Water Board Meeting – March 21, 2022

Video Description:
Water Board Meeting – March 21, 2022

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
I was doing repairs to the outlets. We had this hole, but we took union was down about 66,000 7000. Last year, and then blood product was worse falls this year, we kind of switched around unions only down 2000 acre feet around 6000. Okay, so we’re

Unknown Speaker 0:21
close to close average a little bit about average releases, but

Unknown Speaker 0:25
pretty close to.

Unknown Speaker 0:26
Okay. When I was reading through that, I remember that there was something that we discussed in previous meetings about about some kind of switch.

Unknown Speaker 0:35
Yeah, yeah. Sure. And then on page 19 here, so the Colorado water basin is the storage level at March 1 was

Unknown Speaker 0:50
at 2%. So South Platte River Basin, reservoir storage March 1.

Unknown Speaker 1:21
So as you can see, you go to the top there, you can see this. So we basically have Boulder County, Larry County, and Grand County, they’re in Jackson County to the top. So the grand Buller County where we were, we’re dry and moderate drought. So

Unknown Speaker 1:39
it’s a we’re holding I looked at this was more cheap, but it just looked at March 17. And we’re saying so we’re still we keep getting the weather patterns that we’re currently in now, where that’s that’s important this time of year is if you don’t get those weather patterns, you know, rains, rain, snow here, snow in the mountains, that that snowpack starts to drop. So especially with the warm weather and dry so we definitely need to know we’re supposed to be dry this warm dry this weekend. But hopefully we’ll we’ll start keeping those patterns. And I was going to touch base on

Unknown Speaker 2:19
the road. Okay, so on Colorado River Basin, we have 23 days till it peaks for the snowpack and then salt that we have 35 days. So we’re still Eagles weather happens. So basically, I’ll have any questions.

Unknown Speaker 2:43
Very similar to last year,

Unknown Speaker 2:45
actually. So for the most part last year, were in better shape this year than last year, except for this time. Last year, around March 18, we had that fourth highest snow in this region in the Front Range region. So that was what kind of that was March 2019. And that’s what really changed last year’s because we were we’re kind of projected we were going higher. So we were really driving all the way up until towards the end of the summer that we had all that snow that’s part of December and January this year. And then in February, we had like 63, four or 5% of precipitation. So it started March we begin to above average precipitation. So we’re pretty pretty close. Be nice to get big snow, that’s for sure.

Unknown Speaker 3:30
Now the real drill drill from last year isn’t so much our basin. It’s the Colorado River Basin was extreme in extreme drought read about half of the entire western soil. Yeah, it was early or snows this made your Christmas smells really helped that Colorado River Basin. Well, that’s

Unknown Speaker 3:56
a good point because river

Unknown Speaker 3:57
Colorado river basins. Shake right now. Does that still so much talk about mainly impact. It did a little bit it did in the mountains, but mainly on the drop range of the central mountains.

Unknown Speaker 4:10
Near the question. Thanks. No, thank you. Okay. Cash in lieu.

Unknown Speaker 4:21
Yeah. Report real quickly. The action of course, like I said, email the council and ahead of the resolution on the change of the capsule is 45. So that went pretty smoothly. We had a pretty good flush of cash and we’ll come in. In the 21 days before that council meeting. We probably brought in as much as we did two years prior. So we would It would it was expected. Yeah. There’s still A lot of land out there, you have to come in. And so we didn’t take because of that we just approved of like, a couple weeks ago, we don’t have any additional information for for the large cash setup, we have got a little bit of information on CBT yet as it was sincerity about 60 grand unit, but we, we know that at least one entity trying to purchase, they just put out on the market as I went 201 200 shares of CBT. And they’re offered 65,000 Share unit. And so, I think they’re gonna say they they bought the market up $5,000. But in terms of some of the local water rights, not a lot change there. So, one, the one thing that I think I briefly mentioned this last month, Council is in addition to looking at affordable housing, they are also looking at kind of the next category of attainable housing. And we may end up so could be probably coming back to whiteboard to talk about how will attainable housing look, in the water deli, we’re on our retirement policy. In May, we may have a program similar to our fordable housing program, actually, right now there is a task force that not on so I can’t tell you what kind of where the progress is. But there’s a task force is looking at attainable housing, really kind of need to come up with a definition and how we do it. So. So you know, that kind of a process takes a little bit of time to write and bring it together. So we’re not ready yet to start having the conversation about it, you know, how that might look. But I, you know, council directs us easily program somewhere fordable housing. So just kind of a heads up that will probably be coming forward in sometime in the near future. quarters so soon as and we’ll keep you up to, as soon as we hear about the attainable housing. They’re working. I don’t know, if you have anything more council

Unknown Speaker 7:56
to do and kind of don’t know, there has not been discussion. And recently, it seems like the discussion isn’t on the housing staff, and then it comes to counsel bait. So you know, I don’t get a lot of previews. But what I can say is that, you know, of course, attainable housing has bigger margins, then affordable housing, and more flexible financing requirements, then affordable housing. So the incentives don’t necessarily need to be as great as they do for affordable housing. But short of that, I have no idea. You know, the staff is younger, so maybe possibly, you know, different ideas about what’s going what’s what’s going to be appropriate. So I’m hoping that there’ll be something innovative that comes before Council. But I have not stuck my nose into it yet. So I don’t have any inside information.

Unknown Speaker 9:01
So it sounds like dateable housing isn’t defined yet.

Unknown Speaker 9:06
Or well, attainable, attainable housing kind of is well defined in terms of for sale housing is 80% of the area median income on the bottom, and either 100 or 110% of the area median income on the at the top end. But does everybody know what area median income is?

Unknown Speaker 9:32
Okay, what it means I don’t know what the number is.

Unknown Speaker 9:35
That number changes all the time. It depends on the size of your family and, you know, so there’s never a number. But But anyway, as long as you know that it’s roughly you know, the median is how much people make here. And it’s supposed to be a make a measure of livability. You know, do you work enough to actually buy a house here? And the answer is if you’re below 80. No. And right now the markets so out of balance that the answer is no, unless you’re above 100, at least. So again, this is not something that HUD forces a definition on us. So as it is for affordability, right. So we will come up with our own definition of attainability in terms of what needs to be incentivized other agencies not in the federal stack, like economic development partnerships, in which we have the long run economic development, partnership, and then it is a member of associations of similar organizations. So they have data that they’ll be presenting to us. And we’ll be trying to come up with a good definition that allows housing to be built for what can be afforded what people can afford, because right now, as you probably already know, Ken city is having a really hard time recruiting employees.

Unknown Speaker 11:24
Yeah, I’m trying to formulate it. I just don’t know a whole lot about the topic. Right. So. But, uh, you know, for example, like, I mean, for Longmont to have an affordable housing program that would, the incentives of that, in addition to diversity, etc, would kind of relate to accessing perhaps like HUD programs and pools of money that would otherwise be available, is that same type of thing? Because it doesn’t have a definition for attainable housing? Is there like, kind of like loan incentives and other types of kind of like community program incentives are something that are available? By having an attainable housing program and striving for that? Or is it mostly just like one month’s interest in doing?

Unknown Speaker 12:17
Well, it’s only the ones we make ourselves. So the, for example, the Economic Development Partnership, has enlisted a loan agency whose name is escaping me, but it’s the one that is CO housed with the EDP. And the way it works is the employers primary employers who can afford to do this, we’ll agree with the loan agency to kind of provide some security for these loans, and then their employees get first pick up a better deal of interest rates and waive fees and all like that, that makes it easier for them to get households. And that’s all great, except you have to have something to buy. And right now, there’s not enough stock, you know, because the housing stock that’s on the market at Walmart, right now is like, everything’s above 500,000. And everything, everything that you’d actually want is above 700,000. And, you know, so we got to build other types of housing, because the cost of land is so high.

Unknown Speaker 13:39
That’s really helpful, actually. So that’s where it kind of the innovation part perhaps is coming in, yes. Thinking about like, okay, what can we do internally? Regardless of whether or not there’s these external programs that perhaps like they’re awkward,

Unknown Speaker 13:54
affordable, right? Yeah. So you don’t get to loot to use things like low income tax credits for this, but so just this is a team we example, but Longmont really recently passed an ordinance that says, if you’ve got a single family home on a lot now, and we’d like to make that single family home into a duplex, you can let it be a duplex and you know you have to meet other requirements like it has to kitchens, right and stuff like that. But you don’t have to double the number of water meters and electric meters and stuff. So you can have the landlord split up the consumption however they decide to do it. And so you you get rid of the expense of having all those new connect fees for for the duplex and that is considerable. You know, depending on the house and the size and everything, it’s like 25 to $50,000 in fees So it’s a, it’s a big, that’s a big incentive even though it seems a little what you describe it. And so things like that, we hope we can come up with a lot more to encourage density, which will then lower the cost of the housing.

Unknown Speaker 15:18
All right. And again, I appreciate mark your work on getting this cache new thing. Moving forward, so appreciate you. Alright, I’m about to get through

Unknown Speaker 15:32
Fridays. Okay. Just real quick update on the windy got permit project is luckily going very well. So a couple couple pictures here I wanted to show. The first one is one of the to get to the site may need it or need a road Enel, now the main access for the structure is a different road. But this shows where there’s a bridge that’s been built over the penstock, the CBD penstock, that bridge will actually be the, after the reservoir is built, we got a 300 foot tall dam. Up on the side of the hill, there’s a bridge that comes on a road that will come around, serve not only the reservoir, it’s a road to the backside of the reservoir, there’s a containment dike on the backside of the reservoir that needs to be maintained. But it will also serve as the access for Larimer County Open Space property, which is immediately adjacent. And we’ll have a tie in with the with the project itself. One of the one of the things that is constructed and done, this is a coffer dam, it’s actually a 50 foot tall dam. So it’s one of the highest dams around here, you know, button rocks taller, but most of this reservoirs around here, much less a 50 foot, that’s just the cofferdam it’s just to protect the main down during the construction of the reservoir. But as you can see, that’s that’s a pretty substantial. So can’t it’s done. It’s done. No. Yeah, it’s, that’s a big, big deal.

Unknown Speaker 17:18
That’s getting getting, you know, used to the pace of municipal action. Government. Yeah, I get it.

Unknown Speaker 17:32
So. So yeah, that’s I that is, that is good news. So this is a better view, this is today. And you can see up here is that bridge coming over the penstock in the road up around the reservoir, this is the main footprint of the dam, if you can imagine it, doing this, this is the centerline of the dam. This is completely excavated down to the bottom of the dam site, which is the most critical point in any dam construction, you know, you open you know, that’s, uh, you know, 3040, places almost 50 foot cut from historic, you know, you got down, you open it up, and you didn’t, we didn’t find any big major surprises. You know, there’s always small things you find, but, but we didn’t find a fault line that wasn’t known. We didn’t, we didn’t find a weak section in there. So we’ve kind of taken one step past the scariest, most dangerous part, any dam construction, and they’re actually now starting to say come up. This is called a plant. It’s a basically a concrete foundation that you pour on top of the underlying bedrock, drill, drill down, you know, rebar down, it’s concrete, rebar, pretty substantial, that will go clear across the bottom, and then you build the dam. On top of that you have a good connection. You know, this plant is just a concrete connection between the bedrock underlying bedrock and in the dam that will go up. As you remember, this is a hydraulic asphalt dam. So the actual as asphalt, hydraulic asphalt core, which is, you know, very narrow, like six foot at the bottom and four foot and above, will be right on top of that plant, and we’ll put it at the top of the dam. So that is under construction, and you can see that going and then the coffer dam was over here, just upstream of it. And the quarry is already completely cleaned, cleaned off, and they’re actually started there. They’re blasting producing rock for the construction of the dam because that rock placements, the big deal for this seven days a week, two and a half years of going up rocket and placing it in the nail. So that is that is the construction that we’re where we are and doing really good. I mean, we’re real happy with that. One, I find a little interesting that you can see the road over here from the, from the bridge and then the road that’ll go around. Right up in this area. There’s a Larimer County will have a recreation area and a parking lot and a boat ramp and allow for for future recreational access that’s being constructed as part of this project paid for by Larimer County because it’s a parking lot for their use, but it’s being built right now. Because the project will then be able to use that parking lot. Just stage construction out, especially as the dam gets, you’re very all this stuff down there. But it’ll actually serve a dual use. So we’re just going very well. There’s nothing, you know, they’re probably night, if you look at how much money you want to spend, which is a lot of million dollars a month. But it’s more than that. You were about like 96 97% of where we would like to be at this point for your project. So got slowed down a little bit like that snow in Christmas snows and a few others, no farms. No much. So it’s going quite well. The other part of the whole project is the connectivity channel, on the west slope, which is to bring the Colorado River around with the Empress award, Violet brandy that is still moving forward, they’re actually doing some seminary work. They’ve done a lot of clearing and grubbing. And for that the still don’t have a permit yet. We’re crossing our fingers to the public input process. And it I think, march 10, or something like that. So hopefully, we’re expecting all the comments, I don’t know, who would say don’t build the connectivity channel, but you never know. But that comment varies. And so now that should be completed. We hope that permitting process gets

Unknown Speaker 22:34

Unknown Speaker 22:36
and everybody’s still on board that seems to be going quite well. And then the final thing I wanted to bring up northern water because this is a construction site you can go and poke around Northern municipal sub District Project is holding tours limited tours for four board members. So I would open it up to see if the board is interested in setting up a tour we’re getting a little bit better weather here and I think a tour in April or May or June or July whatever other words if you’re interested if the board is interested we’d be happy to set up a tour there you know we’re not going to go out actually in the middle of the site the can get us up to where you can see everything. One side is right this picture of course is taken from the east side of the reservoir basically right up above Carter Lake looking down in the valley is a place there we can go up from this site and then also take you out can take you into the on the right side of the picture. You can see the shins and there’s four big construction locations there and then by the bridge. And I don’t know I don’t know if we’ll be able to at some point have been so right in that

Unknown Speaker 24:11
room too.

Unknown Speaker 24:14
See a lot of nodding heads so, okay, I think there’s some interest in doing it. So

Unknown Speaker 24:19
okay, I’ll be happy to set that up. Go ahead and connect to the channel. Absolutely. Got to wait till we do some over there but

Unknown Speaker 24:32
that’s a thank you for mentioning that because we will that’s a really good idea. Because we can look at a lot of stuff there. I don’t know if you’ve ever been in the pumping plan over there. The we can maybe not Yeah, they’re talking about evidence Allison. But yeah, that’s we can we can certainly work that out too. So do the board have a feeling I mean would you like to do something sooner like April or wait a little later in May with better weather? We don’t gentleman is nice and hot but I we can try it sets up whatever. Whatever works best in everybody’s schedules

Unknown Speaker 25:28
my only thought April might be a little. Otherwise, I don’t know

Unknown Speaker 25:33
you. Yeah, you can set the date up and then snow to 12 inches that day. past eight. Okay, well, let me talk about doing something maybe in May. Beautiful. There may be something set up. What would you prefer? Like an afternoon tour this time of the day? Would you prefer an evening? Cultural evening? I don’t know if they’ll do something on the weekend. But I can ask that too. I don’t know if there’s any preference.

Unknown Speaker 26:08
I think afternoon can like we would have a meeting here that makes the most sense. I just looked at as you get towards the end of the school year, it’s pretty busy to try and get something else in.

Unknown Speaker 26:18
It does. What a what a what a lunch, lunch tour that on the day of waterboard that then we come back to waterboard something like that makes it the 18th of November 18 of April. May. I can I can look at maybe waterboard so he only press one afternoon. does that for me? Michael

Unknown Speaker 26:56
would you say sweet wait

Unknown Speaker 26:57
till June also? Sure that means you’re available.

Unknown Speaker 27:05
Later, if you wait till June, you’ll you’ll see the dam starting to go up. It should be well, I don’t know that plant is going to take a while to get

Unknown Speaker 27:16
there. You know the June Water Board.

Unknown Speaker 27:24
Going to be uploading. Is that right? Marcia? Did you

Unknown Speaker 27:28
vote for that? Juneteenth Yeah, yeah. The 20th would be the 27th. We will do it.

Unknown Speaker 27:34
Oh, yes. The 20th is glad you are good. You know, what’s your

Unknown Speaker 27:43
holiday? Is Monday afternoon. Holiday? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 27:49
So we’ve scheduled our board on 27th. Yeah. Nice. Shoot for that day.

Unknown Speaker 27:58
Okay, let me let me check into that. See where that goes. Pretty. Cool. Thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 28:11
Okay, Jason, we’re up

Unknown Speaker 28:15
to enter the windy gap if you are in the Facebook or not. But they’ve got a Facebook page called chimney hollow. And I don’t know how often they’re adding pictures. But they’re taking some really gorgeous pictures. I don’t know, if they paid a photographer, somebody just really knows how to use an iPhone. But anyway, I’ve been following that, I think it’d be just like it, then you’ll start to get pictures in your newsfeed on Facebook. So I’d encourage you to check it out because they’ve got some pretty cool pictures that you don’t get to see from the public’s perspective. And so typically, I give you guys a verbal update, which you’ve been very patient with me. So I’d love to give you some illustrations so you can actually maybe understand what it is I’m saying here.

Unknown Speaker 29:13
So the first one is the sassy brain pipeline pump station. And so here this is just basically a site plan. So the top blue line is the North St grain pipeline. And the blue line on the bottom is the South St grain pipeline. And you can see in assessing grain pipeline goes into a well that’s the buck the box structure there that then funnels water into the pump station, which then gets pushed into the North St. Green pipeline. And so this here, we’ve we’ve currently issued notice to proceed. Glacier construction is out there right now. They’ve actually cleared this lot. They’re doing an outstanding job. We’ve removed trees. We’ve been working with neighbors. So far, everything’s going great. We’re on schedule. That’s probably about to change, we’re starting to get delays and stuff coming from materials for supply chain issues and stuff. So back when we issued, the three advertises the RFP, you know, contractors went out, they got bids, they got quotes from from vendors, and everything they did was subject to change. Well, that change is now happening. And so things that were available in December are no longer available now. So we’re starting to see some long lead times, but we’re getting pretty creative looking for solutions and stuff. I think at the end of the day, I think realistically, we’re probably this project we’re fighting push back two months. So we’re looking at maybe instead of a July timeframe, maybe we’re looking at August or September, when this comes online, the great thing about this project is is we’re not up against a heartbeat. It really is kind of at our leisure. So having said that, we do want to get Railroad Avenue back into service for the tunnel lines, we do want to get this up and running as soon as possible. But we’ve got a little bit of float in our schedule. There is FEMA dollars tied to this. But that’s not until the end of the year. So the fact that we had so much floater schedule, we’ve got six months where if we had to delay the project a month or two just so that we can get this correct parts. That’s fine. So that’s kind of all I have for the cell St. Green pipeline. So the next sheet is one I don’t think I’ve mentioned to the board before, because this is a new one for us. It’s a small project, relatively quick project as well. So this one is one that I inherited from Larry Wayne Oh, he was an engineering administrator over engineering services who retired. And so as part of our 2013 flood recovery, we removed the North St bring pipeline from the creek and cross this section of the creek like five times. And so now we’ve put it with the road. This section of the Roisin green pipeline is actually in Apple Valley Road. But in order to close out our 1041 permit with Porter County from that project, we had agreed to remove two sections of pipe and you can see right annotated remove section of pipe. And I’ve called that out. And so the orange line is our North St. Green pipeline. And the green line is the lions, the town of lions water line. And so as a courtesy to them, we’re going to go ahead and remove their water line as well. They’re paying for it, you know, financially, but we’re taking the lead on it getting the floodplain development permits, we’re getting, you know, the stormwater construction activity permits from Boulder County, which we which we have, before we started construction, we did do a site inspection in Boulder County, they gave us rave reviews, everything’s going great. So right now, we’re over here on 558. Apple Valley Road that’s over on the left, we’ve already removed both sections of pipe from the creek, we’ve kept them off, we’re now mobilizing over to the 416 Apple Valley Road site that’s over on the right.

Unknown Speaker 32:59
The lines water line is actually pressurized up to a valve right up to the area where we’re going to cut it. So we’re actually going to take that line out of service for one day so that we can cut into the pipeline, it’s 250 psi watermain. So that’s, it’s yeah, we, we don’t want to do anything with that kind of pressure on the other side of the valve. So we’re going to take that out of service, from one day we’ll cut into it will physically disconnect, it will will pour a kicker, which is just a fancy word for a big pile of concrete. So that way, when we turn, we turn the water back on, when that water pressure hits that valve, it won’t try to push the pipe away and become disjointed. And so we’re going to put some, some reinforcements in there to make sure that that doesn’t happen in so anyway, um, it’s it’s a relatively small minor project. But, you know, we are against the clock on this, we had this done, you know, by the beginning of April, and we’re on schedule to do that as well. And so anyway, this one’s going good working with, you know, in partnership with board County, with the residents here. And, yes, everything’s been going good on that one. And this one here, I know, I’ve never talked dollars on this one. This one’s um, estimated to be about $200,000 to remove these two sections of pipe. So then the last handout I have is for the upper North St brain pipeline alignment study. So we’ve talked about this before how, you know, the upper sections of the North St. Green pipeline are very hard to get to some of it’s on a cliff, some of that pipe is suspended. And so we’re looking at alright, you know, it’s coming to the end of its service life. It could be taken out in the next you know, next flood event or or rock could fall on it. You know, what, what do we want to do in the long term, and so we’ve identified several different ways that we can divert some of our water to Nelson Flanders. that doesn’t involve using the upper North St. Green pipelines. So the upper section that I’m referring to is the yellow dashed areas. So this is the one that has two tunnels. This is the one that has timber cribbing, rock cribbing This is the one that would like to invite you guys to go on a hike and explore this and see for yourself, you kind of have a greater appreciation once you’ve actually kind of got up there. I did. And it’s, it’s a relatively easy hike. It’s it’s two hours, but it’s maybe it’s something that we can do here in the spring. And so anyway, I’m looking at, you know, long term plans for this, you know, one of the ideas is all we can replace it in kind, which, you know, has some advantages to it, but would be very challenging, because we don’t really have a means of getting, you know, an ATV back there, let alone an excavator or train or anything like that. So that would, you know, those are some considerations. So the thought was, well, let’s leave our divert or pointed diversion at Walmart reservoir in place, but let’s just realign the pipe. And so one of the thoughts is the red line here, you can see let’s just put it along Walmart dam road. And so we Longmont dam road, this would require a tunnel section, it would also require a siphon to come back up to the hill. But the great thing about this is, you have easy access to it. And it gets 100% of our diverted water to the hydro plant. So we’ll actually where you see the yellow and the red line come together, that’s the top of the penstock. So we’ll actually be able to keep the hydro plant in service. So moving to the right, you can see the green line over here. The green line is the existing lines diversion structure. So the channel lions used to provide their own drinking water until the flood of 2013. Well, their diversion structure is still in the creek and we could potentially use that. So one of the ideas is well we retrofitted to accept 28 CFS, which is our carrying capacity. Right now it’s designed for I believe it’s six CFS, so it’s not very much. And so anyway, we’d have to highly modify that. And then what we’d also have to do is we have to pipe it down Apple Valley Road toward North pond. So benefit of that it’s much shorter, much easier access downside of that, we completely bypass the hybrid plan altogether. And so then another option is looking at just doing adding the pump station, we could potentially add a pump station right there below the North pond, we could potentially pump water from the creek into the north pond, and from the north pond, or St. Mary pipeline, we could also just tie directly into one more st grade pipeline have another interconnect, or it could be both.

Unknown Speaker 37:45
Again, some benefits to that. One of the downside, couple downside is, you know, you’re putting the infrastructure within the floodplains. That’s not very good. You’re relying on powers now as opposed to generating power, you’re consuming power. So that’s not very good. And then, again, you’re you’re bypassing hydropower. And so then we’re looking at, well, maybe we could do combinations of all of these, you know, maybe maybe one of the long, you know, long term, the end game is to realign or replace the upper north line, in its entirety, where it’s at. But at the same time, why can’t we go ahead and invest in the lines, diversion structures, so that if a boulder should fall in the open with pipeline, we’re not completely taken out of the game, like, hey, we can still divert some of our capacity to Nelson Flanders. It’s not optimum for long term, but at the same time, it does add redundancy to our infrastructure, it is susceptible to has hazard contamination events through, you know, vehicles, you know, crashing into the creek, off of Highway 36, which happens about once or twice a year. So, but anyway, you know, these are things that we’re that we’re looking at. And so I just want to let you know that we’re still working on this study. We’ve done the SCS, which is the sustainability evaluation system, which is a process of looking at this, not just from an engineering standpoint, but also from an environmental standpoint. So we’ve completed that do Barry is our consultant who’s going to take all this plus a dozen, two dozen other design criteria. We’re going to put this into a report, and then we’ll start doing a workshop. And so one of the workshops we’re going to do is with the board and kind of present our findings, and you know, the workshop is a chance to present findings, gifts and provide you with an opportunity to give us feedback and with what your thoughts are before we conclude that report. So anyway, that’s that’s where we’re at right now

Unknown Speaker 39:56
a lot of decision making

Unknown Speaker 40:00
Yeah, I mean, then, you know, the cost to do this, you know, we thought we had a pretty good handle on what the cost of some of these projects are. But now, what’s going on? It’s.

Unknown Speaker 40:13
So what, as far as timing on, is this something you want to have done by any particular date? Or what are your thoughts.

Unknown Speaker 40:22
So for the study, we’d like to get this done before our next CIP budget cycle, just so that we want to start planning for the long term at the same time, if it goes beyond that, this isn’t something that we’re not selling, we’re gonna start budgeting $30 million to start construction five years on end of this summer, you know, we could potentially do an easier project, like the lines of version structure, maybe that’s something we do in the next 10 years, maybe we make act if we decided to replace the upper north pipeline, in its exact location, maybe over the next 10 years, we’re looking at doing site improvements and stuff like that access improvements, so that when it comes time to replace the pipeline, we can actually physically do it. Or, you know, if we decide to realign the pipe on one Monday and road, now, there’s going to be heavy permitting involved in that it’s going to take several several years. So I guess looking at this, you know, work this is, we’re playing the long game on this one, this is nothing that I don’t think anything’s really going to materialize in the next five years other than the study and planning efforts and permitting.

Unknown Speaker 41:39
I see there’s an industry grain creek here. I was wondering if there’s ever been any studies there as far as statuses today. Insofar as using the natural streams, you know, that encourage strains or losses, but

Unknown Speaker 41:58
what can answer that might be out of my wheelhouse?

Unknown Speaker 42:01
Yeah. Actually, there’s a whole bunch of history. Industry boys in the North St. Mary group, there is an extreme low 8788 Vintage. It unfortunately, doesn’t do a lot belong on reservoirs. Because facts are basically all winter long our decree of 20.5 CFS sweeps through the entire library. We have, I spent probably 20 years doing a stream flow program on the north saying right random nose, a brain that prevailed up all up by the state and didn’t help. We do want to re establish that some time in the future. I wonder how that can happen. We have, we had quite a quite a very effective program, in conjunction with St. Rhema. Conservancy District in the state a lot, most of the irrigation ditches along same rain. So yeah, the that’s, that is certainly an advantage. We were able to, in addition to keeping the hydro, but it’s one of those things, you know, what, what’s, what is better for the environment, having hydro quiet, you know, good clean green energy, or administering vote. I mean, those those are two competing interests. Again, that is still something, we’re all gonna have to wrestle. But we were able to do both for quite a while. And it was a pretty effective program. And we’re hoping someday it’s, it’s going to be a big left, and it takes a long time to really get that going. But that is, you know, one of the things the sustainability evaluation system looked at was, there’s definitely an advantage. Again, you have to look at what Fortunately, our environment isn’t a single thing, you know, you can run water down the stream or then it’s over quality by the time you pull it out. That’s one of the things that we’ve looked at really, really long. We enjoy some of the highest quality water source because we put it out on the reservoir rather than once once you go below my reservoir, considerable amount of stream sites septic systems. And then there’s a considerable amount of impact from roads. And quite frankly, parks and as you probably remember, a couple years ago, we had a tanker truck crashed in Napa Valley 5000 gallons of fuel that none of that in your water. We are we do currently have the ability we do occasionally run water now to the Highland ditch, we have encouraged the vital ditch universe in the island and carried out of their desert island ditch, but in the water. And that is actually we didn’t have that when we did the prior extreme full program because plant wasn’t built yet. And now we have the ability. And could could do that. So a lot of options. We know that the future. And I hope after so long as I did my career getting out of the program, the one we’re going to see. I mean, that’s part of what that SCS impacts for quality, but also benefits a lot, a lot of give and take on. So

Unknown Speaker 46:14
the way you’re showing here, I’ve got three different alternatives. Are there other alternatives in the mix, such as keeping water in river or these three alternatives, the ones that are really bad.

Unknown Speaker 46:28
So yeah, so this one’s more focused just on the opioid pipeline, and the alternatives for that not alternatives for water delivery as a whole for the city. So it’s really focusing on this yellow dashed line, we know it’s going to become a huge problem for the city, and its customers dollars to fix it in the 10s of millions, those fix it, you know, we need to start long term planning for now. So that’s kind of what this study has been focused on.

Unknown Speaker 46:54
And on on Jason’s picture there, you see the little orange pump station. That’s illustrative of what you could do there. Without pump station, we actually looked at a number of different locations. One of them is the parliament in rough and ready headgate, just east of Lyons, you would run it down to there, we have most of our change cases have that as an alternative of your point of diversion, it really helps us because you got to be careful not to take too much in the water. Because you get slammed every time you take something in the water. So even though that orange line is at that location, we certainly as these things move forward, you can look at something like that and say, well, the benefit of Britain moving that one, one benefit, we have a highland edge, poverty rough and radius. We’re both conference in this house. So now we have both all of our degrees on the south, and all of our degrees in the north as well as those two locations. There’s so much to look at that. Jason’s really busy look at all.

Unknown Speaker 48:05
So I guess inherent in that orange line, man is essentially keeping water in the river delivering it to that point in diversion.

Unknown Speaker 48:15
Correct? Yeah, and yeah, exactly is Ken mentioned that that conversation, the idea of that is, I mean, we’ve actually be able to identify that five other locations, but just for simplicity, and put it all on one page and just show that that was that’s what the study is looking at is okay, the pump station that’s, that’s, that’s an idea, where would it be best suited and so now we’re going out and doing individual studies, as well. And so, you know, kind of like the lion’s diversion structure to be wanted to carry a full capacity to be wanted to carry just what can already take a combination. So it’s, these are the big ideas, but each one each each, each idea, we’re diving into the details, and then the combinations of each idea, and the different options we have that way. And I guess the way that we’re we like the hybrid options because it gives us the most flexibility and how we use our portfolio understand this, just

Unknown Speaker 49:16
kind of what petition or something in between water for hydropower uses and, and extreme uses, as was mentioned, I think I remember from our tour up there, though it was that and don’t get me wrong, the hydropower plant is amazing. And it’s got this wonderful sort of kind of aspect to it that is very special, I think to the area

Unknown Speaker 49:40
in terms of the amount of power it generates, it’s relatively negligible. I mean, what was the point 1% Or something like that?

Unknown Speaker 49:48
If you look at our total energy supply, it’s very small. In turn, we actually have a requirement of 10% generate renewable energy generated locally. If we’re looking at that, that actually is a 2% of that. 10%. So it does, even though overall feel you’re right, it’s like point 2% of our overall supply, but does actually help us meet that

Unknown Speaker 50:13
local generation? This is really

Unknown Speaker 50:14
specific kind of niche, I guess. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 50:20
Cry. Yeah. We also did in the SES evaluation work just in terms of the hydro plant, not just thinking about the renewable energy, but also the cultural historic significance of the plant. So a couple different factors that we looked at.

Unknown Speaker 50:39
The other thing to consider is, if we were to take the hydro plant offline, that doesn’t mean the hydro plant will go away, it’s a historic structure, it would still be there. So it would almost be a shame, or to be said there has to be. So it’s not like, hey, we will return it back to Mother Earth, and we’ll tear down. And now you know, wildlife I mean, flourish would still be there. So we would still have to maintain it. It just didn’t

Unknown Speaker 51:04
we just out of curiosity after the flood, do some upgrading in a hydro plant. Based on what damage occurred there,

Unknown Speaker 51:14
um, there wasn’t too much damage, I don’t really want any damage to the hydrocarbon because we the North pipeline was fairly quickly, basically plugged off along that reservoir. So we didn’t get any debris or anything down to that. But at about that time, ironically, about a little before that they had completely automated. Our last site operator retired. The snow operators.

Unknown Speaker 51:54
Anything else? Go ahead? No,

Unknown Speaker 51:57
I love the idea of a workshop because this sounds really interesting. A lot of different aspects to be considered. If this is a really big lift, it’s gonna take a long time, I think.

Unknown Speaker 52:12
Yeah. And the feed, actually, so Dewberry, when they participated in that, Sam, so they were one of the participants. They were they actually sent us an email afterwards saying, like, it’s so great that we had the SES tool that we use it, he’s like, you know, we work with a lot of municipalities on projects like this. And a lot of times, it’s just a one person show, without taking into any consideration of suitability planning, anything like that. And so, anyway, so kudos to Walmart for being a forward thinker and pioneers in that because they were, I mean, they said that, like, we’ve never seen a municipality really care and have workshops like that and get so many different participants in there.

Unknown Speaker 52:58
For one second than me with that in mind, can you tell us just a tiny bit more about this?

Unknown Speaker 53:03

Unknown Speaker 53:04
Oh, fancy. I think this is her baby.

Unknown Speaker 53:08
Yeah. So I want to start with I’m referring to the internal sustainability evaluation system, there is an external one that’s slightly different that’s used for certain development projects. So our internal sustainability evaluation system is essentially a tool for T acquiring the triple bottom line or sustainability lens, whichever way you want to refer to it to large scale projects. So we have, I would say, two different modules. The first ones like really early on maybe if you’re developing a city wide plan, and wanting to think through okay, do we need to factor in transportation staff and water staff and kind of just factoring in we did the module to, to that really looks at different options. And factors in there are have actually pulled up there’s 11 different topic areas, from best practices to economic vitality to natural environment, energy, transportation, water, and you end within each of those larger categories. It’s, it’s really broken down into sub sub topics, so water could have water conservation as long as water supply and we actually added a couple for water rights in there was one other the awesome that kind of the realm of water rates, natural environment. That’s where we have things around watershed you can put also natural environment can be broader outside of that, and then you pull together staff from across the organization. So so it’s not just Jason thinking through this but we had staff from who run our hydro plant who are part of that we had staff, from our water treatment plant, we have staff who are bringing different perspectives to it. And essentially we go through and rate the tool together. And you go through and you essentially assign a rating based on a established scale. And, and then you kind of do it together. So instead of everyone doing it individually, we recommend you kind of do it individually to get an idea. And then you come together bids are really a conversation and probably took us five hours

Unknown Speaker 55:38
in over two days with me.

Unknown Speaker 55:42
So it’s this and I was just I asking, Jason that we could there is a final report we put together and that I believe we can send out to the board, if you all want to review it with the context that this is just part of Jason’s analysis. But if you’re interested in kind of looking at like the key takeaways from this, yes, I’d be happy to share that out.

Unknown Speaker 56:08
It would be great. That takes me back to my consulting days back. When I was fresh out of college, I guess these are the types of things that I used to do. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 56:20
yeah. Interesting.

Unknown Speaker 56:25
Okay, Jason, anything.

Unknown Speaker 56:27
Um, that’s it for major projects. Just a quick reminder that the South St. Green pipeline rehab projects done, so I’ll stop giving you updates on that one. And as soon as the pump station is online, associate green pipeline will then be servicing Nelson Flanders with the to the pump station at age.

Unknown Speaker 56:50
We’re happy with that.

Unknown Speaker 56:52
Yeah, thank you. All right, Nancy. You’ve got water confirmation update,

Unknown Speaker 57:01
I do. So a shorter Update. This month, I believe in May, I’ll be doing a larger update where I bring I’ll have our total water consumption numbers in FY 21. So I can show you all the trends that I usually do once a year. But just wanted to let you all know that are a lot of our starting games in the summer, outdoor water conservation programs and garden box launched are not so we have two different types of discounts. We have a $25 discount, which sold out in less than a week. And then we have our our cares. So we have the Longmont Oh, I did not know that acronyms is a really great program. I do not know what that acronym stands for. But we provide $100 discount through that. So that we are not having as last year, we actually sold that one pretty quickly as well. We’re not having as great of an uptick this year. But I think there was also a drop in cares participation one, so it last year. So it could have been a number of different factors. But we’re still promoting that one. And hopefully we can have greater participation in the $100 discount. And then this year, research central opened up their trip replacement program to more communities long was not currently participating this spring, we are in conversations to join in the fall. And there will be official announcement about that in May, in early May. So when I come when I have the larger announcement about that, and maybe we can talk a little bit more about loved ones participation in that program.

Unknown Speaker 58:44
And thank you because there’s been a tremendous amount of interest in that program. So everybody wants to get rid of their turf?

Unknown Speaker 58:53
Yeah, yeah, we in General Resource Central. They told me the demand is just way higher across all every single community they serve. So I think they’re already thinking about hiring more staff. So the it’s not just here in Longmont, but all across the range. huge demand for that program. That’s it.

Unknown Speaker 59:21
Okay. Jim monthly

Unknown Speaker 59:25
report. Yeah, not too much report. We don’t have any bills. We’re actually fragmented for photos or anything like that. There is one bill though that I thought I would highlight just because you actually may get questioned about it. We’ve actually got a couple questions about it. Senate Bill 22 dash zero 49. It’s an any speculation bill. We’ve talked about any speculation in Colorado for a very, very long time. And there’s been different ideas about there’s more concern, I think more so on the west slope. So the big things going on over there. Lottery bought up a little bit in Arkansas, but just a general kind of concern about speculation on water. And general thought that yeah, that shouldn’t happen. People should be utilizing water but shouldn’t be buying it up trying to speculate. But that being said, so this bill basically sets up an anti speculation, law that said, that is not real, real clearly defined in that. It what it would do is if somebody is purchasing water for purposes, regulation on it, make money that the state engineer’s office can intervene. It has kind of a funny requirement for niche companies that ditch companies have to declare a minimum amount of shares per user that distinct would use as a criteria to determine if somebody speculating, I have no idea how these companies are going to figure out what. Exactly. So it’s been introduced. I mean, it hasn’t even come out of committee. I’m not sure it’ll make it this year. But I don’t know. It does is not going to impact Longmont, because Loma doesn’t one reason we have a chartered restriction that says we can’t sell water, so we’re never going to get water, we’re going to speculate on it and try to sell for profit. So really doesn’t impact long lived directly. So that’s one reason we don’t, we don’t take positions on bills directly. But it has scared the heck out of some of the development community they tend to develop dimensions one by water, especially in the long run, because you can use it as part of your development process. So there there has been some art has been purchased, then the developer holds on to it and acts as a partial property to dedicate some water to the store. So I mean, we’re pretty familiar with that process. So we’ve had a number of developers call us to say I gotta sell my water you know, is this gonna affect me as not? Not really, I think as long as you know you can show your Nexus I have this water I have this lab as in Longmont but I you know really true but he did more to build changes right now I don’t I don’t see it affecting anyone in your developers

Unknown Speaker 1:03:06
who knows you may be asked

Unknown Speaker 1:03:07
by somebody saying hey, I’m concerned about this or you may be asked by people saying hey, this is a good idea because I don’t want speculators from New York coming in and buying water in our basement so if it if it starts moving forward in the air anything you know sure to let the board know but I just I find it a little interesting it’s a really good idea you don’t want speculators quit. i That’s a really hard thing to do really cool shirt into a lot. We’ll see where that goes. I don’t know where it’ll go but big water bill I think that’s really we’re watching

Unknown Speaker 1:03:59
Okay, let’s go on to item 10. Review major project listings and items scheduled for future board meetings. Just my comment on looking at these basically, this is the last meeting that we’re talking about several items and then beyond that. There was no date scheduled to be determined I don’t know what’s going on up there. items

Unknown Speaker 1:04:35
we just Yeah, we don’t need Jason on muscle board would like to have something coming back

Unknown Speaker 1:04:50
the water system yield is just a study you know study we do about it for fourth year, and certainly one that becomes rife, just pure Again, we’ll do that, again, the stream management plan, you know, has been done by the district, they did come in last fall and give us an update on that. They are actively the district is looking at doing some work in that arena. And rather than try to set a date, I prefer waiting for the district to give us some input on where we’re going. And then again, that pain will, will will. That’s probably sooner than later. But we’re trying to fit in well, before the committee.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:49
Any comments from the board on schedule?

Unknown Speaker 1:05:54
are just going to want to make sure we don’t lose momentum on continuing to think about the caching criteria, and just making sure that we continue to, to set up that justification or come firm in justification.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:14
Okay, cool. Yeah. And that is, we do have that it does cover recording. Yeah, we will continue to

Unknown Speaker 1:06:23
Yeah. So in my view, we have kind of three months to think about that again, right. And when it’s all said and done, that’s only six hours of waterborne time, I suppose. So just making sure that people continue with the momentum.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:41
Alright, move on to annual water board report. Which is pretty sizable.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:50
Oh, yeah, it is. And basically, you know, we is your report to council. So if there’s ever anything you want us to do differently, also, we try to do is help you out like that by compiling it for you. But yeah, we’ve put it in your packet. And if there’s any changes, or any revisions, you want to add, we’re happy to do that. If not, we just have the board. Accept the report that we’ve compiled, and we will send that on to city council.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:24
I thought it made it so quickly. More than I thought we did this year. It’s a very positive report. It just forgot some of the stuff for the year.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:34
Yeah, it’s amazing when you put it all together. Things

Unknown Speaker 1:07:41
Are you are you looking for us removed? Senate on a counselor, what are your

Unknown Speaker 1:07:47
Yeah, if you if you are happy with it, as it’s currently compiled, we’ll be happy to receive that. You can give us direction we’ll pass it on the council or councils your report.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:02
He thought board members

Unknown Speaker 1:08:07
that was a really well done report. And I would move to accept it and send it on to the city council as it.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:24
Okay, all in favor?

Unknown Speaker 1:08:30
Okay. I was only around half the years.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:38
Round enough to a full vote. Okay, this next item, you get a chance to read a little bit about this. This is something that is new to us. And new to all the Commission’s the console and marshy even weigh in on this. But evidently, the thought was that if you’re looking at candidates for board membership, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have board members be involved a little bit in the interview process. And I take this as a pre counsel interview process. But I think I think it’s interesting to or to have a look at the candidates and maybe comment on how we feel the candidate candidates may be appropriate for the awards. And I think it’s interesting that we’re moving forward for something like this marquee. How did this ever come about, by the way?

Unknown Speaker 1:09:49
Oh, well. There was a number of things. First of all, since you all went through the council interview process. It’s ridiculous. Right? that you’re going to choose somebody that has as much authority and brings as much insight into this process of keeping tabs on how the city’s water policy is being carried out. And you get picked out of a five minute interview from a bunch of people who get, on average know about nothing about why they’re picking people. Right? So the idea was, let’s have better qualified applicants and fewer of them, so that we can understand things like is this person, you know, do a manager interview, right? Is this a responsible person? Does this person have a weird agenda? Does this person have, you know, we want to, we want to just do those high level management things? And not do does this person know anything about water? And and is this person qualified to actually get in on the subjects with this, the board reviews? So the idea is that the board, either with a nomination committee of two members, or with a committee of the whole would interview the big group of applicants, and pick out a smaller group of applicants, which can be as few as one right or one proceed, that the council would interview and hope that there would be a more respectful process, as well as ending up with the most qualified board you could have. So that was that was the idea.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:51
Just out of curiosity, when your console interviews with proposed board members, do you have a set set of questions that you ask or how they’re not trying to be nosy? But I am trying to be nosy. How’s that work?

Unknown Speaker 1:12:08
We shouldn’t be nosy. Yes. And actually, that was in in, in innovation. The first year I was on council. We didn’t, you know, we just showed up and went round robin than everybody asked a question, which isn’t? It’s not if this were a four pay job, it wouldn’t even be legal to interview that way. You know, since it’s a volunteer job, it’s not regulated, but we should still use best practices, right. So after the first year, we started having a list of questions that we would all ask and, or would ask every candidate. And then I think the second year, we actually had the board asked the board to recommend what count questions to ask. But you know, it’s still maybe it was a five minute interview you really couldn’t ask it couldn’t you never got through the whole list. And, and you couldn’t really find anything out about the person. So we were really voting on the resumes, right, you guys all comfortably stellar water resumes. But for many ports, that is a true, you know, it’s easy to look and say, Oh, but yeah, this person is a land use attorney. I guess they do. Okay, right.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:30
Get the word guests. Yeah, so

Unknown Speaker 1:13:36
So looking forward, if we were to be involved in the first portion of the interview process, would we be given questions? Or would we how we would the questions?

Unknown Speaker 1:13:50
So So, Don Kitana has a list of questions. That was the list use last time. And that list is I haven’t read what you guys would give them. So. So this is what I believe to be true. Because you guys are in charge of the process. So she has a list. You guys can look at that list and say, this is a great list, we’re going to use it or you can look at the list and say that has nothing to do with it. Let’s put this question in instead. So you can you can develop your own list, but you should then use it for every applicant the same.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:37
Question, did you ever comment?

Unknown Speaker 1:14:38
Well, I was just gonna say, yeah, the process is really set up around. The staff liaisons will work with the boards to set up the questions or the interviews will do the lifting of getting the, you know, venue and getting these they’re basically the board We’ll just actually do the interview. So really, the two questions today that we kind of need to answer are just a Board want to do two or three, or all five board members? And of course, talk to us. He’s his turn job this year. So if he chooses to run again, then he wouldn’t have to be on the interview. But he doesn’t, then he could show that really, really, the biggest thing we need today? I mean, we’ll talk about these procedures more well, but it’s, you know, how does board prefer doing it, you know, just two, or three or five. And when do you want to do it, because we, we kind of need to know this that much. So we can get things set up interviews will be made. Just so you know, the schedule, I think it’s April 22, is when the applications have to come in. So then whoever on the board will be interviewing, you know, we can have two or read out five, we really never have a whole lot of we don’t have a dozen, because you have theory, but our many come in is we’ll set that was interviews up in May. And then we have to enter into the interviews in May. So that we have to give the results to council. I think it’s the first Friday in June. So we really can’t wait till April. Because the 22nd is actually after the board meeting in April, in just a few days. So be really tight to try to get something going. That way we can get the questions we need to see your setup and work with the board members on your timing and, you know, well you can do

Unknown Speaker 1:17:05
let me just what was the question to use three. They are proposing you can do one or the other depending on what your desires are. We come up with committee, a two board members are all of us be involved. And I’m curious how you all feel about what what your preference would be. Let’s start with you.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:29
I, I would be comfortable with having a subcommittee. I don’t think it’s necessary for us to convene higher board. The purpose, that’s the level that’s the desire, we can certainly try that. I look at my May timeframe and I’ll be hard pressed to find the time to participate. But I can be determined to figure out what the processes

Unknown Speaker 1:17:51
so within

Unknown Speaker 1:17:54
person, or you can do them according to to do them virtually, virtually,

Unknown Speaker 1:18:00
and make a little easier recording.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:04
Question. So let me just make sure I understand what you’re saying I have just a committee to do it rather than all of us involved.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:14
That’s my comfort level for disclosure, the i co managing part of my law firm. All I’m doing right now is interviews I do for a living now. Because as you it’s hard to find people that want to work in Longmont, apparently, we’ll figure so trying to convene a bigger group is a nightmare. But that’s my, my practical rational.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:37
I could go either way. So it’d be I don’t mean to be wishy washy and not make a decision. But like, like Scott saying, I’m comfortable with you on doing it instead of me. But I would love to be involved. So I could also be part of that subcommittee or we could all do it further.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:58
Up, I’d be inclined to a practical approach. See how many people we get and how many of us we can get scheduled? Because I like was uncomfortable with more but to the extent we

Unknown Speaker 1:19:13
are cutting line, rather than just saying, Okay, here’s the to doing it. My preference would be those a lot of involve being involved. We all have different ideas. And I think we have a little more robust process. Doing it that way. So maybe we can just leave it that way that as we get to the situation. We’re gonna ask who wants to be involved? And I guess, again, what we’re kind of saying is we don’t want to restrict it just to for a committee, that’s what I’m hearing. So

Unknown Speaker 1:19:50
it may be just too but you’re open to

Unknown Speaker 1:19:51
having more so you want that flexibility to hear that finance committee otherwise it’s all of us. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:58
Yeah. A lot of board only five members. Yeah, that’s some boards are 10. Right? I wouldn’t want to put 12 people around the table, I

Unknown Speaker 1:20:09
really don’t think you need to have that many people as well, in my opinion.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:13
That’s one thing that they suggested in there and talking about that if you do consider having the whole board there, just be cognizant of that fact and not be overwhelming to the candidates.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:26
Do read it and determine or determine time, like the timing. I mean, I know that we just talked about the restriction in terms of like when this window that needs to help

Unknown Speaker 1:20:39
to figure out what dates and times would work. So

Unknown Speaker 1:20:42
I’m just curious as to like, I mean, if it winds up so this past year, there were two applicants. So there would be if it was a 10 minute interview, that’s

Unknown Speaker 1:20:54
20 minutes of waterboard. You’re saying it’s 30 minutes up to 30 minutes, it’s no longer and very sorry.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:03
30 minutes seems like a long time.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:05
But how we get screen determines.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:08
Okay. So if it was longer and of course, work during

Unknown Speaker 1:21:14
would have to probably look at our schedules and see how the timing works out. I like the flexibility. So this is the window, who’s available and not available. So

Unknown Speaker 1:21:29
it does seem like each candidate is treated the same?

Unknown Speaker 1:21:32
Yeah. No, I can interview Right, right. No, you wouldn’t want to you know,

Unknown Speaker 1:21:39
what, it’s fair to assume a lot one space available on board. Yeah, Todd’s term is up. My question is, of course only relatively qualified. While why it’s not low number, maybe a very small

Unknown Speaker 1:21:53
part is I mean, he has term losing

Unknown Speaker 1:21:57
sleep. So Todd, when he came in for his first term was filling a vacancy. So he is only served one full term and he is eligible to serve another term. Okay. Okay, all right. If he wants to. Yeah. As he stated his desire.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:24
He’s trying to think through he’s got he’s also you know, on board in northern and he’s got a senior in high school, you know, is looking at possibly moving out now? is considering a lot of different options. As I’m not sure he’s made a decision. You tell him when we got one month? I understand that. Yeah, yeah. supply by the 22nd. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:56
All right. Um, the other thing can because you mentioned a lot, but the staff is handling a lot of logistics, which was a really good thing to mention. But the other thing is, if it is a committee of two, you don’t have to notice the meeting, right? And that would mean that it’d be easier for you guys to schedule if you’re having a hard time scheduled. If it’s any more than two then we have to notice the meeting or hold it during the water board meeting, which is already closed. So I just thought I’d stick that in rocks. Good deal. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:36
So anyway, I guess we’ll see if they on time, we might be involved. We might not.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:43
Okay, cool. stuff. We’ll go ahead and start getting this process together. We’ll get some questions together.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:51
We actually posted for applicants

Unknown Speaker 1:23:54
Yeah, I think the process is ultimately

Unknown Speaker 1:24:12
the soul make it easier. Make it easier. Okay. Any other comments on this interview process? I think I think it’s good move marking. There’s Yeah. Okay. What it does it is a little burden on counsel but but it was just dealt, you know,

Unknown Speaker 1:24:43
really enriches the process

Unknown Speaker 1:24:48
well, it did when they have all of them have the same. These are all been in December. You know, now they’re split out.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:55
Yeah. I don’t know. I didn’t know I’d have to experience

Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
that this this process would happen twice this year. So there’s the mid year recruitment that happens in June. And then there’s the one that happens at the end of the year too. So

Unknown Speaker 1:25:10
there’s no seats available in the process. It’s true. Yeah. waterpark in January. Think so.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:24
Your health awards are June and December.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:28
All right. I live alone. Okay. And cash in lieu of canceled, we bring that up quarterly. Any comments on future board agenda is, anybody here can

Unknown Speaker 1:25:51
just if you want, if there’s something alternate for the board to ask for any items you might be interested in or information?

Unknown Speaker 1:26:00
You know, I had one question, Marsha, are we is the city going through a revision of our comp plan are in the process of that, or?

Unknown Speaker 1:26:12
Yes. I’m not sure how formal is going to be. I mean, it’s going to get formal when it gets adopted. And I assume, don’t quote me on this, I assume it’s going to get reviewed by the boards that have anything to do with land use, which would be include you guys, I would hope. But the idea is that the revisions will have to do with going from a suburban land use model to an urban land use model. And, you know, anything I said about what that means other than you can stick more people in the same space would be an old opinion of mine. But, and I have them so I’m gonna keep my mouth shut and say that’s the essential driver of this is is making the come the comp plan more appropriate to an urban site than a suburban site sight

Unknown Speaker 1:27:26
could have impacts on our water names.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:29
Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Anything that has anything to do with land and land use? And in fact, I think it was you can we I encountered you and said how are we? How are we doing in terms of looking at a higher build out number in terms of heads? Because that needs to, you know, at some point, that’s the need to be reconsidered and, and probably in light of as well as in advance of the new comp plan. But, yeah, that’s, that’s definitely gonna happen. And it will just like the existing one, you know, it all the pieces all all the pieces have to fit together. Right. And, and especially as you increase density, transit becomes a lot more important, because the philosophy is, is you want more of the people who work here to actually be able to live here. And that reduces traffic, automobile traffic, at least, you know, nationwide studies show that it does. Nobody believes that here, of course, but you know, so all a lot of different pieces, including water consumption, because of course you have more showers, fewer lawns. So it’s a big deal.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:58
What’s the timing on that?

Unknown Speaker 1:29:00
I would not venture Yes. Or no comment. That’s not the same thing. venture a guess is an absolute combat. Right. They know they did it. They know they have to do it. They

Unknown Speaker 1:29:23
think they know how long it’s going to know what everybody I talked to understands the basics of new urbanism. So at least they are somewhat prepared in terms of of what the parameters they are going to be considering are but how long it’s going to take to get agreement and get all the years to mesh? I would not venture Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:53
Yeah, I just wanted to add in the sort of vision on our comp plan in the sustainability plan are going to do a joint up depot this year, or I think this year that I know there’s been it was going to be this year. And I think there’s just things changing and depending on staffing, so it may begin later this year. But that that, I just wanted to highlight that those plans are going to be updated together. The goal, the sustainability plan was passed after the comp plan, but the plan was for them to always be very integrated plan. So trying to figure out a joint update. And I know staff have started to add, start those conversations and with water efficiency Master Plan update, that’s to be finished by 2024. We’ve also talked about how can we do some joint engagement and also analysis with that larger update, but again, I also, personally don’t have a date either. I just wanted to let the board know that it’s going it looking at kind of two of our big overarching guiding plans together at the same time.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:00
I didn’t know that and that’s a really good idea. And I think that’s it’s a it’s a good check and balance and frequency labels. Well, it started but we have no idea when it’s gonna end

Unknown Speaker 1:31:17
nothing else on the agenda All right. Well, I think we’re just thank you, everybody. You know,

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