Longmont Housing Authority Advisory Board – May 2023

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Longmont Housing Authority Advisory Board – May 2023

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
I’m totally on board at 9am. Do a roll call.

Speaker 1 0:06
Tommy. G. Christopher. Black pepper here. And then Molly O’Donnell. Lisa Jelena here, Sarah army, your Chasity. Princess fear. And Jen, generally?

Speaker 2 0:25
So number two, Will the minister on April 11 2023? Do I have a

Unknown Speaker 0:31
motion? Election? Under Section video Item nine. I think we’re restriping.

Unknown Speaker 0:50
restriping was worth two

Speaker 2 0:53
seconds. All right. Any further discussion other than one change? All right, let’s vote. All in favor say aye. Aye. All right, motion passes unanimously. Let’s go on to number three public invited be heard. Let’s go on to number four or spatial updates. A is advisory board application interviews. Alright, so

Speaker 3 1:23
the time is, is fast approaching may 15. Right now that’s on May 15. We do have time set aside for interviews, we had seven or eight applications for two spots, which are currently occupied by Jamin. Running. So we just need to decide who wants to we should have two board members of office my recommendation to board members to complete the interview process. If you go past two minutes, have it open as a public meeting. So we would just need to see about availability for that. And then also confirm whether you want to use the interview questions that we use the last round that are only about six months old, or we’re making use of native teams. It’s a Monday, Monday. It’s in the morning, right? Yes, yes. This is this is this coming Monday. We have a whole from eight to two currently. That’d be at the Civic Center.

Speaker 4 2:28
Well, I just want to say that I’m excited that we’re getting a bunch of applicants in the past so it hasn’t been like that. So so we

Speaker 3 2:35
are the only ones that I might be slightly off but we are definitely the only ones with more applicants than spots. Every other city board and commission there. You don’t have you don’t have places. So that is great. There’s just a big interest in housing and yeah.

Unknown Speaker 3:01
Anyway, anybody I’d be interested in. Okay.

Speaker 3 3:06
Can we do I think you have cherry floors that we could ask if you wanted unless one or more gentleman you’re interested.

Unknown Speaker 3:17
I’m sorry. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 3:21
Okay, so let’s have born and

Speaker 3 3:28
and we said I will be there as well. So last time, we we don’t read the interview and just the questions or anything are on my mind. Do we just help provide comments afterwards? Inspiration if there’s questions? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 3:51
Really, we’re just making recommendations to the right.

Unknown Speaker 4:00
Didn’t want David there except for that? Yes, there will be like seven.

Unknown Speaker 4:13
And then would you like to use the interview? We can send them around. And everybody could go up and remember answering yes,

Speaker 3 4:26
I don’t recall hearing any feedback or you can already get them but that would really be there needed to be tweaks but you got to be thoughtful. I think you’re also interviewing maybe no. This is a strange situation. Yeah. So well, that time and either learner period they’re available, I think was a question. Okay. What was the date again, June We’re

Speaker 3 5:16
going on to five developments. So I just wanted to give a couple of updates on what we have going on. This is not inclusive of everything going on, there’s a lot. But for the big ones, or village place, which has been renamed village on me, we just yesterday had a three and a half hour meeting with the architects and construction contractors and all of those civil engineers and everybody to really start nailing down the design. And so we’ve put in the testing application in early April. So we should hear about that in July. But between now and August, we’re going to try and wrap up the design plan so that they’re ready to to submit for building permits in August, and we will be able to construct in November, December. So we’re gonna be nailing down some pretty cool items are looking at what we can afford in a budget. And it’s we’re finding some good ways to save. And the way to add on the things that you want, like Popcorn Ceiling Removal, and paint throughout. Those are big two big ticket goals that we weren’t sure that we won’t be able to afford, but we’re not we’re hopeful. Knows bestest, no radon, all those tests are complete. And so we’ll be working here with architects and contractors pretty heavily next month or so, and then come back to the residence again and go over some of those last decision. So how can we really well, just when you’re on that tax credit, or the team also applied for CDBG funding? And so that’s in progress, that review there on the final gap. Then, so

Unknown Speaker 7:17
how are you making choices to the restaurant?

Speaker 3 7:21
Occasional are open minded are there then there’s opinions, but it’s definitely productive? Yep, Katie says kidneys aren’t the project manager on our side. She said attending pretty frequently just saying what is going on right now even if it’s not a physician, what are the residents,

Speaker 5 7:44
they’re capitalists, they know what’s going on, they know what’s coming the next steps and try to skin PV out every two months. So that should bring that all back to them.

Speaker 3 7:54
Or does remind me that we have completed our hire of our relocation firm, which is BC pack in their professional renovation firm that I’ve worked with for years in the disaster program. And they’re really amazing to work with. So we’re just getting started with them or stop, start looping them in and have them come in and meet the residents as well. And then we hired an owner’s rep this time, because we just don’t I did it on Aspen Meadows. We just don’t have the capacity in house to do that and posted meeting with him yesterday. It’s money well spent just to make sure you’re getting that third party construction review. What I’m trying to look out for is things like asthma and other flooring issues. Yeah, that third piece of advice

Unknown Speaker 8:50
I’m tempted to ask and go over the design. Do you want to come in?

Unknown Speaker 8:59
Because it’s really so many. Washes? I

Unknown Speaker 9:10
mean, it’s race.

Speaker 6 9:12
No, is that’s what Fosston is to say. So in this way. Instead of wondering. Let’s do some practical. It’s also a waste of water. But the kitchen sink that is either Yes. Or no phosphorus. So I’m holding those little things unless I have them and like obviously they didn’t know what would happen. So it’s it’s now that that’s an aggravation that we felt like I don’t want that to happen to visualize

Speaker 3 9:57
your wealth and you want to come to me President meetings and hear what the stuff that they’re bringing forward, you can always chat with them about

Unknown Speaker 10:09
education. Yeah, right. I’m just one of those watching out. And we don’t want to keep making the same mistakes.

Speaker 6 10:20
Right, you don’t know what your favorite instrumentals was different, because he was just, you know, they didn’t have that he didn’t have a lot of resonance. So it’s just you. Yeah, let’s see all those lessons, you know?

Unknown Speaker 10:44
The wonder, are we going to find out about the texture that’s in July?

Unknown Speaker 10:51
So that’s knowledge on Main, kind

Speaker 2 10:54
of social. And then what the terms of the ECB CDBG funding, what is that? Is that just? Yeah,

Speaker 3 11:00
yeah. So that would be the application has been submitted, it’s going to get reviewed by the housing and Human Services Advisory Board this Thursday. And they’ll make recommendations and it’ll be considered by Council.

Speaker 7 11:19
The big the big question is, what is inflation due to all of this? We could very well get into the bid process, and then the word Value Engineering. Yeah, just based on our experience. Our experience has been over the last year and a half of almost every project we

Speaker 3 11:44
have, we are, we’ve been talking about that and trying to plan for it as much as we can, we are doing a really different type of good process trying to anticipate that and be able to be more nimble, which is rebuilding in out alternatives. Adults is what we call them additional alternatives or additive alternatives. Anyway, we’re building those in upfront so we can fit depending on pricing, we can grab them right off the bat versus having to rebuild things or re Jr, the whole priority list and we’re trying to build that priority list in so we can at least be nimble, depending on how much those of you talked

Speaker 7 12:24
about already go that’s value then once you we just did we just ran our first test case. And I can’t get into specifics. But the margin that we were over was under $200,000 which is the narrowest margin we’ve seen so far. That’s good. So you might want to

Speaker 3 12:50
do have the general contractor selected so it’s more in the sense that we’re going for all the materials and I’ll still ask her

Speaker 2 13:00
to work so why don’t we start sticking themselves

Speaker 3 13:08
because so after you get the tax return award so you’re you’re comfortable entering into those contracts. So that would be we do want to do pre purchases so that when they’re not waiting for closing in November and then going out to my materials and stuff so we’re going to be planning on how to get those some items purchased ahead of time ordered appliances, etc. So it should be shortly after July we’ll have finalize those plans in August All right around

Speaker 7 13:39
one thing I forgot to tell you this Kimberly met with the county and they’re not using all third party products and so she made a request to move parking over there during construction they said sure talk about it. So being Kimberly

Speaker 3 13:55
we need to talk to her anyways about parking because we are still we’re gonna do a resident survey to see if anybody would be interested in parking over there long term.

Unknown Speaker 14:04
So anyway, she’s kind of curving back with him during construction and I have questions on village nominee I had it because back

Speaker 6 14:23
then you were talking about pre purchase. And I was wondering if there was one way that somebody of course, if you’re with a contractor and you know, material or whatever, like, you know, we are concerned about inflation, and, and availability. And my other question was, are we doing anything to ensure we’re dealing with as much American rights as we can Are

Speaker 3 15:02
we? Well, so it’s not a requirement to know this project.

Speaker 6 15:05
So it isn’t, you know, a preference for me.

Unknown Speaker 15:10
And let me talk about purchasing about that.

Speaker 6 15:12
Okay. And I know there’s a cost issue too, right? I don’t want refrigerators to last. And at the Port of Los Angeles,

Speaker 3 15:24
I do think that the situation there has eased up some, but they do have really good contacts. And, and they, they do these things all the time. And they definitely have their contacts that they’re responsive, and don’t get them in a pickle that that way. Yeah. But I can’t guarantee everything. But that’s what the pre purchase is for, we can start doing pre purchase on items in that August September timeline, we’ll have things ready to rock by January or whenever that specific piece of work is happening, we’re doing our best to try and plan for it, but we won’t be able to

Speaker 7 15:59
generally, the issues that are creating problems is anything related to like, electrical work. So yeah, panels and things like that. And even when you do pre purchase them, you know, a lot of our fire stations are still waiting for it. And so, basically, you know, so you go into your your electrical work, especially transformers panels are an issue. This project, I don’t think we’ll have that. We’re not really doing the electrical system. And then it tends to be things associated with your horizontal infrastructure like pipe concrete, or concrete as much but pipe and things like that, that tends to be where we’re seeing the rub. Now, all of that results in revenue and pricing. And that’s just what’s happening in the market. But this project is a little bit different, because it’s not really the base materials. And as long as I can stay away from janky, Transformers and things like that we shouldn’t be affected.

Speaker 3 17:07
Overland. So the bore the LH a board and the LH GC Board have a have signed a purchase and sale agreement to transfer the land familiar CC to LJ and closing we’re trying to get closing to occur by next Friday and then it and so the land will be transferred over that uses up a portion of the ARPA funds, which we’re trying to get out the door as quick as you can. And then we are working towards tax credit application in August August 1. And looking for gap funding right now. And looking at you know, they’re doing design work to try and Value Engineering, make sure we’ve got a budget that works. And looking at all of our options for funding for the Early Childhood Education Center that we’re hoping to do with that, because we’ve had to have some of that funding committed at the time ago ran for tax credit. So there’s a lot of outreach planning going on right now. So the question

Speaker 4 18:11
is, is there any possibility that if you do not spend all the other funds that will be asked to be returned?

Speaker 3 18:17
Yes. So we’re trying to get as much out the door as possible, at least get it obligated, so contracted, to where it’s going. And if we don’t have to contract it out, trying to spend it within the city as fast as we can. So we are making some modifications to our plans to try and get that spent as fast as possible not on homework, but on some other projects. But yes, we’re trying to get it solidified, ASAP, so that that’s not an option for us.

Speaker 7 18:48
If we have to push down the show, we’ve already done some of this. As you we can change carbon money, depending on what it is are combining with affordable housing funds. Or if there’s another product right eligible on the other side, we can spend it there and pull it here to ensure that we don’t get caught back

Speaker 4 19:10
to what September, October 24.

Speaker 3 19:15
December 2014, to obligate it. So to have it, okay, either spend to the thing spent in the house or contracted it to be spent and then actually spent by the other 2026. But an option is we were allowed to land bank with it. And so if we needed to make a move quickly, just to get the money spent and not necessarily have to be ready to move forward with development yet we could. That’s what we’re thinking about possibly considering for the affordable assisted living project that we have on the books that’s really going to be a long it’s just more involved with the planning, but we needed to hustle. That’s something we could look at away. Just getting that at least under wraps. American rescue plan app So it’s here’s Zach money that came through for COVID relief. So the city got like 11 and a half million, eight and a half was designated for. I mean, I’m sorry, I was thinking about the housing, the total 12 million and change. A year and a half was advocate for affordable housing. Right now City Council

Speaker 7 20:25
allocated 3 million, affordable affordable housing for 11 million into it. And then some is rental properties and the housing authority side. Other you know, part of it is land banking, where we did as part of the cost of the project. So between the affordable housing fund and ARPA dollars, we acquired nine acres of land and as part of that project, that should be more in the city side, because we’re looking at the development of affordable and attainable homeownership opportunities. So that’s not in the housing authorities bailiwick, but it’s, it’s all in the same group is working on this.

Speaker 3 21:11
So we’ve completed expenditure of just over 2 million to two and a half million expenditure. So that’s done done. And then by mid year, we will have spent another 3.2. So we’re doing really well on our expenditure rate is just really planning for the projects that we’re on the end of our our timeline, how to plan for those.

Speaker 3 21:46
Okay, Zinnia This is the permits for housing associates, this is in full closing mode. Closing on the tax credit and financing is anticipated on May 24. It has to be done by May 31. So we are it is the final push, which is always a push, no matter how much you can plan ahead. So we planned a lot for this one. But we still are wrapping up final items in short order. So that’s happening, this is the first time that the Lhh has entered into a third party property management agreement because we were special limited partners, because you really need that for these projects as housing authority, but we don’t own the property. And so we’re not in the ownership structure necessarily. But we are going to be managing the property and so we’re going through our very first property management agreements and we’re just really trying to do a really good job of that document if it’s pretty much up to the deadline what we’re trying to do really good job because that’s what we would use it for future models so we’re just trying to anticipate everything we can to make sure it gets included legit properly, stamping playing and all of that type of thing. So that is hot and heavy at the moment and we’re shooting to have that property management agreement considered by report has two things

Unknown Speaker 23:29
those assets horrible manager

Speaker 3 23:34
so this is a model we are looking to use for the future is our first goal and so we’re

Unknown Speaker 23:41
really trying to plan ahead so

Speaker 3 23:47
it is still an attorney as we speak it has to be done by Friday it is

Speaker 3 24:01
actually a video it’s a huge one right now but that’s really where we’re at a little bit is it’s just a lot of attorney reviews back and forth right now so and a confession will start right after the June I haven’t heard yet. I think everyone’s too busy to see if we are gonna plan on cutting growth groundbreaking and if so you know that will be a great one What else yes, yeah before.

Speaker 3 24:49
Party Scotland Yeah, I mean typically element. Yeah, we wouldn’t do it. For people to see coverage. Any other questions? So next one, I should just do a brief update on the recovery cafe. So this is the substance abuse counseling and Resource Services, we are working to see if we can do in addition to the suites so that they can have a permanent home there, and which would be women, they are them. And then for us with our suites and senior residents, and really any LNJ resident, but having them there on site when you really a big win. And so they’re in the middle of feasibility and review. And it looks like it’s really is feasible to do it, assuming we can figure it out. And usually your locations because it’s just very crowded. And so we’re working the recovery Cafe team and their architects are working with the city going through the reallocation process, and everything to figure out the plan. So that is moving along. And we’re working on their grant funding right now on the city side. So they’re about to spend their first reimbursements to start, really a real project.

Speaker 3 26:29
So it’s substance abuse. It’s a community of people seeking recovery from substance abuse, they have counseling, they have group meetings, they have job training, they have resource navigation to help find whatever they need to be successful in their path to recovery. And in this case, once you’re in a permanent home, they want a commercial kitchen to train folks how to be baristas, because food service is a good option for many folks trying to transition out of recovery, and sometimes homelessness, etc. But if you are in recovery, and like a restaurant job, and evening work is always not always the best option, versus a lot more exposure. But coffee shops with morning work is something that they find really successful for their folks. And so it’s a job training opportunity there too. It’s a nonprofit, recovery Cafe is a national organization for this Alumni Chapter. Basically, we would be doing a ground lease and getting approval from the investors of the suites to to build an addition onto the building so that they can have that commercial space. Yeah, that would be there would be a lease situation of some sort, whether that would be we haven’t gotten that far. But certainly a ground lease for land, they would likely build the building. And then we would figure out the long term. But it would be direct access for sweets and recovery and Zinnia residents to access their services would be a really big part of

Speaker 7 28:13
issue is a you know, a significant significant number of our challenges with the residents of that location. Actually, service recovery sort of that thing that’s important is substance abuse is something that we continue to deal with. This model actually started thinking, the Northwest Seattle, and what they were doing. And so one of the challenges that we have is when we’re in the system, even when we have people with dementia, the vouchers and things like that, we can’t technically mandate that they participate in counseling and things like that because of federal rules. So what we what we identified when we were talking about it is a we know what the issues aren’t there be we can’t mandate that people go to counseling sessions and do things like that. And what we’ve seen from recovery cafe in terms of the people they’ve been interacting, they’re operating out of the church, basically, they tend to have some success with individuals and really working with them so they’re able to shift them. And so what we were thinking is that when we can co locate knowing that Zinnias coming in, we have this there we typically know kind of what the issues are people are struggling with that if we have this facility there people may often individually to kind of go in and part of this. Part of what they do is they realize people are going to relapse too. And so it’s not like they cut you off. They continue working with you through those issues. And so unless you basically destroyed the church like what may have happened, they will continue to work with you. And so you No, that group of individuals started doing this, and it makes a lot of sense. And where it hit me is actually I think it was Steve Cook issue was part of the founding of that and said, Hey, we’re looking at something to do looking for location, and it was on TV, and you know, it’s connected to do a church.

Speaker 8 30:23
So this is open, and it’s not dedicated to the

Speaker 3 30:28
community. But I had an uncle located to try to convince folks to leave for services, any site type, bringing them there just to be accessible and do more outreach and that type of thing over successor,

Unknown Speaker 30:45
security, and it won’t be thought

Speaker 3 30:49
it’d be that they’d have their own entrance facing the cul de sac there, there’ll be a connection to the sweet, so don’t worry, but that’s not generally us.

Speaker 7 31:00
Neither the values are radical hospitality and loving accountability champion for recovery, stewardship, and inclusive community. And checkup, if you want to check out their website, because they have some testimonials in there and what they’re doing for history.

Speaker 3 31:30
The last thing I just wanted to mention is they’re they’re smaller projects, but they’re still really impactful, we’ve got a number of CDBG funded projects coming through. So on Tuesday, the board will consider accepting CDBG funds through the special COVID program from the city to do accessibility on permits for people with disabilities at all electric properties that we’ll be doing, adding in Ada parking, redoing ramps that are at the right angles, making sure that we’ve got a century units at every property. So that could be like throw doorbells, on fire alarms for people that have vision or hearing impairments. So the grant funds are coming into that without getting bids already. So that we expect to be done by the end of July, and have all those improvements and all properties. And then we have three other regular community funded projects, one of which is resurfacing the parking lot at the hearthstone Lodge. Again, we’re working on bids, we’re kind of working together since we’ve got some concrete and asphalt work happening on the other project too. And then the playground and ask them meadows in bidding again. Gearing up because now we are approaching the season mark this construction for both of those types of projects. And in the security cameras that Sara is helping us with to make sure we have an integrated system, fill gaps properties that don’t have cameras, including this one. And then make sure they all on an integrated system that the city uses as well. So we’re fitting that to so hopefully my fall you’ve got all of that complete.

Speaker 4 33:09
So the parking lot into Suites is going to be handled with the zoom. Yeah.

Speaker 3 33:15
So we’re, we’re going to Zinnia they’re gonna have to run utilities through the parking lot. So they’re gonna put that back, they’re gonna replace what steps through and then once the construction is done, and the heavy trucks are done coming through, then we’re going to look at what the the need is at the suites and what areas to cover and how to do that. So we’re just not going to do it. How to construction eight because there’s going to be quite busy and then make sure if there’s any damage from the heavy trucks that address it all in one fell swoop backwards. Yep, we are working with the city at least in the COVID sack to make sure the potholes get addressed and it’s on their list for this year. But in the parking lot yes there are areas in the health

Speaker 2 34:00
parking lot would be part of them is in your project as well.

Speaker 3 34:04
Yes they feel if they tear it up to put into utility lines they would put it back in better condition and then we would look at as a whole what is best for the parking lot is like we do just get certain areas so we have a full resurfacing we’ll have to see.

Speaker 8 34:24
Sir No, we will suites of life

Speaker 8 34:34
conversations on this product

Speaker 3 34:37
so that yes, they are receiving notifications about the status of the project. Basically, they heart some of the issues their employees parked in that cul de sac and it’s crowded and we have you know we’ve got you on a trip pedestrian safety is is during construction because it’s a full staff. I mean, I say, if anybody blocks access, then that’s a problem. But generally with the, our trucks don’t leave the the whole Clovis app they can access because then the entire parking lot is an easy place for turnarounds or whatever they need to do. But others have to coordinate with them during construction. So later on, you’ll see those who might not

Speaker 7 35:22
as well, yeah, the only thing maybe it’s a public street. So we can’t really stop parking, oversight to get exposed Street. We can’t block entrances or if there was site wide issues. For traffic, that was the main we kicked that back over that. But outside of that it’s parking there.

Speaker 8 35:49
That’s kind of a question of assessing ethical issues with parking.

Speaker 4 35:59
It’s been an issue for years. So yeah, yes, conversations are being had in St. Louis, the church, the residents go over there for a walk or so. And so notifying those folks to I mean, it’s not much of a traffic issue with a lot of a lot of folks who set to go through space, minimize,

Speaker 3 36:21
it will be will be blocked after instruction because the building will be right

Speaker 7 36:26
there. During signage to

Speaker 4 36:30
Katie Katie’s going to work with me and you know, dates as far as notification for fire meetings. So

Unknown Speaker 36:41
that’s what I have for built and updates.

Unknown Speaker 36:45
CWD and environment

Speaker 3 36:48
later. Now we can talk about that now. So we’re working with that for the veterans community project for the right way. We’re working with them right now on pricing for the property, because they are working on finding funding and financing and all the things they need. So that’s an ongoing conversation. And then for CB WB, we met with them, and they’re there, they’re ready, they have their financing in place. What we are doing is negotiating the services agreement. So we can take a price reduction in exchange for them providing some of those supportive services to our residents with disabilities that they can provide and it’ll be really benefit for our residents. So that is something we’re negotiating with them in exchange for a price reduction. So it’s still going to be it’s still only have a good influx of income once the sale happens.

Unknown Speaker 37:51
Over project lack of service, services. Reputation concerns about those issues

Speaker 3 38:09
so nicely safely. There’s a safe way garden acres Park is only about one and a half from there, which is a large park with a lot of amenities. That’s one of the reasons why we thought trying to bring community services in via either Emergency, emergency early childhood education, potentially a satellite library, we’re trying to figure out how that would all work. Knowing that there’s a there’s a need for more city services in that area.

Unknown Speaker 38:42
I’ve heard this complaint on that side of the city.

Unknown Speaker 38:47
There’s no real good, affordable why

Speaker 7 39:01
Yeah, the biggest, the biggest challenge we have more going on is there’s no space to put anything. You know, we were definitely as part of the bond initiative here and that but you know, this space was purchased with affordable housing funding, so it has to be used in that but if you really like more of the probably Mountain View, probably. It’s worse so skin strain with space that there’s not a lot of areas to build anything. And that’s really the challenge with North Baltimore

Speaker 3 39:40
with Planet Fitness Center and the building for Residence Center, and the oligarchy which path is also just right there behind the property. So that is our Lakers park, at least for this development. That’s actually pretty good. Access Sydneysiders other conversation Some kind of

Unknown Speaker 40:02
additional written questions some people have already answered

Unknown Speaker 40:11
definitely speaking to space cities this property is located next to transit, which is super strong greens, restaurants, areas, so it’s probably not as isolated as some other areas and they get

Speaker 9 40:40
to Molly’s point as we’re trying to progress corporated something else to try and build up that area.

Speaker 7 40:50
And what killed us somehow I was excited about starting with our current census tract, so we tend to qualify the census strategy basis to the community as part of a broader financing, because it’s not in the past to be used for the sole purpose of a residence. And so that was another

Unknown Speaker 41:25
strategy that’s changing every year, every year so

Speaker 7 41:30
that was some of the challenges are usually

Speaker 3 41:41
the steward family Family Foundation, that was at least a prior owner before LFCC purchases virtually said

Unknown Speaker 41:51
what we’re parsing is no source developer

Unknown Speaker 41:56
has the property of their partner

Speaker 7 42:01
or partner with the steward stepping tower is actually the radio tower to the user radio station and signing up for the big station I’ve

Unknown Speaker 42:15
never listened to like sports, sports talk radio.

Speaker 7 42:24
Fan, you’ll hear again very angry awkward. That sort of she kept the tower of this little bits as part of the developments of hearing disabilities, housing great knowledge seeking for someone to land for development. This is basically laid out

Speaker 7 42:59
in your HOA how we got in when it came down to that purpose of selling on affordable housing right now across the board whatever.

Speaker 7 43:22
Questions number six, I was going to go through the questionnaires, a voucher program strategy discussions.

Speaker 3 43:35
So they are struggling to map out the history of the lhf voucher program the future of voucher program, starting to map out the key areas for us to dig in and figure out how old are our processes, processes need to change for the future. We’re trying to work all that out. And we just wanted to bring a couple of the key pieces to this group to see if you’ve had any feedback about where technology comes from in the future. So kind of the history we have been in partnership with PHP and BCHA. For instance, we found that the ICA was originally 1989 At least warn us about not putting in our voucher holders when they cross our jurisdictional boundaries so that Lhh voucher holders can go anywhere and what we found including the city bowler and vice versa, that didn’t save like administrative work. But you know, now it’s nice, maybe nice now. There you can see what that has done over the decades. And so, we are doing research and we’re going to be starting conversations as region to say, you know, we’ve gotten this Lhh voucher programs stabilized. We’ve been that feeling that way for about a year. And now all the time is to look to the future and toward, towards what we want to our book voucher programs will look like 1020 years down the road. And so we are analyzing the data we have. So we know we have 420 or so vouchers, of which 36 Voucher holders exit to the city for further housing right now. And then we’re trying to work with BCHA and PHP to gather their data. We know that the CH A’s voucher holders, about 50% of them are in law much. And so the history really is lhg was development focused for the past couple of decades. And still not being mindful of that, which is why we’re trying to catch up now. But the voucher programs at bch and PHP continuing to grow, which is evidenced by the HUD funding increases that you’ve gotten year over year, and this year, we’re getting our first HUD increase in a number of years. So really, looking at our regional partnerships, what FHA wants to do for our poacher capture program, because ours is quite a bit smaller than the ach ach keys. And what do we want to do to grow ours in the future? Work on that regional partner, what works best for current day, and really just getting started on thinking about that. So we wanted you all to to be able to give us any feedback that you might have about ways that you would want the voucher program to look like in 1020 years. Difference.

Unknown Speaker 46:55
It seems like

Unknown Speaker 47:00
something that measures with

Speaker 6 47:02
lots of money, or could be any increase the number of vouchers, you’ll be had to stay away and that list afford

Unknown Speaker 47:16
her her ventricle. Right.

Speaker 6 47:18
Okay. And then what we’re looking at is expanding that block of money that we get, and what’s the criteria for that? What criteria we need to be to expand that block of money?

Speaker 7 47:32
Well, let’s go back a little bit. So one, they give you X amount of dollars. And they say you can issue X amount of vouchers. So it’s not like you can reduce how much you’re paying and go beyond. You know.

Unknown Speaker 47:53
I was just like, yeah, so

Speaker 3 47:56
yeah, so one more thing, and then go into the mechanics, for example, we got a 7.5% increase in our headphones for this year. But because of inflation and rising rents, and actually we we don’t have capacity to increase vouchers, we’re just we’re just making up for inflation.

Speaker 6 48:14
And that’s basically what I was trying to say, yeah. It’s, we have what we call a two year tool, and that analyzes how much how many vouchers we can issue. Okay, and that’s on and that’s a monthly thing that we do, and it’s a two year look at where we’re going to be in two years. And how many vouchers that we can we can issue we figure out for under 30. We will get over that. So we’re at or we’re at a maximum right now. But what criteria do we need to meet in order to expand it to get more fun? Is there anything we can do? Are we stuck with like, like being a qualified area kind of thing. So one of the things that we can we can apply for new funding. Anytime that comes up. That’s very, that’s that doesn’t come up very often. If it does come up, it’s in a form of a different type of a voucher. You know, cashed out to have the moving to work vouchers. So we can apply for those as they come up. We can also take in portability for portability, ease, and and raise our revenue that way, okay. But they’re still not our matches where there are houses building inspections. So those are just different ways that you can look at it. You’re gonna determine how they go. Yeah, it’s, it’s, I don’t think they really kind of look at Walmart has grown right a lot in recent years. And I don’t know if they look at that URI or if they look at them at every census period, I’m not sure how I think it’s every census period that they will get that to determine their do they haven’t increased the vouchers. For us, you know, decades. Just recently, we got five new bachelors. But other than that they haven’t been increasing depth, or additional vouchers for a while,

Speaker 7 50:49
performance driven. So we do the one thing we have to do is to really understand what the target was and make sure we’re getting as close to the target as it could get. So I think when we sat down, they weren’t sure what, like 370. Yeah. And so if you look at the fact that and be added to your tool, our numbers should have been for 20. Now, and it’s adjusted a little bit for 30. So we set the target as part of the goal setting session and that number, there now at that target, obviously, it moves daily. So that was the first thing we needed to do is to show that we can adequately perform, because the thing why we weren’t getting by the scanning word is because we weren’t performing as a housing door. So check that box. Now the question is, how the federal government is releasing financial funding into the making that available to them. And so we’re in a unique period of time where I mean, you can see the whole debt conversations going on. And it’s interesting how the two parties are jockeying on that, making adjustments, and very similar to what we do in the CPG world, as far as like, but at the same time, you can see cows at the federal level, which actually produces the money you get in and so we took the approach of control that we can control, which is performance. And then anytime there’s opportunities, we’ll apply for it or raise it and qualify for it. And that’s I think, honestly, what I think th bhp have so many more vouchers and so because of the performance of that higher level for a longer period of time.

Speaker 4 52:45
So is there any thought to as somebody vouchers your hours online as they become more in love on and I realize it has a lot to do with what advanced

Speaker 6 52:58
readings are available for when I think that’s a long term discussion that that Harold is dressing now. With half of half of older counties vouchers are in Long’s you know, what does it mean? It goes down to to the payment standard and other payment standard is being increased by Boulder, Boulder County and in Boulder Housing Partners, and we’re not going to increase our payment standards. Here in Longmont. We don’t we don’t we don’t see a need for. So that’s going to be an issue that we’re going to probably have to deal with in the future about landlords asking why ours is a little bit lower and people coming in from the City of Boulder, Boulder County is higher. So we’re we’ll we’ll keep an eye on that and adjusted when when needed. But when you up your payment standard, then what you’re doing is you’re reducing the number of people that you can help. Right. Yeah. So I think at this point, we’ve decided to extend the stay at Penn standard.

Speaker 7 54:09
Yes, so this this conversation is becoming even more complex, because one of the things I mean, this goes back to the it was 2016 when we had all the city council’s meet at Xilinx. Me meeting. And the bouncer and I actually were the Master of Ceremonies for lack of a better word on that when we’re on the city’s agreed to focus in affordable housing, and things like that. And one of the things he talked about the counselors everybody drafted resolution, but there was never anything holding us accountable to that. And so, the genesis of this conversation So what Molly says started, she started sending me reports in terms of housing generally community in our housing study that we’re doing. So it starts connecting to a lot of different things. Now, we make a problem with three, the state looks at it in terms of what you have in capital, any affordable housing that we build, and what do you have in terms of market rate, not market rate actually occurring, naturally, occurring, affordable housing. And when I started just looking at the data, and you hereby say, one, what’s the most affordable to involve accounting? And so intuitively, it’s like, I wonder how many people from doctors that are coming outside of us dhbmec? Ah, are actually living in Walmart? Is that impacting the ability of our doctrine holders to find affordable housing? vouchers? Is that an issue? Yes, yeah. It’s an issue. And so we’re, it’s expanding is actually probably expanding beyond our world, because it’s now starting to touch the conversation that every city had, at that initial meeting in terms of what we were doing, how we’re going to work together. So it starts impacting what is the BCHS mother county housing solutions, and how that conversation is gonna go. Something that I want to bring into this group of another group is to understand what’s the functional impact to the city as a whole. So typically, when you look at and you have to be 30%, ami or below to get a housing choice voucher, what we intuitively know is that social service means individuals in that category are much different. And so what is the impact not only to us as an organization, social services lever about what is the impact on our nonprofits and community that are providing social services? And so we’re not sure where the conversation is gonna go. But we think it’s a conversation we have to have. So, you know, Molly mentioned 50%, I mean, that way, oh, boy. So I’m going to start talking about compromised counterparts. And just saying, Here’s what I know, I can’t sit here, and I’ve never talked to him, or our board and counsel about this. And we’ll see how it goes. But I think that the broader impact the impact on our community as a whole, and somebody needs to try to understand. So, you know, probably bring in police in some of our data analytics or certainly not the housing side. But prior to I still served through what you’re saying. Person holder expects you to come to us.

Speaker 7 58:18
Well, the system itself. So if somebody from Wildwood or Fort Collins comes here, we import those

Speaker 3 58:26
traits, we administer the voucher we collect the administrative fee for, for doing that work. And basically, if we can, so right now I’m about to write, right.

Speaker 6 58:39
And we have the choice of how many how many dots we can absorb. We don’t have to, we can’t count.

Speaker 7 58:50
So the way the system is set up, and that’s why it works. If we go to power, your designated operating area or exceeding operating area has slipped. So press it’s also a financial nebulae, Gambit financial analysis on learning prisons, or sacroiliac. Resource consequence increases. Next choice component.

Unknown Speaker 59:20
So what you’re saying is

Speaker 7 59:25
well, let me get some quick slide on this. The punchline is max out the system in 1989, was in agreement with all of these agencies that are focused in moving forward and agency that has the voucher which is key. Now we know for the case

Speaker 3 59:57
that we are not administrating those trips. We don’t collect the fees for that administration. Are we revenue? I think just decades of that arrangement has brought us to where we are. Now we need to figure out, does that still work? Does that not work? And what to do to see how we are minutes

Unknown Speaker 1:00:19
from multiple worlds as the end user setbacks? I think as a naturally occurring, affordable provider, I think if I had a seat I’m always thinking the bowler counting

Unknown Speaker 1:00:51
on us, I know a lot of other small members, too. Exactly.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:55
My house, there’s

Speaker 1 1:00:58
online, foreclosure online stuff does not exist. Here it is.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:05
Hard to get this inspection to a third party Inspector. Yes. Wherever you submit house inspector.

Speaker 3 1:01:20
We used to say it’s accurate. And now it said. But there was a reason for that it was it was unsafe in some circumstances. It wasn’t.

Speaker 1 1:01:32
Yeah, no. But in terms of like, scheduling that it’s a disaster. I mean, it’s so easy to do on the portal to just schedule, a schedule. For long, winding streets, the tenant or myself as to call style, or submit a form and it’s quite time to get approved for for the Section Two event I’ve already done. And I cannot wait six weeks for a given section to prepare the same recyclable column. So I think looking at usability

Unknown Speaker 1:02:16
to the landlord.

Speaker 9 1:02:19
Might think we

Speaker 6 1:02:22
have it by nature. requirement with respect you’re getting, right. Yeah. So we have to make sure that we’re out there. And then once we didn’t have to, but it doesn’t question if it feels like it doesn’t work. Doesn’t work request request. We’ve looked at that Kinder was looking at more of a user friendly portal, where all of that can be done. Annuals can be done online, all of that can be done online, and it was just at this point is too expensive,

Speaker 1 1:03:02
and boring. So it’s so much easier for me as a landlord to interface with them. And it just feels exciting. No one ever answers, we can pay you back. I tell people we’re recording and I’m like, oh my god don’t work. It’s just too it’s too difficult. The landlord and I know that individual landlords

Unknown Speaker 1:03:31
just just too hard to actually get them.

Speaker 3 1:03:37
Hearing that we’re thinking, we’re trying to figure out all the angles to like, research or address this. We’re looking at the regional angle, the community angle, the budget angle, we need to look at our user experience.

Speaker 1 1:03:52
From a landlord perspective, if you want to actually take your vouchers instead of taking more you got to make it seem safer or easier.

Speaker 7 1:04:06
What’s interesting is if we look at automation process and a variety of good because that may be able to drive harder

Unknown Speaker 1:04:20
issue and will increase the complexity so that they will be able to push because our challenges

Speaker 7 1:04:35
and so if we can leverage to say we’re gonna coordinate next battle and use that money to actually change your work, because the motivation

Unknown Speaker 1:04:49
actually part of the solution.

Speaker 6 1:04:51
And again, you know, they have 1000 over 1000 that are operating more than other ones. So I always overwhelming. Yeah. Now, now here.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:08
And then we even went, why in Java

Speaker 3 1:05:15
sorry. So that on the payment standard, this is what we’ve been looking at so far BCHA didn’t even standard new for First of all, in January, all of us went up to 105%. And then you Cha in March moved to 110. And they’re there, they told us they were having her folks are having a hard time meeting up with the 105 gold or how many partners follow suit here a couple of weeks ago, we did the same. So there is something a balance here regarding we are partners, but also competitors if we want us to stay and have our vouchers in the same pool, but also in our experience, all of our people are people are leased. So it hasn’t been a struggle, we would if we did that, we would have to shrink our voucher program basically by we wouldn’t be able to add more. So from our standpoint, it doesn’t actually make sense budgetarily. But we know that our doctors are out there on the streets with others. So that’s something we’re way,

Unknown Speaker 1:06:26
bolder about, you know, they’ve had a 10% increase with

Unknown Speaker 1:06:30
more funding than we did.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:33
So that’s the balance that I think we’re looking at.

Speaker 1 1:06:36
I think it’s the extra like, for me, I don’t think it’s an extra $35 a month that you’re something that you’re going to face, the ability to function the system itself, right, the all know how much easier it is to.

Speaker 7 1:06:52
So that’s a great point, actually, it’s shifted. I mean, just really quickly at shifting our thinking about it is to understand what automation can do. And automation with workload. And so you know, because what we were afraid of is if you have to learn five, let’s just say 200 vouchers, what does that mean for workbook. But if you can build automation into the absorption of it, maybe the tangible work is not drastically different.

Speaker 1 1:07:25
As manner I can go into their portal and request a change request for rent or whatever. Now for long, I’m writing my own like in letters, mailing it with a stamp and, you know, just and then making phone calls to get things scheduled, and you can’t get everyone. So I’m just seeing if you made it easier, and

Speaker 6 1:07:47
it will cut down because, you know, we spent a lot of time shuffling,

Speaker 1 1:07:50
I’m sure no, do. I think it’s insane. Like the amount of actual triplicate copy things are on our housing authority. And it’s like, is it 1982? You know, I mean, really, it’s it’s

Speaker 7 1:08:04
not reality? isn’t the answer to your question. 1989 is kind of what we absorb, because it was as basic as having to move them on to the city, IT system. And in terms of just basic work, and maximizing how to use your hand and those issues. And so it kind of happens in the bathtub.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:32
In the bathtub. That’s right. Certainly.

Speaker 7 1:08:41
shifting my mind a little bit, and at the end of the day, you know, there’s about 10 different ways to leverage this conversation. The question is, is what’s the most beneficial for us?

Speaker 8 1:08:56
Sitting over Kevin sensitive, financial, impossible to coordinate with them. And then price of course, pick up that automation workload. So let’s read creating and we’re ready, just outsource they’ve already got in place. Probably not that difficult expense

Speaker 7 1:09:26
report. So that may be part of it. You know, we may not want to absorb it say, here’s a constant back to our community. And leveraging mean literally, we’ve talked about desert ways. But universal

Speaker 8 1:09:39
party that one of the universities

Speaker 7 1:09:44
I think we did it we want to stay with whatever ties into the army, which is what I’m assuming systems to have that natural integration with you already. So

Speaker 6 1:09:54
that’s what we’re looking at is upgrading it’s the same same type of module. they have for their onboarding, onboarding their foremost

Unknown Speaker 1:10:07
salary system.

Speaker 6 1:10:10
Yes, yes, for the systems that a lot of customers already uses. But you know, every portal costs, and when you’re looking at only, you know, receiving funding for vouchers, that that kind of limits you, again, we’re

Speaker 3 1:10:28
in that stabilization period, we’re looking to expand, and we’ve got to figure out our paths that we’re going to do and the priority order. If we’re limited on funding, how are we going to grow, but also strategically spend the money in the ways that help us grow? And then the other thing that I was thinking about, I mean, administering BCHA and BHP vouchers, I mean, there’s a lot that’s not a simple thing, and it’s probably a long term thing. So what that’s what we’ve been talking about is, what else can we do on the periphery, that would bring in value to the community or revenue to the housing authority or cost savings? If it’s borrowing automated systems? What else could we do to help balance things? It’s not illustrative vouchers? Because that’s strictly in our programs. It’s not necessarily I think it just happens

Speaker 7 1:11:18
all the time for us to deal with this to the reporting and or does it do this as what does it mean for project based vouchers, usually project based vouchers, development work. And so that may be a different another angle that we take is to give project based operators and, as well, so I mean, you just heard like, eight different options. And it’s, it’s fine tuning what what is the best place? It could also be, we’re gonna hold here, but anything new, we’re going to take, I mean, there’s so many different iterations. But we’ve got to figure out what’s best for us, which is why we’re driving development, because the only thing we can really control to increase revenue is to drive developments, because development increases revenue in the housing authority, the staffing, general fund revenue, and you can make that strong enough that sometimes you can devise some of these modules and start moving in that direction. So

Speaker 8 1:12:18
because everything else we do control, you can’t impact this is or something else, you can offer the landlords to offset the pain?

Unknown Speaker 1:12:35
Not sure.

Speaker 8 1:12:36
You know, it’s kind of like I was being sustained sustainability. You know, we kind of got the discussion. Finally, catalysts for talking about cancer. What is it you guys tend to have our global resources, everything’s supposed to spend our time organic. It’s just not feasible. So

Speaker 7 1:13:01
think it is the point you just made, you know, the automation, we can automate to make it easier. You just have to figure out a way to find it.

Speaker 6 1:13:13
I think I think we’re at a point we’re pretty stable right now. They’ve they’ve gotten policies in place. So it’s, it’s faster. It’s it’s better. I think, again, I think we can improve in and save a lot of staff, if it was automated, even with even with the properties, properties. Yeah. You know, doing recertifications online and all the documents around you trying to go paperless. You know, in that would that would fit in with that. Go to

Speaker 3 1:13:48
Jeanette, you had you said you had a number of comments. Did you have anything else that you wanted to? In my head probably?

Unknown Speaker 1:13:58
Well think about it, just usability.

Speaker 3 1:14:02
Because that’s what we’re trying to map out. Right? What are all the factors and which route? Do we need to go first? So anything that you think back to the factory would factor here?

Speaker 2 1:14:12
Does the project based vouchers decrease our housing choice vouchers? I mean, that’s my preference is always a project based rather than letting our money in our pocket overall, and it’s easier to administer for us overall. Then can I piggyback on Janice What about the ease of use and our tennis club? Those kind of tie it all together?

Speaker 6 1:14:39
Yeah. Yeah, they can go in there and do their animals instead of coming in with all the paperwork. Yeah.

Speaker 2 1:14:48
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like if we go the paperless route. I mean, that’s. We should be there now. Yeah, but Yeah, somebody

Speaker 6 1:14:58
in Hawaii could have misplacing they For in causing issues that way, staff turnover

Speaker 1 1:15:04
ratios have someone turnover in the middle and then everything, you literally have to start over. And that’s just, it’s about I think maybe it’s better now. Maybe more stability. But yeah, just I would solve so many of those problems. I’m sure it’s the same for the

Speaker 6 1:15:28
third Housing Choice Voucher person, so

Unknown Speaker 1:15:35
it gets what away, it gets lost in translation, sometimes as

Unknown Speaker 1:15:39
much as you try not to again.

Speaker 2 1:15:42
And we can always change the IGA or is there I don’t think we have an IGA

Speaker 6 1:15:48
at this point. I think everyone’s just been in the way that it is Longmont areas, long. Counties, Boulder County. And city of Boulder is, you know, city. And so it was an agreement years ago that we would just allow all of our participants to go live, which gets their ending up again. And maybe that

Speaker 3 1:16:20
was an unintended consequence. We we it’s we think that Lhh being a smaller program, yes, having us to be able to administer they can still live here, but having somebody else administer was like, well, then we can handle the capacity. There’s probably decisions that lead to that. But now here we are, because that’s how we want to keep going.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:52
Longmont, especially city of Boulder,

Unknown Speaker 1:16:56
City of Boulder, they’ve gone a long way we should be reporting

Speaker 6 1:17:00
as we go get the tool. Badman, right, please. We did a portion. And so that’s something that would have to be looked at. Or some situation.

Speaker 3 1:17:16
We could, we could if, if the Housing Authority had taken a different stance, a long time ago, ARB bachelor program with the larger

Speaker 7 1:17:29
your point, theoretically do is understand what the break points are from a staffing perspective and figure out disagreement. But we’re not going to come in. But we’re going to tactically come in and say X amount is our capacity analysis. And understanding that what we benefited from automation to your what does that mean? Absolutely. So let’s say we figure out what we automated that gives us the capacity to handle every one of our users. We do the math and what we get figure out all right, 100 make sense because you might have modules in so that’s the word that we have to figure out. Obviously, it’s going to be a conversation starter sometimes

Speaker 6 1:18:33
sugar coated it all the time. In we’re not at this point we’re trying to achieve our stuff up to scratch your face. So that we

Unknown Speaker 1:18:55
can had the baby project please. Right. Or finished additional

Speaker 6 1:19:12
project means so a mother and her to have to program your work segue basically.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:27
That’s pretty much it they can’t accept vouchers to two properties. The manager had to prepare vouchers and

Speaker 6 1:19:42
so it will stop that. Yeah. So the project based voucher was very good. And then the responsibility for failing and finding a tenant on the Housing Choice Voucher. Yeah, Obviously,

Speaker 7 1:20:00
something’s wrong. And the biggest issue for us actually is on the city side. So we have that meeting was very clear from the practice place. In the conversation where you really say is the only affordable housing solution will be

Speaker 7 1:20:25
an add on Saturday meetings are all part of 101 series, it was over and started coaching agreements that work for us and probably never would have known about. And that is my broader story is going to be in play is functional and what’s happening is you today’s affordable housing solutions. So how do you draw the conversation for other communities doing affordable housing, or

Unknown Speaker 1:21:12
because we’re seeing these projects that could affect our project. And honestly, there’s also resources or the same through the same

Speaker 7 1:21:26
team is they were reacting to decisions communities were made, in terms of building housing, whether it’s wherever counts, where the program, selection for the state was created, to serve

Unknown Speaker 1:21:46
the city council slash, obviously, for sugar solutions

Speaker 3 1:22:00
along with any other ideas for ways that we could map out and prioritize what we’re gonna do. Yeah, and definitely, the feedback is no, we don’t get to hear that very often.

Speaker 6 1:22:22
And they’re all bubble, right? You know, I’m trying to do here.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:25
So I think at this point, we need to come out of our,

Unknown Speaker 1:22:29
our boxes in

Unknown Speaker 1:22:33
mind for our students, they can’t consider

Speaker 6 1:22:41
it as landlord, you’re the way can you tell us what works for you. We just had to

Unknown Speaker 1:22:49
go along with

Speaker 4 1:22:52
that we really wanted to know what people think I have access to ask over 100 laborers. That’s what.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:12

Unknown Speaker 1:23:14
really has to backside. Right. And that’s really

Speaker 3 1:23:19
read. And we don’t always our landlords and tenants feel the change. We feel it and we see it in the numbers. But we would like to know if it’s projected out. Remember student

Unknown Speaker 1:23:50
aid was pretty much dead silence.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:56
recipes there, saw that.

Speaker 1 1:24:04
Like, the landlords were super friendly, like, you know, doubling up deposits or doing all kinds of case management stocks. I got that.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:18
So they send out a whole

Unknown Speaker 1:24:20
packet so no one wants to use,

Unknown Speaker 1:24:21
they’re making it attractive.

Speaker 2 1:24:26
Well, I was gonna do a survey, like when we are ready to automate, let’s do a survey to the landlords that are out there. Just to see you here. What, what would be the most user friendly for you? Or what aspects are you looking for?

Speaker 1 1:24:42
Because even if you’re looking at it in terms of cost savings for the county, and now that it’s mandatory vouchers, which I know there’s a lot of screening mechanisms to get rid of that but to your bigger apartment complex and if you’re cutting down with their timing as well, in terms of accepting that tenant makes it more attractive. If there are measures every three hours on Gaucho work, right? They’re coming in late in 20 minutes, it makes a big difference in terms of their

Speaker 6 1:25:15
watch. But the one thing that I have found, a lot of the other larger companies are gonna have that work, where limiting beliefs and all that that interaction with the client is, a lot of the clients don’t understand it. And it’s frustrating for them. So we err on that study held, they just don’t know how to work it, because we found a lot of little people. So that’s so interesting,

Speaker 1 1:25:43
I find also the voucher holders coming out of Boulder, county, housing, county, are so much more prepared to apply for payment. So a lot of alarm housing guys that will come in, and they’ll be like ice cream, and so on. So either one is going to be nice, easy, Apple soundless for me. And the the amount of wine My husband has already chosen to actually follow through with the application process is very small, compared to I feel like somehow there’s some kind of case management or something that’s happening on the front end, or the back from holders themselves, through those agencies is different. Because they come

Speaker 5 1:26:27
up with their paperwork, they’re more likely to fill up the appropriate application

Speaker 1 1:26:31
occasions, they feel more prepared to actually apply.

Speaker 6 1:26:37
And yeah, and we’ve worked. That’s the briefing is basically this the same type of paperwork, because it’s all federal. So so that is kind of this the same we’re trying to do to get them more involved. Like we have a resume for potentials, fill out this resume, have your stuff available. And we find that they’re not even doing that.

Speaker 1 1:27:02
So yeah, in terms of actually applying for yourself. I get the rubrics to my parents, but on my end, and applications vary widely, right. I’d love to, I don’t like houses school at the state level. But that’s just my own agenda. But I did really like one byline was making a statement applicate like a standardized application that everyone pays. He does a credit check. And then all of my lines are comparing my degree.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:34
Sure. Tasha, she is one. Yeah. But But I find that the tendency, saucer, or whatever that means, so they’re getting in the front end. And I don’t know, education or something about how to apply what’s happening what that was like.

Speaker 4 1:28:01
We were worked several years ago with Boulder County Housing Authority in Boulder, City of Boulder, regarding tenant education. We had a big collaboration that for several months and then completed, and that went away, but they were in and then taking recontact myself or Susan Spalding and I were at the table in February contacted us but I know they’re moving forward with a lot of being we had a lot of conversation about the lacks of information for tenants and how there’s so much needed for them to be successful. And that that might stem from that.

Speaker 1 1:28:45
I I definitely find this a new thing. It’s a recent thing. So they’re both good. They’re much more prepared to apply

Unknown Speaker 1:28:59
the same folder as the same logic operation by

Speaker 2 1:29:14
so let’s keep moving on. So if anybody has any additional stuff, you just want email. Yeah, great. Alright. Number seven, reserved quality wife. Anybody have anything for this one? Not for

Unknown Speaker 1:29:30
somebody else wants to bring it up.

Speaker 2 1:29:34
Number eight, Alicia reports. A beat on operations report.

Speaker 5 1:29:42
So frustrating, we’re still sitting at 93% occupied. Last month we’ll make some big changes to how we’re going through our waitlist. Last week alone, we rented four units and as of this morning times, the managers and men saw horses represent horses doggy fully occupied besides in the bathroom, it’s by the end of this month. So he’s our occupancy should be increasing by the end of May, early June. We did add two new units to the list this past week

Unknown Speaker 1:30:16
prior to what

Speaker 5 1:30:22
currently overdue to throw rent ready at almost every single property and we’re just waiting for those tenants to qualify and move in. Any questions on the occupancy reports?

Speaker 5 1:30:39
So the property updates. One big update that’s not listed on here that was just scheduled is our annual Ellijay fair housing training will be June 20, at 8:30am in the council chambers. So if you are interested, please let me know so I can get you on the invitation list. And this will be with Wes Lovell. Our He’s an attorney out of Denver who specializes in the Fair Housing and ABA compliance. He did our presentation last year and he’ll be coming back to share

Unknown Speaker 1:31:10

Speaker 5 1:31:12
first fair housing training I don’t think I got sleepy in 20 plus years. So general updates are April coffee conversations. I think portfolio wise are most productive we’ve had I think almost all of them ended with the hour a lot of productive questions that wasn’t the same questions residence actually stepping outside the box asking questions, giving us ideas and moving forward stuff. So far, our declutter events, three properties have completed it. We’re bringing the dumpsters out on the site, our staff showed up to help move stuff out the assets we actually had to do an extra dump because there was so much stuff between the neighborhood and Aspen senior. So I think that’s great. It’s getting the fire loads of the units down next week. We bring them to strip Creek Fall River, Parks book club sorry next week. This week is our Solon lodge in the next week of Spring Creek and Fall River, and then we’ll do Filch place in June

Unknown Speaker 1:32:13
I mean, most of the stuff was just in the unit’s themselves

Speaker 5 1:32:19
bigger stuff or things I wasn’t too long ago, I’ve had a king sized mattress I don’t know what to do with for a year because if I put it out the trash can get charge. So this one this is giving them the opportunity to dispose them without that fee or having to pay somebody to come pick it up

Speaker 6 1:32:35
anytime communication going out on the warehouse that you’re setting up

Speaker 5 1:32:42
that is we’re still working through some stuff about the furniture it’s that we have some donations already that are going from like previous manager units and stuff like that that we will be setting up for we’re trying to set up a suite we have a lot of extra rooms like the old manager furniture from the heart so a lot of good items residents may have that are in New York good condition for what we have the residents who are displaced because of floods fires coming out of homelessness that may not have dishes and all that we are Molly have kind of been brainstorming about setting it up so that when we have those types of situations, we have some more that they we have some that we can give them to get them started that they’re not just coming in with nothing so

Speaker 6 1:33:27
so but yeah, you can Yeah. Yeah, because some of us are starting to you know, I got stuff I haven’t used for two years so I’m still really good. Yeah. And then see go

Speaker 5 1:33:45
to my all events where they hit it was really nice to come in yesterday morning. And I had three or four different thank you letters and emails in my inbox itself kind of a different thing than we’re used to seeing from our residents. So my staff, all the managers work together to pull off all of the events. It was a lot of work. It was a lot of fun. We had musicians that one we had the dancers out another seniors and others so it’s a really great turnout. And every every property was there, not a pack of 20 people are gonna show up we beat the number we set for each property. So then we have the new HDTV special HCV specialists are for Tracy’s department. She has a social worker background so she will be taking all this leads which is great. So I want to go through some of this the properties briefly the suites we still have two units down for metal one for the week that are going through the remediation one of those units will be coming back online at the end of this month. The building attendants that we have offered positions have been hired and going full force for a month and it’s been really helpful and proven would be an asset that goes back property has ever been if these gentlemen are cleaning 24/7 They’re walking the grounds all night long. I have like the power law focus when it comes to customer service calls for service from Sarah the morning is I think that would provide employees saw suspicious parts of the big holiday they see somebody hanging out in the parking lot is not supposed to be there they call it in so it’s really productive there we had two visions last Friday one for Aspen and one for village place that we’re both granted

Unknown Speaker 1:35:40

Speaker 5 1:35:49
yes, so once we have positioned the unit we will customize and that’s part of our primary agenda. If that’s where we want to be serve, they’re pretty substantial these violations because we were notified through the primary program that they had been caught offside with drugs and since the death of this state that they cannot pursue either to go after fees on or off property and gave us the means to remove them from the property so not

Speaker 4 1:36:22
for gray area but when it comes to the fact that matter utilizing that

Unknown Speaker 1:36:40
I didn’t show

Speaker 5 1:36:50
right out there by 11. Both the residents worked with us to create it so it was a pretty easy process. For Spring Creek and salt record, management has taken over and has partnered with elder share we have the distributions that go on twice looking at each property and there was a lot of inconsistencies between the property between and also with how the agency wanted the program to run. So management observed for a couple of up went down did their training program got certified as volunteers through elder share and now have partnered and do the distribution here on site but it’s opening other doors for the residents at both communities. If they have a resident who comes in who is in need of emergency food, we both John and Gregory be volunteers our elders share they have access to the pantry and just to make a phone call and go get emergency food for residents and and it’s something also with them communicating with each other share the needs of the residents of what are the complaints we were having the first few go rounds was the food that they were receiving wasn’t enough to make a meal or they needed more anything needed more of this and more of that and so Greg and John have taken that to elder share this last week they had an increase of eight they had stuff that allowed residents to make a full meal for what they were getting through the distribution the nice little thing that happened at Spring Creek requested last year for this year to refurbish the birth beds I could either six of them after they were their senior guard fed so they could really raise them up about eight inches seal them and we just got the new filter that we currently have no open positions in the portfolio

Speaker 3 1:38:52
receivable view to address at some people love the property financials update which she is very good. So I am Forgive me I’m reading for her message. So accounting is currently collecting the data for each property in the book extending past tenant balances over to collections within the coming months. Additionally, the balances will be written off our books or question will take over our Congress affordable our receivable aging summary. Most properties for most properties revenue expenses are within a 25% 36% variance with the exception of the items highlighted. Running under high vacancy rates and reaching the annual allowance quickly on national news neighborhood senior Hearthstone and the suites logic Arsenal This is something we’ve been looking at Not because we do. So basically, we’ve got a budget cushion in there for vacancies that are supposed to last the whole year. And we’re approaching them pretty highly on specifically a couple of properties. So we’ve been working on our waitlist process to ensure we have the means to fill those properties. And of course, we exhausted the one unit, we exhausted the weightless 55 people. And but we had other people that weren’t on the waiting list, calling and join up with an application that day. So we’ve been considering that once we’ve gone through our due diligence, followed up the rules and procedures, and then getting them filled with that person that’s in there ready to go that qualifies. If we can’t, I can’t wait, let’s just it’s just going all the way through. So we’re trying to I think we’ve made huge strides in the past month plus this spring and whether we want to move on this helped. And then she said, if anybody here has any questions, feel free to send them Kendra’s way or you can send them to the right for her.

Speaker 2 1:41:12
My only concern is just look at Aspen Meadows neighborhood movement from 60 to 90 over 101,000 December 60 to 90 overnight. Ground students that has gone off to bed

Speaker 3 1:41:50
the main reason is that

Unknown Speaker 1:42:01

Unknown Speaker 1:42:03
your vacant we’re not charging.

Speaker 3 1:42:07
Right. So that’s that’s the one that we’ve got. One unit is still down there. And you can recognize anything. But we’ve got three that are rentable to have an amendment and just recently here this month, so we’re making it making it up. But that one unit, what is our mindfulness and probably ethics? What’s that one unit idiom is timeline? Looking like? That would be two. That’s the one that we need to figure out what’s happening, or Oh, right. That’s

Speaker 5 1:42:45
that stuff. You’re considering one of your rebuilds? Yes, yes. So what am I know, I have one woman coming in moving in today. And we have one scheduled for next week, we did have another unit that’s listed further down on the bad move outs, that we’ve just got churning craters, and they’re cleaning this morning. And I get that ourselves. And that has been down for 384 days. And that would have to be completely, almost gutted out. Yeah, we had to redo all the flooring, the carpeting, full paint and lots of stuff last.

Speaker 7 1:43:29
Time difference between getting cleaned up through the work at work is most of the time in Romania remediation process.

Speaker 5 1:43:41
It depends on vendors and everything else. Typically. It’s the testing results, that’s where we have a big gap is we can have it tested. And we may not get those results for two to four weeks, and then trying to get clean bits on him and try to get the cleaners with the appropriate insurances and everything in there to bid.

Speaker 3 1:44:02
And then retest cleaners come back and retest. It’s just rolling. And that’s the way the cdphp rules have been set up. And that’s process.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:13
So most of the time is actually testing,

Speaker 1 1:44:16
testing anything. You have to bid every time or can you just contract with a company that I know that it’s going to vary depending on the level of it

Speaker 3 1:44:29
depends on our purchasing policy with the funding sources for the rebuild

Speaker 5 1:44:34
in our car insurance wants to see if it’s going through insurance, they wanted to see the three payments. So luckily, the testing company that we work with is really good about as soon as they have the test results in hand they are setting up walks with different cleaning companies who are approved to go to County Public Health to get them in there all at the same time to give us this. So we typically have those after the first results within a week or two

Unknown Speaker 1:45:09
Go on without shirt. It shouldn’t count

Speaker 3 1:45:16
the numbers already Yeah. Any questions?

Unknown Speaker 1:45:23
Anything from the director.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:26
Things are covered. interesting conversations

Speaker 3 1:45:31
have been added on public safety updates from Sarah at the LBJ board meetings. So I mean it is we certainly much of our time, but if Sarah wants to put you on spot Sarah Sherman, kind of moment

Speaker 4 1:45:47
on camera please rally out of Ben was Chrisman Stafford’s devaluate that you have basically you know, a ton of cameras but it’s really about what’s important. So staff needs to decide what direction to go in. There’s a lot of different moving factors with that but we did get a bit back to compare with the others that we have methods detector it must be lost in space. I don’t know if there’s a failure and Zealand or what but I’m talking to Ron yesterday, gentlemen, that’s supposed to be shipped to me has not received it yet. So I’m calling and leaving a message today. He hasn’t given us anything. So did did tell you sir, FedEx. So I, that’s my due diligence of getting a hold of him and the other folks that we’re dealing with to find out what’s going on with that. My patience is run out for that. As far as the properties go, there, we’ve been spending a lot of time in the suites, we’ve had a lot of mental health issues down there, people off their meds, working a lot for working out with MHP trying to make things work for folks and make things work for the good of everyone else that lives in there. So that’s been pretty challenging lately. One specific resident we’re putting a lot of staff time into I’m I set up a meeting independently with an idea I have an appointment works with MHB. Tomorrow, I’m going to pick this resident up and take her to a place on competency that has meaning. So hopefully we get some good results out of that. I know maybe more hopeful than others, but I’m gonna try try my best. So other than that, I have much more Sandy questions for me.

Speaker 2 1:47:53
MHB is everything has to be up under do they make sense? Because it’s sometimes or could they be even after recovery Cafe if we

Speaker 4 1:48:01
make sure opposite, are we I asked that specifically where the rest of them wanted to meet and they asked me not often, because we could have met at that sweet, absolute standard that our staff was there. So then we had a larger conversation with MHP moving forward with some public safety and LFA later next week.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:36
On our business never said let’s adjourn at 1049 to 13. Over 9am Let’s do a roll call.

Speaker 5 1:48:54
Tom D R. G

Speaker 1 1:48:58
Christopher. Black pepper. And then Molly O’Donnell. Lisa Elena here, Sarah army, you’re chasing defenses fear and generate. So number two, Will the

Speaker 2 1:49:16
minister on April 11 2023. Do we have a motion?

Unknown Speaker 1:49:21
I’ll move to a circulation under Section 89. I think for restricting.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:39
Restricting with work to

Unknown Speaker 1:49:40
do I have a second. All right. Any further discussion other than one change? Alright, let’s vote. All in favor say aye. Aye. All right, motion passes unanimously. Let’s go on to number three public invited You heard?

Speaker 2 1:50:02
So you know, let’s go on to number four organizational updates, a ‘s advisory board application interviews.

Speaker 3 1:50:12
Alright, so the time is, is fast approaching may 15. Right now that’s on May 15, we do have time set aside for interviews, we had seven or eight applications for two spots, which are currently occupied by Jean and ravine. So we just need to decide who wants to we should have two board members about this my recommendation to board members to complete the interview process if you go past two minutes of the public meeting. So we would just need to see about availability for that. And then also confirm whether you want to use the interview questions that we use the last round that are only about six months old, or we’re making good use of native teams, it’s a Monday, Monday. Morning. Yes, yes. Oh, this is this is this coming Monday? We have a hole from eight to two currently. Yeah. That’d be at the Civic Center?

Speaker 4 1:51:17
Well, I just want to say that I’m excited that we’re getting a bunch of that, because in the past, it hasn’t been like that. So

Speaker 3 1:51:23
so we are the only ones that I might be slightly off, but we are definitely the only ones with more applicants than spots. Every other city board and commission there, you don’t have a lot of places. So that was great. There’s just a big interest in housing and

Unknown Speaker 1:51:50
anybody I’d be interested in. Okay.

Speaker 3 1:51:55
Can we do I think you have cherry floors that we could ask if we wanted unless one or more gentleman you’re interested?

Unknown Speaker 1:52:06
I’m sorry. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:09
Okay, so let’s have some more. And

Speaker 3 1:52:17
as we said, I will be there as well. So last time, we we don’t read the interview. And just the question, is there anything on my menu that we use to help provide comments on the word? River? fitspiration? If there’s questions? Yeah. They don’t.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:40
Really, we’re just making recommendations to the Belgian board. You know what they are set for that? Yes, they’re doing it I believe, like, seven?

Speaker 3 1:53:02
And then would you like to use the interview? We can send them around. And everybody could go and remember answering so yeah. Yeah. Yes. I don’t recall hearing any feedback, or you going to get them that really needed to be tweaked. But we’ve got to be thoughtful. You’re also interviewing them? So maybe you don’t find her? This is a strange situation. Yeah. So well, that time and, you know, longer periods are available, I think was a question. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:46
What was the date again?

Unknown Speaker 1:53:55

Speaker 3 1:54:05
That’s going on to five minutes. So I just wanted to give a couple of updates on what we have going on. This is not inclusive of everything going on, there’s a lot, but for the big ones are going to place which is mean reading village on Main. We just yesterday had a three and a half hour meeting with architects and construction contractors and all of us, civil engineers and everybody to really start nailing down the design. And so we’ve put in the test room and application early April, so we should hear about that in July. But between now and August, we’re going to try and wrap up the design plan so that they’re ready to submit for building permits in August. They will be able to construct in November, December. So we’re gonna be prepared Going down some critical items for looking at what we can afford in the budget. And it’s, we’re finding some good ways to save and the ways to add on the things that you want, like Popcorn Ceiling Removal and paint throughout. Those are our big two big ticket goals that we weren’t sure that we were gonna get. afford, but we’re not we’re hopeful. That was bestest, no radon, all of those tests are complete. And so we’ll be working here with architects and contractors pretty heavily. Next number so and then come back to the residence again and go over some of those last decision. So definitely, really well. Just waiting to hear on that tax credit before the team also applied for CDBG funding. And so that’s in progress, that review on the final gap. Then, so how are you reading short restaurants or the occasional open minded? Then there’s opinions, but it’s definitely productive. Yeah, Katie says kidneys aren’t the project manager on our side. She’s been attending pretty frequently just saying what is going on right now even if it’s not a physician, what are the residents,

Speaker 5 1:56:32
their capital lease, they know what’s going on, they know what’s coming, the next steps and then we try to get a PV out every two months. So that should bring that all back to them.

Speaker 3 1:56:43
Or doesn’t remind me that we have completed our hire of our relocation firm, which is BC pack in their professional relocation firm that I’ve worked with for years in the disaster program. And they’re really amazing to work with. So we’re just getting started with them, we’ll start start looping them in and have them come in and meet the residents as well. And then we hired an owner’s rep. This time, because we just don’t I did it on Aspen Meadows. We just don’t have the capacity in house to do that and posted meeting with them yesterday. It’s money well spent just to make sure you’re getting that third party construction review. What I’m trying to look out for is things like asthma, metal flooring issues, get that third piece of advice.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:38
I’m tempted to ask Anika go over the design. Do you want to come in?

Unknown Speaker 1:57:49
I mean, it’s really exciting I?

Unknown Speaker 1:57:59
mean, it’s crazy.

Speaker 6 1:58:01
No, is false, it is true. So this way you’re watching instead of one or two things. And I’m like, this isn’t practical. It’s also wastewater. But it’s the case kitchen sink that is either Yes. Or no. So I’m holding those little things. Unless I have now put them on like that, obviously, they didn’t know what would happen. So it’s it’s, you know that that’s an aggravation that we felt like I don’t want that to happen to visualize

Speaker 3 1:58:47
your wealth and you want to come to any resident meetings. And here with the stuff that they’re bringing forward, you can always

Speaker 6 1:58:57
let me know in the education. Yeah, right. I’m just, you know, one of those watching out. And we don’t want to keep making the same mistakes.

Unknown Speaker 1:59:09
Right. You don’t know what you don’t know.

Speaker 6 1:59:13
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, instrumentals was different, because he was just, you know, they didn’t have that he didn’t have a level of in residence. So it’s just, you know, let’s, all those lessons, you know.

Unknown Speaker 1:59:33
No wonder we’re gonna find out about the tax credits in July.

Unknown Speaker 1:59:40
So that started on Main,

Speaker 2 1:59:42
kind of switch over and then what the terms of the ECB CDBG funding, what is that? Is that just gather? Yeah, fine.

Speaker 3 1:59:50
So that would be the application has been submitted. It’s going to get reviewed by the housing and Human Services Advisory Board this Thursday. And they’ll make recommendations and it’ll be considered by counsel.

Speaker 7 2:00:08
The big the big question is what is inflation due to all of this? And you know, we could very well get into the bid process and from the word Value Engineering. Yeah, just based on our experience. Our experience has been over the last year and a half of almost every project we have,

Speaker 3 2:00:33
we are, we’ve been talking about trying to plan for it as much as you are doing a really different type of bid process, trying to anticipate that and be able to be more nimble, which is rebuilding in our alternatives. Adults is what we call them additional alternatives or additive alternatives. Anyway, we’re building those in upfront so we can fit depending on pricing, we can grab them right off the bat versus having to rebuild things or re Jr, the whole priority list that we’re trying to build that priority list in so we can at least be nimble, depending on how it goes

Speaker 7 2:01:13
we’ll be talking about where you go best value betting not once you we just did just ran our first test case. And I can’t get into specifics, but the margin that we were over was under $200,000 which is the narrowest margin we’ve seen so far. That’s good. So you might want to do have

Speaker 3 2:01:39
the general contractor selected so it’s more in the sense that we’re going for all the materials and I’ll still ask for

Speaker 2 2:01:49
your work so they want to want to be started speaking for themselves

Speaker 3 2:01:57
because so after you get the tax return award so you’re you’re comfortable entering into those contracts. So that would be we do want to do pre purchases so that they’re not waiting for closing in November and then going out to my materials and stuff so we’re going to be planning on how to get those some items purchased ahead of time order appliances, etc. So it should be shortly after July we’ll have finalize those plans in August

Speaker 7 2:02:28
one thing I forgot to tell you this Kimberly met with the county and they’re not using all third party products and so she made a request didn’t do parking over there during construction they said sure talk about it. So being Kimberly

Speaker 3 2:02:43
we need to talk to her anyways about parking because we are still are going to do a resident survey to see if anybody would be interested in parking over there long term.

Speaker 7 2:02:53
So anyway, she’s trying to get back with him during construction and

Unknown Speaker 2:03:00
I have questions on millage auditing

Unknown Speaker 2:03:08
if it comes back, just know, when you were talking about pre purchase. And I was wondering if there was one way that somebody of course, if you’re

Speaker 6 2:03:28
with a contractor and you know, material, or whatever, like you know, we are concerned about inflation and, and availability. And my other question was, are we doing anything to ensure we’re dealing with as much American goods as

Speaker 3 2:03:50
we well, so it’s not a requirement synonymous project site

Speaker 6 2:03:54
isn’t, you know, a preference for the evolution.

Unknown Speaker 2:03:59
Let me talk about purchasing about that. Okay.

Speaker 6 2:04:03
And I know there’s a cost issue to that, right. I don’t want refrigerators in Boston. At the port of Los

Speaker 3 2:04:12
Angeles I do think that the situation there has eased up some but they do have really good contacts and and they they do these things all the time and they definitely have their contacts but they’re responsive and don’t get them in a pickle with that way that can’t guarantee everything but that’s what the pre purchase is for if we could start doing pre purchase on items in August September timeline, we’ll have things ready to rock by January or whenever that specific piece of work is happening. We’re doing our best to try and plan for it but we won’t be able to.

Speaker 7 2:04:47
Okay, generally the issues that are creating problems is anything related to like electrical work, so panels and things like that. And even when you do pre purchase them have, you know one of our fire stations are still waiting for it. And so basically, you would go into your your electrical work, especially transformers panels or issue this project, I don’t think we’ll have that we’re not really doing the electrical system. And then it tends to be things associated with your horizontal infrastructure like pipe concrete, or concrete as much but pipe and things like that be we’re seeing the rub, and now all of that risk pricing. And that’s just what’s happened in the market. But this project is a little bit different, because it’s not really the base materials. And as long as I can stay away from Jenkins transformers and things like that we shouldn’t be affected.

Speaker 3 2:05:55
Moving on to the Overland. So the bore the lmha board and the LGC Board have a have signed a purchase and sale agreement to transfer the land from LGC to Ellijay. And closing we’re trying to get closing to occur by next Friday and then it and so the land will be transferred over that uses up a portion of the article funds, which we’re trying to get out the door as quick as you can. And then we are working towards tax credit application in August August 1. And looking for gap funding right now. And looking at you know, they’re doing design work to try and Value Engineering, make sure we’ve got a budget that works. And looking at all of our options for funding for the Early Childhood Education Center that we’re hoping to do with that, because we’ve had to have some of that funding committed at the technical grant for tax credit. So there’s a lot of outreach planning going on right now. So the question

Speaker 4 2:07:00
is, is there any possibility that if you do not spend all the other funds that will be asked to be returned?

Speaker 3 2:07:06
Yes. So we’re trying to get as much out the door as possible, at least get it obligated, so contracted to where it’s going. And if we don’t have to contract it out, trying to spend it within the city as fast as we can. So we are making some modifications to our plans to try and get that spent as fast as possible not on homework than on some other projects. But yes, we’re trying to get it solidified, ASAP. So that’s not an option for us.

Speaker 7 2:07:37
If we have to push them to show we’ve already done something this is you, we can change our company, depending on what it is our company was affordable, and fun. Or if there’s another product right eligible and another fund, we can spend it there and pull it here to ensure that we don’t get caught back

Speaker 4 2:07:59
to what September, October, wait for

Speaker 3 2:08:04
December 2014. to obligate it. So to have it, okay, either spend to the food spent in house or contracted it to be spent, and then actually spent by the other 2026. But an option is we were allowed to land bank with it. And so if we needed to make a move quickly, just to get the money spent and not necessarily have to be ready to move forward with development yet we could. That’s what we’re thinking about possibly considering for the affordable assisted living project that we have on the books that’s really going to be a long it’s just more involved with the planning. But if we needed to hustle, that’s something we could look at doing. Just getting that at least under wraps. American rescue plan act. So it’s here’s that money that came through for COVID relief. So the city got like 11 and a half million, eight and a half was designated for. I mean, I’m sorry, I was thinking about the housing, the total 12 million and change a year and a half was allocated for affordable housing by the city council.

Speaker 7 2:09:12
Similarly allocated 3 million affordable loans for housing for 11 million into it. And then some is rental properties on the housing authority side. Other you know, part of it is land banking, where we’ve been as part of the cost of the project. So between the affordable housing fund and ARPA dollars, we acquired nine acres of land and as part of that project that should be more in the city side because we’re looking at the development of affordable and attainable homeownership opportunities. So that’s not in the housing authorities bailiwick, but it’s, it’s all in the same burdens working on this

Speaker 3 2:10:00
We’ve completed an expenditure of just over 2 million to two and a half million expenditure. So that’s done done. And then by mid year, we will have spent another 3.2. So we’re doing really well on our expenditure rate. It’s just really planning for the progress around the end of our, our timeline, how to plan for those. Questions. Okay, then yeah, this is the premise for housing, so suites, this is in full closing mode. Closing on the tax credit and financing is anticipated on May 24. It has to be done by May 31. So we are, it is the final push, which is always a push, no matter how much you can plan ahead. So we planned a lot for this one. But we still are wrapping up final items. In short, short, we’re. So that’s happening, this is the first time that the Lhh has entered in with third party Property Management Agreement, because we were special limited partners. Because you really need that for these like tech projects as housing authority, but we don’t own the property. And so we’re not in the ownership structure, necessarily. But we are going to be managing the property. And so we’re going through our very first property management agreement. And we’re just really trying to do a really good job on that document, if it’s pretty much up to the deadline, what we’re trying to do really good job because that’s what we would use it for future models. So we’re just trying to anticipate everything we can to make sure it gets included budget properly, staffing, planning, all of that type of so that is hot and heavy at the moment. And we’re shooting to have that property management agreement considering my report has two things.

Unknown Speaker 2:12:17
Those those assets are posted to the new board on manager.

Speaker 3 2:12:23
So this is a model we are looking to use for the future is our first go at it. So we’re going to try to find it.

Unknown Speaker 2:12:31

Speaker 3 2:12:36
it is still an attorney back and forth as we speak. It has to be done by Friday. So is

Speaker 3 2:12:50
absolutely, I mean, it’s a huge one right now, but that’s really where we’re at a little bit is it’s just a lot of attorney reviews back and forth right

Unknown Speaker 2:12:58
now. So when it comes to construction will start right after in June.

Speaker 3 2:13:04
I haven’t heard yet. I think everyone’s too busy to see if we are gonna plan on cutting growth groundbreaking. And if so, you know, that will be I agree. And what else? Yes, yeah. Before departing?

Speaker 3 2:13:37
Here Yeah, I mean, typically element. Yeah, we wouldn’t do. Any coverage. Questions. So next one, I should just do a brief update on the recovery cafe. So this is the substance abuse counseling and Resource Services. We are working to see if we can do in addition to the suites so that they can have a permanent home there and which would be a win win for them. And then for us with our suites and senior residents, or really any Oh ha resident, but having been there on site would be really a big win. And so they’re in the middle of feasibility and review. And it looks like it’s really is feasible to do, assuming we can figure it out, usually your locations because it’s just very private. And so we’re working the recovery Cafe team and their architects are working with the city. Going through the rehabilitation process and everything to figure out the plan. So that is moving along. And we’re working on their grant funding right now on the city side, so they’re about to spend their first reimbursements. To start, really, real project

Speaker 3 2:15:18
so it’s substance abuse. It’s a community of people seeking recovery from substance abuse, they have counseling, they have group meetings, they have job training, they have resource navigation, help find whatever they need to be successful in their path to recovery. And in this case, once you’re in the permanent home, they want the commercial kitchen to train folks how to be baristas. Because food service is a good option for many folks trying to transition out of recovery, and sometimes homelessness, etc. But if you were in recovery, and like a restaurant job, and evening work is always not always the best option, versus a lot more exposure. But coffee shops, good morning work is something that they find really successful for their folks. And so it’s a job training opportunity there too. It’s a nonprofit, recovery Cafe is a national organization for this Alumni Chapter. Basically, we would be doing a ground lease and getting approval from the investors of the suites to to build an addition onto the building, so that they can have that commercial space. Yeah, that would be there would be a lease situation of some sort, whether that would be we haven’t gotten that far. But certainly a ground lease for land, they would likely hold the building. And then we would figure out the long term. But it would be direct access for suites and recovery Zinnia residents to access their services, that would be really the

Speaker 7 2:17:02
heart of issue is a, you know, a significant significant number of our challenges with the residents of that location. Actually, service. recoveries were that the two, it’s important that this substance abuse is something that we continue to deal with. This model actually started thinking, the Northwest Seattle, and what they were doing. And so one of the challenges that we have is when we’re in the system, even when we have people with dementia, the vouchers and things like that, we can’t technically mandate that they participate in counseling and things like that, because of federal rules. So what we what we identified when we were talking about it is a we know what the issues aren’t there be we can’t mandate that people go to counseling sessions and do things like that. And what we’ve seen from recovery cafe in terms of the people they’ve been interacting, they’re operating out of the church, basically, they tend to have some success with individuals and really working with them, so they’re able to shift them. And so what we were thinking is that when we can co locate knowing that Zinnias coming in, we have this there we typically know kind of what the issues are people are struggling with that if we have this facility there people they often individually kind of go in and part of this part of what they do is they realize people are going to relapse you and so it’s not like they cut you off. We continue working with you through those issues. And so unless you basically destroy the church, like what may have happened, they will continue to work with you. And so you know, the group of individuals started doing this and it makes a lot of sense. And where it hit me is actually I think it was Steve Chu was part of the founding of that and said hey, we’re looking at something to do looking for location and it has to be a no yeah, it’s connected to a church.

Unknown Speaker 2:19:11
So this is open

Speaker 3 2:19:15
to the community. Thought I had an uncle located trying to convince folks to leave for services, any site type bringing them there just to be accessible and do more outreach and that type of thing. Over successor

Unknown Speaker 2:19:34
insecurity of needing

Speaker 3 2:19:38
to be they have their own veterans facing the cold is out there. There’ll be a connection to the sweet so don’t work but that’s not generally used for

Speaker 7 2:19:48
clients never neither. The values are radical hospitality loving accountability champion for recovery, stewardship, and inclusive community In the check up, if you want to check out their website, because they have some testimonials in there, what they’re doing for history

Speaker 3 2:20:19
lesson thing I just wanted to mention is they’re they’re smaller projects, but they’re still really impactful, we’ve got a number of CDBG funded projects coming through. So on Tuesday, the board will consider accepting CDBG funds through the special COVID program from the city to do excessive accessibility increments for people with disabilities at all electric properties that we’ll be doing, adding in Ada parking, redoing ramps that are at the right angles, making sure that we’ve got sensor units at every property. So that would be like throw doorbells on fire alarms for people that have vision or hearing impairments. So the grant funds are coming into that without getting bids already. So that we expect to be done by the end of July, and have all those improvements and all properties. And then we have three other regular CBG funded projects, one of which is resurfacing the parking lot at a hearthstone Lodge. Again, we’re working on bids, we’re kind of working together since we’ve got some concrete and asphalt work happening on the other project too. And then the playground and Aska meadows in bidding again. Gearing up because now we are approaching the season where it’s construction for both of those types of projects. And in the security cameras that Sara is helping us with to make sure we have an integrated system, fill gaps of properties that don’t have cameras, including this one. And then make sure they are on an integrated system that the city uses as well. So we’re fitting that too. So hopefully my fall we’ve got all of that complete.

Speaker 4 2:21:57
So the parking lot into Suites is going to be handled with the Zoom Yeah.

Speaker 3 2:22:04
So we’re, we’re going to Zinnia they’re gonna have to run utilities through the parking lot. So we’re gonna put that back they’re gonna replace one pass through and then once the construction is done, and the heavy trucks are done coming through, then we’re gonna look at what the the need is at the suites and what areas to cover and how to do that. So we’re just not going to do it, how to construction aid because there’s going to be quite busy and then make sure if there’s any damage from the heavy trucks that we address it all in one fell swoop backwards we are working with the city at least in the COVID sack to make sure that potholes get addressed and it’s on our list for this year. But in the parking lot yes there are areas that need help

Unknown Speaker 2:22:50
in the parking lot would be part of them is in your project as well.

Speaker 3 2:22:53
Yes they feel if they tear it up to put any utility lines they would put it back in better condition and then we would look at as a whole what is best for the parking lot It’s like we do just fit certain areas we have a full resurfacing we’ll have to see

Unknown Speaker 2:23:13
sir no sweets of life

Unknown Speaker 2:23:22
conversations practices product.

Speaker 3 2:23:27
So that yes, they are receiving notifications about the status of the project. Basically, they part some of the issues their employees parking lot called the sack and it’s it’s crowded. And we have you know, we’ve got you on a trip pedestrian safety is during construction, because it’s a call the staff. I mean, if anybody blocks access, then that’s a problem. But generally with the our trucks don’t leave the the whole call to sack they can access because then the entire parking lot is an easy place for turnarounds or whatever they need to do. But we’ll just have to coordinate with them during construction. So later on, you’ll see what’s going on as well.

Speaker 7 2:24:11
Yeah, only thing maybe it’s a public street. So we can’t really stop parking and focus academics, both the streets, we can’t block entrances or if they’re essentially sideline issues or traffic goes they may be kicked back but but outside of that it’s parking.

Speaker 8 2:24:38
That’s kind of a question of ethical issue for parking.

Speaker 4 2:24:48
It’s been an issue for years. So yeah, yes, conversations are being added to the church. I mean, the residents go over there for a walk or a slow Okay, so notifying those folks to I mean, it’s not much of a traffic issue with a lot of a lot of folks use to go through the space. Minimize

Speaker 3 2:25:10
it will be, will be blocked after instruction because a building will be right there

Unknown Speaker 2:25:16
during signage.

Speaker 4 2:25:19
Hey Katie Katie’s going to work with me and, you know, dates as far as notification for fire meetings. So that’s what I have for

Unknown Speaker 2:25:30
Bill and updates and

Unknown Speaker 2:25:34
CWD and environment later.

Speaker 3 2:25:38
Now, we can talk about that now. So we’re working with that for the veterans community project for the right way. We’re working with them right now on pricing for the property, because they’re working on finding funding and financing and all the things they need. So that’s an ongoing conversation. And then for CB WB, we met with them, and they’re there, they’re ready, they have their financing in place, what we’re doing is negotiating a services agreement. So we could take a price reduction in exchange for them providing some of those supportive services to our residents with disabilities that they can provide and it’d be really benefit for our residents. So that is something we’re negotiating with them in exchange for a price reduction. So it’s still going to be it’s still gonna be a good influx of income once the sale happens.

Unknown Speaker 2:26:40
Over project questions from lack of service services reputational concerns about those issues.

Speaker 3 2:26:58
So there’s the same way garden acres Park is only about a block and a half from there, which is a large park with a lot of amenities. That’s one of the reasons why we thought of trying to bring community services in via either Emergency, emergency, early childhood education, potentially a satellite library, we’re trying to figure out how that would all work. Knowing that there’s a there’s a need for more city services in that area.

Unknown Speaker 2:27:31
I’ve heard this complaint on that side. There’s no real good, affordable why?

Speaker 7 2:27:47
Fitness? Yeah, the biggest, the biggest challenge we have more going on is there’s no space. To put anything. You know, we were definitely as part of the bond initiative here and that but you know, the status of purchase of affordable housing fund, so it has to be used in that. But if you really like more of the probably now you probably think it’s worse. So skin strain was face that there’s not a lot of areas to build anything. And that’s really the challenge with North Baltimore

Speaker 3 2:28:29
would plan a fitness center in the building for Residence Center, and the oligarchy digipath is also just right there behind the property. So that is our Lakers park, at least for this development. It’s actually pretty good access Sydneysiders other conversations,

Unknown Speaker 2:28:50
finishing additional questions on people? The answer is

Unknown Speaker 2:29:00
yes, it’s big into space

Speaker 7 2:29:03
to city facilities and this property is located next to transit, which is good. Right, super strong grains and restaurants. areas so it’s probably not as isolated as in other areas. But again, the point is we’re trying to progress corporated something else in that area. They were killed somehow I was excited to start in a qualified census tract. So the tenant qualifies as a strategy receivable indicator ever Nice. basis to the community. As part of a broader My name is Rakesh because it’s not inequality, anything that has to be used for the sole purpose of a residence. So that was another

Speaker 3 2:30:13
strategy that’s changing every year, every year. So

Speaker 7 2:30:18
that was some of the challenges are usually

Speaker 3 2:30:30
the steward family as a steward Family Foundation, that was at least a prior America for LFCC purchase in 2014, we were crossing

Unknown Speaker 2:30:40
over John Henson property of layer, partner

Speaker 7 2:30:49
or partner with Miles Stewart stepping tower was actually the radio tower, the user radio station signing up for the base station, deliver listen to

Unknown Speaker 2:31:05
sports, sports talk radio.

Unknown Speaker 2:31:13
Fan here, again very hard to use for a very awkward sort of, she kept the tower of this little bits

Speaker 7 2:31:26
as part of the developments, and that was by hearing disabilities, housing great knowledge and seeking for someone to land for development. This is basically a family

Speaker 7 2:31:48
and you’re paying HOA dues. That’s how we got in when it came down to that purchase versus selling on affordable housing right now across the board, whatever.

Speaker 3 2:32:11
Questions under six questioners a voucher program strategy discussions. So we are struggling to map out the history of the lhf Voucher Program, the future of voucher program, starting to map out the key areas for us to dig in and figure out how old are our processes, processes need to change for the future. We’re trying to work all that out. And we just wanted to bring a couple of the key pieces to this group to see if you had any feedback about where technology has broken in the future. So kind of the history, we have been in partnership with PHP and BCHA. For instance, we found that the IGA was originally 1989, at least warn us about not ordering in our voucher holders when they cross our jurisdictional boundaries. So but Lhh voucher holders can go anywhere. And what we found including the city bowler and vice versa, that did save like administrative work. But you know, now it’s nice, maybe nice now, there, you’ll see what that has done over the decades. And so we are doing research, and we’re going to be starting conversations as region to say, you know, we’ve gotten this Lhh voucher program stabilized. We’ve been that feeling that way for about a year. And now all the time is to look to the future and to work towards what we want to our book voucher program to look like 1020 years down the road. And so we are analyzing the data we have. So we know we have 420 or so vouchers, of which 36 Voucher holders exit to city for further housing right now. And then we’re trying to work with BCHA and PHP to gather their data. We know that BCHA is voucher holders, about 50% of them right love much. And so history really is LH a was development focused for the past couple of decades and still not being right on that, which is why we’re trying to catch up now. But the voucher programs that bch and PHP continuing to grow, which is evidenced by the HUD funding increases that you’ve gotten year over year and this year, we’re getting our first HUD increase In a number of years, so really looking at our regional partnerships, what FHA wants to do for our coach of voucher program, because ours is quite a bit smaller than the ach ach piece, and what do we want to do to grow ours in the future? Work on that regional partner, what works best to work current day, and really just getting started on thinking about that. So we wanted you all to, to be able to give us any feedback that you might have about things that you would want the bachelor program to look like a 1020 years. Difference.

Unknown Speaker 2:35:44
It seems like

Speaker 6 2:35:50
with a lot of money, or company increase vouchers, you’ll be happy to stay away in that. List support her, her ventricle, right. Okay. And then what we’re looking at is expanding that block of money that we get, and what’s the criteria for that? What criteria that we need to be to expand that block of money?

Speaker 7 2:36:21
Well, let’s go back a little bit. So one, they give you X amount of dollars. And they say you can issue X amount of vouchers. So it’s not like you can reduce how much you’re paying and go beyond, you know?

Unknown Speaker 2:36:41
Yeah, I was just like, Yeah,

Speaker 3 2:36:46
so one more thing, and then it goes into the McCanns. For example, we got a 7.5% increase in our headphones for this year, because of inflation and rising rents. And actually, we don’t have capacity to increase vouchers. We’re just we’re just making up for inflation with our current housing. And that’s

Speaker 6 2:37:03
basically what I was trying to say, yeah. It’s, we have what we call a two year tool, and that analyzes how much how many vouchers we can issue. Okay. And that’s on an that’s a monthly thing that we do, and it’s a two year. You look at where we’re going to be in two years. And how many vouchers that we can issue we figure for under 30. We will get over that? Yeah, okay. So we’re at or we’re at our maximum right now. But what criteria we need to meet in order to expand to get more fun? Is there at least I can do are we stuck with? Like, like the qualified area, kind of thing. So one of the things that we can we can apply for new funding. Anytime that comes up. That’s very, that’s that doesn’t come up very often. If it does come up, it’s in a form of a different type of a voucher, you know, cash voucher or have the movie to work vouchers. So we can apply for those as they come up, we can also take in portability, more portability, ease, and and raise our revenue that way. Okay. But they’re still not are managing their houses building inspections. So those are just different ways that you can look at it. How do you

Unknown Speaker 2:38:50
determine how much money

Speaker 6 2:38:53
they go? Yes, yeah, it’s, it’s, I don’t think they’ve really kind of look at Walmart has grown right? A lot in recent years, and I don’t know if they look at that URI or if they look at them at every substance, period. I’m not sure how I think it’s every sensitive area that they will get that to determine their do they haven’t increased the vouchers for us decades. Just recently, we got five year bachelor’s. But other than that, they have been increasing depth and additional vouchers for a while.

Speaker 7 2:39:38
performance driven. And so we knew the one thing we have to do is to really understand what the target was and make sure we’re getting as close to the target as it could get. So I think when we sat down, they weren’t sure what like 370

Unknown Speaker 2:39:55

Speaker 7 2:39:56
So if you look at it The fact that and be the to your tool, our numbers should have been for 20. Now, it’s adjusted a little bit for 30. So we set the target as part of the goal setting session and that number there now at that target, obviously, it moves daily. So that was the first thing we needed to do is to show that we can adequately perform because I think why we weren’t getting but it was getting worse is because we weren’t performing as a housing door. So check that box. Now the question is, how the federal government is releasing financial funding into the making that available to them. And so we’re in a unique period of time where I mean, you can see the whole debt conversations going on. And it’s interesting how the two parties or jockey on that, making adjustments, and very similar to what we do in the CPG world, as far as leg, but at the same time, you can see calves at the federal level, which actually produces the money you get in so we took the approach of control what we can control, which is performance. And then anytime there’s opportunities, we’ll fight for it, or raise it and qualify for it. And that’s, I think, honestly, like the BCH bhp have so many more vouchers, and so because of informants at higher level for a longer period.

Speaker 4 2:41:34
So is there any thought to as some of the vouchers you are ours from online as they become more in love, and and I realized it has a lot to do with what Nightstorm readings are available?

Speaker 6 2:41:49
I think that’s a long term discussion that that Harold is dressing. Now. With half of half of older counties, vouchers are in lungs, you know, what does that do? It goes down to to the payment standard. And if the payment standard has been increased by Boulder, Boulder County and in Boulder Housing Partners, and we’re not going to increase our payment standards just carry along. We don’t we don’t we don’t see a need for. So that’s going to be an issue that we’re going to have to deal with in the future about landlords asking why ours is a little bit lower, and people coming in from the City of Boulder, Boulder County is higher. So we’re we’ll we’ll keep an eye on that and adjusted when when needed. But when you up your payment standard, then what you’re doing is you’re reducing the number of people that you can help. Right. Yeah. So I think at this point, we’ve decided to extend the stay at payment standard.

Speaker 7 2:42:58
Yeah, so this this conversation is becoming even more complex, because one of the things I mean, this goes back to the it was 2016, when we had all the city council’s needed xylenes. A meeting. And the bouncer and I actually were the master of ceremonies, for lack of a better word on that one. We’re on the city’s agreed to focus in affordable housing, and things like that. And one of the things he talked about the counselors, everybody drafted resolution, but there was never anything will be announced accountable to it. And so the genesis of this conversation based on what Molly says, I started, she started sending me reports in terms of housing, generally community in our housing study that we’re doing. So it starts connecting to a lot of different things. Now. We make a problem with three, the state looks at it in terms of what you have in capital, any affordable housing that we build, and what do you have in terms of market rate, not market rate naturally occurring, naturally, occurring, affordable housing. And when I started just looking at the data, can you hear by saying long runs the most affordable community in Boulder County. And so intuitively, it’s like, I wonder how many people from vouchers that are coming outside of us dhbmec Ah, are actually living in logMAR. And is that impacting the ability of our voucher holders to find affordable housing vouchers? Is that an issue? Yes, yeah. And so where is Expanding is actually probably expanding beyond our world, because it’s now starting to touch the conversation that every city had, at that initial meeting in terms of what we were doing, how we’re going to work together, so it starts impacting what is it BCHS motor county housing solutions, and how that conversation is gonna go. Something that I want to dig into now with this group of another group is to understand what’s the functional impact to the city as a whole. So typically, when you look at and you have to be 30%, ami or below, you get a housing choice voucher, what we intuitively know is that social service needs with individuals in that category are much different. And so what is the impact not only us as an organization, social services lever about? What is the impact that our nonprofits and the community that are providing social services? And so we’re not sure where the conversations gonna go, but we think it’s a conversation we have to have. So, you know, Molly mentioned the 50%, I mean, that little boy, oh, boy. So I even started talking about comp, my counterparts. And just saying, Here’s what I know. I can’t sit here, and I’ve never talked to him, or our board and counsel about this, and we’ll see how it goes. But I think that the broader impact, the impact on our community, as a whole is something we need to try to understand. So, you know, probably bring in police in some of our data analytics are certainly not the housing side. But prior to

Speaker 8 2:46:49
that I still sorted through what you’re saying. Person and Boulder expects you to help me out to become used to

Speaker 7 2:47:07
the system itself. So somebody from Wildwood or Fort Collins comes here, we porticoes.

Speaker 3 2:47:15
We administer the voucher we collect the administrative fee from but for do we not work the basically a weekend. So right now we’ve got to write.

Speaker 6 2:47:28
And we have the choice of how many how many vouchers we can absorb. We don’t have to, we can’t count.

Speaker 7 2:47:39
So the way the system is set up the way it works, out of your designated operating area, we’re assuming operating area has slipped. So for us, it’s also financial. Maybe we can get financial analysis on the learning stack that we work, resource approximate staffing, increasing your next choice component.

Unknown Speaker 2:48:09
So what you’re saying is

Speaker 7 2:48:15
the punch line is the punch line is maxed out the system. In 1989, in nursing, green, all of these agencies are folks can move back and forth. And agency that has the voucher, which is now we know, for the case

Speaker 3 2:48:46
that we are not administrating those vouchers. We don’t collect the fees for that administration. Are we revenue? I think just decades of that arrangement has brought us to where we are. Now we need to figure out does that still work? Does that not work and what to do to see how we are in the next couple of decades or multiple worlds

Speaker 1 2:49:11
as an end user centered products I think that as as a naturally occurring, affordable provider. I think the red hat of a concern over

Unknown Speaker 2:49:33
Sorry, I’m always thinking the Boulder County got to be honest, I know a lot of other small miners to exactly.

Speaker 1 2:49:46
There’s online work where online stuff does not exist. They’re very difficult to work hard to get this inspection for private sector. Yes. We’re out I use the same one that

Speaker 3 2:50:09
we use. Okay, it’s accurate. And now it said there was a reason for that it was it was unsafe in some circumstances. It wasn’t.

Speaker 9 2:50:21
Yeah, no. But in terms of like, scheduling that it’s a disaster. I mean, it’s so easy to do,

Speaker 1 2:50:30
go into the portal, schedule, a schedule for long on wide streets in China or myself as to call for proposals like style, or submit a form. And

Unknown Speaker 2:50:45
by the time

Unknown Speaker 2:50:47
they would get approved for the Section

Speaker 1 2:50:50
Two event I’ve already done, and I cannot wait six weeks demisexual the same respectable coffee? So I think looking at usability to the landlord. Right, and I

Speaker 6 2:51:11
think we have it by the requirement with respect. No, it’s getting, right. Yeah. So we have to make her outfit and once we get drafted, but it doesn’t question if it feels like it doesn’t work or doesn’t requested requests. We’ve looked at that picture was looking at more of a user friendly portal, where all of that can be done. Annuals can be done online, all of that could be done online. And it was just that this footage is too expensive,

Speaker 1 2:51:51
and Boulder has, so it’s so much easier for me as a landlord to interface with them. And it just feels exciting. No one ever answers the phone can pay you back. I tell people recording and I’ve oh my god, no.

Speaker 1 2:52:13
It’s just too it’s too difficult. The landlord and I know that individual landlords just just, it’s too hard to actually get them.

Speaker 3 2:52:26
So I’m hearing that we’re thinking, we’re trying to figure out all the angles to like, research or address this from, we’re looking at the regional angle, the community angle, the budget angle, we need to look at our user experience. And

Speaker 1 2:52:41
from that perspective that you want to actually take your vouchers, instead of taking more you got to make it seem safer or easier.

Speaker 7 2:52:55
What’s interesting is if we look at it automation process and the body are good, because that may be able to drive harder issue and will increase the workload so that they will be able to push because our challenges. So if we can leverage to say, we’re going to coordinate next battle, and use that money to our potential to change your work, because

Unknown Speaker 2:53:38
we’re actually part of the solution.

Speaker 6 2:53:40
And again, you know, the 1000 over 1000 that are operating check so we’ve got more than I’m always gonna jump over. Yeah, and now, now we’re

Speaker 9 2:53:55
gonna, and then while you’re out

Speaker 3 2:54:03
it’s already so that on the payment standard, this is what we’ve been looking at so far. BCHA, didn’t even standard interview for First of all, in January, all of us went up to 105%. And then the CHA in March moved to 110. And they’re there. They told us they were having her folks are having a hard time leading up with the 105 gold or how many partners follow suit here a couple of weeks ago did the same. So there is something a balance here regarding we are partners, but also competitors if we want to stay and have our vouchers in the same pool, but also in our experience. All of our people or people are really stuck. It hasn’t been a struggle. We would if we did that we would have to shrink our voucher code. GRANT basically by, we wouldn’t be able to add more. So, from our standpoint, it doesn’t actually make sense budgetarily. But we know that our doctors are out there on the streets with others. So that’s something we’re weighing

Speaker 6 2:55:15
in Boulder, you know, they’ve had a 10% decrease with this

Unknown Speaker 2:55:18
work funding than we did.

Unknown Speaker 2:55:22
So that’s the balance that I think we’re looking at.

Speaker 1 2:55:25
I think it’s the extra like, for me, I don’t think it’s an extra $35 a month that you have something that you’re going to face utility to function on the system. Right? The old, how much easier it is to?

Speaker 7 2:55:41
So that’s a great point, actually, it’s shifted. I mean, just really quickly, it’s shifting our thinking about it is to understand what automation can do. And automation with workload. And so you know, because what we were afraid of is if you have to work file, let’s just say 200 vouchers, what does that mean for work. But if you can build automation into absorption of it, maybe the tangible work is not drastically different

Speaker 1 2:56:14
manner, I can go into their portal and request a change request for rent or whatever. Now for long, I’m writing an old like in letters, mailing it in the best day, and, you know, just and then making phone calls to get things scheduled, and you can’t get anywhere. So I’m just seeing if you’ve made it easier, and

Unknown Speaker 2:56:35
it will cut down because, you know, we spent a lot

Speaker 1 2:56:38
of time shuffling, I’m sure to do I think it’s insane, like the amount of actual triplicate copy things are on my house. And it’s like, is it 1982? You know, I mean, really, it’s it’s

Speaker 7 2:56:53
not reality is the answer to your question. 1989 is kind of what we absorb, because it was as basic as having to move them onto the city, IT system. And in terms of just basic work, and maximizing how to use your hand and those issues. And so it’s in the bathtub. In the bathtub. That’s right. Sir, certainly. shifting my mind a little bit at the end of the day, you know, there’s about 10 different ways to leverage this conversation. The question is, is, what’s the most beneficial for us?

Speaker 8 2:57:44
Say over and over? Can we sense financially? Is it possible to coordinate with them and price, of course, pick up that automation workload. So that’s really great. And we’re ready, just outsource that. Alright, guys in place, probably not that difficult to expand

Speaker 7 2:58:13
capacity, that’s giving report. So that may be part of it, you know, we may not want to absorb it, say, here’s a constant factor community and leverage it. For me, literally, we’ve talked about desert ways.

Speaker 8 2:58:27
But universal party that one of the universities,

Speaker 7 2:58:33
I think we did it, we want to stay with whatever ties into the army, which is what I’m assuming assumes that they have to have that natural integration with you already. So

Speaker 6 2:58:43
that’s what we’re looking at is upgrading. And it’s the same simple type of modules they have for their onboarding, for not onboarding their foremost. Solar System. Yes, yes. For the enterprise systems that a lot of customers already uses. But you know, every portal costs, and when you’re looking at only, you know, receiving funding for 430 vouchers, that kind of limits you,

Speaker 3 2:59:17
again, we’re at that stabilization period, we’re looking to expand and we gotta figure out our paths that we’re going to do and the priority order. If we’re limited on funding, how are we going to grow but also strategically spend the money in the ways that help us grow? And then the other thing that I was thinking about, I mean, administering BCHA and BHP vouchers. I mean, there’s a lot that’s not a simple thing, and it’s probably a long term thing. So what that’s what we’ve been talking about is what else can we do on the periphery, that would bring in value to the community or revenue to the housing authority or cost savings? If it’s borrowing automated systems, what else could we do to help balance things? If it’s not an industry and about yours, because that’s shipping our programs, it’s not necessarily a thing that just happens

Speaker 7 3:00:07
on the thing for us. And we have to deal with this to the reporting in order to do this, what does it mean for project based vouchers? Usually project based vouchers, development work. And so that may be a different another angle that we take is to give project based efforts and as well, so I mean, you sort of look at different options. And it’s, it’s fine tuning, like, what is the best place? It could also be, we’re gonna hold here, but since they knew, we’re going to take, I mean, there’s so many different iterations. But we’ve got to figure out what’s best for us, which is why we’re driving development, because the only thing we can really control to increase revenue is to drive development, because development increases revenue that the Housing Authority, the staffing and general fund revenue. And you can make that strong enough that sometimes you can use some of the device some of these modules and start moving in that direction. So

Speaker 8 3:01:07
with everything else we do control. You can’t impact this is or something else you can offer. The landlord saw Senator pain?

Unknown Speaker 3:01:24
Not sure.

Speaker 8 3:01:25
Yeah, it’s kind of like I was being we’re calling sustainability. You know, we kind of got the discussion. Finally, capitalists are talking about what we can’t there. What is it you guys can do? That you had already build resources, everything’s supposed to spend our time organic stuff. It’s yeah, it’s just not feasible.

Speaker 7 3:01:50
Is the point that you just made, you know, the automation, we can automate to make it easier? You just have to figure out what it is.

Speaker 6 3:02:02
I think and I think we’re at a point, we’re pretty stable right now. They’ve they’ve gotten policies in place. So it’s, it’s faster. It’s, it’s, it’s better. But, again, I think we can improve in and save a lot of staff, if it was automated, even with, even with the properties, the layout properties? Yeah, you know, doing recertifications online and all the documents that are online, trying to go paperless. You know, and that would that would fit into that. Go

Speaker 3 3:02:35
to Jeanette, you had you said you had a number of comments. Did you have anything else that you wanted to add? Well think about

Unknown Speaker 3:02:47
it, just for usability.

Speaker 3 3:02:51
Because that’s what we’re trying to map out. Right? What are all the factors? And which route? Do we need to go first? So anything that you think of after the fact we would like to hear

Speaker 2 3:03:01
it? Does the project based vouchers decrease our housing choice vouchers? I mean, that’s my preference is always a project based rather than investing our money in our pocket overall, and it’s easier to administer for us overall. Then can I piggyback on Janice? What about the ease of use and our tents? Those kind of tie it all together?

Speaker 6 3:03:28
Yeah. Yeah, they can go in there and do their animals instead of coming in with all the paperwork. Yeah.

Speaker 2 3:03:37
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like if we go the paperless route. I mean, that’s, we should be there now. Yeah. But, yes, the money

Speaker 6 3:03:46
and the likelihood of misplacing paperwork in causing issues that we were the staff turnover, should have

Speaker 1 3:03:54
someone turnover in the middle and then everything, you’d literally have to start over. And that’s just, it’s about I think, maybe it’s better not, I mean, maybe more stability, but yeah, just I would solve so many of those problems. I’m sure it’s been pretty

Speaker 6 3:04:16
Hey, the third Housing Choice actually person, so

Unknown Speaker 3:04:24
it gets one away, it gets lost in translation, sometimes.

Speaker 2 3:04:31
We could always change the IGA or is there

Speaker 6 3:04:36
I don’t think we have an IGA at this point. I think everyone’s just been in the way that it is, is long, long, scary as long County for the county and city, Walters city, and so it was an agreement years ago that we which is allow all of our participants to go down the line, which gets their ending up again. And

Speaker 3 3:05:09
maybe that was an unintended consequence. We, we it’s we think that LNJ being a smaller program, yes, having a sales administer, they can still in here, but having to be able to administer was like, well, then we can handle the capacity. There’s probably decisions that led to that. But now here we are, because that’s how we want to keep going.

Unknown Speaker 3:05:39
can say, whether, especially city of Boulder,

Unknown Speaker 3:05:45
City of Boulder, they’ve gone a long way we should be reporting.

Speaker 6 3:05:49
As we go get the tool. That is right, please, we get a portion. And so that’s something that would have to be looked at. Or some situation

Speaker 3 3:06:05
we could we could give if the Housing Authority had taken a different stance a long time ago, our bachelor program with coffee larger?

Speaker 7 3:06:17
Well, to your point, when we get theoretically do is understand what the break points are. And figure out how to set this agreement disagree that, that sort of trust, but we’re not going to come in and say we’re going to tactically come in and say X amount is our capacity analysis. And understanding what we would benefit from automation. You’re what does that mean? Absolutely. So let’s say we figure out what we automated, that gives us the capacity to do the math and what we get to figure out all right, 100 make sense to biomolecules. So that’s the word we have to figure out. Obviously, it’s going to be the property of some compensation star sometimes sugar coated

Speaker 9 3:07:23
at all. The

Speaker 6 3:07:29
end, we’re not at this point, we’re trying to return to our stuff up to scratch a base. So that we

Unknown Speaker 3:07:43
can add to our AP project please write

Unknown Speaker 3:07:52
or additionally refer into project. So right now there are two or two programming awards, same way, basically, the rest of the console

Speaker 6 3:08:20
they can’t accept vouchers to two properties, the manager had to prepare vouchers. So it will stop that. Yeah. So the project based voucher is very different. And then the responsibility for failing and finding a tenant on the Housing Choice Voucher. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 7 3:08:52
Well, the biggest issue for us actually from the city side, so we have that meeting was very clear from the cracks in the conversation board say is the only affordable housing solution

Speaker 7 3:09:15
and on Saturday evening, the housing authorities were on market but no one was serious. It was over and started cooking agreements and work for us. And probably never would have known about this. And that is my broader story is going to be in play is functional and what’s happening is

Unknown Speaker 3:09:46
probably the affordable housing

Speaker 7 3:09:48
solutions. So how would you draw the conversation for other communities doing affordable housing or mistake,

Unknown Speaker 3:10:01
we’re seeing these projects back now a project that honestly, there’s also resources or the same through the same

Speaker 7 3:10:15
team is they were reacting to decisions communities are making in terms of analysing weather external accounts. selection for the state with regard to

Unknown Speaker 3:10:35
the city council slash for sugar solutions

Speaker 3 3:10:48
so to give you more on this and come up with any other ideas for ways that we could map out and prioritize what we’re gonna do, we’re gonna love it. Yeah, and that kind of feedback is,

Unknown Speaker 3:11:01
you know,

Unknown Speaker 3:11:08
we don’t get to hear that very often.

Speaker 6 3:11:11
But already, you know, trying to keep everything stable.

Unknown Speaker 3:11:15
So I think at this point, we need to come out of our, our boxes, and what

Speaker 7 3:11:20
solutions might for our students we can consider for survivors.

Speaker 6 3:11:30
And as a landlord, you’re the one can you tell us what works for you. We just gotta

Unknown Speaker 3:11:37
go along with critical feedback.

Speaker 4 3:11:44
We really want to know what people have access to and ask over 100 laborers, you.

Unknown Speaker 3:12:01

Speaker 3 3:12:02
really has backside. Right. And that’s really what we need to know. And we don’t know if our landlords and tenants feel the change. We feel it and we see it in the numbers. But we would like to know if it’s protected out.

Unknown Speaker 3:12:24
Remember, she was

Unknown Speaker 3:12:32
trying to

Unknown Speaker 3:12:39
write it was pretty much dead silence. Pack can

Unknown Speaker 3:12:45
use their saw that.

Speaker 1 3:12:53
Like, the landlords were super friendly, like, you know, doubling up deposits or doing all kinds of case management stuff. And I got that.

Unknown Speaker 3:13:07
So they sent out a whole

Speaker 1 3:13:08
packet, so no one wants to use, they’re making it attractive.

Speaker 2 3:13:15
Well, I was gonna do a survey, like when we are ready to automate, let’s do a survey to the landlords that are out there. Just to see you here. What, what would be the most user friendly for you? Or what aspects are you looking for?

Speaker 1 3:13:31
Because even if you’re looking at it in terms of cost savings, like how many candidates mandatory that you take two batches, which I know there’s a lot of screening mechanisms to get rid of that but sooner a bigger apartment complex, and if you’re cutting down with their time, as well, in terms of accepting that tenant, it makes it more attractive if they’re administrators study three hours on gotcha work, right? They’re cutting in the lights in 20 minutes. It makes a big difference in terms

Speaker 6 3:14:03
of their watch. But the one thing that I have found is a lot of the other larger conferences are they have the work, where were the beliefs and all that that interaction with the client is a lot of the clients don’t understand it. And it’s frustrating for them so we err on that side how they just don’t know how to work it because we felt we want to go live with people. So

Speaker 1 3:14:31
that’s so interesting. I find also that the gospel is coming out of Boulder County, housing county are so much more prepared to apply for. So a lot of alarm housing grad footage on that and I’ll get ice cream everyone who saw Nice. So the one thing to be nice, easy apples to apples for me. And that the amount of wine my husband already told us to actually feel All through with the application process is very small compared to, I feel like somehow there’s some kind of case management or something that’s happening on the front end for the guys and folders themselves through those agencies is different. Because they come up with their paperwork,

Unknown Speaker 3:15:18
they’re more likely to create applications,

Speaker 1 3:15:20
they feel more prepared to actually apply them.

Speaker 6 3:15:26
And yeah, and we’ve we’re, that’s the briefing is basically this the same type of paperwork, because it’s all federal. So so that is kind of this same we’re trying to do to get them more involved, like we have a resume for potentials, fill out this resume, have your stuff available, and we find that they’re not even doing that. So

Speaker 1 3:15:51
yeah, in terms of actually applying for you. So I get the your works on your end, but on my end, and applications vary widely, right. I love the I don’t like houses, school at the state level. But that’s just my own agenda. But I did really like one byline was making a statement. Application like a standardized application that everyone pays. He does a credit check. And then all of my lines are comparing my degree I’m sure that was attached to some of them. She just won. Yeah. But, but I find me tense and assaulted, or prepared, or whatever that means. So they’re getting in the front end. And I don’t know, education is something about how to apply what’s happening, what that looks like.

Speaker 4 3:16:50
We’ve worked several years ago with Boulder County Housing Authority in Boulder, City of Boulder, regarding tenant education. We had a big collaboration that for several months, and then competent in a way that they were in and then they didn’t recontact, myself or Susan Spaulding, and I were at the table and theory contacted us, but I know they’re moving forward with a lot of in we had a lot of conversation about the relax of information for tenants, and how there’s so much needed for them to be successful. That that might stem from that.

Speaker 1 3:17:34
I, I definitely find this a new thing. It’s a recent thing. So they’re open, they’re much more prepared. Applying it the same folder as the same logic operation by

Speaker 2 3:18:03
so let’s keep moving along. So if anybody has any additional stuff you just want, you know.

Unknown Speaker 3:18:10
Yeah, great. Alright. Number seven, raise your quality wife, anybody have anything for this one? Not from somebody else to bring it up.

Speaker 2 3:18:23
Number eight, and Alicia reports of operations report.

Speaker 5 3:18:30
So frustrating, we’re still sitting at 93% occupied. Last month, we’ll make some big changes to how we’re going through our waitlist. Last week alone, we rented four units. And as of this morning times, the managers and followers of surprenant harsil should all be fully occupied resizing the back units by the end of this month. So these are occupancy should be increasing by the end of May, early June. We did add two new Methodists to the list this past week

Unknown Speaker 3:19:05
prior to what

Speaker 5 3:19:11
But currently, all verdicts are already out every single property and we’re just waiting for those tenants to qualify and within any questions on the occupancy reports?

Unknown Speaker 3:19:28
So the property

Speaker 5 3:19:28
updates. One thing I think that’s not listed on here that was just scheduled is our annual Ellijay fair housing training will be June 20, at 8:30am in the council chambers. So if you are interested, please let me know so I can get you on the invitation list. And this will be with Wes Lovell. Our and he’s an attorney out of Denver who specializes in the Fair Housing and ABA compliance. He did our presentation last year and will be coming back to share your story At first fair housing training I don’t think I got sleepy in 20 plus years. So general updates are April coffee conversations I think portfolio Why was most productive we’ve had I think almost all of them ended within the hour, a lot of productive questions that wasn’t the same questions versus actually stepping outside the box asking questions, giving us ideas and moving forward with stuff. So far, our declutter events, three properties have completed it. We’re bringing the dumpsters out on the site, our staff should have to help move stuff out the Aspen’s we actually had to do an extra dump because there was so much stuff between the neighborhood and Aspen senior. So I think that’s great. It’s getting the fire loads of the units down. Next week, we bring them to spray pre Fall River parseable. Sorry, next week, this week is Hearthstone Lodge, and the next week is Spring Creek in Fall River. And then we’ll do village place in June.

Unknown Speaker 3:21:02
I mean, most of the stuff was just in the units themselves.

Speaker 5 3:21:07
Bigger stuff or things I wasn’t so long ago, I’ve had a kingside batches, I don’t know what to do with for a year because if I put it out the trash can get charge. So this one, this is giving them the opportunity to dispose them without that fee, or having to pay somebody to come pick it up.

Speaker 6 3:21:24
Anytime communication going out on the warehouse that you’re setting up that in

Speaker 5 3:21:31
because we’re still working through some stuff about the furniture, it’s that we have some donations already that are going from like previous manager units and stuff like that, that we will be setting up for. We’re trying to set up a suite, we have a lot of extra rooms, like the old manager furniture from the heart. So a lot of good idle treasures may have that are in New York good condition for when we have the residents who are displaced because of floods, fires coming out of homelessness that may not have dishes and all that we are Molly have kind of been brainstorming about setting it up so that when we have those types of situations, we have some more that they we have some that we can give them to get them started that they’re not just coming in with nothing so

Speaker 6 3:22:15
so but yeah, yeah. Yeah, because some of us are starting to, you know, I have stuff I haven’t used for two years. So one, and it would still really good. Yeah.

Speaker 5 3:22:33
And then Cinco de Mayo events where they hit it was really nice to come in yesterday morning. And I had three or four different thank you letters and emails in my inbox itself kind of a different thing than we’re used to seeing from our residence. So my staff, all the managers work together to pull off all of the events. It was a lot of work. It was a lot of fun. We had an addition to that one, we had the dancers at another senior seven others, so is it really great turnout, and every every property was there, no packing 20 People are gonna show up, we eat the number we set for each property. So then we have the new HDTV special HCV specialists are for Tracy’s department. She has a social worker background. So she will be taking all this leads, which is great. So I want to go through some of this the properties briefly the suites, we still have two units down for method one for the week that are going through the remediation one of those units will be coming back online at the end of this month. The building attendance that we have offered physicians have been hired and going full force for a month. And it’s been really helpful and proven to be an asset almost back property has ever been rescheduled in our cleaning 24/7. They’re walking the grounds all night long. I have like a private law focus when I get to customer service calls for service from Sarah the morning is that we provide employee sauce as much as par so that they call it and they see somebody hanging out in the parking lot is not supposed to be there and call it in so it’s really productive there. We had two missions last Friday, one for Aspen and one for village place that we’re both granted.

Speaker 5 3:24:38
Yes, so once we have this issue in the unit, we will customize it. And that’s part of our BreakFree agenda. And that’s where we went to reserve the 3d substantially these violations because we were notified to the primary program that they had been offside with drugs. And since the death of this state that they cannot have pursued easy go after fees on or off property and gave us the means to remove them from the property so

Unknown Speaker 3:25:11
for gray area but when it comes to

Speaker 4 3:25:16
the fact that the matter was a map that

Unknown Speaker 3:25:28
I didn’t show

Speaker 5 3:25:38
was right up there by 11. Both the residents worked with us that we needed so it was a pretty easy process. For scraping and assault record, management has taken over and has partnered with elder share. We have the pool distributions that go on twice looking at each property. And there was a lot of inconsistencies between the property between and also with how the agency wanted the program to run. So management observed for a couple of us went out did their training program got certified as volunteers through other share and now have partnered and do the distribution here on site but it’s opening other doors for the residents at both communities. If they have a resident who comes in who is in need of emergency food, we both John Gregory be volunteers our elder share they have access to the food pantry and just to make a phone call and go get emergency food for residents. And somebody also with them communicating with other share the needs of the residents of one of the things we were having the first few go rounds was the food that they were receiving wasn’t enough to make a meal or they needed more he needed more of this and more of that and so Greg and John have taken that to elder Sharon this last week they had to increase the base they had stuff that allowed residents to make a full meal for what they were getting through the distribution. The nice little thing that happened at Spring Creek we budgeted last year for this year to refurbish the birth beds I could either six of them after they were there cedar garden fence so they were really crazy about about eight inches seal them and I just got the new filter we currently have no open positions in the portfolio

Speaker 3 3:27:41
receivable to a pin dress at some people love the property financials I do she is very thick. So I am Forgive me I’m reading for her message. So accounting is currently collecting the data for each property in the book extending past 10 balances over to collections within the coming months. Additionally, the balances will be written off our books or collections will take over as well right Congress affordable or receivable aging summary. Most properties for most properties revenue expenses are within a 25% 36% variance with the exception of the items highlighted. We’re running into high vacancy rates and reaching the annual allowance quickly on national anthems neighborhood senior Hearthstone and suites.

Speaker 3 3:28:47
This is something we’ve been looking at a lot because we do so basically we’ve got budget cushion in there for vacancies that are supposed to last the whole year. And we’re approaching them pretty highly on specifically a couple of properties. So we’ve been working on our waitlist process to ensure we have the means to build those properties. Unfortunately, we exhausted the one unit exhausted the weightless 55 people and but we had other people that weren’t on the wait list, calling the join up of an application that day. So we’ve been considering that once we’ve gone through our due diligence, followed up the rules and procedures, and then getting consulted with that person that’s sitting there ready to go that qualifies. I mean, we can’t i can’t wait less because it’s just going all the way through. So we’re trying to I think we’ve made huge strides in the past, plus the spring and whether we want to move on this helped. And then she said if anybody here has any questions, feel free to send them Kendra’s way or you can send them to the right for her

Speaker 2 3:30:01
I was just looking at Aspen Meadows neighborhood movement 60 to 90 over 1697 Round students that has gone extra bad

Speaker 3 3:30:37
yeah, the main reason is that

Unknown Speaker 3:30:50
towards your budget

Unknown Speaker 3:30:52
vacant, we’re not charging

Speaker 3 3:30:55
more. Right. So that’s, that’s the one that we’ve got one unit is still down there. And you can correct me if I’m wrong. But we’ve got three that are rentable to have an amendment and just recently, here this month, so we were making it making it up. But that one unit, what is our you might call, what’s that one unit in EMS timeline? Looking like? That would be two. That’s the one that we need to figure out what that was had or Oh, right. That’s

Speaker 5 3:31:34
that stuff. You’re considered one of your rebuilds? Yes, yes. So with AMS I know I wouldn’t have been having it moving in today. And we have one scheduled for next week, we did have another unit that’s listed further down on the bad news routes that we’ve just got turned into greater than their cleaning this morning, I get that five or so. And that will sit down for 384 days. And that will have to be completely, almost got in and out. Yeah, we had to redo all the stories of carpeting, full paint and lots of stuff last.

Speaker 7 3:32:18
Time difference between getting cleaned through the work and the work is most of the time remediation process.

Speaker 5 3:32:30
It’s a hands on vendors and everything else. Typically. It’s the testing results, that’s where we have a big gap is we can have a test it and we may not get those results for two to four weeks. And we try to get clean bits on him and trying to get the cleaners with the appropriate insurances and everything in there to bid.

Speaker 3 3:32:50
And then retest cleaners come back and retest. It’s just rolling. And that’s the way the cdphp rules have been set up a process.

Speaker 7 3:33:02
So most of the time is actually testing, testing making.

Speaker 1 3:33:08
You have to bid every time or can you just contract with a company that I know that it’s going to vary depending on the level of it

Speaker 3 3:33:18
depends on our purchasing policy with the funding sources for the rebuild

Speaker 5 3:33:23
in our car insurance wants to see if it’s going through insurance, they wanted to see the three payments. So luckily, that testing company that we work with is really good about as soon as they have the test results in hand, they are setting up walks with different cleaning companies who are approved to go to County Public Health to get them in there all at the same time to give us bits. So we typically have those after the first results within a week or two.

Unknown Speaker 3:33:58
going to butcher it shouldn’t count.

Speaker 3 3:34:04
The number of questions

Unknown Speaker 3:34:12
ending from the get

Unknown Speaker 3:34:15
dinner covered. numerous conversations

Speaker 3 3:34:20
have been added on public safety updates from Sarah as the LG board meetings. So I mean it is we certainly much of our time, but Sarah wants to John’s Matera Sherman, kind

Speaker 4 3:34:34
of moment. On camera, please rally out of Ben, my Chrisman staff needs to evaluate that we have basically, you know, a ton of cameras but it’s really about what’s important. So staff needs to decide what direction to go in. There’s a lot of different moving factors with that but we did get a bit back to compare with the others that we have put I met detector it must be lost in space. I don’t know if there’s a failure in Zealand or what but I’m talking to Ron yesterday, gentlemen that’s supposed to be shipped to me has not received it yet. So I’m calling and leaving a message today. He hasn’t given us anything. So did did tell me sir FedEx. So I, that’s my due diligence of getting a hold of him and the other folks that we’re dealing with to find out what’s going on with that. My patients is gonna run out for that. As far as the properties go, there, we’ve been spending a lot of time in the suites, we’ve had a lot of mental health issues down there, people off their meds, working a lot for working with MHP trying to make things work for folks and make things work for the good of everyone else that was in there. So that’s been pretty challenging lately. One specific resident, we’re putting a lot of staff time into I’m I set up a meeting independently with an idea, I have no coping, it works with MHB. Tomorrow, I’m going to pick this resident up and take her to a place on competency that has meaning. So hopefully, we get some good results out of that. I know maybe more hopeful than others, but I’m gonna try try my best. So other than that, I have much more Sandy questions for me.

Speaker 2 3:36:42
Working with MHB is everything has to be ex offender. Do they make sense? Because it’s sometimes or could they be even at the recovery Cafe if we make

Speaker 4 3:36:51
sure opposite, are we I asked that specifically where the resident wanted to meet and they asked me not often because we could have met at that sweet, absolute dairy that our staff was there. So then we had a larger conversation with MHP moving forward with some public safety and lhsaa later next week.

Unknown Speaker 3:37:25
Any other business and

Unknown Speaker 3:37:33
adjourn at 10 4930

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