“A Mooka Moment” S2E7 Self Love Practice For Kids

Video Description:
“A Mooka Moment”
Self Love Practice for Kids
Follow along with Ms. Monica and Teddy as we move + breathe + rest + sit to notice our body, mind, and heart. These are simple self awareness and regulation tools for all ages!
Today we practice caring for ourselves. We do this so that we can care for each other.
May I/you/we be happy.
May I/you/we be peaceful.
May my/your/our heart(s) be filled with love.
We can practice saying kind things to ourselves, taking care of our body, mind, and heart with our Mooka Moment. Mooka is when you notice your body, mind, and heart together.
Practice noticing your body, mind, and heart in this simple yoga and mindfulness practice for kids. Remember, be kind to yourself and try your best.
You can find more episodes of “A Mooka Moment” at Longmont Public Media.
Learn more about the Mooka practice at www.mooka.org

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