Housing and Human Services Board Meeting October 8, 2020


Seven o’clock and I will call the meeting to order. Good evening, everybody. I hope that you’re all doing well.


Thank you for making the time to be here tonight.

All right, I’m going to pull up my agenda.

All right. Is there any public to be heard? Erica, you might be the one who knows that.

I’m Brian, I did not hire anything from Nicole about that. I don’t have anything in the shared notes.

Karen Phillips is here.

I don’t see any public. I don’t have notes of any public who specifically signed up. So we’ll assume there is no public to be heard. And with that, we will move on to the approving the minutes from the September 10. board meeting. Is there a motion to approve those minutes?

Motion to approve. Great. And a second.


Deanna seconds. Thank you. Are there any modifications or clarifications required on the board meetings? board? minutes? take that as a no. So All in favor, please raise your hand. Karen who’s taking notes? Okay. Raise your hand for Karen. She’s our our note taker.

If I can’t see everybody. You can see everybody. Right, Brian?

Yeah. So I have Deanna Graham, Madeline and Karen. Philip’s myself with our hands raised. Caitlin is either gonna Oh, no, she’s raising her hand. Okay. Caitlin is making the bold move of voting for approving the minutes as well. So that Motion passes. Okay, which brings us to the borrower rehabilitation loan modification request. Kathy, are you going to walk us through that?

I am. All right. floors, yours.

All right. So this is a household that received a rehab loan, and it was her repayment, one because of the income that they had at the time, when they applied, and they were making payments and everything was going along fine until COVID hit and the husband lost his job. And they contacted us right away, we’ve been working with them. around this. We deferred for a short period of time, which staff has the ability to do but now things have not gotten any better. And so they are requesting assistance. And staff’s recommendation is to move this to a fully deferred loan, permanently deferred loan. With the principal set where it currently is now, and then repayment would come to us at refinance sale or transfer of the home. They have met with the housing counselor is required. And it is showing that they have a monthly deficit. They have a couple of kiddos in college, in addition to trying to make it through this. So it just seemed like it is postponing the inevitable if we went to a like a year’s worth of deferred payments to see how things expanded as opposed to just going ahead and doing a permanently deferred loan. So that is that staffs recommendation.

Thank you, Kathy. Any questions for Kathy?

I have one question. So based on their ami was not a permanently deferred. But now they drop down is and it’s what was it? 68,000 set, right 1808 18 okay and looked at the wrong number. So I’m only curious in regards to process. God willing things will get better. And everybody will be back at full employment. For Yeah, let’s just say everybody. Is there a time when the city would review that and say, you know, this week We should move back to a repayment status.

No, if

sorry, to interrupt, if we’re, if we’re going to the permanently deferred, then we would just leave it at that, at that time and not switch things back and forth, they can always make payments if they want to, if things do get better, and they want it, you know, not hanging over their heads or want to be able to sell free and clear, they can go ahead and make payments. And we’ll take those and keep track of it. But we, once we defer it, we just leave it that way and not go back and forth. Okay, we try not to do this as as many as few times as possible. Right for client.

And my sense is even when things do return to more stability in employment, people are going to be catching up for a long time. Yeah, it’s not like oh,

that’s what we’re thinking that it’s going to be very difficult to recapture their financial position where they were so yeah, some might be, you know, a lot of them are gonna struggle for quite a while.

Okay. Is there a motion to approve? Let’s see, are we approving your recommendation? Or are we moving to salt, let’s say, to approve staffs recommendation to move this Sloane to permanently deferred. Motion to approve staffs recommendation to move along to permanently deferred.

Thank you second.


okay, Caitlin, you’re you’re like, super fast with that hand. But then at the same time, I got the voice so my brain can’t parse the two.

Seconded by an any further discussion.

Okay, all in favor, please raise your hand. So it is visible. And that is, and Karen Philips, Madeline, Caitlin Ram. And Deanna. And myself. So all in favor? Thank you. Thank you. All right. Well, I’m glad that we can bring at least some relief to

their difficult situation that really is hard.

Karen, the the next section on the allocation, and I know that we were going to talk about the board had requested some equity language and that was going to be in there. Do you want to wait for Alberto and we didn’t move?

Yeah, can see. Yes.

Oh, maybe we can if you want to?

Because and he is the probably the point person for home study. So maybe we can Brian, we can jump down to the site visit updates. So tonight in Graham and talk about my meals on wheels in Boulder shelter, and then back up to the other one else. Early Bird tickets. Yeah.

That sounds great. So why don’t we go to agenda item seven site visit update, Kathy evening.

I’m just gonna leave.

Okay. Thank you, Kathy. A great evening. Bye. We will move to agenda item seven site visit updates starting with Longmont Meals on Wheels and board member Woodley. Looks like that’s you.

All right. I did it have to do don’t have my notes. But I’m going to go from memory. Alberto and I met with the the people from Meals on Wheels. And we were privy to meet the first shift, I’m going to say just before they go into the change, that was quite impressive. We did a full tour of the facility to include the kitchen to include how they actually packaged the meals, prepare the meals. And if I recall correctly, some people some of those volunteers have been there in excess of 10 years. And they very, very dedicated, very committed. And I was very impressed with the management. It’s the facility is is very, very, very nice. And as far as the details of it, I’ll have to find that bit but I did have the number of meals that they do for days. Deliveries they do essentially. And actually, I didn’t see my name on here until tonight. So I will Like to get do a reprieve but our next meeting, and I’ll have those stats for you. But I took, I did take very meticulous notes, but that was months ago. I have no. folder.

I think we all feel that way when it’s our turn.

Yeah, but I’d like to I would like to share that with you. Because I did take notes. I was impressed. And I think it’s information that you should have. And you should know, in case you don’t, okay, so it’s okay, if it’s okay. I’d like to give you more on the agenda for our next meeting.

Okay. Did you try any of the food?

No, I did not. It looked scrumptious. But I am. I’m not the easiest person to try and serve food. But it was it looked very scrumptious. It looked very healthy. And I just loved the enthusiasm that they worked with and how they got along. And you know, it was more of a family environment. And you could feel it. So yeah, but I will give you more details based on the notes I took because I really wanted to share it. But that I will do that next meeting if that’s okay.

That’s great. Madeline, it just one question. If you do remember, if you don’t, that’s fine. Did they speak at all about how the pandemic has shifted their business? Are they getting an increase in requests? Or do you recall to

that? Now our visit was before the pandemic?

Yeah, it was before? Yeah, it was before that we actually went to the to that office to the facility. And actually, we were face to face no mask. The pandemic was a it was months away. Okay. Yeah, yeah. But appreciate it. You know, what the between now and our next meeting that it’s something I’ll find out it included in what I give you next meeting?

Yeah, I’m curious, just in terms of our food supply, you know, that’s one of the needs, and there’s been various kind of different impacts across the food supply chain and

be interested to hear how they’re faring and

how they can impact?

Absolutely, I will do as a matter of fact, I’ll just do a follow up call to them, somewhere between now and next up, is it? Thank you, man. I like that meeting. I’m sorry.

Hey, thank you, Karen.

Oh, um, so Brian, yeah, the Meals on Wheels did really step up their efforts during, you know, during COVID, certainly, that the first few months, we were shut down and stay at home. So, so Meals on Wheels is they are not yet serving their congregate meals at your center. So that still remains closed. But they did really ramp up their efforts in their home delivered meals. And I know they signed up many new members they really helped out with, um, you know, in living facilities. So they really did step up and increase their, you know, their delivery and their clients during during the shutdown, for sure.

That’s great.

And, you know, I think some of these organizations that were already well set up for distribution door to door and had facilities for preparation. Were in or, excuse my, my assistant here, were in a pretty good position to be able to add that extra help if they were getting the support they needed in order to do it. And I also am thinking about COVID people who are quarantining, I know there’s an effort now to try to help people or quarantining, deliver them food and meals so that they don’t need to leave the house and encourage that so wonderful. Okay, Graham, you visited the boulder shelter? Do you need a few minutes to get your notes? No, I’ve done that already. and realized that I need to work on my handwriting.

I’ll put it up to the camera, we’ll help you decipher. So be embarrassing.

So I we did a zoom call liberto and I with Greg over there the boss man at the shelter because it was two or three weeks right after the pandemic it was it was directly after it settled in and they were kind enough to still sort of carve out some time in their schedule to talk to us and we kept it pretty brief though. You know, they were very honest about the fact that they couldn’t really meet Boulder County Public Health, distancing requirements, and they they weren’t pretending to you know, and so he was just frank about that it may be different now it was months ago. But he’s like, they’re we’re trying, we’re doing what we can, but there’s only so much. At the time, they were providing hotel vouchers for the elderly or the more at risk population and setting them up in hotel rooms for two weeks. So they could be quarantine they at the time, they were concerned about how, how far they’d be able to take that. And then we’re looking into gathering resources. So I don’t know how that panned out if they’re still able to do that, but I know that was something they were really focused on at the time was to identify the the more susceptible populations and get them in better situations than shelter. General stats is they said they see about 1200 different people per year, a lot of repeats. And then folks that maybe they struggle the document really well. 10 to 20% of those are they would consider Longmont.

Longmont, folks.

So it’s a couple hundred a year different people consider to be long term residents that they serve. It sounded like

a percentage gram, I’m sorry, to

10 to 20%.

Okay. Yeah.

According to these notes anyway. And they said that there’s a staff working coordinated entry in Longmont five days a week

that is helping that.

Um, we asked how you know, Longmont could help and what their biggest obstacles were. And he said something interesting to me. And that was that shelters really aren’t a great solution for the problem, and he said that what we need are housing as assets. And we need to work more to assisting people in transitioning well, and that that really should be the focus. And what this board and Walmart can do to help is, is help encourage and develop and promote spaces to transition people in shelters out of the shelters into more stable housing. And they saw in last year 119, confirmed transition folks into stable housing. As far as diversity, they’re doing LGBTQ plus training with their staff. They’re doing resident surveys, which are anonymous. They have a board member who was a shelter participant at one point. And they they host in formal focus groups. So they can understand better about how their services are affecting their target population. And they’re working closely with open homeless solutions for Boulder County and focused outreach. I think those were the biggest things. Yeah. Any questions about that? Thank you. Any questions for Graham? I, as usual, do have a question, which is, it’s seems to me there was a time and Karen, I think this will probably be one that you might have to weigh in as well. But I remember not, you know, a couple years ago, there was a lot of discussion about competition between the homeless services, there seemed to be not a lot of cooperation and collaboration between, like the shelter and st bridge house or which is distinctly older, but the idea that it seemed like there wasn’t a lot of coordination and a sense of people were fighting for each other for resources. So it’s interesting, Graham, you mentioned transition, which is specifically bridgehouse. And that is a boulder program. But do they bridge house does? That’s their thing, right? It’s taking people off the street and preparing them for productive housing and jobs and training. Do you know that he mentioned whether they work together or not and Karen part of this will go to the coordinated entry whether that maybe is repaired some of that? I don’t have any recollection of bridgehouse coming up. So pretty Karen on that. Okay.

So yes, I can I can take that. So when we

I think certainly the homeless solutions for Boulder County was an outgrowth of some work and efforts to, to really have the homeless services providers be more coordinated to really work on, you know, a common a common goal, common purpose, common screening process. And then really determine what are the services that we should put in place that really moves folks faster into housing and exiting out of homelessness, and continuing to provide support and services that keep people living on the street, and not moving people into homelessness. So so. So that’s certainly brought all the providers together. And and for the first two years of homeless solutions for Boulder County bridge house was the navigation services provider for the for city of Boulder, and hope, and then hoping our center and then hope, well, they were the navigation providers for long month. And then the boulder shelter was the was provided the housing focus shelter, so where folks who are experiencing homelessness and were more vulnerable than they were, I mean, there’s a whole screening criteria, but they were folks that were referred to has a housing focus shelter at the boulder shelter. So that’s much how the home how HSBC operated in, in the first couple of years, we rebid the services, as you might recall, in 2019, for 20. And rich house, no longer put their hat in the ring for navigation services, they operate what they call a Return to Work program. And so, you know, we’re folks live in and live in the building, they get job training, you know, they work either in the lawn care maintenance services, or the food preparation. So they basically, they got out of the navigation services, and boulder shelter now provides the navigation services for the city of Boulder as well as the housing focused shelter for sorry, whenever the phone rings my dog thinks is for him. Um, so, so anyhow, so, um, so yes, the the working relationship was, you know, was better. And like I said, and now bridgehouse is basically saying, No, we’re, we’re really working for folks who are providing housing, and we are helping them with job readiness.

Yeah. Okay. Thank you for that explanation. I’m glad to hear it’s a little more, I guess the the structure helps understand how people fit in and share resources.

I mean, Aaron worked very hard on this.

And you don’t and it’s not without its challenges, because you know, there are a lot of one off situations or there are there are folks that we are seeing that that don’t really fit into the you know, the homeless solutions system or there really are they’re not interested or for whatever reason, they’re just they’re still homeless in our communities and not engaging in services through homeless solutions here

Boulder County, so the

challenges that we continue to deal with

Yeah. Okay. Thank you.

BOARD MEMBER yarbro is not here. So we will have to defer the blue sky bridge discussion toward next board meeting.


going Alberto I got I just checked and it looked like he was even running a little bit later so um, so I think what I will do Brian if that’s okay you all had the received the if we can move to

I have too many jobs tonight.

And move to item number six and the homesteading presentation. This presentation was in your packets. So I I won’t go over all this specific details, but I guess we wanted to give you up at least a high level update of what’s happening with home steady, we have, you know, we have certainly, at the end, there’s only Berto so at the end of this year, we’ll have been, you know, two full years of operation of the home study program. And, and so, so I think one of the things that we wanted to do was to check in and, and, you know, at this point in time, I think, you know, unless we get different input from the advisory board, that we plan to still consider, it’s $200,000, that we set aside as part of our money that we have for human service agency funding, to continue to invest in homeless prevention services. So, so anyhow, but so if you just kind of look in your in your packet, again, we launched the the home study program in April of 2018. And, and this was as a result of what we saw in the previous Human Services needs assessment that we accomplished, which, which had a pretty significant amount of risk of community members or households in Longmont that were that were a unexpected is expanding expense, or, you know, if there was a, like a medical situation, or maybe a temporary loss of job or whatever, that, that there were, there were, I think it was, you know, over 30% between 30 and 35% of households that indicated that, you know, their housing was at risk, should some unexpected expense, should they incur some unexpected expense. So, um, so our are certainly we, our interest was keeping people housed and preventing people from becoming homeless, rather than the more expensive services once folks did lose their housing. So. So I’m on slides, four and five of the PowerPoint that we set out is, is is a summary of the data for 2019 as well as, through the end of July and 2020. The, the amount, because that $20,000 pays for a case manager, you know, our center is the contractor, it pays for one case manager or staff member at the Art Center. And, and then there’s usually around 120,000, maybe a little bit more that’s available for direct assistance. And, and just a reminder that it is that households can receive direct payments at a three up to $3,000. Again, so the intent is to help help in whatever way would be it their flexible dollars, so it’s an unpaid medical bill, that, that those dollars could go to help pay off, just so that we could keep people on track with paying their, you know, their housing costs, so, so it’s up to $3,000 per household. So that’s roughly 40 households that can be served, that they can serve maybe a few more, depending on if the household doesn’t need as much of that $3,000 to get back on their feet. COVID pretty much has gone a lot of that out of the water, but the boat, you know what we’ll get to that, but so you can see in terms of 2019 that we serve 47 households, and there again, in some additional, you know, data that most most we’re able to, you know, to stay in their, in their homes. Three of the 47 lost their their housing, some moved out of the area, but but but, you know, generally speaking, the folks were able to remain stable housed with the assistance they were receiving from home steady. Thus far in 2020. We the our center has served 17 households and thus far the folks that had exited the program, none had lost their housing some and moved out of the area. And those those kinds of things. And then again, certainly there has been a lot of rental assistance that has come the our centers way to help long white households who have been impacted by COVID. So

so anyhow and what

and one of the questions that you know we talked about is

so what an elevator you on.

Hello, I can take over if

you’re okay with that. I had a question.

differentiation between the households

that were giving.

You gave me the answer. But remember, I can address it. I can. So

Karen had a really good question. It’s a really good point. As you know, as we’ve gone into COVID, there’s been a lot of resources, both federal, state and local thrown into housing us stability, housing assistance. And so we were wondering, what differentiates a household that is receiving those type of funds from a home steady household. And what we learned was from the Art Center, when they when COVID first hit, basically, there was no differentiation. But as they as they kept going, and people were not getting jobs or being able to go back into jobs, because their industry was still shut down, they realized that homestudy really worked better for folks that actually had a job and had some sort of medical bills, typically, it is medical bills, sometimes situation where they had extra expenses that month, to in order to cover the rent. And so they kind of started screening for that. So now, you need to have a job in order to get home study. If you don’t have a job, then there is a plethora of other resources that can get support you to stay house. So that’s a differentiation that happens very quickly, as they learn once COVID started.

Thank you, that’s, that’s really helpful. And I just want to throw this out there real quick on food distribution for food access, we’ve seen all kinds of unexpected things. One of them was we expected a lot more engagement with COVID happening. And for our program, we didn’t see as much of an increase as we expected, because we’re not terribly anonymous. And what we found was that a lot of the new people were sending hadn’t received benefits before were really migrating towards those sources where you could just pull up and put a box in the card and no questions asked, or, you know, something that was pretty anonymous. So it’s interesting, this finding that you have and you know, maybe that’s one of the benefits, if there are any of this situation is that we get to learn a little bit more about our client base.

Karen, you’re on mute

Karen’s on mute

there anymore. So you

so um, so anyhow, do le Berto, is there anything else that you want to add? Um, and then I think the other thing is, is based on what you’re what you’re hearing what you’re seeing in terms of the statistics, how we’re using these dollars, is there any concern about continuing to move forward with this investment in homeless prevention services? As as we have outlined at homestead any stay the course make a change? racket? You know, any thoughts?

Oh, I’d like to draw the attention. Oh, go ahead. Sorry.

I think you have the floor on a birth tongue.

Um, I one of the things that we’ve been really working I’ve been working very diligently with the art center because this is important to Karen and I think to the board is how do we without and not just home study but any program that we do we want to ensure that we are trying to do as much of a robust evaluation process as possible. So yes, we can get you the quantitative numbers of how many we serve five and how many last housing that we keep it we know who we are, we’ve been working to ensure that we do more of a qualitative type of evaluation as well. So at toward the end of your of your slideshow or the slides that were in the packet is a is the results of some evaluative surveys that we started doing with clients in 2020 primarily, it took us a while to get this off the ground. But it’s showing some good results and I really wanted to talk about everything I can share Can I share my video Erica? My screen? I don’t

think it’s called you know, she

should have co host rights Elberta, you should be able to share.

Okay, I want to share I wanted to talk a little bit about and I know we got a lot of stuff on the agenda. Um, but I want to talk about

gone through most of the agenda

and items

we bought, FYI.

Okay, good. Sorry. Football has been a little late.

So, um, so read, I want to talk a question for you. I think this is why it’s important that home study that what we have on homepage, we have 13 answers. And you can see how it’s divided. And then I asked, I actually added on there the the actual breakdown of question for today, right? The question is, how confident Do you feel you’re going to remain in your housing for the foreseeable future. Um, and so, when you look at the breakdown, you know, five are very, there’s five that are very, very, very confident they can do it. But look at that at the number three, which is, you know, once between one and two, how confident they are. And you see that there’s still people that are feeling a little, I’m not confident that they can remain the housing. So I really wanted to just share that because I think it’s still a challenge. I think this is why homestead is important, whether we how he delivered it, we could always change it. But I just thought that, you know, that that showed that people are still concerned about keeping their housing and in housing is a huge issue. And he has done a really good work, but it’s still, it’s just a it’s just an issue that folks in long run are facing. And we’ll be facing for some time until we can have more affordable housing. So that was my only other piece from this from this presentation. But I’m happy to answer any questions.

Great. Thank you. Any questions for Alberto?

Councilmember Christiansen?

I don’t know if this is a question so much as a comment. I think you can see from the results that single parents are far and away the most vulnerable. in this situation. There wasn’t any kind of breakdown of ages. But single parents are in the utterly impossible situation of now having to be home, to help their children who are home. But having to also somehow have a job to pay to feed the kids and have a house or remember their head. And it’s just it’s very difficult. I remember when we had the rise program, that was also the most helpful to single parents who stayed with it longer because they were highly motivated, because I have such a hard, horribly difficult time. I’m just wondering whether we have any specific program that is geared toward helping single parents in this city at all?

That’s a great question. I think a lot of our programs don’t necessarily focus on single parents, but but i would i would agree with your statement that that that may be a major population that is served by a lot of our programs, even if that is not the particular target population. Now there are programs that we don’t find that I think are still around us focus primarily on on single parents, like I think the pro group is still around. That was gonna lifebridge into became their own nonprofit. And they they’ve always been focused on single mothers. So at that program, I think it’s still around. But other than that, I don’t think of any I don’t think any program that specifically focuses on single mothers outside of the mother house, but that is a very specific program around homelessness.

Not necessarily self sufficiency. Yeah. Yeah.

You know, it’s a really good point. Because with COVID, and children having to be home, disproportionately, that burden falls on your mother. And I know that there’s discussion about how far will this setback women professionally, just because of the impact of not being able to engage professionally as they normally would? So I wonder if, you know, just kind of keeping it in the back of our minds in terms of how it fits into the needs assessment, this specific contemporaneous issue and whether we want to think about that.

I don’t know if the women’s work does that. I mean, They help with some things. I don’t know if it’s

right there Borba direct financial assistance. They don’t provide wraparound case management type of or you know, professional type of job training. There are agencies that do that. But again, there has to be focus on single and single parents there. But single parents probably make up a lot of their population.

And there’s the county program families felt self sufficiency. Exactly. So there are, that may be a

demographic when we think about outreach, as a general idea, contacting people and make them aware that there are services available. You know, I think often the ones who the people who are going to apply the least are the ones who haven’t done it in the past, and they’re going to have no idea really what’s out there. So, you know, that may be something that’s something worth consideration. I don’t know what role we play in that. But I think it is worth thinking about because a lot of people are going to need help a lot of people are going to be behind. Umberto. So first of all, are there any other Karen Phillips, did you have a question? Oh, okay. You just suggest here. Anybody else have a question or comment for Oberto?


Because I don’t know if you touched on this, but it looked like for the data through 2020, that if you did for basically half the year that people are accessing the program less than 2020. Do you think that’s just because maybe during the first part of the shutdown, things were sort of on hold? And since July? Do you have any feedback on because we’re in October now on how the program is being accessed and whether we’ve seen a huge jump in it? I guess, I’m just wondering if this is one of the areas that might be especially hard hit because of COVID. I mean, I feel like everything’s going to need more money. But if we’re really serving through this program, single parents and they’re being hardest hit by COVID, then should we talk about whether the same funding is appropriate, changing the funding, I don’t

know, like, I don’t want to open a can of worms. But this is a really hard hit segment of the population that maybe we should talk about whether they’re going to need more resources through this program.

So um, yes, 17 is low. But those are those are 17 completed the program. So there’s still people in there, they’re still going through it. We always and then we always tend to get a surge toward the end of the year. And, and part of it, and this is an assumption, but I think it’s true. Part of it is using the beginning of the year, you get X dollars at help carry folks. And then for the end of the year, folks are struggling. So we all win, not not in the sense of anything, we’ve never had less than 40 clients, so I’m not too worried about it.

And I also wonder he enhanced unemployment benefits helped some people in those early months,

that that’s very possible. But yeah, we will always hit the numbers. I’ve never I’ve never, I mean, and and now even more, the challenge might be finding people with jobs that fit this, you know, so we’ll we’ll put a close eye on that I am on a monthly basis, and sometimes more. But I’ll make sure I’ll keep sign and report back to the board.

Thank you. I have one technical question, what is non compliance where we have an accident due to non compliance typically,

that is so in order to receive the funding? Typically, things like you have to meet with the case manager, you have to do the financial literacy, you have to you know, yet there are some requirements for the for the program in order to receive the funding. So typically, those who don’t want to do that don’t want to meet with, you know, so they’ll happen to somebody will get the first month’s rent, or support, and then just disappear. Yeah, that has happened. So they get exited for non compliance.

And then also, thank you for that. Alberto. Also, like on slide seven of 20 2019, service access and program exit 45% it says did not access our center services program exit. Is that considered to be a good thing? Is that a bad thing?

In my mind, that’s a really good thing. I mean, you would want more because that would that’s telling you is that those folks are no law are no longer eating those services. If gotten to a point financially, where there were They don’t need to access our center services. That’s a good thing. I wish there was more.

Yeah, yeah. Okay. Accessing

is it means that they’re getting support from the center. They may not be helping them with rent, but they’re helping them cover other expenses, like the food or the, you know,

clothing or whatever other services the FM provides.

So yeah, they’re still needing support, but 45% not using is a good thing. It was it was it was more.

Yeah. Great. Thank you. Okay. Any other questions? Comments? All right. Thank you very much, Alberto. We’ll move on to our final agenda item outside of other business, which is the 2021 agency funding. And I think that’s you as well, Alberto.

Yeah, I’m pulling it up. And I’ll share it in a second.

And just as a note, for anybody who’s looking through the packet, I think it says agenda item four. On our, the agenda, it’s item five. But underneath, agenda item four in the actual narrative is review 2021 Human Services funding in case you’re looking for it.

So tonight, the goal is to do a couple of things. One is to finalize the hearing schedule. And I apologize that we that I hadn’t sent this out before, so you’d have a chance to look at it. But we want to try and finalize our hearing schedule. And then the other piece is to hopefully finalize our priority allocation. And before I get there, I’ll talk a little bit about why that’s important and how it’s used. But first, I want to start by looking at really important what our hearing schedule is. So in 2020, lasts for the 2020 rounds, we had five hearings and five week periods, and they’re broken up between morning evenings. And one Saturday meeting. So we had two Thursday mornings, to Thursday evenings and one Saturday morning meeting. I think we saw 48 applicants, I think it was a, it was a whole lot of agencies that you all interacted with at that time. Um, I can give you a quick update, even though it’s it’s still not even the applications don’t do until the 16th. But I did give an update to Karen today. So far, we only have 22 applicants that have applied, but I’m sure that some are procrastinating and I will get a flood next week, when it’s due. I’m sure I’ll get a bunch on Friday. So, but 22 is not too bad so far. I mean, if you had 22 here, that would be easy. But I’m sure that it’ll be more than that. So Karen, I worked on some potential dates for you all to consider tonight. And we we we think that in order to be sufficient to have enough dates for hearings, we think we need six, we don’t say we’re not actually going to use all six we may not. But we wanted to choose six so that we will ensure that we have enough hearings and it for the upcoming round of hearings. So here are some dates that we talked through. And I think I’m looking at my calendar because I can see I think November 9

is a Monday.

And the 16th is a Monday

the 18th

Wednesday, Wednesday.

Second is a Wednesday and third is a Thursday. So we want to try and get stuff before it gets really, really crazy and the holiday time. And then we had couple of Saturdays that we could choose from. Of course. November 14 is a Veterans Day weekend so I’m not sure but we put it out there.

And Alberto, what what timeframes Are you thinking for these morning evening?

Well, we have more folks working in so we’re not sure morning’s work this time.

And we’re always open to it of course, but

And just to set an expectation, we’re definitely going to be missing one or two board members, almost every meeting. We always

did, yeah,

yeah. Okay.

But this gives you a few weeks to actually with the applications to review them.


um, so I guess,

I guess I say is that we’re not really a starting place. So we’re pretty open to whatever is going to work best for the majority of the advisory board members.

So, so,

you know, if you want to try to do some during the day, we can do that some during the evening, if you don’t want to do Saturdays, we just, we just threw some things out. As a place, this is a place to start. And we also assume that since the applications are due on the 16th of October, that

that we would probably need to give you

and give us, you know, at least a good three weeks to get through a good portion of the applications to review. So it’s just it’s a, it’s a, it’s a starting place. So we’re really, it’d be great to hear from the advisory board, what you want to do and what dates work and not work.

Okay. So

sorry, I’m going to try to change my view here. So I can see you all, there we go.

Let’s get some stuff

out. If you all if you want the other view,

Brian, not it’s good I, I can if when I remember how I can actually do both at the same time. So I’m good. Thank you. All right. So let’s give Ella Berto and Karen some feedback on this proposed schedule. thoughts.

I like some of the mornings, but I’m actually totally flexible. Because I know, there have been some people who can’t do that, for people that have kids at home. So whatever other people want, I’ll just go along with

this. I don’t have kids at home.


I’ve got kids at home. And I would, I think for me, the biggest thing would be to know sooner rather than later. Because then I can plan around like my husband’s schedule and that sort of thing. So the days of the week as all the days run together at this point. So there’s no distinction between the week and the weekend is in our house. But knowing sooner does mean that we can like line up if we need additional support or anything like that. So

great. Thank you. Caitlin.

Graham, Deana. I like evenings and weekends. For the most part. I can make some days work. But as a rule, weekends and evenings are best for me. Okay, thank you,

Deanna. I’m pretty flexible. That’s why I really wasn’t chiming in. I mean, like, Caitlin, as long as I know far enough in advance, I can put it out on my schedule. So yeah, now that we’re back in school at knock on wood, we stay in school, it’s a lot easier for me, as well. So if we stay that way, then I’m super flexible on these days. Okay, great.

Madeline. Any thoughts?

Ah, yeah, I’m pretty flexible. Let me just ask. And you may have said it. I didn’t hear it. But, um, any of these good. We have virtual options, the option for virtual.

I would assume they’re all going to be virtual mountain.

Okay. Then Yeah, I’m pretty flexible on Wednesdays. Except for Wednesdays, Wednesday nights, that we still that’s the boulder police oversight. We still meeting every week. So on Wednesdays, but other than that, and even with that I’m flexible. Because I can I can juggle there. So I’m good. I’m good. I’ll figure it out.

All right. Thank you. What about you?

Well, I yeah, there’s a few hard meetings. I just took a look at my calendar, depending on what time of whether it’s morning, afternoon or evening. Otherwise, I am pretty flexible, like everybody else I could typically schedule. So maybe so for me, the days look as good a spread as anything. Right. It’s logical. It’s got a mix of things. I think it’s the time of the meeting that becomes more important. And I wonder if if we could do a doodle poll agreeing on those days, but simply Get some responses about what time of day are people available morning, afternoon or evening, right? Or morning and evening or whatever? Then maybe we can choose those timeframes. So everybody can plan. We know which ones we’re not going to be able to make in advance. We know which ones we can make and prepare accordingly. Would that be alright with you, Ella Berto to put that together?

I think so. So I guess I can do that.

I just think that people that have kids at home.

I hope they say what’s best for them? Because I think they take priority.

Sure. Yeah, I agree. And so like, for me, having a kid at home, morning, evening, afternoon, it doesn’t matter. He’s going to open the door and start talking to me regardless. Right. So he’s going to interrupt my meeting no matter what time it is. But I don’t, he’s not he’s old enough that we don’t worry about naptime and things like that. So we do want to prioritize them. Karen, I interrupted you,

I think No, No, No, No, you didn’t. I was I was interrupting you. So um, so is it fair to say that that generally speaking, that we should shoot for evenings?

To the extent possible, I would love to get some morning or afternoon time simply because the evenings on lower energy, I’m typically my mind isn’t as you know, I’m trying to flush things rather than take things in.

You know, to the extent that we can get started listing times I like that, but

And what about Saturdays of eight? Some people love it. Some people don’t. So you know, are are either those Saturday options like you want to consider one Saturday option? Or?

I’d rather not i just i agree with Brian, it’s like when you’re looking at the computer all day to do the evenings is tough. Because you’re just fatigued from it from all day, even though people the kids, they get the priority, but we could have a couple of mornings or days that would be nice.

What about Saturdays? For us?

It’s alright, just evenings are hard, but whatever. Okay.

I prefer to steer clear Saturdays, mainly because that’s the only day we can only day because these meetings I started this morning at 730 with the Longmont Community Foundation. So yeah. I would prefer to leave my Saturdays open if at all possible.

But we do need to do less and do our best to come up. That will work for most folks most the time.

Yeah, Caitlin.

Yeah, I’ll add, I guess, to Donna’s point, too. Like I’ve got one kid who’s back in school. I got one that’s being homeschooled completely. So during the day, during the week, when he’s actually at school, he’s the younger one, and is the one who would interrupt

during the day during the week is kind of better in that sense.

Because then,

it’s really only dealing with a 10 year old who then who can actually entertain himself and you know, not getting in our hair. So yeah.

Thank you, Caitlin. Alright, so let’s, I think so i’m open on Saturdays. But let’s say this the days that you chose, the dates are good. If we can just doodle to get some, you know, see the majority of times that people will be able to meet we’ll just lock those in and I think to an point Please be honest, we do I when you have kids at home, I mean it is one of the hardest things so we will try to work around that as much as possible. We know that most people are not going to be able to make every single meeting that will be taken into consideration. And Elberta, I’m thinking the doodle poll I’ve seen some holes with this and some without where you say yes or no but sometimes you also have the option of it’s a yellow indicator that’s it like if absolutely necessary I can do this but I prefer not to.

Yeah, I can I can work with Nicola on creating that.

I’m just wondering if alfabeto you can reach out to she keep typing Before you start the whole thing, or whoever’s going to start it, I have no idea what her schedule is what I’m hearing tonight, what I’m thinking of doing.

So let me let me give you my game plan that that we’ve had this conversation is on the board. What we’re doing is basically sending out a doodle poll. I want to, you know, to Malins point, I must clear stay clear of Saturday’s unless we really have to. And then I’m going to put all those dates in, and I’m going to put a morning choice, an afternoon choice and an evening choice. Hmm. And then we’ll see what people and it’ll be. So mostly, they’re going to be about two to three hours. They’ve been three hours in the past. Which is why sometimes the evenings are hard when it’s a three hour.

Yeah, it’s three hours. It’s not too bad.

Yeah, well, we get 22. If you get 22 applications,

you have 22 applications, I’m sorry. It would be

so three, they’ll be three hours, they’ll be three hour blocks. I’ll do a morning and afternoon and an evening. And then we’ll go from that. That’s the game plan, then we’ll go from there.

Great. That sounds good. Thank you.

No, carry my question to you. Since we’re not making any decisions. Do we need corn for those?

You know, No, we don’t. We don’t necessarily need a quorum. But I. But I think what really what we want to try to do is get as many people there as possible. If the you know, the agencies go to a lot of work, they know it’s a nine member board. And then when they walk in the door, and there’s three board members, it’s kind of deflating, so I think. So I think I think it’s important that we get a majority of the board members at each meeting. And certainly the preference would be is that everyone is there for all all of them. But I would say we certainly want a majority. We don’t have to stop the show, though, if that’s your question. Okay.

All right. So that’s the game plan I will work with, with Nicole, next Wednesday to start getting those things out.

Great. Thank you. All right, awesome.

All right. So before we go to the next piece here is priority allocation, I’m gonna just give you a little bit of background. What we’re about to do is about to set basically the percentages that we want to apply to each of our buckets. Right. We’ve talked about these buckets in the past, housing stability, you know, health and well being self self sufficiency, and resiliency, for nutrition, education, skill, building, Safety and Justice. So we, the board decided to maintain those buckets for 2021. But we need to prioritize based on what we learned from our human services needs assessment. And care. And I took a really, you know, a new a new look, and a hard look at the Human Services needs assessment. And we both felt that the best guidance because this human service needs assessment wasn’t necessarily crafted to give you an easy answer on how you should prioritize. It was really more around giving you a broad and sometimes specific picture on needs in the community. And I think he did a good job of doing that. But it wasn’t necessarily set to say this easily how you will prioritize, but we eat these priorities, primarily because the I think the biggest thing, or the biggest help they provide is they help us they help the board, as they’re doing deliberations really look at at ceilings, award ceilings, per category per bucket. And so that’s where they’re really important. The caveat, I want to say, at least in the two years that I’ve been involved, and is that we rarely ever, stick super close to what the allocations are. Sometimes we go a little over. So if you go way below, but again, the importance is more around setting individual limits for priority, and less about what we end up funding because, as we and I’ve said this before, we can’t control or we could but we don’t. We can’t control who applies and what we can control group buys but control what people apply, how much they apply for. So, I just wanted to set that context as we go into the conversation. So this is what we this is the Karen presented this to city council a few weeks ago. This is our human services funding set aside, right. And here’s how it’s broken down. You can see that the agency grant program is 877,455, which is an increase of about 107,948, from 2020. So we are increasing the amount.


that is what we have for human services, agency grant funding. This are the this is the breakdown of the 2020 buckets, the 2020 allocation limits, we had housing stability at 25%. health and well being at 17.5. Equally food nutrition, and then education, skill building, self sufficiency and resilience and then Safety and Justice was at the end was lost. And it was still 11%. So it wasn’t a huge amount. It gets between Safety and Justice and housing stability. So as I looked, as we looked at the exit at how we’re going to prioritize for this year, again, a reminder that this human services needs assessment didn’t lend itself to very readily do this, we both felt that the executive summary was the most appropriate place to find it. And you all have that. I didn’t send out this packet, but you had, you should have a copy of that as a board already. And what we saw an executive summary in recommendation one looks at to prioritize, continue to prioritize housing stability, and self sufficiency and education. And then in recommendation three, they really bring in mental health care and and recommendation to was much more around how services are delivered and less about which services are delivered. So it was hard to really draw anything from recommendation two. And two was really around. How do we how do we emphasize the no doors are not yet known doors a wrong door process for resource navigation, which is, of course, I think, very important, but not necessarily something that we fund directly. Right, that that is outside of the purview of this board. So really, we looked at recommendations one and three that gave us things to fund. So here is where we left where I landed. And again, these are arbitrary in the board can change them. I just this is my thoughts. These are what i when i when i read that read those things. I said, Okay, this is the way that I would break it down. I keep having stability at 25. I moved up self sufficiency, because that has become a bigger issue now with job losses and all sorts of challenges. Um, education. And in particular, when we talk about education, I’m talking about childcare, childcare slots, move that up as well. I moved health a little bit down only because I know that with COVID, the health is still an issue. And there’s a lot of federal federal dollars going to health doesn’t mean that there’s still not a need. Same thing with food. To me health and food were things that are still really important. And there’s a lot of money coming from a lot of places for Food and Health. And so that’s why I felt that while they’re still important that we could use our funding a little more effectively in these other top three buckets. And then safety I kept at it. I mean, we were at 11% last year, we were at 10% this year. It’s a need. It’s it’s always comes out and but it’s it affects or impacts a smaller amount of the population. So I’m gonna stop there for any questions and then I’ll show you what it means. monetarily, unless y’all want to see that first.

Let’s take some questions now Oberto because I think just the prioritization relative to one another is a really helpful start for you. Looking at how we would allocate funding. Okay, so any questions or comments for ella barito feedback on the way this has been organized? So while you’re thinking of your really vital question that you know, you want to ask, I will throw in that. I think kind of second what Alberto was saying. The the fact that we apply percentages, and we have this formula would almost make it seem like there’s a lot of science and little art, to having this discussion. But I think more than anything, the the way that we approach it, also, and perhaps most importantly, helps us make sure that we’re confident that the decisions we’re making are what we believe is in the best interest of the citizens of long month. So it really becomes a framework for how we think about these decisions. It’s not a hard and fast rule. And as Elberta said, you know, we don’t know, whose if enough people are going to apply and in self sufficiency to actually even ask for 20%. But if somebody stops us on the street and says, Why did you fund them? This framework helps us remember that we did that because the priorities were this and that priority indicated. So that hopefully, what I’m trying to say is we don’t need to get too lost in the weeds, I think. But we need to be confident that we understand why we’re making the choices we’re making, and particularly when they are relative to one another. So that’s I kind of extended into bloviating. So I’ll stop there for a moment. But

any questions or feedback?

Does this look good to everybody? Should we interpret the silence to mean Okay, we got some thumbs up. All right. So I agree. I think it looks good. My only question. And it’s really a question of clarification. Education. If I remember the needs assessment, I think the education component was oriented towards job skills training or developing skill sets for employment, is that right?

Right. But typically, for us, that falls under self sufficiency.

Okay. So and the reason I’m asking is because I, we’re gonna see impacts of COVID, and people losing their jobs for years. So trying to recover lost income trying to recover lost opportunity. Is there a sense Do you recall from the needs assessment of whether it’s a fair number of people will not be able to recover as quickly because they’re not going to be trained for opportunities that will become available next year or the year after? Or is it really we just lost a chunk of time that we are working and therefore we don’t have that income? So I’m wondering if COVID has changed the way we think about job education as being the importance that it is.

So I can I can speak a little bit to some of the population. So the way it so the way that human services needs assessment primarily worked around population was based on hard because this, remember, this is this is this is an addendum to the human services, a need assessment, that was part of the Consolidated Plan. I would, and that primarily focuses on housing. So a lot of their survey questions were around homeowners, renters, you know, that kind of, but there are some points where they talk about people who are hurt the most or will be challenged the most. And they talked about what we talked earlier, single parents, people will have had is in caring. I don’t remember the other one, we, you and I talked about it, but

the other one

he cut out, did you say disabilities, people with disabilities?

Yeah. Hi, Joe. Yeah, so we did find that those were the puppies that talked about being impacted the most by by COVID. Okay.

Thank you. That’s really helpful. So I think that’ll be important for us to keep in mind as well when we look at that general category. And we start going to applications is the understanding of those specific needs within that category.

And Brian, what I would also add is that it is You recall that most of the data gathering occurred pre. So there is all that data and and so, you know, what we have that talks about job loss and job acquisition came out in the focus groups. And so I think there’s some, you know, so that’s, that’s basically what we, you know what we have, but I think certainly there are our folks we heard from in the in the focus groups that they have, it’s a new normal for them, you know, tunity, and doing what they did before is probably not, I’m probably not coming back. So

thank you. And, you know, my, one of my thoughts is like, housing stability is, seems to be the bedrock of all the others is, you know, like, every year here, I seem to better understand that if people are in their homes, they’re feeling safe, there’s more secure, there’s more stable, and they can pursue some of these others. So I like that self sufficiency is actually the second priority, because I think in many ways, of course, they’re linked.

So I’m going to show you now what it means. And again, it’s really about helping us set a price ceiling. In the past, we hardly ever stick to these pairs. We come close sometimes, but typically, we do very,

really our guideposts.

Exactly. Or to Brian’s it’s a framework, it doesn’t, it doesn’t tie us in completely, it just provides a framework would look like with as we as the numbers are, um, those are the those are the limit amounts. And you can see that, you know, it does definitely favor housing stability at 25%. But there’s still quite a bit of funding for all the other

all the other


And I want to also show a comparison of 2020.

So this is what this is, what the numbers were in 2020.

Are these the actual numbers for 2020? are what the kind of like bucket amounts for the bucket amounts? Okay.

Um, I can actually quickly look up what we spent, I can tell you that we that education, we spent a lot more than that on education, education, in particular child slots is one of our biggest requests, we have a lot of providers that come asking for, for education dollars, we did not spend, I can elevate that we didn’t spend all the Safety and Justice dollars last year.

I don’t think we spent all the housing stability.

dollars, I think we did spend our self sufficient, we spend a little more than that. So sufficiently, those those are education and health where our were ahead of sort of last year.

republish these priority limits to the applicants during their process.

We have not in the past.

I think one of the challenges with having a structured approach, a numbers based structured approach is avoiding you know, we people will naturally have an inclination to try to use the approach to their advantage if possible. And so as much as we can minimize that, and that’s part of our job in the interviews as well as to make sure that requests are substantiated. I’m excited, frankly, I mean, I I’m really grateful for council having agreed to increase the amount of funding over time. It’s exciting to me to see these increased numbers in these areas. It’s certainly the right direction, and it just feels good. It feels like you know, there’s some important city services so I’m grateful for them.

So I guess Do we need a i think i think that’s my last slide. We need a motion. To prove the these


yeah, let’s let’s entertain a motion,

because then we have clear direction that that can be our framework.

Yeah. Okay. So is there a motion to approve the funding amounts presented by Ella Oberto as the the max the guidelines of maximum funding in each category.


Madeline moves.

Caitlin, this was your chance. I was looking straight at you. seconds. Okay. All right. Any other discussion? concerns? Questions? clarifications? Okay, let’s go ahead and take a vote. All those in favor? Madeline, you’re going to have to give a verbal unless you can go on camera. Everybody on camera? Raise your hand, please. Madalyn, are you okay, I got it. Thank you. So we’ve got Madeline, and Deanna Caitlin, Karen Phillips, Graham and myself. So the vote is unanimous to approve those limits.

So thank you all. Next Steps just to to show your board members, I’m going to take what you just voted on. And I’m going to use that in creating a matrix and Karen, I need to work on the weighting piece. That’s something a staff does. But that’ll be part of a matrix, then you will that you will all see once you fill out your application. Upload your evaluations, I think all of you should have a EC impact account. I know I already did that. If you don’t access it, please reach out to me. I’m Karen, I will work on the matrix. Karen, I will work on the on the on the weighting piece because that’s also very important. And I’ll use those priority limits that you just said see individual award ceilings that other says I mentioned earlier. I’m correct. So that’s that those are the next steps. Right.

Thank you.

So all Umberto applications are going to their due on the 16th. When will when will they be available for us to review? are they available now as they come in? Or

now? Because that close? has to

close? Okay,

I will try and get them that Monday. I’ll try and work over the weekend to make sure you guys haven’t by the Monday. Okay, Monday.

The 19th grade will be my goal.

It shouldn’t be that difficult. This I’m getting better at the EC impact process now.

So I should probably have it by Monday.

So just for new members, because we won’t meet again until after those have gone out if Graham and and do you have any kind of thoughts on efficiencies you have found and reviewing those are methodologies you use? Because it can become overwhelming very quickly and difficult to know how to least in my experience difficult to know how to kind of measure one against the other? Do you have any thoughts on that, that you’d like to share and Madeline as well. my two cents I would offer is to try to read the applications of the people you’re about to see present. And that was really helpful for me to do. So read them like, within some time, like right before presentation or so they’re fresh and okay. So gram, you would would you score them while they were presenting? Or did you score them afterwards or before? After I feel like the hearings went too fast to really do a good job of scoring. And so I would you know I think familiarizing yourself with what we’re scoring them on before we started hearings is really important. And then I would take shorthand notes and then even create an outline for my notes about what we scored the folks on like diversity or you know, are they taking input from their people and improving their systems etc. And, and then that would help me sort of tailor my questions and then I could take a short and pen and paper notes and go back later and hopefully without too much time and score The organization’s which I had recently just seen, present because I think it was too much time it was hard to remember and and so I honestly, I would even put in notes about the people who presented so it would help me trigger you know what color hair, they will they brought a briefcase or something to help my memory because three, four hours and they’re just rolling in and out and in and out. And you know, just any sort of trick to help help put an association between the people and the screen and computer software. You’re scoring them on. Great. Thank you. That’s really helpful. Madeline, do you have any suggestions?

Um, well, in addition to Graham’s excellent comments, I would, one of the things that people commented to me about was, they felt we were engaged and very, very much so into what they were presenting, because we were taking notes during the time that they were presenting. And while it is kind of hard to, you know, to keep up and try to catch you get, you can basically get the main points. So, yeah. Great. So in that take, be able to take the notes during their presentations, I think gives them a sense that we’re paying attention and that what they’re saying is important.

Right, thank you, Madeline. They can wisdom.

No more than that. I mean, it was good eye contact. But I don’t know if we can do that now or if it does still work. So


Elberta, and I just want to remind the board that I think with your feedback, and I appreciate your feedback, I’ve recently redone the board evaluation, and made it hopefully run a lot closer to the application. One of the one of the things that board provided feedback was on that the application and the evaluation didn’t run parallel and sometimes didn’t make sense, or there’s hard to make the connection. And hopefully, I’ve done a good enough job that as you’re doing this, the evaluation itself will help you maybe prepare for the hearing.

So great, thank you, I’m looking forward to that I’m excited with those changes. And for myself, I’m a perpetual procrastinator, I’m certain that it’s one of those social behaviors where my mind is much sharper under pressure. And that’s the reason I do it. But I almost always wait, what I feel is too long. What I have found really helpful though, is to come in to the interviews with one or two questions that are very specific and have specific interest to me, because engages makes me feel more engaged during the presentation because I’m listening to certain things. And as Graham mentioned, this, this is the do, as I say, not as I do, if you can, if you can finish as quickly as possible after the evaluation. Just as a note, I find it really challenging every year because there is no absolute scale. Right? It’s a relative process between five groups who are proposing to serve this area. It’s like, well, this one is, you know, I would say is not quite as good as this one. And so one of the challenges I have is getting to the end of evaluating something and thinking, gosh, you know, if I knew what I knew now, I’d probably evaluate that first one differently. But if you have good notes, like Graham indicated and Madeline indicated, then you can always go back. So just engagement. All right, thank you for the feedback. And I just learned a lot myself.

Yes, Karen Phillips,

I do we get this stuff through the email or how do we get this information to look over?

So can you should have already gotten it from me

though, so right now, there’s nothing for you to see. Because I have not popped in your account.

Like alligretto The question is, if I’m understanding are are these these are right online application reviews.

So I

know I

answered was right. I mean

a lot. Meanwhile, What’s going on by an email is what I meant to say. Okay,

now, yeah,

yeah. Yeah, it is a poll process. It’s not a push process. So nobody pushes the applications to us. We have to log in and pull them down.

Correct. But I’ll email you once they’re all up loaded and everything ready to go.

Thank you. Great.

All right. Any other questions?

Thank you all, Umberto, for all the work on that. I think everything looks really good. It’ll be a good year for evaluations, I can feel it. And I think it’ll be exciting year for our partners to deliver services, because they’re definitely needed.

Okay, is there any other business?

Graham, do we have any part to play or support to provide counsel with this parking lot for helping, you know, folks living in their vehicles and RVs?

Good question.

Councilmember Christiansen

This is

a possibility, it’s a discussion of a possibility. There are a lot of pluses and minuses and it’s dependent completely upon the county, we have no control over that in the RV. I mean, that what was asked is to have a discussion with the county about whether they would allow us to have to reserve a few spaces down at the campground, which is close in the wintertime. Because when they, they never envisioned anything. But a summer campground, so when they put the piping in, they put the piping in about a foot below the ground, so they have to turn the water. So they have to drain it and turn it off in the winter, like, you know, your any sprinkler system. And so, people will have to be self sufficient if they go down there. But in any case, the I think, and Karen could verify this, I think that the county is open at least to people with Arby’s being able to dump their gray water and black water down there, which means sewage. And that would be very helpful because that’s one of the biggest problems but the other big problem is that the all the RV parks in the county are have waiting lists, there isn’t a place for people to go, but we can’t let them live on the streets either because they’re creating a huge amount of not everybody but they’re creating a huge amount of trash, human waste, needles,

General trash


and insecurity in the men in, in residential areas, you know, and also some commercial areas where bad things are going on. And the people who leave those commercial areas have to go past or through RV bunches of RVs that are can be scary, you know, it’s it’s there are places where people are doing drugs, selling drugs. So we have about 61 RVs that are kind of a chronic problem roaming around this city. And it was okay when they were two or three it’s not okay, now we have to do something but what, you know, winter’s coming up.

We can’t. But

we can’t let them keep living on the street especially with COVID because when they throw out trash and stuff Yeah, so it’s a very difficult problem. And but if the weather Boulder County will let us issue a certain number of permits for people to park down there is unknown, it’s up to the county. But the other thing is that that is also if there was a big fire or Earth flood God forbid that campground would have to be used for people and for animals being evacuated and so it’s it’s it was intended to be an all year campground. So it’s a very complicated situation.

Do you have any other questions about it, though?

I don’t know. I was just curious if this board could offer assistance or help with anything?

I don’t know, I was just gonna ask you that kind of Was that your question is like, is there either a desire or an opportunity, you know, for the advisory board to weigh in. And it’s, and I would say that, you know, to add on to what Polly said is that I think that the primary advisory body is going to be the, the homeless solutions for Boulder County. So it is there is an executive board and a policy team that they’re going to, they’re basically are going to be the folks that are reviewing this and making a recommendation to the commissioners. And and those recommendations will inform the commissioners. And, but if there is something, but those meetings where they will deliberate, the executive board, those are public meetings, so you know, again, so if you are interested in getting information about this, you know, want to weigh in, you know, to the Executive Board of HSBC. So those things are all possible kind of, depending on what you’re, you know, what your desire is, I think that I think what the commissioners would really be interested in in terms of the fairground is, is just, we would want folks that are that would need temporary place to stay to be engaged in the homeless versions for Boulder County effort, so that they can get on the path to housing. Yeah.

It seems it’s, it’s so complicated. And you know, when you raise security issues, and the idea of like, is a distributed solution better than a concentrated solution for those reasons?

And I really get challenged.

You know, like, I wonder occasion about the sugar mill, and would that be a temporary location because of course, they’re already parking everything that’s made out there for storage, so could you know that serve as some kind of grounds that’s privately owned,

you know, I think it just helps Ellie Berto and I continue to work harder to find solutions in terms of housing that is more stable that is more secure. So we’re working with the Boulder County to submit a grant to the to the state for some, some possible additional dollars and so we’ll we’ll put our hat in the ring about that we are looking at a variety of other options but so it just compels us to continue to find housing exits for for folks who are living in very unstable situations and

you know, my current housing.

Well, thank you for all the work that you and your staff do. Hello Berto, and Karen on that because it’s, it’s the issue.

You’re welcome.

Okay, Madeline?

Yes, I just have a couple of things. One, the Longmont Community Foundation is sponsoring a seminar, specifically on how to recruit how to diversify your boards, how to recruit to diversify your board, board of directors for organizations, I can send the Karen, if you don’t know about it, I can send Karen the details of the of the event. That’s one thing and then the last thing is some time ago

was Karen talking.

Oh, I thought Aaron will speak

here you

know, Madeline, I just wanna say go ahead and do send me another copy of that. Notice I did get one. But it would be helpful to have another one and that we can send it out to the advisory board.

Okay, I will do it. And the other thing is some time ago, we voted to as a board to do photographs and brief BIOS and different things got in the way that preempted that and I am very much interested in following through on that, and completing that. And so I was wondering, is that something we are still going to do? Um, yeah.

Well, that is a great question. So be I think we should still do it. How we would do such a thing? I’m not sure. Although I did, Madeline, just to get this moving. I did take a get a screenshot here of all of us, and figure that that can be at least the placeholder for us.

You have a good memory? Well,

the first person, the first person that became ill, and I ran into him not too long ago, trying to remember his name. Day, was it. Do you guys anyway, he left but he left us because of health reasons. That was one thing that deserted and then there could have been a number of things. But the thing that makes me know that we can do it is Adriana Maria, with the L Mac, and with community neighbor. I think you guys know her. Anyway, she just she continues to update the L Mac website. And I know she just tweaked it with some information that I sent her. So it’s doable. Okay, just individually.

What Why don’t we do this Madeline? Because this is a task that has languished for years. So can you give me the contact of the individual that you just spoke about? Who’s doing it? I will reach out unless Karen already knows.

No. So why don’t we just say Brian and Madeline you know, clearly that this is something we want to do this year and I have to say that since March, there is what

we hardly are getting.

So we will so we just have to be Adriana we can certainly we can work with? And

so my efforts have really been

diverted away from thinking about that Madeline sorry. So, we we will put back on the the agenda. We will we will get organized. I’ll put in the notes and the call gets back. We will we will put together a plan to get that accomplished.

Okay. Thank you very much.

Okay, with that 17 minutes early.

I will Yeah.

Actually at like 730 It looks like we’re going to be done at 745. Here. We are now at 845. So

is there a motion to adjourn?

Like a motion to adjourn.

Karen motion to adjourn Deana seconds. And with that we are adjourned. Thank you everybody.

Bye. Have a great week.

Bye. Bye everyone else. You too. Bye bye.

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