Arts in Public Places Board Meeting – April 2024

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Arts in Public Places Board Meeting – April 2024

call the meeting to order. Gentleman let the roll call. So please speak and say I’m here for everyone just saw her saying she’s not here. Floral by here. Pamela is not here Teresa. Susan’s here, Danielle here is good. Yes. Okay. I’m here melody here. Okay.

And then I’m here.

Okay. So you Tiger and Stephanie her social skills right as well as piano.

Okay. And also present are you Hello? Brill, our administrator Laura man and our esteemed council member Susie Delgado foreign birthdays today. Thank you.

We’ll make it snappy.

Do we have any Do we have any public invited readers? No. Thank you. Okay. The minutes, the March 21. Meeting Minutes. Does anybody have any questions or corrections on the minutes? From last week? Okay, okay. It’s okay. You’re doing great. Okay. I would like to ask for a motion to approve the minutes. I move to approve the minutes for more smokers first. Okay, second. Second. Okay. Okay, everyone that has voted aye. please say aye.

Aye. Aye.

Any nays? Any abstentions?

one abstention.

Okay, wonderful. Okay, so great. Thank you. How

so? So just a sixth Civic. I’m wondering is one extension of the motion. So

the motion passes? Okay, do we have any additions or corrections to tonight’s April 18. Meeting?

I have one.

Then what you have in front of you is this is likely breakfast.

So versus

what was posted earlier. Number 11 is now going to be more in permissions and code of ethics review, which then moves everything else down to the new business as well. Commissioner Collins is 13 and attorneys 14. Is that what well drive you off.

Okay, thank you.

Susie, would you like to bring us news from the city council?

Sure. And my apologies for last month, we have a Housing Authority commissioners meeting that was shifted from Tuesday nights to Thursday nights. There have been concerns with different also in Boulder and Fort Collins City Council. They had protesters. And so we were expected to have some protesters or really the ceasefire will want us to do things. So I mean, in Fort Collins, they can actually move their hands to the brick wall. So it got pretty intense. So we were trying to find a way to put our meaning in a way that we could just continue the Housing Authority, conduct that business without being interrupted by a protester, so you shouldn’t do that. So fortunately, the you know, the conversations have been very civil. So we’ve had people come to me to public invited to be heard and they’ve been very respectful and subtleties of this. So that was to that regard. Some things that had an impact you all in the community is we made a final decision on the Fourth of July. So Coronas does do most the fireworks they pay for the fireworks. The component of the city, the role of the city place is that we provide live safety and traffic mitigation. So that’s our contribution which is that we have heard from several members of the community for the past year that they did not like the fireworks at Fox hill country clubs because it felt very, you know, just delete and just kind of out off to the side so they kind of wanted people. We definitely heard that people wanted more at the city like the center of city. We could not get back at the Boulder County Fairgrounds after COVID When they reopened it, I know that there was some concern for public safety that, you know, just even like the last 10, you know, 510 years, there has been challenged with the growth in around and the the influx of people coming to Longmont. So it was that area was more challenging for public safety, to keep people safe and inappropriate spaces to us fireworks. In addition to you know, we have a an Osprey. So there, I mean, it’s right there. So we’re looking at taking care of wildlife, you know, that’s it wasn’t feasible anymore, and for a variety of reasons. So we have allow GLONASS, and I believe that they they took us up on that to have the supplier Training Center, on the corner of warm streets. And first. Yeah, so we’ll have it there. And then we’re working with businesses near livings and the movies is taking the lead on this, but having some kind of street fair or act event in the early afternoon, should kind of encourage people to not necessarily do fireworks at their houses, but we have something for y’all to do. So that’s, you know, that will be coming down because it seems like it’s pretty exciting. Coming together, and yeah, I don’t know if you all have any questions or Yes. What

about parking more down there by maybe. And

so we’re just there. So they’re going to I know that as traffic and public safety, they’re gonna look to block off some areas of you know, open space areas, like empty fields to kind of put some parking in there. No, they’re still working out with technicalities. The one of the things that we’ve suggested I think it was all came from Councilman reoffer was looking at shuttles so people park at the parking garage on Hoffman says there’s a huge parking garage and I parked there. So we have to be so you know, people we encourage people to take up those spaces and have shuttles that will take people to the to the events so they’re you know, just physically you know, just can’t make a walk we would have those kinds of disabilities available. I live in Designer works. Designer so we are going to also do a pre fireworks display for connecting networking with

the school district

they have a drone team so our high school they’re going to do a pre firework show of the drone display and then the fireworks so we’re just kind of hoping to really build up you know, make some events for people to get involved and come out and network and have fun

I’m glad to hear all this because the fireworks in my neighborhood on the side of the street without severe yeah there we go to kind of really not permitted to

be done about it. So I’m really hoping that if we have these different events for people to to get involved with it they’ll be less inclined to just be at home and come out and I know because I’m Fourth of July we except to when I hear them again my car structure who’s doing like if I could not have to do that

anybody else have any questions or concern for Susan? Thank you for

always be Yes sir. No

Okay, awesome.

Okay, next item number seven are

going to update me classmates,

right? Yes,

that is me. Me. So I’m gonna be sharing yet right. So I have to write offline with technology today. Don’t say that host is disabled participant strange.

Share options.

I was really on a struggle ask earlier this week. Okay. But not today, guys. Today is my day. Very

easy. Everything easy.

That’s what we’re gonna say. So you have full commitments from your participants, but I’m still working on some of the He’s still working on some of the contracts. But let’s just go through the images first. So your butterfly bench is going to go outside of bull town marketplace. And so we’ll find marketplaces very excited. And the artists today at 445 was asking if he could delay his installation so the paint could drive. And while I appreciate that he is repainting it for us, nobody you gotta get in here when we have a welder. So he was very accommodating that way, but it is nice to know that these artists are they want it to be the best for you. So that was some lots of fun. This is opening up. It’s a piece that is about six feet high. And I don’t think that the

Zoom worksheets are looking at this thing that you’re showing DCS?

Yeah, mobile on Zoom participants. It says I’m screen sharing,

Z screen sharing.

No. Yeah, but we haven’t been to

you or like three years, some other patients. beginning slide on the artwork we’re talking about so we’re working on it.

Yeah. How about that?

Right, Teresa, nice to see you don’t see Duck Duck juicers. So if it’s too, it’s just too

threatening. Okay. So let me back up.

Don’t think okay, maybe I can, either using butterfly beds now. Melanie, are using butterfly bench now? Yes. Okay, butterfly mansion painting gonna look great with an artist is sticking to this minute. Thank you, artist. Now you were seeing opening up yoga pose? Yes, yeah. About a six foot high handforged, steel and Latina. For those of you who are more here for the selection process, these artists was allowed to submit up to three different artworks and the Commission decided coming into the vote, that we were only going to accept one piece per artist. And so that made for a really fun discussion, because some artists such as God bless here submitted more than one worker. And so we had to narrow it down. So this piece also has the butterflies and can’t recording it, you’re out breath. Recording records, that’s fine. Butterflies up and down their spine. And so we will be putting this into St. Stephen’s on the north side of the tree. It’ll be visible in the round dish, right? Three different sites. So it has a little pile on etc. This piece, which is title is going to come to me is Gregory field, viral life spiral of life or one is ceramic. And all of the little blocks have these different natural looking features and bits on them. He’s excited to participate again. And this is going to be a long before happening on I’ll show you locations here shortly. Perforated basin by Joe Norman is going to be a long form avenue of near the alleyway. The icosahedron icosahedron, which is an interactive piece, any of our friends who play Dungeons and Dragons will recognize this dice. And so you’ll go we’ve had a walk and then it’ll move around. So that’s lots of fun. He is a Maryland artist, not joking. And so he’s getting a little bit of grace on that installation time because he’s writing it here. And he’s very excited. And so, you know, we don’t provide free like the stipend is the stipend and he’s going to Crestview and when I told him that he received the contracts, he was in Georgia. So yeah, he’s just kind of put in his NYCoS and ether is all over the United States. So so he’ll be a moment that’d be bunker. So that one is going off of that being right next to me. So very, very visible. Okay, so

yeah, pretty much for many years. You know, he didn’t say NASA

it’s never been a part of our program because it’s temporary or we’re limited on them dollar figure. I was gonna say when he and I should be he has not confirmed like exactly when he’s going to arrive. If that comes up, I will. It’ll be at the end of this month

in May, yeah, sure

by the end of April, like a week and a half, two weeks it’s a very artists and keys on the RSI. Extreme Jota, which has those referential to Tolkien’s writings, does have a bunch of reclaimed materials, including organ pipes that does not make music of its own accord, even though the artist is looking saying if

you took like a leaf

blower anyway, put it on it. And my review was amazing. And we always wanted to, probably not. But it does have some key components in sites which are solar driven. So that should be a lot of fun. And that’s us going on a Fourth Avenue closer to firehouse the butterflies within a butterfly. So it’s a very large butterfly, and then the stamp out of the pieces of other butterflies are within this is a kinetic piece. So the butterfly itself is is connected to each pole with a cable. And this is going to go into St. Stephen’s Plaza,

and it’s going to be right next to the church is huge and

fantastic. So the yoga girl with her butterflies, and then this butterfly and then our friends at Ltda had a butterfly bench that they have installed. So it’s not usually this time, the artists for this work applied and said that the word would be available in more installments, and now suddenly changed his mind. That said, he and I have been talking about installation, especially close to the library because it’s an ampersand. And the work is attached to 2000 pound raw. But physics says of course, that if you apply enough force onto the sides of it even inside of it, because of its size, and okay, you’re good to go. And at this point in time, because of the plaza at the city center, the weight restrictions and requirements and also that I cannot drill into that Plaza without making some people really bad. So I’m working as hard as I can to make this this load work. I can’t promise at this point. So our structural engineer who’s advising me is not happy about it. That said, if I can come up with a solution where we’re working with logs and not stone, and I couldn’t find a sufficient way to visually connect the world to the ground moving forward, but the other piece of it is that every application you know asks to certain fram or Washington’s as if it was going to be available and he said and now he’s kind of coming back on which as an administrator I don’t really appreciate it is what it is. So when we would have asked and again it’s not our but just I don’t want you to be upset. I want you to go to Charlotte St. Speaks thoughtful lines is going to be on fourth Ave. So there’s two little visions of that. And those are pieces for our revenue this year.

Yes, so yes. If the guy one star in the

reader. Yeah. He’s our do we have that? alternative. I’ve

used all of our alternates, and the bear which was leave air that we were super excited about when he was going through his application because it got taken somewhere else. The Fox box risk management said thank you for trying to do dangerous things, you know? Yeah. So let me show you some shoes

Oh, sorry to get them there by the

way. Now it really doesn’t let me assure to make decisions.

Let me show you

the habit. Yes.

Okay. Some of this has changed just a little bit, but for the most part is fairly happy. It says My screen is paused. Do you know what that means? Share it as I said.


Oops. The rest of

it. Here we go. All right. He

hopefully you are seeing 654321 and a budget images. Yes, though. Nothing’s not here. But here’s

why. He’s still. Here we go. Now everybody sees it, okay? I mean, like the metaverse, right? Like I didn’t want people to come.

In person and also, okay, so number six, which is all the way to the right. It’s like, wait a minute, I didn’t choose that. You’re right, because that’s a piece from Safety and Justice that we have to remove, while they are currently in phase two, demolition and phasing and things and so we could put it in storage, or we can move it into what overdue and so while our handlers and we have a place to move it to, that’s gonna go right in front of the firehouse or where the robot is now. Oh, it is. We’ll put it at the recycle center that we wouldn’t have forklifts here, okay. And it will look kind of funny and one of them was missing. Okay.

And I think it will be a hidden panel recycling center, because this just doesn’t happen I’ve mentioned

it’s not when it looks bigger than it actually is when you go to the Safety and Justice Center, because it’s the end of the bed, and the bed is already three feet up. So it actually has it to where it is now. And our friends and Safety and Justice will put like Christmas leaves on it and like around Mardi Gras beads on it and stuff. So we’re gonna put it back into the mix.


okay, great. So it’s gonna go in front of the firehouse and next to it in Charlotte’s piece, which you think is going to be really nice. And then I think the existence totem is going to finish us out that things really, really tall, then when you cross the alleyway with perforated bass, it’ll be on the other side, kind of still keeping that height up and then moving back down to the spiral life has done a lot of geometry and a lot of those really natural colors. And then you know, you’ve got those kind of square more geometric images that when that leads itself into our Zed, it goes to the next one, right? So that’s that. Okay. So here just to give you an idea of who they go on Fourth Avenue, what’s coming out and what’s going in, robots going out. Safety and Justice pieces going in Charlotte, the sixth piece that you guys love her so much that we’re just switching those in and out. So we’re always going out under new ones coming in. Her dancing lady who grew up is already gone. But that’s where the existence totem is where that lovely Josh where pieces is going out and then that’s kind of our original PowerPoint on Main Street. And then the brush of blue, then Gregory fields pieces coming in. And then we have another kind of similar looking bit close to the the alleyway. And then we’re Kensington’s hug pieces coming out. That’s where we’re going to take the robot. So he’s gonna go over there as soon as the name or at the meeting. So the Commission, the cost for that piece is significant. I’m and when we remove it, I’m going to do a pretty detailed examination of its construction along with my colleagues with our cabling company. So we’re going to take a look at it, we’re going to move it over to Kensington and see, continue to see what our community feels about it. And then of course, our ultimate rodeo is leaving the museum. And we won’t be putting anything back here. Because all of that is going to get all torn up as we expand the museum, which is again, but we won’t have a museum temporarily. And then don’t listen to Fourth Avenue breezeway that’s not through, that’s going to go along the street in front of an old town, this

really is going out

activism back to a place somewhere else.

It will not and because of our public places, policies and procedures, it is a cast bronze. So it’s one of many, and Lafayette owns one. And our radius is another. So we can’t go any additional spaces with it. Which makes sense. Like, yeah, it’s not spiteful, but everybody has. Yeah, yes. Cool. He’s so. So. But that’s not to say that I told all of these artists about the opportunities that we have to you know, that they can create new different works and then consider them for submission

for our opportunity. So

there’s always machines. Okay. Let’s see, you got to do my whole diverse. Okay, so

okay. Did you tell us shorter

installation Vegas?

Oh, sorry. Yeah. The week from today, we should be pretty well done. I’m starting to accept some work on Tuesday and take some work out. The majority of work is going to start at 11am on Wednesday, and we’re going to work straight through all Wednesday, and all of Thursday. And then the big butterfly keys in St. Stephen’s will go in at 11 o’clock on Friday. So if you are interested in coming and meeting artists, or talking or see us in action, really anytime Wednesday along for that we primarily disorder, most of the action is going to be happening on Wednesday or Thursday. And you can always just text me and say which one are you at home, if you’re really interested, I can tell you, I can send you the schedule. But the reason that I make a schedule is to hold artists accountable when they’re supposed to be here, but I always bring this because I never was an artist is laying were brought on mines and we can hold out something just as capital so really come by for that. And

again, it’s really fun. So I encourage people to come down because it is really fun.

Do you see the drive a forklift?


Sorry, next Wednesday was the funniest one to four then Thursday the 25th. And we won’t have any cranes to share

because we’re not doing anything.

Super, super, super heavy, which is great that you know, save this.

Yeah. Does anybody have questions about our move? This is really helpful speaking.

Very nice thing.

They are great pieces.

They really are today’s lecture machine. And a number of folks are applying to you know, our opportunities in the pharmacy so that’s a big deal too. We’re reaching to try to reach further but we’re reaching a more diverse

group of artists

which is your mission

okay all right. Soccer

so we met a couple weeks ago it was Pamela and stage although they’re not here right now. I’m just whatever the deets with them. And then also, they wanted to recognize us moving and voting and from online and in person to Justin person. Because we feel that we want to have the communities opening and not outsiders voting. And this year, I am planning on doing voting at two places so that everybody gets a chance to come in a little bit more extended than we have, especially last year. So the days are it opens for submissions base first and then instead of Close may 31, so ours have a full month to design and painted box. And then voting will begin June 8 at Old Town marketplace. And then the 23rd is going to be the last day there, we’re going to move it over to the Longmont museum June 24. And then voting will end July 13, which also coincides with the free day at the Longmont museum. So I’m really hoping to capture a lot more of an audience and the Lego show city openings. So we’re gonna have a lot of, it’s gonna be a healing is going to be really good for people to come and vote and seeing the boxes in person versus seeing them online. And then also all the headaches that come with online, like, it just is much easier to capture the audience that

we want voting in person.

And then we’re gonna announce the winners in the middle of July. So obviously, we’re gonna announce it after our July meeting, which is July 18, so that you guys can all decide on which box that you want. And then training will have in early August, and then we’re hoping to have the artists done by November 1 This year, because we had some artists that really loved it up until the last minute and didn’t finish pose, or surprise. Yeah. The other reason is that next month, a recommendation because both sage and Pam are not present, they can’t make that recommendation to you to change that voting over from formally and officially, from the way that we’ve done it before. Doesn’t matter probably do it this year, this time, because well, it doesn’t matter. Because it is a procurement process. We’re making these artists do it. And it needs to be a model rather than how that’s going to happen. So that will be coming to you next month. And Lara has created some amazing videos that we have been working on trying to get these assets for a while. Again, we have done some and they were not awesome. And Laura is fine in fighting. And

finally, finally three but finally

created an asset that an artist who doesn’t know how to create the market can go step by step and figure out how to do that. And then the next piece is really going to be from creative mind like what does that brainstorm look like for you? What are some of the tendencies and then what have past winners look like from the nature? And like, can you come up with your own right? And so you’ll be seeing those on social media and they’re wanting stuff on our website? Should I show them on our website? Yeah, sure. I want to see. Yeah, so what you did, okay, yeah, it was, like the first minute, because nobody wants to watch longer than a minute. The actual video is 11 minutes. So it’s kind of long if you don’t want to watch me go to a box.

But it was nice to see this new Facebook and I’m enjoying

hosting every year we get a little easier and better of everything. Really very cool. Yeah,

I guess like the important thing I think when we meet a working artist is I’m kind of approaching it in a way that how I do it, but then also being able to explain that it’s also I think really helpful for other people and with the whole design thing too. You know, I haven’t seen site where I was able to kind of take our whole collection and be like okay, can we have 20 30% landscapes and then the next genre is like animals and the next genre is like whoever or whatever. So it’s like okay, when you’re an artist like obviously you want to make something that is so true to what you are doing generally but then what can skewing you in a way to make the community love your design even more so I’m I’m that’s what I’m doing currently right now I’m actually making my own box but yeah, it’s all it’s really cool thing right now at least we got to get to the animation part because oh yeah, I did do I was like I want an animation. I’m sure you can hear oh no. I’m so cute

my studio and we are going places for assistance. And today I will be teaching you how to build a shop garden mindset box

for years easy to

see Your cost to access student has two

sides when you need four pieces you have to love it in order to what’s the

marker and a ruler to measure anyways? It should yeah, really good. I see you’re off now. Whenever a former or it’s over Yeah. Okay. I like that yeah

now they’re just straight. I mean, they were stupid. I don’t want to say why but you should call me after having to deal with them on the streets don’t do your job until you have a zone so you can be measured and make it

make sense. These are the kinds of things we do try and tell somebody but like it’s really you should show them your size. And then you’re gonna do you’re gonna make just as best possible just as material that doesn’t like so anyway,

yeah, I

sent you a video of me working on it in studio. That’s it anyways. So cool. So I’m doing a landscape because everyone loves landscapes. Anyways, that year it was like I it would only be something that I personally like do what I was like, it still aligns with my aesthetic but it’s like what I understand works best because like you’re driving you want it to be readable from everything so yeah, I mean it’s been really fun and I think like we’re gonna get a good turnout this year because a lot of different things but hopefully getting these assets to the artists will make them understand better because you know, we’ve gotten fluency boxes and boxes that are printouts and I thought I know


I think yeah, that’s it so yeah, next next meeting we will have sage and or Pamela give the recommendation formally but that’s what we did discuss what’s moving in offline to be all in person. Great.

Okay. Same questions

Did anybody on Zoom need anything everyone’s good? Okay awesome.

Okay, so I notice that we don’t have the rash of tracking devices on

YouTube. Now buggers well we’ll just throw it on and and in the new business,

okay. All right. Next is the local business update which is a selection panel which has gotten underway so Teresa we do

not usually have fun terrifying them will be the center the views No, actually did a really great talk about explaining how to get a cafe and how that that was really the most important part of being able to look at art. And they were all very excited and they listened. So this was kind of more about informational, or seduction, not a lot of fun looking. And then perhaps gave a presentation about the park itself and ideas where they’re taking place where their revenue is really for our sponsors, one section of it is actually become a watcher which really fascinating so that the bicycles part of

nature walkway, actual courtroom. So it’s a bit of fun park thing. And you know, I had never met any of the people that are on the selection committee. So we have community members that are willing to engage which is super wonderful. So that and then we have one meeting a month until we meet with ours.

That’s right so the shortlist will be May 14. Of course all of these meetings are open to the public. Not The discussion will be all of the applications that have come in and in the selection panel will be charged with narrowing that down to three finalists, which then will be paid to complete their proposal and then come present those proposals to June 4. And so love the meetings that we really put out on social media for people to come to the June 4, one, I think, is the most engaging and community feedback will be more most applicable at that time, I am in connection with the major way and

focus over my neighborhood, as well as one

resident who wouldn’t have served on such on the hill, except she’s expecting a baby like that day. So she didn’t want to admit to being social animals she was able to attack. So that’s great. So we do have community engagement in the neighborhood, which was part of this building, but no other social animal lives. And so the parks department I thought did a really good job of saying, while this is a neighborhood park, parks have immunity assets, so that every selection panelists shouldn’t feel calm, confident and comfortable that the decision that they’re making wild horses for the neighborhood. Moreover, it’s that your communities. And I think everybody left, feeling confident and comfortable. Did scare them about the digital scares. She did her very best. I did I always do I scared. I’m just enough. So after they’ve logged in, and they’ve gone through that process, they’re like, Oh, this isn’t that hard. To do we talk about I’m sorry, I was busy looking up stuff to talk about other parts department presenting the presence. Okay. Sorry.

And the park itself was under construction right now. So nobody really buildings walk around and look at it. You drive. You drive around a bit and look into it. I think. So. During

its events, okay.

All right. Okay, so we’re underway with that one. So far? Yeah. Okay. Next item is on the maintenance and what we have maintenance for that, that they think is not nature’s way. So the executive committee, now on the morning when it’s just dead is 20 degrees. And we looked at five partners that are uncoil wrote off amazing from here. And we have a huge favor. Remember, we have estimates from conservators about restoring all all the five pieces to their former glory and for self version. So they can do what we say the word was.

Can I also have a statement from 70? And 72? Okay.

Yeah, so I think for the most part, there’s only a few pieces that we really were up. And I wish I have the list in front of me. We sort of

Go Fish mountain, and then the other one is in the trees. Yeah, those are two

that we want to do the full the full scope basically. So extending them basically the amount of money the top family allocated for those restoration projects on both of those, the benches, everything else is looking pretty good. It’s also going to be better code within the city and not have to go to the companies we all agree with it, but probably still keep it the one thing and which I was playing devil’s advocate on, which is the piece that he like, basically, like look into the looking glass piece. But right now our exposition is is literally looking into people’s homes. It’s very awkwardly placed and the whole entire thing needs to be completely taken apart. And re it needs two lenses, the whole thing is are really going to be a lot of money. At first, I was thinking because of the fact that we had already lived in a very similar piece. Moving on to Main Street, doing another one of these kind of viewfinder things. I kind of was like Well, we’ve already talked about in the last year again, another one, maybe we should just fix this one that we have. But the more that I like drove up and down and been around that area or kind of really thought about it. The pieces definitely even in our relocating it on vaccine like area is going to be very disruptive I think to to the former neighbor to all the neighbors and it’s just kind of a weird piece. So I think mostly everybody was kind of on the fence, getting rid of that entity out of the collection. I was trying to fight for it. But now I don’t know really fighting for personally, because it’s a really, it’s really bad. And it’s also a piece that I think isn’t going to stand the test of time either. I think it’ll be something that people would have to, in advance a little bit more than what on the average pieces. So that’s just my own input.

But yeah, so those two pieces got tables. So in your last meeting, you did formally allocate that that subcommittee to make the decision of up to X amount of dollars. And so the goal official estimate is somewhere between five and 7000, the kinetic article, originally Tracy, which tags today, they get very much for sending as me. But a

lot of street got tag, though.

For certain fees specialist is going to be out there tomorrow if the weather’s warm enough for him to do pressure washing, but the trees estimated somewhere between 60 468 number with a total to be spent of somewhere between 11, five and 14, two. So and that’s where those two pieces to go, which piece is a mountain and it’s mosaic along the way. So I think that that personally, I think that that is a really good decision because it actually functions. Stephanie writes, and Cindy concur, that the executive team is acting as maintenance review committee and recently completed a group inspection. Both in reviewing the artworks but also reviewing those posts and observation proposal, the art is rapidly aging. And the IP specifically was severely damaged from the flood. Because I think the conservation report says that there is no bio material and design was like why is called what it is, is old. So all right. We all felt that the proposal was reasonable for high quality restoration and stabilization. We also recognize that the restoration proposals are a fraction of the cost over begin a new replacement project with the cost. And that these pieces are important to the neighbors and users of that part of the Greenway system. That the remainder of the collection. So the back benches one and the other one is little leaf chairs are suffering some arrests, some feeding and maybe need some power going in the future. But I can tell you with confidence that I can do that work without having to put it out of the house. D install those ourselves, get those over to the power code ourselves and say come on having a super high professional do that. But the last over that masonary work, the mosaic work that’s outside of stellar. So yeah, so we’ll be moving forward with that. And then we’ll get on Pacific coasts. Observations scheduled for this year. That I mean that 14,002 It’s a little bit less than what I budgeted for this year’s maintenance

you know, we could do probably a little bit

more but that’s pretty much the next issue.

Anyway, any questions? Maintaining it’s not as hard as body I know that but

I think history didn’t take over all things too. Because they are so pretty about it mosaic. This is so sad. We’re the oldest house sometimes tells us all the neighborhood really just like I don’t think that the ice five matches the rest of them very well. It’s not the same scale. Anyway, yeah.

decision on that is table for this totally tabled at this point. And also in other names. While we’re walking over there, we found about 100 faces of trees, why along the Greenway? I have something not that the artist told us that that was where he that’s just legacy knowledge that is in Laurens head, and she must have known that they were installed on there. And it was Yeah, the question was a three so so who out there learn these things? Any other questions on each one? Just keep going. Yeah, okay. I’m gonna I’m gonna talk to traffic boxes in even though it’s not technically a business, but as

well, we’re not in the business yet. No, no.

I had it. All right. Did everybody receive and see the code of ethics document that our our friendly and fabulous city clerk sent to us See? Everybody read and

understand. Because they already understand that he’s like, I don’t know, like he was nodding your head.

Melanie, did you read a shearing hair? Yeah, this is the, this is not. So the important part is here, where it says that this is coming to Council, which if you have any comments about it, and you don’t want to go public invited in here, because miniature Susie has it all yours. But basically the new code of ethics, addresses and how a complaint would be handled, shouldn’t you find yourself in a situation where you have violated and it’s just expanding on our professions. Luckily for us, I would say that because of your onboarding, ever, kind of how I could figure out so I stopped holding meetings and transparency laws and those kinds of things. I think that we all pretty much the things where we could be not in compliance, I think we handled pretty well that said this part of the code of ethics is going to be added and on the 23rd which is going to be throughout next Tuesday rather at 7pm This item is going to be on the agenda. So if you have any sort of complaint or problem or questions about it either sending to me to Susie or to council actually as an email Council you can send it to the full council but orders of Dawn so please just within the next couple of days when you’re really tired and can’t seem to fall asleep Will you please go to this code of ethics and just

make sure that you’re really understand that and

so they may have questions about that David not get this for me Alright, now that that’s news we’re out of the way let’s move on

easy track horses now. Okay, well there is a tracker box tour

at Martin’s earlier and I said do

I really like yes great it’s been so believe me.


share in the managers share in Realtors

case oh my goodness

the air for again because you know their boxes in the images are you know horizontal I think we’re in we’re still in a little bit of the learning curve of where the crop has to happen and so as the subcommittee continues to go forward like really honing in on what images are best but this one and I don’t have them and I don’t think we have them all in the round but I know you guys want to be in salt sorry

I really did not because this is my oldest

walking in that area so

like you’re driving by it it’s pretty recognizable but

it really isn’t it yeah I don’t know I kind of like laid out

yes it’s 3d Is it yeah

those guys to the next

one there’s no you know, because it’s in your email I didn’t lay down Oh, I know that I sent you one gone to the store where I stayed there I also there’s videos of them to RFC seriously. We use the first okay. Okay, here we go here. Yeah. Don’t worry.

Have you seen chances quarter

DeVito open it yet, not where it was.

So the other piece that is coming up is our lovely intern broke headed is working for an open house and completed her tour of this Lara and I scrubbed it a little bit and finesse and now our QR codes are done the weather versus terrible so it gets a little sunny again, slap those QR codes on and so then Anytime you’re passing by you can grab the QR code and then go straight to the online store so yeah there was a challenge

so I didn’t know they’re fun to see kind of from the side and Okay, so this is the one that hopefully Errol will see when he’s walking to work. It’s got the Main Street and the little boy so everything fold behind the little trolley for strong wagon the greatest piece and the P part of these is really when you do go around the order of them you get to see more of that whole

dog just sitting on a corner on one edge of it. Yeah, I

know that one broke up really nicely too. Yeah, and so there’s the hay bales right beside the corner like that where the edges meet and I’m like you really it’s not you can’t like tell that it’s like broken Yeah, and it was a black and white it really does like Yeah, so I thought so then these main this main street gun on with the smokestack in the bathroom slash poses the ledger ledger. Yeah. Yeah. So over I saw Yeah, this was my favorite

so when I was hired one of the things that the director and leadership told me that they wanted was more connection between the museum and our public places and like how that happens and getting this museum of archive how which really is the time to call archive that the museum now houses responsible for that there’s 5000 images completely available in our community, and let’s just face it, nostalgia hits everybody, it doesn’t matter who you are, so it’s really accessible that way. Of course the tour and violated tour adds to everything so we’re really just trying to make those gaps lesser and lesser and then we’re calling in history on the rest of the name as well. So we’ll just continue in our friends and traffic are super excited. They of course have concerns about how this is going to change and extreme eating but our neighboring communities that we’ve already talked to you did the research have not had a problem and longevity of these because the significance or getting the paper about

the cost of these is so it’s a horrible it’s affordable for most of the October to be purchasing Yeah.

So Laura and we have you posted these up so

we’re really Yeah, I’m hoping to or we’re gonna be launched before we end okay.

People already I also just had this idea of like we have a set of cards museum these are some anywhere for some reason

we definitely could do more of and our public places wire all the QR codes are various ways for people to get this as my favorite

so the strap is right behind you is a motorcycle why it’s such a good

Polish she’s angry share three share

know guys you’ve been doing this whole thing


I really am trying How about now? Yeah, yes you can tell she’s also Yes. Okay. Well, the videos I took so that I can put them on TV I get more different videos.

So there is probably so but they’re all they got the glasses. Like by scanning the images, they’re like this big the fact that they’re that big and you can still see the detail is like a nap right

and I guess they’re gonna be grainy. They’re unbelievable.

And then for the most part, like this is a good example we can’t really tell but I had Gerrans or exhibitions curator helped me with where we were putting the logo, but because the doors to the cabinets are on different sides and things like that, and we have like a primary side that you would see like the frontal of an images, you could, that’s where we select our logo with CNN, this one has the door on that side. So it’s like a city of four month old places is like it now there. This is just the learning curve. You know, we that’s why we only did six, because we knew we’re gonna probably like them and all of that, but there’s just some of these little hiccups that we just got to kind of get past. So yeah, I mean, that is so good. I love it. Yeah.

Isn’t it great?

Yes. And yeah, it’s like, so some of the images that we looked at the role of with the girls in the 80s with their roller coaster, you’re on a roller coaster, and then like the hair and then bang sort of flop. So the format didn’t fit. But now that we’ve done this, I think we probably do Photoshop and like, you know, even though the rollercoasters coming down this way, we might be able just to like, effectively align it, so it would work. Yeah. Anyway, so let’s just say that our jobs are pretty awesome. Yeah, and we purposefully, but I just visited images. Fantastic. So hopefully, they’re right in front of pharmaceutics center. So we have

all these different seasons to winter. So the only commentary that I’ve heard back from the traffic so far, that is that they don’t want any along with me, me or the highway because of how distracting they could be. Continue to talk about police because they didn’t say that. There are hundreds and hundreds of these around the community, which is great, which means that we can just meet people where they are

cheered, but I hate to say this, but Denver recently outlined Colfax with different artists along the streets and all like the polls. And I say that is almost a strategy is it really was trying to figure out how many are like how many different artists are along Colfax and I was like, and then live with them. And we’re like, this is really distracting Colfax, I can kind of understand where they’re coming from. Gates, you can take Dell.

Downtown goes it is supposed to be 25 miles an hour. And it’s usually crap if it goes that fast, right.

And the other thing that we did was made sure that for the most part of the figures in the images worked, potentially construed as a human standing up for that long. Okay, so while like even our little motorcycle dudes, I would say is about as large of figures as we have them potentially could be construed as there’s somebody standing, but there’s enough, I think, contextual clues there that it’s not. But so there are some images where there’s some really great people like building beats and things like that. But we’re really what we’re really trying to get them is images that have enough of a landscape orientation that it wraps effectively. So anyway, super successful. People are talking about that already. And as soon as we get that, too, we’re up and going. We’re gonna be talking

about it every year. Right? Yeah.

Okay, great.

You have something you’re muted. Sorry.

She’s not here.

Can you send out locations with these? Yeah,

we’ll send them out as well. With the checking. Yeah. Awesome.

Okay, okay. Next item on loop is the Walmart art arts week coming up in September?

Yes. So please, please please put on your calendar Loma Arts Week. It will be the second year that we the city of Longmont are actually calling first week in arts weekend. and effectively doing the thing, what the fans we’re still working on that we’re gonna get there. But we know for a doggone fact that our walk will be September the 14th, Saturday, September the 14th. And then the promotional things that are related to our culture and in our, in our neighborhoods and things like that will be promoted following along. And then it will culminate with Saturday the 21st at Roosevelt for rhythm on Roseville. So there’s going to be September is going to be a lot of action, just so you know. So really, I have committed FarmBot places to that Artwalk that we’re going to do, which we have done in the past, though, really spearheading that initiative. So just get down on your calendars. And as it comes into focus, and we’ll let you know that any other questions popping up since that thing, right. And then I’ll just keep going on and on and on new business, and I’m adding hidden paths on see trails, the glass artwork that is in the Newseum here, as you’re going into the galleries give me now and next month, everybody can attempt to try and go and see it, it’s because the museum is expanding, and that wall is not going to be there anymore, which means that there it’s going to be relocated. And Eric Mason, the museum director will be coming to you next month, with updates over the museum expansion, architectural drawings, and I am imagining ensure holding a solution to the problem and keeping it here at the museum and also publicly accessible. So I have a good reason I have it on their business, as you’ll see it on the agenda next month. And again, really, really helpful if you go and see the work if this doesn’t look, right. Yes, this is a problem in our world, which also means that it needs to stay in a portion of the museum that people don’t have to pay to go to school. So that’s the

extra Last Word travels down the hallway, go to the gallery, it’s like bathrooms,

right? And then there’s a hallway is right, come on. All right. To your right.

Similarly, just sit for the vital installations in bathrooms right here are also our sins. Right? What about the edge lesson? And Adrian, interestingly

enough, technically, that does not belong to hardcode laces, even though it’s the same artist who did it doesn’t say trails that was purchased by the Family Foundation, who was responsible for salon Auditore. So you want to atrium? And that is the decorative piece for swanning Andrea.

Just so you know, we do have some pieces here. Yes. And you know, three years later. Yep.

This is

No, I and

altarpiece, we talked about that. We’re getting the Flexi boxes priced out.

So we are going to have a dedication with them that goes up on

what we gain on that. Right.

It’s a plastic glasses expensive. It’s a petroleum product is expensive, but it’s actually entirely Okay. All right. Any other Commissioner comments or announcements? If you know anybody who is interested in applying for both places, the deadline the deadline is the tomorrow because he doesn’t I don’t know. It’s kind of it’s as I understand it’s okay for phase two commissioners who are term limited term, you’re not limited to more who are at the end of their term

and for waiver, that doesn’t mean you can’t still calm but I’m gonna be I’m still gonna say

ambassador for the museum.

I go out there in the community. You didn’t

call for a selection analyst. Right.

All right. And with that

motion to adjourn. I started Second City when he was just go to Michigan German

All in favor


Okay, it’s 200 pm stations. Zero. Okay. All right. We’re officially adjourned.

Next class Hi guys. Thank you

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