Video Description: Museum Advisory Board Meeting – January 19, 2022
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:01
This meeting is being recorded. Great. Well, good afternoon, everyone. Thanks for being able to be here today. I’m Bryden. And I am the chair. It’s great to see we have some new folks joining us. Sorry, I missed you all when you started last month, but it’s a it’s just a treat to have you. Let’s get started. I officially call this meeting to order at 430. And let’s go around and see who we have for roll call. We have myself Brian cook. We have Dale Barnard. Tom Kurtz.
Unknown Speaker 0:44
Katie McDonald, Bruce Montgomery. Let’s see. And Renee. Renee apologies. I’m not sure about your last name there.
Unknown Speaker 0:55
That’s okay. It’s shown back. We’re okay.
Unknown Speaker 0:57
Sean Beck. Great. Thank you. And Ria. Those are our board members. And then we also have Sheila Conroy as a guest and of course, Thank you, counsel, letting me be here. Thank you, Sheila. And of course, Councilwoman, Susie, that’ll go far? Right, y’all? Well, um, do we have any public to be heard this time around? I’m not aware of any public invited to be heard. Okay. Well, then, we’ll look at the the minutes now. Hopefully everyone’s had a chance to take a look at the minutes from last month. Any questions or comments on that? If not, then I can we hear a motion to approve them?
Unknown Speaker 1:58
I moved that we put in the minutes. Last month’s minutes.
Unknown Speaker 2:03
Thank you, Bruce. Do we have a second? Second. Thanks, Katie. Great. All in favor, please. Raise your hands. Excellent. Looks like we have anonymous. That has passed. There we go. Great. And we will move on now to the accessions with Eric.
Unknown Speaker 2:37
I will share my screen All right. Can you all see the heading page? January 2022. Expressions? Yes. All right. So we’ve got quite a few this time around a lot of which are loans. What were loans for long 152 that have been converted to donations. So feel free to ask questions as we as we go. So the first item is one of these was part of the ARMA 150 exhibit things related to the Northern Arapaho or new sister city. So we have the Northern Arapaho flag, some magazines produced by the Northern Arapaho, and then two photographs that were taken by the chair sister cities that Canons read them that were both included in the Longmont 150 exhibit and that we felt like were really great photos particularly the one of the Northern Arapaho children braiding hair in front of the mural in Longmont of of hair braiding. It’s kind of a really cool photo. So that is our first item related to online 150 Next up, we’ve got some more long one. 150 these are objects actually produced by the city of Longmont for long 150 We have a beer glass A it’s empty. It is yes. You miss the whole array of empty beer glasses that we have coming in on the on the front side of the exhibit. So this is one on the backside and then a challenge coin that the city produced city of long 150 years so these are all collateral basically produced by the city. So the ring 150 Next, and I believe this is our last session for 2021. So it came in before December 31. Also from Longmont one 50 These are items related to the Fast Tracks. project that has been ongoing since 2004 to get rail to Longmont might happen by Longmont 200 We will see but these are all things that actually came from the planning department. We borrowed them and they agree they didn’t need them, so I thought they were appropriate add to the museum’s collection then we have the sticker ball that was in Longmont 150 produce created by sticker giant, which is a local business. Somebody is trying to ask the question, go ahead if you are alright. And then some just individual sticker packs from Sticker train. Next out, again from Lima 150. This is a demonstration fiber optic cable that long, long power and communications next light created for the long haul 150 exhibit seemed like something we might want to show again and recommended it for extension. Then we have number of photographs, digital photos, taken in 2003 in 2002 at various LBGT queue events. Leave one of these this one of the man wrapped in pride flag was displayed in Longmont 150 The others were also in consideration. We felt like all of these seemed appropriate to add to the museum’s collection. These are difficult photos, as were the ones earlier. Then this is us a bit more of a difficult topic. These were white supremacist flyers as well as a newspaper article that kind of gives some context and we’re distributed in Longmont in 2002.
Unknown Speaker 7:29
And we felt like it was it was appropriate to add those to the collection because not just about, you know positive history, but we also need to document negative aspects of Longmont history as well. Then, a non Longmont 150 item although it was kind of spurred I belong my 150 exhibit which had some long mouth Bottling Works bottles in it, but another one was donated in January to the museum. We’ve got quite a we have 15 Now on my Bottling Works bottles, but only one other like this for free to have that. And finally, we’ve got four more digital photographs. This one and number two was used in the Longmont 150 exhibit, and the others again document the Chinese New Year celebration, larger cultural celebrations in Longmont. So any questions that folks have? I can stop sharing so that if people want to see each other while we’re while we’re discussing it
Unknown Speaker 8:50
can do that. Eric? Yes, I have. I’m just curious, since all of these accessions. All of these things are being an accession to our permanent collection from the 150s. I was just wondering, how does that compare to for instance, the World War One exhibit? I mean, did we get some some items through that. I mean, the exhibits that we do that focus on Longmont. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 9:24
this is certainly the most that I can remember that we’ve had and there’s actually even a couple of more that there’s at least one more that just didn’t make it in for this, this meeting and then we’ll have a couple other possibilities that we’re still considering. So this is just curious. More we did get I think maybe one or two for the World War One. But I think because it was a little more narrow, maybe we didn’t get as much and we did a lot more active collecting for a long time. 150 and going out loans. So there was a lot more on loan that seemed like we could we could ask at the end of the exhibit and see if they’d be interested in doing
Unknown Speaker 10:16
it looks good. Your comments on the LGBTQ event photos, less about the event and more of an editorial thing. The initialism is written down. It’s lb, GQ. And it should be LG BT Q.
Unknown Speaker 10:37
Huh. All right. Thank you
Unknown Speaker 10:39
common. If that’s what gets put into something, then we want to make sure we get the initialism, right.
Unknown Speaker 10:45
Yes, yes, I’ve I’ve seen it. Several. There’s several different versions of it. But I will make sure. Okay, the right one for you are this in fact, I may check with a photographer and see what, what they prefer.
Unknown Speaker 11:07
Any other comments or questions about these? If not, can can we hear a motion to approve them?
Unknown Speaker 11:24
So move.
Unknown Speaker 11:27
Thanks, Dale. Second, I’ll second. Thanks for you. All in favor, raise your hand. And it looks like all in favor. It looks like it’s unanimous. Great. Thank you. That passes unanimously. Next up, we’re going to move on to report of the museum director.
Unknown Speaker 11:55
And know everybody, um, when I’m when I read the report, I’m kind of looking over here. So let me know if you’ve got any questions just holler at me. Since I’m not keeping an eye on on all of you. While I’m reading this. For those who might be new to this, I typically don’t read every word of the report, but certainly open for questions on any of it. And we can add things to it as well if if need be. So the first section of this particular report is about the development activities. So maybe just a little bit of a background that in the last couple of years now, what we have gone through is that the museum received SAF the tier two recognition and as a result of making the bump, well, maybe I should go back even further. scft is the scientific cultural facilities district. That is the seven county district of Denver surrounding Denver, where tax dollars are given to cultural organizations. And so we receive a significant amount of money from that it used to be about $30,000.25 to 25 ish $1,000. And when we bumped into tier two, that gave us a significantly more amount of money. I’m not going to remember the numbers off the top of my head, but about $200,000 I think in the last year, and with those dollars, we ended up hiring development director. And so things that we’ve never been able to accomplish in the past we’ve been able to do in this past year. And so I expect that this portion of the grant is going to get I mean this, this portion of the report is going to get more and more robust as she does her work. Megan is our new development director. So we’ve got we were awarded $200,000 in the state arts really funds through the Colorado creative industries. We also had a private donation of $10,000 in our urine giving. So the urine Colorado gives Amount total was $13,622. We currently have 693 active members. And I think that that actually is down from a high of about 800. If I remember off the top of my head that we were able to have during our Ancel items exhibition, which is by far one of the most popular exhibitions that we’ve had to date, so that we are only down by 100. Members is actually I think really, really good news. And I expect that as you know we recover from the Coronavirus that that number is going to just really go up and up and up. We’ve also applied for a long month Community Foundation living give grant. And then we’re also compiling information for our annual report, which I think is just going to what we intend to do with that is really try to graph out statistics and data that we are able to collect about not only the development work that we’re doing and fundraising, but also attendance and the number of people that were reaching through our educational programs and all of that this is a report that isn’t actually required of us by anybody. But as we develop more of a program for our fundraising arm, it’s a really, really useful tool to be able to talk to people about who we are and what we do and where our strengths are. And so with Meghan coming on board, she’s going to help us develop that annual report. And they also have one thing to add, since we put this together. Just this morning, I got notification that we received money from our supplemental grant for the shuttered venues operator grant, and that is an additional about $100,000. So we are doing really, really well with our grant applications over the past year. But as we were talking about with Suzy before the the meeting actually started, a lot of these are one time grants there. It’s one time funding that is available as a result of the Coronavirus as a result of the way the economy took a dive. And so we can’t really expect this to be ongoing dollars. There’s a lot of people at the national level that are really lobbying for this to be ongoing dollars. And, you know, organizations like ours really needs some sustaining funding in order to be able to
Unknown Speaker 16:55
move forward the things that we’ve been growing on in the past couple of years. So keep your fingers crossed on that. But nothing, nothing is for sure at the moment. So we’re doing the best that we can to leverage the dollars that we are or have been awarded. So more to come when it comes to how we’re going to spend those dollars, because a lot of them are in approval processes at the moment. And our education department, we in the last month basically the big thing that we worked on was the Santa brunch. And so you can see some details about the Santa brunch and how exciting that was. And hopefully, some of you saw the article in the newspaper about it because it was super cute picture that they had on the front page was very adorable. And so there’s some details about that. And then going on to the collections piece. In the budget cycle from last year, we were awarded some funds to be able to move our textiles storage. So again, for some of you who are new to the board, we were able to build an off site collections facility a couple of years ago, with some money that the city the city allowed city gave us some money to be able to build the fill the building, but mostly it was because they kicked us out of the old buildings. So you know, it’s good and bad. Anyway, it’s an off site facility that at some point, we will have all of you there. So have you ever seen it before. And we’ll invite the new members to see it again. But left at the museum is still our textile storage. So the textile storage has kind of its own area in the museum. And when we moved the collections from our off site storage, our temporary off site storage to the new off site storage, permanent building, the textile storage was not included in that. And so we were granted some funds to be able to make that move. And so Eric has been working really hard to be able to pull all of those, you know, logistics together. And we’ll be starting that process really soon. This month, we’ve also been able because of some of the dollars that we’ve received, we’re working on some compact storage that will help us I don’t know if you know about compact storage. Some of you saw it out at the collection center. But essentially it is storage, it’s on rollers so it can move together and be super compact, or you can open it up and walk down the aisles to see the things that are in storage. And so we’ve bought some new carriages for that. And hopefully we’re going to be buying a few more to be able to store all of those collections. And then we’re also trying to fit a few more of the tours that have been talking about for city council and city administration to be able to see exactly what’s been going on out there at the museum collections
Unknown Speaker 19:58
was the Where’s the offside center?
Unknown Speaker 20:02
It’s a, it’s about five miles away from the museum, it is down 119 on County Highway five. It’s not that easy to find. And if you Google it, it’s going to take you to the wrong place. So when we, when we do a tour, what we try to do is, you know, either caravan or carpool or something like that so that we get people to the right place. If you’re familiar with the, the shooting range, we’re right behind the shooting range on County Highway five. Does that help?
Unknown Speaker 20:40
It’s out east, right? It’s out? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:43
it’s about five miles. Yeah, yeah. And, and it’s about 15,000 square feet, we the whole building is about 20,000 square feet. And 5000 of that is dedicated to police evidence storage. And then the 15,000 is dedicated to the museum. So and it’s, you know, state of the art, you know, humidification and state of the art storage, furniture, and all of that. So we feel really lucky to have that space. And so it’ll be a nice transition.
Unknown Speaker 21:16
Remember, when I was in the cheese importers? Current? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 21:21
we got kicked out. Because, you know, those are high real estate values there. So we got kicked out of that. And so, but it’s it’s a great, it’s been I mean, you can ask Eric about it, he should probably speak more more directly to it. But ultimately, I feel like it’s been a really great, great place for us, because we’re right by the shooting range. It feels really secure. It’s, it’s really great facilities. Eric, do you want to add anything?
Unknown Speaker 21:54
Um, yeah, dodged
Unknown Speaker 21:55
the bullet slow, don’t you?
Unknown Speaker 22:00
I believe a the indoor shooting range. So no bullets. I do have some exercises periodically. So we get some paint, paint all kinds of things. Yeah. But yeah, it’s kind of silly for us. And we’ll definitely do another Advisory Board meeting out there at some point. So that the new folks can can take a look at it.
Unknown Speaker 22:25
Yeah, I think we’ll be fine. What else let’s see for collections. We’ve Eric continues to present at local groups. And he continues to sell the longtime 150 book that he’s written. And so if new folks if you don’t have a copy of that book, let me know. And we’ll see what we can do to get your copy of book. And then Elizabeth Meyers, who is our visitor services manager, she’s done a great job of being able to put that on the website so that people can buy it off site as well. In our exhibitions, we’ve got four new interns that are starting next semester to Paden to unpaid. And so the names are listed there. And then they help tremendously. Jerry Thompson, who’s the curator in exhibitions does a really really good job of being a mentor for young people who are interested in exhibitions and museums. And so he’s able to really do a great mentoring job working with interns. And so we’ve just turned over exhibitions, we’ve got long lat 150 has moved out. And just yesterday, if I remember correctly, we received the new exhibition, which is the washi Japanese paper exhibition, it’s going to be opening soon. And that will open on January the 28th. Ultimately, we had hoped to have a reception to bring everybody in to celebrate the opening of that exhibition. But given the numbers that we’ve seen lately with the Coronavirus, we’ve decided to postpone that. So we’re not gonna be having the opening right away. But we’re going to be keeping an eye on the numbers. And once we see those numbers start going down we’ll we’ll find a date that we can really bring people in and and celebrate the opening of that exhibit. It’s going to be beautiful, we’re really, really excited about it. So look forward to that. And then the things that sort of continue in the background are the TP to Tiny House exhibition, which is basically an architecture exhibition but really looking at architecture over time and the way that it you know pulls from the environment and the material that are needed for our for building. And then we’ve also got an exhibit to look forward to that opens in January of 2023. And that’s going to be a Indigenous artists exhibition that Greg deal is going to curate for us. And I don’t know if you guys might be familiar with Greg, but he is a pretty quite famous and indigenous artist who lives in Colorado Springs. And we’ve met with him a couple of times, and he is going to be a fantastic curator for us and for this exhibition. So we’re really looking forward to that. And our auditorium programming, we’ve got some grant monies that have been helping us with some upgrades, specifically with lighting and lighting instruments, and some of the digital design instruments that are used for that programming. So we’re looking forward to bring those on board soon. I don’t know if you guys know. But we’ve got this funny thing with the supply chain problem at the moment. So a lot of these things are sort of backed up. But we’re trying really hard to get them online as soon as we can. We have returned to in person programming in September. And we really hope that ultimately, that’s going to, we’re going to be able to continue to make that happen, we do have a lot of COVID protocols in place. And in the last fall, we we saw the biggest season we’ve had yet, which is I think something to really be proud of that in terms of our attendance. And in terms of our ticket revenue. The our last our last fall was the best yet, and that was during a pandemic. So I think it’s pretty, it’s to continue that success and make it grow. Oh, as things open up a little bit more. So you can see then, in the report more details about what those numbers look like, total number four, I’ll let you guys read those details for yourselves. And
Unknown Speaker 27:19
of our visitors services. Last month, our gift shop did really, really well. And I think that that also feels like a pretty big accomplishment. We, you know, anecdotally we had people coming to the gift shop, and telling us that they were coming for the gift shop. So our gift shop is starting to take on its own kind of character and reputation. So that is a big sign of success. And so I think that we’re going to be able to, to really look at the strengths of that and, and grow the strengths of that, as Billy was some of the things with the, you know, people people want those things and they’re buying them before the exhibit opens. So that’s really good. With that new people on staff members at the front desk, and we’re hoping to hire a few more. And then in our marketing department, we you know, the the program catalog or newsletter, I don’t know if you guys have received yours yet they have. They’re in the mail if you’ve not received yours yet. And I think it’s a really, I’m always really proud when I see the newsletter because it feels like the just the culmination of all the wonderful work that the staff does. And you get to see the breadth of the programming that happens, the educational programs that happen, what to look forward to in the future. It’s a beautiful publication that I think really gives you a snapshot of who the museum is. So look forward to that if you don’t have it already. And then we’re working hard on all of the other collateral that that sort of flows out of the beginning of season. So you can look forward to postcards and that sort of thing. long ago and far away. We applied for a mask exception policy through the Boulder County Public Health and ultimately the the rationale for that was not that we could go massless but that in fact we asked for people’s vaccination cards, vaccination status. Did somebody have a question? I’m sorry. I thought I heard somebody voice just shout at me if you do no problem. So what this allows us to do is ask people if they are are vaccinated or not. And if they’re not vaccinated, then unfortunately, they’re not going to be able to attend one of our performances in the auditorium. The What this allows us to do is that people will remain masked, especially in 250 seat auditorium where you’re sitting right next to a stranger. It’s smart, it’s wise, it’s health conscious to remain masked, even if you’re vaccinated even if you’re boosted. But we are then able to say that we are a verified facility that we are able to check people’s vaccination status. And so we’ll be announcing that very soon. In fact, probably within the next week or so you’ll see a notification about that. And, you know, when we originally requested this variance, what we were hoping for is that people would feel more comfortable in the auditorium and buying tickets to come to a public facility, if they knew that everybody around them was vaccinated. Well, you have I think, your hand up and Renee, your hand up is too. So I don’t know who was first. Tom, why don’t you go? Well, I
Unknown Speaker 31:19
just had a question. Yeah. What’s that new policy, of verification of vaccination? Are those programs going to be virtual at all, so that people that still don’t feel comfortable? would be able to pay a fee or something and see those? That’s, it seems like we did that somewhere in the like, in the real, real years?
Unknown Speaker 31:49
Yours? That’s a great, that’s Tom, that’s a really good question. And something that we should probably look into, because what happened during, you know, kind of the height of the pandemic, is that we offered all of our programs for free, and we live stream them. What we didn’t do is try to figure out how to charge money for a ticketed, you know, for a live stream event. It’s challenging, it’s difficult. And so I’ve had other people ask me the same question. So I think it’s sort of I think, probably we need to look into this to see what we might be able to do for folks who, as you said, they’re still not comfortable. So I will make a point of looking into that. I appreciate the question, Renee, did you ever question?
Unknown Speaker 32:47
Yes. So I don’t I don’t want to go against whatever the county public health is. So just from an ER perspective, er, nurse, so we are still seeing quite a bit of transmission between people who are vaccinated. And if they are maskless, it is substantial. And that includes booster. So I’m just concerned that we may not Well, I guess my question is, how are we going to word this to the public? And what level of vaccination Do you will you all state is completely vaccinated? Like, does that include the booster?
Unknown Speaker 33:28
Right? We had a long conversation with the assistant city manager and the communications manager about this. And at this moment, you know, we’re taking all of our leads from Boulder County Health, and at this moment, fully vaccinated does not include the booster. But that could change any day now. So we will follow suit as soon as as that changes, and I don’t you may have missed what I was trying to say with this exception. But although Boulder County Health it’s it’s complicated. We had we applied for the us through what was called the mass exception. qualification, right. But we never intended for us to actually not what we were hoping for is to be able to ask for people’s vaccination. And that’s what Boulder County approved that we had asked for people’s status of vaccination, but we still require masks. So to your point, even me vaccinated and boosted people will be wearing masks in the auditorium. Okay, does that answer your question?
Unknown Speaker 34:54
Yeah. Yeah. Thank you so much. I think I was a little unclear if we would still asked for masks or not and they haven’t
Unknown Speaker 35:03
do it. They have to wear a mask and they have to be vaccinated and they Well, they have okay, they have to have to wear a mask and have to be fully vaccinated. Now the thing is that fully vaccinated is a changing target, right? Yes, absolutely. Did you have a question? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 35:20
yeah. I had a comment. Um, and so Centennial ballet, they, you know, I’ve done work with them the past a street live streamed their events for a fee. So I was able to watch their Nutcracker and you know, their fall, and spring Gallas. So they, they have really good, like, I’ve been able to do it with ease, and you know, I pay my fee, and then I’m able to have access. So I don’t know, if you wanted to reach out, if you’re kind of looking about what that structure would look like, they might be a good contact.
Unknown Speaker 35:57
Great, we’ll talk to them, we will talk to them. What we had done is that, you know, like, during the height of the pandemic, everything was free, and we just did a live stream. And then after that, anything that was free, we live streamed, but anything that was a ticketed event we didn’t live stream. Um, so I do think that what we’re seeing now, especially with the surge, is that we should probably look into how we might be able to do you know, that combination, and then Bruce, I’m sorry, did you?
Unknown Speaker 36:32
Yeah, I think that would be a good idea. Because you know, you don’t want to lose these. Oh, can you hear me? Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, go lose any kind of funding. And I think that, you know, just having that, that opera, that option for people, I really think people would, would take up on that.
Unknown Speaker 36:52
Part of what we were responding to. And, you know, this is this is kind of like this, right. And part of what we were responding to is that at some point, people were just like, I don’t want to do anything online anymore. Get me away from a computer, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But it’s still it’s it’s such a moving target. So I think you’re right, Susie, that, that. If we can essentially have a kind of hybrid, then that probably really addresses the most people we possibly can. Yep. And Bruce, I’m sorry, did you have a question? I interrupted you at some? Oh, no, no,
Unknown Speaker 37:28
I was just gonna say that the the boulder music venues do exactly what you’re talking about.
Unknown Speaker 37:36
It’s been, we’ve been trying to navigate this, because part of it is that we are a public organization. So you know, we’re city funded. And so a lot of private organizations can just come out and do whatever protocols they want to do. So we have to be able to follow the guidelines that that are kind of prescribed to us. And so this was part of the way that we felt like we would be able to, again, ask for vaccinations and be able to require masks. And so Boulder County Public Health approved that. And we’re just now then this has been a while ago. And so we’re just now implementing it with our new season starting I think February. The third is when we’re officially going to be launching this new policy. And then the recreation center and the experience this a little bit, we expect a little bit of backlash. And, you know, that’s kind of to be expected. But we’re, our job really is to be the most responsible that we possibly can. And that’s where we’re coming from with this. It’s it’s one thing to, you know, go and really quickly and, you know, buy something and get out but it’s another thing to sit next to a stranger for two hours during a performance you know, so that’s where we really feel like we are obligated to be as precautious as we can. Any other questions about that before I move on? Okey doke. Oh, let’s see. Um, oh, the only thing left in on the report is the art and public places portion of what we’re doing and so as part of Longmont 150, the city commissioned at piece by Julie light dowel and so this is essentially a poster that you’ll be able to buy and it is and there’s a photograph that’s included in the report. And that is basically kind of a mix mid my rendition of the of Long’s peak with Longmont across the top of it. And so Sandy cedar was really With this, and we’re really excited about the outcome. I think it’s a beautiful poster. And then we’ve got Angela, Angela, bro with our places administration. And she’s been working to working with artists, DJ Drake to talk about potential collaboration for sole education and performance. And then we’ve also got the cultural plan that is sort of on the horizon. This is something that we’ve been talking about for a long time now and haven’t really had the funding to kind of gel this project. But essentially, a cultural plan would be something that is really community driven, and that we get a lot of feedback from different artists and creators in the community to understand sort of what a strategic plan can look like going forward in the city of online. And so Art in Public Places will provide a little bit of funding, the city manager’s office would provide a little funding and the museum provide a little funding. And then the long, long month, Downtown Development Authority would provide a little funding to be able to make this happen. And it’s good timing, because we’re also revisiting the comprehensive plan and envision Longmont for the whole of the city. And so, ideally, what will happen is that the Envision long lot planning and thing will happen in conjunction with the cultural plan. And we’ll be able to make sure that those things speak to each other. That’s all I got for my directors report. Does anybody have any other questions for me? Okey doke. I really appreciate all of your very thoughtful questions. So keep them coming. So we make sure that everybody knows what’s going on.
Unknown Speaker 41:52
Great, thank you, Kim. Oh, right. Report of the chair is up next. There is none, I have nothing to report. For those of you who are new. That is pretty common. There’s not a lot of chair reporting going on here. So we will move on now to unfinished business, the interpretive plan adoption, who is bringing this up?
Unknown Speaker 42:22
I guess that’s me, this is something that we shared a couple of meetings ago, this was a project that was a result of our strategic planning and sort of trying to understand, you know, we’ve got a very broad mission statement. So how, how in the heck does that help us make good decisions. And so we contracted with a very well respected consultant who walked us through this interpretive plan. And ultimately, it really helped all of us. I think, as a, as a staff, we all agreed that this was such a great tool to be able to reflect on and make decisions about. And without going into too much detail, because I think you all have have the document. Basically, what she was able to draw out of all of the work that we currently do, you know, not recreating anything, not changing what we do, but just sort of reframing what we do, she was able to draw out two major themes. One was long, lat proud, and the other was, bring the beyond. And so you know, we do have a very broad mission statement. And to be able to kind of funnel it through those lenses really helps us understand why we do what we do. We’re not just about long lat and long history, we are also about bringing internet, all national content and culture to long line for long not to have in their backyard. And so I think that this has been a really good report for us to be able to reflect upon internally. And what I would hope to ask you all to do tonight is to sort of put your stamp of approval on it as a good document for us to be able to kind of guide our ship by if you will. So I throw it to you if you are what be able to make a motion and approve the plan.
Unknown Speaker 44:47
For me, go ahead person. Yeah, just to make sure you feel this gives you the continued flexibility to do what you’ve been doing in the past. Mansell Adams, exhibit 150
Unknown Speaker 45:00
Yeah, in fact, I, I feel like part of what we experienced internally, especially is how we could justify both of those things. And what this does for us is that it really gives us the frame and the vocabulary to understand why we’re doing that. And so, you know, a traditional history museum would focus just on long an art museum might focus on, you know, national, international artists. We are a interdiscipline interdisciplinary institution. And so being able to have that framework to make decisions and have that flexibility that you’re talking about, I think has become a really useful tool for us.
Unknown Speaker 45:54
That’s good. That’s also very good for fundraising, too. Yeah, that’s
Unknown Speaker 45:58
exactly right. Yeah. Sounds great. I’ll go ahead. muted.
Unknown Speaker 46:14
still muted.
Unknown Speaker 46:15
You’re still muted. Dale, Dale, you’re muted steel. Bottom left.
Unknown Speaker 46:26
Sorry, I realized this is primarily an internal document. But I think it is so well written and so clear that anybody could learn an awful lot about the museum and what we’re about just by reading it. So kudos to whoever wrote it. I thought it was beautifully written and, and really well put together. I think that having said that, though, I still the same thing I said before about Appendix A goes, you left out in the history of the museum’s, use, talk about whoever talks about the museum, and they don’t move it to the present side, then all of a sudden, they’re building the steward. auditorium, and I just think it needs a sentence of when Museum located to its present location. So
Unknown Speaker 47:29
that was a big pain in the ass. I can tell you. I was on the board. It was a pain. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 47:39
Irrelevant. Yeah. For the record.
Unknown Speaker 47:47
I was gonna say, can we make sure that’s in the minutes this? Let’s remember.
Unknown Speaker 47:55
Dale, thank you for those comments. And I agree with you. I think that our consultant is Beth Kaminski. And she’s worked for a number of museums and one of her strengths is writing. And so I think that it comes through in this report. And I can’t remember Katie, maybe it was you who last time when we were talking about it, you said maybe we should just share this on the website. So you know, with a few modifications, like you’re talking about Dale, maybe it’s totally appropriate to share on the website and just say, you know, this is our vision. So we’ll talk
Unknown Speaker 48:34
about that. Any other questions or comments? Before we look at voting at this?
Unknown Speaker 48:48
I do think especially like the two lenses, this idea of like long term crowd and bring the beyond would be really nice to share out with the public because I think, like there might be certain people who were like, oh, like, I’m not that interested in long my history. Thus the museum is not for me, and this idea that like it is so much more than that, I think can be a really important idea and especially like bringing people from other counties in like, why is the Longmont museum relevant to you as well. And I know that’s part of like, the level two is like needing to bring in like people from the outside as well. And so I think those two lenses just like a really quick, easy phrases that anyone can get, and can kind of capture that vision for people.
Unknown Speaker 49:34
You don’t really need to post the entire document, you could post an abstract that’s easily digestible on the website. But word you know, give a good brand to the to the museum. Right? Rather than have the public wade through pages and pages
Unknown Speaker 50:03
Yeah, there’s really just a small portion of that. That is the meat of it, right? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 50:10
Yeah. Otherwise they can file and foi a for the entire document.
Unknown Speaker 50:25
Unknown Speaker 50:29
Great. Well, that was great discussion, y’all. Is there a motion to accept this interpretive plan?
Unknown Speaker 50:38
Motion to accept?
Unknown Speaker 50:41
Thanks, Katie. Do we have a second? I second. Thanks, Kaylee. All in favor? Please raise your hand. All right. That is unanimous. Excellent. All right. Next up, do we have any new business or board comments? If not, then we can call this meeting adjourned. Do we have a motion for that? Thank you, Tom. And do we have a second? Thank you, Dale. All in favor. And, and I call this motion. This meeting adjourned. Thanks, y’all. It is 521 Joanne and yeah, thanks. Y’all. Have a great day.
Unknown Speaker 51:49
Happy New Year. Everybody very much. Stay healthy. Stay safe, everybody. Thanks, Kay.
Unknown Speaker 52:00
Righty, good night. Thank you Brighton. Nice. Thanks your baby. Bye. Yeah. I can’t wait to meet that new baby. Yeah. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 52:10
I can show you photos at some point. He’s, he’s a he’s a big and he’s he’s, yeah, he’s, he’s a big guy. And actually, gosh, are my toddler broke his foot last week? No. Yeah. It’s not bad. But he’s in a boot now. And so we’re kind of carrying him everywhere. And life is just crazy dance.
Unknown Speaker 52:38
That’s not helpful when you’ve got to talk. Yeah, that’s not that helpful. A little baby at home you. Well, best wishes to your wife to you.
Unknown Speaker 52:47
Thank you. Yeah, we’re, we’re doing out we’re doing okay. Great to see y’all. Take care.
Unknown Speaker 52:52
Thanks. Bye.
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