what causes the constraints?
Speaker 5 1:06:15
That’s actually the issue that we’re circling back on all these things is and we weren’t here? Well, we were here on the attainable housing fund that we never we weren’t here on in Florida. So we’re not sure why. But most places do just do the direct cost allocation, and they don’t necessarily have a cap. And that’s another option is to say, we’re not going to capital, we’re just going to do a direct cost allocation that will be evaluated on an annual basis, which is probably fine. And actually the best way to go because you’re always making decisions based on the ROI.
Speaker 6 1:06:49
So it’s not, it’s not something like a state self imposed,
Unknown Speaker 1:06:56
that was where it was,
Speaker 3 1:06:58
might have been modeled off. CDBG has a statutory 20% cap on admin. And so when the Affordable Housing Fund was created in 2000, or so, that might have been a model to use at that time. But that was a totally different world. And by the way, our CDBG funds used to fund about a position and a half and now they don’t cover just the CDBG funds are going down. And our anything else is gonna go down.
Speaker 5 1:07:29
But yeah, we we truly are tasked with section one. And it’s kind of maddening at times. I mean, it took us a while to work through all this and how we allocate it, but we figured out what to do. But we can say unequivocally it’s leading to the generation. I think we’ve created more affordable housing units that are in the pipeline, and we probably have any single point in time in the history of our community. So we know it works. It’s just
Unknown Speaker 1:08:11
that’s my report.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:14
It’s huge. Thank you,
Unknown Speaker 1:08:17
Speaker 3 1:08:20
I think she’s after she’s after financial and property which I’m covering which means specifically for Financials. This is our quarterly financial look. And if we have any specific questions, I can forward it through or ask Kyndra for further information we needed so we’ve got the ace receivables report, monthly financials in the voucher issuance accounts so if anybody has any questions on us
Speaker 5 1:09:03
is moving her daughter into college she is excited
Unknown Speaker 1:09:19
it’s not as bad as your kid cries.
Speaker 3 1:09:36
Right so there aren’t any questions about the first two items on the voucher issuance and I do want to give some information on this one. So kindred started showing are the two year tool in the packet for these quarterly updates. That really does show us what our battery capacity look like over an estimated two year period. In this case, we’ve talked about this son, where Boulder County Housing Authority and Boulder Housing Partners both increase their payment standard up to 110% of fair market rent. And the question was, will we follow suit and do the same. And what we reported to you a couple months ago was that our we’re not showing that our doctoral holders are having a tough time leasing up. And if we go up from 105, which is where we currently are to 110, that reduces the number of vouchers that we can actually put out because we have a certain dollar value. And so we could either pay more for less people or less for more people. So what you’re showing on what you can see on the sphere tool is that we’re actually showing that we’re going to kind of hold steady with where we are. In office, it’s actually it’s, it’s slightly a reduction. That’s our projection with this current HUD funding value, and keeping pace at 105% of fair market rent. And that’s really not what we want to do, we would like to increase our number of vouchers, which means we need more funding from HUD. We are about to give her a call and find out how come some of our other regional housing authorities have received additional voucher funding this year, we have not yet received it. But we have shown now in our to your tools for the last two years, we are managing this appropriately, and we should have the authority to go higher. So we’re going to be having that conversation. But that’s why I’m here you’ll see that our two year projection is at 410 vouchers, whereas currently, we’re in that 427 range.
Speaker 2 1:11:53
So my question is, have you asked HUD to increase the vouchers previously, or just the first time,
Speaker 3 1:12:02
this is the first it’s not about the Ask necessarily, but this is the first time the funding has been out there. And we have met the thresholds that we should be qualifying for increase.
Speaker 5 1:12:13
Remember, they got that we didn’t meet the performance requirements. And so this is where we finally have a record show for meeting work performance department. So not only that words, resulting in a reduction in encountered and so we’re going to start managing this, this is going to be managed, in terms of what we’re seeing dramatic out in terms of. So this is the first time I think we’ve been in a position to start answering. Sure it is and then I think like Mayor, Chairman, you were the one that connected us to confuse for Office. And so Sandy sitting at that meeting, is that as an opportunity to start talking about this. But yeah, this is the first time we were on the road last year, this year, we were we
Unknown Speaker 1:13:11
were good. Like you’re pushing.
Speaker 4 1:13:16
So if you’re if you’re successful in whatever the challenge looks like. What does what did? What is the dollar figure and the number of outcomes? How, how would you determine what success?
Speaker 3 1:13:31
So we know. So let’s take fuller having partners, for example, we know that they have about double the size of our vouchers in their program, and they received eight new vouchers that we heard for this this year. So understanding that we should be on par with them on performance than if we received 40 vouchers. That’s a step. I mean, we were hoping for more than that. But I do think that that would be at least keeping pace with
Unknown Speaker 1:14:00
for two successes for 14
Speaker 3 1:14:07
Officially, but it depends on the dollar value because you can see what it’s really how much are we anticipate it to increase over time as well. In terms of future funding increases, so
Speaker 4 1:14:18
will be for 14 Plus as
Speaker 5 1:14:30
well, and we haven’t lost sight of the whole ordeal. We just need to get to some of this to begin to. That’s another play that we’re trying to wrap our mind around terms of what that means.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:46
Together, certainly.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:51
Any other business
Speaker 3 1:14:54
move on to occupancy. So okay, so we’re at 96 years Sandwich is a high for this year in those properties that we are actively filling because we do have a whole buyer with no place for getting methadone fix and then also holding bottles village place for recertification project for your property updates. This is Lisa’s update here. I’m not gonna go over everyone, and specifically, specifically, but I did want to highlight one thing I do, you can always feel free to ask a question if you see anything on there. But I did want to share a good news story. And it’s another that I have permission to show us. It’s another good story about how the city and LBJ and how it all works together for the better. So this is the son of a city staff member. And he is giving us Eagle, Eagle Scout. And so the horseshoe pits at Spring Creek and Fall River were put in that 2018 2020 period, but nobody has used and residents would rather have had rose garden beds, which we wanted to give them for a good year plus, and so he volunteered to do the garden beds as part of his Eagle Scout project. And so he’s finished work and they’re planting right now pumpkin seeds and things. ballparks. So I thought that was a great example of just, I mean, it’s it could have happened without the city as well. But it’s just those connections that
Speaker 6 1:16:21
built those. Yes, by himself.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:25
I think he had somehow led the charge,
Unknown Speaker 1:16:30
people skip certain things.
Speaker 5 1:16:36
They were also talking about doing towards the very beginning
Speaker 3 1:16:50
you have a lot of we have lots of ideas for things that are in the realm of a foundation that we’re here doing, what we can do here and there. But certainly have people banging on the door trying to do more with us so. So in the other only other main update that I wanted to provide us today was the last day for Kern Lawson or our community manager at this week’s in the Aspen’s. And it was just a big loss because she was so wonderful. She’s very sensitive it was she did not want to. And so we do have some staff openings, we are listing her position is listed. And we are looking for someone with more of a crisis management skills and de escalation techniques and that type of thing. And then we have another assistant manager, Assistant Community Manager posted and we’ve had a good interview so far. So you’re hoping to be back up and just have a tiny blip on the radar vacancies.
Speaker 5 1:17:49
I think that’s probably the biggest changes. Rolling first started getting qualified applicants was tough. I think we’re now seeing worldwide applicants. And from an organizational perspective, that’s why because reputation was great. Which meant people weren’t by any means getting blocked by that anymore. So that’s another side that I look for in terms of outward.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:24
there any other questions
Unknown Speaker 1:18:28
about that.
Speaker 9 1:18:33
So I just wanted to give you a quick recap. On the last six months, I guess, normally Jason attending all coffee conversations, I think we’ve really been able to accomplish a lot of the really small day to day, you know, issues that residents are having to the large issues that ended up having public safety or police come up to two properties. So anywhere from dealing with some lighting and landscaping issues to parking lot problems to even neighborhood problems that out are outliers that do affect our property. So we’ve been able to tackle them and really solve each one of them. And I actually got a compliment today from a gentleman at Spring Creek about the noise mitigation that we were very creative about and he’s very pleased with our work. So he’s one that attended, I think not last month before. So a lot of success versus versus, you know, just kind of sitting on problems or taking just too much. Shallow ones. Finally, we finally had to pin down to come in August September to talk to our senior properties on evacuations. And we did get more signage up for folks that feel more comfortable about that. So that will be coming up recently They had some debacle about the gazebo in front of village place without EDA had a meeting about that I’m getting close to the discussion is leading containment due to the ongoing, I mean years and years of problems with that as he goes, so we’ll be taken down. Yeah. And then it just not being maintained. The question was like, well, who’s maintaining it, the DA, Jay was doing it and the contract was from 1989. So we’re, we’re basically smooth that over, we’re going to take the gazebo down and make it make additional, which won’t add a ton, but it will add a few spots.
Speaker 5 1:20:43
And that was actually a complaint from the residents about the activities that were practice Eagle actually became more attractive in terms of the activities,
Unknown Speaker 1:20:54
many years.
Speaker 9 1:21:03
And then, last but not least, Tibet detector. So we’re still you’re still doing, you know, you’re still following them. The data is reading consistent. So we know that they’re working. As far as right now. They’re at a low of between like a four and a 16. Which means that we have no no math, which is a good thing, where they are.
Speaker 9 1:21:33
Think the what, what we’re finding is that the sustainability of it being battery operated device is going to be affordable. And in Serbia, we’re meeting this week with a representative in New Zealand regarding, you know, the possibilities of ever going purple wire. So yeah, we’re still, we’re still at it. So trying to be cautious before we move forward and figure out that maybe they just weren’t all the same. So I think we’re, we’ve tried to put them in to some units to, like, sing here. However, we’re having to replace them about every week. I should have said that. Correct. And then it’s the amount of time you have the sensors, you know, basically scan the air. But even then, we’re refining, they’re, they’re telling us it lasts up to six months, but we’re not seeing that with the numbers that we’re finding. So that is our next conversation. So what kind of what kind of batteries? Are they just a lithium battery, like a double A double
Speaker 6 1:22:53
lithium, like the kind they recommend for your smoke detector?
Speaker 5 1:22:57
Correct. But this is an active, so it’s doing two things is going on there. And then it’s communicating for yourselves.
Speaker 6 1:23:07
And so they’re not lasting as long as they’re supposed to in the Marines or as the battery dies.
Speaker 9 1:23:15
So when the battery dies, it totally goes offline. So we can see that.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:20
Okay, so stay consistent.
Speaker 9 1:23:24
Well, so far. Well, when they’re operable, we’re seeing consistent and they’re being read every, we’ve asked for the time to be changed a little bit, the timing is like about every hour to every maybe two hours, we have to
Speaker 5 1:23:41
have three, we also learned a lot about which batteries to use. We now know, Chase as far as
Speaker 5 1:23:55
New Zealand, we’re not ever using again. So, again, that’s why we are learning through this right. So we now know, that issue. And so some questions that result doesn’t work yet works, batteries. And so we’re gonna have a series that tries to talk to them about how they process but we’re at the point where it’s worth a test in some ways. And so we’re now starting to evolve.
Speaker 7 1:24:25
We just lose surprise with technology. Is that consuming the houses that have hardwired fire detection systems that they didn’t have that on average use? Yeah, but
Speaker 9 1:24:43
it’s it seems like every time we do have a conversation, there’s something new, they’re evolving
Unknown Speaker 1:24:49
quickly. But we’re,
Speaker 9 1:24:54
we can’t get it in timeframe. You know, they can’t keep sending us the newest best model right? So I believe the next model we get will be updated. So hopefully, I
Unknown Speaker 1:25:08
think I think there’s there are
Speaker 3 1:25:15
especially for building US market. I mean, there’s things to sort out with price international boundaries.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:25
Like if you go to a place in Europe, given the power, what’s similar to
Speaker 9 1:25:38
no idea. But they’re, I mean, they basically are using these new, they’re currently using these devices in New Zealand with this battery system. And so we have reached out to they gave us the name of the organization that does use them, and we have some communicating back and forth. And that’s the last email that I sent to her was, hey, what are you doing? We’re just figuring this battery thing out. So I’ve asked her what they’re doing. And I’ve yet to hear back. But we’re trying to communicate with the folks that do us.
Speaker 3 1:26:13
They do have a different outlet adapter, you need an adapter, that thing is a type one plug.
Speaker 7 1:26:20
That’s why it’s like you know, it’s also how the system
Speaker 5 1:26:31
but when we ran into that issue of same curves, and so that was one of the first things they had to correct us working out what the SIM card. So we assumed that the SIM card students stalling because there aren’t installed. And so that is the r&d nurses.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:55
So my question is
Speaker 2 1:27:01
correct. All right. Cool. So we’re Commissioner comments. I have a question. If this gets shut me down. I sent you a voicemail of a gentleman who said that he was section eight. Remove that voicemail, we were going to look to see if he was an ally, Jay. I forget his name listening.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:30
Somebody that is destructive. Yeah. But it’s something
Unknown Speaker 1:27:33
that we can talk about.
Speaker 8 1:27:37
Yes, I just want to say that. You know, as we were talking about Harold, about mental health, in the staff and everything, and then also your time, the last time we spoke due to the fires and everything and why when Cheryl’s desire is to go out, and sort of why and assistant on teach at the same time, but not having that opportunity to be able to go out. To do that. I think it is important for a city manager to go out to something like that, and see what he can learn, but I don’t know if he has the capabilities of being able to do that. And I don’t know what the rest of the commissioners think, or slash counselors think about that. And I don’t think he would have ever brought it up but that was something I was passionate about knowing I don’t know if any city managers have ever done it before.
Speaker 2 1:28:44
I know city managers have gone to other cities, jurisdictions states to learn on all types of different issues but what we may be experiencing here I think it would be on you sure Ashley still said would have loved to go someplace before different to learn what’s happening and how do you manage this from that standpoint?
Unknown Speaker 1:29:14
Have a backup?
Speaker 2 1:29:15
I know you have three backups. And what about energy?
Speaker 5 1:29:20
Yeah, I think part of it is a figuring out family stuff and other things too. But yeah, backups. I can work remotely two interesting piece was actually do I want to schedule a vacation? Yes, when I schedule my vacation
Speaker 7 1:29:39
it seems like there’s a certain amount of waiting to see what the results are efficient. That seems like a logical thinking between Marshall fire California communities that might mean that to the US, security services.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:11
California Hawaii
Speaker 6 1:30:18
that’s pretty much the way I would think that Harold being Carol’s aid and rebuilding is learning.
Speaker 2 1:30:29
Yeah, I think being on the precipice of something, and watching how they solve the problems
Unknown Speaker 1:30:39
would be a great opportunity for them in a smart city. They think I’m
Speaker 5 1:30:46
trying to figure it out right now because obviously I’m on vacation set. So we’re watching it closely, but part of it is, unfortunately had my share of natural disasters City Council for November.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:17
So I said the comments
Speaker 6 1:31:22
weren’t whispered around the table yet. The county commissioners have decided that they will accept the that they will terminate the conservation easement estates and think that they reserve the right, we have to annex it before the easement is exact as actual terminated. So, this looks like going on. Are there any conditions other than the commitment that Jack Bestop is made to keep the affordable as you did to keep the for sale, middle tier, at least at the first sale, and they’re they’re angling for more, they’re, they’re wanting longer to do something about some shorter deed restrictions to keep the middle tier middle tier for at least a little while. But I don’t think that is a condition.
Speaker 5 1:32:31
So speaking of that, what we’re finding is the state funding and everything we’ve talked about is they are looking at the restrictions. And indeed that’s going to be in your requirements is what you’re looking for. And so we’re toying with the concepts of rolling kind of component in that if you sell it before 10 years, then the next person coming in has to meet the requirements, and then they have two years. And then but if you live in it’s your love and then you can sell that employer equity obviously with some equity escalators in it because part of it’s about building wealth to other people. But we actually ran into that was last week where you’re at in terms of the tenure fees. So if you go in and you give me the state dollars, which I would expect you’re gonna have to build, definitely affordable for attainable there’s going to be a requirement for the state.
Speaker 6 1:33:36
So G is affordable, or habitat so they’re probably already plugged into that. But they’re
Speaker 5 1:33:43
different because habitat subsidizes the cost of the house and so nice a different framework.
Speaker 6 1:33:51
So with this is that a conditional deal once you create money and before
Speaker 3 1:33:57
we haven’t seen that haven’t made it as far as to create any of those actual grant agreements yet but the same group doing it it’s coming out at the same shop and that’s so far showing us a ton here. So we actually get root is providing us tomorrow, our mini report on what a deed restrictions for attainable housing look across the state right now. So we can get some numbers to see what other patients like out there in the market
Speaker 2 1:34:25
hit the 123 group also craft the 213 existing
Speaker 5 1:34:34
know there were some problems with some overlap in that. But the problem is in creating rules so the rules are not going to create it out for homeownership out of Department of Housing, out of
Unknown Speaker 1:34:49
the economic
Speaker 5 1:34:51
and chadwin obviously economic development and national trade is bigger They have a nice Jaffa but we’re just seeing a cover for attach to us for
Speaker 2 1:35:10
us to be educational the restrictions and figure out what they say. They always say you’re not getting the equity plus you also say the routine yourself
Unknown Speaker 1:35:24
yeah you build equity gains
Speaker 2 1:35:27
to exactly if you if you figure out how to say that but so
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