LHA Board of Commissioners – April 2024

Video Description:
LHA Board of Commissioners – April 2024

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

Read along below:

Unknown Speaker 0:00
already. Board of Commissioners. Can we have a roll call?

Unknown Speaker 0:06
chair woman got it right.

Unknown Speaker 0:11
Commissioner Crist. Mr. Report. Make sure your bro Martin Sally’s the director

Unknown Speaker 0:17
and assistant city attorney.

Unknown Speaker 0:21
Sir public safety on the O’Donnell housing director, missionary level parent, Commissioner Martin. Okay. Thank you. Do we have any Oh?

Unknown Speaker 0:34
embarrass yourself.

Unknown Speaker 0:37
Breaker repair ladies.

Unknown Speaker 0:40
is Erica need to introduce herself?

Unknown Speaker 0:45
Thank you, Erica.

Unknown Speaker 0:50
Do we have any agenda revisions or submission to documents?

Unknown Speaker 0:58
Can I have a motion to approve the march 21 2024 minutes I move that we approve the march 21 22nd. Statement by counsel, Commissioner McCoy’s in recognition of hearing all those in favor say aye. Aye. All those opposed? That passes unanimously we’re now at public invited to be heard and you have three minutes for speaker. There’s no sign of this. So Shaquille was first when I started a different route straighter with your point was straighter shadow.

Unknown Speaker 1:33
Loan comparison, just got this material to an hour each. Oh my goodness from the milkman views from Sam Simpson sitting in a trailer park in South Florida. 2018.

Unknown Speaker 1:50
But anyway, the basic thing is, I don’t know if it’s a new management or they just started acting that way, but

Unknown Speaker 2:01
two to five months ago.

Unknown Speaker 2:04
And everything has been so attacking us that it’s it’s hard to know when and what?

Unknown Speaker 2:13
What transpired. But all of a sudden, they started attacking almost all of the trailer park owners. I got this note on my door, after I was in church one night had come home and said, I have not paid my rent. They are there and he had my rent for two days. And they never acknowledged to me that they had already cashed my money order. But they did tell Susan, when we had the mediation meeting,

Unknown Speaker 2:45
the mediation was

Unknown Speaker 2:48
there’s a young girl local, she didn’t know anything. She just been trained to be abusive. And there’s a regional lady who was

Unknown Speaker 3:00
just everything is absolute arbitrary, has nothing to do with

Unknown Speaker 3:08
you know, health, safety, decency, anything like that. It’s a violation of what we have been living under. I’ve been there for 15 years, some for 20 or more years. And everybody gets these threatening notices on their door every week. It’s arbitrary. It’s not clear. Like one example says you cannot have a clothesline, but the trailer park put in the closed slides.

Unknown Speaker 3:39

Unknown Speaker 3:41
you cannot hang up close to dry. Well, trailers aren’t big enough to have a driver. So and many of those things.

Unknown Speaker 3:53
You it says I cannot have a filing cabinet was nothing in the words. But they say filing cabinet counts. They call it in turn internal furniture. When you can’t even see it. It’s about like this, you can’t even see it unless you’re standing right in front of them looking at and they said well, I got I got to small tables in cases friends or I mean I’m a writer, I like to sit out in the sun and and have access to my material. And

Unknown Speaker 4:31
for example, the up that’s when you cannot have this. You don’t know and it’s totally arbitrary. It’s absolute. There is no mediation, no consideration, no acknowledgement. I had cleaned out 95% I had quite a bit of stuff. Close my church squeezed my you know, my bigger storage locker into my smaller one and everything

Unknown Speaker 5:00
same dose gotten stuck there. So I got rid of their 90 95%. Now, Stan had some stuff in place. He got his stuff out. I bought it, I had to buy another trailer. Just covered Schleicher. And, at one point the example of gifs want one quick tip, the

Unknown Speaker 5:23
rich no matter church said, Well, you could have a lattice. But then in the same sentence, she made it into a live you can have a lattice but you can’t have the tarp to protect against the wind in the smell. So you have to tear that out anyway. And it’s just everything is arbitrary absolute so different from the last 20 years. It told us so are you still working with Susan Spaulding on this? Well, I’m willing to but I want to work with LH a and bail band. Yes. She just told me that we have rights under the law that I need to learn about. Okay. All right. Thank you straighter thanks very much.

Unknown Speaker 6:13
All right.

Unknown Speaker 6:15
I have nowhere to go in Section eight so

Unknown Speaker 6:23
she killed the alternating present Street. I just want to mention that the clothesline prohibitions but Strider was complaining about it was actually quite common in HOA neighborhoods throughout the city of Longmont. So this is a thing that actually affects many people in the city of Longmont. This is an extremely unfortunate example.

Unknown Speaker 6:40
So just food for thought. So commissioners who are also happened to be mayor and members of council, in partnership with long with prosper long month and one month public media launch, Longmont housing is kicking off a book club to bring members of the community together to talk about the rising cost of housing in Longmont and potential solutions to that problem. The first book that we are reading is called escaping that housing trap by Charles Marone and Daniel heritages and the nationally recognized organization strong towns. The book describes the tension between the financialization of housing and the need for housing to shelter and the actions that municipalities can take to address the crisis of housing affordability. We invite you and any member of the public to join us in reading the book and having a conversation about what we can do as a community. For more information and to sign up for the book club, go to launch long band housing.org. Our first meeting requires no reading and is on Monday, April 22. At 6:30pm at Longmont public media. We’ll have a presentation with all the information you need to get the most out of reading the book, and also will include a presentation by Elizabeth Bolin, the Curator of History at the Longmont Museum. Of we’ve placed this event on the council calendar and compliance to call it open records act and lunch along with housing has purchased a copy of the book for each one of you will have them at the next at the next council meeting because the books not out yet. It’ll come out next Tuesday. Members of the public can preorder the book at barbed wire books will place a hold on a copy of a long been Public Library. Thank you. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 8:06
Before we accept gifts, we have to know what the price is.

Unknown Speaker 8:11
I believe the book retails at $28.

Unknown Speaker 8:16
Okay, next

Unknown Speaker 8:20

Unknown Speaker 8:22
I was going to

Unknown Speaker 8:24
mention Striders situation. What it is is you got

Unknown Speaker 8:32
charities HOAs. And we’ve got a situation where corporations buying up trailer parks because they figured out that they can buy it and they got trapped people and they raise the rents a lot sometimes they try to intimidate everybody that they start enforcing rules to try to make it pristine, so they can basically resell place. So what it is, is the city I think really needs to

Unknown Speaker 9:10
you know, adopt some of the state requirements. So stuff can be enforced on a local level by the common people. Because trying to get an enforcement through the state

Unknown Speaker 9:24
is a difficult process if it’s local. And the other thing is a lot of these HOAs and trailer parks. What they’re doing is they’re trying to keep

Unknown Speaker 9:38
you know, minorities and marginal people, basically exclude them from housing. Things like restricting parking on the street. You can’t park in your own driveway.

Unknown Speaker 9:53
A lot of stuff the city, I think needs to in

Unknown Speaker 10:00

Unknown Speaker 10:02
basic rights to people because essentially,

Unknown Speaker 10:08
state law has something if you’re just an irritating person, a lot of times you’ll get forced out of your community. Now, the state law says, if they’re doing something like that it’s a violation.

Unknown Speaker 10:22
The city really needs to make things like part of their local ordinances. So code inspector can actually enforce some of this stuff, instead of trying to get some overtax a person to do.

Unknown Speaker 10:39
And things things like when people are trying to rent a place,

Unknown Speaker 10:46
banning, you know, you got landlords, taking deposits from people not deposit, but just to apply for a place to have charging like three or $400, just two o’clock. And then they don’t want to give it back. If you don’t get the place. The city makes needs to establish, you know, there’s actually the HUD regulation saying that’s illegal. But trying to get a federal thing enforced, it’s almost impossible.

Unknown Speaker 11:17
You have to file a federal lawsuit against the landlord, it didn’t give you back your $100. Or it is a lot of times it’s more two or $300. And most people don’t know that. But if there are local rules that make it safe for people to grant, make it so

Unknown Speaker 11:39
people aren’t being excluded through things like oh, you can’t park on your own street. Thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 11:49
See no one else in the closed the public hearing.

Unknown Speaker 11:54
The public might be heard,

Unknown Speaker 11:57
oh, the new business the Swedish land concepts.

Unknown Speaker 12:24
All right. So you’ll be seeing Molly O’Donnell will be reporting on this one, you’ll be seeing an item most likely at next month’s LH a board meeting, requesting authorization to execute an easement to the Dry Creek Trail. But the city side, Parks Department is working on designing right now and hoping to begin construction on shortly.

Unknown Speaker 12:48

Unknown Speaker 12:57
So what you see here is going to show that but that is being drafted right now that easements being drafted right now. So that is not yet totally in effect, but it’s a little bit challenging to see. But the proposed trail alignment is here in the attached orange. And the trail easement would be this green line, the blue line you can ignore.

Unknown Speaker 13:19
So the reason we’re talking about this tonight, however, is that we do have an option agreement to allow Element Properties, the same developer that did that did Zinnia to develop this backlog behind the suites. So there’s some history and that that Harold might jump into because he was involved at the time. This was a little before my time. But when la che was trying to build Fall River, they needed extra cash on hand to help close the deal. And so they approached the city and said would you buy out half of the land behind the suites, just a paper exercise not necessarily splitting the lot itself

Unknown Speaker 14:00
to be in the ownership structure of that land so that we could get some funds to help finish the Fall River Project. And council at that time agreed the property acquisition occurred. And so now the city and the lhsaa own this backlog behind the sweets 5050

Unknown Speaker 14:21
as part of the Zinnia when we’re working with element Tanzania back in, gosh, maybe 2019 when they’re first getting started,

Unknown Speaker 14:31
the option agreement was for the area whereas India is now plus this backlog. So that was the Phase One of the option agreement in this areas with phase two.

Unknown Speaker 14:41
We were reviewing that option agreement when we were considering this easement to see if it would trigger an amendment of any sort and it does not it would just require consent from element to be able to construct that easement. But it did make us start talking to xebia element about what we should be

Unknown Speaker 15:00
Planning for Betfair because the option agreement requires that element obtain a lifetime award b by the end of 2025, for this option to still be in effect.

Unknown Speaker 15:12
So in order to do that, I think to start get moving in order to hold the Option as is. And so we just wanted to conceptually talk about what the lmha board would like to see in terms of a product back there. So we’ve worked in working on this easement, we worked with element to do kind of a conceptual plan, very conceptual here about just to see what could fit back there. And if it could fit within it still accommodate the trail, the trail easement. And knowing that there’s a riparian setback there, and the FEMA floodplain is mapped here as well, just to see what was possible in that backlog. So this is what you see here is a conceptual building housing 63 units. You can see this is a drive aisle and potential parking areas still and meeting the pocket park requirements that are assumed to be that would have to go into site planning. But really what it looks like right now is certainly feasible 63 unit building.

Unknown Speaker 16:19
I’m sorry, how many stories. So Zinnia is four stories, podium with wood on top, so I would assume it’d be the same. They’re similar.

Unknown Speaker 16:31
So we just we brought this to the advisory board here last week, just to say if you wanted to make any recommendations to the board, started thinking about it. They asked for an outline of some options to consider. And so that has not come to fruition yet. But we really want to just start the conversation with the board. And then

Unknown Speaker 16:52
we don’t need to take any action tonight. But it’s more of brainstorming ideas to eventually get some real direction to alignment on what you all would like to see. So Wasn’t this the property that when we had you and Harold and I talked about the divorce? Gotcha. Yeah. that I personally would really want to see that. So very similar to the divorce project.

Unknown Speaker 17:20
So for for the rest of the toward that members that weren’t on that took about a half ago or so. Yeah. Yeah, I was there. So we went down to Denver, where they have a an affordable housing development that has a 45 bed shelter for women and transgender people. And then permanent supportive housing units attached to traditional affordable housing. And so people could, the idea was to show hope, and move people along and transition them up and out.

Unknown Speaker 17:52
And so that was super interesting idea. I totally agree. The one challenge that we’ve come up with since then, is that they got that shelter element paid for by the tax credits, because it was in a QC t, this side is not in a QC t so that tax credits couldn’t pay for the shelter. But so there would have to be another funding element attached to be able to do it that way. So that was the one piece of information.

Unknown Speaker 18:21
First of all, what’s a Qt T? And second, do we have enough?

Unknown Speaker 18:28
Like first of all, are housing for mobility challenged residence? Because that’s comes up every so often? And it seems like designing it in the beginning?

Unknown Speaker 18:40
Yes, there’s qualified census tract. So HUD designates qualified census tracts each year and lie tech projects in qualified census tracts. Essentially, you get the it’s kind of a bonus on the credits. So they could attach, for example, if the assent was in a qualified census tract that you see could be covered by the tax credits, because it’s a service for the residents, but it’s also more for the broader community. In this case, if it wasn’t a qualified census tract, the tax credits would pay for the majority of a shelter or services or some sort of service oriented elements of the project. And then the second question on mobility units we have we are actually lhsaa When you consider the entire portfolio is exceeding the minimum required for mobility units

Unknown Speaker 19:31
when you consider it all together, and that’s why in Aspen Meadows when we did the construction project, we actually added extra mobility units to make sure that the entire portfolio was covered.

Unknown Speaker 19:42
So we are meeting the requirements I’d say.

Unknown Speaker 19:48
The reason that I asked is because people living in a non la chain properties on vouchers frequently seem to be claiming mobility limited

Unknown Speaker 20:00
Patients and then they get a bad neighbor. And they can’t move around inside the building that they have a lease for, because of accessibility

Unknown Speaker 20:10
of the unit that they’re in. And they’re like the only one or something. So the end. So that’s the reason I asked because people can’t, can’t get away from an odious living situation.

Unknown Speaker 20:28
So a couple of things that we’ve talked about the kind of

Unknown Speaker 20:33
victim claim framework from the qualified census tract, it’s, it’s inherently the same issue that we are dealing with, with a set Windows set project. So you know, they were looking at the early child care components,

Unknown Speaker 20:49
have the ascent project been in a qualified census project, we could have put that into the basis of the project, it wasn’t. So we’re having to look at other funding options for that piece in early childcare and in that facility.

Unknown Speaker 21:04
One difference in this location, while it’s not in qualified census tract, it is in a preventive enterprise zone. So one of the things that we can do is really dig in, and potentially pre certify with the state as part of an enterprise zone.

Unknown Speaker 21:23
And that may be able to do something similar

Unknown Speaker 21:27
that you would see in a qualified census tract. But we’ll need to dig into that a little bit more.

Unknown Speaker 21:33
Here, oh, did you mention something that I didn’t quite understand it, that Michael block from Boulder shelter had mentioned something about wraparound services? Can you explain that?

Unknown Speaker 21:47
Well, I think when we look at the area, we look at what options we have, I think one of the concerns

Unknown Speaker 21:55
that has been brought forward to Mali is, you know, right now, every unit on the site is permanent supportive housing. And so there is a conversation about watching the density of permanent supportive housing in a single location.

Unknown Speaker 22:14
And if you think back to the doors project, you know, one of the things they had was, they had the shelter component, they had permanent supportive housing. And then they had what we would consider traditional affordable housing.

Unknown Speaker 22:29
And that was one of the pieces that Molly and I talked about is, you know, that’s really kind of the missing piece and decide is more of that traditional affordable housing that we build. So that can be an option that the board can consider. And, you know, we’ve thrown out other options in terms of if if you look at a podium style structure, potentially having space to bring

Unknown Speaker 22:57
to least service providers who serve members of our community, that utilize permanent supportive housing and affordable housing as an option. We’ve talked about utilizing space for some of our services that we have, as we’re running out of space and within this facility, so there, they can really be a mixed use concept in terms of ground floor activity services,

Unknown Speaker 23:25
then other components to this, but I think what they were communicating to us and Molly, correct me if I’m wrong, is really watching how much permanent supportive housing we’re allocating in the sacral location? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 23:39

Unknown Speaker 23:41
would it be possible with a four storey building that

Unknown Speaker 23:46
part of it is the shelter part of it is transitional? But could not one floor be traditional housing, as people move up and out?

Unknown Speaker 23:59
Would that take care of some of the concerns that there wasn’t enough traditional housing?

Unknown Speaker 24:07
I think the concern is more

Unknown Speaker 24:10
how many permanent supportive housing so once it is built, we’ll have 138 58.

Unknown Speaker 24:22
And so

Unknown Speaker 24:24
I think the concern that was coming up is just

Unknown Speaker 24:28
it was more of a request, please consider how many high needs people are going to be on site. And considering how the interactions with each other or

Unknown Speaker 24:42
so just thinking about having opportunities using that backlot four ways for the existing permanent supportive housing residents to be able to look towards the future as well. So that could include service

Unknown Speaker 25:00
Is that could include traditional affordable housing

Unknown Speaker 25:04
is that that’s more of an extension of the comments. But that is where it was coming from. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 25:13
It would round out the idea of a campus type of solution for people in need. I’m not going to say just unhoused or, but

Unknown Speaker 25:26
even if someone is living on their own in their own unit somewhere else, they could still use hopefully the wraparound services, like addiction in California. Is that what we’re thinking about as well? Or is it just contained to the sweets area?

Unknown Speaker 25:45

Unknown Speaker 25:48
I don’t know, this is just a thought process that I’m kind of going through? Well,

Unknown Speaker 25:55
our our, it seems like this other concern may may weigh more heavily, because we don’t want to get otherwise any kind of subsidized housing, which means that we

Unknown Speaker 26:11
you know, we I would say that, while I really liked the idea of wraparound service, and basic services for street living people, I propose things like that multiple times. But maybe this is not the place for it, because we want

Unknown Speaker 26:29
a more functional group of people living in this situation and providing role models, and, and just not

Unknown Speaker 26:41
not not lumping all of the

Unknown Speaker 26:45
people who need a lot of services together. We can I mean, we don’t want to end up with something like

Unknown Speaker 26:52
true Lego, right? I was in St. Louis when they threw it out. And you know, when we get there,

Unknown Speaker 26:59
I would like to see something more upscale, maybe even a combination of the unsubsidised but 80% type housing.

Unknown Speaker 27:14
Problem with that is financing

Unknown Speaker 27:18

Unknown Speaker 27:20
So the factors that will say this the factors that will land regardless, once we have an actual deal, there will be a market study that will will say if that area, and the general market in that section of town could support certain percentage affordability units. So 80%, for example,

Unknown Speaker 27:43
that market study will drive a lot of the decision making on the investor side. And so that would that would be telling.

Unknown Speaker 27:52
I would say that something that this site has going for it is that we constructed 55 units of permanent supportive housing, permanent supportive housing with virtually no public

Unknown Speaker 28:07
negative comment.

Unknown Speaker 28:09
It is it is a site that is traditionally if you’re going to if it’s going to face opposition, and that is often when it’s in an established neighborhood or near more single family residential. So that is something that this site has going for it. So it is I think it’s just something for the board to balance,

Unknown Speaker 28:28
the concentration argument versus the campus argument if you do it, do it well, with the services etc.

Unknown Speaker 28:36
I think they’re all pieces to it all the way.

Unknown Speaker 28:40
I just want to make note of the fact that

Unknown Speaker 28:45
sunset way over here, of course, Parkway

Unknown Speaker 28:49
is a very active

Unknown Speaker 28:52
childcare center, which supports these businesses in this area. And so

Unknown Speaker 28:59
we’re talking about density in terms of people with a lot of support

Unknown Speaker 29:05
at odds with childcare. So being that

Unknown Speaker 29:09
I’ve just seen that on last

Unknown Speaker 29:13

Unknown Speaker 29:16
Would you like Do you mind if Sara spoke? Yeah. Just just saw Sure.

Unknown Speaker 29:22
The sweets

Unknown Speaker 29:24
has been around for quite some time. And as far as issues with residents, there’s no there’s a lot of residents, if you drive in there, you’re constantly seeing them go to the gas station walking around. We’ve not had any issue. I mean, I have to look it up and maybe one or two very minimal issue with the residents that are currently living there, rented. You’re correct. It’s going to be more dense. But we if we look at the data that we have, I don’t think that we could support that that would be an issue. There could

Unknown Speaker 30:00
Being asked you have a problem, right? That always happens. But what we’re what we’ve seen in the past doesn’t, doesn’t indicate that we do

Unknown Speaker 30:11
it when we do have a problem.

Unknown Speaker 30:14
Most of the sweets are very after they’re asked to contact me or public safety police. If there’s an issue. Same with the daycare center.

Unknown Speaker 30:27

Unknown Speaker 30:29
There’s Waylon Sarah saying, I think, you know, one of the reasons that we actually have a security contract on the side of the Swedes is

Unknown Speaker 30:40
probably more about the people that are residents in the suites that are impacting the livability of the residents in terms of some of the issues that we’re seeing.

Unknown Speaker 30:55
We know, I think we’re in a better spot with our residents. Because last time I was at a coffee with conversation and coffee and conversations. And Sarah, they were telling me, she needed to look for this problem here and this problem here, and this problem here. So in particular statements, we’re seeing that external inflows into the streets, that I think in some cases actually challenges the residents that live there. And to add to that, with this additional construction and creating more density,

Unknown Speaker 31:27
we’ve seen, the trend is a lot of our own house folks are looking for a private property, they know that it’s taking longer for them to be moved along. So we have had issues up up along this ditch right here on the north side of significant they’re gone now, but it took us a long time to do all the work to move them along. So with with more more people in there, I don’t see the issue of the single pill, totally gone. I haven’t seen them visiting not areas often.

Unknown Speaker 32:02
We have a bomb, Paul, your 21st child care center, it was even a stabbing there years ago.

Unknown Speaker 32:12
Right outside.

Unknown Speaker 32:14
And yet the childcare center persisted. But as soon as the people on North Lawn, for businesses there started having trouble with

Unknown Speaker 32:24
breaking into the garbage, there was a lot of traffic pretty much

Unknown Speaker 32:31
runs along the railroad tracks. I think it’s a perception problem. But then parents don’t want their kids. Now that chunk person is close. So the

Unknown Speaker 32:43
last scenario, you know, and so this one is very active, support these businesses in the area. And so you know, on the positive side, we have affordable housing doesn’t have a lot of

Unknown Speaker 32:55
access to that service very close, because it is

Unknown Speaker 33:00
industrial, there’s lots of work you can walk to and then childcare would be right there too. We’re just worried about too much density being a problem for parents, and they see that

Unknown Speaker 33:13
it’s because they

Unknown Speaker 33:16
really miss that childcare center. And that’s one of our goals is to keep those childcare centers open and

Unknown Speaker 33:22

Unknown Speaker 33:25
Are there any other thoughts on what this property should be used for?

Unknown Speaker 33:31
So we need some more journalism in recent days.

Unknown Speaker 33:48
So because this is City and La Land, whatever ends up happening would end up coming back to both but I just wanted to start the conversation

Unknown Speaker 33:57
and give some ideas to elements. So if you’d like to express any now to have element look into or if you’d like us to come back with some options, we could do that too.

Unknown Speaker 34:09
Are we looking at particular demographic, you know, because we have a whole lot of housing aimed at senior residents, we would like

Unknown Speaker 34:23
to apply some demographic pressure in favor of younger people staying in Longmont or even moving Dormont if they have jobs here. So with some kind of viva, vivo, whatever it’s called kind of concept of something that is for people aging out of foster care or just you know, people coming out of out of their own families and and starting at an entry level job. And

Unknown Speaker 34:52
is that a possibility though, though, to such people might be more resilient

Unknown Speaker 34:59
in terms of

Unknown Speaker 35:00
of acceptance of their neighbors. I think what that would be is traditional affordable housing. And then when in design, you try and

Unknown Speaker 35:08
you know, just like you’re designing a set to be family friendly, we’re not going to do a preference necessarily, but that is something that we could do to try and show like singles and couples from the aesthetic, etc. So what are we?

Unknown Speaker 35:40
So, are we looking at the city of Longmont land area, or it is one parcel joint owns jointly so it’s not split up, it’s not split this this general parcel starting from

Unknown Speaker 35:56
the set where you have the images of the pocket parks and all that that was all conceptual. Okay, so that kind of confused me. So,

Unknown Speaker 36:05

Unknown Speaker 36:08
When purchasing property, again, this was before the city was involved in the housing authority.

Unknown Speaker 36:16
They needed 750,000 to close on Fall River.

Unknown Speaker 36:21
City with affordable housing funds purchased property, much 750, we took from a majority ownership interest in the property. And at the time, we negotiated where we have ultimate control on the property in terms of what was developed on it, because we didn’t have the Housing Authority. Now, it’s a little bit different since we’re intertwined with each other. But that’s a bit of history.

Unknown Speaker 36:49
So I’m going to just pop in here. Okay, go ahead. Well, I was going to finish with Oh,

Unknown Speaker 36:57
no, no, I was just asking.

Unknown Speaker 37:00
Well, you know, something I would like to see is, and I know it’ll cause there’s going to be an ongoing cost component to this is really

Unknown Speaker 37:11
thinking about the life skills, wraparound services, how can we get people who are in these units, and even other residents or other individuals or unhoused,

Unknown Speaker 37:26
who, you know, getting folks on a trajectory to be able to live a sustainable life. So knowing how to pay bills, knowing how to budget, knowing how to find a job and keep a job, so having some kind of

Unknown Speaker 37:45
place or a hub that we can tap into, you know, along with city funds, and La j to be able to, to support

Unknown Speaker 37:57
ongoing sustainability for residents who are kind of like on that verge of, you know, they don’t have those skills to to keep a job even like they might find a job and then they can’t sustain it. So we’re looking at that sustainability, to help people stay in housing and help people stay in

Unknown Speaker 38:24
Dallas, it

Unknown Speaker 38:28
was wonderful.

Unknown Speaker 38:36
So I liked Marx’s idea of

Unknown Speaker 38:41
children aging out of foster care, I think that is like perfect. But also, Mr. Yarborough mentioned together

Unknown Speaker 38:51
with the kids who were in that program as well, a lot of those shouldn’t say a lot, they might be couchsurfing individuals as well. So they do fall under or could fall under the homeless or under housed umbrella of people who need housing.

Unknown Speaker 39:15
Just keep that in mind. I don’t know where they fall it in any kind of paradigm of health or under the LH a requirements to be able to be housed element had actually proposed that as an idea very early on, or they did about use

Unknown Speaker 39:33
a conditioner. I think we should look at that. I really like Marshalls idea. And I know that it will be nice to have something like that here in Longmont for you and I don’t know if any of them even know how to fill out applications for voucher and to be on Section Eight you know, or you know, any of that so to be able to have a point place to go to knowing that is here in Longmont just for them will be amazing. I didn’t even know

Unknown Speaker 40:00
Majan honestly, to me, that’s part of supportive services. It isn’t just supporting mental or physical health but it’s skills skills. Yeah. Life Skills. Oh, oh

Unknown Speaker 40:22
okay, any other really good suggestions

Unknown Speaker 40:30
Okay, that’s

Unknown Speaker 40:34
all we

Unknown Speaker 40:37
have, say oh my gosh.

Unknown Speaker 40:41
Trail used to lead to the China buffet

Unknown Speaker 40:45
that China is building kind of we can shoot our fireworks

Unknown Speaker 40:52
out over there

Unknown Speaker 40:55
right now.

Unknown Speaker 40:57
I think we’re getting a slug. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 41:02
Two more. We have some more feedback and well, okay any Emily’s place partnership update. I’m gonna take that learn Sally. I got this update from Lisa, our regional housing or regional property manager. So she’s been in contact with Annie Emily’s. They hosted a veterinary clinic in partnership with the street dog Coalition on January 30. And they had a follow up clinic with booster shots at the on the February 26. At the suites. She said you guys are interested in having Emily’s do more with our residents, not just with Le J residents but also voucher residents. So

Unknown Speaker 41:43
she has been in contact with the organization. They are very interested in doing more. Their board is currently working on clarifying their current programs and looking to expand and build partnerships. And they’re in discussions to hold annual clinics and the suites Zinnia and other properties. So they’re seeing how that will work and with their mission.

Unknown Speaker 42:03
And then

Unknown Speaker 42:05
also interested in expanding pest PSH but also, you know people who were on vouchers within the community or are truly at risk of becoming unhoused.

Unknown Speaker 42:16
They do help cover costs of veterinary services, especially as they escalate. They will jump into costs and see if they can partner with other or other organizations in Marion’s lockbox to cover that.

Unknown Speaker 42:34
And they have some upcoming events. May 5, they’re going to be at St. John’s Episcopal and Boulder. They’re doing additional vaccinations and general well checks spay and neuter vouchers. June 1 at Bethlehem Lutheran here in Longmont to do follow up needs from aphid new guests initial vaccinations and well checks with more spay and neuter vouchers. And then June 22, again at Bethlehem, Lutheran here in Longmont to follow up from the June 1 visit and then any additional necessary childcare.

Unknown Speaker 43:09
So this was a

Unknown Speaker 43:11
a discussion that was brought up at the February 20 Ellijay. Meeting. So this was just a report back based on information we’ve researched

Unknown Speaker 43:19
have a density map of where housing choice vouchers that are not in Lhh properties or where they are being used. I’m thinking particularly about countryside mobile home are in the context of Annie and millions because there was a veritable population explosion of chihuahuas there.

Unknown Speaker 43:43
I’m serious. This is no I mean, no. No, some rare so that there’s clearly some puppy milling going on there. Because Because everybody’s got two or three. Yeah, it’s Yeah. And I mean, you can’t you can’t good security dogs. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 44:02
Whatever they’re there, and they might need care.

Unknown Speaker 44:07
And especially some kind of those low cost spay and neuter event might be good. I know if it’s somebody side, gig them. Maybe not. But so many sports who used to be with?

Unknown Speaker 44:22
He’s involved with them now. And I could connect it to your view. That’d be great. And he’s involved with with countryside or women in the Midwest. Yeah, sure, I believe.

Unknown Speaker 44:36
And we do have plans to

Unknown Speaker 44:40
to, we don’t have an math showing voucher holders. However, we are in talks with the other housing authorities on getting information so they’re voucher holders who live in Longmont. So once we have more information about this, we can just send that to their program people and have them disperse that information.

Unknown Speaker 45:00
You don’t have a reciprocal agreement to share data about the residents. So we have to rely on them to share that. No, I was just thinking of, you know, if if it’s as a Housing Authority, is it worth our time to nudge me and millions into a direction of a particular neighborhood? We’re targeting outrageous hospitals.

Unknown Speaker 45:21
I think you should contact Becky Doyle and get an app for that.

Unknown Speaker 45:26
pretty responsive. I mean, I’ve asked her for weird map layers and she’s

Unknown Speaker 45:31
just done a roll

Unknown Speaker 45:37

Unknown Speaker 45:44
Wrapped up.

Unknown Speaker 45:48
Are there any more comments on an email base? And you are done with your update? Thank you. I thought it was very interesting. Now. Commissioner

Unknown Speaker 46:01
Kerry, you had said that you would make the motion for Aspen Meadows senior apartments for everyone or do you want to think Carol?

Unknown Speaker 46:14
So commissioners have some brief background on this Aspen Meadows. senior apartments is a property that they that is in that low Housing Authority portfolio.

Unknown Speaker 46:26
Prior to the city immigrating, and with the Housing Authority, the Longmont Housing Authority was began the recertification process. And so as you know, now, that’s when we go in and we

Unknown Speaker 46:42
get funds, we essentially refinance the property. So we get funds to make capital improvements to that property.

Unknown Speaker 46:51
That all the development work and the design work was done prior to

Unknown Speaker 46:58
the city getting involved with Aspen Meadows apartments.

Unknown Speaker 47:03
Right at the point where we started combining in that transition, one of the first things that we undertook was actually having to secure the financing for that project, because the initial investor fell out and we had to find another investor. So there was very little in terms of the architecture and design and the other words with that was all done ahead of time.

Unknown Speaker 47:26
Went through the process, made improvements to the units. And we noticed that there were some issues with flooring that we’ve been trying to resolve since late 2020 To get to 2023

Unknown Speaker 47:43
stamp is requesting the board authorize us to file a lawsuit if needed,

Unknown Speaker 47:51
and take all the legal steps necessary to preserve our time

Unknown Speaker 48:01
so I’d like to make a motion to direct staff to continue working on a solution to the flooring issue and take all necessary steps to achieve a solution including if such action is deemed necessary. Initiate legal action to rectify Aspen Meadows senior apartments flooring failure, so it’s been Moved by Councillor Commissioner Hidalgo theory, to give direction to staff to continue working with Aspen Meadows flooring and take legal action if necessary. seconded by Councillor McLean. All those in favor say aye. Aye.

Unknown Speaker 48:39
All those opposed? That passes unanimously

Unknown Speaker 48:43
six to nothing with Commissioner Aaron Rodriguez absent

Unknown Speaker 48:53
for only the interim executive directors report

Unknown Speaker 49:02
glory first

Unknown Speaker 49:04
commission for indulging me in life and when they connect remotely.

Unknown Speaker 49:09
I got something for my son who got something at CSU. So didn’t want to risk in the last segment as well. So thank you for allowing me to do that tonight.

Unknown Speaker 49:22
I’m going to turn it over to Molly to go over the development updates.

Unknown Speaker 49:29
So we are in construction at Village place village on Main the village to keep it simple. Trading my own brain.

Unknown Speaker 49:39
We have our we’ve done to witness now more on each side of the first floor and we’ve got residents moving back in generally the feedback is very good about workmanship and materials. And then but no construction job is perfect. So we are happy people are living in

Unknown Speaker 50:00
It now construction is starting to get to the common areas, it’s going to be more disruptive. So we’re really trying to engage with the residents right now work through requests and questions as they come. And just trying to keep everybody in communication right now, because we are hitting about a peak on construction on the inside.

Unknown Speaker 50:20
The common areas will be worked on from now through the end of June or so, construction work outside in the parking lot, and on the exterior facade will be June through August. So we’re about to hit.

Unknown Speaker 50:36
So trying to work with residents to get everyone ready.

Unknown Speaker 50:40
Otherwise, things are going good on schedule, budget.

Unknown Speaker 50:44
So that is that property xebialabs construction is also moving right along on schedule. They will be completing in September with lease up calculating October, we’ve been preparing with the entire team, including elements and folder shelter and mental health partners to prepare for lease up and use any lessons learned that that team went through on Newburgh Boulder, the sister project to this one

Unknown Speaker 51:09
to implement any of those lessons learned since that’s so fresh there.

Unknown Speaker 51:14
So what do we have a sense, we are rolling right along, and to to an anticipated closing on a set in July, and then turn around and start construction at that time as well. So you’ll see a good amount of

Unknown Speaker 51:30
items coming forward to prepare for that closing between now and July. In the next couple of meetings. Getting everything worked out there. In terms of the Early Childhood Education Center, we have promising news from color and Health Foundation, we do not have an actual dollar value yet, but it’s just going through final tweaks of milestone and and things that they want to see kind of deeper in the agreement that would be coming. So as soon as we have that good news, we’ll share it.

Unknown Speaker 52:01
And otherwise just a full court press on the set.

Unknown Speaker 52:07
We’ve got development opportunities coming at us that we’re waiting through to see how to prioritize things work on our our projection of when do we need to time certain projects for the next several years. And so that’s all underway. Is there any other properties Harold that you wanted to touch base on that I didn’t hit

Unknown Speaker 52:27
that one, one thing that I wanted to talk about that.

Unknown Speaker 52:31
Unfortunately, I can’t get into very specific detail now. But it is likely that we’re going to need another executive session commissioners to talk about a potential development opportunity and get directions and negotiators. This project is a little different in that it’s affordable housing, but it’s also potentially income qualified, attainable housing. In the ramesside. Molina, I’ve had

Unknown Speaker 53:01
a handful of meetings and

Unknown Speaker 53:04
discussing different financing options.

Unknown Speaker 53:08
I’m bringing this up today, because we had a really good meeting today. And that brought some clarity on how we’re going to how we can finance a project like this. And so

Unknown Speaker 53:19
just adding to what she’s saying. development opportunities are continuing to come in, we’re continuing to evaluate those.

Unknown Speaker 53:27
We do have the ability now to be

Unknown Speaker 53:31
really look for those and come back to mais our revenue potential and and how that applies in the future. So we’ll probably need an executive session in May

Unknown Speaker 53:45
with a board to talk through some of these issues.

Unknown Speaker 53:50
That’s that’s really the big one for me. Oh, well. When we look at this, I remember a few years ago,

Unknown Speaker 53:58
before we started building projects,

Unknown Speaker 54:02
as the city council and as the Housing Authority Board, you all set a target for us on projects in terms of the number of units that you wanted to build. And I believe that number was six units properties, six properties in five years.

Unknown Speaker 54:20
And to just recap what you’ve seen so Chrisman to was the first one that’s leasing up right now as we speak. Zinnia will be leasing. This year, we’re going into construction on a sad quality by forgetting.

Unknown Speaker 54:38
Well, we originally included

Unknown Speaker 54:41
yeah project, the project that you will agree as the city council related to co ownership opportunities.

Unknown Speaker 54:50
Miss number four.

Unknown Speaker 54:52
Just wanted you to know and that’s a great how many units Molly? Gosh, I gotta pull it

Unknown Speaker 54:59

Unknown Speaker 55:00
It was something

Unknown Speaker 55:03
a lot. I know over 300 over 300 games in that timeframe.

Unknown Speaker 55:10
I wanted to say that to you, because I think the vision that you all set for us in terms of what we need to do to,

Unknown Speaker 55:18
you know, we want to your major points

Unknown Speaker 55:20
of housing, you know, you’re really now seeing that start to move out in the system. So the work that you did in that goal setting session has really allowed us to see what our Northstar is

Unknown Speaker 55:34
not really development related. But I did want to take this opportunity as part of the director’s report to say you’ve also made a number of decisions that it’s really kind of this really shifted the organization in a way that is

Unknown Speaker 55:50
making us better. But I think in terms of staff capacity has helped us a lot. And if you look at there, if you look in the room, and you look at budget decisions that you’ve made, that has drastically helped us

Unknown Speaker 56:06
start with the one with temple, and really bringing in a housing attorney to work with us. It’s definitely streamline the process, make my life easier, you can look at Sarah,

Unknown Speaker 56:22
and the work of finding the police officers of Sara works with this dealing with the safety issues. And then, obviously, with kinderen, the counting and the work that we’ve been able to do in my life. And the most recent addition is Lauren.

Unknown Speaker 56:38
And I will tell you, when you said that you actually set that as a goal for me as part of my city manager evaluations

Unknown Speaker 56:47
a few months ago that said you needed

Unknown Speaker 56:50
an assistant director in this world. And I appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 56:56
Because that’s what it’s for. And I can tell you what I’ve seen, since Lauren’s job and join our team is it’s just another critical piece in taking this organization to the next level. And when and we talked about this a lot, this is a we and this is the team of commissioners and staff. And I really wanted to take this opportunity to thank you because what Molly and I have realized out and this is

Unknown Speaker 57:26
when you get the right people and you bring them that support, it’s actually brought some calm to us as one home. And let us look further out in the future. And so

Unknown Speaker 57:38
you know, not to say, extremely high expectations, but you know, the folks in this room are work or just killing that. And when you bring the right people together, you can do some pretty amazing things. And when you have the right team, including the commissioners, I think it just sets a different trajectory for it. So I wanted to say thank you. So y’all cannot leave.

Unknown Speaker 58:03
Your position. That’s right, I want to compliment you from our last meeting that when we got a chance to actually be on location, and let in I think Carol said that maybe we will be doing that a little bit more often like to see that because I think it’s great to see these things

Unknown Speaker 58:26
as well. Yeah, I agree.

Unknown Speaker 58:30
No, eight o’clock at night.

Unknown Speaker 58:40
So I want to say right back to you, Harold, that I am so impressed with the team we’ve put together because it’s fun working with them. I mean, they’re fun people. And

Unknown Speaker 58:55
I came to that that’s a huge part of a team is that you’ve got to enjoy what you’re doing. You have to like who you’re working with, and be able to voice your opinion, whether it’s

Unknown Speaker 59:08
an opinion that everybody agrees with or not. And, and I think that’s what I’ve noticed. And I really appreciate about that because you can’t move forward. And if you can’t work together and just respect each other’s viewpoints and come to a conclusion that actually moves you toward the target you’re trying to get to. So I think that the team you put together is amazing. And so thank you

Unknown Speaker 59:38
they’re not shy.

Unknown Speaker 59:41

Unknown Speaker 59:44
Like we already there, so

Unknown Speaker 59:46
that’s good. So if it’s okay with us, we’ll move to the operational update. Sarah, do you have anything on public health and safety? I do if you’d like me to go. Yes, please.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00

Unknown Speaker 1:00:01
So we’ve added two new meth detectors to ones that village on Main in a non construction area.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:09
And then the other one is at suites, we picked those locations for signal strength. So that was the real detriment of the first few devices that we have, or signal strength. So those are monitoring those daily.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:25
And we also have the one of the Fall River. So keeping tabs on that, we’re looking at

Unknown Speaker 1:00:33
getting a quote, to get some for Christmas to on the units that have not been rented.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:40
Also, asking, you know, keep asking the questions where they are with their SIM card where they are with their technology to kind of mesh with what we’re doing here in one month.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:52
Another piece about meth recently,

Unknown Speaker 1:00:55
Hi, Heidi, and

Unknown Speaker 1:00:57
the directors of public health, that the county had put together a task force with the county, they asked myself and Molly to be on that task force. And as you know, it’s a very complex topic. And there’s a lot of challenges and impacts of abuse, and especially when it is regarding to our housing industry. So I think, due to our lens and our expertise to some of the things that we’ve seen and experience, we’re going to be sitting at that table, and we’re really going to be

Unknown Speaker 1:01:33
having conversations regarding you know what to do, how to move forward? Do we contact the state regarding lowering some levels

Unknown Speaker 1:01:42
to make to make things more feasible, etc. So, once we have more information on that brand to you. And I know that that was on a side note, but this involves you all is that

Unknown Speaker 1:01:58
the whole math, the math information just in general that you’d have asked about.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:03
We met today with Molly and a little bit and and Crampton, Dane, and Jeremy, and we’re gonna be putting a presentation for you together on that. So

Unknown Speaker 1:02:15
I’ll let the other folks talk about when that’s going to happen. But to slumped over to that.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:23
Cameras. I take care of that for me you that he put a BDA for two weeks out to get this more as ball rolling. He’s shaking his head. No. Well, no, I didn’t inform them. I was. That’s what I meant.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:41
The folks to get the VBA. So that is exciting for us, especially the coffee conversations. That’s a constant question for our residents about cameras. What’s What’s the scoop? Very exciting. And that’s moving forward. And next slide we’ll be working very intricately, with with that whole system setup for sell signal, especially in Fall River and Spring Creek.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:06
Like I said, coffee and conversation have done very well lately, and

Unknown Speaker 1:03:11
people seem to be you know, a lot of the same issues keep coming up. And I think staff during the break, for instance, like a maintenance piece, but I think staff doing very good job especially

Unknown Speaker 1:03:24
if you know when you’re lost, some folks are trying to hire some folks, I think we’re doing our best to keep up and keeping the peace with everyone.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:33
Unless the coffee and conversations is posted on the next slide.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:39
I wrote was doing

Unknown Speaker 1:03:42
door to door

Unknown Speaker 1:03:55
looks like

Unknown Speaker 1:03:57
it’s calling people to their commitments to attend. But I thought that was pretty cool.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:04
Do you know what to do? I don’t

Unknown Speaker 1:04:07
think it’s probably people in the property. And so property managers do a monthly or outlet warrants and she knows more about it. But I like it. I’m importantly in the with

Unknown Speaker 1:04:21
the camera piece that Sarah talked about, this is the kind of mind numbing work.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:28
And it’s it’s not the cameras. It’s a procurement process. So, overall from the from the system standpoint, you know, we’re taking more of a systems approach to this.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:42
They’re bringing in general fund which is the easiest, but we’re bringing in CDBG funds and bringing in our fund funds. And those two have created a nightmare in the procurement process based on the rules and

Unknown Speaker 1:04:57
lay clarifications from the church

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
Is your department actually, believe it or not? CMG funds are easier than the ARPA funds when it comes to this type of work, because the Treasury guidance is a challenge. So, but we think we’ve threaded the needle, and we’ll be moving forward on that.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:18
So Sarah,

Unknown Speaker 1:05:21
go ahead,

Unknown Speaker 1:05:23
sir. Anything else? I don’t?

Unknown Speaker 1:05:28
Oh, go ahead. Okay. I know that the metal detectors haven’t been in very long at all. But have you noticed any difference that they’re in? Have you

Unknown Speaker 1:05:39
like any of the units or anyone entering the building that has math on them or in Skokie head or so we have not placed them in any units that are occupied units that we’ve had them in or unoccupied and had tested positive.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:59
Those were the units unfortunately, that were, we’re having issues with battery signal strength, and we weren’t getting we weren’t getting information that

Unknown Speaker 1:06:09
the new platform that they’ve designed, have not had battery issues. We’re getting some indications and we’re trying to follow that. Is it the vent vent? Is it ventilation through the hallway, you know, when we can see some of the cameras if someone walked through? And we’re trying to pinpoint that with the data is exactly for a time and date? So have you seen a few things? Yes, but nothing to me nothing to really press moving. Like, if this is all just information, gathering this point, what we’re going to do with with the information, and working with property craft, and that’s another piece that now that leasts back, we’re following up with that company that gave a presentation us does a new hire, we’ll talk to you a little bit about it. And I think we did last last time, but they offer a different type of remediation, and it’s costly. So working with those folks, if we do find anything. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:08
So yeah, it’s kind of a work in progress. Okay. I just want to make sure those metal detectors that work.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:15
They are getting, we’re getting a lot of inquiries about them. Okay, good.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:20
So the battery issue we knew they were, it was the battery issue that we couldn’t seem to figure out now that we’re getting clarity, the batteries are lasting now.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:32
And, and so

Unknown Speaker 1:07:35
we’re ordering, Eric is going to order 20 S,

Unknown Speaker 1:07:40
I’m using my contingency plan for that. And that’s going to be a combination, both of the Housing Authority properties and some city restroom facilities. So it’s sort of the next lab level of testing.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:53
I have had conversations to Sarah’s point with the ownership group that we partnered with on Chrisman to

Unknown Speaker 1:08:01
do and Sara’s getting information, so we can present it to them in terms of acquiring the math detectors to put into the non leased units.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:13
That’s important for us, because the deal that we struck with NGL on that property is that in seven years, we’re going to take ownership, essentially, both personal and long and Christian too.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:27
And so the more we can do to protect that property for that transition, the better for us. And that was actually one of the first deals that we did. Great. Thank you for that. So

Unknown Speaker 1:08:41
is that it? I mean, that was all you have on your agenda. And Carol, did you want anything? operational update from Lauren really quick? Okay. So we have some vacancies that a lot of our units,

Unknown Speaker 1:08:55
a handful of math units, some, as you know, have been down for a long time, the amount of work that’s going to go into them and lack of insurance.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:04
But there are a few that are being cleaned or in process getting ready to read. So we’re seeing more turnover of those units and releasing those.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:14
And I just wanted to say as far as like an operational standpoint with staff, you know, coming on

Unknown Speaker 1:09:21
at this time, and sort of getting my feet under me, and getting a handle on things. It’s been really eye opening and great. I’m not moving as fast on things as I would like to, but really excited for the future and what’s going to be coming.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:39
The other thing that I wanted to say was to give kudos to our housing, Choice Voucher team, Aquila, and Shelby. They just had an audit last week and about zero paintings. All your files were perfect. That was really exciting.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:56
And then also since our last meeting when you guys first met me, we have to

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
Okay, Patrick, one of our maintenance technicians to the supervisory position. And that created the maintenance vacancy that Sarah was mentioning. And we are actively recruiting and getting ready to interview for that position. We’ve opened it up not just for tech one, but a tech two so that we can hopefully get some more skill sets in and have a lot of future planning. So we have one technician who has a check skills and certifications, which is really important for cost savings llj. And so we’re looking to fill, you know, future planning more skills and certifications to sort of keep that to keep that going and really create a pipeline and career progression for staff.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:43
So yeah, that’s kind of what’s going on with our properties. We’ve been getting through a lot.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:50
It’s just going to be a work in progress for a while for me, I get used to everything and everyone.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:57
Yeah, we’re seeing results,

Unknown Speaker 1:11:01
specific questions,

Unknown Speaker 1:11:03
to me questions,

Unknown Speaker 1:11:05
or break it out, or certainly things that aren’t already doing. These are time to really dig into. But so one of the first moves that she suggested that Molly and I were thinking they actually moved, maintenance tomorrow. And so maybe Lauren has direct supervision over maintenance. And so we we bifurcated the property managers and the maintenance group.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:30
And I’ve had a chance to meet with Lauren and Patrick Jan, and really setting now expectations about, you know, operational reports, what you’re doing, and, and empowering them to really get that information because that data is going to be really important to us, as we assess our operational capability is in really seeing what we can get done on a daily basis and setting benchmarks in terms of human turns and things like that all into it. So part of why she’s a bit overwhelmed is we didn’t plan on doing this when we did, but we did

Unknown Speaker 1:12:07
a base based on on her recommendation, and then digging into things like we’re dealing with reports right now. And really,

Unknown Speaker 1:12:16
her ability to dig in and get us the information, I think lets us assess in a different way versus getting caught in the weeds. And so that’s really the operational capability that we’re getting out of this degree moment. Absolutely. It’s if the intent was to, okay, let’s dip our toes in and move from bit to bit of the areas of work that needed attention. But Lauren style is a little bit more, jump right in, and let’s just figure it out right now. Because you got to figure out the big stuff, and then the rest can start to fall into place easier that way. So I appreciate it, it’s been a lifesaver.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:02
Myself care allowed,

Unknown Speaker 1:13:05
across the whole organization, that they’re seeing a different Molly. Now it’s like meeting a holding moment, she has more capacity to breathe. And so that’s really nice. My shoulders were never so relaxed.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:23
Okay, and there’s I mean, I have a lot of plans, I have a lot of goals on, you know, streamlining operations,

Unknown Speaker 1:13:31
where we can to gather more data, because it’s hard to make budget decisions going forward for not only new projects that we’re planning and budgeting for, for operational, but just for the organization as a whole. And so we really need that data in order to make those requests. And

Unknown Speaker 1:13:49
so it’s, it’s going to take a while. But I’m I’m hopeful, and we have a great team. So I’m not worried. It’s just a matter of getting.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:02
The other thing that we did frame this team together, because it’s really the the next phase of the work that we have to do we we brought in

Unknown Speaker 1:14:11
a psychologist that I’ve worked with for many years almost now. And we really focused on individual communication training. So everyone went through and took this assessment, which basically, is the first look at how you approach the world and how you communicate.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:32
What what I really liked about this DISC assessment, it also tells you how you communicate under stress, and really getting everybody to understand each other’s perspectives and how we work. What was interesting is we found some very distinct things that we needed to deal with, because almost everyone fell in a similar section of this. And part of the characteristics that we learned is we all they like to say

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
hold things in.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:02
Not that

Unknown Speaker 1:15:08
that’s true. And so really working empowering people to not do that that was a piece of it. The second piece of it was really what we call the present report. And

Unknown Speaker 1:15:21
without going into too much details, what it what it really does is it began to it looks at how you approach the world and what your best self is and what your shadow self is, and how you react in certain situations. This is a test they’re actually starting to use on a public safety departments, because what it’s starting to identify what are your triggers, as an individual? And how do you respond to certain things so that we can train and teach people to avoid the triggers.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:52
We spent about two days doing that work with the team that different components and how they work with each other than as a broader group. And that’s really been setting the stage for us in terms of communication and how we move forward. We’re going to do some more training on this in turn, and really get into things like resiliency and self care and things like that, because the stress is significant. But I wanted you to know that because I did that with this group, while sitting at my leadership team, on the city side, that we’re going to start working more on this as we get down the road, because part of a good team is good communication. And every time I’ve been through an after action review on any issue, communication is number one. And so this is really getting us to the point where we understand each other. So when Molly says something that triggers me, I know it’s a trigger. And I don’t fall into that trap. Because she doesn’t, she doesn’t

Unknown Speaker 1:16:56
really understanding or when I communicate to them, because I’m the one of the few Ds are as strong as these in the group. And so I can trigger them based on how I communicate. It’s helping me adapted their styles. So that we are we’re stronger again. So that’s the last piece of the operational report. But I just wanted you to know that not only are we working on the technical and the tangible we’re working on the teamwork side of this as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:26
Sounds great.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:28
None of us liked our show. So

Unknown Speaker 1:17:35
I think it’s a good idea for all of council to let’s Well, we did

Unknown Speaker 1:17:42
a year ago. Yeah, we did. A we did do this. I mean, it was similar, but there’s we didn’t talk about those shadows.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:49
Now they’re

Unknown Speaker 1:17:58

Unknown Speaker 1:18:01
counsels interested in it. I’m talking to a couple of you because you came in after I did it.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:08
It’s really insightful. And what I will say personally,

Unknown Speaker 1:18:14
it’s actually helped me at home

Unknown Speaker 1:18:17
as much as it is anywhere else, because

Unknown Speaker 1:18:20
a lot of I can contain myself pretty well at work, but at home is one of my shadows. So it’s the show itself. And it’s actually helped me catch things. And so it’s as a board or a council. If you’re interested in doing this. We happy to talk to you. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:18:39
great. Thanks for offering that up.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:42
So is that the end of the reports?

Unknown Speaker 1:18:47
That is the

Unknown Speaker 1:18:52
emotion to one another. Oh.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:58
Mr. Holmes, did you need an additional motion for us to

Unknown Speaker 1:19:03
protect all of our rights in regards to this? Our legal rights

Unknown Speaker 1:19:16
All right, so

Unknown Speaker 1:19:17
we adjourn. Second.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:21
Feature request

Unknown Speaker 1:19:23
that we adjourn all those in favor say aye.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:36

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