Transportation Advisory Board – December 2023

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Transportation Advisory Board – December 2023

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Speaker 1 1:59
Okay, I’m calling to order the December 11 transportation Advisory Board meeting. We can start with roll call

Unknown Speaker 2:17
Carolina here, board member Bennett Here. BOARD MEMBER McInerney, here are a member of him

Speaker 1 2:31
and we’ll note that council member or board member burrows McKee and Wiklund are not able to attend.

Speaker 1 2:47
Great and do we feel comfortable then doing the next item the special election for Vice Chair? We do have a quorum. But do we feel as if we would like to have board member Wicklund and burrows? Machir there’s a Mickey burrows might have screwed that up. Any thoughts on that? Remember Kimball?

Unknown Speaker 3:18
Oh, I’m sorry.

Speaker 2 3:23
Yes, I would prefer to push this back to next meeting

Speaker 3 3:34
I was there. Yes. Yes. I was also gonna say it depends. I don’t know how board member Bennett would feel but I’m okay with pushing it to the next meeting whenever that is

Speaker 4 3:50
is there any risk to go for a month without having a vice chair?

Speaker 5 3:59
Chair and board member? I don’t think so. I think we’re we can do this in January just as easily as as today. So if you’d like to wait, that doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. Sure.

Unknown Speaker 4:10
I’m also in favor of waiting then.

Speaker 5 4:15
The only issue will be if if the chair cannot make it in January. Then we’ll just wing it I suppose.

Speaker 1 4:26
You there. Yeah. None whatsoever. Right. Okay, so we’ll put that off then until the next meeting in January. Let’s move on to approving the minutes of the preceding meeting October meeting minutes. Any comments or any corrections on the minutes from any

Speaker 4 4:51
just a couple of minor revisions on Minutes page seven line 10 Make that pier city That’s p e r rather than pure city. And minutes, page eight, line one. I think the intent is to refer to a car centric society rather than a car eccentric society, although I kind of think that’s an interesting term. And those are my comments.

Speaker 1 5:36
Great. So noted. Any other comments from any of the board members on the minutes? Can I get a motion to approve?

Unknown Speaker 5:47
Motion to approve the last meetings minutes.

Unknown Speaker 5:53

Unknown Speaker 5:56
All those in favor say aye. Aye. So we’ve approved

Unknown Speaker 6:07
next would be Phil, communications from staff.

Speaker 5 6:14
Thank you very much chair, I was going to try to find that the actual release, press release about the corridor identification program for Front Range passenger rail, and how that did make it onto the corridor ID program for nationally. I can’t find the specifics, I’ll be sure to send those out in a follow up email just so that you have all the details, but we did. We, the region did get selected for the Front Range passenger rail section from Fort Collins down to basically Pueblo, as far as moving to the next level of being able to apply for funding and get grant funding for that corridor when it’s when it’s ready. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be free to the public. They are they do have a district and so the district will likely at some point. And I do know I have heard that the governor wants to put it on the ballot for 2024. So November 2024, next less than a year away is, is when he he’d like to see it on the ballot to start funding that, that district all along the front range. So we’re gonna have to figure that out, we’ll probably have some folks come in here and discuss how that’s gonna affect Longmont specifically, especially if we’re going to continue to pay a front or a fast tracks tax, a point 4% tax on Fast Tracks, because this will supplement Fast Tracks. And so we don’t want to be double taxed, obviously, as a city. And I think our council members would agree with that as well. So we need to be very careful on how that moves forward. But it’s a great first step in the process. So we’re very excited about that. Any questions about Front Range passenger rail, not giving you a lot of details on what I know, but we have been working very closely with that group. And I think we had him come in maybe a year and a half ago to chat with TV. And a lot of you were not on that group so we can have them come in again, and we’ve got the work program. And we’ve got actually have a whole one Agenda Item Number 10 is dedicated to future agenda item. So let us know if you’d like us to add that for a future agenda item. Secondly, we’d like to just chat. We do have quite a few updates for you today tonight, regarding multimodal capital projects. So Jim is going to do that as part of the info items as a formal kind of presentation piece to this formal. So I did want to just mention that as our Vision Zero has been a pretty continuing topic for this group. And so we just did want to let you know that we are in the process. We had one interview today, we’ll have three more interviews this week. So we’ve got a Vision Zero coordinator. Hopefully, we you know, you never know what the hiring process these days. But we’re hoping that we can get somebody talk to somebody in the next next week. And do some sit down interviews with folks and just really drill down into you know, who, who gets this job. And so we’re we’re pretty excited, because I think we have some we have four really good prospects. And so we’re excited to talk to them. And hopefully in the brand new year, we’ll be able to have them come forward and sit in one of these chairs and chat with you a little bit about Vision Zero and the future of that and specifically the Vision Zero Task Force. And so we’re soliciting any names of folks, if you do have volunteers, please send those along to me. And we’ll start to accumulate that list or, or get that list together and work on that. Otherwise, I think all the other items are from Jim tonight so we’ll wait wait hear from some of those, and then we’ll wait to hear your comments at the end from items from from from board members, and then hopefully be able to answer any further questions you have about projects, or what’s been going on. I do know there’s a legislative breakfast in early January, but it’s not free. But it’s a good place if you really are interested in the politics of transportation to get a lot of the understanding of what’s in the next legislative session. And if you have more questions about that I can I can get you LinkedIn to that, as well. So do you not know, I’ll let you know the cost to but yeah, so we we may be able to sponsor that Jim may be able to sponsor that

Unknown Speaker 10:42
budget here. Yeah.

Speaker 5 10:46
But the Jim has a lot of money if you read the article from this weekend, but he’s got a few dollars hanging out. If you’re really interested in the policies, going to the state legislature this year, it’s a really good one to attend. That’s all I have for right now. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 11:11
Public invited to be heard.

Unknown Speaker 11:19
Do we want to go to public comments. Any public here that would like to be heard?

Speaker 6 11:38
This is a different point of view. So hello, transportation advisory board, I just wanted to check in with you. I wanted to reiterate that you have a an advocate on the council for transportation. And I’m sorry, I kind of rushed through traffic to get here. And I’ve lost my train of thought. I had talked with counsel on the fifth of December about having more overlap between the Transportation Board, the airport advisory board, and the Parks and Recreation board. And that primarily because the Parks and Recreation board, I happen to sit in on one of their meetings, and they were talking about the pathways that they have through parks, and how to make them more safe between pedestrians and bicyclists. And I mentioned to them that this is exactly something that we had discussed at transportation board, I think it might be helpful to both boards to discuss that in some overlapped fashion, because anything we do, or that you all do with bicycles is going to affect the pathways that they have through parks. So So would like to encourage that type of interaction. I don’t know what that would look like in the future. But I would like to explore that as an opportunity. Also wanted to report that I happen to go down i 25. Near Firestone there I guess we’re 119 goes under the bridge. And I don’t know if we ever talked about this and maybe I’m dismissed the the presentation that you too did about the Mustang and snow staying. The C Don is doing Do you just talked about that before I walked in? And just that they’re they’re making an underpass there. I have no we’ve had. Alright, the Transportation Board has had people from Firestone concerned about being able to travel from Firestone into log Mont. And that that is making good progress. There is an interesting concept. So there’s going to be a hub there on the west side, I think of a highway. Both sides. Yeah, well, there’s a park and ride on the east side and all that. So it will make communication between the two towns easier than trying to navigate the highway 119 there. So there was one other item I was wondering about the is before the council to talk about Rogers road. And I’m a little concerned about the transportation there between Rogers road and getting down to say Costco is kind of the same area down around 119 where it’s just difficult to get through and it was very rugged territory. So I’m just gonna throw that out as something to keep on the radar. All right. Nice to see you all again. Thanks for all you do.

Speaker 1 14:51
Great, thank you. Phil, I didn’t know on the TMP, at least in the planning side. And then we had Parks and Rec and airport were represented. So imagine that any overlap might be able to be covered by the TMP and that process in the planning side of things. Yeah,

Speaker 5 15:12
that’s a great point. We do include a number of board boards, including the senior Advisory Board and the sustainability advisory board. We do not include the airport advisory board. This is really a surface transportation piece. But we do include Parks and Rec advisory boards. So we are trying to get a pretty good cross cut of, of the city boards and commissions on this planning and zoning is another board we have. So you’re correct, yes.

Speaker 1 15:43
Okay. Nobody else for public comment. So Jim, I guess she can take it away now. All righty.

Speaker 7 15:55
I wanted to just cheerleader board members provide you a quick update on on a couple of projects, I’ve given you updates on these in the past, I just wanted to keep you informed as to kind of as we get into winter, kind of some of our activities that occur. I’m going to start off with Kaufman Street, the multimodal improvement project. To date design is complete. We are currently in the process of acquiring some final right away acquisitions, mostly in the form of, of some temporary construction easements and some permanent easements. And we’re for that we do require or CDOT, who is, well, that is not a CDOT road. The IGA that we have for the state federal funding is routed through CDOT. So we have an IGA with CDOT. So we need there, we follow their design standards. So we do need to final CDOT clearances on those that property acquisition prior to advertisement for the bid. Jim?

Speaker 1 17:00
Yes. For anybody who wants to know that inter governmental Oh, I’m sorry. agreement. So what that is, is when there’s a state agency working with a local, they’ll sign an agreement. So they know who’s responsible for what who’s going to do what just so you know, when he says IgA, that’s what that is. And

Speaker 7 17:17
in the city of Longmont, it’s any government, other government agency that we we work with requires an IGA plan design, we’re trying to get to bid advertisement, early January. And the plan construction start we’re still holding is March 2024. Next project is it’s not on the agenda, but I’m gonna throw it in anyway. Spring Gulch number two is a trail project on the east side of town. To date, they’ve laid about about 2900 linear feet of 10 foot wide concrete trail. That trail is currently closed to the public, mainly because it doesn’t go anywhere. It in the middle of the project is the Great Western Railroad. the controlling factor in the project is getting the underpass constructed. And that really won’t start and there’s a long lead time on those concrete items. They have been ordered at the start of the project and we’re going to do a winter shutdown, the contractor will pull off the job we anticipate bringing up in the spring when they’ll have those that material in stock. There’s a precast box concrete box culvert that has to be pre ordered, takes a while to manufacture. And that’s underway. So we’ll see that come up in the spring. And then hopefully by summer, we’ll see that trail open. And then as we get into that timeframe, I’ll keep you up to date on that project as well. But that’ll provide that connection down to sandstone Ranch, kind of from the north east side of town anywhere from kind of 66 all the way across down down to sandstone 17th Avenue sidewalk improvements, that’s a project on the north side of 17th Avenue. They’ve got almost all the concrete in place. Now they should finish up the concrete work before the end of the year. And then they’ll finish up in the spring when they have to do the landscaping and finish some of the irrigation work. The Boston Avenue Bridge project they are on schedule and no change orders have been needed to date. They are working on the south side of the bridge. They’ve demoed half the bridge, and they’re starting to work on their case ons for the bridge pilings. Part of that work included the relocation at Boston South Francis, that work has been completed. They’ve got most of South Francis open now doing a little more drainage work, but that project is continuing to move forward. Part of that project involves the continued detour, the st Vereen trail rail. We’ve worked with Parks and Rec, and added some additional signing, I believe we also had just working with BNSF redid the crossing of Bowen, we’d had some concrete failures as scuttle asphalt failures there. So we just redid that working with BNSF. To make that trail crossings a little bit, a little bit better improved, we added some additional signing down in Boston as well, too. And we’re still waiting for a couple more signs, we’re going to put in some flashing, not RFPs, but some flashing crosswalk signs to accentuate that area on a temporary basis. And then Main Street, when you do that one. Yep, no. So a couple of updates on Main Street and some of the improvements they’ve been working on there. You’re aware we’ve, we’ve installed the RFPs. We brought that to your attention a few meetings ago, we continue to monitor those to see that the timings are working for people, elderly people who cross a little slower, and we adjust accordingly. We have been working on upgrading the traffic signals for a changeover from our adaptive signal systems. So we have put in new cameras from pike road all the way to Sixth Avenue. We’re waiting for equipment to come in for seventh to ninth. When we get seven, the ninth completed, we’re working with our other vendor to get the newest system up and running. So we’re looking at the first quarter of next year. And the main reason for for the upgrades is that that will allow us to adjust some of the cross traffic and the pedestrian crossings to add more time to those on an individual basis versus going basically working with a vendor who has to go in and make the change the city can staff can do that. That’s in addition that the old adaptive signal system was failing. Their processors are good for about five to six years, and we’ve started to see those and have to replace them. And they’re about 20 grand a pop. So we’ve had to do several dozen this this year. And it was unexpected. So but that works on going. As we get into next year, we’ll be proceeding up Main Street from Ninth Avenue all the way up to North of mains north of 66. Hope that by the end of next year, we’ll have that completed and then up and running as well. Once that is completed, we’re going to start on 119 and then get on to hoever and replace the adaptive signal systems on those two corridors.

Speaker 1 22:48
I do have a question actually on the adaptive signal. And Kyle, you know, it’s probably directed to you. So I’m just curious, because I’ve seen some projects on adaptive signal control. And what we’re seeing is increased pet activity. And as you know, pet activity can cause a lot of transition, even in an adaptive environment. So how does the system compensate for the pet calls that are gonna come in, especially on Main Street, because you’re gonna have a lot of cross pets as opposed to long the main line pets? I’m just curious if that’s something that’s definitely going to be addressed in this adaptive?

Speaker 8 23:22
Yeah, and that’s one of the main reasons of upgrading the system, our current adaptive system, how it functions is, if a there’s question call on the side streets will actually short cycle the greens and arrows for the rest of the cycles. And so usually, the driver here is a little less happy. This new system allow allow us to segment the adaptive system network a bit better, so we can really truncate it for 118. As you’re going up Main Street through the more wider areas, or the less pedestrian traffic, you can be a little more rigid. But as you through our Main Street area, or we have more production activity, it allows us to add or deduct time from the cycles to adjust those periods. So if there is a call on multiple signals, it can adjust the entire network together versus signal by signal because once you call one signal, it will actually disrupt the entire link for a few seconds until it can get back on track. So that’s kind of why the current system isn’t very pedestrian friendly, because it was more made for vehicles. This newer one is made for multiple mobile traffic buses. But also it remains in our control. So our current system actually locks us out of our controllers that control the system. So it’s very hard for myself to make edits to see what traffic is doing. It just takes weeks and a lot of money to do this through a third party company. This new system will allow you make changes very fast and reactive and be able to see that in real time and really understand how Now it’s functioning and why it does function, the way it does a lot of the gentleman to the processors is just a black box, that just tells me yep, I’m gonna try it. Now I’m gonna try it out and try it. Now, this new one will show me the entire plan for the entire day. So that’s kind of where we’re heading that direction.

Speaker 7 25:23
So that was kind of the project’s I wanted to bring to your attention. As we move to the next item, which is the end of year report and our 2024 work plan, I just want to bring up that as we plan for some of our work for next year. We do anticipate bringing that forward to tab before it kind of got to get gets released and goes to construction. That mostly will involve our rehab program. There are a number of corridors we have that we’re going to be attacking next year, where we’re going to be looking to change the existing striping around for more multimodal, adding more multimodal facilities. So we want to as we kind of present that get that approved by city manager, we’re gonna bring that forward to tab to let you guys know kind of what our activities are. in that realm. We do that pretty much almost every year. Whether it’s a complete rebuild or a rehab or chip seal, an example of chip seals, we did ninth we did third. But we’re looking at those corridors now. Planning those those areas out. Sometimes it’s only block by block. But it’s it’s gets us to build the network for bikes. And with that, I’ll turn it back over to Phil to talk about more

Speaker 1 26:50
questions. At a quick one. So on the restriping. Is there any talk about in regards with Vision Zero of any sort of road diets? Or would that be something that’d be completely separate from this discussion?

Speaker 7 27:04
Well, we’re looking at one road for road diet itself Fordham in one block section. It’s a three lane section right now. So we’d be looking kind of when we restripe it. It’s mostly all commercial traffic, there’s no residents in the area, and there’s limited driveways. So we’re looking at that road and say, Hey, can we do a road diet here, it’s got substandard bike lanes now I believe. So we’re looking if we eliminate the center turn lane, and you know, add wider lanes but still have room for buffered bike lanes, that’s we’re going to be coming in with the striping plan to show just that. That’s that’s one of the ones that comes to mind. We’re looking at a striping plan on Gay Street and what we may want to do there. And then there’s a couple of miscellaneous roads with just one block or two in the downtown area we’re looking at as well. That’s not next year.

Speaker 5 28:03
Good evening, again, I actually need to amend part of this discussion, we really need the 2023 TB annual report to be an action item. So we will request to action tonight on that item just as a this is a recommendation you make to city council so that they can see your work program and see what you accomplish this year. So I’ll just go through the list really quickly. And then just ask for for that motion. I think that’s possible with this format, even though it’s not it wasn’t on the agenda. So I’m a little concerned about that piece of it. But let’s try to do it that way. If if there’s a mistake, we’ll bring it back to you in January and we’ll redo it. But technically, you as a transportation advisory board to help nine regular meetings in 2023. That includes tonight’s and the following annual work activities were brought to TB you’ve seen this list. We had the regional electric vehicle plan presented by one of our staff members from our sustainability group. Third Avenue striping and signage plan, we actually had a pretty interesting meeting where we talked about that with the public was almost a public meeting more than it was a public tip meeting, I guess, Vision Zero resolution recommendation to city council. So you did make that resolution to city council and they did adopt that at their follow up meeting status update on micro transit funding and options. We talked about how that was possibly coming to town and now we have some more partnership dollars from RTD. on that. So we are moving forward in the next year to bring micro transit, which is gonna be a basically a more formalized Uber Lyft system. For all of long what, hopefully, we’ll see how that goes. We’re going to put the RFP out in January. And I’ll certainly we’ll keep you up to date on what happens with all that as well. Appointment of Dav members of the transportation mobility planning efforts. You’ve heard about that. Congratulations. The Chair later on that one Vision Zero work session, we did spend a lot of time on Vision Zero. And thanks to former board member Christopher a lot of that work subcommittee to interview new ta B applicants, we do this every May. So we’ll be doing this again, we have an open position which will be filled in a July council meeting, but we’ll have to start in May to get those. Get those applicants reviewed. And and we’ll do that again. And in May transportation mobility plan process update, the 2022 capital improvement program, update staff presentation and discussion. And thanks to Jim for the for the follow up to update on some of those projects today. Reviewing comments on Public Works Natural Resources back when they used to be called Public Works and Natural Resources operational budget now they’re just public works. I hope that’s correct. workplan annual report. Here we are doing that again. So an annual board elections of new Chair and Vice Chair, pretty basic, we want to do that again in now in January, get a vice chair elected. So RTD update, we do that every every year. And I would be certainly willing to hear from board members on what they think about that effort. Some of you are not here. But it would be interesting to hear if you’re here, if the board does want to know more about other agencies and what they’re doing, as far as you know, the flex bus, we’ve kind of pushed that off a little bit because they’re their data, even though it’s more robust is there’s not a lot of there’s a lot of writers, but there’s not a lot in Longmont. So it’s more of a regional system. When we talk to RTD, we get a very much Lamode centric update on what’s going on with ridership and impacts and trains and all that good stuff, you know from all the different things that we’re worried about with RTD. And with Flex, it is just that continuation of the bus and not much changes. So we’ve kind of kept them at bay a little bit. But let me know if you wanted to hear any more items if there’s anything that interests you about Surface Transportation specifically. And we can we can kind of delve into how we bring that up in 2024. The proposed 2023 2027 CIP, so the proposed one for the next for the upcoming year, so that probably shouldn’t say 2024 to 2028, and CIP and the 2018 to 2022, high crash location summary and we had that at our October meeting. So with that, we would entertain any questions that you have for staff regarding that, that update. But we’d also ask for a motion that the Board approve the 2023 annual report. And that’s all I have for that.

Speaker 1 32:57
I can start with you board member came if you have any questions.

Unknown Speaker 33:04
No, no questions.

Speaker 4 33:17
When I read the minutes from the board’s last meeting, which I was not able to attend, I think my name was advanced as a possible person to continue with the TMP planning process. But did I understand that you’re taking on that role? Okay, just wanted to clarify that

Speaker 5 33:43
we asked you board member McInerney to do the evaluation of the of the different consulting firms. So thank you for your help on that. We didn’t add that into our list. That’s another achievement or accomplishment for the year that you helped on that be on that board. We really appreciate your time on that. But then when it came back to who’s going to represent the board on the TMB. I think Charlena stepped up and and said he’d like to do that, but you may have been you may have been gone during that one. So, we put you down as the alternate to cover for for cheerleader when he is unable to be there if he if if he becomes a council member or something similar. So we do have that we do have that provision that we did that you had as an alternate because all the other boards wanted to have two people. And we can only have one from each board. So we ask that they have the other person be the alternate. So knowing that you are interested in the consultants election piece of that we added you as the alternate to that board or to that transportation mobility plan effort, and

Speaker 4 34:51
are the alternates invited to attend the steering committee meeting?

Speaker 5 34:55
They are invited to attend, but we’re asking that they Not maybe sit at the table or participate in all the discussions. We’re trying to keep that as a smaller group. But we have asked that the other people attend. And we’ve asked that the primary member stayed in contact with their alternate to keep them up to date on what’s going on. So if they do have to slide in there for kind of emergency, they’re not just coming in cold. Understood,

Speaker 4 35:22
have the meetings been scheduled? I know there will be quarterly meetings of the steering committee. We do

Speaker 5 35:28
not have specific dates yet set, but we will. Those are coming up pretty soon we’ve we’ve had some snack foods with contracting. And so we just we were hoping to get the contract going in really well, first thing in November. And it’s the first thing in December now. So unfortunately, we’ve had to wait on that.

Unknown Speaker 35:49
Okay, thanks for the update.

Speaker 2 35:58
The only thing that I see that might be missing, but maybe it just doesn’t count because it wasn’t actually at a TA B meeting was the transportation, some of the Sustainable Transportation Summit. I sense members attended. Is that something that you would add to the list? Yeah, that’s a great addition. Thank you, Chris. Yeah.

Speaker 1 36:27
I just had on the RTD update, and talking about the light rail, as well as the BRT. And Kaufman Street. RTD is involved, of course, with the BRT in the Kauffman street. But they’re not engaged at all on this rail transit funding and all that that’s going on with that, are they

Speaker 5 36:49
just to the point of being engaged with the idea that this could be a substitution for what they were planning for FasTracks. So this could cover, quite frankly, I’m trying to be as Frank as possible, but it’s, it does help them fulfill that promise that was fast strikes. Okay.

Speaker 1 37:10
And I didn’t know because it seemed like with RTD, only coming in once a year do we feel like that’s enough, I know that their schedule is quite busy. Do would, we weren’t having them twice a year, partly because of the activity that we have with these various kind of pieces.

Speaker 5 37:28
And we can offer to them and to you as a board. You know, if you want to hear about transit ridership. That could be one meeting, if you want to hear about rail, which is kind of in its own, it’s an a different level of participation, we could have them come more often for that. Twice a year, like you said, we’d

Speaker 1 37:50
be open to looking at that, although I know, this is part of the just what we’ve done this year, but for the future on I know, we’re going to talk about the work plan.

Speaker 5 38:01
And it may be interesting to have arranged passenger rail come once a year, just to kind of get that update as well.

Speaker 1 38:06
It’s good idea. So we would then you’re requesting that we we’ve reviewed, we’ve discussed and we want to approve this annual report. Is that correct?

Speaker 5 38:18
With the amendments that have been put in I put it in the transportation mobility plan, consultants selection, piece of that, and then I also put in a sustainable transportation summit participation. And so with those two amended we’d appreciate a motion to approve the work plan. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 38:38
if I could get a motion to approve.

Speaker 2 38:44
A motion to approve the transportation advisory board? yearly plan? Second?

Speaker 1 38:59
Yeah, all those in favor say aye. Aye. Past.

Speaker 5 39:05
Great, thank you very much. And then we’ll move on to the 2024 proposed work plan, which is more of a this is more of an information item. And what we’ll do is we want to introduce this tonight and then bring it back to your January meeting for action. So you can formally approve it in January after you’ve done this one. This one is more about what do you want to see as the work program in 2024. We put together the workflow program basically just taking the 2023 work program and amended it here. There’s some things that probably fall out like the transportation mobility plan and number two under envision Longmont and multimodal transportation implementation plan, that’s probably more than just a quarter one piece that’s going to come to you quite a few times in 2024, at least three times in 2024. Also under number four other there’s division zero and two quarter three and local micro transit model, q4, those probably also become much more on as needed item and we’ll, we’ll come to you often with those, just because Vision Zero is it’s going to be such a hot topic. And it is today and it’s going to become more of a hot topic in 2020. For the microphones, a piece is probably going to be implemented in the first quarter, hopefully, or maybe second quarter of 2024. So at that point, it’ll be kind of an ongoing thing. We can report out stats and different data points for you. So you understand if it’s working or not, and report in and give us some feedback as staff on what our next steps should be. And what you see in that program. So local micro transit model that, that may be q4, but almost want to think of that as more of an ongoing item. But, and there may be something that you’re thinking about that’s not on this list. And that’s certainly something we’d want to hear about, as well either tonight or in the January meeting. Your your option on that. So if you want to bring amendments to the January meeting. Certainly that’ll be open to the Board for discussion, and, and consideration. I can go through this list if you’d like. But I think it’s pretty straightforward. It is really just for your perusal at this point. And the idea that you take this home and do some homework over the next month. And just let us know what you think is important. And if you want to hear more about other things, let us know. Thank you. Thank you

Speaker 1 41:43
Okay, it looks like we’ve covered our information items and the one action item. I’ll start with the board member of Bennett with any comments, any additions or anything that you’d like to add

Speaker 2 42:07
I think it’s coming to mind. Although I would say I’m very excited to for the opportunity to speak with the Front Range passenger rail, I think that’d be a great opportunity. And given our increased partnership with RTD, I would love to have hearing from them twice in the year as well.

Speaker 4 42:39
I have one suggestion for a future board meeting agenda. And that would be to invite a city representative from snow and ice control operations to attend a tab meeting. And at that time, we will discuss how the Municipal Transportation Policy of putting pedestrians and transit riders first will be put into practice during snow events.

Speaker 3 43:48
Don’t have really many questions or comments other than I want to echo board member Bennett and say I would look forward to more our RTD meetings to just finally you know get to meet them for the first time and maybe pick their brains about some other questions I’ve had for them. But really appreciate all the updates. Thank you guys.

Speaker 1 44:15
I just want to add exciting news on the grant on the light rail. And I do think light rail should maybe end up being a little bit more of a component that we do discuss on an ongoing basis as opposed to if it’s once a year what have you. And that’s really about it good work on on all this. Other items that you brought forward. Councilperson Yarborough?

Speaker 9 44:45
Thank you Chair. Just want to say I echo what everyone all the suggestions especially the snow and having a city employees to come in and talk to us about the process and how do they prioritize because We get a lot of emails in the winter time. And I mean, we keep redirecting people. And it seems like a lot of times they’re not satisfied with, you know, you know, they’re not really satisfied as to why, you know, the is not plowed as often as it should be, or maybe because they are in a cold and just certain situations. And I think that’s a really good idea. Because I know, well, I don’t know, I’m not the, I don’t know, but we may get a lot of snow next year. And so I think if we can kind of, it will be great for me to actually hear them speak. And I can even, you know, address some of the emails and concerns of the community that have brought up to me about, they feel like they’re not, you know, getting their areas taken care of as much, whether it’s the street or whether it’s a cove, situations like that. So thanks for bringing that up. I like that. And everything else, yeah, congratulations. About, you know, the grant and everything, we love to have money to get these projects done. Although we do know that having some money is not enough all the time, you know, especially now, with prices going up on everything, and then waiting forever in a year to get those items that we need to complete a project. So I do understand and know that but that’s why we continuously looking, always looking for grant money. And that’s why I appreciate you know, you all looking at many different grants, I will say that I went to NLC in Atlanta. And I’m always so proud of our our city of long line and our transportation, our departments everything because when I boast about what we’re doing, other cities are like writing every these ideas. And I make sure you give me your card, because I may be emailing you asking you for stuff. I’m like, you don’t want to ask me but but it’s it every time I go to these conferences, I’m so proud of our staff. And I mean you all to help bring those ideas to staff to make, you know, to implement the ideas that are needed and what you see in our community. So it’s so important not just want to sit continues to say thank you for being considerate, not just of what you see every day. But thinking about thinking outside the box, what would happen if that was my grandmother, a mother or my child on a bike or pedestrian or whatever? And in the in considering that and bringing that forth in this meeting. So I appreciate you all for everything you do. So the micro transit was a big hit in Atlanta. So I’m I’m looking forward to talking to people in DC in March. I don’t know if you’re going to NLC congressional, are you going to feel? Okay, yeah. So hopefully, I can also see if there’s more funding for something like that, too. I will say this, and then I’ll be quiet. But a lot of times when we go to these conferences, and we’re already doing the work. So in a sense, it almost feel like we’re being penalized, because we’re ahead of the game. And for those who hadn’t even conjured up the idea of a resolution for some of those these problems. They’re getting all the funding. And so since we’re already doing some of this work, we don’t get the money. And so, you know, so I don’t know, we got to be strategic. I don’t know how we could be strategic in that way. But I just want to let you know that a lot of times, that’s why we we we won’t even qualify, because we’re already doing the work. And it’s for those municipalities that are so far behind that. They’re trying to figure it out. So thank you for making me look good when I go to these conferences. You all are amazing and continue to, you know, just disclose what’s in your thoughts and what you see in the community because it does make a difference. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 49:34
You might want to ask for a finder’s fee.

Speaker 1 49:43
I think that about wraps it up, we can go ahead and get a motion to close our meeting for tonight.

Speaker 5 49:50
Just one item. I just wanted to make sure that for proposed or upcoming agendas. We show that we’re going to do the proposed work plan for 2024 in January and then all work with RTD and Front Range passenger rail to see if I can get one of those groups to come in, update us on the peak service study, which is the commuter rail, passenger rail piece that they’re talking about, and maybe give this group an update on that or, and or Front Range passenger rail, they may both want to come. So we’ll just find out how that looks in their schedules. Thank you.

Speaker 3 50:25
Phil, just to clarify them crystal on it, what exactly are you asking the Board to do regarding the 2024 plan?

Speaker 5 50:34
Oh, so for. For now, it’s just basically I’ve handed out homework. And so if you can just take a look at that and make sure it and we should probably do something to make it a little bit more simpler to read. But we talked about doing that we that we weren’t sure how to make it more readable. But it’s kind of it’s kind of tough, the other texts could be bigger, we can eliminate some items. So any ideas that you have as a transportation advisory board, that you want to bring to the next meeting and just kind of help us help you kind of thing where we scratch some things off maybe that don’t really apply anymore. If you think hey, you know what, we don’t really need to hear about this. Or hey, there’s something on there’s something not on here that we’d like to see. You talk we’d like to hear more about this item like snow and ice is not is a new one for us. Like that’s a for downtown. And for the for most of the trails that’s a parks are a park item that they take care of. So we’re going to work with parks. And maybe that’s a joint meeting that we have with the PRA maybe the Parks and Rec advisory board and talk about that with with those folks, because our streets, folks did a wonderful job cleaning the streets. But they’re not part of the group that clears trails, sidewalks and those kinds of things. So there’s a disconnect. And we just need to get that together and and have those people if you want to hear from them come to one of those meetings or maybe it is a Parks and Rec Advisory Board,

Unknown Speaker 52:02
maybe q4 q1.

Speaker 5 52:06
Yeah, right. Right before and right during the snow events. And it will be something that we talked about with the term transportation mobility plan as well. When we as board member McInerney talked about we flip the flip the paradigm a little bit and talk about pedestrians as at higher priorities and the transit riders thanks.

Speaker 4 52:33
And this a little bit out of order. But was the traffic safety fund report supposed to be included in tonight’s agenda?

Speaker 5 52:42
We typically do that you’ll see that in the on the on the actual work plan where we talked about that in q2, yes. So we feel like we’ve done that we’re trying to get a head start on it. But at this point, we’re just going to do it with our regular timing, because we have to report up to council by June of every year. And so we’ll just bring that up to you and probably May timeframe and run it by you before we take it to directly to city council.

Speaker 4 53:14
What were the funds allocated for in 2023.

Speaker 5 53:19
Mostly those funds were allocated for we had a halftime employee Lauren Greenfield, who runs bike safety program. And she every week, she has two groups of riders kind of a lower level and then a higher level of writer. And she trains them basically takes them on rides, to train them throughout the city on how to ride safely. And she gets pretty good turnout. So we’ll have to I know she’s got some different plans for 2024. So we’re going to try to work with her schedule on figuring out what we can do for that for those kinds of trainings next year. But I think as that starts to devolve into something, if that starts to move out of the training piece, that money will be going to the Vision Zero coordinator as far as education items that we’ll need to do, and probably a lot of Comm communication teams effort on that as well. So we’re looking at how that how that kind of transitions it’s a $5 per ticket fee that is charged and it goes into this fun to help people become more safe and aware on the roads on in all modes.

Unknown Speaker 54:45
I guess I’ll go ahead and

Unknown Speaker 54:49
motion to adjourn tonight’s meeting.

Unknown Speaker 54:54
Do you have a second? Second

Unknown Speaker 55:01
All those in favor say aye aye.

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