Video Description:
Transportation Advisory Board – June 13, 2022
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:03
It’s 6pm and I’m calling the June 13 2022. Transportation advisory meeting, board meeting to order.
Unknown Speaker 0:29
I second
Unknown Speaker 0:37
start with you
Unknown Speaker 0:42
are you can talk
Unknown Speaker 0:51
Sandra Stewart prison. Liz Osborne,
Unknown Speaker 0:55
President Courtney Michelle. President David McInerney, President, Steve laner. President Diane Crist?
Unknown Speaker 1:22
I second the motion.
Unknown Speaker 1:26
Okay. It’s been is there any discussion? It’s been moved and seconded.
Unknown Speaker 1:32
Okay. All those in favor may designate by saying aye.
Unknown Speaker 1:39
Aye. Opposed?
Unknown Speaker 1:43
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:47
Phil, do we have any communication from you?
Unknown Speaker 1:50
I’ve actually had some communication from Jim Angstadt. So I’d ask him to
Unknown Speaker 1:56
come down and chat a little bit about I
Unknown Speaker 2:00
think it was the budget.
Unknown Speaker 2:05
He’s giving me that look. So
Unknown Speaker 2:13
Monday meeting.
Unknown Speaker 2:20
Good evening, Jim makes that director of engineering services. Phil is not correct. We’re not going to talk about the budget. We just want to give an overview of a public meeting we had last Monday we could go.
Unknown Speaker 2:32
This was a public engagement session to advise city of Longmont residents of four projects that are currently underway, focusing on the area west of Main Street, south of ninth and north of second. The project’s included the Boston Avenue Bridge, which is currently in design and will be going out to bid later this month, hopefully. And then with construction starting in the fall. The other project was the price Park watertank. Replacing the reservoirs. They are that is actually out to out for construction. You’re gonna see more work after Labor Day. We’re currently in a in a procurement phase
Unknown Speaker 3:16
of getting materials together, and then we will start that work.
Unknown Speaker 3:21
And then one other project was the Third Avenue improvements, which included some waterline work, some drainage work, and then we’re we’re currently working on some adjustments, some safety improvements, traffic mitigation on third, which will be instituted, probably in about a year’s time next year as we go and repave
Unknown Speaker 3:42
the Third Avenue and what was the fourth one?
Unknown Speaker 3:46
Oh, coffin right behind me. Thank you. That’s all in Jenkins coffin Avenue, the busway project that is currently at about 60% design. Yeah, there we go. With construction work more than likely starting at the tail end of 2023 or early 2024. So if you have any questions, happy to answer them, or about any other transportation issues you may want to hear in the city.
Unknown Speaker 4:16
Yeah, just real quickly, this was I’m sorry, public participation, like a listening session. Well, we ran it a little bit differently. We had a short presentation in the beginning for about 1520 minutes, then we took questions. Then we opened it up and had like four stations for those projects. And we asked residents to talk one on one with with our project managers. And then for the Third Avenue improvements, because it’s kind of there’s a lot going on there. We had a roll plot, and we asked people to to make any notes of any issues they saw. And then we’ll we’ll take a look at them and see what we can do.
Unknown Speaker 4:53
Can I ask what the turnout was?
Unknown Speaker 4:55
We had about I want to say about 40 residents
Unknown Speaker 5:02
Any other questions?
Unknown Speaker 5:10
You said it was fair to ask any other questions. So I’m going to ask one that’s been on my mind for a couple of weeks, I sit on the front row, my house is next to some new buildings going in new apartments. And it occurs to me that the city is building a lot of apartments. The city is also wanting to increase the number of electric cars. What is being done to make sure that people who live in apartment complexes have easy access to power stations for their cars.
Unknown Speaker 5:42
Oh, yeah, you can take it, Phil. Yeah. Phil.
Unknown Speaker 5:47
Greenwald, transportation planning manager with the city. We’re working with our alarm on power and communication group to make sure that as those multifamily units do come online, there will be at some point, it’s not going to be these ones that you see being built. But we’re trying to work with folks. There’s a few grant opportunities that are out there as well. But the law, my power and communications is very much aware of the need for putting in those are charging stations that each one of these multifamily units, it’s just a matter of how do we incorporate that into the design piece. And they’re trying to get them into the existing as well. But it’s it’s
Unknown Speaker 6:23
obviously a pretty big undertaking, and you have to have that demand as well at. And that’s obviously growing. So we’re seeing that
Unknown Speaker 6:33
Unknown Speaker 6:37
Well, the, the code changes will be at the, at the city level. So we’re talking about how we can incorporate those changes into the code to actually push that issue as these developments come online. So that’s what LPS LPC the la parte communications group is doing, as well as with our building officials, and the planning folks to make sure those start to get incorporated into the code. So
Unknown Speaker 7:02
one of the other efforts to cities we’re also working on is we’re currently looking at grant dollars and working within rail to do some studies to see where we want to put stations in and around the city. So and then as Phil indicated, there is a lot of grant dollars out there available or seem to be so we are trying to pursue what we can and that ever and that’s across the board for almost every all our infrastructure.
Unknown Speaker 7:30
I will just mention that there’s one more item from staff, but we’d like to save it for the end. Like you
Unknown Speaker 7:36
might need to remind me at the end.
Unknown Speaker 7:39
Thank you
Unknown Speaker 7:42
all right.
Unknown Speaker 8:04
Yes, I’ll introduce us if you don’t mind. Great, thank you very much again, Phil greenwall, transportation planning manager with the city. Tonight we have a number of folks from Boulder County, CDOT and RTD to help present on this topic, because they’re all we’re all working together. We’re actually working with this group as well. So we’ve, we know these folks pretty pretty well. And so it’s good to see them in Longmont and have an in person meeting I’m sure they would have preferred not to drive up but we really appreciate that they’re here and some of them actually live in Longmont. So with that, I will turn it over to Stacy proctor from Boulder County transport transportation, or maybe we’ll start with not not instead.
Unknown Speaker 8:45
So a number of take from CDOT will lead off the discussion and kind of give you some of that background and
Unknown Speaker 8:51
with that all at once you go ahead and done I think that’s great. Thank you, Phil. Well, good evening, everybody. First of all, I want to thank you for having us here tonight. My name is Nana multigene Bitsy Dodd, I’m the project manager for Colorado 19 safety and mobility project. And as Phil already mentioned, we have all account here Stacy Proctor and a Lehman spa here with our TD and Steven Humphrey event more engineering who’s actually representing both projects really, because we have the same consultant on both. And again, just wanted to give you a quick overview, what we have been doing in a few months and we are reaching at this point we are reaching preliminary design milestone in we have scheduled a public meeting that is happening on the 27th and this tonight, as I said is a preview for for you to
Unknown Speaker 9:55
share with you what we’re working on and have your feedback and your
Unknown Speaker 10:00
input. And we will provide that information at the end of the meeting how everybody interested can register.
Unknown Speaker 10:10
So again, when it comes to safety challenges on this corridor to basically,
Unknown Speaker 10:18
numbers are showing really the highest crash corridor for motorists and the second highest for bicycles in the Boulder County. And the numbers are really concerning. And as you can see, in a period of five years, there’s been over 900 crashes, and four of them were fatalities. So our goal here by working on these two projects is definitely to
Unknown Speaker 10:46
try to improve that safety and percentages on the right are
Unknown Speaker 10:52
representing what we’re expecting to see once when we implement all of these improvements in this in this corridor.
Unknown Speaker 11:01
So again, for the mobility challenges, our corridor
Unknown Speaker 11:06
likes, like safe and direct ways to bicycle connections between boulder in Longmont. And in for this, this, the bikeway. Commuter commuter bikeway project is definitely a very important component to overcome those challenges. And then BRT provided by RTD is the service who’s going to address that congestion and enable buses to have better travel times and be more reliable. And again, that the traffic and increase of traffic and constant congestion is definitely what we want to achieve here too, by improving
Unknown Speaker 11:48
each into a signalized intersection and provide all modes of mobility through the corridor.
Unknown Speaker 11:57
This slide here,
Unknown Speaker 11:59
I like to call it a snapshot of everything that we’re doing, because it really represents
Unknown Speaker 12:05
the scope for both projects. And what we’re looking. And what we’re going to talking about tonight are basically the the part of the agonal from Boulder to Long Island southern limit of the project being at the Foothills Parkway, northern limit would be at a Hoover. And again, we have when it comes to roadway intersection improvements. And then BRT service, of course, and those elements in the bikeway project right in the middle of
Unknown Speaker 12:36
of that corridor.
Unknown Speaker 12:41
Talking about to
Unknown Speaker 12:48
go back.
Unknown Speaker 12:50
Perfect timing.
Unknown Speaker 12:55
Good timing. Yeah, well, I’m gonna go back to this. Oh, my name is Ali man Sipahi with RTD. I’m the project manager for RTD. With this project,
Unknown Speaker 13:05
going back to this map that Nona showed, which as she said, the snapshot of the whole picture, we said as safety mobility improvements project, plus the bikeway, commuter bikeway project. So then, to make you even more confused, the RTD part is really two projects within one. One is what is in diagonal with all the improvements that you see,
Unknown Speaker 13:31
being the partner rides or nyuad and 63rd plus pair of BRT stops at State Highway 52, or mineral IBM drive, I guess is the other name for it. Then, the other part of the project, which is a parallel effort that RTD is going to undertake along this project is to make those improvements in Longmont and older. See, the red bus logos are BRT great stops plus
Unknown Speaker 14:04
the parking right that P that you see up by highway 66, which is going to be a new parking ride that I’m working with my friend over there, Phil, to
Unknown Speaker 14:18
to implement. So to this other slide,
Unknown Speaker 14:24
just remind Ollie, we’re also going to build first and main with them as well.
Unknown Speaker 14:29
Sorry, our major hub downtown.
Unknown Speaker 14:35
This project has been in the works as part of the improvements
Unknown Speaker 14:41
identified by the Northwest Area mobility study or NAMS, back in 2014, followed by the planning and environmental linkage study that was finalized in September of 2019. And here is where we are with the selected altar.
Unknown Speaker 15:00
endives having the BRT service from downtown boulder to Northern Longmont.
Unknown Speaker 15:09
Along the way we you see the stops in the diagonal the parking rights are these listed here and frequencies that you see 15 minutes for there are two
Unknown Speaker 15:21
renditions of the BRT, the orange route, the Blue Route. And the numbers that you see are straight out of that planning and environmental linkage, or P L, those numbers will be revisited because we’re in the post pandemic world. And
Unknown Speaker 15:36
we’re just going to
Unknown Speaker 15:38
start somewhere, but those are the numbers from the PL. Obviously BRT service is more reliable, much faster than the regular bolt route that we have right now. It connects the cities of Boulder and Longmont.
Unknown Speaker 15:55
The improvements that are not alluded to cue bypass lanes transit signal priority, and a whole bunch of intersection improvements will be implemented as part of this project. And we do believe that this BRT project will shorten the transit trips by about 53 cents,
Unknown Speaker 16:18
as opposed to what you have out there, which is, Walt.
Unknown Speaker 16:23
With that?
Unknown Speaker 16:25
I think, I think you’re so awesome. No worries. Just a quick reminder. I’m Steven Humphrey with Mueller. We’re working on the design of the 118 safety Mobility Project. And I get to talk to you a little bit about some of the design details here today, which is the fun part for me, at least.
Unknown Speaker 16:42
Anyway, we don’t have time to get into all the intersections and all the improvements tonight, not in the timeframe we’ve got, we tried to highlight a few of the key intersections that we think would be higher on the list for the city of Longmont. So what we’re gonna go over tonight is the 52 intersection, and then moving north, the nyuad Road intersection. And we’re going to finish out at the airport road intersection. And we’ll walk through some design details and some information for you. So we’ll start here with 52. First, as you can kind of see from this graphic, it’s one of the more significant sets of improvements in the corridor.
Unknown Speaker 17:15
What we have today, one of the bigger challenges is the long queues in the corridor, and there’s no longer queue than at 52 currently. And so those queues are longer than you might expect, if you’re a driver on a typical sort of highway freeway, whatever you might call it. And so a lot of the crashes you might see in the corridor, are drivers not expecting to have to slam their brakes from, you know, 6575 miles an hour, down to a stop because of those cues. And so through a pretty extensive traffic analysis, we came up with this alternative you see up here to realign southbound away from northbound and kind of reconfigure into two different intersections instead of one. And I don’t have like a pointer. So I apologize, maybe I do on here, I don’t know. But you can kind of see in the background of this graphic that the existing intersection perfect is just a little bit
Unknown Speaker 18:07
to the north, east, on the diagonal, it’s always fun directions on the diagonal, a little bit to the northeast, and is currently an intersection that’s together northbound and southbound or together. So we’re going to be moving a little bit further to the south and separating those two intersections. In addition to that, we’re going to be constructing the two BRT stations that you see there. And also,
Unknown Speaker 18:33
yep, right there perfect. And then we’re also going to be looking at some traffic signal and timing improvements that will help with the operations to is not just about separating them out. It’s about how we use those traffic signals to improve connection through here. And then of course, I’d be remiss without mentioning the bikeway underpass, that’s going to get constructed there as well. That’s, of course, part of the broader improvements. So that’s just a quick snapshot of 52. And I’ll move on to nyuad road here. And for those that joined us earlier this morning, I think I said there’s a lot going on at 63rd street, there’s also a lot going on at nyuad Road, and I kind of didn’t get a chance to get into those details. But at this location, you’ll see there’s one of the two proposed parking lots or parking ride locations, and the two BRT stations. And then we’ll talk through at all five intersections. I didn’t go over this at 52. But at all five intersections, you’ll see we have these Q bypass lanes in the middle, and they’re kind of that actually it looks dark right on this screen here to me, that are those dark red lanes. And what that serves to do is if you’re headed on northbound and you’re in that queue, you’re sitting there at peak hour during the day at five o’clock and you’re waiting in traffic, that bus is going to have a dedicated lane where it can move around the traffic, move up to the intersection, and then get that sort of first priority over to the station, at which point they’ll be able to load with passengers and have an access
Unknown Speaker 20:00
toleration lane to move back into the general traffic on the other side of the intersection.
Unknown Speaker 20:06
Of course, is it just going to be sorry?
Unknown Speaker 20:10
Is it just going to be a painted line separates
Unknown Speaker 20:14
the rest of the traffic.
Unknown Speaker 20:18
We’re still working through those details, it’s absolutely going to be a lot more than a paint in line at those stations. There’s going to be Yeah, and leading to the intersection. And I don’t know that we finalized that exact striping and spacing, but it’s certainly going to be more than your your typical 12 foot lane next to a 12 foot lane with a six foot stripe. I think there’s a bit of more of a width there and different striping as well.
Unknown Speaker 20:55
Yeah, I’ll just say just ask the question whether there’ll be more than just painted lines dividing the BRT line from the rest of regular traffic. And you will see, again, there will be the short answer is there will be and we can refine as we get to final design exactly what those details are. This is a good example where you can see here that we do still have those cars that will need to turn left. And in some scenarios up and down the quarter, there’s going to be an interface between that cue bypass lane and the left turn lane. So there’s a lot going on there that we kind of have to navigate the general purpose lanes, safety for the bus and the bypass lane. And then safety and sort of, I don’t know almost like a common sense way and signage to help people understand how to get in that left turn lane, because it’s not the first day they drive it, it’s not going to be
Unknown Speaker 21:40
super intuitive, right? You don’t see that a whole lot the buses in a bus bypass lane on the on the median side of a highway. So follow up question would be, excuse me,
Unknown Speaker 21:52
a decrease in the speed limit. Because as you know, when you leave the nyuad intersection, it goes up fairly quickly. And most folks are already hitting 70, before they even hit the 65. How we’ve had many conversations about that I’m sure you’re well versed in how the speed limit sort of setting happens within the state of Colorado, it’s not always favorable. If you pursue a higher or excuse me a lower speed limit. I do know that we’ve talked with the traffic group that there’s some some variability and some changes in that policy in recent years. And so I think that’s another conversation we need to have, as the design is fleshed out some of those conversations about what the posted speed limit will be. Well, I would just think, sorry, to ask these questions. As a follow up, I would just think with the BRT, and having we’ll call it Rapid Transit, with we’ll call it mixed vehicles. It should not be classified as like a full Highway at 6570 miles an hour just shouldn’t be.
Unknown Speaker 22:48
Now, that’s a good comment and something we need to take into consideration. But we haven’t had that opportunity to kind of nail down exactly what those speed limits are. We know what they are today, which you’re exactly right. 55 going to 65. And I think as we we finish up the design and look at these improvements that can be evaluated.
Unknown Speaker 23:04
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 23:06
All right. So also here at nyuad, we’re going to see and as part of actually a separate but still incredibly connected project, they’ll be
Unknown Speaker 23:18
transit signal priority, incorporated into this intersection and all the other intersections. And then we’re also going to be doing a series of safety and operational improvements that don’t sound big, but do pay off. And that’s upgrading signage and roadway striping and lighting at these intersections and even some new signal poles. So there’s, there’s some of the smaller things that that maybe don’t get noticed at the end of the job that will hopefully have some some good impact in terms of safety and operational benefits for the quarter.
Unknown Speaker 23:48
And then the last one we’ve got to look at tonight is the Airport Road intersection. So here we’re proposing a change and how access works at at airport and 119. And so what we’re looking at as far as that adjustment would be that between northbound 119 and southbound 119 What you see here on the page, currently, that’s that’s two way operations in the future, we’d be proposing that to be single northbound, two sets of lanes. And the that’ll result in a couple of different changes for airport road that would turn into a right turn only scenario at 119. And then also for the opposite intersection there overall would be a right turn only as well. Yeah, thank you. That’s perfect.
Unknown Speaker 24:36
And so the reason or like the the thought process there is to help with both both the overall operations of the corridor, but also I know there’s quite a few safety concerns at this area. And there’s a very unique interface with the bikeway in this area. So the goal would be to reduce the number of conflict points to plan out for that future of I always get
Unknown Speaker 25:00
As long as it’s the orange line or the blue line that goes up airport road but or an orange line, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 25:06
But basically the goal here is to improve safety and operations at the airport road intersection. And again, very similar operational safety improvements as far as the signing striping and everything else that we talked about it in Iowa. And then the other piece that I haven’t talked about the other two that are critical at all of these intersections, which is since we are creating such a multimodal corridor connections to and from so how do I walk to this area? How do I bike to this area? There are a lot of connections that need to be thought out both today and the current condition that’s gonna get built and also future masterplan conditions, whether it’s first and final mile type improvements or other improvements as well.
Unknown Speaker 25:45
Yes, sir.
Unknown Speaker 25:46
Yeah, at the airport road, so the orange line is going to be turning left when it’s going north on 119. That’s correct. That’s correct. Right. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 25:56
Unknown Speaker 26:00
All right. And if there aren’t any other questions
Unknown Speaker 26:03
Oh, I’m so sorry. Yeah
Unknown Speaker 26:09
I see that the Longmont boulder trail has no connection here to crossover 119 Is that not going to be considered a trail anymore there’s no pedestrian connection on I guess that’s the east side of 119?
Unknown Speaker 29:03
Can I ask you just a quick question on the on the bike capacity for number one the buses how many they’re going to be able to hold and will there be any storage or anything at some of these these
Unknown Speaker 29:14
BRT stations saying that the buses may not be able to handle we are talking about shelters
Unknown Speaker 29:30
I think right now
Unknown Speaker 29:40
but especially the bicycle more populated with the heavy lifting
Unknown Speaker 29:48
like children are
Unknown Speaker 29:51
the heartbeat that you get from the county.
Unknown Speaker 29:57
Thank you
Unknown Speaker 31:57
I have a question Has it been considered to make pedestrian and bike lane in the same down the middle to have a pedestrian side along with two bike lanes we have?
Unknown Speaker 33:54
Okay, as we already mentioned, both projects are reaching really important milestones when it comes to design. We’re getting to 30%
Unknown Speaker 34:05
next month, both for both projects and expecting to have final design and advertise next summer 2023. And definitely, when we get closer to that milestone final design, we will know more about construction schedule and construction impact and then we’re expecting to have a
Unknown Speaker 34:32
better, better idea of what that might look like. And, again, I mentioned a public meeting that’s happening on the 27th. And
Unknown Speaker 34:43
that’s the first one team effort again, just just informing public of about both projects. And in the meantime, we’re working with community
Unknown Speaker 34:56
advisory committee and equity Advisory Committee and both have been
Unknown Speaker 35:00
and really great with with their time and their input and help on both of these, both of these projects. And next one, we’re expecting, as I said, next summer.
Unknown Speaker 35:13
And then if you
Unknown Speaker 35:17
interested, of course, and we would love to have you there, public meeting link is included here. And you can register through this link, it’s again on a 27. And there is there’s different ways to, to engage in the project and provide your input, provide feedback and ask us questions, please. I mean, there’s there’s emails here to reach us, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions and take your feedback into consideration. So once again, go ahead. Sorry, no, you’re fine. Just one last question in regards to the data collection on ridership. So maybe it’s an RTD question.
Unknown Speaker 36:00
Is there any sort of certainty in terms of and the numbers might be hard, but do you know if it’s more of a flow from Longmont to Boulder that’s most important, or is it from Boulder to Longmont? Yeah, not long went to Boulder, Boulder Loma and others. Is it a, you know, equivalent number? Or do you look at it as being heavier? You know, one way versus the other? It’s
Unknown Speaker 36:26
Unknown Speaker 36:30
For to give you a better answer, I should definitely jot it down and get back to but
Unknown Speaker 36:38
when we were doing the modeling, transit modeling for this, it was predominantly in the morning, it would be long one to Boulder, and then the afternoon would be northbound, if you will.
Unknown Speaker 36:50
But he can get it you better, better numbers. If I look at the model.
Unknown Speaker 36:56
That’d be helpful. Just understand. Sure. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 37:01
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 37:04
Any any other questions before we wrap up?
Unknown Speaker 37:12
Thank you. I do have some questions, although Mr. laner asked some of them.
Unknown Speaker 37:19
When you talked about
Unknown Speaker 37:22
safety and how many vehicle accidents and how many bicycle crash crashes? Do you mentioned to pedestrian crashes? Is that automobile pedestrian or automobile? Or I’m sorry, pedestrian and bicycle? Do you know?
Unknown Speaker 37:35
No. Honestly, I don’t know the details about that one. So I apologize for that. But it’s definitely something that we can look into. Okay, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 37:49
All right. Let’s see. I have a few. A few other notice on the bus rapid transit map. It doesn’t really extend to the east side of Longmont in terms of bus service. But we’re still going to have bus service out on the east side. Is that correct?
Unknown Speaker 38:05
The bus on the on the east side, northeast side of Longmont.
Unknown Speaker 38:12
And perhaps you could tell me whether that’s a 1515 minute interview interval or a 30 minute interval, I can help out a little bit to just
Unknown Speaker 38:21
get back to that idea of partnership with with these folks. We are working with RTD to expand our local bus services once BRT is up and running. So we are looking at those local bus services being expanded and a
Unknown Speaker 38:35
little bit more robust on the east side of town, especially when we’re talking about the UC Health Center. And those type of new facilities that aren’t currently covered by fixed route. But they do also have a US we call the Cullen right now. It’s called a flex ride, which covers the whole city. So that will also provide some of that access on demand access
Unknown Speaker 38:53
to our first and main station is really what we’re planning for for that too, but it’ll provide access across the city, but sorry. Oh, you’re right. You said things I didn’t know.
Unknown Speaker 39:05
But yeah, so
Unknown Speaker 39:08
this is what was envisioned from the PL study that planning and environmental linkage, which came up with the two scenarios that you see here after years of,
Unknown Speaker 39:21
you know, going through that process, but
Unknown Speaker 39:26
all along the, what you see here, we also anticipate we’re going to be looking into
Unknown Speaker 39:35
some micro transit alternatives, like the flex rates that you see
Unknown Speaker 39:41
in other areas that RTD serves.
Unknown Speaker 39:45
I’m not saying it’s for sure gonna happen, but they’re going to be looking at I’m not sure if long one currently has one, right. So there may be expansion to that. To help with that first and last mile
Unknown Speaker 40:00
have issues like with any other server? Currently there’s a route that goes down 21st and one that goes down pace, is that going to continue? Or is that going to be eliminated until all of this is active? They’re planning on RTD is planning on changing some of those route configurations on the east side to better serve the east and provide more trips per day. Okay, but that’s all contingent on resources and those kinds of things. So
Unknown Speaker 40:26
not not definitely a given. But certainly something we’ve been working with the planning group, which Ali is not part of, he’s more of the engineering group. So we’ve been working with the planning group on that to really bring up that fixed route system on the east side of town, because of exactly what you mentioned is,
Unknown Speaker 40:41
the original idea was to have maybe three branches in Longmont and East Side A center and on the west side, it didn’t really make sense
Unknown Speaker 40:52
to have that those three level because we couldn’t keep we couldn’t have the buses run as often as we do in this in this in this configuration. So
Unknown Speaker 41:03
the supplement is that bringing on the east side local bus service, to bring people into the into town and bring them to the first and main station.
Unknown Speaker 41:11
So people from the east side will have to get into the first and main station. And we had talked last time, Mr. Greenwald about expanding bicycle opportunities down Weld County Road, are people expected then to bicycle down to first in Maine? Or will it be a way to catch us to do that, you should be able to catch a bus or take a bicycle. So we’re opening it up for both? Well, for all options, you can you could, you know, we have the parking right there. So you could park and ride and park park nearby park your car or your bicycle. There, you could also there’s also a drop off point, if you take an Uber or Lyft. Or if you have somebody drive you down, you can be dropped off, there’ll be a drop off lane at first and main as well. So then you’ll have direct access to the same rain Greenway, which is just to the south of there. So it’ll have direct access from that point. So you’ll have that good east west bicycle connection and pedestrian connection, and then into downtown. So we’re, we’re trying to cover all the different options to try to get people covering that first and last mile to first and first and main specifically. But then along those corridors that you saw as well. So up at 70, the main not the same situation. But a similar situation, we have a very robust bus station that RTD is going to be providing. And then we’ll have those connections that the city provides to those to those news stops there, as well as at 66. And, and Main Street. And you saw some along hoever as well. So that that’s another corridor and along Airport Road. That’s more of that orange line that Ali was talking about. So with all of those, we’re trying to provide as much coverage as we possibly can with all the different modes we can. It seems to me with only eight positions available for bicycles on buses, that you’re either committing to a bus ride or a bicycle ride, but it’s hard to do both during rush hour. Am I correct in in that statement?
Unknown Speaker 43:11
Yeah, it’s definitely been an issue even on flat iron flyer. They are we’re striving to come up with better ways to transport bicycles and allow for more storage onboard.
Unknown Speaker 43:26
That said, I’m not sure Brian Do you know any of any
Unknown Speaker 43:32
new ways that we’re going to be doing things? I didn’t think so. But
Unknown Speaker 43:37
Unknown Speaker 43:40
go ahead. Yeah, sure. So we’re also working with the City of Boulder has has decided to contract with B cycle continue that contract. And that’s a bike share program that also includes electric bicycles. In fact, I think most of their fleet is electric bicycles now. So we’re working Lewisville, Lafayette Longmont superior
Unknown Speaker 44:03
into Broomfield, in fact, and Westminster. We’re working along the whole corridor just to try to bring on the same a same or similar type operation within our cities. So you could technically pick up a B cycle in Longmont, right it to first and main, leave it there, get on the bus, pick up a B cycle in Boulder and finish your trip in Boulder. So you would never have to necessarily own a vehicle for that entire, whether it’s a bicycle or whatever. But you wouldn’t have to necessarily have your bike everywhere you wanted to you can you can almost you know, kind of rent a bike or bike share. So those are the other options that we’re looking into as kind of a longer term solution to what I think you’re Yeah, I think I think that’s a great idea because having that bicycle sometimes becomes a liability. Then you look at the distance and you think well, as discussed earlier. If it’s an E bike, you know, that can’t be going up on the bus that easily so
Unknown Speaker 45:00
All right, right, it’s hassle. I’m glad to hear about the other B cycle patients.
Unknown Speaker 45:07
Okay, so I made my comments as we went along. So if you’re commuting from other cities, like, say, from Frederick or Mead, do you then have to drive into Longmont in order to access this system? Or is there’s going to be some kind of
Unknown Speaker 45:24
suburban commuting by via bus?
Unknown Speaker 45:29
So currently RTD is due to system optimization plan, we’re still going to be looking at the entire system within the district.
Unknown Speaker 45:39
Unfortunately, I don’t know much about it, but my colleagues do, because they’re very involved with that, that would be a better question for them to answer and I would be more than happy to take your question and see what’s
Unknown Speaker 45:54
is happening. And in those areas, I’d appreciate that. And usually what we do is we give all that to Mr. Greenwald, and he disperses it to us.
Unknown Speaker 46:04
One other answer to that might be that all the areas I think you just mentioned are outside the Regional Transportation District boundary. So they do not get taxed and they do not have service except through service the bus will go through some of those areas, but they won’t stop. So they’ve been working with and southwest Weld County has been working with via mobility services. And so via starting to provide those trips those those pretty critical trips from those smaller towns that you mentioned Weld County to Longmont to Boulder, and I think a majority of those trips have actually come to Longmont as what I understand from via. So what we’d like to do is probably enhance that service and look at some other operators that could provide that service, or that those talents could look into annexing into RTD as well. So those are a couple options.
Unknown Speaker 46:57
Mr. Greenwald, you and I have talked about vo before.
Unknown Speaker 47:02
And I guess what I remember is in a prior meeting, we talked about a lot of passed through traffic in Longmont in terms of on on the diagonal, and a lot of that comes from
Unknown Speaker 47:13
suburban towns that are not part of RTD and don’t have the bus service. So I just wondering how that was going to be handled. And then okay, so I think it’s the slide before
Unknown Speaker 47:23
the bus rapid transit, the safety and mobility and Bikeway projects. There’s on the the green.
Unknown Speaker 47:32
That is the bikeway underpass and trail. It has a line that says northern limit and southern limit. And so I was just wondering, and I think I understand that airport is one of the places that we can access it via bicycle. But do we have adequate trails throughout Longmont to access this portion of the bike route?
Unknown Speaker 47:57
Oh, I would say at this point in time, we don’t have all the adequate pieces that we need. But we do have a great new underpass that was created a couple of years ago that’s underneath the diagonal highway that connects both sides. What we are missing is that section that goes down to left hand. And that’s being constructed with a new development that you probably see on hoever on the west side of hoever, south of pike at this point in time, so they will be constructing that piece that missing link piece up. And so with the different things that are coming online and the different ways that we’ve put together some of these segments, we feel like we’ll have pretty good access, but we’ll it’ll need improvement. So we’ll look at that. Just as a as a bus rider and longtime bus rider is sometimes really helpful to have a bicycle if you’ve missed the bus, I’m just saying.
Unknown Speaker 48:48
Okay, so if we go down to
Unknown Speaker 48:52
the same nyuad, or let’s see what comes next, the Colorado 52 intersection, I noticed that
Unknown Speaker 49:00
this is a bus cue Lane exist? Are you needing more land? Or is the center land adequate to create that extra lane for buses? And do you have an idea of the cost of the project for this renegotiation of the traffic pattern?
Unknown Speaker 49:16
Do you want to take this
Unknown Speaker 49:19
tandem or tactic?
Unknown Speaker 49:22
The answer is the right away or the land exists today. So there’s just about a 12 or 16 foot expansion of the pavement that you would see out there today into the middle. Except here where we’re reconstructing obviously that’ll all be reconstructed. But that’s all right away that is owned by CDOT. Today, with the exception of a a series of easements both on the IBM property and to the east that have been negotiated in the past for previous projects that are gonna need to be revisited but the right away or those easements are, by far and away, negotiated or in place already.
Unknown Speaker 50:00
I’m so that that part of it is the easy part, the cost estimate piece is we have a number today, and I’m not sure it’ll be good tomorrow or a week from now. But the number we have for 52, this full set of improvements you’re seeing here was in the range of 25 to $30 million, just for this one intersection alone. But again, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t say that number is good. A week from now or a month from now. Okay, in today’s dollars. Yes, ma’am.
Unknown Speaker 50:27
And so the
Unknown Speaker 50:30
the right to the land exists, and is it mostly in the center median, or is it invading the
Unknown Speaker 50:38
outer portions? Though? So I guess yeah, just in general terms, the northbound are the the lanes you see at the bottom are sort of staying right where they were before where northbound exists today. So the shift is actually where southbound is shifting to the west, still within right away, it’s kind of hard to see faded back in the back. But just for purposes of orienting yourself, you can almost see this solar farms up in the corner there. And then you can see sort of the faint right away line that’s just outside the solar farm there you can see we’re, we’re staying within that everywhere through that area there. But it is a shift, northbound we’ll be staying largely on the same or similar alignment of the pavement today. And then southbound will be moving out to the east, which actually, I’m getting way into the weeds, but from a construction standpoint will be pretty advantageous to be able to, to construct that those lanes offline, be able to safely shift people over and then build the new lanes northbound. It’s very advantageous from a safety perspective or perspective during construction, excuse me. And it makes sense to move more towards the solar and not be closer to where the train comes through. Absolutely. Absolutely. Now, the bikeway underpass there, I think is longer than the 10 by 14 that you had discussed for the other underpasses? Well, yeah, and I guess I can clarify that. But the 10 by 14 is the opening of the box culvert. Each one of these is somewhere between, like as far as length of the intersection, maybe 200 feet, and 250 feet, this one may be even a little bit longer than that. And that’s just based on the grades out there and how to tie in the elevation so that it’s ADA compliant and has the right slope to it and so on. I couldn’t tell you, maybe Stacy can that exact link to that box. But they vary throughout the corridor, and they’re in that 200 ish foot range.
Unknown Speaker 52:26
And I guess the reason why I ask is I just coming from a
Unknown Speaker 52:31
big city perspective, I’m just concerned about personal safety, not just transit, you know, transportation safety is, you know, a concern about, it’s a great place to get out from the weather. And so sometimes you you get into those underpasses and it’s full of people. So I’ll get out of the way quickly for Stacey to answer this. The one thing I will say that’s advantageous about this alignment in the middle, like you have here is you have more space for those slopes to kind of lay back and the trail leading into the crossing doesn’t have to have quite the substantial walls and things that you might see in other more urbanized areas. So I think that’s great as far as like sunlight and visual coming in and out of the box culverts because you if we were more constrained, it was up closer to the roadway or more densely populated area, you’d be looking at walls to come down into a box and then have a distance where you’re under ground. So that’s one benefit, but I’m sure it’s easy. Hey, before you go, Steven, and in that area, I mean this spy 52 Is there going to be a weather issue with it being underground there. Do you think
Unknown Speaker 53:33
we had talked to Stacy and talked about wetlands? And I just wonder about would there be precipitation or, or standing water in that area? I don’t know that there are any wetlands in this specific area, there are wetlands in the corridor adjacent to some of these crossings are going to have to be addressed. And in all of these areas, there’s going to have to be some kind of drainage mechanism to collect the water and pump it out of these areas. But sorry, no, you’re good. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, I was just gonna say the other safety. Personal safety that we’re looking at is just lighting I think is important in these long box combo box culverts. So we’ll be looking at that. And then in terms of Yeah, the drainage is just going to be a challenge. It’s a low area a lot of water, so we are going to have to pump the water out. So all in all, all of the coal underpasses so we’re planning that and designing that.
Unknown Speaker 54:25
And I’ll just say sometimes even in the short underground, had one in Longmont, where gentleman was spraying the weeds on the other side and he was you know, like kind of standing on the trail and also spraying very close to the trail and I had to stop and say, Are you finished? You know, saying coming through? Yeah. And if you’re not paying attention, I mean, it could be a pedestrian bicycle accident. Yeah. All right, just a few more and I should have asked as we were going like Mr. laner did
Unknown Speaker 54:57
some personal see, do you
Unknown Speaker 55:00
You see?
Unknown Speaker 55:05
Oh, and I think he asked his question if there will be some pedestrian traffic as well, you think
Unknown Speaker 55:11
in those? Yeah. I mean, we anticipate it’ll be more around the bus stations, but the US 36 bikeway has people who run on it and walk on it. I see them. Yeah, often. I mean, it’s not a lot, but there are some people who use it for that purpose. Yeah, we have some people that enjoy long marathons and what have you. All right. I think that’s all my questions. And thank you for answering all of them. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 55:38
Thank you for the update, it’s been very informative. I’d like to hear more about how signal prioritization for buses will work.
Unknown Speaker 55:55
Is it off. So the transit signal priority, the way it is designed, is if the bus is approaching the intersection, and you set that check in period for the bus to be like so many feet from the stop bar.
Unknown Speaker 56:14
You know, as you’re approaching the intersection, once it’s in there, it’ll send a signal via a cellular connectivity, if you will, to the traffic signal controller to hold the green phase that is already happened and to make sure the bus gets through the intersection.
Unknown Speaker 56:35
That’s really how it works. And that’s one of the very effective types time saving measures
Unknown Speaker 56:44
that were implemented on this project. Will it require an action by the bus operator does it automated automated, okay. And
Unknown Speaker 56:53
also, I’ve noticed that the
Unknown Speaker 56:57
the BRT stations are situated such that after a bus has picked up or discharged passengers, the operator has to merge into the leftmost travel lane of the highway.
Unknown Speaker 57:10
Does the signal prioritization somehow create a gap for the bus to do that?
Unknown Speaker 57:17
The signal prioritization is really to get the bus through the intersection to get to the far side of the intersection where the
Unknown Speaker 57:26
station platform and then the parking right is, there is adequate length, the graphics only show, you know
Unknown Speaker 57:36
sort of what has happened in there, but there is going to be adequate merge
Unknown Speaker 57:42
for the bus to get up to speed and then merge version two, though, it looks like there’s just a couple of bus links worth of merge area on this graphic. But it’ll be long, how long.
Unknown Speaker 57:55
It’ll be longer than that, because we’ve the traffic study. Yeah, I don’t know the exact distance, but we’re talking, you know, hundreds or 1000s of feet, 1000 feet, not what’s shown here, which looks to be maybe 150 200 feet, but again, you know, trying to show the whole graphic and get to a scale where everyone can see it. That was kind of the purpose of the red highlighted areas. This is to show both that that length of bypass Lane coming into the intersection, and then you go to the station and then you’ve got to an acceleration lane, on the other side of the station to help the bus get back up to speed before it merges back over into the lane. And there’ll be a distance of that acceleration, then there’ll be the standard taper and everything like that. So there’s going to be a space for the bus to be able to get up to speed and move over. Got it. Thank you
Unknown Speaker 58:43
just one last thing on that on.
Unknown Speaker 58:46
I’m curious as to how you’re going to
Unknown Speaker 58:50
maybe do a public education campaign on BRT. And and these sorts of issues, because obviously, it’s going to need to be more of a driver change, as opposed to the bus driver change. Yeah, it’s fantastic question I’ll just throw out there. You know, as we move into the public meeting, the county’s put together a really good video that highlights a lot that’s going on with the project, and does provide an example of how this will work. There are some things that continue to evolve as we go through design, I think we’ll want to use a tool like that video. I mean, I will be honest, if you go online, and you started searching, Cuba, bypass lanes or bus queue jumps or whatever you might search online, you’ll get a whole bunch of materials about the bus being on the outside of the corridor, and the bus jumping on the outside, you’ll get lots of pictures of downtown Denver and so on. This is a very unique application of this. So you’re spot on that education will be key. I think, you know, through the course of this public meeting, and from feedback from folks like yourself, we do need to figure out the best way to engage and educate the public on this. I think you know, the video is a good start. We’ll see how that goes during the preliminary design meetings and public meetings and as we continue to do outreach
Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
Hopefully we can hone in how to best explain it because it is a little bit different than what you might see your expect in a downtown area. But then again, we do have a little bit of a different corridor, because a lot of the other places you would see this application would be in the middle of a downtown scene. So this is a bit of a different context as well.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:18
Just yeah, no, I’m good. Yeah, just as a quick you could do with these when it does get built, maybe information kind of sessions at each one of the parking lots, when it’s first built. And if you will try to get a captive audience of motorists to understand kind of like, what’s going on? Yeah, that’s a good suggestion. I think there’s a lot of benefits to this median approach. And I think once people get used to it, they’re going to really like the way this is set up comparatively. To those outside buses. It is just a piece to get people to understand it’s almost like once you first go there, you’re gonna like it, I promise. Let’s just figure out how to get you safely to and understand how things work. Like a roundabout. Yes, ma’am. Yeah, absolutely. That’s a great analogy, right. Everyone’s like, what do you what’s up these crazy roundabouts, and realize the safety and operational benefits?
Unknown Speaker 1:01:13
So to piggyback off with what Mr. lanner said, and actually, his earlier question, I’m wondering if this would be a good place to have more of a concrete barrier rather than striping. Because I’m thinking about on 63rd, there’s room there for the bus to ramp up and everybody sees the bus. And yet, they never seem to realize that it’s gonna merge. And I know this isn’t going to fully merge. But there’s just something about
Unknown Speaker 1:01:39
a bus gathering speed that causes disruption in the traffic flow.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:45
And I think there’s a lot to evaluate there in terms of the grade, right, I mean, if they’re going down a hill, it’s probably a different scenario than if they’re going up a big hill, and so on and so forth. I think those are things we can look into both with the acceleration lane and kind of the configuration in that area.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:00
Barrier creates its own potential concerns of safety issues for the the motorists driving and the spacing there and running into the barrier, and so on and so forth. And so we’re gonna have to balance all of that we’re absolutely going to have barrier at those stations and some configuration there to protect those those folks that are going to be waiting to get on the bus. But But what extends out from there and how far I think will contextually we’ll have to look at it.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:32
What process is done between the people designing and building these roads? And say, Waze or Google Maps or things like that? Is there a communication from you to say, we’re changing how this is going to lay out? So the instructions need to change? Do you communicate? Or do they kind of kind of find out after the fact. So there, there’s a good where we have a pie team in, in place, with representation from each of the agencies that you see here. And they’re quite active, but
Unknown Speaker 1:03:08
very much so active. So we did the video, thanks to Boulder County, and
Unknown Speaker 1:03:15
Stacy, to spearhead that effort and the website keeps changing. We will definitely be communicating the public, we’re going to have outreach programs. Chris, if you want to add anything to it, or? I love that question. I don’t know the answer. I’d love to find out the answer to that question. Yeah, so there’ll be a lot more coming down the pike. That would be great. I know that when Denver recently did the underpass for 70, it took about two months before Google caught up with it. And I think it would be especially with that left turn situation we have, we probably would be good to be ahead of that. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:57
Thank you for sharing that information. That’s really something that we can look into and
Unknown Speaker 1:04:02
take care of it. So
Unknown Speaker 1:04:06
do you have any other questions?
Unknown Speaker 1:04:12
Great. Well, yeah, thank you so much, again, for having us here tonight. And thanks for all the questions and great input, rolling them in. It’s just we enjoy getting together and talking about these projects. And we’re very excited. So I hope you can you can make it a public meeting and looking forward to more coordination and making things
Unknown Speaker 1:04:37
happen around here for for, you know, for the whole region, improving transportation and all mobility options. So have a good evening. Thanks. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:49
I think between presentations, we’re going to just make sure that your monitors are all set to presentation mode. So Jay might help with that. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
Unknown Speaker 1:07:09
So if we’re ready we’re gonna go ahead with Tom st is going to start the presentation on capital improvement program projects for Lamar fiscal year 22 through 25. Thanks
Unknown Speaker 1:07:22
chairperson Stewart, board members. My name is Tom Street as Phil mentioned and I work within the Public Works and Natural Resources Department. Tonight I’m here with Alden Jenkins and Jays to fare and we’re here to present some of our transportation related CIP projects.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:44
Wanted to mention a couple things before we get going. One, if you do have questions, feel free to jump in at any time. And two, we’ve grouped the projects into three different categories. We have one group of projects, that is projects that are under construction. We have a group of projects that will be nearing construction in a very short term. And we have a group of projects that are currently under design.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:09
Tonight, one of our younger engineers JSTOR. Fer is going to kick off the presentation. James has been with the city for just over one year. And he’s going to start tonight’s presentation talking about our pavement management program.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:31
Other chairperson Stewart, members of DAV, I’m Jay starphire. As Tom mentioned,
Unknown Speaker 1:08:37
I’m gonna start out with tarp 001 which is our pavement management program.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:43
This is the most critical annual program, the city has
Unknown Speaker 1:08:49
to maintain and rehabilitate the long months transportation infrastructure.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:57
Longmont has roughly 1200 lane miles of roadway and this pavement management program allows us to evaluate, maintain and rehabilitate these roadways.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:11
This pavement management program has four main activities or programs, concrete rehabilitation, asphalt rehabilitation, chip seal projects and crack seal projects. Currently, the asphalt rehabilitation and
Unknown Speaker 1:09:31
concrete rehabilitation have 10 areas going for this year 2022. There, it includes Main Street 17th Avenue and airport road, just to mention a few roads. And
Unknown Speaker 1:09:48
can you click Do I click
Unknown Speaker 1:09:51
Unknown Speaker 1:09:53
So if you notice this picture, the picture before was before concrete rehabilitation and asphalt
Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
rehabilitation went through. This is the after picture. This CIP project is estimated to cost. We it’s budgeted 6.9 million for this year.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:13
Moving on to TRP 01 1/17 Avenue and pay St. Ada improvments. Ada stands for Americans with Disability Act.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:24
This project was really brought to the city.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:27
City’s attention by
Unknown Speaker 1:10:30
a resident filed a formal complaint via the online portal, and the city was able to react. And if you notice, I’m gonna go to what this project looks like. Now this is the northwest corner.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:44
You can see the pedestrian facilities have been upgraded hugely.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:50
As as far as truncated, domes were added. crosswalks were added.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:56
And some drainage aspects were added to you can see all the curb and gutter
Unknown Speaker 1:11:02
within around each all four corners.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:06
This happen in conjunction with asphalt rehab and concrete rehab earlier this spring.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:15
I’m gonna hand it over to Alden to
Unknown Speaker 1:11:18
talk about some next projects.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:21
Hi, good evening, Chairperson Stewart and board members. My name is Alton Jenkins, I’m a senior civil engineer working with Tom and Jace within engineering services. We’re gonna go and move on, excuse me from projects that are under active construction or recently completed to those that are very near to construction.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:40
first project that we’re going to be taking a look at here is the Boston Avenue bridge replacement project. This project will replace the existing bridge structure over the st Green River which you can see in the far distance of the photo there and the sort of bleed blue water feature in the background.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:57
The new bridge will actually be lengthening the bridge span from what is existing. And at the same time the creek bed will be lowered and combined with the new longer bridge span and the lower creek bed, the overall hydraulic capacity of this bridge structure will be increased.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:15
What this does is it will actually make the structure more capable of conveying the 100 year floodplain and it’s really a continuation of the downstream improvements which you can see in the photo which were recently completed by the resilient St. Green Project. So beyond just improvements to the floodplain, the replacement of this bridge structure has a multimodal component to it in that it will be improving the
Unknown Speaker 1:12:39
pedestrian and bike access across the bridge, which right now doesn’t meet our preferred standards for a collector roadway.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:47
This project I think was mentioned by Jim a little earlier tonight planned to go to construction, or sorry, bid this month still. And ideally construction would be happening in August or September of this year. Right now we have an estimate estimate, estimated construction cost of around $8 million
Unknown Speaker 1:13:04
for this project.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:08
Yeah, go ahead.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:15
Yes, so
Unknown Speaker 1:13:19
it’s very good question. Question being where is the detour traffic going to be going? When this is under construction.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:27
That was actually partially why this project was part of the open house the Jim
Unknown Speaker 1:13:35
Angstadt had mentioned earlier, because
Unknown Speaker 1:13:39
while this bridge credit, if I’m wrong, Jim is not going to be closed, the lane traffic will still be maintained. Traffic will still be maintained.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:47
People may learn to and want to take different routes. We’re not going to be promoting different routes necessarily during construction. But Third Avenue through the old town area may be used by motorists to avoid bridge construction, even though we’re not going to be promoting it or closing it. It may be used for that
Unknown Speaker 1:14:12
we’re not
Unknown Speaker 1:14:14
Unknown Speaker 1:14:18
Alright, so moving on to another project that is very near to construction is our Third Avenue multimodal improvements project. This project is not only a multimodal improvement project, it’s also a preventative maintenance project. In terms of multimodal improvements, primarily include striping changes along Third Avenue from Morton Street to Ken Pratt Boulevard or state highway 119. The existing existing conditions that you see here right now and the photo is at into just the east of the Lashley Street intersection.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:53
are proposed striping changes at the same location include the addition of on street buffered bike lanes, and
Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
That’s for the entire length of the project from Martin Street to Ken Pratt Boulevard, we’re going to be accomplishing that without eliminating any travel lanes or turn lanes, it’s going to be strictly the reducing the width of the existing turn lanes and travel lanes which are wider than they need to be.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:19
Project will also plan to install green pavement markings as you see as well. Those are intended to be installed at conflict potential conflict areas for bikes and vehicles. Really the intent there is to provide a greater visibility of the bike lane facility and those that are using it as a pass through those conflict areas.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:40
I mentioned this is also a preventative maintenance project. That is because it is going to be kidding getting completed alongside sorry, the striping changes are getting completed alongside a chip seal resurfacing project that will happen simultaneously designed for the striping is just about complete right now. And we are hoping to go to construction for this project in mid summer of this year.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:11
So I have a question. Yeah, go ahead. Looking at that corner, going third to Lashley.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:19
This I one reason you’re going to be able to narrow the lanes as they are too wide, because it was originally a much faster road. And I noticed that most people don’t come down to the new speed limit. And so I’m wondering what plans there are for signing and helping the drivers really learn other than stopping them and giving them tickets really learned that that’s a much lower road? Will the narrowing be part of that? And what are their plans do you have for signage or encouraging people to slow down. So to kind of two part question to that in terms of getting traffic to slow down part of the design is to narrow the travel lanes, and that lane narrowing inherently has the effect of slowing traffic down some.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:06
just posting a speed limit doesn’t necessarily mean the people are going to follow it.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:10
So by by designing it for traffic to travel slower, the intent is that they will then follow that lower speed limit I think currently is posted at 45 miles per hour, all the way to Ken Pratt Boulevard. In terms of getting people used to the new facility itself, there’s going to be quite a bit of signage that that gets installed for yielding two bikes at some of the merge locations. It’s adding a new facility on street where there’s no bike facility. And so there will be about learning curve with vehicles. And we’re going to be using signage to support that and educate up and down the quarter. Beyond that this project does not have any plans to install any sort of speed limits. Signs. I think there’s one existing for westbound right now.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:57
So in terms of those two questions, that’s Thank you. God. So any other questions for this project? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:09
So I witnessed today going down Lashley it’s kind of a complicated place for bicycles to travel. And I witnessed
Unknown Speaker 1:18:20
people in the right lane, traveling into the left lane to avoid bicyclists. And I’m just wondering, I noticed you’ve got some dark striping here and you know, the green merging. I’m just wondering if the lanes are are tighter if you think there might be some traveling then between lanes when they see a bicycle lane next to them
Unknown Speaker 1:18:47
would you mind clarifying your question so I can understand a little bit better.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:52
Okay, so the lanes on third are, are wide at this time, and you’re going to make them more narrow to accommodate a bike lane. But I’m wondering if because the lane is more narrow, if that might cause motorists to actually travel into the left lane to you know, to kind of accommodate bicyclists. There is this I think it’s a psychological factor. I know there’s room for it, but I witnessed this on Lashley just driving on Lashley today and said okay, sure. Okay, so just because you’re wandering into the adjacent lane, to go away or to give a bicyclist to a wide berth is sure with a narrower lanes that certainly does provide less maneuverability for that vehicle but these buffers are sorry, the bike lanes are five feet minimum and the buffer itself is two feet.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:47
That has been our standard so far for buffered bike lanes that we’ve been installing. There’s various locations throughout town, Pike Road, west of Main Street and then also on pace Street North to 17th Avenue.
Unknown Speaker 1:20:02
I can’t speak from my own experience. But generally, we found that to be adequate in terms of providing that
Unknown Speaker 1:20:09
safe buffer for a vehicle not to want to wander into the the adjacent lane. There will be sections of Third Avenue where the buffer is larger, specifically east of Lashley, or east of Alpine, the buffer, I believe, expands to three feet, and the bike lane itself is actually going to be larger than five feet as well. So there should be more than enough room for the bike to comfortably move or be cycling on the shoulder edge. And then for a vehicle to pass it without feeling uncomfortable being too close to the cyclist. Do you think some of this is the responsibility of the bicyclists, I noticed sometimes they tend to be closer to the striping than then to the side of the road. And I’m not sure why that happens. Until then it kind of crowds, the motorist. And this is all it’s all striping. There’s no barrier there, correct? That’s correct, there is no vertical barrier between the bike and second the cyclist or the bike lane. Sometimes that can happen because there’s debris in the bike lane, and a lot of that debris gets pushed there. And by the, by the vehicles or by whatever. So there’s a lot of reasons why bikes will move outside of the bicycle lane, and so are people riding bikes or moving outside the bicycling lane. So this does provide that extra as all dimension to feet at least buffer and some of it is taken away from the lane, but the lanes are still very wide as compared to a car. So
Unknown Speaker 1:21:30
typically, we like I think they’re even wider here than our typical 12 foot. No, we’re not going yeah, we’re not going greater than 12 feet. And actually at Third Avenue in particular, or sorry, Lashley. In particular, I believe we’re 11 feet. For comparison, the travel lanes through downtown, north of Third Avenue on 287. Our,
Unknown Speaker 1:21:55
I believe 10 feet in a lot of areas, there might even be some nine and a half in some areas. And so these are going to be 11 feet at the minimum. In some locations, there’ll be up at 12.
Unknown Speaker 1:22:06
So in this example that I’m using today, I was I was behind the motorist and the bicyclist so as I was observing this, and I think some of it is just the nature of bicycling, I think the gentleman on the bicycle was just enjoying his ride and wasn’t aware that he was, you know, traveling into the lane to where the motorist was uncomfortable. And so I’m just wondering, is there something we can do to
Unknown Speaker 1:22:29
make sure that those lanes are clean? And that bicyclists know that maybe they should, you know, try to give that lane in that line? A little room? So they’re not
Unknown Speaker 1:22:41
affecting motorists, or you know, where motorists are, like, you know, aware of bicycles, which is a good, good thing. But also, then not always, you know, they’re watching the bicyclist and they’re not always watching what’s going on in the left lane. Just an idea. Sure. And I don’t have an answer to is there is an education piece to cyclists to make sure that they’re going to be
Unknown Speaker 1:23:05
staying closer to the center of the facility they’re using or not. In terms of maintenance, it’s a matter of just making sure that any sort of street sweeping, snow removal, things of that nature are aware that that facility exists, and that it’s the intent is to keep it clear. Are you doing any community engagement in regards to these projects, we have, we’ve provided before design started, we had provided an indication that we’re going to going to be installing this new facility on Third Avenue.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:36
We have gone to our bicycle Issues Committee to get their feedback and thoughts on this particular project and any sort of design modifications that the cycling community would like to see.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:48
To my knowledge, beyond the bicycle Issues Committee, there has not been a lot of feedback from the general public on this.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:58
There are no houses that are directly adjacent to it, we’re not removing parking in any locations, because there’s no parking that exists. So by and large, there’s not been a lot of feedback. Okay, thank you. And I can just add on just a little bit that we do have a traffic safety coordinator as part of transportation planning group so we can pass on your concerns about education and, and making sure bicyclists understand how to use the lanes correctly. So we’ll move that into our group a little bit about how we try to educate folks on that.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:31
Thanks. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:33
Unknown Speaker 1:24:36
I feel pretty strongly about this. So there’s a three foot rule that’s by law, a car has to give a cyclist three feet. Doesn’t matter how wide the lane is. If they can’t pass safely, they don’t pass
Unknown Speaker 1:24:50
a law. So it’s not the motorists respect it’s that the cyclists responsibility the motorist actually has a responsibility to do no harm.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
Unknown Speaker 1:25:01
a cyclist as a vulnerable user on this road,
Unknown Speaker 1:25:05
and so you’re doing a typical road diet, from what I can tell. And is this just a section two? Because are there other? Are there examples of road diets that you’ve done in Longmont, and we’ll say what the success rate was in terms of pushback from the driving public versus the users of the space. We have done a couple of road diets. Within a month, probably one of the first ones was on Sunset Street from pike road north to Kansas Avenue, I think that was completed in possibly 2019.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:38
It’s actually the photo that was provided our pavement management program. Slide by Jace was that project.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:48
I don’t personally have the
Unknown Speaker 1:25:51
I wasn’t personally getting any responses for that. After that was installed. However, I did hear through one of our prior engineering administrators that there was some pushback from the traveling public when that was installed. But I think the proof is in usage now in that, even though we did take lanes away and installed bike lanes, that not have a detrimental effect on traffic flows within that corridor. The same can be said for a more recent project Ninth Avenue from Francis to Bowen, we actually took two lanes each direction and change that to a three lane section with bike lanes on either side,
Unknown Speaker 1:26:32
that, from my experience, have the same type of feedback where the initial response was negative with some traveling public.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:41
But again, I think the proof is in that it still functions adequately. And well, from a vehicle perspective. Is there any thought about besides sharrows, which,
Unknown Speaker 1:26:52
my personal opinion is sharrows, don’t do anything, because it’s just paint. So rumble strips, even the little turtles that they use in Europe, to anything else, that’s not something that would cause a car obviously, to to run over and, you know, possibly kind of, I will say, hurt the car, but you know, cause an accident.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:12
Beyond, you know, what would normally be used can be on just the buffered striping. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:19
Currently, we don’t have anything planned for that. Along those lines, part of the challenges and anything that’s going to be beyond striping is going to be an issue for snow removal and maintenance.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:33
We did run a pilot project for separated bike lanes, protected bike lanes on pike road a few years ago to evaluate the reception from the cycling community, as well as our own operations departments ability to maintain that facility. And the conclusion from that pilot project was that buffered bike lanes was going to yield the most comfortable experience for the cyclist and the best
Unknown Speaker 1:28:01
maintenance record for keeping them clear of snow and debris. So at this time now, just the striping is what we’ve we’re opting for with this project. But that doesn’t mean that we may reevaluate in the future future if it makes sense. But for now, we’re not.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:19
Great, thank you. No, I appreciate the input on there. Welcome.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:23
Any other questions about Third Avenue?
Unknown Speaker 1:28:27
Unknown Speaker 1:28:32
All right, so moving on to our Boston Avenue connection phase two project.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:39
What uh, what I’d like to do is just a quick reminder of what our phase one is, some of you may be wondering what is phase one of Boston Avenue connection. And so what that is or what it was, was a connection that was completed in 2016. That made a new connection and Boston Avenue between Main Street and Martin Street.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:58
This phase two connection is actually going to be west of South Platte Parkway in price road, and it is a long planned project to create a new at grade crossing, to make that connection of Boston Avenue across the railroad tracks to price road. You can see with this new connection that just showed up in red here.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:19
It is critical to the city’s overall transportation network, in that it will provide a new uninterrupted east west connection along Boston avenue for an airport road all the way to Martin Street. At the same time, it’s going to act as the primary access route for Theremin right, it’s the blue line for bus rapid transit, which you’ve heard quite a bit about this evening from our friends at RTD.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:45
So this connection would be used for the Blue Rock connection to make its way over from the coffee industry busway project which you’ll hear about in a second over to over this particular project because it is going to have a connection across the road
Unknown Speaker 1:30:00
requires approval from the Public Utilities Commission or PUC. It’s the next critical step in securing this connection. And our plan is to submit that application to the PUC in mid summer of this year. We’re hopeful to start construction in 2023. However, and that comes with a large, however, with application to the PUC that could,
Unknown Speaker 1:30:24
depending on the circumstances of how that application goes, could extend our ability to start construction or delay construction. And the likely scenario is that we won’t be able to start until 2024 More than likely.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:40
This project is currently estimated at a $3.3 million construction budget.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:48
So as I mentioned,
Unknown Speaker 1:30:50
that our next projects here is our Kaufmann St. busway project with some which some of you have heard of. I believe we took this project to the transportation advisory board in 2021, to evaluate different types of alternatives.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:05
And what the recommendation would be from the from the board this multimodal transportation project at the heart of downtown along Kaufman Street from first avenue to Ninth Avenue. It is a true multi multimodal project in that it has a variety of improvements. First of which is the inclusion of dedicated dedicated bus lanes in some areas.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:30
These bus lanes will serve as the primary access routes for the bus rapid transit system that will be coming to Longmont. Beyond that, it also includes separated bike lanes
Unknown Speaker 1:31:42
that are not on street they’re fully separated and a separate grade from the roadway itself.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:49
For both knows northbound and southbound Kaufman Street for the length of the project, and also includes pedestrian improvements in the form of wider sidewalks, various mid block crossings, as well as
Unknown Speaker 1:32:02
intersection improvements at all the intersections up and down the corridor.
Unknown Speaker 1:32:07
Project is well under design with completion expected in early 2023. We’ve had extensive stakeholder stakeholder engagement thus far with the general public at large property owners, business owners, tenants that work and live along the corridor of Kaufman Street, as well as external stakeholders at CDOT BNSF and RTD when there was federal and state grant funding included with this project of about $6.9 million 6.15 of which is slated for construction, or total estimated construction cost right now. And I guess I’ll say the caveat of in today’s dollars, is $13.5 million.
Unknown Speaker 1:32:50
This was previously scheduled to start in 2023. We are looking at our targeting now a 2024 start date to better align the opening day of this project the carpentry busway with the opening day of the first and main transit station, which is a key component of the BRT system for the entire Longmont core or corridor in Longmont in particular. So
Unknown Speaker 1:33:13
any questions about this project?
Unknown Speaker 1:33:18
Okay, with that, I think I will be passing it off to chase.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:23
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:28
Thanks. All right.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:32
Moving on to the next project, TRP 105 is 17th Avenue sidewalk improvement projects. So if you’ll notice the red is the limits of our project. I don’t know if you guys have ever walked on the north side of 17th Avenue. But the sidewalks are in very poor condition. So the goal of this project, we’re going to go through and
Unknown Speaker 1:33:59
remove the asphalt sidewalk you can see and replace it with a concrete sidewalk
Unknown Speaker 1:34:06
that will meet all current standards.
Unknown Speaker 1:34:10
Our design is 100% complete, but we have some caveats not with the design, but we’re working on land acquisitions right now. And right away. We actually have had 12 of 19 Go through city council and be approved. And we’re hoping the other
Unknown Speaker 1:34:31
the other land acquisitions and right away make it through this next month. So that that’ll be pretty good.
Unknown Speaker 1:34:42
The fourth quarter of this year we want to advertise for construction and then we’re hoping to
Unknown Speaker 1:34:49
go into construction spring of next year.
Unknown Speaker 1:34:53
This current this project is currently estimated at $750,000
Unknown Speaker 1:35:01
The next project I would like to talk about
Unknown Speaker 1:35:04
is DRM. 028 Spring Gulch number two phase three. So if you’ll notice, there’s a red dotted line that is going to be the
Unknown Speaker 1:35:16
north to south Greenway connection. And when I’m saying north to south that this is actually a really big deal for Longmont. This is going to connect
Unknown Speaker 1:35:26
you Creek Golf Course to the sandstone ranch
Unknown Speaker 1:35:31
nature area. So this is a huge improvement for long loan.
Unknown Speaker 1:35:37
This phase three includes a pedestrian underpass underneath the great, great Western Railroad.
Unknown Speaker 1:35:44
Our design is currently at 90% construction slated for 2023. And we are estimating the CIP project is going to cost around 3 million.
Unknown Speaker 1:35:57
So now I’m gonna hand it off to Tom.
Unknown Speaker 1:36:01
If you don’t have any questions
Unknown Speaker 1:36:11
or kin Pratt Boulevard sunset Street project has two primary objectives. We have intersection improvements and we have a road diet associated with it. The so called road diet will change the existing section on Sunset Street. Alden talked about it just a little bit earlier. Currently we have four lanes we have two through lanes in each direction. And with the road diet will change the striping will have one through Lane each direction center left turn lane and on street bike lanes in each direction. And this section of the road diet will extend from Kansas Avenue north to Nelson road. As far as the intersection improvements, we’re going to be widening sunset Street at Ken Pratt Boulevard. The widening will accommodate one through lane for each direction of Sunset street, but will now have dedicated left turns and right turns for both directions. In addition to on street bike lanes.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:13
The project also includes some improvements at the railroad crossing and these improvements will facilitate a future quiet zone at this location.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:23
Design is approximately 30% complete. We did We did get a grant for this project, a safer Mainstreet grant in the amount of $1.2 million.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:35
And that’s for the construction phase. Currently, we’re estimating the construction costs of this project to be 3.7 million. And we believe this project will be ready for construction during the spring of 2024.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:54
Our next project is our dry creek Greenway connection project. This project will design and construct an eight foot wide concrete multi use path along Dry Creek it’ll connect into the existing trail along the eastern portion of the village at the peak small it’ll head east and tie into sunset Street.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:19
Look looking at the slide. To the right it shows the conceptual alignment of the new concrete path adjacent to dry creek. In addition to some planned on street bike lanes for court Parkway.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:34
This project is almost at a 30% design level. We’re estimating construction will cost about 900,000 for this project. And again, it’s another project that we think will be ready for construction in the spring of 2020 for
Unknown Speaker 1:38:54
these two projects are very similar. They’re both on County Line Road. One is on the south end of County Line Road The other is on the north end of County Line Road. And both of these projects will bring multimodal improvements to this busy transportation corridor. The segment to the south from Zeiten drive to the St. Vrain River is a project that is currently under design. It’s a joint project with Boulder County. Currently, we’re splitting design costs with the county that we expect to city shared to cost around $80,000 and the design is approximately 50% Complete at this point. We’re estimating the construction for this project to cost about $700,000 and the scope will include widening of County Line Road to facilitate on street bike lanes in each direction. The project will also include various drainage improvements and an asphalt overlay.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:52
We’ve been discussing potential cost sharing arrangements with Boulder County but at this point we haven’t
Unknown Speaker 1:40:00
actually started working on any type of agreement
Unknown Speaker 1:40:04
as far as the segment to the north, from 17th Avenue to state highway 66, and other another project that will bring multimodal improvements to this section of County Line Road. The scope will include widening of County Line Road to facilitate on street bike lanes each direction. This project also includes an asphalt overlay and striping improvements. The city did acquire an outside grant for the design phase of this project, we have funding coming in through Dr cog in the amount of 225,000. That funding requires a local match by the city. That local match is 225,000. So that sets our total design budget at 450,000.
Unknown Speaker 1:40:51
Currently, we have staff working on the selection process to acquire a consultant to work on this project.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:00
I did want to mention that one of our big goals as we’re moving through the design process for this project is to really look for outside funding options to do the construction of these improvements. So we’re gonna be looking at various grants. And also we’re going to have conversations with some of the key area stakeholders. Weld County and bold County, Boulder County, as far as potential funding partnerships for the construction phases, this project.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:31
Quick question, sure. Oh, no. TRP
Unknown Speaker 1:41:34
Oh, one one, the 17th Avenue to sh 66. How did you get that picture with a gentleman walking on the side of the road? That’s perfect.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:45
It actually, you didn’t Photoshop it in Photoshop. That’s a real life picture. We spent, we spent about a year and a half constructing County Line Road just out to here. And I happened to be out there on that particular day taking pictures to the south. And then when I saw that I couldn’t resist trying to try and to try to take that pitcher at that moment in time. But yeah, great pitcher. And it’s obvious from both both photographs that there’s definitive needs along this corridor. It just lots of improvements are needed.
Unknown Speaker 1:42:19
One thing I’ll just add is that we came to you previously at a previous TV meeting and talk to you about possible. We call tip project Transportation Improvement Program projects to Dr. Coggan. So this was one of them. And we just wanted to put that out.
Unknown Speaker 1:42:33
Tom’s talking about the design piece of this. We’re hoping to get awarded the next stage of funds to do the construction of what gets designed likes
Unknown Speaker 1:42:47
Unknown Speaker 1:42:51
you mentioned, did you mention Weld County? Is there any plan to have cost sharing with them? Are they involved with any of this? They certainly will be they’ll be involved in the review of the project. We actually had conversations with Weld County last week, as matter of fact, and there were some high level conversations about potential cost sharing options during the construction phase the project, but we’ll we’ll definitely be talking to Boulder County in Weld County both. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:43:22
Well, this is our final slide of the night. This shows most of the transportation related CIP projects that we have in progress. And really at this time, we just wanted to open up and see what type of final comments and questions you may have.
Unknown Speaker 1:43:47
We just looked at a photo of a gentleman walking right on the edge of the travel and does does that improvement include sidewalks as well as bike lanes? Not with this phase of the project. So next time we see it, he’ll be walking in the bike lane. Well, it’ll be a much safer condition than we have today. But
Unknown Speaker 1:44:07
to be upfront and transparent, there are no pedestrian facilities, dedicated pedestrian facilities being planned with this project to this point. Thank you. And then going back to your very first project. When you design ADA ramps for an intersection. Do you study the potential for water to collect an ice to build up at the low point of the ramps? It’s one of the primary focus. We’ve had so many problems over the last five or 10 years, either with maintenance or poor drainage. That is certainly a focus for us. Great based on my personal experience, I’d urge you to redouble your efforts in that regard.
Unknown Speaker 1:44:49
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:44:55
Yeah, I just want to thank you guys for the time and the effort you put into this because this is very cool.
Unknown Speaker 1:45:00
apprehensive. And it is good to see that. Dr. cog, for example, on the the last two slides that we saw that we’re moving ahead with that. And I know you had mentioned Phil, prior or during the last discussion is the city facility going to be put in there a park or something on the west side.
Unknown Speaker 1:45:22
Currently, the city is the full owner of all the property along the west side of the County Line Road from state highway 66. Coming down to 17th Avenue. The way I understand it, there are two future uses, we have some open space. And that will remain as open space. But right at the corner with state highway 66. There is a future park being planned for that location. Last I heard it’s not imminent is not in the next five years, but it might be in the next five to 10 years.
Unknown Speaker 1:45:56
So that might that might facilitate then as being able to move towards pedestrian facilities, it’ll definitely drive that need.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:05
With the development of the park, we will add
Unknown Speaker 1:46:08
what’s called side paths along that section of the state of County Line Road and state RV 66. Quite frankly,
Unknown Speaker 1:46:17
she also mentioned that it’s going to be a buffered bike way. So it will have the extra two feet to help bicycles get around pedestrians possibly.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:34
Thank you. I just want to say thank you Mr. St. And Mr. Jenkins and
Unknown Speaker 1:46:40
and Mr. Turner for
Unknown Speaker 1:46:44
Jays. Thank you for fielding all our questions. It was really very comprehensive. And as you can tell, we’re very concerned about bicycle safety on our our board. So appreciate your consideration in that regard.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:59
Thanks for your time and interest.
Unknown Speaker 1:47:28
Thank you and thanks to the other members of the board I’ve thought
Unknown Speaker 1:47:34
Miss Michelle and Miss Osbourne I mean great ideas and things we hadn’t thought about, like with Google and and, and Mr. laner. Also, thanks for being in the trenches with me and bicycle lane safety and especially Mr. Mecca McInerney for signal priority prioritization.
Unknown Speaker 1:47:54
There was a question I had that I missed, so I was glad that you asked it.
Unknown Speaker 1:47:58
Anyway, great presentations to all that presented today. And appreciate all of you. Thanks so much for coming.
Unknown Speaker 1:48:27
That’s my cue. A thanks for your presentation was very informative, and no further questions or comments at this time.
Unknown Speaker 1:48:40
It’s read. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:48:42
Again, thank you very much for for all the time and the effort you put into this
Unknown Speaker 1:48:53
Yes, thank you for the detailed information. And in general, I just like to say I’ve learned a lot being on the transportation boards. My final meeting, along with Sandra so had a great opportunity to serve in the public capacity and learn about policy and it’s been a great experience. Thank you
Unknown Speaker 1:49:24
Thank you, thank you to everyone it has been I love the pictures I love the effort you took to make these very everyone took to make very visual explanations it really helped us to think or help I should not speak for others helped me to think of the things that I wouldn’t have thought without those pictures. So that was very good presentation. And I wanted to thank chairperson Stewart and board member Michelle for being patient during the time that I was learning how to do this in the great example in the work you’ve done. Thank you
Unknown Speaker 1:50:02
Yes, I don’t get the last word. Okay, I get the last word. Here we go. Thank goodness for the last word.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:10
I’d like to thank Phil and valen, Ben and Caroline and Jane, and Stacy and all of you that were here tonight.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:19
And all the engineers and planners and supportive staff in the department for your continued excellent work specifically, during all the challenges that COVID-19 has brought to bear. I believe you all are working extra hard due to staff openings, and I have great confidence in the staff, that with your knowledge, your experience, and your thoughtfulness to details will continue. I appreciate that the staff works so well with our transportation partners throughout the county, the region, state and federal to secure much needed funding from the major projects that are currently being constructed, as well as making future funding for projects. May I say that I’m encouraged as I see a continued emphasis on all the projects, addressing multimodal choices. Really appreciate that. And I know that you all will continue to put safety first as a priority. Thank you for your dedication to this most important work. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:51:21
Unknown Speaker 1:51:27
We have one more. We have one more item. Oh, gosh, all right. No. Okay. The item aren’t we don’t have a council person here this evening. But the item for upcoming agenda item I think,
Unknown Speaker 1:51:42
oh, Phil, oh, well, gosh.
Unknown Speaker 1:51:45
agenda items to for next month that you will not be present for saying that we wanted to also thank you and show our appreciation for you and Courtney’s perseverance through all this. I mean, it is it has been tough. And it’s been very interesting, but it you’ve stuck with it. And we appreciate your time on the board. So with that we have a couple certificates we’d like to present to you. Sandy, you didn’t get to sign your own
Unknown Speaker 1:52:13
certificate because it didn’t seem right. So anyway, we want to give you certificates to just acknowledge that and we do have some little snacks up in the at the top for once we’re off camera and you can
Unknown Speaker 1:52:26
have a little bit of social time back there to say goodbye. Thanks. Thank you again.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:32
Okay, I have the ability to adjourn this meeting. So we’re adjourned.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:38
Thank you. Thank you
Unknown Speaker 1:52:46
Transcribed by