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Longmont Planning & Zoning – January 17, 2023
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Speaker 1 6:35
I will go ahead and call to order the long term Planning and Zoning Commission January 17 2024. Meeting. Jane Roll Call.
Speaker 2 6:44
Chairman POLIN Here. Commissioner high. Commissioner teta. Commissioner Boone, Commissioner flag. Commissioner Luke couch. Councilmember Rodriguez. Chairman, you have a quorum.
Speaker 1 6:55
Thank you very much. Next item is communications from planning director Glen van Wiggin. Thank
Speaker 3 7:01
you, Mr. Chair and commissioners, Happy New Year. The only update I have with the agenda is our presentation, which is number 10. Commissioner Popkin requested this, he wasn’t able to make it due to illness. So we are going to put that off on to another agenda, where there’s room so I’m sorry. Can’t stay here as long and listen to that presentation. But that’s what I have for you. And also we have a very special guest sitting behind me. So I’ll turn it over to you, Mr. Chairman. Okay.
Speaker 1 7:36
Thank you. We want to Josh, why don’t you go to the front stand there. We want to thank Josh, he turned out last year, I believe you started in 2011 2012. Somewhere around there. So Josh has live and 12 years of service to the Planning and Zoning Commission. I’ve always found him to be thoughtful and he’s always appreciated the fact that he would always go back to the comments from the public and go over those comments and make sure that they were always heard. I just want to take this time to thank you for your service and your dedication to the commission and to the city. And we have a couple of things for you
Unknown Speaker 8:37
over here, so we appreciate you thank you very much
Unknown Speaker 8:56
Wow, the beauty
Unknown Speaker 9:02
once again, thank you for your service
Unknown Speaker 9:10
keep in touch
Speaker 4 9:23
good, it was a pleasure to serve along side all of you. Of course. I had a moment to think about it today. Just driving over here thinking you know what a funny journey it’s been. I remember my first couple of meetings just being so nervous to say anything you know, and finding my voice. My service alongside Chairman Sherlock was really enlightening for me and helped me develop an idea of how to run a meeting and how to really think how to really evaluate our projects. Within really all of my fondest memories lie With this crew, I remember the first time Jed called me out and asked me to defend the stance I was taking. And I was horrified. I had never had to defend myself before. And that ended up becoming one of the joys of the whole experience for me, working alongside Jett and our banter back and forth. Chris, your big heart, you know, just always landed with me. You know, Jerry, your wisdom, your time, your experience and thoughtfulness just always stuck with me. Obviously, Chairman, your leadership and composure even during weird moments. Janelle, you’ve come with a ton of experience and your institutional knowledge and just like time on Earth became invaluable for me when we were evaluating projects. So thank you. And I, in my mind, I thought you always look out for the little guy. And I cherish that and tried to think about that every time we were making a decision. So thank you all. These are memories that will last with me forever. Cheers, Aaron, thanks for your service.
Speaker 1 11:07
Next, public invited to be heard this is where the public gets five minutes to speak about items that are not going to be quasi judicial in front of us in the short term. So I will go ahead and open up public invited to be heard if there’s somebody in the audience would like to come forward and speak.
Speaker 1 11:28
Just making sure we check the box with Jane make sure nobody signed up. There’s nobody in the audience. And the sheet is empty. So I’ll go ahead and close out public invited to be heard. Next item is the election of the chairperson and Vice Chairperson. So at this time, we’ll start with chairperson and we’ll go ahead and take nominations for chairperson. Commissioner flaig,
Speaker 5 11:59
I would like Oh, yeah. I would like to nominate our present chair to continue on in that capacity.
Unknown Speaker 12:11
Do we have a second? Commit sure to cash I think beat you to it. I second that.
Speaker 1 12:22
Are there any other nominations? Seeing none. Do we just chain do a voice vote?
Speaker 2 12:33
Commissioner hate? Yes. Commissioner teta? Yes. Commissioner Boone? Yes. Chair Polen. Yes. Commissioner flake? Yes. Commissioner leukot. Yes. Chairman That passes unanimously Seven to zero.
Speaker 1 12:45
Thank you very much. I’m very honored. Next is for Vice Chairperson. Do we have any nominations?
Unknown Speaker 13:07
Commissioner flaig?
Speaker 5 13:08
Well, I thought that I actually thought about Jerry who might be interested. I know this is unusual, or having not served as a regular member yet, but I’m looking at the future. Okay, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 13:35
Okay, Commissioner teta.
Unknown Speaker 13:37
I’ll second that.
Unknown Speaker 13:41
Commissioner hight.
Speaker 6 13:43
I’d like to nominate Commissioner Flagg.
Speaker 5 13:49
I’m honored but I’m going to decline as I usually do, because I enjoy so much not sharing anything. I’ve done enough of that in my life. Thank you.
Speaker 1 14:04
Okay, any others? Commissioner Boone, I guess let’s go ahead and take another voice vote.
Speaker 2 14:12
Commissioner height. All right. Commissioner teta. Commissioner Boone. High. Chair Polen. Yes. Commissioner flag. Yes. Commissioner takot. Yes. Chairman That passes unanimously Seven to zero.
Speaker 1 14:26
Now I was not expecting that thank you. Then we don’t even have to move chairs
Speaker 1 14:35
we’re so smart. Okay, that is that takes us out of the elections. And next thing the next items item number six approval of the 2024 meeting schedule. Are there any questions, comments, or a motion to adopt? missioner flay EEG,
Speaker 5 15:00
I was not able to pull the schedule up and take a look at it. How do I do that?
Unknown Speaker 15:08
If you clicked on it so go up to item number six here over just clicking the box in the box.
Unknown Speaker 15:25
Do the little eyeball
Unknown Speaker 15:27
as I tried to look at it at home
Unknown Speaker 15:33
seven times
Speaker 1 15:42
nothing seems out of the ordinary looks like all third and then a fourth is optional. I’ll go ahead and I’ll go ahead and move that we adopt the that we approve the 2024 meeting scheduled. Do we have a second? Commissioner height will second. We have a motion and a second. If there’s no other discussion, we’re ready for the vote.
Speaker 2 16:10
Commissioner high. Commissioner teta Commissioner Boon chair Poland. Aye. Commissioner flake High Commissioner the cut Chairman that passes 706 to zero sorry, these are all six to zero.
Speaker 1 16:23
Thank you very much. Next item is approval of the 2024 bylaws. The draft is available to peruse. I know that Commissioner Popkin did have some recommendations, but seeing that he’s not here. And one of them is probably a little more in depth. We’ll go ahead. I would feel good about holding off until he’s here to make his motions. Does anybody else have any motions? Any questions, comments on the bylaws? Commissioner flaig.
Speaker 5 17:04
Glen, do we have to have we have to operate under some kind of rules, don’t we? So shouldn’t we approve the bylaws tonight and then added at a later time he can come in and offer an amendment.
Speaker 3 17:19
I believe that’s what we’d like to do is go ahead and adopt what you have and then he can certainly bring up future amendments on a future agenda.
Speaker 1 17:29
Commissioner flaig I move that we adopt them. Okay, we have a motion to approve the 2024 bylaws. Do we have a second? I will go ahead. I’ll second. If there is no comments questions, Jane, we’re ready for a vote.
Unknown Speaker 17:43
Commissioner high.
Speaker 2 17:51
Commissioner teta. Mr. Boone, tear POLIN High Commissioner flag high commissioner to catch. Chairman that does pass four to two.
Speaker 1 18:02
Thank you. Four to zero with two abstentions. Next item is approval of the 2020 for posting locations. Are there any questions comments? Oh, I’ll save this for after this. There’s a comment. I did want to make the bylaws. I’ll come back to So do we have any motion to approve the 2024 Posting location. Commissioner height
Unknown Speaker 18:36
24 posted okay.
Unknown Speaker 18:37
We have a motion to approve.
Speaker 1 18:45
I’ll go ahead. Oh, Commissioner teta. We back Second. Okay, we have the motion in a second. Let’s go ahead take a vote. Commissioner
Speaker 2 18:57
high. Commissioner teta. Commissioner Boone. Chair Polen aye. Mr. Flake High Commissioner leukot. Chairman that passes six to zero.
Speaker 1 19:07
Very good. Thank you very much. I did want to go ahead and mention for the bylaws. That per are changed from last year that we do have included in the bylaws. Where is it it’s section. Section 16 Land acknowledgement statement is included in the bylaws. So that is in there. So I want to make note of that. Next item is approval of minutes. The first is the October 18 2023. Meeting Minutes. Do we have any motions? Any comments? Commissioner height
Speaker 6 19:59
did I have comment on it to our gray secretary’s attention and get corrected. So I will move to approve. Thank
Speaker 1 20:06
you very much. We have a motion to approve. Do we have a second? I will go ahead and second, Jane. I think we’re ready for vote.
Unknown Speaker 20:16
Commissioner high. Commissioner teta. Commissioner Boone Epstein, Chair Polen.
Unknown Speaker 20:24
Unknown Speaker 20:25
Commissioner flag.
Unknown Speaker 20:28
Please. Can you come back three?
Unknown Speaker 20:30
Commissioners who catch? Yep, you’re here. We’re here. October. This was October. October 18. I was. You were here. Oh, okay. You’re right. Yeah. So we don’t have enough to,
Unknown Speaker 20:56
we won’t have enough to we want
Unknown Speaker 20:59
to abstain thinking I wasn’t here. But I was. Here says you’re here. And it says you are here.
Speaker 2 21:09
says we’re headed to now on and Aaron absent.
Unknown Speaker 21:13
Oh, sorry. Change. I was here. Yes, you were.
Speaker 1 21:20
So we still only have three people sitting who were there.
Speaker 2 21:27
Correct. But we will only we would only have three. So it is okay. Just as a rule here, you can approve minutes, even if you were not at a meeting as long as you read and agree to the content of the minutes. And I can actually I can discuss that again with Jeremy. We can bring these back next month. But I think Eugene may city attorney Eugene may had that conversation with us last year. So if we want to hold these minutes and let people review them and come back with them next month and get an approval?
Unknown Speaker 22:08
Yeah, I think we’ve equity it for if
Speaker 2 22:10
Yeah, if we can get this for people who are here from the October meeting.
Speaker 1 22:14
For that one, let’s go ahead and put that for next meeting. The next is the November 15 2023. Meeting. And we shouldn’t have enough here. Are there any questions? Any comments for the November 15 23? Commissioner height? You’re approved? We have a motion to approve. Do we have a second? Commissioner cash. I second. We have the motion. We have a second. Without any other questions. Jane. Let’s go ahead and call for vote.
Speaker 2 23:00
Commissioner high. Commissioner teta. Commissioner Boone committee chair Polen. Yes. Commissioner flake. Yes. Commissioner couch. Chairman that passes five approvals zero and one abstention.
Speaker 1 23:17
Thank you very much. The next item is final call public to be heard. If there’s anybody in the audience would like to come forward. If not, I’ll go ahead and close final call public invited to be heard. Next is items from the Commission. I would like to welcome Commissioner Boone as the full time member and vice chair and in the audience we have alternate Tom lane so those were the two changes from December is voted on by the city council. Any other items from the commission if not items from council representative Rodriguez.
Speaker 3 24:16
Good to see you all again. I know it’s been a while. Last year was a little bit difficult year for me but skies are looking bluer. So hopefully be here much more often with you. And then also, I know there’s going to be still some more contentious items coming up this year. And so I wish you the best in your deliberations. Because you know, we’ve been hearing about it I’m sure you have to. So thank you again for all your service as always and congratulations to Vice Chair Boone and Mr. Lang on your appointments.
Unknown Speaker 24:49
You next items from planning director Glenn Ben number again.
Speaker 3 24:53
Mr. Chairman and Commissioners I’d like to update you on an ordinance that council is looking at onto Who’s a second reading and public hearing? You may or may not know, we’ve had a very difficult time filling our Board of adjustment we’ve had, we don’t use them very often. And we’ve just had a number of people leave. And we can’t seem to get anybody to come forward and put their name in the hat for the board of adjustment. Board of adjustment deals with variances for building setbacks, fences, and signage. So our answer was, let’s put more on the plate of the planning commission. So that’s what this ordinance says in case, the board of adjustment, we cannot get a quorum that the planning commission would act on their behalf as the board of adjustment. So we do have a case that is pending, potentially could be at your February meeting. And I think a lot of you have seen variances that come through as a part of a major application. This is very similar, but it will there’ll be requests that are not part of the major application. So and that’s what you’re going to see possibly in February. It’s it’s a fence height issue. So there’s very specific criteria, and we’ll lay that out for you in the staff report. Yes, no. Yes. Yeah. There’s a section specific to variances, which you I’m sure you’ve probably looked at it and so that’s what a variance will be rated against. So it’ll be a little bit of logistics were very similar. You might have seen Council when they act in the Longmont Housing Authority. You adjourn as planning commission, you re adjourn as the board of adjustment, right? So change your hat. Right. Right. And again, part of the reason we can’t fill it is we really haven’t had much activity. We’ve only had one case, since I’ve been here for three years, had to do with a floodplain, which was pretty complicated. But for the most part, they’re not that complicated. And and I think it’ll be pretty clear for you, but shouldn’t add much to your agendas. Okay,
Speaker 1 27:38
but it does look like we’re gonna have a February meeting then. Yes. Only one.
Speaker 3 27:45
Only one item. Oh, on one meeting, February. Well, I guess the other thing I if you want to discuss when to put the presentation on, if we only have one item on that February 21. I think we would try and do the presentation that we postpone tonight. If it gets really full, you know, I don’t know if you’re interested in doing a second meeting in February like on February 28. Just for the presentation. That’s that’s an option as well. It would mean you’d have to travel down here another night. Yeah.
Speaker 1 28:22
Do you know how long the presentation might be? On
Unknown Speaker 28:26
our end? Probably no more than a half hour. Okay. Are there any materials for that presentation? Because there weren’t any.
Speaker 3 28:34
Right? We could put some together. It was really a presentation by Lisa nanoblock, who’s our sustainability manager, Susan Baird is an LPC and an AR folks and development services that deal with the building code. So the building official blas Hernandez and assistant building official Matt Pyatt, we’re going to discuss the amendments to the building code. So, we do have the net zero plan we could forward out to you that will be part of the presentation. We’ll do that. Okay. But perhaps we don’t need to decide that tonight.
Speaker 3 29:25
Right. Well, this is the consultant that I gave you links to they were are going to be making a final presentation to council on February 6, and then we will talk to her about repeating for the Commission as well. I think he were specifically interested in where we sit as far as housing needs, demographics, where are the missing gaps? So that’s I think she presented last July. It’s been a while but I think we can bring her back to present specifically to the planning commission. So yes, we have that on the to do list and forgotten. That’s all I have. Okay, thank
Speaker 1 30:10
you very much. Then I’ll go ahead and close out the meeting. We are in a German too.
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