Longmont City Council – Regular Session – March 29, 2022

Video Description:
Longmont City Council – Regular Session – March 29, 2022

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Welcome and it is great to see everybody’s whole faces and no masks, however, I want to call the City Council regular session of March 29 2022. To order can we have a roll call please? Mayor Peck, present,

Unknown Speaker 0:24
Councilmember Dalgo Ferring. Here, Councilmember Martin. Here. Councilmember waters? Councilmember Yarborough? Yeah. Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez here. Mayor, you have a quorum.

Unknown Speaker 0:34
Thank you can we stand for the Pledge

Unknown Speaker 0:41
pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Unknown Speaker 0:57
Thank you. Masking at these in person meetings is voluntary and welcome to anyone choosing to wear a mask you’re allowed to do that. Those choosing to watch the live stream may do so in these ways. You can go to the video link on the city’s agenda management portal@www.la Longmont colorado.gov forward slash agendas. You can also go to the city’s YouTube channel, which is Longmont YouTube Live. You can also go to again the Longmont Public Media website, Longmont public media that.org forward slash watch. And as usual on Comcast at channels eight and 880. I just am really excited to see everybody’s faces out there. It’s been a while so welcome. Reminder to the public public participation at regular and special council meetings is regulated by Rule five of the city council rules and regulations. I’m sorry Rules of Procedure. Each speaker is limited to three minutes and council rules dictate that one person may not give or assign their time to others. The Chair may regulate the time for public participation may restrict cumulative or redundant presentations, and may require that each speaker’s comments pertained to the subject under discussion. Anyone wishing to speak at first called public invited to be heard shall add his or her name to the public invited to be heard sign up list prior to the start of the meeting and it was on a table outside in the foyer. Only those on the list will be invited to speak at the first public invited to be heard on a published public hearing item. Anyone wishing to speak on second reading or public hearing item are asked to add their name to the speaker list for each second reading public hearing item they wish to speak on prior to the start of the meeting. So that that’s when we have our second reading agenda. When items are brought back for the second time you may want to speak just on that item, then that’s what you sign up to speak on. Anyone wishing to speak during final call and public invited to be heard at the end of the meeting will be invited to do so with no signup. Whew, that’s a lot of reading. So now we have the approval of the minutes. Can I have a motion to approve the minutes of March 8 2022. Thank you. Do we have a second? Second? Okay that the minutes have been moved by Tim water seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairing Let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 3:50
All those in favor say push yay or nay? Yeah, it doesn’t want to go. So I’m uh Yay.

Unknown Speaker 4:07
So that carried that vote carried unanimously Thank you. And this Okay, great. Do Are there any councillors that want to add revisions or to future agenda items, or submission of documents or motions? Seeing none, we’ll move on to the city manager’s report.

Unknown Speaker 4:33
No reporting. Mayor Council.

Unknown Speaker 4:36
Okay, thank you. We have three special reports and presentations on the agenda. We have one dedication, which we’re going to do right now the Longmont Colorado painting from the Art in Public Places program and who do we have presenting that?

Unknown Speaker 4:56
Counselors Thank you, Madam Mayor, councillors, members of city staff and citizens of Longmont. Good evening. My name is Randy long. And I proudly serve as the chair of the city of Longmont Art in Public Places commission. I’ve been a faithful long monster for 12 years, and I’m honored to be invited to present to you this evening. Tonight I’m happy to be joined by members of art and public places today to dedicate this artwork and commemoration of long months 150 years as a gift to the citizens of Longmont. This original painting by artist Julie Lydell just depicts a scene that we call home, our beloved Twin Peaks overlooking Mackintosh Lake. Julie Lai del holds a degree in graphic design and is trained Roy cough Renaissance crafts woman, thus continuing a centuries old tradition. Her works depict recognizable landscapes and cityscapes in our Centennial State. Inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement, Lai dal utilizes color, line and form to convey in the stategic sensibility. She strives to creatively translate nature, architecture and beauty into craft style works of art. We are pleased to have this work in our city collection. The art and public places commission are stewards of the city public art collection, we manage the origination and care of the public art collection, utilizing task forces and selection panels in our community. Some of our well known programs include chalk art, which is are those big giant green electrical boxes that you see around the city. Art on the move, which is a traveling artwork program, and we care for a vast collection of over 100 total pieces in public spaces. We will be very busy in 2022. You’ll see a mural coming soon to the new parking garage going up on the spoke building on Kauffman ground murals coming to several parks and a new sculptures Well, our ongoing mission is to diversify the artwork in the collection while engaging the community enriching our lives promoting civic pride through city beautification, providing opportunities for local artists and energizing all our creative citizens. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 7:24
Thank you. Is do is Julie here tonight. No, that’s too bad. Thank you that is absolutely beautiful. Um, yep, that deserves an applause

Unknown Speaker 7:43
good after to hang that in a very special place. So moving on, I don’t know if we can top that though. That was really great. Moving on, we have a proclamation that I would like to invite Lauren hinder shot and Morgan lane there nyuad high school students to receive this proclamation. Let me Why don’t I read it first, and then you can speak because I want to hear your story. So this is a proclamation designating March 2022 as International Women’s month in Longmont, Colorado, whereas International Women’s month is celebrated globally during March by those who believe in gender equality, and who seek to improve the lives of all women and girls to spirit and non binary individuals and their families through cultural, legal, economic, social, and educational change. And whereas, women and girls in particular women with disabilities, racialized women, immigrant women to spirit and gender diverse peoples experience many barriers and whereas International Women’s month is a time to work toward a world where each woman in girl can exercise her choice, such as getting an education and living in societies free from violence and discrimination. And whereas, education for all students should address matters of healthy relationships at age appropriate levels, including consent and understanding when it has been given or withheld. And whereas the city of Longmont is committed to promoting equity and justice and will continue to work to address the system. This systemic and cultural barriers that perpetuate inequity, that now therefore, Joan Peck Mayor by virtue of the authority vested in me and the City Council of the City of Longmont, do hereby proclaim March 2022 as International Women’s month in Longmont and encourage all residents, including parents and students, businesses and visitors to raise awareness so that all may thrive and build a safe For a stronger community, thank you very much. We want to tell us a little bit about why you did this proclamation.

Unknown Speaker 10:10
Hello, and thank you for having us. I’m Morgan lane. And I’m Lauren hender shot and we’re juniors at nyuad High School

Unknown Speaker 10:18
now offers the opportunity to be a part of the International Baccalaureate program which includes a community project.

Unknown Speaker 10:26
As our project we chose to write this proclamation because of the lack of knowledge in relationships regarding consent in our community.

Unknown Speaker 10:33
This is important to us because we are aware of the effects that this has on the people in our community and we believe that it could be solved through education

Unknown Speaker 10:42
with education about consent, we believe that we could work together to create a safer environment for everyone.

Unknown Speaker 10:48
Thank you. You’re welcome. And I do want to say these young ladies contacted us earlier in the month they’ve been working on this for a very long time. I wish it was March 1 that we could do this but uh you know take it at any time of the month would you ladies like a picture with us let’s go get a picture. So now we’re on to our third approximation. Oh, hold on for a minute. So this is going to be a preliminary feedback on the sugar factory and steam sub alternatives and strategies. So we have Aaron Fosdick and Prince who is the principal planner planner on this project

Unknown Speaker 12:34
Mayor if I might pardon me for one moment we wondered if it wouldn’t be appropriate to take a picture as well with the art in public places group that was here with the picture while we’re in the photo taking moment sorry Aaron.

Unknown Speaker 12:46
Oh, that’s an absolute I didn’t even think of it thank you. That’d be great. Thank you come on down Are they still here? Yeah there’s calling. Use Cases are about spades face to face problems Dr Wyatt, maybe I can get Dr. Waters on this side or one more person at this perfect okay, good and just a tiny bit more just perfect. All right thanks okay, we’re ready for Aaron. Now. Good evening Council, Mayor Peck. Hopefully I remember how to do this since it’s been a while since we’ve been in person. My name is Aaron Fosdick. And I’m a principal planner with the city’s planning division, joined with representatives from our consultant team, who I’ll call up in just a sec, but I’ll introduce, we have Nancy lock, who Stantec. And they’re the prime consultant helping us with this project and also are joined by Danica Powell with Trussel strategy and trestle is helping us with an outreach for this project. I just want to do a short overview and then I’ll turn it over to Nancy to want to do is just give Council a short update. It’s since December that we were here talking to you about this project. And since that time, we’ve been doing a lot out in the community, you’ll see a lot of that reflected in the council communication. Tonight, we’re gonna give you a short overview of the goals which you’ve seen, we’ve already gotten back from council members on maybe some wordsmithing that we could do, and we’ll take a look at that and incorporate that feedback. We’ll also spend some time assessing where we are, where we’ve been and where we’re going. Out. As I mentioned, we’ve done a lot of engagement. So since we talked to you in mid December of last year, we’ve been visiting with other advisory boards and commissions we’ve been visiting with community groups conducted a project survey we had a zoom community meetings, we had a community forum that some of you attended with Chrome’s we’ve also engaged with a third grade cohort at Indian Peaks Elementary and Councilmember Hidalgo fairing conduct that, and have gotten some preliminary ideas from some third graders, which was really some innovative and interesting ideas. And we’ve included information in attachment. Go through that and talk about anything if you have friends. But obviously, we included a lot of information in your packet, what we really focus on tonight is sort of the next step in the process. And that’s really looking at alternatives. So Nancy is going to walk you through alternatives for the sugar factory for the steam for the steam area. And we want some high level feedback from back out to the community and back out to staff to help us develop that preferred alternative. So with that, I’ll turn it over to Nancy, and we look forward to our conversation

Unknown Speaker 17:27
Okay, thank you for having tonight. My name is Nancy lock. And I will see do I have a clicker? Yes, I do. Okay, working

Unknown Speaker 17:53
great, thanks.

Unknown Speaker 17:57
Okay, so we are we’re going to start out talking just really briefly about the process that we’ve been going through. Here, we started looking at all the work that you’ve done previously, everything from your Main Street corridor plan, the ULI panel, the steam visioning several other relevant documents, we’ve also been looking at the existing conditions and looking at the capacity of the land, looking at environmental concerns, looking at the mobility connectivity issues. And in addition to that, we’ve been, we did a market. So all of this information fed into developing goals, strategies for the steam and the sugar factory area. The the goals and strategies. You’ve seen them. They we’ve gotten some feedback on them, as Erin was saying, but they really do start to form the basis for the alternatives that we’re we’re developing the the alternatives represent the input from the engagement, they represent they have a foot in reality relative to the market, they they are responding to the existing conditions, the physical conditions, and they they develop and they explore ideas. From that from our alternatives, we will select a preferred alternative. And that alternative will be then vetted with a community once again and it will roll into a document that will guide the future development of the steam and sugar factory areas. So so thank you About the for the goals and strategies, we include these here, really because these are, are critical to the elements that are in the alternatives. Every one of these goals and strategies are represented somehow in the physical form, or in a potential strategy or policy that could come about through this process. So, you know, number one, focus diverse thing, housing, number two, enhancing transportation connectivity, number three, defining that sense of place is so incredible in these areas. And, and there’s a lot to capture and to be true to online is the idea of creating community, a place for the community to gather social spaces, places that empower the community, and finally promoting sustainability.

Unknown Speaker 21:07
The market study is very important to whatever we do in the sub area. And it’s important that the proposals are responsive to what the market will, will allow over the long run. So touching on the really the high points of the market study the the area in general, Colorado, a lot of different effects shifts, the age is increasing households are demanding the first housing couples are less likely to have children. And there’s a growing unaffordability us all income levels. So the the major underlying driver relative to we consider as we develop the plan for housing, you know, attainable housing. Specifically, there’s a strong demand for missing middle housing, which is anything from the 19 units, and higher density housing, which offer a lot of different options that you won’t find around single family. Very important in Longmont is that one of the big opportunities you have currently is infill how infill opportunities areas to redevelop areas that are currently underutilized as well rent and for sale units. In terms of somewhat more from industrial office and retail, there’s a lot of demand for industrial office of the office market is shifting. We’re seeing people go with that work anywhere, live anywhere. And then in terms of retail, there is demand for an agricultural hub, as well as for neighborhood retail. And the cultural facilities. I think your the study for the Performing Arts Center really said yes, there is a demand on that front. So looking at the planning area, there’s really it’s a larger area, a little bit less than 300 acres, of which there’s really two distinct districts within there. There’s there’s the steam area, and the sugar factory. So this, this study is looking at the whole area with these two districts, it’s really important that we are looking at it as a whole area, because there are opportunities where you want these two areas to complement one another as opposed to compete, as well as you can look at some broader connectivity issues that are common to both areas. They’re they’re underutilized. They represent a gateway to the city. They’re positioned on the same brain Greenway. And they both include multiple property owners. They have unique qualities. So the steam area, it’s anchored by Main Street, it’s walkable, from downtown from transit from the future BRT and rail. There are multiple property owners and a lot of smaller parcels. When you look at Sugar Factory, it’s more distinct from downtown and existing transit. There are iconic buildings and symbols of Longmont agricultural heritage, and there are fewer property owners in larger parcels. So there are opportunities that come along with that. So these alternatives, they explore the community visions for future future land uses that are supported by the market. We We’ll also look at the potential mobility framework in terms of street network, the hierarchy, pedestrian bike connections in trails, we’re going to look at the relationships between different land uses. And when you start to cluster one land use, how does it work with other land uses that might start to form some synergy. Big opportunities, these are two very significant properties, they there are opportunities for transformational

Unknown Speaker 25:33
projects within the city of Longmont. We want to make sure that we we capture those so we have two alternatives for steam and two for the sugar factory area. Important to remember the concepts represent ideas, the preferred plan will likely be a hybrid of of the best most favored ideas for feedback from counsel, we are really hoping to hear any fatal flaws have we missed opportunities? Are there ideas you like? Are there ideas you dislike, and more generally, are there things that you want us to consider as we go forward and you may not have heard much about the next step of this process will be to get community input on these alternatives. And to develop that preferred plan. This is a it there we we’ve heard a lot from the community you’re gonna see a lot of these elements in each of the plan I won’t go through them now. So first off, we’ll look at the mobility framework, this this area is really surrounded the sub areas surrounded by a lot of large capacity roadways, it does not have a lot of internal local road networks and access is somewhat limited. We are looking at how do we expand that and looking at it both from connection between the sub areas and but pedestrian and bike connectivity as well. So common to two we have two alternative well really two and a half alternatives here. common to both schemes is Third Avenue. We’ve heard a lot about increasing safety at the pedestrian crossings creating more pedestrian crossings from the neighborhoods to the north down to the south. We are also common to the scheme says is relying more heavily on trails as mobility so the same frame Greenway being a really important corridor connecting people from the the sugar factory area to the to the downtown and to the steam area. We we have some challenges as we look at connectivity we’ve got existing railroad crossings, we in one scheme we look at maintaining those in and in one scheme we look at potentially acquiring another so there there’s definitely a lot of options here also come to all schemes and is the extension of emery street down into the steam area and and so moving on looking at option one so that’s there on the on the top. The it is in this scheme we are getting we’re looking at how do we really knit together steam in the sugar factory area. We look at connectivity along First Avenue in the in the steam area a slight jog and utilizing Second Avenue it’s it’s dropped to the south of third that then connects into Rogers road and and then into the Sugarpill roadway. It’s not ideal it’s not a direct connection. Direct direct connection is not absolutely necessary. But this is sort of the least difficult connection to make. Also in the first scheme, you can see that there’s using the rail corridor as a tying it with a multi use pathway that links along first and along the rail corridor over into the sugar factory area. And the second option so option two a looks at in an at grade crossing. A connection from between there’s a connection From first that goes over the rail line at the spur and continue to connect with Sugar Mill Road. That option can actually be frayed or flyover and in that case, you do not need to have a rail crossing challenge with that, of course is that there’s a large costs associated with over over this berline

Unknown Speaker 30:34
so getting into the, the options at the steam steam is, is interesting as we we said, you know, it’s about 90 acres. It’s got that positioning along Main Street, it’s very important. And it’s really, really right at the front door of Dickens Park. So there’s a lot to work with there. It’s also walkable to the future BRT, which is second point, maybe I can’t point the feature BRT there that that’s at first and in main, the alternatives. The first one says What if we create this cultural arts core, we we locate the performing arts center there, we locate live music venue, we position a Conference Center and Hotel in this location, we anchor it along a plaza or park space that becomes used for outdoor festivals, we surround the site with more higher density residential. And in that represents one of the big opportunities. So the second says What if we don’t have the performing arts center here it we look at a different location in the sugar factory area. But we develop more of a mixed use hub, which is has a mix of Office has a mix of food hall food market, some retail, the conference center could be located here, there is residential, but we include more kind of office office uses or potential campus uses that become that become more of an economic driver in supports economic growth in terms of jobs. So the cultural district plan, you can see the the performing arts center located there fronting on Main Street, see that Plaza and then that hotel and conference center area really fronts on the on the park, it becomes very prominent on the park. They’re connected through a Emory Street and the extension there with which is Third Street, which is so activated by live work that’s activated by some retail there’s a higher level of there’s probably more higher density housing in this. And you can also see there’s on the right side over towards Martin and Boston, there is a potential Nature Center, we heard that from the community or other arts facilities. And then the second option, you can see with a little more zoomed in, there’s the the there’s the food market, there in that red bar just across the green space, you can start to see that kind of trails multi use trail corridor along the rails, intersecting with the Emory street extension, that hub and then on the opposite side, you’ve got the the city property and you’ve got the potential for the office or, or other uses. One of the big things here is to create this gateway on the park that that terminates from Emory. And looking at some images, the images really kind of helped to give you a better kind of sense of what we’re talking about the the performing arts center really can add it can be an iconic building architecturally it’s a it’s a very strong anchor to this area. But the outdoor uses the plazas the open spaces that can be used for a flow of indoor activities into the outdoors. Different events, the shared street, you can see this image on the upper right. It’s in Lubbock, Texas, and their cultural district. That becomes very, very active area on the lower left. So facility in Denver, the mission ballroom where you have a live music venue and the associated outdoor spaces and then the image on the right is the Jackson Hole Center for the Arts when in this is a very beloved Performing Arts Center, located right in the heart of the downtown, anchored on a community park.

Unknown Speaker 35:39
The Santa Fe railyard is a great precedent for this area. So down in, in Santa Fe, there’s the the rail corridor, there’s a number of arts facilities, and there’s a long corridor that connects them. It’s called the Alameda. There’s everything from movie theaters, to restaurants, to breweries, to art galleries, to, to arts institutions, dynamic plays, so you can have festivals on the street. You can have markets inside and out. And it is potentially a great precedent for por Longmont to consider. The idea of mixed use of power density of residential units that can start start to support some additional retail a mix of Plaza spaces a mix of Office uses. This is the St Anthony’s redevelopment in Denver along Colfax around the Sloan’s Lake area. There’s actually a movie theater anchored up on the corner of Colfax Thank you thinking about higher density housing, what does it look like? What are the possibilities really the can higher density housing be very livable, comfortable, surrounded by green spaces, pedestrian corridors, shared spaces, you meet your neighbors how it’s done it you can get ground floor retail you can get other uses at the retail that activate those public spaces. You can also bring in green building practices, cross laminated timber construction, green roofs, there are there are a lot of opportunities in looking at how you create this more sustainable area. But it’s most sustainable by being getting more people closer to transit and being able to live in a walkable area without having to rely on their car. Thinking about some of the the the public realm elements, the plazas, the streets, the interface with the park is Broad Street and Atlanta there the image on the upper left street but it can close down. People take it over I think we saw a lot of that during the pandemic. The image on the right is the confluence or sorry Commons Park in Denver or the 16th Street Mall and terminates on the park and it’s a gateway into the park maybe there’s a possibility like that with steam the Mone on trail and in Indiana it’s also a shared street very active for for bikes and pedestrians and it’s it’s got uses probe programmed in along the edges. And then on the right is a park in Rhino down at Denver. Mixing and thinking about office campus that can be very much integrated into the urban fabric and connected through a series of green spaces, pedestrian spaces, and really feel very much like a livable urban place. So moving into the sugar factory area. There are two concepts here. The first is looking at a cultural arts campus where there’s a performing arts center as a primary element within and the second is looking at more of an Agra hub maker space maker Doer kind of space in both look at a range of housing but maybe more with a mix of of missing middle along with the higher density. The cultural campus idea. You can see you create a strong campus there in the center core around the existing buildings. The the I guess it’s called the shed becomes engaged as also a performance area in good outdoor amphitheater. You can integrate a variety of uses and then there’s a lot of land so the opportunities for this missing middle house, think about courtyard. Garden courts, duplexes, triplexes fourplexes three story walk up kind of, of units that really comprises that missing middle as opposed to the higher density.

Unknown Speaker 40:32
The second option goes board toward can we explore the idea of this agricultural hub greenhouses, technology, research facilities, flex industrial spaces and in the makers were very much part of the the Longmont brands and integrating that with other facilities, whether it’s farmer’s market kind of focus include incubator spaces, the high yield urban greenhouses, smaller urban retail, but again, a lot of a lot of that missing middle housing. And through a few more images, the a place called sacks it’s in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, it’s a redo of a an old steel mill, the integrated a Levitt Pavilion, outdoor music venue, very popular, but but they integrated a number of different uses everything from office to, to stem type of facilities to event space, weddings, corporate events, a cultural park, working with the remnants of the old steel mill. Here’s some more images of more of a cultural park of this project up in the upper left is a area in Auckland, New Zealand. And it’s a very cool place outdoor movies on the the old silos, in Duisburg in Germany, playgrounds that integrate with the ruins. So a lot of different kind of cool possibilities there. And then a few images of what the missing middle really looks like images there on the left in Seattle. The idea of integrating these wounds serves higher density, but with a low rise sort of development, integrating garden spaces or culture into the middle. A few more examples of that missing middle and really get a lot of variety by mixing your housing types. So lots of choices for people of multiple different income levels and styles of living that they’re looking for. Both rental and for sale. Images of that the concepts around agricultural heritage. The idea of these open air markets, shops, educational facilities, there’s a this the project there on the left is greenhouse above restaurants below. The image there on the lower left is actually a parking garage in Jackson, Wyoming that integrates a vertical garden along the wall about screen visually the the parking garage. And then there’s a dad facility it’s this is a place down in Berlin. It’s educational, it brings kids in, they produce crops but it’s so a place for events in different programs since very successful. And one of the last ones we have here is this idea of a maker Dewar campus. This is another steel steel mill redevelopment in Pennsylvania, where it’s a netzero energy district. And they they use a lot of the structures. They integrated it with new structures. There’s a diverse program of uses everything from office do events, research and development. Not sure if there’s housing and then closer to home the source is a another great example. Images there on the left urban

Unknown Speaker 44:47
inserting reads

Unknown Speaker 44:51
and so so next steps will be to engage the community through both getting this information upon engage long bought the website and to do an online presentation of these ideas and hear from people through that forum, we will then develop the preferred plan. We’ll look at phasing and infrastructure and draft the sub area plan following that, and try and wrap it together. So we have a couple questions. I mentioned them before. But is there anything you saw that it seems off base that we just shouldn’t do? Are there things that we’ve missed? That should be included here? Anything you like, dislike, and anything you’d like us to think about? To sharpen? What? What has been developed thus far? And with that, I thank you. You’re welcome.

Unknown Speaker 45:54
Thank you for that. Councillor Martin, I am going to try to

Unknown Speaker 46:01
ah, it turned red all by itself. Thank you. Yes. It took me a minute be on the on the street and trail map slide. Because you had a nice legend for the the pail features, you know that existing streets and so on. But excuse me, are the the heavy blue lines were new? Roads? Yeah, I know. I’m all the way back at the beginning. There. Okay, there you are. All right. All right. So the heavy blue lines are new or enhanced roads and the heavy green lines are trails and bikeways. Is that correct? Yeah, exactly. Okay. And so I think that no matter how this is done, actually, since the images highlighted did not show a lot of a lot of parking, which is something that makes me very happy that we’re looking at transit oriented development, which means that we need to show federal ways or busways as well, and and the temporary car storage is going to need to be on periphery. And it doesn’t I that didn’t really jump. And could you say a little bit more about how that’s expected to work yet?

Unknown Speaker 47:41
For for one, there is not some service into the sugar tree area. And we’ve been looking at different routes where we could loop traffic through that site. We need to have more conversation. City staff up front. I think the assumption working parking or factory area for the the campus a component the within the same area, the assumption is that there’s on street parking, parking under the front of the building, for the most part, for many of those uses. That answer your question

Unknown Speaker 48:26
a little bit, I would like to include the economic part to how our working on transport oriented development concepts.

Unknown Speaker 48:40
Member Martin, I think that’s a great observation. And one of the things that we’ve been hearing from the community quite a bit is the cons, really looking at building out complete streets and something, as you know, we’ve been really working towards at the end, as Nancy mentioned, we’ll be working closely with transportation. What are existing roadways, how they could transition to better serve area consistent with the communities. We have been working in, we’ve presented to a couple of their groups. So they have some good ideas. And I think in the final plan, what those complete streets look like how best to sort developments with parking in the short term in the future, you know, near future as well as long term to your point. Those are things all bring forward in that in that final plan.

Unknown Speaker 49:29
Could you define the term of art complete streets for please?

Unknown Speaker 49:35
Sure, we think about a complete street and I know if any of my transportation folks are behind me and can But that’s really a street that doesn’t prioritize any single mode but really accommodates all modes of travel. So streets, and when Nancy mentioned, you know, Third Avenue transitioning, that roadway accommodates all modes now. Certainly priority vehicles and so on a complete really look at How are pedestrians people on bikes or other types of wheels transit and all working together? And, you know, all kinds of type of priority.

Unknown Speaker 50:10
Thank you

Unknown Speaker 50:19
so counselor waters

Unknown Speaker 50:20
turn on me. Waters.

Unknown Speaker 50:24
Oh can’t see all the numbers?

Unknown Speaker 50:29
Eight? These eight? I’m six

Unknown Speaker 50:32

Unknown Speaker 50:41
I don’t have can you turn it off? Not because you’re not on here anyway, turn it on please. It’s gonna take me a while here to get this

Tim Waters 50:53
on it should be known as number eight, I guess. So I knew that we weren’t working with the presumption, the parking structure on the west side of Maine is is going to be developed or constructed. So that for venues that require more than street parking, we would assume that that that would accommodate both the both BRT bringing people to the transit hub and the parking station would accommodate a large enough viewers, visitors whether they’re coming on the bus or driving to support a venue within walking distance of that transit, is that that we’re making? Or is that just have no role at all? Isn’t I asked Aaron is this as we looked at the options here. In where as we’ve gone through these processes, and where we’re performing arts center might be where post secondary campus might, versus some of the other amenities we’ve talked about. It would

Unknown Speaker 52:02
seem to me that

Tim Waters 52:06
burns about parking already Sugar Factory area,

Unknown Speaker 52:10
we’re gonna have capacity,

Tim Waters 52:11
which seemed to me, we’d be thinking about venues that with numbers of people that parking in proximity to where that park is going to be where people can park and walk or take the bus and walk to, you know, whatever the to move the campus was secondary campus, if we were lucky enough to attract, bring front range out of industrial park. You know, far east of that doesn’t make as much sense to me as it does to put in proximity. We’re also lucky enough to win support of Performing Arts and Cultural Center this the the synergy between those two and the parking needs, for me, put them in the sugarbeet. area, if that’s the kind of feedback you’re looking for.

Unknown Speaker 52:56
Yeah, I think that’s helpful. And I’ll mention

Unknown Speaker 53:00
Yeah. The The other

Unknown Speaker 53:05
thing that I’ll add, just to reinforce the concept that Nancy mentioned is, you know, we’ve been really studying previous efforts that the community does include planning at first domain and I see Tony bind to me that I’m sure could talk a lot more about that Main Street corridor plan, EDA Master Plan, which all really have more detail on, particularly for the steam area. And so I think you’re absolutely right that.

Unknown Speaker 53:32
And I’m gonna jump in and a little bit too. So being the city manager here and talking now about the financial implications, and how that’s going to come in, that’s going to be a significant part of the next set of this. So. So for example, to interest in the sugar mill, I’m starting to understand some of the financial components with it and, and you need taxable value there, because in order to work, and so when you have non taxable properties, the terms of what that does in terms of clean up, both of these are going to present interesting financial components that are going to have to be in play in terms of what really is reality, and what can be put into that capital stack. So that’s part of the next layer of work.

Unknown Speaker 54:25
Manager. So in response question about the parking garages, relative to the transit project going on. So right now, the design was about 500 Total spaces in that garage, of which 200 may be needed for the adjacent we’re trying to achieve there, which would leave the balance, weekends and evenings available for utilization of other these public uses in the area. I think unfortunately, with a successful center Those moat that’s most probably not the know, a lot more parking. So the intention is the steam, or the sugar factory area were to develop, we would seek partnerships with themselves to build some additional parking into the developer, so that we don’t have these massive parking lots everywhere. The other thing, too important, which you actually brought up in this presentation is that connectivity piece, so that where we do have capacity to park people, we have the means of back and forth to those various facilities. And so that’s a major component of this planning effort relative to that connectivity issue. It’s about to protect from one low. Other. So hopefully that answered your question to some degree. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 55:54
Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez,

Unknown Speaker 55:55
Thank you, Mayor pack. Those folks who have been following along on this specific you’ve heard my, I guess, disagreements with during the steam and sugar factory sites. And I think outside of the geographic differences were, I appreciate what the consultant that is also outlined some other unique property characteristics, such as smaller sites, versus larger sites, in I think that wasn’t really mentioned enough is that in the steam area, there’s actually more city owned sites in there as in the steam or in the sugar factory area sites. And so that gives the city in and of itself a lot more leeway to try to affect the kind of change that we’re talking about when we’re imagining redevelopment of these these sites. So in that sense, to me, options, trading everybody tonight in the presentation today seems to be more suitable for the downtown, which would be the steam area, right? We’ve just seen Ltda do an entire project about slope, as they call it, project where they’re trying to get folks down the hill, towards First Avenue Second Avenue First Avenue, right, that plays into the steam concept. And so having the upper slope thing seems more appropriate place for Performing Arts Center, as well. Some other development issues that we’re looking at in downtown Longmont that will provide the kind of amenities, be it, hotels, boutique hotels, dining, those things all seem more appropriate for Performing Arts Center, per se, and maybe an attached hotel to a conference center to the downtown area versus the factory area. And also because of the transit hub that will be directly west. In that that concept. And so to me, it would be option one, I believe in the steam era is preferable to me. Obviously, we see different housing options in both these factory concepts, which I think is absolutely necessary. And I do believe that it needs to be a mixture in the missing middle as well as continuing to look at high density because like I said, high in the downtown area, the steam area seems more appropriate. As you look at downtown’s all across the nation, right. As we saw in the comments is my fellow colleagues, I’m sure reviewed the very vast difference between what folks had to say between don’t develop any what I call the bananas, build apps thing anywhere near right. And those folks saying we need, you know, we need we need to invigorate our long run we have a very strong economy in Longmont my opinion. Only do better, right, we only increase in that. And so I’m not a banana. But I do think that there are appropriate places for appropriate things. At the end of the day, my question is, though, is that so much of the Sugar Fat area is privately owned properties and parcels. And so them asking the City of Long taxpayer dollars to do private partner, private public partners, or help doing some sort of environmental remediation, because we know that’s likely to happen based on whatever these comes out as what kind of kind of changing foods can we really expect to see our end the city’s vision versus what the developer wants to do to You know, meet their bottom line. And so those are my questions. But those are also my. So thank you

Unknown Speaker 1:00:15
it’s a member Rodriguez, thanks for sharing your your thoughts on the options, that’s very helpful. With regard to development at the sugar factory. Tony can certainly provide some more information cleanup. And we have been working on grant for, for that. We have been with some potential developers, and they’ve been working closely with us throughout the planning process. So as you know, one of the things that and As Nancy mentioned, one of the things that we’ll be looking at, what are some of the high level costs associated with this plan and phase things? You know, absolutely. ULI tap report initially stated in 2020, it’s unlikely that the sugar factory area and frankly, the steam area is going to develop without some type of public private partnership, what that is in casual ermand. But we have been working closely with the potential developers, the sugar factory, as well as in the steaming as visioning. So it’s not that this is gonna come forward and spring something on that. Here you go. You’re doing

Unknown Speaker 1:01:21
ben talking with

Unknown Speaker 1:01:24
us, and sugar factory in particular, because it is such a large area with of a lot of opportunities. The future, there’s

Unknown Speaker 1:01:36
to understand what

Unknown Speaker 1:01:39
thinking so that we can work together. So we have been in ongoing conversations. I know Tony’s had a lot of stations with those development interests. I think Harold and others, are his close communication. And I think, you know, as part of this planning,

Unknown Speaker 1:01:53
some of those partnerships could be,

Unknown Speaker 1:01:58
you know, if we’re bringing those forward.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:02
Yeah, I think what I said earlier, I think, in my conversations, definitely an interest in the community and what the community interest is, but I think it’s also balancing the reality and the financial reality in the property, and then seeing how best you can bring those closer together. And then what, what’s gaps? And how are you looking at it and and you look at the public private partnerships, similar to what we’ve done in areas is how do you kind of make it isolated where you’re looking at it in the area paint the public private part of where you’re not burdening the broader community in certain areas.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:44
Work to talk, conversations. Counselor, Hidalgo, firing,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:52
Thank you, Mayor, um, you know, it’s getting, so I we have all of our Indian Peaks, kids that came, few of them already had time to go. But um, you know, I just want to recognize before I get my input, but recognize the hard work that they’ve done, and the collective, you know, the cloud, pulled together in really identifying what they like to see what their families would like to see. And it was really, I was really in awe with the ideas, they came up with the work and the research that they that they all pulled together, grown designs, but overwhelming. They saw with each of their projects, it was a sense of like, community hub. So really wanting something for people for joy each other’s company have things to do. And it was a community building type. With recreation. So you know, I don’t know before you all leave, if you wanted to just if we can stand up really quick. So in knowledge, those of you who are left to think thank you. So we’re really proud of the work that they did. And, you know, and just in honoring that, that piece, you know, I was looking at the two ideas of where the cultural arts campus would be. You know, I do agree that it makes more sense to be more in the, the sugarbeet district or refactor to street downtown. And I just, oh, and then I guess I wanted to know, as we move forward, I mean, it’s really dependent on what, you know, the ground and soil permitting and what needs to be remedied in those areas. Do we know how we what are the cost? I know I’ve heard some costs, throwing it out there. But really, I feel like before we can move forward, we really have to know with

Unknown Speaker 1:04:57
this I’ll uh, I’ll stall will kind of come up and provide the real information to remind Council at the sugar factory itself and the area south where there’s currently storage is not actually annex to the city yet. And so it is within our Longmont planning areas from a process standpoint that would need to come back to council first for annexation referral, than a neighborhood meeting and then a formal annexation process. So there’s a lot. And as part of that, we would obviously require require some detailed analysis, Tony has been working Stantec. And as I met grant to start planning for that cleanup, and I don’t know, if you have any additional information you can share, spend some sampling completed, but I don’t know in terms of loss if information is available yet.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:50
So my manager, so first of all, we need to say thank you to the regional offices of the Environmental Protection Agency, because they have been footing the bill for all the environmental assessment that’s being done on real property right now. And that’s an excess of $1,000 value, just to let you all know. So we’re right now is they did complete the soil sampling and the waterside. done the asbestos sampling. But right, based on the numbers from a mediation standpoint, dollars, mediation, that’s to get rid of the asbestos, and possibly some of the ground. So we’re working with the state health department right now to figure out how much of the ground elimination really have to work with or what we can leave and so forth. So we’re trying to work with them to get down a little bit. The major obstacle to the historic buildings is back that there. First of all, there’s all sorts of industrial equipment and still in the buildings, and some stuff is so monstrous, it’s going to require demolition, to get in there and cut these tanks have to get them out of the building to work. We just had a meeting the other day, trying to decide how are we going to get these things out of there? Oh, that cost? Also, that range of cost would include that demolition activity. And then the other thing is, you say, Well, what about the strike? Well, as well, the good news is that structurally, the buildings are actually down. Because it’s actually a steel membrane. The brick is actually a facade that’s put in between the various metal posts, can actually take the existing brick and rebuild it, we are good at the possibility of taking some of those walls out to get them in, and then rebuilding those back in place. So we don’t have any estimate on that. Get more information, a more refined number, we’ll be glad to come back to council and discuss it with because just let you know that we’ll be of the funding equation from a public ownership standpoint. Okay. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:11
Yeah, thank you. So interesting is a few of our eight year olds had talked about, well, if they remove walls, and then they can build some right there with you. A few years,

Unknown Speaker 1:08:22
I do recognize, and I’m sorry, I didn’t, I assumed Maybe those were some of yours, but didn’t know. So maybe in our next visit to counsel, we can formalize them come I think the idea is they came up with We’re incredibly fortunate enough to have a couple of the developers that are interested in Sugar Factory participated in the presentation too. And I think it was interesting that a lot of the ideas the students came up, were similar to ideas that the community has come up with, so I think they’ll actionable. And we’re just really excited because frankly, factory redevelopment will probably take some time, so they can really enjoy it. So you did a great job. Thank you so much for your work.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:04
Thank you. So collectors, anybody else? Do I do have a couple of comments. From the sugar mill, the sugar factory that that makes more sense. It actually defines what it was. So we talk about the missing middle, that was a huge part of this conversation. I want to remind people in our development, we have 12% affordable housing, so it won’t just be the missing middle. And that’s really important as we work equity. We do and we did talk about equity at all in this but I want you to know that that is a huge part of what Longmont has decided they were going to do this city is to that everything is equitable that we do so I also What questions about the parking garage, because even though the dream is we’re going to have jet packs, and flyer two isn’t going to happen, there’s we’re still going to have cars be they electric or combustible engine. So it’s really important that in these large vignettes

Unknown Speaker 1:10:21
of parking garages, I agree that the arts campus area,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:30
because that thinking out thinking about transportation, and outfit. If we’re going to have walkable and big venues, they be where the transportation is going to be to be out at the sugar factory, it would be far away for a bus or a train at this point in time and through this. It doesn’t like that would be viable area. The other thing that has mentioned a lot and I don’t know if it is a new term that coming out in presentations, but that people, children, or this is not built. Families that’s very short sighted to tell to say they’re going to build a development. And most people who are going to live there is what I am assuming from what I’ve heard, they’re not interested in families, there’s going to be the middle working class area. I think that’s real short sighted, who knows, in 15 years or 20 years that children have input into this project. I just have a problem with saying that. The other thing, when we talk about the campuses, are we talking I am here. Retail campuses, campuses. We still in conversations with universities. And the original conversation that I heard was University in Front Range. Community College part being and having part of this be a joint is possibly student housing or affordable housing around that. Is that still part of the conversation?

Unknown Speaker 1:12:29
Mayor Peck I think in the concepts that Nancy presented there intentionally flexible, right. So that campus could be different to tuitions. And some of the polls she showed were that I think it would be campus for higher education. We actually Front Range, they’ve been more involved in this process. And so potentially next time we chat, a little bit more information. But I think absolutely, you know,

Unknown Speaker 1:12:55
there’s not pro,

Unknown Speaker 1:12:57
it’s so specific that type. And I think those are things that would need to be flexible. Jordan could certainly accommodate profuse, Oh, that’s good to hear.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:06
And I think in terms of universities, we were sessions, University of Colorado was one of them, I think, obviously COVID hit. And so everything shifted, and I think certain extent

Unknown Speaker 1:13:19
engage them on this.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:21
Cities are also really reassessing their world based on in how they’re holding classes. It’s interesting, I have a daughter in school, it’s the online offerings are that they’re putting out is difficult. And I think to Aaron’s point is how do you have to use disability and that was one of the things we talked about with the University of Colorado where you do have something built really off of our fiber backbone. You could have really a really tech set of rooms were some for different things. After reengage on that conversation.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:59
Okay, great. I’m glad to hear that. But the biggest question is going to be out there.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:05
Okay, I see.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:08
Thank you. Great question. This is really, really exciting.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:12
Thank you for your back and we’ll, we’ll be in touch so to speak. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:23
So now we’re at public invited to be heard of and we do have six people signed up. So if you’re ready, Jeff, is the first person that we can call a. Meeting mayor and council,

Unknown Speaker 1:14:47
we are live on little leaf court. I’m here tonight. congratulate you on your new digs. Not no one has that new smell you know So I want to the real Aaron Hoard. Aaron is our new executive director at Tinker mill. And I’d like to give her the opportunity to introduce yourself. Explain how she’s gonna change Longmont.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:15
Thank you. Hi.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:17
Hi, council members and Mayor Peck you for having me. Like Jeff said, I’m new here. I just moved here about three weeks ago. And I have to say, I received warmest welcome from literally a person I have met here in Longmont. And I think, Oh, I’m really here to find out that Tinker mill can best serve the larger community. And with and partner with, and collaborate with partners side so I’m here to eat all of you. A few of you so far. I would love to invite everyone here to every single one of you to come to never been there. It’s a makerspace is here for you, Jenna, then steam come to make a prototype, start a business, connect with a community there and make some. So please come anytime I’m there every day, I’d love to show you. We also get to be tours every Sunday from two to four. So please stop in. But I love to connect with any one of you and find ways that can help this community to be even stronger and be an asset for the community. Thank you,

Unknown Speaker 1:16:44
thank you go out and have a tinker meal. And I am incredibly impressed by what they do the amount of equipment in there and the things that you do is overwhelming and it’s Tinker mill in our community and everyone should go out and at least look at it and see what

Unknown Speaker 1:17:05
we get really inspired. Thank you Karen Peck

Unknown Speaker 1:17:08
I agree.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:11
Next we have Don Coulson down here Oh there he is

Unknown Speaker 1:17:32
I don’t have a driver’s license. Hello. I’m Darren Collison Grand Street Good evening Council. Two three weeks I was watching a clip on CNN and saw something that broke my heart they’re in the middle of a dirty old selfie straight in Ukraine. A woman’s body and all man saw me as his mother was dead. I couldn’t watch her I

Unknown Speaker 1:18:14
visited ours tumbling

Unknown Speaker 1:18:17
New York and I sometimes what I’m gonna do to each other. Tonight I’d like to speak to council and ask them to throw their support and whatever we can do to help the people put the slides up on all and love Bama. I’d make them yellow and blue of Ukraine’s national colors. Place the streets with trees filled with yellow and blue lights as organize some matter to have volunteers put these pens which by the way, I brought them every single child in Longmont. One of you people know someone and other cities, five cities could take me on the forefront of this put Healthy People and whatever we moral support is far better than those who are tall. It’s not as good as guns and cannons but it’s people to give that broad consideration if we can reach out to the Ukraine entities around Boulder County. I’m sure there are many people with with their footsteps in Ukraine. Maybe they would come forward also Some suggestions that we can do. I’m 89 tied to a wheelchair. This one’s got a battery

Unknown Speaker 1:20:12
a heck of a lot.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:13
That could. And so I’m available if anybody wants to pick my brain. Meanwhile, maybe child huddling for for you, Ukraine as we now see it, it’s broken field. Lies, hope. Thank you very much. Thank you. How do I get these to you? Your box. Okay, thank you very much. Thank you. I gotta go

Unknown Speaker 1:20:54
fine, thank you don me Bruce Halleck.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:12
Good evening mayor, city council. And Councilman waters. Fellow citizens month. My name is Bruce Halleck. I’m on the board of for the homeowners is known as the villas. And in November we have a number of petitions to Mr. Waters in support of a work project called Spring to be favor that we want it to be funded. It current not funded. It also provides drainage into an area in those call outlines. That is below waterline. And so groundwater perks into making it a swamp year round. As you know, recently, there was a poll about West Nile virus coming the Goldilocks zone for it. Michael Keasling, long Lakewood died in November of last year. West Nile virus in August. I did too. I was found unconscious in my home. I was taken along Memorial. I was intended for 10. I was then in recovery room there 10 days lease on the fourth of September. I was released from rehab on the 11th of November last year. Fortunately, I did not die I was in good shape. But others may if we don’t get grants from the state or federal funds. You know, there’s a lot of federal money related to COVID boring and being used for non COVID related projects to renovation and I would encourage you, planners and other people to pursue grants with the state also to improve spring to get rid of the mosquitoes also help us do renovation work and outlawed a because any of you want to wait anytime this year next year to the story of someone else from West Nile virus could have been prevented by getting rid of the swamp area in our audience bring to

Unknown Speaker 1:23:13
thank you. Thank you for the information. Brian.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:27
Brian Johnson a nine to six cough. Appreciate the opportunity to speak. Does you want to counsel more than recall the concerns once raised by Karen Anthony was the reporter for The Times. This was on how us going to encrypted which is a seek. All emergency communications would leave us with only reverse 911 is waited to disseminate to the public during an emergency. At that time. It was cited here that only about 10% of Longmont was signed 911 I was at that meeting had actually just finished mercy management or emergency communication management class in grad school from Dr. Paul Crum, well recognized villages you heard concerns may know about. But then after that meeting, when those concerns materialized after the first shelter in place, following that meeting, I came to the council and rather to call that I brought slides from people online saying we don’t know what shelter came when I leave my house yet is it still going on? Because please, just the follow up no more information being disseminated. Well, as I do when I bring something I always try to bring solutions to the table. There were two I brought one, which is the credit goes to Andrew Knapp, Deputy Director of Boulder County OEM. He had brought to me the idea of geo fencing works. Everyone gets a notification via phone. Problem was it’s time alerts are set up that system to where it went out to all of Northeast Colorado. But Andrew, the one public official, like Yeah, I your it should be a concern that we can’t reach a large percentage our citizens and work. So I brought those to the table and went on.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:16
Well, Saturday, I received I saw the fire the car fire, I grabbed my issue

Unknown Speaker 1:25:24
who can I help evacuate, I was going to found a family that needed help. But live alerts that day. And then on Sunday, and those these come out. This is from the County Office of Emergency emails, I sent a press release to you about midnight last night. And basically what up and rolling is a what they call the wireless. See alerts. And, um, so I just came for dopher two things are too far out two things. Number one, if you need to know the important, effective indication to stakeholders during an emergency, you’ll get lots of time to top scholars in public in public administration, essays and case studies on another good. Another great that this is is you can refer if you have is the 911 Commission report, I have a whole section on the importance of disseminating information to responders and to public agency and how so I want to offer if you need literature, I got it,

Unknown Speaker 1:26:34
too. And thank you for sending that to us through our emails

Unknown Speaker 1:26:38
and just let I just want to say that we should reach out to Boulder County Office of Management and this something that we need because, okay, it’s the only capability for senior citizens during an emergency is pretty irrational.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:52
Thank you, Polly Christiansen.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:02
Hello. Nice to see everybody’s faces. Thanks for doing this and I want to just say oh, my name is Paula Christian. I live at 410 J Street mayor and members I wanted to thank Miss sun for the very moving words he said. So wanted to thank two young women who brought up unfortunately, this is now the 29th of March but next year women get out there and make March something to count build on have the equal rights necessary. I also you have to know Juneteenth applaud you for doing that. It’s about time which player day shall holiday holiday and and a city hall. I would urge you to if the fees for the picnic. Willow Creek Park it’s modest. Still not big money here and it would any that is that’s being organized by Nadine and Ali and see doing. Um, anyway, the thing that I wanted to talk to you have something on your dinner tonight to just say a waiver for VC for the project. I am not suggesting waive this fee. But point out that this is the veterans community project. I helped city because I noticed that at a National League of Cities, and I pointed it out to money family together we brought to this city so I am very much in favor of this. It’s a very good organization. I wanted what I wanted to point out is that this is part of a metro did this land that was part of a metro district and that matched the developer of that Metro district at the time choose right the land. This is why we cannot have them develop deciding vote because it needs to be done in the city so that the city can evaluate whether these projects are actually viable right now we we’ve had to ditional money to Pat for humanity which is also a wonderful organization. But we’ve had to back up these two projects, because they were not evaluated. They were evaluated on developer. The it is true that Kansas City waived their fees but that’s because I spoke to the Kansas City city councilor when I was out at the groundbreaking Oh Kansas City that built this project. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 1:30:29
thank you, Polly.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:30
Thank you. Last but

Unknown Speaker 1:30:34
not Strider Benson.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:46
I don’t watch a well, but I bike. A straggler Ben stir 951. Seven to eight. Thank you, counsel. Glad we have made it to get today of federal judge gave her 55 pages. And he pointed out or counted 30 There is no law indicates that participants in their January action must turn over Paul’s January six uku in search of a legal theory. Back in cipher eight there was a song called many 1000s gone. Only three ways to get away from a plantation. As you were sold. You escaped. The tel lynching law finally was signed into law today after 1040 years and more than 200 amps i to be what started the movement. She was in slavery. Her parents and raised siblings died out of favor when she was a teenager. She teach in school and sing her three younger siblings when she was 16. She moved down to Memphis and that she started paper. When she started investigating lynchings they burned building an art paper and they had to kill her. She had to move to Chicago she would they see pay, and also one of the papers to the women’s right to vote movement. And she started women’s and the black exhibit in the Chicago World’s Fair. She said it right or wrong is to turn the light of truth upon those who do not no screw them to repeat it. Vladimir Putin will be bitter or Stalin or both of them aware of the possibility of a new civil war in this country. She aided by racial intolerance, just enough courtesy and the abolition of his in school. It’s happening around the country and threatens to have Let’s wake up and keep up a lot. Thank you Strider

Unknown Speaker 1:33:36
Are we okay? Counselors like to take a break. We’re good. Is there anyone else that would like to be heard and public invited to be heard? Seeing no one I close public invited to be heard. We are going to go on now. The agenda and reading by title of the first reading ordinances. Dawn would you like to read those for us the items in the consent agenda?

Unknown Speaker 1:34:06
Love to Mayor Thank you. Yeah, no. Yes. Thank you. It’s a long one. The ordinances on this consent agenda mayor will be on second public hearing golf unless otherwise known. Item nine 820 2209. A bill ordinance making additional appropriations and doesn’t liabilities of the city of Longmont for the year. First 2022 Nine B’s ordinance 2022 10. A bill for an ordinance amending chapter 3.04 of the Longmont municipal personnel rules. At Juneteenth national independence day as

Unknown Speaker 1:34:40
holiday night.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:44
an ordinance amending the boundaries of the Longmont downtown development by amending ordinance number oh 2008 90 is out. ordinance 2020 22 Dash 12. A bill for an ordinance approving the pedal open sim Quicksilver road annexation And concept plant generally the east side of county line road south of St. brane Creek and North 20 and a half and Quiksilver 100/19 street and county line road heading the N dash ag or agriculture. 90 is ordinance 2022 Dash 13 a bill for in the city of Lamarque to lease the real property known as 1262 as Managed Property Management plus Realty LLC, nine F 14 a bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of long lease the real property is known as the Smith property in the mountain shores property. GBT farms LLC nine G 22 Dash 33 a resolution of the council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city of Longmont in the car transportation for state funding for county line road shoulder improvements. At on March 8, because pract exhibit Item nine agent play to dash 42 a resolution of the city council approving an intergovernmental agreement between the city of Benton the northern Colorado Water Conservancy District for an allotment contract patient in the Southern Water Supply project pipeline is resolution 2022 Dash 43 a resolution of Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement in the city of Colorado. For an Internet Crimes Against Children Program Grant offered through the US Department of Justice Office, Office of Justice Programs Office of Juvenile Justice and delay program. Nine j is resolution 2022 Dash 40 resolution of Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the local, state and federal public safety agencies and other partners to stop the Boulder County threat advisory group by memoranda of understanding. Nine resolution 2022 Dash five a resolution of the Longmont City Council authorizing agreements between the city of Longmont and plam. Purchase of real property for open space purposes. Nine hours resolution 22 Dash 46 a resolution of the Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city of long mountain on the plum property nine M is resolution 22 Dash. A resolution of a Longmont city council meeting the Second Amendment to the fiber use governmental agreement, city of Longmont and Platte River Power Authority. Nine n is resolution 2022 dash four eight mission of the Longmont City Council approving the inter government agreement between the city and Colorado State University for grant funding. Research on evaluating the in Daz aflam herbicide on microbes and native plant communities. Nine Oh is resolution to dash 49 a resolution on that city council approving the integration agreement between the city of long mountain for research on the evaluation of the eagle rollick effect of the resilient St. Ryan project. Nine P is resolution 2020 Do dash 50. A resolution on what city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and Colorado for grant funding for sandstone ranch plant monitoring. Nine Q is resolution 2022 Dash 51 a resolution of the Longmont City Council in our government room in the state of Colorado for a state aviation grant for airport pavement maintenance. Vance brand Municipal Airport. A resolution of the Longmont City Council approving the agreement between the city in the state of Colorado Department of humans for house cold water assistance to lonmark nine s is resolution 2022 Dash 53 And what city council approving governmental agreement between the city and the University of Colorado for a live by the University of Colorado playback on Sunday and 90 is approved revisions to council rules of procedure regarding the

Unknown Speaker 1:38:50
that was amazing I think you need to stand up Ovation it looks like we have our written

Unknown Speaker 1:39:06
Thank you Mayor pack. Sudden Nobody has anything to buy move the consent agenda.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:15
Great. Councilman Martin move the agenda seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Ron. All those in favor? Let’s vote. And my screen died. So yay. Okay, so that passed unanimously. I am getting my screen back. Thank you. So now we have ordinance on the second reading and public hearings on Twitter. If anybody in the public would like to heard on these, we only have to see that you can speak on these. Now I would like you to sign up if you’ve been to our approach the podium, raise your hand for it, the ordinances read. So the first one is a public hearing on consolidated Annual Performance Report or caper for Development Block Grant CDBG and DB g dash CV COVID grams. So we have not a presentation but there is present. Great

Unknown Speaker 1:40:47
thanks. I did so there

Unknown Speaker 1:40:49
we go. At it used to be I know. Mayor pack members of council My name is Malia, Community Investment division director. And I’d like to say on the 2021 CDBG housing program accomplishments.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:13
So starting with rehab program, we provided total of rehab program assistance in the amount of $83,000 770 83,007 $73. That’s 20 Total households assisted must have $6,981. This is a decrease in volume. I put 2019 in here to compare since that was our last full program year before COVID. You can tell that’s quite a decrease 83 down from 380 In that year, that is 43 households assisted, it did have a higher average cost but that because we had more rehabs doing the projects that we’ve had mostly this year are smaller projects for efficiency and heating and cooling.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:03
So really

Unknown Speaker 1:42:05
struggling with not enough contract. Each job takes longer, we have to bid them multiple times, costs of materials going up. So we are really looking this year at how we can target some improvements in that program. I get to really ramp it up after COVID. We did only open it in May 2021 as well. For our CDBG program, we offered a grant to Boulder County for the housing counseling program. We fully expanded that and assisted 202 residents with over $379,000 leveraged the security deposit program to support vouchers for the unhoused. That program actually ended up locally funded voucher program. And so we’re going to be repurposing those funds to support the Crispin to project here in the next month. We have a $350,000 grant to the Chrisman two projects that I just mentioned. This will be spent in April, April 29 should be the day to create 83 new homes, rental homes. And this leverages $26 million more than our last CDBG project is the rehab of the Imagine group home one of them. This was delayed due to COVID surge because this is a vulnerable population. So we be doing this project this spring. This will preserve affordability and make improvements to better serve the residents there with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our grants to the Longmont Housing Authority, we spent down $150,000 of the loan principal for the refinance and rehabilitation of aspen meadow senior apartments that preserved 50 affordable homes and leveraged another over 14 million. We provided a spout $6,900 grant to the suites for security measures to improve safety for the residents living there. And we have our CV funding. So this was first reported in 2020 and will be going until we complete the the expenditure of this program for the next couple years. Hopefully not but we have the ability to do that. We provided rental assistance through the our center we spent 105,000 of CB funds and this is actually an addition to another 103,000 or so of regular CDBG. So we spent over $200,000 providing rental assistance to low moderate income households impacted by COVID. Together between the two programs that was 86 households served. Then we have the the rental assistance program through the Art Center did complete. There was it was a struggle using CDBG funds. because there was a lot of funding sources available, and our center ended up using a different funding source for that. So we transferred that funding into our Fresh Start utility billing Assistance Program. And that’s about 580,000. So there’s nothing spent in 2020. But we did kick off that program towards the end of the year. And we’ve already spent about $114,000, preventing utility shut offs for 66 households. Program comparisons, so we’ve expended 37% of our 21 grant funds. That is kind of in the middle between 2020 and 2019. We are 17% of the way through our CV expenditures, our 2021 timely timeliness ratio was 1.54. So this is the first time we’ve been over the 1.5 limit in in years and years. But this was common across communities across the country. So that HUD waived the corrective actions for the year 2021. And as long as we meet our 2022, timeless silliness ratio, we won’t have any special actions to complete. We backed it’s we need to spend 519,000 By October 31, and we expect to be able to do so. This year, we leveraged $83 for every $1 in CDBG funds. This is great news to see when when a lot of the COVID related challenges for the program. Don’t sound thing even though we’re still delivering great services to our community, that we had two larger development projects that leveraged a lot of funding this year. We spent 16% 16.4% of our funding on admin when the cap is 20. Those comparison years it’s right, pretty similar in line, and 79% of the funding spent in 2021 benefit low and moderate income residents. This is a change from the last couple years. And this is really a

Unknown Speaker 1:47:08
small number of people that were not full and moderate through the housing counseling program. But really, it’s just our lower total dollar value, it’s throwing off that we’re still above the requirement of 70%. Here’s our program accomplish. So you can see from last year how much was annexed. And then how much is unexpended here this year, so we are higher than not by very much. The CDBG funds are unspent or unspent. So we really need to get we have been out into the community that’s about $255,000 that we have to project and the Imagine project just happened to timeout to come forward in spring of this year. Those will get expanded here quickly. The CV funds as I mentioned, we’re difficult to spend for rental assistance to the regulations and other funding sources. And so we’re trying to pivot that towards utility assistance as much as we can. And there’s the Fresh Start utility assistance. So that’s fresh start is definitely the the highest balance remaining. In tracking our equity and inclusion for this program, so 56% of that holds served had incomes below 30%, ami and 6% of those had had households, heads of households that were people of color. So some data on that we are serving more than the representative population in Longmont for Black and African American households. We are right in line for American Indian and Alaska Native households. And we are under the representative population for Asian and multiracial households. And we are slightly under 22% Serve versus 24%. Population representative population for Hispanic ethnicity. So we’re doing some we’re doing well in some places and there’s there’s room for improvement to keep an eye out for our engagement practices going forward. For our affordable housing program, project, process fee waivers this year and that 7943 for the 44 portable apartments that are our affordable housing projects coming up are the city owned rehab, city owned property rehab. This is the Adrienne house. This is one of several properties that are owned by public works in natural resources. This will be it’s out for bidding and so we’re hoping to construct this spring and then get a large family housed the Habitat for Humanity party Project is in for this for pre development costs for the Rogers road property. And this one is in development review Element Properties. This is $250,000. For pre development costs. This we have spent this down partially the 9% tax credit application process that was completed February 1, we should hear by May, and we’re feeling hopeful about that. And so those the rest of those funds will will ramp up.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:37
This the Sinnamon Park Apartments we completed this expenditure of $500,000 to support the construction loan for senior housing partners to offer those 25 new affordable senior rentals and their leasing up now. We will be we have not yet expended officially but we will be starting our affordable housing fund payments to for the Mustang affordable housing property the nine acre property associated with the Costco development. This will now fund your improvements. So we’re gearing up to make those first payments into the fun that will go towards that the ARPA funds were leveraged to acquire the property and the Christmann to language acquisition. This is we’ve discovered for additional support for pre development costs. In our ongoing programs, the adu program, this update is similar to what you saw for last year. That’s because we haven’t been able to roll this out in 2021. Fully, we have been speaking with our our partners in planning to try and start thinking about the best way to subsidize this, we’ve been working with some stakeholders to get some ideas as well. So we do plan on picking that back up the planning facilitator program we is is by all feedback received being really helpful for those smaller developers delivering affordable projects. And so that is continuing into the next year. So for our program accomplishments, here, we conducted three application cycles. Last year, we had six applications reviewed, two were approved for affordable housing funding and three for CDBG. We continue to implement the inclusionary housing program. And this year in 2021, we had a net increase of 10 rental units, 14 per sale units were added however, four were lost from the prior inclusionary zoning program. So that’s 20 net increase for the year. So that puts us ever slightly closer to our goal of 5400 units by 2035. We also continue to participate in the regional housing, regional Affordable Housing Partnership. We’ve been working this year with the smaller communities in Boulder County on affordable housing ordinance implementation. We’re looking to, to at the possibilities of centralizing some regional administration for inclusionary housing, related to the data management and some of the more things that make sense to really coordinate across the board, and the possibilities for centralizing downpayment assistance and rehab programs. That’s one of the ideas to try and make it an easier and more successful program. And then we are coordinating across the jurisdictions for our proposals for affordable housing. So I’d like to open it up for questions from either council or if you’d like to continue with public hearing.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:51
would help if you could hear me. So two questions, counsel. I see none. I like the public public hearing on this ordinance if anyone speak. Seeing none, I close the public hearing. Um, I would like a motion. Somebody want to make a motion to thank you. Thank you. So moved by Mayor Pro Tem seconded by Councillor Martin. Let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 1:54:39
So that carried unanimously, thank you. So our next ordinance is a bill for proving full property mining and surface lease agreement between the city of LA and aggregate industries. is F report on this note staff report Do we have any questions?

Unknown Speaker 1:55:01
county ordinance?

Unknown Speaker 1:55:04
Seeing none, I’d like to open it up to the city want to speak on this ordinance from the public?

Unknown Speaker 1:55:12
Seeing none, I close the public. Do I have a motion? ordinance? Thank you a second. Thank you that has been moved by water seconded by Cal Yarborough. Let’s vote. So that carries passes unanimously. Thank you. Our last hour is a bill for an Municipal Code regarding 2021 didn’t have the International Building residential, clinical gas plumbing, property main energy conservation, Wyoming pool and existing bill and fire codes to a lot of codes that were being any so I’d like to open up the public hearing on this

Unknown Speaker 1:56:12
that would like to address

Unknown Speaker 1:56:15
See, close the public hearing. Can I have a motion 2020 So as a counselor Martin seconded by Councillor Hidalgo, fairing the vote and waiting it isn’t showing up so I might do

Unknown Speaker 1:56:47
that are we reading

Unknown Speaker 1:56:53
and hearing? Are we still okay staff and do we take a five minute break? Thanks So I think it’s past five minutes. We’re all enjoy visiting without masks.

Unknown Speaker 2:09:13
You, right, in one way or another. Right.

Unknown Speaker 2:09:22
So we are waiting for no one. No one. So there were no consent agenda. So we’re going to do general business of the presentation by the veterans community project for 100% Waste of development fees. So is it going to be Joanie Lee, Mayor Peck.

Unknown Speaker 2:09:48
Little? So we’re going to invite mark with the Veterans Committee to come up and do a presentation first. Great.

Unknown Speaker 2:09:56
Thank you. Good. Madam Mayor, council members. My name is Solomon I’m a and a combat veteran in Iraq in 2007, and I recently returned from a year long deployment in Djibouti Africa. As part of my continued service in the Navy as a reservist, I have taken an oath to defend the Constitution of the States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Everyone who ever took that oath to serve in the military, under that they have to be willing to give their lot in order to apply. My fellow VCP COVID. Also combat Vets came together in 2016. After comparing notes and realized three brothers and sisters were falling through the cracks, services being told no, because there’s not enough money to help them. We were outraged and decided to do and founded the organization has its own Oh, we are here to serve who have served us a quick over we started our work to end veteran homelessness in Kansas City we now have

Unknown Speaker 2:11:06
pictured with

Unknown Speaker 2:11:08
for individual veterans and for family, you units for veterans. The VC includes a 5000 square foot center that houses wrap is for our veterans who live in our village. All of our transitional in nature and allow each resident to achieve their goal to move from home to permanent housing, or own pace with a support system and accountability. Numbers currently BCP operates in five communities, Kansas City, Longmont, St. Louis Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Oklahoma City and four states. This year, we have three communities that will start building VCP villages, Longmont, St. Louis Sioux Falls, we have demonstrated

Unknown Speaker 2:11:54
five permanent housing for beds.

Unknown Speaker 2:12:00
We have served over 5000 veterans with various services through our outreach centers and our housing through an offering communities. I’m not sure we have been we’ve already been able to help 270 veterans through our outreach services and Resource Center on Main Street, which isn’t yet constructed. We have been able to place 33 veterans into permanent housing. plan any houses for individual veterans and five family houses. Each of these houses has splash granite counters and worse, we’ve designed them with veterans. The beds are in the back and the windows are

Unknown Speaker 2:12:48
this place. This was just a moment ago

Unknown Speaker 2:12:56
in a city with

Unknown Speaker 2:12:59
a family

Unknown Speaker 2:13:03
we’ve had more than one veteran in custody of their children after making significant progress in our program. The tiniest part of what we do pun intended you are are not to minimize the need for safe places. The wraparound services we provide are critical to ours

Unknown Speaker 2:13:33
without a hub

Unknown Speaker 2:13:35
for services, this base camp on site community sites, the middle of this picture at red car into permanent health like job skills, home skills. We also provide support this network prove critical for their long term success after the program. While we only have 26 Tiny houses we will

Unknown Speaker 2:14:06
transition veterans through our houses since they are we move them to permanent housing and then we houses we also have water. So every year we will help hundreds of so project time we started our partnership 3018 After this city decided that want to vote, then our community and team began beginning of each week to meet or to get this guy also making partner work so well that I just moved my family here in 2019. So we are committed in here that we moved here. That was the last time I was allowed to address council so I don’t know if that didn’t do a good job or what it’s been three years so we’ll see After the fast forward to the summer of 2020 when we hired first Veterans Services staff and started providing outreach services, didn’t even have an office space yet we started helping veterans in the community. Staff was working from their homes and their cars. Any on this Council were present when we opened reach center in November of last year at Main and mountain. Get any veteran they don’t have unless can walk in and get assistance. Currently, it’s six full time staff and we’ll have approximately 10 employees in Longmont full time employees in Longmont. After we have completed building our village, our operating budget

Unknown Speaker 2:15:44
will be to 1.5. We are we are eight months

Unknown Speaker 2:15:57
and people don’t realize that it’s very short before the fridge low temperatures drop below to ensure that we don’t allow veterans to continue to sleep on this for another winter. As you are aware we don’t take any restricted federal funds we realize that we are a part of compassion from individuals, companies and municipalities. To date we have raised in cash donations in the land sewer, electric and WTI, Excavating for a total of almost $4 million. The remaining gap shown on the chart $565,039 presents the increase in cost from our original budget. Community. Few years issues and material everyone has seen. I am confident in our ability to close that gap mainly because of awesome people like Liz Mila. Here I told her I’d call her out on this. She’s our development here at BC. She’s going to help us close that gap. The unbudgeted expense that I’m here to do is for the permit fees the total is $192. With the council to waive all of the fees in order for us to build our village. The request to waive these fees is not about saving. It is about saving lives. That amount of money would pay for the first month’s rent and security deposit or D eight veterans. Another way to look at it is $189,582 would apply provide approximately 15. Previously unhoused a years worth of housing refused.

Unknown Speaker 2:17:59
Unlike traditional development projects, no one’s individual profits will increase by saving cost. We want veterans off the streets this winter. us additional time to get back to our donors and donations to pay the permitting fees if they are charged. Don’t get to it about donating money for fees. likely this will take us a little bit of time to raise those dollars and if they are not waived

Unknown Speaker 2:18:29
cause us to delay our building.

Unknown Speaker 2:18:35
The problem with this is pushing that completion to 2023 means it’ll winter with veterans who are willing to give up their lives for their country to defend the Constitution. Men and women who served in uniform sleeping on our streets, in our parks and on our sidewalks. We absolutely value our partnership with the City of Longmont, its dedicated staff HMS and the community at large. We are grateful for the vision that the Longmont Longmont Veterans Housing Coalition had in 2018 that brought VCP to Longmont. This village will be the first of its kind in the nation where we as a community are going to be housing homeless veterans as part of a planned subdivision. There is no place else in the country that’s going to be doing that. We are literally breaking new ground. Plan number two VCP I want you to know VCP is here to stay thank you for your time and consideration.

Unknown Speaker 2:19:38
Thank you for that presentation. I can’t have a buddy in this community not thinking it’s a good idea. Do you need to counselors to make common counselor remember this Gotcha. Council waters. Thank

Tim Waters 2:20:03
you, Mayor peg. Yes, if you’d like.

Unknown Speaker 2:20:12
And then emotion. We heard earlier,

Tim Waters 2:20:17
this this project placed through Metro district that grew by this Council, as part of the will of the mountain Brook development a couple of years ago.

Unknown Speaker 2:20:31
The veteran needs project,

Tim Waters 2:20:34
nor the eight have lots that were donated to habitat I see in the back of the room, neither of us are in the metro district for the for the record Jecht, I think got the development got approved, because this was part of the package. But this for the record. So I move that we 100% of the development fee, Unity project.

Unknown Speaker 2:21:01
Thank you it is the motion has been made by Councillor dog. Let’s have a discussion. Does anybody

Unknown Speaker 2:21:11
upset here?

Unknown Speaker 2:21:17
Thank you, Mayor Peck. And that’s to say if items I’m absolutely support, by the way. Appetite for CP are both outstanding organizations that every community should be proud to support. As such, they were brought to a voluntary alternative agreement, affordable housing policies, right. And so as both for humanity and the Veterans you know, the waivers or additional help, and I think it’s it behooves us as a council to maybe look at the next time a voluntary agreement comes to us and make that we are trying to address these issues before them versus having sure that they come versus them having to as later on. As I do. There are obviously cutting costs due to timing and supply chain issues, labor costs and things like that. But as we look at this going forward for just our little housing policies, it’s just something that sitter for us. Also, I just want to say that I think most of my calls, the cost to the individual tax for each for service unhoused individual community that doesn’t have secure housing is much higher, then it is 4000 in fee waivers, especially on per annum. And so just for folks to think that, you know, maybe giving away money is in fact in concept leaving money this way. I just wanted to also illustrate that if you look at the study, so I’m have very low housing first advocate, and this is that the city needs really, as well as some because the traditional types of sheltering that we’re all used it does not work anymore at least it does not work on it on a scale and purge this is just my way to go. Thank you

Unknown Speaker 2:23:30
seeing else in the queue, totally agree with me approach the amount of services that we would have to provide to individual veterans would far outweigh the cost. But it does to give them the waive the fees. So I would definitely support this movement

Unknown Speaker 2:24:07
so that vote carried unanimously, thank you. Congratulations, I see the veterans there. You’re cheering so thank you for supporting. Yeah, I have another item here. Another presentation which is going to the post increase level compensation for time temporary have benefited employees. So Gina

Unknown Speaker 2:24:37
is going us a report.

Unknown Speaker 2:24:48
Good evening, Madam Mayor, Members of the Longmont console. My name is Gina and I am the compensation manager for the city to offer the first time This evening

Unknown Speaker 2:25:01
we would like to talk

Unknown Speaker 2:25:03
about compensation for our part nom better Okay, thank you is some of you are from Joanne Xia says workplace of the future presentation. Our market is literally just swinging and wild ways right now. Our area that we’re really with is our temporary and our part time non benefited employees and being able to actually recruit and retain this staff. Recently human reads reviewed wages for similar entry level positions in the community and found that the city of Longmont is paying dramatically lower than similar level level positions in other entities. The difference in pay is having an impact on our ability to recruit and retain staff and one area that we’re seeing the absolute greatest impact in is in our recreation group. Next slide. Currently, this slide just as this slide shows the bare minimum that they would need to be able to safely operate programs and facilities and how far they are at this point in time from being able to do that. Currently, we have temporary employees that are making anywhere from the Colorado minimum wage of 1257 an hour to 1440. I’m sorry, 1540, which are all below any of the other locations that we looked at for entry level staffing. What we would like to request is to increase the entry level compensation for our temporary and part time non benefited positions to a minimum of $15.50 per hour to be able to recruit and retain staff. For all of our part time non benefited in temporary positions city wide. Additionally, adjustments would be made to prevent compression within job series. An example of that would be I will use recreation. If we have lifeguards that get raised then we would have to look at of course the senior guard and the pool managers. But we would account for the the compression in positions as well. And I’m going to have Jim golden speak to our financial impacts piece. Thank you,

Unknown Speaker 2:27:33
Mayor pack members Councilman Jim golden chief financial officer. So on the financial impacts, we I think we didn’t put it in the communication what we project city was

Unknown Speaker 2:27:49
there’s $1,212, and then for a full year of that that amount would be $376,025.

Unknown Speaker 2:28:05
to cost the general fund from that’s going to be necessary. I believe that once we close out the 2021 will know that sufficient fund balance available that we’ll be able that with outside of stabilization reserve. But we do have a 3.1 1 million in stabilization reserve and four point million based on how the project budget was was put together. So it shouldn’t be a problem to cover. We are going to if you to go forward we’re going to do an appropriation ordinance that would clewd the funding for that the general and so we could go back and finish there. Thanks. So there are other funds that would be impact. listed here. The left side of the screen the fund the street fund, public fund, new fund, senior special revenue fund and the museum’s special revenue fund. These are all smaller amounts than the general fund. The amounts that make senses and dolphin would also need appropriate to pay for their data fund balance and 22 they would all be able to cover this in costs from there. Just pointing out the reason why we have the city wide estimate for 23 in there is because by doing this if we do get the direction to do this, we would then need to really include that as a funding, three operating budget. Full year cost of 376 in there as an FYI. So you can Now change it and this and that if directors to go forward with this, we would come forward with two actions at the next regular meeting. First would be an appropriation ordinance. So it would be a resolution that would amend the compensation the pay plan. So let’s head we could answer any questions you have.

Unknown Speaker 2:30:20
So I want to add a thing. So Mayor Council, just know. So we started to hire for many of our temporary positions in January, February timeframe, ready for the summer. It was about three weeks ago, three weeks ago, where the freeze, then started talking to me about that we were having and filling the positions and where we were setting and, and so this is one where I did them to directed HR to immediately begin to get to see what the market salaries are for the entry positions, and get something ready for us to you all as quickly as possible, because we need to get those positions higher. And where we, you know, understand the end of the summer period. I mean, what we can say is generally we’re seeing like every lady in the country, the hiring, yes. And we can hear, but we need to make this move. If we’re not twins, we’re going to have to start making decisions in terms of what programs we continue, what programs we don’t get in at the end of the day, what we’re able to open so that we can give our operations. And so normally, we would like to talk about this ahead of time, but this issue are so far behind, that we felt we needed to make adjustment as quickly as possible to start with folks knowing where we’re moving those positions. But generally, the numbers are the entry level positions, what they’re paying entry level positions in places like fast food restaurants, and things like that. And so we really even ever heard me be probably direct, we need to make this move so that we can fill these positions. And we can continue as we have in the past.

Unknown Speaker 2:32:28
Thank you. Do we have any discussion from I do have a do I do have a question? Um, I agree that we need to raise salaries. My question, though is do you process with people to fill these positions? Have you had people forward for these jobs and salary

Unknown Speaker 2:32:53
and issue for them?

Unknown Speaker 2:32:57
We’re not getting any applicants at all.

Unknown Speaker 2:32:59
Mayor member council Jeff reasoner recreation and golf manager, it’s a combination of that are people have accepted a job with us or come to work. And they have in the meantime, before first day, are actually going out in finding other jobs that are higher paying that we can offer? We’ve had some luck with some jobs that we’ve done this year. And which is the first time we’ve done that we’ve done four of them, and had Around 30 people show up and maybe been able to hire two or three of them at each one of those. Oh, the pay if they are voicing that that is a concern, and that they feel like elsewhere to get a job.

Unknown Speaker 2:33:51
Okay. Great.

Unknown Speaker 2:33:55
So seeing no one do we motion up? Brian? really well, but you can make a comment at the end of the meeting when it’s final public. So seeing none, we’ll move then. Oops, we have you know, I’ll get better than

Unknown Speaker 2:34:19
me. Thank you, Mayor. I think some of my colleagues remember that. We actually did pass a policy concerning our contractors about a livable wage that was sponsored league of women voters I believe. And so this be consistent with us trying to keep a living wage as a core tenet of the city council’s vision for how we compensate our staff members and the fact that we need to continue to provide great services to our resume. That’s them that would be a disservice to them, especially looking at tax rules provided by our CFO Isn’t and obviously what was provided in the presentation. There’s no reason to not go for this. And so I increase and she’ll have a compensation for part time temporary non.

Unknown Speaker 2:35:14
Alright, that’s been moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez seconded by Councillor will. That’s coming up so that unanimously Thank you. Good work.

Unknown Speaker 2:35:47
Presentation by Tony shikonin. It’s a resolution of the city council, the city of Longmont, Colorado, creating vacant seats for the county appoint D school district to district appointee and Mayor appoint de tous missioners to the long renewal authority.

Unknown Speaker 2:36:13
being mayor pack members of council, so as just mentioned before you tonight is a resolution would allow or the council would constitute the urban renewal Authority Board have to bring it into compliance with state law. But what I also would like to do is give you a brief overview of for those of you that may not be with how it works here in the state of Colorado, so I got a very brief presentation. So the state law in Colorado, number one, it allows cities to create urban renewal authorities. Number two, the cities to designate areas as blighted and then establish urban renewal areas and plans accordingly. The third thing the statutes allow for is it provides some mechanisms and tools by which the authority can city in making or pursuing redevelopment. And the last point here is in 2015, the statute was amended that significantly changed the way in which these have to operate here in the state of Colorado. So what is the purpose was pretty simple in the state statute. The reason for allowing these authorities to be created was to eliminate conditions of slum and blight within the community and work in partnerships with cities accordingly. So what constitutes blight? Well, the statute is very explicit, I laid forth here all the various components of blight, the law states that you have to meet more of these conditions to determine the area blighted and therefore can be an urban renewal area. Slump, deteriorated or deteriorating strike apply defective or quit street layouts, faulty lat layout, unsanitary or unsafe, duration of site or the improvements, unusual topography or inadequate public infrastructure utilities, so forth, defective or title conditions and other words the paper did with those ownerships. Say unhealthy environmental contamination is another one, safety and welfare factors. And so the ones the last one is a circumstance where all the property would agree to been to a district and there are some elements that are present that is very rare. Usually you will find one or two property owners that may object to being brought into a district. So again, you identify for those and the way that is done is through what’s known as a condition survey used to be referred to as a blight study. And then those usually are brought forth to the council in consideration for any designation of urban renewal areas. So what are the benefits of urban renewal? It provides a means of development, quote, pay in its own way in that the the value the increased value from that improvement actually can go back into making improvements in the area or into the project itself. It can improve the attractiveness of an area hopefully attracting new investment as projects proceed. improves the health, safety and welfare for residents and businesses. levels the economic plan filled with what are known as green fields. And so usually, urban renewal areas are associated with dire conditions in neighborhoods, which usually increase the cost to the development community. And so this puts it in somewhat of an equal footing possibly, and then improves the economic prosperity by creating jobs and providing new housing. So what are the implementation tools that the statutes give the authority where there’s two primary ones? One, first of all, it does give them the right to proceed with eminent domain on any acquisitions if need be. However, that can only be done with authorization of city council. And usually that’s either integrated into the plan that’s produced, or it’s by separate resolution ordinance. So they don’t just have carte blanche, the authority does not have carte blanche ability to condemn property, it does require some approval of the city council. And the second part, which is most probably the most important tool is access to what is known as tax increment funds.

Unknown Speaker 2:41:10
So what are tax increment funds, simply instead of going through all this, simply, the tax increment is the value that the property increases by relative to the improvement. So if a parcel was appraised at 10,000, and then the new project comes in at 100,000, the 90,000 is considered increment that can go to the authority or some portion can go to the authority for their expenditure on improvements or redevelopment in that particular district. So the one thing I want to point out, increment is not a new tax. So there is no additional metal mill levy imposed on the property or properties within the district. It’s only utilizes the existing tax base that’s in the area. And it does not increase tax rates on properties directly. Okay. Now, people will say that the there is, there is an increase on taxes. But that generally, that’s indirect by virtue of improving the conditions of the area. Thereby, the appraisals on all properties in that area could go up as a result. So this is a graphic just kind of showing more explicitly what tax increment is, and you will notice the green line, which would be the incremental value of project or projects. And then you notice the red line, which is a stair step. So the way the law works, is that a base valuation is set at the time before the project proceeds. And every year or every two years, it can ratchet up the base value, and that value goes to the taxing entities, it’s not part of the increments. So some persons will tell you well, the taxing entities aren’t getting any benefit. But in reality, they are getting a benefit. The other provision just for information, and we can get into this further down the line on some study sessions is school districts are actually backfill on any last opportunity from revenue. So there is a provision where the state is effectively giving the school districts money that otherwise they may have got if that project was built not using tax increment. So the authorities roles and capabilities implement, implement the municipalities plans. They can partner with the city in terms of funding or the improvements, receive and reinvest tax increment funds as they see fit or appropriate. They can acquire property for improvement, they can actually own and operate facilities, public facilities if need be. And maybe one of the more important things is that they can actually issue debt that has no relationship to the debt of the city. So this there’s no burden on the part of the city unless the city agrees to back any of that debt and provide resources and support to urban renewal district businesses. So for example, you could create a fund that helps them hire employees or something like that. Enter into development agreements with public private partnerships, and ability to raise revenue from sources other than the TIF itself. So for example, they get grants from other governmental entities, they could actually get grants from the city, whatever that might be. And again, the authority cannot impose a property tax mill levy, they do not have that authority under the statutes. So what did House Bill What 1513 48. And we usually use a shorter version, which is House Bill 1348. The 15 represents the year in which it was established. But there were two main changes in the law number one was that access to the tax increment now requires the cities to negotiate with each of the taxing entities impacted, to determine how much of that tax increment the authority can utilize in making improvements and any redevelopment activity. So it used to be that 100% of the tax increment increment came to the authority, this amendment to the statute now requires that to be negotiated.

Unknown Speaker 2:45:48
And then the second thing, which is also important to actually is, which is before you this evening, is that the Authority Board has to be reconstituted to add other members beyond the city council. And there’s a representative for the counties. So in this case, there are two counties would have to agree on assigning somebody the school district, basically, we have one school district, so they would assign somebody and then special districts. So that would be any other entity that taxes or has taxing ability within the boundaries of the city of Longmont. And then there’s a fourth one there, which is an additional mayoral appointment. And the reason for that is to make sure that you have an uneven board number, and for voting purposes, so in our instance, here, it would require eventual mayoral appointment also, and just let you know, that requires consent of the entire city council as to that appointee. So just history, so the city actually was petitioned and created the authority in 2006. So the authority is in place, and they chose to appoint the city council to serve in that capacity as the board. And that was permissible under state law. And it’s still permissible today. With the exception, you now have to add that three or four members to the board. So the the authority, actually, the city council should say establish the southeast Longmont urban renewal district in 2006. And the Twin Peaks small urban renewal district in 2009. So we do have two active urban renewal areas. We have, the city has yet to institute any tax increment capacity on either of those, with the exception of the village at the peaks, which the city did create a TIF area, and has been generating tax increment that has been used to pay off the bonds that the city issued on that particular project. So current board status. So right now, the board is not in compliance fully with the state statute. So any new urban renewal activity, or any amendment to any of the urban renewal activities that have been done to date, substantial amendment requires that this board be put in place before they can do any activity or action or even any discussion on urban renewal needs or activities within city. And so again, the four, there would have to be four seats created, they do not have to be filled immediately is the onus is put on those entities to assign a person to sit in those seats. So once you reconstitute the board, the board can then move forward with any urban renewal activity at its discretion, regardless if those entities have assigned anybody to sit in those seats. And so with that, I’d be glad to answer any questions. And again before you this evening, the only action we are requesting is reconstitution of the board. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:49:18
Thank you, Tony. Do we have any questions for counselors? Seeing any, Would someone like to make a motion? Oh, great. Yeah. Number eight, you’re on.

Tim Waters 2:49:34
Thank you. Come here pack. Tony. Go back to your next the last or the last slide before Thank you. So is it gonna be county commissioners who make these appointments?

Unknown Speaker 2:49:45
Okay, so, so yeah, it’s no it’s each of the entities. So I say the counties because it’d be Weld County and Boulder County. The commissioners in each of those entities would have to agree on one appointment. The so on.

Tim Waters 2:50:00
So it starts with the commissioners. That was where I was going like question. It’s not staff. Nope. It’s commissioners, the commissioners in in Weld County, Boulder County. Those commissioners would have to get together and agree on one. Yeah. And

Unknown Speaker 2:50:12
we do understand from previous discussions in the past that Weld County may acquiesce to Boulder County. Okay,

Tim Waters 2:50:20
because I was gonna ask, could we be in that meeting when they when they go through that discussion? Just to watch

Unknown Speaker 2:50:25
and well, well, we will be asking them for a resolution or something. Okay. It’d be interesting, then you could sit in on our other public hearing. And just let me say, the county commissioners do not have to have an appointee that actually serves on the Commission. They can pick whoever they want in the community.

Tim Waters 2:50:43
Okay. It doesn’t have to be a commissioner notice somebody? Yeah. Representing county interests, right. Under special districts, how many special districts are I think we’d have to get together and make this decision?

Unknown Speaker 2:50:56
Well, Longmont somewhat lucky. I think we have a total of six.

Tim Waters 2:51:00
So the Metro district we approved two

Unknown Speaker 2:51:03
Metro districts No, actually three, and the other, the other was lefthand water district. So and it’s just a handful, which will make it easier.

Tim Waters 2:51:14
I can tell you having worked in Aurora, they had over 150 districts, and they had to agree on one and they never did. Yeah. And then and then would be school board members, whether it’s a board member or someone else.

Unknown Speaker 2:51:27
No. Okay, so school board and special districts, they actually have to have a person that is serving on a board.

Tim Waters 2:51:34
So it would be a school board member? Yes. They’re gonna love this. So so just describe for me we adjourn or we recess. When we get to new business, we recess or these meetings take a few minutes. We recess we reconvene is the Longmont urban renewal authority. We do whatever business we recess back in the council, these people are gonna have to show up for that five minute period of time on a Tuesday.

Unknown Speaker 2:52:00
Well, one thing, once we do get the board reconstituted, we would likely have to have a meeting to talk about bylaws, and how those meetings would be conducted. And so in that discussion, that’s how we would figure out how to logistically work it now the the authority, at least presently, I don’t see it as being highly active. So we most probably could easily accommodate it within our current city council meeting somehow, unless there’s a conflict. And you can imagine you get the other four is

Tim Waters 2:52:33
that night, right. I could just get used to that the mayor will figure that out. I’m sure how to negotiate. Yeah. All right. Just wanted to be clear. This is gonna play out.

Unknown Speaker 2:52:43
Well, unfortunately, the legislature didn’t think of particular issues when they changed the statute.

Tim Waters 2:52:49
Yeah. Sandy, if this comes up for reconsideration, we might have some input to our legislators on what they could do here. Right. Thanks. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:53:09
Thank you, man. It doesn’t seem like we have a whole lot of choices statutorily. And so I move resolution 2020 to 54.

Unknown Speaker 2:53:21
My mic that was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, seconded by Councillor waters. Let’s vote. And that passes unanimously. Thank you, Tony.

Unknown Speaker 2:53:34
Thank you, we will now notify each of those entities that their responsibilities appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker 2:53:38
This is gonna be fun. So we are down to our legislative bills by us and assistant city manager Sandra cedar. What do you have for us?

Unknown Speaker 2:53:57
Thank you, Mayor pack members of council Sandy cedar assistant city manager. You know, I remember this conversation with the Urban Renewal bill. And we actually did make comments saying that, you know, we would we would prefer to just, you know, run our own urban renewal boards. But this was the compromise that was struck, which is why it looks so weird. This is the compromise that was struck between us having some control of what the board’s look like and the counties having veto over our urban renewal district. So that was the original bill was that the counties could veto anything we wanted to do. So I think we still want sort of anyway, I do have two builds for you today. The first one is House Bill 2212 73. Concerning protections for election officials. So similar to the one that you saw around code officials. This is similar for people who are conducting elections and considering how contentious things have become. It just seems to me like it’s more and more important all the time to make sure that we keep these elections as clean as possible. And so because we want to keep them safe, accurate and timely Staff recommends that city council support House Bill 1273

Unknown Speaker 2:55:01
So I’m gonna move that we support House Bill 1273. So that is been moved by May John Peck seconded by Councillor Martin, let’s vote. So we’re going to support that unanimously.

Unknown Speaker 2:55:19
Great. Thank you so much. The second bill House Bill 2212 87, concerns protections for mobile home park residents. So this one amends the mobile home park act to be able to give some additional rights to people who are living in mobile home parks. So for example, prohibits a landlord from increasing the rent on a mobile home by more than 3% during any 12 month period, it requires landlords and landlords representative attend at least two public meetings if they ask if the residents want to have a public meeting with the landlord, the landlord’s need to be there and have that conversation clarified that the landlord is responsible for, you know, making sure that they’re repairing infrastructure, as well as clarifying some triggering events that would, you know, make sure that people understood if the landlord was going to sell the property. So it really just gives some additional clarification and more transparency for folks who live in mobile home communities, as well as some some REITs because I think a lot of times what certainly I don’t know what we have found necessarily in Longmont, but just generally as a national trend. You know, sometimes that isn’t dealt with as well as it could be so because housing priorities are important to the city council. The staff recommends that city council support House Bill 1287.

Unknown Speaker 2:56:35
Would someone like to make that motion? Okay, that’s been Moved by Councillor water seconded by Suzy Hinako. fairing, Councillor Hidalgo. fairing. Let’s vote.

Tim Waters 2:56:57
Any opportunity to vote? Yes. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:57:03
We’ll get all the bugs worked out. So

Unknown Speaker 2:57:05
that passes unanimously. Thank you, Sandy. I do have a question about that trailer. Does that cover HOA fees as well? Or is it just the landlord who owns the property?

Unknown Speaker 2:57:15
It’s just the landlord that owns the property. Okay. Yes. Thanks. Although there are other HOA bills that you’ve seen in your price, Mark.

Unknown Speaker 2:57:23
Yeah. Yep. Thanks. So we’re now at final call public invited to be heard. Is there any public? I see three Publix people. Does anybody want to? Do you have anything you want to talk about? Who? I’m sorry, I didn’t see. Oh, Paul, I didn’t.

Unknown Speaker 2:57:51
I know I’m I’m invisible. Because you wouldn’t recognize me dressed like this. That’s right. Paul Tiger. 350 Kimbark. So I just heard something earlier this evening, and that was is that talking about how long Mom’s getting older? The census tells us that long Mom’s getting younger. It’s much younger than it was 10 years ago. I mean, age being 35. So we’re getting younger, not older. Let’s plan for younger people. All those kids that were here. Let’s plan for them. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 2:58:27
Thank you, Paul.

Unknown Speaker 2:58:32
Hey, there, Dallas Stiles at eight James circle just saying hello. Because this is nice to see you guys in person for once. Don’t really have anything to say. But yeah, fun to fun to be here. We’re great. That’s right in the flesh. You are real. I know right now. Just just a face. Yes. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:58:56
Nice to meet you. That’s great. So we’re now at Marin Council comments, I would like to make

Unknown Speaker 2:59:04
one more. Oh, please,

Unknown Speaker 2:59:06
Brian, I’ll be quick about it. You don’t have to be too quick. Um,

Unknown Speaker 2:59:11
it’s funny. I just brought this issue up about three or four weeks ago with my boss, Molly Fitzpatrick and brought to her attention. And I did, but I just clarified something and this has to do with job applications and, and, and increasing them. The number of applicants. I thought that long might use the NeoGAF application website because that’s what every other municipality in Colorado uses. Turns out we don’t they just told me that we have our own portal to apply for jobs. So I’ll hold my critiques of the Neo. gov website, which are numerous that’s a horrible application process and the way they do it and but um, but I just had them did one through our portal. And it’s pretty efficient, but I thought it might be a good idea, especially for level positions, that you have a way to apply other than over a computer. We don’t have computers particularly different phone. And I just think that being able to submit an application and in a different type fashion might help some additional job applicants. You know, some people don’t have a laptop a lot of people don’t most people, especially younger are reliant on cell phones. We have cell phones there’s like 10% Though didn’t have a cell phones. So um, so maybe process and provide them alternative means in the online portal at all. Thank you. And don’t ever go with NeoGAF for for Apple.

Unknown Speaker 3:00:57
I’ll sell through I’m missing.

Unknown Speaker 3:01:00
So close the public invited to be heard. And we are now at Marin County. I do want to remind council that the comments section is not necessarily full discussion with staff. These are things that it’s at the end of the meeting that you would like to give kudos to inform us about etc. Councillor waters in the queue?

Tim Waters 3:01:32
Number eight, tecmyer. Peck it Karen. Roni, I am going to address this to Karen Roni. Karen, is this your last meeting? So, dialogue with Karen, I would like to say, Karen, I have a short timer here. I’ve been here just a short time, but how much I work your contributions to the city over a generation and a half or so. And just as resident and as one council member, you miss your contributions, your smiling face and in the head just work with you. So that’s the next chapter of your life. I hope it’s sweet and long and healthy.

Unknown Speaker 3:02:14
That was perfect kudos. And I’ll miss your laugh. Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez,

Unknown Speaker 3:02:29
Mayor pack. Some folks know that Barbara a couple weeks back for the National League of Cities conference. I like to say that the the conference primarily usually focuses on infrastructure, that was no different in the sense that they just recently passed that infrastructure bill. And so we had a lot of conversations about how that funding as well as who’s administrating it. So you know, there was conversations about ARPA funding, affordable housing, legitimately physical infrastructure, from the smallest village to the largest city, I will say that on my behalf, what I was focused on, was talking about homelessness. So when it came to addressing our legislators, about finding not one time funding, but don’t just have operations and maintenance of any sort of transitional housing and things like that. And then also talking to fellow council members from the Front Range Metro Denver area, about not having such a patchwork concept of homelessness policy or on House policies. It says we’ve seen what Aurora just passed, as well as a recent week, policy that was passed concerning long term residents of hotels. We’re having a lot of challenges of, of really finding cohesiveness at a regional level, which is going to be much more effective than addressing the issue municipality by municipality. And so those were the two things that I really focused on while I was out there. Just wanted to give that update. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 3:04:05
Thank you. Seeing no other council comments, city manager, Harold.

Unknown Speaker 3:04:09
Oh, yes, Mayor Council. I do have one question. So we have our first LH a board meeting. I believe that is next Tuesday, April 5 For the fourth meeting. And wanted to just talk to you all about do you want to start at the normal time of seven o’clock that we have for the council meetings? Or do you all want to look at an earlier start time for those meetings

Unknown Speaker 3:04:34
I think that might have to do with the peep the two or three who are working other jobs outside of counsel. So think what number is number four? Oh, Counselor.

Unknown Speaker 3:04:53
You know, actually I’m looking at my calendar and I do request that we stick it stick with the sensor clocks. Start Time. I apologize for anyone who was hoping to get started early that day, so I do appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 3:05:07
We just wanted to make sure okay. Okay, that’s fine.

Unknown Speaker 3:05:16
Thank you Chiquita. Eugene, our city attorney. No comments, Mayor. Thank you. So that’s it. We have a motion to adjourn.

Unknown Speaker 3:05:29
Thank you. It’s been moved by Councillor Martin and I will second that to adjourn the meeting.

Unknown Speaker 3:05:37
Yay. Yay. Yay.

Unknown Speaker 3:05:45
So that passed unanimously. Good night.

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