Video Description:
City Council Regular Session – September 28, 2021
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 5:06
Alright, I’m showing seven o’clock on my phones. Let’s go ahead and start. I’d like to go ahead and call this September 28 2021. City Council regular session order. Let’s go ahead and start with the roll call. Mayor bag, your council members, Christiansen.
Unknown Speaker 5:21
Your you double fairing here Martin? Peter Beck, Rodriguez, waters, Mary, of course. Alright, let’s say pledge. I pledge allegiance
Unknown Speaker 5:34
to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and
Unknown Speaker 5:42
justice for all. All right, just a quick reminder, the public if you want to speak in the first column public invited to be heard, you need to get your name on this list. Is there anybody here that didn’t get their name on this list? All right, that said, if you do want to say another say something else, it’s a regular session. So there will be an opportunity for the public to speak at the end of the meeting. If you’re not on the list. All right. We do not have minutes to approve that has been adjusted in our agenda, we will approve the September 14, regular session minutes next meeting. Do we have any agenda revisions, submission of documents or motions direct city manager to add agenda items? Alright, not seeing any customer, Martin. You don’t have any
Unknown Speaker 6:26
excuse me didn’t put that on general business.
Unknown Speaker 6:29
I know just making sure. Making sure that you already thing. Alright, so the manager’s report appeared on COVID-19.
Unknown Speaker 6:43
Mayor Council, just give me a second to this will be a fairly brief report, we have the update by Boulder County Health today. As you can see, the numbers are trending in the direction that we want to see, we’re still in a level of high transmission. And I’ve actually called up another slide. So you all can see what that means, because I’m going to touch on some points on these two slides. So high transmission is when you have a case rate greater than 100,000, or greater than 100. For per 100,000 population in the last seven days, substantial and significant is 50 to 99. And then low to moderate is 10 to 49. And that’s important to know in this case, because we’ve had a few questions about So what does this mean in terms of the masking order that Boulder County has put in place, what it means is that we have to be below the orange line for 21 days for the masking order to be removed. And that going back to this is having between 10 and 49 cases within the last seven days. So we’re moving in the right direction. But we have to be between the yellow and the orange for 21 days for the mask order to be removed. And at that point, then it will be strongly encouraged from Boulder County Health and I wanted to talk about in this in that slide because we’ve sort of glossed over it in previous sessions. And I just wanted to point it out for tonight’s conversation. Then what happens is and you go well then what happens when we go above the orange line after that, that has to be above the orange line for five days. And and then now they’ll adjust accordingly. When you look at this in terms of what we’re seeing in the state, obviously you can see that Boulder County is still in high transmission 128.76. But compared to last week, if you remember there were only too great to have the greens going down and everything else was red, we’re now starting to see more of the counties drop in terms of their numbers, and what their what they’re going through. Again, really starting to see the shift also move in terms of the case trends among age groups. We’re starting to watch some of the wastewater data a little bit. I need to get another couple of samples and to see if it looks like that trends going to continue. And then as you can see here, the majority of the cases actually in Boulder County are still are now attributed to Longmont versus where it was slightly different before. And then when we look at the health systems, the North Central Region staffed ICU med surge Bed Availability averaged about 14% so there are sort of hanging in the same area, they’re probably a little bit lower, I believe it was 20%. In the last report that we gave you. Tight staffing I know we talked about this before is 23% of them have significant staff shortages. Again, it’s really bringing both of those things together, it’s not only the amount of beds you have it’s Do you have the staff to actually serve those, those beds. And as you remember me talking to you about what we were seeing some of the emergency rooms going into diversion because of staffing issues. The northern North Central Region still taking patients from other states, and they’re still activated at level one, meaning that at times non emergency surgeries are being postponed in the current situation. And then when you look at this, exceeding the epidemiological capacity, this was actually something that we talked about today. And the admin meeting based on notices that people are getting and the notices not being very clear. One of the questions was, I got this notice from my kid, but I have no clue what class it was, or anything like that, it really is a capacity issue. So as we can get below the orange line that will hopefully create some adjustments on this one. The other aspect on this and let me pull out, I need to pull up this slide so I can make sure I’m giving you the accurate information on this one. So there have been 10 deaths since June 2021. Were and I and I say that because you can see that
Unknown Speaker 11:42
where we were pretty high, and December when we were hitting our peak, and then you know, there were some in there. And then it sort of fell off from about, you know, we didn’t have that many domain, you can see another cluster since June, really since July 26. And so we’ve had 10 107. So we’ve had a total of 269 deaths, 178 have been associated with long term care facilities, three of the 11 deaths since April of 2018 have have been among those that are fully vaccinated. So I know you all have had some questions on that. And and as we indicated in earlier data, we are seeing breakthrough cases for those that are fully vaccinated. We’re also seeing people hospitalized or fully vaccinated. And you can kind of go up the the key point on this and the message that we’re even seeing in the data is you’re less likely to hit those other phases if you are vaccinated. But they did have three deaths of individuals that are fully vaccinated. terms of the number of folks in Boulder County that are vaccinated, if you can look at the bottom, they are breaking this number in 2% of total population. So if you look at the percent of the population that have received at least one dose, it’s 73.7. Those that have received the full course of 68.8 of the total population. But then when you compare it to the eligible population, and this is important, because you still don’t have children 12 and below they can get the vaccine there at 77.6, fully vaccinated 83.2 who have received at least one dose. And and I guess everyone really still waiting on what happens with children under the age of 12. The reason they put percentage of total population is because as they were having some conversations with folks, what they’re really trying to reinforce is that there are folks within Boulder County, they can’t get it, whether they’re too young, or there’s other medical issues. And that comes into the conversation, some of the other orders. And they talked to us about that. So it’s a pretty quick update today. What I would say to you all is that you know, it’s moving in the right direction. I think what everyone’s wanting to see is if we can continue to move in that direction and see what happens. But for the folks have asked me a lot of questions of how long are we going to continue to, to wear the mask. I can guarantee you 21 days from today, or 21 days from whenever we go below the orange line in that other graph. And that was and that’s as much for the community because I’ve had a lot of questions from the community about this. So realistically, probably mid November is when I would say that would be the earliest if if we continue on this trend, but it could be a little bit longer. I’d be happy to answer any more specific questions Council has Forget
Unknown Speaker 15:02
Councilmember Christiansen.
Unknown Speaker 15:05
Harold. I’m curious about the children right being vaccinated. I think there’s split teenagers can be vaccinated. Right?
Unknown Speaker 15:17
Yeah. 12 and below are not able to be vaccinated.
Unknown Speaker 15:22
But how low does that go? I thought it’s not they’re not very
Unknown Speaker 15:28
haven’t said anything. I haven’t seen anything in terms of specifics about how low you go. I know. I’ve seen where I think they’re doing trials on infants as well, really okay. But they haven’t the CDC has not issued anything on that.
Unknown Speaker 15:42
Okay. Yeah, that’s, that’s I think, confusing, too. I haven’t seen questions from our constituent about that over the weekend. And yeah, okay.
Unknown Speaker 15:52
And it’s like boosters, too. So what you saw on the CDC is the CDC authorize the boosters if you had the Pfizer vaccine, but they haven’t said anything about the boosters if you have them, Madonna vaccine, but I’m hearing people are getting Madonna boosters. And so I’m quite sure what’s happened. And so, again, it’s following that CDC direction and
Unknown Speaker 16:12
where, where should people go if they want to return a vaccine?
Unknown Speaker 16:17
I don’t know. It’s just a rumor I’ve heard and I was calling How are they doing that? And so
Unknown Speaker 16:22
maybe call the place where you got to before it? Maybe? Sure. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 16:26
But the only one that’s been approved for a booster right now?
Unknown Speaker 16:29
Yeah. Okay. All right. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 16:34
Councilmember waters.
Unknown Speaker 16:35
Thanks. Mayor Begley. Harold, could you refer back to slide five?
Unknown Speaker 16:40
Oh, tell me I didn’t close it. Where is it done?
Unknown Speaker 16:53
That’d be easy. It’s not too easy.
Unknown Speaker 16:55
No, I hit the wrong button earlier.
Unknown Speaker 17:09
So right, it looks to me. Like every one of the the the subsets segments of the population in the last couple of days, we’ve seen a pickup is that the way that I’m interpreting this properly,
Unknown Speaker 17:27
you can definitely see where it’s starting to bounce. Now, what we tend to look at in this is is prolonged, and is it going to move that way? Or we’re going to see sort of what we have seen before where it’ll bounce a little bit as it’s sloping.
Unknown Speaker 17:41
So one more time, then bring our wastewater testing into this, and what are we seeing in relationship to that to those ticks?
Unknown Speaker 17:50
So we were seeing the way we were seeing the wastewater kind of doing something similar, but with some bouncing as well. The last result? I’m probably going to want to wait, because I’ve got a lot of questions on it, because we did see a spike in that. And I want to understand what what that really means. And before we go much further on it, because we haven’t seen something that like that happen yet. And I want to understand the data. But the wastewater still generally was trending down, but we were seeing it do this as well.
Unknown Speaker 18:24
So okay, we won’t go on with that. Because I don’t want to frighten anybody but that. But if you’ve seen a spike in wastewater as our leading indicator, correct, and we’re looking at that little spike there, we ought to be paying real close attention.
Unknown Speaker 18:35
Correct. And that’s why I’ve asked the questions of well, the questions that I asked the folks doing the wastewater is, how confident are confidence lab with this result? are they seeing this as an anomaly? I mean, there’s a lot of questions that I want to get answered, because we saw a spike, but I haven’t seen one like that. And I want to get more information before we take too much from it. And so we’re asking some of those questions. I
Unknown Speaker 19:03
think you real quickly, could you go to slide 12? Simple question, I think, but I just need an explanation.
Unknown Speaker 19:20
What’s the difference? So on the left hand column number of Boulder County residents immunized with a partial course. What’s the difference between that and one? one round with those two cells?
Unknown Speaker 19:34
Are you talking about
Unknown Speaker 19:35
number of Boulder County residents immunized with a partial course or COVID-19 vaccine? What’s the difference between that and the total number of Boulder County residents who have received at least one COVID-19 dose Wouldn’t that be the same?
Unknown Speaker 19:47
all they’re doing is taking those that have been fully immunized plus those that have received a partial dose to give you a total number of somebody that’s you know, the group that’s being fully immunized and doesn’t have a partial dose. So they’re just adding these two together.
Unknown Speaker 20:05
Okay, all right. Got it. All right, thanks. Good. All right.
Unknown Speaker 20:12
All right. Let’s go on to Reddit for the COVID-19 update Herald. Alright, great. Let’s go on to do you have any other special reports or presentations? No, sir. All right, let’s go on the first call public invited to be heard everybody as I read your name, if you’d come down, say your name and address, say your name and address for the record. And then you’ll have three minutes to say whatever you want. address your mark remarks to the chair me and we’ll go from there. All right. Let’s go with Virginia black. Run this big bang.
Unknown Speaker 20:54
Thank you. Good evening there Begley mirova. Pro Tem Roger. Yes, council members, Christiansen Hill dog offering. Martin packin. Waters. My name is Virginia black. I live at 2609 Elmhurst circle in this fabulous city of Longmont. I’m part of a small group from the Longmont chamber chapter of citizens climate lobby. Here to make a few comments about the resolution on tonight’s consent agenda for this report of the energy innovation and carbon dividend act currently being considered in Congress. Additional supporters are here and I’ll ask them to raise their hand at this time. Others are what are watching from home and some have written to you asking for support and bringing the resolution to council we have followed the process requested by Council and the sustainability advisory board. Over the past three years we’ve spoken to and made presentations to most of you. The sab approved moving the resolution forward to Council and we thank them for their support and thank Council for agreeing to consider the resolution. Recently. Recently, at our booth at the arc walk we drew a question on a large sheet of paper and invited children to draw their responses. The question was how would you like to see the climate change? It was a hugely prop hugely popular activity with the kids generating a banner seven feet long, with lots of heartfelt drawings and messages. As you can see in this slide, many of their messages at the top right here. Less fossil fuels, increased solar and wind, and in this corner, electrify everything. Our solutions embodied in long months climate actions and goals as outlined in the sustainability plan and Climate Action Task Force recommendations. They are essential to transitioning to renewable energy and decreasing our carbon footprint. Other drawings you stand the necessity for action to whoops down here is it is a dolphin to our oceans and to our planet. We are indeed experiencing a global climate crisis as evidenced by the climate events that occurred over the summer. The IPCC report this August confirmed the extent of our climate crisis and pointed out that we need fast and efficient action to decrease our carbon emissions and maintain a livable temperature. The energy innovation and carbon dividend act meets these criteria. It places a fee on carbon at the site of production or import, puts the fee into a central climate trust, and then returns 100% of the net revenue to two households. on a monthly basis, one share per adult and half a share per child. It works well with other climate solutions, as we will see. And we hope that Longmont will approve adding this essential item to the toolbox necessary to change our climate. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 24:03
Adam Reed.
Unknown Speaker 24:14
Good evening, mayor and council. My name is Adam Reed, and my address is 3526 feather read Avenue. Tonight, I will share my carbon pricing is essential. Shown here are two scenarios from a climate policy simulator tool called n rose, which was developed at MIT and is freely available online for anyone to use. I encourage you to check it out. Now would be a good time to check it out while we have it. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 24:56
I’m sorry. I hope this doesn’t count for a time. the wrong button. Okay, there we go. Thank you. There you go. Sorry.
Unknown Speaker 25:11
Thank you for your patience. I know there’s a lot going on in this graphic, and so I’d like to highlight its key features. On the top left, the colored regions represent the energy sources that we use. These sources include fossil fuels, as well as renewables, like wind and solar. On the top right, you can see how our emissions trend with time, and what the resulting temperature increases by the end of the century. I’d like to draw your attention to the solid black curve. This curve represents what happens if we do nothing. In this case, we will warn my planet by about 3.6 degrees Celsius, that would be very bad. So far, we’ve already warmed our planet by about 1.1 degrees Celsius. So what can we do? below, there are sliders that allow you to play apply various climate solutions. For example, you can add in electrification, increase energy efficiency, plant more trees, or add more renewables to our energy mix. And you can play with these sliders, adjusting these parameters, and see the impacts to temperature in real time. Well, all of these actions are crucial. What you’ll find as you continue to play these sliders is that none of them are as effective as putting a price on carbon pollution. You can see this in the two scenarios. In the top scenario, we employ some carbon, some climate solutions. These include efforts that are part of longlines Climate Action Plan. However, there is no carbon price. This gets us to 2.2 degrees Celsius. Now, in the bottom scenario, we add in a carbon price. This gets us to 1.6 degrees Celsius. I’d like to emphasize that these two scenarios are exactly the same, except for one key difference, and that’s a price on carbon. As you can see, putting a price on carbon is one of the most effective tools we have to address climate change. That’s why I urge you to support national carbon pricing legislation, like the energy innovation and carbon dividend act. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 27:23
Mike Quinn,
Unknown Speaker 27:32
evening, Mayor, council members, my name is Mike Clinton, I live at 1875 ude Creek drive. So why are we asking a local government entity to support federal legislation? You guys have a lot on your plate COVID next year’s budget. Why are we asking you this two critical reasons in our opinion. Number one, climate change is a global issue that impacts us at a local level. Our bill will help Longmont to achieve goals that we’ve already established on renewable energy and on improving our air quality. So that’s one it helps Longmont Lyle is going to talk more about that. Number two. Number two, it helps to create the political will for change. It helps to encourage our members of Congress at the national level to enact legislation is specifically support our bill to create this change. So those are the two reasons that helps Longmont and creates political will. We have 1000s of endorsers already for carbon pricing across the country, including well over 100 municipal governments, several businesses, faith groups, tribal entities, we have a lot of endorsements. here in Colorado, we have seven local governments that have endorsed carbon pricing, over 100 local businesses and organizations and several prominent individuals. Currently, our bill is making its way through Congress. several pieces of the bill are being considered for inclusion in the budget reconciliation process, which you probably wrote about recently. So timing is critical. And the time is now to get all the endorsements you can to create the political will. With your approval of this resolution. We can create the political will to get our members of Congress to enact legislation to make our world and our city a more livable place. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 29:35
Alright, well, Rupert.
Unknown Speaker 29:40
Good evening, Mayor Bagley and council live while Rupert I live at 2142 Spencer Street. You’ve heard why this law is needed and how it will help support how Your support will help make it happen. It will help all people but it will help Longmont in some extra ways. First, it improves air quality. Nearby oil and gas wells now cause poor air quality along the Front Range. Making long mountain less healthy place to live. A fee on carbon will make people less likely to start new wells. Next, our community will come out ahead or even break or breakeven, Longmont has started to use less carbon than most places. We will pay lower fees but still get the same amount back as everyone else. This will be true as long as we stay ahead of others in using less carbon. It rewards innovators, it can cost a little extra to be the first city or business or home to try something new. But if the new way uses less carbon, than the fees paid out will become smaller. In this way, the cost of trying something new will be less. It gives businesses a competitive edge. A business that makes things here in Longmont with less carbon can sell goods for a lower price than other companies. businesses will want to move to Longmont. It accelerates long months climate initiatives. Our city is trying many ideas to help people and businesses use less carbon. When people see that these ideas could lower their monthly bills, they will be happy to get the help and try these new ideas. Last of all, it gives us affordable, abundant clean energy. Longmont is already trying hard to replace carbon with clean energy. This will help that make this will help that happen faster. Thank you for helping this idea become law. Mary, we’ll wrap up our presentation. All right, let’s go very heavily.
Unknown Speaker 31:45
Good indeed. Good evening, Mayor and counsel. I’m Mary Headley. I live at 1615 Bowen street here in Longmont. I’m the last along my CCL to speak tonight. And I’d like to read Colorado representative Karen McCormick’s recent statement regarding the the energy innovation act into the public record. Karen was unable to come here tonight. But she wanted us to show her support this way. She’s already sent you a copy of that letter. Please know that I fully agree with the ideas that Karen has written. Quote, I’m writing both as a citizen of long Matt and as the state representative for our district to urge my support for the energy innovation and carbon dividend Act, which was introduced in Congress this year as hr 2307. This bill is a very logically and beautifully written piece of legislation that uses a market approach to address the very urgent need to transition to renewable energy sources and to drive down carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions. The steps outlined in the bill will allow us as a nation to hit targets and reduction of greenhouse gases in a timeframe that will help our planet stay under a critical rise in temperature. We must act now to mitigate damage to ecosystems worldwide. This bill is revenue neutral, will stimulate the economy, create jobs, drive innovation, and put money back into the hands of everyday citizens. I’ve been a member of a long match after our citizens climate lobby for two years and traveled to Washington DC to lobby our federal lawmakers to support this bill. It has been in the works for over 10 years, and it needs momentum to get it through. I urge a yes vote on a on a resolution to support this bill as a city and to send a message to our federal delegation to please pass it. That’s the end of Karen’s letter.
Unknown Speaker 33:52
At this month’s artwork, we simply asked the children, how would you like to see the climate change? Now I pose that question to you. I also ask you what kind of climate and world do you want your children, your grandchildren and future generations to inherit? What will be your legacy to them? We are at a pivotal point in history. And our children are watching. With your help we can achieve long lines, climate goals, and a positive future for ourselves and the planet. Working Together we can generate the political will for a livable world. For all the reasons we’ve covered. We asked the Longmont city council to approve the endorsement of the energy innovation and carbon dividend act tonight.
Unknown Speaker 34:43
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 34:46
All right, Bob Bergstrom. I am
Unknown Speaker 35:09
Bob Bergstrom. Thank you, Mayor Bagley and members of council. I live at 18 19/20 Avenue and my business is at 819. South Lincoln. I’m here tonight to urge a vote of no resolution, our 2021 dash 101 is outlined in my email earlier this week. This resolution clearly states long months desire to be just an equitable. But an objective reading of the energy innovation and carbon dividend Act would have to leave a reasonable person person thinking that if this law is enacted, it would be anything but just the stated goal of the Act is to levy a fee against the extractor or importer of energy, and refund this fee is a carbon dividend to all citizens. As you look, if you look only at what is seen, this seems almost equitable, unless you’re in the energy sector. The simple economics dictate that the extractor will increase the cost of his product by the amount of this fee. Every step in the supply chain will also increase the cost related to this fee. The net result will be the consumer paying incrementally higher costs. That doesn’t seem either fair or equitable. And if you happen to be in the energy sector, or as my case one of the industries that supports that sector, it sure looks unfair and inequitable. As the owner of a small manufacturing plant in Longmont, I failed to see how this can do anything but cost primary jobs. And again, the effect will be incremental. Years ago I was on the board of Longmont area Economic Council and I believe we used a multiplier of seven for primary industry jobs. So the effect will have a multiplying effect. Additionally, I handed out some data and printed a summary from the legislature today and there are exemptions. There’s exemptions for agriculture. And I love our agriculture agricultural history here in Longmont. But are the jobs of agriculture more important than those of my employees or a plastic injection molder or a contract manufacturer or making PC boards? Again, I asked how is this fair and equitable? In closing, I’d like to offer one more piece of data. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics consumer price index, published just two weeks ago, gasoline prices have gone up 42.7% over the last year to endorse a policy that’s going to further increase those costs. Seems tone deaf at best, and at worst irresponsible. I urge you to vote no on this resolution. Thanks for your attention.
Unknown Speaker 38:19
mcqueary Good evening, mayor and city council. My name is Mitzi Nicoletti. I live at 1261 button rock drive Longmont and I’m here representing sustainable resilient Longmont. We’re here to invite all of you to our annual electric vehicle fair, so you can bring your car, Brian, you want to drive it around. Anyway, it’s our fourth annual it’s going to be at the boulder fairgrounds, October 3 11 to 3pm. And we’re having a record year we’re actually the largest Evie faire in the state of Colorado and New Mexico. So we’ve got so far over 200 people pre registered to attend over 41 private cars representing 20 different models. Our title sponsors are our presenting sponsors our Colorado renewable energy society, Gilbert BMW and boulder hybrids. This year we have a total of 16 sponsors for this event. We’re going to have food vendors. We’ll have electric bicycles that people can demo will have car rides, and then each different dealership is going to have vehicles.
Unknown Speaker 39:48
I’m Lynette McLean, I’m a longtime resident on standpoint Dr. I am just a volunteer on the planning committee for this event. And I just want to say I’m really excited. And I’d like to invite the residents and the council to come out and get it take a ride in my electric car and all the other I don’t know how many electric cars that there are. So that’s it.
Unknown Speaker 40:13
Thank you for letting us speak. All right, thank
Unknown Speaker 40:15
you that will conclude first call public invited to be heard we have some people in the queue. Is that a mistake? All right, because we don’t want to if it’s if we’re going to spend time addressing anything that was said it’s for more appropriately wait. We should wait till the end of the meeting when we have our council comments. But Councilmember Martin
Unknown Speaker 40:36
Thank you, Mayor Begley. I am I guess this is a point of information of was my understanding that we had decided that speakers may not remove their masks?
Unknown Speaker 40:51
In this particular case, I think there’s a couple of things. The rule says if you’re outside 12 feet of the person, you’re allowed to speak from the podium. is Harold there. Yes, Eugene, maybe it’ll 12 feet, I don’t know. The other thing is that if it’s medically professionally necessary, providing a service or whatever, I think that I mean, if you’re wearing the odd in your mask in the audience, you take it off in order to be able to speak at a podium. I mean, as I read through the county order. If that gentleman was refusing to wear his mask throughout the meeting, I’d say you’re all show us proof if you’ve got a medical reason that taking it down, like I’ve been up here drinking my Coke, you know, or so I died. I wasn’t gonna chastise we have to wear our masks in here. But if they’re at the podium, I mean, at what point do we start riding people? So I’m just doing the best I can. Councilmember Martin.
Unknown Speaker 41:49
Well, thank you, Mayor Bagley. I appreciate that. Maybe we should move the city manager’s desk.
Unknown Speaker 41:57
Unknown Speaker 41:58
could you go outside her. Like that.
Unknown Speaker 42:03
Yeah, I just wanted to register my opinion. And then
Unknown Speaker 42:07
when I The good news is I think we’re gonna head towards zoom meetings because my guess based on when talking with counsel, so we’ll we’ll be able to talk about that in a little bit. Let’s move on to the consent agenda, agenda and an introduction and reading my title of first reading of ordinances please.
Unknown Speaker 42:26
Mayor item nine a is ordinance 2021 dash 49. A bill for an ordinance approving the concept plan amendment for the Barrett utility sales and service Inc. slash karkat. Clark annexation located at the northeast corner of state highway 66 and Erfurt Street, public hearing in second reading scheduled for October 12 2021. Nine B is resolution 2021 dash 99. a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the housing authority of the city of Longmont for debt reduction for the Aspen Meadows senior apartments. Nine C is resolution 2021 dash 100 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the 20th Judicial District probation office for dispatch services. 90 is resolution 2021 dash 101 a resolution of the City Council of the city of Longmont, Colorado to endorse the energy innovation and carbon dividend act. Nine is resolution 2021 dash 102 a resolution of the Longmont city council declaring Lamont a go Eevee city and pledging to implement strategies to reduce transportation related emissions. And nine F is approved three Capital Improvement Program amendments.
Unknown Speaker 43:34
Thank you. I would like to pull the anyone else. Councillor Christiansen I’m still calling on Kelsey Christiansen she would pop up first. And she hasn’t said anything tonight. But thanks.
Unknown Speaker 43:48
I would just like to pull a for a brief comment. Councillor Martin?
Unknown Speaker 43:54
Since I don’t know what D is I don’t know whether
Unknown Speaker 43:57
the resolution city council along city Longmont to endorse the energy innovation and carbon dividend.
Unknown Speaker 44:02
All right, that was the one I was gonna pull.
Unknown Speaker 44:07
Okay, although I don’t want to pull it. Would you like to pull it? Yes. Okay. It has been pulled by Councilmember Martin. I’m not going to pull up. All right. Let’s go ahead then and move on to ordinances on second reading and public hearings on any matter. Mayor, we need a motion. I’m sorry. Thank you. Can I move the consent agenda less AMD? has been moved by myself seconded by Councilmember waters. All in favor the consent agenda? Less AMD say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, the consent agenda passes unanimously. Now let’s move on. Thank you. Dawn for that for that correction. Let’s move on to ordinances on second reading and public hearings on any matter 10 A ordinance 2021 to 43. A bill for an ordinance making additional appropriations for expenses and liabilities the city of Longmont for the fiscal year beginning January 1 2021. Are there any questions from council? I’m not seeing any so let’s go and open the public hearing on ordinance 2021 day 43 is there anyone here who would like to address ordinance? 2021 dash 43 All right, seeing none, let’s go ahead and close the public hearing. Can I have a motion?
Unknown Speaker 45:10
ordinance? 2021 43
Unknown Speaker 45:13
All right, Councilmember cosmin renagel for fairing moved ordinance 2021. That’s 43. Council Member waters seconded it. All in favor say aye. Seeing no debate on the nobody’s in the queue. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. Alright, ordinance 2021. desk 43 carries unanimously. All right. 10 b ordinance 2021. Does 45 bill for an ordinance authorizing a foreign land lease agreement between the city of Longmont and Scott Schlegel, and the Sherwood open space property? Any questions from council? I’m not seeing anybody in the queue. So let’s go ahead and open the public hearing on ordinance 2021 dash 45 Is there anyone here who would like to come up and speak and address this matter? All right, seeing no one let’s go ahead and close the public hearing. Can I have a motion please? All right. Councilmember pack has moved ordinance. 2021 dash 45. It’s been seconded by Councilmember Christiansen see no further debate McHugh All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right ordinance 2021 dash 45 carries unanimously. Let’s move on to 10 see ordinance 2029 dash 46. A bill for an ordinance authorizing a temporary mining water supply agreement between the city of Longmont acting by and through its water utility enterprise golden farm lllp and agri aggregate industries WC AR Inc for the Irwin Thomas reclamation project. Any questions from council? Alright, see none was great and open the public hearing on ordinance 2021 dash 46. Anyone here wants to speak on the matter. All right, seeing none let’s go no one. Let’s go ahead and close the public hearing. Can we have a motion please? Alright, it’s been moved by Dr. Waters seconded by Councilmember Christiansen as well as a few others, but we’ll give you the credit. Councilmember Christiansen All right. All in favor of ordinance 2021 dash 46 say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. ordinance 2021 46 carries unanimously. All right, let’s go on attendee ordinance 2021. That’s 47 a bill for an ordinance authorizing a long term water supply agreement between the city of Longmont acting by him through its water utility enterprise golden farm lllp and aggregate industries WC AR Inc, for the Irwin Thomas reclamation project very similar to the one just before I don’t see any questions from Council. So let’s go ahead and open the public hearing on ordinance 2021 dash 47. Anybody want to come up and speak and address Council on this matter? Alright, see, no one was going to close the public hearing. Do we have motion? All right. It’s been ordinance 2021 47 was Moved by Councillor Christiansen it was taken by customer Martin. Let’s go ahead and vote since there’s no debate on the matter in the queue. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, Motion carries unanimously. And then lastly, ordinance 2021 dash 40x Liz Yeah. Is Lastly, ordinance 10 e ordinance 2021. That’s 48 bill for an ordinance amending chapter 14.04 of the Longmont municipal code on the windy gap surcharge. Any questions from council? Seeing none was reading open the public hearing on ordinance 2021. desk 48. Would anyone like to come up and address Council on this issue? All right, seeing no one let’s go ahead and close the public hearing on ordinance 2021. desk 48 Can we have a motion please? All right, Councilmember Martin has moved ordinance 2021. That’s 48 it’s been seconded by Councilmember Lago fairing. I don’t see any debate waiting in the queue. So let’s go ahead and vote All in favor of ordinance. 2021. That’s 48 say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, Motion carries unanimously. Let’s go. Let’s go back to the items removed from the consent agenda. Kazmir Christiansen, let’s go ahead and turn the time over to you to address. I think you pulled 2021 I’m sorry, I think you’ve pulled the ordinance. 2021. That’s 49. Correct. All right. The time is yours.
Unknown Speaker 49:10
Okay, this is the partial pronoun of this ordinance. I just want to point out that council first heard this in 2006. Now, this is a very complex thing and development. And I do not think that this is something that our city staff has been lollygagging around about. Nor do I think the developer has been in confident about I don’t think the delays with this were in any way anybody’s fault. It was a matter of circumstances. And the fact that they have, I think wisely determined that they want to change that a little bit to add housing. But it is a perfect example of what We what this the majority of this council decided a few weeks ago, which is to bring back anything that has taken more than a year to get through development. This is the kind of thing we’ll be micromanaging, from now on with City Council micromanaging the planning department to look over every single one of these developments that have been that have taken more than a year to go through. Most of these take more than a year to go through because of various things that do not have anything to do with staff, or with the developer. They have to do with circumstances which are beyond everybody’s control with it having to do with the market and with financial stacks, and oh, any number of things that people find as they start digging and working on a project. I am just saying that I’m I’m really sick and tired of city staff being accused of taking too long to get through something when they are actually just doing their due diligence, and we will now be spending city council minus me will now be spending their time micromanaging that of the planning department, which is actually the job of the manager, the city manager, not City Council. That’s my comment. Councilmember Martin,
Unknown Speaker 51:28
I would just like to say that, first of all, this doesn’t really have anything to do with the ordinance at hand. And second, that in this circumstance, I’m pretty sure that the developer and the staff would simply agree to say that there has not been a problem. We’ve just been changing our minds. And that would be the end of the council micromanagement. So I don’t see that this becomes a problem unless one stakeholder or another in in a process that takes longer than a year feels that there is a problem. So I don’t see this as a reason to object to this ordinance.
Unknown Speaker 52:15
All right now the queue is lit up. We have a rare, rare guest appearance. Council, Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez.
Unknown Speaker 52:25
I think Thank you Mary bag. I don’t also don’t think this is particularly an issue with the the year time limit thing that was passed a few weeks ago, as this is a concept plan amendment, which would have to go in front of City Council anyway. I’m not 100% about say the fueling station portion of the the concept plan amendment, but the zoning did change. And that’s what part of the reason the concept of plan amendment is in front of us today. And that happened years ago, not not just within the last year so either way, I move approval of ordinance 2021 49.
Unknown Speaker 53:03
Mayor Pro Tem has moved approval of ordinance 2021 49. On first reading it’s been seconded by Councilmember Martin, you still have people in the queue though. Let’s go with Councilmember Peck.
Unknown Speaker 53:14
Thank you, Mayor Bagley. The only thing I want to say about this is that I’m frustrated a little bit with developments that put in so many parking places when we are going to be doing an acceptance of an Eevee. I don’t see any charging stations in this. It isn’t. I see somebody raising their hand.
Unknown Speaker 53:36
Do you want to come down please? Yeah, I
Unknown Speaker 53:39
got somebody to come down to that.
Unknown Speaker 53:45
Good evening, Mayor, council members at the paradiski Planning and Development Services. Just speaking on behalf of the applicant, I reviewed the site plan and there will be 10 electric vehicle chargers on site.
Unknown Speaker 53:58
Thank you. Alright, that’s the end of my comments.
Unknown Speaker 54:02
For Christiansen, did you want to say something else?
Unknown Speaker 54:05
Yeah, I think people misunderstood what I was saying I don’t object to this. This plan at all. I just am saying that. This is an example of something that has taken a while because of zoning, zoning changes and various things. I mean, so I’m all for this plan. I just want to point out that it did take a while. And that’s natural.
Unknown Speaker 54:32
All right, nobody else is in the queue and we have a motion for orders. 2020 2021 desk 49 on first reading on the table, all in favor of passing ordinance 2021. desk 49 and first rate first reading say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. What is 2021 49 passes unanimously and moves on to second reading. All right, resolution 2021 dash 101. Council Member Martin you pulled that
Unknown Speaker 54:59
Thank you, Mayor berry I am going to vote in favor of this resolution. But for a couple of reasons, there are some statements that I would like to make. I had, I pulled it, rather than just letting it slide through because two constituents, wrote to me and asked for there to be an opportunity for the council to weigh in on this. So in one sense, I’m doing my duty. It’s known in the environmental community that I have been an opponent of carbon taxes for a long time. And I feel the need to explain that. And third, a lot of the people who wrote to me had expectations that I think, exceed the efficacy of the of the proposed federal bill, and I wanted to set some expectations about it. So first of all, about my change in opinion, the preponderance of evidence and modeling is now quite overwhelming. Even my rogue economists have reluctantly admitted that this needs to be done. So I’m voting for it, I would like to see the equity aspect of it be a little more fine tuned than it is. And I hope that by the time this would get through Congress, it will be. But I do hope that it gets through Congress, I have put my faith in in mandates, because I think, well, this might have worked by itself 10 years ago, I think it’s too late. And we don’t have time for market action to just take its effect and do the right thing. So this may speed up the process. But I don’t think it’s enough by itself. However, what I do think is that it might get legislators out of the out of the business of compromising on mandates and less and and make them mandate what’s really needed instead of some compromise that only go gets us halfway to what we need. And I think that’s an important important reason for, for changing one’s opinion on this. The last thing that I’ll say is of that around the presentation, is, is that whether there’s a carbon tax or not, does not change the amount of fossil fuels, we have to not burn in order to, you know, get us to a point where climate change is reversed. And we will we will, you know, avoid warming the planet all the way up to three degrees Fahrenheit up by 30 degrees Fahrenheit. So, you know, this is a behavioral tactic, it does not in any way change, what the physical behavior, the you know, the physical use of energy is going to have to change about in order to achieve the desired result, which is to keep warming below two degrees. What I think is probably the best we can do at this point. So with that, we need to use every tool in the toolbox, as these good people said, and so I am for it, and I move adoption.
Unknown Speaker 58:48
Alright, it’s been moved. Resolution 2021 101 has been Moved by Councillor Martin and seconded by Councilmember Christiansen cosmic Christians actually, you are on the queue. Councillor Christiansen?
Unknown Speaker 59:02
Yeah. Okay. I want to thank Councilwoman Martin for reevaluating her stance on this I you know, that is exactly what our job is to constantly re evaluate the information. We’re getting listened to all, everybody who’s got a say in this thing, and who has done the research. And I too have had to be kind of led along to see what this is because it is a little complicated. I think a lot of people have a hard time understanding it is. I don’t think anybody thinks this is one the only solution to this where if this is a huge problem, we’re going to have to use every single means we can to address it. This is one of those means that I think can be very effective. This has been endorsed I would remind city council by this sustainability advisory board that has quite a few engines. Yours and people who’ve done a lot of research on this as well. And so once again, that’s our job to keep reading and researching and reevaluating what what information we’re getting to make the best choices. So I am going to vote for this obviously since I seconded it. And I thank everybody who came to speak today, including Mr. Bergstrom, I think he has many points as well. I do see that this is going to be very, this can have some other repercussions. However, climate change will destroy us all. So we have to use every means possible to not only turn back how much fuel we use, but and replace it with non fossil fuel, but also sequester carbon and use less of everything. And use every means possible that we can to be able to hand our grandchildren something worth living on. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:08
Water. Thanks for your Bagley. My question is not about the specifics, but about strategy. And I don’t know if any council members know and I don’t know, since we were not going to have a second reading on this right we’re gonna have this is tonight. So it may very well be that Mayor Bagley that someone from the Climate Action Group could could just speak to what’s the strategy for amplifying I saw the 191 was 191 municipalities or endorsers, I guess. But as I’m sitting and listening, you know, I’m thinking about other resolutions we’ve passed was specifically to message to members of Congress, potentially state legislators that these are members of Congress, I just, I’m wondering if somebody could speak to what the approach is to this to school boards in Boulder County to other the L towns, all the municipalities in Boulder County, to county commissioners, two chambers of commerce, economic development group service clubs, Boulder County Democratic Party, Boulder County Republican Party, the the Labor Council of Boulder County, all of which, and all of whom, if they all adopted the same resolution, amplifies this message in pretty significant ways. I’m just curious if there is a strategy that brings the rest of the county into this, I think it would be a good thing to do. I’m just wondering if that’s part of the plan.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:36
I see where you’re coming from. But I don’t want to invite members of the audience,
Unknown Speaker 1:02:40
then let me just say I hope I hope that’s part of the strategy. I’ll leave it at that. But
Unknown Speaker 1:02:44
if we start doing this, That’s right. That’s right. Yeah, we do. If we allow people to make comments now, on other issues, we’re gonna have people at public invited to be heard, come back up and start answering questions. But that doesn’t mean that you’re not welcome and respected and loved for being here. Thank you. All right, I’m going to, I’m getting, I’m going to, I’ve got something to say there’s nobody else in the queue. I believe, I mean, part of the reason why we’ve been fighting so hard at Platte River Power, to, to meet the goal of, you know, non carbon energy by 2030. And get rid of our coal plants is because we’re dealing with a climate what we call a climate crisis. The only thing that I’m, I was not gonna vote for this to try to make a point, but I’m gonna vote for it. But when we voted, it was a climate emergency. The one thing, so I’m done in November, I’ve been sitting here for 10 years, and we’ve talked about climate change. And we voted that this is a climate emergency, right? But whenever we talk about climate change, whether it’s in here, or at the state level, or the national level, I mean, to me an emergency is if your house is on fire, and everybody who comes in to tell you that tells you your house is on fire, it’s on fire. But then they just they’re in their pajamas and their pillows and their blankets and they go crawl back in bed. You know, it just gives the impression it’s not that urgent to everybody. Right? And I am shocked. I mean, this just isn’t enough. And the reason why it’s not enough is I mean, I’m not going to put anybody on the spot because I appreciate what you did. Right? I drove here tonight. I have a hybrid vehicle and electric vehicle, but I drove here tonight, how many people walked, rode their bike, took the bus, you know? So my point is, we say it’s an emergency, but none of us in this room are acting truly like it’s an emergency. You know? And so my problem is that I mean gas right now is four to $5 a gallon in economics is called price elasticity of demand. It means that if you increase the price, Will people buy less of something typically, but not with fuel. You know, you can double the fuel prices and people are going to keep driving. And so I just don’t think my concern about this is that it’s going to put an unrealistic expectation that this is going to actually be part of the solution. And it’s not the only solution is stop driving, stop using fossil fuels stop, you know, requiring plastic stop buying a new phone every six months stop by I mean, that’s the real solution. And so and I’m going to vote for it. But I just don’t think that this does anywhere close to enough, if we’re going to actually treat this like a crisis on a federal level. And then even then, only 14% of our carbon emissions are generated by the United States. So I mean, we I mean, we so we’re focused on all these things. And it’s like, doesn’t mean I’m not saying we shouldn’t try to do something about it. But it’s a bigger problem than then I think the resolution that we’re about ready to pass. So of course, my comments, incited, incited counsel. So let’s go ahead. That’s all I have to say. And I don’t say anything else counselor pack.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:05
Thank you very badly. We’re badly Our house is on fire. We our Earth is on fire. If you’ve just walked out anywhere this summer, you would see that and know this one thing is not going to, to clear up everything. But we have to hit this with everything. So I think that I would not look at this people in this audience and assume that everyone was driving a 350. Truck engine truck, or I don’t know, it is just one thing that we are going to hit this climate emergency. And when I see our state on fire, when I see California on fire, that is an emergency. So no, we can’t sit back and say, well, China is good at putting out more emissions than we are. We have to take care of our own home, our own part of the world. And this is just one action among many. And because it’s a congressional action, it will hit more states than just ours, more people than just ours. So we all have to act upon it constantly. So I’m voting for it. Obviously.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:30
That’s not what I said. But okay, Councilmember.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:34
Thank you, Mayor Begley, just because the mayor said what he did, and I agree with all of it. And in addition to that, I agree that that both the city’s electrification initiative and Platte River Power Authority are specifically not acting like it’s enough of an emergency. And I want them to go faster. But the time for this, although it’s a decade too late, that it might have had a much larger effect, if it had been in effect a decade ago, and might have been a bigger part of the solution. We have to do it now for a reason that I think nobody mentioned until now, which is that it’s going to become a necessary part of operating in the international economy, because the European Union, at least, is about to enact carbon tariffs, which means you’re at a trade disadvantage if you are not doing enough stuff to control your own carbon emissions. So if we, if we don’t pass this now, we’re going to get into another trade. brouhaha, that that is kind of rational, as opposed to the irrational trade brouhaha that we’ve had for the last four or five years. But I want everybody to know this. This idea whether it’s, you know, on time or way too late, is still a necessary component of the solution at this point. So you know, there it is.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:19
All right, great. It’s the motion emotions on the table. It’s been moved and seconded. So let’s go ahead and vote All in favor of resolution 2021 dash one a one say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, the Motion carries unanimously. All right, it is eight o’clock and we are about ready, go on to our general business items. Let’s take a five minute break and just come back.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:19
get drawn again How long was this budget presentation just so we can get ready? Oh,
Unknown Speaker 1:15:28
maybe half hour.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:30
How many slides? Oh, how
Unknown Speaker 1:15:31
many slides? Um I don’t know a dozen.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:35
Okay, perfect. Not perfect. Perfect to be too. Well done. We’ll get that done. Alright, let’s go ahead and move on. Right better than 45. Let’s go on to the general business item 12. A the 2022 budget presentation and first public hearing on the 2022 budget for the city of Longmont, the 2020 to 2026 capital improvement projects.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:57
Okay. Good evening, Mayor Bagley and city council. I’m Teresa Malloy, budget manager. And with me this evening is Melody Palermo. She is a senior budget analyst. And we have really just three topics to talk to you about this evening. But before I get to those, I did want to point out that in your council packet, we did provide you with some information on two follow up items from last week’s meeting. That is the automated material handler and the 529 jump program, not planning on discussing those with you. But should you have questions or need additional information on those we do have Karen here this evening. So hopefully she can answer those for you. So our first topic this evening is our financial policies. And just to let you know that this is a process that we review an update every year, at this time of year with our budget process, staff will review the financial policies and proposed changes. And then those changes are brought to you in the form of a updated version with strikeouts and bold blue letters, lettering with the new updates, and those complete policies can be found in attachment M. I am going to cover just a few of them with you this evening. And we do have a few others that we are proposing changes for that I was not planning to talk to you about this evening because they’re just minor revisions. But certainly if you have questions on any of them, we can we can certainly address that for you. So I wanted to talk about we have one new financial policy for you. And that is the fleet loan or the fleet fund interfund loan policy. This is as I mentioned, our only new one. And basically I’m going to read it to you in our fund loans from the fleet fund should never exceed the lower of 70% of the current fund balance for replacements, or 70% of the average of the projected fund balance for replacements over the next five years. We’ve had quite a few loans from the fleet fund recently and felt like it was time we bought a policy around when we can loan from this fleet fund. So Jim is here to answer any questions if you have on this. This policy. I have a few updates that I wanted to bring to your attention. The first one is the Human Service Agency funding policy, really just stating the that this will be now 3% of the general funds budgeted tax revenue as opposed to 2.52 which which is what it was for 2021. And then the living wage requirement policy in our 2021 adopted policies. This one really stated that the our purchasing and contracts division was working towards implementing this policy. Well they have now done that and starting in October of 2020 is when a this clause was added to every procurement contract. So um, so this policy is now in effect. And then the affordable housing fund policy. Again, we’re adding the statement in blue to match what what you heard from Kathy Sadler last week, I believe when we were talking about the affordable housing fund where basically we will use up to 10% of our revenues in the affordable housing fund on to cover administrative costs. And that is how our 22 budget has been put together for the affordable housing fund. And now is the policies I wanted to highlight with you this evening. Certainly, if you have any questions, we can answer those. Good for now. Okay, so now we’re going to move on to our party based budgeting process. And
Unknown Speaker 1:20:39
just a really quick overview of our pbb process, the city’s been really been doing party based budgeting citywide since 2013. And then in 2018, sorry, 16 was when City Council adopted envision Longmont and then we incorporated those guiding principles as our results in our pbb process in the 2018 budget process. And so that is really the very first step of our pbb process is to identify the right results. So for purposes of our party based budgeting, those are the guiding principles from envision Longmont and then they’re defined by the goals and objectives that are in InVision long lat and then we did a community outreach process where we asked the community to essentially value these results. And this is on the screen there the results of that community process. This this value of these results is then used and in our scoring process. And so all of the city programs go through a scoring process where they are scored, self scored, so the departments will score their own programs against each of those results as well as basic program attributes such as mandate to provide the program does the program generate revenue, what is the community’s what is that one? Yeah. And and then and then that whole scoring process is what results in the quarter list. So the end result is really a prioritized list of city services and by quarter mile, with a quarter one being the those programs that achieve the highest score, both from a do they support the results as well as basic programming to build. And in your in your packet is attachment in is the the core tiles for each one of the major operating funds on the screen is the the top core tile graph is his total. So this is city wide. And it is comparing our 22 proposed budget versus our 2021 adopted budget. The darker line blue is the 22 proposed And just a note that that this does not include all dollars in our budget. We do take out ccip projects so they don’t go through this part of the base budgeting process. We take out things like debt service. This year we took out purchase power because it it is a very large chunk of the electric fund budget. And so this really does represent the the true operating costs so salary and benefits and and all the other operating costs. And then the bottom graph is our general fund ongoing budget requests and how they line up in terms of core tile ranking. And then just to point out in attachment Oh is the complete list of Our programs and costs, associated costs and scores for our community programs, attachment P is that same information for our governance programs. And now I’m going to turn it over to melody, who’s going to talk to you about how we incorporated equity into our party based budgeting.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:35
So the first step that we’ve talked to represent equity and PDB was to create a set of equity insights shown here. So these insights are created from our city’s equities team definition of equity. And we asked each department to take a look at their pbV programs and respond to how equity is considered with each question. And the reason we did this was because last year, counsel asked us to include equity into our priority based budgeting process. And we needed to ask, the question of how we could represent that in the PBV model, and we did this by providing services is that we cannot provide services without resources, and that we want to show how resource allocation can support equity. And so here are those equity insights that we created from that definition. And we ask that we ask each department to respond to in regards to their programs. And from that is a graph that represents the collection of those responses that we received. These responses are visualized and color coded in this graph by each equity insight. This graph is taking all of our costs allocations by program, with the response from the equity insight tool to represent how our staff responded to how equity plays a role in the programs that they provide. And we’ve given you attachment q in your packet, which provides that detailed list of how each department responded by program to each of these insights. Our next step to further incorporate equity into the PDB tool is to create an equity basic program after view utilizing those equity insights, which will incorporate them into the overall scoring of each program. And off to the right is the timeline and time commitment from our staff in order to do this, starting in February, or we will create this new basic program attribute using those equity insights and then ask each department to review their responses, and then follow that bias scoring of each of their programs against this new equity BPA. And then, in March, we will create a peer review team to look at all of those equity scores. And a second review will occur by our finance staff. And then in May, the departments will be asked to cast their programs, which will include that in the scoring as part of our regular budget cycle. Any questions on that piece?
Unknown Speaker 1:28:09
Councilmember Martin?
Unknown Speaker 1:28:12
Thank you, Mayor Bagley, I didn’t see any way for anybody to answer. This program as implemented is not equitable. And I didn’t see any way for anyone to answer, this program doesn’t advance social equity in any way. So it seemed like you have a whole lot of ways to say yes, and no way to say no.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:33
So as part of our questions, in when we were providing this information to staff in the departments on how to respond in the know identified equity gaps, or needs that bottom selection, that was defined to them, as we haven’t had the chance or time to look at how equity is incorporated in our programs, but we are looking into it and we can reach out to our equity team on how we could do that.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:04
So that’s a way to say we didn’t evaluate it. But it’s still not a way to say this program needs to be reworked in order to advance social equity or that it could have equity gaps, I just, again, it still seems like you’ve got a lot of ways of saying this program is good and no ways of saying this program needs work.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:29
And I’m hoping that will come out also as part of when we include it in the scoring as a basic program attribute. This is really the first step to get departments to start looking at their programs with that equity lens. And so with the scoring, I would hope that that is further answered.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:51
When you when we move into the next step and you set the scoring system up, then it should be able to get at some of those questions. And then that’s why the peer review It comes in is because you also want to have other folks look at it to ensure that you just have a different set of eyes to just meet, evaluate the scores.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:18
Okay, I’m going
Unknown Speaker 1:30:19
to tell her Christianson.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:21
Yeah, thank you and I, I appreciate all the work you’ve done on this. And I also appreciate the fact that you’ve raised the amount of money given to the housing and Human Services fund to restore to what it was many years ago. And I would like to point out that, for instance, you showed bright eyes, which is a part of early childhood education and things like that. Most of the funding, or a lot of the funding for some of these agencies comes through the city and the housing the Human Services, you have to fill out a very lengthy application and then go through hearings which are being held. And starting in another week. The those hearings and those application is really do have have embedded equity for the last few years. And they really do oversee that it is not necessary for every branch of government to oversee every other single thing, because this is already being done by housing and human services to a very extensive degree. So what you’re doing is very helpful, but what they’re doing is doing an even more extensively. So I don’t worry, the fact that I think what you’re doing is more than adequate before something like an agency that is already getting and being interviewed and grilled, if you will, by the city. In terms of equity, I that’s not maybe true for every single thing. But there are, I would just like to point out that we don’t need to duplicate everything. And things that have been examined by housing and human services for funding, already do go through an extensive review of their equity policies, both on the board, and on who who is served. And of course, we perpetually have a problem in that most of the members of the board are wealthy and white. And that’s partly because often these boards choose to meet at nine in the morning or three in the afternoon. 12 working pebeo can’t be on a board, because they’re working. So they can neither participate in board meetings or as board chairs. So when we’re demanding that they have more equity, we can’t do that unless they actually change their hours of operation and change their meeting times. So but that’s another problem. However, I you know, I just want to reassure people that anything that the city funds through housing and Human Services, really does have an extensive review of their equity policies.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:27
Alright, continue, please.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:31
Now I’m going to move into showing our public access to our PDB data site. So this is our open data open ppb data site which the public can access through our city’s website at this link here. And then under our budget priority prioritization page, it will load. So what you are viewing here, Once it loads is a summary of our work with priority based budgeting data. So across the top here are city’s results. And by selecting the different results, you can see how they change and how we define those results. We have two types of results we have community results which are these six here, those are external facing services. And then we have governance results, which are defined down here which are internal facing services. And for each of these results, there’s a tree plot down below. And as you click on them, the information will change depending on how those programs were scored against those results. So these boxes I’ve selected the housing services, amenities and opportunities for all result. And these boxes down here represent each service or program and how they scored against each of those results. So the darker the box, the higher the priority to that result. And the larger the box, the greater the resources allocated to that program. So if I want to take a look at Community Services, I can further drill down and see all of the different divisions within community services, and how each of those divisions programs scored against this result. So if I take a look at Senior Services, for example, and I hover over this box, I can see that the program basic needs information referral and assistant score to four, which is the highest score it can receive, and then the total costs allocated. And as you drill down, you can just drilled into more detail. And once I’ve selected the program, I can read its definition and I can see how the staff has allocated resources to this specific program. You can break it up or buy positions allocated to this program, as well as our line item budgets allocated to this program. The other information you can find on here other budget years, as well as switching over to our program attributes, which is another piece of that scoring process. And you can read how those are defined as well here and see how those scored. And then finally, if you’re really interested, you can export all of this information in a table to excel. And that is all I have for you. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:36:29
Alright, thank you, Councilmember Martin. Oops, nope, hold on.
Unknown Speaker 1:36:38
Thank you, Mayor Bagley. I’m sorry to be so full of questions. But I noticed that on your graphs, a lot of the darkest boxes didn’t have a label in them. What are we to make of that? Are you referring to go back to where you were I was that
Unknown Speaker 1:37:08
we had all the boxes. Three o’clock.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:12
There you go. So there you are. Next door to project management of capital project, there’s a skinny Vertical Box and it doesn’t have any labels.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:23
I just think that’s because it doesn’t necessarily fit. So yeah, if you hover over it, it says it’s development review and project management with the score and the information.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:34
Okay, that’s all just was confusing looking. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:41
We talked about this. And when you’re talking about the equity piece, this is then what let’s start digging in to get into that information. In an example of what we kind of talked about, as we stepped in this time to look at it was when you look at our use. Next slide, for example. There’s very specific programs that we created in next slide to to ensure that we were serving the entire community. And so we can look at that dollar amount and go this is purely in the equitable world. But in order to do that, you need the broader operating dollars available, so that you have the money to actually pay for these other programs. And so what we’re hoping is when we get now into the scoring process, it’ll show up like this, and we can look at it in the same frame to answer many of those specific questions that you were talking about.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:34
Dr. Waters,
Unknown Speaker 1:38:35
it makes me really chill on. I’m just trying to understand what I’m looking at with enclosure Q. Right. It looks to me, let’s so tell me if I’m interpreting this right. It is. It is what the response from departments across divisions across the city. To the question, What are you doing? Or what are we doing in our department that addresses our goals, our equity goals for the organization? Is that fair? So I just want to say, I appreciate the fact that people were asked and had to think hard about it. So that’s, I would say give a thumbs up. The follow on that for however for me is or that and one of the one of the strengths of the budgeting process is though, is the sophistication of the scoring of proposals based on health and safety and federal regulations. And right down through the the, I guess the core tiles, right, which I think is a great model. But last year when we as we got into this conversation, it was like well, that’s great. And they and there are some needs or proposals budget proposals that won’t score well because they don’t have a significant impact on a large percentage of the of the public. But will have a disproportionate impact on an underserved segment of the population. And we had that conversation a couple years ago. And then last year, as I recall, and I’m sitting here, as I’m looking at this list, thinking last year, we got a list of projects that kind of were, were kind of fell outside in terms of the scoring process didn’t score high enough in that with the, with the rating system against some of the other proposals, but got funded, nevertheless, because of their impact on underserved or targeted segments of the community, not targeted, underserved segments of the community. So if I was asked, as a council member last year, give me some examples of what the city did, specifically in the in the it with its commitment to equity to fund projects, that kind of defied the odds in terms of or the scoring system because of their impact. But I don’t see that in this list of the kind of the narrative. And I didn’t see that list anywhere else in the budget materials. And it may be that I missed it. It’s there. And I just didn’t see it. I don’t
Unknown Speaker 1:41:05
think we were that specific in this. But you know, I can tell you right now, I mean, just when you look at a lot of the position requests that we funded, those would be position, absolutely. The 31 that we would talk about in terms of the neighborhood coriander, the equity coordinator, the bilingual coordinator, those were all things that, you know, when you evaluate it, you have the equity lens, thinking of the populations that you’re going to serve and how you’re going to do that. But I think we would, that’s information we can bring back to you all to kind of give you Well,
Unknown Speaker 1:41:35
first of all, you right on I mean, I have the 31 FTP, and I have some of the questions about that, but we’ll get to them later. But there are some very specific examples, I think, which are, you know, a clear and consistent and reflect that commitment. And I would I would add to that every every dollar we’ve rolled up into the cares program, correct. Those are then every one of those are specifically budgeted for to serve populations that need that support. Without a doubt, having moved to 3%, General of general fund for the Community Services Department, hallelujah, you know, took us a few years to get there. But I just saying that’s a thumbs up as well. You know, be fun to see those recommendations come and I have no comment, I’ll be able to point to probably all of those examples. We haven’t we don’t see him yet. But we’ll, we’ll see him soon enough. But if there was a list last year that we got, in addition to that, what I’ve just done, I would have gone down. And if there’s if it’s possible, it’d be nice to have that as a back pocket list that we can when somebody says prove it, right? I can I can wax eloquent or not how eloquent or not I am about these things. But if there are some other things that that we ought to see would be good to have those as well.
Unknown Speaker 1:42:54
Well, we can I mean, you just kind of saw it. But that was also my my view of the allocation process as we were moving through in the conversation. And so we can work quickly. And
Unknown Speaker 1:43:03
I’m just, I’m just making it up. And we know we did we actually listed
Unknown Speaker 1:43:06
it because we specifically called equity out and yeah, in and I think part of it is is what you’re also seeing in that is I think it’s being more embedded in the budget process now. So it’s not like we’re specifically calling out we’re saying that’s really part of just what we’re looking at, generally. But we can make a point of bringing the well,
Unknown Speaker 1:43:25
and that’s part of what the narrative reflects that kind of thinking. And I and I appreciate that. And then so if it’s just a list of highlights, right, in addition to the cares and community services and be helpful,
Unknown Speaker 1:43:37
if I may, your back on this slide, and the and the last graph here. So that is our general fund ongoing requests. And if you if we were to compare this year’s graph to last year’s graph, there’s a lot more dollars in core tile, three and four this year than there was last year. And I think that speaks to what what Harold was just saying. And so we have the the requests. By core, Tyler can certainly provide those. Yeah, that’s
Unknown Speaker 1:44:14
great. In fact, it’d be fun to see. I mean, it’s a good presentation. But but but if you laid that out to say, here’s where we were last year versus this year, and that’s a reflection, kind of some, you know, its scale of what that commitment, how that commitment translates into actual allocation or, you know, budgeting and resources. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 1:44:35
If I can add something to that point, as we as we talk about what we’re doing with equity. I think it’s really when you say what’s the equity lens that you’re putting on when you’re evaluating what you’re requesting and what you’re doing. But there’s another component to it and the other component is what they’re doing when they’re looking at how they spend their operational dollars in terms of various we have departments and I know Dale and I’ve had this conversation about pw nr, and they’re asking where are we spending our money? And is it? Like we want to see it in terms, it’s all areas of the community, regardless of socioeconomic status or thing. So there is a another layer of questions occurring, not just in what we fund. But what are we doing with those dollars? And that’s sort of the evolution we want to get out to when we talked about what’s the work that equity coordinators are going to be doing, it’s going to be helping to bring a lot of that together, too. All right.
Unknown Speaker 1:45:37
Yes, Mayor, we have one, one more topic for you. And I realized I missed the mark on our number of slides. We’re past a dozen. So last last topic, we did want to give you some highlights on the airport fund. So the proposed budget for the airport fund is $637,000. It is 163,000, roughly 34% greater than last year’s 2021 adopted budget. It does include as we have mentioned one additional FTP, and that is the operation of maintenance technician, as well as a vehicle for that new FTP, there is also $60,000 in the airport tip project. And this is the CRP project and sell for 2022. That $60,000 will be used to provide minor maintenance and completely re marking the runway. So that it meets FAA required markings for improved safety and visibility. And then 2023 and 25, in our CRP that is shown is unfunded at this point, because it is grant contingent upon some grants. But the plan is for 23, a new taxi lane on the south side to facilitate expansion and development on that side, and then in 2025, there’s two minor projects, joint seal and replacement of the panels on the parking apron, and then the rehab of taxiway leaving from the east end of taxiway a and around to the front of the office. So not huge construction. But But we do have a CI p project that has does have some funding in it.
Unknown Speaker 1:47:42
So I want to talk a little bit about the airport, can you get back to the first slide, Teresa? So there’s been some questions about what do we have in terms of match for federal dollars for the airport, and the one thing that it is an enterprise fund, so we have a fund balance in there. And so if somebody said, Well, here’s a million dollar grant at the fund balance is 452,000. Right now, roughly. So we would have the 100,000 that we could pull out of that to match that grant. And that’s how we could approach it. We know when we look at the position that as we look at the pro forma over time, we’re seeing a bit of an issue, but part of that then is directly related to creating more development and leases and pushing the revenue stream up. Now, all of that being said, where we are today. And looking at the airport operations is really we’re working with Bob Allen and Matt McKenzie and the Operations Group. Because we think there’s a lot of efficiencies we can gather by partnering on the operational side. And so this position will may be there with them, but they’re really going to handle the operations in terms of what they do on streets, they can do you hear snow removal, the sweeping to get the fight off the runway, mowing, working on lights and things like that. So we think we can get some efficiencies there. That also then allows us to really look at the airport director position in a different light in terms of someone that can really focus on airport development, FAA relations, redevelopment opportunities in that so that we can do that. So we’re in the process of that right now. Moving through this and I just wanted to let you all know that because this is what we put in the budget based on where we are today and what we think we can do. It may look a little bit different once we implement it but what we’re really trying to do is get more and and reduce some of the expenses as we’re moving in that.
Unknown Speaker 1:49:48
Customer waters.
Unknown Speaker 1:49:50
Thanks Mary Begley. Harold, I know that Joanie and David bless his heart rested May he rest in peace. We’re working on a vision for the airport. And I’m just curious with what you’ve shown us, especially in the out years. To what degree does that reflect? What? Because I don’t know what their, what they were working on in Division? I’d be curious about it. To what degree does this reflect that vision, or any vision for airport development or whatever we intend to do with the airport long term.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:29
So a lot of what you’re seeing on this is really what we would say. The one thing that you go what what is in that is a 2023, new taxi lane on the south side to facilitate expansion and development. So that really, the visioning process that we’re going to go through with the consultant that we’ve we’ve talked about, the airport board talked about it, that’s going to redefine that, and really say what, where that’s planning to go and what that’s gonna look like, a lot of what’s up here right now is really that base level. When I say foundation kind of infrastructure that you have to really manage and maintain on that on the airport right now, I think that’s why you want to keep the capacity and your fund balance. So that is, if something in the vision comes forward, then you have the money to do it now. So you look at the taxi lane, you look at what we’re doing now. Now, we delayed it a little bit based on seeing some engineering components, but the utilities that we’re going to build on the south side, that positions things to start occurring on the south side. But we need to go through this next conversation that we taught that we’ve talked about with the airport users, with economic development groups to really sit that broader vision for the future. But this is really foundational. Can I
Unknown Speaker 1:51:53
just repeat what I think I heard you say, so I couldn’t get it. Right. That this really is kind of a status quo right now. I mean, there’s been a lot of discussion and inspiration, but for the most part, what we’re seeing in 2022, even into 2023, a status quo?
Unknown Speaker 1:52:10
No, I would say 220. Well, so here’s where it’s 2023 is a new taxi lane and to support additional development on the south side, we for
Unknown Speaker 1:52:20
whatever might happen during 2022 in terms of the visioning Correct, correct. That’s helpful. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:29
Tom SmartPak.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:30
Thank you, Mayor Bagley Herald when you talk about the airport fund balance and what we have put in for the 2022 budget. Can you tell me how much of that or if any of it is revenue that was generated by the airport? Or is this all from the general fund,
Unknown Speaker 1:52:50
all of the revenues generated by the airport except for the reduction the council authorized in the ATF. And that is how much 50% of
Unknown Speaker 1:53:04
so for 2020 to 50%, represents about 70, some $1,000, about $74,000,
Unknown Speaker 1:53:13
which is from the general fund,
Unknown Speaker 1:53:15
it’s not necessarily from the general fund, it’s money that they’re not paying the general fund. So okay, they would have paid an additional 70,000 for the work that the general fund is doing. Okay. They’re just not paying that based on the direction that we received from Council. But the rest is all generated at the airport. Good. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:53:36
Councilmember Christiansen?
Unknown Speaker 1:53:40
Harold. This is we’ve had a master plan for the airport for many years. And I’m just wondering if all these changes that are coming up now? Or are we actually going to redo the master plan for the airport? Or is that just gradually going to be updated?
Unknown Speaker 1:54:01
So really, what it is, is it’s the airport layout plan. So when you look at the master plan, there are things in it that just won’t change. So in the in the masterplans, extension of runway and other components. When you look at what we’re really talking about, it’s the airport it’s the Alp, which is airport layout plan, which is really only one of a handful of things the FAA has to approve. Okay, good. And what we’re really focusing on is the south side of the airport. So if you look at the Alp that was adopted 2012 literally the council meeting before I started and you look at the vision for the south side, it really was about one FBO large open space, primarily focused on skydiving. As we’ve looked at this in terms of generating additional revenue for the airport, it really is about more commercial hangars. As you look at Where’s electric aviation going? Where’s the vertical aviation going? There’s a lot of new things happening in that industry. And so we need to bring that in, in terms of what does that really look like on the south side? Because the south side is really the only true developable space we have. Yeah. And it’s the only space and I’ve talked about this with counsel before, where you have the potential for through the fence access to what I will say is fee simple land. And that’s, that’s a bit of a that is a real advantage if we can get the south side and the utilities and everything together, because you don’t see that very often. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:55:41
Also, there are, I mean, air to air travel, and oops, and local airports have changed. So enormously in the last decade, and particularly pilots flying in and out, really want to have some services that we don’t provide, they really are, they won’t come because they can go to other airports. And so yeah, I do think that this is a wonderful time for us to start. Well, you’ve been doing this all along. But there are a lot of opportunities for us to upgrade the things that the airport that make it a lot more commercially and feasible and also much more. Something that pilots actually want to use because they’re flying coast to coast sometimes. And they need to be able to start someplace where they can actually get into town or get a meal or get a nap or something. And we aren’t so great at providing them. So yeah, I would hope we could upgrade that a little bit. Thanks, literally
Unknown Speaker 1:56:52
have that conversation today about is really the FBO functions, and what that can look like.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:58
Yeah. Okay, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:57:02
All right, anything else?
Unknown Speaker 1:57:03
So mayor, the final thing that we do need to do this evening is to hold our first public hearing. So our city charter does require that we hold a public hearing honor before October 1,
Unknown Speaker 1:57:17
we’re going to go ahead and do that tonight. We’re going to go ahead and open it up for our public hearing. Anybody else? Anybody here want to come up in the dress council pertaining to the budget issues or items that we’ve discussed this evening? Mr. May? No, no interest. All right. Then we’ll go ahead and close the public hearing. Councillor Martin?
Unknown Speaker 1:57:42
Thank you Mayor Begley, I would like it says advertised in the time call. There is a there’s a statutory requirement. And I believe that the the wording in it is paper of record. Is Morocco here or I’m Eugene,
Unknown Speaker 1:58:05
Unknown Speaker 1:58:09
Anyway, we have two competing for profit news sources in this city. And you this mentions only advertising in one of them. And so I would like to have that explained.
Unknown Speaker 1:58:34
Hello, Mayor, members of council Sandy cedar assistant city manager, the paper of record is a paper paper is the issue with it. And so the legislature has changed some of that wording, but not enough that we can change it to be able to only go in a in an electronic version. Now of course, we can always add more, we can certainly do that based on your suggestion. But the reason that it’s advertised in the time because call because that is the Paper Paper of record at waters
Unknown Speaker 1:59:05
thanks me Bagley Just to follow on kind of questions from earlier in the presentations. I’d still for me. First of all, everybody’s done a great job with presentations. I appreciate it all in the detail that you provided with FTD. But it still leaves me. I could answer I could make up an answer. Or I can I would have an informed answer based on our conversation, even tonight about what will be different in 2023. Because of the 31 FTD. We added in 2022. But But I’d be making some of that up. It would be it would be nice. If there were even a short list of objectives to say, this is what we’re going to accomplish. And here’s how we’ll know it. In 2023 reasons celebrate, right? They’re coming to you next week. Perfect. Then then the only other question And I would ask Is this the my first time I sat through this whole experience? building the budget? I puzzled during and I kept asking, when do we is do we ever get, you know, input into this? And, and they became, I think you said, sure. But at the end of it, it felt like, there just wasn’t much opportunity. And I made a motion, as we, as we approve the budget for 2019. That we had the first budget hearing first meeting in May. And we’ve done it since then. Which I appreciate however, the follow on to last week’s discussion with around disorder and you know, how that got funded and all that stuff. In some of the follow on conversation, I kind of I was left with the impression that the first week in May is late. There’s already it stuff’s already baked in, though. So if you really want to have input, yada, have a conversation before the first week in May. So the question is, we’re, I’m happy, I’m going to be happy when we vote on this to vote on a $390 million dollar budget and seven $8 million is ccip projects. There is there aren’t many opportunities, even with all the questions in the good presentations, if somebody had a burning topic or a proposal or priority, that that you wanted to have at least explored here, right with council members. We don’t get into this conversation early enough for it to have any impact at all really, or very little impact. Now the question that we got asked in May, do you have any recommendations for one time expenditures? And I think just probably, I know I submitted a list. I don’t know what other council members did. And I suspect everything on that list is somewhere in this budget. I know, a number of them are. And I appreciate that. I appreciate Jim’s consideration yours. And you know how that all got folded in? Is there a better time I just don’t want to throw I don’t want to be a monkey wrench right into the process. is the first week of May the right time. Should we do this the first week in April? Is there some other timeframe that I was looking at the dates, even in the Equity Plan? I mean, February is when the staff or March is when you’re going to have teams going through that. If there are some input that council members felt really strongly about with respect to how that process is going to play out. May would be real late, you’ve already you’ve already put together a peer review process and and in that process is closed down. So what’s the right time?
Unknown Speaker 2:02:37
So it’s sort of a diff. So they’re putting together there? They start when did they get the request in May. So it’s around May when now the scoring is different because we’re scoring existing programs. And that’s what starts earlier. Yeah, the thing I would change in this is I would have the meeting in May. But I would actually add a follow up meeting where we bring back the list. And we actually have a conversation because that’s the thing for me where I saw this because things kind of came in. And there were some that gave us items, some that didn’t give us items. But in terms of broad council going yeah, we all really like it. I think that’s what we missed. And so the thing I would actually add is a follow up to that to go Okay, here’s everything we have. Here’s how we’re seeing this fit into council priorities, because we’re also listening as we’re going through and working different issues. And so this year will be slightly different, because we will have the goal set I mean, council retreat, and really looking at everything we’re doing. So we will pull out of that. Because if you look at a lot of what we funded, we funded things that were pulled out of the last retreat that the city council had things like steam and the other conversations we had in this and so that’ll be informative to the process as well. I think may still a good time. But I want to follow up and say, Can we get a list? And can we get it in a week so that we can bring it back in two weeks, and we can have the conversation during the council. Great. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 2:04:04
Councilmember Pat,
Unknown Speaker 2:04:05
thank you very badly. That was a good suggestion. Councilman waters. And I was wondering, as we go through the year, and we get updates, for example from the water department from transportation department, and if they when they give us their list of what is going to be as these projects are worked on. I think it would be helpful if they said we are going to have even though this was in our 2022 budget, we’re going to have to put that on hold this project and it won’t be available or it won’t be looked at again until the 2023 budget. I think as we go through each departments update as they come to us for what they are doing and what they proposed in the budget for their ccip to let us know at that time throughout the year that we won’t be able to do this particular project even though we asked for it, and then I think counsel could be updated as we go along. And, and have a rather than, than have staff, I mean, staff would still bring us the result. But rather than having it all hit us at once, we can make note, as each department comes to us whether it’s health or human services, saying we weren’t able to fund XYZ, because even though that’s what we asked for, I think that would be really helpful.
Unknown Speaker 2:05:32
Okay. And I think that may tie into how we look at our capital projects. So we’ve talked about this a little bit with the council. And it took me a long time, it took me a while to get used to this. So the only money we actually carry overs in the public improvement fund. So when we find capital projects, most of those are two to three year projects. And what I mean by that is, it may take a year for design, then you have procurement, then you have to have the construction Well, in that it sort of stays together. But the way our budget works, is in other places, that’s when we have to have the big carryovers The following year, because so you’re going to see one this year that are you’re going to see one we’re going to undertake in the next Nelson Flanders water treatment plant. That is a multiple year project. And there’s no way we’re going to finish but it just keeps carrying over and carrying over until we finish it in the differences. In the cities I’ve worked in the past, what you do is you actually just create a capital program and you find it and it just stays in there until you’re done. And so that’s a tracking, it makes it easier to watch and track. And so work with teresian jamman budget to see if we can blend the two concepts because I always had like my little blue button. We’ll figure it out. We’ll figure something out.
Unknown Speaker 2:06:59
All right. Anything else?
Unknown Speaker 2:07:01
Just one more comment, Mayor. Just wanted to let you all know that this was our last formal presentation on our budget. Next week, we are going to be asking for final direction from you all. And that includes the marijuana tax. That includes our C IP, the pay plan, financial policies, and of course the budget. Any any anything in the budget.
Unknown Speaker 2:07:31
All right, thank you very much. We have counsel. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 2:07:35
any lingering Any other questions, anything.
Unknown Speaker 2:07:38
I want information I will prepare in the queue, Harold, okay. I will call on them.
Unknown Speaker 2:07:42
Or I’m just saying before.
Unknown Speaker 2:07:45
I appreciate it. You can you feel free to invite him up to your office and you talk all day long. But right now there’s nobody in the queue. And let’s don’t encourage it. Alright, let’s go ahead and move on to item 12. be considering discuss format of future city council meetings. I don’t think we have to I think it’s just a budget presentation. Do we have to accept it? No, that was one of many. But there’s no just the act once we have to public or we have two hearings. Right. Eugene? Total for the budget? Yeah. So that was just the first
Unknown Speaker 2:08:17
one. They bring in different strings of ordinances to
Unknown Speaker 2:08:19
Yeah, yeah. So. All right. What do you guys want to do for future city council meetings. Councilmember Christensen
Unknown Speaker 2:08:34
we already discussed this August 24. We came to a decision. I feel like this is an attempt to overturn something we’ve already decided and voted on. According to our staff communication, this takes more cost money and takes more staff time. We can see tonight people actually showed up. Last week when this was introduced, I was sort of flabbergasted that the one of the reasons it was used as something was as a possibility was because people who were deaf or hard of hearing could hear better Well, the truth is that I could not hear anything of any of the people who called in during this entire thing when we were on the zoom. I am hard of hearing and no one asked me or anybody else from the hearing or hard of hearing or deaf community what how will you felt about this? The truth is I can hear people when they come up here and speak. But I cannot hear them on the phone just because it is a different technology and it isn’t as good so I had to listen to them. The meetings all over again after they took place so that I could see so that I could hear what people said so it is not helping anybody. hearing it is costing us more it is taking more time it does not have any of the people meeting like they did tonight, it was like normal, I feel like city council needs to be, as I said before an example of the town that we will go on, and we need to return to a state of normalcy as much as we can. Doing everything on zoom is does not really allow for the public to be heard. It is very difficult technology for a lot of people is very cumbersome. I would much rather see people here, even if I don’t agree with them, than then trying to listen to them on zoom, we get much more public input. And that’s our sole job is to represent the public. So I would move that we continue to have in person meetings. Do I have a second?
Unknown Speaker 2:10:58
It’s been moved and seconded by Councilmember pack that we have in person meetings. So
Unknown Speaker 2:11:13
Eugene, you’re here we’re using I’m just gonna ask you a question. So the I want zoom meetings, but that’s irrelevant. So as the chair, right, my understanding is that we voted on this. Right. And so my question is, my understanding is that you have one regular session meeting to come back. Correct? Yes. So my understanding is that if we voted on something, you get if you’re in the prevailing party, you have to the next regular session, city council meeting in order to in order to bring up the fact that we should reconsider. That is passed. So I’m going to move go ahead and roll this topic out of order. However, I usually don’t do this, but there is a way to rule the chair to overcome my ruling, and you just have to make the following motion, which is I appeal the chair at which point someone has to second it. So I can’t make x as the minority. But I’m ruling this conversation out of out of order. We’ve already we’ve already talked about it. And unless council does something with Robert’s Rules. This this is effectively done. So we’re council member waters. I’m sorry, I thought I called on
Unknown Speaker 2:12:46
for just a clarification on point of order. Regardless of how this is handled right now, will there will there be any additional discussion on this topic allowed?
Unknown Speaker 2:13:00
Well, I mean, no. Theoretical theory you said no. I mean, look, I mean, I don’t want to make it a there is a way to have the conversation. I don’t want to instruct I mean, it’s not my job to
Unknown Speaker 2:13:13
then I move and then I’m gonna move we overrule the chair. I don’t think he can.
Unknown Speaker 2:13:17
You can you can, you can, you can appeal the chairs ruling and conceal the chairs. And you’re okay. It’s been motioned and seconded to call the chairs to appeal the order of the chair. At this point, the only thing we can talk about now, not what we’re going to be voting on in the event that you overcome my ruling. We are to debate only the motion. So is there anyone who would like to make a comment on this particular motion? Councillor Martin? I’m not seeing yarn here. Marsha. Got There you go.
Unknown Speaker 2:13:54
Thank you. Mayor Begley, I actually am concerned I am having a hard time counting back to how the motion passed. Because I’m not thinking that there have been that many regular session meetings that we have held in person. We have a lot of canceled meetings during the summer. So are you sure that the opportunity has passed? Because I’m not I thought I was making a motion to reconsider at the time and I’m, I’m wondering how it got on the agenda at all if it was too late.
Unknown Speaker 2:14:32
Yeah, you weren’t the prevailing vote. You have to in order was when she Yeah. All right. The
Unknown Speaker 2:14:39
Yeah, I voted yes. The first time.
Unknown Speaker 2:14:41
I thought you wanted zoom in person.
Unknown Speaker 2:14:44
I will I I said I was voting for it on the on the on the assumption that we would make arrangements to meet the ADA requirements which I find concerning and So I mean we have we’ll have to have Don go back and look, I guess, but I thought I voted yes. On the assumption that we’d figure out a way to make it at
Unknown Speaker 2:15:09
this point doesn’t matter. I made a ruling, there’s been a motion to overrule overrule the chair. And so there’s one more person in the queue. And so let’s go ahead and have Councilmember Christianson, do you have anything to say on that particular issue? The motion overall the chair?
Unknown Speaker 2:15:24
Yes, several weeks ago um I did I am moved something and I was told that it was out of order and I was not allowed to appeal it and I was not allowed to question it and I was not allowed to ask for seconds.
Unknown Speaker 2:15:37
That is not true. That is not true. We we have this conversation and you did not make a motion. It was not seconded. And if you go back and listen to the tape did
Unknown Speaker 2:15:48
listen to it, then you need to go back anyway. This is really quite the same thing. And we have already decided this in August. There have certainly been more than one regular meeting since August 24 it’s too late.
Unknown Speaker 2:16:07
I would agree with you but there has been a motion to overrule the chair so let’s go ahead and vote All in favor final Toronto border say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay nay. Raise your hand if you remain Okay, the motion motion fails four to three which means we’re going to continue in person and the conversation is effectively done. So let’s go on to when I can survive or you do anything for four times All right, let’s go ahead and we’ll call the public invited to be heard anyone want to come up and have a chitchat with counsel to finish off the night with a alright so let’s go sir Do you want to say something Yeah, come on
Unknown Speaker 2:16:50
up. Like why am I here? There’s Why am I here? My hair looks out of Craig right now but like my question is Why am I not in that chair? Maybe I don’t know I’m confused I’ve never been here before
Unknown Speaker 2:17:20
No no. Right That’s where we have people members of the public come up and addresses so you’ve got three minutes to say anything you want
Unknown Speaker 2:17:27
Oh, really cool three minutes to say whatever I want I’m thankful to be standing here on the right side of this nice forum. And everybody here in this dance in this stature like it was closed caption was reading behind on the bottom bottom line here if nobody’s seen they can only read and not handling which and placements was he doing dancing the military with a harmonica. I’ve done you know, I’m still standing here school at school at the same time. Like I could still be learned in ways that other people traditionally maybe don’t learn but are accredited and a better hierarchy or stature getting paid but I’m still right there with them. But not exactly like me. There’s the hard paid ways of like this good attorneys. My lawyers are always paid by the same entity. Everyone I’ve ever had. And I’d say that one of them should have been I thought you were gonna judge because she was really she cared about me. And that’s just me my story if you want to dig up that stuff, and her husband is a construction worker that I worked with on top of a roof so that stuff is needs to tell you like I’m personal on that like yeah, family kind of thing, you know, bread and butter. And I didn’t ask to be I came here because like my thought like, there’s a bunch of stuff happening on Roosevelt stuff parking, like I don’t want them doing it. There’s a bunch of women that rollerblading or skating and like trying to learn but my I couldn’t find my phone. Because I think I smoked a little too much flour or something. And it would be good that I want to my son or whoever’s eyes that look at me be a good impression of whatever I’m doing. Even though that’s part of the whatever that means legal around here. That kind of stuff and behavior comes with it is what is the right way right now and want to learn as well. So three minutes Usually, I get the podcast three minute podcast, I was thinking that who would be wanting to do that regularly. And the things I think I’ve been feeling like maybe contributing just a little not in all of it bringing into like, what if a dream, like talk to people that are in identifiable through I know that’s not enough to know that technical things? technical so I’m just thankful to be here. Yeah, I mean, I like it, dude.
Unknown Speaker 2:19:40
Thank you very much. Appreciate you coming out participate.
Unknown Speaker 2:19:43
We’re just like, thankful that may be cool.
Unknown Speaker 2:19:47
Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. Anyone else? Alright, we’ll go ahead and conclude second call or final call public divided be heard. Let’s move on to mayor and council comments. Anybody want to say anything or shattering? Let’s go With customer impact. Sorry, I thought you were Oh, hold on one second. Think ultimate.
Unknown Speaker 2:20:10
Thank you. I just want to give kudos to the transportation department. I think that ninth Avenue looks fantastic. I love the way they’ve done the striping. They put in the bike lanes, I know that they’ve gotten some kind of backlash for it. So I just want to say that I think it’s great. And having just one lane on each side is going to take care of some of the speeding that we have been hearing complaints about. So just kudos to them.
Unknown Speaker 2:20:42
Councilmember they’re offering.
Unknown Speaker 2:20:47
Yeah, I heard you. Thank you. So are you know, I wanted to make a couple of comments. One, in regard to so we had Councilmember Christiansen and I had coffee with council last Saturday. And it was that inner combo. It was, it was it was a really good experience. We had some great conversation. As we, you know, as we left there, so there were a couple of things. I wanted to say to that. The first one is, I started thinking about, you know, as we look through equity lens, who’s really at the table who’s involved in these conversations, who do we typically see in forums like coffee with counsel, it seems to be the same representation of residents. So, you know, I really want to challenge ourselves to kind of step out of what we’re typically accustomed to, and kind of change things up to really reach out people who typically do not attend our traditional coffee was counseled. So what does that mean? How do we advertise? Do we go paper flyers as well as Internet as well as on the website, you know, to go to, you know, put up the flyers at churches or different businesses and restaurants that we typically don’t advertise to, to really get a sense of what our community as a whole is experiencing? What are the things they want to bring to the table. The other thing I want to comment and I really appreciate that Councilmember Christiansen started our coffee was council making the statement addressing the racist flyer that went out on Main Street. You know, I’m still shaking with when I heard about it. And I think you know, as a my mom immigrated from Mexico, you know, my dad, be the algo were a mix of indigenous and Mexican blood, all my life, I’ve heard disparaging comments, and you need to see things like that. Not just it definitely was my heart ached for every single black person in our community. Who had to be witness to that who had to read about that. Because when we talk about past traumas and past, your triggers, definitely spurred up the number of times that I was told to go back to Mexico or you know, just a bunch of disparaging names wetback being or all those things that I heard my entire life I thought we were past this and as a community, we need to stand up and condemn those types of actions for the betterment of our entire community. So um, you know, I I appreciate that and now you know, I’m in the middle of writing a statement and I’m getting all hot and heated and tears and all these spurs of emotions came about me and then I saw the statement that LDA and the city manager put out and I just flat out breathe a sigh of relief because I appreciate how you address that the words to it I’m not happy with the result. I’m glad that somebody was caught. But this and these are my own words it’s not words as counsel but uh, you know, I’m speaking from the heart. I’m not I’m not happy about this. That I feel like something should have there should have been some consequences for that.
Unknown Speaker 2:24:31
Because those that type of rhetoric should not be tolerated. You know, I’ve seen back in 2017 when a colleague had a really disparaging message put on his on his house targeting spray paint Nazi symbols on it, Lou, Lou Miller Park. A few years back, a friend of mine had pointed that those out when he was trying to take his kids to the park and play I mean these things are are are constantly coming up, they’ve been festering for years and they’re rising to the surface. And I think us as elected officials, as city leaders, we need to be constantly condemning these constantly doing what we can to, to connect our community. And, and you know, if I put an end to this, I just I mean, I’m just I’m speaking from the heart, but but and then, so thank you for hearing me out. And then also to on the other end, after a coffee with counsel, I went over to Lou Miller Park, they had the, the neighborhood group had their positivity fest. And that was a really, that was good. There was some healing there for, for a lot of us. So it was it was a good experience. So there’s, there are some wonderful things happening. And I don’t want those things to get overshadowed by the HATE and VITRIOL that kind of seem to rise to the surface every once in a while. So thank you.
Unknown Speaker 2:25:57
Councillor Christiansen?
Unknown Speaker 2:26:00
Yes, I think I wanted to comment on that. The same thing. I when I heard it was going to be over in a combi. I thought, well, that’s halfway out of town. Nobody’s going to come there. It’s gonna be fast. And anyway. But I was very glad that Suzy was the person that I was meeting with. Actually, it turned out that some It was quite a few people showed up. And we got some new folks. And they were Latino’s which was really refreshing because we had a really, that’s why coffee with counselors actually terrific because we can sit down as just neighbors and talk about these things. And we’re not, you know, we’re just ordinary people, like everybody who comes to coffee with counsel. So we can sit down and less formal atmosphere and actually answer questions. And Dale was there and Jim angstadt was there. And so people get not only our answers, but also people who actually know what they’re doing. But we did have a really good long conversation about about the racist flares, and I wanted people if anybody still watching to understand, Eugene may explain this very well to us, because I was really outraged. This is it. And we all know that every time some hateful incident like this happens, not just as leaders, but everyone in town needs to talk about it, and condemn it. Because we, when you don’t condemn something like this, it means it’s okay with you, or it doesn’t bother you. It needs to bother you, because nobody is safe, and nobody’s comfortable if some people are treated, or insulted and treated with hatred. However, the definition of something that is prosecutable is not that it’s insulting, hateful and disgusting. But that it actually incites other people to create, to take criminal act to, to take criminal action, for instance, to actually cause harm to someone’s body or their property or whatnot, this did not rise to the effect to the level that the district attorney was able to make it into something to prosecute, that does not mean that it was on any moral level. Okay. I do hope that the company that was actually whose name was used, will actually do something to this person, because their name was slandered by using their, their letterhead or whatever it was. Anyway, I, I really appreciate so much being able to have the opportunity to talk to citizens of this city about things like this, and then talk as just neighbors. And that’s what we need to do is talk to each other. Everybody has a different story. You know, my father was an immigrant too. And every every immigrant is treated like they’re stupid, and yet they have made much more of an effort than regular people to come to make their life better to come to another country. Very difficult to leave your country. You leave everything behind you leave your family behind you leave everything so touch then treat people badly on top of that is really inexplicable, they have to learn a new language anyway and particularly disgusting when You’re talking about people who did not come here voluntarily. Black people did not come here voluntarily and Native American people did not were here so they’re also they’ve also been treated upon permanently so the more we can talk to each other the better off we are and I hope we will all just keep those conversations going I think it’s a whenever I have been in coffee with counsel I come away feeling very happy and very filled with affection for this town even though we also had a lot a lot long discussion about cats but and I’m sorry Susie if I said that cats that are inside cats are dumb as bricks but
Unknown Speaker 2:30:53
I know you don’t agree with anyway we have differences but yes we have we can discuss anything in those meetings and that’s the value of thanks.
Unknown Speaker 2:31:06
I guess my only comment going speed addressing the flyer specifically I’m in complete agreement it’s a it’s deplorable anytime a member of our community would feel that they that’s appropriate language to be used targeting anyone based on their you know, their race, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, disability, or religion completely uncalled for nit, but there is a silver lining and that is when you read that flyer. God embarrassed that guy. I don’t know who was girl guy man, I have no idea but the guy couldn’t spell the grammar was terrible and is 1% out of 100,000 and truly it represents the lowest common denominator when it comes to education and intellect. So that is the good news because whoever it was was a complete and total frickin moron. So even but that said that said completely inappropriate it just hurts people. And so anytime when you touch on a topic like this, it’s just it’s just terrible. So is the mayor I’m just I just need to needed to say that. So Alright, let’s move on to the last little bit of Venice, which would be the city manager’s remarks.
Unknown Speaker 2:32:20
No comments Mayor council still awake Eugene. still awake, Mayor, no
Unknown Speaker 2:32:26
comments and you do know that staff the entire time just as I’m heading out, it always says city council remarks and specifically it says ask Eugene if he is awake. Come on, guys. So we out here. All right. All right. So can I have a motion to adjourn Kazmir? I’ll second it all in favor of adjourning say Aye. unanimous We’re adjourned.