Historic Preservation Commission – January 2024

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Historic Preservation Commission – January 2024

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Speaker 1 7:35
Okay, well, we’ll go ahead and call the January 4 2020. for historic preservation commission meeting to order. Can we have the roll please? Chairman lane, your Commissioner Sibley Commissioner Fenster Here. Commissioner Norton Here. Commissioner Barnard. Council Representative pack. Thank you. Okay, thank you. We have a quorum. First order of business is the approval of the December 7 minutes. Do any commissioners have any comments or corrections on the minutes? If not, I’ll entertain a motion. I have a motion to approve the minutes from Commissioner Fenster and a second by Commissioner Sibley, all those in favor, please say aye. Aye. Opposed. None. minutes are approved.

Speaker 1 8:43
Let’s see report from the chair. I guess welcome our new council representative Mayor Peck. The only other thing I have to make a comment about would be since our last meeting, we did have the zero ordinance zero reading of the demolition and revision ordinance. I attended that council session along with Commissioner Barnard. Glenn gave a presentation that I think was well received by counsel and I think the second reading we can get into this and staff report but the second reading will be coming up here. I think this month, right? Yeah. Perfect. I’m sorry. Yes. First Reading right. Yep. Thank you. That was the zero read. Okay, communications from our hpcs The staff liaison, which in this particular case will be planning director Glenn. Sorry, I’m

Speaker 2 9:48
not Jennifer. I tried to be so I’ll do my best. Just a couple of updates. You’re familiar with the appeal. The applicant wasn’t able We’ll make it. I forget what date that was originally scheduled for. So it’s now been rescheduled to February 13. And as chairman Lane said, the HPC amendments are on first reading this Tuesday. So the ninth and second reading. If that goes well, we’ll be on the 23rd. So, yes, we’ll get through in January, hopefully, with those amendments. And that’s all I have Mr. Chair.

Speaker 1 10:29
Okay. Do any of the commissioners have questions for staff? Commissioner Barnett? Yep. Okay.

Speaker 3 10:43
Glen, I know that communicated before the New Year. I just curious whether or not any progress has been made in the discussion with the parks department, about the Kanemoto tower of compassion. And the reason I ask is just not other than the fact that I was interested in this before, is that long on Symphony has decided, as part of their gala event this year in May, they’re going to honor the Kanemoto fam family. And the Canon moedas have accepted. In fact, they’re buying three tables for the gala on May 18, which also is historic. Preservation month, right. And I know the timing is tough to get all this done with everybody. But I just was wondering what what can be done to start, whether it’s something you need to do, whether it’s something city council needs to first ask you to do or just how we’re going to move forward on this? Because time is kind of out of the essence. But it would be nice if it could be. Yeah,

Speaker 2 11:52
yeah. Well, I realize things slip up, catch up with you really quick. So I’m glad you brought that up. I’ll double check with Jennifer. I don’t know if we’ve, I mean, just following the pattern like we did with the silo, we went to parks and rec and just gave them kind of an update that was generated from a citizen. So we’ll just do the same thing. But then it we go to council and we basically ask, Can we proceed as representative of the landowner? The council is, so they give us the Okay, then then we’re off and running. And then we come back to you with an ordinance. Do you make a recommendation goes back to city council. So potentially, it could be done by May?

Speaker 3 12:43
I guess I’m trying to figure out what we took in a day and we had a chicken and an egg situation? Or is this something that you have to go to parks first before you go to council? Or does Council say, go ahead and talk to parks and see what they think I mean, it’s Yeah,

Speaker 2 13:04
I don’t think we need to know. Okay, it’s just kind of let them know what’s happening. I don’t know that we have to get them to agree to it. So I don’t think that’s gonna hold us up. But that’s your concern. Well, I

Speaker 3 13:19
was just thinking of what happened with the with the historic Eastside neighborhood association, that Mayor, you’re here, but you can speak for yourself. But the mayor specifically did took the asset, the council take the action, which then started off the process. So I’m just wondering if that’s what we need to ask the council to do. Since we’ve already voted to support it. You know, that we’ve done our share. So.

Speaker 2 13:50
Right. Yeah, we just have to get counsel to say yes, go forward with it.

Speaker 1 13:55
We actually, I think you made that motion last meeting. Right. Right. So it’s been moved and voted on from us that we that we direct or ask staff to, to keep this moving to take it to council and ask for direction in terms of can we move forward with a with a landmark ordinance?

Speaker 4 14:21
A clarification. Just a clarification, for your request for May, are we asking for a local landmark or the state and national register listing that we’ve asked to go to the state? Because I could provide some details. I don’t know if the state register would be done by May. But because the next meeting is actually January 19. And we don’t have that on the agenda, I think for Shippo. Right?

Speaker 1 14:54
Yeah. Well, I think that the answer is that the process that we’ve had For is the local landmark designation, right, because that is something that so we had Carl McWilliams here last session. And, and and he’s aware of he’s obviously very aware of the process of with the state at national. Right. And so even he mentioned that it would probably not be possible to get all the applications prepared for the state and national level in this time window that we have for that this early meeting. So I think our focus in the immediate timeframe is to ask counsel, can we take get this local landmark process moving? And then as that goes, I guess it would be a presuming that the council says yes. Then we could ask Rick Williams to move forward with their bigger picture. Or we can make a part of the presentation and asked to counsel, can we the various levels and have them come back and say, Yeah, we’re fine with all of them, or whatever, but get some direction.

Speaker 4 16:12
I just wanted. That’s perfect. I just wanted clarification, because I saw it was local and state and national registers that were discussed last time. So I wanted to make sure I understood what your request was. Mr. Barr,

Speaker 3 16:28
yes. And that I would answer that the same way, was our request. And we understood that from the presentation, the state one takes much longer. It’s just clarify, Commissioner Lane, the chairman Lee, that the council doesn’t need to have very much to proceed, they have our recommendation. And they don’t not gonna make a decision other than to ask the staff like they did last two or three meetings to have last meeting, they asked the staff to gather the evidence or the information that they can then take on for a decision. The gathering that emphasis I understand is going to parks and working with them and then getting an okay as the landowner and then pulling together a actual proposal to later on maybe February or March, but before the council, and then ask the Council to take a decision on that. So the early decision is just a decision to instruct the staff to move forward and gather the information.

Speaker 2 17:42
Ultimately, the HPC part of the code makes a recommendation on the ordinance. So are you saying we could just go to council and be done with it? Is that Is that what you’re describing?

Speaker 3 18:01
Sorry. So we’re talking about the recommendation for landmark? Yeah. Okay. That has to be an ordinance. Yes. Okay. So, before HPC is said, let’s start the process. Right. Okay. The next step, as I understand it, in a perfect world, would be for the council. And staff and the staff to say, yes, not independent of the HPC based on what HPC has said for the council and staff to proceed further with whatever action is to be taken. So that council can then make a judgement, make take a decision on, right, you can’t do that until the staff then subsequent to the recommendation to the request from the council, goes to parks, works with Parks develops an ordinance, whether that has to I guess I just say that has to come back to HPC. And then HPC. X, and then the council takes a final decision.

Unknown Speaker 19:01
Thank you guys,

Speaker 3 19:02
if I laid that out. Yeah. All right. So the first step is the council acts if it chooses to, to instruct the staff to proceed.

Speaker 1 19:14
Yep. So that’s how you understand it as well. Just we just need to get there. I mean, rather than go through all this, we want council to to be on board basically. Yeah,

Speaker 2 19:26
the ordinance does say as the owner the owner has to or else you do the petition. Right. Right. That’s that’s the option if if the council says no, we don’t want to do it, then you go a petition. All right. You guys should have this memorized. Every sentence in that ordinance Correct. Okay.

Speaker 1 19:52
Any other questions or comments for staff? No. Okay. We’ll move to public invited to be You heard, I don’t have anybody on the list and I believe the audience is a presenter for later. So I’m going to assume that we have no public comment. And we’ll go ahead and close the public hearing. And move on to item seven, which is our annual business. I’m going to group a couple of these later on, but we’ll start with so every every January meeting, we reelect our positions and go through a number of sort of housekeeping components here for the year. So first is election of the chair. Do I have a motion?

Speaker 4 20:46
to nominate Chairman lane for chair again?

Speaker 1 20:56
Have motion on the floor to nominate Chairman lane as the as the chair for 24 by Commissioner Norden, seconded by Commissioner Fenster, all those in favor. Thought about abstaining for a second. No, thank you. Happy to continue. Election of vice chair we do need a new vice chair or vice chair in the past has been Commissioner guy you. And so with that, if there’s anyone that would like to volunteer otherwise, I have a motion in mind. I’m going to move the commissioner Norden be nominated as our vice chair for 24. Okay, we have a motion on the floor for Commissioner Norton. Motion by Chairman Lane seconded by Commissioner Fenster. For Vice Chair, all those in favor, say Aye. Any opposed? None. Now we have a new vice chair. Okay, approval of meeting dates and times. So in the staff report, we do have a couple of conflicts with our sort of typical schedule. The first would be essentially removing February 10 as a meeting date, because we I’m sorry, but it’s February 4 as the Yeah. Thank you. I wrote that down wrong in my notes. February. Is it the first? Yeah, it would be the first. So removing the February 1, basically not having a meeting in February February 1 Is the is

Unknown Speaker 22:52
saving places conference, we have a HPC retreat on the 10th. So this essentially not having a meeting in February. The other

Speaker 1 23:07
conflicts are really well, I can tell you that the June 6 meeting. If we have it on the sixth, I won’t be here. So the vice chair will actually need to lead a meeting June 6 July 11. Let’s see. So our normal meeting would be on July 4, obviously that doesn’t work. So July 11, would be the sensible place for that to go. And there was a note in the staff report about September 5 being the week of Labor Day weekend, but it is the Thursday after. So I don’t know if that’s a conflict for anyone else. So any any you know, if there’s no further comment, so I would move that our that our schedule essentially involves deleting the February meeting, moving the July meeting to the 11th. And really other than that, it would remain the same. Okay, so motion from Chairman Lane seconded by Commissioner Barnard. Is there any discussion? Any further comment on that? No. Okay. All right. All those in favor, say aye. Opposed? None. I’m gonna group D and E together. It’s the approval of meeting location and agenda posting locations. Our meeting location is here. And our agenda posting locations have not changed online. Are they posted? Physically? Anywhere?

Speaker 2 24:50
I believe three places. Okay. City Hall.

Speaker 1 24:54
Yes, please. Okay, motion to approve our meeting location and agenda posting locations as unchanged by Commissioner Barnard. Seconded by Commissioner Norton. All those in favor? Aye. Any opposed? None That motion carries. And then finally, approval of the bylaws we’ve, we’ve been through these a couple times actually over the course of this year. Do any commissioners have any comment or question on the bylaws?

Speaker 5 25:37
Mr. Fenster, we had at least one session where we rather thoroughly scrubbed them. That’s my recollection. I didn’t go back and look, but so at this, at this time, I don’t see anything that needs change.

Unknown Speaker 26:05
Move to approve.

Speaker 1 26:06
Okay. The bylaws, as written in the staff report, had been moved for approval by Commissioner Fenster. Seconded by Commissioner Sibley. Yep. So let’s have some discussion. Hold on, get your mic.

Speaker 3 26:25
friendly amendment that the date on the bottom should be the fourth day of January. Not the second day of February. It should be 2020. For

Speaker 1 26:47
Commissioner Fenster, you, do you accept that? I do. And Commissioner Sibley Do you accept second?

Unknown Speaker 26:56
Think it was just carried over from the previous year.

Speaker 1 26:58
Good catch. Any further discussion? Okay. Motion to approve the bylaws as written and amended. Noted for the date changes. All those in favor? Aye. Any opposed? None. Those are approved. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 27:23
Okay. That’s the

Speaker 1 27:31
the end of that. housekeeping stuff. There are no items on our agenda for a public hearing. And so now we move to new business, which is an update on the Callahan house is Hastings. Welcome, and thank you for coming down here.

Speaker 6 28:09
Right, well, again, thank you for having me. My name is Brittany Hastings in the Callahan, house manager. And I’m here to kind of give you a little overview about the restoration and preservation work that was done at Callahan house this year. So that’s a little overview about what I’m here to chat about is the History Colorado State Historic Fund, which I’m sure you’re probably familiar with, given your line of work as well. A little bit of a summary about our process going through that grant and the projects that were completed using that fund. cost summary and then some details and some photos for you about the restoration and preservation that was done this year. So the History Colorado State Historical Fund, is funded by casino gaming tax revenue annually collected by the state of Colorado. And those funds are distributed to historic preservation projects through a competitive grant process which we underwent. And funds can go to projects including preservation planning, restoration and construction work, which pertains to what was done at Callahan house this year. And also educational expenses and things like that. eligibility to receive a grant from the fund is designated historic landmark which Callahan House Of course falls under or consider contributing and designated historic district are eligible for listing. But again, we are as you know, designated historic landmark, and that can be on a local, state or national level. And this is given to public entities such as county or in our case, city government, or nonprofit organizations. Applicants or owners must commit a cash match based on the percentage of the project costs, which this We have long wanted to do on our behalf. And that was the 25% cashmatch as a government organization, and then 50% would be for a profit based organization or a non government entity. So the grant summary, in August of 2021, Callahan house Advisory Board and staff, members of council and and other city staff were all so helpful in the process and applying for the grant, which was awarded to us in December of 2021. And we had been had two years to complete the projects, which were officially all completed in early December of 2023. So came in just under the radar and the two year project window there. The original grant amount funded by the state historic fund was $180,000. And then a 25% cash match coming from the city from CIP funds in the amount of $60,000, for a total of $240,000, towards the projects. So three central projects, were part of the scope of the work. And I’ll give you kind of a brief overview here and then we’ll go through comes some details and a few photographs for you here in a moment, but the preservation of the ornate leaded glass windows, so all exterior windows that Callahan house, that have leaded or beveled or stained glass were restored, including creation and an installation of storm windows for each of those windows. So a protective layer and efforts obviously towards preservation for those initially it was going to be a type of glazing but then they deemed that the storm windows would be the best way to protect the exquisite windows at Callahan house. Third party or I’m sorry, the second part of the project was the historic concrete driveways that were installed at Callahan house in the 1904. Tonight, you know, eighth era where the Callaghan’s you know, made a lot of upgrades and expanded the property in the house. And those actually have original drainage schematics designed by Tim Callahan. So those were in need of quite a bit of repair. And we were able to do that as part of the scope of this project. The third aspect and probably the one that is most noticeable for for the public, aesthetically is the exterior woodwork restoration and repainting. So they did a historic paint analysis to figure out what the colors were of Callahan house in the early 1900s, during the night, around 1906, to 1904, to 1908 era, and figured out what the colors were at that time. And we were able to restore the house to to its heyday with those colors, which is really cool to see on the outside. And then also lead paint remediation, which is not surprising for a project like this, but certainly a key factor in getting that restored as well. cost summary for the project. As I mentioned the funds and with the cash match from the city budgeted was $240,000 for the project. Upon completion, it came in at just over 208,000. So always good to see things come in under budget, of course $32,000 under budget almost. So the city was able to get about 8000 of that back and use 1000 of that for some gutter repair that was also needed restoration project that was needed and was able to become part of the scope of this project. And you can kind of see here a little bit of a breakdown about what was spent were part of the window project was the very iconic, rounded glass in the library, which is also beveled in leaded glass. And that was a pretty specific part of the project $5,000 going towards that 18 For the says here protective glazing but that ended up being the storm windows 7000 for the paint analysis and then the large chunk under and 26,000 for the woodwork and restoration on the exterior and then 50 For the driveway. So here’s a few detailed images for you about the window preservation. picture here on the right is the lead library window that I had mentioned, which I said is a really iconic part of Callahan house with the rounded glass. This is what faces out to the South Garden and the fountain and whatnot. And on the left here is a previous shot of the library window so it was covered in plexiglass, which had really yellowed over time, and it was not very appealing to look at was protective enough but not great to look at. So the Plexiglas was removed and the storm windows were created for every window that has the leaded glass and those were installed. And so you can see here in this image the darker green there is the store window. And then the wood framing for the window was restored and, and painted to match the rest of the exterior as well. Additionally, on the library window, the panes here were bowing out, and we’re in major need of restoration, those were in pretty bad shape. And luckily, that was a big, a big chunk of the project was to get those back in, in good condition. And so these images here are what the windows look like now with the storm windows. So crystal clear, beautiful to see in and out, and we get these kind of lovely prisms in the afternoon that come through as well. So very happy to see that and just to see those, those windows kind of restored to their original glory there. And the driveway restoration. So on the left, you can see the state that many parts of the driveway were in previous to the restoration, there was a lot of failed concrete and damage, a lot of water running underneath the concrete in the rain or when irrigation was used. So that was in need of, of restoration. This lower image here this entire slab was was redone. And the sorry, the company that we used Empire who does historic restoration was able to maintain the original aesthetics of that which was really great. And then this image on the right here, you can see here, this is a record section. And this is an original section here. So they did a really good job matching the original drainage schematics and the original aesthetics there. And then the final piece was the exterior woodwork and the repainting. So this is the original, you can see a lot of damage and the original woodwork. And these were the previous colors, and paint peeling and whatnot. So this is Callahan house now. These are the original colors, like I mentioned from the 1906 era, early 1900s era. And the woodwork has all been restored and lead paint removed. And it’s really beautiful. So if you haven’t had a chance to come by and see, I encourage you to do that. And in terms of the public coming to view we so most of this project was the work on this project was completed in August of this year. And Callahan was close to public events for all of August to get that work completed. The only outlier was the library window that I mentioned, you can see that here. We just got that reinstalled on December 4, and we had a open house holiday Open House scheduled for December 7. So big shout out to Scott Yoho. And the marketing team for getting us had drafted a news release several months ago in hopes that we would be sending it out before the Artwalk open house in early September. But of course, some things got delayed as will happen with these projects. So

Speaker 6 38:05
So yeah, we got the news release out very quickly, just a couple of days before the open house and it was picked up by the Longmont times called along that leader in the boulder daily camera. And we had over 400 people come for the holiday open house, which is, as I’m told one of our biggest ever so that was great people were really excited to come check out the finished projects. And then we also hosted an additional couple of open houses on December 13 and December 20. This last year. So a little bit of a visitation summary for you of Callahan house, since we’ve finished out 2023 We saw 3604 visitors in 2023, which comes in just under the mark of 2022. But keeping in mind that we were closed for August, we probably would have had another four to 500 visitors that month. And 939 of those visitors came just in December. So about a quarter of our visitation in 2023 happened in December, which is when all the grunt work was completed. So we like to see that everybody’s seeing the house under those conditions. Yeah, and that’s my bad for you. Thank you so much for hosting me and maybe as any questions, but we’re also happy to have you all come to her Callahan house whenever you’re able.

Speaker 1 39:18
Great, thank you very much. That’s really exciting. Yeah, thank you for sure. Commissioners. Any questions or comments? Commissioner Barnett? Do sorry. I’m sorry. I misheard that. Okay. Go ahead and do that again. Yep. Mr. Fenster,

Speaker 5 39:41
do you have a, a protocol for advertising? In other words, if we’re talking about either of the two local papers, are there occasions when you advertise your hours features etc.

Speaker 6 40:01
Yes, we do a lot of advertising through the city, of course, because we are an event venue often, that’s how the city utilizes the space. We do regular advertising through the city, and occasionally through the local papers. In 2024, part of my intention is to open up the house for more community programming events, we think we would advertise for those more specifically, and potentially through local papers, but certainly through the resources that the city has as well. Guided tours, we, I’m not sure what we’ve done historically about that in the past other than the Third Avenue walking tours that are done through the museum. So those the beginning of those do come through Callahan house, and we guide the first like 10 or 15 minutes of that. And right now I’m I’ve been offering guided tours just on a, you know, on a basis, if anybody reaches out and is interested, then we’d be certainly happy to show them the house. And then that’s an addition to our roughly quarterly open houses where all of our board members are present and guiding folks throughout the house as well. So we don’t have a regular like daily tours program. It’s basically by appointment, and then our open houses. But we’re always happy to have people come through if they wish to.

Speaker 5 41:27
I’m just wondering whether worthwhile, on at least some occasions, maybe one or two a year, maybe three or four year to advertise, guided tours, that would be overseen by an architect or an historic preservation individual.

Speaker 6 41:50
I think that would be great. Like I mentioned, we have the quarterly open houses where we provide information about the history of the Callahans and the house as well. But I do find that people are often very interested in the architecture and those aspects, which are part of it’s part of the information that we provide as staff and board. But I think it would be lovely, if someone who had you know, some interesting background information about the more specifics of the architecture in the history wanted to come in and join in on those that I think that’d be lovely. So, thank you.

Speaker 1 42:24
Thanks. Any anyone else? No. I was a little bit curious. Do you know how many windows you had in that house that had to get through

Speaker 6 42:36
and count on my fingers? I don’t know the number off the top of my head. But just about every window at Callahan house has leaded and or beveled glass or stained glass, including like the upstairs window of the Autohaus. And, and whatnot. So they all anything that had leaded beveled or stained glass got a storm window. So yeah, I have to go through and count 15 or, or so something along those lines.

Speaker 1 43:06
And that that cost also included restoration of the window if it was in disrepair?

Speaker 6 43:12
Yes. Yeah. Of the glass panels themselves. And then the framework and whatnot was part of the exterior woodwork restoration. But both elements were part of the scope of the project. Great.

Speaker 1 43:25
Yeah, it looks. Looks great. Thank you. Any other questions or comments? Thank you very much for coming out here. It’s thanks for having me something like this happen.

Speaker 1 43:51
Okay, our last item of business here tonight would be the retreat agenda. So the retreat again, is scheduled for the 10th of February. Glen, did you have anything in particular? Or is this just an open discussion?

Speaker 2 44:12
The one thing that we would like to do is bring in the consultant and talk about the survey plan. So that’s really the only thing we have as far as a potential agenda item. But we’d love to hear if you’d like other things. So if there’s anything we need to prepare for, part of that is going to be we do have our GIS guy, basically identifying all the surveys we have in the community. So you can kind of see what’s been surveyed what hasn’t. And then we’ll hopefully have an opportunity for the consultant to have looked into a little bit and have kind of their ideas but certainly bounce them off you and get input on it as well. Okay,

Speaker 1 45:02
great. If anybody has any commissioners have them they would like to come through Sibley.

Speaker 3 45:20
Okay, turn my light on. All right. Well, I did want to say, Okay, perfect. Cleanse the, this will be my second retreat. And I thought the last one was terrific. Even though some people don’t like the library, I thought it was great. And thank you for bringing snacks. The big man like me, you know, nice, nice. The wood, I think he did something like this last time. But what I would find helpful after the time I’ve been on the commission now is if we had some kind of a spreadsheet, which laid out all the profit, all the projects that we’ve talked about in the last couple of years, and at least get some idea from the staff, where, where they are at it, and whether they see this as progressing during the year. And, and then get feedback from have discussion, feedback from the commission members on it. So you can get our feedback on things. We’d like to see mover, things that were okay if we don’t do anything on or, or whatever. But I just think it would be helpful to have that. And I also think it’d be helpful every quarter. So we just kind of updated that spreadsheet.

Speaker 2 46:40
Sure. Yeah. Well, we’ll go back and in the back minutes, I’m not sure that the only thing I was focused in as code amendments. So I don’t know what if there’s other things. But one thing I did think that is kind of critical that I think came up in our last retreat was a notification to folks. Anybody who is owns a landmark just to remind them that, here’s the advantages. Here’s what you have to do. Here’s where HBC is involved. So I thought about that, as we adopt new requirements for demolition that maybe we expand that to anything that meets that 50 year old criteria within the original town site, that we also include some kind of notification to those folks as well. So that’s that’s one thing. I think we should be on our to do list for the next year.

Speaker 1 47:43
Hold on. Mr. Fenster.

Speaker 5 47:49
If you do that, are you going to need to run it by counsel or someone else before you issue it?

Speaker 2 48:00
I don’t think so. No, it’s just basically saying, here’s the code. And this is what it says. And this is what it means. Okay, so now, that would be just our administrative thing. I’d have to upgrade our postage budget, but I think we can unless you bought

Speaker 1 48:21
forever stamps before the 100 on the 31st, just say, Save the $3. The other thing that we have talked about, and I’ve got a couple of notes here was, you know, a little bit of just encouragement, right to folks letting people know that if they’ve got a historic if they’ve got a landmark property, or if they’re considering applying for landmark status, that there is funding available? Right through the state for work on their homes. Right. So if you if you if we they could process tax, that’s one of the things we do is processed those applications for tax credit. Right. And so I think if if folks, I’m not sure everybody understands that if they do some work, and it meets these requirements, that they can actually apply to the state for for effectively, some form of reimbursement. Right. Right. Which sort of helps to offset the notion that historic precedent, you know, owning historic home is, you know, inherently more expensive, which I think is also a narrative out there.

Speaker 2 49:46
Right. And we also locally have incentives. We can waive portions of the building permit, if once required. There’s a number of fees we can reduce

Speaker 1 49:59
some Um, again, outreach to people. The list of merits. Right. Yeah, that there are carrots out there. Commissioner Barnes you have. Okay. Okay, thank you. Mr. Fenster.

Speaker 5 50:15
Yeah, have we ever given some thought to having some kind of a convocation historic property owners, maybe with a program and presentation.

Speaker 2 50:31
I’m not familiar if we’ve ever considered that.

Speaker 5 50:37
That that is done in some communities I’m aware of. Sometimes to get criticism, critiquing, and sometimes to have actually formal presentations from experts. Whether they’re community experts or national experts

Speaker 1 51:02
think that’s a reasonable thing to discuss during the retreat. Commissioner Barner.

Speaker 3 51:12
I’m gonna get the words wrong. But I know that we’ve talked about this from time to time, and we did talk about it in our last retreat, some kind of a brochure, or some kind of where we looked at some of the other communities and and I’m, I don’t remember exactly what it was for, but it was some way of putting, you know what I’m talking about? Okay. I

Speaker 2 51:34
think so. I think that would probably be in line with a mailing it not that we only use it in a mailing, but it would certainly help kind of describe the program and what it means forever. There.

Speaker 3 51:47
We looked at some other communities. I think the Lewis One was the one that jumped out at me is

Speaker 2 51:54
we looked at plans, historic preservation plans, which include Lewisville, I remember,

Speaker 3 52:00
I’ll go back and I’ll check my notes. I have notes from this. And I’ll ask them. Yeah, I think there are other projects like that that kind of started and they just other things have gotten in the way. And retreats. retreats a good time to kind of go overall, yeah, I’ll go over my notes and 70. Okay.

Speaker 1 52:20
Yep. And I just pulled up the, the sort of packet from that retreat, and then the minutes again, so I can remember what happened, which are very detailed. And we and we had a lot of discussion about that outreach, I think we ought to put that back on the agenda for this retreat, and just talk about these sorts of things again, and I was excited to see that in the number of things that we had there. In the outreach discussion summary, one of them actually did get accomplished, which was the tower of compassion, you know, moving forward. So it’s always nice when you look back and see at least something that got done from a list of we should do these. Right. But I think we can talk some more about about that. And just refer back to some of the discussion we’ve had before. I’m very excited that you put the cultural resource surveys on there, I’d like to expand that into a continuing discussion of its place in a eventually a preservation plan. I’m gonna keep that’s an end goal. It might be worth just having. I think if Commissioner Jacoby, were here, I 100% speak for him. But I’m going to guess that he would want us to have a discussion of our progress on conservation overlay and where we are with that in there somewhere. So I would at least be prepared for that. Oh, boy.

Speaker 1 54:02
And that’s about all I had from the last time.

Speaker 1 54:14
Okay, any other commissioners or comments? No.

Speaker 4 54:20
Commissioner, I feel like over the last couple of retreats, in some of our meetings, we’ve brought up the idea of design guidelines, but they’ve never, we’ve always needed the preservation plan. We’ve needed the code updated, and so they haven’t risen to be a priority. I wonder if thinking about developing design guidelines is something we want to reintroduce at the retreat, or perhaps that’s part of the Preservation Plan, or that might be something we talked about in terms of the scope of the consultant.

Speaker 2 54:53
mean something that basically puts a little bit more actionable design elements to like the secretary of Interior’s recommendations.

Speaker 4 55:04
Yeah, so that and I think you’re probably you probably work more often with design guidelines than I do directly. But something that gives the average citizen in these different historic districts or just in the city of Longmont guidelines about what is appropriate to fit in with our neighborhood. Yeah.

Speaker 2 55:25
Right. Yeah. The the ordinance talks about when you adopt a new district, local district, then there’s the design guidelines, but overall, no ordinances are really speak to that. But it would be very helpful when we get somebody coming before you that wants to, you know, remove their windows and replace them or something.

Speaker 4 55:45
Right. And I think some of those preservation plans that we thought were the most successful, I think, included at least some elements, outlines, if not more complete design guidelines.

Speaker 1 56:01
I would tend to agree, I think that would be a really important part of a preservation plan, but probably hard to do, floating on its own.

Speaker 1 56:15
Okay, any other items that anyone would like to throw out there for retreat? Agenda discussion? No. All right. So seems like that’s still enough to have a good discussion about. All right. Okay, well, then that moves us to any further comments from HPC. Commissioners? We wouldn’t have any, like, throw out there. Okay. Any comments from our new council representative Mahopac?

Speaker 7 56:54
Yep, I just want to thank you for allowing me to sit in on these meetings. And I’m really impressed with the passion that you have for the history of Longmont and what you put into it. And that’s shown by you keep reapplying. So to be on this board, so you have historic knowledge. I do want to ask about the retreat. What time is it usually is it’s an all day retreat. One to

Speaker 2 57:21
four. wonderful afternoon. Yeah. And I just realized it conflicts with counsel retreat, I believe.

Unknown Speaker 57:30
Well, okay. I don’t know I’d say about that. Other than Okay. Thank you

Speaker 1 57:50
Yeah, I don’t know. I guess that’s a question for staff if there’s I don’t know at this point if we can make any adjustments to date or time

Speaker 2 57:59
I think we have time to do that. I think we set the 10th and I’m pretty sure I just saw councils retreat is the ninth and 10th are

Unknown Speaker 58:16

Unknown Speaker 58:30
we’d either no way. Yeah.

Speaker 1 58:34
I think at this point, it probably is as long as we have it. We’d want to be in February for sure. Right? We don’t want to push it out any further than that because we’re trying to really set the tone for the rest of the year so I guess if anything were to change, we certainly could deal with a straw poll via email or something like that.

Unknown Speaker 58:54
Okay. Right. All right.

Speaker 2 59:02
Right, same place Yeah, I don’t know what the offer was looking at was the museum is what we booked actually that’s where it was last year if your retreat

Unknown Speaker 59:20
Maria’s got an update Yes, 17th. Okay, we got one vote for the 17th.

Unknown Speaker 59:33
Long Weekend for the school district. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 59:35
that’s Presidents Day, right.

Speaker 4 59:43
Just I have nothing concrete. That’s the day it has to be.

Speaker 1 59:52
Well, again, I guess maybe if you want to look into it, and then throw out a email, okay. All right, we can adjourn stefanidi All right. Okay. It would be nice to have everyone here. So. Yeah. Okay, fair enough. Thank you. Okay, well, that takes care of everything we have on our agenda for this evening. I’ll entertain a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Norton and seconded by Commissioner Fenster, all those in favor. Aye. We are adjourned. Thank you very much for your time.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:35
Thanks, everybody.

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