Transportation Advisory Board – July 2023

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Transportation Advisory Board – July 2023

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Speaker 1 0:00
Okay, we’re gonna call to order. The July 10. Transportation Advisory Board meeting. Roll Call. Chair Lena. Here, board member Bennett. You don’t have to worry about microphone sorry here. Thank you, board member Wicklund, board member Crist. Your board member McInerney, board member McKee burrows. Board Member Kim. Chair, you have a quorum. Thank you. And so, finally, we have a quorum, I guess we should say Right. So I’d like to do an introduction of our new members. And I guess we’ll start Nicholas on your side, you can start. You’re the luxury of being on the end. So we’ll start with you.

Speaker 2 0:48
Hi, my name is Nick. Nick Kim. Please call me Nicholas. That’s when my mom calls me. I’m excited to be on tap. And I’m looking forward to working with everyone here.

Unknown Speaker 1:08
Okay, next, Gina.

Speaker 3 1:13
Hi, everyone. I’m Gina and I have been on the bicycle Issues Committee for about the last nine months and I was encouraged to apply to tab to have a little bit more influence. So that’s why I’m here.

Speaker 4 1:42
I’m David McInerney. And I am beginning my third year as a board member. I became interested in the board when I read the Envision Longmont multimodal and comprehensive plan. I decided that the plan proposes positive direction for long months future, and I wanted to get involved in turning the plan into reality. My background includes about 30 years with private sector consulting firms. My particular areas of expertise were land use and environmental planning. But I worked on dozens of projects that had significant transportation components. And they involve many different modes of transportation. I’m a member of the American Institute of Certified planners. And that’s it for me.

Unknown Speaker 2:48
Vice Chair Crist.

Speaker 5 2:52
Hi, I’m Diane Crist. And I started on the board at the beginning of 2022. And I became vice chair at the beginning of 2023. I have been doing a lot of field studies recently, I was involved in one automobile accident since our last meeting and witnessed another automobile accident in our neighborhood just a week ago. So it was kind of funny, because when I there were no injuries in my accident. But I was talking to the police officers about what they thought might have caused the accident. They said you really don’t need to know this for your insurance. And so you don’t understand. We need to know this for the transportation board. They thought that was funny. So then they answered some questions. They, and we can talk about that later. And then we’ll come up. I was down on the diagonal. And I was thinking of you, Nick, because you said it’s impossible to cross that. And I was like he was right. That is a lot of traffic down there. And I don’t drive that way very often. So anyway. So our goal that we’ve put before City Council is Vision Zero. And we’re off to a whiz bang start. In fact, we’re studying like I said, field studies. And all this information is helpful to moving forward. I think, Sal, we’re happy to have all three of you. As new board members, and Steve and I did the interviewing. We have high hopes for all three of you. Welcome aboard.

Speaker 1 4:28
Great, and board member Wicklund, get you here.

Speaker 6 4:34
Well, hello. I guess you know, Taylor, Wicklund? I don’t know what’s kind of funny here. This is the first full board in my existence. And I’ve been here for a year which is great. So I’m excited for the next year have a lot of diverse opinion hopefully. So. I know and I’m here because I’m I’m a little too info halt. But it’s I’m also on the bike Issues Committee with Gina. But then also, you know, I’ve been advocating for Vision Zero for a couple years now. So I’m really excited that I get to be part of the, the process and the discussion around that. But then, yeah, a lot of my experiences just based upon personal, personal things I’ve seen from around the world, traveled the globe for two years, lived in Sweden lived in New Zealand, they do things all very, very differently than we do. And so I’m always excited to move the needle early. Any bit forward, we can so thank you

Unknown Speaker 5:45
Board Member Bennett.

Speaker 7 5:56
Hi, my name is Garrison Bennett and I, this is my first meeting here. And I’ve spent about 15 years in Longmont, Colorado born and I’ve seen I was really excited to have a commuter rail here here in Longmont and I’ve since done my civic service and trying to elect people to city council that really believe in public transportation. But I feel that sitting on the sidelines and watching the headlines and advocating for other people is not been enough. And I wanted to step up and be a part of this board. And so I’m excited to be here today to expand regional transportation to make sure that our bikeways have a continuous path from A to B and that we can explore new exciting options that could make our city exceptional through micro transit and other exciting options. So happy to be here.

Speaker 1 7:02
Well, great. Welcome to everyone. And I’ll go ahead and I’m I guess I’m chairperson laner been a board member. I think David and I came in in the same time a couple of years now. And I would echo what council member or board member McEnery talked about with Envision Longmont that would be the impetus for me as well to get involved. My background is actually government technology, as well as transportation. So I’m actually back in the transportation industry. Just that just happened recently, which is good. Good news. For me at least. I’m an avid cyclist. I used to work in the bike industry years and years and years ago. So I have a particular concern about bicycle issues, mobility Micromobility and those sorts of things. So I guess that’s my story as well. And I guess the final since we had a late arrival, Councilmember Yarborough Hello. We finally have a full board. So we thought we’d do introductions here.

Speaker 8 8:04
Thank you chair. I see that I was like Where do I sit? Let me look into you. Amazing. This is a beautiful sight. A very beautiful sight. I’m so happy to have you all here on the board. I am Councilwoman Yarborough council member Yarborough counselor Yarborough. However, you want to address me, I like Chiquita better that’s what my mama named me. But I am very honored to have to be to sit on this board as the council liaison and I myself I’m learning a lot. So if you ask me something and I don’t know, I may say go to feel or someone else that has way more experienced a staff person. So I am learning just like many of you. So thank you for being here. And thank you for applying. So yes, great.

Speaker 1 9:06
Okay, we will move on to our 2023 election of officers. For Chairman Vice Chair. I guess we’ll start with chair any nominations for chair

Unknown Speaker 9:23
I’ll nominate you Steve. Again.

Speaker 1 9:32
I second All right. Are there any more nominations? No. Okay. All those in favor say aye. Opposed Okay.

Speaker 1 10:02
and I’ll cut to the chase here. I’d like to nominate Vice Chair Chris for the role as Vice Chair again. Do we have a second? That’s fine. Do we have any other nominations for vice? Chair? Okay, all those in favor? say aye. Aye. Any opposed? Okay, so it’s done. Congratulations, Vice Chair Chris.

Speaker 1 10:42
Okay, item number five, we’ll do the designation of places for posting of meetings per state statute. And I’m gonna need help with this, Phil. So you probably have some material in this.

Speaker 9 10:53
Yeah, let me help out a little bit. Apologize. We didn’t put this in the packet. But my name is Phil Greenwald, transportation planning manager with the city. And we just need every year to re designate our place of where we put the agenda where we post the agenda that is typically at the west entrance of the civic center, right up here at this door above up at the top of the stairs. So with that, I would open it up to a motion and a second, and a vote for that. Thank you.

Speaker 1 11:22
Okay, so we’ll need a motion to approve the posting of that on the west end of the building.

Unknown Speaker 11:30
Do I have a?

Unknown Speaker 11:31
Oh, I’m sorry.

Unknown Speaker 11:32
We also post on the web? I say that.

Unknown Speaker 11:36
I was gonna note that. Yeah. That’s so big.

Speaker 9 11:39
Under the agenda packages under Prime gov. Okay, agenda management portal. Thank you.

Speaker 4 11:50
Feel did? Are we changing back to the physical posting?

Speaker 9 11:56
It’s my understanding that that’s always been the physical posting place. And we did talk I think last time about just web. But that’s always been the posting place. And so we’re just gonna formalize it now back, if that’s possible with IC, thanks.

Unknown Speaker 12:14
Okay, I’ll need a motion to approve that.

Unknown Speaker 12:22
Move to approve the posting.

Unknown Speaker 12:31
I second the motion.

Speaker 1 12:36
All those in favor of the set of the posting of the with the meeting notice on the West End? say aye. Aye. Aye. Any opposed? Okay, we’ve got that out of the way. Number six will approve the minutes of the preceding meeting. Are there any comments or notes for the minutes from the preceding meeting in May? I?

Speaker 1 13:12
Okay, we’ll need a motion to approve those minutes.

Speaker 4 13:19
Move to approve the minutes from our May meeting.

Unknown Speaker 13:30
I second the motion to approve minutes.

Speaker 1 13:34
Okay, all those in favor of approving the May minutes say aye. Aye. Aye. Any opposed? Okay, that is fast. We’ll move on to number seven communications from staff. Phil, I’ll let you take this over.

Speaker 9 13:51
Thank you very much. Again, Phil Greenwald, transportation planning manager, we just wanted to let folks know and we thought we’d get a press release. So we kind of the press release was out. But nobody picked it up. So I guess it’s not very exciting. It’s just us transportation geeks that really like like this stuff. But we did win an award from the federal government for $25 million. I think a lot of you might have seen it. If you’re, if you’re keyed into the transportation information, at least that did go out to all the folks on the E notification list. So we’re pretty proud of that. It’s $25 million. That finishes out the 119 bus rapid transit corridor. And specifically it does pay for for the most part, we’re gonna see how far the money goes. But it pays for the design and the construction of the intersection reconstruction at 119 or the diagonal highway, Oregon prep Boulevard and over so that intersection will be rebuilt with the boulder bound lanes and additional bicycle trail going underneath the hoever portion of the roadway. And so that’ll free up, what we think is a lot of a lot of term movement, you know, the the conflicting movement that was the hoever? Well, the Longmont bounce diagonal going north on hoever. That’s a huge movement at that intersection, especially in the PNP towers. And so we think that that will really make Kyle’s job easier, as far as and our jobs as far as Vision Zero a lot easier with the safety measures that are going to be improved at that intersection and the separation of bicycles and pedestrians being able to cross that safely. And there are some bus movements that are going to be added to that as well. So there’s, it’s truly a multimodal piece. It’s something we’ve been fighting for for four years now. We’ve gone to Washington DC, we’ve lobbied we’ve lobbied we’ve lobbied and we’ve lobbied and so that’s four lobbies. And finally this one we we got it so very exciting. The mayor was a big part of that as well. So many kudos to her for doing these trips with us to DC and former mayors I shouldn’t mention as well. So it’s been a long time coming. We’ve got 10 years under our belts of planning this. So it’s never a quick and I and that’s just kind of the reality of what we do here is it’s it’s a long planning process. So we’re excited about that. And the other piece was, we did get a state award for $1 million. It’s the money turns out to be federal dollars, but it was awarded by the state for our section of Kauffman street between Boston on the south end and First Avenue on the north. So it’s a missing pleat piece of Kaufman street that doesn’t exist today. That will be a truly multimodal corridor as well and allow for car traffic, bus traffic, separated bikeways separated walkways, as well as some parking some kissin ride facilities for the bus operations is gonna be right in that same block. So we’re excited about that. And then the third thing was just the recognition of the city of Longmont for being the number 10 medium sized city for bicycling. So in the whole country, I believe it’s just the United States that there was a worldwide competition of these things. But within the United States, we were the top 10 medium sized city. So that’s exciting as well, I mean, we’ve actually moved ahead of Fort Collins, which I find amazing. But in talking to Ben, in the back, he did a lot of work to make sure that we got the information out to the folks that do these surveys. So they got the right information, because we really felt for a number of years that they weren’t taking the whole picture into account for a long while. So those are the three big things that we have to talk about. So any questions?

Speaker 1 17:41
First off, congratulations to everybody in the staff. I I know how hard that is. So we know how hard that is. And that’s that’s amazing. The staff everybody pulls together to do that. That’s That’s amazing. What is it?

Unknown Speaker 17:57
It’s total team. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 4 18:00
Yes, thanks, Phil, and your team for all that hard work, the $25 million grant that have a title or a name? What program was that?

Speaker 9 18:10
Oh, gosh, now I’m gonna have to remember what the acronym stands for. But it’s it’s raised the grant are a I SCE I’ll take my time here. Well, I shouldn’t know what it means, of course, but um, it’s, it used to be called the tiger. And it was the build. And then it became arrays. And so each one has a different set of words that go with that acronym. And, but it was it’s been out there for a couple of years. Basically, it’s just based on the administration that takes over. So this is the Biden administration’s name for it. It was titled or under Obama than Trump build. Rebuilding American infrastructure with sustainability and equity.

Speaker 4 18:57
That says it all. I saw a reference recently to something happening with safe streets for all grants anything for Longmont in that.

Unknown Speaker 19:09
I’ll turn that over to Kyle.

Speaker 10 19:12
Yes, we just I submitted a request for application Sillitoe through review process before we get updates for it. But ideally, what we’re asking is a $2 million grant to provide signals, detection upgrades along our minor materials, so like 17th night that are adjacent schools. So to have that grant is a lot more it’s safer signals to school. So if you provide more bicycle pedestrian detection at intersections, so hopefully we hear back down at one soon

Speaker 7 20:00
I’m surprised that there was not any media that picked up the $25 million grant given that there was previous times call articles that, that talked about the possibility of previous failed failed grant proposals. So I was just wondering if there’s gonna be any further attempts to try to make it more publicly notable, noticeable? Or?

Speaker 9 20:25
That’s a great question. I’m not sure if we as the city will do anything more this time, but we’ll keep on as this project moves forward. And it gets into the more final design phase, we will be going out to the public regardless to get feedback on that design. And so that’ll be part of the outreach efforts. Again, we don’t have much latitude latitude with that design, because it’s not a lot of money compared to trying to build up basically an overpass or a great separated interchange. So, but CDOT is going to be the lead agency on that. So we will kind of relinquish control at this point. And that’s a good thing, based on our resources. So we’re very glad that they are taking over control of that. And they will go out with the public outreach on the design. And then when they go to construction, obviously, that’s, it’s gonna be in the news quite a bit. Right. So they’re hoping to go to construction, they’re hoping to get design done in 2024, and go to construction 2025. So it’s a quick project here. Now that they do have dollars, but you’ll hear there’ll be a lot of this in the news. And the rest of the construction project you just heard about too. So

Speaker 3 21:37
you just answered my question about timeframe, but to do with the Kauffman project, is that now fully funded? And if so, when is the timeframe for that project?

Speaker 11 21:52
So the current Jim Angstadt, director of engineering services, with public works, coffin Street is currently in its final stages of design. We’re starting property acquisition now anticipate going out to bid at the end of 2023, with construction starting in 2024. So we have been able to compile a number of funding sources, including dollars in the 2024 budget, and we’re anticipating that even with cost increases, it will be what is now fully funded, or will be in with the approval of the 2024 budget.

Speaker 2 22:36
Phil, you mentioned that for the Diag, the 190 and grant it You mentioned something P and K hours. What does that mean? I just I’m familiar with the term. Oh, my

Speaker 9 22:47
apologies. The we call that the pm peak. So the afternoon rush hour basically coming back into town where everybody is using a lot of people are working in Boulder coming back to Longmont or through Longmont and using that we call eastbound diagonal to northbound over. And that left stacks up, as you probably know, and it takes a while to get through. So by eliminating the cross traffic, that movement should be much easier in the future

Speaker 6 23:24
Yeah, I just kind of want to second everyone else on congrats, but I’m also I’m I’m very excited for Kaufman street. So you know being part of the seeing all the renditions for the last year and a half, two years. So and maybe that will bump us up to maybe number one. Yeah. So So yeah, congrats.

Speaker 9 23:51
Oh, we have a Vision Zero update for you because we know that this is a key topic for this board. So I will turn it over to Jim Angstadt.

Speaker 11 24:01
Thank you, Phil. So in the last few months staff has been working on working through some of the staffing evaluations we would need. tying it into budget. We’ve been working with with this is kind of the budget time. So one of the items that is in the budget is Vision Zero it is located in both the capital budget as well as there is some in operating. So Council has asked us we’re working on breaking those out into like an outline similar what I provided you, but it’ll have the funding for five years as well as as kind of some of the short term work we’re going to be doing. We’ll be getting to that to you by the next meeting. What I did provide to you is basically a first step once we establish a kind of a stakeholder taskforce will be The draft of a, a Vision Zero action plan. So we provided kind of an outline of what that plan might look like. This is kind of based on kind of staffs perspective. So it might or might not look like that. I’ve offered it up to the board to make some comments on it. By the next meeting, you can write on it, send me send me comments, if you want to a Word version, I can certainly send that over. So you can edit it. You know, we listed some of the objectives there, we could come up in the taskforce could come up with different objectives, as well as the action plan items. A lot of the the the other action plans I was I’ve been reviewing have kind of breakouts of several components engineering, the enforcement components, education policy, and I broke those out a little further, again, tried to snapshot, a lot of things, there could be differing items, I noted as a draft, so don’t assume that is what what the action plan would include. But I opened it up, I think we’re going to start with is tab this kind of setting for what they the the committee to be successful, we want to late start laying some of the ground rules and have a starting point, I think this outline would serve as that. So we would ask you, you know, when you’re in it within the next, before the next meeting to provide some comments on it and see if there’s anything else you want to add, take away, we don’t have to bait them, we’ll let the committee decide that in the future. And then on the third page, there’s an implant information. Each of those items, action items in the plan would be broken out and half of the title of the action, who the lead is, whether it’s its transportation planning, or engineering, or PD, that would be then a support person as well. An action description, the reason for the action and the objective. And then within the objective would be the timeframe and metrics. In some way, we would lay that out in the plan. And then I listed also what we visualized as some of the stakeholders. So I would ask you guys to look take a look at that and see if there’s, in your opinion, there’s any other stakeholders that we would want to include for the Taskforce?

Unknown Speaker 27:28
And then that was I think that was everything.

Speaker 1 27:35
So Jim has, as I see this, were to take a look at it as a draft. Yes, make any notes, any comments that we’d like to add to it? So we don’t need to do that tonight. And we’ll come back to the next meeting and have a discussion around this as a plan moving forward is that kind of what you were saying? Yeah, just want to make sure we’re clear on

Speaker 11 27:54
visualizing that we could do a little homework and bring it back and then kind of pin down this outline a little bit, a little more definition. Certainly things we can add. We tried to cover things with per policy as well. Some of these items, as we look into them are going to be critical if we want to invoke some, you know, some Vision Zero kind of changes in the field. We have been locked into the mu T CD and following that standard for a long time. And it any CI CD is manual Uniform Traffic Control Devices, which is tied to state statute, that’s the law we follow. So if we may have to, to revise city code to take parts of that out so that we can actually then, you know, perform. That’s one of the kind of one of the historically one of the delays in that traffic engineers have always dealt with in kind of solving problems in the field. It takes a long time. And with Vision Zero, we kind of want to accelerate that some of the improvements we want to undertake. Or at least that’s the plan.

Unknown Speaker 29:04
Hi, Jim. How long have you been working on this plan? And do you mind me asking, Do you know what cities you like looked at for reference and guidance?

Speaker 11 29:16
So we’ve been working on this for about two months now. Since the last meeting. Vice Chair asked us to put together an outline so we started working on it. It I went to the kind of divisions are a website in the track down a federal website for federal highway that lists a number of the cities that have adopted Vision Zero. So I started pulling action plans from there. Raleigh, North Carolina. Boulder had one I looked at Fort Collins. There’s a number of ones that I just pulled and look through a lot of them are following the same kind of not necessarily same format, but the same information and just written in a different way. And if need be, we can certainly I can track down that link again and send it to the board. And and so you’ll have those references.

Speaker 3 30:13
So I was just wondering how the city envisions making Vision Zero happen, like, is there going to be involving changing code, changing priorities like how, how is it actually going to be facilitated, like the Achieving Vision Zero,

Speaker 11 30:29
I think that’s going to be embedded in the action plan. But it involves the basically change does involve changing policy, it’s listed in the outline, number of policies have to be rewritten, a number of kind of the manuals we follow would need to be rewritten reformatted. Kind of different criteria for them. it’ll involve different kind of a different take on some more engineering, and how we how we view it involves significant amounts of data collection, and using that data as to make priority decisions. We do some of that already, with our CRASH CRASH report, it just getting to the point where the crash reports were usually about a year behind. So we’re working right now on the 2022 crash report. And the previous five years, we sum it up in and this is about four or five of them. And here’s a 5060 pages of data on crashes, but and then historically, our traffic unit has looked at that and made adjustments to signals, small scale improvements. It’s just we don’t do it in a transparent manner. We don’t advertise it, it just kind of gets done. But Vision Zero would withdraw more of the community and some of the decisions we make as well, which is the reason for the task force to be enough information. Okay.

Speaker 5 32:02
I just want to say thanks, Jim. This is very thoughtful, and, and a good approach to begin with, and I really appreciate you getting it done for our new board members. So we can all start on the same page. Appreciate all you do, you know, one of the things your staff does is really makes a nice bridge between the data collection and the human element. And that’s very appreciated.

Unknown Speaker 32:35
Okay, um, TMP update,

Speaker 9 32:37
Phil. Yeah, I’ll just do a quick update on the tmp. But before I go on, I just wanted to recognize one of the former city members in the audience, Micah Gorski, who really was a big piece of the raise grant award for the over 119 project, and that he did a lot of preliminary work for the for the design, so we appreciate that. And he also did a lot of work on Kaufmann, which kinda disappears now that he doesn’t work for us anymore, but I’m thinking he might want to listen to about what’s going on with the TMP as well. But we are currently releasing that TMP the transportation mobility plan is what it’s called. It’s really the overreaching overall plan for the, for transportation for the city. And we are out right now with the scope of work and all the different pieces to get a proposal going this month. It’s taking quite a while and that’s the way it goes. It’s the way the resources are. So we’re waiting till about the middle of this month to release that I plan on it being out for about six weeks, to give consultants enough time to kind of find it and also then reply to it. And so we’re hoping to get proposals back probably at the end of August, early September. And then at that point, we’ll review those bring people in for interviews, which we would probably like to get one, at least one transportation Advisory Board member to help us with that review. So we’ll just kind of plant that seed today and then probably ask you again in August, at our August meeting if if we have enough agenda items will come and back and we’ll ask for you to consider a board member to sit on that on that review panel. That being said we should have somebody in house working with us late October early November. I’m trying to be a little conservative here but we’ll see how that works out and before the holidays for sure and then get going in earnest in 2024. Any questions on that?

Speaker 5 34:54
Just to clarify this is the the master plan that you guys have been working on that of all The projects coming up.

Speaker 9 35:02
This is, excuse me, this is a little different. Remember, Chris, this is the this is kind of the overall long term plan. And so we’ll be coming back to you. And actually, we will be having a meeting in August. I know that because we are coming back with the 2020 for capital improvement project, program or program or projects. And we’ll also talk a little bit about what’s going on in 2023, to bring you up to speed on what’s been going on this summer during construction season as well. So it’ll be kind of a two parter there from some of our engineers, and project managers on those projects. So that will be happening in August as well. But what we’re talking about is an update to the MAS or the mobility plan, which we used to call the multimodal transportation improvement plan. And so that was part of Envision Longmont, it was a sub was like an appendix to that. And it really did try to lay out each project as far as all the different types of modes, and how they fit together. And we’re trying to go back out to the public figure out if the public still agrees with the methodology that was used in envision Longmont for that transportation mobility plan, and bring it up to date, and refresh it. It’s been a number of years now. So we’re just kind of want to get that together. As far as project priorities. The council has changed the truck transportation advisory board is brand new. So are these the priorities that we originally went out to the public with seven years ago. So we’re just trying to refresh it.

Speaker 5 36:36
So that’s the grand plan. And then the CIP, the capital projects are this sort of the realization of elements of it?

Speaker 9 36:46
Right, and then the CIP we try to do in a five year increments, typically, so we try to put that together in the next five years, what’s going to where will the money be directed. And this mobility plan, transportation mobility plan is meant to direct how those dollars flow in the future and kind of give the 25 year outlook at least, and then kind of give us a direction to move toward. And then those projects come together as part of that 25 year planning cycle.

Speaker 5 37:17
So we’re ready for transportation in the future, which is a great idea. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 37:30
Okay, do we have any public here to speak?

Speaker 1 37:39
Okay, I guess then we can move on to the information items on the micro transit Update.

Speaker 9 37:52
will ship to this microphone now, and will cut a short PowerPoint for you very short. Know, it’s been kind of a crazy evening for everyone as well for brand new members and all this good stuff. Well, we do do presentations at these transportation advisory boards quite often. So I just wanted to get used to listening to us a little bit about these different items. But this was micro transit for Longmont. We just wanted to kind of describe what’s going on with this, the council has already heard this. And typically, we’d like to get this in front of the transportation advisory board first, get your recommendation to council and then we usually take that to council, this one was fast tracked, try to use that very carefully without saying Fast Tracks. But this has been this was fast tracked, and they had to get to counsel because we were applying for a grant. And that’s in the packet where we were applying for a partnership program and that that information was due last Friday. So in order to make that and get counseled by into that process, we needed to take it last month. And so this is a presentation from June 20. to city council, but it does have some some nuances in it. So really quickly, what is micro transit, we were talking about doing a system of four van four to six vans, they pulled six passengers typically, it’s the idea of getting a really Uber or Lyft like service but with the larger vans and with professional drivers who are qualified have a certain level of qualification beyond what a typical Uber or Lyft driver probably does. But you’d still use the app an app to call to request service or you would call in and they call in would have would have an equity piece to it that it would have any language basically they can cover almost any language that’s spoken through the way that the call is is is moved through the system, they can move it to basically you just start speaking in your language and they can actually use an app. They use an app on their end to figure out what language you’re speaking and send it to the right person for Translation. I have the real vision for this micro transit is that within 30 minutes, you would be able to request a ride, be picked up within, you know, a couple blocks of your house or your wherever you’re trying to request this ride from. And then within that 30 minutes, you’d reach your destination. So this is really a robust Collin ride service much more than what we have out there today with with RTD. And we’ll talk a little bit about that later, too. So we think that the micro transit is really good for Longmont in that it has the ability to adapt to basically what’s what’s happening on the streets right now. And if we have any special events or anything like that, or if we have some closures due to construction or other things like that, we can move vehicles around and really get folks where they need where they need the service, we can get the service to them, because we can ramp up the service or dial down the service based on conditions out there right now. This is very similar to our bus shelter program, what we do is we contract with a private vendor. And basically, we give them the okay to build the shelters, they go out, build them, maintain them take care of them do the advertising on them. So that’s that’s a little bit of a nuance, there might be some advertising with these as well. But we basically turn it all over to them or the administrator. So we say where we like shelters, or what we don’t like shelters. And we have some saying that this would be the same way. But with this private contractor being a shuttle or a micro transit provider, we wouldn’t take on all the responsibilities of being a transit provider, we wouldn’t be an RTD or even a smaller transit service for just Longmont, but we would administer the program and let this private vendor do that. So we do control the level and the locations of the services. So that would be good. Existing micro transit models serve cities very similar to Longmont. So we’ve seen this proven out in other suburban models before. And so that’s part of the reasoning, why we looked into this was, we started seeing these suburban communities around the country really grabbing on to this model. And if this is really what filled in those gaps between the fixed route, and the different services that are out there. This is just a quick diagram of kind of our existing services, the orange pieces are the RTD Regional Transportation District, supported by side sales tax, we also buy up what’s called buy up the service for the local routes so that they’re free to the user. A lot of people don’t know that or understand it, but that’s kind of what’s going on underneath. So that allows the fixed routes to operate for free for the local. And the fixed routes also include the regional pieces, there’s regional buses as well to that the accessor ride, which is a required service that RTD has to provide, wherever there’s a fixed route, they have to provide accessible routes that allow for anybody with a disability to be able to access transit system, so but you have to qualify for that service. And then there’s the flex ride, which is their version of Colin right. And right now they have about one, sometimes two vehicles, but it’s really one vehicle for the whole city, and it just doesn’t operate. It’s one of these things where you have to kind of start a subsidy subscription service, at least a day before, if not number of days before before you can get the right for the next day. So it’s a little clunky in that way, I’ll be honest with you. We also have via which we pay them yearly, very an annual payment to them. They provide the paratransit services, which they really only cover people with disabilities, and then people older adults. So those are the two groups that via serves specifically. So they might be interested in the micro mobility piece of this, but that’s yet to be seen. And then transports our partners up in Fort Collins. They are the transit provider, they provide the regional flex bus service that comes through town, it’s actually a really great service. If you’ve not tried it, it’s one to kind of see if you want to get up to Loveland and Fort Collins, we have a lot of employees that use it as well. And it provides that fixed route between the two. What we really like for micro transit to do is consolidate a lot of what’s happening with the fixed ride or the fix. Yeah, the flex ride, excuse me, and be a more robust system there. And so we’re asking RTD and the partnership program, hey, we need to basically partner with you take over some of this flex ride service. And then what’s your spending on that we would like to get some of those dollars to help us build this more robust transit transit service. So again, partner with RTD on that program, with the partnership program we have applied, which is great, so we’re out there, get our name in the in the in the hat, I guess, hope to hope to be selected for for some of us we we asked counsel how much money they wanted to go for if we could go for $600,000 if they wanted to do a portion of that or if they want to do all that counts. It was very clear that they wanted us to ask for the maximum amount. That definitely helps our budget process if we can get that. And that would be for the first year of the program. And after the first year, the first year really buys the buses and the rolling stock. So after that the the costs start to decrease a bit. So we need to get that squared away as well. Some other interesting changes with RTD that we’re we’re very excited about and may impact what we do in the future is in 2024, RTD, is going to begin a new transit fare system. And so all the youth under 19 would be free, which is exciting. So that we’re gonna have to work with RTD anyway, to talk about how we buy up the service, and how much, you know, if they’re going to offer free service for all everybody under 19. And that’s our primary user, maybe our costs could go down even more, which would be wonderful. And then you can see the reduction in fares. So all rights are $2.75. So even getting to Boulder getting to Denver, would cost that same 275 There’s not going to be a local and regional and express pairs like before. So for the law, except for the airport airports still $10. So I mentioned that, that’s a pretty expensive service for them to run. So they’re gonna keep that at $10. low income people who qualify, and people who are 65 years and older will pay a almost a half price discount fee of $1.35. Or that $2.70 cent all day pass, which is wonderful. I mean, it’s really, that’s really inexpensive. And that’s very helpful for folks. That accessory that’s that’s required would go to fourth would be for 50. For most people, or $2.25 for low income. So there are a bunch of things that are on the horizon, which we’re looking forward to. And again, council directed us as staff. And again, we would have loved to have come before you in and it turned out we would have to do that in May. And we had RTD here in May, which was interesting, too. So there’s a bunch of weird coincidences, but council did direct staff to pursue that micro transit for Longmont. So we did go forward with that partnership program as they requested, and they also are directing staff on the future of ride free Longmont, we made a commitment, I think there was a commitment by council that they really wanted to see the ride free program continue and not disappear and not just go away when micro transit comes on board, but have a transition period. So people can kind of learn micro transit. And then we would see what the next steps are. So we’re kind of on hold for that for discontinuing that program. But we do have dollars that go to that program, that would be great. If microtransit proves to be popular. Those dollars could eventually

Speaker 9 47:42
transition into micro transit. So with that we’ll take I’ll take any questions. And we Jim is our budget guy for all this. So he is, is helping put the dollars together to make this actually work even

Speaker 3 48:01
better? So I have three questions for you, Phil. So what would be the cost for a user to use the service?

Speaker 9 48:11
That’s a great question we do not know yet. Well, we’ve been asked by some council members is that there’ll be a cost. Because what happens in others, what happens in other cities that we’ve seen this in is people will request a ride, and then they won’t show up? Because they know it’s free. And so here’s here’s kind of the 70 shuttle that’s kind of running around chasing people who don’t want rides, after all. So we’re thinking one to $2 might be that,

Unknown Speaker 48:40
that cost? And that would be upfront.

Speaker 9 48:43
That would be with the app, it would just be like, it would be upfront, I believe it would, it wouldn’t be at the end of the ride like Uber or Lyft. It would be an upfront fee. I think what we’d have to work out, depending on which vendor we get, we’d have to work out if there’s to give that money back if you don’t ride, or would there be half charge or whatever?

Speaker 3 49:07
Yeah, like what if they’re late, for example, and you’re late for whatever you need to be at? My second question is, would you be able to order it in advance? Or is it really the 30 minute window that you’re looking at?

Speaker 9 49:23
or ideas that you could order in advance and set up that same subscription service if you need it at the same time every day, or if you needed it in three or four days? So you can order that and have that on the books as it were?

Speaker 3 49:35
Okay. My last question is, would would there be recurring or one offs? Like could you do like, Okay, I’m going to be needing a ride every day for the next week, or what would it be? You’d have to do one and then do another one.

Speaker 9 49:55
So the same idea of a subscription service almost Yeah. That’s an interesting question. Why Have to see which vendors come forward with what kind of ideas but it’s all based on the software right now. And how the robust, robust level of the software. So I think what you’re talking about could be accommodated pretty easily and what they’ve, what we’ve heard so far about the software, thank you

Speaker 4 50:24
fill in your microtransit vision, how does the contractor make a profit?

Speaker 9 50:31
Well, they make a profit by what we pay them. So okay, so So whatever money we’re going to whatever we come up from with from RTD, we’ve also, I didn’t even mention this, I apologize. But we’ve, we’ve asked for a congressionally doesn’t designate or directed spending $1 million from our congressional delegation that includes the US and the two senators, Senator Bennett and Hickenlooper were on their list their shortlist for a million dollars, it’s it’s kind of the new name for earmarks. So as much money as we can kind of cobbled together. And then I don’t have to ask Jim for as much money from the budget, which he’s would be very happy about. But those dollars that we put together to basically buy the service would be their profit and are part of their profit, they cover expenses. But so far, what we’ve seen is that the vendors come up with a price tag to provide the four to six units or buses, shuttles, whatever out there. And they’re cleaning a profit from that.

Speaker 4 51:36
So the contractor wouldn’t be free to set the fares or increase them as they saw fit.

Speaker 9 51:45
Right, they would, they would want our feedback as the city of what the fare should be, if we want to pay for all of it. Or if we want to use fares to recoup some of those costs, but it’s not gonna be very much right, the fares aren’t gonna cover very much of that, because what we really want to build ridership on the system. So there’s no way that we’ll be able to cover the forecast, no transit system covers the full costs of that. So that would be No, it’d be part of our discussion is how much should that fare be? Yes.

Speaker 3 52:24
I have another question. What if you have like an RTD pass, would that be covering the fare?

Speaker 9 52:35
The RTD pass pass would be strictly RTD. So unless we work out an agreement with RTD to take those in, I don’t see that they would cover that. But there would be some kind of, we would want to do some kind of for equity. For the, for the equity piece of this, we also want to make sure that there was a TAP card of some type, that people wouldn’t have to carry around cash or have a credit card necessarily to be able to use the system. So there would be some kind of fair exchange or something like that. But it wouldn’t be part of the ICO pass, because that is very much proprietary to RTD. Even though I might I just throw out there that boulder, Boulder County covers the cost of the ICO pass on the transport bus system up to Fort Collins. So even though that’s not part of RTD if you have your eco pass, they’ll they’ll allow it on that one, because Boulder County pays for it.

Unknown Speaker 53:34
Thanks, Phil, for that presentation. You know, I was looking forward to it last month. But

Speaker 6 53:41
the My question is, if you know, we happen to get the 2 million when, when a when do we find out and then after we solidify even more funding, and figure out how much this is gonna cost? When When do we offer the first bus?

Speaker 9 54:02
Well, we’re hoping to know, all of our costs, and all of our revenue by October and November of this year. So I’d like to be optimistic. And again, I might get poked in the eye over here. But I want to be openness, optimistic and say we could start in q2 of next year. Maybe q3, but that’s if all things go very well.

Speaker 6 54:30
And then a final question is because, you know, I was kind of asked this to RTD because, you know, I’m disappointed that you know, their buses only go till 8pm. That’s kind of the same idea here. But then it you know, I see at the end schedule is dynamic and able to adapt. So is that on our end much are we faster to adapt than RTD? That takes six months to a year.

Speaker 9 54:57
We would hope so. The idea is just if if we have dollars available to make that work. So if we get high, if we get a lot of demand for later in the evening, what we’d probably start to look at is where can we get rid of some service during the mid day? And could we shift it? Or do we have the dollars available? If we get some of this grant these grant dollars, could we use some of that offset, putting some service later in the evening, especially when we first kick off the program, and just get a big, you know, if we can kick this off big, then we can see where the demand is and kind of move it and adapt it based on what we see from the ridership, because they’re getting instant information, instant data. And then we should glean from that.

Speaker 6 55:43
Cool. I love this idea and city control.

Speaker 2 55:52
Can you tell me more about the RTD Partnership Program?

Speaker 9 55:57
Yeah, it’s this is the first year of the program. So we’re kind of the guinea pig. And a lot of folks are kind of staying away for it from it for that reason. So it’s based on basically different parts of the region. So we there’s the Northeast, Northwest, southeast, southwest, and then older County, parts of RTD that they’re going to look at. And each sub district, each sub region is allowed to go up for up to $600,000 per year. And so this is the first day of the year they’re doing it, we know we’re in competition with the City of Boulder, because RTD is going to make them they’ve got a gun barrel shuttle that’s starting up. And they need to be part of the partner partnership program as well. So we know we’re competing with them. And so they may take half of our dollars that we’d like to see. But that all that aside is this is the first year it’s been done. And they’re allocating it based on sub regions of the whole RTD. District. And so we’re hoping to get a piece of those dollars. And, again, if we can get some other dollars from other sources, we’ll blend this in. And the idea that if what we’re trying to do is eliminate some pieces that RTD is already providing, Shouldn’t those dollars that also come back? So not just the 600, or portion of $600,000? Or whatever there’s currently spending on FlexRide? Shouldn’t we get a portion of those dollars to come back? If we’re going to supplement it and be the new provider of that service? And so we’ve got a bunch of things that we’re working with, as far as negotiations.

Speaker 2 57:35
So it’s based off of our TDs on data of all the regions that they’re having participate them.

Speaker 9 57:44
Right, my fear is that there’ll be one region that doesn’t ask for any dollars. And so now does the 600 that was allocated for that region. Or if they asked for less, does that money just sit there and not go anywhere? Or do we try to ask for those dollars as well, you know, so it’s just they’re trying it out? So, again, we are the guinea pig in this and we’ll see how many other guinea pigs we have with us. But we’ll see how it goes. And hopefully it’ll be positive. Thank you.

Speaker 4 58:20
Would the agreement with RTD include using RTD bus stops as micro transit pickup places? It seems like there could be some real benefits to having that as part of the agreement?

Speaker 9 58:35
Yeah, absolutely. That would be perfect to use those existing stops, because then you could just say, go to this stop on this corner. And we’ll meet you there kind of thing. Obviously, that doesn’t work for the whole city. There’s lots of gaps in that fixed route bus system. But I think that’s a great place to start. And in other places. There’s one other place in the district that’s doing this lone tree, Colorado, so they’ve been working really well with RTD to share bus stops and things like that.

Speaker 4 59:04
Good. Yeah, that RTD stops typically have a sign on a post, you may be able to put some kind of small symbol on their post indicate that it’s a micro transit stop and eliminate some confusion.

Speaker 9 59:24
We’re also talking just real quick. We are working and Ben in the bag. So I’m gonna embarrass and try to embarrass everybody who came tonight. Ben was instrumental in putting together a program where we’re going to try to get with those posts that you talked about. And this is this actually exists in Greeley today is there’s a company that will provide seats that actually kind of bind to the post or part of the post and they can also go independent, but it’s just a small little seating place so people will we’re trying to get a seat at every bus stop is kind of the The vision. And so we’re working on that, currently. And the engineering group is doing a full inventory of every bus stop with the help of some great interns that we have from Front Range Community College. And so they’re going to help us put those in and find where the where there are gaps in that portion of the system, because we really want us to be comfortable as well for people aren’t gonna have to wait. So wanted to be comfortable, reliable and efficient.

Speaker 7 1:00:32
You mentioned that there’s other suburban cities that have adopted a micro transit model, are there some in particular that you saw, particularly appealing?

Speaker 9 1:00:42
Well, Arlington, Texas was the first thing that caught my attention with this. And so we have called them and talk to them quite a bit about how their system operates and how this works. It’s a little different than what our model is. So we’re not going to replicate what they’re doing. But we’re going to tailor it for what we need in Longmont. Also, Wilson, North Carolina is another place that basically does not have a major college campus. And so those are the kinds of cities that we’re looking at ones that were over 100,000 That did not have a major college campus was really our focus to who was making this work. Additionally, Salem, Massachusetts, as Salem Skipper, so they’ve, they’ve, they’re working with this as well. And those are there’s there’s many others, I can’t come up with the top off the top of my head, but I can send you an examples if you’d like to see those in greater detail,

Unknown Speaker 1:01:37
a good place to start. Thanks.

Speaker 5 1:01:44
Thank you, Phil, for working on this. I think it really fills a gap that we knew was there come up more than one, you know, seems like every board meeting, it comes up that we need to fill that gap. And I think this is going to be very helpful. I’m wondering what your vision is for this experiment? Are you thinking you go all out for a year and see, see what sticks? Are you is do you think the city council is going to go for a five year term before we adapt? I mean, we’re going to adapt as we go. What are you thinking,

Speaker 9 1:02:20
from all the examples that we’ve heard from it’s, it’s highly recommend that you go at least two years. So we’re thinking a three year program to really pilot this out and test it out. And kind of see what what happens from there. I think that’s our original plan, our original plan is to do the three year test and see how that goes. And if if the numbers bear out, again, we’re going to try to adapt to the conditions that we see based on the data. And so we’re hopeful that we can make something work, and then also be contingent on the dollars that we receive. If we don’t get enough dollars, and this requires many more dollars, we’re probably gonna have to adapt it to something that is smaller in size and covers less of the city. That’s not optimal, obviously. But that might be our reality is we have to shrink this down a little bit. Right now we’re talking for the entire Longmont planning area. So there’s some places in the county that would be covered like Willis heights up north is in the county, but it’s not part of the city, technically, but it would be covered. We’re talking about maybe even doing a partnership with Bertha. They’re talking about wanting to do this. And so they would provide some of the resources and maybe we could share resources between the two. There’s a big demand out east as well. So there’s a lot of cities that might look at this and see if it’s if it works as well from the outside. And if it does, they may want to partner with us on that. So there’s some examples of that as well. So

Speaker 5 1:03:54
that sounds good. So the idea is to get enough funding to do two years at least. Is that what I’m hearing?

Speaker 9 1:04:02
Again, we’d like to do three, okay. If possible. So we’re great. We’re budgeting out for three years.

Speaker 5 1:04:07
Great. Now, here’s the big question. Are we all going to be able to ride at home from after the board meetings?

Speaker 9 1:04:15
We’re going to make sure that there’s a special shuttle available from E to E 30. Wonderful. Thanks. We’ll see what we need. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:28
How are you going to accommodate cyclists?

Speaker 9 1:04:32
That’s a great question. I’m not I think we’ll have to look at putting that in the scope of work. So when we go out to the proposal, figure out how we can accommodate bicyclists, but I’m assuming it’ll be more of the front rack based on the size of vehicles, the vehicles that we’re looking for the six passenger vans. So it might be a front rack that comes down as kind of what I’ve seen in others with maybe two spaces for bicycles in front but not my offer much bigger. Sorry. Not at this time, but we’ve sold on these to go into the scope. So we’ll see what we can be come in.

Speaker 3 1:05:12
Oh, and would you add extra stops beyond the RTT? One so that there’s like, especially like for the east side of Oman, there’s no RTD buses, basically, would you add some like specific stops for that micro transit?

Speaker 9 1:05:27
This is a tricky question. But it’s what’s tricky answer, because we wouldn’t dictate where the stops would go, the micro transit company would do that. And they would probably just give an intersection. So they’d say, maybe like the southwest corner of quail, and give me a name, you know, of an Martin. And so they would say which corner to meet, that the bus would stop on. And so that’s really more of the example it’s not so much the bus stops, going to a bus stop, it’s they’re picking, they’ll probably pick a corner. And after a while, they’ll they’ll start to understand where the stops are in relation to that meet place. But it’s really going to be more about meeting at a specific location and trying to get a number of people there. So it’s, you won’t get your own ride like Uber and Lyft. Sometimes are usually does, but it would be combined, really trying to look to combine the rides, so they would have somebody meet you there. And so you might be waiting with somebody else and getting on the bus with one or two others hopefully, depending on the success and the demand. Okay.

Speaker 7 1:06:43
Yeah, I just wanted to comment of how are the current micro transit that we have, like the flex ride, they pick I’ve had, I’ve used the service, it is a little clunky, since there’s only one or two buses right now working but like they picked me up directly from my house. So like the idea of having a post could be outdated, depending on what kind of who picks up the contract?

Speaker 5 1:07:13
Yeah, I think the idea is pick me up on the corner of close and soon, so that I can get there in 30 minutes. And that was the gap we were trying to fill. We weren’t necessarily trying to follow RTD, where we’re trying to fill the gaps between RTD and in need. Am I correct?

Speaker 9 1:07:31
Yeah, we’re pretty sure we’ll we’ll still need a fixed route bus service in town. And so we’ll see where that works and where it doesn’t. And if this fills in some of those gaps, too, because you know, some of the buses, we wait 60 minutes for a bus somewhere, May 30, somewhere 30 minutes between buses. So there’s obviously huge demand all through the city. And I think we’ve heard a lot of this at recent public hearings where people have said, Genesis doesn’t work for what, you know, for my part, a part of town. So we’re trying to make transit work for the entire town, and we’re a lot of low. With affordable housing, I should say. And attainable housing is going as in newer portions of the city that are well without well outside of where bus service can accommodate them. So this would help with a lot of that growth. We’re hopeful.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:26
Yeah. Yeah. Great. Thanks.

Speaker 1 1:08:30
So Phil, just a couple questions with in regards to the loan tree, how long have they been running this program?

Speaker 9 1:08:38
They’ve been running it for at least a full year. I think it’s been a little longer, maybe a year and a half.

Speaker 1 1:08:44
Okay, great. And how has that been received? Public wise in Lone Tree? In other words, do they look at it right now and say it’s been a success. We’re still in progress, figuring it out. Folks are using it, did you get any of those kinds of metrics or information from them?

Speaker 9 1:09:00
Lunch, we actually held a workshop on this a couple of weeks ago, and I attended on the lone tree, which was fun without transit. So but it was a very interesting example. They had nothing but glowing things to say about how the service has worked for the city of laundry right now. But we didn’t get to talk to any passengers. But there was a trial. And it was, I wasn’t part of that. I missed the trial piece of this because of the time that it took to get down there. But people were very impressed with the idea of just going to lunch and being able to just call up that service. And it met all the requirements of of time that the people who used it, were trying to do and they didn’t. They didn’t talk to anybody before they used it. They just went and said, Hey, let’s just go out there and try it out and see how it works. And did a lunch thing before the workshop started and we’re very Be happy with the way it operated with the number of vehicles that they had and the time that they waited. So that was something that they’ve been talking about for the last. For all the data that they had, they’ve shown pretty good success as far as being able to show that to other people. So we were impressed with what we saw. But again, it’s not until it actually starts operating. We’ve also called a number of the we’ve called Wilson, we’ve called the Arlington been to Salem that saw how that works, just because I have a kid that goes to college out there. And so it’s been pretty impressive for that we’ve seen so far. But there’s all different companies that want to provide this. So we need to go through the procurement process.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:44
Great, thank you.

Speaker 5 1:10:53
So I’m just looking at your timeline here. And I’m thinking that’s going to come up pretty quickly, how are we going to get this out to the public?

Speaker 9 1:11:01
Whichever company that we select, we will put into the scope that there have to do a very robust marketing campaign. And they’ll want to do that in order to continue to keep the service going. Because if they, if they fail, right, they don’t get paid. And so there’s a lot of incentive to do to this right, and do it well. So that’s what we see.

Speaker 5 1:11:24
Yeah, that’s a great idea. And I think that’s one of the big advantages to using a private organization.

Speaker 1 1:11:40
Fill out we’re done with the micro Trend Micro transit update. It doesn’t look like we have any more action items. Do we have any action items that you can think of?

Unknown Speaker 1:11:54
We do not. Not at this time.

Speaker 1 1:11:57
Okay, then I think what we can do is move to 11, which would be comments from board members. And since we started on that side, we’ll start on this side. So we’ll start with the board member Bennett.

Speaker 7 1:12:13
Well, yeah, I mean, I am excited to see where everything goes. I mean, I yeah, I don’t have any further comments.

Speaker 6 1:12:30
Well, you know, I’m just excited. We have more than four people now. So you know, it’s nice to hear some more voices. So looking forward to the next year. So, and very excited for all these projects. Thank you.

Speaker 5 1:12:50
Staff nicely done. We’ve really gotten on these two projects. And I realize how very busy your your schedules are this time of year, especially. And thank you, Jane, for finding a replacement for Stacey so quickly. And I’m just wondering, I imagine there were orientation materials sent out to the new board members. And I’m just wondering if we could all have copies of that just so that we’re all on the same page. As we’ve progressed over the last year, we realized, maybe there were some that didn’t have the new rewrites of the bylaws that we had worked on. And just, if you’ve seen it already, then you don’t need to reread it, just to know that we all have the same documentation. And I was anyone else. How’s everyone else feel about that? Have the original four, would that be helpful? Just for consistency is that you think we do have it in that booklet is I’m just saying,

Speaker 9 1:13:52
I have provided that same copy that’s at your, for the existing i, we did a little packet for everybody. This is kind of a rollout for all the rules and procedures as well as our transportation plan to date. So what’s existing what we’re currently going by so we did hear you last time when you said that and provided that at your desks.

Speaker 5 1:14:15
Okay. Well, nicely done again, let me and then. So the other thing I’m thinking about is the amended crash report, which Carolyn had worked on. And I just want to give value to that and maybe give some time to review it. And as new board members, we didn’t want to scare you at your first board meeting, but it’s a good place to start. How does How do you all feel about that? Oh, they do. And we do an annual crash report, which tells us where a lot of the transportation issues are within the within the city. And we and our last crash report asked for some amendments to it and some additional information be included. And I know that it was sent to us. But we never got a chance to discuss it as a board. I think maybe this might be a good base point, or a good starting point for everyone to look at.

Speaker 1 1:15:18
Why don’t we go ahead and add that to the agenda for next next meeting?

Speaker 5 1:15:26
Appreciate it. Thank you. And, like I said, nicely done staff. So appreciate you and Kyle, I saw I was at a crossing. It was not in Longmont, but there was a box there and look like an a camera in it is that what you’re talking about? upgrading our, our crossing signals to include a camera or something that detects maybe human.

Speaker 10 1:15:54
So the midblock, if you don’t currently have plans to put in, detected dedicated detection there, but with our new traffic signal system, we’re trying to do the summer. There’ll be like little ball cameras. There’s a few older models throughout the city, you’ll see the wait about the new ones that are way more advanced. And those will be able to detect pedestrians and bicyclists.

Speaker 5 1:16:15
Oh, excellent. Excellent. Thank you. So glad to have you on board.

Speaker 4 1:16:26
Thank you staff for the information updates. And once again, welcome to our new board members, it’s great to have you with us. I’d like to return to Vision Zero. So, Jim, do you have in mind a timeline for Task Force formation? And do we have a new deadline for selecting a member of the board to serve on the task force

Speaker 11 1:16:58
we’re hoping to get the the task force up and running within the next three to four months. So what I’d be looking at the first step would be to be most effective as we need to basically a staff member that we have to hire, we’re working on getting a position created for that it’s been a bit of a challenge to find somebody or find a job description that we can all agree on. So we’re still working on that. So I would anticipate certainly within the next one, uh, you know, inside three months, outside four months, is what I would hope to have to have that put a call out for that in that timeframe to start establishing that committee or task force.

Speaker 4 1:17:42
In the follow up question, when do we need to pick someone from our board

Speaker 11 1:17:48
anytime now. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be be one, one member. Okay, it can be you can have two members from the from the board. I’m not going to kind of get to limit what we want to have on there. We’ve got a couple of other other groups, the bicycle Issues Committee, I think we le da is asked to have a seat at the table. So I’m not I don’t, you know, the more more people we have, the more opinions we have for things, I think that would be beneficial.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:20
Okay, thanks for the clarification.

Speaker 3 1:18:26
I’m excited to be here. And thanks for the updates. I have a question about when we can request speakers to, especially as a new board member, I don’t necessarily have all the background that everyone else does. And it will be helpful to maybe have some speakers come in, especially like for the Vision Zero, maybe hearing from one of the other cities who have already gone down that path and have experienced so maybe you can help guide us in moving that way forward. And I also would like to hear from RTD as well about what their plans are with connecting us to other cities as well.

Speaker 1 1:19:07
Well, um, maybe they put some more color on that we really don’t have speakers come in or invite them RTD gets a yearly update. And then based on whatever the transportation department needs to discuss, they’ll either bring somebody in to speak on that behalf whether it’s an engineer, or again RTD and Phil, you can correct me if I’m wrong.

Speaker 9 1:19:29
But that’s correct. We usually have our speakers to this group are typically people we’re trying to get information out to you or trying to get feedback from you either. All typically governments so it’s usually Boulder County, RTD CDOT, those kinds of groups come in and do those things. We do have that sustainability transportation summit that’s coming up in August. I sent that out. I’m still looking to see what the payment could be. If it could be reduced. So we’re working on that. But I would encourage you to come to that that’s going to have some national speakers, some statewide speakers, it’s gonna be really interesting look at and it’s going to be geared around rail. So so it’s going to be primarily focused on the rail piece

Unknown Speaker 1:20:23
I guess that means we’re gonna get some real here.

Speaker 9 1:20:27
It means we’re going to try to guess well, yeah, we’re gonna keep trying, keep on trying. We think we have money in the budget to to cover if anybody wants to go to that. And, again, we’re gonna work with, we’re going to work with the folks that are putting this on, and we are a member. So we’re hoping that they do that. But they also need money to run and operate. So it’s kind of that balancing act of yes, for nonprofits. But those things so anyway.

Speaker 2 1:20:59
I just want to say this was really informative, and I learned a lot and who do I need to talk to to get a crosswalk between county line and Chris Kent Pratt, yeah, you need a crosswalk, because at the end of that walk way, right, like before the new development, it’s a straight shot to Walmart, but it’s like a, like, Frogger you’re gonna die if you keep walking over there. So I’ll talk to you later, then.

Speaker 10 1:21:28
Yeah, feel free to shoot me an email, happy to answer. And then as we do our new development processes, we do look for public improvements, like crosswalks, but generally meet some warrants or certain criteria to install crosswalks, and how to prioritize those throughout the rest of the city as well. So just quick background, so you know.

Speaker 1 1:21:51
And I’ll go and then I’ll let you. That’s okay. Now, of course, I just wanted to say our say welcome to the new members. And thanks, Steph, for the accolades and the money, of course. That’s all good news and good stuff. And I do like the micro transit update and what that direction is going. You’re basing it on some models that you’ve already seen. I think that’s all very smart. Looks like it’ll be very metrics driven. So yeah. That’s, that’s what I’ve

Speaker 8 1:22:22
got. Thank you, Chair. Again, welcome, welcome. Welcome to the new board members, it is a pleasure, like Taylor said, To see more than four, well, five, including myself here, and to hear your questions and perspectives and everything. So that’s pretty cool. Really, the only thing I have to say is for the new board members, when Phil one was RTD, here for that presentation, when we were going over about the free,

Speaker 9 1:23:01
they came in May of this year, we usually have them in March. So we’ll try to get them in March of next year.

Speaker 8 1:23:06
So what I was say is was that recorded? So they can we can if you don’t, I can go back? Yeah, I was gonna say, and see if we can get to all the clip of that recording so you can get more information about RTD? And how they came up with this information. And this is all new for all of us. And also, do we have anything that’s recorded about Vision Zero? I know what city council we did have y’all had a session and provide us some information that may have been on during City Council. I’m not sure if we have one here.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:46
We had two different city council meetings where we presented maybe the most recent ones, and one was, yeah, we’ll get that to you.

Speaker 8 1:23:56
Yeah, I just want them to be able to have that opportunity to review about Vision Zero, what we all came up with, and then also RTD. So if you can review that, then you can write down your questions about what you don’t understand. And especially now that we have a vision, this draft of Vision Zero action plan about the task force, so you may have even more questions. So just remember, if there’s anything that we are talking about that from the past, we should have some something either with during the city council meeting, where staff had brought it to the city council, or we may have already had a presentation about say for instance, something about the the mobility plan or something like that. So just just know that and then you can always ask us and ask me so I can ask someone else. But yeah, I think that will be a great opportunity for you all. If we can find those clips for you, and then you can learn more. That’s it. Thank you all for such a wonderful Job is always in the interest of doing good. I hear. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 1:25:06
Good. Okay, so the items for the upcoming agenda. next scheduled meeting is going to be August 14. We’re going to do the CIP projects and of course, the update to that. And anything else that we’ve added today, I know we’ve mentioned the crash report, the amended cache crash report. Okay. I don’t think we have any other comments. So can we get a motion to adjourn?

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