Longmont Housing Authority Board – January 2023

Video Description:
Longmont Housing Authority Board – January 2023

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

Read along below:

Unknown Speaker 0:00
All right, it’s 902. Let’s give Getting Started

Unknown Speaker 0:10
Yes, Lauren Sally here, Christopher. There is no black pepper generator here. While you’re Donald here.

Unknown Speaker 0:21
There are a few differences

Unknown Speaker 0:24

Unknown Speaker 0:27
So let’s go on to agenda to

Unknown Speaker 0:30
the approval of the minutes from December 13 2011. Motion.

Unknown Speaker 0:36

Unknown Speaker 0:43
we have a motion in a second to approve the minutes. discussion.

Unknown Speaker 0:51
All those in favor say aye. Aye. All those opposed say nay.

Unknown Speaker 0:57
Motion passes.

Unknown Speaker 0:59
It’s called a number three my favorite public event or

Unknown Speaker 1:07
report organizational updates.

Unknown Speaker 1:11
The Disney well, we want to

Unknown Speaker 1:16
let’s see, let’s do let’s go through here and I

Unknown Speaker 1:22
was looking for

Unknown Speaker 1:25
looking for C.

Unknown Speaker 1:28
For C let’s move for cm.

Unknown Speaker 1:33
Let’s go around to the introductions why you stopped me. Are you currently the board chair?

Unknown Speaker 1:39
I’m Jake Christopher. I am. I’ve been on this board for almost five years now.

Unknown Speaker 1:47
And I’m also a representative of the residence. I tried to be

Unknown Speaker 1:56
brief that with background Yeah, I was thinking about that afterwards. So I worked for orrefors see you as an accounting director.

Unknown Speaker 2:08
CPA, I’ve been on the board now for three years. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:16
For almost at

Unknown Speaker 2:24
Arlene’s orbit I’ve been on board now this is going on three years and ever since I’ve been on till now. It was always on Zoom. So I lived in Longmont, five years lived here originally back a long time ago.

Unknown Speaker 2:38
And I came from Salt Lake City where I was program manager for the aging and adult services.

Unknown Speaker 2:45
I’m presenting

Unknown Speaker 2:47
my work.

Unknown Speaker 2:50
I work in the city of Longmont.

Unknown Speaker 2:53
It’s confused on the housing compliance.

Unknown Speaker 2:58
Encounter, I’m the regional manager for long my housing authority. I oversee the nine

Unknown Speaker 3:05
competent property

Unknown Speaker 3:07
to commercial properties.

Unknown Speaker 3:09
My name is Lauren Sally.

Unknown Speaker 3:12
Over the years, Tom and Arlene and I started at the same time.

Unknown Speaker 3:17
I have a background in the legal field as a paralegal for

Unknown Speaker 3:22
four years

Unknown Speaker 3:27
I worked for Boulder County Housing Authority now as a senior housing developer, I worked for Boulder County 10 years. I do not currently live in Longmont by I used to live in Longmont. I’ve lived here twice already. I’m originally from Florida.

Unknown Speaker 3:42
And out of all the places I’ve lived which is almost over now. So Sal Loma is

Unknown Speaker 3:49
basically my Colorado call this community I’ve identified the most listen, you have probably been involved in the most my office out of the scope on compliment which is next to one of our properties village place downtown. And so I’m still very much connected with the community he’s wondering why someone

Unknown Speaker 4:13
I have a general reading. Obviously

Unknown Speaker 4:16
for more than 20 years

Unknown Speaker 4:20
raising my kids here in college I

Unknown Speaker 4:24

Unknown Speaker 4:26
my background

Unknown Speaker 4:29
workwise and I see my role as a challenger television

Unknown Speaker 4:35
and now

Unknown Speaker 4:37
I manage we are joined by

Unknown Speaker 4:39

Unknown Speaker 4:41

Unknown Speaker 4:49

Unknown Speaker 4:53
talk a little bit

Unknown Speaker 4:57
your computer

Unknown Speaker 5:00
Better most of my time now.

Unknown Speaker 5:04
Most of

Unknown Speaker 5:19
us, I recall from our signatures, you have some voucher holders as your as an inspector, grimace familiar from the, from the youth.

Unknown Speaker 5:30
I’m Holly O’Donnell, I am the housing director for the city of Long lines. And the housing. Thank you. The Housing Authority is the staff is housed in that division. So I, in terms of FHA, I don’t have a formal title, but I am the catch all for everything. Miscellaneous that doesn’t necessarily fit into properties or voucher program. And so I assist Harold on a lot of the either escalated issues or just miscellaneous. And Harold will be here shortly. He’s the Executive Director, he’ll probably introduce dinner. So she’s Executive Director of the housing authority, and

Unknown Speaker 6:09
also new My name is Carrie. I lived in Albuquerque before here, and I practice law there for over 10 years, including doing some state as a prosecutor and also doing construction defect. So I also turn this up

Unknown Speaker 6:26
a little bit, my husband and I moved here, just because we just really loved it looks all around the front range, we thought we’d end up in Denver, but it’s gonna happen in Longmont, a lot of times he’s gonna love it that it’s an amazing community. So I’m just trying to get more and more involved in that community.

Unknown Speaker 6:46
Saturday for a Police Department officer longer than 24 years in working the housing industry for about 13 years running our crime free housing programs. Very familiar with that.

Unknown Speaker 6:59
And I’ve been working with Lhh since 2010, pretty much from crime free started.

Unknown Speaker 7:07
She’s she’s taken on a role from the city side and really helping us build partnerships and

Unknown Speaker 7:15
expand sorry.

Unknown Speaker 7:19
I think just having that relationship, definitely be built and and I think there’s opportunity to become more robust with within Public Safety’s and the other things that Harold and Molly and I talked about within la chain, city partners and nonprofits to start you on them are now on the board are supportive partnerships.

Unknown Speaker 7:43

Unknown Speaker 7:49
My name is Marcos, I am the executive assistant for the city manager’s office. So as Harold is the Executive Director, I attend the LEP board meeting. So any questions that you have very soon

Unknown Speaker 8:02
feel free to

Unknown Speaker 8:05
reach out? And I also do

Unknown Speaker 8:10
coordinate a business. Anything else involved with? Or? Yeah, so in terms of orientation. So there, I met with the city clerk’s office yesterday, who manages the city boards. And granted Lh is a little bit of a, an odd

Unknown Speaker 8:29
little bit different than traditional city boards, if you serve to advise the lhsaa Board of Commissioners, not necessarily city council, even if they’re the same people.

Unknown Speaker 8:39
So I asked what their orientation process is, and I’m not sure if anybody’s heard from them yet, but they are planning on setting up orientation for all the new board members. So that will be coming. And then in the meantime, I’ve got some resources from them, that I can get to you on there really about

Unknown Speaker 8:58
what it really means to be the open records act and Colorado the Sunshine Law, what an open meeting is supposed to entail. And then the Robert’s Rules of parliamentary procedure, which is what when you see them motioning, and everything if you’re not familiar, that’s where that’s all based out of and there’s some guidance for that what that what that’s about. So for today, we’re just kind of follow along with let Tom leave the the procedure and then I’ll be able to provide that to you just to review

Unknown Speaker 9:31
is email okay contact for everybody. Because I think we should put together an email so if you don’t already, and then I’ll get that stuff out. That way. I think there’s a video ethics section of the video is what they send to pay the most attention to at least from the very start. So we’ll be sending that out. I think you could go on and on about them and I don’t want to spend too much time today we have a lot of other things. But what we do want to spend time on with you is in orientation today, like Jay said,

Unknown Speaker 10:00
Oh, I don’t need when I brought it up here. So I’ll pass those around.

Unknown Speaker 10:04
These were not in your packet since they were still in development as of this morning.

Unknown Speaker 10:11
But this is a reminder to know

Unknown Speaker 10:15
these are revised,

Unknown Speaker 10:17
they just added a couple of details sorry about that

Unknown Speaker 10:44
she just

Unknown Speaker 10:47
always have those covered, sometimes.

Unknown Speaker 10:55
Okay, so I’m just gonna open it up here, and I’m hoping we can do, I’m gonna turn it over to the communities. And so if you can give kind of an intro to what properties are manage. And then we’ve got the list of common acronyms that

Unknown Speaker 11:13
nobody, they’re not alphabetical at this time, they’re more in order of like how they.

Unknown Speaker 11:19
So those are here, and I think we’ll do a little voucher program into at the end, too, even though the master program is not this, that makes up the definition of it. But

Unknown Speaker 11:29
okay, so what you can see here is our, our mission and vision, and you really want to be the resource for housing low and moderate income families and Mama,

Unknown Speaker 11:42
you know, houses with disabilities. So we really want to be the leader in the industry,

Unknown Speaker 11:49
other providers in our community that we seek to partner with and together, do the best work we can do and provide the most housing opportunity that we can provide for residents in need in our community.

Unknown Speaker 12:03
So we really want to give a little bit of a background, you can you can browse this top section of your leisure. But I want to give a little bit of background on why the city and lmha are so jointly tied.

Unknown Speaker 12:17
So in years past, the LA chain was established in the 70s. And then it is a quasi governmental organization. And in about 2019, we’ve always the city and Ellijay have partnered together forever. For HUD, funding opportunities or just going over issues together. There was plenty of history there as partners. And then in 2019, la che board, which was not the City Council at the time, separately appointed board

Unknown Speaker 12:52
reached out to the city, asking for greater partnership to help fix some issues, there was financial stability issues, I see

Unknown Speaker 13:03
this conversation

Unknown Speaker 13:06
and just get run over client issues, turnover leadership turnovers now.

Unknown Speaker 13:13
So they reached out to the city to help. And in that process, we figured out how many affinities the city of LA had and how much how much work we’ve been bringing together to make it the operation so much better. For example, partnering with public safety without

Unknown Speaker 13:37
giving a little

Unknown Speaker 13:39

Unknown Speaker 13:42

Unknown Speaker 13:44
basic, sorry, I had

Unknown Speaker 13:47
kids car.

Unknown Speaker 13:52
So there were so many affinities that coming together made so much sense to help get the housing authority on a good financially sound, help with some of the HUD compliance requirements that really needed

Unknown Speaker 14:09
a lot of work to get over that hump and help figure out an organizational culture that would promote retention and just a positive, positive place to be. So

Unknown Speaker 14:27
any comments from you basically, I’ve just introduced by this analogy are working together and how beneficial have been for the operations

Unknown Speaker 14:41
in very basic terms, clients health, staff turnover, health, financial stability.

Unknown Speaker 14:48
That was all part of it. Genesis really started

Unknown Speaker 14:55
actually is probably more 10 years in the making and everything to call it started in terms

Unknown Speaker 15:00
financials, the revenue model for the housing authority was really built on development and using the development revenue to

Unknown Speaker 15:12
bolster the operational revenue. And then they got behind on developments. And then the revenue picture started looking pretty bleak. always talked about all of that. And then I think everything culminated with for those of you out there, I don’t know how long you opt in and log out. But there was an issue actually, that occurred here of which

Unknown Speaker 15:33
involved the housing authority in the city. And it was when they utilized the city’s canine units to come in

Unknown Speaker 15:42
as a training exercise that then led to,

Unknown Speaker 15:48
obviously a lot of media coverage on channel nine

Unknown Speaker 15:53

Unknown Speaker 15:54
violated the rules in terms of posting how you approach it. And so, interestingly enough, on that time, that gene you may have been on the board.

Unknown Speaker 16:07
I came on my after Gene on right after,

Unknown Speaker 16:12
interestingly enough, the city and Housing Authority were not on the same page, in terms of how we were going to handle this issue. And so it turned into a bit of a battle between the two of us. And and so our approach is the city was

Unknown Speaker 16:31
are officers that were doing this, we’re not properly informed by the Housing Authority staff, in terms of what they could do not to minimize our our impact as well. They also didn’t raise it to their chain of command. And so we went into

Unknown Speaker 16:52
settling negotiations before the lawsuit was over. We just said, Look, we have this up.

Unknown Speaker 16:59

Unknown Speaker 17:05
New Zealand, ACLU, ACLU, we want to start talking to you. So we settled frequently.

Unknown Speaker 17:12
If y’all were here, you may have seen my butler and myself talking about this issue. We just own her mistake,

Unknown Speaker 17:20
settled with them. And then after a while, the housing board settled. So we they kind of keep go.

Unknown Speaker 17:31
Picture gets out. The staff, Naveen is on the board at this time, I think

Unknown Speaker 17:37
where they were recognizing the top news stories of the Titans call and your housing authority director or was it a picture of like the Olympics were going on and it got out. And so at that point, the housing the mayor at the time back

Unknown Speaker 17:55
in leadership, because Mayor appoints the board was like it yeah.

Unknown Speaker 18:00
And so everything shifted dramatically. And so then they brought in from fee from Loveland is sort of a bridge stabilized it I don’t think anyone had a full idea of what was going on. Julian then came in and given you this detail, because it really explains kind of what we’ve had to go through. In terms of stabilizing Nancy Gillian combs,

Unknown Speaker 18:23
as the executive director,

Unknown Speaker 18:27
really struggles didn’t have the staffing that they needed.

Unknown Speaker 18:32
It’s anyways, she’s looking for another job before he kind of comes to us and starts talking. Because at that point, from an organizational perspective, I call it a death spiral. That’s kind of what it is a death spiral. And it’s so eventually, we start working on it at that point it was carrying around, it can be fed or myself, initially, starting all this

Unknown Speaker 18:59
may then start bringing in about 15 to 20 people from the city to try to bolster what’s going on and just capacities.

Unknown Speaker 19:10
Says that sort of wide, even older was like no separation of duties. So there are a lot of violations for ethics, not that people make very often to that day. So there were no checks and balances. We didn’t have to snap capacity allele j. So we really needed the same stuff. And so we averaged on all of the audits anywhere from seven to 15 parties, or every audit.

Unknown Speaker 19:37
So we start digging into this and to be frank and I said this publicly before, earlier in this meeting.

Unknown Speaker 19:46
I don’t think any of us wanted to do this.

Unknown Speaker 19:50
Just because we very quickly started getting a sense of the work but we realized that you had to do it and failure wasn’t an option.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
That’s kind of how we all get approached, it’s like we can’t fail, failure is not an option, we have to do it.

Unknown Speaker 20:07
So then they originally contract where they put me on the board with you all,

Unknown Speaker 20:13
as an operating executive board member.

Unknown Speaker 20:18
And that was kind of confusing. And so so we’ve gone through multiple phases of what we need to do, eventually shifting it to where the city council is the Housing Authority Board, similar to Boulder County,

Unknown Speaker 20:34
we flipped you all into the Advisory Board, which I think is incredibly important, because with what the council has on their plate, it’s too hard to really do what we do, because there is a really direct link in terms of how it worked with you all how you all work with the residents, you all

Unknown Speaker 20:54
and now look at the four board members that have been here. They’ve been incredibly supportive in helping us through things, you know, I can talk about, you know, Tom and the work that he’s done of reviewing the auditor, and being part of that board. And obviously, as a lot of experience talks to Molly about development projects and Gene and Arlene helping to support the residents and what we’re trying to do there. So we’ve this really is a partnership, this after the board because no one group can do this.

Unknown Speaker 21:28
We found a tremendous amount of financial issues. Basically, they were understaffed. And I’m going to go into a little bit more detail to kind of try to give you a sense of where we’re coming from. And I apologize, this has been a bad start to the year, daughter got a concussion Sunday night at work.

Unknown Speaker 21:46
So it’s not a good start to the new year.

Unknown Speaker 21:52
So anyway, financially, what we’ve been really completely realized was

Unknown Speaker 21:59
the development cycle got off. And when the development cycle got off the lead we were there financial picture. When we step in, we’re getting into the Reese indication of aspen meadows, apartments. And

Unknown Speaker 22:16
literally, the first thing that hit us in that is the equity investor that was supposed to be involved in releasing the occasion dropped out. And so one of the first things that we had to do so that project was like 95%. All we had to do was close it. This is all in 2014

Unknown Speaker 22:35
and timelines for me on this one, but so the equity investor laughs So literally one of the first things that Kathy and I did

Unknown Speaker 22:45
with Sarah, back are bought, but

Unknown Speaker 22:48
let’s start. She’s our financial consultant that does all of our work. When we go and issue tax credits rageous she started getting people to vote with this trying to salvage the project and get an equity investor.

Unknown Speaker 23:02
And so what we realize when you look at it in general, they were spending around $175,000 on their executive director, they were spending about 100 215,000 on their chief financial officer. So you just look at those two numbers.

Unknown Speaker 23:23
And then you look at what was happening in terms of the staffing and how was her paying their property managers how much they actually had to pay maintenance and fuel maintenance, and what they had to do.

Unknown Speaker 23:40
The county to have robust accounting positions and for separation of duties.

Unknown Speaker 23:45
So when we came in, we were like, Alright, we’ve got to eliminate these upper level positions, we’ve got to bolster those. And we started looking at what the city could do. So that is what they’re paying for it support which wasn’t working. So the city came in and we took over it all the back office function. So information technology, purchasing everything that you would see in there.

Unknown Speaker 24:09
With the money that we were able to say we’ve now created almost forget Kendra’s time accounting supervisor

Unknown Speaker 24:18
was asking for Daniel’s

Unknown Speaker 24:21
an accountant and an accounting technician was the organization I don’t think he’s ever had that robust of a financial backbone to it however, and so, and that is completely separate that is actually overseen by ultimately the city’s chief financial officer and our

Unknown Speaker 24:44
director of accounting or something like that. So that’s completely separate.

Unknown Speaker 24:50
We then went in and started benchmarking

Unknown Speaker 24:56
all of the positions and really looking at how we’re going to structure it structure

Unknown Speaker 25:00
By bringing Lisa in initially as more of a regional property manager.

Unknown Speaker 25:06
And then it took us about a year

Unknown Speaker 25:10
to really hire everyone in place that we needed. From the very beginning, Sarah has been with us in terms of helping us try to stabilize everything and bridge public safety.

Unknown Speaker 25:23
What Molly may not know and even Lisa is, even before then Sarah and I were would talk occasionally about the housing authority, and the lack of engagement that they would have with Sarah and police when they were bringing issues forward. And so Jane,

Unknown Speaker 25:41
when that confusion was going on, after the incident here,

Unknown Speaker 25:48
all of lhsaa staff was told not to do anything related to

Unknown Speaker 25:55
it was.

Unknown Speaker 25:59
Which is incredibly important, because I’m gonna get to you want to get to operationally what we saw. So we were dealing with

Unknown Speaker 26:09
the death spiral financially and where the organization was knowing

Unknown Speaker 26:14
there was not a number of the staff needed to really support the facilities.

Unknown Speaker 26:21
And, frankly, none of us have ever done this before, other than just taking management principles and understanding what we’ve done on housing. And so very quickly, we started bringing up people who had done this, we did a report with Betsy Martins, who used to run over Housing Partners really gave us a good kick off in what we needed to do. And so we started working.

Unknown Speaker 26:49
The thing that I told both this board and the city council was, it’s probably going to be about five years before we’re we’re in point where we’re doing development work. This is really more of a testament to the work that people like Karen and Kathy and Molly and Lisa, and all the staff did, about a year into it, we started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. And so we made the decision that the habits go ahead and start going on development, we had one come forward. And very quickly, we went into the development process on it. So where we are today is

Unknown Speaker 27:28
within the first year of taking over the financials, we went down to three to five findings. Interestingly enough, we had already made the corrections but because we were already in here, those findings still had to stick. The last audits that we went through in terms of the LH a audits, we had zero findings.

Unknown Speaker 27:46
We had one finding on the LH TC audit, and that was already fixed. But that was the one that was lagging on us because we wanted to deal with Le J.

Unknown Speaker 27:58
The relationship with HUD is in a drastically different place than it was. We just went through the big audit on the lodge in Hearthstone because there are 202 property. When we went through the debrief on the audit, the guy said it is like tightening.

Unknown Speaker 28:16
And he said, you’re gonna get a satisfactory, he goes, but I can’t go above that. Because that’ll bring the attention to DC because we’re like, Have you ever seen anyone make that drastic of a movement?

Unknown Speaker 28:37
So we didn’t get satisfactory.

Unknown Speaker 28:42
But it was interesting. We’ve had some conversations on other issues. And what we found out is they were about to come to the city and asked us to get involved even before the board

Unknown Speaker 28:55
members time to their relationship between the city and LBJ was very contentious, given what had happened. And for reasons that I wasn’t aware of because at the time it worked for the housing authority, and I was just trying to be on board because I lived here and you want to do something in housing and there was a lot of distrust between him and competition between Boulder County Housing

Unknown Speaker 29:21

Unknown Speaker 29:23
that shoe shoe and what they’re a little bit I disagree she’s piece by boy.

Unknown Speaker 29:31

Unknown Speaker 29:33
Chairperson at the time was like, why are you interested in this today? Can you hear? And I was like,

Unknown Speaker 29:41
I push paper. I have no, I have no say. So having those relationships need this. And

Unknown Speaker 29:50
I mean, they’re in a much better place than they were.

Unknown Speaker 29:54
Awesome. Yeah, totally, totally.

Unknown Speaker 29:58
Working under that mess.

Unknown Speaker 30:00
And you caught me on, you know, I was still, you know, a nervous cat. But it was like cats like that, you know for for about a good six months that was terrible.

Unknown Speaker 30:14
And like, like you said, go guys, just trust me everywhere

Unknown Speaker 30:22
that having having the city come in

Unknown Speaker 30:29
and get it straightened out so quickly, so quickly. And because the skills are with the say, and and then I’ll add this we’ve got skills now on the additional skills on the board that we’re excited about, with all of you all the new people, it’s it’s, it’s phenomenal. But it has been one heck of a struggle, and I was so delighted. But a few months back when you brought Sara on

Unknown Speaker 31:01
to see that happen again. You didn’t know that admin can No, no. So we were we had to pull it out all the follow the crime free had nothing to do with the incident. At all day, it was that I didn’t know anything about

Unknown Speaker 31:17
events. The other thing, one of the things I was trying to get to this morning, Herald mentioned when we were talking about going under the city, one of the things that really, really excited me was Harold stressing transparency. It’s like, Yeah, we’re gonna have, we’re gonna have problems, but we need to bring out the problem and solve it, not bring out the problem and blame somebody, let’s bring it out. And let’s resolve it. And that approach as it gets painful.

Unknown Speaker 31:52
Honestly, it’s painful. It’s beautiful. And I’m just, I want to come in

Unknown Speaker 32:00
to you

Unknown Speaker 32:02
making it much more

Unknown Speaker 32:05

Unknown Speaker 32:11
So, so yeah, so. So then we started really understanding what was going on on the properties. And this is not a conversation that we enjoy. But accountability was lacking in all of our problems. And so we were seeing issues of drug use, and we’re seeing significant behavior issues.

Unknown Speaker 32:37
And we got kind of caught up because think about when we took over what we were doing COVID yet, and everything got crazy, especially in this world, because you couldn’t do evictions and everything else. So unless they were

Unknown Speaker 32:56
significant evictions that threaten the life, the health safety of the residents, and we actually give in your COVID because of those issues.

Unknown Speaker 33:06
By where we’re working ended up in once we started coming out of the COVID issues is literally we went through a run where about every Friday, Lisa was important.

Unknown Speaker 33:19
We’re dealing with evictions and, and managing these issues. And so the best example that I can give you is when we when we took over this facility here was probably averaging like 1515 20 calls for service are

Unknown Speaker 33:39

Unknown Speaker 33:41
And so we’re down to one or two to three in the water welfare checks. Yeah. And so then, in terms of the livability for the residents, which is at the forefront of our minds is every resident, our obligation is to provide a safe

Unknown Speaker 34:02
place for people to leave. And unfortunately, you have to bring accountability in this and you do have to evict people. But if you don’t do it, it’s going to be chaos. And, and this has probably been from a staff perspective, and this is the center property managers. The most significant turnaround, we’re now able to and what we’ve done so basically the city contract is from the beginning of the day, is about $120,000

Unknown Speaker 34:34
to cover some of Molly’s time, some of my time

Unknown Speaker 34:37
and and the accounting and the IT work. But to put it in perspective, what we’re able to do with the economy scale is basically hire all the financial staff,

Unknown Speaker 34:49
hire more property managers

Unknown Speaker 34:53
and more maintenance individuals and actually pay market rates for the staff. So we’re benchmark

Unknown Speaker 35:00
gain the snaps now for a market basis at the city. And that’s actually also changed the applicant profile in terms of what we’re getting in. And so, for 100 grand, I think what we’ve been able to do is leverage about

Unknown Speaker 35:15
300,000 in terms of spinning that off into really putting the positions and filling the positions where the rubber meets the road, and serving the residents of these communities. And so that’s a little bit more detailed. And Molly gave you all but I think, detail that was necessary in this budget, because we’re easing so much Sarah,

Unknown Speaker 35:36
we actually put a police officer into the position, I think it was a step to police officer so that we can contract with her. And Sarah is more actively engaged in what we’re doing in time and cry three. So Sarah will now be in all these meetings will be in all the housing.

Unknown Speaker 35:56
Board meetings have been really working with you, they work already together. I just felt bad that I was taking so much time police work to do this. And so we funded it, but and to give you a sense of how it works, it’s not uncommon anymore, we have an issue where we had one where probably should have evolved Adult Protective Services. But aside that ran his mom out of a house, I mean, literally at 730, we’re on the phone, she’s coordinating police we’re coordinating and how to get the son out of there.

Unknown Speaker 36:30
And it all worked out. But that’s kind of the nature of the work that we do. Up to including we have the shooting at Aspen meadows, places in New York bases takes me saris fixing me, I go out I interface with the commander, and rarely use our cameras to help do some things. And so it is a complete symbiotic relationship with the housing authority of the city that really is starting showing results. And I don’t think we would have thought.

Unknown Speaker 37:04
So that’s my breakdown.

Unknown Speaker 37:09
So to kind of summarize what

Unknown Speaker 37:14
we did. Last month, housing development formation is a nonprofit arm essentially of the LA j, because they were put into place because when it comes to development, if you have your 501 C three court, you’re able to get access to funds and, and do certain things financially on the development side, but a housing authority alone can’t do. So it’s kind of a we have a separate board, there’s three members on it.

Unknown Speaker 37:42
They really are primarily on the development side of all of this, but they do own some of the alleging properties. So Allegiant properties brought umbrella.

Unknown Speaker 37:54
They are actually winding down in there we’re working on at transferring all those assets over to the LA J. And then we’ll be thinking about a different method to still access some of that funding over time. But there is a second board that does sort of theology. Well, part of it was many, many years ago,

Unknown Speaker 38:14
frowned upon housing authorities developing projects.

Unknown Speaker 38:19
In addition, when we found out is the community bought the housing authority to develop projects, and we’re going back to 30 years ago. So the HUD role is most housing authorities created development corporations in parallel their structures.

Unknown Speaker 38:37
HUD removed that a few years ago, price it up 30 years ago, and so we can now do the same thing. The development corporation did it with Betsy reviewed it.

Unknown Speaker 38:50
And we’re looking at the financial strength of an organization it made sense to bring those together. And the LHD seaboard because they weren’t developing projects was really starting to go, why are we here, we’re not doing anything, we’re just.

Unknown Speaker 39:08
And so they were and it’s sort of been the same people for many, many years, and they really were tired, more retired. And so then that’s what we started

Unknown Speaker 39:20
the combination of the two,

Unknown Speaker 39:23
or that kind of just the modernization of public housing and going from what the stereotypical version of it that was coming out, you know, 70s and 80s, to, to the more modern, more integrated diverse housing stock, you know, all of the ways that people try and make public housing more integrated into Unity now, rather than what do you think of, of what was built at that time?

Unknown Speaker 39:48
So I wanted to touch on since the city partnered since 2020, really, what have we accomplished?

Unknown Speaker 39:56
And here I’ll basically hit everything and I’m just gonna summarize

Unknown Speaker 40:00
organizational culture, staff stabilization, financial stabilization, compliance stabilization with our HUD findings. And we were audited up the wazoo on every property, every funding source.

Unknown Speaker 40:14
Really getting that stuff in order with all part of that stabilization piece, we feel like we’ve gotten there, it’s kind of a constant, we’re still finding old things to fix. But overall, what that has done is is changed swap, I should say, flip the head on Lhh reputation in the community and with their partners. And that was critical, because now we are getting that’s been recognized people are asking to partner

Unknown Speaker 40:40
and we’ve been able to quit for the anticipated start getting into that development realm. And at the same time when the city was granted all of the American rescue plan Act funding, and the city council decided to dedicate a large chunk of that to affordable housing. And because of the partnership with LBJ, still, much of that funding is dedicated to projects that will benefit the LBJ. So now we have the wave of development. Last, we have more proposals coming to us and we can even juggle.

Unknown Speaker 41:14
So development is a huge arm right now. And that’s something that’s really critical to the future years of operations for LBJ. And the voucher program is these are like the three pillars that I that I kind of think of was was serving Lhh, in terms of finances and our mission

Unknown Speaker 41:36
development, the voucher program and the properties. So that’s really the key tenants there. So we’re all here to serve low income residents in a way that is safe, secure. A POC brings a positive quality of life to these communities in which they live support, getting our people out into private housing, with their voucher programs, and be back all in compliance and safe and all of the things together. So that’s what 26 about the evictions, we never want to evict anybody. And we do process or we have put in place a process to go through every possible way that we can support the resident before we get there.

Unknown Speaker 42:23
We don’t just jump to eviction, because we also we’re the city, we understand that if somebody has a victim mentality to a property, if they don’t have anywhere else to go, then we still are, they’re still in our realm of of influence, we are still serving them on their unhoused that is still a city,

Unknown Speaker 42:42
you know, part of the city’s mission as well, to serve the president. So it doesn’t it’s not taken lightly. There was a wave because of COVID and the behavioral issues that they exacerbated because of that. But I just want to make sure everyone knows that. We had sometimes you have to make tough decisions to make sure the rest of the community is safe and secure and has been voted by so.

Unknown Speaker 43:09
So a couple things I thought if I were talking

Unknown Speaker 43:13
so development kitchen really quick when we’re when we’re there.

Unknown Speaker 43:19
So we’re under construction now. And to

Unknown Speaker 43:23
that is a

Unknown Speaker 43:27
85 unit partnership that we did with the NGO

Unknown Speaker 43:32
that the housing authority invested in Chrisman one.

Unknown Speaker 43:38
So that was one that we had untangled. So when we when they eventually were going to do it, they were it was going to be a straightforward investment. Then we had the yard bonds in the US that that actually impacted the development partner where they lost money in that view. And so

Unknown Speaker 44:01
there was a plan to build the second one. They weren’t going to go forward with that plan with the housing authority as it existed. When we took over they came in and that was the first one I pulled the trigger for the year. And they said we were going to do it with you all. We basically restructured both Christmas one contract and the crystal two contract.

Unknown Speaker 44:24
And in that the date or the Christmas one and two were turned over where we will assume manager responsibilities with promoting 10 or 15 years with rocket right down to no later than five. It’s incredibly important because we need the revenue from the operational side to bolster

Unknown Speaker 44:44
ldj Five

Unknown Speaker 44:47
but then in terms of how we find the person to once once they start housing then we’re going to shift to what 75 total revenue split up which would be 70 bucks.

Unknown Speaker 45:00
The revenues we’re looking at after they satisfy our requirements, which was another desire in terms of bolstering the financial stability of that project. So that’s going work.

Unknown Speaker 45:14

Unknown Speaker 45:17
And so, so that’s under construction, the tax credits awarded for

Unknown Speaker 45:25
Zinnia, which is the project just across the parking lot here, that’s going to be another fully supported and are probably giving her.

Unknown Speaker 45:36
But I want you to base it on a baseline as so.

Unknown Speaker 45:41
So we will probably close April May, on that project, and go into construction this summer. That is 55, fully supportive units. So that’s 30% Ami below. And we’re working operationally on economies of scale between facilities. So that we can do this

Unknown Speaker 46:04
project in 23.

Unknown Speaker 46:09
This is in the

Unknown Speaker 46:13
range just went out for are also in Zambia here. So one of the things that we know that’s occurring here is that you typically deal with the population 30%, ami below, we’ll call it fully supportive services, simply because there is a higher e per thing, things like mental health services, Recovery Services, and things of that. So one of the things we were able to do with some of the herbal

Unknown Speaker 46:42

Unknown Speaker 46:43
is we’re working right now with recovery Cafe, which is a nonprofit, for now, that really works, people are Recovery Services. On the east side of this building, looking at a sponsor, we can do a ground lease with them so that they can build their facility. So they can operate their recovery Cafe there. But it’s adjacent to these properties of which we know we need those recovery services are readily available.

Unknown Speaker 47:13
And so we’re developing that, and then LSCC own the property on board over and 17. So if you’re familiar with where the logic Marsden is offerings, there’s a vacant lot there. We just did an RFP for

Unknown Speaker 47:29
a development partner on that. And we are starting the process in terms of really figuring out what we need to do. On the development side, historically, the Development Corporation housing authority only wanting to build age restricted units. So we only have one non age restricted unit in our portfolio, which is asking for good. And what we know is that there’s a tremendous need for

Unknown Speaker 48:00
tremendous need for

Unknown Speaker 48:03
non age restricted affordable housing units in our community. So as we look at development moving forward, that’s really kind of that is what we’re seeing on. And so what we’re looking at on Northover is really a different approach. In terms of Anglo Saxon modeling, you go into more detail on this later. So really, family oriented housing that brings a mixed use

Unknown Speaker 48:29
mixed use from

Unknown Speaker 48:32
the north as you would think in terms of commercial services. But how do we bring more residential services there? And or how do we bring more city services there? So is there a way to build a category? That’s because we don’t care. So tremendous need for individuals in affordable housing? How do we bring potentially space for our youth services, Senior Services, library rec center to have a presence in the facility. And so we’re exploring all of that, obviously, the financials will dictate what we can and can’t do with. We’re on the front end of the project in advance. I’m always bullied about

Unknown Speaker 49:13
it. The interest now coming to this, it’s like Shark Tank. If you have ever watched shark tank in terms of the number of opportunities that are now coming to us in terms of partnerships, we’ve got about six, five or six that we’re, we’re assessing right now. And it can be someone that has

Unknown Speaker 49:36
a house rental housing project that they were going to look at new or market rate, but because of the interest rates today and everything else, it can’t finance it. So now they’re going oh, we may want to take it into the life tech world or you will be interested in partnering with us. And so it can be as basic as they want to partner with us as a special limited

Unknown Speaker 50:00
partners so they can get a tax exemption. And that’s pretty easy.

Unknown Speaker 50:05
It can be as complex as they want to partner with us on tax credits, and we want the operational limits. And so you’re just gonna for

Unknown Speaker 50:16
negotiation trying to deal with this.

Unknown Speaker 50:20
You know, literally, we had two or three that were pretty promising. We had another I’ll just say this over the New Year’s holiday.

Unknown Speaker 50:28
So we’re really just evaluating these and it’s turning into point where we’re taking bets. We’re not stuck with

Unknown Speaker 50:37
before it was like, Well, is there no, it’s harder with this. Now we can be really similar in terms of what we’re here to bring forward. And

Unknown Speaker 50:49
so I’d say that’s the orientation to

Unknown Speaker 50:55
it. We did want to talk about properties. Yeah, you want to just give a brief intro to what properties we currently have on your Shijo have a three separate of each of the property. So we are asking the rose senior apartments, which is 50 units, two bedrooms for those 62 and older. That was a project that was reciprocated in 2021. So remodel, new flooring, new appliances, some faceless inside and outside on that property. And it shows all the studies that are associated that went with that recertification it became an lhg own property.

Unknown Speaker 51:30
We have correction next door we have aspose neighborhood which is 28 family townhouses, 234 bedrooms, and that is the LG on property.

Unknown Speaker 51:40
We are prior with apartments that is adjacent to one veterans community project. We own that building as well. But we have 10 Studio units. And that’s LHL fall rivers to see us within two bedrooms for those 62 and older has a wonderful opportunity. Multiple Sundays there

Unknown Speaker 52:02
was a lot of the hearthstone are very similar. They’re both 50 units, one bedroom apartments are those 62 and older and they are both funded through the head cap,

Unknown Speaker 52:12
spray Creek and other 60 units. And that’s a very village, what did you bedrooms, and those are for 55. And over and that’s our only property, but it’s not a 60 to an over for seniors.

Unknown Speaker 52:25
We have a suite where we’re at right now we have a two units here with studios, one bedrooms, and we have two two bedroom units. We also have a managers unit on site. And this is an eligible property.

Unknown Speaker 52:36
Village Place Apartments which is the 72 units up on Main Street Studios, one bedrooms and two bedrooms 62 and older. That is currently in LH BC Oh robbery is going to go through recertification in 2024. And that will become an LH ale property.

Unknown Speaker 52:55
And we have two commercial properties, which is a 650 Wayne, which is right next door to village place that is currently rented by center for people with disabilities and they are on a month to month lease because they are looking to purchase that building from FHA. And then we have

Unknown Speaker 53:12
the wrong address. Why don’t you do a main street not Kimbark sorry

Unknown Speaker 53:18
that LBJ offices is now housed by veterans community project and we have a lease with them through April 2024.

Unknown Speaker 53:27
Just to give you a sense of that kind of opportunity. So Are you all familiar with the veterans community grant?

Unknown Speaker 53:34
So that is a group that started to Kansas City. And they they focus on the city and how in providing housing for unhealthy veterans. Their model is a little bit different than most veterans programs because their philosophy is that whether or not you are are really or just if you’ve served, venturing at any point in our lives, we’re here to serve you.

Unknown Speaker 54:03
They actually were introduced to us the development proposal to move to Florida city. So the development had an outgrowth

Unknown Speaker 54:12
of African development which is the area of my target and that the area that I target in

Unknown Speaker 54:20
they brought them in as part of our inclusionary housing piece. So on that development, you have eight,

Unknown Speaker 54:31
eight or 12 Tomorrow

Unknown Speaker 54:33
at 12 Habitat for Humanity knows that we have 26 tiny homes that will be dedicated to providing housing to other counselors. It is a project that is probably the only project reunited states we’re very intentionally developing

Unknown Speaker 54:54
any unhoused program immediately adjacent to

Unknown Speaker 55:00
work in writing.

Unknown Speaker 55:02
I went to Kansas City, Kennesaw, and they did their success rate is incredibly high in terms of valuable folks and how to get them into housing. Literally the day that I was there, there was a former Marine that had lost custody of his kids, they were in foster care, because my mom had lost custody. And literally the day I was there, and we got custody, and the kids were coming in, based on the work they do. So they actually had rented a space in there got caught in that situation.

Unknown Speaker 55:34
They came to us and said, you know, we were in this transition, we needed our folks with us anyway. So we moved into that office, what are the things that we’re starting to think about, and I think Zinnias Sugar Boy, is

Unknown Speaker 55:49
there maybe aren’t going to ask them for Syverson, or grow for when simply because we can use any data to bring our tenants over. But then they can use that to provide more units to individuals who are experiencing homelessness, which we’re all serving the same group. And the more we can spread it out, we’re dealing with it with more capacity that brings organizations also that may be a little bit away. That’s how the players came about.

Unknown Speaker 56:25
So you want to give a brief overview of our what we do with vouchers, so we have housing choice vouchers that are rented for 580 vouchers, that that just means that we could go up to 500 or 500.

Unknown Speaker 56:43
At this point, they’re up to 500 or 420.

Unknown Speaker 56:49
Under the Housing Choice, vouchers is also the project based vouchers to be paid some of our housing choice vouchers, and we can assign them to a property.

Unknown Speaker 57:01
And then the tenants would get assistance of that property. Under the regular housing choice vouchers, its tenant base, so they get a voucher they go out into older community, they find a new substance.

Unknown Speaker 57:17
So that’s, it’s all federally funded. So we work with them. We are regulated by FDA regulations, we have an admin plan that we have to do every year, that outlines what our policies and procedures are.

Unknown Speaker 57:35
Rules are logical.

Unknown Speaker 57:38
So it will be so you’ve heard that word we can often get issue 518 gougeres, was where we’re at Forest one

Unknown Speaker 57:47
minute, explain that a little bit. You don’t get from a voucher, and

Unknown Speaker 57:54
what you get is a pool of dollars. And they tell you, here’s how many vouchers that you can issue. And so we’ve been relatively stagnant in terms of the dollars that we have. And so as inflation and rents increase, it actually reduces what you’re able to actually issue in terms of the number of vouchers. And so in the tool, till you run all your rants and everything that’s happening in that it says here’s what you can really issue in terms of the number of vouchers, and then and then you have to have a reserve on top of that, so that you can absorb any renewal increases.

Unknown Speaker 58:38
And so the work that Kendra is really done for us is to identify what is that number that we need to hit so we have the appropriate reserves within the dollars that are available. And the closer you can stay to that the more likely it is that you’re going to get additional revenues from

Unknown Speaker 58:58
and what we were finding is they were probably in the three eight e 370 range in terms of the number of vouchers they were keeping out on the street and so that never saw the to give the Housing Authority more money because they weren’t actually using those dollars and so we’re now our target is 420

Unknown Speaker 59:20
and we’re holding very close to that are issuing

Unknown Speaker 59:25
a lot that issue

Unknown Speaker 59:30
and that’s just to make the case and we can get more money from when the opportunities present themselves and so we don’t we can’t issue five

Unknown Speaker 59:41
we still have

Unknown Speaker 59:43
an ongoing performance management thing to insure yourself up so you can issue more and more things impair other tender issue. They can come back and start to do your reserves.

Unknown Speaker 59:59

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
Are you able to go and ask for additional funding on a yearly basis?

Unknown Speaker 1:00:05
Under the housing choice voucher, it’s a it’s a, it’s the additional money that heads going to appropriate. And it’s the exact

Unknown Speaker 1:00:17
Now, let us know we don’t have.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:22
So this last round, so he got five, that’s five more than we did last year. So it might not be a lot right now. But it’s, it’s something in, in having at least up or stronger going in to get different kinds of options. So the veterans

Unknown Speaker 1:00:43
voucher syndrome and other deductions.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:50
From what I understand, we’re to go over the philosophy of the housing authority.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:56
So they weren’t going after a lot of triplanar er.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:01
Yeah, no, I mean, so it’s actually good point. So when we did our debrief

Unknown Speaker 1:01:08
on logic, Hearthstone property, so it was a complete fail. And the guy told us only reason that they got any points because the building envelope was in good condition. And then he told us something that really kind of freaked us out where

Unknown Speaker 1:01:26
when they weren’t going and they were auditing

Unknown Speaker 1:01:29
the Housing Authority, they were asking for documents. And,

Unknown Speaker 1:01:34
and the staff was saying, Well, we have to go to the border to release the documents on audit documents. And so we immediately

Unknown Speaker 1:01:43
because they’re all public documents in and talking to people who are on board, they never had the request. And so

Unknown Speaker 1:01:52
I was saying, avoiding flying under the radar, not only working fine under radar, they were intentionally being combative with them in terms of the documents they were turning over. And the point that he made is anytime I ask for something can produce it, and I can tell where it’s going. So

Unknown Speaker 1:02:13
it was flying under the radar and being

Unknown Speaker 1:02:18
every five years, you have to find it under the Housing Choice Voucher Program. And that’s their first one of the things that they answered in it was that their goal was within I think it was five years or 10 years to be completely free from from home. Things that they would have gotcha Yeah, that was Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:42

Unknown Speaker 1:02:44
So I think that’s the reason that that LBJ doesn’t have any more

Unknown Speaker 1:02:55
so I think maybe go back to four A and then

Unknown Speaker 1:03:03
we keep kind of read for now, but I want to come back to that because of time. Well, we’ve got to get a complete Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:12
Why don’t you guys also wanted to point out the orientation is we’re gonna get quarterly financial statements. Boucher update.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:19
Thanks, can use here to answer the question, but that

Unknown Speaker 1:03:28
doesn’t mean

Unknown Speaker 1:03:31
an example. Alright, so let’s go on the floor a listing.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:37
That’s the name of it official posting locations and lhg Advisory Board agendas.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:42
So last year, the agendas

Unknown Speaker 1:03:49
so they were on the city of Longmont website, the Longmont Housing Authority website, the west side entrance of the civic center. And

Unknown Speaker 1:03:59
oh, and we adopted the practice post all the LA at the LSU problems

Unknown Speaker 1:04:07
we could do that for this year as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:11
We have any changes

Unknown Speaker 1:04:16
so we get to the against the LG advisory board agendas will be posted on the city of Walmart website the White House website and website interested citizens

Unknown Speaker 1:04:28
and at all LG calm

Unknown Speaker 1:04:40

Unknown Speaker 1:04:43
I’ll say a second.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:49
Any discussion?

Unknown Speaker 1:04:52
All right, so the motion on the table again is the belly che agenda will be posted on

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
In the city on my website, I’m on Housing Authority website. I said interested in civic centers, and at LH a and LH, DC programs. All those in favor say I

Unknown Speaker 1:05:14
was supposed to make

Unknown Speaker 1:05:16
searches. Motion passes. So

Unknown Speaker 1:05:22
So let’s go on to for me. Hello, Chair and Vice Chair for 2023.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:27
Do I have any nominations?

Unknown Speaker 1:05:35
If I have any competition

Unknown Speaker 1:05:44
over competition,

Unknown Speaker 1:05:46
you don’t want to do it.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:51
Okay, so motion on the table to have myself autonomy as the chair.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:58
So any discussion?

Unknown Speaker 1:06:05
Do you want to share with how much work it actually is? I mean, maybe we should start with that. I like what it entails.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:11
It’s really just run the meetings. And then, I mean, I think we’re in terms of a group on a board where we’re very open, you know, authority questions. And that’s why I wouldn’t be used to

Unknown Speaker 1:06:26
less formal.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:28
Somebody ask questions, get it out there. I was just gonna say. And then

Unknown Speaker 1:06:34
I put some agenda items on here. Too much. But he does.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:41
By the way.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:49
But, yes,

Unknown Speaker 1:06:52
Vice Chair as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:02
Okay, so let’s vote in favor say aye.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:07
Aye. All this was happening.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:10
And extensions. Motion passes. Madam Chair. This was voted on Vice Chair. Do I have any nominations?

Unknown Speaker 1:07:20
I mean, what does Vice Chair Well, actually, what I do is just surely when on this one here

Unknown Speaker 1:07:27
deal with the public invited to be heard that trips up everyone out there.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:34
So historically, this year, public shows up on top

Unknown Speaker 1:07:45

Unknown Speaker 1:07:50
I must admit, yes, she’s dying to

Unknown Speaker 1:07:54
take a stab

Unknown Speaker 1:08:01
here want to I can’t

Unknown Speaker 1:08:06
I don’t have any projects going on. So I have lots of time. Now. The smoke is

Unknown Speaker 1:08:11
going to go by now. My project got canned. Thanks, Marshall fire

Unknown Speaker 1:08:23
if you want to keep going fine, if you want to break

Unknown Speaker 1:08:30
out second learning

Unknown Speaker 1:08:32
martial table and really be the vice chair discussion.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:41

Unknown Speaker 1:08:46
All those in favor say aye. Aye. Those opposed?

Unknown Speaker 1:08:50

Unknown Speaker 1:08:52
Motion passes, or leave or being the Vice Chair going to?

Unknown Speaker 1:08:58
What do you want?

Unknown Speaker 1:09:00
So I just want to kind of pick up with the conversation or where but I’m gonna keep it brief.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:07
So we talked about what has been stabilized, really what has been part of the work plan, if you would call it the past three years. And then we have spoken with staff to come up with a couple of items that are really part of a work plan for 2023. That does remind me we do have overall goals for the lmha that I will also share with the new board members that the board approved early 2022. So I’ll share those as well, just for orientation pieces. So our work plan does tear from those goals, but it’s really what should we be focusing on this year? And so I’m gonna share with a couple of things the staff has come up with, including not just this room, it’s all Lhh staff operationally. And then I was hoping that you all would either bring ideas right now or think about it and maybe discuss next meeting just

Unknown Speaker 1:09:57
during the size

Unknown Speaker 1:09:59

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
Think about what as an advisory board, you would like to take off as a focus for 2003.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:08
So, considering that we consider lhsa basically stabilized now, that’s an ongoing, we are still finding things and fixing them as we go. But the staff really does want to focus on performance this year, and making sure that our properties and our voucher programs are financially operating at a high quality. And I shouldn’t say quality, we think the quality comes in the resident culture and staff culture, that type of thing, but more financial performance, we have were stabilized a reputation is what it is. Now we need to really use that as our footing to improve or maximize our financial performance on the properties. It really is. That’s where we’re going to bring in more development capacity and more funding capacity and all of those things. So that’s it, there’s a lot behind that. But that’s one of the major themes operationally that the staff as a whole has come up with.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:09
So if anybody has any ideas right now,

Unknown Speaker 1:11:13
for or if you want to think about it, and this is an agenda item next month, that’d be okay, too. And also, we didn’t offer questions. I know that because that was most of our meeting was orientation. But if there are questions, you can

Unknown Speaker 1:11:27
bring those up for about them as well. You can always was emotionally overwhelmed and then think about Right, exactly.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:42
Asset management, management position to help.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:48
Not specifically, it’s more like we

Unknown Speaker 1:11:53
do the asset management responsibilities with what we have, but not not a dedicated position. Is that something that you want?

Unknown Speaker 1:12:01
Will you explain more about what what an asset manager would do for the

Unknown Speaker 1:12:07
CIO on there would keep track of all of the assets, properties, ownership.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:14
Work on, you know, making sure that the capital plan is being met. So making sure that rehab is happening, money is being stashed away for those things, meetings or scheduling, this property’s going to need a new roof in 10 years,

Unknown Speaker 1:12:30
and just kind of handling long term health of the buildings, because most buildings are built to last for years. And so every 30 years, you really need to go through and make sure you know, structurally is out.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:44
Which is what’s happening in village place. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:48
So that sort of, it’s more like managing the long term portfolio.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:54
So take some pressure off with others. Yeah, right now, we’re definitely covering that as a team. It’s primarily in Lisa’s bucket as a manager of the properties and with her maintenance team.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:06
This year 2023 is the first time that we’ve had a capital improvements budget established or most or all four posts.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:16
Right? Do they have to have one?

Unknown Speaker 1:13:18
We did, we didn’t have budget to put away for capital needs that are outside of a recent syndication, which just means basically redoing the tax credits to get an investor.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:30
I’m getting the big chunks into a major rehab. So this is our first year with even any a start of a budget for capital improvements.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:39
So right now, that’s definitely a primarily Lisa, but shared effort, especially as it ties to the bigger rehab projects as we delve into that.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:49
I mean, it’s a great way to start developing our spreadsheet with like different things that we can start planning and we’re starting to see like the life needs smoke detectors this year. We know spray Creek smoke detectors are starting to go. So we’re kind of starting to plan that out with accounting as well. So that’s definitely something we can use advice on. Not necessarily since we don’t have a position this year, but use your expertise and advice on how now that we have budget set aside. What should we be looking forward to? We don’t have a lot of these.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:19
We hired one local get that that’s like our next goal for this year is

Unknown Speaker 1:14:24
kind of like reading books as well. Yeah, bridging maintenance, operations, finance and development because really, it’s you’re getting by now, but it’s going to become overwhelming. Especially the market. Yeah, more and more development more, more things to go wrong. Everything requirements are changing every year. So yeah, someone who can manage all of that. Already what we’re looking at to

Unknown Speaker 1:14:57
make the most we build them to the capital replacements and valves and

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
dollars in the budget, part of what we’re looking at is trying to get enough money to hire an assistant director

Unknown Speaker 1:15:11
which will absorb some of that, and then get the revenue. So we’re chasing revenue right now it’s difficult to build a system correctly.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:23
Because it’s kind of maddening for the two for the two of us now. That’s part of it. We’re bridging also with Katie. So Katie is on the city side. And Salem, we have the capital pieces, like kings working those plays, and some of the other things. So we’re bridging from our housing side over.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:44
Just gonna be the constant, Katie’s development, affordable housing development project manager. With our ARPA funding her American rescue plan, we hired to about 8.5 million of our funds that are directed to affordable housing. So she basically is acting as the development Product Manager for FHA at this point, and you know, someday that would definitely be I hope, a position that we could maybe something to as we as we get through the push of projects, we can maybe convert some of that position into an asset manager because we want to

Unknown Speaker 1:16:23
figure out for permanent financing outside

Unknown Speaker 1:16:27
Yeah, yeah. And as well and so what is it going to look like once a wave of funding is which then that’ll be one similar to what we did with terrorism decision is how do we bridge city funding and LH a funding

Unknown Speaker 1:16:45
basis in perpetuity?

Unknown Speaker 1:16:49
Yep, let me send that along to as part of our orientation

Unknown Speaker 1:16:59
so I think what we want to do then is what’s next meeting on the agenda go over 2023 goals and work plan

Unknown Speaker 1:17:09

Unknown Speaker 1:17:13
to put your thinking caps on

Unknown Speaker 1:17:17
to the next meeting.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:21
There are two

Unknown Speaker 1:17:25

Unknown Speaker 1:17:27
So let’s go on to number five development projects nowadays I think a lot of them what will the village place

Unknown Speaker 1:17:36
up web building sale? The other one I had on my list sunset heights.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:46
Okay, I had it on my list and I wasn’t quite sure but it sounds it might have started out at sunset might change to blue or nobody like little bird.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:56
Okay, 39. That makes that makes more sense. I’ll just go over item A and have provided me that

Unknown Speaker 1:18:03
that girl

Unknown Speaker 1:18:04
so for village place, this is the recertification of the tax credits for another 15 year plus compliance period. Meaning we’re bringing in a new investor to refinance essentially, the property, keep it in the affordable stuff that way. And with that, because in funding comes with is a major rehab. So we are on track on schedule, which at this point, we have an architect,

Unknown Speaker 1:18:33
not contracted yet. We haven’t signed the contract but contracting is in process. We hired

Unknown Speaker 1:18:40
Roseman and Associates. So they have a lot of affordable experience. They don’t have a ton in Colorado and the affordable range. They do have market rates affordable in Colorado, but they have a huge portfolio in Missouri and they’re setting up a Colorado office. But they had by far the best approach when it came to senior focused properties. Tenant in place rehabs meaning, what do we do with our tenants while they’re their apartments are getting renovated.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:13
And really, they’re just the way they approached it in terms of

Unknown Speaker 1:19:18
resident interactions, and involving the residents in the process was really what sold us on them. Pricing was pretty similar to others. We did negotiate it down a little bit. And

Unknown Speaker 1:19:32
we love what they the product, the aesthetics of the product that they were presenting. And they’re really eager to work more in Colorado. So we thought that there was there’s some price advantages there. But really what sold us was the team and how they treat the residents as they do this process specifically in a senior property. So they are big on engagement, and we thought that would be really useful.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00
ordinate those plays. So we have an architect on board. So soon enough, we’ll be doing, they’re just doing some preliminary work right now. And soon enough, we’ll have that first resident meeting with the architect to go over, you know, what we’ve, what they’re gonna do a walk of the building, do that assessment of what’s there. And we’ll start working on that priority list of what we can include in the rehab.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:22
We released an RFP for a general contractor yesterday, no, last Friday.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:28
And what we’re doing is, we’re just going to

Unknown Speaker 1:20:33
this is, this is out of my comfort zone, because I’m used to strict federal funding where you just use it and price base. But what we’re doing, which is more common in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit world, is we’re putting out to get pricing and qualifications. The pricing is only for, like the thing that they’re their profit, their fees, their the general conditions is what you want to call it, just to see, we can still use some competitive pricing there, but we’re really looking for quality. So that is out on the streets, we’ll be doing a walk of the site with potential meeting contractors on the I think the 19th of January, and then that will close here towards the end of January, we’ll be selecting a contractor.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:26
So in terms of timeline and schedule, we’re still looking at that March timeline for first resident meetings with the hire firms, and starting that resident engagement process and the Dulles design selection process in earnest.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:44
And then there was oh, we have to start hiring our tenant relocation specialists here this spring as well. So that’s the next steps. We still are shooting for a closing of the new financing by December of this year. We are exiting with the existing tax credit equity investor right now that should be happening in February in February.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:09
So moving right along with the new project,

Unknown Speaker 1:22:13
we oh, we have a new investor, the new investor and our lender are selected. It’s the same team we did for Aspen Meadows.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:22
So this is RBC is the investor. And first thing is the lender. And so that team works great together on us the metals, they know us, we know them. It’s very predictable process. We also worked with RBC on the Chrisman to project too. So they’re, they’re just all over my mind. So

Unknown Speaker 1:22:43
it is moving right along.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:48
To the construction one, it’s hard to tell. For the architecture, we got

Unknown Speaker 1:22:54
six, five or six, we interview three.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:05
So we have and you put the evaluation criteria right up front in the request for proposals. So they know what what’s going to be evaluated. In this case, we’re looking at your experience with my tech construction are tentative place where you have just like this,

Unknown Speaker 1:23:23
your prior projects in the area, we’ve been called references some of them we know pretty well. And some of them we would need to find out more information about and then of course about hitting our pricing

Unknown Speaker 1:23:35
and interviews with you introduce yourself.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:40
Usually we have at least three people on an evaluation panel.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:48
So that first place any questions

Unknown Speaker 1:23:52
so we already kind of heard about the CWD building sale and what that’s about.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:58

Unknown Speaker 1:24:00
sorry, so village place a

Unknown Speaker 1:24:03
couple of things have been in process.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:08
What we have here is referred to Kona solids is teams. If you’re not on the interview panel, you’re entitled to know them.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:19
And so there really hasn’t been an audit found under me other times I’ve died and they can’t even tell me what’s going on. So it’s pretty regimented from the diversity policy standpoint to city purchasing policies.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:35
So they have done really well in that

Unknown Speaker 1:24:38
those places interesting because we’re also having a marriage projects together. So on the city side, they have to redesign and complement screen which is going to be from A to B to first and then that’s part of the first main transit station. So it’s right

Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
middle of the day. And we have drainage problems in the back of village place that we have to correct. So we’re actually

Unknown Speaker 1:25:09
in talking to the city engineering department about the drainage improvements, or some of the stuff that they’re actually going to absorb in their project, in order to get this done, and then we have to direct them on their own time. Because when we know a lot,

Unknown Speaker 1:25:26
we can’t really start before they do. And so we’re having to manage two different projects to really narrow in that time and make sure we have the right from a horizontal infrastructure standpoint.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:43

Unknown Speaker 1:25:48
cwp building, so the Center for people with disabilities is interested in purchasing the building. We don’t really need this building in our portfolio, it doesn’t really serve our mission.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:59
And it could be a revenue source, can we sell it that could be a revenue source and put back in and you really purpose. So we right now have the city’s land contractor, doing a market analysis to see what a fair market price would be for that building. And then we’ll be negotiating with CWD here, zoom there on a month to month lease right now until well, to give us time to do this process. And we have the negotiations that’s underway. We’re just waiting for the market analysis to confirm Do you know what is expected?

Unknown Speaker 1:26:32
He, it sounds like there’s not a lot of good comps. So we’re working with him right now. To figure it out. It’s taking him a little bit more of an effort than

Unknown Speaker 1:26:44
he anticipated. That’s kind of what my latest from him was chatting over the holidays about commercial.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:55
I don’t know that I am. I’m going to call him and see if he needs to chat.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:01
There was I’m sorry to pull this up to see what to recall what the unique circumstances were

Unknown Speaker 1:27:11
going to the number six

Unknown Speaker 1:27:15
commissioners is privatizing Social policy revisions.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:20
Okay, so granted, we have a half hour left.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:26

Unknown Speaker 1:27:28
will just go over the purpose for this. So I inserted the whole red line in this for you all to see, including some discussion items. We plan to take this to the Lhh board on January 31. This is a new policy, we just got it approved the first go around last February.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:46
Really what that policy did at the time was primarily set the calculation formula for the feet.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:54
Let me back up what is the property tax exemption policy?

Unknown Speaker 1:27:58
Housing Authority, there’s the Colorado statute that provides that if a Housing Authority is a special limited partner on a the ownership of a property, then that whole property is can be property tax exempt. So this is very attractive to private, affordable housing developers to get that it’s cost savings. And so housing authorities across a broad range of policies in place describing when we would consider being a special limited partner, what type of criteria we would want in exchange for that, that tax benefit for private developers.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:37
And so what our policy did that was put in place a year ago, it was really an advance of Chrisman coming up and making sure we had some sort of formula set for what that seat would be. In the sense they they pay a fee up front. And in exchange.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:53
They get long term tax savings. So it’s substantial, very valuable to private, affordable housing developer. So what

Unknown Speaker 1:29:03
in the last year, we’ve had, as part of those, those proposals coming at us from all directions, we are getting multiple requests to be to to utilize this policy. But what we were finding is our policy didn’t necessarily go into how the SSL have getting on getting on the ownership structure was needed to happen.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:31
What type of the evaluation criteria we would want to consider in order to enter this partnership? For example? Are you just are you wanting this fee reduction so that you can increase your own profits? Or are you going to use that to help benefit the lower the affordability of the property or something

Unknown Speaker 1:29:52
and then, like an actual process for the application, which wasn’t really specified

Unknown Speaker 1:29:59

Unknown Speaker 1:30:00
So, there’s a couple of things in here about the formula, I try not to touch the formula too much, because that’s really we just went through that a year ago, there’s nothing really wrong with the formula. It’s really more process and purpose that I wanted to make sure we included in here.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:16
So a couple of the key things

Unknown Speaker 1:30:19
are Richard original policy was was intended to only be for new developments and how it was written, there was no way for an existing affordable property to try and apply for this, and how to work with him on that. So that’s one of the specific requests that have come to us as an existing property that did not go through this process with the former lhg board for various reasons. And now they’re interested, and we need to come up with some policies and procedures for how if, if we’re going to do it, how does that look.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:53
And then a couple of few comment bubbles that you see are really from review of other policies in the region. And just seeing if you want to consider certain things, in order to just see what’s out there and see if we want to match up with it,

Unknown Speaker 1:31:11
including well known.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:16
Some housing authorities add on an ongoing management fee. Do we want to consider that

Unknown Speaker 1:31:23
existing fee calculation methodology only uses the first year and a why. And but anyways, usually increase throughout a compliance period. So do we want to try and do an average because that is a pretty good deal. If you only use the first year, there’s just some nuanced things in here that

Unknown Speaker 1:31:43
we have no clue about, if we want to consider doing it this way, based on what you see out there, the biggest ones that we really want advice on

Unknown Speaker 1:31:54
is related to vouchers.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:58
Some of the policies in the region that we found,

Unknown Speaker 1:32:03
include a preference in the evaluation policy process for people or properties that that help entrepreneurs.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:17
But it’s very much just, it’s part of the application process and the evaluation, but it’s not necessarily an eligibility criteria. And what I mean by that is one of our existing affordable housing developments in the city asked us if they could benefit from this, their, their average unit mix does not fall below 50% ami.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:45
It is primarily over 50. But all of the units are under 60. But it’s really like 60 with a couple of lower ones.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:56
So what that means is they don’t actually qualify currently, but they are a significant provider for Housing Choice Voucher residents. And they said, Isn’t that worth something to lhg?

Unknown Speaker 1:33:11
So we have a goal of trying to make, do what we can to make landlords, very receptive to Housing Choice Voucher holders.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:23
And is this a way that we should consider

Unknown Speaker 1:33:28
rewarding that essentially,

Unknown Speaker 1:33:31
this is not in any policies that I could find, specifically as an eligibility thing, if you’re not averaging below 50%? Ami under units? So it’s not that affordable, essentially, not as affordable, as most? Is this something that we want to consider? So this will be a question we take to the board. And I would love your feedback and input whether it’s this moment or through through an email afterwards, anything like that. This is not an alternative if you don’t meet this criteria, but you need this one.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:07
So I say currently, and this is this is what we already had, in our policy, at least 20% of the units must be provided at rates affordable to households earning 50% or less of the area median income, or at least 25% or more of the units must be committed to the residential holders. And I made up that subject. Remember where he was he was there getting their marketplace?

Unknown Speaker 1:34:31
Exact exactly what I’m sure right.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:35
Or worse. I mean, so they’re making

Unknown Speaker 1:34:38
so they’re gonna out on top of that, then the property tax exemption.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:44
So I feel like maybe that that was, like more benefits for us as a partner, or right or the more we get to be a property manager

Unknown Speaker 1:35:00
See how that requires where we have a special limited partner. And anytime you say we’re going to take over property management of the property, so they’re on that note, the policies in in the region are there’s a spectrum, right? Some are like we just don’t want to go there. Some want to go there for

Unknown Speaker 1:35:19
our thought is

Unknown Speaker 1:35:27
somewhere in the middle, I mean, we’re having a, we put in here, A, the ROFR at fair market value, and then the debt plus taxes option. If we’re already a like a co developer or a general partner,

Unknown Speaker 1:35:44
you should make that fair market value.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:49
Tax Exemption.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:53
You don’t want fair market value, assuming the tax exemption property is very valuable to figure I recommend that you do mind checking that out and help me move on that can be so helpful, because it wasn’t clear in one of ours. And now we’re paying Oh my gosh.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:14
Part of it is never a lot of people with vouchers and can’t find places.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:20
Yeah, the value is is people that we get voters to finding places to live. And I think I would structure it as they accept the voucher from online, or because the other thing that we’re seeing in Longmont, it’s a little bit different is the same thing is happening in Boulder and Lewisville in Longmont or Lewisville, Lafayette superior. And so what’s happening is whether ACH or bhp, a lot of their voucher holders are coming into our community, which is limiting access to our voucher holders, which I think if we gave priority to lhg Voucher holders, and it’s a certain percentage, then that clears the path for us to be more and more direct Khan, similar to what we did with

Unknown Speaker 1:37:14
our tech stack. And when we’re helping.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:21
Barnhouse we’re doing

Unknown Speaker 1:37:24
but I mean, that’s the value we get

Unknown Speaker 1:37:31
from each other.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:35

Unknown Speaker 1:37:37
over a long

Unknown Speaker 1:37:40
year, he’s historically always on

Unknown Speaker 1:37:45

Unknown Speaker 1:37:48
Yeah, so we have depended on AMI, though, I’m sure I’m not sure MT is set by payment standards.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:58
And that’s, that’s really, and so it’s all over again.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:03
So I don’t know, I’ve decided that there abouts might suffer, I have

Unknown Speaker 1:38:09
three or four bedrooms and I had a gal and she decided she kids. And she had a whole healthy partner Roger really

Unknown Speaker 1:38:18
never seen an alibi. But she certainly qualified for or someone a lot more healthy and the same amount of casing household they’re 21. So it depends on bedroom size. So a voucher is issued by what they qualify as a bedroom size. So if they’re renting a four bedroom nail and get into the drum payments, and so our household of the same size could get a higher bedroom size to the ritual combinations for medical equipment therapy and stuff like that. So the same household makeup and have two different payment standards based on

Unknown Speaker 1:38:55
you find it just as the end consumer I met

Unknown Speaker 1:39:03
or whatever.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:05
I think that might be a good meeting to hear about your

Unknown Speaker 1:39:10
anything being historically because I know we were we were down on top of it as far as

Unknown Speaker 1:39:16
on a rate. So it could be that historically. You saw that and I know Tracy’s had to catch up to where it is.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:28
Because I have gray hairs and polymerase right stripes on our videos on this video too. And so not only are we not going to do the increase or decrease the magic anymore, so I made it. Sorry, gotta go because I rented it Mercury for $5 million more than I was offered as a local housing authority. And they said no, and I got

Unknown Speaker 1:39:49
to see her,

Unknown Speaker 1:39:51
which I never even I’ve never experienced that before. So so we could eat a change in the family size and the change in the actual size. It wasn’t a change

Unknown Speaker 1:40:00
So what we’re, what we’re finding is, yeah, what we’re finding is that practice

Unknown Speaker 1:40:08
was our plan. So our admin plan says a certain, you know, family makeup qualifies for a certain size, and it was all renewable. So pulling that back in and making sure that not your size is a match where we say we’re gonna do in the

Unknown Speaker 1:40:26
end. So if they have a three bedroom, and you’re getting a three bedroom payment standard available to qualify for a two bedroom, one bath,

Unknown Speaker 1:40:37
I’m actually talking about

Unknown Speaker 1:40:39
right, so she has about you, she’s, she can’t find anywhere to go.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:51
Or you’re gonna either you’re either in your house, or you’re not ready to get started. And as a landlord, you’re only willing to do Icelander offering less to market.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:03
And I was really awkward of us and, but not that much.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:09
So this is something I would have heard about. So yeah, so

Unknown Speaker 1:41:14
so we can get into vouchers and gets gets interesting because we have the admin plans of employees who are responsible.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:22
And so some of the policies that we put in place, in terms of so if you’re getting a voucher, it’s your responsibility to notify us on any changes that occur within the voucher. And so what we’re finding in some of our voucher holders, is that changes have occurred, and they haven’t notified us and it’s changed their income qualifications, change, all sorts of stuff,

Unknown Speaker 1:41:49
of which we’ve identified fraud, will tell me when to send stuff to the Office of Inspector General police department, because the nature of it is, so I get involved in it, when it’s over $5,000. And so I’ve had conversations where, you know, if you have two kids under 10, that plan may qualify you better and that once the kids become teenagers, and the plan qualifies you to be in a three bedroom, there’s some version of this, it’s all over the place. And, and more than if your kids are working together, report the income of your kids, because that counts, the income qualification. So in all of this, we have sort of been out here in terms of the avenue plan and what you can and can’t do, and there is restrictions. And so

Unknown Speaker 1:42:47
then it gets into the individual specifics. And so within the last three months, I’ve made three or four agreements with individuals who have anywhere from five,

Unknown Speaker 1:43:01
well, $1,000 to have a repayment plan, and so they can keep their balances. And so it’s individually specific.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:14
We do use the same tables.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:17
But yeah, I think we can talk to Tracy. Yes. So

Unknown Speaker 1:43:21

Unknown Speaker 1:43:30
is property tax exemption

Unknown Speaker 1:43:32
continue to go? So my other kind of two would be are you looking as just an award just to if you have 25% or more, Isabelle shareholders, you’re able to properly place attention, you might want to add another opinion in there with this as another bullet point to be like, at least

Unknown Speaker 1:43:53
30% of the units

Unknown Speaker 1:43:56
are 60% or less.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:00
And at least 20 of that percentage are at rest of the culture holders.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:10
And I would add that you maintain that not just right time of your application upgrade very fast. And then that means we have to then check up on it and it was that switch probably a management fee with me. Okay. Yeah. So I was asked him, would this be the only one that would require that checkup on an annual basis? Or is it already in the property tax credits?

Unknown Speaker 1:44:36
I’m just thinking administratively or is this the only way to do it after the farmers voucher seven quarters chapter can be for a special limited partner at all times. Usually your operating agreement, you have the right to ask to review their financials, whether you choose to do that.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:57
You know, that’s your call. I would say if you

Unknown Speaker 1:45:00
You’re going to ask them to maintain something that is going to be time intensive that you want to maintain like that, because that’s not something anyone else is going to be checking. That’s not a chapter requirement that would just be required. Obviously, if you’re doing the property tax credit, so are you. Are you required to send reports and monitor that out? Yeah. So it takes us out of the equation of having a monitor. That’s my, if we’re, if we have to monitor the vouchers, that’s additional.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:30
I didn’t say only for the voucher piece, if they’re going under that criteria, then we would want a management team to be checking that whether it’s yearly or sporadically, I mean, I would always be wanting their

Unknown Speaker 1:45:43
yearly audits plus whatever they get to chat, but I make sure that they’re everyone’s flying in here. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:45:51
you get out of this deal is if they’re not compliant, otherwise, you can’t really pull out.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:56
So what I’m thinking overall, I don’t think that I think there’s still questions to answer and tweak. And I don’t think we’re ready necessarily, right. 31st Board approval, I think that maybe, through email, I’ll start some of these edits. And we can kind of correlate, correlate it all together,

Unknown Speaker 1:46:15
and come up with and fill some of these holes. And then I’ll play it for February Board approval.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:21
So I will do that. But we’ll take this one kind of into a, you know, redline process on email networks. So totally cut in line with that as soon as I think in terms of management teams got to build something on their

Unknown Speaker 1:46:34
vouchers as an option, right? If you go out your route, or even

Unknown Speaker 1:46:41
if you’re doing type three, there’ll be an additional.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:49
Alright, so I’ll get a couple of those start and things started and like update any of these questions and send that around. So we can just have a working

Unknown Speaker 1:46:57
working version here.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:00
And then did you go to one?

Unknown Speaker 1:47:04
I did virtually none of essentials works virtually. So we’re sitting here trying to watch them now.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:12
There was one about the end of the 15 year Texan Alliance. I was really interested in that. Yeah, I’ll get you the recording. And I got I have access, because I’ve been registered, just having worked. So

Unknown Speaker 1:47:25

Unknown Speaker 1:47:27
Really good. Decision mapping for property.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:30
Cover and 10 minutes, or do we want to guess this is yes, in basic form, because we haven’t yet prepared it

Unknown Speaker 1:47:44
is the intro because this might be taking January 31.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:50
Commissioner, Tim Waters had requested this in prior board meetings last summer, about just just a it’s really lines of authority for property managers to have on site for decision making, like what do you see elevated? What can they what are they responsible for? Things like that. So we’re putting together like a decision making map, and then you’re hoping to tie with an SOP manual for them. So when we have that together, we’ll probably send that around and would welcome your input. So that will also be an offline thing because it’s in development.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:28

Unknown Speaker 1:48:29
Let’s go to the village board.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:34
Probably covered a lot of that right.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:37
Sorry, occupancy report is

Unknown Speaker 1:48:41
we’re still sitting about 93% occupied. So

Unknown Speaker 1:48:46
for 2023 on all of my managers or maintenance, we have a goal to increase in occupancy is working together.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:53
Now we’re kind of through a lot of the supply demand issues. We’re fully staffed on the maintenance side.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:00
Almost really staff on the property management side. Our goals are to really get these units leased, rented and charged fast. I can say this, this morning trees have ever been really awkward. I’ve done my credit reports this week. And it’s only Tuesday. So that means 90 rentals between HGTV and the property management side. So that’s amazing.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:19
You’ll see my notes where we have some value measurements because you released under the bed contamination though on the down unit 7114. That is actually now back online and rented. So we’re hoping we’re ready to move in this week. Or next week.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:40
Still working through some math units.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:43
A lot of them are just post cleaning reports as to that work any of the cleaning reports. We just got those released yesterday and they are now in the adjuster and reconstructions hands. So we’re getting those back online in the next couple of weeks.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:57
Not gonna go into too much detail this week or this month.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:00

Unknown Speaker 1:50:01
goal is to have I think most of the properties have a 97% goal this recording 23 of occupancy with the suites at 95%. We made this a little bit lower due to

Unknown Speaker 1:50:15
the clientele and that we’re working with mental health partners because they’ll have to use they always have people. So they’re having a hard time.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:24
I had a meeting with MHP. Yesterday, they pulled eight names in December, and only heard fentanyl. Sorry, 440 names in December. And we have heard back from two. So it just

Unknown Speaker 1:50:37
evolved there. And they’re working on two different lists. Right now. They’re working on an old pOH list. And they’re working off local case conferencing. So

Unknown Speaker 1:50:45
room 23 says, You got three

Unknown Speaker 1:50:53
non european units, those are like employee units that are set aside that we don’t generate rents on and we won’t be generating more.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:02
Yeah, those are the institutional employee units. So right now we have a heartbeat. Sure, yeah. The suite has one and village life as one right now.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:15
This version, I’m fighting the tax credit proposal, which think of this as a management agreement, management agreements. So the investors and everybody got to get involved with

Unknown Speaker 1:51:27
their breakthrough chocolate for the sweets and village place. Astrid Meadows does have Assam those neighborhood does have a manager living on site, but she is paying towards rent.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:41

Unknown Speaker 1:51:47
for the cleaning we work with our testing that we recycle goes out for bid for the decontamination. And so they work with anywhere from two to six people, they just send a mass email out.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:01
At Berkeley remediation and reconstruction of the units, we were running into a problem after the marshal fire of getting anybody to bid. So we’ve got one contractor that was really willing to come in and work on these, we actually just had a second one palace obstruction, who did ask them that a senior renovation, they are now getting into reconstruction. So they’ve already walked one unit here, and we’re going to start walking, or other ones for a second. But our insurance adjuster on the mess site has really worked with who’s ever doing the Federal construction

Unknown Speaker 1:52:32
to go through and make sure it’s fair. Most of these are insurance claims. So we have most of our money back on those work deployed I’m tossing around in my mind is to look. So what we do in the city side, is look at long call contracts. And so we bid out on current contracts. And so there’s an economy of scale that occurs because if you can guarantee that now No, here’s how many we tend to average a year those types of things. If we if we do an on call contracted, then maybe we can get some better numbers. But those are things we’ve got to work through.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:13
Because some of it, you know, we first took over we have one that

Unknown Speaker 1:53:18
we knew ahead of time that was involved. And so we had to kind of scramble to get a remediation company because we couldn’t even store the furniture. And so that all had to be done with a remediation company. And to get a pod, they had to seal a pod and it was a mess. So we’re gonna explore some different opportunities.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:43
It depends on the level of the activity, and we have

Unknown Speaker 1:53:48
a low level like one that just requires a light pointing, that’s the light cleaning is still done by certified and certified through Colorado, they happen to have all their certification. That’s typically about a 30 day turnaround by the time we go through the testing the cleaning and the retesting and getting the report to the county and the city to release the unit basically, for habitation

Unknown Speaker 1:54:12
of myth rain which I’d see anywhere from 100

Unknown Speaker 1:54:16
parts per million to maybe 600 parts per million and a deeper clean where that could take a cleaning testing and then go back to the cleaning the removal of certain items which would be an H vac system, an appliance and be the countertops have a window sills have to come out it all depends on where contamination is in the unit. And then when we start getting those higher ones. Those could be six, seven months.

Unknown Speaker 1:54:51
More REM problem. It just all depends. Like I had one of my most recent evictions, the reading I was only in there for three months.

Unknown Speaker 1:55:00
And it tested the highest Warren County has ever seen.

Unknown Speaker 1:55:04
And they were not cooking in there. But they were smoking quite a bit.

Unknown Speaker 1:55:09
Here, this one just smooth

Unknown Speaker 1:55:13
recently that we just put back on

Unknown Speaker 1:55:17
here because the martial fire impacted the testing couldn’t be done as fast because they were doing martial prior.

Unknown Speaker 1:55:24
Yeah. So the probe there is no profile. All ages, we’re having them in, senior everywhere. Your family’s important. Here’s the thing. We are not hiding this in one. Any way, shape or form. If we are being transparent about it, we have an insurance

Unknown Speaker 1:55:48
which is rare. And we are Chapo has already come to us and like how about your reporting math unit? So hi, we’re like, No, we’re not saying we’re the same as everyone else. We’re just telling you and doing the right thing and actually recording it and cleaning it and making sure it is habitable instead of pushing it under the rug. So

Unknown Speaker 1:56:11
anyways, we’re no different than anybody else. And literally the profile. Is anybody doing

Unknown Speaker 1:56:21

Unknown Speaker 1:56:23
LSA issue? It happens at market rates. And

Unknown Speaker 1:56:28
it’s increasing partly because we’re we’re getting more advanced in testing and

Unknown Speaker 1:56:33
doing it more often.

Unknown Speaker 1:56:35
Well, I think globally is, sir. Yeah, Sir. Sir. Does crime free says she sees the private? Right. I would say just like Molly indicated, a lot of folks are testing even though they have the information just because

Unknown Speaker 1:56:51
you’re required to live the law states you should not you shall. So it leaves many, many. I mean, in the issue is to a lot of these buildings in Longmont, I mean, there, there’s some that are pretty old, like look into the stock park now. A lot of mill

Unknown Speaker 1:57:10
14 and over.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:13
They don’t they don’t test there. And if they were

Unknown Speaker 1:57:16
available, it could have been three, four or five minutes ago, right? And they just came in, they’re gonna get me. So it’s a very tricky, math is very tricky thing for many

Unknown Speaker 1:57:33

Unknown Speaker 1:57:35

Unknown Speaker 1:57:40
it’s already a revenue problem. And so what we were able to do in this budget, so we created two facility created a capital improvement.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:49
And where we could within the department budgets and we we created

Unknown Speaker 1:57:55
a measure mediation, because housing authorities are like they can get into your mediation, private landlords cannot get it. But we’re concerned about what they’re going to pull the trigger and stop and sharing that for mediation such as mediation.

Unknown Speaker 1:58:14
Just remaining issues. And that’s why

Unknown Speaker 1:58:19
Yeah, so it’s a double deductible.

Unknown Speaker 1:58:26
So in the playoffs

Unknown Speaker 1:58:29

Unknown Speaker 1:58:31
year, we’re starting to get that and see that as part of the overall budget.

Unknown Speaker 1:58:39
We’re building out the vacancy.

Unknown Speaker 1:58:42
We were so for me, we haven’t figured out how to

Unknown Speaker 1:58:47
figure out how to do landscaping, because they didn’t budget for landscaping. So on the Matthews

Unknown Speaker 1:58:55
so time can vary. The other thing that we’re I’m starting to be more cognizant of it’s the consumer and getting more

Unknown Speaker 1:59:04
educated. And the combined math test on Amazon, they’re really equality. And what I’m starting to hear that consumers when they rent properties are doing their own maintenance. And the minute that min test comes back, everybody’s legally obligated to deal with it. And so

Unknown Speaker 1:59:25
I’ve talked to a private

Unknown Speaker 1:59:29
Minister of some multifamily units and everybody

Unknown Speaker 1:59:34
as the consumers are getting more educated

Unknown Speaker 1:59:38
now, miners aren’t available.

Unknown Speaker 1:59:43
But if somebody is, I mean, have we ever had that issue with somebody testing the unit to combat net positive I

Unknown Speaker 1:59:51
know for anybody watching because we do, we’re on

Unknown Speaker 1:59:56
a police report. If I get a new testing and turnover

Unknown Speaker 2:00:00
I got my new construction startup, we asked what I was gonna get to so.

Unknown Speaker 2:00:07
So two things that we’re working on is how do we build in the testing component for more deploy new constructions easier because you can hold people accountable for it, because there’s no question of whether it was contaminated before.

Unknown Speaker 2:00:26
We’re working with the insurance company.

Unknown Speaker 2:00:29
Because the insurance company has to be beside us on this because we don’t want to create a situation that creates more impact on the insurance company and how they go, Oh, you’re doing this proactively, we’re cutting your insurance. And so that’s a piece of it. The other thing that we’re doing is we had a meeting with a company out of New Zealand

Unknown Speaker 2:00:48

Unknown Speaker 2:00:51
this afternoon ceremony.

Unknown Speaker 2:00:53
So they’re, they’re one of the few companies in the world that are doing that detectors, not the only company in the world. And so it’s been vetted by the Southeast Asian testing laboratory.

Unknown Speaker 2:01:08
And to give you a sense, they’re saying to us that it will detect meth for somebody that smoked it outside and then walk in and it’s over close, it’s like one part per million.

Unknown Speaker 2:01:21
And it’s tamper resistant. So we had an initial meeting, while he said, You got a meeting this afternoon, they have sent us a proposal in terms of the beta test on

Unknown Speaker 2:01:34
these math detectors. And, and so we’re evaluating it,

Unknown Speaker 2:01:41
we push them. So they’re working with hotels right now in the US in the US, the FCC, and other approvals that are working with hotels, or not, I think we were one of the first governments to reach out to housing providers. And so we asked them to do a beta test and get some price break. So that because if it works, then it’s better to use a governmental entity then use a hotel. And so we’re gonna see what they come up with, and start testing it in facilities or in apartments that have been remediated or in construction.

Unknown Speaker 2:02:18
And it’s like real time information, the actual units to the unit.

Unknown Speaker 2:02:22
It’s like a pilot smoke alarm, where it alerts

Unknown Speaker 2:02:26
you can get in touch by email, at a threshold of what it measures and when device says up to a three bedroom apartment, one story.

Unknown Speaker 2:02:35
We got that morning.

Unknown Speaker 2:02:39
So I’ve got a meeting this afternoon, we’ll know more. But if it works, then we’re going to also transition that to Sarah and the crime free group for us. We’re going to let people in the entire community know because I think that’s protection for private minorities and

Unknown Speaker 2:02:56
switch over real fast property updates do you want by handing out that couple minutes? Um, everything’s going in? It was a quiet month for December we did the females at all the properties where we use the resident event funds, and lhg Safwat. Did Did they go migos and like urine bash at the residence, I think it kind of really boosts the morale of the residents and stuff after some time has happened over the last few months. My team’s goal for the next year is to do quarterly events like that fun events or educational events with the staff

Unknown Speaker 2:03:29
more often so we’re getting into that now.

Unknown Speaker 2:03:34
So let’s turn the meeting. I love it. I’m six. Thank you very

Unknown Speaker 2:03:40

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