Library Advisory Board – April 2024

Video Description:
Library Advisory Board – April 2024

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

Read along below:

Unknown Speaker 0:00
Okay, then I’ll go ahead and call the meeting to order.

Unknown Speaker 0:05
It looks like we do not have anyone from the public. So we’ll move on to new business. And I believe you’re signed up to do our monthly icebreaker.

Unknown Speaker 0:16
Yes. Okay. I hope we

Unknown Speaker 0:20
will see.

Unknown Speaker 0:21
My question is talk about a character in a book who you feel either you see yourself in or you just feel a special connection to him

Unknown Speaker 0:37
on this one

Unknown Speaker 0:41
minute to think I need the rest of the meeting

Unknown Speaker 0:47
No, no, you start all right. All right

Unknown Speaker 0:55
we have two kids

Unknown Speaker 0:59
Okay, should I go? Yeah. Okay. All right. Well, like many people I grew up reading the Anna Green Gables books and I was totally like, just saw myself completely an ad even though I had loving parents and a family and mistreated orphan or anything but

Unknown Speaker 1:21
you know, I definitely identified as what we call the tomboy back then.

Unknown Speaker 1:27
And I definitely we got a lot of flack from the boys and always had to compete against them faster and smarter and stronger and you know, just like Anand Gilbert but I also deep down

Unknown Speaker 1:41
political soul type person communing with nature and gained all my trees in my yard and you know, so the world grades you so

Unknown Speaker 1:52
yeah, I always tell myself and I agree. I really have enjoyed sharing that with my kids. And one of the snow days we actually launched like the 1985 version that we can very good

Unknown Speaker 2:04
now it’s good

Unknown Speaker 2:12
well, that was very much the character that immediately came to my mind as well. I also loved you to be able to save 25 versions of the best one books are better. I love all of y’all haven’t read when she’s an adult read a lot of people sign might actually be my favorite. But I will say Emily of New Moon the other folks by Ellen Montgomery because I read those as well. I did not identify with her quite as much but I wanted to like I wanted to be someone who wanted to write I just never actually did.

Unknown Speaker 2:47
So I am with you on the Get a Green Gables slash all other element of memory characters.

Unknown Speaker 2:58
Think about it because I have to have to narrow it down. Right. I’ve identified a lot of characters in no particular order and Laura Ingalls

Unknown Speaker 3:12
appreciate it and but it just it somehow didn’t connect with me in the same way. There was a book that I read in that general age category

Unknown Speaker 3:25
that I became obsessed with and it’s wise child by Monica Furlong. And it’s a fantasy novel. Not a lot of people I’ve met.

Unknown Speaker 3:38
But when I do meet that person, it’s like we get the book.

Unknown Speaker 3:44
So in it, it’s it takes place in like, the first century AD in

Unknown Speaker 3:53
England, Great Britain, Ireland, and

Unknown Speaker 3:57
it’s about a young girl who is figuring out who she is and

Unknown Speaker 4:06
becomes the hapless apprentice to a suspected witch.

Unknown Speaker 4:12
So it just like the perfect book to me and I I identified with something the emotion, the emotional arc, I guess, to the point that like I read it several times since as an adult. There were a couple of sequels. They weren’t as good. No one’s ever made a movie of it and no idea why, but maybe that’s what I’m supposed to be doing with my life is like writing the screenplay.

Unknown Speaker 4:41
wise child

Unknown Speaker 4:49
like you looking forward on Libby as we speak, I feel like my daughter

Unknown Speaker 4:53
was just looking at that.

Unknown Speaker 4:55
She understood

Unknown Speaker 5:05
Is this specifically children’s books? No character that you feel like strong connection with or kind of see yourself in in some way.

Unknown Speaker 5:16
Okay, so I So if if strong connection is is the threshold then I’d actually have to say Anna Green Gables as well, because it’s the only book I’ve ever traveled for and we’re about to do it again. So yeah, when I was in high school, we went to Prince Edward Island and we did all the anchor of Green Gables stuff. And we’ve listened to equip my my dad, my mom, my dad’s mother and means my dad’s surrounded by all of his women. And we listened to the books on the way there on the way back and he made fun of it the whole time. But he announced at Christmas that this is the year we’re taking Sandy to Prince Edward Island. So this summer, we’re doing it again

Unknown Speaker 6:02
Do you have no idea the depth of my jealousy

Unknown Speaker 6:06
dream for me?

Unknown Speaker 6:09
Is the only book I’ve ever traveled for so I guess I have to go with

Unknown Speaker 6:13

Unknown Speaker 6:15
Doing it again. So

Unknown Speaker 6:23
if you say no Green Gables to this is gonna be crazy. I can guarantee you that won’t happen.

Unknown Speaker 6:30
I’m not going to say but I still want to

Unknown Speaker 6:37
I just left. Yeah, I guess like less, maybe connection and more just other people seeing me as a character. I dabbled in archery a little bit so a couple of years ago, I had like archery profile photo and I had done my hair and upgrade. And so I got a lot of Katniss Everdeen

Unknown Speaker 6:58
cover quite a while there those folks are relating you to over to character and so

Unknown Speaker 7:07

Unknown Speaker 7:13
Susie, how are you?

Unknown Speaker 7:17
I know, I’m still thinking so like, what they came up right away in my head was Ramona quindi from the boats. And because I remember just like tearing through those books and like really being able to relate to her in that young elementary school mindset. And I think you know, now like, I’m a big Harry Potter junkie. So

Unknown Speaker 7:43
I made costumes for my kids one year my daughter was Hermione, and the other one was McGonigal and you know, so we’ve done those throughout the years.

Unknown Speaker 7:54
And I kind of I guess, as a teacher I relate to

Unknown Speaker 7:58
Professor McGonigal

Unknown Speaker 8:03
like glass. Yeah, so that’s those are those are kind of it’s like two totally different characters and two different styles but just we’re where I was at from childhood to adulthood

Unknown Speaker 8:19

Unknown Speaker 8:24
nervous not down are you have to pass it on. I don’t look at it. Tracy. I wonder if you have Yeah, I can go i My first thought was not a book character who liked more to her by my book character, I would go with Hermione from Harry Potter. She was probably the first book of character I truly related to and that’s why I keep going back to those books. But my first thought was not a book character. It was Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider video game series. I keep that a lot when I was younger, and that was probably one of the first like heroines that I really, really related to and lived up to kind of midway. So that was like my first real connection with the character but variety in books was definitely my like, soul sister.

Unknown Speaker 9:14
Okay, I really got nothing. I mean, I It’s been so long since I’ve read any fiction.

Unknown Speaker 9:21
In college, I read what you read in college, and there’s no characters identified with that stuff. I loved the books like

Unknown Speaker 9:30
so if I were to pick one, it’s from a nonfiction book that I recently read.

Unknown Speaker 9:34
So it’s not a character, but it’s a person to do that. But the books called option B by

Unknown Speaker 9:42
the same Sandburg is it we will leave

Unknown Speaker 9:47
option B

Unknown Speaker 9:49
is a

Unknown Speaker 9:51
it’s a it’s a book she wrote about losing her husband suddenly. But but her whole approach to how she handled that with with herself and her

Unknown Speaker 10:00
Family was a person, someone, I mean that all the stuff I’ve read in the last year and a half that book

Unknown Speaker 10:07
really resonated with me because of just how she kind of approached life after

Unknown Speaker 10:13
that a character look to meet her.

Unknown Speaker 10:19
Great, thanks so much for a great question.

Unknown Speaker 10:22
I will share that wife’s child is on the shelf in the children’s area here.

Unknown Speaker 10:30
When I moved to a new city

Unknown Speaker 10:35
anyone want to volunteer to do this next month?

Unknown Speaker 10:39
Because everyone has had a chance to do one who wanted to do

Unknown Speaker 10:45
but I’m happy to do it again.

Unknown Speaker 10:49
Yeah, I can do it again. I’m happy to

Unknown Speaker 10:53
shut you down because you spoke seconds after me. That’s all right.

Unknown Speaker 10:59

Unknown Speaker 11:02

Unknown Speaker 11:03
Echoing. I think it’s, um, I

Unknown Speaker 11:08
know if he gets this room.

Unknown Speaker 11:11
I don’t do y’all hear it now?

Unknown Speaker 11:13
Alright, we’ll figure that out.

Unknown Speaker 11:17
Okay, so next agenda item, just a quick update.

Unknown Speaker 11:21
As a reminder, we’re going to be holding board elections next month. And then the June meeting will be my final one. I’ll be here when the new chair in place. And then hopefully, after that, there will be a new member. So we will be voting for Chair, Vice Chair and friends of the bottom mount library liaison.

Unknown Speaker 11:47
In my experience, these are pretty casual, usually one person volunteers and hopefully others agree. But we will go on each one. So just wanted to share to be thinking about if you are interested in one of those positions. And as I said, I’m happy to share more about the chair responsibilities.

Unknown Speaker 12:07
And, Jamie, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind sharing about the full or the full liaison position with questions. So just something to be considering. And it will be on the agenda next month.

Unknown Speaker 12:21
And this actually, is it. I mean, this is related to this item. But John, do we have any candidates? Do we know yet for the sport? We all heard from the city for the

Unknown Speaker 12:32
we haven’t heard yet. Okay. I believe the position is still open. So I shared with some of my colleagues, I just encourage everyone to share. Because I do think we have a pretty gigantic board right now. And I’d love for that energy to continue.

Unknown Speaker 12:50
Questions or comments on that one?

Unknown Speaker 12:57
Next up, there’s the code of ethics for constantly question. Yeah. Yeah, that’s right. What do we do if no one steps forward?

Unknown Speaker 13:07
I am not sure.

Unknown Speaker 13:10
Yeah. Are we allowed to actively sort of

Unknown Speaker 13:14
recruit campaign for? Yeah, I mean, I don’t think there’s anything in fact that I’ve seen,

Unknown Speaker 13:21
I must be a possibility. Because I know that there’s always a because well, this is the open board period.

Unknown Speaker 13:29
I always tell people to kind of look year round, because there can be open board seats at any given time, because the city only puts everything out open right now. But if somebody resigns, or if something doesn’t get filled, there’s always a possibility off cycle for there to be openings. So I think

Unknown Speaker 13:51
yeah, this is me going. I think I missed the question at any I thought for some reason I was talking about no one wants to be in a board position. But oh, sorry, sorry.

Unknown Speaker 14:03
Okay. So I don’t know if that changes my answer to you.

Unknown Speaker 14:10
So no one wants to be in a board position.

Unknown Speaker 14:15
I guess I need to look and make sure I don’t think there’s anything or bylaws, I’ll look back and check. I’ll see if there’s any materials we have from the study on what happens then.

Unknown Speaker 14:26
But I’m honestly not sure. So I’ll do some digging and see if there’s any guidance. You think I’m the one who’s confused. So we next month we’re going to vote or at least we are going to vote on officers for next year. Starting starting in just the next site for the next Yes. Are we also looking to fill just empty seats? Yes, we’re gonna have one if you see and that is open on the city’s website under the board openings. Okay, so

Unknown Speaker 15:00
to Catherine saying is that nobody says, hey, I want to be in that seat, then we’re not sure of what next steps are. No, she’s asking about the current membership. Like if no one wants to, like no one steps ups, because Because Cynthia’s done it no one here says I want to be chair. You weren’t here last week. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 15:21
We’re gonna get back on track. You weren’t here. Last meeting. My term ends in June. So June is my last meeting. And so that’s triggering us to have an internal board elections to.

Unknown Speaker 15:38
Okay, but I’ll look, I’ll look and see.

Unknown Speaker 15:45
I mean, that may not be the situation, but it would be good to know. Yes, yeah, I’ll let you know. I’ll let you all know what I find out.

Unknown Speaker 15:54
Any other questions on this agenda item?

Unknown Speaker 16:01
Next step, Tracy sent us an email, afford an email

Unknown Speaker 16:06

Unknown Speaker 16:09
Let’s see, April 11.

Unknown Speaker 16:12
That was two it should have been to all of us.

Unknown Speaker 16:15

Unknown Speaker 16:17
it came from John. Thanks, John.

Unknown Speaker 16:20
And it looks like that, on April 9, a city council ordinance was introduced that would create a code of ethics for city council board members. The email does have some details about the process and how this is. And my understanding is that city council will hold a public hearing on April 23. And just something to keep us all aware of. John, is there any more info? You have another? Suzie? Is there anything that you have on that?

Unknown Speaker 16:55
I don’t I don’t have any

Unknown Speaker 16:57
hits on origin that I can have Tracy also send you the language for that. If anyone is interested, I’ll pull it up. And then I’ll have to send that to you. I don’t think I can send it to all of you. It has to go through the secretary for open records and sunshine.

Unknown Speaker 17:19
Sunshine laws. So we’ll get that that language.

Unknown Speaker 17:25
I thought I saw something. Well, we can do you know, I did not get I’m looking through my email right now. I didn’t get a copy of the agenda or any of the meeting materials that I usually get.

Unknown Speaker 17:40
I could see the link link. Really nice. For this next chapter. Attached to the Orpheus COVID ordinance amending the Lima code. Nick is attached. I didn’t see me for quite

Unknown Speaker 17:57
some time. i And when did that email come out because I see the email reminding us of the meeting with the league.

Unknown Speaker 18:06
So I better stay at 1040

Unknown Speaker 18:11
I will see it on Monday, but it came from John.

Unknown Speaker 18:15
Maybe that’s why looking under

Unknown Speaker 18:20
I know you are on there. Okay, whatever that means.

Unknown Speaker 18:26
Susie’s on there.

Unknown Speaker 18:29
Okay, so that’s your job.

Unknown Speaker 18:34
Okay, do the ordinance. I’m just being nitpicky. Are you allowed to email that many people in the board at once?

Unknown Speaker 18:41
I was instructed to by the city clerk. Okay, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 18:46
Yeah, I was like, I don’t even know. You’re right. But but the instructions were to please forward to all your board members. So I figured at the clerk’s telling me that I’m allowed to write and that’s a good position to be in.

Unknown Speaker 18:58
But this is not the email that has the agenda, correct.

Unknown Speaker 19:04
You aren’t correct. Suzy. That is a different email. I think it’s okay for me to forgive you that email. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t. I don’t know what should be on there. I also don’t

Unknown Speaker 19:17
either I didn’t get the agenda email either. Okay, okay.

Unknown Speaker 19:22
I think I think it’s okay for me just to for y’all that right now. I don’t think that breaks anything. I can do it. I actually yeah, if you don’t mind just to

Unknown Speaker 19:38

Unknown Speaker 19:41
your system. I think someone has

Unknown Speaker 19:47
a double check. You can use either, but if, like I need to use my laptop

Unknown Speaker 19:54
that will reduce.

Unknown Speaker 19:57
But if you use the l length, you should leave yourself

Unknown Speaker 20:02
Patzer feels wanted that four digit to them right now. It looks like Suzy. Katie I would use it. Okay great.

Unknown Speaker 20:11
Awesome and then Randy did you need that as well?

Unknown Speaker 20:33
I would just said just

Unknown Speaker 20:35
yesterday he told us Josie Dotto

Unknown Speaker 20:44
let me so everyone should be seen afford a copy of that.

Unknown Speaker 20:49
And I’m gonna get us back on our agenda today. Your speaker, your mind

Unknown Speaker 20:58
are y’all able to hear me on Zoom?

Unknown Speaker 21:05
All right.

Unknown Speaker 21:08

Unknown Speaker 21:10
Are yelling Will you hear me now on Zoom?

Unknown Speaker 21:15
Okay, perfect. Sorry. Right, you will? Hopefully that echo will not bother us.

Unknown Speaker 21:21
Okay, getting us back to our agenda.

Unknown Speaker 21:24
Just thanks for sending that out Susie, the language surrounding the code of ethics. And if you want to ask questions or comments, that looks like April 27 is going to be the time to share those.

Unknown Speaker 21:39
Moving on to our next agenda item.

Unknown Speaker 21:44
Request for Reconsideration if you all remember the form that John had shared with us

Unknown Speaker 21:50
last last week so downloads porosity for updates on that one.

Unknown Speaker 21:55
Sorry. It’s okay.

Unknown Speaker 21:59
With Tracy’s going to share it but I can start talking anyway

Unknown Speaker 22:12
we can hear you you just came in the Zoom twice I’m not sure what that’s about but one of the other one that has the mic on so that might

Unknown Speaker 22:23
be issue Yeah, and there’s a you can continue twice I can only see myself once the other one froze and I had to close out and rejoin

Unknown Speaker 22:33
I can only see myself on once but that’s the second time this meeting has happened to me so I don’t know what’s going on for me whoever moderator maybe like for sure how to give the one

Unknown Speaker 22:57
we’re just giving Tracy a moment to

Unknown Speaker 23:10
perfect thanks JC

Unknown Speaker 23:26

Unknown Speaker 23:32
now hopefully you all can still hear us and see the screen on zoom right now.

Unknown Speaker 23:40
The screen share.

Unknown Speaker 23:45

Unknown Speaker 23:48
Share Screen

Unknown Speaker 23:53

Unknown Speaker 24:03
works perfect. Thank you. Okay, so I brought this up last month,

Unknown Speaker 24:10
explaining that we’re going to make some changes to this.

Unknown Speaker 24:15
These are the changes. So

Unknown Speaker 24:18
the first first page is an explanatory page of what request for evaluation is we’ve never had anything like that before.

Unknown Speaker 24:30
And then basically, you know, this was in your packet so you can read through it. Anytime you can let me know for something that you have a question about. But we did change some critical things to our process here that we did not have in place.

Unknown Speaker 24:50
So one is

Unknown Speaker 24:53
timing and I think can you scroll down

Unknown Speaker 25:04
Yeah, more. So that second part, okay, so the we’re at the section of a patron has the right to request. So this goes into some things that we never had a place before. So you can see them here, it has to be totally the entirety, that’s fine. But the big things are, you have to be a long lat resident within the tax paying service area of law, and you have to have a full access library card, which is stated intentionally full access so that someone doesn’t just sign up for an online library card. That won’t count.

Unknown Speaker 25:39
Then a patriot group kill him one active at any given time, and only two in a year. So

Unknown Speaker 25:49

Unknown Speaker 25:51
on the resolution of it, of course, this was still in place, but we won’t remove anything from the shelves, we won’t cancel a program, we will remove an exhibit or anything.

Unknown Speaker 26:02
While it’s under consideration,

Unknown Speaker 26:05
and it cannot be challenged again, for three years, whatever the item program exhibit display, that’s something we didn’t have a place. So

Unknown Speaker 26:16
those are some of the biggies there. And then

Unknown Speaker 26:20
if you scroll down just to the form.

Unknown Speaker 26:27
So the form matches that what we did, you can kind of just see. And then I don’t even know if you remember the previous forms is pretty similar. You can see what the address is prefilled in Walmart. So you know, there’s that

Unknown Speaker 26:42
little change and of course, the library card number has to be there.

Unknown Speaker 26:46
And then what what is being asked to reconsider or challenge so I hit the choose one of those items.

Unknown Speaker 26:54
And then the rest is pretty much the same as far as then explaining it. And all that very bottom of this

Unknown Speaker 27:05
is just a statement here about what happens. This is pretty similar to what we had before. Before it would say that the director,

Unknown Speaker 27:14
I think of committee would be formed. So I’ve modified this to basically say as needed. Sometimes, often I consult with with librarians responsible for those areas of the collection,

Unknown Speaker 27:27
if I need to, but I didn’t want it stated that there’s an actual committee in the sense that there are meetings and things like that.

Unknown Speaker 27:36
And the other aspect of this is once the decision is made, the decision is fine. There’s no appeal process or anything like that.

Unknown Speaker 27:48
And there’s some legal stuff added in here by our legal departments, this whole thing went to the city attorney’s office, by the way.

Unknown Speaker 27:56
And the open records act statement at the bottom is reflective of that indicate what happens if you do fill out form and what that means for your personal information.

Unknown Speaker 28:08

Unknown Speaker 28:10
it could be if things change at the state level.

Unknown Speaker 28:16
Because now they’re trying to put maybe a different version of that bill back in and died in committee, at one point have been banned against book bans legislation, it may come back in a different form. And now people are talking about

Unknown Speaker 28:31
that, no, it’s truly if you fill out a form, it’s public information and it won’t get redacted. But that’s not anything. That’s the video itself.

Unknown Speaker 28:44
So I think we can stop sharing.

Unknown Speaker 28:48
Go back to the second

Unknown Speaker 28:54
question. Yes, you can

Unknown Speaker 28:58
with regard to the two different timeframes that are listed. I don’t have it in front of me right now. That was a two week, two months and three years. Yeah, it was two, two years. Yeah, sorry. I forgot to but

Unknown Speaker 29:15

Unknown Speaker 29:17
I just, I’m just curious, honestly, about, like, how did you pick those timeframes? And then if someone were to stay, like,

Unknown Speaker 29:23
arbitrary or whatever, you know, like, what kind of what’s the rationale around

Unknown Speaker 29:28
a lot of this most of this was put in place by looking at other libraries, mostly Colorado and to see what kind of policy and procedure they had in place. So this is in line with many of them. Now, some of them very,

Unknown Speaker 29:41
I can’t really tell you some libraries, they have their districts and they have decision making bodies boards of trustees that ultimately gave the timeframes.

Unknown Speaker 29:51
I’m not sure how they came up with them.

Unknown Speaker 29:54
But for my purposes, I just wanted to make sure we weren’t completely doing something different.

Unknown Speaker 30:00
The other libraries in Colorado are not doing.

Unknown Speaker 30:04
And then would this apply equally to online materials? And actual physical effects for your procedure in place? Know, someone could could fill this form out for something electronic so people could fit within?

Unknown Speaker 30:24
I mean, they can even reference something within a database, I suppose.

Unknown Speaker 30:29
Is it anything that the library has like?

Unknown Speaker 30:36
It really can be anything.

Unknown Speaker 30:39
Is there an age on it?

Unknown Speaker 30:42
You have to be 18.

Unknown Speaker 30:45
I don’t know that we put an age

Unknown Speaker 30:51
would you entertain a request?

Unknown Speaker 30:55
I suppose I mean, it’s never happened.

Unknown Speaker 31:00
Unless there’s other disconnected.

Unknown Speaker 31:09
Sorry, what’s been a bad network day, but bear with us?

Unknown Speaker 31:14
Did you hear me to start answering that?

Unknown Speaker 31:17
I don’t, there’s no, there’s nothing in there. Now, I don’t know if there’s something at a larger level in the library that would stay whether some, somebody who’s a minor could fill out a request for reconsideration. But we don’t have an age stated.

Unknown Speaker 31:31
What age can you get a full library card, any age, but you have to have

Unknown Speaker 31:37
a parent guardian signature if you are under 18. So we’re 16 I can’t remember what our library card policy is. So theoretically, you could have a full absence library card as a baby. But if a form gets filled out, it’s really the parent guardian that ultimately is responsible for that as well, just as they’re responsible for the library materials, I guess, was the logic I would use there. But it’s not something we discussed.

Unknown Speaker 32:04
I mean, I don’t know if it matters, or if there ever would be anyone who would want to do that. But I certainly in my experience, as a teacher have known some very zealous teams who might get on this train. And I don’t know that they have the brain capacity to

Unknown Speaker 32:21
make that decision. Yeah. You know, unless there’s

Unknown Speaker 32:26
an I could look, I probably what I would do is I would address that if something happened and see if there was anything, you know, legally, that would inform that. But otherwise, if they have a library card, and they fill it out, then it would get the same process.

Unknown Speaker 32:43
Clarifying Question?

Unknown Speaker 32:46
I’m glad you mentioned the lawyer case, because

Unknown Speaker 32:50
I was wondering about like, I, I expected to see the VIN about

Unknown Speaker 32:55
name and other personal information being redacted. But we were still open the library is still okay to require that the person filing the request, give us their name. Yes. And that’s your judgment. Right? It cannot be in it stated as such, as you saw, yes. Second question is, are there people who have a full Longmont library borrowing card but do not live in the tax payment? Oh, there’s plenty. So you have to have both? You have to have both? Yeah, that was something we decided, you know, because in Colorado, any Colorado resident can get a library card from any library in the state. You don’t have to live in that jurisdiction. Now some do you have to pay for some charge? Some don’t?

Unknown Speaker 33:49
Most don’t.

Unknown Speaker 33:53
Okay, I was I was remembering an argument about something else. But it was at

Unknown Speaker 34:00
the Princeton library where the patron

Unknown Speaker 34:05
you know, spends over $100 a year for a Princeton library card? And so feels like they’re paying for the right to get their input. Yeah, I mean, you know, I don’t doubt someone could disagree. Even even as the team here as we came up with this, there was there was a good dialogue about

Unknown Speaker 34:29
residency and library card, or just do one or the other. Because even if you don’t have a library card, but you live in Longmont, you’re still your taxes are still going to the library, right. So, you know, but in the end, and again, what a lot of other libraries were doing was this model and the library card is more of a statement that you’re a library user. Yes. Right. So that’s, that’s where we did that but and they’re both there because it’s so easy to get a library apart from anywhere.

Unknown Speaker 35:02
I just want to say again to, you know, at least in my time here, I have fielded a total of four challenges.

Unknown Speaker 35:11
And I’ve never experienced anything that this lays out, you know, as far as getting multiple challenges for one person or a group, you know, some of the stories you read in the news are fortunately not happening here. But I just want to make sure

Unknown Speaker 35:27
that we’re set up for that. So we have something in place so that exactly, you know, that’s, that’s a lot where this is coming from.

Unknown Speaker 35:40
A group that really wanted to go ham on this library, they have to like, divvy up their list you you can do to this year, you can do this, we cannot do the same, it wouldn’t take a lot of coordination. And still, for the most part, at least. Well, I would actually say this nationally, I mean, it’s still more school libraries that are getting hit with

Unknown Speaker 36:04
all of this than public libraries, because it’s just a whole different situation. But that’s not to say they’re not I mean, programs, oh, look at any news in the state of Alabama,

Unknown Speaker 36:15
or Tennessee, or Arkansas. I mean, LeBrons can get fired criminally prosecuted now for anything that suddenly decides is obscene.

Unknown Speaker 36:25
Let me actually just throw my rough draft at this paper and ended up it’s supposed to be 10 pages and ended up 24. Because I just kept finding more and more and more faces, and was just like,

Unknown Speaker 36:38
Alright, Paul courage, you know, hopefully, you’ll have to pare that back down to 10.

Unknown Speaker 36:43
I don’t know.

Unknown Speaker 36:46
I’m really sorry.

Unknown Speaker 36:49
To say over, I just remember

Unknown Speaker 36:53
thinking, Well,

Unknown Speaker 36:55
I think the problem with the school libraries is that you just have a lot more discretion in school libraries.

Unknown Speaker 37:03
But anyway, I think the biggest difference to me with schools is when when kids are at school, the schools are legally responsible for the children. And that is not actually public property. So

Unknown Speaker 37:17
and I think these groups out there and other individuals, that’s kind of what they’re standing behind is it’s my right as a parent, you know, blah, blah, blah, we all have credit and stuff. And it is it is your right and and always has been idle. As far as I know, it’s not. Right. It’s just, you know, but yeah,

Unknown Speaker 37:41
I like how this one is very clear that the library staff does not serve in like apprentice, I think this really gets to, you know, a good big effort to hearing from the citizens and people who live in Longmont use the library, but not opening up to someone who’s never stepped foot in this town or this library.

Unknown Speaker 38:03
Any other comments or questions for John, on this item?

Unknown Speaker 38:08
One last thing I’ll stay to is the content of that explains the form will be on our website along with our other policies. The form itself is only available here. You have to come in and get before.

Unknown Speaker 38:24
You can’t download it.

Unknown Speaker 38:27
At least currently. That’s something state state legislation could change and make us do but right now I’m not. And that’s a mix in libraries, by the way. Some have it online and some don’t some habit online even worse, fillable. You know, you could submit it. And I just, I I’m not interested in that. If it’s that important to you. Come in. And I’ll give you directions to the library.

Unknown Speaker 38:53
That goes along with what you have to learn. Yeah, I think that’d be very different. If you’re opening it up.

Unknown Speaker 39:02
I’m curious to see.

Unknown Speaker 39:05

Unknown Speaker 39:07
Good. Let’s get Katherine and Jamie. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 39:11
I was just wondering, does this have to go to city council? Or can we just say, No, the board, this board can say you can actually even make a motion to to do that. It doesn’t have to go to council. It did go through the city attorney’s office to make sure that was all good. And that’s the version you’re seeing.

Unknown Speaker 39:32
But it would be good to officially this meeting half library board.

Unknown Speaker 39:37
Motion for sure.

Unknown Speaker 39:41
Jamie, any comments before we open the floor if anyone wants to make a motion? I appreciate the specificity I find the form to be very well thought out. very strategic, library sponsored programs only.

Unknown Speaker 39:58
That’s a nice inclusion

Unknown Speaker 40:00
Um, I am curious how this would be employed or will be employed with programs.

Unknown Speaker 40:09
That’s, you know, for whatever reason, that’s what I think is likely or that someone’s going to have like a major issue with or group of someone’s, and you have to know it’s happening in advance,

Unknown Speaker 40:25
or that it’s an ongoing series or something, you have to

Unknown Speaker 40:30
file this request.

Unknown Speaker 40:34
far enough, it would be very difficult to stop the program from happening. Yep. And so what have your response has been? What would your responses be to people who show up?

Unknown Speaker 40:49
To protest? Well, the closest we got was last summer. In June, we’ve done our when we did our rainbow storytime that we’ve done in the children’s department here, as far as I can tell, for at least the last five to eight years.

Unknown Speaker 41:06
And I got letters before no one actually formally challenged. I certainly reduce each communication from people like on a petition, what you know what, you know, but no one actually formally challenged it. So I didn’t actually have to approach it in this formal way. And then at the event itself, no one can, no one to protest, stories like that in libraries, and we set ourselves up to kind of be prepared people come in to protest and you can’t, there’s certain things that you can’t do to stop it and certain things you can’t, but

Unknown Speaker 41:48
other questions or comments right now, on this form?

Unknown Speaker 41:57
Yes, let’s go, let’s move to support because we are not a governing body. So I knew that the library board is in support of the request for evaluation of library materials, displays, exhibits and programs for as,

Unknown Speaker 42:14
as written.

Unknown Speaker 42:17

Unknown Speaker 42:18
Katherine, all in favor.

Unknown Speaker 42:23
Motion passes, she sees you get that down here.

Unknown Speaker 42:32
Okay, moving on.

Unknown Speaker 42:37
We’re jumping around in our new business.

Unknown Speaker 42:41
I also jumped too quickly to new business. So I’d like to go ahead and discuss our meeting times and then circled back to agenda item to approval previous months.

Unknown Speaker 42:52
This has definitely been a Monday for all of us, I believe.

Unknown Speaker 42:56
But let’s go ahead and finish out our business. And so that is looking at our meeting dates it, it says June through September. Well, to start with May, once again, we normally meet the third Monday, but due to conflicts, we might change that. So.

Unknown Speaker 43:18
Is that why in general, we don’t have like a standard, like a recurring invite, you know, where we would just, that’s my understanding, and I think it has to be put forward a certain number of days, you know, it has to be 48 hour notice and so on.

Unknown Speaker 43:36
I don’t think you can have a standing meeting about because it has to be shared for public and right to be heard.

Unknown Speaker 43:45
Everything has to be like a different a different one each.

Unknown Speaker 43:49
You’re correct. You know, there probably could be a recurring invitation for it, but it would have to be updated every time to pack it in. But also, I think part of it is because this board meets on a Monday there’s always the chance of a Monday Holiday that affects it. So it’s almost like you’d have to change the recurrence almost. Yeah. times a year anyway.

Unknown Speaker 44:16
Alright, so we’ll have

Unknown Speaker 44:21
our meeting in May is currently scheduled for May 20 is the third Monday.

Unknown Speaker 44:28
I know I’m actually not sure the school calendar for st grade. Oh, so I don’t know if that is interfering with does okay.

Unknown Speaker 44:36
I mean, it’s still in session through the 23rd but I don’t leave it it doesn’t interfere with but

Unknown Speaker 44:44
I’m looking at

Unknown Speaker 44:49
your good. Okay, let’s keep that main one. The third Monday of June is June 17.

Unknown Speaker 44:59

Unknown Speaker 45:00
Now there’s a federal holiday in June What date is that again? Which is June 18. Okay, so that was gonna interfere

Unknown Speaker 45:11
unless you’re at

Unknown Speaker 45:14

Unknown Speaker 45:17
but I think it’s on that that’s not one of those that I think fluctuates so we want to double check that everyone will be here in June though because yeah first there are holidays

Unknown Speaker 45:29
Okay, so Katherine will not be I will be

Unknown Speaker 45:35
right Jamie will be just making sure we have a quorum

Unknown Speaker 45:45
Katie and Brianna What are y’all planning for you know, those are those days are fine for me

Unknown Speaker 45:56
her name Yeah, I’m traveling up but I will probably make it

Unknown Speaker 46:01
as far as I know like the lake

Unknown Speaker 46:04
isn’t there when is Wednesday officially your last meeting? That June meeting will be my last meeting.

Unknown Speaker 46:12
I’m sorry. Oh, next month? I did so many years now our absence you might get voted as chair. You careful if you don’t say I want to find a way to

Unknown Speaker 46:27
Hey, so we’ll continue with June 17.

Unknown Speaker 46:31
Azula a quarter of that day. Okay, July this is putting us at July 15

Unknown Speaker 46:40
That was fine for me too. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 46:44
Anyone else see me issues with that one?

Unknown Speaker 46:48
Catherine Did you hear you’re good

Unknown Speaker 46:52
she’s she’s looking I mean it’s good

Unknown Speaker 46:58
I will not be here so my schedule does not matter that day

Unknown Speaker 47:10

Unknown Speaker 47:13
you’re done for July

Unknown Speaker 47:16
so I’m going to wait and let’s go ahead and just finish out the summer.

Unknown Speaker 47:20
August 19

Unknown Speaker 47:22
Is the August meeting

Unknown Speaker 47:25
I have no idea when snow starts back up isn’t just looking up it starts the team

Unknown Speaker 47:32
oh yes

Unknown Speaker 47:39
so any conflicts that people have with August

Unknown Speaker 47:49

Unknown Speaker 47:50
well I guess it’s 13th 14th or 15th depending on the age of your kid but still it doesn’t interfere

Unknown Speaker 48:00
Alright, well then we’re going to be keeping it all summer meetings on the third Monday.

Unknown Speaker 48:06
Let me just double check Oh September we wanted to look at that

Unknown Speaker 48:13
okay, September the third Monday is the 16th

Unknown Speaker 48:20
It’s no holiday

Unknown Speaker 48:24
seen no one speaking or no nods I don’t know about that one yet.

Unknown Speaker 48:30
We can use that as needed but let’s go ahead and keep it

Unknown Speaker 48:35
for now. Great.

Unknown Speaker 48:39

Unknown Speaker 48:41

Unknown Speaker 48:44
I see we are keeping all meetings May through September as the third Monday

Unknown Speaker 48:51
when the accomplishment

Unknown Speaker 48:53
sir but it happens occasionally. Okay so at this point I’d like to circle back to agenda item to approval of the previous council minutes

Unknown Speaker 49:03
any corrections we want to have for those minutes

Unknown Speaker 49:13
Good job.

Unknown Speaker 49:15
It gets complicated

Unknown Speaker 49:19
this making sure that we still have everyone on Zoom

Unknown Speaker 49:43

Unknown Speaker 49:49
I had to be out of the city all day.

Unknown Speaker 49:59

Unknown Speaker 50:00
Nope, they just took over the hosting again.

Unknown Speaker 50:04
I think we’re all back. It’s like, great.

Unknown Speaker 50:10
Okay, so we are in prison.

Unknown Speaker 50:16
Okay, any corrections that anyone has to the minutes, the March minutes?

Unknown Speaker 50:24
I’m wishing to Thanks, Jamie. version six. Is there a second? Thank you, me, we have a group them and I will go ahead and sign them

Unknown Speaker 50:34
back to our regular agenda.

Unknown Speaker 50:51
Okay, now,

Unknown Speaker 50:53
Jimmy, back to item five old business, we only have one agenda item for that. And that’s just an update on the 2023 annual report. The board will be presenting that to council on April 30.

Unknown Speaker 51:08
Unfortunately, I, for medical reasons will not able to be there that day. And so I just wanted to check in Catherine, I, I believe you were able to use that.

Unknown Speaker 51:21
Yeah, as long as you can help me prepare for

Unknown Speaker 51:26
others. Perfect. Thank you. All right. So, Catherine. Yeah, you have to, like get there early to get a position or is it’s going to be like on the agenda. And I’ll know what time I’m here. Yes, it’s on the agenda.

Unknown Speaker 51:42
I’ll try to, as best I can get a sense of where they’ll exist. You know, there’s always a little bit of a gamble with

Unknown Speaker 51:51
public comment.

Unknown Speaker 51:54
And other things, but I, I’ll make sure that that’s clear.

Unknown Speaker 52:00
And then the other thing, too, is, when Cynthia thought she was going to be able to do it, I had set up a meeting where we can run through the presentation, I’m obviously going to be there.

Unknown Speaker 52:11
So if you’re the one doing it at all, I’ll just get with you and find a time in the next week or so. And I have a slide deck for it.

Unknown Speaker 52:21
That we can run through and pretty much mimics the actual annual report that was in the packet just kind of consolidated into a slide deck as required by a counselor or somebody.

Unknown Speaker 52:35
Okay, as long as I’m there from little before seven, starts at seven, probably I mean, if I find out like if I can get a more specific time like,

Unknown Speaker 52:46
like, if there’s a few things on the agenda, it’s probably going to be safe to get there. Maybe after all, all I’ll find that out. But otherwise, I plan to be there.

Unknown Speaker 52:55
Yeah, just because we have multiple kids, activities that makes and I can I can ask people to help me if I need to.

Unknown Speaker 53:04
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 53:07
Yes, so it’s under special reports and presentations. That happens before first of all public invited to be heard. So we just do the roll call Pledge of Allegiance, approval of our minutes, and then it goes right into a special group report presentation. So if it’s in that area, I’m sorry, if it’s in that area, it’ll be not long after seven.

Unknown Speaker 53:33
So thank you for that. I’m pretty sure that’s where it is Catherine anyway.

Unknown Speaker 53:38
Because I think the next one would be general business. But that’s at the end.

Unknown Speaker 53:44
So I hope that they don’t do that too.

Unknown Speaker 53:47
Typically, Guinea,

Unknown Speaker 53:50
pig Susie for clarifying. And I’m happy Kevin Regan channel fine. But I’m happy to also be there with you and join me or relay messages kind of whatever I can do in the interim as well. But I also wanted to share with the rest of the board that we are on the agenda for April 30. So if anyone else would like to be there, I’m sure the support would be appreciate it. I mean, the more the merrier. I plan to be there and I’ll just think what it’s worth I’m willing to serve a second and if something happens.

Unknown Speaker 54:24

Unknown Speaker 54:25
comments or questions about that agenda item before we move on?

Unknown Speaker 54:32
Okay, then let’s jump ahead to our reports and information items. And I’ll hand it back over to John for the library director report.

Unknown Speaker 54:40
The only thing I wanted to share in my direct report this month was just something that was shared with me after the Eclipse. So that I thought was pretty phenomenal. Our children’s department

Unknown Speaker 54:56
they wrote a grant in the Space Science Institute to get glasses

Unknown Speaker 55:00
And then they ended up getting a little bit more, they just kind of sent them.

Unknown Speaker 55:04
So the library was a pretty big player in this eclipse, they handed out over 2000 Eclipse classes,

Unknown Speaker 55:14
which I thought was great for free my dad and I obviously. And then because of the work in making sure they were on top of getting that grant, because you know, when they’re out around, so

Unknown Speaker 55:26
I just wanted to share that little tidbit.

Unknown Speaker 55:30
Hold up to them. That’s great.

Unknown Speaker 55:33
I love this. And let’s jump back briefly to the previous digit. I don’t I love those sorts of stories included in any sort of report on some of those. I mean, this one hasn’t been number attached, but some of those kind of qualitative statements as well.

Unknown Speaker 55:53
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 55:55
Next, I believe is Friends of the Library. Let me just look again, great, great, Jamie. We won’t know any, anything that you have to share. But if not, that’s okay, too. So, next sale is coming up in May, I believe is the eighth through the oval.

Unknown Speaker 56:16
And the friends are also actively planning their annual

Unknown Speaker 56:23
membership meeting their annual member meeting. So they have an in person meeting that all of their 300 Plus, members aren’t invited to and at that meeting, there is a general sort of state of the friends presentation, they present a lot of

Unknown Speaker 56:45
data from the past year similar to and what will be shared in an annual report.

Unknown Speaker 56:55
We’re hoping to spice things up a little bit this year, they are also working on a video, which will be a short video. And we’re working with Donald from the library here to edit that video. But basically something to visually convey how much the friends as a as a group of volunteers puts into the library and how the library benefits. So using the vehicle of a donated book traveling through the different steps that a donated book would go through to wind up on the shelf in the bookshop or in the table at the sale. And then what those proceeds then go to find.

Unknown Speaker 57:47
I think all of us have heard over the past several months year, just

Unknown Speaker 57:55
how much of that link is not really common knowledge.

Unknown Speaker 58:01
So it’s a little bit of

Unknown Speaker 58:06
what of sharing information, it’s a little bit of brand awareness, it’s a little bit of call to action, like here’s how you can get involved to but in a different format than we’ve seen from the friends. So fingers crossed, that would be when it’s unveiled but then the video would be shared on the friends is social media and website and can be liked and shared by library if they so to.

Unknown Speaker 58:37

Unknown Speaker 58:39
but lighthearted and quick and fun, but visual and informative.

Unknown Speaker 58:46
That’s great.

Unknown Speaker 58:48
Yeah, I hope we can deliver.

Unknown Speaker 58:52
Well, this is something that’s related to the friends that I’ve shared with with John and Jamie position as liaison. I would like to put forward the friends for one of the Colorado association of libraries awards. And those are presented at the Colorado association of libraries annual conference in September, I think there’s a Volunteer of the Year award that I think are just I really want to showcase the work that they’re doing. So I am planning to, I wanted to bring this to the board. But I do have the nomination process and I am planning to write a letter and hopefully connect with Jamie to gather some other materials that is due May 14. So I need to get on it.

Unknown Speaker 59:40
But I just wanted to share that out if anyone would like to contribute to that effort. Happy, happy to share what would be helpful. But those are like I said to you before our next meeting. I did Can you as can you apply for them as a group or do you have to DJ had to help you narrow down into

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
based on the individual, I emailed the chair of that list, and that person shared that

Unknown Speaker 1:00:09
we that instead of the Volunteer of the Year,

Unknown Speaker 1:00:13
there’ll be basically two options. There’s a number of award categories, there’s about six or seven that we could put them as the unsung hero award, because that wording does include a group. Or we could just have all of the friends listed for volunteer the Year award.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:30
So my thought is the unsung hero and realizing that’s not how I introduced this topic.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:37
For probably not, I would rather I think I’d rather not, because it’s me the same group evaluating, I think we have, I think it would be a better chance to do one.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:48
So my thought is to actually sit onto the unsung hero word, and that

Unknown Speaker 1:00:54
it’s all under the color Association. If you Google conference awards committee, you’ll see the list.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:03

Unknown Speaker 1:01:05
this award celebrates an individual group organization who works behind this theme giving unselfishly to their libraries or library community. It is meant to honor those who are don’t receive recognition because their work generally goes unnoticed, which I think is a perfect description of this career. That’s a great question. I hadn’t thought

Unknown Speaker 1:01:27
it was only the past few days.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:30
Since the weekend, I completely support nominating the friends board for

Unknown Speaker 1:01:42
for the unsung hero, I would also

Unknown Speaker 1:01:47
support nominating the

Unknown Speaker 1:01:51
group of volunteers that runs the bookshop. I just think it’s doing the full organization for this.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:01
Let’s talk but

Unknown Speaker 1:02:04
there’s also one individual so as part of making this video,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:09
I came in I kind of just talking to people informally interviewing some staff, and some of the volunteers who were here on Saturday, and wound up spending quite a bit of time downstairs in the resort room with Carol England, who was taking me through everything that happens to the book in that room. Like,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:32
how that bookshop is wrong, specifically. And when I say bookshop, I mean, I’m including, like, you know, anything that we would put, you know, sell in the case or online or whatever. But those ongoing boutique type of sales rather than

Unknown Speaker 1:02:50
four times a year. So

Unknown Speaker 1:02:53
it’s unbelievable. It’s unbelievable how much time and effort goes into it, but also the level of genuine care. All those books get cleaned,

Unknown Speaker 1:03:06
and sanitized, and, and minor things repaired.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:12
And things that are stuck in books returned to their original owners like

Unknown Speaker 1:03:19

Unknown Speaker 1:03:21
It’s just so meticulous, from start to finish, they are really thinking about how to present that book, every book in the best way possible. Everything is so organized, it’s labeled. I mean, it’s, I guarantee you that they are approaching their work more professionally than some booksellers in bookshops, that, you know, commercial bookshop.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:52
And I was blown away. And I said, I must have asked her like three times.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:58
And your your volunteer, right. You’re all volunteer.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:03

Unknown Speaker 1:04:05
Cool. So

Unknown Speaker 1:04:09
yeah, and she, I understand,

Unknown Speaker 1:04:13
is really the mastermind behind the shop. or So says Carla,

Unknown Speaker 1:04:19
she’s the book shop manager. But Jamie, I’ll get in touch then because I’ll rely on your judgment for who exactly to nominate, and I’ll just share if anyone else is interested, please shoot me an email. We’re gonna want to make sure and stay within Sunshine Law. So I’ll be emailing you all individually instead of as a group.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:39
But there’s a letter supplemental materials are encouraged. So I’ll share that I’ll gather what I can and then be in touch with Jamie and, and if anyone’s interested, please just let me know. And I’ll share with you all as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:54
I was taking notes as you’re saying that for this letter.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
Great. Well, thank you for that update. Any other questions or comments on the friends update?

Unknown Speaker 1:05:08
I just wanted to ask

Unknown Speaker 1:05:10
Susie, if you were able to attend their annual meeting, I know it was requested. But some of the friends members have asked me.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:23
So I’m here this is for the fourth, right? Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:29
Email. Is it three years? They said I should come around three. Okay, perfect. I just wanted to make sure that’s all. Yeah, I plan on being there.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:45
Thanks, Susie.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:47
All right. Moving on.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:50
City council liaison report, Susie, if there’s anything you have to share with us? Yes. The first thing I was gonna share and I reshare it is I will be attending their annual retreat. For a brief moment. It’s also the Cinco de mio festival, adequately spelled park and I know we typically have the City Council booth. And so I’ll be there for that. But I’m going to step away to attend the retreat, and then hold all the head back.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:18
And that went, is it it’s your long month, too? I thought I saw the address. It’s in the library press. Yes. And large, crazy community meeting.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:31

Unknown Speaker 1:06:33
And so you know, something, I guess that’s, that would be pertinent to you all is we did make our final decisions for the Fourth of July.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:44
We had brought it back for discussion. To end really to see we were getting overwhelming. You know, just our mailboxes and

Unknown Speaker 1:06:56
voicemail. We’re getting inundated with calls for the people who want it back at the fairgrounds. So when COVID hits, they shut it down that it was 2020 no fireworks 2021. And go honest is the one is the organization that does

Unknown Speaker 1:07:15
do the fireworks, they fund the fireworks, they’re the ones responsible for the getting the city’s role in it is that we provide personnel, road blockage, road, police and fire residence in and around where they shoot off fireworks.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:37
So they did I tried to remember to 2021 I think that at that time, Boulder County was still not

Unknown Speaker 1:07:48
leasing out space. And so that’s when they did it at the country club at Fox Hill Country Club.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:57
The following year, there was talk of bringing it back. And I think that was an internal, you know, just with staff having a discussion close to safety and GLONASS. And really looking at since growth in the area. And even those last final years, I think like last three or four years prior to COVID he was getting more and more challenging to manage that area, because of, you know, recent buildings and just more density in those areas. So it was getting harder to

Unknown Speaker 1:08:31
to kind of mitigate traffic and taking control of, you know, call out spaces when is at the fairgrounds. So I know that public safety has some concern about that. Now, it looks like Boulder County Fairgrounds has rented that space out for several years for a equestrian event that will be happening while they were doing that. So our other option was to look at the fire the Martin Street. So Martin and first

Unknown Speaker 1:09:06
the fire, fire training

Unknown Speaker 1:09:12
deal, there’s a fire you have the buildings, the ladder that they do their training for the fire department.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:22
And so there’s actually a large enough space that they can contain where the fallout of fireworks will be within that range. And then you know, we just kind of navigate and where were people that had a hard day go to and there was some concern because of its proximity to Dickens Park and next

Unknown Speaker 1:09:47
year the

Unknown Speaker 1:09:50
sacred river and so you know, there was concerns about impact to wildlife and

Unknown Speaker 1:09:57
you know, plants in between

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
They’re trees. So we’re kind of trying to navigate things or working with staff to, to kind of make it more logoff, some of those sensitive areas where people can park or, you know, set up, set up and watch the fireworks at another location, we were also looking at organizing an event. And it looks like we will be coordinating with Woody’s brewery and some other businesses around that seconds, you know, from, from Main Street on Second Avenue.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:36
East like towards me Emory streets, and

Unknown Speaker 1:10:40
so doing some length blockage. So I, we they were describing it and it’s still like in the works, but maybe like a street fair type, with food trucks and different vendors and just do some road closures of some of the smaller, smaller streets out by with ease, to have an event there. And then people can stay watch the fireworks. We’ve also coordinated with the school district. So we’ll have a free fireworks brochure.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:12
So we’ll be doing that as well. So we’re trying to what we’re trying to do is really create some space for residents and families to come and hang out and, and recreate where they’re not tempted to. And our hope is to minimize some of the home fireworks that are they typically go on every year.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:36
It exacerbated during COVID. And it hasn’t really, you know, settled down. So I know we won’t get rid of all of the fireworks, illegal fireworks that happened. But we’re hoping that if we have opportunities for people to, to engage and have something to do that they’ll be less inclined to, you know, to

Unknown Speaker 1:11:57
shoot off fireworks from nursing houses.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:01
We’re going to do what we can to be a little more proactive.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:05
So, so yeah, so that was our big discussion. Tomorrow. We do have our boards and commissioners updates. So we’ll be sharing what

Unknown Speaker 1:12:18
we share tonight. And

Unknown Speaker 1:12:21
and then if there’s anything else you want me to make sure that I mentioned, you know, please let me know. We do that for a council meeting. And tomorrow’s council meeting is actually our law on housing authority. So commissioners to the housing authority, several regular city council.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:39
So yeah, if anybody has any

Unknown Speaker 1:12:43
thing that we’ll need to make sure that other council members are aware of.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:49
Thanks, Susie. I’d love to hear from other board members. I think in my mind, the main message that I would love for council to know is what we’ve been saying the last few years, which is that we’re we just desperately need funding.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:04
And that

Unknown Speaker 1:13:07
keeping the budget stable is really decreasing it for the libraries as cost of digital materials rise.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:18
So hopefully, you can still hear me it looks like we’re having a little zoom hiccup again right now.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:28
Great. Okay, so my guess is I froze briefly then that I think just you know

Unknown Speaker 1:13:35

Unknown Speaker 1:13:37
Yeah, well, what we’ve said before, just kind of going back to the, to the report from last year, and that

Unknown Speaker 1:13:47
how unusual it is for an organization like the friends to be supporting programming.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:54
But I’d love to hear from other board members. If there are other comments to Susie’s question.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:01
I was actually gonna ask if I miss something, and if John didn’t get his budget approved, we’re still in love hearing me if I’m wrong. My understanding from last meeting is that it’s still early in the yearly process. And so it’s not yet been submitted.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:19
Yeah, so in fact, today, there was no intro to budget season.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:28
And so it kind of exists between now end of May.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:32
And so, you know, there’s kind of two things there Right. So last year, I submitted a budget which nothing got approved

Unknown Speaker 1:14:40
because it was put into the election basket. So this year,

Unknown Speaker 1:14:47
for the most part of some of the same things, but there’s no election so this it makes it pretty important you know, that

Unknown Speaker 1:14:56
is communicated to

Unknown Speaker 1:14:59

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00

Unknown Speaker 1:15:01
it’s on their radar, as far as what what funding the library got last year. And, you know, where we are still.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:14
In the face of the report council asked

Unknown Speaker 1:15:19
us, I love tying it back to you know that we

Unknown Speaker 1:15:24
spend time and money on this report. And so let’s see what we can do as a response to that.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:32
So that whole bit where we didn’t, we didn’t we didn’t win anything out of that election. The library didn’t

Unknown Speaker 1:15:43
have the measure passed.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:46
And then the but there was a budget that wasn’t like it was approved as at the same level as the prior year. That’s your that’s last year’s budget. 2023. Correct. So the process when it’s when it’s like budget season, so we start this now? And then in May, I will present my proposed budget to the city manager.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:11
No proposed budget for July one. No, it goes, No,

Unknown Speaker 1:16:18
it’s It’s calendar.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:22
This calendar, so the budget proposed in the spring, if approved, kicks in January 120 25. Correct. So you’re that far out? That’s how far out? Okay, so the one that was just not approved?

Unknown Speaker 1:16:39
will not increase. That was that was for the year? We’re in right now. 2020. But you had presented that?

Unknown Speaker 1:16:48
Yeah, this time last year? Oh, wow. Okay, I understand.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:54
DC Council in October. So we started hearing snippets

Unknown Speaker 1:17:01
in August, where they start presenting the budget, and then we just kind of, yeah, it doesn’t get? That’s correct. It doesn’t really get counsel till later. So that internal city processes now because we have to. There’s a lot of things that go on. So for example, like if I were to request to my budget position, which I do have.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:22
Now I have to it’s not just the position, right. So there’s other impacts other supply requested position.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:29
HR has to say what it will cost. If the position requires technology.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:36
It ETS SOS call me or they have to say okay, well, if you need a laptop, then you have to add this to that. So there’s all these, that’s why we start now, because by the time I presented to the city manager that has to all be in place.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:50
So what happened last year,

Unknown Speaker 1:17:53
when I presented about what I tried to present the budget was I was told no, we’re, we’re actually going to get filters for funding increase for your budget, not in this process. So that’s what happened. So this year, it’s, I mean, it’s always important that now there’s no election to throw this into. So it’s the budget processes all we have to have any changes to our budget. That clarification is so helpful. For me. My first thought was like, didn’t we just didn’t we just go through? I mean, I always feel like I’m in budget season. Right.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:30
So, so hearing, Cynthia, and then hearing Catherine, thinking about the

Unknown Speaker 1:18:37
the presentation of the annual report on the 30th.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:44
And thinking about the friend, you know, the comment about the friends and how we’re finding programming and some of the other things, you know,

Unknown Speaker 1:18:52
what stands out to me, is the

Unknown Speaker 1:18:57
the fact that

Unknown Speaker 1:19:00
this is such a unique and wonderful community. I mean, I’m very proud to be here in Longmont. And one of the things that we do tremendously well, in my opinion is bringing community together with all of these different events and fireworks and it’s like a street fair every weekend in the summer and all of these like excuses to come and be together and

Unknown Speaker 1:19:29
spend money. Right? Where we’re having a great time we are peacefully engaging with one another, we’re celebrating things, but we’re also spending money at the food vendors and the pop up tents and all of the local businesses. And those are all wonderful things and we do it really well. At the library and library programming and Library Services. It’s still like how many community centers or how many places within the community

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00
You can you go and exist for free

Unknown Speaker 1:20:04
without having to spend anything.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:07
And not just exist, but, you know, it’s a different kind of consumption, it’s a different kind of engagement and protecting that space. And, you know, all of the many reasons why

Unknown Speaker 1:20:24
why the library should be supported the report, and so on. But it stands as we had an opportunity

Unknown Speaker 1:20:33
to also have this completely free, no expectation to buy or consume space.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:46
And we should just guess. Yeah, and that’s one of the catch 22 is that there’s no Outreach Department. So like I, you know, so much of, like, the resources for examples pulling off the top of my head are widely known craps as well as they shouldn’t be besides those who use them. And so it feels like the only reasons position where there’s exactly what you’re saying, but without, for example, the staffing to share that. Have you how do you get that word out?

Unknown Speaker 1:21:19
So, yeah, I mean, Susie, I, whatever you are able to share. But I think the sports main concern is the, what Jamie was saying the importance of a third space,

Unknown Speaker 1:21:34
in my mind is very much tied to equity and inclusion, as well as what we learned from the feasibility study phase two, which was there’s a strong public demand for these types of services, there’s just

Unknown Speaker 1:21:53
there just needs to be the funding for the library to grow and to fit into a city of 100,000. Yeah, I mean, the study is still valid. I mean, it’s now a few years old, but, you know, the very basic level would have identified was

Unknown Speaker 1:22:10
understaffed, underfunded, outgrown space for a city of this size. Yeah, we’re not we didn’t shrink.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:17
So it’s, it’s still there. And all the recommendations in there of how to grow.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:26
If you know so, last Wednesday, I attended the PI fathers involved problems. And as it got stolen, they had their annual

Unknown Speaker 1:22:36
celebration. And Lillian was there, of course, was a little too, too.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:42
I love her. And, you know, so at these events were the library makes a presence. So that was something that is something I’m very Jamar well, was being as attending that

Unknown Speaker 1:22:55
event. And it was largely, I mean, I’ve gone every year, for the past, I don’t know, five or six years, and this is the largest that I’ve seen. I think that participation wise, and that this was their 50th anniversary. So that you know, they’ve been around for a while. And so it’s, you know, it’s getting out there and our our community. So this primarily, so the program was conducted in Spanish. So people who were English only had the audio, and it was translated to English for them.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:32
And so everything was presented in Spanish, and we have political, so it was very just emerged, immersed in Latino culture. So having the library be a presence there to be able to issue library cards or to be able to engage the public and let them know that we have these programs.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:56
That we have that kind of presidents. So that that is something I have in my pocket that I’ll be sharing tomorrow as well. So yeah, and you probably know this, but the billion is all of the pie meetings. Yeah. Yeah. Not just this one was the big one.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:15
I haven’t done it. Yeah, she’s, she’s at all of them. And she’s built quite a partnership and does some fabulous programming and out of those. Yeah, yeah, she does. Yeah, she’s already built a lot of connections and, and trust with a lot of borrow, or fan. It’s great. Building those relationships. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:36
That also makes me think of the 2000 glasses that were just handed out, you know, supporting still initiatives in, you know, the youth. So the importance of that, in our messaging, we just can’t lose sight of the fact that telling people or showing people all of this awesome stuff that we’re accomplishing as a as a library

Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
If you don’t want to, I don’t want to say you don’t want to paint too rosy a picture. But I think there is a temptation to see all of this greatness and infer that the library’s fine. Well, I think that’s what’s been happening last couple of years.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:19
Because the staff has been doing such a great job.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:24
Making it Work. Yeah. A lot of burning. Yeah. Oh, yeah, absolutely. That’s the it’s not sustainable. That’s what

Unknown Speaker 1:25:34
the messaging I’ve pretty much sun, anywhere someone wants to talk about it, it’s not sustainable.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:41
It’s gonna be burnout really can’t keep up what she’s doing, you know, and

Unknown Speaker 1:25:46
already, you know, being being at the being understaffed as a department of one means it’s great, she’s a PI, but then who’s missing out on other services? Because she can’t be in more than one place. As far as I know. I don’t want us to get to the point as a city where like,

Unknown Speaker 1:26:04
we’re thinking about, well, what what would have to happen? What would things need to look like in order for more people to really notice that the library was deficient in funding? Right, like, if you don’t know, what needs to happen in order for that message to get across to you? And do we want to wait until that? Well, some of it’s happening now. I mean, with with the budget process last year and election not passing, I mean, effectively, and I’ve said this before, but our collections is a great example. It’s effectively been cut. And what that means is people are on hopeless for longer. People are asking us why is it taking so long to get this book? Because we can’t find more than x amount of competence?

Unknown Speaker 1:26:52
In fact, we’re buying less because things cost more. So it is happening. Remember correctly that, I guess through other examples, if I remember, right, is that library 100. Peasants at Cinco Demayo, for example, will be there. But there’s some other

Unknown Speaker 1:27:10
there’s some other festivals where we will not be Yeah, because I can’t Yeah, there’s

Unknown Speaker 1:27:16
way too much. And then ever the adult periodical is great. Am I remembering this right? Or am I just making this up? That was

Unknown Speaker 1:27:24

Unknown Speaker 1:27:26
the homebound program can’t expand? Even though there’s a demand. Right? That’s pretty big. And it takes a lot of one person staff.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:37
Which, you know, it’s a service.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:42
No, that’s fine.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:44
This is definitely showing my true colors. But do you think there’s any appetite for like a strike?

Unknown Speaker 1:27:53
By any teacher strike? Maybe not in Colorado, but in LA where I’m from teacher strike on time? Well, yeah, like, it’s also unionized.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:04
So I don’t know, members of the library staff are unionized, zero. DPS, Denver and

Unknown Speaker 1:28:15
Pueblo had strike. You know, they, they had strikes, and I remember going down and supporting them. But it was like, oh, like, a couple years, where they were preppy, their members organizing, they had a strong message they were taking, you know, collective, you know, just these boats and surveys to see how many would walk out? I don’t know.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:40
Yeah, I think it’s I mean, I don’t know, I, I’ve experienced that too, having lived in California, but not here. And most most libraries are not unionized. And because of that, I think that that kind of tactic is hard. Right? There’s no support for you doing it. If you decide to strike is the everybody has to be, I guess, willing to

Unknown Speaker 1:29:03
get paid. I don’t know how that works. But that will be one of them.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:08
Well, thanks, Susie, for for sharing our thoughts with council. We always appreciate you doing so. Other comments or questions? Or CZ. Was there anything else in your city council report that you’re wanting to share?

Unknown Speaker 1:29:27
Those were the big ones. I really want to make sure that I’m coming back with a clear message for counsel. Imagine, Dustin gave our meetings but you know, any pertinent information.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:42
Thank you. Wait. Well, I’m gonna circle back to John quickly. I know there was one other thing you wanted to share about in your library director report? Yeah, just

Unknown Speaker 1:29:53
because I can’t remember if I’ve said this before, but this will happen before our next board meeting but on May 7,

Unknown Speaker 1:30:00

Unknown Speaker 1:30:02
we will be closing the library that day for our annual in service training.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:08
So I just wanted to make sure that that was on the board’s radar.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:14
You know, we have a full day, we have a couple of big trainings, just to give you a little taste of what’s going on. One of them is

Unknown Speaker 1:30:22
bringing in a social worker to train staff on trauma informed care.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:27
We did a little bit of that last year, but that was more of an intro, this will be a two hour session with some activities built in.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:36
And then the other big trading we’re doing is EDI Rome. This is gonna be another two hour trainings we have today. But that one will be on ally ship.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:48
As it relates to largely micro aggressions, in really educating staff on that

Unknown Speaker 1:30:55
all of it under the theme of kind of some staff care and supporting

Unknown Speaker 1:31:01
is really what this year is about. So and then a couple other smaller sessions we’re doing ourselves, but that’ll be the day somebody puts a Friday, eventually that’ll go up. Pretty soon, we’ll start getting announcements out on being closed that day.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:18
I said, I’ll do that. So important to have that full mouthful. You know, we don’t just with a large staff, and mostly part time workers, you know, it’s almost the only time we can get everyone together once a year without you know, you can’t really do it during normal hours. And then it’s not our preference to close the library anyway. But you know, the once a year we get to do this type of thing.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:47
So anyway, I just want to thank you for letting me circle back there. And as I mentioned, very cool. That’s great. And that’s a part that’s built into your budget. Like that’s how it’s funded.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:59
Bringing in like the speakers or whatever, you know. No, and in fact, at the last board meeting, actually, so you are aware of this. Realize I brought to this board last meeting about using one of our funds to to pay for the trainers. Administrator. Yeah, minutes. Yeah, that’s okay. No, it helped me just realize I have mentioned this. So.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:28
So no, we don’t have the budget for this level of speaker fees. So we’re using that fund to pay for that.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:36
That’ll eventually, that won’t go to council for appropriation until May. But

Unknown Speaker 1:32:45
this, got fun taking new

Unknown Speaker 1:32:49
drivers, it earns interest.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:52
It earns interest. It’s a trust and we’re allowed to spend on the interest accrued that no one donates to.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:00
It’s almost like it’s not a Yeah, correct. Fund. You didn’t designate Yeah, donation. Yeah, it was a family. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:11
So that the liberal support staff day for those two trainers, and then I’m also using that fun as an aside and they to support some arena.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:22
It’ll help us have staff are available.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:28
Hey, thanks, Tom. Well, we’re hearing on the verge of that I did want to share under library profession news, I have not read this but the American Library Association put forth their 2024 state of America’s libraries report, including the top 10 banned books from 2023.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:49
As well as

Unknown Speaker 1:33:52
there’s usually like a section on cool things libraries are doing all types of libraries. So, if anyone is interested that is easily found online just by Googling ala state of the libraries 2024.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:07
Any other comments in the from the wide wider world of librarianship?

Unknown Speaker 1:34:17
Right then any library board comments before we closed

Unknown Speaker 1:34:25
our next meeting

Unknown Speaker 1:34:27
will be May 20. And I will go ahead and adjourn us at 830 sips. Thanks everyone for coming.

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