Video Description:
Longmont Housing Authority Board Meeting – February 2023
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
I’d like to call up call to order the llama Housing Authority Board. Today Tuesday November 1 2020. January 31 2023, reading the minutes so can we have a roll call please. Joan Jett,
Unknown Speaker 0:27
Aaron Rodriguez and field Commissioner Marcia Martin’s Commissioner salary public safety. Europa League is Interim Executive Director. Supervisors. Now housing director Lisa Gowen. Our regional manager. Manager. Commission. Susie’s all preparing Commissioner. Commissioner Thank you. You answer the attorney. Table. This is Valerie does help. Sorry. I’m sorry. Okay, here. Valerie Dodd. Next slide. Thank you. We’re agenda revisions and submissions of documents. I have a couple of notes that need to be made. I would like to make a motion. I would like to move to suspend by reference council rules procedure 25 point 2.82 to allow for Commissioner Yarbro to participate remotely.
Unknown Speaker 1:44
Although I suppose so that passes as I move to allow the net profit participation by Commissioner Yarborough through January 31 2023. We’re gonna have to change that. Are you going to be back next Tuesday for the meeting? Okay. All right, for January 1 first 2023 to a personnel matter that requires her to be out of state and unable to participate in person. So moved and seconded. All those in favor? Aye. Opposed? Check has to need to approve the November 1 2022 minutes
Unknown Speaker 2:32
of approval. First
Unknown Speaker 2:34
20/22. By Commissioner Rodriguez, seconded by Commissioner who Dogberry. All those in favor? Aye. We are now the public invited to be heard. We have three minutes to somebody anybody in the public that would like to participate? Nobody. So seeing no one I’ll close the public invited record. We are now at bold in new business resolution 20 clinic 301 approve adoption of the 2023 utility allowance. So that is required that PHA is conducting utility allowance at reasonable utility allowance renew every year. Yes, the utilities still go up at least 10%. But we don’t have to do a full survey. We decided that this year that we would do a survey. And that’s because of the utilities race. So a survey was done in conjunction with all the Housing and Food Services. And we did that as a partner to make sure that all the County Housing Authority and the county motor housing partners all use the same utility allowance and some of our clients so that the utility survey that and it’s gone up, gas is going up electricity has gone down and garbage has gone up so it’s probably going to work out that the utility around certain gauges will be higher than it was last year. And always it has increased that much gas has doubled in the last year. So we just need for Google to adopt what the same thing just an overall you know the what they did is they survey the city of online utilities Electric and then all of the services excel in in Boulder and what they found as recently
Unknown Speaker 5:16
as this form and that’s what they have found as far as being reasonable cost per and what they do is they have to look at the types of global super family and then if somebody is on oxygen and we give an allowance for medical, extra medical like not smidgeon concentrator so what they looked at is just what what the rates were versus
Unknown Speaker 5:54
I have this was done by Boulder County Housing improvement services and then we joined them with them. I was just curious as to how they so they can Can I send you the survey
Unknown Speaker 6:15
survey is no one I can put it online. There’s a quick buck it’s pretty big.
Unknown Speaker 6:24
Though I find I trust you.
Unknown Speaker 6:26
So in terms of this, so obviously Excel on runs differently world because you have Excel you have power. You have the various Trump services that are playing that’s because the HCB vouchers so we have people be CPH vouchers the HP vouchers so that’s why pencils for all of us do everything ourselves I guess.
Unknown Speaker 7:03
So then they also look at propane and bottled gas. You don’t run into that very often that they look at that. There’s a there’s a rating information gathering we look at Western discourse online. And they basically look at all of this and then just take an average usage for bedroom sighs I have a motion to move. Resolution 22nd. Resolution 2301 was moved by Commissioner Burnie duly seconded by Commissioner Burns.
Unknown Speaker 7:52
So that passes unanimously. Next step is resolution 2022 to approve senior tax exemptions, articles partnership
Unknown Speaker 8:03
between mother Donnell to director. So the Zinnia project is moving right along. This is the permanent supportive housing, you always remind that because the name has changed over time, next to tweets. So we are still shooting for still we’re currently shooting for a May financial closing on the tax credit financing. And in preparation for that there’s a lot of moving pieces going on right now. We recently processed the land transfer so that they have that in hand and continue funding the rest of their of their work. And before you tonight is the property tax exemption partnership that we would request your approval on. This is so that they can qualify for that property tax exemption by having the lhg as a special limited partner. And the calculation worksheet was attached to your board packet that shows what the value of the property tax is, to them why this is such an attractive deal to developers. Basically, it’s the annual I’m sorry, the 15 year compliance period. So that period where the tax credits really cover and hold on to that property, the value of the property tax is 989,000. So as a we take a percentage of that as a fee, based on the benefit to the community that the project is provided. And because this project is his permanent supportive housing and is going to serve 100% And keep people with incomes less than 30% of AMI, they qualify some of the lowest fee. And it also qualifies. You don’t really have exact qualification language in our policy but because it’s a partner project with Ellijay And because of those extraordinary benefits, we recommend Staff recommends that the $5,000 application fee be waived. So therefore, the total fee for the developer would be 49,400 97,074 cents. So that would be income to the lhsaa. At closing, and then that tax benefit long term is what they would get in return. So we recommend approval of this, but I would questions how it works. It’s just too important to continue to slow it down.
Unknown Speaker 10:45
So why is the property tax exemption important for affordable housing? It really is. Because if you were to layer in annual property tax to the operating costs associated with each unit, it doesn’t make it won’t make financially affordable. And so that’s why it’s especially important to see it to see up to 60% ami. In some communities, they pay a much larger fee based on that. And so you’re really looking at it from an experiment.
Unknown Speaker 11:20
We are considering bringing back there we go. 20 minutes. I’ll probably come I grabbed one of those after this item. So we are considering some updates to this policy. You all voted to approve it back to you back in February of last year. But we’ve learned a whole lot in a year. And we’re considering some tweaks that this this one that you’re considering tonight is basically going on the old policy, but then anything coming forward after that we’re gonna was that those new policy terms
Unknown Speaker 11:58
of resolution 20 2302.
Unknown Speaker 12:03
So this resolution has been moved by Commissioner Rodriguez, seconded by Commissioner. All those in favor, say aye. Those. So that was the right oh, we have resolution 20 2303 approval of intergovernmental agreement with city services.
Unknown Speaker 12:31
So we this is the annual IGA that we are putting forth for the fiscal year 2023. So went back from January 1 to December 31. The most of it is the same from last year. The only real difference is we have several key differences. We’re adding on public safety, health and property management support services out of the Public Safety Department of saris help, which I think we’re gonna have her chat a little bit more about that. And then we’re adding the legal services since the city attorney’s office is now our General Counsel and helping us with coordinate our some of our special counsel needs to those are the key differences. And then we just updated the development work to be most accurate invest
Unknown Speaker 13:22
in each of those. And you will recall as City Council in the budget conversations with the housing authority in house counsel, this whole body of work. And so Tim, is is going to be the head house counsel. And so all the work in terms of Housing, Community Investment work, three, affordable housing. Everything coming in and affordable housing integration. We still will probably have to contract some addictions out until Jim gets his feet under him. But fully expect that will. And then, Sarah, talk a little bit about Sarah’s, as you all know, we have been utilizing Sara services for quite some time. Actually probably the beginning when we took over the housing authority based on a number of issues. We’re having a properties and what we found is that it’s an incredibly important partnership with public safety. They’ve been there throughout this started really feeling that we were impacted public safety because it makes zero spending. Certainly a lot of retirement our work. And so we funded it level two or level one officer
Unknown Speaker 15:07
Okay, level one officer,
Unknown Speaker 15:09
we actually did it based off of her salary. But it’s
Unknown Speaker 15:13
equivalent to an entry level officer. So that that money is going to be transmitted to police departments so that they can utilize it to augment their services as she’s working with us. And Zach is reviewed in terms of some of his structuring and she did have her program was knowledge to Sarah will still work this out. But it’s been a lot of time with me in the LSAT. And she’ll talk a little bit about what she does. But it’s really exciting for me, the health and safety functions we’ve added recently with the fire department as we’re trying to do educational sessions and properties, also bridging the gap for support services that are beyond kind of what we have access to, but they have access to the public safety for the reservoirs. And we’re probably going to keep adding stuff. She’s not taking over. Somebody’s actively involved in the network or.
Unknown Speaker 16:22
So even though you’re augmenting it financially, is that losing a body?
Unknown Speaker 16:27
No, they have the ability to have an entry level officer with the money. We did it all, again, have the full cost of running this year, but he’s working through that. But he’s also working through operational changes that he’s looking at, where they may choose to use the dollars in a different way. But it’s still augmenting operations.
Unknown Speaker 16:55
So we have any other comments or discussion Seeing none. Resolution 2023. of resolution 21 by Commissioner to double carry and seconded by Commissioner Reagan’s. In favor, aye. All those opposed? Since you didn’t. So we get to take this, right.
Unknown Speaker 17:32
So we’re going to deal
Unknown Speaker 17:33
with summarize what it looks for property. What that accounts to is we wrote off about 19 hours, most of them in between actually like one and two hours. There were four that were between 200 to
Unknown Speaker 17:49
$500.03 that were below without,
Unknown Speaker 17:52
and then one that was below 5000. The larger one was done, because they actually found after the individual moved out, soccer obituary, actually, in the paper, documented our property. So there’s no reasonable collections, confirmed it with Sarah. And so that’s that was the biggest peril has about in our debt, bad debt policy that anything above that would come to you. But that’s where we kind of stand out, we’re kind of looking at the standard of about writing off anything that’s under 1000. They can try to attach collections and see where that goes.
Unknown Speaker 18:41
In the collections process is getting more complicated. Because unless there’s a court order judge, select just can’t go after so
Unknown Speaker 18:55
well, they can’t can’t go to a collection agency. So we actually got like, you know, we weren’t doing our due diligence to get used to the collection agency was so that not only are we aware when they come back to us to rent again, and we don’t have it in our system anymore, that it’s recorded somewhere. But according to the collection agencies, laws, it just they don’t take anything, they won’t take fees. So if it’s literally which is what our allowances is all fees back to
Unknown Speaker 19:27
the individual, they will put it in bless you to
Unknown Speaker 19:30
follow up on a judgement. So
Unknown Speaker 19:33
that’s where we’ll probably see some of the Mexicans
Unknown Speaker 19:40
Yeah, I’m part of interesting. I’m hearing from other property owners that rent property, it is becoming a bit of a challenge for affiliates because people are literally not paying rapt, recurring fees. And so they’re building up with 1000s of dollars. Simply dollars and fees, but there’s no mechanism to get it. And so it’s, it’s something that I think housing authorities and private landlords are facing right now. Which is also connected to why when we, when we deal with issues, it’s why you have to go through the formal eviction process and actually get the eviction judgment, because only do that can be valid. So we’ve had some a big one of evictions of executive, our highest number, we got the judgment, and they said, anything that was associated with we could recover this process
Unknown Speaker 20:48
at the official acceptance of your border, that’d be great.
Unknown Speaker 20:53
So can I have a motion to approve the annual report for the 2022? So that’s the new FBI Commissioner, one second.
Unknown Speaker 21:08
Before we go.
Unknown Speaker 21:18
Groups is a collection agency, that’s just what
Unknown Speaker 21:28
you actually read, you can they can actually,
Unknown Speaker 21:32
Unknown Speaker 21:37
Probably more business practices. Legislative. Yeah, we’re,
Unknown Speaker 21:43
we were thinking maybe some legislative touch on this. But we stepped into what we’re going to change, they just can’t get some work. I
Unknown Speaker 21:58
mean, they can take it. But they can’t go to litigation. So so they’ll take it. So anything over 1000 Take and don’t try to collect for us. But they also do a kind of a determination on whether it goes to litigation, can this person pay, and they won’t take it to the nation unless they determine that this person thing, which were in the low income housing sector. So you know, a lot of that’s probably never going to go to litigation, litigation, they’ll pay the upfront costs, but then they get paid back first before we will see any of that, that really come back. So it’s right, so the Energy Report, all those in favor? say aye. Aye. All those opposed? The Jeff question. Commissioner Yarborough? Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Unknown Speaker 23:06
Mr. So did I hear right that there isn’t a system that can see the information about the charges, what collections, at least within the county, where we can recognize when attended, has in have charges within our la che, or within a member housing facility. We know another housing area, although I know that if we don’t if we’re not able to, you know, get charges against them. In court with that. If we have a system that seems at least within motor county with all the apartments and everything, both our housing authority, even if it was just the two motor housing authority to does, that will be great so that we can know who owns what, in those we know because we know how some tickets can be before we get ready to charge them. They’re hopping into another unit in a different city. And so once they get approved over there, we haven’t even press charges against them yet. We don’t even know that. So here they are in a whole nother apartment in another city. So those are some of the challenges. I know how that happens. But is there any way or is there a system that can see that information, especially regarding to charges within the housing? Oh, there is not anything out there. I know sir. And I talked to some attorneys about the legalities of doing this. This is where it basically comes down to the landlord’s due diligence of doing the landlord check prior to that person moving in and checking with three Guess landlords are currently open and pending.
Unknown Speaker 25:05
It certainly doesn’t end up on a background check. Yeah, credit agencies
Unknown Speaker 25:12
some of the fair housing laws in terms of what you can and can’t consider. So even if you had the system, we would have to figure out how that would fall into it. And in part of the challenge, what we believe in, say, so when you have an issue, that warrants eviction is why you also go through the eviction process, because we don’t want to have all this use math, because that’s what we thought three days as you go through the process, because that then becomes available for other landlords to see, I think where you run into issues is when people don’t believe in your vision process and next to your life right now, all of a sudden, every person you can find, I think Sarah can talk to this, that multiple properties have had the same issue with the same person. Because no one’s ever gone through the eviction process. And so under fair housing, there’s nothing that you can really use. And that’s why we’re pretty focused on that piece. But we’ve been trying, we’ve asked Lisa to talk to during the builder, Apartment Association, barhopping, try to talk to them about those types of issues. Because what’s happening is we’re all experiencing the same issues. A lot of the same people.
Unknown Speaker 26:44
You know what to do, about them to go to work in the file, need a new record keeping, I mean, it’s necessary, but it is still very exclusive en la turning
Unknown Speaker 27:01
on also now, because the mediation system that the prosecutor in place are saying, that’s the pictures being actually found. So that’s another piece of this, we could go into eviction court, and if not, ended up as an eviction. So that’s another another topic, but that’s happening too.
Unknown Speaker 27:32
I just started this. But we need the city often work to help our residents, wider patient
Unknown Speaker 27:50
are the meaning of conflicts ourselves.
Unknown Speaker 27:56
So we have to be really careful in terms of the lines when we’re slipping in. What I can tell you is from our perspective, that eviction is absolutely the last thing that we want to do. And so we had, we had one recently where the issue was not in range of significance, not like the most significant issues that you are heard about. But the situation is so we go in, we talked, you can continue doing this, you need to stop because it’s impacting the other residents. We back up, we watch it again, and we go with another warning. But it’s an official warning, it’s alive. It says you were warning. And on that one, we went in with a 10 day notice to stop the behaviors. And they continued in then we went in with we’re going to addiction. Now what we’re finding is that a lot of times when people hit that point, it is not uncommon that they have not communicated to their caregivers or other people until they get to addiction. And a lot of the less severe issues that we find is sons, daughters, relatives, whatever, we’ll jump in and try to help manage that we’re still willing, even at that point, to do a mediated agreement that says here’s what you need to do. And if you keep doing this, then we reserve our right to take you back in through the eviction process. So we have like four or five steps that we go through. So by the time we’re getting to that point. We’ve done almost everything that we can and in some cases it’s there Sarah and Lisa are talking about the other services and other providers that we can get in if they’re associated with image P we’re talking to other groups in their land, so it is a lengthy process. First of all, we’re going to get to this point. And normally by the time I don’t think we’ve had one last communication, and the reason we’re having had it not awarded, I think the reason is, is because we’re going through all these processes on the front end to avoid getting into addiction.
Unknown Speaker 30:19
Because that is completed, right. And there’s a lot of times, we will ask Susan Spaulding and her group of mediators to stepping away before we’re even to that admission to try to work out in progress all together to help keep those residents housed.
Unknown Speaker 30:34
And to add to that, I think Susan is really good job of removing herself as the direct mediator for certain presidents, specifically LNJ, that’s
Unknown Speaker 30:52
great, all right, let’s vote on this.
Unknown Speaker 31:10
Story, the community manager decision issue escalation. After reading the 2020.
Unknown Speaker 31:25
I’m gonna kick this off. I’m always gonna do this. The one thing as you look at the Globe issue, that I would ask you all to think about it. So you’ve heard part of what we’ve talked about, in terms of how we could have addictions process that only a piece of the broader tenant issues that we’re dealing with, then on top of that, when you look at the financial world, and what’s going on, it seems like we’re in constant audits and inspections, either from governmental agencies or investors. And then you’ll hear me talk a little bit later, exactly the direction courses on how to deal with snow. And so when you look at the goal document, you know, what I would say is, when you look at the staff, because this is pretty much it. We’re trying to do that and try and for daily operations. So I just say, perspective, because, you know, for a while, we lost three zones every Friday, which is important. And since so that’s just kind of, that’s what we’re working through. And the rules are important to that, because as we talked about the dollar developments also in revenue and stuff.
Unknown Speaker 32:52
So we have a pretty comprehensive document in your packet. And it does list out all the goals that were adopted. Also last, I think it was actually in March. So we just thought it would be good maybe once a year, or however often requested, but at least preemptively to go over kind of what we accomplished in 2022, relative to those goals, and specifically the action items. And then what we have targeted for 2023 focus areas. So I’m not going to go through everything, it’s a lot. But I might just go over kind of some of the key accomplishments in each goal area. So the first one, ensuring that lmha residents and properties are safe and welcoming, using healthy, inclusive communication processes. This is really a process piece on staff side. And so we’ve made sure that resident quality of life is a standing agenda item and the advisory board and make sure we’re doing quality of life add ons to the properties as much as possible, we were able to increase budgets for that this is for 2023. We are hitting this where we came but you can see that there’s still work to be done here.
Unknown Speaker 34:07
When thank you on your goals council for funding, transit. That was a big part of quality of life for me to have funding for our hospital authority. That is counsel, you all used your contingency for that. Really successful program, we’re using it. We’re getting good reports, maybe are bending a little bit this year, based on what we’re learning.
Unknown Speaker 34:34
Second goal was really around that using the housing needs assessment that the city is is doing and trying to have that to help guide our development and lmha. So we did have accomplishments there. It was slower than anticipated because of procurement struggles with how many communities out there trying to do the exact same thing right now and only so many firms, but that did kick off where they’re in the group. Policy Research is the firm that we’ve contracted with. And they’re in the data gathering session or section of the project. And they’ll be doing engagement here soon. And then we will have some drought numbers to look at later in the spring, and then hope to finalize that report in May. So that we can use in our development efforts to make sure we’re hitting the right gaps. And that
Unknown Speaker 35:27
won’t be available to us, we may
Unknown Speaker 35:32
do a presentation to never have number three, increase access to rental assistance, this is really run our voucher program. So the main goal was we’re looking for opportunities to expand our voucher program, tap into new resources, expand our authority as much as we can. We continually research those notices of funding availability to nofas. And being paid and presented to you once about just a sampling of what we had been looking at and why in those cases, it didn’t work for lhsaa. But we’re still on the lookout constantly. And we are doing a lot of work around the voucher programs regarding compliance, make sure everything’s up to speed, all of our people are being treated equitably. Got our administrative plan updated in 2022, which was many years out of date. And that will really guide a lot of our policies.
Unknown Speaker 36:27
One of the things we may bring you on this and they will bring it to you in some forms, what is your role as commissioners, but also Bureau City Council is appropriate resolution that gives me the ability to apply for grants. Because sometimes we run into certain grants that by the time, the title just maps and so remain for affordable and attainable housing as affordable for the conditioners, affordable and attainable as the council asked for resolution.
Unknown Speaker 37:19
There’s still a lot of work that we’d like to do in 2023. To continue to expand that program, we really do feel like it’s at that stabilized point. And we’re ready to grow. And we’ve been talking to our partners at PHP and bcj allowed us to try and coordinate and figure out just what works best. Number four is development. So this is the heftiest one, especially for 2022. There’s so much development activity going on, because it’s really tied to the time constraints with the ARPA funding that’s attached to most of these projects. So there’s a lot of activity that’s happened and will continue to happen for the next couple of years while we make sure that funding gets utilized. So you will see, this is probably our biggest focus area in terms of the sheer volume of stuff that has been happening. So I will just not to go through every project. But let me ask anything specific if you want
Unknown Speaker 38:23
to solve those problems based upon what?
Unknown Speaker 38:34
Yeah, so I’m saying these discussions with the Machinae. what folks are hearing is that, as you look at the debt ceiling question, there may be some conversations about ARPA funds that aren’t expended as being initiated. In using that to get past the density issues. So we’re sending them information because the challenges are communities like water law, you know, we put a billion dollars that we had a carpet all to, to house, we plan to augment that with $3 million worth of health practice we’re talking about. The challenge with that is it takes time to get through these processes. So we’re communicating your market that allocation, and the fact that we’re doing it we’re also evaluating how you spend money more quickly in certain projects, but there are a lot of landmines that you get into in terms of when you buy the land and what you can pay the CEO for project over it’s been about two or three weeks trying to figure out because on that project, but prior to us becoming involved with the Housing Authority milimeters. LH, DC purchased that man, Jason parcel, they have a loan from the affordable housing. And so we’re having to figure out, how do we thread the needle with the artifacts and not creating issues in terms of the development of the project. Because if you miss one step in there, you can bog the project down. themselves silver communicating all these issues, and that when we actually got it recently so some of those dollars are going to be. But yeah, you don’t want to jeopardize the X. Just missed out. And to give you a sense, the missteps why development is so complicated is the missteps start at the beginning and go to the day of closing. If you literally file a document incorrectly, it messes up the waterfall. And so we learn is an interagency process our process was years after. And finally, they recorded. Yeah, that’s nice. So you like the title capitalist, figure out all the reporting. And so even now, things we would normally record as the city. We’re letting the title companies tell us.
Unknown Speaker 41:50
So there’s a couple more, would you like to keep going? Or did you? Okay, so goal number five is preservation. So this is really about our recent allocation process for a couple of our projects that are on the horizon. So villas place, is going in full force, and is on track to close at the end of this year, where we have an architect, were selecting a construction contractor right now it’s moving quickly. And then the other two that we’ve had on here, we’ve learned some things in the last year Chacos not really keen on re syndicating right at that 15 year, compliance period and Mark, unless you have a pretty extraordinary circumstance, so we’re making that case privileged place because it didn’t have a full rehab the last go around, but for alpha meadows and Personen Lodge, with this man that pushing up a special event, if we can get through chakra as fast as the
Unknown Speaker 42:53
city has slash woolhouse building efficiency goals that are important to the overall city and sustainability strategy. Are those part of the justification for reciprocation?
Unknown Speaker 43:26
I think we’re the champions really saying agree syndication. And so the model was, for years and years and years, every 15 years people. And what that what that ultimate ultimately did is reduced the amount of the projects because they have limited funds in terms of that world. And so why they’re saying you don’t want to rescind your mark. Because I think we’re managing your financial portfolio. And in the only reason we think we particularly place in is because when the housing authority purchased it from the private developer, they use the tax credits to purchase the property, but they didn’t make any improvements to your
Unknown Speaker 44:14
critical systems.
Unknown Speaker 44:18
So your property as it sits today looks like it did when it was constructed originally. So the argument we’re making them was as properties is due for capital improvements in those I’m not sure how much potential will pay this ask you some good place, but what I can tell you a new construction is that’s a component of the telescope processes suspect issues. And so we are looking at it on a new construction.
Unknown Speaker 44:48
So under this place, we are required to be in Enterprise Green Communities building standards, which all tax credit properties do. And then we there’s solar panels up there that are Because part of the water system, the water system, we’re working with LPC to assess whether those can be used again, they’re not in use at the moment and we’re working with LPC just to look for other funding opportunities or anything to do more upgrades and the standards
Unknown Speaker 45:23
that we’re working with.
Unknown Speaker 45:26
Yeah, I’m much more concerned about about consumption of fuels and things like that. And of course it has to be justifiable for your processes. But
Unknown Speaker 45:52
I hope that you will be
Unknown Speaker 45:54
I guess what I’m saying is going to quote the people start with a full complement of asks based on our local system goals
Unknown Speaker 46:08
that is the plan where our asks right now for everything including sustainability items and the upgrades that we want to do we’re at both where the full request level right now and we’re gonna have to work our way down as we determine the budget and the pricing but we that is fully on the list to do whatever we can manage
Unknown Speaker 46:32
so does that include or money doesn’t include your desire I guess to make the new poker LNG development sustainable renewable as as a product as the hydro project I wanted to see that
Unknown Speaker 46:56
this was a new constructions a little bit easier to come in. So you go in and you go here’s how much money they have donuts on sale so those are hard limit or it’s not an unlimited pool of funds that you can get because when you’re working through this you’re looking at the volume and structures and everything else to see what the cash flow is going to be. So that’s one of the things for George place is having a look at it because historically what they bought the number of people we have there are already income levels. And so you have cashflow quotations that really get into the debt. And so personal finance
Unknown Speaker 47:46
heard we’re privileged place we’re shooting for 90,000 for you, which is pretty high. The exact top of it is
Unknown Speaker 47:57
our project Yeah. So you get into those conversations. What is it we aren’t having conversations on the property I had a few today we have a city manager meeting with Qatar power to have bacon come in and help with so many issues because it’s scale is a little bit larger. And so we’re looking at different mechanisms to do it.
Unknown Speaker 48:29
Okay, moving on number six. This is partnerships with service providers and this is where we really have a good amount of work to start focusing on in 2023 and we did work with via we got the beta service set up, we really have set a really good relationship tone per relationship with the residents and coffee and conversations and coming up with ideas together for what services that they would like added and how to how to accommodate them budget wise. We are working with next slide on both agreements for low income residents Valerie’s here and that’s on my list to talk to you again about again here soon.
Unknown Speaker 49:12
And really but we do have more want to do it’s more about building those partnerships and take some time number seven Thank you very much
Unknown Speaker 49:36
revision number was
Unknown Speaker 49:39
five of your
Unknown Speaker 49:42
cultivate. So this was something that Kerry Roby. That was one of her special projects. We wanted to get started we haven’t gotten started with this yet, but is carry out service was cultivate related to food distribution. I believe that’s the grocery pickup system where
Unknown Speaker 49:59
they Go into the shopping for the residents. It’s kind of like pepper pickup or something like that. But they are geared towards seniors, they place it through their app, they go pick up it and then carry out the groceries to them.
Unknown Speaker 50:11
And we’re doing the grocery trips with via for now as well. So this is more
Unknown Speaker 50:16
for those who can’t get out. limited mobility needs outside of our trucks
Unknown Speaker 50:29
are seven partnerships for assisted living units, this is one that we really did start with pretty in full force in 2022, just to figure out what direction we should even look towards. And we did a lot, we have a lot of great progress on doing that and figuring out what does a Medicaid structure look like? What does the service provision look like compared to be like managing a property? Who, who does what and how does it fit together. And on the financing side, we happen to meet with a developer who’s done this before in Illinois quite a bit. And they’ve worked with NBC and NBC has a lot of experience doing assisted livings, we’ve done a lot of research on this one. Really, from a capacity standpoint, this is a big project. Even if we don’t necessarily get in on the service side, even if we’re just investing in the project in exchange for a a preference list on their acceptance for our residents. That’s what we hope to trade off for investment. But even with that it is just a big, it’s a big one. So for staff capacity reasons we have Vidya Cober. Village placed Chrisman to going right now. So just we’ve gotten at least our concept out there and then we’re gonna have that thing
Unknown Speaker 51:54
we’re working on not part of the times it’s in Holly’s report where we’re not going to report
Unknown Speaker 52:04
the ability to create a for sale and working with cannibal crime. That shifted out of Italy, J goes over in the city because we do rental city deaths for sale. It’s the same people with instead of that, so they look at the six projects maxed out, but one thing I will tell you affordable, assisted living is I think what’s pretty clear if you don’t, if anything, we may talk about management facilities. But that is so specialized that you need a partner that understands how to run it and operate it. And I think once we get a little further down on these other projects who are willing to engage with us.
Unknown Speaker 52:56
Number eight, this is established partnerships for early childhood education programs. So you’ll see not a lot of progress on this in 2022. But what we’ve done just even since the beginning of 2023 in the last month is really dove in headfirst on early childhood and that possibility over what we’re going to talk about later tonight. So things are starting to move already with that. But there’s still more to be done, including trying to serve our existing residents. And then finally, homeownership pathways and opportunities. We really have not delved into this fully. But if we have an opportunity with forsale, affordable housing city coming up, you can definitely find ways to create a link to try and help those who are ready to go.
Unknown Speaker 53:54
slightly difficult, we have accepted that the city is likely to carry things for us. And that’s going to be some sort of developer.
Unknown Speaker 54:01
Yeah, partnership. Yeah. I think the challenge in the for sale is for so remember, we’re getting affordable. Individuals who probably are affordable. It’s hard to get something going now because there’s not affordable stock for sale. I think as we talk about what we’re trying to do on the city side, and you see opportunities to create for seven minutes there will be a trigger point where we will want to start communicate with our voucher holders. And right now oh the Aspen family housing that we have to try to try to figure out how do we get in programs exist if I’m ready to
Unknown Speaker 54:53
violate equal housing
Unknown Speaker 54:57
pipelines are just getting the brain qualified
Unknown Speaker 55:09
just curious
Unknown Speaker 55:24
I think the big thing that we really see in this is just the volume of work and the eating of evidence. And I think I said before, we finished personally about nine months. So that’s probably average just getting rid of
Unknown Speaker 55:50
Zinnia appears to move faster, but we were working on it. The years repetitiveness, and so the financing piece of this, as quick as boycotts are, will take probably 16 months for all the steps. And then a lot of cases, we were really lucky in that our first run of tax credits, tax credits, it’s not uncommon in the tax credit world to fail your first. And so if you fail in the first 24 months to get through.
Unknown Speaker 56:48
So now we are at the Community Manager decision and issue estimation.
Unknown Speaker 56:54
So I’ll leave this one off. So I know Commissioner Waters was asking about this. It’s a little bit different here, because what we had to do was really go in and look at the policies that were in place for the housing authority. And then what we realize is the policies were not updated. You may receive issues because of the world that we’re in with the audit. So you have to start with the policies. And so they have Tracy and her team has been working diligently. And they’ve got our operating policies, the draft floor ready, which is then we took the draft form of operating policies, and put it into this matrix for you all to see in terms of who does want what are the triggers, and how things get escalated.
Unknown Speaker 57:53
This is really cool.
Unknown Speaker 57:57
So this is Hope The hope is for community managers and for maintenance technicians as well, to have this kind of as a quick reference guide, but have the full manual to try to fill up all the details on all of these
Unknown Speaker 58:15
bases. The other piece that we’ve struggled with, and so we took over, there was nothing in the white paper for an executive summary of what to do. And so we’re gonna try to add components there on things that we’re running into documenting them in place where you have the policies, but sometimes it’s hard to see what’s really happening. This is your high level guideline on some things, or white paper below policies as backup, because we’re finding that there’s just new lots of things that will call policy lets us deal with that we’re learning through how to how to capture
Unknown Speaker 59:07
that’s not for example.
Unknown Speaker 59:16
Today, it’s really an operational
Unknown Speaker 59:22
project based voucher request. So how was the PHA to set aside 20% of their voucher allocation to project base, so it’s not it’s not an extra funding, we just take our vouchers, vouchers and put it into a project. So there our client would have to move into the project in order to get assistance. And so right now the LE J has project a Just ad. It’s three vouchers. So the sweet says 41 has 10 activators neighborhood has full, prior word has three, and then Aspen meadows, Fall River. So that’s so we have right now 23 That we can project based, when you when you start looking at project base to start looking at the approach that you take is to look at what is happening in the local market. If voucher clients are having problems finding a place, because the rents are too high, your dad existing, you look at the PHA policy to see if we can project basically 20% That’s already been approved. Yeah, so looking at the types of households and
Unknown Speaker 1:01:09
health project based vouchers of light tech, so usually take like tech properties, because the light tech rents are usually typically higher than what a person had 3% of their income would be. So with that, new we are talked about preserving existing for instance, we have the 20 through 20 of your project base metal 20. We would have to go out for an RFP
Unknown Speaker 1:01:47
for Project C
Unknown Speaker 1:01:51
to find the site to project based vouchers, we can do a couple of things, we can limit it to preserving existing housing. And that’s what we decided to do. So after the existing housing that we’re trying to preserve, as affordable and we are building it into other projects that are recently came through. So for example, knowledge base can apply for them. If they have a cash flow problem, and they need the vouchers to to get higher rates, then it can be a source. So that RFP is to us. And we’ll go out and the process is is we’ll get some we’ll have a review team that will review it. And
Unknown Speaker 1:03:01
back with his suggestion on what projects best project based productions. Jaffa has to do conduct subsidy layering review, one status project is selected and approved that it will come to the board. And it’s just an informational.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:31
So we’re gonna tack on, we’re operating within the admin plan, which allows us to set the procedure procedure for going ahead and doing a request for proposals to see what developments out there
Unknown Speaker 1:03:46
something plan
Unknown Speaker 1:03:47
administrators industry. Yes. So we ran the administrative plan updates through your board in November. And so it’s all up to date. And it is typical for administrator plans to set up these procedures for putting out requests for proposals for during the use of project based vouchers. What’s unique is usually housing authorities can put them out and if they aren’t developing as robustly, then you want all of the competition from the community to see what else is out there. In this case, it’s we’re in a very unique time where ARPA funding for is going to public agencies is supporting some of these projects that are on time limits and are really need they’re all of them need gap funding to move forward and meet those timelines. So we’re we have a couple instances where we are putting out for competitive proposals knowing that finale J properties are dependent on gap funding as well. And so we expect those players to to put in for it. And this is the standard process. This is exactly what We’ve done for Fall River back in 2018. And putting specific evaluation factors in is also standard process for those. So why it’s why we think it’s pretty critical for preservation is that a lot of times preservation projects that don’t have other options, they don’t have the same opportunities that new builds have project based vouchers are sometimes the only thing that is going to make them work. So we thought that that was a reasonable evaluation criteria for this one. And really, it’s a project readiness issue too, because we put out project based vouchers, anybody else that comes in with a proposal that we would consider our have to be ready to go? Pretty much. So we will we do have authority from HUD issue 43, project based vouchers 23, we’re ready, we’re just gonna take it a piece at a time do 20 Now, but that doesn’t mean that once we figure out our budget authority, because really, we’re we’re not adding anything, it’s just swapping one voucher program for another that we’d be ready to put out those 23. And we can put out different criteria and put out family units to try and get maximize the number of people house, we could we can change the criteria for each time.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:28
Yeah. Remember what I say we’re constantly arguing the Housing Authority process that most doesn’t make sense to me. So we’re looking at alternatives to this, because you have to put it out for RFP even if you’re submitting your own project. And so, we’re gonna work with Tim Ferriss to try to figure out how this future because I told Holly, it make more sense, if we had a plan, where we can do it. So if we’re developing, then they can go through those problems. And if you’re not developing that we’re having to work through it, we will see an RFP of which we are submitting adviser.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:29
If they have to get the Housing Authority was the owner we really have to. So it depends on a lot of things.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:41
And so really, this is also a point in time awkwardness. Because at some point later in time, if we grow our voucher program and have access to put out we do want to bring in other developments and community as well. But because of the the funding amounts out there right now, and then the number of volume of projects going eternal. And you know, maybe that the procedure was written at a time where things really looks different, or they were really trying to bring in outside developers. So
Unknown Speaker 1:08:18
we want to kind of give you a project things are very important to projects, especially Mr. Amateur. Because when you do your financial modeling kind of up there talking about before, what can we get what we can do. I’m hearing those lower antibodies that almost inherently come back with a project to expel vouchers fills in the gaps because it’s guaranteed developments coming from the voucher or maybe the project, it’s not necessarily dependent on who can pay into it. And so that’s what fills the gap. Which is when we see zeros because if we weren’t if we didn’t put a project that still
Unknown Speaker 1:09:11
talked about learning curves, having a little trouble project about your home, I understand vouchers go to a person to find housing, housing choice vouchers. Okay, so when you have project based voucher, does that allow so so you’re writing project based vouchers to help build seniors?
Unknown Speaker 1:09:39
Easy way to think about it is housing choice vouchers or people Yes, project based vouchers. So it always stays with the unit. And you just have to make sure you’re bringing up the sweat unit the right AMI for just the units people trunk control unit
Unknown Speaker 1:10:06
most of our units are controlled in some way anyway 40
Unknown Speaker 1:10:13
You cannot afford a project 1000s for us.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:18
So there’s a benefits to both housing choices. The point is people want the community and we can spread out low incomes not concentrated. The project base, we think, well, that’s concentrating, but it actually is a way to get a unit and a household housed. And it’s very valuable to developers because of the guaranteed rents that come with it.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:41
And after a year, resident that similar project base can request a voucher, if we have availability Jordache can get about your
Unknown Speaker 1:10:55
question when you set your taxpayer project. So for example, Chris Miller came in and said there’s going to be excess of 60% Ami units, x 50x 40x 30. Those units then stable that AMI, and then we get a report on an annual basis that says, here’s what we were allowed to charge him Island aged. So it doesn’t hold it at what it is regulated by the state in terms of what that charge? Is that correct?
Unknown Speaker 1:11:29
Yes. But you also get to write on those units as well. So even though it has an animal
Unknown Speaker 1:11:38
project based project based vouchers, then go to the fair market, which means forgetting via the voucher the fair market rent, that the person is still like that, right.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:00
So so we want to spread this project based voucher system out? For example, the Brian bear is building flooring in new want him to have different lower AMI people do? Does he get to use project based vouchers on several cruise units, and they will always stay for a month, because it stays with the developers
Unknown Speaker 1:12:33
if they meet the requirements of the RFP, so in this case, our RFP is saying maintaining existing housing for older adults. So you would have to use those basic requirements to apply.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:47
And there’s actually a pretty hefty list of just general requirements, not necessarily evaluation that most developers wouldn’t do unless they were specific affordable housing developers. I couldn’t imagine somebody trying to go for project based vouchers to to help well, they couldn’t predict inclusionary housing requirements. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:13
market rates go for it world and not really
Unknown Speaker 1:13:26
very interesting. So
Unknown Speaker 1:13:27
it’s, it’s complex. And this is this, just the FYI, that we are following the procedure in our admin plan of doing this, it will come to you for final consideration of what project gets awarded. So we’ll come back to
Unknown Speaker 1:13:42
so we are now at the homeland development news service. So Dallas is going to share here
Unknown Speaker 1:13:59
so the Hoeber land. So this is that pair of parcels that are adjacent to Hearthstone and lush right here on this side. This is land owned by HTC, which we’ve talked about, we’re going to use the ARPA funds to allow LHC to purchase it from LH DC, they pay back the city from Rome, its funding in that’s a whole financing thing. But really what we’ve done is in December, we selected a development partner. And they have started in full force putting together concept plans for what we could do with the site. So there’s several things that we told them we were interested in pursuing our prefab homes, if possible, at least exploring it to the point where we trying to decide if it’s feasible, financially in amongst other factors or not.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:55
So when we went to visit indeed, well No, we’re not moving away from it, we’re still looking at it. But that product is causing some interesting issues and attacks. Because the lenders don’t know how to like deal with it. And, and on the other side of it. So while it may be cheaper to actually construct the unit, it may be more expensive, based on the interest and everything else that’s built into it. And a traditional construction process when you go in, and you pay them what you’re paying bills as they’re coming in this year. So we’re trying to understand that he’s, we’re still looking at reverse, we’re looking at that it’s a neat twist on
Unknown Speaker 1:15:55
it. Part of the founder of staying cautious was prefab as well as that Tiser.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:09
I think it could, I think it might help. But the issue is really on the fabrication side. And how are their models set up. Because if they’re requiring you to come in at 40% of frogs, normal construction, you’re referencing that cost, and you’re paying bills every 30 days, it’s expensive, but you’re not coming in 40% of the fraud. And that’s what we’re trying to understand our models. The other side of it is you have to have the right contractor. In the RFP contractors, were familiar with this. Because if you don’t get a contract, lawyer with it, we’ve heard a lot of horror stories. It goes up and goes out and about raise.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:03
So to add on, on the contracting side, you see it a lot in in the mountain communities and much smaller developments. And that’s because there’s a price premium to the seasonal construction nature. And that’s why that price premium is can be absorbed. But here on the ground range, it’s not as common, because the price premium is not, they don’t need to shorten the construction team time frame so drastically to be able to do it. So that’s one thing that we’ve learned. And then secondly, on the financing side is it’s lenders, but it’s also CHAFA. They if you’re seeing if they see you with a pre fab model, they’re like, well, we’re not going to order, we’re not going to allocate tax credits, unless we know that you have the funding to come up with that upfront. So it’s like a chicken. Somebody’s got to figure it out. And we we told this developer, if it can be figured out for the Front Range, we want to be the ones to do it. But we’re also not going to risk the project horribly to do something that doesn’t make sense. So we’re still in that exploration phase. But what you do see here, it does reflect that hope. So what we have is a set time townhome product, prefab townhome products here, with tuck under parking, this was 28 units, or call of three bedrooms. So that’s we’re trying to also because it is a huge site, that would help make a more diverse neighborhood and have some placemaking and just have a mix of products. So if anybody on the front range can do what we want to do it and then become a more traditional multifamily that would be primarily one and two bedroom units. And with those one bedrooms we’re really talking about, it’s a family centric idea for this property. So making the one bedroom kind of plus where if there’s a parent that has, you know, a child part time that there is a proper space, we’re trying to think of all those types of things where because one bedroom and a family property doesn’t seem like it makes sense. But on the finance side, there must be those one bedrooms to make it panel. So this is just a concept. When you see like what looks like a pool here. This is all to be that’s a that’s like a playground space or something in the middle and some surface parking and then sometimes under parking as well. That’s the basic bird’s eye view. But what we really want to add this is all concept is still being explored. But what we really wanted to go over tonight with you is the potential for community services that we could put into this little tight family building. So would you mind going down, maybe one or two screens, just an overhead of what? That’s the same thing. See, more. Again
Unknown Speaker 1:20:13
we’re going into we see the is it all? Showing up fully. So if you go up, try and go up to the top version of this one. First floor. Oh, that was, oh, it was on your I’m sorry, this is so light, it’s hard to tell. So we have an opportunity here. So this is the first floor of that building where we still have units here on this side. And then we have an opportunity for some sort of community service space. And typically in a breathable type unit residential is would be amenities would be a community room, etc. What we’re hoping to accomplish with this family centric property is bringing in some more unique community services. We’ve been working with the community services divisions, which are now recreation cultural library, golfer, Children, Youth and Families, etc. To see what we could do here. We if this was in a qualified census tract, which is our our more concentrated low income census tracts, then we wouldn’t have the opportunity most likely to include community services in what’s called basis, we need the tax credits would fund it. This is not in a qualified census tract, even if we do have populations in this area that are that could use the services. And so we couldn’t necessarily get all of the community services covered in that basis, maybe some we’re trying to work that and be creative. But basically, we have about 8000 square feet to work with. And the top three items that didn’t really come out as agreed upon between all of our community services divisions, is a storefront library in somewhat of a retail space with a library satellite, either like a branch or maybe just a smaller drop in with computers, and library vending machines, we’re talking about all of the options there. And then potentially, an early childcare center that conserve the units above and then take overflow for elsewhere. And then one other request is from all of the divisions was flex space to be able to do community programming in different ways. Day.
Unknown Speaker 1:22:58
By the way, they were looking at flex space. So when I was working this weekend, I was thinking about what we have actually sweet station where we have Isaac Walton, and how the programming. So I talked to Joey no job to do, Jeff, how often are we programming reserved spaces in the ingest? Yeah, tiny for God. And I said, so for not programming, should we program these other spaces to 100%? Before we look at more flex space? And Jeff was like, Yeah, I think that’s I think we need to look at early childhood and your library. And I think that occurred today, when we talk about early childhood basis is really important, because we know from the library standpoint, that because it’s not an acute CTE, but it can’t be the basis of that. So if we were to do that, we would have to find that a way to find that piece of it. The city is not included in that particular is not included places, if we want to keep CTE completely different conversation. Early Childhood, we’re starting to try to figure out is it the early childhood. And if the priority for the early childhood care is one of the residents, and that being included basis, because if the server if it’s directed to there, we don’t know if we can make that argument. But we’re going to try to make that argument to say something to the effect of experiment childhood space for the residence give. They don’t fill all their spots. They can open it up to the community. And our goal is to get that strike out here. And so we’re starting to talk to the early childhood providers. And I know we’ve talked to Headstart as well, because I know they need some space, and we’re getting some space requirements for them. Part of the other reason I didn’t, I personally wasn’t really keen on the space, if you want to activate. If you have flex space, you don’t necessarily keep it activated all the time. And I think that goes to safety and other things out there again, so I think the answer now is to get a library in early childhood.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:40
Which I think is great. Would that be third party
Unknown Speaker 1:25:50
retail setup where to do.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:13
So what what this is showing right now is the max request for that satellite library. If it was the big version, and not a smaller version, this is the 5000 square foot set aside for the library. And then this is a 3000 square foot that right now is showing flex. But we could talk about how to manage early childhood and that or split it in a different way.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:37
And we could try and library meeting space in the meeting space with the residents, then maybe get some of the bases out of work to do.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:51
And funding, we’ll have to come up with it, you know that in some level, you will have to figure that out. But we wanted to get your feedback tonight on even further directions that weren’t going the right way.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:08
So that also be possible for saying that cafe or second you need a workspace for the residents to live with. Is that something that finally after all, this is
Unknown Speaker 1:27:25
like a almost like a business center lab specifically for those residents.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:31
So you can be very
Unknown Speaker 1:27:34
bright kids can do remote learning or anything like that we can get we’re trying to stretch our legs, as far as we can find.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:45
Part of it is we’re going to have to work with our city manager, we’re going to have to work with these these groups and providing services to get creative. If you did co working space computer lab that was available for the residents. And so you have resident services there that were jointly used with the library. We’re going to have different problems to do worse.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:26
So the
Unknown Speaker 1:28:29
is this library?
Unknown Speaker 1:28:32
Different a different branch library?
Unknown Speaker 1:28:36
Smaller and Smaller? Yes. But in addition to Yes.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:44
Think of it. So libraries are using a lot of storefronts and commercial areas where you can do small computer labs, things like that. It’s not too much wondering the traditional sense.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:07
Because the basis question Is
Unknown Speaker 1:29:10
it could be an ordered system. Are
Unknown Speaker 1:29:12
you worried about that? We really have that. So
Unknown Speaker 1:29:24
it’s a complicated equation. Because when we think about this one piece of it’s a capital. And that’s always the hardest for us to figure out. But Jeff’s aware of this and as they’re refining the numbers on recreation ration tags. We still have time to listen in which direction. The problem is this we’re trying to shoot for August, August Tax Credit Experts.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:55
They will also want to know funding commitments. Right In the last I forgot to mention the total number of units here. So what this is showing currently in this model is 50 312, and three bedroom units in the in the building. And then 26 townhouses, so 79 units overall, which we can max, I mean, we’ve seen the process is to show the maximum yield of units on the site and then work your way down to something that actually works. The maximum yield on the site was like 174 units, and it was massive. And this is trying to back end to what is most successful in the life tech application, like that’s too big to be successful at one time. So that’s
Unknown Speaker 1:30:45
what we may have to go into two separate applications, which, if you think about it strategically think it’ll count on forest. To give us some time to figure out
Unknown Speaker 1:30:59
and we’re looking at other grant funds as well.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:03
In the Christina Johnson grants for the library to earn chocolate, pretty unique in the state that correct that.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:11
So when you’re talking about the I would call with the money approaches, clawback provisions?
Unknown Speaker 1:31:24
Yeah. We’re finding those actually don’t want to be that are now shown. And so there’s something there looking at Utah.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:37
Yes, they have a manufacturing facility in Braska. So Idaho is that still there’s a lot of detail there
Unknown Speaker 1:31:50
to be worked out to where we haven’t fully
Unknown Speaker 1:31:54
dealt into what
Unknown Speaker 1:31:55
that would actually look like coming from the prefab whether
Unknown Speaker 1:31:59
it’s going to Park City, the park city doing something that they’ve mentioned
Unknown Speaker 1:32:08
certainly. So I just wanted to mention that because, you know, we, we did want to maximize density as much as we could, but we also need to be realistic on what we could get funded. And when it comes to those three bedrooms, maybe we don’t want to have too many three bedroom apartments just to serve what the market would be able to fill. And the townhomes three bedrooms are a lot of sense. So
Unknown Speaker 1:32:36
it’s a question for you all in terms of that space. You all agree that we should look at Highbury.
Unknown Speaker 1:32:50
And in your argument story,
Unknown Speaker 1:32:52
doing flex spaces was to Jeff’s point
Unknown Speaker 1:33:04
some of this base might be likes a sense that at some point in the day are used and used in the event that
Unknown Speaker 1:33:24
all right
Unknown Speaker 1:33:31
so the idea is we’ll we’re having some we’re gonna have enough of a concept design and financial model to put in for the grant application in March and are still figuring out which taxpayer makes the most sense. Certainly have enough pricing to make some decisions.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:49
So we’ll be on the very first slide are companies to read there two places
Unknown Speaker 1:33:58
it’s just looking at South orientation but it is to parcel I see it now. So this is that’s facing north so much.
Unknown Speaker 1:34:13
consensus in detail, like because of where Hearthstone the largest place I asked him, Well, can we rotate that white building still looks the same way. And they said no, you don’t want your parking lot placed in the parking lot face facing commercial. And so getting at a pretty nitty gritty stuff. Also on this, this is really talking to LPC in terms of solar heat props and different components on this even deploy. Where do you find battery storage because we’re trying to maximize density? And so, conversation about the whys over property for battery storage. So a lot of that were pretty in depth in real estate, the one thing that we did say in terms of looking at sideways sitewide, geothermal, or some version of that is, we’re going to want whatever we use influences, meaning that we don’t want air circulating from one unit into the broader properties, because we all know that it’s easy to get into. So one of the limiting factors can have is going to be whatever we do has to be a closed system, where the air stays in the individual parking units, or we’re going to buy a bigger problem first.
Unknown Speaker 1:35:51
So to that point, when I’m reading, privately on, I asked him, Why, why can’t we give rebates, probably not tax credits, but rebates to developers to put in heat pumps, or alternative heating systems, instead of putting it on the backs of the rest of us, because of the new development that the developer could buy, involve heat pumps or whatever, and get a rebate on those. So that goes back to the policy. Division.
Unknown Speaker 1:36:31
Versus well, so this is this is cook cord here. This is a, I’m sorry, this is a team. So having gate team be the main connector to over was good for the library and early childcare because people will be coming that way. And then on foot cord is more of a street and you want it to look like a streetscape with the townhouse doors and students that that helped neighbor to neighbor interactions. And really all the ugly stuff where the cars are coming in and pulling into the parking lot keep that facing the back of Walgreens. That’s a private, that’s just a private driveway basically.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:15
Where we’re in that is where
Unknown Speaker 1:37:21
we talked about Sunday’s
Unknown Speaker 1:37:24
The other thing is on street parking, to maximize on street parking for the library or a job in versus out of the park in the parking lot, because that’s just a lot of
Unknown Speaker 1:37:37
spaces. But this is like 10 design designs down and you’re probably going to be
Unknown Speaker 1:37:51
I mean, we’re not gonna have a pool. So this is actually not as cool as the school is supposed to be like, I was like, well, let’s do like a splash pad if you’re gonna do that. But yeah, generally, families focused outdoor space. And then the other thing is if we do an early childcare center, are they able to use that or is that to to crossing the parking lot with little kids? So how do we fit that in? There’s a lot of working pieces so.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:23
Unknown Speaker 1:38:26
so we are at the commissioner comments to Michigan where’s the winner? Oh, okay. Well, I think nobody has a comment. So we’re gonna get six and go right to it. And blender
Unknown Speaker 1:38:52
was one of the few things I want to talk about first, and as you know, we talked about math fairly extensively in these meetings and what we need to do we have contacted a company out of New Zealand and had several meetings with them. We are entering into a new year approaching in writing into actually either in terms of a test project where we get to start testing to see how they work based on information and advocacy stories from Australia and other places. They’re expanding and just now received the FCC approvals to operate in United States talking to various I think predominantly hotels. They are talking to a couple of housing authorities were on the front end of their calls So, we’re going to look at purchasing 50 of those $25 Just trying to work through some technical pieces on that, right now, Sarah is taking that into Valerie, because they communicate the via cellular technology. Hey, and it’s really easy. So we’re having to figure out how we handle the safeguards. Once we can figure that out, we will purchase a SIM card here, we have to send them with a zero to be installed, because the math detectors we can occur. And so you can install it here. And then we’re gonna work with them in terms of setting the levels that it’s apparent that it was evaluated by the shopping station laboratory, through April pick methods. They’re finding results, were able to pick it up, if you smoke it outside. And so when you look at the cost of remediation, and what we’re having to do, it’s a big difference. And so we’re gonna bring it in, we’re talking about three months tests, evaluated, maybe going under three months, this is something you are pushing us to do. And push. Right. So we’re gonna, once we can figure out the tech piece on this thing.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:43
Don’t worry $25,000. Part of what I’m also thinking about is maybe holding 10 of those units, and putting them
Unknown Speaker 1:42:00
our facilities will communicate with this app. So if somebody tries to tamper with it entails communicate the levels to us. And basically, we’re just trying to stop paying, what’s the what was two things, hey, we don’t want to lose our insurance. Because the insurance piece is more than anything right now. Claims that we’ve been making and managing costs. But at the end of the day, it’s about the health, safety and welfare of all the residents that are living facilities, and making sure that
Unknown Speaker 1:42:45
we could equip every single one of our units and at the retail rate and also negotiate your rate and it would still be equivalent to one reconstructive.
Unknown Speaker 1:42:59
No, there that’s the whole
Unknown Speaker 1:43:04
measure, hopefully,
Unknown Speaker 1:43:05
you would have a lot of vacancies.
Unknown Speaker 1:43:11
Yeah, we’re gonna be very overt. To the crime free multi family housing piece overlies we’re gonna be upfront with where we’re gonna put him in officially on YouTube. Because can we make testing so I’m here there, because it’ll even kick you off.
Unknown Speaker 1:43:32
Later talk to what’s accurate. So we’re gonna be working in public safety. Oh, Sara, you
Unknown Speaker 1:43:41
know, I was well, a little bit. So if you’re looking into this a little bit more, talking to the shop. Assistant Chief Fire Marshal. And she she just in layman’s terms, thinking of operating CEOs, and be alarmed is like door to door? It’s a silent for us.
Unknown Speaker 1:44:08
Correct? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:44:11
And, you know, topping, we really need to be specific on placement of music, we’re going to outside of units, and what levels we do want to pick them up. Because if you keep it at a very low or very high, you’re gonna get all these different variables. What what outcomes are we looking for? So
Unknown Speaker 1:44:41
I can’t see. So my question is, can you contrast this with just
Unknown Speaker 1:44:48
co2 detector, smoke detector or whatever?
Unknown Speaker 1:44:55
Versus testing that you do? After building When it comes to that, in terms of the speed and feeling of effort to get done and all of that. The reason I’m asking these folks are asking, you know, all these other libraries are testing or they’re assigned the meth, that you’re not testing our library that’s up here. Super
Unknown Speaker 1:45:21
question. I think there were cars, any other library system to drive, which is distinctly different.
Unknown Speaker 1:45:28
The other was cars in Boulder.
Unknown Speaker 1:45:33
I heard a car CPR did a whole segment on there. It was. So
Unknown Speaker 1:45:42
so. So different question. What I would say from my standpoint is the sooner you catch it, the lower the cost. Of course, that’s that’s obviously prevention. Cleaning versus one unit right now are still trying to figure out what to
Unknown Speaker 1:46:04
clean. Now that one is, well, we have the one that asked the most neighborhood that has a board on the front door, and we had to take off the front door out the window seals, everything is down to nothing.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:15
Down to rafters and studs.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:20
Were afraid. We had grind a garage to get the concrete.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:30
And fortunately answer your question will get more clear on how a lot of times our communities find out in traffic and in the correct order. And you get to see a call for service. And so say you have a lot of these times people have people in and out all the time today or late neighbors start to notice that it takes a lot longer for things to pop up versus the detector telling us, hey, this person is inside or outside. It’s going to be faster way to find out people using versus taking the time. Okay. Lisa hears that you might either have someone that police have seen activity, the repair familiar or with arrest, etc. And then we go down to posting notice for we have posted on a single category matrix. Because we could have just a guest versus a resolder. It’s exactly. It’s going to speed up the process. Yeah, I’m just more asking what’s your process like you have established like screen template strings and take them to your lab or whatever.
Unknown Speaker 1:47:54
So we have costs and we just start sending the notice like if they’ve told the police in our culture service that they were smoking bathroom had that happen work permit to the police. They’ve done that. So then we start with those in the 10 day. And then we have looked at the whole court process before we can get in there and test the unit.
Unknown Speaker 1:48:10
Yes, I understand that. There’s a legal process I’m asking fancy detectors, how do the old
Unknown Speaker 1:48:27
certified Magennis goes in for at least the most common company? Property ceremonies, they go when
Unknown Speaker 1:48:35
tested, they send it to the state state test to test what does the test do?
Unknown Speaker 1:48:42
Basically, you test different areas on the wall, and then you have to send it to a certified
Unknown Speaker 1:48:48
lab. Yes, that’s what I’m trying to take paid scrapings or material scrapings.
Unknown Speaker 1:49:00
That’s was asked
Unknown Speaker 1:49:01
and you would still have to go through the process. Well, even if this went off, you would still have to go through that process under state law because that is what creates sure
Unknown Speaker 1:49:19
that you can stop the examination process and go option.
Unknown Speaker 1:49:28
Everything we’re talking about it still has nothing to do with this is exactly
Unknown Speaker 1:49:41
what I was thinking about it when you were talking about this and he started to pitch up. Very good there. Commissioner Martin was asking, what is the issue around somebody who comes in that? You said he sends a pretty Since since they’ve been able to pick up so individual a out here isn’t part of the unit smokes that individual fee walks through the cloud or whatever individual guy comes and visits individual see who owns or is renting the apartment. And all of a sudden goes off. Neither one of your see have smoked meth, do we have cameras systems in there showing? You know who’s coming in where and on the outside? Because, you know, we would want to start using people, right?
Unknown Speaker 1:50:39
I mean, exactly. So employees have sweets as an example, the camera system inside the hallways, right? So we’ll be able to say, Oh, well, so So came in at this time, I mean, there’s going to be a lot more. Those little things that we need to really talk about are going to have to be like, we’re going to have to have to have an operating process.
Unknown Speaker 1:51:03
This team reiterated we need a policy. So
Unknown Speaker 1:51:06
I think so hard is you’re starting to step into people’s personal lives and behind closed doors, that type of stuff.
Unknown Speaker 1:51:14
Yeah. So we did have a conversation with Tim and another under fair housing. And so we need a process. And that kind of adds to it. They have New Zealand and Australia aren’t that how we operate. And so we’ve asked her processes that they have set up for owners so that we can really get that set. And obviously we will do it. We have all of that. We just wanted to let them know we’re going to process and finalized. Essentially interesting. We know that the other one that you’re talking to you and every other person out there right now is that because we’re on a crisis going through to insurance, insurance, TVs, we will be bankrupt probably.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:21
We have $1,000 cap. It’s out of our pocket. And because of that the last ones we’ve seen for demolitions are costs to eviction process.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:45
So the good news is there’s technology out there that can help is another thing I wanted to talk to you about about really the two buildings that we own. So we have talked with the board about the CP web building, and selling that building to the Center for people with disabilities. They’re leasing that now. They were interested in purchasing it. That’s the place, we did extend the contract for three months. And we’re now going to engage in conversations to sell that. That is pretty important for our cash flows. And we’re looking at certain issues. Early on, we also have talked about what are we going to do the office building that LGC began apartments, I have reached out to DCP they’re losing their mind, I think that makes a lot of sense because some similar fashion, they have indicated to begin conversations on that. Cash flow is made for us at Briar river talking to units we’re bringing online in the next two to three years to 21 units. And so we need to start that conversation for planning but I wanted to make sure you don’t do what you’re doing and to see if you all agree with us. And then we’re still working. So on the other side of it. On the Housing Authority side we also do see work is primarily audits now. We are still working on transferring Elysee over to the housing authority. Chris will want to was the model that we’re going to do Chris and
Unknown Speaker 1:54:48
Chris in one Spring Creek and Fall River are the next ones up because they’re the least heavy left and village place is going to happen automatically for some
Unknown Speaker 1:54:55
patient right. So then we’re really left with one All right. And that’s the one that’s tied to property yesterday more complicated. The good news is the happy LGC board is willing to inaugurate this. So the imminent stock has actually been excited about some projects and trying to figure out how they participate in that. That’s all I have. Sarah, do you have any safety issues?
Unknown Speaker 1:55:49
Oh, snow. So, as I was closing the year out, we realized that we paid 200, almost $200,000 in snow removal for holiday properties. We started adding to it, what are we doing? We have began conversations with cash on the city side to see what it would take to purchase at least one truck was you see our gorgeous, we have covered. And so we’re working through those numbers now. Because it appears that we can at least get one of these in two trucks, and one of them’s in a trailer machine. And these ones, we would, we would actually five would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 or so working 150 caches,
Unknown Speaker 1:56:50
I came into the conversation. So I don’t know what
Unknown Speaker 1:56:55
your decision was.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:59
So we think it’s about we think it’s about 150,000, which one time cost basis, we’ve got to figure out how we’re gonna handle the budget. But when you look at the ongoing costs, that really applies to the units, it will be significantly lower. And so and then our, our maintenance staff would be doing that, which what we’re finding is they’re having to go out and do some of it now, because just snow contractors are just so we may very well come back within a month to do all with some budget adjustments, that we’re gonna need to write this equipment, we will probably have to have an agreement. So you know, I’ve drawn our lines on this, Jim will be the one on the city side that will be working, we’ll be working in over here, but we may have to work somewhere else, but we’re gonna do it over time, so that it doesn’t attack so start answering and walk us through. But we think that’s the best way to do it. We actually think we’ll get quicker snow overwhelmed properties, and then save ourselves a lot of
Unknown Speaker 1:58:16
30 day notice. So, you know, the last few storms even by HOA was sending out notices knowing we’re not sure the snows gonna be removed, because they’re just worn out just because of the amount of snow caused. And so yeah, we’re working through all that. Because if we do it, we’re gonna want to do it sooner rather than later. So we don’t keep paying bills and how bad is January
Unknown Speaker 1:58:47
and we didn’t even know
Unknown Speaker 1:58:52
how many snow events were behind. Did you see
Unknown Speaker 1:59:02
a trailer but we’ll work with cash flow numbers and what he’s looking at and he’s the expert. We work with gentlemen.
Unknown Speaker 1:59:22
So I think with that update operations, just the opposite. So so
Unknown Speaker 1:59:38
we did end the year at a 93% occupancy which had a lot to do with audits, inspections, holidays, weather, everything was hard to fill units. Those last two months of the year due to a number of issues. But my team is coming back strong. We’ve already had quite a few moving already this year. Our highest number biggest pieces. Obviously the sweets were sitting at 14 right now this reflects 13. But we are up to 14 vacants. The 13th show not here’s some more MHP six for LG and LG, I think has four working right now to be in in the next couple of weeks.
Unknown Speaker 2:00:22
And really
Unknown Speaker 2:00:26
they’re all different stages some art, we’ve had two of the down units previously reported 7110, which was a meth unit at the suites that was already occupied. And then several 114, which was another meth unit, and we’re showing on here and process of reconstruction, that one actually has a limited schedule next week. So these students are coming back online pretty quickly now and being occupied the waitlist, right now we have three waitlist open and we are working through the old waitlist, still the other properties, and once those are extinguished, we’re going to just keep the waitlist open, I think you’re right now so that they don’t go stagnant and that we always have good names. Because what we’re finding is when one person applies to one waitlist, they’re applying to every waitlist open. So we may have 50 people on every waitlist, but 20 of those names are all duplicates. So if they go to the white property, we just lost 20 names, and we’re still calling him, you know, Hey, are you looking to move in not knowing that they did they move in. But we’ve also what we’re moving to is a new process for the waitlist, where the admin assistant is going to manage the waitlist. So she’ll be able to see oh, this person moved in and take them off of all the the waitlist. So one person going forward will be managing all those waitlist for us.
Unknown Speaker 2:01:47
So you know, we’re having serious problems with our age restricted problems. It’s been
Unknown Speaker 2:01:54
difficult filling, people are now moving in with their kids. So we’re hoping, moving closer to spring that we’ll have more people wanting to be on their own again, and people still because they’re not concerned with what nobody wants to do with this weather. And that’s one thing we’re hearing, I’m not moving, I’m not moving right now. We don’t move. Without Kansas meats right now my properties are staying, I think we ended this one at a 95 or 96% occupied when you get the seats out. So
Unknown Speaker 2:02:29
the suites waiting list is managed by the housing choice voucher, because all of those are project rooms. And we’re, we’re going through a really quick because the majority of the people that are on your list are homeless. So you might have to send out 30 letters to get him in prison. So
Unknown Speaker 2:02:52
he is running into the same difficulties. They said they can send out 20 letters and not even get a response for units.
Unknown Speaker 2:02:59
So we’re planning on plan on opening up the waiting list every six months. So it’s kind of grown a bit and then open.
Unknown Speaker 2:03:11
So do you let the our sitter in? No, but we have a massive list of all resource centers here in Baldwin every case. Many case managers are on that list for agencies. So it gets publicized as well.
Unknown Speaker 2:03:29
One person may be supportive when we’re talking about suites and there’s a strong connection. So when we talked about we’re bringing right humans on and
Unknown Speaker 2:03:53
that’s what we knew that’s there. They’re through that process. And one of the things we’ve talked about is working with folks about being ready. It’s a different conversation. Regardless, there’s different thresholds and the times you’re getting a bad situation. Those are things that are on our mind. Really, someone’s ready to move in. And that’s not everybody saying the same thing.
Unknown Speaker 2:04:34
Want to the just the property updates not a lot for December but the via shuttle transportation is increasing these numbers double at Spring Creek, Aspen and village place. Those residents now that they’ve seen a few go the numbers that are up to 910 residents for strip lhg Did some urine Vigo bashes at all the properties which was a big hit. We solicited all the LD VA properties asking them for donations, gift cards stuff like that and went to each property and up to our bingo session open prizes and they just love it so it’s a great way to end the year with the residents. We have a 4% rental rate increase for the communities and the feedback from the residents was actually not bad they are going out and explained it to him all and why we needed to do it and I think very little upset so sweets our calls for service from public safety is remaining low and we’ve had quite a few days with no calls recently so last month I think we’ve had like three four days since but no calls was a Christmas
Unknown Speaker 2:05:47
sweets we also have hired one of our three building attendants or weeknight building attended did start two weeks ago. This is his third week and he controls so 30 to 530 in the morning, and so he takes over all the lockout calls, walks the grounds multiple times a night he’s helping maintenance with cleaning units painting whatever you can do cleaning the common area so it’s a win win win this is what replaced the security company that used to do they’re making a second offer tomorrow for one to make units and one biohazard and we have a leak unit so that was on the down units that we’re working through insurance claims on to get those units back online within the next 30 to 60 days
Unknown Speaker 2:06:30
what would constitute the
Unknown Speaker 2:06:42
worst Yeah, I was just saying it’s because pretty drywall
Unknown Speaker 2:06:49
so vital
Unknown Speaker 2:06:53
throughout the whole unit was needed right well one of the situations or assistant
Unknown Speaker 2:07:07
estimated suppose we’re still working on the floor unit from the remodel and recent vacation homework on our next steps into that neighborhood. We did have a great chapter inspection they came out to the chocolate inspected 10 units. They were really pleased with the turnaround of the property and where everything looked. They also inspect an Aston Sr, which we were not expecting but had very little comments and was pleased with how management was handling everything how the units look inside, the files looked so great, turn around and check with kappa touched on that and then our village place for syndication. We’re really kicking it off. We’ve met with the architect and the residents on Monday got a lot of great feedback from residents for what they want to see with this recent occasion.
Unknown Speaker 2:07:53
It was it was a listening session to intake rather than put out. This architect is really good at
Unknown Speaker 2:08:04
Spring Creek and Fall River. We do have a vacant manager position. So Corinne who does the Aspen’s in the suites is temporarily taking over Spring Creek and then I’m Brian who does a Harsin Lodge is temporary key member Fall River. I am making an offer for a manager tomorrow for that property. So we will have that vacancy hopefully built here in the next two weeks. Parts of the lodge both have their Mr. Audits. And Mr. It’s
Unknown Speaker 2:08:36
it’s a HUD audit related to their multifamily program.
Unknown Speaker 2:08:41
file review. That was the one that I told you where they failed miserably right. And then
Unknown Speaker 2:08:49
we got the official results in December and then the watch the bedbug issue is no more so that’s been taken care of alleging December in a nutshell any questions on anything going on in the properties?
Unknown Speaker 2:09:17
Unknown Speaker 2:09:25
audits we have
Unknown Speaker 2:09:28
two audits almost a month right so the three audits a month inspections we went on Monday when last week
Unknown Speaker 2:09:35
to the week before. Some of the units have five different sources of funding. They didn’t have home and housing tax credits and housing grants and vouchers
Unknown Speaker 2:09:50
and then management on top of it enrich the unit to do our annual inspections which will be twice a year going forward. So yeah, these units with And yes
Unknown Speaker 2:10:05
many external inspections are this is because it’s
Unknown Speaker 2:10:11
pretty standard because of the type of housing we have. So you gotta think each investor wants to come and look at their assets, then anybody who put money into the property wants to come look at the asset to make sure you’re maintaining it. So yeah, some of these units properties can have five, six constructions, a year. And then we have nine properties.
Unknown Speaker 2:10:32
The question, you know, with the many units, counting the ones who are down and then the length of days begins? Do you find that this time going up? Is it going up the number that you’re noticing
Unknown Speaker 2:10:50
the turnaround time is actually going down? Now, we’ve been able to have our adjuster who work with some construction companies where we are now once we get the clearance from the county that the unit is decontaminated. We are scheduling our gesture to walk with the construction companies so that they’re communicating at the same time. So doing that back and forth, which used to happen, I found out that that streamlining the process for us and it’s in the turnaround time, as soon as I get the bid, I send it back to the adjustments like I’ve already talked to him, I’m okay with this, go ahead, sign it and get the work done. So instead of the gesture and the contractor having to go back and forth for two to two weeks to six weeks, you know, pricing, because I was looking at you know, 229 49 Is that typical? Some of these Yeah, so like 114, that was one of the ones that had to be taken down with the studs. And then that was the supply chain issues. And 305 that that was a lot of that was the second it was part of the recertification at Aspen meadows and the flooring issues that we were trying to work through with the adjuster and how to go about fixing that unit. Okay, but Fall River is down around 121 days, and the adjuster and the contractor have already come to an agreement. So now we’re just waiting for them to get in. They’re starting to work. So
Unknown Speaker 2:12:07
then that 100 Number is about
Unknown Speaker 2:12:11
I will need to keep them around around we want to see 180 days now. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 2:12:15
so and then are you finding them? You know, are you coming across more units that are being contaminated with metal? Or is it just kind of the same stuff the same?
Unknown Speaker 2:12:26
If it is it’s because we’re just paying more attention? Okay, well, that’s I don’t think we can’t tell if you use it. But we don’t ignore it when we get it now we know what signs to look for. So I would say it’s more related to
Unknown Speaker 2:12:45
one eviction that was what I’m battling with just never assume that there’s going to be an issue. And then about it. And so I don’t think our numbers are meaning target everybody that’s in the real world. It’s just a national crisis. Yeah. So I don’t know that we’re I do think we are paying probably closer attention
Unknown Speaker 2:13:15
talking about it than most
Unknown Speaker 2:13:17
landlords and
Unknown Speaker 2:13:29
I’ll answer your question later. What is bias? Oh, no. That’s okay. I did some inferencing. Who is your
Unknown Speaker 2:13:50
favorite attorney. He’s the money Oh,
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