Callahan House Board Meeting – July 14, 2021

Video Description:
Callahan House Board Meeting – July 14, 2021

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Okay, it’s a minute or two. So let’s get started. Does everybody get a chance to review the minutes here? No, no, let’s just take a few minutes.

Unknown Speaker 0:24
I have two remotes, since they broke when I tried to get them out of the box, into the box, and then out of the box works out for the first email minutes, even

Unknown Speaker 0:50
when they’re posted on the agenda management portal, so I will send you a link so you can get to them instead of adding another to my clients. Right. Once you have the link, you can

Unknown Speaker 1:17
market Oh, sorry. I forgot before. I’ll be recording. written record on the recording? No, you don’t have to do the whole meeting a second time. Take two COVID do any. Do we have any corrections or additions to this? Are we done looking at them? I don’t know. Just the number of copies in here. Yeah, we can. Certainly old business rule number two a. That is going to be funny. Because at the end, Connie was just

Unknown Speaker 2:27
little curtains. If I didn’t catch that I was here twice. Yes. There you go. Me and my doppelganger. Everybody has as my sister Facebook thinks for the same person. It’s crazy. Any changes additions?

Unknown Speaker 3:13
Just for one? Sorry,

Unknown Speaker 3:18
can we have a motion to approve the minutes?

Unknown Speaker 3:29
All in favor?

Unknown Speaker 3:32

Unknown Speaker 3:35
Next, and yeah, then the next go to camp.

Unknown Speaker 3:40
We had a busy month in June. We had 32 events. A Night City A lot of those were grant meetings, seven clubs, which is all happened so fall. One final walkthrough for revenue generating events and 11 tours. That’s been crazy. And of course the drag was very busy with photos, particularly from the the new venue across the street and the menu over here on the corner that’s carrying the same rain. We’ve had some interesting conversations with those groups when they want to come in what we’ve got an event we had 34 inquiries in June which is keeping nice track with the number we normally have. In the June timeframe six came in by phone 28 were electronic. You can see that the not the city of Longmont website and wedding wire were the winners. We still did get a couple leads for venue hub. But I think those are going to be going away shortly. We had 255 guests in June, which is the most we’ve had since COVID started, which is wonderful. We’ve got eight new revenue generating events I’ve been disease and I’m still trying to get out all the estimates in the contracts have the information to the people that they want. Which brings us to total of 22 revenue events in 2021. The garden grow plant annuals around the sign just to put a little coloring the bed until we plant the perennials. During one really hot weekend in June, when we had multiple events, we froze the air conditioners up, which I’ve never had happened before, had completely turned them off overnight. And fortunately, we were able to turn them back on the next day for the the events that we had. And we’re keeping an eye on him. I’ve we’ve got brand new air conditioners. And it’s crazy to me that we’re having those kinds of problems already. June or July, it’s pretty busy. In addition to the clubs, we have 60th wedding anniversary on Saturday, with food from nylon market, which I had never had the drop off before. So that was kind of interesting. This and beautiful salads. We had a memorial on Monday was great splint catering. And we have a 50th wedding anniversary party on the 31st of July with spice of life. I think as long as they get the quote out to the lady. On the grants, we’re continuing to work on that it’s due August 1 by noon. We’ve received a number of letters of support from the community and we had an article in the paper on June 24. And then it was also carried in the older camera the next day or a couple days afterwards. And it was also posted online. We’re going to present the grants to City Council on July 27th at the meeting in order to get approval for Brian to sign the grant agreements. Because it’s an inter governmental application or an intergovernmental agreement between the city and the state. He’s the only person that you can sign it. I updated first aid CPR AED tips that off my plate for a couple of years. Like I mentioned before, baby cub, it’s gonna resume charging for their services. So we’re not gonna see that anymore. But at that I put in here, our budgets that mostly on wedding sites and services, the knot and wedding wire.

Unknown Speaker 7:30
Oh my goodness. Sorry about that. I’m reading the minutes instead of my work. Pretty close. I turn the page I went like this is gonna turn the page and started reading it. So I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you can find at the bottom of the page.

Unknown Speaker 7:58
And my hair’s kind of blonde right now. Ashley Ashley, I’m just talking about me. And then, obviously, we booked a lot of new events. You can see what we’ve got picked up a drop off with 16th wedding anniversary of a wedding reception was new since last month. The 50th anniversary party was new. We booked the 50th anniversary party in mid August. We picked up on two days of meetings with Balfour senior living and rehearsal dinner and September. celebration of life in September, and a graduation party for next year.

Unknown Speaker 8:43
Great. Let’s drop off. That’s their opportunity to bring like centerpieces, alcohol, of

Unknown Speaker 8:53
some events how to drop off some of them like medics have a drop off with rehearsal. So and we do charge for it because otherwise they waste your time. So it isn’t revenue generating. They don’t generate a lot of revenue but every little bit adds up. When he cites services announced that they were currently closing at the end of June. The current issue of the magazines can stay on store shelves until they’re sold out. The website closed on the 30th of June, so we won’t be getting any more leads from them. made a decision to publish the fall brochure. And I’m currently updating the kellian health information for the brochure which have fingerprints in it will include our September artwalk and our December standard open house which we like to confirm the date for if you take a look at the revenue expense actuals you can see that we are in the black by almost $10,000 $9,000 and change. So that’s really good news. After a year when we spent money out of the funds, turn, I don’t usually stay home, I clearly need to not stay. There just a lot easier for me to handle. We’re up to a total of 64 events with 446 guests. And that number is climbing quite rapidly. If you take a look at the event, actually, you’ll see that we have a lot of grant working sessions. In addition to two tours for the museum, Eric Mason’s doing his historic Westside tours, and we did a tour on June 15, and another one on June 16. With about 12 people in each one, they were here for about 15 minutes, and one gentleman stayed sat in the garden while being pushed around. If you take a look at special events, you’ll see the list is quite long. It did a celebration of life on June 11, with a drop off on the 10th. We did a wedding with a rehearsal on the 12th and 13th. We did a number of tours.

Unknown Speaker 11:12
Most of the restaurant tours, and or planning sessions for the events that are coming up in August and September.

Unknown Speaker 11:20
If you take a look at expenses, Moshe theists are starting to have normal operational expenses. We pretty much haven’t bought anything for a year. So I’m having three, replace our get supplies for lots of things like the dishwasher, the first state kits, fit tights for the PA system. We paid for potting soil for the pots. And then if you look at our professional contract services, you’ll start to see rentals for the outdoor events, in staffing for the events, and then our normal advertising expenses. And then as usual, on the last page, the city finance system is a little behind my spreadsheet. So the numbers aren’t on the first page, complete gut state and the city finance report is upstate as of the end of June. Questions is not in these reports. It’s about $37,000.

Unknown Speaker 12:29
And I wouldn’t quote me on that, but it’s close. What was the question? The balance of it’s in the news reports, I can pull it remind me. all I got.

Unknown Speaker 12:53
And like I said, takes us to old business and grant updated discussion. So

Unknown Speaker 13:01
we sent to all the board members draft that was committed to history Colorado for their review, we expect to hear back from them two to three seconds, or July 22. And with their comments and suggestions that was on one path site should be as some assistance and direction on some of that. But in the meantime, if anyone has anything to say, or any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email me. We still can make changes, obviously right up until the last week of this month. I don’t intend to wait until August versus submit this though. So you all know, I think realistically, I’d like to let everyone know if you can get back to me with any comments or suggestions and extracted the truth. That’s what I would really appreciate. After that very, very hard piece. Well, the 10. The deadline is a Sunday. So I live to be submitting Friday prior because I’m interested in and I don’t want to be one of those. something’s going wrong with the system because the other person system issues previously so 28th to the 29th. I would like to assist me as soon as counsel says yes, and Brian signs and that’s the seventh 23rd

Unknown Speaker 14:39
we’re still getting a few letters of support. So if anybody wants to see the letter shirt, you’re welcome to. We have all scanned we’ve we’ve we’ve had a couple more minutes since then. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 14:51
That would be my question. I can still submit a letter then yes, because when you were asking for him, it was like total craziness. through to our top picks so far, but

Unknown Speaker 15:06
we’re still taking in anything that’s going to outweigh our top pick the place that

Unknown Speaker 15:15
I met yesterday with Jade Krieger. She’s the new historical preservation person in the city of Longmont. And she’s gonna write a letter to the historical Commission’s perspective. So that’ll give us another option.

Unknown Speaker 15:31
Wonderful, we do have letters of support from many different areas. And it

Unknown Speaker 15:36
turns out, it’s over 20. Wonderful, I think the best closers we’ve had and we’ve had some beautiful letters, really, really nice letters.

Unknown Speaker 15:46
So yeah, see the kind of community support the the breadth of it just across every line support. Let’s see, at this point, we are finalizing the attachments that go to the grant that includes historic pictures includes current pictures of damages, is just a huge list of additional things, we’re getting close to being done. Today, we’ll be reviewing. Last week, we were doing damages of the windows with the plexiglass and the driveway. This week. Today, apparently, we’re reviewing the damages to paint mixer paint, store pictures of the colors, the driveway, house and garden family. We have read also reviewed and approved map site plans and drawings that are going to be attachments, as well as demographics of loved ones, down in house the warranty deed from June 1938. And coming up, we’ll be finishing the history of the house. We have all of the bids that were submitting that we refer to in the application. We’re collecting and finalizing resumes that includes the contractors. So we have a few more of those to collect, including minds. Because we will get it done. And other than that, I’m going to get an aerial photo of it. Right. I do have the house plans that the students from CDC did back in 2002. And I have been reduced to eight and a half by 11 sides and then also put on a flash drive. So we have electronic copy of that now. The CDC does not have that program anymore there. We apply it for the students. But they kind of lost the lesson. So they had no access to any of those records. So that’s why I took the whole plans to the reducer. And to get a smaller hardcopy but also have electronic copies. For future let’s look at that the drawings are beautiful, because they do show all of the aspects of the house, the floor plan, the landscape, the property in its entirety, each floor. And on the front, north east. South front being was drawings of all of that. So that helps to illustrate the magnitude of the driveway. And there were a couple of the history Colorado advisors had come to tour and we’d showed them on all of our projects. And we’re confirming about the driveway because that’s kind of a sticky wicket. And, and parking lots, but it’s a special difference is original to with Calkins to the massive overhaul of the house and the garden. And so it does apply. So that’s great news, obviously. But to be able to show the readers, the grant applications, just how huge this story that the driveway is, and why it’s important to preserve it is going to be part of our language and the content of the application and also the pictures.

Unknown Speaker 19:51
Let us know if anyone has any questions. But we also included a crude photo of the house which is beautiful. It’s perfect for what we need to show.

Unknown Speaker 20:05
If anyone has any questions or any comments, or any concerns, please. So we can address it

Unknown Speaker 20:20
before it opened right on track, we were gonna be very close to being complete, which is

Unknown Speaker 20:28
huge undertaking. For sure. Great. I think the content is wonderful. It’s very powerful. It’s what we’re asking for. So I believe

Unknown Speaker 20:43
it just as an FYI, if we are awarded the grant, then we’ll have to issue an RFP and get bids, again. So that’s required both by the state but city. So the earliest we could start work would be sometime in 2020, which is just around the corner. Gary, I’ll have to talk to purchasing about how we break this up. Because it would be nice if we could get started on the window in the library sooner, not only because of the state of the window, but also because we could do it in our offseason, instead of trying to do it. While we’re really busy. It’s a good

Unknown Speaker 21:25
time to be able to do that. So we will be here from the district, Colorado, July 22, as we hear their feedback, feedback or feedback thereafter, once we submit August 1, I think it’s

Unknown Speaker 21:44
over I think it’s around October 1 is it what happened with the the delay had to do with some stipulation part of it or the we’re still working, we’re still working on that. So there’s just the understand there’s a there’s a we have to see has to sign an agreement, a 20 year covenant with the state, which basically says that any changes or modifications were made to the house have to be submitted for their review this so that they can be sure that we’re not affecting the historical nature of the property. So we’re in the process of that’s the reason why we were delayed in going to cancel or one of the reasons we were delayed to go in Council is the covenants. So I sent a note to the State Historical fund to get some clarification on that. So that Jeff, I think all it is is an ask I mean, the lambda landmarking pretty much does the same thing. You know, the historical marking, especially for the exterior of the property, but the circle, a marking really doesn’t affect what we do inside. And I think they want say in both what goes on outside and inside,

Unknown Speaker 23:05
which will always operate under the idea of exactly what was there before in the first place. So yes, I don’t think it was just more a matter of explaining. So you have to do you know, you have this

Unknown Speaker 23:27
tax called article went? Why was it dated? 71? Wow, I don’t know. I’d have to go look, I

Unknown Speaker 23:33
think to the museum in the archives bit pictures of everything that’s in there. And if you hit copy, there are a bunch of attempts to get the correct one. You don’t want that gladly ticket or it’s been in here for I don’t know how long so? Check the scrapbooks. It’ll definitely happen, then. Yes. waffle breakfast. Breakfast. It’s

Unknown Speaker 24:00
a picture of dinner club night. My husband’s grandparents are in the dinner club Potter. But anyway, that’s conditioning handy. So that’s why it’s like, let’s be careful with that.

Unknown Speaker 24:16
Because what I’ll do is I will probably take it to Eric recently. And add it to that. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 24:23
guess if that’s what needs to be. Yes. And I also kept the actual Judas before I have the deed to the property when they Yeah, you sent us on such a scam for that. I guess I want to look for it last night and I don’t know which file and stuff. But anyway,

Unknown Speaker 24:40
well we look at that, see what you have because what I did is I called the recorder and a fee and had them provide me with a true copy of the deeds. So I would like to make sure that what you have is what we have exactly. Thanks to the layout they went across, they don’t do that anymore, or they go across the whole page. This way. Look how big the page is. Fabulous. Ben, do you want to see it? I don’t want to touch it. I’m like,

Unknown Speaker 25:36
not okay. Because Yeah, it’s especially great. Yeah, my, my little blog posts I’ve gotten in there.

Unknown Speaker 25:56
If you buy a special, like envelope pair covered, put in that acid, yes. I have some of those. So I will likely do that by

Unknown Speaker 26:09
sitting in my basement. She has all kinds of comments. Okay. I will make sure. Yes, that’s okay. Let’s move to new business. And artwalk, which is the selection of artists is going quite well. Right now.

Unknown Speaker 26:38
We’ve got four confirmed of the first one, Diane wood is one that Marina has been speaking I haven’t actually touched base with her son, I have to touch base with Maria to make sure she’s conservative.

Unknown Speaker 26:50
And I may have told her wrong because when we talked about that, I wasn’t aware that you did a lot of painting demonstrations. I think that was before I came or something. It may have been she did it on the front, right. I don’t remember that. So I think it might have been the year before I came or something. I’ll call so I was going to talk to her today and say Diane can do it on the porch if she wants to. I wasn’t aware of that.

Unknown Speaker 27:12
So I may we may have to think about where we put her if Doug does the music. Yeah, that’s the only thing but well, we can figure that out.

Unknown Speaker 27:19
Right. So I’ll we’ll touch base with Marina on that. And then we have Deb Nichols. She does her floral paintings of Jeff Gauthier and he’s been here before he does a beautiful wood carvings. Okay, sentences, g au th II are very nice. I’m thinking that maybe this year instead of putting him upstairs because we normally afford to keep it that way. But we could use the dining room for him to set

Unknown Speaker 27:47
his Yeah, he just needs to bring less stuff. Yeah, that’s Kathy’s comment. He had a lot of stuff left.

Unknown Speaker 27:54
We had we had to like an L shape get set him up. And so as some of this stuff was quite big. Yes. was just beautiful. He was upstairs. So you may he was in the meeting room last time when we click Yeah, it was where he wanted to be exact. That’s what he asked for. Yeah. And outside if we wanted to. So he that’s still available, right? If it is what we can also put him in now how subway, he won’t get as much traffic. Yeah. Unless you unless you Yeah, I think that would be so. And then I found a new girl. And I saw her. Have you seen her art? Her name is Jenna sick cow is ICP au. She does watercolors that are kind of like feathery of animals. And it’s just beautiful. And I contacted her and she’s going to come to so that’s for artists.

Unknown Speaker 28:45
I think that’s that’s what I was. I think that’s plenty for one out of COVID. Yeah, we don’t want to crab too much. So

Unknown Speaker 28:52
I was just thinking that with Diane with does go on the porch. We might have room for one more in the house. If somebody wants to recommend somebody. Definitely at least look into it. But so just let me know. Otherwise, I’m pretty sure I’m just going to I don’t have a photographer. And you know, usually we have that’s neither here nor there. Really. But anyway, if you do have somebody you want to recommend, just let us know. Sure.

Unknown Speaker 29:15
Sure. You can sure talk to that. Husband and wife. Oh yeah. I can’t think of his name. I got an event. My tongue. Yeah. Yeah, they both do really nice work. If you really wanted to add somebody else. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 29:31
Music live a No, I just need to send an email to the Bronson and see if he’ll do it. He’s never said no. Yes. And it’s great fun. I think we have plenty. I mean, and gotten my partner with Oh, you mean we need one?

Unknown Speaker 29:51
Yeah, we have Devon Nichols. And she does she say? Oh, no, no, she but she does florals. I’m sorry. You met somebody out in the park. You used to have a lady who didn’t. Why do you think that was? She’s She’s, she’s I know she’s probably not.

Unknown Speaker 30:08
Well, sunset is 715 on that day, okay. So I think the gardener, it’s easier and may not just because of the light issue. We have had that guy with the metal sculptures. The problem the problem with some of the gardener is, sometimes they bring their stuff and they don’t take it away. We, like the guy, the guy that had the big metal flowers and stuff, we literally had to call in and say Come get your stuff. We have a wine. We have the lady with the worldly gigs. Yeah. Well, we also had that lady that used to make the totems out of the Yeah, the plates and dishes and stuff. And those are beautiful, but she doesn’t do it anymore. So we maybe we’ll just keep our eyes open at our festivals and fairs and see if we can find somebody that would be appropriate in the garden.

Unknown Speaker 31:03
And that’s actually how I found this. Jenna, I was at a household show up in Loveland. She was in coffee with a friend one day, and a lady came and set up an easel and was painting in the time we sat there at coffee, maybe 45 minutes. She did. Maybe Yeah, it was gorgeous.

Unknown Speaker 31:26
Yeah, yes. I never never. I did that all the shows. Yeah, interesting.

Unknown Speaker 31:33
I try not to do it too much. Because I don’t want to hoard. You know, I don’t want to disappoint. So I’d rather under commit over deliver there, tell people they can come and not have room for them. So the one thing

Unknown Speaker 31:46
I have to do now with the artists that we do have confirmed that if anybody else comes up is give them the instructions. And that consists of I try to make sure we’re seeing as we’ve done in other years, and that is from New to one we have set up. So we need that to come. I need to know how many floor easels still need and we don’t have a huge amount of tabletop easels. Combat but five each I usually limited to five No, yeah, unless they really well. And then somebody doesn’t want that. Maybe we have more. I have to read them though. See, that’s why they know how many so so that’s my to do so I will definitely get that letter. So

Unknown Speaker 32:24
do you want to do set between we tried three to 420 19? Which Did you like better? I have no opinion. 12 to one or three to four.

Unknown Speaker 32:37
The nice thing about three to four is if the artists have traveled a lot. They live farther away. They don’t have to have three hours of playtime, you know, right? So, are they all local? Are they reasonably local? In fact, hey, Diana would I guess is Deb Nichols is Jeff is up in Lyons and Jenna. I believe she’s Loveland. So not too far, but still. You know, it’s such a, you know, they could hang around town for a couple hours or Well, what’s your I think we need to do what’s convenient for us. For me, it doesn’t matter because either way, we’re here in Salem, if we have it at noon to one, I have to clean out COMM And then go home and come back again, or the state through it. So we have any other input on that or settings for you and me and the artists. So I was built for the three to four setup, and then they’re here, right? You know, I think

Unknown Speaker 33:39
for for you. Yep, it does. And we’re usually pretty quiet. So if anybody you know, it’s not quite done by for I don’t think it’s a huge, huge crisis. a textbook. Yeah. It’s just Saturday, September 11. aren’t going to forget. Okay, so three to 448.

Unknown Speaker 34:02
And then the show is four to eight. What we also need is to have several of us here, we can split it up is what we usually do, it’s only four will be five hours if we started three. So if somebody wants to take the first, they usually

Unknown Speaker 34:17
do four to 636 30 to eight. For the shifts. Yeah, yeah. So we have a little bit of an overlap. Do we want to start the first

Unknown Speaker 34:28
shift at three since we’re actually no, no 630? Everybody here three, just human. I know everyone just knows to be here about 10 minutes before your

Unknown Speaker 34:41
time. Actually your Start Time is 446 and six to eight. Let me We always had a half hour overlap. Yeah. In case people had to go home early or come home late, right. So we weren’t left without staffing. So four to six and six to eight.

Unknown Speaker 34:59
It says something To be here, three Oh, can I put this leadership up? Yes. Okay, so that’s me and who else wants to be on? For sure, Kathy. I’ll be here to ask me. I can do. Okay, I’ll do whatever you need. I’m flexible too. So. Okay, so we got Cathy, me and candy taking in 68, who was

Unknown Speaker 35:25
caring and caring, limited caring parent, what? drew me worried. Here’s where it would be good. Right.

Unknown Speaker 35:31
So I’ll squeeze in Warren right morning, Janet and Connie. Right. Wherever wherever they want to be really? Yes, we’re pretty much covered here. Well, I think we need to split. Because we need to have courage upstairs and downstairs. That’s true, right? Not and one person can’t cover, right? cover. Somebody can cover the upstairs easily. One person cannot cover the downstairs.

Unknown Speaker 35:57
And also, the second shift usually helps a little bit of this request the chair on teardown. Yeah, sure. I turned out to 830. Because I just I always knew and I stay late.

Unknown Speaker 36:09
Also, Jacqueline can come. But if she has an opportunity to work for free, it’s pointless. She gets a lot more money. They’re so sure. Well,

Unknown Speaker 36:16
we’re actually here because it’s not necessary. It’s an additional expense we really need to have. We’ll see she she helps a lot. If it makes sense. Okay, just to reiterate them, we have my son has a gig. And

Unknown Speaker 36:30
we’ll have to set up three before we find the word for four to six and six to eight. Four to six would be Kathy myself and candy 16, Karen and Karen and then Marina to Jim jam to J potty. And Caitlyn is 646.

Unknown Speaker 36:52
Well, do you want to do four to 630, and it’s six to 830. So there’s a little overlap. And we have four to 630 and six to 830. We’re like practice I keep having to rethink stuff we’ve already done.

Unknown Speaker 37:05
Yeah. Okay, and then when do you want, I’ll send the letter out in a few weeks to the artists, I have kind of a website that I use. Now just to touch up all the changes. So about two weeks before, I should definitely get the number of measles and everything.

Unknown Speaker 37:28
Okay, so that’s at all what I’ll do is I’ll put a stake in the ground with fall events for an order so that they don’t all go somewhere else. And then we can just tweak it when you can count.

Unknown Speaker 37:39
And then one question on that artwork. Number two, you ever written sponsorship? What is what do you mean by that?

Unknown Speaker 37:45
We have always, at least since we started like officially participating, we’ve always paid for a sponsorship with art box so that we can get into the advertising. And I’m still trying to talk to Elaine. She’s committed every week to meet with me and we still haven’t been met. So we’re supposed to meet tomorrow. So hopefully I’ll have an answer.

Unknown Speaker 38:06
Okay. So Alright, well, that’s all I have on our blog. And again, call me if you have any suggestions.

Unknown Speaker 38:15
What I don’t know about the sponsorship is since they’re doing it all summer. I don’t know if they’re actually doing any printed materials for September 11. But if they’re not doing printed materials, then it really doesn’t. We don’t gain anything by having a sponsorship. So that’s the question. I need her to answer for me before I hand her money.

Unknown Speaker 38:37
That’s kind of how we play anything on the city website. Here. We will. Okay, my list. Okay. That’s all I have on our walk. The next one is Santa. I was talking to my talking to work for me. Yeah. That’s a little bit of sad news or normal fantasy. It’s, uh, john

Unknown Speaker 39:05
has some physical medical issues that he’s that he’s struggling with. And so he is significantly limiting his appearances. And it’s also doing a lot of virtual stuff as opposed to in person stuff. He’s, he’s walking with a walker having some issues. He and I had a long discussion and I think what we decided was in the format that we need, and that we have done in the past. It’s really not his kind of gig anymore. So Sam Calhoun gave me the name and email for the Santa that the city’s using for Longmont lights, his name is Pete shrinker. I think that’s how you pronounce it. Me. And Pete and I have had a very preliminary conversation but he has agreed to do it. I am hoping that we’re going to go with our normal day. Which is the first Saturday or first Friday of December, which would be December 3. So I wanted to get you guys to prove the date or recommend an alternate date if that doesn’t work. And so that we can get back to you with a date and time that’s fixed. And then and then we can go from there. Yes, those lifeguarding for the city and the other. The other good news for us is St. Pete is a city employee. So since Pete gets paid city employee prices, so instead of, you know, $100 an hour percent p, we’re probably gonna be paying somewhere less than 30. I don’t know what the exact number is. So yeah, Sam said she had it, but I didn’t get it. I think it’s actually under 20. But that’s neither here nor there can’t be avoided when you have something with Calyon. Oh, sorry. Once you have on the third is the December meeting and the lunch. Oh, we’re only packing the third. That’s what we did the last time and that’s what people wanted to do was do it all in one day. So we did. We did we did it in 2018. We did. We did it? 2019. Mmm, we affected that. Yeah, what we voted for was to do the meeting, and then the lunch and then the sands open house. That’s where we were all broke. Amazing, amazingly well. Because honestly, the meeting the meeting that day is very short. It’s really more of a gift exchange and a lunch. I already have the lunch booked because I called Suzy at, you know, 10 minutes after we opened up for COVID and said, Would you just take our lunch and move it to this year? So that’s already booked? Are we all dressed up? So

Unknown Speaker 41:57
right? That’s true. Here we go. So what time are we doing the meeting at 10. And then we usually do a gift or an exchange. And then the lunch is at noon.

Unknown Speaker 42:10
And then

Unknown Speaker 42:13
I was thinking we could either do four to 730 or 330 to 730. Santa Pete’s probably got more bandwidth and energy in Santa john. We need to think I need to know if we need to set on the date and the time so that we can get it into the brochure. And into the light when when the dates when the tide comes up for December. So thoughts. I like doing it a little earlier, which we originally did with Santa john, because we get the little the little babies you know, and the kids that aren’t in school if we start at 330, which gave people a chance to bring the infants and the preschoolers before we got mobbed with elementary school kids. Seems investment started preparing, I think we should start at 330 and goats and cut the line off at 730. So so it would probably be 330 to eight. That does that seem too long for you? Now, I’ll have to clear that with Pete too. But I want to have some agreement here before I. So starting at 330, we start at 330 and go to basically the we would cut the line off at 730.

Unknown Speaker 43:38
So December 3, if somebody want to make a motion, I would so move the third of December 337, three heartsaver to work on an email through my voice.

Unknown Speaker 44:00
Okay, so we have an all in agreement for Pete if the tides change, I’ll let you know. And of course we’re not going to plan for it yet. Okay. The other thing I would ask is that she starts thinking about your availability either the week before Thanksgiving or the week after thanksgiving to decorate.

Unknown Speaker 44:27
Anything else on Santa’s Christmas? Let’s move on then to the permanent sign planting plan. And again, I’ll turn it over here.

Unknown Speaker 44:38
still only have a working plan of what’s going to go in the bed around permanent sign.

Unknown Speaker 44:47
We’ve made a couple of changes to it based on Anna who grows suggestions and a couple of suggestions from the end. And I think we’re open to hearing if there’s any particular point or we or something that you guys think would be nice to include in there. And so if you wouldn’t mind, email that to me, let’s say, by this Friday, because I’m going to meet with a legitimate flower band to go over and make sure spacing is appropriate size is appropriate. And we have a good plan and come back to the show Anna and say, how do we think this works great work are getting really close. And and I’d like to get them purchased as soon as possible. I need to double check with them about their ability to help them pay for them now they can open plants till we’re ready to play. Or what that meant.

Unknown Speaker 46:04
Well, if this was if this kind of other kind of holds we could plant now. I just don’t want to play it when there

Unknown Speaker 46:13
is a spring sprinkler system good there now just after up and we’re probably not going to but I mean, does it get at least hit with

Unknown Speaker 46:22
so I was gonna say the grounders nice and moist because of the launch. Yep. And the truth is I’ve never had that hit by that curtain. Mm hmm. Yeah, yes. But that was a big deal. That’s a big expensive deal. But, yeah, I don’t want to do that again. Anywhere. We could put it but it wouldn’t have gotten to that hole. Yeah. Yeah. I think it’ll be so just please, if anyone has any other thoughts in their minds about three meals that they think would be vehicle killer on that side? And we’re trying to keep on Whoa, yeah. Yes, I can email them to you all in the same group that I sent back in September 2019, before I left the board for a year, but we’ve switched out instead of the Carolyn’s Penstemon. Even though it’s big, it’s slowly and open, it would grow a little bit time tensional Lee block. So we’ll set that and have a wonderful idea as about putting in Minnie, Minnie Mouse and miniskirt, pastas. Beautiful to say the hospice. So they don’t, they don’t grow tall, they kind of grow. And they make like to make us surrounded with money. And so if we don’t end up doing a border around the house solution for that metal edging, to protect that middle edge, composite edge, which is prettier, dark brown, blends and looks Woody. So that might be an option. If we can’t do that. How do we cover this metal thing? With please, because we’re concerned, our concern is that turning and milling might damage clients if we’re having too close to the border. So the solution will be proposed the border

Unknown Speaker 48:26
and we don’t want to create a maintenance issue just by trying to make the same premium. Create a turf issue

Unknown Speaker 48:34
that I can certainly today, I’ll email all the board members the list again, and the planting pictures and things that we’re looking at so that you’ll have a visual and an understanding of how it would look just like the placement of each of the columns on the outsides of the columns.

Unknown Speaker 49:02
So keep that in reverse, but not too bushy. Not so free narrow relief stay nice and compact compact inside. It’s very upright. But yeah, you get the ornamental grasses that get about three feet tall to this day kind

Unknown Speaker 49:19
of thing. Yeah, I have one that had this view those chairs. He really did to grow up the grasses out there again, right yeah.

Unknown Speaker 49:30
We don’t have any any ornamental grass in the yard. I think we put in a couple that had some interesting color there. They’re more like a Japanese grass but they’re very good that I when we put in all those plants last year, we did not put in any grasses so they actually irrigated water real fast. I just because I know they’re Thomas, Katie, but they shed their seeds everywhere. Everywhere. Yeah. I’m not saying all right. No, but I’ll eat No, that’s true. Oh, no. We have plenty already. What? They’re really pretty, but they’re very tall. And they have those purple Bell flowers. And they’re very invasive and because of all the rain this year, they’re everywhere. We’ve been trying to eradicate the for five years later, we found a home there, whether it’s going to pull them all this week or next week. But they spread underground. They have kind of

Unknown Speaker 50:30
crazy and that was it was good and shade that’s really low is just paradise. Yeah, that is it. Even when the flowers again, it’s pretty. Yeah, the state is really low.

Unknown Speaker 50:41
JACK Frost’s are pretty, too. They get like a purple flower stock, they have a green leaf with white variation in it. And then they have a purple stock flower, those those are doing quite well out here by the autohaus.

Unknown Speaker 50:55
Did we want to have all premiums? We talked before about we need to leave a hole in the middle? Yeah. Leave some space. And we’ll see the patient is very popular. Probably becoming Yes. Yeah. Yeah. But we’re going to do really well. So I’ll be about to be back by Friday, if you wouldn’t mind it to be able to come up with this to consider within the next couple of weeks.

Unknown Speaker 51:31
anymore on the flowers. Can we move? Okay, and then the next thing is historic west by walking tours, which once again, I will turn.

Unknown Speaker 51:42
Yeah, well, when I was at the museum, diving through the archives, and just enjoying myself. I’ve talked to Eric, there. I tell you that little treehouse up there.

Unknown Speaker 52:02
Pretty views. But anyway, I mentioned to him that I really enjoy going on his downtown historic walking tours, both east and west sides. And I asked him, you know, I on the tours, I hear other people saying that they would love the opportunity to go inside one of the historic homes. Actually, that’s not possible because they are all privately owned. And so I said your possible would you include a little bit of your time into or would you be interested in completing an inside tour? For your historic speaking, one sided love is a wonderful. So that immediately mentioned immediately.

Unknown Speaker 52:56
Yes, which is out there on a Friday. It’s Tuesday. He was like, let’s do that. And of course, I was going out of town. I said, Cathy, guess what you’re doing next Tuesday.

Unknown Speaker 53:07
You’re available out right. And I was like, I promise I will cover that was in September. But I think we need to hop on this because it’s a wonderful opportunity to then use the include the museum and the wonderful history tours, and have a Calvinist interior open available to the community that might so so. Yes, so we are going to go ahead and continue with that. Going forward. He does have very minimal tours. I bought a book quickly. I mean, students that posted 12

Unknown Speaker 53:45
people at a time. Yeah. Curious, uh, they weren’t hidden so they can hear he speaks and he only has so many headsets.

Unknown Speaker 53:55
But it’s both tourists from wonderful east and west side either. If you have to recommend them. He doesn’t wonderful job is incredibly interesting. It’s always just a joy. So to Africa that they have a data set, they are Gen Z marry Yeah, there are some that are day and then there’s some that are usually evening cemetery but you have to look at the museum website to find when they’re painting or if you’re a member of the museum, you can nicely notice. I guess it’s common to mark the calendar sign up because it looks caricature art. Okay, because you were talking about it talking about it on your list, right. So, but that’s a wonderful thing. And I am hoping that if you ladies are okay with it. It’s something that I don’t want to pop on, Kathy so I’m hoping that the board This will also agree to be present for those short chairs. Again, so I might as well. But But as part of our responsibility is, you know, to be able to be in the drive, but I will welcome your help if you want to be Yeah, good to be here help answer questions even better in house just, yeah. We had a pleasant experience for,

Unknown Speaker 55:27
I’m not sure has any setup in September, he told me he would let me know. He told me he was quite an exam. So maybe his keep the questions. For now. Yeah, he waits to get a schedule out. But and I can respect that. So. But yes, I told him, I will be available. It’ll depend on if he comes during the daytime if we have clubs. So. Alright, right, let’s move on. Other business, I could think of one thing for other business. And actually, it probably should have been in the business. And I forgot to email, the brochures and the self guided tours, specifically self guided tours. And I know you’re talking about the brochures because you’re reproducing the self guided tours both those materials, we need to update them. I have some updates for them. I’d like to have anyone who’s interested in helping with update them get together with me so that we can properly do the revisions prior to the September 11. Prior to when you go to press with or maybe go up to ask for the history brochure. So we’re out right, so simply assuming next week, next month, September.

Unknown Speaker 56:44
Well, in the meantime, I’m just reprinting their pet that the print is not great, because my printer doesn’t have the right capacity. But probably August, okay, I’m trying to get bids for right now. I need to go for swelling and get a bid from the guy said print brush. Recreation brochure. Now

Unknown Speaker 57:02
you said on the self guided tour, that syllable staple. What exactly are the curse of dates that are kind of things that need to be changed, some of the content needs to be tweaked. And flow changed a little bit more us

Unknown Speaker 57:22
entering the house and going from room to room. So why don’t I be glad to help you? And I can just see now and check in with you knows your schedule? Yes, everyone. After the submission of the grant, you know, is that okay? Because you said August?

Unknown Speaker 57:50
I don’t think it’s going to I print the word vibrant tours here. So we don’t go to print for those. And I can print the history. But sure. I would like to wait till after the first of August. I’m giving that to you as long as you’re okay with crazy marketing brochures till I find. Okay. I’d rather I want to get Cypriot done. And honestly, we were picking up a lot of events. There’s a lot of that work right now. And so I want to talk to first of August, have priorities, training here. Everything was right.

Unknown Speaker 58:29
Actually, well, I’m multitasking on many levels. I have seven, eight events right now that I’m trying to crank out estimates and contracts and walkthroughs. And we have two ways the first week, August. So I don’t want to take I don’t want to commit to something that can’t do that. And I can’t I appreciate that. So let’s finish the grant. And then we’ll move on to the next.

Unknown Speaker 58:54
Just two quick groceries. Like any other other. Anything else I want to bring up. All right, let’s move on to our future agenda items. And I was going to give that to Kathy but these are her favorite. Okay, but this is what I’m using right now. And this is this is one of these I know. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 59:20
But those are the ones we’re out completely out. Okay, so I already made some of the changes. So I think it’s pretty close.

Unknown Speaker 59:31
I think completely changing.

Unknown Speaker 59:33
Did you have problems? Can I just get together beforehand, if just by chance to talk about things. And then

Unknown Speaker 59:39
I don’t want to make change? I just want to change the words. Right. Let’s not change the format at all. Oh, yeah. Yeah, terrific offset. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But if we get together and it doesn’t have to, we don’t have to bother you. That’s fine. The other one is for heart’s content because it’s just a document. Right, right. Yeah, this is laid out in publisher so I don’t want to rework it. Yes. Okay. All right.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:07
I think that’s all the other business we have. So we’re gonna move on to future agenda items. And Cathy. Parents meeting Yes. Well, I

Unknown Speaker 1:00:20
put up it, I suggested these for the internet, I thought of and priority, the year before I set off with that, and, and I and I’m the one who kind of does going on having any annual past and present to board members, house managers tea, which I think is important to continue. So I’m hoping we’ll do that again this year. It does serve two purposes, it brings them to basically this sisterhood together. Past in the present, helps us all to share what’s happening with the house now. And what’s coming, it helps to really engage board members who may be interested in stepping back on the board at some point, it also helps to get the word out through them whenever we’re needing to fill a vacancy on the board or for vacancies coming up. So I think that that’s something that I’m coming backwards to see is something that we should probably talk about to play and when that would happen this year. And thinking part goes hand in hand with what Connie’s response was in that she said, are we doing anything for the 150th celebration. And so we can kind of be back feedback, the two are combined to so that the 100, pickiest would probably current garden just be open event for the community. But potentially the beginning of that could be happening to gathering past present for mentors and how simple chairs can lead you to open government celebration.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:17
Find out crazy about having a public event, the SharePoint has got too much going on. So that’s just my two cents worth are these future agenda items that we’re going to talk about now. I will just a brief version of them. We can talk about next next month,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:36
going back to a house manager for us. We don’t have all of the house manager photos up on the wall. And I mentioned, we don’t have pictures yet mentioned in 2019. Hey, we need to properly honor house managers and let’s get some things of service. And I think we can collect them. It’s just going to take some effort. So that’s something that we can

Unknown Speaker 1:03:07
do with Paul in the future. And I worked with Paul was there was a newspaper article on her I remember, they had a nice picture of her at the time. So

Unknown Speaker 1:03:17
yeah, I would have been in less than probably 50 senior managers and we get basic reaction. Wow. Yeah, that might not be I think we need to give names we can do heading forwards.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:30
I think we can tackle it. So the the the house scrapbook, I think we need to update that. Obviously, there are things. I don’t know that anyone’s really looked through it. But there are things that are probably that are not in there. So I’d like us to Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:03:49
I really hope he did for probably five or six years or so ever seen. To get started used to collect things for it. But nobody since I’ve been here, nobody’s taking a very active interest in it. So

Unknown Speaker 1:04:05
what do you do with those scrapbooks? Well, you can leave them open. In open house events, you can leave them set out and

Unknown Speaker 1:04:14
people don’t really look at them that we tried that if they wanted. Yeah, that’s the scrapbooks. Mostly just sit and most of the scrapbooks that are here cover you know like a decade you know, at a time ish and setsu younger left there really hasn’t been anybody’s any interest in them. So it’s the your points well taken was the oldest in the 70s and recently 70 ish. So we haven’t really maintained them and there really hasn’t been a ton of stuff to put in other than pictures, more pictures and stuff. A troubled article, so we’ll have to decide what that looks like. And if somebody is interested enough to do it,

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
It’s a job.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:03
I’m hoping someone or others might be interested in joining me in that process, because I do think it’d be worthwhile. It’s kind of an art because over the house molecule, host everything that we’re hanging everything on the walls, there are definitely tons of people. We want to look trusted in seeing you know, what the original posts look like, we have that photo, we can prepare this, these are things that I think are important to share with the public, whenever they’re asking for it, and to have them available readily apparent.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:39
It’s really not much different back to house manager photos. Because we don’t, we don’t have we do have some pictures of me in the garden that are more informal.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:52
So we get a nice head. Start from now. You guys knew some of the more recent ones. Yeah. So we should start from here. And

Unknown Speaker 1:06:07
we can cover all of the this century. If you could just get a hold of me endlessly. That would give you 20 years and Yes, right. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:18
Literally. Now, even before that. She worked at Fox. Oh, God, God. She’s ready to Yeah. And march was there March came in. And there’s a whole list. We know we’re free. say let’s get what we can. But we do have a few pictures upstairs. Yeah, there’s a few old accounts which are nice to

Unknown Speaker 1:06:44
me. We’ve got Leslie and Mansell Sophia. pedals. Camp Phillips Marsh Connelly. Some of them are here. So such a shirt. 7789

Unknown Speaker 1:06:58
I think that’s I don’t know. I thought she was here left. I think there’s a picture of her upstairs. There’s a man if there was a man here. Yes, there was It’s Mr. Jang. 7071. Yeah, I think there was a man here.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:26
These are doable projects that we can do it. It’s not something that’s going to require your heart. If we if we can find them. That’ll be the trick. Yeah. Just the city have records. They were able to see employees so record or later. Yeah, yeah. shares are not not a thing. But you know, it’s really a way to contact the thing we really like they don’t.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:59
Yeah. And and not all of them. He doesn’t go back. I was the first test manager because it wasn’t. Let me see for Mary’s pictures up on the wall there. And she was actually very shy was the first

Unknown Speaker 1:08:17
house manager her pictures up there. Yes. See, that was 36. Today. Yeah. What 3838 is when 38 was a gift at the house. Okay. Okay. Okay, so

Unknown Speaker 1:08:31
this this woman lived. had to go Kendall she lived in? Well, people look at the year 2000. Yeah. Johnny Morgana. cabraser was their bedroom.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:44
Well, but to my to my office. Yeah. Right for him or the manager for him? Yeah. Came here. He asked me when I took the job if I wanted to live here, and I said, Oh, hell no. I don’t want to live and work in the same place. today. You don’t want to do Yeah, no. I used to think you have to have a shower. I get

Unknown Speaker 1:09:12
scared. alone. So I’ve been having trouble sleeping. Carlos. Carlos is a custodian in the Morton Memorial building. He wanted me to come in the door. He thinks he stands up the front door. He goes okay. All right. It’s interesting. Okay. I want to clarify myself that past president board members to what date or something that we should get your agenda, maybe next month’s agenda. Okay. Okay, so thank you. Do you want to agendize? Or you do that? Yeah. That pretty much covers our agenda. Before I move to adjourn, is there anything else you want to talk about? Karen?

Unknown Speaker 1:10:23
I, what’s so funny is when I was interviewing with Brian Bagley to come back on board. He said he served two terms that it’s wonderful. You’re you’re offering your service to him henhouse again. And then I went on my five minute interview. Now I just shared with him just how beautiful the homes and its purposes is a treasure. I mean, how amazing you know, their views were at that time and family, what do you think?

Unknown Speaker 1:11:05
So, purpose, anything. I do have one thing, do you need to start thinking about recruitment? positions open this year unless people opt back in. So just I just put a bug in your air that is coming up. Okay. I met Paula Fitzgerald the other night, wrote the book about all the parts. And she worked for the city. And I didn’t say anything to her, but afterwards, I thought yeah, yeah. I thought what I thought, yeah, but obviously, if people are just in there first turn and they want to re up, but we need to at least start thinking about that and you know, just back your mind. Because if we leave it till the last minute, we end up with open slots.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:01
Yeah. Okay. Can you hear me? Okay. Notes. Writing. Okay, then I can I have a motion to adjourn? Second. All right. Thank you.

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