
Produced By:

Longmont Public Media

King Penny’s Podcast Ep#9 “Dr. Patrick Larabee” #cyclist #podcast #trending #motivation #competitor

Two friends sitting side by side in front of a microphone

Video Description:
In Ep# 9 of King Penny’s Podcast, we speak with Dr. Patrick Larabee, a chiropractor, avid cyclist, husband, father, and much more. Dr. Larabee is a native of Longmont who has been practicing chiropractic medicine for 25 years. He chairs the Science & Health Science department at Front Range Community College, where he also teaches. And he is a former heavy weight lifter-turned-cyclist who has competed in a variety of sports, is a 2X masters national track cycling champion, and a USA Cycling Level 1 coach. Join us as we learn about the injuries that made him shift from heavy weight lifting to cycling, and how he recovered. He shares with us the importance of consistency, listening to your body, redefining your identity, and the mindset and fortitude it takes to get back up and heal both physically and mentally. Learn how Dr. Larabee balances his personal and professional life while still making time to pursue his goals. Be sure to visit The Weight Pile On the Rockies Colorado’s only free outdoor gym in Longmont, Colorado.

Dr. Larabee Info:
drpatfitness (on Instagram)
Patrick Larabee DC (on Facebook)

King Penny’s Info:
@kingpennyssupps on Instagram
@Weight Pile on Facebook