Water Board Meeting April 19, 2021

Video Description:
Water Board Meeting April 19, 2021

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Welcome to a snowy Monday waterboard meeting, Monday, April 19 2021. To begin, can we go ahead and start with the roll call Heather. Sure. Todd Williams. Here. Alison Gould here. Kathy Peterson. Here. Scott Horwich. Here. Roger Lang.

Unknown Speaker 0:24
Here. Can you sing

Unknown Speaker 0:27
here? Nelson Tipton.

Unknown Speaker 0:33
Here, West Lowery.

Unknown Speaker 0:36
Here, Kevin Bowden. Here

Unknown Speaker 0:40
francy Jaffe,

Unknown Speaker 0:42

Unknown Speaker 0:44
Jason Elkins here. David Bell.

Unknown Speaker 0:50
Here, and Heather McIntyre’s here. Councilmember Martin is not here yet.

Unknown Speaker 0:57
Okay. Thank you, Heather. Next item is approval of the previous month’s minutes. Is everybody reviewed the march 15 2020? meeting minutes? Is there any comments? Otherwise we need a motion to approve the march 15 2021 meeting minutes.

Unknown Speaker 1:17

Unknown Speaker 1:19
we have a motion is there a second? Second? Kathy is the second Any further discussion?

Unknown Speaker 1:27
Seeing none, all those in favor say aye. Hi. Bye. Opposed. Okay. Meeting Minutes are approved. item four is the water status report. Nelson. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:42
Hello, everyone.

Unknown Speaker 1:47
that real quick.

Unknown Speaker 1:51
Trying to figure out how to put the packet where I could see it with so anybody else could access it so I got that done.

Unknown Speaker 1:58
So the flow on the st. Brian Creek at the lions gates today is 75 CFS,

Unknown Speaker 2:04
the with the 124 year historic average of approximately 95 CFS for this date.

Unknown Speaker 2:11
Calling the same brain is Highland reservoir number three and the admin number is 11,642.

Unknown Speaker 2:20
With a priority date of 1115 1881.

Unknown Speaker 2:26
Call and the main stem of the South Platte River is

Unknown Speaker 2:31
trademart ditch in the admin number is 50,769 with a priority date of well 31 1988.

Unknown Speaker 2:44
Ralph price reservoir at button rock reserve is is approximately at 8.8% bowl and at 6,391.5 feet and full is 60 408.

Unknown Speaker 2:59
And it’s at 14,300. And approximately 14,376

Unknown Speaker 3:06
acre feet down approximately 1800 acre foot

Unknown Speaker 3:11
from so so release in around 75 CFS currently, Union reservoirs out an elevation of approximately 20 feet which is 28 feet is full and it’s down approximately 5300 acre feet and we’re releasing seven CFS currently.

Unknown Speaker 3:33
So the the Upper Colorado River Basin snowpack for today actually, on April 19 is at 76%

Unknown Speaker 3:43
normal peak date for the Upper Colorado River Basin is April 10. South Platte basin snowpack is at 96% normal peak date is April 26.

Unknown Speaker 3:57
So we still have a couple weeks on the South Platte, we get this snowstorm we can make it done and present.

Unknown Speaker 4:05
Nice. So any questions?

Unknown Speaker 4:09
Any questions for Nelson?

Unknown Speaker 4:12
I’ve actually got a couple of Nelson dirt on Go ahead. So I know we talked last few months that you were going to try to maybe move some water I believe down into union

Unknown Speaker 4:23
exchange maybe other supplies backup in the button rock is that still going on? Or what oh selection seven CFS coming out of union how much is coming in just kind of curious what the plan is for this spring? Sure ta I can go over that. So I’m about on April 4, we started releasing

Unknown Speaker 4:43
water from Ralph Bice reservoir and it was the COVID Basin change decree and we’re probably we release in about 25 CFS so we’re roughly when I do the numbers we’re roughly getting about anywhere between 20 and 25

Unknown Speaker 5:00
CFS into union reservoir.

Unknown Speaker 5:03
So in that in, and then of course release release in about 14 acre of seven CFS, 14 acre feet. And so we’re going to try and run that culvert basin through the month of April.

Unknown Speaker 5:16
And then we’ll Water Resources we’ll get together and we’ll take a look and see if there’s any other opportunities to move other decrees from rough press was more to Union. But we’ll we’ll take a look at it first. But our goal is to keep running. And we’re running about 25. CFS by wasn’t clear. And we’re going down the oligarchy ditch. And so we’ll reevaluate that at the end of this month. So I’m a first time Does that answer your question? Right, so you’ve got about getting about 30, somewhere around 3536 acre foot a day, somewhere between 30 and 45 acre feet? Correct. Okay. All right. So your move as much as you can to try to fill urine in advance and then sugar, then fill that drug. Just remember, we’re about 15 miles of oligarchy ditch 50 miles, 50 miles.

Unknown Speaker 6:04
But we do get a little when we get storm that really helps because we get some storm drainage is in there too. So but, but we’ve been pretty consistent. The last the last two weeks, we’ve been pretty, pretty consistent about and then how slow roll? How’s the storage content? Maybe as a percent average on the same brain? Do you know that? You know, I just you know what, I just opened that up. I don’t sit this morning. I don’t remember off the top of my head west. Do you know what it is off top your head the same brain?

Unknown Speaker 6:34
storage? I can open it up real quick there, Todd, it doesn’t take nothing to find it.

Unknown Speaker 6:39
When you can talk you may be talking about that more as far as a drill plan. So actually, yes, you can do it at that point, if you’re sure. But I can find it if you need me to.

Unknown Speaker 6:52
What are we whereas if you want to hit that on the drug plan, that’s fine. Okay. Okay. All right. Anything else? Any other questions for Nelson on that?

Unknown Speaker 7:03
All right. We’ll keep moving here.

Unknown Speaker 7:06
Next item is public invited to be heard and special presentations. Heather, there’s no public invited be heard. Is that correct? That’s correct. We have no one with us today. Okay. And can any special presentations today?

Unknown Speaker 7:24
No special presentations. Okay. Just an item of note. We do have Councilmember Martin with us now as well. Great. Well, welcome. Councilmember Merton. Glad you could make it.

Unknown Speaker 7:36
So next item, we’re on to item six agenda revisions and submission of documents. Anything there came? I have none. Okay. So after many meetings with no development activity West is making up for lost time here and item 700 development activity. We have 123456 items.

Unknown Speaker 7:59
I believe you’re going to do the first four. You’ll go over those. And then we’ll ask for I guess we can do those together in terms of a motion in a second in terms of recommending those for approval to counsel. Is that right, Wes? Yeah. Also all I’d like to go through the first floor with waterborne, you can make one recommendation on those four. Then I’ll go through the fifth one, because I have some a little more additional information. I’d like to share with you on that the last one is just information. But I can I’ll add a little more context to it as well. Okay. Why don’t you go ahead and go and get started with the river town annexation. So the river town annexation is a 21 point 40 acre parcel. It’s located south of St. Brian Creek and West at sunset Street. So kind of over by Isaac Walton bond area.

Unknown Speaker 8:50
There were no historical water rights pertinent to this annexation.

Unknown Speaker 8:54
River 10.

Unknown Speaker 8:56
annexation will be in compliance with the raw water requirements policy.

Unknown Speaker 9:02
Time and final plat with satisfaction of the 64.44 acre foot raw water deficit. So this is a

Unknown Speaker 9:13
development that’s being developed by rivertowns Longmont LLC. It’s a 320 multifamily unit residential properties, what they’re looking to do

Unknown Speaker 9:26
with 14 attached duplex units, and then 20,000 square feet of commercial office and flex space. So

Unknown Speaker 9:37
that’s all I have on that one. If there’s if you have any questions on that one, I’m happy to answer them. Otherwise, we’ll go ahead and jump to the second one. Any questions for Wes on that? Yeah, river town annexation.

Unknown Speaker 9:50
Go is Roger. Roger, you. When you go over these. The next three are the total board. Can you just cover how they’re going?

Unknown Speaker 10:00
To meet their

Unknown Speaker 10:02
water requirements, just cover that briefly. Okay, sure. Yeah, usually at annexation level, um, we really don’t have much,

Unknown Speaker 10:14
much information on that at plat. Sometimes we do.

Unknown Speaker 10:20
But if as I have information about those, I will share that definitely as waterboard.

Unknown Speaker 10:26
Okay. All right. Also, I just didn’t see. So I was wondering what stage they are in. So people let us know down the road, that’d be fine. You bet. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 10:38
similar question to Rogers, and that is whether or not there’s any information regarding stormwater

Unknown Speaker 10:45
at this point.

Unknown Speaker 10:47

Unknown Speaker 10:48
as part of the development review process,

Unknown Speaker 10:52
our stormwater for folks review that that’s outside of Water Resources per view, but there is a stormwater management component that is being looked at for these.

Unknown Speaker 11:07
I don’t have that in front of me right now. It’s something of interest on a particular development. I could probably share that with you, though. Just have this one in particular seemed like given its location, it might be in flood zone

Unknown Speaker 11:21
and have some potential

Unknown Speaker 11:24
impacts to the to that area. So it’s just particularly curious. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 11:34
Worship, did you have some?

Unknown Speaker 11:36
Yes, actually, it’s a similar question to Allison’s, because we’re getting some concerns, some resident comments, saying, Yeah, this is too close to our water resources to close to our nature preserves. And so stormwater is one question, Is this going to be, you know, changing the the flow in into the lake and riparian areas?

Unknown Speaker 12:02

Unknown Speaker 12:04
so anything, you know, along that lines, positive or negative would be good and other ways a clue as to

Unknown Speaker 12:13
who I should ask about that would be good. You probably know who else is on the review team?

Unknown Speaker 12:21
Yeah, so although I don’t have it, right in front of me, I can definitely get that and share that with you. I know that we have a stormwater engineer that we use all annexations and all plans for

Unknown Speaker 12:35
complying with all the standards for stormwater. And I just don’t know specifics of what those are, but I’d be happy to look into that and share that with you guys. Yeah, and and just send an email before maybe before the council meeting, because somebody will probably speak

Unknown Speaker 12:53
so I would very much very much appreciate that. Wes, and, and thanks. Let You Go on. Oh, and Heather. Sorry, I didn’t know the chat was off limits.

Unknown Speaker 13:06
That’s okay. Thank you. Usually it’s turned off but we had a different meeting that was able to use it so I didn’t get it turned off again.

Unknown Speaker 13:17
So with that, I’ll go to the next one. item seven be sandstone ranch apartments. Final plat. That’s a final plat of 36.79 acres, located south of state highway 119 and east of weld county road one. It’s a final plat of a portion of sandstone West conveyance plat and a lot of board reviewed back in 2007. There’s also part of the my EDA annexation from 1998.

Unknown Speaker 13:49
The all raw water requirements pertinent to sandstone ranch apartments were previously satisfied as part of the sandstone West conveyance black. So sandstone ranch apartments final plat is presently in compliance with the raw water requirement policy.

Unknown Speaker 14:06
What’s being contemplated here is a 276 unit apartment complex.

Unknown Speaker 14:12
I do you know that anybody that’s visited that Walmart, they’ve noticed there’s a lot of great dogs out there. I think they estimate somewhere between 12 116 100 prairie dogs out there. They’re working with Dan Wolford and the city of Longmont and working through the prairie dog management plan. So those will be addressed as part of this. And that’s really all I have on that. Unless there’s other questions.

Unknown Speaker 14:41
Or any questions on

Unknown Speaker 14:44
this project.

Unknown Speaker 14:49
I’m not seeing any West one and keep going. Okay, next one. item seven see quill commercial center filing one final plat, so 13.1948

Unknown Speaker 15:00
Per parcel, located north of quail road, and East state highway 287. So just immediately west of the Claremont museum.

Unknown Speaker 15:11
Included in that 13 acres is a 4.994 acre parcel that’ll be transferred into city ownership to be used for future municipal purposes, those are most likely going to be for additional parking for the museum and possible campus expansion.

Unknown Speaker 15:30
After application of the historic water rights, the total raw water deficit is a burden to quell commercial center filing one final plat is 4.10 acre feet. And there’ll be compliance upon that satisfaction. There. This particular plat includes four lots, one of those blocks will is proposed to have a four storey 86 room hotel with an office building, maybe a small drive thru coffee shop. And that’s all I’ve got on that unless there’s some questions.

Unknown Speaker 16:07
Questions on this project? One, as soon lefthand Creek goes through this property first. It’s bounded by on on the north.

Unknown Speaker 16:18
Okay, I guess maybe there’d be similar kind of questions or concerns with regards to the stormwater or the floodplain on that Marsh, it looks like you have your hand up on that.

Unknown Speaker 16:30
Um, yes, Todd.

Unknown Speaker 16:34
All right, I am eating lunch. I’m the, I’ve been watching that, because again, this this one is a letter generator, it being being close to the creek. And for a while under the the projects under construction map. Um, there was a plat that

Unknown Speaker 17:01
went into the, into the setback area.

Unknown Speaker 17:06
And then I looked again, and it was withdrawn. And then I looked again, and it was even off the withdrawn list. So have they reworked it? Or

Unknown Speaker 17:17
do you have any idea what’s going on with that? Because they apparently are,

Unknown Speaker 17:23
are going through some kind of rework on the project?

Unknown Speaker 17:27
Yeah, there’s been on that on that particular project, there’s been

Unknown Speaker 17:33
several riparian setback variance requests they’ve been working through with, with the planning department on that.

Unknown Speaker 17:41
Again, Water Resources focus on these is primarily with application of the raw water requirement policy. So I haven’t specifically been involved in those setback variances.

Unknown Speaker 17:52
But what I can do is as part of that

Unknown Speaker 17:57
request, I can get you in contact with the project planet or planner, I can email their information and they would best be able to answer where they’re at with that in terms of going back and forth and so forth. Seeing it very much.

Unknown Speaker 18:14
Okay, any further questions? All right. Keep going was

Unknown Speaker 18:21
okay, um, and let’s see.

Unknown Speaker 18:27
Leverton stone,

Unknown Speaker 18:31
commercial and harbor over junction final plat

Unknown Speaker 18:35
to 16. Point A to four acre parcel generally located south highway 119, West of Overstreet. All historic water rights are transferred to the city at time of annexation. The full acreage is subject to the full requirements of the raw water policy. The total raw water deficit for harvest junction final plat is 29.089 acre feet, and it will be in compliance with the city’s raw water requirement policy at time and that satisfaction. This particular one is a part of a mixed use employment zoning. They’re contemplating a little over 6000 square foot commercial space, kind of a neighborhood type commercial aspect. With 236 single family attached dwellings on 36 buildings, you’re looking at condos, townhomes, things of that nature. So this property has been looked at multiple times

Unknown Speaker 19:30
in the last 30 years.

Unknown Speaker 19:33
But David Brewer, the property manager believes that they’re going to be able to make something happen. So that’s what I have on that one. Unless there’s some questions.

Unknown Speaker 19:46
Any questions on that project?

Unknown Speaker 19:50
I am not seeing any. So Wes What you need is unless there’s we can break any out individually but if if not

Unknown Speaker 20:00
We need a recommendation for

Unknown Speaker 20:03
items A through D. a recommendation to Council of approval of the raw water calculation. Is that correct? Correct.

Unknown Speaker 20:13
Okay. Someone want to make that motion?

Unknown Speaker 20:18
also move. Okay. We have a motion. Is there a second?

Unknown Speaker 20:24
I’ll second that. All right. We have a motion by Allison and a second by Scott. Any further discussion?

Unknown Speaker 20:32
I’m not seeing any, all those in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. posed. Okay, that goes through for approved. Okay, Wes, you’re going to go on to the next time. Yes. So the next item is Irwin Thomas final plat, or when Thomas final plat is a 48.81 acre parcel located south of Colorado State Highway 119 and west of North 119th Street. It’s part of the erland Thomas annexation number one that was annexed in 2017. All historic water rights which included 34 shares of bonus were transferred at time of annexation. Before 48.81 acres are subject to the full requirements the raw water requirement policy

Unknown Speaker 21:25
or when Thomas final plat will be in compliance with the city’s raw water requirement policy upon satisfaction of the 48.81 acre foot deficit at time of final plat approval. So

Unknown Speaker 21:38
with that this plat is like any other plat that’s came before waterboard.

Unknown Speaker 21:44
However, this plat has a couple unique nuances.

Unknown Speaker 21:53
And I wanted to give you a little bit of

Unknown Speaker 21:57
context in history

Unknown Speaker 22:00
on that.

Unknown Speaker 22:03
So as you’ve got as you may recall, back in November in December, late last year, city council through ordinance o 20 2062, entered into a

Unknown Speaker 22:18
three party Public Private Partnership Agreement they call it a p3 agreement with diamond g concrete company, which is Reggie golden, and Costco Wholesale Corporation. So you’ve probably seen, seen it in The Times called pretty big deal,

Unknown Speaker 22:34
the execution of that p3 agreement, and he initiated the land development review process. That’s what got us here today.

Unknown Speaker 22:46
The plat includes essentially six lots 117 acre live for Costco warehouse and fueling station, one nine acre lot for city affordable housing purposes, and the balance of the four lots to be held by the current landowner. And of those four lives three are commercial lots and one is a residential lot.

Unknown Speaker 23:13
So the completion of that process is anticipated to occur mid 2021 and would include full satisfaction of the city’s raw water requirement policy.

Unknown Speaker 23:25
Water Resource staff is anticipating the raw water deficit a burden into the Irwin Thomas final plat to be satisfied by payment of cash in lieu of water rights received an application of credit from the 1200 acre foot of water identified and long must water demand evaluation.

Unknown Speaker 23:46
More specifically economic development incentive and long must affordable housing program that was contemplated in table 20 or table 22 of that plan.

Unknown Speaker 23:56
So what resources is created as creating a tracking sheet? So if you recall, there was 1200 acre feet that was identified in the rock and the water demand evaluation. And now that we carved out 400 acre feet

Unknown Speaker 24:13

Unknown Speaker 24:15
economic development, or I’m sorry for

Unknown Speaker 24:19
affordable housing, so we and waterboard had that conversation with staff.

Unknown Speaker 24:27
Back in, he was 2018 and 2019. And then City Council on acted on that accordingly. So we’re going to break those out. So

Unknown Speaker 24:40
let me finish and I’m going to kind of jump back here. Longmont plans to plans to create what’s known as a harvest junction, East special review, or sorry, a harvest junction East special revenue fund and use monies from that fund as well.

Unknown Speaker 25:00
From its affordable housing fund to pay the cash in lieu fee,

Unknown Speaker 25:05
the money for these funds will originate from the loan from the city’s fleet Fund, which ultimately will be repaid from collection of sales tax revenues generated from Costco sales.

Unknown Speaker 25:18
So when it’s all said and done the cash in lieu fund realize approximately $450,000. And there will be an applied incentive credit of approximately 23 acre feet.

Unknown Speaker 25:30
And that’s how that’s how this deficit is going to get satisfied. So with that being said, later, this summer Water Resources staff will return back to waterboard as a development activity information item specific related to final compliance of the city’s raw water requirement policy for this development. So in other words, what’s your acting now on now is the calculation for that the total deficit associated with this plat. And then after it’s completed, after the deficits are satisfied, we plan to come back to you and discuss the details of how that was satisfied that being a cash in lieu component, and then the credit that waterboard has already approved through the water demand evaluation. And there’s two parts of that that’s the building incentive. That’s what we use to entice Costco to come into Longmont, as well as our affordable housing lot, that nine acre lot. So there’s there’s some extra things that are going through this, all of which, if you wanted to really get into the details, there’s a 10 page council communication from December 1 2020, that you can look at that as a lot of the details of it, as well as about a 46 page ordinance and agreement on how that all shakes out. But I think what’s important for waterboard

Unknown Speaker 26:48
is to understand that there is a deficit and it is going to get satisfied through cash in lieu, and then through that credit of that carve out from the water demand evaluation. So I’m now ready to try to answer questions that you may have on this.

Unknown Speaker 27:05
All right. Roger, it looks like you’re first about here. Yeah, what I’m I’m trying to understand items like affordable housing, does that positively impact the

Unknown Speaker 27:20
the cash in lieu amount that we end up receiving? I mean, do they? Does it lower the cash in lieu amount? I’m not sure I understand that completely.

Unknown Speaker 27:31
So I think with

Unknown Speaker 27:33
what was what was decided, was that I’m going to use my own terms as part of the global negotiations to for the current land owner and a half Costco that was going to part of that was going to include affordable housing. And the So

Unknown Speaker 27:57
basically, if you wanted one thing, you had to have everything, so the affordable housing is, we’re gonna essentially, the cash in lieu fund will get a check for the full amount, it’ll be a cash in lieu check, that will cover the entire 48.81 acre foot deficit. But then, a part of that cash in lieu fund will be reimbursed to the affordable housing fund. And when that happens, then what we’re going to do is start tracking a debit, if you will, from the 1200 acre foot of credit that we’ve that the water demand evaluation identified as being available for these types of things. So

Unknown Speaker 28:38
you might think of it as

Unknown Speaker 28:41
the the drought, or I’m sorry, the cash in lieu fund not getting monies for the affordable housing or for the Costco. But it’s being satisfied for that carve out that was set up through the water demand evaluation. And so

Unknown Speaker 28:58
yeah, that’s that’s kind of how that’s gonna work.

Unknown Speaker 29:01
complicated. It’s very complicated. And that’s, that’s why No, well, you remember, I mean, nothing seems simple anymore. But these council got mean that the, the communication that was put out there back in December,

Unknown Speaker 29:18
did a really good job trying to detail how everything’s going to work. And a lot of it goes beyond the raw water requirement policy. And I think it so I tried to just pull out those pertinent parts that related to the roller requirement policy, but

Unknown Speaker 29:36
as you read that, as you would have read in the times call, it’s expected that the sales tax generated from this from Costco is going to cover the city’s expenses in just over three years. And so

Unknown Speaker 29:55
the powers that be above a city council, city manager and others believe

Unknown Speaker 30:00
To be that there was a long, much best interest to entice city to Costco to come into Longmont. And this was all part of that and kind of enticement package.

Unknown Speaker 30:12
Okay, the only one other comment, Todd, maybe Heather could get us that city council information somehow just shoot it to us on an email. So we can grind through that? I’m not

Unknown Speaker 30:27
sure. Is that possible? Yes, we can do that.

Unknown Speaker 30:32
That’d be good. Any other questions? I’ve got a couple if I don’t see males with their hand up right now. So Wes,

Unknown Speaker 30:41
as I understand it, so they’ll they’ll pay the full cash performance requirements, both on the affordable housing as well as Costco. Before, you know, they’re going to be able to get the rebate, essentially from the the cash in lieu fund. So that that’s number one. Number two, the they’ve already dedicated or they’ve already satisfied the direct flow component.

Unknown Speaker 31:09
Good job was I was afraid you were gonna get mauled or something.

Unknown Speaker 31:13
Apologies, apologize. No, that’s fine. I get it. So they’ve already satisfied their direct flow component of the raw water requirement. So when the cash in lieu comes back to them, if they satisfy their obligations, are they going to get satisfied up to the three acre foot per acre at cash in lieu, even though they’re only paying cash in lieu at the one acre foot the storage deficit? I mean, how does that work? Now, we’re only speaking to the remaining raw water deficit, there’s only that the direct flow component, the two acre foot that’s done in satisfied with transfer the historic 34 shares of Beckwith so all that’s being.

Unknown Speaker 31:53
So essentially, if as you read through this council communication, basically, a loan is going to be taken out through this the fleet Fund, and the fleet fund is going to pay the full cash in lieu amount. So from a different city account is going to pay for cash in lieu. And for all intensive purposes, that’s all water resources, really concerns itself with the greater cities concerned with other things that fully funded stuff, but the idea is that it’ll come in fully satisfy this deficit. Therefore, it’s in compliance with the raw water requirement policy. But Furthermore, is part of the Longmont municipal code. there’s a there’s a section in the Longmont municipal code.

Unknown Speaker 32:41
And I believe it’s chapter 4.79, Henri on reduction in subsidies that was speaks to

Unknown Speaker 32:50
there being a method for the housing fund, to be reimbursed. And then also for, for Costco to be reimbursed. It’s part of that incentive. And so

Unknown Speaker 33:06
the, so what will remain, if you will, is the money for four of the six lights, it will not include that lot. That was Costco and it will not include the affordable housing lot.

Unknown Speaker 33:20
Those will be satisfied through that carve out so any future plans, not this one, the future ones that have an economic building incentive would be the same way there would be satisfaction of the deficits, meeting the compliance with the raw water requirement policy, and then there would maybe be a subsidy or a reimbursement back to someone that would would cover that that particular part. But it would debit again from that 1200 acre feet just start whittling down from that 1200 acre feet. So I get that was so in this case, the Costco lots 17 acres, right? Yep. And they’ve satisfied two of the three acre foot overall water requirement, see over one acre foot per acre. So what’s going to happen is they’re going to pay cash in lieu for the one acre foot per acre for the 17 acres. Yes. And then if they meet their terms and conditions of the agreement, that want that 17 acre feet or one acre foot break or times the 17 acres is going to be essentially rebated back to them as part of this reimbursement agreement. What I’m trying to make sure is so in your tracking spreadsheet, and I, I think that’s a great idea. I

Unknown Speaker 34:35
think we need to have a way to monitor this is kind of the charge of the water board to make sure we have adequate supplies going forward. So we need to know how much of that that allocation for affordable housing and economic incentives is being allocated so we can track that but in regards to Costco so 17 acre feet

Unknown Speaker 34:57
would be the potential cash in lieu centrally

Unknown Speaker 35:00
rebate, the, you know, I guess what would be the 34 acre feet that they’ve already dedicated that stain. So when you have a line in the tracking spreadsheet, for Costco, it would say up to 17 acre feet would be rebated if they meet their terms and conditions. Right? Correct. So good. That’s exactly that’s exactly right. And I think in the actual, if you went to the ordinance that was attached to the council comp, it spells it out to the dollar, how much they would get, assuming cash in lieu doesn’t change. I mean, it’s it’s very detailed of specific performance for all this, and everything. And so I think we’ve I think we have a very clear picture. It’s just this is the really what brought this is making this one most unique is this is the first time we’re implementing that building incentive component from the water demand evaluation that we’ve talked about years ago.

Unknown Speaker 35:57
Alright, are there other questions that the board as Roger, you have another?

Unknown Speaker 36:03
Yeah. Not to beat the West as far as meeting their contractual incentives Costco is is that time bonded? Like, did they have to do that over a five year period? Or do you know anything about that? Or how long a period is very specific? Yes, that’s correct, Roger. They do have very specific dates, that things they have to build by a certain data things by 2024.

Unknown Speaker 36:34
And all the details of that are found within that ordinance that was attached to the council con. So maybe, when, when Heather sends it out, she can additionally send you the ordinance as well. And you’d be free to look through all the details. Again, I think the ordinance was 46 pages long. And the and the council column was about 10. So almost 60 pages, but a lot of detail. And if you are interested in take the time to read it, I think they the staff that put that together, primarily Harold Dale, Jim golden, and Eugene, May, they did a pretty good job of articulating what’s going to go on and what’s required and the timing of all that.

Unknown Speaker 37:14
Okay, thanks.

Unknown Speaker 37:19
Are there other questions?

Unknown Speaker 37:22
was one other thing so they’re going to pay the cash in lieu and then are you going to come back to the waterboard at some point when we know that their obligations have been satisfied, and you’ll confirm that with us, and we’ll know, okay, at that point, the 17 acre feet, for example, for Costco, and whatever the specific number is, for the affordable housing has officially been kind of designated to those uses. That’ll happen, you know, I guess, at a future time once they’ve met all the requirements. So when the applicant, which the applicant is Reggie golden, on behalf of diamond D concrete company, when he when that

Unknown Speaker 38:04
when the

Unknown Speaker 38:06
p3 agreement is finalized at that time, then they’ll they will finalize and pay the cash in lieu, which right now is anticipated to be the sometime around July or August. As soon as that happens, the very next water board meeting, I’ll come in front of water board as an information item. And I’ll explain all detail how much cash in lieu was paid, it’ll essentially be the the requirement acreage times the current fee for cash in lieu of water rights received. And then I’ll break out the part that was for affordable housing, and the part that was commercial development incentive. And I’ll show those through a tracking form that we have, that’ll show a debit for each of those categories. And then as we get future development applications that have either those components, we’ll just keep breaking those out. So we’re trying to make this

Unknown Speaker 39:02
as trackable as possible and as simple as possible. But it’s just, there’s a whole lot of global negotiation that went into making this happen. And so I was trying, you know, I’m trying to pull out just the nuggets that have pertained to the raw water requirement policy. And that’s what I’ve given you. But I think if you’re wanting a more colorful mosaic of what’s going on, again, I would, I would recommend checking out that prior counsel calm and ordinates. So, so you’ll come whatever is July or August, show us the calculation, go ahead and deduct it from you know, or add it to your tracking spreadsheet. I guess what I’m bringing up is it may be a year or two before we know whether they fully satisfy their obligations. Now, if they don’t, you know, namely, if they don’t build Costco within the timeframe, as Roger mentioned, or they don’t build the amount of affordable housing, then they would have to

Unknown Speaker 40:00
I guess at that point, the amount that

Unknown Speaker 40:03
the cash in lieu that they paid that doesn’t get rebated or you know, there’d be a adjustment at that point, right? So they satisfy all the deficits, that has to occur in order for them to start moving dirt. So then the idea is that after they start moving dirt, the owner will put in the infrastructure so that then Costco can come and start going.

Unknown Speaker 40:27
start growing up the and I don’t remember the specifics on timing that it will, that’s allowed for Costco to generate sales tax revenue that’s being expected as part of this.

Unknown Speaker 40:42

Unknown Speaker 40:44
I think what I’m hearing you say is if Costco so Costco is not going to build,

Unknown Speaker 40:51
unless they satisfy this,

Unknown Speaker 40:55
the raw water deficits, and if they build,

Unknown Speaker 41:00
then then they’ve there’s nothing else to I don’t think to worry about, except possibly, they don’t perform it, you know, they, but I can’t, their projections are based upon their, it speaks to this in the council calm, they looked at what they’ve, you know, produced in sales for superior location and thorton location and out and so on and so forth. And, and I don’t know, I think it said they’re expected to be done to satisfy our sales projections within just over three years. And I it feels like there was a trigger that it would have to happen within five years. But the things that would unravel, um, I think the the tentacles go way beyond the raw water requirement policy. So yes, water resources, going to have to stay stay abreast of what’s going on, and stay in the loop with the planning department and the, and so forth. But, um, I think the bottom line is they’ve, you know, they’ve satisfied it, if it changes, then what it would need to change to different use, if it’s not Costco, if it’s not affordable housing, then those deficits

Unknown Speaker 42:09
would probably then be reapplied. So in other words, if there’s a,

Unknown Speaker 42:15
if the affordable housing nine acre lot became just a traditional residential, then in order for that nine acres to develop, then we’re going to require satisfaction of the one acre foot per acre on that lot. But the nine acres lot is actually, as I understand it, is going to be owned by the city of Longmont. So I would think we would know, if we don’t develop it, that we if we sold it that that would be the trigger. So there’s that.

Unknown Speaker 42:48
So yeah, there’s gonna be a lot a lot of stuff that we’re gonna have to pay attention to, we’ll do our part to and tracking the deficit

Unknown Speaker 42:55
that’s pulling from the credit from the carve out of the water demand evaluation. And then if, if, if it ever goes away from affordable housing, or if Costco doesn’t perform, then we’ll have to, it’ll have to be looped back in for the for then future uses to satisfy any deficits, that would be pertinent to it.

Unknown Speaker 43:18
And in total, Todd, if I could just give you a little more specifics on that. So today’s action will allow the final plat to be move forward, and the payment for the raw water deficit completed. And then the current schedule calls for a closing on all the property in July of this summer. And so, between now and July, this Deaf deficit has to be paid, because at closing, is when they’ll credit back to the development developer will occur. And then once that occurs, then all the closing on the property can occur. And then there’s a July 2024

Unknown Speaker 44:09
deadline for Costco to have their store open, generating revenue. And then and then that agreement has a really good clawback provision if those two dates are not met.

Unknown Speaker 44:26
Okay, that helps. Thank you for those explanations. Is there any further questions on this? Otherwise we need a motion for approval? Or recommendation to council I should say of the Irwin Thomas final plat water dedication.

Unknown Speaker 44:50
Water calculation, Kathy, are you making the motion? I’ll make that motion. All right. We have a motion Do we have a second? I’ll also second this motion to okay. We

Unknown Speaker 45:00
Have a second by Scott. Any further discussion?

Unknown Speaker 45:04
Seeing none, all those in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed. Okay, motion carries. It sounds like Wes. This last one is just for information only. So if you want to go in and take that one. So the Lima Church of Christ beiner subdivision is a 2.44 acre parcel located south of 14th Avenue and west to call your street as part of an annexation that’s an annex prior to the formation of Longmont waterboard

Unknown Speaker 45:35
and therefore, according to the city’s law requirement policy for lands at annexed prior to the creation of waterboard

Unknown Speaker 45:43
transfer the historic water rights satisfy the policy unless there was a previously

Unknown Speaker 45:49
specified written agreement. And there is none for this property. So Longmont Church of Christ minor subdivision plat is presently in compliance with the city’s raw water requirement policy. They’re planning to do like a two storey church addition and building a single family home in the area that will be for I think, for one of the pastors. So since it’s already in compliance, and because it’s there’s no further deficits, and because it’s before on my waterboard, it’s an information item only for you guys. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 46:24
Thank you. Any questions on that one?

Unknown Speaker 46:28
I don’t see any. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 46:31
Thank you, Wes. For for those. Now we’re on to general business and looks like you’re up against again well under the 2021 water supply and demand management plan. I am so the what you have before you is the 2021 and 2022 water supply and drought management plan. The purpose of the plan is to manage the city’s water supply and anticipate identify and respond to drought in the same brain Creek watershed area.

Unknown Speaker 47:05
I thought I would walk through just a few of the highlights of the plan is very similar to plans waterboarded seen in the past.

Unknown Speaker 47:18

Unknown Speaker 47:20

Unknown Speaker 47:23
city of Milan must raw water. Drought supply policy is outlined in the

Unknown Speaker 47:30
raw water regret right out of master plan.

Unknown Speaker 47:35
I apologize, but let me You guys are probably hearing some background noise. Give me just one second to take care of that.

Unknown Speaker 47:44
Sounds good.

Unknown Speaker 48:01
I don’t know where you guys are at but it is snowing hard where I’m at right now. So looks like I’m in a snow globes.

Unknown Speaker 48:10
Yeah, I’m just getting started to snow pretty good here to go Turn away.

Unknown Speaker 48:21
Whereas I did mute you some few when I unmute again.

Unknown Speaker 48:26
Great. Sorry about that, guys.

Unknown Speaker 48:29
So the

Unknown Speaker 48:31
I’m just gonna highlight

Unknown Speaker 48:34
some of the parts of the worst point drought management plan.

Unknown Speaker 48:39
Heather, if you could

Unknown Speaker 48:41
pull up that part, I think it’s page 23 of the board’s packet.

Unknown Speaker 48:50
I was just gonna kind of walk through

Unknown Speaker 48:54
some of these.

Unknown Speaker 48:59
Okay, so I’m just gonna hit some of the

Unknown Speaker 49:04
couple sentences and paragraphs and walk through this, the city of La much raw water drought supply policy, again, as outlined in the raw water master plan.

Unknown Speaker 49:16
It describes the city’s policy of using a one and 100 year drought recurrence interval as the basis of the planning for the city’s raw water supply. And the drought interval is based upon a drought of approximately seven years in length I like to highlight that is many cities only use 150 year drought and some of them only use a one or a three year or even a five year drought late and so we have a much broader scope in our in our policy.

Unknown Speaker 49:47
And the third paragraph during 2020 the st reign, River Basin experienced slightly above average streamflow conditions as a result of above average snowpack and average rain.

Unknown Speaker 50:00
Fall. As a result of the above average streamflow during 2020, Longmont finished the 2020 irrigation season with average storage in its local reservoirs at 70%. Current projections are that by July 15 2021, select reservoir storage will be 95% or full. So you were asking Todd, about some of the

Unknown Speaker 50:25
reservoirs and where we stand.

Unknown Speaker 50:30
And I apologize, I didn’t pull it up currently, but based upon where button rock and union are currently, based upon our projected yields on our water supply, and on our

Unknown Speaker 50:51
change cases, they’re expecting that those reservoirs will be full or near full. And that

Unknown Speaker 51:01
Highland system which makes it the remaining, the remaining bulk of the deficit will be there.

Unknown Speaker 51:08
It It was and Todd. So on March 31, I looked up on our State Water commissioners report. And as March 31, it was on April one, it was roughly roughly 62% for local basin storage.

Unknown Speaker 51:27
So what we want to keep in mind on that, so the

Unknown Speaker 51:34
we’re kind of specific in ours when we talk about select reservoir storage. So there’s there’s a lot of reservoirs out there that

Unknown Speaker 51:44
are irrigation only reservoirs, many of which are Junior rest reservoirs. And so what we’re looking at in terms of our water supply and drought management plan, our

Unknown Speaker 51:57
reservoirs such as button rock, McCall, birch, Lake, Mackintosh and Union as being the ones that would really impact long months water supplies. So

Unknown Speaker 52:11
So I guess that’s an important distinction when we’re talking about the reservoirs. I don’t know that all reservoirs in the basin will be in total 95%. But certainly the ones that would affect our water supply and drought management plan, we expect to be nearly full at the end of this runoff season in mid July.

Unknown Speaker 52:34

Unknown Speaker 52:37
then down below, we have a kind of a table, kind of comparing 2020 and 2021. So in 2020, the total water supply available was just over 24,000 acre feet. In 2021. We’re expecting a little over 26,000 acre feet of available supply. And we’ll talk a little bit more of that in detail when we look at Table A and then our total treated water demand. Last year was just about 17,500. We’re looking at about a 2% increase in demand this year’s for 17,835 acre feet.

Unknown Speaker 53:17
Now the snowpack, which is another indicator that we pay attention to on April 9 when we produce this packet, South Platte was at 92%, Colorado it’s 79%.

Unknown Speaker 53:30
As of today, as Nelson mentioned, I believe South Platte was at 96 and Colorado was at 76. With the snow you guys were talking about, we think there’s a good chance that it’s probably going to go to 100% which is which is good.

Unknown Speaker 53:45
On the next page.

Unknown Speaker 53:48
We have a number of description of indicators and forecast methods that we use the Natural Resource Conservation services monthly streamflow forecasts. That’s a forecast tool that we use and it’s integral into our water rights change cases it speaks to what our

Unknown Speaker 54:07
what we predict is going to be the flow at lions and then therefore how our decrees will perform we it’s a wide range and average and in an average condition and that’s what we’re expecting this year is what would be termed as an average run off.

Unknown Speaker 54:23
Next is the natural resource conservation services monthly snowpack survey. Those are those.

Unknown Speaker 54:30
What we just got done talking about that we think with this storm is probably going to push the st rain basin closer to 100% of average hopefully

Unknown Speaker 54:41
we’re looking at St moraine Creek basin reservoir storage. I just spoke to that and some of the reservoirs that the most important of which is Ralph price reservoir. But certainly those others play a significant factors. Again, just as reminders. It’s going to be union McCall Lake

Unknown Speaker 55:00
oligarchy reservoir number one, otherwise known as birch Lake, and McIntosh reservoir.

Unknown Speaker 55:09
Then we looked at our Trent we look at our trans mountain water supplies, that’s CVT. Its carry over from the prior year. Its upper Baldwin ditch replacement water carry over in exchange CVT supplies that we got. And for this 2021 year,

Unknown Speaker 55:31
those trans bass and water supplies by themselves are expected to yield about 18,500 acre feet of water.

Unknown Speaker 55:40
We also look at raw water available availability for the city of Longmont or city of Longmont treating water demands right now we’re predicting a 2% increase from last year,

Unknown Speaker 55:53
we will see And then lastly, the sea of one month’s water supply projections for multi year

Unknown Speaker 56:02
multi year projections. And that’s part of our table a that I’ll go over in just a minute. So those are the indicators.

Unknown Speaker 56:10
So next year, the descriptions and the drought supply response levels.

Unknown Speaker 56:15
Basically, if the combination of supply and available storage exceeds projected demands by more than 135%, the city’s water supply will not be considered in a drought scenario.

Unknown Speaker 56:29
So that means we would be in what what is classified as a sustainable conservation level. At the sustainable conservation level, the city will continue to implement best management practices to conserve the water resources of the city.

Unknown Speaker 56:45
This level will include a projection

Unknown Speaker 56:48
of the following indicators storage volume and route price reservoir greater than target levels for level one, we’ll go over that with you here in just a minute on table v. And that our raw water supply availability projections for the current and next water year are at a level greater than 135%. The projected water demand.

Unknown Speaker 57:12
If If those are satisfied, we go into what’s level one, which is moderately which would moderately impact the city’s supply versus demand. That’s when our raw water supply availability is between 120 and 135%. of projected water demand. The next level is a level two which would severely impact the city’s supply versus demand. That’s when our raw water supplies are at a level of 105 220% of projected water demand. And then lastly, on the top of the next page, level three would critically impact the city’s supplies. And that’s when our raw water supplies available are less than 100 105% of projected water demand. That means we we still should be able to meet our demands. But that’s barely all we could do. And so

Unknown Speaker 58:09
the next section is a description of drought response action plans. So I just wanted to mainly look at the sustainable conservation level because that’s where we’re at currently. And that’s where the data is suggesting will be next year. So we’re going to continue public information concerning the impacts to the city of long lost water supply. To encourage the best management practices are followed, and the city will continually promote a public water conservation campaign. The voluntary measures are going to be Parks and Rec golf course and school district are going to be encouraged to follow best management practices and conserve water, we’re possible that the city owned facilities will strive to set the benchmark for water use practices, and that we’re going to encourage all customers served by Longmont water utilities to implement Best Management Practices for total water use.

Unknown Speaker 59:04
Level One drought prediction

Unknown Speaker 59:06
projections, you find on the next page that we’re going to if we were to get to that level, we would voluntarily encourage all customers served by the Longmont water utilities to implement a 10% reduction in water use from historic levels. And that irrigation class tap customers may be required to reduce demand by 10%. And that community garden users as well as private garden users will be encouraged to implement a 10% reduction in water use from historical levels. The mandatory measures would be Parks and Rec golf course and school district

Unknown Speaker 59:47
would result in a net 10% reduction in historical use, annual use and that all other municipal water uses will be reduced by 10%. So building us Fire Department etc.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:02
So that’s that’s kind of get for level one. And they do make a note that union reservoir water levels would be lower than normal, resulting in lowered ability to conduct late season recreational activities on reservoir. It should be noted that under sustainable conservation level, the way managing the union reservoir and integrating that into our

Unknown Speaker 1:00:26
water use activities, but even under water conservation, or a sustainable conservation levels, Union reservoirs may still be low, let’s just say is lower than normal. And if anybody has paid attention to Union the last several years, you, you’d recognize it, it goes up and it goes down. And that’s just how it’s how it’s used. But level one says it may be lower than normal.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:53
If we were to go to a level two drought, it’s basically mandatory 20 to 90%. Water reduction for Parks and Rec, golf course, and school districts, depending on the severity of the drought.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:10
And level three, that’s basically everyone’s going to have to really cut back, you know, possibly completely eliminating outdoor watering, and some of those things. But that’s not even on the radar for this year.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:27
Again, that would take 105% of supply to demand for this year, and next year, and we’re not anywhere near that. So. But it does speak to that if if and when we were to get there.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:42
So if we move, continue to move forward in the packet to Table A,

Unknown Speaker 1:01:48
I just wanted to highlight some of the more specific water rights that make up our actual and projected water rights yields.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:01
So I’m just going to kind of go through them a little bit, kind of quick. I think a lot of them are somewhat self explanatory. I think the important part to take away from this is kind of the final total numbers. But

Unknown Speaker 1:02:14
again, CBT quota that was set on the ninth of this month by the northern board, it’s 70%. Last year, it was at 80%.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:25
You usually it’s pretty safe to always think that they’re gonna issue at least 50%. And that’s what we projected for 22 and 2023, respectively.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:37
Number two, our direct flow water rights. Those are a list of about

Unknown Speaker 1:02:45
2015 to 20, different water rights, it’s our upper transfers, lower transfers, 2000 change cases, things like that. We’re predict, projecting just over 4000 acre feet of raw water available from those

Unknown Speaker 1:03:04
last year, it was about that same amount. The reason that number 4000 is less than what’s projected in 2022, or 2023, is we’re planning to take those direct flow water rights. So as some of you may understand, when you’re getting issued a our water rights or our change case, we can put them for direct flow or for storage use.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:32
We are going to take some of these water rights and put them into storage. So we’re going to take a lot of those water rights that could be used for direct flow, but we’re going to choose to put those into button rock and into union powder to fill those reservoirs to the extent that we still have other water rights remaining to satisfy our deficits, and so that’s why those numbers are kind of different,

Unknown Speaker 1:03:55
or 29 transfer decrees. Those are decrees that were from 1929. Primarily, they relate to the long run supply employment to decree. And so our projected available demand for those this year is 1079 acre feet.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:11
The pipeline decreased. We have we have decreased from north and south pipeline. And we’re projecting the raw water available for those to be 973 acre feet.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:25
Next is transferred reservoir storage decrees reserve decrees that are available to be used to meet treated water demand. For example, Pleasant Valley decree union reservoir changed rights and so forth. And a yield from those is as 11,600 I’m sorry, 11 163.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:48
The next is reservoir storage available for release this this for the most part speaks to button rock and and it speaks to our design drought and it speaks to how

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
Much Water would be available. If we were to experience a one and 100 year drought over seven year duration in that first year.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:09
It’s expected and we believe it to be true this year that we could pull out 4222 acre feet. And when it when the year is over, it can change. But that’s what we’re predicting at this point. Trans basin water rights. Again, I spoke to it were 18,585 acre feet, it CVT windy gap. It’s our Xcel water exchange.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:36
It’s upper Baldwin in our carryover water. So slightly more than last year, primarily because of windy gap. Um, we’ve already been using windy gap, we used it when we were doing our button rock outlet works project. We believe that windy gap will pump some this year.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:02
And so what we had to do in order to get the windy gap water thus far is we had to collateralize CBT. So as when the gap gets pumped, that collateral CBT will come back to us. And and when it does that’s going to that kind of makes up that difference from last year to this year.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:24
We’re always striving to carry over a full carry over 2825 acre feet. That’s the that’s the amount that’s needed in order to yield our 20% carryover. So that’s something that we we just always try to have happen, it then puts us in the best situation for next year. Because we can then get that carryover for the following year. And we have 1000 acre feet for water rental and leases. Those numbers fluctuate a little bit, but they’re fairly consistent.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:58
School District makes up

Unknown Speaker 1:07:01
a good part of that.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:03
But we have a number of other other uses. So the total projected supply is 26,248 acre feet. When you look at that compared to the demand, which again is 2% higher than the previous year, it shows the percent of supply versus demand at a sustainable conservation level to be 147%. And as you recall, we talked about it needed to be greater than 135%. For to be in a sustainable conservation level for that year. And next year, next year’s projection. also taking an additional 2% increase in the in the demand

Unknown Speaker 1:07:44
would put us at 139% we actually go to another year 2023. And even doing that, again, another 2% increase in demand, we’re still at 135%. So there’s that and then we then the other thing we do is we look at how much water we have available to

Unknown Speaker 1:08:07
in our storage vessels that are available to be used municipally. And when you look at that, again, it’s button rock, it’s it’s birch lake and union primarily,

Unknown Speaker 1:08:22
the number of months available to meet those is about 21 months. So if we didn’t get any snow melt, and we didn’t have the same rain river completely shut off the reservoirs themselves themselves. Basically, we’d have enough to meet our demands for somewhere around 21 months. So kind of pay attention to that. The next page looks at table B.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:48
and it speaks specific to Ralph rice reservoir storage, that’s our workhorse. That’s where we get our water in the winter.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:55
It says that for the first year in a design drought, at a sustainable conservation level, it needs to be at greater than 90% of storage. So as of April 9, we were at 92%. of full, we’re projecting by July 15. It’ll be 100% full, and so therefore to be greater than 90% at the sustainable conservation level. So um, we’ve additionally included the city council communication draft of that that will be taking to city council in May. And we’ve also included the city of Long mots guiding water principles. And those are always good to,

Unknown Speaker 1:09:36
to look at and to review. So with that, that’s our presentation on the 2021 2022 water supply and drought management plan. And if you have any questions, I’ll be happy to try to answer them for you.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:51
Great, thank you. Yes. Allison. Looks like you have a question. Yeah, thank you very much, Wes for walking us through that. That was really interesting and very detailed.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:01
A couple questions, what is the downstream call that affects the direct flow rates primarily.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:11
So, um,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:14
so so we there’s a call on the river that set by the water commissioners in different reaches. So the district five

Unknown Speaker 1:10:23
water Commissioner, she’ll set a call for the st. Green Creek. And that would be like, today, the call is Highland reservoir number three, and it diverts at Highland ditch head gate up by lions. So the call the CI makes effects from that headgate diversion upstream, and then the call downstream effects anything from from that point down. And why that becomes somewhat significant is sometimes you can have a difference in call, you could have a maybe a senior call on the st. Green Creek and a really Junior call on the South Platte River, and any flows that accrue to St. Breen Creek, below the call on the st. Breen Creek could be potentially eligible to be used, for example, captured and pumped into union reservoir. That’s probably the easiest one to think of that there could be some water that is available in our pumping station, kind of there about right around Dick’s Sporting Goods in the wastewater treatment plant.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:36
There’s occasions where there’s water available there that we could turn on our pumps and pump it to through the lower end of the oligarchy ditch and get it into union that then could be used for other purposes. So that’s where that’s primarily where that lower call would affect Longmont.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:54
Does that ever create a situation where the rivers being swept? Say that again? I’m sorry, Is there ever a complete dry up? Or do they sweep the system. So the the state has a real analytical approach and looking at zero point or a dry up on the river. So they look at water supply readings at Lyons. And then they do a numerical calculation of amounts that are taken from the head gates below that until it reaches zero. So in that theoretical sense, there becomes zero point on the river or zero point where there’s virgin flow.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:37
What’s happens though, oftentimes is that there will be what’s considered a zero point on the river, ie no flow. But at that same time, you could go out there and physically see water in the stream. And so some of those are from irrigation, return flows. Some of those are from Lawn irrigation, groundwater flows, some of those are available for us to use municipally. Some of them we haven’t changed. So

Unknown Speaker 1:13:09
what usually happens is after the runoff season, and if we’re trying to take water below the calculated zero point on the river, what we did then do is we have what’s referred to as our Peck ditch augmentation station. And it’s a place where we actually divert water out of the same brain Creek, we physically measure that flow, and then we return it down below, kind of down about golden ponds. And it’s the measurement that we that we’re able to record as physical water being delivered. And we can then take some credit. And so it’s kind of an integrated part of our system. But the zero point does come into effect often. It usually comes into effect, usually later in the season, probably around, it could be as early as July, but usually it’s like August through October is where we’re affected by that.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:03
Does that create a drive above the pack to jog station? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:09
So that again, there’s a there’s that theoretical zero point where you can’t divert down below. But yet if we’re still passing water through if we for example, during that period of time,

Unknown Speaker 1:14:22
wanted to

Unknown Speaker 1:14:24
run water out of button rock down to Union, there could still be flows, we what we have to then do is measure those flows those flows through the augmentation station, then we get that credit because there used to be a gauging station at Golden ponds. So if you were ever around golden pawns, there was a bridge that went over the same green Creek if you looked immediately upstream, there was a place that there was a gaming station that kind of got washed out and wasn’t functioning 100% grade and the state did not want to replace it. So we have a gauging station to hygiene

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
Our very next one is clear below our wastewater treatment plant. So a pretty big gap, if you will, in the river point. And so that’s why they use this calculated zero point, had we we’ve tried to work with the state to maybe put in a and replace that one at Golden ponds to actually record flows. But now that we have the package augmentation station, it works better. It’s a newer augmentation station. We’ve used it a couple years now. But with operational experience, it’s, you know, it’s working pretty well for us. So it’s off channel. So in order to get the quantification, you got to take it out channel. Exactly, and it doesn’t, from an outsider looking at, it makes no sense that you have to pull water out of the river in order to get credit. And we’ve spent years with discussions with the state on that. And that’s what we had to do.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:55
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:57
Curiosity, and that I have two more questions. Okay. Um, where does the 135% come from?

Unknown Speaker 1:16:04
So the 135%, it was, it’s, it was a something that we looked at that back, when we started the water supply and drought management plans, you know, back after 2002. And they, the theory looked at knowing that you needed to be able to meet your current year demand. And you also need to be in a position to meet your future water, your demand. And so we looked at, you know, if 100% was needed to be met, for this year,

Unknown Speaker 1:16:38
there wasn’t an exact science coming up with 135 versus some other number, it was based upon looking at what we would could reasonably expect from most years in terms of snowpack to look at what we would normally use it button rock, we looked at a whole bunch of different factors. And it was believed that

Unknown Speaker 1:17:00
if we had 135% in a given year,

Unknown Speaker 1:17:06
we would then be feel relatively safe within a standard deviation or a certain confidence level to meet that year, and the following years demands, but we kind of grown it to say, we’re not just going to look for 135%. This year, we’re also going to look for 135% or more next year, so even kind of became more conservative in our approach. And and, and that’s kind of how, how we how we got there.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:38
And, um, last question, what if any impact might a shortage declaration have on long month water supply?

Unknown Speaker 1:17:50

Unknown Speaker 1:17:52
so if we, if we declare, if I understand you’re correct, your your question. If, if we were to declare a level one drought that we had a shortage?

Unknown Speaker 1:18:06
Is that not what you’re asking? No, I apologize. I meant for the, for Lake Mead. And oh, oh, okay. Yeah, for Lake Mead. So what’s your, what you’re talking about? Is that kind of that newspaper article that was in the Denver Post? And and Okay, I’m with you, you’re talking to shortage Declaration on the Colorado River by the Bureau of Reclamation. Right? Would that affect our trans mountain at all? So, um, it won’t affect long months yield, necessarily this year, because a quota has already been set by the board. And that quota was based upon water that’s already in storage. where there could be an impact is, is as I read it, there was it was projected that maybe there could be a

Unknown Speaker 1:18:56
call on the river. As early as June that wake me call would be below 1075 feet. I think right now it’s at 1082 feet, so it’s almost 100

Unknown Speaker 1:19:09
it’s almost 147 feet

Unknown Speaker 1:19:13
below fold. So it’s, it’s a it’s down a lot and we understand that, um, what it would do, what it potentially could do is require more CVT water to be required to be delivered

Unknown Speaker 1:19:28
out of the state. What that would then do indirectly would affect possibly how much got into storage and future

Unknown Speaker 1:19:38
quota declarations by the board. But, and Todd might be able to help and Ken might be able to help me answer this, I believe even with a 70% quota that’s already been determined for this year. And a 50% for next year, which is relative, Lee conservative, I think with what’s currently

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00
In the CVT system, and a reasonable expectation of what would get into our storage, before June, when when they anticipate Lake Mead would kind of hit this critical piece, that,

Unknown Speaker 1:20:15
that we’re still sounded that. So that’s a lot to say, yes, it could impact us. But the way would impact this is by the quota declaration in future years.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:29
I can add a little Can you want to go first? Yeah, let me just one point of clarification, I would like to say is a shortage declaration by the Bureau of Reclamation on the Colorado River,

Unknown Speaker 1:20:43
functionally affects the lower basin. In essence, depending on the level of Lake Mead, it reduces the amount of release from late need to the lower basins, it does not affect

Unknown Speaker 1:21:00
the upper basin, because the upper basin, by the interstate compact Colorado River compact, is required to provide some point 5 million acre feet per year 75 million acre feet in 10 years, which, honestly, we’ve we’ve exceeded that

Unknown Speaker 1:21:19
by quite a bit over the years. And there’s nothing to believe we wouldn’t do that.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:25
Psychologically, it’ll have a big impact.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:29
It really will, you know, it’ll, it’ll start a lot more anxious and concern.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:37
But we’re but functionally, quite honestly, it will help.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:45
The lower basin states have been taken an excess amount of water out of Lake Mead. And it will, it will require that that’ll stop during a shortage protocol. And so that that won’t hurt anything at all. And the upper basins actually been hurt a little bit by equalization protocols between

Unknown Speaker 1:22:09
Lake Mead and Lake Powell. So a short and a shortage declaration helps minimize that impact as well. So there’s positives and negatives for the upper basin, we all still be required to meet our interstate compact, at least very of 7.5 million acre feet plus or half of the Colorado River compact. I mean, the Mexican

Unknown Speaker 1:22:33
compact, but But yeah, it’s it’s I think, as big as anything else, it’s a big psychological shake up on everybody. And then yeah, welcome. Any more input, Todd?

Unknown Speaker 1:22:46
No, I think you did. Good there. candidate. I think my discussions on the northern board is,

Unknown Speaker 1:22:54
you know that it’s multiple years before there would be really an impact, potentially to the upper basin in the CBT.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:03
Deliver yield, I should say. And even then I think there’s a question as to if there was ultimately a compact call, how’s that going to be done? And there’s a 2026 renegotiation of the operating rules for the compact, and I think this is all gonna play out in that as well. So I don’t view it, Allison, it’s not likely going to have any real near term impacts on the CDT yields based on my discussion with northern staff. But it in I made the argument I was supporting a 70% quota versus others were hoping for an 80%. And part of my rationale is that that there’s uncertainty long term with that,

Unknown Speaker 1:23:48
with the quota due to the impact or the issues on the low reservoir levels, and like Mead, and Lake Powell. So I think long term, there’s there’s definite concern, seeing the amount of drought that’s gripping the the southwest and the I mean, there are levels in Lake Mead and Powell that they haven’t seen seen since they started filling those reservoirs. So I think we need to keep that in mind with the kind of operations going forward, but it doesn’t have any real near term implications in terms of the yield per the northern staff. So anyway, hopefully that that helps.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:27
Thanks, guys. Any other questions?

Unknown Speaker 1:24:30

Unknown Speaker 1:24:33
I don’t see anybody else have any general questions about the recommendation

Unknown Speaker 1:24:39
by staff is that we

Unknown Speaker 1:24:42
forward a sustainable drug conservation level as part of the 2021 water supply and drought management plan.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:50
So I don’t know if there’s any further discussion Otherwise, we’ll need a motion to that effect. if everybody’s in agreement,

Unknown Speaker 1:25:01
Mr. Move. Okay, we have a motion by Allison, is there a second?

Unknown Speaker 1:25:05
I’ll second. Have a second by Roger. Any further discussion?

Unknown Speaker 1:25:11
Seeing none, all those in favor say aye? Aye. Opposed. Okay. Motion carries. Thanks, Wes. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:21
All right. We’re on item nine, nine a is a sustainability and per capita use information. Can you had this one? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:25:31
actually, I’ll introduce. Thank you very much, Chairman. I have francy. Jeff, he’s here today to present this information, we want to do two things one, waterboard had asked for some specific information on the per capita use and francy put a real good information together there, as well as kind of our annual update on the water conservation program in general. So I’ll go ahead and turn it over to francy to present that information to you. Great, thank you, Ken. Um, Heather, can you pull up page 42 packet does walk through those different. So I’m

Unknown Speaker 1:26:14
bored. I just wanted to start with kind of an overview of our annual metered water consumption and acre feet.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:22
From 2007. I just want to highlight that you do see that jump in 2020 from 2019. That’s, that drops probably a lot higher with the combined with 2019. us having so much, I don’t think people started turning on their sprinkler systems until July, because there was so much water that year, compared to last year, which was very different, much more drought conditions.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:48
So even even with that jump, if we look at a five year average, if we could do like 2007 to 2011. And then look at the past five years, there’s still about a 6% average reduction in water consumption. I also want to highlight that the larger increases, you saw increase in 2020 from 2019 was residentially, though it wasn’t as high as our last drought year, which was 2012. So we did have less consumption this in last year than 220 12. I’m also going to highlight that our city water usage was our third lowest since 2007, and 2020.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:32
And I think that’s important to highlight because that highlights different upgrades our parks have been doing in the past five years, from moving from to more from more from treated water to raw water also doing different irrigation upgrades. So I think that actually highlights some of the work that even last year with higher water usage, our city water usage was actually

Unknown Speaker 1:27:55
not as high as previous years, well, still higher than last year, but not as high as kind of the past over 10 years. Next slide.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:06
So this is our gross per capita per day. So this is looking at we take the water, the plant effluent, and then subtract outlines usage, and then divided by our service population. So we take our city of Walmart population, estimate week, the amount of we have a couple more about a little bit more than a couple of external

Unknown Speaker 1:28:32
households that we estimate that residential population, and that’s our total service population. So again, you can see that jump from 2019 to 2020. But it’s still a downward trend from 2007. Again, that five year average, from 2007 to 2011. Or sorry, the five year average in the past five years, about 141 gallons per capita per day is our that average with it’d be a little bit high this year at 145. And then that that five year average reduction from that 2007 to 2011 verse the past five years, it’s about 17%. So the or

Unknown Speaker 1:29:16
so it shows a higher savings per person, because of our large increase in population but the our water usage compared to our how our water usage is going down. So hopefully I’m based on Wess estimations, we’ll probably see a similar or maybe a little bit higher water usage this year. And then so if you can scroll down to the last and this is our water conservation program update. So I know there’s a lot happening on that left side of the screen. So with our resource central programs, they actually ran out of gardens last year, so we sold out

Unknown Speaker 1:30:00
discounts but total garden sold in Longmont was actually lower. They had the same problem this year, they ran out of gardens, I think, in in late March. So I think if they weren’t even they’re open for about a month before or no is the first week of April. So they’re open for just over a month before they ran out of gardens. Last year, with our waterwise seminars, we actually had our second highest amount of participants. And that’s, I think, pretty impressive because it was the first year we actually did webinars due to COVID. So actually, because of how well for multiple with COVID still happening, but also how successful it is. We’re doing webinars again this year,

Unknown Speaker 1:30:38
we actually had that first webinar, that you can see that I estimated 103, registered when I sent this over to Heather, since then we’ve had the reservoir registration. Sorry, the webinar this year, we had 76 people attend. I don’t know how many of those were I usually they’ll tell me at the end of the season, how many long lots specific residents attend. So then we also had our hot last year, we had our highest number of people participating in slover flow. So hopefully we can continue and have more people getting those irrigation assessments. We had not as great a year last year when it comes to toilet rebates with our sustainable business program grant. This was actually they got a it was a number it was a small grant to fully cover the cost of different indoor appliances. So there were four toilets.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:30
And then if you actually look at the efficiency works, we only had six residential toilets.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:36
Last year, I think that’s a couple of reasons. It was a new Pro, we removed the program to efficiency works. It was stricter requirements. We,

Unknown Speaker 1:31:48
it was COVID. There’s a lot happening. I think the fact that already, this is from March through March, we’ve had the same number of last year, that’s a better idea that we’ll have more people participating. We did some more outreach in April. So I’m hoping at the end of the month, I’ll see also increase in the number of toilet rebates.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:09
We actually had, I thought a pretty good lunch for residential irrigation. We had 101 different rebates from match purchase, match precipitation, rotor heads, and rain sensors and

Unknown Speaker 1:32:23
Wi Fi irrigation controllers make up that 101. And then we had four different projects with multifamily and commercial and we did not have any toilet and urinal rebates. We’re still trying to figure out this year how to best engage the commercial multifamily market that’s completely new for us. So we have a we did I just found out today that the multifamily buildings or have other with all the snow happening have some other priorities. So we’re going to push them again. But we’re really trying to be strategic, and try to target those industries more this year. And then we’re also hoping to bring on later this year, we’re just waiting for final approval. More commercial rebates especial, especially in the commercial kitchens. So we can really offer more opportunities specifically for restaurants. So we’ll be targeting restaurants more this year. So lastly, we had some different projects. We I worked with parks too, we received a grant to transition 1.25 acres to a waterwise turf. So hopefully by the end of this year, we’ll see we estimated 50% water savings. So we’re hoping to see if that’s accurate, and then also work to create a more strategic plan next year for turf transitions. And then we also did a indoor fixer fixture upgrade part pilot with the st. Green Valley School District we fully covered the cost. We wanted to do a large project so that we could create some case studies about Okay, if you fully replaced a large number of toilets and urinals. How many how much savings would you get so that we can better target more other schools, maybe some of our multifamily buildings. But unfortunately, we probably won’t get some good data on those savings for a couple years because schools have been so virtual on and off virtual. So I kind of jumped between 2020 and 2021 as I went down. So a lot of our SMG most of our 2021 programs are still running except for guarding the box. Now last thing I want to highlight before any questions is that this year, we actually offered a pilot program in resource sexuals Garnet box we do the income qualified program. So long one has a program called cares. That is a kind of one stop shop application for different rebates so cares participants this year could receive a 80% discount on their garden. So actually I have the number wrong we actually had 52

Unknown Speaker 1:35:00
Not 51 income qualified gardens sold, I think it was a total of 38 participants. It’s showing brain because we didn’t sell out all our discounts. So they have another fall sale that I think we have, we could sell maybe about 10 more garden. So we’re gonna push that. So I’m very excited to learn what went well with this program this year, how we can engage more of our income qualified community and get gardens out to more individuals where cost has been prohibitive in the past. So that is my overview. Any questions?

Unknown Speaker 1:35:40
Roger, go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:42
Can you go back to the chart before that? The per capita usage?

Unknown Speaker 1:35:48

Unknown Speaker 1:35:52
Yeah. Okay. My question Francey is,

Unknown Speaker 1:35:56
what is our objective on this particular measurement right now? I mean, what were we what are we targeting?

Unknown Speaker 1:36:07
Yes, thank you for that question. So our current goal in our row based on our raw water master plan, specifically focused on overall water usage, and I do not believe had a specific goal for growth per capita per day.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:27
But I’m sure based on overall water usage, we could essentially projected population come up with a target. Can I saw you?

Unknown Speaker 1:36:39
Did your video. Thank you, Roger. That’s an excellent question. So France is absolutely correct. He originally, in our raw water master plan, we set a goal of a 10% water savings at

Unknown Speaker 1:36:55
essentially build out what was called planning horizon of the city. That’s a 3500 acre foot savings.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:05
Through a lot of people’s efforts, Nelson’s in France, he’s primarily over the years, we’re really about there. And that’s most excellent. We’re very, very happy to be to be very successful in that those efforts.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:20
Which means that when we do our next water efficiency, master plan, update, and we’ll be able to engage with waterboard and have a serious conversation about looking at that savings goal, and seeing if we can make it a slightly more aggressive and increase the final

Unknown Speaker 1:37:44
water conservation efforts and goals for for the planning horizon or the city. So France is absolutely correct. We our ultimate goal is to meet the 10% savings at

Unknown Speaker 1:37:59
the planning horizon. And we’ve really done that. Thanks to her and else’s efforts. That now you’re still talking about total water usage. Right? Not per capita.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:14
We’re talking about the total water supply for the city.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:19
That is correct. The total usage?

Unknown Speaker 1:38:23
You know, I guess my point is, and I think a measurement of usage per capita is a lot more relevant on what we’re doing as individuals and just saying the total water usage if you’re not, if you’re not figuring in or factoring in our population, I think that doesn’t tell the whole story. And I’m just giving you my two cents worth I, I am, I would be much more favorable to watch per capita usage. I think it tells a story a lot clearer than total water usage. That’s just my opinion can Yeah, no, I couldn’t agree with you more. In fact, normally, many times when we do these graphs, we have the gross per capita line. And then below that, we’ll have the single family multifamily commercial, because each one of those I agree needs to be looked at individually. And yeah, for the single family. That’s a real good indicator of what somebody in a single family home is doing for for some of those other and allows you to understand where you need to focus your water conservation. We do have we do have those numbers. And we just we didn’t want to overwhelm the

Unknown Speaker 1:39:42
graphing right now. But But yeah, we’re more than happy to have the conversations around those individual metrics as well. Yeah, maybe we can

Unknown Speaker 1:39:52
look at that sometime down the road. So anyway, I told you how I feel about it. Hopefully we’re going to go from there.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:00
Call. Thank you. Alright, thanks for answering. Any other questions, comments?

Unknown Speaker 1:40:06
francy. I got one, one question on your slide the annual metered water consumption, you mentioned, kind of lower demand for the city properties.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:19
Is this is just portable use, is that correct? So I guess the point is, is you were saying that, you know, there’s been convergence of parks and golf courses, let’s say, from portable to non portable use. I guess my only question there is, you know, to the extent the park or whatever is using ditch writes that, you know, may be available either now, or in the future to the city’s portable system. And I guess I would say, you know, there may be water rights, that we could integrate A or B with a pump back project.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:52
I don’t know it. I just wonder, you know, there. It’s kind of that efficiency, how efficient are they being? versus if they just go to the irrigation water that made that supply may have another use long term? And anyway, I was just kind of curious.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:11
In terms of that measure of efficiency, how much of that is just switching supply? versus, you know, hey, they’re actually using less than what they maybe had historically? So I don’t know if there’s a any numbers on that? Or if you guys have looked at that for the parks of just regardless whether it’s irrigation water, potable water, how much are they actually reducing their use by a certain percentage?

Unknown Speaker 1:41:39
So chair, I know, kind of measuring raw water usage has been something that we’re trying to improve a better way of tracking that I believe not, ever that it that are there still abilities to track it better. So it’s not something we have consistently tracked. I know the parks, over the past two years have been working to install some different ways to better track, I think, three or four of their parks that use raw water usage to have a better understanding. So

Unknown Speaker 1:42:18
we could, I believe, track total water usage for both raw and treated better at our parks, I think we’ve only recently had the technology to even do that at some of our parks. So I think there are more opportunities to do that. But I also know that our parks,

Unknown Speaker 1:42:39
we are, like, have explored different irrigation upgrades and, or exploring, doing different not just the turf transition project I highlighted but installing more water wise plants, they actually installed garden a box at two different locations. So I know they are exploring, but that is something we could explore better in the future.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:03
I just think it probably just helped tell the story a little bit more of you know, they’re being more efficient with their use, rather than just a maybe a transition of supplies is my only point. So I think what you’re doing, it’ll play out that way. Kranthi. As you’re suggesting, I was just kind of curious. Looks like David, you have your hand your virtual hand up.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:24
My virtual hand is up. Thank you, Chairman. Just real quick on that. That is a question that I’ve been asking my park staff as well, we fortunately have a good cart in front of the horse, we started making some of these changes to our systems on how it could be more water, conserve more water in our parks before we had a system in place to truly measure it. So unfortunately, we can’t go back and probably make up that data is more of the idea that we know we’ve done better irrigation systems, we reduce the footprint of turf in our parks, like Bradley said, some of that comes in retrofitting. Also, other pieces are coming into the design, we’re designing a lot more native vegetation to our parks as well, too. So it is going to be an unfortunate missing part of the story where I wish you would have had the data to show that because now we’re gonna start showing change from point where we’ve already taken some of that low hanging fruit as we start incorporating this, but it is something we definitely want to do a better job at trying to calculate our raw raw water usage.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:21
Thanks for that input. David I and I think that is the image for the rest of the city of you know, a the city’s trying to be efficient with its use and Zurich plants. And you know that that even having that information going forward, and maybe it’s application rates over the, you know, over the areas, but anyway, I think that’s great work that’ll I think helped the validity the conservation ethos within the entire community. So I appreciate that. That answer. Thank you. Any other questions, comments?

Unknown Speaker 1:44:54
All right, well, we’ll keep moving. Thank you, francy. For that, that was a good presentation, please.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:00
Very much.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:02
All right, next item is nine B, which is a windy get firming project update. Can you’re gonna get that? Yes, thank you, Mr. Chair. I’m just really a fairly quick update on the windy gap. We we are still negotiating the ice settlement on the federal lawsuit.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:24
I don’t have anything any result report yet, but we’re getting very, very, very, very close.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:33
And I don’t want to jinx anything. And I and I’m not able to even say anything, but we believe we’re close enough that we might even see some kind of

Unknown Speaker 1:45:46
information on that yet. Even this week, we’re that it’s that close. I think

Unknown Speaker 1:45:54
that’ll be great news if we move forward with it.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:59
But again, until till every party in the case has has

Unknown Speaker 1:46:05
signed on the dotted line, we’re not done. But

Unknown Speaker 1:46:09
we had real good conversations with the contractor on how we move forward to have real good conversations.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:16
I’m hearing good things coming out out of the legal team, as well as we’re all taking a quick look at the finances. So I think we’re getting much closer than we are and and certainly as soon as we hear something, we’ll inform the board as well, because it will be big news, and it’ll come pretty quick.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:41
And we certainly are hopeful that it’s good news that you’ll be hearing parents soon.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:48
And that’s really about all I have right now. Todd. Okay. Are there any questions for Ken on that?

Unknown Speaker 1:46:54
It does not look like it. Okay. Thank you again. Next item is nine see a monthly legislative report. Looks like you’re going again, Ken. Yes. And we have nothing that we do not have any bills that we’re recommending, or asking for a recommendation. We’re moving forward right now in the water arena. Seems like we’ve got a whole bunch on sustainability and electrical. Our electric departments got a bunch they’re looking at. But as far as water, we’re we’re kind of mostly just monitoring right now. So we don’t have a really easy report this year, this month. Okay, thank you. So next item is nine D St. Brain lefthand.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:38
Water Conservancy district stream management plan update. Yes. And waterboard recently, may recall recently asked us to

Unknown Speaker 1:47:47
work with the same brain and lefthand water Conservancy district to get an update on their stream management plan.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:55
Unfortunately, they had the staff member that was the project manager

Unknown Speaker 1:48:01
resigned. And so they had a little bit of a setback on the on the scheduling on that. But they have replaced that position. And they’re hoping to start really moving forward. I have talked with Sean Cornyn, the executive director and he feels he can come back probably about July, you’ll they’ll have been able to do enough work on it to come back with a report. So got Kevin on the on the hook today to answer any questions if there if the board has any specific questions or in need. He has a little more information than I would but yeah, if there aren’t any questions, we’ll kind of hope for a

Unknown Speaker 1:48:43
more complete report in in mid summer.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:48
Okay, thank you. Any questions there?

Unknown Speaker 1:48:52

Unknown Speaker 1:48:53
It looks like Rhonda item nine E, water resource engineering projects update Jason.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:01
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Yes, I just wanted to give the board a quick update on two projects. Button rock outlet repairs are complete button rock outlet is now fully open.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:14
Or it’s fully back in operation and we also installed a new flow meter up there on the 54 pipe and it’s now transmitting to the state and I believe the state’s about to adopt that as their new

Unknown Speaker 1:49:30
measurement coming out of buttoned rock no longer using the

Unknown Speaker 1:49:34
the end in stream gate or the downstream gauge.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:38
So that’s good. We will have to go back in and do some touch up repairs to the outlet in the fall. But for now, the gate the gates up and going. It’s minor stuff for what needs to be done up there. The gates not leaking it’s just a touch up spots that we need to smooth out a little bit just to prevent

Unknown Speaker 1:49:58
scouring around

Unknown Speaker 1:50:00
gate seats in the seals.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:03
The other project I wanted to give you a quick update on was the South St. Brain pipeline, pump station project, we now have Smith and loveless under contract to construct and build us an in below ground pump station. And they as of last Thursday, we sent them the

Unknown Speaker 1:50:25
award, they have a week to sign up, get it back to us. But

Unknown Speaker 1:50:30
all the negotiations are done in that project should be starting to move forward.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:35
We’ll do everything we can to make up for lost time. But chances are, we’re looking at probably the earliest that the pump station would be in operation would be January or February of next year. So a little less than a year out. But still a few months behind our original schedule.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:54
Working with

Unknown Speaker 1:50:57
city staff on asking FEMA for an extension because we’re using FEMA funding to purchase this equipment. And we’re going to need an extension to get that but we don’t think that’ll be an issue. We don’t think the fundings in jeopardy. But we’re going to start asking for that extension now. So

Unknown Speaker 1:51:16
there’s any questions?

Unknown Speaker 1:51:18
The questions for Jason on his report?

Unknown Speaker 1:51:22
I don’t see any. Thank you, Jason.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:25
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:27
All right, item 1010. A is a review of major project listings and items tentatively scheduled for future board meetings.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:36
Does any of the board members have anything they’d like to bring up on that?

Unknown Speaker 1:51:41
I do have one item I was just curious of. Can we had talked? I think you know, it was part of the windy gap firming? discussions about talking to Xcel Energy

Unknown Speaker 1:51:53
about the trade agreement that we have with them and making that permanent rather than you know, we have albeit it’s a long term, it’s not a permanent agreement. Have you had any conversations with them? Or where is that? Or is that maybe something you can address at a future board meeting? I don’t mean to put you on the spot. But I would like to hear on that. No, that’s fine.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:18
Actually, we have had conversations with a lot of resources staff at Xcel Energy and they are interested in receiving and would be receptive receiving a an offer or an updated offer for a further contract. We’ve actually prepared one, and I have it in review by the department’s leadership team. And as soon as I get input back from them, we’ll be able to forward that on to Xcel Energy. And so I hope that that will move forward

Unknown Speaker 1:52:55
at some time in the near future. When it does, we’ll get you that information. Awesome. Thank you. Appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:03
Okay, so we’re on item 11, which is informational items and waterboard correspondence. I think the only thing that was in the packet was

Unknown Speaker 1:53:12
oh, I guess a

Unknown Speaker 1:53:15
appreciation from the city of the volunteers and the waterboard. So thank you all for your your service for the city.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:23
I don’t know if there was any questions, comments on on those items that were in the packet?

Unknown Speaker 1:53:30
I don’t see any item 12 is items tentatively scheduled for future board meetings. Looks like we’ll have the cash in lieu review again in June.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:40
I don’t Is there anything else there? Can we need to be aware of?

Unknown Speaker 1:53:44
I don’t have anything else. No, thank you. Okay. All right. Anything else for the good of the order?

Unknown Speaker 1:53:51
Otherwise, I’ll go outside and watch it snow. So started shoveling. So thank you all and we’ll the next meeting date just for everybody’s calendars is may 17. So we’ll we’ll see you guys then. Thank you. Thanks during the me. Thank you all