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Speaker 1 0:00
Thank you for letting me speak today. I have yours member of Sam of our sacred citizen action group dedicated to preserving Lamassu open space and riparian areas to ask for your support and making walk ons open space sales expert also pass the open space sales tax of two cents on every $10 purchase in 2000. And voters extended the tax and 2007 the tax codes for the acquisition and maintenance and enhancement of open space. This includes such things as shared development and against. Currently the tax is set to sunset in Juno’s tokens or they lose occur. If the open space sales tax is allowed to lapse and 2030 for for resources are available for the future. We’re urging our city council members to place a marathon in Colorado in 2022 Douglas County voters approved an extension of their own state sales tax by a whopping 87%. Just last year, Boulder County voters and Colorado Springs voters approved their own open state sales tax extension measures by large margins. We’ve been collecting signatures in support and have likewise had Googling and positive response. Since residents are already contributing they even tax permanent will not use an additional financial burden. Additionally, there’s precedent within Boulder County and elsewhere in Colorado for instituting a permanent open space sales tax Lafayette in 2017, and green county in 2023. Both voted open spaces. Putting this question before the voters this year means a greater turnout since this is a presidential election year. It also capitalize on the momentum shown by other municipalities as well as addresses and anxiety felt by many longtime residents, as they look around to all the development within the last few years. Again, we ask for crap support as you look to get this measure about. Thank you for your time.
Unknown Speaker 1:39
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker 1:40
I do also have a member of
Speaker 2 1:42
our team. And, again, we’re looking for support from practice, which in turn, we hope will support from city council to put this on the 20 open faces a hot issue is you know, throughout the state of Colorado, three within Boulder County, if you include here in Boulder, and Lewisville, those passed by an average of 75%. Like I said, we believe that the extension of the open space and making a permanent sales tax will help this workgroup that you’ll see today the accomplishments that the open space in the land management group made in 2003. But with these additional dollars, knowing they’re coming in on an annual basis will certainly help the capital development project group knowing what their work plan is for the next 510 25 Or say 50 years. Hopefully our open space acquisitions are in perpetuity. So with that, we greatly appreciate your support, we’d love to see on November 24, agenda
Speaker 3 2:57
2034 by 2024 Why now and I just again want to say because it is a presidential year, that’s when voter turnout as high. And so we want to have everyone participate and have a chance to weigh in on that. And also just the idea that getting people thinking about it by being on the ballot helps raise awareness about open space. And so it really kind of it’s a win win. If it if by chance it didn’t happen, we can always try again in 2028 or something. So. So that’s why it’s kind of you know, striking when the iron is hot. And like you said, people look around and like oh my gosh, all this building. So please raise awareness and really best participation and voter turnout. So yeah, prep support would be great. And would go far to help us convince Council, which hopefully won’t be a hard sell.
Speaker 4 3:55
Thank you so much. All right, well, we won’t be able to discuss this item today. But I’m pretty sure and I could check with Jeff that we have in a future month discussing this exact item. So if anything, we’ll just make sure to try to push it up so that you don’t miss the deadlines to make sure it gets on to the cube potentially going on to
Speaker 3 4:14
be helpful to you know, kind of do a little presentation if we could have some time for that or something. You know, let us know that.
Unknown Speaker 4:22
Yeah, talk about that. Anything you want to add on top of this or not?
Speaker 5 4:27
Yeah, I appreciate people showing up. I think it gets a dimension. I think you’ll see some great work is doing. Thank you so much for
Unknown Speaker 4:38
coming. Okay, great.
Speaker 4 4:41
So let’s move on to old business, which is approving the 2024 packet
Speaker 6 5:00
your suggestions for fish
Speaker 4 5:20
let me share so, if I have this directly to you, we don’t technically need to do this now, right we could do on without necessarily booting this and discussing. Okay, so that is an option for us. Or we can take emotion out of group agenda calendar as part of the packet and be open for discussion. Any thoughts? Ah,
Speaker 7 5:46
so I had advised by our presidential liaison that it would be good for us relations if we have any project recommendations to have those into account that budget recommendations on in April but I think we would need them in
Speaker 8 6:05
too late. I think it would be I think Michelle will probably have an idea of what he’s starting to move forward with the CIP.
Speaker 9 6:15
So, you’re saying Mark agenda? Yeah. Okay. Suggestion any other way? Yeah.
Speaker 6 6:23
Last year when we talked about the board retreat, we talked about justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion. And that God’s like, that wasn’t the board retreat thing but then it was mentioned that we would include it in the years agenda. But we haven’t and it’s not on this year’s agenda. So it’s
Speaker 4 6:45
for a potential board retreat was was on your remark like
Speaker 6 6:49
last year’s board. It was supposed to happen before the you know, I mean, like before so not the board retreat justice Equity Diversity. I’m probably not speaking so understanding that was a suggested topic and that topic was vetoed in favor of making it an agenda item for during the year well it’s neither was a topic for or it’s not appearing on there so I think we were able
Unknown Speaker 7:21
to jump check it’s on
Unknown Speaker 7:23
and then the open space Oh
Speaker 7 7:33
apparently you guys know what is the deadline for getting on the ballot?
Speaker 8 7:38
I don’t know we’d have to check without checking I think that’s where we put stuff that’s okay.
Unknown Speaker 7:50
So August is okay.
Speaker 8 7:53
Yeah, she if you think about what how the city council races go, you get the updated procedures around the 24th or so is that is that by that in good seven days span beginning of September so you’d have to have procedures and so that would make sense for put putting something on is that is happening to the city clerk by August so July is usually kind of certain they’re
Speaker 5 8:32
talking about at the end of July which I definitely push it up so we have time to get to them and think about working on
Unknown Speaker 8:47
Unknown Speaker 8:53
so good.
Speaker 4 9:00
So I’ve captured three recommendations. One is so to move the 2025 Capital Group Project subject from April up to March and set the second is to move the do the July open face tax discussion from July up to June.
Unknown Speaker 9:26
April, April, April
Speaker 4 9:30
and then the third area was the topic of the DFT and I topic which we do not have agenda at all as of right now.
Speaker 5 9:43
And we have blogs. We are watching today agendas to make sure we do that.
Unknown Speaker 9:48
Yeah. Okay.
Speaker 4 9:51
Fantastic. The agenda as a man with those three changes we just discuss. Exactly. Or We can table this parking lot and bring it to a future meeting.
Unknown Speaker 10:06
Why don’t you just fix everything?
Speaker 4 10:09
Okay, okay, so then we have to as amended. That sounds like that all in favor to everybody. Okay? So those three changes. Okay, awesome. Let’s move on to new business. And again, two items, the middle line and the board retreat. We’re going to skip over for this week, or this month, new business. We’ve got we’re all here for I think the 20s want to do parks, open space and recreation accountable accomplishments, who’s going to kick us off for this
Speaker 5 10:45
is actually paid to make this recommendation, we had kind of an end of year rehab and kind of ran into your stuff because we’re still collecting data restore trying to get stuff into like a presentation with the other counsel asked for stuff, obviously manager’s office as himself. So this right here really is a compilation, I think you put together that from here on out, we pull stuff out, we’ll be able to pull out from here, as people ask for information, hopefully not have to, we
Unknown Speaker 11:10
Speaker 5 11:12
information. The other thing that I hope is good chance for you to get up and share with people you know, what we’re doing here, and the first one
Unknown Speaker 11:27
okay, but you can look at this once
Speaker 10 11:38
you guys met most of our team, I believe in some of these. I’m the manager, the person whose development team. Steve transpiler is one of our senior project
Speaker 1 11:48
managers who’s been super training for years Tatiana, sitting next
Speaker 10 11:51
to me, is another senior project managers and performance. Tricia was not able to come tonight, another senior project manager, I’ve multiplicity and then Alisa chapter invest. We grabbed her from the operations team to move to our prestigious development team. She’s been at the city for six and a half years. And she’s also a project manager. So if you go to that site, so what did we do? So we do a lot of planning, so we do some master planning, whenever those are coming up, to start thinking about what we’re going to do in the future with some of our park space, we do a capital improvement program planning annually for projecting our projects out for the next five years. With regard to design and construction, we engage the community during the design and construction phase to solicit that public input. We work with our partners within parks and natural resources that are outwards departments within the city and organizational groups within the city as a whole have to conserve to work towards conservation, or environmental features within our parks. And then we also help provide oversight on our policies and procedures that guide our park design, material design. And then oversight of those with the development group within the city on any of the developments that are occurring in the city. And then several of our team are also technical and subject matter experts on these related scenarios.
Speaker 10 13:20
For 23, so 23 was a really good year for this team. It reported two numbers in that year. So the manager position was added hired a new senior pm to fill the existing vacant positions and then to turn positions to support the senior pm. We also managed to restart some projects that have gone home, two of which one is Kensington Park restaurant, which have been sitting on boarded for several years. And you know, Galloway neighborhood park getting that design completed and then moving towards construction. We also managed to kick off some new projects in 23. So that so accomplishments 23, we did complete the disc golf and irrigation improvements. And then we also completed the relocation there are two accomplishments for train three. We also had some challenges in 23. So at the beginning of the year, we had one senior project manager approved the addition of some positions to support the work at hand, there was a lot of money to be spent on these parts, but there was no one to actually manage the projects to complete the projects. So then the onboarding phase started with the team. So we started onboarding. Let’s see I on boarded in March, and then Alisa on boarded in June, and Trisha on boarded in September. And you can see it was a very busy onboarding here. And you know, with that, you realize the lack of standardization that may might exist in a department that had essentially been a maximum of two people that down to one person so There are a lot of things that we had to work through in order to continually train people keep projects going and looking at it. So in 24, we have some great goals and achievable goals. So right now as I’m just showing the portions of the variable syncing, and then have since rebuilt those walls with new door and it will be new fixtures and accessories, then the old guard key pedestrian bridge improvements, at least enough this amount of Archie got to the design complete the contractor on and what was it you finish it early? Like a week? Really? Yeah, finished last week or Sunday. So now that reg if you look at that, right, you’ll see there’s actually going up onto the concrete is kind of a rough transition, it’s not accessible, as well as the under side of that bridge. abutment was stunning to the earth that was only ever starting to wash out. So it was it was an unsafe area. And so they came in any necessary repairs, did not require replacement of the bridge, but just some reconstruction of portions of it. And now that we have it data is at the end of one’s
Speaker 11 16:21
social status. There is just a little bit right your elementary school? Yes, yeah, we will
Speaker 10 16:29
have the completion of layout. One of the things that are reclaimed but can be restricted by recreation is the timeframes that was slated to be completed in December of this year. And then then I believe is starting to go around the state. And so we’re actively in the construction phase at this point. So we’ll start to see some dirt moving in that park. That was slated for completion in August or September. So also in 24, we will reach the end of the park the Thompson Park really well. So that is a new playground which is shown in the graphic below. Improvements to the restroom building with regard to the fixtures inside improvements to the existing pads within the park to make them more accessible and replacement of the different shelters. Then sprinkled to phase three, the trail that connects remaining reservoir to sandstone is slated to be completed in May now. So that isn’t and then we have dark dog park, what improvements which are. And then there’s going to be some I believe some turf this year. That one is Frances construction will be underway for these two parks in 24. That won’t be completed until early 25. That stops Meadows neighborhood park and you know Galloway. So Fox meadows, I think starts construction in June. And you know Gallo is was out to bid. It was not awarded. And we’re working through putting that back out on the street. So more to come on that time. And then let’s see we also this year we will be underway with the Senate construction for Roosevelt Park playground replacement and adult fitness course installation and improvements of the Rose Garden, the garden acres pedestrian bridge will be replaced as well as the trail upgrades and another bridge that is in dire need of replacement will be using one of the store bridges that we had set which investors to use an application. So parks and trails goals, aside from the projects is to work on our team workflow. So we’ve already migrated our resource to a collaboration platform provides the project management tools across all our projects, and then also working to revise our current guidelines and then also working with others in the city to overhaul the design construction standards that are on the city website. from a planning perspective, we’re looking to utilize data to help inform what our priorities are based on data we can collect through different means that uses phone data, as well as little heartfelt that diverse team is working on and marrying that with a visual online. And then we’re also working towards putting some time to really validate the scope and the cost of the upcoming CIP program that we’ll be submitting.
Speaker 10 19:42
That is it for Parks and Trails development. So if you guys have any questions unless you want to
Speaker 4 19:51
pause here just because that became a watershed for everyone but taking it all at once it was great. Are there any comments or questions from On this edition,
Speaker 7 20:02
there are a question what happened with Nina. But the delay was if you could say.
Speaker 10 20:14
I don’t know what I mean, because of the bidding process, but it was awarded. And let me follow up with you. After I find out what I can say.
Speaker 5 20:29
With this group, I’d like to throw out these other for Eric discussion too, that certainly also helped bring in a new sort of individual really want to go with comes down just working with brokers trying to enhance and improve the way we engage with our community. Looking at the things we’ve done the past that haven’t worked and looking at ways to do better, so that that goes from our department goal all the way down. And that’s what actually has worked back in the year that we
Speaker 9 20:57
increase capacity for the buyer program. So it’s really exciting.
Unknown Speaker 21:04
Is there any plan
Speaker 9 21:05
to take this and go to like times call or go to the public and talk about the accomplishments of hiring new staff? And especially when people are always nervous about spending money in taxes and that sort of thing?
Speaker 10 21:20
That’s a basic question we can talk about in general. Yeah, and especially as we’re gonna go back and ask for now, we have the people, you know, in order to keep to keep that going. But as David mentioned, we put together our work plan, and that’s reflected in the CIP that will be presented, how do we get how do we get to where we need to be doing all of this happen? On a timeframe? That was a lot at the apex of my years? That’s a good suggestion.
Speaker 5 21:48
Yeah, I appreciate that. I think we have to do their job to kind of figure that out, I think, or comes to me, because I think, again, for counsel, the community say, hey, we ask for additional money, you’re spending my savings and to actually get to see work getting done is something people don’t often get to see that we get to do something. And here’s the results of that. So I was beneficial.
Speaker 8 22:08
After last will that one to take didn’t quite understand how we had met with the sales tax, we’ll make sure that we toot our own horn, and make sure that we record and show all the things are doing because why these people are just ready to say, Well, yeah, you can have a breakdown, communities can do certain response, Joe, that so then people go well, that was like, Oh, that needs to be replaced for forever? Well, it doesn’t come for free. And so make sure that people recognize that
Unknown Speaker 22:43
and hopefully seen this
Unknown Speaker 22:45
occur and also
Speaker 10 22:49
that we have been working actively with communications to keep our website updated with our projects and what’s going on because that was one of the pieces kind of the gap before but I think the general suggestions.
Speaker 4 23:04
Great. Any other comments, questions?
Speaker 11 23:16
So my name is Chelsea Wilson. And then you see main things that the Ranger division focuses on so outreach and education, resource protection, code enforcement and public safety. So making sure that we are good customer service representative school or and drawing their vote for law enforcement or code enforcement making sure that emergency response, wildfire suppression and water rescues um, so our staffing currently, we added my position. So I wanted to do senior Rangers. We’ve got Bryce who’s going to be taking over more of the parks open space and trails division and meeting over union resort. And now we have price of that button up. We have two rangers who follow them here, the Ranger two category, and then three full time rangers who are under the park ranger one category, and then we’re hoping to have your viewing process. One of the major ones especially for union reservoir is needed 1345 And those boats came from positive waters. That means that they were needed to send over st rain to the Decon and get rid of any aquatic nuisance species that they had. We did a lot of dialogue in restricted area context, especially over at button rock reserve. 97% 3% of those ended up in a summons or to get 95% of those contacts were arranged or initiated. So we’re getting out there and talk to people And then making ourselves and our presence known. As far as emergency response goes, we did 74 boat rescues, which is down from 2020 to however, June weather was pretty rainy, so we didn’t have a lot of people out on the water. So it was 160, something and 2022. But that’s good for us because less so some ATV rollover situations, oh, and as far as education and outreach goes, renders initiated and started the interpretive outreach program, and we’re able to,
Speaker 12 25:48
to this map that might be a little hard to see. But that’s all of those statistics that we just read to you in map form. So if you follow the dots, you can kind of see where our medical rescue agreements are cap tech camps, you can basically just follow the same brain using our dots, you know exactly where the river is a lot of action of the Macintosh, a lot of action at that South Shore union and then sandstone will be our hotspots. But also you can have someone to try Creek at Roosevelt. That’s kind of where we made most of our contacts, to gives you an idea of where all this action is taking place.
Unknown Speaker 26:26
And that’s a great interactive map, you can work together so you can have
Speaker 12 26:29
three months and give me like, this map is the SEC, same thing, just a bit buttoned up. But again, blue is good enforcement, oranges rescue. By September, that’s up to 9%. If nothing else, in this PowerPoint slide, that’s probably the most powerful thing is to get up to over 90% people have life jackets, and you feel a lot better about people recruiting out there. And it kind of justifies why I’m running around a waiver and that just really
Unknown Speaker 27:06
worked out really well. So
Speaker 12 27:07
part of that goes to timber thank you for putting in that budget was even before I started, great ideas worked out really well.
Speaker 5 27:15
And that was it was during the COVID types of spare time. Now we have a visual impact results that
Speaker 12 27:25
just pretty much permanently sit on the side. And it’s if you need to rescue one person right now that is the best machine I’ve ever use. I can’t rescue 16 People that one time, like I can’t on a big boat. But if I have one person in the water that needs help right now, I think is amazing. To get the six rescues on it last year, three of them were union and three were in Macintosh. And they were super easy, been good about better. Another accomplishment is we added the body worn cameras and saw just right now. You’re getting used to it. It’s just a new piece of technology that we’re using for us and you have to remember to turn it on first. It’s a little more data keeping admin working with them if I change their behavior, because I know that it’s been omitted whether that’s code enforcement medicals, everything’s on camera now so anybody games in the state during
Speaker 1 28:21
a medical or recipe that we showed our temporary seasonal staff to accept some big advantage of it as well.
Speaker 12 28:32
Some more accomplishments. We did a lot of park improvements at Union. One of our rangers who’s chainsaws certified, she has her SDSL license to state a dam inspection and we have a lot of tree work to do. So she put together this big project knocked down some new groves and limbed up our old cottonwood trees got us back up to state requirements. We built up a handle on speech over but how to workshop and give paddle boards and kayakers and how to place the launch run just to kind of spread the ball. How’s that all stacked up on the same beach. We’re still in the process of removing those two lumps, Gambero loops, it’s basically just ripping out half of that road. And then once at the start of camp. They see it was just leading to people running over our sprinkler heads. It was already programmed there. So both have talked with the Rangers walk with the Ranger. Whatever the public is interested in, we’ll put together we really haven’t had the ability or time to do before but now that we’re getting more staff, we’re putting together the educational programs like that. This is the accomplishments for the button rock crew. So they implemented the preserve management plan which I think this group is well aware of the Fireheart a lot of their structures up there so they added the metal roofs virus sightings to prevents loss of facilities in the event of a wildfire. All those buildings have now been approved by Boulder County wildland fire partners. They also scaled up their forest stewardship program to reduce more The fire risk thing during the process right now hiring forestry tech to heal. Project load off the Rangers. Yeah, they do a ton of forestry work there, they had huge rigs, acres and acres of forestry work done. So I’m really proud of all the work the price has done. It’s been really, really impressive.
Speaker 11 30:24
Specifically as for the rangers to continue to inside of reservoir and myself, advocating for union reservoir Park, improvements in funding and staffing, and trying to make sure that we are a resource that people want to come to and things for people facilitate construction of a new life bird shed, and you need to be demoing it and putting in some new Dark checks and EMS stations for them in storage. And then we want to continue to increase our trainings. Get all of our temporary and new staff are the new defensive tactic trainings with our police department, as well as continue people’s red bow, wildland fire training, and chainsaw training. So if there’s any other tree removal projects that we need to work out, we’ve got more than one person that can do that. And last, and then recertify. With our fire department for our ice
Speaker 12 31:41
group, we’re going to like I said before lead some more Ranger led interpretive programming, probably I will chime in these parks, trails and greenways do directory staffing, I have less responsibility over unions out in the field more here that police officers use and they’re able to take low level calls that are appropriate for us. They’re going to pick it up and it’s going to get dropped. No one actually does it. But we can take that off of dispatch and sign up for calls that are appropriate for us. So that’s one that I’ll be working in ceremony, we’ll be forgetting that one pretty soon. looking to start a drone program for our natural resources department, thinking that we’ll have multiple uses where we is surveying for weed management, if that’s surveying hard to reach parts for camps. I think there’s a good resource for a lot of people in our department to use them as this removes them in the middle of revising and amending certain sections of title 13 For
Speaker 12 32:43
what they’re going to do is apply for more grant funding to continue their forestry projects up and button. Like so they’re in the middle of hiring their forestry tech position. And then they’re going to continue mentation of that button rock. That’s it for us because of any questions or things I used
Unknown Speaker 33:07
to volunteer with coal program for them.
Unknown Speaker 33:11
They’re really fun. They are extremely
Speaker 5 33:13
useful. If you’re a dice game, state local national recognition because we’re working with the Forest Service, we’re in Boulder County, and we’re doing a cross boundary project. So it’s a great project that people did pretty amazing deal to get through the bureaucracy of just getting projects done and prices didn’t great lead and make those relationships work because that’s what it’s really all about.
Unknown Speaker 33:39
Any other questions?
Speaker 4 33:41
I might have one or two actually. Can you tell me more about the interpreter program? It’s it’s something that’s considered to me for a long longer? Yes. Yeah. Other
Speaker 12 33:53
it’s pretty common in other departments. There certain ranger programs does have dedicated interpretive rangers, a little bit of patrol, but most of their focus on youth outreach, really programming. You can get as formal as informally as you want with it, if you want to sketch out a full blown course, kind of leaving it up to the Ranger right now, what we’re interested in what they’re educated in.
Unknown Speaker 34:18
Whereas for Young’s
Speaker 5 34:20
gas injector, I’m sure he’s Dan works. Now this Ranger group here right now is really interested in making sure that making sure that you really just kind of latched on to that. So this is something we want to do, then we’ll be told that we want you to do this, they really stepped up and said this is this is how you want to engage with the community
Unknown Speaker 34:35
and give back and
Speaker 11 34:37
I can quickly after that I have, I think two meetings set up with your anchors. Yeah, so we’ll be working with Rangers, the volunteer rangers to at least have the more formal educational events, supporting and providing coordination is
Speaker 4 34:55
great. One more question. So I saw the violations for button rock dog in Michigan area still pretty high. That is going down killing the younger. Yes. Yes.
Speaker 12 35:10
Okay. If needed firstly did a lot of education because you don’t want to just put up a sign and start reading. Right? Right. Right. They did once of outreach did you have to pass for science to break this rule so that you just don’t get caught down? If you make it past there? You’re probably getting something’s been going down? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 35:27
I’m seeing less, less spot.
Speaker 5 35:30
The comments have been actually pretty good context, because people have made that conscious decision. So
Speaker 12 35:35
fingers will say, Well, this is my $100 entry fee to bring my dog here, I’ll pay at whatever, just get a
Speaker 11 35:42
ranger Ranger on Sunday, who was told that we thought that was just for May.
Speaker 11 35:53
Okay, thank you so much. All right, let’s keep on tradition. Of course, I own space manager, and we’re kind of new group. Meaning that Daniel fruits position the land program administrator was split into two. So the work that he oversaw was split into two groups that were called those that own space project 2024. So we have a small but mighty. So we do a lot of things. similar things to what Stephanie was going over and from workgroup, but we have a different specialty in that we focused on open spaces, and regional trails, management plans, so a lot of the same things. But then we also house the volunteer and environmental education programs. So this is a lot of words to just give you a minute. Look at this. Also a little different thing that parks and trails, we work on land management from a planning perspective. So some things you may not know that sports and water portfolio management agree with you when we when we’re considering buying something as with Fulton County, that we’re starting to have affordable. That’s next slide. So far 2023 by your senior project manager, and we hired our volunteer projects coordinator, we worked on some landmines. The biggest and most useful one was purchasing the old land or farm just last month. And completing the Montgomery farms lease just last month, December. And then in terms of project management, the button recommendation plan, which was a huge plan that incorporates many more aspects than just dogs. And so it’s wise to point that out and say that we are continuing to implement elements of this plan. We worked on that in 2023. Price did a lot of that work in 2023. And our work, we are almost zero action here in 2024. That’s a hill trail, Project friendship and environmental education program, we tailor started the foreign Partnership, which was a lot of big planning effort, and that will continue in 2024 Really get underway, as well as the nature everywhere program. There’s going to talk a lot more in depth about this, both of these items here in a little bit. And in 2023, we had 69 volunteer and educational events, which is amazing, considering the weather we have and that also included family friendly outreach and education events. So just to get a little further into our volunteer data. We like to compare numbers for the last few years to just kind of show what was 20 2270 and then 2023 You more volunteer open spaces and parks, the volunteers put in equate to in 2023. So there’s a lot of goals for 2024. We would like to get City Council proud city manager’s office others who are interested and out from behind computers and out into our open spaces so we can really show you what the program has accomplished since the early 2000s. wasn’t and what we hope to do is to kind of transition from more acquisition focused to stewardship and management focus to the program. And we are interested in taking the idea. We’ve had some nice weather here already. So getting that tenant farmer out there is important. We are working on some things in terms of agricultural leases, we have one of those six that needs to be renewed. We have various grant opportunities that we’re looking at the Goko Canyon capacity grant we talked to you about last year, and we did not manage to apply for it in 23. But we’re hoping with our increased capacity and and that’s something that we can do to help us with our planning. And then there’s a public facing version of that that will also be helpful. And go on the website. And the copyright 26, multi use trail. Sarah, support after the design is multimodal funding cramps, same, similar to see a greater team. And then in 24, we want to take a look at our open space master plan which was finished in 2018. And take a look at it. Not not dive into updating it but analyzing it and looking at what we haven’t had an accomplished term 2018. And then planning how we want to go through this quickly because Taylor’s going to give a whole presentation but we want to transition to inequality. We’ve got a lot of opportunities for
Unknown Speaker 41:45
any questions or comments.
Unknown Speaker 41:52
Wondering about that, because starting to have a conversation with have.
Speaker 4 42:08
Okay, let’s keep moving the equal to some medical division review.
Speaker 13 42:12
That’s me. Hi, I’m Scott Severs. I’m the senior wildlife technician for the ecosystem management division. And our manager Jim Couric is on a well deserved vacation right now. So I’m stepping in for him tonight. And all of our technicians are here. Think of us as the ecologist biologists and technicians that manage open space as a sister of the other half of open space. And so we have been saying yes to this is the first time our worker tonight and he’s doing our contract like yeah, kind of went over everybody, but the Matias and the vegetation technicians, and then Matthew who oversees our project Knology sort of read over it, but stewards for open spaces to ensure areas greenways our wildlife and vegetation management. But we also provide a lot of public outreach. We’re working on policies and procedures to make sure that our code within the city is consistent with state and federal law. In terms of wildlife and weed management. We want to make sure that the city code is accurately reflects what is nationally or state and recognized. We also provide in a call for engineering saying hey, what about the squirrels in the streets, he better stewards of our properties. And then we also manage the West Nile virus virus prevention program. We do things like Mining Reclamation, and we also work hand in hand with our partners from over county and state to make sure that we have congruence management projects, things like that we are working on our include like Northern leopard frog. Next so here’s some of our accomplishments in 2023. So nesting sites, throughout town, there should the
Unknown Speaker 44:31
nesting colony there. So
Speaker 13 44:33
we’ve been working on that a whole bunch and then our vegetation crew that’s been really busy managing weeds mowed 91 acres last year and it’s great 175 acres. We even tested goats, which was a lot of fun for us to see how they worked. A lot of restoration, especially that Macintosh and did his farm with our volunteers. Channel. And then we’ve worked a lot on with volunteers to manage trees for the protection beavers. And if you’ve seen a lot of trees, and I know you’ve been out to help us paint, we paint the trees with a mixture of sand and these for the beavers, which they do. And some of that one of the neatest ones is, can we just dedicated it to with his family. So we’re going to do a lot of growing of restoration plants. And that’s already not just us, but we will have partners that can come and grow as well. And fortunately, it’s using a lot of prairie dog barriers, that really helps us manage prairie dogs where we want them and where we don’t want them. So that’s very helpful. We assisted with the reclamation of oil and gas sites that have been plugged and left by oil and gas companies, they still have to come out and receive and take care of those places. So we watch and make sure that they’re doing it to specs. And then let’s talk about public outreach. We provided six environmental education programs. And we’re going to work with our volunteers across the street. With the hour over 100 kids attended and horrible Parks and Wildlife x, which we’re really proud of. They’re positive, negative, or neutral. And we also were really interested in looking at native bee habitat, as directed by the city council, we are in pollinator circles. Again, and I spoke a little bit about the bank swallow habitat study, and we look to maybe implement portions of that study. And I know that members of the safe rain protection group really were instrumental in getting that started. And it’s been a ton of fun to work on. And we’ll have some very interesting results to share. We’re, of course, working on product management, very continuous sentiment. So that can freedom and TSM myself up, we have a big goal of trying to manage leads on crew was full, some of that was really hard. And as all of us are trained besides legally and safely around our customers, our residents. And let’s see, we also have a city wide prescribed fire management plan, but it’s farms, those need a lot of TLC in their early years to get going. And we’re also looking into how to emphasize noxious weeds and encourage native landscaping, as well. And then, for project management, we’re going to build some additional barriers for Prairie dogs, we’re going to look at some agricultural stewardship planning again, with our sister half of open space team. We’re going to look at reclamation oversights, again, especially at the wholesome mind just also community wildfire, wildfire protection. How do you edit
Speaker 6 48:21
the weed code? And how are you like it? What are you editing it for? And how are we determining
Speaker 7 48:28
what’s the noxious weed I am aware of it needs
Speaker 14 48:33
under some people’s definition that instead of treating them with herbicides, we might need them because they’ve been shown to be beneficial for pollinators, that when we talked about the bee code, that is something that I know that they’re working on. So maybe, you know saving some money and resources in that way and helping pollinators also.
Speaker 13 48:54
That’s why times, for example, Danny Lyons had been listed in code as something that needed to be treated. Yes. So that’s what we’re trying to Daniel is really are crucial tissues, where we’d like to say leave those leaves for,
Unknown Speaker 49:12
for one for each. I wanted to know.
Speaker 5 49:18
So that was a conjunction because a lot of it comes in our code. So we’ve worked with that group over there residents and the businesses that we’re trying to work with that maybe didn’t have to treat those. And then also, again to try and make sure that we’re working to apply it across the board equally. So for getting ready sound, but we do have some ones that are
Unknown Speaker 49:39
like city planning and city code called
Speaker 7 49:48
Hey, sorry. David are making sure that does the city have any particular goals related to that? I mean, I see that you’re Doing monitoring and collecting data. And I am not aware. Sure city has any particular goals with regard to providing quality wildlife habitat, actually, we
Speaker 13 50:09
are guided by our city wildlife management plan that was passed in 2019. And it’s been specifically to conductivity. Restoration of native habitats would say, sort of our open spaces, and she comes
Unknown Speaker 50:25
up here a lot.
Speaker 13 50:26
So we want to maintain those for both in our open space documents and our
Speaker 5 50:30
one, what’s our goals? And what do we need to do? And a lot of that was investment, Danielle talked about looking at our open space master plan to say, you know, what was in there? What have we achieved? And then what do we still need to get done? So before we go read writing things that may be that why don’t get done where it has ended before we started recording a plan? So a lot of this is dated question. All these rooms are no big deal at all time and pushing to. And again, I try to keep this short. But this again about this group. And you know, Dan, from what this group started with, it was a lot of the acquisitions, it was a lot of this getting his pieces in place. And now we’re really having staff is diving deeper into how do we answer those questions, questions to the community. You know, talking about the open forum, people were talking about agriculture and local food off pieces. So I called my home the county, the real estate division has whole to do I think we’re making great strides in that Scott talked about overseas three and Hendrick, their sister working group, but they are working for PD, they’re working for the airport there those natural resource management pieces across the whole city not not to create habitat here the committee do is work with
Speaker 13 51:34
our open space team Sarah and Danielle to work to make reach their kin trail extension from Sanzo ranch to sacred and State Park. very logically sounded sound because we have a lot of wildlife resources in that almost very wild section of our open spaces where older three and St. Brain Creek come together. And so we work with them to help put the trail in the most environmentally sound place where
Speaker 5 52:14
somebody has a lot of kind of worried if we’re asking for positions is because we have work to get done. It was
Unknown Speaker 52:21
to see the wildlife management plan. Think that would be habit explained. I
Unknown Speaker 52:29
ended up with these now.
Unknown Speaker 52:36
I have to ask
Speaker 4 52:43
noticed that you said they were testing or you’re making budget last year that you plan on staying on board doesn’t mean that we were successful and what we were trying to accomplish there and yeah,
Unknown Speaker 52:53
we favorable results.
Speaker 13 52:57
We’re looking to expand it the main thing that we want to be as ecologists and biologists and technicians, we want to make sure that we’re not putting them in a place and have an emotionally damaged things too, because you can go too far over the threshold and have a goat. So that would be part and parcel of having a provider.
Speaker 6 53:20
I could not have stopped on fire. Yeah, GoPros. Just Just one. Great reason. So it’s like Yeah, yeah, make sure what’s in there what you want.
Unknown Speaker 53:44
Love y’all have any other questions or thoughts on that piece for
Unknown Speaker 53:52
all right, parts and partially Operations
Speaker 15 53:54
Division. All right. Good evening, I’m timber tosti. I’m here to hurt superintendents. So we’ve got some parks and forestry operations leadership team here for the year. I’m also going to provide an overview of kind of the next five years we’re expecting to go. So here’s our mission to provide safe, clean, well maintained attractive public environments for the use of all visitors for the park system. Our vision is we really want to be a leading example of excellence in parks and forestry management. And a lot of people ask me what boulders do it and stay has stayed a little violent? Focus on open open space where we do. We’ve got four attempts or so in about 87% is not here tonight is our GIS technician. And she really does a lot of our mapping and inventory management. Maybe rockin oversees our horticulture team. That seven people are Parrish. Chris Davis is oversees our irrigation team. And then new this year. So Chris used to be the poaching here or facility supervisor. We have a new facility supervisor position that’s started this year. He just started last week. And he’s going to be dedicated to focusing on the facilities. And then Breton’s the city first a very diverse group of people. There’s some of the trainings are that we keep so your nation certified design backflow testing, playground certifications, law like Owens face, anyone that’s race is a qualified supervisor plus plus collectable Tribune, we’re gonna look at the the feedback, we were to put, unfortunately,
Unknown Speaker 55:48
the program run a little bit better.
Speaker 15 55:56
All right, hopefully, we orient you to this slide real quick. So everything on the left is the business function. And then across the top is the year of projects. We’re projecting out for the next projects that you look at 2023. So we requested a new grounds maintenance tech to help maintain Clover meadows, and Nina Gallo. And then we also requested that additional supervisor for really for all of the staffing that’s coming on over the next five years. So we got the grounds maintenance tech to position approve, and we got the new supervisor approved. So for this year, with everything coming online, we’re going to be looking at asking for three rounds, maintenance techs for 2025 plus all the associated equipments of trucks and computers. CPSC has all that stuff. But we’ve got this projected out really for the next four years. And then we’re also keeping an eye on some of the recall of global initiatives. So this is versity initiative, Edi conversions. So this year we can we only got two of our vehicles converted over but we’re getting there we’re also doing a lot of waterwise conversions and then equity is another big one. So for 2023 on the global initiatives, we did get 36 cameras installed, which was a big win for the a couple out there in the parks those are smart trash cans that allow us to turn into collections. So we can log into a web based system now and see exactly which trash cans are for them and you know kind of send staff out and make log into their phones and see what is also pretty cool. We’re excited about that one and then Kensington garden was done and then myself and Natalie finished up in two years on the equity team to help bring that into the
Speaker 15 58:12
see every team has a city wide program it’s one of them is your individual proponent that you’re going to be on the equity chair hey
Unknown Speaker 58:19
I’m having this really challenge it’s
Speaker 5 58:22
a position of rotates throughout different departments divisions we try to get people to sit on that dispute that experience we rotate through people through temporary now because of this there’s a lot of stuff up there for me the biggest presents arise if one would back that can be can but for me the the piece on this as you would typically have done that tosspot you don’t really have to read as much as Stephanie talked about already those those projects for me were really demo champion supplies in three years when we asked her to new positions they shouldn’t be surprised in five years when we asked her position because if we had X number of acres X number of access assets and X number of trails we need to we have to have the resources to take care of it
Speaker 7 59:03
bases to assess tree canopy across the city to ensure that it sort of
Speaker 16 59:13
for coming on board holding pattern right now so we had one point here and then 18% citywide there’s no target date for that we had applied any that funding are really there. There’s other mechanisms in place to try to hire this contractor kind of geo of of our Bata that has a really nice system that you can look on an annual basis if you’re having any changes. You can look at specific ways that harmony where you can find more trees in what you’re projecting. But I will say you know in terms of For the city managers versus what’s on private property management, very low percentage of that. So budging that needle really only happens after development. And so the city code related to the development code really drives that increase in treatment. It’s not really our efforts, it’s really trees into construction form and helps you can help. But there’s currently not a whole lot of mechanisms. But
Unknown Speaker 1:00:30
the question is the private and public Yes.
Speaker 7 1:00:35
So, David, but I know their city and county of Denver has been doing some work to invest specifically in sort of community driven, private tree planting initiatives that sort of goes out much canopy to serve as an equity issue,
Unknown Speaker 1:00:53
to sort of urban.
Speaker 7 1:00:57
So it might be worth looking into that because there is grant funding around
Unknown Speaker 1:01:03
how to do that, yeah, we’ve
Speaker 16 1:01:04
been driving for that, and that precede any we do have two programs that do support those types of efforts. And these are wildly popular array tree sale, which we implemented a lottery programs last year, to try to make it more equitable, so that it wasn’t just people who are home from this time, this time, it was a little bit going through red track advisory. So now that we use open for a week where people can enter the lottery, we have all sorts of dollars and needs neighbor this year, next year will be the winning lottery. Specifically in private property, since through our
Speaker 6 1:01:47
I’d like to see instead of buying commercial property, people that own apartment buildings, the the person that owns says that the apartments on the street behind me that there’s not one tree, and when my ash trees die, the apartments will be
Unknown Speaker 1:02:06
completely unlivable.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:10
Unknown Speaker 1:02:12
for profits?
Speaker 16 1:02:15
So our development code does. So if there’s an approved site plan for development you’re required to do so that’s something that if we want, so I think this is really a challenge. And it’s through code enforcement to require them to replace those trees. But the code does support that. It’s, there’s not really Yes, we can incentivize it through the carrots, but there isn’t really sticks out to for code enforcement or forest land trees at this point, but why availability of trees, especially with the inflation reduction on annual basis? So I think it’s gonna be a challenge for the next 15 or 20 years to have.
Speaker 15 1:03:05
LGD look at 10 year timeline, we’ve got the five year preset. Over the past couple years, we’ve really worked on getting our yearly timeline set and then each of the work function groups have kind of their quarterly or
Speaker 17 1:03:22
up for status on the irrigation supervisor. Formerly the irrigation and facilities supervisor. supervisor should alleviate some of the stress off of my plate. Thank goodness. Are you ready to timeline on the main thing we do, obviously, is your patient startups, irrigation shutdowns, we run the backflow testing. For our sites we have about 230 CFL repaired and certified through the state holidays we have is currently running a few rule programs came over here to actually actually want it to actually get a program built so that we can start reporting on it and understanding how much funding it takes to provide that service and community meetings are happening where they’re tagging, that gets uploaded a hop hop map for our game unit to look at to the conservative a little bit more screens with that also ties into the projects that we do. The other big thing that we did this year is the sorry, the big bellies, we installed it goes downtown. thing for our staff was the removal of trash cans down there. So we moved about 45 trash cans in our downtown. So it looks a lot cleaner. The blue trash cans are working tremendous for our staff, decreasing staff. Time to pick up that trash as well as report out how much trash that were to get out there and how much time we’re actually getting data driven how much time our staff is saving the Treasury a couple other highlights The big one of the big projects that we’ve been working on started last year. And
Unknown Speaker 1:05:04
as we are
Speaker 17 1:05:06
replacing all of our tech, which allows us in this for my world, we have decreased our potable water usage by 10%. In the last five years, we went out on that. So about a tween our project is under first municipality, and is in Colorado, so. And then we did a bunch of lobbying improvements to the civic center. At night, again, there’s Asian Infrastructure there. So we improved all the lighting on the city center, the exterior. With the help get from this I was one I was facilities on to all upgraded LED lights on the fixtures, not a big component, there’s we made it all uniform. So you don’t have you know, a 1975 light with a 1991 light with a ball of light that’s pleased to help randomly, we did a photo assessment out there and decided that we need to take away while doing so. And then we object. But still, if you’re around that area, see the forest for those down there. So we drove some of that
Unknown Speaker 1:06:16
didn’t have a good
Speaker 17 1:06:18
light candle, I guess or likely. So it just again, makes the parking lot safer, versus less. And that’s where I just got back from the National Center conferences. But we’ve got a set up program going on that’s really driven by our police force. And Harold, our city manager wants representation from all of our departments to be a sponsor to this crime prevention, Through Environmental Design. So it’s how do we create spaces in public to be to lower crime. So this is my second year. Last year, we said working with a conference this year was in April conference last year, the conference that we had, like 50 people in the nation this year, we had over 200 or so it’s grown into something that we really want to do, because we want our parks and not people there. And so we work in the Lisa on that some of our achievements or removals this year. That’s a pretty big number. So that’s already just about one a day if not more. We pride ourselves in making sure sorry to write on talking about but that’s what I do. Try and sit there and click and get me off the base. We pride ourselves with the graffiti removal program. That’s you know, part as part of that is not here. So I’m going to give kudos is when it comes to private property approvals. So we get down into these. That’s the nitty gritty. What I do. Thanks, Chris. Yeah, I’m talking I can only
Unknown Speaker 1:07:59
give a sense of support. culture, arts. It’s our job.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:11
To sometimes I take that
Speaker 18 1:08:16
really hard slide 680 acres, and overall 340 That is turf. That is skated or we’re currently trying to live. So last year I’m doing to focus on projects to start converting turf areas. So speaking of Asha was tentative in forestry, water resources, PD parks are places everybody who’s on every piece of brands out there was amazing finally, but now we have to do that over and over again or improve on our couple more pilots here this year, Alana to convert and working on a project with a national Tizen based on use and start gardens
Unknown Speaker 1:09:36
working on projects about our veterans out there. We can do Gary fertilizing at government using Roosevelt park we got our national recognitions already Welcome to the National Honors webinars
Speaker 16 1:10:23
so yeah, Natalie put together this nice accomplishments sitting on properties, playing a bunch trees last year. Yeah, that are already pre sale, you want to partake in that. And we deliver the trees, which going back to equity was a great thing to finally put them in the yard really won. Last year all that rain was really great for trees, but we have a lot of really big trees. So we’re drawn to a lot of a lot of those streets, it was kind of wild. We are only oldest Tree City USA is in Colorado at 43 years. So what that means is that the city really values trees and puts money towards it in terms of time with us. So we, in our screen performing all types of free meetings, 19 Kearney removals people calls for special projects, by the development and their trees of valuing a property we appraise them, trying to encourage them to collect funding from that which in turn used to fund all of our tree planting programs celebrating tree sale. So and then I think, you know, going back to equity that drive was maintenance areas and are always looking at ways that we can provide more trees, more canopy more shade in those places that have last.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:55
So Ben called me up concerned about the time on this.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:57
I said we did a dry, right, yeah, so
Speaker 19 1:11:59
there you go. Very quickly to this, first of all put together in quite some time about that updates every every month, at the end of the year. Now, so Raven bulls opens a big deal this year, dry. Very difficult time what happened last couple of years when you’re not creating the Uber further along the riverbed direction from city manager to move the river to something else. As well as a one day event. It was incredibly successful. Great attendance, pretty good weather. Actually beautiful weather just a little bit chilly. At the end, we’re making a few adjustments, but the feedback was fabulous from public, vendors, and staff. It’s long overdue for the city and start she’s really expanding our product. We’re seeing the need for us. But it’s a very exciting area that is a personal passion of mine, especially since then we’ve grown through the years that I’ve had, and we are going to continue that lessons themselves and supports our costs and staffing. And I think we got to 200 right God we have to tweak it, do some changes, learn some things, but real confident Fisher will be able to get that process. Okay, next one. Guys know about the ballot. So it was an accomplishment for us to get things set up to that all done with the study. We were very proud of that the work we did to get to the point and we’ll be ready for next time. We did get our scholarship program restarted in 23. About to TJ used our average precoat was about 60. So we expect that to really jump this year. Usually it’s about two thirds utilization of the money that is allocated. It’s not money that soft costs that recreation has to absorb next month please.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:16
A reorg. So
Speaker 19 1:14:19
Jeff changing positions. We did some reorganization internally got aquatics a little more aligned, and I civically drill out our programmers and sets us up for success in the future vision for business area surface area. Give me a very mild position was modified for silica to develop Abby does, which is so that’s it’s been really successful. We’re really happy about where we’re at right now. And we are logging every single footstep today but that’s life and move on. but we’re pretty solidly staffing. Excellent. And goals. Recreation is mandated to cover 80% revenue. And I could talk a long time on this, I’m not going to, it’s going to be the minimum wage, most low seller, let’s call it front desk, the math doesn’t really add up. And is what here we’re going to work on got a whole bunch of things we’re trying to figure out, get some cuts going on.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:32
We’re going to try to get to a progressive tax increase, we’re gonna go out and talk about here shortly.
Speaker 19 1:15:40
Basketball and recreation program as they are working on right now it’s an update to our 2015 expecting some information, we’ll bring that to you guys to review. And we can make any adjustments to it is good information going forward. It is not a new planet update. And you guys are seeing it. So you’ll see that I think it’s either next month or the following probably maybe. Looks like we’re doing fireworks. So now Council is going to get a proposal for the fireworks festival, I believe on their executive. My first day of work on Fourth of July since I’ve been in this. So for the last pre COVID, we had some really good work going on with metrics and having something come out of that. And then of course, there’s no meaning for quarterly yearly to kind of show our trends. So you guys to see that. And then we’re going to look to try, we would love to see our scholarship increase, we haven’t that $100 has been there for I don’t know, I don’t know exactly when before I started, I think it was probably around with the rec center open $100 in 2003 is a little bit different than $100. Now. And so they’re legally there some adjustments, we can’t just give that money away and then have to produce the revenue that we can, we already can’t get to. But to try to address inequality within the city to try to get as much of our services to as many people as we can, we’d love to see that change. And so we’re going to go into budget with this idea of looking to adjust this program to 300
Unknown Speaker 1:17:30
as our target, because it’s been
Speaker 19 1:17:31
so low. And I’ve changed. So you guys will hear more about that. And that’s it. Are there any questions on
Speaker 7 1:17:40
that I would love to see the city consider some kind of I mean, that would require the adjustment in classroom expectations. But I think to truly make the recreation facilities I had you shouldn’t have my support Council, I think about when we need to go back to the budget. But I think we really want to make this facilities
Unknown Speaker 1:18:06
more accessible to
Unknown Speaker 1:18:09
the cost recovery.
Speaker 19 1:18:11
Work, and 80%. It’s like a box with our master plan of information so that we shall we want to be in an industry standard. We don’t want to be the city has been incredibly successful, and we continue to be but the reality of it is we’re just paying these folks a lot more than worth the
Unknown Speaker 1:18:35
five and six years ago, which is awesome.
Speaker 19 1:18:38
I love paying these guys. It’s great. But it affects that bottom line. And that bottom line and stuff that’s affecting your
Speaker 8 1:18:52
city every having a certain expectation of recreationally you hear people say Oh, this can pay its own way. Even natural things because we know that the value is in exceed the services that we provide are 68% or whatever that is, and I’d like to get closer to the distribution. Because when I hear the word that we might have to let somebody go that really personal see in the sense that I know that everybody’s pulling you to let go the ones that were good. They made clear that they have to want that one here to move this thing
Speaker 19 1:19:38
forward. And we’re having a class right now that’s just improved to
Unknown Speaker 1:19:44
meet the budget we
Speaker 19 1:19:45
currently have. And so we want to, we got to work. We’re working hard to get to that place and we’ll be referred
Unknown Speaker 1:19:55
to counsel to I’m
Speaker 19 1:19:57
excited honestly about it. Where we’re at because we’re doing we just got to get get things kind of realigned.
Unknown Speaker 1:20:10
Alright, that
Speaker 7 1:20:12
was amazing. Thank you all so much.
Speaker 5 1:20:21
Great. Time to tailor for quick, I’m going to use your tree canopy, we’ll see a great calmness in our parks and our open space and trails. Now don’t do any of that. And this is the group that really does all that work out there. I just want to give you guys a chance to really get a chance to see them if you have questions for them directly.
Unknown Speaker 1:20:40
Yeah. Yeah, you’re
Speaker 11 1:20:50
cool. Quickly, and then the last couple slides are really the update piece. So so the first piece of slides here are sort of a report of school nature kids long, long walk. So Thorn. If most of you are familiar boards come up to animal the board is based out of Boulder and our bathroom base at Lafayette but they look Lafayette sorry, and then also a smaller version of Boulder, and next up is Loma which is great. So this is kind of a This shows what they’ve done in Lafayette, what we’ll be doing in one month is similar but it will be different be a little bit more specific to our city and our needs. Addressing the triggers we have and specifically to address. So in Lafayette is 20 plus collaborating organizations, including form including the city of Lafayette, your school district, a whole bunch of nonprofits. They did 1 million plus program per year 1500 80 participants annually, and 80% of those were low income or students of color. I say 1 million program for year you can see below it’s a five year program, it’ll be the same thing and lock yet, and they did about 10 million worth of work in Lafayette, we will probably get something similar here in Longmont. Again, it’ll be over the course of five years. And not all of that 10 million goes right to the city, right. It’s it’ll all be used in Longmont, some of it will be used by the city. And some of it will be used by other organizations or other agencies that are involved hitting previous boards or backyards and explore being outside. And then by the time virtual projects, kind of more hands with dirt stuff in integrating family into this programming as well. And once we get to high schoolers, including career training and paid employment opportunities, internships, affect your mama because you just kind of have better infrastructure right now, compared to Lafayette or outdoor access. But they’re going off. Next slide. Again, mandatory plus collaborate, sorry, collaborative, as far as programming, the two camps, family programs, stewardship, service, volunteerism, outdoor learning, that kind of thing. In school programs, and certainly your field trips and classroom programs, designing curriculum, that kind of stuff, real career pathways, as I mentioned before paid internships, they also did a Youth Corps and youth leadership program last year. So that’s something that could be an option here as well. So crematories parent leadership group, we have a similar group here in Longmont that we’ll be working with. It’s definitely something we’d started on strips. But next slide. This is just during the summer average annual engaging 875 inch kids and 25,000 PARTICIPANT hours. So after a few hours hanging out outside or do something outside, it’s useful but repeated interactions with these kids really. Next bigger numbers during the school year because they did a lot with like after school programming and that kind of thing. 10,000 kids during the school year, sorry, youth and family in the school year and 72,000 ish for discipline hours on capitol construction, so this is what I didn’t want yet again, they did a really cool nature discovery area. It’s on the property of Sanchez Elementary. It’s awesome. If you haven’t seen it, go check it out. We also did an outdoor classroom space, they built a gazebo or shade structure. So there were popular parks that doesn’t operate under the reservation system because I found that the reservation system wasn’t accessible with Spanish speakers and also reserved some fixed rate structures. So this is a reservation three J structure that’s open to everyone or a safe access We need your area make it a little bit of trail street crossing sidewalk infrastructure improvements. Okay goco funding formulas update when for those either here and Rachel from foreign came, you’re planning on 2025 to 2030. That has changed who pushed back here, however, we now have 100% guarantee that we will be funded at the amount we’re expecting. So pros and cons. But the good news is it’s definitely definitely happening. It just happened a little bit later are dissipating. That said, Bertie, sort of gotten started prepping for this. So this year, we’re doing a whole bunch of other programming and community outreach and community assessment. So what we’re trying to do this summer is figure out exactly what what does our community need? What does Walmart need, specifically, that differential mafia and that differs from Boulder? And what barriers does Longmont have? That we need to address? So that’s that’s what we’re doing summer camp stuff, we’ve got like, how would summer camp stuff up in the mountains, we’ve got to kind of diversify our economy right now about grant money. Like, feedback sessions, I’ll get into more on the next slide. But we’re gonna try to community once a community needs, but we don’t have our big local funding yet. So we don’t have this No, probably be on smaller scale, but I really want to have open co funding. But we have to figure out how we’re gonna plug that gap year, we actually we have a meeting tomorrow with a bunch of external organizations. And that should be one of the topics is how are we going to GCC five. And then it gets mentioned like six times, again, that means you’re everywhere. So this is kind of a smaller piece of the puzzle. But this is a separate opportunity. It’s a two year opportunity, or a two year commitment. That comes with a little bit of money. It’s 28 cities throughout the country. We’re our word this every year, and we’re using it. So it starts with about a 40k TBD, but probably somewhere around the 40k range, as well. And we’re sort of using this to your opportunity. And this is two different that we’re getting this spring, we’re planning to use it for that community assessment and community outreach piece. So whether we’re a very part time position for 40k For and again, and I’m meeting tomorrow. Another big piece of that is to figure out exactly what we’re using that 20k for the summer, current collaborators that are purchasing natural resources, community and neighborhood resources, which is under human services, Children, Youth and Families, also on human services. And I can come back in the summer, if you guys want to give you kind of an update once we have our boots on the ground. And tell you kind of what that goes back from the pilot program perspective. And also community assessment perspective. We’re doing a band community, I was just somewhere we’re scoping, focusing on Spanish speaking in low income communities and whatnot. Those are the communities that we haven’t been getting feedback from, we have been able to research, see curricula go to a collaborator. So these are folks who are meeting now pretty much monthly to kind of get set in their calorie metrics for folks into the fold every time we meet. So next slide. outcomes, and we can see if this session was around. So currently, again, we’re doing relational pilot program for community assessment and outreach internationally for source for threat advice, sources of funding for the 2025 gap year. One potential option that’s been floated, but not confirmed by the group is whether we can use that nature everywhere catalyst grant, which should come next spring, to to help fund but you can jump right back here. And that’s again, probably the reason we can’t as well. And then internally, we’re budgeting for school, we’re trying to budget for 2025. It’s a little tricky to imagine once we do that community assessment piece and get feedback from folks but our budget, we’re also working really far away obviously, we’re trying to sort of leverage our resources. So we’re working really closely now we’re starting to work really close to education from we’re working really into this big opportunity. I’m mentioned the cup collaboration, we’re starting to recreation open space, focused specifically on our mental
Unknown Speaker 1:29:45
health. And
Speaker 11 1:29:46
we’re fingers crossed switching to a new buyer volunteer management system. Hopefully in the next couple of months affordability. I’m optimistic that we’ll be able to do it pretty soon. It’s gonna be a lot cheaper than we want, Phil I’m used to it. weigh in, it’s a lot more functional and it’s super accessible to a more diverse variety of users. So it hasn’t really it has mainly the big piece is it Spanish accessible, and they’re adding other languages as well. So that’s been a really a huge barrier for us and all around programming we offer if you don’t speak English, you can’t get online and figure out where to start it’s really important summer what’s gonna boots on the ground and give you an update somewhere I can come back and fall or winter and give you the results of that. update you on kind of what
Unknown Speaker 1:30:40
yep, that’s great.
Speaker 4 1:30:43
Okay, all right. So we’re I know where is this and that was discussed the recreation
Unknown Speaker 1:30:50
reserve, huge piece of litter. Got it? For sure comes down to the facility to reach athletic goals. So maybe a question to ask that we do. There a brochure about remote. Choices. I appreciate everybody’s input. Please believe that you have done a good action. There’s going to
Speaker 4 1:31:48
pass a motion for this board to march
Speaker 4 1:32:01
because that is in the form of motion. Eric, you can get that back on the agenda. Okay, I’m keeping me there. Okay. All right. I am told the board that we have not Marines that we have to talk to. No, jerk. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:32:26
All right then with that.
Unknown Speaker 1:32:27
Anyone make a motion that we adjourn.
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