Golf Course Advisory Meeting – March 28, 2022

Video Description: Golf Course Advisory Meeting – March 28, 2022

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Well, my clock now shows sick my watch. Oh, six o’clock. So I will call this meeting to order. Starting with the roll call and if you’d please raise your hand so acknowledge your presence. I’d appreciate it. Andorra’s insky.

Unknown Speaker 0:18
And here, John, hey, here.

Unknown Speaker 0:21
Thank you. Paul Mayer.

Unknown Speaker 0:24
Here. How Walden?

Unknown Speaker 0:28
Mr. Walden not here yet. Okay. Council liaison, Tim waters here. Thank you, Jim. Moving on, I asked for will entertain a motion to approve this evening’s agenda. So moved. Second place. I second done item three previous minutes from the meeting last in February, entertain a motion to be approved. assuming there’s no additions or deletions.

Unknown Speaker 1:05
Recommended we approve this the minutes from last meeting as written,

Unknown Speaker 1:11
motion made entertain a second place.

Unknown Speaker 1:14
Better than doesn’t need to

Unknown Speaker 1:21
vote Marshall.

Unknown Speaker 1:22
I’m sorry. All in favor of proving the last month’s minutes. Please raise your hand. So moved. Thank you. Next item was public invited to be heard. I understand. There are none at this time. But let’s just confirm that we know of any members of the public who wish to speak at this time.

Unknown Speaker 1:49
There is no public. Good hearing none.

Unknown Speaker 1:52
Let’s move on to the communications of golf professionals monthly report.

Unknown Speaker 2:00
Jeff. Yeah. Sam, do you want to go first?

Unknown Speaker 2:13
Here I am sorry.

Unknown Speaker 2:17
Hello, everybody.

Unknown Speaker 2:19
You Creek reports. So January and February, as we discussed last month was not very good, since we’re not opening any days. So we were about 67,000 behind in revenue through February. But the good news is we’re making up for it in March. I think that probably by the end of the month, we’ll be 50,000 ahead for the month of March. So we’re definitely getting some ground. weather’s been great. When it’s good. The demand still seems to be there. So I’m pretty encouraged. I think it’s to continue this way. I think we’re gonna have a good year. If our maintenance guys quit putting holes in the greens, we would have a really good year. But today was aerification day. And the weather was great for it. And with the weather coming up this week. I think it’s going to really water in the greens really nice. I think by the weekend, we should be looking really good again. That’s it for you. Any questions? All right, man. Let’s

Unknown Speaker 3:26
move on.

Unknown Speaker 3:27

Unknown Speaker 3:31
Brian, all right. So same thing, basically with what Sam had to say there, you know, open zero days in February, I think the first day, we opened one day, early March. But we really didn’t open until March 13. So no revenue, or no rounds in February revenue for February was only $618. That was mainly at the players cards and some annual passes. Very far behind obviously last year. But again, like Sam said, weather was beautiful this weekend, and we were packed. And you know, it’s a good, it’s really good to see it. Especially with the 100 year anniversary for the course and I think people are gonna be people are gonna be wanting to play golf everywhere this summer. So I think we’re gonna be very busy. Any questions for sunset?

Unknown Speaker 4:31
Or none? Can you use Mr. Martin, please?

Unknown Speaker 4:35
All right. Hey, everybody. Well, you know, it’s kind of hard going through it because it’s pretty much the same story. I’m trying to figure out how they made as much money as they did since I only made 354. So for the year, so anyway, March is March is really doing well. And we’re about close to 30,000 ahead of where we were this time last year for the month of March. So we’re making up that grand I’m pretty quick. And that’s really good. It’s nice. And they’re both and they’re both right. When we are open, we are busy. And that’s really encouraging. So any questions for Twin Peaks?

Unknown Speaker 5:14
takes care of a thank you, gentlemen. Appreciate it. Next line was old business. I understand there is none. Is that still true? That’s correct. Very good. New business. First item is the golf course advisory bylaws. I hope you’ve all had an opportunity to review them before this evening’s meeting. If so, are there any questions items? To discuss review?

Unknown Speaker 5:41
Do I do a couple of questions Marshall? Sure. There were a couple items, some items in red on the bylaws. And I’m wondering what, what those reflect their changes, obviously.

Unknown Speaker 5:55
Yep. The first one is in Title our excuse me, section three, right changes. The official meeting time used to be seven o’clock the last time we updated the bylaws, we now meet at six o’clock. So it’s representing that. And then the second one is in Section 12. And it just changes my title from operation manager, which was Larry Mills when he was here. And my title is recreation and golf manager. Those are the only two changes that staff was recommending, or we

Unknown Speaker 6:35
have to approve those tonight.

Unknown Speaker 6:38
I’m about to do that.

Unknown Speaker 6:41
I’d like to suggest something if I may. Sure. On section three on the meeting time, it seems kind of unnecessary, that we change the meeting time to have to get the board together to amend the bylaws. And I think we could overcome that. If instead of Section Three saying the meeting will be held on the fourth Monday of each month. Please just say at the time and location designated by the executive secretary. If we change the time, don’t have to amend the bylaws. I’m fine with that.

Unknown Speaker 7:25
Any comments from board members? I would entertain a motion to go ahead, Paul,

Unknown Speaker 7:35
if we’re going to approve everything at once. Let me suggest one other thing. I just have a question on section 315. And amending the bylaws that currently says that it takes the approval of five board members to do that. And right now, the board only consists of five members, we have a meeting to address the bylaws, that one member is absent, we can’t take any action. But it makes sense to say that a majority of the board of no fewer than four would be required to approve a change in the bylaws. Just

Unknown Speaker 8:20
have a discussion later about additional potential board members. So I think at this point, I would not be in favor of changing that. I think we need to wait till we get a full count of board members.

Unknown Speaker 8:35
I think what Paul’s point is we don’t have five board members out is not on so we can approve, approve any anything this evening.

Unknown Speaker 8:47
And that case,

Unknown Speaker 8:50
we would need to table we could put this back on the next meeting, which I think is in May. And hopefully we’ll have all five of the board members at that time.

Unknown Speaker 9:03
Therefore, let me entertain a motion that review and potential approval of the bylaws be tabled until our next meeting in April in which time we’ll discuss it again. Anyone in favor of that motion? Oh, I need a second please. Oh, second. Good mood. And second. It’s all my laws will be brought up again in April.

Unknown Speaker 9:32
You have to vote I think.

Unknown Speaker 9:35
Pardon? We have to vote.

Unknown Speaker 9:39
I’m sorry. I keep forgetting once it’s approved. All in favor of the motion. Raise your hands. Thank you. Next item was used instructor opportunities, Jeff.

Unknown Speaker 9:52
That I think Keith is going to lead us off with that. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 9:57
All right. All I’ll do to use construction and Sam, you can kind of cover the tournament stuff if you want, I think that’ll probably be a good, good way of handling this. As far as youth instruction, I’ll refer specifically to Twin Peaks. Although I know that Ryan has some similar programs, and so does some of the teachers out at you Creek. As far as programs go, what we do at Twin Peaks is on Mondays, every every Monday, starting the first Monday after Memorial Day, we have what’s called first step, and this is for the children that are five to nine years old. And they show up about quarter to 10. And we get all their contact and information and so forth. And and once we get them all gathered up, we take them out to the range for an hour and a half and half the time is on the range and half times on the putting green. And we play all sorts of fun games with them. And we gamble with them a little bit. I shouldn’t say gamble because they went only, but they have a really good time doing it. And it’s all about creating an environment that is safe, where it’s fun, they’re enjoying themselves. And for the youngsters like that, you know, we’re we’re not really wanting them so much to go running out on the golf course yet, but just to be learning to acclimate what it’s like to be on the range. And so we do that. And then at 1130, we we meet back up there and make sure that all the parents get reacquainted with their children. And then we have a lunch if they want to do it’s an optional lunch of hotdogs, chips, and a drink for $3. And the initial.

Unknown Speaker 11:34
The initial lesson fee for it is $20 per person. So it’s a very affordable, affordable way for the children to get out, get some instruction, learn safety, and so forth like that. Then on Tuesday, we do what’s called next step, which is the day after first step. And we do this all summer, by the way, but Tuesday is kind of the same format, we meet them at 10. We break them up into groups a little bit more, a lot of times on Mondays, we don’t break them up into groups, we do them all at once together. But Tuesdays we get a lot more kids and that’s ages 10 to 18. And we we break them up into a couple different groups based on age and so forth. And sometimes gender as well. We’ve got to try to make it so everyone kind of gets to know each other and have a good time. And half the group will be on the range for the first half the lesson and then the other half will be on the putting green and halfway through we will flip flop. And again we’re we’re playing games with them. Steve has a bunch of putting contests he sets up a little putting course on the on the green and if they if they to putt, they get a quarter if they make their part they get $1 amount on the range. We put trashed hands out there and baskets out there. You knock over a basket, you get a quarter you get a ball in a trash can you get five bucks. So we walk around paying them and they think that’s pretty cool. So at 1130 we meet over by the putting green sign and those who want to play golf that day, will then pair up into foursomes, I obviously am helping them do that. And we set them up into groups usually one through I think we’ve had as many as 10 or 11 groups play. And we send them out to the tee box based on their ability I tell them which tees they should play. I tell them they get six shots on every hole they get four putts on every hole. And after that six shot if they’re not on the green yet they got to pick the ball up take it to the green, and they get four putts and the balls not in the hole four putts I got to move to the next hole. And I would tell you that these kids are our probably our most efficient, consistent, fastest playing group of golfers at Twin Peaks. They are they are two hours or less every single week. And it’s really it’s really neat. So after I pair them up into groups, I actually make them go up to the pro shop with their green fee money, they have to handle the money, they have to meet the guy at the front counter. They got to tell him what group they’re in. And they got to pay him their green fee money. And it’s all about just teaching them to feel comfortable with the golf course. And even with the lesson money, we make them pay for the lesson money. We don’t want the parents around, we want to deal with just the kids. So the kids have to be responsible and they pay us directly for the lesson money as well. And it’s just more lessons about responsibility. So after they pay their green fee, they go into the restaurant, and they got to pay their $3 for their lunch and then they go on to the the restaurant big dining room and they eat their lunch and I stand in there and tell them they got to clean up after themselves and pick up and bout I don’t know 1145 12 o’clock, that’s when we start sending them out to the tea. So I’ll be in there and tell them which group was on the tea and be letting them know and we get a little rotation going. We got a group on the tee. We got a group that’s kind of back behind that group. We got a group that’s standing back by the fence we got all three groups all ready to go at all times. And so they just know to just hit it and go and it really works out really well. And we’ve been doing it for, I’m going to say, at least 12 years, 13 years, this program at Twin Peaks, it’s been really successful, we’ve really enjoyed it. And I think we’ve developed a lot of really good kids and out of this program, then kind of comes the next step for junior golf stuff. And that’s, you know, I’ll be honest with you, this is where I, this is where I get to kind of really see who’s interested who’s not interested, who enjoys the game. And who is who’s a good candidate for private lessons. So many, many times after, after, hey, a series, you know, some time on the driving range or after, after the day is over, I will track down a parent and say your child is ready. They don’t always say yes, sometimes it takes them several years. But a lot of those kids, several of those kids have gone play college golf. So that’s really cool. So that’s kind of what we do at Twin Peaks, I think we probably do it on a little larger scale, than they do it at the other two golf courses, it’s really tough to do it at sunset, you know, without having a bigger driving range. And obviously, you’re just not enough room down there to get a lot going on. But I know Ryan makes the most of what he has down there.

Unknown Speaker 16:11
And I know that you and it’s really tough, because even on Tuesdays, it’s hard to get access to that golf course in the afternoon. So the playing component on Tuesdays, I think is super important for the kids, because I don’t know about you guys, but I never I never really fell in love with golf, hitting range balls, or practicing putting and chipping. I fell in love with golf being on the golf course. And I think it’s so important that the kids get that access to the golf course. And the city has done such a good job of keeping that reasonable. When they you know, on Tuesday for $30. Basically, they can they get they get there at 10 o’clock. And they may not leave till after three o’clock. And that’s you know, that’s five hours that you know, the kids get to be at the golf course. And it’s safe, and they get more independence as they do it. So it’s really been neat. Any questions for the program.

Unknown Speaker 16:58
He’s I didn’t hear

Unknown Speaker 17:00
what the age bracket for the youth except

Unknown Speaker 17:04
the Monday group, which are typically beginners and if I get some beginners that are older, but are still beginners, I’ll encourage them to go to the Monday group is five, five years old to nine years old. Oh, and then the Tuesday group is 10 all the way up to 18. But a lot of times we do get there’s some carryover. I don’t I don’t hold that steadfast, right. You know, if I get if I get an eight year old that’s, you know, a good player and wants to be part of the group on Tuesdays I by all means allow that and vice versa, if I get a 12 year old that really is needing remedial help and to be with the younger, you know, the younger kids where there’s not such a you know, everyone is so good around them, then I’ll let them go with the younger kids on Mondays. So that all works out really good. We quit I think our safety records outstanding. I think we’ve had only one, one accident in the last eight years. And it was two brothers of course.

Unknown Speaker 18:02
So what what numbers do you got average Keith, on each day,

Unknown Speaker 18:07
you know, these are just going to be ballpark. But I would say typically, Mondays Mondays, we’re going to go anywhere from 25 on the low end up to 40 on the high end, so we will get some you know, and you just never know I’ll get to remind me in a second I’ll get to what how they sign up for it. And Tuesdays, we generally do 35 to 50 Almost every time. So the way we run it, it’s a drop in program. So there’s no pre registration you just show up. And unfortunately, it’s been it’s we’ve never pushed it past capacity where we couldn’t handle it. And if we did, we would create a third station and they would go to the back of the range to make that happen. But it’s a drop in program the parents love it because you know parents are gone with their children all summer and so trying to register for something for the whole summer is difficult. So being able to just say oh, it’s Tuesday, let’s go to golf, and they dropped in and and we really have eliminated literally our signup sheet is a is a is a blank piece of paper that I walked down with on a clipboard to just and that’s just to get moms you know, the child’s name, mom or dad’s name and the emergency contact phone number. So I think the parents like it, because there’s not a lot of bureaucracy involved in this at all kids really. They have a good time they enjoy it. And it’s a very user friendly program for both the parents and the kids.

Unknown Speaker 19:48
Although I’m sure it’s not an issue with with a real young kids with the older kids, he spent some time with him on caring for the course, replacing divots fixing ballparks and etc.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
Absolutely, Paul, that’s a great, that’s a great question. But yes, we absolutely do we make ball marks in the greens and teach them how to how to use a hallmark repair tool. Absolutely 100%. We talked to them about playing, picking up their debits, we talked about picking up trash, kind of the big general thumb, you know, that I that I really want everyone to be aware of, I want them to leave the golf course better than they found. And so we’re constantly talking to them about all those things. I can’t say that it always means that it happens. But they it is brought up and that is talked to you know, they get talked to about.

Unknown Speaker 20:35
Do that for a bunch of adult golfers with oil. Yep. Any other questions of Keith, it’s great. I have

Unknown Speaker 20:44
I have a question a Keith, you talking about managing 2530 35 Children who’s the we? That manages all?

Unknown Speaker 20:52
That’s a good question, John. So it’s really it’s really kind of cool. Because it you know, the Wii is predominantly me and, and Steve, Councilman my system, right? But then what’s even better than that has really happened over the last few years, we get all these high school kids that play high school golf, that that actually want to be part of it and show up and help the kids. So I’ll get I think at one point last year, we had six different young men helping us with with the children. And Steven, I could do it believe it or not, we could do it without any help. But as far as shuttling buckets of balls from one side of the range to the other one, the kids run out of balls, you know, because it’s it’s nothing for us to have 25 stations on the driving range along the bottom of the range. And so we got 25 kids at the same time hitting balls. And, and some kids are actually diligent and really try hard and are really trying to get the most out of you know, another ones are just machine gunners and they can’t hit a ball fast enough and they sometimes get half the pile. So they run out of balls pretty quick. So when having those having those high school volunteers out there really has helped shuttling balls back and forth. It’s cut down on the amount of steps that I get, you know when I do it, but the kids are enjoying getting the ball quicker to them. So works out good.

Unknown Speaker 22:15
Any other questions? Keith Haring man, let’s move on to Item D was how to schedule a tournament.

Unknown Speaker 22:25
I’m gonna let Sam go ahead and take that because I think I think Sam scheduling is going to be a little more. We don’t necessarily both do it the same. But I think that you’re going to enjoy the way he does it a little more than the way I do it. So I think that’ll be beneficial for you all.

Unknown Speaker 22:42
Okay, thank you. And I just wanted to say about Chisa junior golf program like I grew up in Phoenix and at a course called Marybel. And the head pro there was the Junior Golf leader for the PGA several years in a row. And I got to the keys program reminds me very much of the program that I grew up in. And, as Keith mentioned, spend your days playing golf. That’s where I spend my childhood was on a golf course. And thanks to pros like Keith to make that happen. We’re very lucky to have him here a lot of money. So I just wanted to mention that so I said we have the presentation for the for the tournaments, Jeff, we do let me know when you’re ready. I guess I’m ready

Unknown Speaker 23:46
Can you guys see that? There it is.

Unknown Speaker 23:53
So whenever I saw this agenda item on the for the meeting, I felt like Bobby Vu che trying to explain how to be how to sack quarterbacks. So I thought, You know what, maybe I’ll just put a presentation together. And maybe might make it easier to explain. So here we go. Next slide, please. So to get the, to get the process started for a tournament is really simple. We just basically select a date, time number of players that they may want and if it works out for us, the day of the week, we’re not going to interfere with which potentially busy day for us. We scheduled it we settle on a price, collect the deposit to hold the date. And it’s really that simple. Most of our tournaments are fundraisers and they’re typically a shotgun start at typically a scramble format.

Unknown Speaker 24:55
Next slide please. So this is

Unknown Speaker 25:00
really where the work begins after the sports the tournaments booked is to try to generate players. And one thing that we do to help out with that on our end is we, once they develop a flyer, we’ll post it on our bulletin boards or on the clubhouse. posted on our website, Danielle does a great job helping us with that send out eblasts for the event as well. And we do everything we can to get them tremendous range anywhere from 50 to 144 players. And again, they’re typically a shotgun start. Next slide, please. So as we start getting closer to the event, about a week prior to the event, we need to have a list of the players and the teams. And we got this tournament software program called golf genius. And once we have all the players, we just simply enter them into the program. I like to meet with the tournament committee just go through all the details so that on the day of everything runs nice and smooth. Meet with Dan and his team to make sure that everything is all set up on the maintenance end. And with our food and beverage staff get all that lined up as well because typically the tournaments do a cookout afterwards as well. Next, Next slide, please. Once all of the players are set up into the golf genius program, it makes everything so much easier. Back in the old days, we used to do everything by hand. And with golf genius, we just print everything out. So we’ll print out proximity markers, that’s what we use for the like the whole contests like long drive close with the pin hole assignments, those will go on the golf carts, so when the players arrive, they will know which card they go to and where their tee assignment would be. Next page. Then also from that program, we can print up an alphabetical list. We post those around the clubhouse on the morning of the tournament. We use those at the check in table as the players arrive to make things run nice and smooth. Just go off basically if you can let them know what holes they’re assigned to.

Unknown Speaker 27:24
Next, Next page please. So we also can put up the scorecards and the rule sheet and all that will go on the on the golf carts as well.

Unknown Speaker 27:36
Next slide.

Unknown Speaker 27:41
Okay, then on the morning of the event we get in before the sun comes up and start loading up the golf cards, get the whole assignments on there, the score cards, goodie bags, a lot of times at tournaments we’ll have like T prizes with. With gifts, we’ll put those in the cards. The most most important card and the one that’s most most recommended while the tournaments is our beverage cards, those the beverage card staff gets in early gets all that lined up as well.

Unknown Speaker 28:15
Next slide, please. Maintenance, we’ll get out and we’ll get everything set up.

Unknown Speaker 28:23
As far as like the contest halls, sometimes you’ll see like a straight line down the middle of the fairway if we’re closest to the line. Sometimes they’ll put like a circle on the greens for like to raise extra money. That’s how much money you get inside this circle. You can double your money or whatever. But there’s chances of that for the players to win more money and also for the tournament to raise more for their fundraiser. And one of the most important things is to double check the yardage. Like on the like this little here’s number 16. That’s our number. That’s our typical hole for the hole in one contest. The tournament will pay they’ll pay a fee to an insurance company for like a $25,000 prize or a car whatever it may be. And if they happen to make that and our yardage is incorrect, then Jeff freezers buying somebody a car so we got forgot to make sure that those are very accurate. And with our new range funding devices, that certainly helps.

Unknown Speaker 29:32
Next slide, please. And

Unknown Speaker 29:35
about 20 minutes prior to

Unknown Speaker 29:37
the event. I like to get everybody together just to go over all the rules. I like to thank the sponsors for coming out the coordinator for putting the tournament together and where to return the card scorecards, where to meet for lunch and we’re in for the awards.

Unknown Speaker 29:55
Next slide.

Unknown Speaker 30:00
They’re while they’re out having a good time. We’re still working our tails up and everything together. We’ve got a buffet, we’ll put buffet together. And we got kids on our golf course to just like Kees Jr. program, there’s a little bit older. Looking at this guy here, he may have spent a lot too much time with the beverage cart possibly, too. But tournaments are a lot of fun. And it’s really fun putting them together. It’s a lot of work, but it’s yours, a lot of fun. Next slide, please. This is this is at the end of the day, we post the scores, the score, the scoreboard you see there, those are also printed off of the software program. We determine the winners, serve lines, handout awards, and we’re done.

Unknown Speaker 30:52
It’s really just that simple.

Unknown Speaker 30:55
Law lot of work, but it’s simple. Any any questions?

Unknown Speaker 30:59
You have I saw in one of the first slides, there’s $150 charge to reserve things. What is the cost to have the tournament? And what did the tournament packages meet?

Unknown Speaker 31:11
Go back up to the first slide. I’ll show you, please. So this is a tournament agreement here. And our basic packages the Monday through Friday is $77 per person. And the weekend does add to that includes a green fee card fee range balls, and $10 per person for merchandise certificate. And that’s typically pooled together. Like for instance, if you have 100 players have $1,000. And they typically will use that to pay out like their first second third place team may be in and for their long drive and close to the pin contest, things of that nature $150 deposit that just simply holds the date for them.

Unknown Speaker 32:14
If they want to add a lunch on to it, and it just depends on what they want for their lunch, then that will just be an extra add on.

Unknown Speaker 32:22
Sam, could you talk about what tournaments you have scheduled right now?

Unknown Speaker 32:29
Well, a typical year we

Unknown Speaker 32:31
will do between 15 to 20 tournaments a year. And then 2020 happen. And we did zero tournaments because of the social distancing. We got a late start in in 2019. And we ended up with six tournaments this year, we actually are up to 10. I think the smallest tournament that we have is around 50 players in the we have a couple big tournaments, and 144 players, which is the fulfill two groups on each team.

Unknown Speaker 33:08
Any other questions of Sam? Sam, thank you, sir. I appreciate your presentation. Looks good.

Unknown Speaker 33:18
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 33:19
Moving on to the final item on our new businesses, pre interview guidelines and recommendations. Jeff, you were gonna take care of that place.

Unknown Speaker 33:27
Yep. So in your packet, there was a summary of what you all are being asked as we look at new board candidates. Normally the golf board is appointed to golf board members are appointed it at the end of the year, but because we have to open places right now, we will be going through a process in in May to help councils Select Board members. And what we’re being asked to do is conduct some initial interviews. So we would need tonight if possible for you all to appoint two of the members to work with me to conduct interviews for whoever would apply for the board. That’s kind of a quick summary. Then then those two board members and myself will come to the next meeting, make a recommendation of who we think would be the best candidates we’ll provide that to counsel. Counsel will then choose whether they want to do some of their own interviews, or take your recommendations and appoint two new people to the board.

Unknown Speaker 34:50
If any of the existing board wish to

Unknown Speaker 34:57
approve of

Unknown Speaker 34:59
SARS me you volunteer to help Jeff in this process, asked for two volunteers.

Unknown Speaker 35:07
And about here,

Unknown Speaker 35:09
and is number one, thank you. Number two.

Unknown Speaker 35:14
And we’re gonna help me do that bring brand new to the board and mature first.

Unknown Speaker 35:22
Paul, this is brand new. So none of the board members have done this. All right, this will be our first time for all advisory boards throughout the city that are in midterm appointments. So I have a list of questions that have been provided, I think what would be best is, Paul, if you choose to do that, that you and I and and would sit down and talk about the process, right. And then once the candidates were ready, we would get interviews scheduled, maybe 30 minutes in length at the most.

Unknown Speaker 35:59
And I’d be happy to do it. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 36:03
Good. Thank you. So Tim and Han, thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 36:09
And I make just an observation, sir. This is a new approach for the counselors. You all know, because if you went through the process of filling out your application, getting a five minute interview, and on a Saturday amidst 50, other interviews, and then we’re supposed to make a good decision as a counsel about these appointments. And it’s not that we don’t take it seriously, I just for myself, have never gone through a process

Tim Waters 36:44
where you get just a very slight snapshot of a candidate. Without, you know, not that we don’t look at their back their applications, but we get, we get a, you know, a notebook of 600 pages of applications. So I will tell you, we don’t look at any of them as carefully as we should. For me, it’s always made more sense for you, members of boards and commissions, you know better what the border Commission needs, you work with the staff, you will make a much better selection than in the council. But in my opinion, the council still gets to make the appointment, but it will be based on your recommendation. And I have no doubt that you’ll get the application to be scrutinized far more thoughtfully and carefully. You’ll have much better questions, and you’ll spend rather than five minutes up to 30 minutes with candidates and have a much better idea of what the fit is. And whether or not you’re getting somebody who helps advance the cause, then the way we’ve been doing it, so I appreciate the fact you’re willing to take it on, please take it seriously. We do rely on boards and commissions. I think this will get us

Unknown Speaker 37:57
the kind of composition of boards and commissions that more reflects what the needs of the staff are the needs of the function in this case. Golf in will better serve the city. Great, thank

Unknown Speaker 38:11
you jam. X. Well done. It’s about time.

Unknown Speaker 38:14
So I’m sorry, we in touch with the enemy Abba, when we should get together.

Unknown Speaker 38:21
Yes, yep, I’ll be in touch. Okay. Thank you for agreeing to do that. Thanks. And

Unknown Speaker 38:28
next, I’m on the agenda item miscellaneous items from staff. Are there any we need to be aware of

Unknown Speaker 38:36
one item and I’m very pleased to announce that the new golf carts will arrive on Wednesday for Twin Peaks and sunset golf courses. So when you go out there after Wednesday, you’ll see the new fleet that that we have leased in, they’ll be there for five years are working on the final agreement for you Creek and then we’ll have a better estimate of when those carts will be delivered.

Unknown Speaker 39:10
That’s excellent news. Thank you. That’s well done. Any other items from staff?

Unknown Speaker 39:18
Hearing none,

Unknown Speaker 39:19
are there any miscellaneous items from the board? Please? Hearing none, I’ll move on and would entertain a motion to adjourn.

Unknown Speaker 39:33
Second. All in favor? Aye.

Unknown Speaker 39:40
We are adjourned. Gentlemen, lady. Thank you very much, everybody, take care. Thanks

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