Historic Preservation July 2022

Video Description:
July 2022 Historic Preservation meeting of Longmont City Council

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
So sorry, I’m so nervous. So go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 0:02
Yeah, another good question. Um, so through my research, I found that the average wind speed was actually 31 miles per hour with Longmont. So that’s more than enough, right. And just recently, we had a meeting with our mentor, me and Laura. Hannah. Thank you, Hannah Mulroy, and she gave us some policies regarding the wind turbines, and you can actually put them on the ground and on buildings. So it’s too hard to find my presentation slide now. But my design is integrated both of those. Thank you. Questions. Second,

Unknown Speaker 0:49
there, thanks. That was an incredibly interesting presentation. Thank you, everybody. When you first started, you said that there were three variables that you were taking into account for each of the particular sections. And like one was economic, and then social, and I apologize, I forget the third. But I was wondering how you guys prioritize those? Are you trying to find a balance between them? Like how do you decide which aspect is more important?

Unknown Speaker 1:21
Chairman lane, Commissioner Norton, thank you for that question. Great question. So those are the three pillars of sustainability. And the easiest way to remember them is people planet in profit. Right? So for the people social for the planet, environmental and profit, economic. And when all three of those are working well together, that’s when we hit the sweet spot of sustainability. So one is not prioritized over the other. Although it does. Yes, I’m gonna leave it there.

Unknown Speaker 1:50
That sounds great. Thank you. Other question? I had a couple. I was I do very much appreciate. And apart from all the energy, focus, a couple of things that are important here in Longmont, I mean, there’s some mention of honoring the agricultural history, which is a big deal here. And it’s something that we do, that we have on the forefront of our mind, but we do struggle with right in today’s world. And just a few notions of the historic preservation, you know, there was a mention of a sense of place, and how that connects connects community, and kind of a sense of informing the public. So I was a little curious, just about how much time was spent just even understanding what what’s there right now, in terms of historic, you know, buildings that have the potential for historic preservation, how much of that was was looked at, in a lot of focus on energy, but were the historic preservation commission. So I’m gonna ask,

Unknown Speaker 2:59
we anticipated this horrible question. Thank you so much. Chairman lane, thank you so much for that question. Yes, we had some really great conversations. And so part of this project and process is to dig deep into these areas. And, as you know, we’ve spent six weeks on this course. And it’s a six credit studio course. So we’re in the studio four days of the week for about five hours apiece, plus, they’re 20 extra hours on top, to catch up to where your wonderful planners are, was an enormous task. And so we met with them once a week to try and go through all of these steps to understand the historic preservation and how it is reflected in the city of Longmont. And I actually was wondering if Michael or Ty wanted to talk in that regard to how far that we did go into the historic preservation. Our last meeting with our mentor planners was really interesting looking at the historical districts on this site. And so my expertise is landscape architecture. And when we look at parks, we try and blend them together. And we started noticing with the historical districts, it was sort of a little bit of a doughnut hole. All right, in this site. And so we were trying to dig more into that to get more information. And hopefully over the next couple of weeks. So this is sort of our draft midterm presentation to you all. So these questions are great for us to like, go to the next level and see where we want to go with that. So if you don’t mind, I’m just gonna see if one of them was tied. You want to get a chat? Oh, they both want to.

Unknown Speaker 4:39
Yeah, thank you for the question. I think we were able to really hyper focus in on a couple of things from the ULI report that we were given. I don’t remember what that acronym stands for. But one of it

Unknown Speaker 4:51
Urban Land Institute. Yeah. Okay, perfect. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 4:55
so we were looking at that report and one of the main things was the agricultural I’m history in Longmont. So we’re able to focus on that. And obviously, the site includes the sugar mill, which was a huge part of it. And one of our mentors Tonisha, Cohn was able to give us a tour of that site from the outside and give us a little more context for that. And so for my project in specific, which was the agricultural gradient, I was looking at historical preservation, not just in the physical sense, but as well as a sense of the timeline. So that’s why it goes from it goes from human power to animal power to the Industrial Revolution, and then into the future. So trying to preserve not only the, the sugar factory, and that building itself, but also preserving the culture around agriculture.

Unknown Speaker 5:52
Thank you. Yeah. And going off of the historic districts, the ones that we had found were not in the site. They’re actually north of third, which I believe includes the Roosevelt Park. So looking into the steam site, I just wanted to draw connections from the sugarmill whether they’re visual or educational. And yeah, I believe that the tough part was finding buildings that were or could be considered historical within the steam site. Do you do the district’s being north of third? Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 6:32
Alright, thanks.

Unknown Speaker 6:33
I just want to go on the record. I did give Michael a hard time about changing out the windows and his proposed barn.

Unknown Speaker 6:40
I didn’t want to say anything.

Unknown Speaker 6:51
We did take some allowances being it’s an educational experience.

Unknown Speaker 6:58
Well, I appreciate all that. And I think it’s a great asset that you’re able to spend the time it’s a good asset to the city of Longmont that you’re able to take this time and really dive in, I hope that this information is going to get back not only just to staff, but Stantec at Stan Tech’s working on this, right. So I hope you get a chance to meet with them and work with them and divulge all that information to those folks as well. So thank you again, any last minute? No, we’re all good. All right. Thanks. Again, I appreciate everybody coming here tonight and give providing us with this presentation was really enjoyable.

Unknown Speaker 7:34
Well, we appreciate you all too. And the hard work that you do as volunteers. This city is great because of you. So thank you so much.

Unknown Speaker 7:43
Great. All right. Excellent. Well, next item of new business would be an update on Dickens barn and his Latin property.

Unknown Speaker 7:57
Yeah, just give you speaking agricultural history, we did have a opportunity staff met with the potential applicants for development of the site and talk through a couple of scenarios. From a staff standpoint, we’re trying to close the gap because we just want to be able to put in the improvements that are required to keep it standing. So we could use it for potential storage for whatever they needed for for the sandstone development across the street. We’re also I think, go going to be scheduled for I think it was August 6. Do you remember? Brian for the Parks Board? I think it’s the the eighth August 28. Yeah. So when we get close, and we are sure we’re on the agenda, I think we mentioned we’d like to reach out to one or more of you to help us kind of make the case for the preservation of the barn. We also realized I think we’re gonna have to dig a little bit deeper to get a little bit better numbers as far as keeping it standing, basically. So we may go back to Gus and ask for a little bit more information. But we’re proceeding along. Looks good.

Unknown Speaker 9:18
Great. Thanks for the update. Any questions from commissioners?

Unknown Speaker 9:25
No. All right. I will say ultimately, we will return to you because they still need approval of a preservation plan. And I think our indication is if we can preserve that bar, and that would check that box. So they will be returning back to you though, for my formal approval.

Unknown Speaker 9:45
Appreciate that. Okay, wonderful. Thank you for the update. All right. Next would be prior business. Is there anything I don’t see anything in here? Don’t think we have anything to talk about there. All right, now we’re down. On two comments from HPC, commissioners, any commissioners like to make a comment? All right, Commissioner Jacoby,

Unknown Speaker 10:12
since Sharon brought it up, I did give a tour of the historic east side. A week ago, two weeks ago, had 15 people show up, which was a reasonable size group for a historic tour event like this, especially since I didn’t have any advertising. I would echo her desire to get the museum to coordinate a little bit of information out there for people who are interested, but we’ll work on that down the road. And hopefully I’ll do a tour in the fall. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 10:47
No other comments? Okay. All right. Well, this overall was a good Good evening of information. Let’s see comments from Councilman Rodriguez is not here. So we’ll skip that part. And we are now I’ll now entertain a motion for adjournment. Second, moved and seconded all those in favor of adjournment say aye. We are officially adjourned. Thank you all so much. Thanks, Brian Glynn

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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