Comics, Publishing, and Restorative Justice

Video Description:
Author and illustrator of A Better Path: Restorative Justice and the Possibility of Healing, Ryan Forbes, speaks about the story that inspired his graphic novel and the process of writing a restorative justice graphic novel. He explains why he chose to use the graphic novel as his medium, what his publishing process involved, and what the restorative justice process looked like for him personally. He also takes several questions from the audience about the restorative justice process.

More about Ryan Forbes:

More about Wayword Press:
More about The Shakedown:

More about Boulder County Restorative Justice:
More about Longmont Community Justice Partnership:

More about UCCS:

More about Scott Mcloud:
Mor about Dave Simm:
More about Brandon Graham:

More about the connection between Ninja Turtles and Daredevil:,Miller’s%20run%20in%20the%2080s.

00:00:00 – Introduction
00:00:16 – What is BLOOM?
00:01:35 – Thanks to attendees
00:02:20 – Questions?
00:03:28 – Who is Ryan Forbes?
00:05:28 – Community service and the birth of the restorative justice graphic novel
00:12:09 – Why tell stories through comics or graphic novels?
00:24:18 – The Storyboarding Process
00:28:25 – Prisons are bad
00:30:21 – The challenges in the restorative justice writing process
00:32:25 – Why write about restorative justice?
00:35:55 – Why art and restorative justice?
00:38:02 – Healing and Storytelling
00:39:22 – Publishing in print and online
00:48:34 – Conventions
00:52:25 – Crowdfunding
00:54:20 – Audience questions
00:54:47 – Why comics as a medium?
00:56:48 – Were there any other terms or phrases I had to adjust due to the restorative justice process?
00:58:50 – How have you been able to be reflective and adapt the story through the restorative process?
01:01:59 – What’s involved in restorative justice aside from art?
01:05:58 – Do you believe that restorative justice can be used on anyone, even the most heinous crimes?
01:08:38 – How do you proceed if someone does not take responsibility, or keeps hurting the community, in the restorative justice process?
01:10:39 – Is there room in the model of restorative justice for the communtiy to decide that you do not want this person in the community?
01:13:58 – What would happen if a victim is against restorative justice?
01:16:11 – What would be the solution for serial killers and other very serious offenders other than prison?
01:21:09 – Who did you work with on the graphic novel?
01:22:03 – Closing

Video produced by Ryan Forbes