Art in Public Places – March 2023

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Art in Public Places – March 2023

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Unknown Speaker 0:00 Okay, I’m calling the meeting to order at 603. Randy has an appointment this evening shows up late so I’m gonna run the meeting. Roll call. We just start here Cindy tighter. Alternative. Unknown Speaker 0:15 Shot please. Come Unknown Speaker 0:26 speak. Okay. So I believe that you are a public Unknown Speaker 0:34 speaker right. Unknown Speaker 0:37 Before from the museum? Yes, we’re here. Unknown Speaker 0:44 You’re here today or are on the move voting? Unknown Speaker 0:49 Oh, sorry. It’s okay. I understand the question. We’re here to pay for our new building. Okay. Unknown Speaker 1:01 All right, the February 16 minutes. Any corrections? I gave some Angela some corrections earlier. So can I make moments? I move that we accept the corrections as amended. Any second? Unknown Speaker 1:27 All in favor? Aye. Really additions or corrections to the March 16. Agenda? Yes. So Unknown Speaker 1:37 when we moved some things around? Anybody printed Outbrain with you? Okay, well, that I’m like And here is woman new? Unknown Speaker 1:58 One can you share the name of saving? Okay, sweet. Okay. So basically will from holding books online or moving counselors, clients number 14 up to number six. Everything then subsequently is moving down. And I’m now at 12. See, the Commission application applications. This is then everything I just handed out. Don’t look at that. Unknown Speaker 2:34 Like this the old one it says counsel updates 13. And it should Unknown Speaker 2:40 just let’s look at this one. This one is great. Unknown Speaker 2:50 Alright, other than that, we’re good to go. Oh, the one I’m looking at. Angela, if you email it to me, I can put it into the downstairs. Kitchen. Does anybody really need to purchase one Vaseline? Or something to look at it? Right. Okay. How about that? All right now we’re closing. Unknown Speaker 3:24 Yeah. That was good. Okay. This is right. So the next one is a council update if you had a new Porsche. Oh, Unknown Speaker 3:35 just letting you know that the council had its retreat this past weekend. And we went through a prior tribal team activity to figure out where we were as a council in regards to giving direction to and so that should be I think, if some sort of PowerPoint somewhere on the city website, if not, you know, make sure that it’s to it’s it’s just right now there’s really no hardship in regards to finding people to fill the spots and end it from a point of view our our legal team under 18 may just lost one of their star lawyers to another community which they’ve lived in. So it’s really trying to try to balance what, what we can do and what we can’t do. I don’t think there’s any issues that that really directly pertain to our places of just if it’s the manpower and maybe the installations. But I think we’d be aware of that. So, just a heads up. Unknown Speaker 4:57 Anybody have any questions? Unknown Speaker 5:00 And then we’d love to hear from you all. Unknown Speaker 5:03 I feel like we get the background. So thanks. All right, on the second of March, we’ve had the orientation nuts and bolts what we do and why we do it. And today, who was who was able to go into that? All right, good job. Anybody got any comments which like to say was this thing was helpful? Anybody not think of sample? Unknown Speaker 5:40 Because there’s something that should have been there that after you went home and slept on it? Well, we just got this massive overview of missions and bores and isolation questions. Is there anything that stood? Out? Yes. All right. Unknown Speaker 5:59 So I have one suggestion as Yes. One thing that we didn’t go through, but we’ve gone through it to the CDs are the inspection sheets, so it could be nice to go through an inspection to see what you’re looking for Unknown Speaker 6:12 what would be helpful, not helpful in our reviews? Unknown Speaker 6:16 Excellent. Okay. So the maintenance Unknown Speaker 6:19 event sheets. Okay. Great. Unknown Speaker 6:23 Okay. project update the Flanders site. We are chugging along on that. The we’re working on the irrigation and the factories for lithium scheduled to have it completed. And I don’t know the sister cities wherever they are. They’re welcome back. Yeah. So it’s all it’s all going right on the plan. Okay, so Nathan L. Alpine. Evan, is going to give us updates for communications and marketing initiatives and community engagement. So right now we’re working on the US senator. Could you speak up just a little bit this room is here every now and again. Okay. So we just sent out an email or about a sent out to the youth center. Downtown Community, Unknown Speaker 7:35 and it’s giving them a specifically to engage Asians are also working on social media those Unknown Speaker 7:49 those for the 20th Unknown Speaker 7:53 of April. Okay, anybody have any questions? Unknown Speaker 8:01 Only one more thing to note about my internet offline. So Pat does not have designs for us to look at today, which will mean that I will be contacting all of you having another meeting for Design Review. Rather than just doing a task force, and she’s gonna put out a call to everyone. At the very last moment, I think Thursday, April 13, which is exactly a week before our next meeting will be the drop dead date for that. So you can anticipate seeing something from me. And my hope is that you will have two directions for us to say based on our January 26 conversation, yes, this is the direction that we like or have these two directions. We like and prefer one over the other. And then he’ll refine and present to us equally. So if you really are jazzed about an outline, April the 2018. Unknown Speaker 9:05 Yes, may the 17th through the 21st. That is Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Yes. And in addition, obviously, to painting, it’s also going to need Commissioner volunteer shifts, like all fun stuff, setting up, tearing down, handing out paint brushes, cleaning brushes, I mean, all of the logistics that come with a community you are going to be absolutely needed and begged to come and do that work. And also painting will be involved in that. So when we put out the community paint schedule, followed by you to please share with the community but not sign up for those shifts because you yourself, enjoy your volunteer shifts. One of doing the painting and heaven is going to be hit it all in seeing that those community paint shifts are filled. And that’s this engagement process that he’s working on, is getting started to prime the community to sign up for those painting ships. Unknown Speaker 10:18 Okay. All right on the move to D that we did last month, I hope you all saw the stable swings. I mean, they’re they don’t look bad. Oh my god, they look so good. The Becky worldsteel, who did the little people photos. She’s under contract, and she’ll be delivering the end of the week. That is next week. And we’re going to do the install on Monday, the 27th. Unknown Speaker 10:49 And Judge for is very excited. And Tara Johnson, who does the juvenile programs, our therapy programs with? I don’t know if restorative justice is the right language, but is super excited. She said what a jovial, great opportunity. And the next time we install there, there’ll be a part of this process. Okay, they’re very initiatives, excellence. Unknown Speaker 11:15 All right, and now we’re going to be eliminated. Now, Unknown Speaker 11:20 we looked at the cord running down, and it just didn’t. So yeah, the general consensus is the light tell reflects off those angles in a room just really loudly. So I didn’t mention it taking a picture. It didn’t cover, it looks like got a picture Unknown Speaker 11:43 of somebody standing in the middle of the age group and looks like he awakens that great picture Unknown Speaker 11:49 of you. And if you notice the museum staff actually to prevent people from actually going up to them and putting their back on the sculpture to do the wing photo thing. They put little feet on the ground at a distance and then feet for the foot person taking the photo. While that’s not the intention of the artwork, we know people are going to do it. And so their museum staff was so smart that they were like let’s just give people directions. So they don’t back up into so. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 12:21 Okay. So art on the moon 3d Tonight selection. Everybody get a drill sheets. Okay. Who was able to do the jury submissions in advance? Excellent job. Okay, so these are the ones that were narrowed down to? Yes, I believe. Unknown Speaker 12:47 These are the ones that were narrowed down to 1.5 or higher. Okay, so they had a cumulative score of everyone who went in and participated in the process. What’s the what’s the top is the top three? Yes, no one? Yes. No one made these three is the highest. Unknown Speaker 13:08 And then okay. So these are indices and maybe some things. Yes. Cool. All right. And Unknown Speaker 13:16 that’s what we’re going to do. That’s what we’re going to do. But I do details first. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 13:21 I have a question. We normally do these articles. We lease it for a year, and it’s all around. The questions come up, whether we should keep whether we should make a contract for two years. Instead, because it’s it’s complicated. Unknown Speaker 13:43 It’s labor intensive and expensive, labor intensive. Unknown Speaker 13:46 And does anybody have any feelings about this? Or Angela, do you want Unknown Speaker 13:50 to describe more? Well, so this year, because of the marble we have in St. Stephen’s, we will be having kid the crane again. So you know, there’s positives and negatives that come with that I can tell you that of the 18. And you’re going to be looking at the 39 that you jury, there’s once specifically to probably that, it’ll be good that we have the rest of them people power on the forklift will be able to manage some of the feedback we’ve received in the past is that by the time of their installed, and folks get down to the various locations to see them, they’re gone. So there’s that that will give it kind of two seasons to be seen. At the same time. You know, it’s nice to have variety. And in addition, because we installed the six plants along Fourth Street leading up from Maine to the firehouse, Ltda has committed to match us on our budget. So we can because of the 2d stuff, we still have 5000 left To find pieces of artwork for one year, or $10,000, for two years, and Ltda will do up to six, depending on what you decide to. So we could install them for two years and do upwards of 11. Today, for one year or two years decision is up to you Unknown Speaker 15:20 to do it, live it for one year or live it for two years. Unknown Speaker 15:24 I would rather it be all of them for one year or all of them for two years. You know, Unknown Speaker 15:34 we wasn’t I I’m I My mind is failing. Was it last year that we that we skipped? So we did that we did recently? We did it two years ago. And that was so it was two years ago that we installed the ones that we’re not going to uninstall, exactly. Okay. Doesn’t feel like two years. Unknown Speaker 15:56 We talk with the beer for two years. No, no. Unknown Speaker 16:01 Oh, and you can also buy a number of questions. But also, let me back up just a minute. Before we d install them. And before we have this conversation going further, and to pay to take things out, I will contact the artist and ask them if they’re interested in selling. And if they are, then they can bring back their best price. And I’m bringing that to you as well. Unknown Speaker 16:26 Yes, my only my only thought or concern is just moving further fees is what EMV is, essentially, the artists is going to come back and say that they can’t keep it because my personal favorite fees this past year was a piece of sensitive Rosalie’s that the artist paid to keep it up for I think was just a year if not, so that’ll be my only concern of moving forward. I like to do it for a few years. I think it’s great, but I just would hate to have half of these numbers of us decide today. And then they disappear with a year. Unknown Speaker 16:56 Last year back. Two years ago, we signed up for one year and last year, we called people up and said okay, which Unknown Speaker 17:03 okay. So it was just one of those items, and he’s made a decision right now. And Unknown Speaker 17:10 then that’s why we’re asking now is because we will contractually obligate them to two years rather than Unknown Speaker 17:22 two I just feel like we’re kind of left with this piecemeal thing now, because so well, it’s also because they see the plazas under graduation or upset, something’s got moved around, in addition to the boiler coming together peace office. Anyway, if we’re contractually obligated to yours, I think that’s a good idea. I have a question going forward is, are these in number order that are these in the order of Unknown Speaker 17:51 preference? I don’t do I don’t give you that? Well enough to say, I shuffle it up. Maybe Unknown Speaker 17:58 these rich shuffle. Unknown Speaker 17:59 Those are all shocked a lot, but they’re the way that we are going to look at them when we jury them. All right. Yes. All right. Susan, Unknown Speaker 18:10 how would she say that ahead preface this by saying that she then had inquiries into choosing to keep up for two years we get benefit, but it does come from the largest public public. Unknown Speaker 18:32 I mean, very few, right? When we talk about hearing about that, you get very, you don’t get a lot of comments. Most of them are social media. Sometimes it’s to the Ltda to be third person. But yeah, public Oh, I love that piece. Just hate over video, those kinds of things. There’s been more than one and less than six Unknown Speaker 18:53 somewhere on also Unknown Speaker 18:54 for like downtown St. Stephen’s closet. You see him if you go down there and most people go down there in the summer, right so you have three quarters of the year that people are not there as often. So like Look, somebody goes in the summer at an art block and says oh I love this piece and then the next time they go off and do something else so so two years. Okay, so Unknown Speaker 19:21 I strongly believe it should be one year and as for that, it creates the excitement you come out of this system. And I think that that was the idea that is to create people coming to places and making things better. I do think maybe we need to talk more about hey, this is only here for a year and maybe publicizing every but I liked the idea of the excitement coming in every year. I like this attracting different artists and really bases getting more to our to our collection. Anything sticks. I think people drive past it and get bored and excited about especially in that first part of July, and I know we’re doing it earlier now, but that first part the first time, that’s the second group of people will also talk to Unknown Speaker 20:19 you questions? Do we have something down there next to each art installation, like a QR code? Or anything like that? We didn’t ask you about that last time that maybe could show. What was your code? You said, Show previous installations so that they know Oh, I see. You’re actually looking at it. But wasn’t that cool when they have this one, and they look at the pictures of it, and then and then see that, oh, it will learn from us saying he knows, less per year than that seems to get that generation out there. So illustrate that immediate gratification of seeing what was being there to get that information, because that you’re at that moment, then you don’t have to read it. Unknown Speaker 21:24 Anything like that. But it would be nice to be able to say, on the QR code. We have this piece through April of XYZ more Unknown Speaker 21:35 education. piece that we’ve worked on as Unknown Speaker 21:39 committed people did want to buy it. If we get enough people that said, Oh, we love this, I’m sorry, it’s going away. And we get a company. Unknown Speaker 21:50 Maybe when our program assistant comes on board, which the job description is out right now. That is absolutely one of the that idea of the digital twin. Right, this idea of having your collection very forward facing for the public, both in person and in this digital realm is absolutely one of the priorities for the program system. Because we don’t have enough online anything from the communications to the social to the to words, like Miley, you’re doing a wonderful job. I’m not discovered me right now, obviously. But it is it’s a need. And it’s a regular meeting. So yes, all very valid points. Like my one comment, I would say, Teresa is maybe then in the future, if we do continue to do one year, we put a weight restriction on some of these webinars. Like, it could be like one year, there’s no weight restriction the next year, like 200 pounds, y’all because, you know, well, models are. They’re beautiful. And it’s, it’s, it’s a big lift. Yeah, we can control that. Discussion. So we can, we can stop. At the same time we take the other ones out, because and that’s why moved up. It is in working with the public administrators around town and looking at where when their programs have things moving. It’s kind of a circuit, right? You kind of have the same people with different artworks applying to all of these parts alone. So the reason that I’ve moved it to where and what it is, is number one, because it’s before the first art walk in somewhere on the streets downtown. But secondly, it fits itself nicely when some of the things are coming out of other communities. It could be available for us. Unknown Speaker 23:51 And that is Unknown Speaker 23:52 April, yet we’re already scheduled with the contractor. We’ve got crane already figured out and it was one of the requirements for this application is can you be available? Is this artwork available for installation within our window? Because it’s more financially responsible to get all of the equipment and the contractors that hall save time for putting out and taking? Unknown Speaker 24:19 Alright, so Unknown Speaker 24:22 what locations for? Unknown Speaker 24:25 Good question. If we if we thought about Unknown Speaker 24:29 whether they’re St. Stephen’s, there’s down Fourth Street and you said there were six up on the floor but appears this is going to be 74th Street. And also there are other places around town that we use that we used to have artwork that we haven’t recently because we were we had short luggage but what is Kensington Park which is right on Third Street. We’d like to get some there this year. There’s the recycling center and if we had the right piece we did put something there And, of course to science and there’s your museum. So these are open possibilities for any pieces Unknown Speaker 25:14 I can’t hear you. Listen, they’re a piece of paper by Burlington School, long sentences they are in writing. Unknown Speaker 25:23 I don’t, it’s not. That’s not to say it isn’t that might have been if it was a business, they might have put something there. Unknown Speaker 25:31 Do we have enough money to actually do both of these things, which is 11 this year and 11 next year, and we have a staggering lesson to do that new pieces for the last two years. So Unknown Speaker 25:42 again, it’s not about not being able to have the amount of money. It’s the way that our borders, we are limited. And we are looking to make that change this year. So yes, of course, it’s not the amount of funds it’s that we’re limited to 70 only spending $7,500 a year on temporary workers. Unknown Speaker 26:05 And we have a bigger budget, right? Because Unknown Speaker 26:14 we can’t, we can’t break our charter that way until we fix our charter. Okay, so, chart. Unknown Speaker 26:22 So what is the point of changing charter is Unknown Speaker 26:26 the house of ethics. There’s a number of changes. And I think that that’s a good topic for another time. All right, that sounds Unknown Speaker 26:34 okay. But it’s an involved thing, because it’s our charter the the city, okay, we have to go to the city to get a change. And it’s easier to change a bunch of stuff that needs to change one thing at a time. Yes. So that’s a discussion for another time. All right. Thank you. Okay. I’m in agreement with Josie here, because just thinking about it, this country has been on display for two years. It’s it’s not dynamic. It isn’t exciting, you know. And I agree, and of having a change every year having an interest and supporting more artists. With that. I think that that is a good thing. Okay, so, right now, we are pulled out. Right now we do it every year. All right, that you’re upset. Unknown Speaker 27:34 Oh, I just wanted to know, are those balloons already installed? Yes. triggers or they’re Unknown Speaker 27:42 already other higher than to whatever it is 28 inches tall by four by four. That was budget that was budgeted and executed last year. And they, we put some hardware into strategic places specifically to prevent as much as possible drilling into the over over and over again. So and that also begs the question, when we talk about locations, obviously, the pieces that we’re looking at in the location, that’s why tasks, the task force or group has to get together, because some of these pieces won’t fit on some points, right. But most of them, Unknown Speaker 28:32 so does anybody, this is an official book does. Does anybody want to move that we go to two years? Are we all pretty much in agreement that we should sit sit one year? Right, that’s discussion about Unknown Speaker 28:46 that. I am in favor of GPA. I just feel like for all the reasons, we’re sad, and since the is representative paces, I guess, keeps putting us out there. What I wanted to do, and Unknown Speaker 29:11 it’s true, like when we just when we just did it to your stents, right. It was sort of coming out of COVID. So there was a lot of there wasn’t as much traffic outcrop as there historically has been. Unknown Speaker 29:24 And we got terrible. We didn’t get any applications from the Unknown Speaker 29:28 program. Yet like, yeah, it was it was and I think that there was something about the timing of what we were asking for the application. So I fixed that. And yeah, I don’t I don’t know what else because we did the same amount of marketing and all those things. So that was also one of the catalysts for for doing okay. Unknown Speaker 29:49 So can I this is an official motion that we let’s see show of hands of people that want to keep it at one year. All right. So I think that that Is that’s fine that there’s a note here says discussion of whether we will or will not allow an artist to have more than one piece of art installed per year. Unknown Speaker 30:16 So you have multiple artists on your final list, every artist was allowed to submit three pieces. You have multiple artists with multiple pieces on our list. We have not ever included or excluded anyone for any reason. But just before just to make sure that we’re not mixing your metaphors like last time, I just needed epically clear is it one artist, one piece, or one artist, as many pieces as voted Unknown Speaker 30:45 and I said one artist one piece, because especially if we’re talking about being fair to our students every year and showing up or artists, I personally don’t think it’s fair for our staff and reduces growth. Unknown Speaker 31:00 Even if we put them in different locations, I tend to agree yeah, that we want to get the most diversity in the most. Unknown Speaker 31:08 That means so much Unknown Speaker 31:08 how many people call me or is on our list? multiple pieces that we will please no, we Unknown Speaker 31:16 are not going to tell you. Unknown Speaker 31:19 So the question is that we did the call the harvest really could do up to three pieces. I respectfully disagree. Here’s why I think it’s based on the piece. And artists can do diverse pieces. And yeah, the shows, so we’re able to choose the piece, we’re not going to be an artist. So that will be the difference with that we’re with the shop our classes, kind of the reason we did we’re doing consecutive years is end up the same thing. So we ended up a lot of the same art, our labs in shower are approximately the same. I think artists can create a sculpture or marble and be the same artists is based on what is Unknown Speaker 32:01 the way I think that we would do it is anybody can split up the three pieces. And then we’ll vote and then we have somebody that has that we’ve agreed with all three pieces that we need to decide, are we only going to run one. And which one would be like best and ask them to split the other lecture, or are we going to allow like three pieces from the same person or closer to sort of limited? Unknown Speaker 32:29 I think we base it on a piece and aspect communities based on our artist unless we change our call to them and said that will be mine. What I will probably ask them to do three potentially three very different pieces of Unknown Speaker 32:48 information. For our Unknown Speaker 32:51 mission statement for the program like a focus on is it more reaching more artists or the truth that’s our Pro that is our Unknown Speaker 33:13 showcase. Unknown Speaker 33:22 That’s what’s on the website. Every year since 22,005. Our public places is exhibiting between three and 10 works of art. By Colorado artists in various locations throughout the city as part of part of the move. Each artists receives $1,000 stipend for their work. And longtime residents visitors in the long, have long, long get to enjoy fresh herbs each year, who are artists interested in participating in our new loan programs should keep an eye out for artists for entry in 2022? So no, right? That’s, that’s, Unknown Speaker 33:56 there’s no mission. Nothing is limited in that Unknown Speaker 33:59 building. And to Teresa’s point. Exactly. The artists were basically an RFP put your proposal forward of what you want display, not your qualifications, just kind of proposing this that we’ve never limited in one or the other. So yeah, it’s completely up to you. It’s your decision. Unknown Speaker 34:20 Maybe we were with that maybe talked about this before next year, because it’s already that amount, that you already have everything right here in place. By the next year we will discuss this before making a decision about the areas like we really want like, I personally don’t think it’s fair that one or two matter how diverse their work is that they get, they can make $2,000 And then these other artists are completely just like out of luck, you know, and it’s kind of unfortunate that they would make it look like this because somebody is a little bit more Unknown Speaker 34:52 superior to them and to some degree now. Unknown Speaker 34:55 So I don’t know maybe we just want to know this this year, but then figure it out as low as it is. is an NBA next year we should really be analyzing this and see if it’s fair because I think you’re gonna we’re gonna win one artist to not be able to win every year for our for checkboxes or one artist shot boxes. Why would we do the same all day long? Unknown Speaker 35:17 hours, but instead a fair statement just for the next, put it out. Give us more time to develop what the parameters would be great. Unknown Speaker 35:29 Sounds good. Let’s go ahead and vote. I will say to your point, Melanie, our our public places mission is to provide, manage and promote with diverse and ongoing collection of public art for the enjoyment of citizens of law. So as you look at these artworks, and you can’t represent, you said that sometimes they’re saying sometimes artists work is very different. If we’re choosing a lot of the same look and feel of our work, then that’s probably not our problem places ignition brokers, right. So we can use that that solely and alone as our guiding folks right? Unknown Speaker 36:06 To vote. So Unknown Speaker 36:08 do we believe see? Unknown Speaker 36:12 Okay, so just Oh, yes. So we’re, we’re not changing or changing? Do we need to vote on this? So we’re just leaving everything saying we’re voting on ones that we liked and remote. Unknown Speaker 36:26 Okay. Next year? Unknown Speaker 36:33 And do we need a task? Unknown Speaker 36:38 Yes, we do need a task force for people to choose locations. Unknown Speaker 36:42 Does anybody want to be in that task force to say this piece goes Unknown Speaker 36:45 here? This piece goes there? Unknown Speaker 36:46 We probably can do it digitally. Probably digitally, Unknown Speaker 36:50 then we could, then we could have more than like two people. We could have a bunch of people. Yeah, it’ll just be an open Unknown Speaker 36:55 meeting. But that’s fine. Unknown Speaker 36:58 So raise your hands again Unknown Speaker 37:04 many Teresa Unknown Speaker 37:15 All right. Okay, now. Okay. So when and if you into entered your portal, it would have looked something like this. I did get a little tiny bit of feedback of like a worksheet of what to do. Now once you’ve entered this situation. And just quickly, along the top, it says select your score, view preference. When you’re going through, you can choose slideshow scorecard where it shows you the slides and then brings up your shofar. Today, we’re going to go through the preview, we’re going to look at everything we’re going to discuss out loud as you look at these artworks. And then we’re going you’re going to use your handy dandy scorecard. And you’re going to make notes in the column that says round one, round two. So you’ll make notes of which ones you love. And you’re fighting for, we’re going to do a process of elimination. So in round one, you are getting six, yes, six yeses, you get two maybes and 10. Nose. And when I say six, yes, only six yeses, that’s up to six. The the way that the numbers work out, it just helps us eliminate these right one at a time. So if there’s something that you love, and everybody else doesn’t, it’s gonna fall off. And you’ll get to the end where you allocate your yes to something else. Does that make sense? Okay, go away. Unknown Speaker 38:57 Is this just at this point? Is it just a subjective thing? Or Unknown Speaker 39:00 do we discuss them? We’re going to use the previous slideshow, we’re going to look at all of them. We’re going to discuss all of them. And you’re going to start making your notes knowing that round one, that column that says round one is for you to put your nose in this round. And this round alone, you have six yeses, two maybes, and the rest of up to six yeses. Okay. Anybody have any questions? Yeah, Unknown Speaker 39:28 I will still are we doing our usual thing and we can’t say something. Unknown Speaker 39:32 Like always, if you have a concern, that if you you do want to handle it as what would risk management’s right like because as we all know, all of this is to go to risk management and review before I go on and on. Right. So, so yes, if there is a concern of up anything, but other than that, I’ll pause lives, please. There’s something you hate. Just keep to yourself. All right. Any other questions? Yes. So yeah, I think should we pause our filming now? Please don’t go we don’t go under contract we need to go under contract. Okay. Miley is going to read our some little bits of the statements that are specific to our works. And we’ll try and keep it to like two to three minutes each, but I think we should be 18 So we should be in good shape. All right, ready? Oh, you said you have to choose what you want to see first. MCs. Oh, wait Unknown Speaker 41:03 okay, this is not what you were seeing Unknown Speaker 41:13 see Unknown Speaker 41:19 click on it. Now when you click on go Unknown Speaker 41:24 for. Like you see the athletes. Yeah, that’s one. So then now it’s new. It’s this new system. Unknown Speaker 41:34 Issues questions you have to choose. Unknown Speaker 41:39 Okay, all right. It’s called a brush with blue. Eyes for movement action progress. Unknown Speaker 41:48 Can we see the ones that we all got? Unknown Speaker 41:50 I don’t like this one. I’m asking what’s next on the agenda? Because I guess I need a minute. On the agenda. Where pages Unknown Speaker 41:56 that is. Isn’t it Mr. Unknown Speaker 42:01 Administrator up, this is what I want you to do. We’ll look at this in just a minute after Miley makes it pretty good. So one thing that I want you to do is you went through this? Correct. So if you will go through the slideshow or go in? Vote yes. On all of the ones that will be included? Right. You know which ones those are? Just mind right? The exes are no Yes, please. Okay, awesome. Well, okay, so quick. Thumbs up. Thumbs down middle of the road. Better than last time. Thumbs up. Yes. Oh, yes. Better than last time. Last year, we’re glad to be here to give myself a pat on the back for a little bit. It still needs improvement. Right? Like what we’re getting there. I think it’s great. I think he did great. We’re getting it okay. Unknown Speaker 43:08 Anyway, we’ll just keep going. Nope, we’re fine. Spoke phase two. Foxes is painted. This clear coated. easement is done with the city attorney’s office still needs to go to Council for approval. But we’re on the Ask for forgiveness run. So it would be fine. And and animation is underway. The QR code is there. I did put a sign up that says animation coming. If you go click on the QR code, it doesn’t send you anywhere right now. But it’s looking really good. I have not purchased the service agreement yet. But we have the agreement with the artist to give us the two or I’m sorry, one year time frame where he pays for it. And then we figure out where that interactive, less absorbing animation cost happens. So if you have an opportunity to go through that breezeway and see the fox and see the roses, it looks really good. It’s gonna be good and it’s going to be talking to Tampa so we’ll want to start working with after we get it all legally legally finished up and animations underway. We’ll start talking about dedication days, and whomever is excited about being a dedications party person. Let me know any questions about foxes and roses. sounds really great. Great. Um, maintenance project update. This is a really huge one. So the Unity project out at Kensington or mural with the large woman mosaic that Mario is Maria has been doing it The fix the bottom where the mower continues to run into it. Last fall, we investigated getting a concrete bumper put around it. And the cost was astronomical number one for the amount of concrete that we were doing. And number two, it wasn’t able to abut the piece. Exactly. So because it wasn’t able to buy the piece, it didn’t make sense because there were still going to be growth and things happening within it. So it wasn’t a good solution. In the meantime, we have been I’ve been working on a solution and you know what? Growth The growing Water Smart leadership team is one that I just want to read it to you because it is an initiative with the city of Longmont and is implementing strategic integrated water and land use planning to support community and regional water resiliency. I met with their leadership group as well as community neighborhood Resources Department. And serendipitously they are looking to remove turf and sprinklers that Kensington and I said eight What about our rent our RP so we don’t have mowers hope running into it, and sprinklers going off, and they’re super excited. So they are applying for a grant from the state to remove around 3000 square feet of grass turf irrigation systems and updates to the space and put in native water wise plants and hardscapes. A demonstration garden around peace. They’ll be working with partners in northern water in different botanic gardens to design for waterwise garden that complements the Unity project and engage the Kensington Park community around with the process. And resources is super gas. Mario’s right. So we don’t need a vote here because there’s no money coming from us just to support. And I don’t know if we will actually have any say into what was demonstration or it will look like. But it’s the reason that the grant application is so strong is because it’s really an intersection of parks and public art and waterwise in community like it hits all of the boxes. And they anticipated we can continue projects like this, that will be getting the money from the safe for this annually for years and years to come. So again, just looking for support from you all saying go forth, Angela. Unless anybody’s like no, Unknown Speaker 47:50 don’t take away. This is a great spot because that artwork is angled on a corner. Yes. So 3000 Square feets. That’s nice. And people won’t be able to like Trump up to if they really wanted to and pick stuff off, which is probably that but no, I think that’s great. It’s great. Unknown Speaker 48:14 And I we can anticipate these kinds of things. Unknown Speaker 48:18 So as you said this, but does this interact at all with the possible Memorial, which is right near there. Unknown Speaker 48:28 So there’s not a memorial at this time. That is one of the reasons that the community neighborhood Resources Department was brought in. Harold city manager has been working very closely with family talking about the differences between memorials and celebrating life, talking about ways to get that community involved and at the same time, Unity actually does a memorial. So probably much Memorial artworks in Kensington is maybe not the direction that the community really wants to go. I do think that we can anticipate a Neighborhood Improvement Project from Kensington at the same time, potentially Memorial bench through the more or less projects because the harvest might be more appropriate. And I think that that’s the way that the family of the gentleman the gentleman would like to go. But yes, it absolutely was brought up and Unknown Speaker 49:28 growing in there especially for during the 3000 square feet that just right in that area syndrome. Unknown Speaker 49:33 Yes. So I think that it goes back to the absolutely to the family. Unknown Speaker 49:44 No, that’s true on the other side once and for four guys three, guys. Okay. All right. That sounds good. No, it sounds good. I think I I just want to make sure that’s Unknown Speaker 49:58 Oh, it’s it’s being talked About with people that needs to be talked about other than us at the tippy, tippy top. Unknown Speaker 50:04 Okay. Okay, I’m going to interject here we have a couple more things and then we need to have uses like, it’s just it’s like 10 F or eight, we just need a motion to stem the meeting. Our time is supposed to be eight. So we just need a motion to extend until we’re done. It should be seven. Anybody. Okay, all in favor? Okay. Unknown Speaker 50:30 Thank you, back to you. Okay, um, I’m just gonna send you the one minute video, the Commissioner application is open. The city put together a one minute video on YouTube about diversifying the city clerk’s office in the city manager’s office and City Council’s desire to diversify our records and how we are trying to do that. So I will send that to you directly. I wish I could tell you when a closing date is, but it’s open for at least a month. Anybody has any questions about joining our board? I think we’d have a number of seats. And if your term is up, you’ll also be getting questions. In the same breath, the program assistant job is open. Yeah. So if anybody wants to receive that and send it to people, you know, let me questions about that. Okay. Unfortunate, unfortunately, I have the I Unknown Speaker 51:37 need to tell you that Unknown Speaker 51:38 I can’t manage it, the director of the museum will be leaving at the end of this month. So March 31st, and store last day. In the interim, Eric Mason for the fourth time. Fourth time will be the interim director of the Longmont Museum, the expansion is underway is continuing, we do not anticipate any sort of slowing whatsoever. And furthermore, if you’re interested in seeing what city council’s direction is going to be based upon the community pool that went out that will be Tuesday night jazz hands at 7pm. So watch to city council to determine which way they’re going to go with ballot measures and such. Campbell will be becoming the director of the gardens at Spring Unknown Speaker 52:24 Creek in Fort Collins, Unknown Speaker 52:27 which she can walk to work. Unknown Speaker 52:30 So we’re very excited for her. So Unknown Speaker 52:35 everything is wonderful. I’m sure that Eric will be joining us. And if you have any questions, let me know. I will be sending you a contact sheet to update your email, phone number and mailing address. And there’s also a little check mark on there, saying that you have and you know about Open Meetings laws, and that you will abide by them. And also if you are interested in sharing your contact information with other commissioners. So you allow me to share your contact information. It’s a yes or no box. But again, remember, if you’re emailing each other one on one, that’s totally fine. If you’re talking about something that’s not harmful places totally fine. If you start emailing a group, that’s a problem. So make sure that you are abiding by those rules. Okay. Any questions about that? Yes. Yes. Unknown Speaker 53:25 So if you’re emailing to a group of people, about artwork, posters, stuff, that’s okay. No, that is a meeting. Oh, my Unknown Speaker 53:34 eyes would you to Susan Horwitz asking if you can meet and if you have ideas about that as a one on one composition, that’s conversation, you copy me? That’s three? Any more than that? That is a meeting. Okay. And it’s against the law. So it’s it’s any three commissioners, any three commissioners? But yeah. 123123 Legally, legally. Every time I email all of you is always blind CC, because then when you communicate back to me, that is a one on one conversation. And I keep all of those emails via city retention policy. And if there was an open meeting or open records request, I would handle those. Okay, just the transparency law thing. Okay. And if you don’t know, ethics, code of ethics is a really big conversation right now within so that’s why we’re just even at all our community forum. I said that. Yes. We’re done. Only to show what’s included. Okay. Okay, so Transcribed by

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