Transportation Advisory Board Meeting October 12, 2020

What started here and we’ll just plan on going for a roll call if you’re able to get up and rolling.

Neil, Larry,


David Rose. Here,

jack Livingston.

Here. Courtney Michelle.

Sandra Stewart

present. Liz.

Remember Patrick? Julie, she messaged me and said she wouldn’t be here. Who?

listed message?

Okay, send a message saying she wouldn’t go to make it.

And Joe sent a message that he’s not gonna make as well.

Okay, sounds good. I see a little warm. Little on Courtney Michelle’s machine. Hopefully, that’s just temporary and she’s able to join in the conversation here. Well, well, it’s good to see all of you. Why don’t we start with our approval of the minutes from our September transportation advisory board meeting? Is there a motion to

we can have any discussion? minutes?

I’ll make the motion to approve the minutes from the September board meeting.

Alright, jack, is there a second?


Great. What was that second from Courtney? Michelle?

Yes. Okay. Awesome. Cool. Any comments on the minutes?

Yes. nd

there was one. When I spoke about the accident of skateboarder, a person being hit by a car. It wasn’t on my street. It was in my neighborhood. And if they needed to know the exact Street, I’d be happy to say it but it wasn’t. It was recorded as being on my street and it was not.


it was in my neighborhood but not on my street.

clarification here. I love that one.

Um, I guess was the age aim? There’s a reference to, to my comment about the fact that it

will have

speed limits less than 25.

Yeah, patient team sizes and our city’s best interest students. So what are the sentence that says men from 20 miles per hour to five miles per hour? That’s actually not how the conversation went. And I’m seeing a 5% a five mile per hour speed limit here in Longmont, but at least want to be able to consider that as the 20 mile per hour option. So Stacey, does that make sense?

I see what you’re I see what you’re talking about. Neil, this is Tyler. Thank you corrected.

Any other comments on the minutes? Okay.

So what

any additional comments before we

before with that

should keep you incorporate those comps?


made them be comfortable just

yet. Yes. You’re right.

Thumbs up.

All right, or Courtney says we don’t see your video. Are you approving the minutes?


Our sounds good. Are there any missing

all right, I think the we can consider the minutes from September patient advisory board meeting.

Great. Any communication from staff today?

I don’t have anything at this point. I think Phil’s on the line as well. Phil, did you have anything?

I just want to give folks a heads up. We could certainly talk about this meeting. But just in case that doesn’t happen, or if it’s too close to the time, there was two meetings scheduled for Thursday, November 12. By the by Boulder County. One is a virtual public workshop for county line East County line road. that’s specific to Longmont. And that starts at 430 and goes to six o’clock. And they’ll obviously doing that virtually, virtual public workshop, right. And then also, for somebody who’s just about the same time from 530 to 630. They’re having a virtual public meeting on us 27 cord more from basically north of Walmart down into Broomfield to work touches, or joins up with us 30 cents. So if you’re interested in either or both of those? No, I am. I will, well, we’ll be going to both meetings. But if you just if you just want to focus on one, that’s fine as well. But again, the he’s kind of like a road one starts about 430. But I think it’s gonna be a public workshop. So I think it’s come as you can kind of thing of the 27 I’m not sure, but it sounds like since it’s only an hour, it’s probably starts at 530. And will last until 630 and be full of chock full of information as well. So, just want to let you know those two things before it gets too close. On your calendars.

Yes, nd

now they send us a link or will you send us a link to tell us how to jump on? Jump on in here, right?

Yeah, I’m gonna figure out if they’re, I’m sure they’re gonna try to do some public outreach. So we’ll make sure that as they release those links, we’ll make sure that you get those. Okay, as well.

Thank you.

Any other comments from staff for follow up questions there from an advisory board members?

All right, hearing none, we’ll move forward. Are there any members of the public here who are on the call?

Okay, we’ll keep on marching for that.

I think our first item up on the bed is around our crash report. So Tyler, let you take it from there.

Thanks, Neil, board. Thank you for your time tonight. Happy to your discussion tonight about crashes in Longmont in the train. with me tonight. I’ve got Caroline Miko who did a lot of work on this report. Oh, Sergeant Eric lewis is here on the call as well. I think his video wasn’t working, but he has the ability, we can hear him as well. So he’ll, he’ll have some additional information to be available to answer some questions and give some perspective from his end the next item after we go to the crash report, but just wanna let you know who’s here, unable to talk about this tonight. right into it. So I sent you guys late yesterday evening, the full crash report. So I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to really look through that and digest it yet. But I’m gonna kind of run through that and talk about some of the statistics and trends we’re seeing in here saying in Longmont, and then talk about what we’re doing some of the safety projects we’re working on, and next steps for Walmart. So with that, I’m going to share a screen here. And let me know if you have questions.

All right, before we get going, is that showing up for everyone on the screen? Yep.

So this report really covers when we do our crash reports, we’re really looking at a statistical analysis of a five year period, a lot of times we’re looking at five years ago, we’ve got statistical significance, when you have small numbers of crashes, it’s hard to really get a significant sample size. So that’s the reason we’re looking at five year data for this dataset. Overall crashes in Longmont 2019 unfortunately, we saw the highest amount of crashes that we’ve ever seen in Longmont in our records go back to 1990 2019 was the highest one we saw a figure similar to this as in the crash report that I sent you It goes all the way back to 1990. But one thing I added to this one is is a chart that shows the estimated vehicle miles of travel in my mind, and I was able to go back as far as 2003 to really plot that data on there to show how, how people or how many miles are driven on roadways in in one way. You’ll notice we’ve seen except for recession area, we’ve seen growth in vehicle miles traveled almost every year 2008, we saw three or four years of really not much growth. And then since 2012, it’s been vehicle miles will travel have increased almost every year. And with that, you’ll see crashes have somewhat followed that same path of VMT. So there is some correlation to that. I would say that, we did see a bit of an uptick in our injury or worse crashes in 2019, over 2018. And one of the big areas we saw a big uptick was in our fatal crashes with our we had six the previous year in 2018. And we had 12 and 2019. And we can talk a little bit more about that later on. If you have questions or want to talk about any of those crashes that happen. There’s a little bit of information provided in the crash report on each one, a very brief narrative are those, but we can talk about those if needed. This one again, for very sake of visibility sake on the table, it’s more it shows a smaller data selection than what’s in the report. And then also I plotted this one against vehicle miles traveled to show the rate here. Some positive trends, we are seeing population growth in Longmont, we’re seeing more vehicle miles travel almost every year. That said crash rates and injury or worse crashes are relatively consistent over the years. we’re striving for a downward trend in those crash rates, and so we still have work to do on our own. To get to that you get a decreasing trend on these. Where do the crashes happen in Longmont? Approximately 60% of all the crashes in Longmont occur at public street intersections. One of the things that we’re not included in this report is any private private property crashes. So anything that would happen in your parking lot, your Safeway or King soopers parking lots that’s not included in this data set. So really just looking at the public street, right away crashes, and of those 60% of crashes at intersections, approximately 68% of them happen at signalized, intersections and 32% are in signalized intersections. So definitely traffic signals are not always a cure all they don’t make all crashes go away by the big things with traffic signals that you’ll see is the severity is what it really reduce. When two crashes happen, generally in Longmont and Sergeant Lewis can attest to this as well. He’s probably pretty busy in the afternoons. So really from that three to four o’clock hour in the afternoon is is one of the highest hours and then five to six. So as people are picking up, kids from school and coming home from work are really the two most active hours for crashes we have in Longmont in terms of day of the week. Fridays are consistently the highest the day with the most number of crashes. And we’ve seen the same pattern for this five year period. And we look at the month generally December has our highest amount of crashes. And October is the other only month, we saw 1000 crashes. But really the December one has consistently been the highest ash highest month of crashes we’ve seen as well. Some of the statistics we track DUI crashes, we’ve seen an increase in DUI crashes every year since 2013. Those DUI crashes include alcohol and other drugs, marijuana which was legalized for recreational use in 2014. Medical and asleep sleep, medical asleep and fatigue fractions of decrease each year since 2016. Of these DUI crashes that happen approximately 42% were in resulted in an injury or worse and the majority were males over females.

Of those DUI sighted drivers approximately 51% were between the ages of 21 and 39. And one of the surprising statistics in this that stood out to me as I was looking at this data was that about 10% of those crashes were made up of 15 to 20 year olds. So when you really look at who’s driving and percentage of drivers on the road, it’s I don’t of course I don’t have statistics on license and how many what the population of each age of driver is but that’s one the DUI 15 to 20 years old seems over representative in proportion to the number of drivers 21 to 29 year olds are the ones the category that had the most asleep at the wheel or crashes about 36% of the all the sleeper 15 crashes. That’s we’ll talk about vulnerable users vulnerable users are made up of bicyclists pedestrians and motorcycles. We have seen this is a table audit crash rate per population. We are seeing good trends overall and pedestrian and motorcycle crash rates we’ve seen a couple years of decline in the rate In both of those, we are seeing slight increases in bicycle crash rates over the last three years. As bicycle crashes, in particular, just showing the total numbers, it’s hard to kind of sometimes it may be hard to grasp the total number when you look at the rate. So just looking at the numbers, again, this would reflect that pressure we are seeing in the overall number of crashes and bicycles each year, the injury bicycle crashes were down slightly in 2019. Number 18. We did have two fatal bike crashes, or 19. pedestrian crashes again, we talked about seeing some downward trends, the overall numbers are down the number of crashes, pedestrian crashes are going down, the crash rates have gone down. Unfortunately, again, in 2019, we had three fatal pedestrian crashes. When we talk about vulnerable users, and my it’s so important to focus our efforts on them. When we look at the percentage of users on the roadway, or of the crashes that we have, very small percentage of all the crashes are made up of those vulnerable users depends on the bike and the motorcycles, actually 95% of the crashes or vehicle only crashes. That said, the vulnerable users make up approximately 18% of injury crashes, 31% of incapacitating injuries and 51% of fatal crashes. So that’s a big number for the number of crashes that they’re involved in. When we look at fatal crash rates, so city of Longmont versus other cities in Colorado, on what’s sort of in the middle of the pack, we’re not the best, we’re not the worst we have we have work to do. I will note there is a discrepancy in the data here. The 2018 I think you’ll see it elsewhere in here that there are a fatal crashes. The reason for that is the source of the data here, this data is pulled from the bars, that fatal accident reporting system. And they use that data to be consistent amongst all cities, they report six in their database and ignores it just for the purpose of this table. That’s the comparison of us here. With this data, what do we do? How do we use it? He said statistical analysis of all the crashes in Longmont, we use it as a screening tool to help identify where we might have higher than expected or, or high crash locations. And each of these we do we wait the crashes based on severity. So a fender bender or property damage only crashes but not more score be weighted as heavily as an injury or a fatal crash. And then we run a handful of equations. And if you have questions about those Caroline’s probably the best to talk about those. But ultimately, we come up with a weighted crash rate to determine what is what has a crash rate over a crash index over anything over one is makes our high crash list and those when it’s an over one crash index. using this as a screening tool, it’s really telling us we need to take another look at this intersection. And what is this data telling us? Is there something to fix here? And generally we do and I think we’ve used this effectively in the past years to target some specific improvements. One, for example.

This in this presentation. It’s a cumbersome table. So I didn’t propose a table or the whole tables in the report. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask about any of those 16 kimbark is one where we did some curb extensions, we changed some crosswalks there and boy years ago, it’s one that fell we’re starting to see the improvement of that it’s it’s fallen in its ranking. So it is showing a positive improvement there. Ninth and deerwood is a an intersection that was a high crash location. In 2018, we built the traffic signal and after we turned it on in 2018. We didn’t have any reported crashes in 2018. So that would be another one. A good example of success. Pike in Maine is another one that’s been a high crash location for years, we’ve made some good progress in terms of reducing crashes at that intersection. It’s fallen out of the high crash list here. So I think that’s a good example of work that can be done when we really are good at with some of these screening tools. When we talk about safety projects, what are they what can we do we have different levels, projects we can do you know high cost, low cost, higher cost. safety improvement could be something as such as the traffic signal or intersection reconstruction or a roundabout, roundabout, particularly get expensive if it’s right away constrained. When you start looking and purchasing right away to do improvements. That’s when the cars really start to go up. There can also be a lot of low cost improvements that we look to do and those are the ones that we definitely take a look at each year and are consistently evaluating for improvements. They can be as simple as signage. Ninth and Martin is a location that came out of this process last year. As a really as a high crash location. And one of the patterns we saw was northbound vehicles getting hit by eastbound throughs on ninth Avenue. So we added some signs. Addition extended the no parking area on the south side of ninth west of Martin. We made that change in in 2020. So it’s not going to show up in this data. But since we’ve made that change, I believe we’ve had any crashes at that intersection. So there can be some relatively cost effective, really low cost solutions that have a really big benefit, big bang for the buck. Something that I mentioned the ninth and do a traffic signal that was when we did in 2018. And 2019, we did a handful of additional safety projects, we put a new traffic signal the intersection of airport and pike. And that’s one that turned on in 2019. So it’s going to take a couple of years to really see the impact of that. From the crash analysis standpoint. We did a road what we call a road diet on Sunset Street and change that from a four lane to a three lane roadway, we added bike lanes to provide better multiple facilities better per year stream crossings and reduce the potential for crash. When we have the previous the four lane section the two lanes in each direction, you have some sort of some indeterminacy from drivers on, are they turning right are they turning left can lead to additional lane changing and cars and crashes. 2019 we also did our enhanced multi use corridor project on Mountain View from over Main Street to ace and one of the one of the elements of that you’ll see on the photo here is this mid block crossings we had the block crossing over by skyline high school we have the rectangular rapid flashing beacon, which is the pedestrian activated flasher cross. Those are some of the safety improvements that we completed in 2019 2020 has been a busy year as well for traffic safety projects where we installed a traffic signal at the intersection of Mountain View and Alpine which is a intersection that’s been at the top of the high crash list or number of years. So it’s excited to get that one turned on and see how that improves that intersection. I think we’ve heard generally good feedback on that one both from public calling in and from the from the school district nearby. They say an improvement in safety for the kids crossing their

bike in Maine is still under construction as part of ongoing safety improvements at that intersection. We maintain Grant has been a high crash location for a number of years we were seated to restrict some access, restrict access at that intersection and I think we’re seeing improvements there. Similar project was the 17th and manda restrict access instead of all movement at the businesses right close to the intersection now they’re right in right out accesses and it’s really reducing the conflicts that we’re seeing there. 2021 result we have more safety projects and the bike. I’m working with Caroline Caroline put together a good application for each CIP highway safety improvement program some federal dollars that’s passed through we turn in an application requesting a little over $800,000 to improve some left turn operation increase. Improve generally we’re looking to adds either protected permissive or protected arrows improve visibility of a lot of signal as throughout town. So pretty excited to get that project going. This grant we got $800,000 are required matches 10%. So pretty good return on the dollar on that one. Ninth Avenue is a project we’re looking at ninth Avenue from over to Kauffman is a project we’re looking at in 2020. And the intent for that is there sections of that that are four lane with no turn lanes and when you walk this section particularly from Francis to Bowman street the road feels really tight there the sidewalk is a four to five foot sidewalk right up against the traveling so being able to take that down to a three lane road with the center turn lane one lane each direction and then add the bike lanes through there really help that section roadway I think in terms of both operation and build we’re both pedestrians and bicyclists through there. And Bratton sunset is another one that continues Phil may have some more to add on this. We’re playing for some buying for funding at the intersection and Ken Bratton some set to continue that we’re a diet that I mentioned earlier on sunset. So we’d carry that three lane section through the intersection and can Bratton sunset up to Nelson and then be able to add left turn lanes there that’s been one consistent frustration I’ve heard over the years from drivers is the both the north and southbound left turns or South northbound and southbound approaches are two lanes there’s no dedicated turn lane so being able to add those tournaments will help you operation and safety of that intersection.

I want to talk a little bit more about some of the things we’re doing it signals kind of some of the lower cost solutions for safety that we’re, that we’re doing. One of the big changes we’ve made over the last handful of years as are improving our detection, I think, historically, we used loops in pavement loops to rely on detecting if there’s a vehicle there, I think bicyclists have a hard time being detected on those reliably. So the switching to these the thermal cameras, you can see an image there on the screen, they really do a better job of detecting pedestrians and bicyclists, they’ve been really effective in that. One feature we’re using it signals mostly on Main Street, you’ll see there’s a handful of other intersections throughout town is the leading pedestrian interval. So if you’re trying to cross Main Street at fifth, or six, or Long’s peak, push the padlock button across Main Street, you’ll notice that the lock light comes on before the green light or the side street. And that’s really intent of that is to get the pedestrians walking, where they’re establishing the crosswalk and visible. So if you’re on the side street trying to turn on the main street in the vehicle, generally you’re trying to turn right you’re looking to the left to see if there’s a gap to go. And that can be a common source of crashes is not noticing that there’s a pedestrian that’s stepped out onto the sidewalk. So it has been an effective tool in reducing some of those pedestrian conflicts by getting the pedestrian out there where they’re visible and more likely to be seen by drivers. We’ve also implemented what we call head protected a handful of intersections. And when I say protect, I think that’s something we talked about at a previous TV. A previous TV one of the members asked about Is it possible to change the operation of electrons. If there’s peds they’re not and we looked into it, and then there is and we’re doing that in a handful location. So if if there’s a left turn where it can be a flashing yellow, it can go through what we call protected permissive, you can turn on a green arrow or a flashing yellow arrow, pedestrian is there and pushes the button that there’ll be the walk won’t come on until there’s a red arrow. So it works as a protected only a left turn during that phase. And that’s been effective in reducing some of the left turn conflicts we’ve seen iron

volume intersections,

we also have where we can we do what we call the golden walk a lot of you’re very familiar with that. That’s where the walk indication comes on. Without any user input, you have to push a button or walk this comes on. We’ve had it in the past, particularly on Main Street, or running parallel domain. So if you’re crossing the avenues, walking north or south, particularly in the downtown area, the walk lights will come on without pushing a button. So that’s something we’ve been able to get back we went through a period where we didn’t have that after we implemented the adaptive signal system. But we’ve been consistently working on that to bring that back and something that we’ve been able to do this year. And then just kind of wrapping it up and kind of an early look on on 2020. Man, this has been a this has been a year for the books. And it’ll be interesting to see how it shakes out in terms of one vehicle miles, the travel crashes. I’ve got a graph up here showing traffic volume on the street. And we’re looking at early March, we’re seeing about 25,000 vehicles a day on Main Street per day, as we started seeing cases of COVID. And in Colorado as various restrictions were put into place, we saw those volumes drop pretty dramatically. About the second week in April, it was about 15 13,000 cars a day, or seven day average compared about 25,000. Prior. As restrictions ease we saw volumes creep back up. And they’ve sort of leveled off but still haven’t quite reached the peak they were before. So I think we’ve seen more change this year than we have in previous 50 years. In terms of travel demand. Man, I think it’s really had a change on how people go to work. And one of the big things we’re seeing is that not necessarily. volumes are still down drastically, we’re really seeing a shift in the peaks. The am peak hour doesn’t appear to be quite as high as it was before. In fact, it’s not really looking like he can ignore our daily volume profiles generally build throughout the day. The pm is still a peak, but we’re seeing in more cases the noon is the higher our busier hour than the am peak. So interesting to see how some of those trends shake out. I think that crashes have been lower. And Eric, you probably have more hands on with this for 2020. But I think that we’re seeing we saw fewer crashes year over year. I don’t have the numbers at this point. But I think I’ve heard that crashes were down in 2020 over 2019. So once we get to the end of the year, we’ll be able to confirm that.

Interesting to see where this year go.

With that. Does anyone have any more questions, discussion? Not at this point.

Thanks, Tyler. Questions, comments?


I have a couple of them. And maybe you can just address all this, spit them out, and you can address them as you as you like. First off that I know that you don’t have a lot of data for this year, or maybe none really. But I’m wondering first, whether that’s the step that on the slide we just saw starting in July? Or was that dude at the narrow end of main? That’s the first question. The second is have we had any idea as to whether there’s been a measurable increase in accidents during that period that these narrowing has happened?

The other two are related to 119 in main.

So I don’t recall when we finished that intersection, but I’m wondering if if the data that we’re looking at with this high composite crash index for that intersection, whether that contains pretty much does that mostly since that intersection construction was finished? And then the third is, is just south of that intersection where grant comes out what that particular road is, it’s only It only looks like it’s maybe two blocks long. And I’m just wondering why. Why is there so much problem with grand? And main is that have anything to do with the intersection there at 119? In May? That’s kind of all of my questions. All. Sure.

So it’s a good catch on the July on that the graph that’s up here right now? Absolutely. This is you’ll see Gary mouse move on the screen there. Yeah. So yeah, right here. This is when we started closing lanes on Main Street third to six for the to provide extra space for businesses downtown. Absolutely. That is exactly what what you’re seeing right there. We did artificially kept that daily volume from from what we’re doing for ourselves. So good catch, and that’s exactly what happened there. In the right now we still have portions of the lane closed one half of a block northbound and southbound. I haven’t see pic, I look and see what the newer data looks like on that. But I suspect it’s probably similar still. And we’ll see this probably come back start to creep back up once all those links. Are there is no question of the measure. Is there a measurable increase in crashes on closure? I don’t. Frankly, good sense on that. Eric, I don’t know if you guys, if you may be able to chime in on that if you’ve responded to more or less crashes Mainstreet? I’ve definitely seen a couple crash reports come up in that section, but I don’t recall it being. I don’t recall it standing out as we have a major problem here. And I think that’s something that will be good to look at as we move forward. Because when you look at this segment, the non intersection I graduated patients on, we see those downtown sections consistently being crashed locations, generally, they’re related to either side street, parking adjacent to the travel lane or stopping in the lanes for someone parking, or buses stopping in the lane is really a lot of the crashes we’re seeing in those segments is some of that side friction that’s going on being in causal factor in some of those crashes.

Yeah. Thanks, Tyler. This is Derrick Lewis, everybody. What I can talk about, as far as Main Street and crashes right now, there’s not a lot of statistical data to show there was an increase in the number of crashes with the narrowing of the roadway. I know that was one of the concerns that everybody had when when that went in. More of the complaints that that my office received has resulted that was the traffic diverting itself to the neighborhood roads to bypass the narrowing of the road, if you will. I didn’t really see that that was a huge issue as far as crash data or crash break when I didn’t see that an increase that at all. Back to your other question. I think the first one as far as the main street, and 119 like that’s a high crash index tire, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that’s probably the busiest intersection as far as vehicle miles traveled that we have in the city. So is

that a good answer as to why other than percentage wise?

Most cars? Yeah,

we, our last round of improvements of that intersection was completed in 2015. So unfortunately, the data we’re sitting here is four years of post or last project at that intersection, it’s about a half year prior. I think they’re primarily rear end crashes, or conventional type of crashes at that intersection. But Eric’s busiest intersection in town. And we do unfortunately, continue to see a lot of crashes there. We’re going to talk about Manny grande real quick. And then Carolyn, maybe you have some more information on Ken Bratton, men, but meaning grand what we’re seeing there with those accesses. On grand, right, it’s access to a couple of car dealers and you think it doesn’t go to a whole lot. What we often see for the crashes is a vehicle trying to make a southbound left two lanes of northbound traffic waiting at the light at Main Street can breath, we’ll leave a gap for that vehicle to go through. And then more or less wave wave a driver through drivers start their left turn and then get smacked. And they wouldn’t be able to see that third lane coming outside land leaves into the right northbound, right turn it and Pratt. So that was a very consistent pattern and happened on a relatively regular basis. And not necessarily that they’re being waved through the drivers were taking the chance they would see a gap and they would drive through to that third one. So that was a consistent pattern that the median addresses.

I’m looking I have been looking at it side by side compared to the last crash report that 2014 through 2018. And there has been so that overall composite crash index has actually gone down a little bit. So it was 3.28 on the last report. And now it is 3.19. In also that total number has gone down slightly. So it was the previous five year was 302. And the new five year total is 290. And in most of them, a pretty high number of them are property damage only, which just tell me, a lot of those are probably rear ends. I don’t have the exact number on the top of my head. But

David, we can provide some more information on that specific if we can follow up with an email or talk about it at a later meeting.

I think the only thing would be just

plans to do anything more. Are we gonna just gonna chalk it up to high volume or there’s some things that can be done?

I think a couple of things. One, we need to look a little bit more about those patterns.

And what we’re what we’re seeing what what type of crashes they are so that

the right fix.

I think in addition to that we need to really look at our partnerships with that’s a big lesson to look at

fixing that all.

I think we’ve probably looked at our regional partners to help try and provide some type of solution there. I think Ken brat and hover is another one that’s on that list. And we’re working. We are working actively with our regional partners on looking for improvements at that intersection. So I think it’s a continuation of those efforts.

Thank you. I have

great, other questions or clarify questions or comments?

Yeah. Hey, and that was actually a good segue, Tyler, because I was going to ask, in looking at the high volume intersections, or the crash indexes, the highest five out of the top seven, seemed to be focused on angle of kin praten mean, over to hover and Nelson, over in 119. And it just seems like that triangle right there is getting a lot of attention on this table. And so I was kind of curious, is it getting the attention of si dot and some of our other partners that this might be a high volume area that we need to look at?

Absolutely in for that triangle in particular, I don’t know if you remember. We started we called the the triangle wasn’t triangle study, but the the Southwest corners Southwest corridor plan. And it really looked at that the triangle bracketed by those intersections over and Nelson Ken Pratt Nelson, Ken Bratton over and we did look at design alternatives for all of those. I think we’ve got designed progressing on each corridor in there. We’re working on design of improvements on Ken Pratt that would extend What we did in 2015, and South grand Parkway all the way over to Nelson, we’re additionally looking at, I mentioned the regional improvements. We’re working with our partners on to try and find funding for improvements that can Bratton over and then we also have a design project underway and rcfe, for continuing design of improvements all along that Overstreet corridor from Ken Bratton over all the way up to Nelson and over. So we are actively working on those they’re not. They’re not possible variety improvements. So they’re in the high cost segment. So definitely is something that we’re working into.

Just Just a quick clarification on that, Tyler, for that 119 in Main Street section, it seems like that’s the only one that I can think of that doesn’t have, you know, some of the major intersections that doesn’t have some sort of design, major design features that are in the works. Is that is that indeed, right? Like, I know that we have obviously the the major opportunity over in, you know, Ken Pratt, and over that we’re, you know, hopefully to get some federal funding at some point for that or state funding. But is there is there a larger design study that’s taking place around opportunities to improve the safety and efficiency of a 119. And mean,

I have something to add here in terms of some of the BRT work that’s going on. Right now, I don’t believe we have any design projects, specifically Park City design projects, specifically targeting this intersection.

Yeah, Tyler, I agree with you that, you know, really, what we’re looking for is to try to reduce some of the traffic on that corridor that’s going to Boulder through putting them putting people who, who, who would like to, or who will want to because it’s more convenient, travel by bus to Boulder. And so we’re really trying to make it more comfortable, more convenient, more reliable, for that bus, travel to Boulder, and even on 27, that means a meeting that’s coming up in November, that’s really about bus rapid transit, you know, straight down to 87. To that to that very intersection that you’re talking about, and getting getting people directly into Broomfield or even closer to Denver, downtown Denver on that corner. So I think that’s what we’re trying to do. And then Tyler mentioned it a little earlier. But we’re also working on some federal funds, some state funds as well for sunset and 119. And really trying to make that skewed intersection A little safer for bicyclists crossing, he mentioned the sunset road diet, and that would extend that road diet across this intersection. So there’s a bunch of different projects that are gone. And they all kind of have different, different look and feel to each one of them. I mean, we talked about the 119 and hoever, as well. And that’s a really large $26 million project, you know that we were unfortunately not able to get federal funding this year. But we’re gonna try again next year. So stay tuned on that one. But yeah, these all kind of working in concert with each other. So we’re working on trying to get a bunch of different projects that sold a bunch of different things along that corridor.

Do you think that speed is a factor for that particular intersection at at Main and kin pret? Or do you think that’s or Caroline, from from you’re looking at the data? Or do you think that it appears to be something else that’s going on at that particular intersection?

So do I think we can provide some additional follow up for that, but I think what we’re primarily seeing are rear ends due to congestion

or speed related crashes going on there. Awesome.

Man, I think you bet in this Tyler that our fatality, the number of fatalities in 2019, when in fact, I’m comparing it to the other cities in this cohort. And out of what do we have here? 10 or so there’s only two out of the 10 that actually have similar fatalities. That’s Pueblo and Lakewood. That seems to really jump out at me. And I’m just wondering, do we know why the increase or what the main cause of that is?

So I think there there is a brief description of each crash. In in the back of the report there that you’ll see. Eric may have some additional information to provide I think there are A couple definitely that and some unusual circumstances that led to that. But I think that’s it. You can probably say the same for almost every fatal crash.

You know, at least go ahead.

Yeah, this is Eric Lucic. We were trying to do a comparison or cause effect thing. There really wasn’t a bright line answer to that all of these incidences were fairly unique. There were some similarities in that. A few of these, as you’ll see in the in the description involved impairment, a couple of balls speed, and then distracted driving, which is statistically speaking nationwide, those are generally top contributing factors for fatality type crashes. So it is unfortunate that last year was the the highest number year that I can remember

in Longmont,

but we’re knock on wood on it on not near that rate this year. So right now we’re we’re at two fatality crashes, with three total fatalities or 2020.

All right, well, that’s encouraging. Thanks, Eric. That makes me feel a little bit better. Yeah, I guess we’ll just watch it and see and see what the future shows us. Thank you.

Any other clarifying questions are?

All right, well, thank you, Tyler. And thank you, Carolyn, for being able to pull all that data together and as a ton of work putting that together, but it’s really helpful. It’s remarkable how consistent it is for, you know, your year, despite that one disturbing, very disturbing, you know, increase in traffic fatalities. But hopefully that becomes a blip and gets back to a more normal range. Great from a traffic safety perspective, a surgeon Lewis was there. Were there some additional comments you were hoping to build to add in today’s meeting?

I was here to help answer any questions that people might have. I I think Tyler and I were going to talk that in December, I’d like to do a traffic safety presentation for everybody. But right now, I just didn’t have the the it capability in order to present that so I want to wait till I could set that out a little bit more. So the plan is to do traffic safety presentation for the for the board in December.


Eric, any other closing comments on realize we’re just getting this report out here? Not a whole lot of time digested but any pay tidbits or thoughts or anything you’ve noticed? control? I think I’ve definitely heard concerns come up from from your end and from other officers. And I think we’ve been responding to a lot of those for the better and some examples of those I think Ken Pratt and Emory was one that was a high crash location with left Turner’s he’s been left Turner’s consistent getting crashes with less bound throughs definitely saw that pattern talk to the surgeon Lewis about it and made a change to a protected only there and that’s really eliminated the crashes. They’re similar can Pratt and Martin similar discussion similar pattern there. And then a matter of fact, tomorrow third, and then paste is one that we see on this list as a high crash location. And it’s one we continue to see the spell of Turner is getting hit by westbound throughs. Talk sorry, Lewis and other other officers about this. And so tomorrow, we’ll get a crew out there to change the signal head out there and we’ll be changing that one to protect it. They should make it one of the crashes there as well. So I think the working together and hearing the what what the offices are officers are seeing and hearing in the field and then being able to communicate that and work well with the PD has been productive for us. sec is

trying to make

I think the first left that I can recall that really made a drastic improvement was that pike and South Main. It was almost overnight when when that change went into effect, the crash rate went down quite a bit. The other one that I remember, most recently within the last three years was Kim Pratt and Martin. And that was more for East bound to northbound left Turner’s turn left in front of westbound traffic was a pretty much weekly occurrence. And then

After that bad crash we had in 2017.

After that change that crash rate there, at least were bad crashes is significantly reduced. And so we’re hoping that the same will hold true for a third case. And there’s a couple other projects that Tyler and I are talking about, as far as signalization goes, but hopefully with this grant money, we can look into that and 2021 and see where that goes.

Sounds good. Hi,

Tyler, I want to I want to kick it in his name one more time.

So I was looking, I’m looking at the daily volume

comparison between that particular intersection and other ones below it.

And all those below that on the list, I’ve got

60,000 cars per day or less. So but the highway 119 in Maine has 10,000 more. So it goes from 60,000 to 70,000. And yet the number of accidents goes up by 50%.


that’s about 10%. More.

Not quite 10, maybe 12% 15% more cars, but it has 50% more accidents. But it seems like you might want to look at some I don’t know, I don’t know what, to see what,

whether there’s some things that we can do

that down.

definitely appreciate the feedback. And we will look into that a little bit more and try to provide some more information on now in particular.

Sounds good.

You’re muted.

Let’s try that again. Thank you.

Tyler, one of the things that was helpful, I think about a year and a half or so ago, you were able to provide some good background context on the different vision statements between see dots moving toward zero deaths, that city of Longmont has adopted and the Vision Zero that I think some of our neighboring communities have participated in there. Give me Just give me just a quick little kind of 32nd reminder in terms of kind of how how the two of those work or don’t work together. And and just the backstory in that just because I know that the topics come up, and in recent months.

Sure. So I think the the goal of both Vision Zero moving towards zero death, and the city of one motto is all the same, where we’re striving for that 00 deaths on our roadways. That is our absolutely our goal. That when we looked at and we took this to we talked Vision Zero with our council at the retreat last year, I think one of the things we talked about was that much of what Vision Zero could potentially entail some additional programs, additional staff resources, and cost with that I think that the work we’re doing already largely entails vision, zero goals and intense and I think we’re working towards that.

I think the only thing

the biggest difference in them is maybe Vision Zero has a more

probably some more public outreach involved with it, which is definitely something that we can look at doing. But I think it has probably a bigger aspect and public outreach and engagement.

Great, thanks. So two parallel efforts. They’re both important and great that we’re at least marching on one of those there towards our goal.

Awesome, great. Well, why don’t we march forward to comments for

from board members and we can see what’s Top of Mind from different folks. We’ll just go in terms of the order here on my screen. And we’ll start with you, David. And we’ll go to Jacques after that.

Yes, well, thank you, Tyler and team for putting this together. I can’t imagine I know that these tables go on and on beyond what we’re seeing. on our screen, and so just being able to compile that into something that we can look at, and at least think that we can see the trends is a is a commendable, and I appreciate that. Happy with all the work that you you and your team are doing. So thank you for this.

All right,

well said,


Yeah, I’ll go ahead and echo that. I mean, it’s, there’s an amazing amount of work. And so I know we have a lot of dedicated smart people smarter than me, as far as this stuff goes, it’s so I really appreciate the fact that we have that capability here. And this is great to digest. Um, you know, there’s a couple of intersections that I see in kind of my day to day travels, one that I just wanted to draw some attention to, as my kind of thought is the clover base and drive and dry creek drive, it’s on the class two table, about two thirds of the way down. I’ve been seeing this is the one that’s kind of like behind coals over there. And that intersection right there. And it almost seems like an obvious place for some improvements. And the volume seems to be just increasing twofold. threefold, I don’t know what the data is showing on that intersection. But I would be curious. Because here, the volume doesn’t look too high. But I think it’s something worth keeping an eye on. You know, it kind of gets blended into that triangle that I was talking about earlier, where this is a very high volume area. And so when I think forward, I think of where those growth potential places are going to be. And this is one of the ones that stands out to me. And I think my other thoughts on it is, I don’t know what our revenue is going to look like over the next few years. And so I’m very happy to hear about all these partnerships that we have with the state in, you know, with the federal authorities to try to bring in as many dollars as possible, use our leverage use our great data that we have to try to get the best leverage we can from our partners and to bring more dollars into the city. Longmont is a beautiful city that’s growing by leaps and bounds. And that’s going to mean more cars, and more data about that.

Okay, thank you for all the hard work.

If I could real quick jack the over basin and Dry Creek is an intersection that is on the radar when we’re looking at our CI p for next year. And we look at where traffic signals may have a need and where they may end up be the game got a handful kind of a top five category. And that that is one that’s on the radar, that’s it could be one of about three or four intersections where we need a signal next. And that’s one that’s on there that we’re watching it on a regular basis.

First Mountain View and Alpine and now that live here, you’re just right there with me, Tyler.

Thank you appreciate that.

Awesome. Thanks, guys. Courtney, why don’t we turn to you next there and see if you have any comments or questions.

Okay. Thank you. Yes, thanks for all the great work on all this data. It’s very interesting to see and I know a lot goes into it. And I’m glad that there that the feedback used or spoken makes an impact. So I had a couple of questions just about pike and Maine. I was there the other day, and it seemed now I didn’t see this because it was opposite way of going. But it seemed that the northbound traffic going west on pike got two left arrows as I was sitting waiting to go south. So I’m wondering if that timing is still being worked on with the new intersection. And also in general, how do people report things they might see like some crumbling concrete on a on a median, or a few little lights that are out on one of the stoplights or some their feedback loop for that kind of thing. Like, people tell me a lot of things that they see because they know I’m on the Transportation Board. And so where should I direct them to fill out a form if they see something that’s wrong or needs to be paid attention to?

Thank you.

So service works would be the best place for those comments. It’s online. And I can share a link in the chat or email to everyone as well or where that reporting system is. It’s probably the best source for all of those. In terms of hiking, man, I’ll have to take a look. Look at that. I know that there may not still be in the final alignment there. But in terms of the potentially serving two left’s it is it is an intersection that’s running into that adaptive. And depending on who’s at the intersection, it could potentially do that based on demand.

Right, great. Thanks, Sandy. Any thoughts on your site?

Yeah, thank you. Um, couple things. I do really appreciate the report on a crash report. I wanted to know, someone had reported that they thought maybe we’d only had two fatalities in 2020. And it seems to me is 119 and county line road. Is that part of Longmont? Because there was just two fatalities recently there. And then Oxford in 119, towards nyuad. Two people were just killed there over the weekend. So they’re all both on east and west side of town. But are they going to be included in our crash report next year? So that’s one of my questions. And secondly, I am very in tune with this vision zero. So I’m happy to hear that we are still concerned about that I had read in, in your report that you had we had partnered with C dot for 2019. Is that something that needs to happen annually? Or are we good to go to continue to partner with them? And what can we do to continue to raise awareness into the community that we all have a responsibility to limit our crashes? And then just one, one other thing. Thank you very, very much for one, the high street on Ninth Street hoever to Airport Road. It’s been completed all the bike lanes and things. I do have a question. There are a couple of polls that are pretty tall, and then they have our speed limit way up there on the top of that hole. And I’m just curious why it’s like that. So that’s what I have. But thank you.

So I can speak to the the recent pedals. Yes. The one on 119 just east of Kenya line road, which is the Latin one Martin sandstone ranch that is in the city limits along LA. A matter of fact, the city limits extend a little bit further east there to Fairview and sandstone parish road, the one on Oxford is just outside the city limits along lot. We did respond to assist on that with that that would be under the jurisdiction of the Colorado State Patrol so that one will not be counted in the Longmont fatality rate. So yes, for 2020 we have responded to and investigated two fatal crashes, which had resulted in three total fatalities for this year. And just so that nobody is confused by that the one earlier this year in in April involving state patrol in the pursuit that where the 16 year old was killed debt will not be counted towards a fatal car crash based on the totality of the circumstances. I can answer any clarifying questions on that one if need be. Now let Tyler talk about the other camera. We got a question I apologize.

So in terms of the partner agency with Sita, we are we signed, we signed signed up with Sita we are a partner agency moving forward, it’s not a one year annual deal, it is a commitment to see that. In terms of outreach, I think that’s something where we can still do better and definitely open to feedback from this group and work from this group to help spread the word about safety. And I think we can also look at maybe working with our public outreach team for some other ideas on how to get some more information out. So that may not be all inclusive, but a couple of steps that we can take. And your last question was about the taller posts that are still on ninth Avenue. The the next coming on those is the permanent radar sign. So I think that was something that we committed to and we’re looking to do as we went through the public process on that one speed was a common concern. We heard of those residents. And so that was among a handful of things we’re doing to try and mitigate speeds. One of one of the solutions or changes we’re making is adding those radars. So I believe they’re in stock. They’re being programmed. I don’t know the installation date, but that’s what those taller poles are for.

Wonderful. Thank you.

Yeah, with the talk of vision zero, and um, maybe Phil’s maybe follow this a little bit more, but um, Dr. cog is also looking at doing some larger regional Vision Zero implementation. If that’s correct, though.

I think Phil had a jump off.

But um,

yeah, so we might see something with that as well. Thank you.

Great. Only thing I will add on my side is that I did see that there is a meeting tomorrow night for those who were interested, was called Green transportation in Boulder County Town Hall, which seemed kind of interesting.

a side note from

from clear levy.

About that, I guess it is an online town hall from five o’clock to six o’clock. And I’m happy to send out the link to folks afterwards, for those that are interested, but always interesting to hear how different people are viewing the changes in transportation sector, especially as relates to the greening our transportation just a little bit more. So I will send a link out on that. With that, let me turn it over to Councilmember Peck and see if there any comments on your side?

Thank you, Neil. And I want to echo everyone else’s thank yous to the staff for that great report. It does take a lot of time to put together. But some things that I consistently get questions on our street signs, it seems like they’re hard to see, they’re hard to see at night, because they’re in the end, they’re not in the middle of the street, and not let the light doesn’t shine actually on the street sign. And especially in the spring, some of them, especially on Francis Street, it seems like the trees sometimes overgrow and block the sign a lot of it’s coming from new people who move here, because they look to the signs to figure out where they are and where they have to go. So are we looking at that at all, Tyler? Or is that pretty standard, that we’re using the same type of Sciences the rest of the state, or Boulder County

counselor, in fact, a couple a couple of things on that one we have. We’ve had some changeover in our operation staff, part of part of operations is maintaining the signs and I personally noticed a handful of them that are definitely faded out and in need. So that’s on my to do list is to get in touch with operations and the new staff that’s there to really make sure we’re doing a thorough inspection of all the signs, merrily making sure they’re visible one being retro reflectivity and to placement for the trees. And in addition to the trees, I’m getting ready to hit send on this email for service works. If there are specific trees that are blocking signs, please report it on this link service works. And we can have staff respond and trim from tree limbs. Or I’ve even run into cases where maybe it’s not just a minor tree trim, it would take serious cutting of the tree. So in cases like that happy to look at is there a better placement option for the sign rather than destroying a good tree? So a couple of options on that. But I think one the first step is really getting our our inspection of the signs are in good shape and make sure that we’re replacing them as they’re fading out. In terms of lighting, there’s no requirement that they’re lighted. And I think when we look at lighting and the cost it would take to do that in terms of bringing an electric service that’s consistently drawing power. I think that’s going to end up probably being cost prohibitive and maybe not direction investor for the city.

As they’re replaced. Tyler, is there any discussion about making them bigger? A larger so they’re easier to read? Or is that works at all?

Something we can talk about for sure.

Okay, thank you.

Wonderful, thank you so much.

Are there I mentioned one transportation meeting that’s coming up tomorrow any other transportation meetings that are on the radar that folks you know about?

I think

Phil Phil covered a couple of them and communications from staff before he jumped off here. I don’t have anything else to add.

All right, well, we have some topics on the radar here, including neighborhood traffic mitigation and transportation. roadmap. What What is the transportation roadmap just to remind folks,

it’s really the transportation roadmap is in conjunction with sustainability plan and helping in our meeting those sustainability goals.

Got it? Sounds good. Well, we’ll look forward to those two topics and others moving forward. Any other last comments? Before we wrap up?


I had a quick question for just an opinion from Eric. I used to live in Norway and their DUI rate is fairly low because one DUI, you lose your license for life. So the penalty is very severe. I’m wondering if he has an opinion or if anybody’s looked at. I mean, that’s probably a state level. But is there any movement to make DUIs? penalties more severe? And would that reduce the rate of DUI in his opinion?

That’s a great question, Courtney.

Statistically speaking, a lot of our UI repeat offenders. So I’m not sure what impact have making the fines stiffer on them. You are corrected, that would be a decision at the state level with the state legislature because there would have to be a change in the law. But yes, I would agree with Tyler that I think we’ve seen a steady increase in DUI crash type since 13 or 2014, as the passing of amendment 64. Can’t say for certain that has direct Lee related to marijuana usage, but a lot of times for substance abusers if you will, they are poly use, which means they do different types of drugs. So not only marijuana but other drugs and alcohol. So it’s possible right now, for a first offense. You’re looking at a three month to one year revocation on your driver’s license, subsequent offenses could equal jail and alone or revocation of driver’s licenses.

And I think thank you very much timed out. Thank you.

You guys got that? Like my screen time?

Yep, we got it.

Awesome. Well, with that we will plan on reconvening coming up on November. What is it November 9. hopefully by then we’ll know the results of our election. We’ll find out soon enough. Until then I really appreciate everyone’s time there And special thanks to staff for being able to put together such helpful data. We’ll consider the meeting adjourned. talk again soon.

Thank you all have a good day.

Thanks again. Thank you.

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