Video Description:
Senior Citizens Advisory Board – January 2023
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
Read along below:
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Welcome, and hope everybody had some free holidays. So we’ll go ahead and call the meeting to order. I guess you can share the roll call there. And we’ll wait for you to get down and do the introduction on Ronnie said, What are you going to do that?
Unknown Speaker 0:23
The introduction of Ronnie? Yes, I can do that. Okay. Friday Maness is our new Senior Services Manager. We were thinking that Ronnie wasn’t going to be able to start until actually next Monday. And Ronnie called me and said, What do you think about the 27th of December? And I was like, No, we don’t want you here. Ronnie was kind enough to start on the 27th has hit the ground running and running during the same thing.
Unknown Speaker 1:02
Yeah, very excited to be here that great support from the entire team, entire team here just to make sure that I get settled in I, you know, I’m learning a lot of logistics to my role, how we operate here as a team as a facility. And so a lot of learning a lot of learning, a lot of processing a lot of digesting and very thankful for the team I have in that learning process for sure. So I am very thankful that I have been able to start earlier than my anticipated January 9 date allows me to just get a feel of what it is we’re doing here and and how I could best support and I was really excited for that one. So January 9 seemed a long ways away, and I’m glad I was able to get him for that. So very excited to be here. Very thankful, very thankful for this opportunity. And I look forward to working with with you as a as a board to support our community. So thank you. Welcome. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 2:05
Can we also go
Unknown Speaker 2:06
on I was gonna suggest I know, you will remember I miss cloud pray kid, he’s a lot younger and all that, but are most of us. But if we can go around and introduce ourselves.
Unknown Speaker 2:17
I’m Beth Bowles. And I’m glad to be here with all of you. This is my first board meeting. And I’ve been curious volunteer. I guess we’re called peer support volunteers. That used to be peer counselor. And I’ve been in that role for about three years. And I just here because it was presented, and I decided it was something I could do. So I don’t find it helpful.
Unknown Speaker 2:57
Thanks Janine parent. I’m in my second three year term on the board. So I’m the last of the old guys. And I volunteer here at the senior center as Resource Manager. And welcome. Glad you’re here.
Unknown Speaker 3:27
Hi, I’m Julie Hauser. I have been on the board for two years. I’m starting my third year. I also am with the one one Stephanie Hill. And the President that Okay, everybody. And I got involved. I’m a real estate agent as well. But I got involved just because of the fact that, you know, my mom is a is a senior, and I am now considered a senior at 55 and represent the youngest, you know, level of seniors in our community. And I thought it would be important to sort of figure out how we can create a senior center that appeals to the younger generation and the older generations of the seniors. So that’s why I’m here.
Unknown Speaker 4:19
Hi, Ronnie. I am Marcia Martin. I am the council City Council liaison to this word so they don’t get a vote. So you won’t be offended when I stand for everything. Except I never keep my mouth shut. So as anyone else on the board, and I just want you to know that whenever I talk about the senior center and this board, I always say I always say that this is the most effective board that I have ever sat on as liaison and also the most effective institution in the city in terms of facility exhibition. So you and me have Hi
Unknown Speaker 5:10
and welcome Mark Dunn, and we’ve met in Oregon. I’ve been on the board for starting my fifth year now, and worked with the school district and retired.
Unknown Speaker 5:35
I’m David Brenner. Are you familiar?
Unknown Speaker 5:38
One Race, Denver, September. So Colorado native
Unknown Speaker 5:50
I am probably the oldest one on the board. That gives me no particular claim, I guess. I’ve been retired a long time. My particular interest is on this board our sustainability issues, liaison to the sustainability coalition. And I also remember, not a voting member on anything, but I also attended a sustainability advisory board and tried to keep myself up to date to the, to the extent of what kinds of issues are going on with those groups that would impact seniors. community. And so I try to report that back. That’s where I’m at.
Unknown Speaker 6:40
I’m Ruth Ellis. This is my second year.
Unknown Speaker 6:43
And I have learned so much since I have been on this board about what goes on in Boulder County and services available.
Unknown Speaker 6:53
It’s amazing.
Unknown Speaker 6:55
So I’m really glad to be here. I have seen your family members who don’t live in Boulder County, what hassle it is to get services from them. So I have really, really appreciated everything that goes on. And the Senior Center has just been a lifeline for me.
Unknown Speaker 7:14
You will find out that one of my less than
Unknown Speaker 7:20
positive things to say about what goes on registration process for classes and programs here. It’s really difficult to use our registration system. More about that.
Unknown Speaker 7:37
Well, it’s nice to meet all of you.
Unknown Speaker 7:41
I also want to introduce Christina Pacheco. Christina has been with the city for many years and was just recently named the Director of Human Services. Christina will be overseeing Senior Services as a part of her duties.
Unknown Speaker 8:03
Thank you excited to be here and excited to work closely with Lonnie and the team and just excited to be taking on this new new challenge. So welcome, thank you. We talked about your Latino coalition. Hopefully it was good it was all good. Thank you Okay. Now the election of chair
Unknown Speaker 8:43
a lady would like to nominate some someone for that position. Any who is the current chair? She she would have to cut off the board members. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 8:56
she did her chairman.
Unknown Speaker 9:02
Julie, would you consider it?
Unknown Speaker 9:06
Um I don’t I don’t think I can. Yeah, unfortunately, I just feel like I have too much going on already with work and my other presidency.
Unknown Speaker 9:20
And I feel that’s kind of one of my concerns too. You know, when you are interested good job of keeping us Awake, awake, about what’s going on. Checking things researchy things, et cetera either one of you too.
Unknown Speaker 9:57
Is there anyone that would fall in Yes, we are
Unknown Speaker 10:02
trying to talk him into
Unknown Speaker 10:05
nominate Sheila.
Unknown Speaker 10:10
That is one. Okay. She already nominated you. Are you getting either?
Unknown Speaker 10:20
She she was out of the country. She had said oh, gosh, you know,
Unknown Speaker 10:29
I said that I was absolutely not going to do that. I got I got a full plate, I really do. What? What does the President do other than conduct meetings,
Unknown Speaker 10:45
they also meet with staff to set the agenda. And we generally the only other thing outside of this meeting, and I don’t know what Ronnie will do in the future, but Susan, and I, the last couple of months would meet and have a pre conversation about the agenda. But beyond that, it it really isn’t a lot outside of running the meeting. And I and I will be around as long as whoever wants to do that to support them in, in starting to feel more comfortable and and Ronnie will take over that as he feels
Unknown Speaker 11:34
I’ll probably make a campaign speech.
Unknown Speaker 11:37
Well, I think you got it
Unknown Speaker 11:46
yeah, this this is not going up again. figured this morning. Say Most boards that I’ve been on a lot of boards and committees and stuff over the years. This is what I like to see in a board is something that has different projects that they grab, hold. So grab onto them, they work on and make recommendations. And they’re implemented. Now, this is an advisory board, I understand that we could make up advice, it could be advice all day long. And there’s no particular reason you have to follow it. But on the other hand, I do think that for a board to be valuable and need to make recommendations to the management that are worthwhile. And that would be followed, you know. And so if I did that I’d be I’d be approaching it from that perspective. Not just, you know, conducting a meeting. And I do have some limits on my time, I just, I’m just blathering now. But I just volunteered I was telling Janine. Earlier, I just volunteered for to be the architecture and be on the architectural committee for our Hoa, which I don’t particularly care about that except that we can, I want to use that as a platform to develop some sustainability, sustainability issues within their joy. And maybe that could grow into a sustainability issue, which I see is taking a lot of time. So that’s why I’m dragging my feet. So
Unknown Speaker 13:32
along with that, as
Unknown Speaker 13:37
well, due dates rescue and say, you know, it’s not horrendously time consuming. And truly, for those who don’t know, I did it for a couple of years. And what I know about myself is that I am fairly straightforward, and that people with better skills. management skills would probably be better in this position, which Davis absolutely qualified for in every way. But I also understand because we were neighbors and we’re friends. And I brought him into this. So I’m trying to save him from being tucked in to doing something that he really is limited in time and may not want to do and I am personally I feel like that should be a consideration because everybody feels guilty when they say no, you know, and I and I just because I’m an outspoken person and Because
Unknown Speaker 15:02
you weren’t offering yourself up? Oh, you were just saying it’s okay for him to say no.
Unknown Speaker 15:07
Do you remember when I did? Marcia, you remember when I
Unknown Speaker 15:13
thought you did a great job? I was surprised. I thought the only reason you weren’t under discussion was because you’ve already done your time.
Unknown Speaker 15:20
Well, I had done my time. But I just feel like that this board needs Lou gentle or soul with me.
Unknown Speaker 15:32
I don’t know about that.
Unknown Speaker 15:35
So I would I would like to say something to both of you them. All right, because Dave, I think you put your hammer right on the nail where the this board is the weakest? You know, I just said what a great word I think this is. And the reason I think it’s great is because you have all this outreach into other related functions in the county. And you know, that’s wonderful. But you bring back all of that know how in the weak point is that the board has recommended very little to the council. And I just want to say that, at least in my book, that is one of the best ways to move Council is to have an advisory board make an actual concrete recommendation, whether it’s a policy change, or an operational change, which we really don’t control, but it’s still, you know, makes the point. So I would love to see, they do that. I also thought Janine that you are a really strong president and did a great job. Thank you. So one vote with a clear conscience, guys, but either of these two people wouldn’t. Is there anybody that wants it? Okay. That was work. And, Dave, I would support you in that effort in a way I could.
Unknown Speaker 17:10
All right. Okay. All right. I, I will too often whatever.
Unknown Speaker 17:18
City council meetings are so that we do we need a second for that? Motion. Okay. Motion day. Second, all in favor? Aye. Okay, now, the next thing on the agenda is the vice president.
Unknown Speaker 17:38
All right. So you’ve already agreed to be vice chair. Right. You will be vice chair.
Unknown Speaker 17:46
I’ve been that. But if no one else is interested.
Unknown Speaker 17:51
All right. I’ll entertain a motion for Vice Chair.
Unknown Speaker 18:00
Do you need a second?
Unknown Speaker 18:01
No. We don’t have a motion. Yeah. So Okay. Well, if there’s no, my my Robert’s Rules of Order are a little rusty. But if if you’re volunteering to be vice chair, so let someone make a motion that we elected. Okay. All right. Any discussion on the motion? All those in favor say aye. Aye. Any opposed? Congratulations.
Unknown Speaker 18:31
Thank you together.
Unknown Speaker 18:35
Election of the secretary. Alright. That was anybody wants to be Secretary. Does anybody want to make a motion to be Secretary? So tough job.
Unknown Speaker 18:48
That’s the worst
Unknown Speaker 18:51
route. I nominate Ruth.
Unknown Speaker 18:58
Second, so you can start picking those right now?
Unknown Speaker 19:06
All right, yes. Doing a good job over here.
Unknown Speaker 19:10
So far? Yeah. Any discussion of the nomination for Secretary? All right. Hearing none, all those in favor say aye. Aye. Any opposed?
Unknown Speaker 19:23
Can I Can I ask who made the motion and motion and second
Unknown Speaker 19:30
and the socket was
Unknown Speaker 19:37
there on the secretary. Oh, Jenny. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 19:42
Okay, so we’ve got our new board. Recognize the new board member and with the F. And we’ve anything further you’d like to say though? You’ve already introduced yourself, but we’re glad to have you.
Unknown Speaker 19:56
I’m glad I didn’t volunteer for any
Unknown Speaker 19:59
more are a time you still have an opportunity?
Unknown Speaker 20:06
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 20:12
I know what it’s like to have that happen to you. Alright, introductions and welcome. I guess we’ve done all that right public to be invited to be heard three minutes to a person, as a republic care to be heard. Hearing none, we’ll go to the old business, which is discussion of library recreation and culture, tax proposal, outreach and communication we
Unknown Speaker 20:39
need to do the man who, oh, sorry, we’re
Unknown Speaker 20:41
the minutes number. Oh, I missed I’m sorry.
Unknown Speaker 20:45
And I apologize. Putin’s sent those in a different format this time, so if you’re not comfortable approving them that way, I can. I will take and put them into normal format if you’re more comfortable. paragraph by
Unknown Speaker 21:06
Unknown Speaker 21:08
I really liked it. It was very clear.
Unknown Speaker 21:12
sighs Yeah, doubt I could clean and
Unknown Speaker 21:15
it wasn’t just reading. Yeah, I like
Unknown Speaker 21:20
I don’t mind the format. I like a little more detail. It was pretty easy. Format, it’s fine. All right. Already correction corrections or additions to the minutes. Anybody make a motion to approve the minutes? July 2. I’ll second. Any discussion? All those in favor approving the minutes? All right, the ones are approved without correction. No, we’re gonna go to old business. Okay, the discussion? Would that be you?
Unknown Speaker 22:02
Do you want to lead this Marsha, or do you want me to?
Unknown Speaker 22:06
I can’t see the agenda. And I didn’t.
Unknown Speaker 22:09
So less.
Unknown Speaker 22:11
Yes, yes. Okay. So there’s a bunch of stuff about that. I’d like to start by summarizing the council, the council presented a list of public amenities that there’s no money to invest in them now. And the council wants to consider a ballot question for the fall that will fund some of these things. It could be one ballot question or two ballot questions, because Colorado has a log rolling statute, which means that unrelated things can’t be in the same funding ballot question. So we can’t put the library and the recreation center together. There are some you know, the definition of related is somewhat squishy. So I have just, for example, been having conversations will, you know, there, the boulder Public Library, for example, has not a huge theater, but a fairly substantial theater. So it might be that the library and the theater, as they’re both the culture and knowledge, could be lumped into one ballot question. And then the some or all of the recreational, you know, things could be lumped into another one. So you could have in this in essence of mind and body, as it were, as as two valid questions. The other thing that that that you would want to know is that to fund everything on that list, both the reasonable amount of capital investment and and enough tax that would continue to provide operational support would be a quarter of a billion dollars of of funded stuff. And that is depending on how it’s broken down. That’s significant tax increases. And Jeff, probably, I bet you have the numbers with you. Yeah. And so when if anybody wants to know we’ll go into them. So there’s, there’s a number of approaches that can be taken. One is to prioritize things off your list. Another is to do some this year and some next year or two years from now. And And then the other thing to consider is, you know, what we really want is progressive tax, you know, like income taxes used to be in this in this, you know, otherwise in our era where, you know, people who were very have very high incomes paid a lot and people who had low incomes pay very little, our taxation system, our federal taxation system isn’t so much like that anymore. But all the tools in our toolbox are it our sales taxes, and property taxes? Well, property taxes tend to be progressive. And, you know, if you have more money, you probably have a house with a higher value. Sales taxes are truly regressive, they fall hardest on the poor. But there are kind of exceptions to that rule on on on both sides. So for example, Walmart has visitors and hopes to have more visitors and you know, some of these some of these things are meant to attract more visitors from outside the city limits. And so that means sales taxes are good, because people who aren’t from Walmart pay them. And, in fact, the data that we have, it says that, that we already because of our big box stores, that’s why Longmont didn’t suffer during the pandemic, in terms of city revenue, because we had a huge draw from outside the area people coming to, to shop in our big box stores. And now we’re about to get a Costco opening this spring, which will be right in the middle of that draw area. And it’s very accessible to drive to from almost anywhere. So that tends to lead things towards sales taxes, because it means that all those other guys are paying for it. So you know, one of the things that we’re looking at is is is whether to the proportion of this that would be funded by a mill levy, and the proportion of it that would be funded by sales tax. And then I guess that’s, that’s the background that that I’d like to lay. And and you know that again, it falls into several big categories, there’s, there is a branch library, there is a number of recreational things, because we we probably should have at least one more in probably two more rec centers the size of the one that we have. Dry Creek Park has been hanging fire forever. And it was the most concretely promised low California or new rec center. And then all of our swimming pools are falling apart. So we you know, to upgrade or replace at least Centennial pool, which is really falling apart. And and then we have some opportunities for new outdoor amenities on on city owned land. So I think those are the three categories. Some are Oh, and a Center for the Performing Arts, which is near and dear to my heart, by the way, just so that you will know that I’m prejudiced on this. Because I think it’s a matter of social equity. You know, if you are working age, and have children and are earning good money, and each parent has either zero or one job, then you can go down to the Denver Center for Performing Arts or fillers green or whatever your you know, genre is basically anytime you want. And you can have your kids in, you know, regional hockey leagues or regional swim teams as much as you want because you know, you don’t have any extra stuff to do so you can cart your kids all around, you can indulge your own personal tastes for culture, but for middle class and down, and also for seniors just because it’s so difficult to attend those things. The only way to go there is is driving. Parking is horrible, whether it’s Macky Auditorium in Boulder, or Denver Center for Performing Arts or the amphitheaters, you know, are just a major investment of a day to get there. So, except for the privileged the extraordinarily abled those aren’t they able to bless. But for our children and our, you know, our and our seniors, they’d be so much more accessible if they were here. So that, you know, that’s my argument for that, because it doesn’t really, you know, doesn’t necessarily fit with the others. Although I’m, you know, it could kind of get in with a library. But the end, that’s really true of all these amenities at Walmart got behind because of the flood, we had to put all our efforts into just putting ourselves back together. It’s been a decade, and we’re finally on the very last leg of that was the bond issue that just passed last last election. And so this is where we start catching up. So it’s a really important question. And am I have a question.
Unknown Speaker 30:58
It’s really, the information you shared was really interesting. How does it relate to the senior advisory board? Well,
Unknown Speaker 31:07
as Dan just pointed out, the board has the capability that it has not necessarily used that much to make read recommendations to council. For these facilities, yeah. For for the, in particular, for the prioritization. And then the other thing is, that begin interacting me if I’m wrong on the timeline here, Jeff, but usually, this kind of outreach begins around Cinco Demayo. Being the first outdoor public event that we have, the city will begin and outreach effort talking to the people holding focus groups holding lotteries, at at, at the outdoor events, I hope we do a lot more than we have in the past in terms of really intelligent outreach and educating people. But anyway, it starts the spring. And so, but what to do is, is understand what the public’s priorities are, and what would be the most used and what they miss the most, and, and where the inequities really lie. And, and so as as a group that, among other things, represents a demographic stratum of this community. This is the senior population Excuse me, do I wave my arms when I get? You know, one of your roles is to, is to tell us what you think and why. So the discussion is, first, what do we think about this? And second, what are we going to do about it? And, and that can be from what kind of outreach? can we do to our demographic to? Do we want to move the needle? Do we want to raise awareness of this process and, and maybe try to move the needle in terms of what we think would be the most important thing to support our community? So if that, does that answer your question, someone’s got to kind of jump in there somewhere.
Unknown Speaker 33:31
So in addition to the rec center, there will be programming space, we siddik to seniors, the Senior Center will always be the hub. But one of the challenges that we have here is not enough space. And so what we propose is adding multiple, meeting our programming space so that we’re not putting all our eggs in one basket, it would also serve another area of that community. And then again, it wouldn’t be another senior center, but it would be programming space, like you have here in the senior center right now with D and E and the room we’re in so that some things could happen there. As well as here. So that that’s I think that answer for your question of what what does the senior services get out of this training?
Unknown Speaker 34:33
Well, I know I can speak for the, for the community that I choose to represent on this board. And all of these things I agree are needed. That if I also am aware of the fact that people especially in the community that I represent, are overwhelmed Elmwood right now, with trying to purchase food number one, pay their utility bills, that is two and a half times what it was last month, this month, and gas and just expenses. And if you’re going to reach out to the community to pass taxes and bonds for things that you please focus on one thing at a time, because my community is overwhelmed with affording to live day by day. And I would like that to be a consideration. And it would be because my vote my community also votes.
Unknown Speaker 35:50
Right. Yeah. And that’s, that’s right. You know, if if we can’t, but if we could put all quarter of a billion dollars worth of debt guarantee you would just fail. No one would vote for that. So, you know, all of those things. So, so Janine started out exactly. Right. That’s one viewpoint. And it’s certainly, like, everybody knows, we can’t pass a quarter of a billion in new debt. We’re just not that much of a city right now. And so the everybody gets an opinion. And everybody gets a, you know, we can define a strategy about how to provide the most informed opinion for our demographic. Right.
Unknown Speaker 36:38
And, excuse me. And so that’s the discussion, and I’m going to start keeping my mouth shut.
Unknown Speaker 36:48
Considering all of the everything that’s been spoken here, is that really what our I think our duty is, as a as a board is to decide what, what piece of that is the most important for the senior community? And how do we present that to the city council? Good point, right? And then, and then see if we can, like you said, you know, push the, the city council to see our point of view and maybe raise the bar and get things done for us.
Unknown Speaker 37:19
Any other questions for Marshall?
Unknown Speaker 37:21
I just wanted to mention that in that is his name completely see that the cultural facility question has been around for a long time. And Doctor, the sculptor, the plastic surgeon, he was very involved. Thank you. He and his the people that were trying to raise money and get, I don’t know, if they did a study or not back then that was a while back quite a while back. And there wasn’t the support that was needed. And I think, do you know about the history of that, Marsha?
Unknown Speaker 38:08
I don’t know all of the history. And it’s really important to Yes. Yeah, what I do know is, is that in the last melt, it was finished about the time we locked down for the pandemic, there was a big feasibility study that was funded by a combination of the city visit one month, the economic development, the downtown development, and the arts community for a bigger chunk than anybody else. But so that study was a partnership funding. And I have that I can make sure that everybody has a link to it. But you know, it can be read. So yeah, it’s that is a question of, of it’s a question of whether the public would vote for it. Now, we never know what the public is going to do. We had a really beautiful, large scale rec center with pool, pool and ice. And for a number of reasons. It failed. on the ballot measure, he was all by itself, just that just one rec center. And what we kind of found out was that first of all, a lot of people voted no, because the city wouldn’t promise what neighborhood it would be. A lot of people voted no, because the way it was messaged, made people think that it was only for the sports teams and the high schools and everything else and it wasn’t a public Rec Center, which was false, completely false. But a lot of people believe that in a lot of people’s to believe that, and and then I think a lot of people that don’t want growth in the city, leveraged all that and, and actively oppose building the thing at all. So it failed. And that kind of, you know, it was kind of a surprise, because usually we think people really want physical recreation facilities. So yeah, it’s it’s a hard problem.
Unknown Speaker 40:33
To follow up on Julie’s timeline, you probably certainly didn’t get it. But what are we talking about as far as getting some sort of recommendation to the past? Well, you know, to our slice of the population, this is what?
Unknown Speaker 40:50
Yeah, I didn’t really give a very close timeline, it would go like this. The city outreach does start in about spring, usually. And if we could probably come forth with a recommendation from this board and time over the summer. Does that feel right to you, Jeff?
Unknown Speaker 41:18
You’re many early summer.
Unknown Speaker 41:21
Okay. Because, you know, I hope the city isn’t going to have its thumb on the scale. I mean, I want a thumb on the scale. But that’s me. That’s not the city. So. So I hope that the city’s outreach will not necessarily be influenced by the recommendation of this board, the council’s decision, which will be made in August. Is that right? Because we have to refer the ballot measure.
Unknown Speaker 41:48
I think that might have to happen in July. Because I think in August, you have to set what is on the ballot in November.
Unknown Speaker 41:58
Okay. All right. We should. Yeah, I thought we I thought we referred things in August before? Because it’s the end of August. So I don’t know. But yeah, we don’t have a whole lot of time. So this would be this would be the board’s first project if we decided to do some outreach work. And and either I or Jeff can absolutely verify what the preferred timeline
Unknown Speaker 42:27
would it be helpful for the, for this advisory board for the senior center? Since the people that participate in the programs here are the most active people that would possibly utilize all of these things? So I don’t think it would entail a lot to have a survey from now until, with our participants, just a simple survey and maybe pass them out in classes, maybe, you know, to find out what they feel would be a good representative group who put the
Unknown Speaker 43:07
monthly in person surveys on the agenda,
Unknown Speaker 43:10
though, that was me. Okay, son, last month conversation. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 43:15
I was just ended up in fall off. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 43:19
so your survey is different. That’s on the agenda than what you
Unknown Speaker 43:25
want our audience to be able to give us an indication not just the board, but our audience.
Unknown Speaker 43:33
Yeah, I would agree and, and the city marketing team is working on that survey. So that what you as a board and the users of the senior center will get the same survey as what is provided to the resident community
Unknown Speaker 43:51
well, except that the city’s marketing team survey does not have to be the only serving, right. So so if definitely had a, you know, decided that a different outreach method or, you know, the way of looking you know, work through Meals on Wheels, because, you know, we need to look at at unserved and underserved communities as well as the active I mean, being active in your 70s and 80s. is a privilege all its own and
Unknown Speaker 44:30
active to utilize all of those
Unknown Speaker 44:32
proposals well, but yes or no, depending on how this because every every amenity is a service. So it could be designed to involve people, just like the Senior Center is
Unknown Speaker 44:48
saying if that’s sort of the point is, maybe there wouldn’t be more people who would utilize the space if it was built to accommodate them. And it was there like if, like, maybe because the Senior Center is so far away from north north Longmont, right, that people don’t want to take the trek in to get here. Right. So if we had something that was closer to them, maybe they were utilized transportation
Unknown Speaker 45:14
is terrible. Yeah, I want to go out town or I,
Unknown Speaker 45:19
you know, the thing that’s very important is the education informing people. And, you know, we’re, I don’t feel that everybody is being, and that there’s no way you can inform everybody. But I think we need to let people know what’s going on. And, you know, we use the technology, we use the US knee and stuff like that. But I was, I guess, I’m looking at one thing that the majority of the people in the city of Brighton get is a utility bill. Correct? And I was just wondering, and I don’t know if we could recommend it, or if that would be something that would be educational or not. But to that we have a page added to the mayor’s notes, and the other activity is going on, that would deal specifically with, you know, something like this. I don’t know if that is possible, or I don’t know what it takes, or who decides what’s going to go on that? What do you call that?
Unknown Speaker 46:29
City or a link
Unknown Speaker 46:31
on the news? And? And the answer is, by the way, that, that I think that the city line is fixed in size. But but the content is fungible. So if if we wanted an article, and this probably is shared with City Art, marketing, but we would, you know, make recommendations for what it should say, or, or that didn’t exist at all? It could, it could be a candidate, you know, for for Bay, or, or even April, or even June. To go in there. It also we have to go. And, again, it’s, you know, what will? How will the ballot questions, what’s being considered. And you know, what each one would mean.
Unknown Speaker 47:32
I’m thinking politicians campaign. And then it makes sense to me that if we need to prioritize these in the community in general. And we want people’s input, we need to actively campaign by going to where they go, like Cinco de mio celebrations by having campaigning or information tables, or people collecting that information from the community, where, where the community is leading, for whatever they’re meeting for. And that might give us a better idea, because I love to go, but most of the people I represent in either a don’t read it, or don’t get it or whatever. Whereas this is about the entire community, of which we are a segment. So
Unknown Speaker 48:37
I got one more question related to this. And the feasibility study that was done. Did they give the city an indication or specific details about other 100,000 people, city’s population cities? What their facilities are? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 49:05
And I can send you the study. It’s pretty long.
Unknown Speaker 49:09
I just would be interested in the answer that question, almost
Unknown Speaker 49:14
70 pages.
Unknown Speaker 49:17
And I’ll send a link out to that to the PowerPoint that was shared with console as well.
Unknown Speaker 49:24
Is it broken down into the so I could dig into it easily.
Unknown Speaker 49:29
It’s it’s pretty accessible. If you study this, the table of contents you can tell what to skip. But it’s good on objectives and things like that. I also have a short concordance which have because of things that I think need to need to be re looked at stuff changed in the last two years. And there are more questions. You know, there’s some More than one way to skin some of these cats. There’s the idea that that some of the things that are on this list maybe don’t belong on it because they could be funded other ways.
Unknown Speaker 50:15
Or you’re saying you’d send out the report or the business, all the members? Well, that’s
Unknown Speaker 50:27
one of the things that I think is important to take all into our heads. And, excuse me about having some sort of, you know, flyer that goes out with the utility bill. The other thing we need to consider is that there are a lot of people who don’t get their utility bill, right. My utility bill comes via email, right? So and, and I don’t actually pay for it, right. So I don’t even look at it, it goes to my husband. So we have to consider that. And I think that one thing that would be really important to look at is that, if we decide on something that we’re going to recommend to the city, is then looking at how can we market that? Right? Right to the community, so that they’re on board with it. And so that means looking at how do we do it by flyer paper by, you know, maybe door knocking by, you know, email, social media, all of those things, so that we have a complete almost marketing plan on what we’re going to do, and how we’re going to approach bringing this issue that we want to recommend to the city council. Make it clear to community?
Unknown Speaker 51:42
If it’s alright, I think it would be good agenda every month. And what staff will do is, as the city staff are meeting about the process, we will report back every month on what’s going on with schedules are and also share your feedback back to that group as well.
Unknown Speaker 52:09
That’d be good. How do you want to proceed? We throw a lot of stuff out here.
Unknown Speaker 52:18
And I can only handle so much. How do we how do we want to proceed on this?
Unknown Speaker 52:26
I’ll just throw out one ideas. There’s always committees. And I could suggest that maybe two or three of us meet a time or two before the next meeting and kind of come up with a strategy like you’re talking about types of work.
Unknown Speaker 52:45
Can I Can I throw something out? I’m wondering if that strategizing about marketing plans is something that our marketing folks are actually going to be doing. So it might be recreating the wheel a little bit?
Unknown Speaker 52:57
Is there a way to connect the two? So let’s see if we have a committee than meet someone?
Unknown Speaker 53:06
Yes, okay.
Unknown Speaker 53:09
Oh, I just want to forming committees of the committee has to either have meetings posted on its own, which I will do by going to done or anybody in the city clerk’s office can handle that for us. Or if it’s two people on the committee, you can do whatever you want. But we can’t have, you know, we can’t have three or four people make them stand because of open units. And, and the other thing again, I wouldn’t personally worry about reinventing the wheel, because the whole city is one demographic, the senior demographic is another demographic that will not get the same consideration from the whole city. So you know, so having this board make recommendations, maybe it gets rolled into the city’s marketing campaign, or maybe it is something it takes some other form. What I heard Julie talking about is that there’s no one place to message
Unknown Speaker 54:17
I would suggest that we give the committee a chance to meet the city staff committee. I then can report back at early February, which then can better inform the board of maybe what your next steps are.
Unknown Speaker 54:34
Yeah, I mean, because if we feel like if the committee meets with the city marketing, to find out, you know, what is just the what’s the, the, you know, the this the steps, you know, that they’re thinking, and then if there’s something that we feel like as a group isn’t addressed, then maybe we can bring it back to the marketing.
Unknown Speaker 54:57
So do they meet on a monthly basis?
Unknown Speaker 55:00
So while we haven’t met for quite a while, and I keep, I will just share this, I also go to the Parks and Rec advisory board in the library board. And they’re having the same conversations that you all are having. And we need to start reporting information back to us. So you can help the bigger cars and the clock is ticking, and we need to get you over. I’m talking about city staff not not you all,
Unknown Speaker 55:29
all meetings we’re talking about so far, though, with the staff. So far, yes, to develop a player Marketing Committee.
Unknown Speaker 55:39
It’s the same segment.
Unknown Speaker 55:43
I’ve verified something because I’m little bit confused. So one of the recommendations that they want from this board would be prioritizing these terms. Because if if it’s priority, that’s something we can discuss and say, you know, library rec culture, assuming that not everything is going to be proposed at the same time, say, you know, take same tax request. So the first step is, what would our priorities be?
Unknown Speaker 56:20
Your priorities? So I think, again, there’s, there’s two real questions. In terms of property taxes, you know, the, the real exception to the property tax thing, you don’t want to if you are a doctor and a lawyer who are married to each other, and you live in Rainbow Ridge, you probably don’t even look at your top property tax bill, even though it’s huge. But if you are either a widower,
Unknown Speaker 56:51
Unknown Speaker 56:54
or even an older couple, but retired on a fixed income, and you live in a really nice house, but you’re on a fixed income, your property tax may suddenly be a significant piece of your budget. And so those are people who will be who might be harmed by a property tax increase. So you know, those are those are things that this demographic could weigh in on is on the other hand, if you are a well established resident, sales taxes may not mean so much. Because you’ve got all your stuff, you know, you your your purchases, except for things like food are very discretionary. You know, like, I don’t care that this shirt is seven years old, right. You know, so I also buy a lot of clothes and so sales taxes.
Unknown Speaker 57:55
Okay, so the, one of my current tracking here, the endpoint of all of this is the ballot measure.
Unknown Speaker 58:01
Unknown Speaker 58:04
Which would be in the warmer. Recommendation.
Unknown Speaker 58:13
Marsha, I just want to bring up one more thing, the thing that comes to mind during this whole discussion, is fundraising. A lot of these things, to me are special interest items. And I would love to know if the money that was spent on the feasibility study included how those things were funded for, for cities that were 100,000 population,
Unknown Speaker 58:46
there is some information in that not as much as, as necessarily could be have been provided. So So one thing that’s in there, you sound like you’ve read it with a magnifying glass, too.
Unknown Speaker 58:59
I haven’t read but a magnifying glass, but I have read it. Did you see that? Julie, the feasibility study?
Unknown Speaker 59:05
I mean, did you see what I’m looking for?
Unknown Speaker 59:08
I feel like I think like Marsha said, I feel like there’s a little bit but not a
Unknown Speaker 59:14
lot. So for example, there’s a table that says whether each facility is operating at a profit or at a loss and to what extent it is subsidized by the municipality surrounding it. So you know, that’s a big part of it. How it got to happen was you know, is is another is different.
Unknown Speaker 59:37
That would be nice to know,
Unknown Speaker 59:38
it would be nice to know also, that’s nice to know is is that the theatre and I think no other piece of this is on the on this of staff’s list of of prioritize things. Most of it is it are things that the presumption is That would be entirely paid for by this tax. On the other hand, the Theatre Arts Complex is not entirely paid for by this tax. So there is a presumption of private investment, including both donations, and well, yeah, donations are investors in the sense of, of builders who would get something out of it, although it is never expected to operate as a profit. But so yes. And one thing that is, is, you know, recommendations like that, I wouldn’t expect these to necessarily come from the board. But, you know, if you know, so like, you know, if you’ve been on the Water Board, or something, union reservoir probably doesn’t need to be funded by this, because it could be funded other ways, but it’s on the list. So, you know, those are things that if we know them, you know, you get up people, a bunch of people who’ve been conscious for 50 or 60 or 70 years, then who knows what we know, you know, so all bets are off in terms of what we can put into this. Once we start studying the list. We’re a valuable resource just because of who we are.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:29
So we’re the way we go ahead and keep receipt repairs, wait till February and see we’re off the report from Jeff and then decided at that point, which we’re going to do Ron,
Unknown Speaker 1:01:39
do you have any have any comments you want to make at this point?
Unknown Speaker 1:01:42
I’m just just listening. He’s absorbing?
Unknown Speaker 1:01:46
Well, I’ve gotten cut to go along with that. I’ve got a suggestion. Or we can just wait until the next meeting. Let’s hear it. Well, you’re going to be sending out the summary. PowerPoint. So I wouldn’t suggest that all of us study that to the extent that you want to. So we’re all more up to speed as far as the whole issue, because I certainly don’t feel up to speed. And I would also like to ask, I do think, kind of a working group, what we call working groups and committees, or whatever, when you Sure.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:30
You have to pay for that. Now.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:35
How many people would be you have to post working groups?
Unknown Speaker 1:02:38
Yes. Well,
Unknown Speaker 1:02:39
they’re accepted to PTO
Unknown Speaker 1:02:42
people. Okay, well, we’re not going to be meeting I’m just saying at this point. Is there anybody I would like to work on this? Is there anybody else that would like to work with me, as far as company with our come up with recommendation that is our endpoint to get to the ballot measure that we’ve been talking about? Anybody wants to work with me on that, and just kind of be prepared for the next meeting, as to, you know, where we go and have some ideas on how we might proceed? That’s one way of looking at it. One way to do it, I would work with
Unknown Speaker 1:03:19
not working with you. available to answer your question. I’m sorry, I interrupted.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:27
One Going once. I tend to take part in 30 hours a week.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:38
As long as it’s not full time.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:42
Okay, Janine art. Anybody else?
Unknown Speaker 1:03:45
Staff will be a bit involved there as you want us to? We would like to be a part of those conversations. Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:54
Okay. So, David, can you clarify that? What are you looking for people to? Because we’re all going to, you know, do our due diligence and read the the feasibility study, as you said to, you know, the depth that we would like to? And then are you trying to get a group of people to figure out which item we’re going to focus on and then proceed? Or are we all as a group going to decide on what we’re going to focus on?
Unknown Speaker 1:04:23
And then the way I see it is we need somebody to kind of focus on it, really spend some time on it. And so that’s I’m looking to heart engineering, to after the February meeting,
Unknown Speaker 1:04:35
to ask Mike, some of the people I know in my community, too. I’d like to just throw that out to say what would be what would your thoughts on
Unknown Speaker 1:04:46
the Maurienne token can get better? But what I’m, what I’m thinking that we would, after the February meeting, will come more feedback. And at that point, I would say if it seems feasible, we’ll appoint a committee and then Then we’ll come up with the task of coming up with specific recommendations.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:04
So it will, can we come up with a committee after February?
Unknown Speaker 1:05:09
Right now, which will probably be the same people that are volunteering right now, is what I’m trying to say. But it doesn’t have to be whoever wants to at the time, but
Unknown Speaker 1:05:20
just so we’re really clear, is that if the three of you meet, we have to post that. Okay. And staff can do all that to post?
Unknown Speaker 1:05:31
You know, that’s always a tricky point. Well, if, if, what about informal conversations, we’re neighbors,
Unknown Speaker 1:05:37
if you two are having a conversation, but you and art can have a get together that has to be opposed. If you three get together to do that has to be what I’m gonna say city business. And it has to be post. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 1:05:51
gotcha. And it should be public. Yes. So now, sometimes that may, that could seriously, if you do it in the spring, it could be on somebody’s big front porch, as long as the location is posted, and you don’t mind somebody coming and sitting on the grass and listening, and somebody needs to take minutes, or you can have recorded on your phone, but there has to be some kind of a record that it happens. If it’s three or more.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:14
Okay, and where’s like going to be posted, like down to cities?
Unknown Speaker 1:06:18
That’s what you do you call the city clerk’s office and say this has happened,
Unknown Speaker 1:06:21
yeah. And then also welcome the city, and how much in advance to rehab, at least 24 hours. It’s better, since it is a public meeting, to do it further than that. So that public has the opportunity to show up and
Unknown Speaker 1:06:39
write a week is really nice. They’re also busy, you probably have to schedule that far in advance. Well, now,
Unknown Speaker 1:06:48
it’s a little fuzzy, you know, we’ve just been talking about, but I think we need to put some structure to it so we can get started on it. All I’m trying to do. But we will keep you informed. I mean, we’ll contact you for you. I don’t I don’t know if there’ll be a whole lot of contact between the three of us is next month. I think the main task is just to kind of become familiar with the report. All right, Is everybody okay with that? Okay, I don’t think we need a motion for that. All right. Any other discussion on this whole issue?
Unknown Speaker 1:07:27
Oh, I would like to just put in context that that Johnson reward is only about the poor performing arts, excuse me, and the public events center, which would not go on the ballot measure at all, even though the study covered both, because that would be privately funded. Okay, so two warnings about that. Don’t expect to see anything about the gym. Oh, and right. And then the other thing is, all the stuff about an Events Center, it would be not relevant to the ballot measure. Jeff, you might extract the council communication, the gave the list of things to be prioritized. And the other thing is that wouldn’t hurt is the old pull a nice feasibility study just so people can see what what it looks like. And it’s really, it’s it’s so old that that the money is completely meaningless. And it’s, you know, and it having key trick. My phone’s motion sensor, if I turn it completely over, it shuts off the ring. Doesn’t matter Good to hear. But it and we probably would not, especially since this school system did decide to build an Olympic sized pool after our bond issue didn’t pass. But at least let you know what the elements of it are. But it would be a normal pool and probably no ice or, you know, people could I mean, that’s the requirements thing, you know, the public might have second thoughts and at random on the river, you know, they would all say we want an ice playing well, I die. So that could happen. And and so it would be it would be useful from a, you know, an idea standpoint, but it’s,
Unknown Speaker 1:09:42
you know, what we’re proposing?
Unknown Speaker 1:09:44
Yes. Not the current proposal. Yeah. And any current proposal might have, if it would, the proposal would emphasize things like extra meeting rooms and Studios. logos and, you know, things like that, as opposed to this really emphasized, you know, the big stuff. Another thing is that the new pool proposal out, you know, alarming cool, or warm pool might is likely to be a big deal because of our demographic. You know, some of you that have been on for a while, discussed that at length, and those are who are newer, didn’t get to hear that discussion, but it’s a but we lost it at the hospital, and it was a big loss community in the minds of our senior population.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:39
Any other old business? Hearing none, new business, discuss monthly in person surveys.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:51
Yeah, that that came from the information that was that, David, that, that you provided as a summary of Julian as a summary that punked the possibility of the board doing monthly surveys to interact with those that are using the Senior Center, and to get their feedback of what’s working, how it could be improved, or maybe what we need to consider offering.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:22
And I think this can dovetail into an idea that the programming staff had sharp Sloane talked with me about, do we ever have greeters? Do we ever have people like from a board who just volunteered to float the senior center for a couple of hours and greet people? And I said, Well, we’ve done that at particular events? Yes, yeah. But not on an ongoing basis. And I thought, could that tie together with this idea of doing surveys, that maybe once a month, there’s a board member who signs up for a shift to love the building and talk to people as a breeder? And if people want to engage with the survey? Could it just be a volunteer, not necessarily a board member? It was just it was the board who were interested in the survey done. So that’s why
Unknown Speaker 1:12:10
I have another, you know, idea about that. Is it possible to have a station in the front entry that, you know, here’s a survey that we’d like to take visit? These are the questions that we’d like to, you know, and have how big board so that it’s engaging, and then maybe people will do the survey on their own instead of having someone and instead of
Unknown Speaker 1:12:33
handing it out, discussing the questions with the person and help, you know, not just to having a survey handout, but yeah, to discuss it and, and get feedback that
Unknown Speaker 1:12:46
term. Yeah, but
Unknown Speaker 1:12:48
a little variance of that, you know, when we did that together for the open house, I felt like people were more receptive to me, greeting them and asking them a question than they were to sitting down and filling out the form. And we have to make it short, you know, couple of questions and, and get their input that I mean, we can document it. But when you take a piece of paper and a pen and give it to somebody, my experience was they were more resistant to that chore, but they would talk to me in a second. So
Unknown Speaker 1:13:27
say, I feel like if we did like, almost sort of a combination of the two, right? Because because there are some people that didn’t really want anything to do with it, right? But maybe on their own volition, they might walk over and say, Hey, what’s this? And, you know, make some sort of response, but also then have, you know, somebody’s reading. However, I will say that it, you know, sounds like a lot of people are very busy. And so, I mean, that means that every single one of us is going to have to volunteer that time, right? At once a month. Like, what? It’s a one person a month, it’s not, you know, Janine does it every month for the next six months, right? So if we’re going to do that have that kind of a survey, we all have to be willing to participate in that time,
Unknown Speaker 1:14:10
or involve our volunteer base here at the Senior Center in assisting with that.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:18
If I’m going to be here anyway, on Tuesday, I don’t have a problem with extending another couple of, you know, two hours to be a greeter. Right, it’s fine. I will do that.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:34
Know My first impression is that not a lot of feedback. For example, if you did once a month, six months, one day a month and it’s not a lot of
Unknown Speaker 1:14:46
two hours. That’s why I feel like if you have a station where they can go to or we have a link to a you know, to something that They can go to through the go, they can go to the link, and they cannot, they must. But they have a link that they can go to so they can do it at their own time at home, something like that. Could it be both? Yeah. For all of the above, right.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:15
Resuming staff involvement, also, just board involvement.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:21
We really haven’t talked a whole lot on, this was just as a follow up. December meeting, you all can say no, if you want, I mean that. But it does is intriguing, even if it is two hours a month, I think the if it’s in person, the information you gather is going to be more valuable than if somebody’s just filling out a paper survey or even something online. But I would say and Ronnie jump in here, that staff would be willing to help as they can. So I think we develop some type of schedule and plug names in and work with the comms team to if we’re just going to have the computer paper surveys work with comms team to help us develop the best survey that we can ask for to get that because we, if I write the questions, they’re going to be leading. They they really know what they’re doing in I’m thinking three to five questions that at the most.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:38
But be at the most?
Unknown Speaker 1:16:41
Oh, we found that five is too much. I don’t know does everybody think this some form of the circle like our interview that we’ve been talking about there, but I think that’s a good idea. We should pursue?
Unknown Speaker 1:16:54
I do. I mean, I think that engaging our community, to find out what’s important to them is really important. Right? So that we can then then we have the guidance to direct what we’re we’re going to how we can advise to them.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:07
And if the board wants that I’m willing to work to coordinate that, maybe coordinate that with some volunteers if they’re interested. So I know how limited your staff is in terms of demand for their time. But if it’s information that I’m doing through the board, I’m happy to be the coordinator.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:33
Scott from the comms team helped us do exactly that. Just a, we called it a needs assessment. And it was a little longer than three questions. But we had QR codes that people could just sign in the front and we have paper copies as well. And so for people that wanted to use a phone, they could do that. And we got the survey codes, right to write to digitally. And then we had paper for people that didn’t. He was really, really helpful.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:10
How was it his response?
Unknown Speaker 1:18:13
It was actually pretty, pretty good because of the different ways that we did it. And then I think we may have even put it on our social media site. So our goal was 200 parents, 200 kids, and so we set specific and it was about how we were going to come back after the pandemic and what kinds of services needed to provide. And so we set those numbers and then did outreach based on
Unknown Speaker 1:18:47
that. I think we would use want to know specifically what the board wants to know from three things. Start with three. Yeah, I can see how it goes.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:04
Well, okay. You said you incorporate it. So mean, like, put together a schedule of who would be rotated?
Unknown Speaker 1:19:15
Yeah. If we can get volunteers to help. I mean, I, I appreciate the limited time that the staff at the senior center may have to do that. But I would be able to and willing to do that with the board. And if any of the volunteers would like to be a part of that and help me I would really appreciate.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:42
Would you want to kind of structure it to what we’re, what I
Unknown Speaker 1:19:46
want to know what what do we want to know what services do we want to know about prioritizing the tax thing and what information specific If the way with this survey you want to know,
Unknown Speaker 1:20:04
and when would this happen?
Unknown Speaker 1:20:07
I think we would need to start after our February meeting.
Unknown Speaker 1:20:11
Well, I think we get, we get the information that you want to bring it to the comms team as the comms team, what we’re so good three questions to ask to get this information. And hopefully be able to get that by February meaning if you can outline today, what it is that you want to know, right. I don’t know.
Unknown Speaker 1:20:33
I think I think the survey was about the feasibility study. And what the the, the recreation, you know, the tax proposal last week,
Unknown Speaker 1:20:44
conflating the two Yes, last month, y’all
Unknown Speaker 1:20:46
were talking about wanting to do sort of ongoing surveying of customers here about their experience here and what they needed. So so that’s what this was about
Unknown Speaker 1:20:57
services satisfaction, trying to kind of categorize barriers. Well, we know this survey, we’re talking about the survey. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 1:21:13
I have to find it. Remember?
Unknown Speaker 1:21:17
We’re talking about the monthly surveys now as opposed, yeah. Outreach. And
Unknown Speaker 1:21:26
outreach, I think we’re generating these questions, identifying the approach we want to take. And then we need to be mindful of, as you mentioned, what information do we want to offer both proposed methods provide qualitative data and quantitative data? And, you know, the qualitative data gives us the specifics, the conversations, we’re taking notes are collecting that information. As best for the quantitative data, you know, that’s ranking our services on a scale of one to five, right? It does, it gives us the information we need on the services we’re providing, but not the specifics, right. It’s given us areas of improvement, identifying the things we’re doing well, but as for the specifics, the quality of data, you know, that gives us the I like this, however, you know, we need these improvements. I would like to see more of this. So it no one what information we want will help us shape those questions. And I think that can help us identify our delivery methods, right? If it’s that that quantitative piece, you know, that’s more of those online surveys. We can have computer setup, as mentioned this station, computer options. Checklists, you know, here’s our three questions, rate and greatest in these categories. Or if we want somebody floating around, right, asking these questions, recording those notes, that gives us again, it just gives us two different sources of information of the services we’re providing. So once we identify those specifics, I think then we look at our delivery methods.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:16
We don’t be some obstacles, like you’re doing in formal thing, people coming in. They’re coming in for classes, they’re on a timeline. So we’re going to have to kind of look at that and see what works. And it isn’t like just posting somebody up the door that has questions, because their agenda is going to be number one. And then their willingness to participate. So we’ll have to feel it out. What
Unknown Speaker 1:23:48
do you do anything at the end of each? So when I when I register for certain activity into the program, so once it includes then we’re just
Unknown Speaker 1:24:06
statics variants, and we have from time to time but not systemically, right.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:14
I think a qualitative approach is probably where we want to go right now. Rather than a quantitative, I understand what you’re saying about a quantitative approach. But seems to be we want to focus on the qualitative one at the beginning, and maybe later in submitted to some kind of
Unknown Speaker 1:24:31
quantitative arts was more qualitative, and I’ll send a copy to jump into Rania, and then you all can share it
Unknown Speaker 1:24:38
with I think that provides more voice allows us to over make any decisions based off of optic voice. All right,
Unknown Speaker 1:24:49
so where do we go from here? Do you want to still do you want to initiate this stuff this month? I’m happy to Today, I
Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
just basically need to know what specific, you know, what information do you want to start with, specifically, because it may change two months down the road. And we can have people think about that. And discuss it next meeting,
Unknown Speaker 1:25:25
I think, you know, I think that’s a good idea. And then there might be some other information in that survey that you’re gonna provide those stimulate something. So I don’t think anybody’s really prepared to give any
Unknown Speaker 1:25:40
talk about specifics, and make some recommendations to reward that. Right.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:51
Okay, I’ll just we’ll put that on the agenda for next time. All right. Any other comments on that? Okay, meeting dates, time and location, just for our group?
Unknown Speaker 1:26:07
Yes, this is a form of thing that the clerk’s office asked us to do every year that we will need a motion that number one states the location where the meeting will be held. And a second motion that would say that day of the month and the time
Unknown Speaker 1:26:31
and the confirm or meeting notices are posted.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:36
That now there are two separate things.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:39
We need to do we need to separate motions. Well, there’s only reason we wouldn’t have it on the first one, but Wednesday of each month, here at 10. o’clock. Alright. Okay, let’s have a motion.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:58
So that I may move we continue meeting at the same time. And place 10 o’clock first Wednesday
Unknown Speaker 1:27:05
of the month? Yeah. At this location. Alright. There’s been a motion. Is there a second? Second, is there any discussion? Hearing none, all those in favor say aye. Aye. Any opposed? Any abstentions? All right, motion passed, confirm we’re meeting notices are posted. Let’s have a motion on that. Or they should be posted. Primarily,
Unknown Speaker 1:27:31
it’s done on the city website. But I think the board has chosen to post a paper agenda here at the Senior Center. And we can post it wherever else you would like to do that. At the same kit at the Civic Center would be another good location.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:51
Once the agenda has been established, your staff posts
Unknown Speaker 1:27:57
get listed on the back of the agenda for places is that what we’re talking?
Unknown Speaker 1:28:04
All right, let’s have a motion. If everybody’s okay with that, let’s have a motion. So art makes a motion to confirm rather meeting those motors notices are posted zero Second.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:17
Motion is to keep it as
Unknown Speaker 1:28:21
is Robin usually. Yes. Here the building and the building.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:28
Yeah. And then we mail the agenda to those other locations. And the clerk or somebody close those
Unknown Speaker 1:28:35
doors. Let’s say did you second? Okay, all those in favor that motion say aye. Aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. assignment of representatives to outside agencies. Is this a requirement that you do this every year?
Unknown Speaker 1:28:58
I believe that
Unknown Speaker 1:29:01
she has an email that she would like to be the representative
Unknown Speaker 1:29:05
of the friends. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:08
Well, let’s see.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:10
Make a motion?
Unknown Speaker 1:29:13
Aye. Aye. Prove
Unknown Speaker 1:29:15
we could we could do if everybody’s okay with just leaving it the way it is. Make a motion saying that we’ll do that.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:22
Except that Sheila is replacing Susan who’s?
Unknown Speaker 1:29:27
Well, she couldn’t we put her down as a representative. Yes, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:29:31
yeah. Anyone? Right.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:34
Yeah, right. Do we need an alternate to Sheila then? I guess we can do up next time. Do we need we have four alternate?
Unknown Speaker 1:29:46
Can you do it as it come comes up?
Unknown Speaker 1:29:50
Well, and for the friends meetings, the manager is always at those meetings so the manager can report into it.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:57
Okay, so just to go through these Nina’s Area Agency rep. Sheila will be the friends rep
Unknown Speaker 1:30:05
for you. Okay, staying there.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:08
Okay. And park will be the live channel economic development. That’s been huge. Janine has about well know.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:20
Me for the last year
Unknown Speaker 1:30:22
that I’ve tried to track down one that
Unknown Speaker 1:30:26
okay, you do want to continue. Yeah, that’s
Unknown Speaker 1:30:27
fine. As long as somebody
Unknown Speaker 1:30:32
else EDP Yeah. Okay, so
Unknown Speaker 1:30:35
there there are CEO resigned so they’re in a little bit of disarray. Yeah. Who would be?
Unknown Speaker 1:30:45
I haven’t figured that part out who the next person is. I don’t know
Unknown Speaker 1:30:49
who the next year is a year. Trying? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:53
Yeah. Oh, I know who the active is. Yes. It’s It’s Stephanie Pitts Naugle when we email you, okay. And Julie, right. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:05
Well, I think, Jeff,
Unknown Speaker 1:31:06
you’re about to figure it out.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:09
Can you keep me out of it? Yeah. Okay. Use anybody.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:15
Okay, sustainability implementation. Anybody want to fight me for?
Unknown Speaker 1:31:22
I would like to be a backup. Okay. That’s one that anybody can go to, by the way? Yeah, definitely.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:32
They’re very interesting needles. All right. I’m engaging care command communities
Unknown Speaker 1:31:40
that we Susan and I, I’m going to remain on that. I mean, right now, it’s only whenever they get together. So we have to hold on to both Susan and I initially, and we have not been called upon for several months. But if someone would like to be a part of that, then let me know. And I can,
Unknown Speaker 1:32:08
is there anybody here that would want to volunteer for the creation,
Unknown Speaker 1:32:11
a little bit about what’s involved?
Unknown Speaker 1:32:13
It is a committee that is, or a group of people that have wide range experiences within the community. And it was brought together to develop an online information program that is being developed by people associated with the University of Colorado. And I mean, it’s it initially was deciding what format and if went from there to, you know, developing a website, it got very technical after a while, but if they had specific questions, you know, our input amount of confidentiality, for me my input about what medical things should be asked and what would be appropriate. It was a developmental thing that was actually being I guess, organized by our city manager. And it’s still in the developmental phase. And I really, I don’t know how Susan, they’re not
Unknown Speaker 1:33:33
invited to participate. And I think they’re in the process of actually contracting to, to write the website now. And so it’s, it’s pretty much so if I were a user of so for example, the senior center system, and then I had a grandchild that was being seen at the, at the Youth Center, and maybe I accessed another agency, it was so that I could opt into this system. So that then the people that I was working with could talk to each other, and could better coordinate kind of how they could support me. And so there was a lot like you said, a lot of discussions about confidentiality, about, you know, should should medical information be included in there. What does it mean to opt into a system? We found that in this kind of started with a fire department, and then responding repeatedly to some of the same individuals and just it really just is about coordinating care. And so how we were how we were going to do that, but it’s my understanding from talking to me, though, is that we might be in the process of contracting now to actually get the framework of the website written after all of that,
Unknown Speaker 1:35:03
right input that was good. So currently there is I couldn’t google engaging, caring community now
Unknown Speaker 1:35:08
know, something on the website, something on the city website might come up, but we don’t have the actual user website and
Unknown Speaker 1:35:18
developmental scan, and it’s much more putting the program together. And a couple of the members actually have passed away. So I’m not sure what the status it is now, but
Unknown Speaker 1:35:39
in person meeting, no.
Unknown Speaker 1:35:44
Okay, do you want to be part of that? Or? Anybody want to be with Janine?
Unknown Speaker 1:35:53
Mentioned Susan.
Unknown Speaker 1:35:56
She was sorry. I gotcha.
Unknown Speaker 1:36:01
Do they need two representatives? You know,
Unknown Speaker 1:36:04
I wish I could tell yard I don’t even know because I don’t know how I ended up being asked. I don’t know if it was through the senior center, it probably was because both Susan and I ended up. And
Unknown Speaker 1:36:22
at this point, if they’re not doing it, they’re not really doing anymore. Since they’re working on the website. Really, realistically, we probably only need to
Unknown Speaker 1:36:31
think thinking that they’ll probably would be feedback later. That’s what they asked each of the division managers to do is to have like users of our services, come and give us feedback. And so so that’s probably how have you we’re
Unknown Speaker 1:36:45
gonna have to put it together in order for us to really identify areas. I mean, the biggest area of concern involved are confidence. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:36:55
right. Right. Yeah. on a public website.
Unknown Speaker 1:36:58
Right. So but you can’t make any comments about that until the system is presented. And there is
Unknown Speaker 1:37:06
it looks like there is a PDF on the city’s website that talks about enabling caring communities, it’s out of the University of Colorado and shoes. The Dawn Dawn, was I don’t remember. Yeah. So there’s, there’s actually a good PDF therapy.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:26
Okay. Yeah, I would go ahead and
Unknown Speaker 1:37:31
join me. All right, any reports? This time? We need a motion on this on these membership. What about I’m sorry.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:46
discus 2023 goals and suggestions for agenda items
Unknown Speaker 1:37:49
got not quite not quite done with us. So how long is getting into reports?
Unknown Speaker 1:37:58
Do you mean reports about I’m sorry, of the
Unknown Speaker 1:38:01
Airy aging friends?
Unknown Speaker 1:38:05
No, my meeting is on Friday. So I’m always a month behind them. Consider two days after we
Unknown Speaker 1:38:14
former president trends are both on so I told
Unknown Speaker 1:38:18
Susan, I would report in primes. Really mostly what we ended up talking about December were financial things and budget. They are going to meet at the end of January and approve a 2023 budget. It is much the same as the prior year’s budget. With just a few increases. That total is $182,000 of support that the friends are looking at giving the senior center this year, which includes everything from $52,000 for funding part of to staff physicians, to marketing funds, printing costs, volunteer support, or last resort. It’s there’s a great deal of support that they’re looking at continuing to give us here. And they reviewed donations from Colorado gifts. They got $5,528 for Colorado gifts donations in November, December, I guess maybe just December. There’s no other major updates from friends.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:18
So the staff positions are funded by the city but this is contributed.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:24
So about three quarters of two staff positions are funded by the city and the city has not agreed to move the rest of that funding into the general fund. So the recreation funding here was paying for a quarter of our marketers position. The recreation funds can’t sustain that if we’re going to hire more recreation staff which we really need to do so the friends have agreed to take it on and the city actually lowered it to 19.5% of that position would be funded somehow. Not by the general Fun. So the friends are going to vote on that in January but have have agreed that they’ll take that on. And a quarter of Melissa Latinos resource specialist position here has been funded by the friends the entire time she’s worked here, which is going on three years, we just haven’t been able to ask the city to pick up money up out of the general fund yet. That’d be great. I will say it is not the friends intention to permanently fund staff positions.
Unknown Speaker 1:40:40
That’s difficult when you are funding staff positions for the city to find that full time.
Unknown Speaker 1:40:50
They’re like, why not? The friends will do it. The friends are like, but our intention was never to do this forever. It was just to get it started.
Unknown Speaker 1:40:56
I don’t want to belabor a
Unknown Speaker 1:40:59
question on that of the donations that they’ve had. Did they? Are they still coming in as they have been in the past? You know,
Unknown Speaker 1:41:09
you mean overall donations. We don’t have final numbers. It was looking like 56,000, I think total donations for the year. And I don’t know, a comparison to prior years. But we can find that out.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:22
I just, I mean, they’ve been pretty healthy. Yeah. And a budget not just wondering, with everything going on pandemic everything else and not getting the donations. I’ve been on another committee where donations are not coming in at all, like the students.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:38
Here’s with the Friends of the Library. That would be an interesting thing to know.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:45
Well, that’s something that’s done appropriate for this discussion. I don’t think but I think that’s something I’d like to pursue as far as what can we do, maybe to get some additional funding there? I’ve been through that many times. So I know how it works. We’ll talk some more.
Unknown Speaker 1:42:05
This might be an area that you send feedback to council.
Unknown Speaker 1:42:14
Have we sent any feedback before? positions,
Unknown Speaker 1:42:17
not on positions that I can recall? It’s I mean, the staff comes up with a budget and it goes through the budget sieve, whatever that is. So it’s actually this, this council making a big recommendation about where money goes is fairly rare, because because the staff figures all out what they want. And you know that the council has to really stand on its hind legs to changing the well who
Unknown Speaker 1:42:44
who makes the decision as far as allocation of staffing funds. City council, but when it gets down to the department,
Unknown Speaker 1:42:54
city council, you’re down.
Unknown Speaker 1:42:57
So when why
Unknown Speaker 1:42:57
and Sharon observation from the budget process this year. So the budget starts with the department, the department, everybody in their different divisions puts together what they would like to get in the next year. It goes through the administration with the city. So folks from finance or city manager, then it moves to council. I feel like there’s places for input all along the way there. I observed at a council meeting about the budget Council asking, why do we see nothing here about pickleball courts because people have come to council all year long and said we need more pickleball courts? So what I observed was that the public speaking about a need got through to counsel.
Unknown Speaker 1:43:44
Yes. But but it’s a done by the time it gets to council, the budget recommendation to council is unveiled.
Unknown Speaker 1:43:51
Yes. So essentially what happens is perceived by the council as a done deal. And what what happens is it’s it’s really rolled up by the time that it goes to council so we don’t see the pencils and paper clips at all. We do see new full time equivalent funded positions. And that’s about as fine grained as it gets. And then as I said, while the council the council is the hope from the staff, I believe is that the council just approves everything that as recommended. That Council has to really get on its hind legs to make changes to the budget it happens. Usually what the more likely thing that happens is a council member will question the reasoning. There’s a little more transparency the staff risk the responsible portion of the staff opens things up and the council generally agrees. So yeah, this the council nothing can be funded without council approval, but the decision Should making process that counsel is the last. So I don’t want to you know, I don’t want to get to seemed like Jeff and I are contradicting each other
Unknown Speaker 1:45:08
no, no, I get I get, I would envision that
Unknown Speaker 1:45:11
the survey that you’re talking about could could be part of, if anything comes up from that could be part of what Ronnie would bring forward to, to in budget requests for that year as well. And you’d have some good data about that. So you have 300 people, 500 people that filled out this survey, and they were all saying they wanted pickleball courts. So what was that budget?
Unknown Speaker 1:45:42
Alright, so I guess we’re done with that. Discuss 2023 goals and suggestions for agenda items.
Unknown Speaker 1:45:55
We used to have didn’t Michelle always have with our agenda, the list of items that we were focusing on?
Unknown Speaker 1:46:08
We did? Could it be the upcoming agenda? Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:18
But you’re talking about areas within within the operation we’re gonna focus on? Isn’t that what you’re talking about?
Unknown Speaker 1:46:27
Yes, there’s, I feel like there was, there was a section, there was a section where we used to have, these are the things that we’re focusing on for the year. And I don’t know if that’s the upcoming agenda items.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:40
Okay. Let’s see. Okay, we have we’re running out of time.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:47
This will wait, we can talk about so I was
Unknown Speaker 1:46:50
going to suggest that that’s a big enough item. So maybe we should leave that until next week, or next month rather. On the goals, I think we could put the goals is that okay, with everybody, we throw the goals and like we did last time and refresh our memories and how we’re going to approach that because I don’t think we did much. There. Remember? I didn’t. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:47:16
And then one question I do have in terms of goals, is that did we? I know at one point, your time, we had all been discussing about what we what services we wanted to see here. One of them was footcare. Have have we gotten that figured out,
Unknown Speaker 1:47:34
no one applied when they open the RFP lash 2022. So that needs to be reposted as a new RFP this year, I’m sorry, what
Unknown Speaker 1:47:45
RFP was up was up here. I’m writing it down. There was a time when I thought that was the most ridiculous thing or however
Unknown Speaker 1:48:08
I maybe it’s just WD outside the senior center thinks it’s important. But I wonder if it might be a liability thing, you know, so like, if you go to a private nail salon, and they’re skinny, or an overweight, senior, they say, Are you diabetic? And they’ll say no. If you you know, some of them will say no, if you say you’re diabetic, because they don’t want the liability of potentially wounding you and it won’t heal. And so my question is, if the city which is self insured through Kaiser, put in the RFP, that there might be some liability coverage associated with the post that might change responses?
Unknown Speaker 1:49:04
I don’t know if it was, I was not involved in the RFP. So I don’t
Unknown Speaker 1:49:08
know. I’m just I’m just throwing that out as a suggestion. If you want to try again.
Unknown Speaker 1:49:15
That would be a consideration before it was always done through the hospital, through online united. And when that went away. It ended. And if neither of us well, I know that with UC Health, they have an outpatient clinic, so they were very happy for us to refer people to their outpatient clinic, but they didn’t want to come here. So that was one of the issues. And then the other issue that if it’s an independent person, they’re definitely want to they will definitely have to be covered by some liability because they can’t come in and do it. care without liability insurance. And then the third recommendation in terms of no response to the PDF would be wonder if outreach to any in town podiatrists office, Michael,
Unknown Speaker 1:50:17
it was actually a homecare agency who covered the need
Unknown Speaker 1:50:21
after the hospital for the hospital. Now,
Unknown Speaker 1:50:25
likely that there’s an option there too, because there’s a lot of homecare agencies.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:28
Yeah. I mean, isn’t?
Unknown Speaker 1:50:33
Well, I know, I know, submitted. I know Michelle was kind of cool. There was
Unknown Speaker 1:50:40
no, I think she was no, she really?
Unknown Speaker 1:50:42
She really it was, it was well attended here, especially for diabetic patients.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:53
Burner. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:54
Okay. Well, I would suggest maybe I was just somebody put it on the agenda and either do it or not, we’ll just proceed with an RFP or just forget about it, because it’s been floating on special along on the agenda for once,
Unknown Speaker 1:51:11
a year or more. So I want to say it. It was posted last spring, and they closed it in June, I believe. Because no one had replied.
Unknown Speaker 1:51:24
Marsha said about adding the fact that no liability?
Unknown Speaker 1:51:29
Well, city budget for liability, so that it’s part of it. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:51:37
Well, Ronnie, I’d really like to see what the Senior Center staff and think about that. What did they think about the need? In the end? Do I can see a need to see a need. And then, you know, as board member, I support continuing to look for somebody. So that means we are posting. Right. So
Unknown Speaker 1:52:03
Dave, suggesting putting that on one of our goals for the year to get it finished and done.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:10
I guess we could do it that way. Yes. Yeah. Good. I
Unknown Speaker 1:52:13
think that’s important.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:15
But on the agenda on this board? Let’s just do it or forget about it.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:23
I would like to see one of our Are we done with foot feet? I guess. So. I would really like to see something about our registration as a goal. We’ve talked about this off and on. Where are you still frustrated with it? And what I’d specifically like to see, and this will also have code so you totally is when you go online to register for something. I mean, when you go to the goal, and you find a class, you would, and you’re online and you would like to register for class, why can you click that registration number and be done? Why do you have to go through all this big process? Trying to register for class? So where are you?
Unknown Speaker 1:53:11
Let’s have that on the agenda. Staff has met after the board talked about that last time. Robin is working on some how tos to help with tech person. No, but she’s she’s though. But so we don’t have a tech person that really helps us with the front end stuff that people facing thing. Our ETS helps with the back part of it. But we have some things we’re working on that we’re hoping will help with that. The system doesn’t allow it to be done, like you just described, that system does not exist. So we will have Suellen come to the next meeting along with Robin and share with you what what we’re looking at trying to make that better.
Unknown Speaker 1:54:10
Okay, so this museum to
Unknown Speaker 1:54:17
just us Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:54:18
so I think they didn’t we have a meeting with
Unknown Speaker 1:54:23
Yes, you did. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:54:24
And were you a part of that meeting? Yeah. So I think that, you know, it’s making changes as needed. However, the system that the city owns, for subscribing like shoes, cannot cannot be fixed to function the way that we want it to. So this
Unknown Speaker 1:54:41
is all a continuation of our last discussion. Kind of dissatisfied with us if you’re going to come back. Yep. And you will come back. Next meeting and report on what we need to do.
Unknown Speaker 1:54:56
And I would like to add that Is it actually not true that there is no solution? There is no solution that the city is willing to invest in this kind of Yeah. I’m a software architect from that back to the problem.
Unknown Speaker 1:55:13
Yes. Another recommendation that
Unknown Speaker 1:55:16
the challenge we were finding is that there isn’t anything better out there that works to do all of the things that the city needs to do, whether it’s registration, reservations, a website type of things. So we, we’ve heard you, and we are trying to find ways to make it better within the system we currently have.
Unknown Speaker 1:55:44
Are the are the IT staff that you have? Are they sitting employees?
Unknown Speaker 1:55:48
The are their contractor? No, they’re city employees. The challenge is, is it is called it’s a canned program. So the city can’t go in and make changes to make it better. And so you have to work within the software that they provide you. And they do limited improvements each year, because every community is making other types of recommendations as well. And they prioritize, which has the biggest impact to the most number of communities.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:28
Okay. That will be on the agenda searches
Unknown Speaker 1:56:32
what’s out there besides going enough?
Unknown Speaker 1:56:34
All right, we’re running.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:36
I’m just curious.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:38
We don’t have the money to do it anyway. Can we? Okay,
Unknown Speaker 1:56:41
briefly, can we have a Supervisor’s Report or how we have done that already.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:47
I’ll say we’ve had more stuff changes since the last meeting, our recreation supervisor, Jamie has left the organization. So we have to rehire that position. We also have two new recreation positions, we’re going to be hiring this year. So hopefully those will get posted soon. Our la che resource specialists Melinda is leaving next week is her last week. So we’re down another position there. What’s the long one sorry, one one Housing Authority resource specialists, the resource specialist who only works at 311 Housing Authority properties. Her last day is next Friday, and another one of our resource specialists is just going to be out on leave for much of the next two and a half months. So our whole staff is a little taxed. Welcome to Senior Services, Rhonda. We got one new one. So it’s like up and down. I want
Unknown Speaker 1:57:46
to end on a positive note. And I want to do it without tears. Life was saved three weeks, like a life say cause people care and clients trust. And I want you to know that because it’s extraordinary. And because I went to visit a gentleman yesterday who is here and back in his community, because he trusted coming to the same person. He gets help. Any. Thank you. That’s great news.
Unknown Speaker 1:58:38
I think the only thing we haven’t really covered the public invite. There’s nobody from the public here. So and the upcoming agenda items and the goals. We’ve deferred till next week. So is there any further asleep, liaison report?
Unknown Speaker 1:58:52
Yes, just briefly. There hasn’t been a council for two weeks, and I haven’t gotten into the next one. I’m not even sure it’s posted yet. There will be a council meeting next Tuesday. But on January 11. At the council chambers, that’s a Wednesday, there is going to be a really interesting event. The our our Executive Director of Strategic integration, Becky Doyle, who is just a marvelous human being and the smartest person in the city. It went to the Bloomberg city labs Summit in the Netherlands in November. And she has put together a sort of a report of you know what we can what we can take away from this and apply to Longmont. And we’re going to have she’s going to have a panel discussion from sustainability and another panel discussion from people in our arts community. So, Elliot Moore, the conductor of the symphony orcas jury is going to be there. I’m the A Parks and Recreation designer have retired now from the city. Many of you know me, may know Paula Fitzgerald and a street artists to be yet to be confirmed. You know, so it’s gonna be wonderful variety of, of people to meet. And again 7pm September, September, January 11, on Wednesday, I like you to be there invite all your friends, you can register on the Longmont public media rep website or on the city communications website. And that’s at the council chambers. Yeah, I’d
Unknown Speaker 2:00:56
love to I’m gonna be in my way, however
Unknown Speaker 2:01:03
may ask the question. I’m working on the 2022 annual report. And they’re looking back at 2021 is a list of board highlights from the year and goals for the year. And I don’t really know how to get this information other than going through old advisory board agendas and minutes. Can I send? Maybe not us since you weren’t here, but the folks who were on the board this year? Can I send you what I compile and you give edits? Because I feel certain I’m gonna miss things. That’s great.
Unknown Speaker 2:01:37
All right. Certainly other business. I have a hard time managing meetings on time. Okay. Motion to adjourn. So moved. Second. Second. Discussion? All in favor? Aye. Any opposed? Any opposed? All right. Motion carries.
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