LHA Board of Commissioners Meeting – June 2024

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LHA Board of Commissioners Meeting – June 2024

Welcome to the Longmont Housing Authority Board Commission’s Are you leaving today? Tuesday June 18 2024. Here we have Roll call, please. Let’s see. We should start. June 1 Shawn Coyne commission. Aaron Rodriguez, Mr. Harold Dominguez, Interim Executive Director. And director foreign selling Assistant Director of policies and commission. Marsha. Marsha Martin Commissioner.

Journey sir.

As a development project manager

Serani public safety.

Thank you. Looks like we have two commissioners that may come in later that is Commissioner Susan double fairing, and Commissioner Diane Crist. They are at CML, and I’m gonna be a little late. So we have other in the agenda revisions, juice is, um, let’s have the approval of May 21 24 minutes,

I move the approval of the May 21 2024 minutes since proceed. Second.

Are there any additions or edits to those minutes? Seeing all those in favor say aye? Aye. All those opposed? So that passes with commissioners Chris, and without declaring absent, no public invited to be heard. So we will not open public invited speakers. We are now old new business, we have a resolution Lhh 23 409, a resolution approving the closing of various items in connection with the acquisition and construction of the ascent and overcrossing project and turnover.

Sure. So I want to introduce a couple team members. KTRU introduced herself but we have Brian and Brad whining here from Penrose are a partner. So he’s here to support the project tonight. And then if we have any questions, we can go over those. We may have talked about this project a lot in the past. So if anybody would like a summary of the project, we can certainly do so. But my assumption was that you recall what we’re doing here, the 72 units of family housing 75, villages 72.

Family out even with and attached Early Childhood Education Center, we were partnering with wild plant. So what you have in your packet is the closing resolution that allows us to accept financing sources, loan some of those funding sources into the project and take a lot of other actions including property management agreement or development agreements, and everything that goes along with it. There’s one element not included in this closing resolution. That is the acceptance of the $2 million Colorado Housing Foundation grant. We’re still negotiating the exact grant with them. So right now we have that slated for a special MIT meeting item during the July 9 council meeting. The goal to close is July 15. We’re cruising right along. It’s you know as closing so they always have a big rush of items at the end to sort out. It’s doing the same, but it’s going smooth. And we’ve been working as partners now for what two years, feels like close to two years. So we’re moving right along.

So even though it’s been two years, that’s pretty fast.

It is fast. Yeah. Because we got a traffic light tech award on the first go. Right? Right, which is not doesn’t always happen.

It’s gonna sit next to you. Commissioner, do you have any questions about this resolution? Or? Since we have a quorum, do you have anything else you

want to add to your give them a sense of timeframe and closing brackets to

starting a new turned or to get shorter? On paper? If everything goes well, the plan is to close the middle of next month, as Mike mentioned and start construction as soon thereafter as possible. We’re very close to STP and permanent approval with your colleagues and the planning department just waiting on one kind of final minor item. feel great about that. So yeah, the plan is to start construction in July and it’s our call tractor is telling us it’s going to be about a 15 month construction process. So we’re looking to be opening our doors late next year. And then hopefully the the ECU center soon thereafter, just because there’s some additional steps that need to be taken with that facility after it opens its doors to make sure that it’s right. But we’re very excited. So by the end of next year, we should have activity and people on site. Very excited about that.

So I think we just need to emotion is the vote on this item. And then I have a couple of comments.

So we have a look at the term solution. Before we get started, commissioners is the devil carrying us into the room. And before we can make the motion, I forgot that we need to make this motion because missionary work is virtual. So we need to be able to suspend by reference, that council rule of procedure 25.2 point 8.2 to allow for Commissioner Martin and Commissioner Chris to participate remotely in this meeting. So is she going to

go ahead and she stated that as soon as she finished she will be okay. Okay.

So, counselor McCoy has moved to approve the suspension of the rule procedure rule. Can I do a second? Second? Any discussion? All those in favor of suspension say aye originally. And all those in opposition that has to share. Welcome, Marcia. remotely. Now, we’ve had a motion to let’s see, to move Lhh 20 2409. Okay,

we all have no resolution 2024.

Moved by Councillor of the commissioner Rodriguez. Seconded by Commissioner young Yarborough. I have a

favor, say aye. Aye. All those opposed, say nay? Motion passes.

Chairperson one of the things that they’re gonna say is, if you didn’t have a chance, there was a story picked up on nine news regarding the opening of the Crispin apartments. Just for Brad Foley housing team, the more information we can get start getting into a little bias. Our new public information officer he is staying in contact with that reporter in terms of kind of the half the broader housing approach that we’re taking as a community and everything that we’re doing so there’s interest, and running follow up stories on the projects that we’re building into her when we talked about this project, Early Child Care components, definitely interested in it. So when we’re ready definitely start feeding that information and don’t want to miss this opportunity because we’ve we’ve actually got her teed up on this project, the house bad project and really understanding globally what we’re doing for housing so I wanted to let you know, if you haven’t seen it, we’ll make sure they send you that news article or that that link but also I think there’s more opportunities for all departments.

It’s great idea especially for the government agency, so he knows that we are doing what he is trying to push. So we’re gonna begin the next thing on the agenda is resolution resolution Lhh 2024 Dash 10 approval of Dry Creek Trail easements

I’ll take this one as well. So first I want to just tell Brad if you would like to go you can always listen to trail easement on a different site

drove all the way from Denver

All right. So this one is in regards to be land owned jointly by the city and the Lhh located north of the suites below Dry Creek Trail. Okay, thank you. We have talked about a month or two ago we talks about potential design concepts for what we may like to see back there, because Element Properties has a purchase option agreement on that land. And in order to exercise that option, they need to start planning for what to do back there. But in the meantime with we worked with them, and when the city parks department to plan out the alignment of the Dry Creek Trail extension, and because the land is owned, denied 41% not doing math on Tuesday night, the city owns 59% of the land, and then the LHD owns the remainder. The city doesn’t necessarily need to secure an easement against itself. But because the land is jointly owned, we do need to remember the land on the LFA side. So Tim can help me if I say any of that wrong, because he’s

correct. You couldn’t give an easement to itself. But because lhsa is divided kind of honor.

Do still outside? Yeah. So application is working. Yep. And so the city is hoping to get construction of this trail extension in mid 2025. That’s the goal. But having this piece secured, is one of those early steps along with design. So what we did talked about a little bit when we brought this site up a couple of months ago, is that we did an exercise with parks and element to make sure that the trail alignment would what does that do to the developable nature of the land. And if it does not impact it, we would still be able to build what is something that is similar to what is conceived of in the option. And so it’s really it’s in the floodplain, it’s right at the top of Bank of the ditch. And so we just made sure we planned in advance all together, and everyone’s on the same page.

So this issue, a few things came into play from a broader funding source. So to orient you sweet tears in the UK here, roughly, this is where the next piece will be in terms of how to look at it. So we have different funding sources and flooding in in this case, the property, this property that I was talking about was purchased with 700. This is like when we did this before we took over the housing authority. So it was about I think $750,000 in the city’s affordable housing fund put into this, it did create some consternation with some of our other departments because they weren’t used to seeing city property and the housing fund, because based on how housing funds created, they were going to utilize it for another purpose. And they were going to have to actually pay for the land from the housing authority. Similar to open space and how you deal with those different funding sources, what we actually what actually came through in terms of developing this is a, we know that access into the village of two peaks from this location now that it is built is a challenge. So this will improve access both to sunset and to village of pigs for the people that live in this area. And in these properties. The lectures are shared. So you can see the sidewalk here. So what I was saying is it provides access to villages peaks, also provides access to Sunset Trail connections, which is part of how we’re starting to build out our transit system. The other value that this brings to the Housing Authority and the city’s affordable housing funds. As part of this, they’re going to be doing landscaping improvements. So if we were to develop this property on our own under our code, we would have to build and design the landscaping. So what this does is is it doesn’t play the static Spence on the back of the development once they get into that Jordan parcel. So that’s really what we’re exchanging the easement for is the fact that they’re building the trail connection and providing landscaping improvements, which would not put that on the back of the housing, or the city’s affordable housing forum. So that’s the consideration of this.

It really was a win win. When we looked at it from all angles, nobody really had to give up anything that they really wanted for this.

You know, I’ve heard since I started on council, that this was going to be part of the trail connection years ago, so it’s always been in the planning process. We’re glad to see it’s going forward.

It just got one Given we had different funds playing into this. And I wanted to get that on the record. So people clearly understood what the consideration was for that piece of work and what we’re getting in return. So that when we look at our responsibilities as a Housing Authority, you know, you’re not just giving them the land. It’s also producing an obligation when we develop that northern person.

Some people need a motion to approve the resolution.

The resolution LH 124 Dash 10. Commissioner who double carrying seconded by Commissioner

Hey, I still have jello. Is there any discussion? Okay, seeing none, all those in favor say aye. Aye.

Aye. All those opposed. So that passes unanimously. Now I’ve written a selection plans, and then the resolution llj 2024 Dash 11 lH, a tenant selection.

So this is a multi step one here. So I’m going to walk you through and I will let you know when we would have requested your motion for resolution. So tenant selection things. This is something that we have had in place, our Lhh general tenant selection plan has been in place for a long time it paved guides the application acceptance process for prospective tenants in our properties. And so we have the overall LNJ. Minister call it tsp to be short, that has served all of our properties to date. The suites had its own tenant selection plan, but it was really driving MHP and their voucher selections. But then it also referred back to Lhh. Generals one, so it’s very confusing. So one thing that we needed to do with the LH a general tenant selection plan is really permanent supportive housing has its own parameters around tenant selection. So we wanted to have them separate. So that it was very clear, especially when we’re working with partners on permanent supportive housing, what we go to serve as our guide. So in the Lhh, general tenant selection plan, we did pull out the suites, and it’s going to be on its own. So we’ll get to the suites in a moment. focusing first on this general one. Overall, just a reminder, when we’re talking about tenant selection plan, this is only about accepting new tenants, not issues once they are tenant. Everything if you are already a tenant, if there’s any issues regarding behaviors, we violations, etc, that is all goes through our housing retention plan and a whole different process. So we’re only talking about accepting new tenants IntelliJ properties, we wanted to make some updates to the Lhh. General one. Like I said, remove this week’s Secondly, clarifies student eligibility. This was kind of a confusing section before. And we really wanted to make it very clear about how full time students at institutes of higher education can be considered for tendency. And so we pulled out some helpful language from the regs to be a lot more clear. We also in recent Fair Housing trends. There’s a lot of changes that have been happening in regards to tenancy. And so we wanted to update that with some more modern practices that we’ve learned through a fair housing trainings. And by working through best practices. So we don’t actually check credit scores anymore. We don’t check on people’s status of only to creditors. But we do cold credit checks for the purposes of looking for eviction history, but we wanted to be sure that we were clear in our tenant selection plan, what we use that information for, we really are only looking for if they had money owed to prior landlords, we can get kind of rental history on there. So there’s just a few brief updates in red lines to this plan that we would consider request to consider adopting. That’s really following fair housing rules and just for clarity, there is not a lot of meat in terms of process that changes us. So that would be my first request tonight is to consider adoption of the LH a general tenants.

Are there any questions?

I do have one is probably I’m thinking of children who aged out of foster home to our 18 Possibly employees. But is there any different application process for them than for somebody who has a history of work or school or? Nope,

it’s the same application process. Really, they would still go through income qualification, and be looking for evidence of income to be able to pay for for the rent that’s owed to the unit. There’s not really a separate process, okay, for that. There’s certain considerations that might come into play. This is a, it’s a guide. It’s not going to cover every single instance, in terms of a prospective applicant that we’re looking at. But it’s at least giving staff the procedure.

Now, you, people are on a waiting list, they don’t go through this procedure until there’s no

other way. Is there a question about the the section on probate is page 3.4? I think that’s where the student issue came came to their specific question on that.

So that’s section 3.4, page five at the top right.

Is that a duplication?

It’s verbatim from the regulations, or

the reference to students who are in higher education. While

they there’s a lot of considerations from what you can see here, when you’re considering them for federally assisted housing. It’s not so by the way, you’ll see here there’s student eligibility, there’s one section that’s for just litex housing units, and one for federally assisted housing units. So that’s project based vouchers, etc, they have a different screening process. And there’s really specifics here, you can be eligible if you are a student, but you have to be hitting some of these boxes where you’re eligible for other purposes. Okay.

And the only thing I saw that makes sense. So do we know the youngest? They can be

so so

as we see is under 24 years of age, but what is it says

no assistance should be provided to any individual who is enrolled as a student? And who is under 24 years of age? This the we put this directly from the regulatory language, because it’s confusing enough, we didn’t want to further confuse it, because it seems like there’s double negatives in the sense. But it’s really, that if you meet these, you should not be given federal housing assistance.

But if you’re working, and you’re going, Yes, you wouldn’t be made eligible.

Okay, so where does uh, I’m just asking where’s 16

year old as receiving Social Security for candidates

past in the past?

I think that they would income qualify like any other, you’re under your minor, I’d have to scan through this for anything. Under 18 are not sure.

If you’re emancipated or not. Because if you’re not legally emancipated, then you’re still connected to someone. So I think they would have

I think, have a family. And I think this all ties into if you’re qualifying, if you qualify for a voucher, you’re probably also getting Pell Grant. And so you’re getting federal assistance. And I think it’s avoiding that double dipping, right.

That’s the impetus on the students.

Again, I was going to ask about this, but he but I’m going to again, so does that come into this line and have prevented financial assistance received, my students will use their parents in assisted housing, and receiving such an ecosystem is not included

in it. So like a Pell Grant, if the entire household is is living in LHL unit, they’re taking the income for the entire household. So that means the parents primarily. And then if you have a student living there, who receives financial assistance, federal financial assistance, they would not count that as part of the income calculation.

The issue around emancipation has been, well, my years of was teaching and modern tech. This was kind of a tricky one, because we talked about could you be an answered who is Mansfield and that sort of thing? And I guess that maybe is a legal question, because in Colorado, there was some sort of question about have that ability. But that’s something to look into. And doesn’t have to be totally pried into at this moment. But I think it’s something that we had that Commissioner Yarborough brings up that is interesting and important, because we need to know what that definition is because it’s often thrown around. But it’s not necessarily in all states equal. Not, some don’t recognize, I think Colorado for dinner time when I was teaching is

interesting. So the age plays into it, and that piece, but if you were to consider a different household that receives social security assistance, we have those on the other end of Age scale, and that’s just counted as part of their income, and you could likely still qualify, okay. I guess I’m just,

I’m looking at students who could have a one point, you know, became homeless, you know, without housing because of parents due to parent illness, and they passed on, and they now receive Social Security, but yet in school, may not be 18, things like that. They could be up front range. I mean, we got kids taking college classes in high school. So I mean, I’m not trying to complicate anything. I’m just asking because I know those situations happened.

And it might be like, if we had a prospective tenant in that situation, we probably looked at this and see which of the two was most flexible to allow it.

I think we would just find the right path for the right circumstances. And I think, you know, as part of the housing conversation, you, commissioners and council, I’ve actually talked about how do we solve the need for housing, young adults between 16 and 18, that are either kicked out of their home because of such issues are seen, and then they try to weave them through to the right outcome. But I think when we look more globally at housing, we do know that the challenge exists to keep that within our eyesight to figure out if there’s other solutions.

Does passage of this language, inhibit or tie hand tire hands around working with students who have fallen in that situation? No. And this is already applied to us elders did have it clearly written in the procedures manual. It was there was something there, it was just broadly said refer to regulations. And sometimes we’d like to do that for flexibility if they change. But in this case, it was too confusing. We wanted specifics.

And honestly, we found a solution that we were allowed to do by law, and it was just a conflict within the policy, but we weren’t legally allowed to work in forward. Yes, we bring policy change to you. Okay. Yeah. No, it’s just Are we allowed to do that?

Okay. Any more questions? Seeing that kind of emotion for allergy 2024.

I use LD chi 2020 for 11

seconds to move by Commissioner McCord Simon by Commissioner without requiring any more discussion? See, none. All those in favor, please say aye.


All those opposed? Passes unanimously. Thank you, you’re now on to the suites in Zinnia. Supportive Housing selection.

Okay, so moving off about like a general moving down to permanent supportive housing. So I’m gonna talk, I’m gonna compare the two a little bit at the broad level, and then we’re going to dig into both a little bit more closely just so we can follow along. Okay. This tweets, as we know, here, the suites was not purpose built permanent supportive housing. It was a hotel that was purchased and converted. It was not built with trauma informed design principles. It is an old funding model PSH is not set up structured this way. Anyone under the present this week to us. It has of the 81 units that are rentable. The 82nd is an employee for community management unit. We have 41 units that are served by federal project based vouchers by the lhsaa as the administrator so these people come off of lhhs suites waiting list. Then we have 40 units with associated permanent project based vouchers that are administered by mental health partners. With as as the arm of doh from the state So all of our 41 vouchers on the lhsaa side are source through local case conferencing, the Coordinated Entry Program through housing solutions for Boulder County. For the MHP vouchers, 40 of them up until February, those were sourced half from the one homeless out of Metro Denver homelessness initiative. We call it statewide list because that is the the it’s attached to DOH. Half of them came through local case conferencing through HSBC. So back in February, we have conversations with doh and MHP. And this was a culmination of years of conversations. But we got approval from doh to go ahead and switch those last 20 vouchers from the one home list to sourcing through local case conferencing. So this is really critical, it prompted us to look at the tenant selection plan, because we had to make that change at minimum. But be it was really important because of the history of the suites, how it was structured funding wise, how the building is not purpose built. Permanent Supportive Housing, which is really trauma informed design is the way of the future. It just is not necessarily fundamentally set up to be able to handle high acuity and meet people as well as some others that come in with more of a modern structure. It is not to be said that coming from the statewide list means somebody has a higher acuity of me. But it is possible because you’re bringing people in that don’t necessarily have as the highest propensity of ties to a lot compared to somebody coming in from Boulder County’s list. So

the difference is, when you have folks that are coming in with Coordinated Entry and Hs see agents and get back with HSBC, they have connections to social workers, they have connections to in many cases or core teams. And so there’s there’s a more robust support system for those individuals. I think what we’ve seen is when individuals didn’t have that support system, we tended to see more issues. And I just think that’s a big piece of insurance success for someone.

So that at a minimum prompted us having to pick up their tenant selection plan. But at the very same time, we were building the brand new Zinnia tenant selection plan with the team that includes elements, Mental Health Partners, Doh, and Boulder shelter for the homeless. And so we have these two running parallel, and learned a lot through that process. And really felt that between the need to update for the sourcing of prospective tenants between wanting to pull it off and be much more clear than referring back to certain sections only on the LNJ general tenant selection plan, we decided that it really made sense to look at this a lot closer and kind of scrub it. The last update was done in 2021. But it was that was one of many updates over the years. So it was an old tenant selection thing. So pausing on sweets for a minute, we’re gonna come back to it. But I want to compare with Zinnia since we have these two documents running side by side.

So one of the things before we switch to Zinnia. To dig into why we were able to do this, I think that is directly related to the decisions that you all have made in your capacity as a commissioner for the Housing Authority and the durable city council members. So specifically, when we were talking to the state about this issue, and everything we were dealing with, we started going through the litany of things that we were funding, so in many of these positions will apply more broadly to all of our housing portfolio. So you know, you all will have some of this coming into. So supporting services position now, as a as the Housing Authority Board, you improve the condition, one that will be permanently attached to the suites. But then your role as the city council members, you have two additional positions out of the marijuana funding that we have. Those will work with the suites and be part of the process but also support our broader housing portfolio. We’re having issues that we then started connecting the leading core teams that are involved in supporting our broader mission, you know, the state representative, literally because we weren’t in agreement with him. He said, I hear what you’re saying. But when you look at the totality of the resources that the city is putting into play and by in case of the sleet saying anyone who lives in there is going to come out of the coordinated entry process, which is really then focusing on the folks that are in my former county burning have the resources. So it is a product is your investment in the broader social service side of what we’re doing on the housing system that actually allowed us to make decisions. So your actions directly contributed.

And really our message all along was the sweets wasn’t structured for this funding, funding support services, it wasn’t properly structured to meet the needs. For example, at some time, between us and MHP, we only have one supportive services person on site, that’s a one to 80 ratio when a best practice is one to 15, if not one to 12 is what they want people to target, which was way behind. And we said this wasn’t structured correctly, the funding is not there. And so because of this, and we’ve tried to try it and couldn’t get this sorted, the city came around the bend and said, Well, it’s important either way, we’re going to do it inside or outside of this project. And doh recognize that.

And we’re continuing to evolve. So that was six months ago, February, or February, we have that conversation since February, we just really taken the next step and evolving this side of the mental health, social social service world, where we’ve now created a mental health center of excellence within the city in the housing authority structure. And so we have four representatives there and the work that she’s doing. The other afternoon, the lead now, on the house, work, neighborhood impact team mental health services, I’ve seen it just be see, I guess, people were getting HSBC, or senior service mental health professionals, Children, Youth and Family mental health professionals are supportive, because every position we just talked about, they’re now coming together, organizationally, to then start looking at how we’re supporting the broader community. So we’re able to see, you know, bring more resources to bear and apply throughout the community. So we’re continuing to evolve this aspect of the housing authority in the city. So we’re able to maximize the resources we have to play. And so as we continue to evolve, it’s not just one group. It’s multiple groups. And when we have such a challenge, or we’re dealing with something that everybody comes in and try to assist them, that’s something that’s going to serve all of our properties that we’re partnering on, but it serves the broader community as well. So learning to tie these things together, because we’re really taking more of a systems approach to maximize our efficiency, and have everyone working collectively versus independent silos.

Okay, so that’s the sweet history and how you got here. Zinnia purpose built, trauma informed design, fully supported services budget for multiple years. Older shelter is doing the case conferencing for prospective tenants and then also provides the support services to stay with them all the way through it. If there was going to be a permanent supportive housing project that was intended to be able to support harder to house higher acuity of new people, it would be a project like Cydia. So Zinnia has nhp administers all of the vouchers. That’s 55 total. Half of those vouchers are coming from the local case conferencing, half of them, minus one, so 27 Because it’s an odd number are coming from that one home list. So there could be some people coming in with higher acuity they need at that site, but it’s better equipped to handle it. So it’s an attentionally low barrier to entry, because this is a last resort housing opportunity. Also use of that statewide list is a requirement of the DOH funding that made the project happen. So the difference one critical thing between the two, the suites, all ad vouchers are federal federally funded. That comes with an extra layer of requirements and restrictions. The Zinnia ones are all state vouchers, lower barrier to entry, lower amount of restrictions. En la che is the owner at this week’s the primary general partner la che is not any ownership structure Zinnia we are a third party property manager. So it is all Ultimately, that owner plays a big role in making a lot of calls about the tenant selection plan. So,

great clarification. He has a special limited partner with a tax credit, right, thank you.

But we are not necessarily a decision making authority.

element element element. So you’re probably going why did that happen? This was one of the projects, when we talked about the land transfer and what we were purchasing that occurred prior to the city, taking over the operations of the housing authority, but after the challenges that we had at the suites. And so, in that conversation, the city created the contract with Elevate on the Permanent Supportive side. And we really wanted these other groups to come evolve based on the challenges we had the students. And so it’s it’s an agreement that was put in place prior to us taking operational control, which is why we’re not necessarily the ownership position, we’ve taken different approaches since that time.

As this is the first time that we have worked hand in hand with the golden shelter on projects. I think that’s amazing.

There is another element that we are lucky to be in, which is this exact team minus le J just went through this entire process for bluebird Boulder, which is the sister project to this one. So they’ve been through it. That’s for it was about 40 units, I think. And they’ve gone through this whole process and created their own lessons learn and brought into this process. And we meet with them every week to go over make sure we’re using a permanent supportive housing consultant that is funded through the project to help get everybody clear expectations of you on this piece I on this case, and what what all the levers are and how we need to make decisions. So it’s been a good process. Okay, so those are the key differences between Zinnia and the suites. And that plays into how these tenant selection plans come together. One other wrinkle at the suites is that we have two different voucher administrators instead of one. So if not every unit and every tenant is talking to the same people, which adds a layer of complexity and coordination, we have to be on the same page with MHP and be working through this directly. Okay. Oh, and also to ensure fair housing, because we don’t get on the same building to different people making decisions. We have to coordinate make sure we’re clear. Okay, so in some of the using that consultant PSH consultant was really helpful to look there’s any NTSB too. So some of the things that we went through, we went through this Zinnia tenant selection plan, every single word of it and analyzed who would think of what about it, because we are we are here so well, let me start with MHP and Boulder shelter, the people, case conferencing people through, they are focused on that individual, the person the individual has needs, and they are helping them serve that made which is to get into housing and have the support services, once they’re housed. Now we have la che as the property manager, and we are thinking about them, but also the community to make sure it’s functioning everyone can go along, we have keep the property, you know, peaceful enjoyment for all of the above. So it’s recognizing where we’re coming from in that. Okay, so the Zinnia tenant selection plan doh is the approver on that. So that is done. We don’t have the decision making authority on approving it. We just helped put it together with everybody as one of four partners. So that is here for just information. And then what I wanted to do is really show you the differences between the screening criteria at both properties because they are different. And this is going to be something that we have to manage carefully for the foreseeable future. So 2021 suites, new draft suites and are now officials. Okay, so Zinnia like I said low barrier to entry. What we are what is identical across the suite Tanzania is anything about meth and registered sex offenders. So in both if you have ever been convicted or evicted for the use or possession of meth, that is an automatic denial with appeal rights for about if you have ever been convicted of manufacture, production or distribution, automatic denial, no appeal rights both have an automatic denial for a household that subject to a lifetime registration as a sexual as a sexually registered sex Thank you registered sex offender RSL. Both of them are that it denier you can appeal

Yes, not appealable at the states. For lifetime registrants extender, there are other levels. And this is where we had to talk to Sarah quite a bit, there are other levels of our Essos that actually are not restrained from living in certain locations. And because of state law, we would see that come up. But we would. That’s not an automatic denial, you can consider circumstances and such. Okay, for example, we do have a daycare across from the suites. It is within 1000 feet, but there is no requirements, local requirements to limit them from living there. So there might be we’ve never had a problem. We’ve never had any sort of concern in that arena. But that is something that we looked deep into to make sure we know what we’re doing. Okay. We are now looking at the old sweets, 2021, tsp looked at patterns of criminal behavior, and it was frankly very squishy. And again, this TSP is a guide for us to stay on the same page as our partners. Everybody comes in with a whole slew of circumstances that we always consider as a great when we’re considering whether this person is going to be successful at the site. But we did tighten that up for the new suites draft tsp. Because a we’ve we’re filtering it through fair housing, and B, we are walking the balance of permanent supportive housing, so low barrier to entry. However, we have federal project based vouchers here which add a layer. And because it’s the suites, and it is not purpose built in necessarily ready for high acuity of need, we had that other layer there too. So you’re gonna see that how that plays in the criminal background screening and the rental history screening. But overall, I’d say what we attempted to do was tighten up this meets one be more clear. So then us and MHP don’t operate in the gray, but still have room to have conversations when there are circumstances to be considered. So there’s a lot more we could dig into in terms of this specific, you know, misdemeanors versus felonies and convictions is what we look at instead of charges. But I wanted to pause and see if there were specific questions about that.

Do you go through the call Colorado, to check on that rooms?

Trying to figure this.

So yes, I’m currently poor as any applicants I’ve been doing their CBI and national criminal background check. That is until we determine a really good company that we know we’re getting the right things. I think we talked about that last time. But yes, so currently, I’m doing that. And we’re hoping by the beginning of July, we have the company selected.

Is there a per person or per request cost? Oh,

yes, it used to be? Well, so the application fee is set. And while they can talk a little bit about that, but that that is when we moved to a background company. The all the costs are round together. And I believe was India there’s no application fee. Well, like we weren’t sure we’re still

sorting it out. I think it’s only there’s you’re only allowed to charge what it costs us. Okay.

So to refresh you on the challenge that we had with the existing background company, so we have one wasn’t working well. We went to this other company. They were doing a really good job getting information because if you’ve ever part of the challenges, any states require you to go to the jurisdictions, not, they’re not really uploading it into the database. Well, this company sold to another company. And we began noticing that the detail in the background checks was different. And so Sarah is trying to find another company that gives us the same level of service that we had originally prior to that company. And so. So that’s one of her projects. We’ve been making progress on it, sir.

Yes, I’m actually waiting, since you and I talked, and I’m still waiting, we’re playing phone tag with the old owner. Because I really want to, I want to pick his brain, he’s been in the industry really long time, and we have some good recommendations and also be able to point point us in a direction, then I think we’ll get good customer service.

So there is one that reminded me of one thing that we are still trying to put in the Zinnia if it gets to be put in and be coming in as an amended one. And we’re trying to insert in suites before it gets approved by the a wage. And that is prospective tenants with an active restraining order against La che staff or city staff that frequents the property. Because we have we are now in that we’ve had two restraining orders situations that got really interesting, the last two, you know, six months. So we’re trying to see how we can plan for that. Doh is noodling it right now. So, but in our mind that a person with that it wouldn’t be a successful situation. So that is one thing that’s still pending on both. The other questions or I will say this was an extremely challenging exercise, balancing multiple partners, federal laws, best practices. It just, it’s just a, it’s a touchy climate, it’s hard stuff that you’re dealing with. So for this tweets, what I’m just looking for tonight is direction to keep moving forward with this. We’re tweaking final things and he he’s application process, but then the intent would be to submit this to doh get their blessing and then come back and formally adopt, okay. But make sure you’re good before we get that far.

So we’re all good? No,

I think just direction, just direction and the direction

you’re going is the way to go. And it’s hard to say go in a different direction. Why would you do that? So Marsha, you’re dead. I see your head shaking. And so that’s your direction. Keep keep going the way. Of course, I agree with you, Jonas. My head was shaking. Because yeah, why would we do anything else? This makes sense. Yeah. Okay. project progress. So, Harold, the Interim Executive Director report on the development of

Mario that was sure. So we know what’s going on with the sense, although we could talk more and make Brad’s time more.

Village on main construction is sailing right along. And we’re about to bring back the fourth round of people. So two rounds left. But both third floor wings. We’re about to start exterior work soon. So you’re gonna really start seeing the changes on the outside. The interior common areas are still under heavy construction, but they should be start releasing the at least the first floor lobby, which is the most is the most disruptive because it’s just everybody has to go through there. Yeah, that should be wrapping up here in a few weeks. So we’re just working on we’re leasing up the units that we have held open for the transfers and that type of thing. So we’re just trying to get everything ready for for the after period as well. So that construction will go through the end of September. Let’s see I should have just

told you that really did enjoy that time. We went through that and then like to go through those. If I mean, look, it had our meetings and some of those other locations like we talked about. I thought we were kind of going to head down that path and then as much as this room is great. And I really appreciate the update. I think it’s nice to get out Hands On feel?

Yeah, I think one of the things on that was the precession component of it in terms of how we do it. And so I think I

have spoken with Don, in regards to the recession. So if council would like to have LNG import needs at properties, we could always move the LNG preset, or I mean, the pre sections to the properties as well. And Don would just accommodated and go over there. So that that way, you guys are not traveling back and forth for new locations. And that’s something you would like to consider.

We’re just getting direction from you all want to move three sessions to the LH property? Is

that do we need to do that at that at a council meeting?

I think we better because believe that people can’t attend, you would also have to let people who want to go to the lhsaa meetings, where that’s going to be going to be

so we just have to coordinate building access.

But do we have to make the motion and counseling, the

only other thing we could do is move the pre sessions off of the LSJ meetings and move them to a regular council meeting. And then it’s just an allergy

to the other study session.

So we’ll need to talk about that. Yeah.

So so for the remainder of the development updates, yes.

If you want, we can put that on the agenda for the next recession was like Council when we can talk about recession. Okay.

Sounds good. So between ascent and village, and our Chrisman and Zinnia, because even once construction is complete or being done by someone else, especially for Zinnia, we are we are leasing up that building, it is an operational phase that you go into, and it is a lot of work to. So the development team is pretty loaded up. And now the operations team too, because it’s limited and things. So we’ve got things cooking for the next thing that we want to take on in terms of a larger project. But I think for for now village, doing a self performing construction is really time consuming, Katie’s been absolutely rocking it. But it takes a lot of time. And then obviously, we’re prepping for closing. So we haven’t looked very far beyond besar. But we do have a long term projection and plan that we still are working on, on ideas that are forming and bubbling up. So

yeah, so if you remember when we when we get into budget will show you this when we’re starting to forecast the fund balance and when the development fee revenue starting to come into the system. When we’re starting to look at that next project, we’re looking at, potentially on the horizon, late 25, and more than likely 26. And that allows us to manage our fund balances as we’re moving forward. And then it’s going to depend on how we approach it. One of the things I’m going to jump in part of my executive director report is that we’re really trying to be mindful of right now is staff workload and capacity. You know, as we were working through some issues, that village on Main, we had to bring in different workgroups to help with the files and what was really going on there. So so in my mind right now, it’s really have to be in tune for today, in terms of managing that capacity and workload and not overwhelming, folks. And that’s conversations that I’m having with Lauren, and Molly at different times, just to be really hard for

I agree. I don’t know you were talking about though the larger piece that he shows. I would put that on the backburner if I were you until you get these others well underway, because burnout. Burnout is not fun. And then you get nobody excited about doing anything. They’re just overloaded. And they’re all going to have to take a long vacation to a real great country.

So when you think about it, right, so this home set project and you can probably talk about this like kids have intense right now. As you’re getting closer, you’re getting into frozen and then you’ll move into construction period, which will, the intensity will subside a little bit. But you’re still on their own pace. But then when they get toward completion, the intensity operationally starts picking up because now you’re getting into the tenant selection plans. And this one, you know, speaking of what we were looking at the suites related to proximity, childcare, this tenant selection plan is going to be a little bit different because you’re going to have childcare in the facility, which is going to bring up some of these registered sex offender issues. And they’ll present themselves in a different way, because you’re inside of 200. So you’ll see that intensity operationally pick up and so what we try to look at then is okay, it’s Katie’s lines now in the development staff, so I need down. You know, that’s when you start looking at the next development project. And then you’re, you’re offsetting these peaks to where the operational peak isn’t coinciding with the development peak, but they’re working together. So I think we’re getting a better understanding of that. And we’re just going to continue to work with it.

So just to summarize, we closed Chrisman in June 2022. Zinnia, May 2023. Village, December 2023. assent, July 2020, for our first small housing authority with one development project manager, that is insane. We also were using these development partners for that purpose.

Yes, absolutely.

Because we don’t have to cancel before. So that’s where the partner is important. As you start building capacity. Globally down the road, you know, what I’m about to see, as you build capacities, we have one point partnership going or we’re not doing as much work, maybe one, so performance, and trying to mix and match. But we’re still building.

Some larger housing authorities don’t have that type of closing schedule. But then also that there’s also other factors, you know, long run, we have this, we have all these projects in the mix. And CHAFA pays attention to that too. And they might normalize on our schedule as well, because they’re trying to balance the regional leads, but

although cheaper opera operating officer did manage finding the grand opening, and Chris was like, Well, I

mean, it’s a good thing, right? Yeah, that’s a good, definitely.

Think that’s all for development for today.

Operations, kind of like this report, all its kind of merging into that we’ll be getting hitting every aspect, even though you have different categories here. So

we’re more than I’m gonna give the operation report. That’s why we brought her in as the assistant director. I did want to let you all know, thank you, thank you for letting us honor this position. Because while you’re not, she’s drinking out in the dark mode right now. I can say from my position, and Robert Molly’s, our lives are dramatically different. We’re born here. And so it’s really been a big help. And she did some really great things with residents can be a good day to day with one of our properties that we have struggled with over time. So you heard me come in and when I went, that’s why we hired you. She’s doing that work. And so I just wanted to let you all know that we really appreciate you doing that. Because I think I would have pulled out whatever hair I have left.

So I won’t get into the weeds on this on this report. I just want to hit on a couple things. We have about 35 to 40 vacant units across the portfolio. Only two are math related. Oh, wow, we are down. So unfortunately, we’re also on money to fix them. So we’re looking into how to fund that we have one of the suites that is pending, contamination cleanup, and then it needs to be remediated. And so we’re working with the accounting team to figure out how we’re going to pay for that with so many vacants at the suites. Most of them are MHP vouchers. So we’re working really closely with HP to try and get those units filled. Because if we can get that that rental income that we can sort of, you know project income to address this one unit. As an aspen Meadows neighborhood. This is a unit that’s been down for quite a bit and was where we didn’t have insurance anymore. We partnered with Habitat for Humanity to do some of the work. So right now it’s just to the drywall. Everything else needs to be added floors, baseboards, doors, cabinets, and appliances. So we need to do some work to figure out how we’re going to cover that. But we’re making a lot of changes, operationally, we’re getting a little bit more streamlined on filling in the units going through our waitlist, working really closely with our property managers, and our admin team to shore up that process and get it moving faster. And also to make sure that unit turns are a priority, we don’t want to, we don’t wanna wait for a tenant to be ready, versus the unit to be ready, we want the units to always be ready so that when a tenant comes up, we can get them house quickly. Because that process can take time as well. And so I’d rather just have the units ready to go. So we’re doing pretty well, on the occupancy there, we had four units at Briar wood, I think the majority of them were affected. And those are all back up and running. And we’re working hard to get those rented out as well. But, you know, we’ve had a lot of change. So I’ll flip over to the property updates. As you may know, at least a gallon our our regional property manager resigned, she spent a lot of time working really hard with Le J. And so we we will miss her and appreciate her years of dedication. So we’re working on anytime someone leaves is a great time to reevaluate a role, what’s needed, what, what worked, what didn’t. And so I’m working on that with Harold and Molly. And I discussed it with all of our teams across lmha on what they would like to see for that role. What were the strong needs versus you know, Ben needs versus wants at this point, what do we want to focus on. And so we’ll be getting that role filled. We have two assistant community manager roles. One we’ve made two offers, one has accepted one is coming, I’m working with that person on trying to get them to come on board. And then we also have an opening for a community manager and internal opportunity. So we hope to fill that one and then we’ll we’ll need to backfill, another assistant Community Manager for that. So working really hard to get everyone stepped up to Harold’s point, everyone is a little overwhelmed. And we’ve been doing the best we can. We did recently hire a maintenance technician named Sam here. He goes by z. And he said Fall River Spring Creek. And as you know, John was promoted to Community Manager at Fall River in Spring Creek. So that team is is working closely together now to get everything up and running there. Because we have some issues with not having a technician and then not having a property manager. When those two roles were gone. Then we’ve just been having our coffees and conversations keeping in contact with residential and resident issues as they come up. You may hear about our landscaping issues with nine grass and nobody has already heard about that. We hired a new landscaping company. And they have not lived up to the expectations unfortunately, but it is late in the game to switch. And so we’re just working really hard, pushing them to fulfill their contractual obligations. And then we will evaluate after we get everything up and running and see. I don’t know that we can’t speak to whether or not we will continue onward but we’ll see what we can do to work out that situation. We’re waiting on repairs for irrigation and all the properties pretty much they’ve all the irrigation systems have something wrong with them whether it’s a mainline grade or computer issue. We still have our security services at all the properties doing their nightly property runs and everyone still likes that. Aspen Meadows we’ve had summer ours as a community manager who has really stepped up and been taking care of that property and leases absence, so I’m really happy to have her on our team. Molly is actively working with our construction company flooring, subcontractor, and the architect at Aspen Meadows senior for the flooring issues that you’re aware of seeing what we can do about that Briar wood. I have a picture on here of the new handle handrails that were installed by r1 which is part of our voluntary compliance agreement with HUD. So those are brand new, that was

funded by CDBG COVID money that city council if you will, and your role and City Council approved. So thank you for that

village on me. You know we’re almost to the finish line. Working on that property. Fall River and Spring Creek have already talked about getting those units up and running in that new team of John and Z No real updates at Hearthstone in large, it’s a it’s probably one of our easiest communities. And then Zinnia we’re, you know, rockin on the tenant selection plan and getting ready for the stuff. Construction is expected late September, early October. That will be a lot of work for our team. I think we have a good, we have a really strong property manager at the suites and who will be taking orders. Chrisman to her grand opening thank you for attending those who were able to That’s it because our positions. Anyone have any questions?

Or Hearthstone in the watch? The newest

one? Now there are two two crack communities.

So there’s built in about 2012. Yeah, they’re older. Okay.

Maybe it’s a mark, we’re waiting to figure out what we did.

Yeah, that’s the one when we were coming out of the when we talked about coming, there was a timing issue. So to pull it out of the tool to process, we actually have to start it when time is on a budget year. And it essentially essentially operates like a recent vacation where we give you the money to make the capital improvements. But the timing is really specific. And so we had to take retargeting into,

yes, where it would actually be start doing the work and 25 and probably pulling the trigger 26 I think once we get through summer, get through Village Construction and a set closing Katie’s we’re gonna start looking at pulling in a consultant to help us that specialized in doing too. So later this year, we’ll start timing it up more precisely.

And that will make it easier operationally. Because if you remember, the two, two budgets, we have to put them together, send him to HUD, and they have to approve them. And every year, you know, we’re going well, we need to zoom. We need these increases, and they’re like, No, we’re not going to get into debt to actual costs. So the budgeting process for those properties actually really inhibits what you can do for the residents and others based on that process you have to go through so long term, it’s make sense for us if it’s a fair amount of work that we need to do. Before we Sarah, do you want to go over safety?

Sure. We finally the city finally started to contract for our cameras. I just met with him this afternoon, and really getting things rolling. And we have some other things we’re needing cameras for like village on Main right now. Which Katie, I’ve got good news for you because I work that up today. So now we just need to purchase things and get get the ball rolling on that. We’re also working with the sorry, getting the cameras for the new build on hoever as well. So getting that all lined up. We ordered the meth detectors for the city bathrooms. And we had to pivot away from putting or ordering any meth detectors for village on Main, like we had talked about last month. Due to the fact that we did not clean we’re I should say we did not demo all the the the units as far as walls go. So essentially, they’re not technically clean. So we didn’t want to put you know, the goal is to put these men detectors in clean units that we know are brand new or have been tested and remediated appropriately so have you can pivot away from that little parable Molly want to say more about that, but and then security I just to kind of emphasize what Warren said, I’m working with them pretty much daily with the management suites and security regarding just ongoing issues that are not really resident based either. You know, a few residents are inviting some guests in that are causing problems. But really it’s the other house issues around the suites that are causing us problems. So really working with control and security and Gianna to ensure that our residents are safe, continue to be safe.

That’s all I had. Success is the residents. Well maybe not success for Sarah, but success is there. As an answer actually columns. And so I mean, that’s actually a really big step. You know, if you look at where we were with the scenes and how they really felt about police, and now the fact that they’re reaching out to Sarah, directly that event success, really long term at that property.

So when you talk about the house at the suites, homeless people, is that what you’re talking about? Going

to seats? Yes, there’s a, there’s a bridge that you have to cross over, right? Right before you get into the cup that holds the sack there. So they like to go underneath there. And then also, you know, what we were all talking about earlier than the open space to the north side of the suites. So there’s open space there. And then there’s a ditch and then there’s more open space. On the north side, there is going to be townhomes built north of the ditches You sure you’re all aware of. So that will help, I guess, with that area, but for now, we’re just residents are continuing to let me know when they’re seeing people back there. And the same with the staff. So I actually called in today, patrols out there earlier today, and then went back out when I called it and so it’s, it’s slow. But sure me, most of folks know that that city property. So

part of the challenge, I mean, this is a bigger issue that we’re working on. So when we look at this, where the trail comes under, over you all I know, I’ve gotten a lot of emails about what’s happening there. So when you take that here, you take this here, and you take the bridge here. I mean, that’s kind of where we’re seeing the majority of our calls coming in. And so that the neighborhood impact team met with us last week. And we’re looking at different options in terms of how we approach it. Be frank, this, this area right here is getting so significant, that we’re thinking about potentially having to do some kind of temporary closure. Just because of the challenges and the feedback we’re getting from the residents of our community. I do think that the Canberra project being the contract being signed, when we look at it from a global perspective may actually help because there’s automation with cameras and AI that we can use that get

Sorry, could you repeat that? I couldn’t I couldn’t hear what you said. And I got a lot of people who have called me about it.

Oh, so when we when we talked about what Sarah was talking about, it’s really this Sarah would you agree it’s a stretch from this bridge through this area right here sort of thing? Yes. Globally, what we’re what we’re dealing with and and this is probably the biggest challenge here in terms of if you see if I can show you

you can see what we’re talking you could see what was going

on. Sir, we’re going to need to go up here.

Yes, yes. So go keep going. Very limited make right there on this side. There there is. So

this is a dry creek. So this little tunnel is completely enclosed. And that’s the pedestrian access. And so what’s happening is we have people just stay in that area at all times. I guess harassing can be the word that we would use when we had cyclists and pedestrians in that area. And so we get a lot of calls for service. And so we know we need to figure this space out. And so that’s part of what we’re potentially looking at with the camera system. And again, it’s tiny camera system actually has some AI components built in and we can set timers to meet our ordinance requirements, they can’t figure out how long people have been there. So, you know, the point about it is is these are broader community issues, but it’s the same community issues that impact here. And you know, Sarah, and I, if I’m correct me if I’m wrong, Sarah, we kind of talked about it in terms of, sometimes it’s outside influences that are trying to engage with the people in the properties, that really it’s taking advantage of individuals. And so I mean, we I’ve personally been there was there have been certain individuals are trying to get in, and we knew that was when they were getting their checks. And so there’s challenges that we’re trying to, but that’s, again, how we work collectively to utilize technology to deal with some of these issues. But I know you are getting complaints, we’re still trying to figure out how to deal with this broader area. Well, we don’t have the answer yet. But we’ll be bringing that to you and your role as counsel. Is that Sarah?

Is sorry for Pettit, and maybe some.

So the last part of my report, so as we brought Lauren Nolan, and with the changes of resetting in that position for and is currently relooking at the job description, so it can be a little bit more fine tuned in terms of that position. Some of the immediate changes that we made operationally as we weren’t seeing people at the appropriate level for decision making. And so we started pushing that down. So we had emergency calls for service going to different folks, but the property managers weren’t necessarily in that chain. And so we now have the property managers is a friend in terms of emergency calls and properties because they know that better. So Lauren’s right in the middle of restructuring some of these, but really, it’s about placing decision making at the appropriate level. The other thing that we’ve been working on Kendra’s been working on. So we’ve been having challenges with our insurance carrier, but I think we told you, we lost our math, insurance and some other issues. The customer service was not great. We actually began conversations with the insurance broker that is partially IGA that the city has. So we began conversations with the city’s insurance brokers. And so to kinders point, as we’re working through this, she’s had more assistance in two weeks that we’ve had historically from this other company. So I have given her direction to move and change insurance companies. In evaluating everything that we had, they brought up some interesting points that we’re going to look at from an insurance perspective. One is errors and omissions for property managers. That’s not in place. Something that’s becoming a thing. And I don’t know if you all have heard about it and pin arose. But tax credit, recapture from the investors is starting to be a theme that’s occurring when units are vacant. And they’re not necessarily getting their tax credits. And so there’s some insurance policies out there to cover that. So we’ve made a series of recommendations for us in terms of the insurance that we need to have in place. The biggest news is, is they think there may be the potential for us to get pollution insurance again, and pollution is bad. And so they’re going to start evaluating that process for us. And this is obviously a really large company that has access. We didn’t want to do it on a commission basis and wanted to do in a broker fee. But they really feel like the best approach right now is to go in commission now as we currently approach insurance, but transition hinter broker fee, once we’re in here, so like so we will be changing our insurance policies and be the same company that we’re working with on the city side. So we have a long standing relationship.

Back to investors are getting insurance for vacancies. Did I understood that correctly?

No. It’s when you have a vacant unit that impacts the revenues right screen and they do they don’t get the tax credit because of that. We’re now suing owners and property managers for not getting that tax credit, I think is the best

title for investors. So they’re receiving every means they can to

get the returns. If a unit is occupied all year, but it’s vacant on December 31. It’s counted as vacant in the year and you don’t get the tax credit. Well, that’s fair. So it’s a concern with all of the Getting units due to the method of mediation, we can, we can fill those units until the remedial league leaves, you know, occupancy. Occupancy values get sold. So we’re working closely with chatbots to monitor that, but that can be done.

Okay. Do we have any commissioner comments?

I don’t know if any other commissioners got an email, I got an email today from a resident but pretty confident that no new clauses not knowing J property is

in touch with that resident about the via

contract was in urine contact, he probably had a better answer for her than I

was hoping that she knew about the via services for seniors of FHA properties. I was hoping that they could include Mountain View Plaza, which I am familiar with that property, because that’s the property that got the award of private activity bonds just here a month ago to do a rehab and recertification of tax credits. So it is not knowledge a property so we couldn’t add it on to the FHA contract, but I told her that I would get in touch with Senior Services assistance available, but for microtransit For

right now, there’s accessorize. And then there’s the flex. The flex makes sense, right? And so if there’s if there’s a disability or something associated with events,

right, so far, she was only referencing seniors at the moment, but we can we can hit all the boxes,

Sarah, you.

Yes, thank you. That property is currently being sold along with two other multifamily sphere and in town, Hudson Company as a current property manager of Mountain View, and I have a lot of history of not great things there. So if anyone wants more information, you can pick my brain

that is being sold to a low income up should say affordable housing developer sufficient in low income housing tax credits, they intend to do private activity bond financing and get a tax credit the word to do a big lease syndication there. We have. It says the property is certified HCV Ventures

is Z LinkedIn communities who can think AMC property management’s going to manage it

so no other comments almost future. Second year commission adjourn all those visuals. I don’t know

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