Longmont City Council Regular Session – June 29, 2021

Video Description:
Longmont City Council Regular Session – June 29, 2021

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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All right, it’s seven o’clock. Let’s go ahead and get started. I’d like to welcome everyone to the first in person regular session meeting the city council in quite some time. So well over a year. And so I recognize some of you, whoever the gentleman here is in the front.

You don’t look good at all.

But oh, you’re Harold. Now Welcome everybody. We’re excited to be back and and excited to be off zoom. So I’d now like to call June 29 2021. llama city council regular session to order Can we please start with roll call?

Mayor Bagley here Councilmember Christiansen here. Councilmember Duggal faring here, Councilmember Martin, here. Councilmember Peck.

Councilmember Rodriguez here. Councilmember waters? Mary, you have a quorum. All right. Great. Thank you. Councilmember Christiansen this is this is a new system. By the way, you’ll notice that the rooms all redone. It’s beautiful. We had a ribbon cutting earlier. This is a new podium. It’s new software. So we’re all getting used to it. So occasionally, I’ll probably tonight ask if people intended to chime in or want to say things and if for some reason, I don’t call on you.

Wave your hand. Because I’ll need to, I’ll need to see it. So for first call public invited. So

yeah, we are gonna say the pledge. But just so everybody gets ready.

For so everybody’s here, except council member pack. her absence is excused, she called in early. So

as far as first call public invited to be heard goes, there’s going to be two ways we’re going to do it. First of all, those who have signed up on this sheet prior to seven o’clock, will be asked to come up and speak first, they will all be given three minutes. Then after that, during those four speakers, that slide will be presented on on the screen for our zoom and television callers. And then they’ll be asked to call in. And then when we start the call in section, we’ll close off that list. And then whoever’s called and we’ll go ahead and have them each take their three minutes or up to three minutes. So with that said, let’s go ahead and stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

All right, so that said can we have a motion to approve the June 8 2021 regular session minutes?

Just okay. It’s been moved by Councilmember Christiansen and it was seconded by Councilmember Councilmember toggle fairing.

So let’s go ahead and put it up and you know, seeing Councillor Christiansen, do you want to comment?

Okay, just just Blitz, hit the button and let’s just see. Perfect, I just tested it. Great. Alright, let’s vote.

All right, that Motion passes. Six to nothing with Councilmember Peck absent. So the motion carries the June 8 minutes are approved. Do we have anyone who would like to add any agenda revisions or have any documents to submit that kind of stuff?

Mayor I just wanted to point out there was a substitute document for item 12 b that I hope you all noticed a revised classification and paid plan that had a cover letter explaining the justification for some of the page changes. Okay, great. Thank you. All right. Let’s go on to city manager’s report. Anything


no report, Mayor Council.

Is this going quicker than zoom calls?

All right, so let’s go ahead and have a special report and presentation. The city of Long one annual comprehensive finance report and independent audit for 2020. Jim golden.

You guys can’t hear in the back row.

JOHN, I’m wondering if a door is john.

Hey, john.

Is it what about what about? Where are the speakers? Now? They’re back there. Is there a place in the room that would be easier to hear? I’m just wondering if we might move the table.

Like right back there.

Alright, well, john, just think maybe what you remove around the room, find a spot that the press can hear from and then we’ll move that will move the table for you. Okay, but will scream or maybe turn it up a little So, Mr. Golden times. Here’s

my hot. You’re more than hot. Alright, I’m the trail bunny here. So, Jim golden, Chief Financial Officer. Good evening. Tonight we are presenting you the 2020 annual comprehensive financial report. We have our auditors here tonight who will present their audit opinion from plant Moran. And first gonna have my staff come up and make a brief presentation on the results in the report. I do want to first acknowledge that their efforts this year, again, a significant effort putting together this annual financial report. And I have two here tonight, a couple of members of staff Deanne Hanson is going to come up the accounting manager and she’ll be making the presentation. Susie McGinley is also here, who is a lead accountant who worked on the report and some other staff Sammy Colson Karlin Gonzales, Kim Kluk have all been involved in this major effort. And I do want to point out we in the past, we have usually recognize the annual award from the gfo A for the annual financial report. And we did receive that for 2019. Although we are not making any presentation here tonight, but that is due to that same staffs efforts, and I wanted to acknowledge that. So with that, I’m going to ask Dan to come up and just make a brief presentation on some of the highlights of the report.

Hello, mayor and council. My name is Diane Hansen. I’m the accounting manager here at the city along Matt.

I’d like to thank everyone for your continued support of our operations. And I also want to make a special thanks to Suzy Megan Lee and Sammy Colson, who are our lead accountants

for all of the hard work they put into this Kaffir this year as usual, and along with the rest of our accounting team,

so the city engaged plant Moran to perform the audit of our financial statements.

We have Timothy St. Andrew here with us tonight, he directed the audit and will present auditor comments and respond to any questions from Council.

So the city finished despite despite

COVID the city did finish pretty strong.

We finished with a total net position of $1.3 billion.

The governmental activities made up $548 million of that and business type activities made up $757 million.

So that that’s an increase in net position of $64 million from 2019.

You can see in the financial highlights associated with city wide net position in the management discussion and analysis on page 28 of the comprehensive financial report.

You can also see more relevant information pertaining to fund balances and change a net position of the major government governmental funds on page 44 to 46 of the comprehensive financial report, as well as a summary of fund balances and the council communication on page four.

The major enterprise funds net position and working capital information can be found on page 54 through 55.

With a comprehensive report, and also there’s a summary in your council communication on page four.

or excuse me on page five.

We also have total net net total assets held in trust for retirement benefits. equaling 196 million. And this information can be found on pages 219 through 220 of your financial report, and on page five of your council communication.

Are there any questions regarding the report that I can answer before I called him up here?

No. Okay. So I’d like to introduce Timothy St. Andrew. He’s with plant Moran, and he directed the audit and will present his comments. Thank you. And just in case any event, people at home are frustrated about the slides, again, it’s a new, it’s a new system. And so the slides are currently

in the ether. We have the slides, we can see the slides. We just can’t broadcast the slides. So we were aware of the problem. Stay tuned for next Tuesday.


Okay. Thanks, Jim. Thanks tn to Tuesday’s Good evening, everyone. I do appreciate you having me here tonight to talk about the audit results for the year ended December 31 2020. I am Timpson, Andrew, as you had mentioned partner play Moran. Before I get into the audit, deliverables and audit results, I would like to thank Jim DeAnn Susie, and really the whole team, overall great team to work with, easy to work with very responsive throughout the entire audit.

Moving on to the audit results, there are a few different audit deliverables that you should have received.

The main deliverable is the annual comprehensive financial report. And then we have the single audit report, which is the audit of federal awards, and that is included in that larger report. And then lastly, and what I’ll focus on tonight is the end of audit letter address the city council.

And to start, I would like to cover our audit opinions with you. So on pages 25 through 27 of the report, you’ll find our auditor’s report, we did issue an unmodified opinion that is a clean opinion. And what that means is that the the figures the disclosures within the report are materially are accurate, and stated in accordance with the accounting standards. And then starting on page 278 of the report would be our auditor’s report for the single audit. We did test three major programs this year. So the Coronavirus relief funds, Community Development Block Grant and Community Development Block Grant disaster recovery funds. We did not note any compliance issues with any other programs. So both audit opinions very clean.

The end of audit letter is essentially a follow up letter to the planning letter that you would have received back in April, the planning letter would have detailed out the scope and timing of the audit and the end of audit letter let you know that we perform the audit. And if we had any issues if there were any significant transactions, any deviations from the audit plan any significant deficiencies or other deficiencies within the internal control system. This letter is where we would communicate those to you.

I am happy to say that we didn’t have any of that. And so the letter as you read through it is about as vanilla as it gets. So overall, it was just a nice clean audit. There are a few things though, I would like to point out in the letter. And the first is at the bottom of page two top of page three, where we discuss accounting estimates. And I like to bring this up just just to let you know that not every single number within the financial statements can be agreed to an invoice or a receipt, there are management estimates within here.

There’s significant estimates that we identified worthy liability and expense related to pension and health care. And then the city’s estimate for unbilled revenue related to the utility related enterprise funds. So as part of the audit, we look at the estimates, we evaluate them, we test the assumptions in the factors that go into calculating those estimates, we were able to determine that they were reasonably stated. There is one estimate in here though we’re one assumption that we did point out and that’s the mortality table that’s being used for the pension valuation, which is used to calculate the city’s total pension liability. The city is currently using the RP 2000 tables, mortality tables. Those are outdated, there’s been two or three updates to those mortality tables. So what we would encourage the city to do is work with the actuary going forward to determine whether it would make sense to use the updated tables as it could have an impact on that total pension liability.

And pages five and six we have our what we call past adjusting journal entries. Now these are journal entries that were identified during the audit but not recorded by management as they were all deemed to be immaterial to the financial statements. We do agree with those conclusions but

We are required to communicate those to you as those charged with governance. And then the last page,

top half of it just has a little bit information on the American rescue plan act. All of this is based on the interim final rule. So it is subject to change, the comment period is open. So we do expect changes. But as plant Moran receives more guidance, as we receive more information, we’ll be coming out with webinars and materials, we’ll be sure to share that with the city. And then the second piece on the last page relates to cybersecurity. Our cybersecurity group is seeing a ton of activity out there right now, it’s not just the big ones that we hear on the news, it’s a lot of small companies, small municipalities, too. So we will just encourage you remain vigilant. And if you haven’t done any kind of external and internal

attack to identify vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the system, we would encourage you to do so. And then based on the results of those procedures, take corrective action.

With that, I’d be happy to address any questions that you may have.

Nope, I don’t think anybody in the in the queue you are 11. Councilmember Christiansen? I don’t have a question. I just want to thank you for a very comprehensive report and very careful. And I it’s an enormous amount of work you guys do? I don’t know why this is. Anyway. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Dr. Waters.

Sorry. Let’s try that again. We’re good. We’re good. Just real quickly, what is it for this kind of an audit? What would be the test of material finding? What’s the standard? it for you for it to become material? Yeah, so we look at it from a quantitative standpoint. So how big is the number and then we also look at it from qualitative. So what caused that issue. And then we have to evaluate if that internal control. And there are various levels. So we have we have material weakness, significant deficiency control deficiency. So anytime we have any type of pathogenic adjusting journal entry, like we have here, those would typically be control deficiencies.

Because it’s really hard to be perfect when you have 1000s and 1000s of transactions going through the system that we are going to find something we do everywhere. But then when we evaluate it, if it’s an isolated incident, or if we think based on the nature of those transactions, it just couldn’t be material or significant. That’s that would ultimately lead to our conclusion, is it an arbitrary number in terms of dollar discrepancy or a procedural? There are, by opinion unit, which is generally by fund, we would have different thresholds. So we have our top threshold, which would be material and then we actually scale it back to determine significant, not significant trivial, not a single material finding in this audience. Not a single one there. Sure. So I just would say to Jim Weldon and his team, what a remarkable job of accounting that represents. So thanks to Jim and his team.

Anything else? That’s all

help me, I did want to point out something when he talked about the work that they did, where they tested the CDBG, Dr. funds and the COVID relief funds. If you can remember, we were also the fiduciary for the Boulder County collaborative. So it wasn’t just the funds that we were putting in through the organization. It was also then pushing those funds into other collaborative agencies and staying on top of the reporting requirements required. And then when we looked at the CV, the first round of CV remember how fast it came in and with the deadlines. And so I didn’t want to skip over that knowing that just the complexity that we went through in terms of awarding the dollars tracking the dollars, the work with the financial department, but also Kathy fetlar and her group and Molly O’Donnell that worked on and kindra that worked on the bringing this all together in conjunction with finance when when you add that that was an anomaly on top of what we normally do on a daily basis with all of those federal funds coming in. It was good to see this because as we look at some of the other cities that received it, definitely not seeing that in the same light. But I wanted to point that out because that was a significant amount of money that we ran through the organization.

Thanks, Carol. And it’s already been said, but I echo Thank you, Jim golden, wherever you went. Good job to you and your team. All right. Thank you. All right. Let’s move on to anything else from the city.

Jim, is that it for the presentation, Herald any other special presentations now? Let’s move on to first call public invited. You heard Tim in the back, if you could please put up the slide that allows our viewers at home and if you can keep that up and

till we’re done with the four people who are about ready to speak in person, and then we will take it off and lock it down on the phone. So, first call public invite to be heard. We will begin with Karen dike

out of retirement.

And then keep James you’re on deck.

And we’ve got a timer right here. So I know you’re gonna time me again, aren’t you? Yep, yeah. Okay, go ahead all started after you say your name. Okay, mayor and council, Karen dikes 708 Hayden court. And it’s really glad I’m really glad to be back in person.

I note that when the gap bond issue funding is on the agenda tonight, the residents did approve this a few years ago and the council then wisely decided later that this water wasn’t really needed, and voted not to issue the bonds. I don’t know what study resulted in this issue coming back, but I asked that you consider what has changed since that vote. The predicted heat and changing weather patterns from climate change are becoming more apparent and widespread. The Colorado sun this morning had an article that discussed the 20 year western slope drought. As a result of the drought. Some state officials are calling for the first time to have fishing restrictions on the Dolores river and may also request this on the Animus and San Juan river due to the low levels. Also in that article, ranchers are seeking alternate pasture and are calling their herds fruit orchard south and east of grand Mesa predicts smaller crops. reservoir managers told the ute mountain ute tribe and other growers that they will only see 10% of their usual water allotment. Washington Post analysis of long term temperature records shows areas around Meeker and delta with some of the most severe warming trends in North America. These areas have warmed more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit since records began in 1895. This is double the global average. Leaders on the western slope are now asking Front Range water diverters, who have rights to send western slope river water under the Continental Divide for urban and suburban household water to release more flow West. We have Junior water rights, we likely won’t get much water in this drier world.

The report in the sun is just also focused on western Colorado perspective, not a national one. Other reservoirs throughout the West such as Lake Mead are in trouble. I suggest instead of a plan that diverts water from the western slope, and improved plan to save water must be made. several suggestions were brought forward in the early meetings of the climate emergency Task Force. I’m not sure which ones made it into the final plan, but it’s time to dust them off and begin planning for a change climate world. I repeat that we are in the beginning stages of climate chaos. The heat and drought will only get worse. Please don’t approve this bond issue. boondoggle. Thank you.

Thank you mistake.


And then Michael Farnsworth. If you’re here, you can come on up and have a seat up front if you’d like her to stay where you are.

And Mary Council. few questions. I gave you a call that you didn’t want to ask you want to state your name and James Juniper Street. Cool, then I’m gonna go ahead and start your time. All yours.

Did you get a message? I think I gave a call to a city council to give you a message. Do you get a message? I get a lot of messages which ones What? For a call about fireworks? I’ve got I got it. We got a lot of calls, but I made sure they gave you a call. Give you a desperate call about fireworks a few days ago. It was on June 24 2021.

Did you get a call? I’m pretty sure I talked to Don Quinta. Don quinto did we talk

so this located next door so I called you talking about fireworks. So the biggest concern is about fireworks.

What’s domestic terrorism domestic terrorism definition to domestic terrorism is about Okay, sorry about being scared right now cuz you just scared me about yelling at me. Cuz you were just joking about all this. And the biggest thing about this is fireworks during the day. at like, 2pm

that’s that’s domestic terrorism right there. You know, it’s all over.

The news. It’s all over Facebook. You guys can see it correct. So what I’m asking you, mayor and council, what do you guys gonna do during it? You guys can read it. I’m not the only one. I’m a soldier. I’m retired,

I trained some of your guys’s kids to go to combat. I was a drill sergeant. I’m 100% disabled.

I shouldn’t have to be there during two, three in the afternoon.

There’s elderly.

And I’m asking you guys, what are you going to do about that? I expect to see that on the next agenda. Because you’re police. They’re not trained.

They’re only on ours. They’re not trained on proficiency. In the military, we go on proficiency. We go on a standard.

We don’t see that in any civilian force. You guys were only on ours. Let’s hit those hours. How many more minutes? Do I have?

A minute. Okay. My next thing because the definition of domestic terrorism is on any activities involving act dangerous to human life and definition in 2020. It was updated. So if you want to look at that, Mr. Mayor.

Please look at that. And then I will also like to see during the grants for 2019 during COVID 100% of the businesses. None of them were Hey, I want to see an audit. I was denied. I’m 100% disabled.

I didn’t get any money during that.

This is ridiculous.

I would like to see a community come together.

This is all I have. Thank you. Okay, thank you, sir. All right, microphones worth.

And then Gordon Vidro, you’re up next.

Good evening, good evening, council members, microphones over 25 College court, Longmont, Colorado.

Parking patrol, you cut our throats

been uncovered parking control for a couple of years. And enjoyed that. We would go out check for handicap parking. People

not paying any attention to having a handicap sticker and be


to see that the people parking in those handicap places had handicaps. Once we did that, we would go and look for cars that had an expired plate.

Not this long ago, I saw a rather nice Toyota 403 years old running with the original tag.

Three years old.

Who’s going to take care of this in the future. People are saying why do I need to buy a sticker for my license plate? Nobody else is.

We the county was down for a while. But not this year. I got my sticker for my cars, January without any problem.


who’s going to take over the job that the parking patrol volunteers, we would spend two to four hours out. My partner and I covered almost every street in Longmont in a year and a half

and looked at every every street.

The two areas that were most profitable as far as looking at were behind the automobile dealerships where the technicians Park always was a few cars there that were out of sticker. Maybe license plates were illegal.

However, the police department going to handle this now in the future.

Anybody got an idea? We typically if you want to stick around, we’ll have a council will have an opportunity to make comments at the end of the meeting. Very good. Thank you.

Thank you, sir. All right, Pedro.

Marin council Welcome back to face to face meetings in long absence. Gordon Piedro 2639 Falcon drive Longmont. As most of you know, I’m a passionate advocate for sustainable manage growth for our community. Because I believe sustainable growth and quality of life go hand in hand. I have walked miles supporting some of your election campaigns. I haven’t

Ever advocated zero growth for long month. There was a huge difference between sustainable growth and zero growth. I’m aware of two people in the meeting tonight who have grossly distorted my position on growth matters. Mayor Bagley and Councilmember Martin after the long after the Trump administration made distortion, the absence of truth and alternative facts the normal way of doing government business at the national level. I guess it should not surprise us to see local politicians bring that mode of operation to Main Street, but it is disappointing. Mayor The following is a quotation from the June 2016 email you sent to the City Council staff and john fryer the Tom times call, quote, I am looking forward to hearing if any of my fellow council members, our mayor and council candidates in particular will embrace the recent zero growth idiocy. I questioned if long more people of color are single moms are elderly population, and long ones general poor standing willing to sacrifice their ability to survive. So Gordon Pedro and his crowd can have a quiet town and save two minutes on their commute to brunch.

In court. Mayor I do not believe my advocacy for residents to have a voice at the table, as the community plans for and developed its future is a threat to the economic survival of people of color single moms the elderly, the poor, could it be that the real threat to the population, this population is economic survival comes from huge cost impacts of unsustainable growth and the voracious appetite for additional taxes shown by some council members as they pursue expensive pet projects, such as $47 million a spouse $158 million Cultural Center, new taxes for library districts and ever increasing knowing the cost of adding stations that fail to bring exceptional value to our community. I believe we should learn from other places. In 2019. The city council members of Lakewood chose not to listen to their residents concern about growth issues. When ignored. Lakewood residents corrected the situation by initiative petitioner. I hope we can be more collaborative in Longmont. By the way, I’m not running for elected office. So those of you determined to distort my position on sustainable growth should find a better use of your time. And for the last second, I’d like to say we all owe Jim gold and his team a great creative attitude. They’ve been at this for a long time, and they’ve been getting these awards for a long time.

Alright, let’s go ahead and go to the call.

Do we have anybody on the call? No matter? No one’s called. Alright. And I’d appreciate again, I’m glad that nobody wanted to address the public. It’s their opportunity and we’ll get our opportunity at the end of the meeting. All right, let’s go ahead and move on to

Let’s see here. Let’s go on to consent agenda and a direction reading by title of first reading of ordinances.

Mayor item nine a is ordinance 2021 dash 31. A bill for an ordinance making additional appropriations for expenses and liabilities of the city of Longmont for the fiscal year beginning January 1 2021. public hearing and second reading scheduled for July 13 2021. Nine B is ordinance 2021 dash 32. an ordinance authorizing the issuance of the city of Longmont enterprise water revenue bonds series 2021 a public hearing and second reading scheduled for July 13 2021. item C one is ordinance 2021 dash 33. A bill for an ordinance approving the land use amendment to the Envision Longmont comprehensive plan for Irwin Thomas generally located south of highway 119 and east of Martin Street, public hearing and second reading scheduled for July 13 2021. c two is ordinance 2021 dash 34 a bill for an ordinance conditionally approving the Irwin Thomas first filing rezoning from beauty to Mr. RMF and our mn generally located south of highway 119 and east of Martin Street, public hearing and second reading scheduled for July 13 2021. item C three is ordinance 2021 dash 35. A bill for an ordinance approving the urban Thomas annexation number one concept plan amendment, generally located north and south of highway 119 east of Martin Street and west of 100/19 Street public hearing and second reading scheduled for July 13 2021 90. Is ordinance 2021 dash 36. A bill for an ordinance repealing and re enacting chapter 15 oh 2080 D and amending chapter 15 oh 4030 D 23 and chapter 15 1001 Oh II of the Longmont municipal code on short term rentals, public hearing and second reading scheduled for July 13 2021. Nine E is resolution 2021 dash 65 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city in the state of Colorado Department of Revenue Division of Motor Vehicles for Colorado driver’s license, record identification and vehicle

enterprise solution end user agreement. Nine F is resolution 2021 dash 66 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and Colorado State University for grant funding for research on st rain stream temperature and reproductive development of a native fish species. Nine G is resolution 2021 dash 67 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city of Longmont and the county of Boulder for transportation projects on state highway 66 and East County line road. Nine H is resolution 2021 dash 68 a resolution of the Longmont city council authorizing assignment to the Colorado housing and Finance Authority have a private activity bond allocation of the city of Longmont pursuant to the Colorado private activity bond ceiling allocation act. Nine high resolution 2021 dash 69 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the state of Colorado for a library grant. Nine j is resolution 2021 dash 70 a resolution of Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city in the state of Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs for a memorandum of understanding to provide review inspections and oversight for fire and related life safety issues at 1512 North Main Street in the city of Loma 9k is resolution 2021 dash 71 a resolution of the Longmont city council supporting the city’s grant application to the Department of Energy for the low how low greenhouse gas vehicle technologies Research Development demonstration and deployment program. And nine L is approved the 2021 Neighborhood Improvement Program grant recommendations. And Mayor staff would like to pull item nine be Alright, great.

Councillor Martin?

Thank you, Mayor Bagley. I saw Councilmember Christensen’s hands up so I

okay. All right. I, I would like to

move the consent agenda. Except nine B.

All right. It’s been moved and seconded. And then Councilmember Christiansen so what’s something I just realized that the new system, it’s a scroll. And I don’t know if it’s possible, but it’s only showing three at a time. So it would be really nice to have some type of display that would allow me to see, because if let’s suppose everybody wants to say something, and I’m seeing my mic, the podium and then one person, it’d be nice to see who’s popping up and on the microphone. Yeah. Okay. Kazmir Christiansen. Oh, yeah, actually, I Yes. That’s kind of a difficult situation for you to be in because Anyway, I hope we can get that fixed. But I would like to pull items. h i n l just for brief comments. Alright. So that again.

I would like to pull items h i and l for brief comment. Okay. Councillor Martin, would you allow, would you could you amend that?

Hold on, I’m looking for you. Alright, go ahead.

Yes, I move the consent agenda minus all the items that anyone wants off. Okay. So that specifically as of right now that I’m seeing the motion, is this seconded by you second. The motion is moving the consent agenda less nine b, h i and j. No. l

and l. j shall remain remain on the agenda. Is that seconded Dr. Waters. Okay. So let’s go ahead and vote is the first vote on the new system. So let’s vote.

All right, that passes six to nothing with Councilmember Peck absent. Thank you. Alright, let’s move on to

ordinances on second reading, and public hearings on any matter. So 10 A is ordinance 2021 30. A bill for an ordinance amending chapters 15.0 to 15.04 and 15.10. The Longmont municipal code regarding accessory dwelling units.

So do we have any questions or comments? We do not have a presentation by counsel.

Customer Martin.

And I guess for now you’re gonna have to wave your hand because that’s the best way. Okay. All right. Customer Martin. Yes. I just have a quick question. I reviewed the April 6 study session on ad use and I found all the direction given except the one about not allowing ad use to be short term rentals and I would just like to be advised as to when the council gave that direction because I couldn’t find it.

During the mayor Begley, Councilmember Martin as Jodie Marsh, assistant city manager so that motion was actually in the short term rental

conversations not in the adu conversation. So you will see in the ordinance before you that at us on item D that is not pulled off that we did remove at us as short term rentals there.

Alright, is that it customer Martin? Alright, Councilmember Christiansen

I would like to point out again, that on our

list of notification, once again, we have

only 150 feet for vacation, for

detached for ad use. And for other applications. I think we should make it 300 feet for all of these because 150 feet is really just your next door neighbor. That’s it. And we’re not getting any of these notifications.

Someone across the street, you know, it doesn’t matter. I believe people arm would be less unhappy if they knew what was going on. I would

move that we change the notification distance to be

300 feet for all the things that are currently 150 feet. Do I have a second?

All right. It’s been seconded. Moved and seconded. So I guess the

you are wanting to amend on second reading? Yes. What exactly so that we’re changing the 300 feet to 350 feet? No, no, no, we’re changing.

You see that the chart on on the ordinance? Uh huh. Okay, the chart lists. It’s 1000 feet for a bunch of things for and it’s 300 feet for a bunch of things. But it’s 150 feet for three things, one of which is an ad you. I think that it would be much better for people to be content, if they at least had some notification that the guy two houses over was building an edu. All right, hold on one second.

So the chair will take the ordinance to mean

that you are anywhere where it says 150 feet, you want to increase the 300 feet? Well, just really the ad use. Well, there’s final plat. Yeah. And then to vacation, or then or a vacation reference. Right. Right. detached accessory dwelling unit and other applications, not specifically accepted, meaning anything else that you might think of that aren’t covered in the top numbers? Since we’re just talking about AD use? I would just like this to apply to the okay. So the motion is that we approve it on second reading with the amendment of actually, the man actually, the motion is you want the motion is to increase 150 feet, the 300 feet for this portion referencing detached accessory dwelling units. Yeah, right. That’s right. All right. We have a second. The second was from counsel memory toggle fairing. Do we have any debate on this matter?

Three council member waters.

Thanks for your battery. I have a question. I’d like to hear from our planners, the folks who are doing this work, the rationale 450 feet the implications of this amendment if we were to make it.

Thank you. Good evening, Mayor Bagley and council member waters. So the 300 foot radius, actually, the 150 foot radius is not actually your next door neighbor. Because we’re currently notifying at us right now, even though it’s not required by code. And the 150 feet actually get you to a one block radius on all ends, front back sides. 300 feet generally gets you to two to three blocks. We thought that might be a little excessive, because if you live in a residential area and you have a neighbor, two blocks away, you probably wouldn’t be as interested. But within a one block radius, that’s typically where people become interested in an edu.

Yeah. Based on that explanation, it seems to me 150 feet makes sense.

All right, anyone else? Councilmember Christiansen.

I live in Old Town west side and my lot is 50 feet wide by 110 feet deep. So

That means that my neighbor,

I mean, that just includes my neighbor, it doesn’t, you know,

it isn’t an entire block 150 feet is not an entire block. It’s really.

And I don’t have that is a third of an acre. It’s the standard old style house. It’s very small and it has a very small lot. So 150 feet is not a block

of notification. It’s really just somebody across the alley from me.

Alright, so

anyone else want to I don’t see any anybody else up. So let’s go ahead and vote. All in favor. We’re gonna go out and vote and again, a yay vote would change. 150 feet, the 300 feet underneath the detached accessory dwelling units description in ordinance.

2021 30. No.

Yeah. 2021 30 Thank you. There’s a lot of things to look at Councilmember Lago fairing.

Hold on your seat, too. Thank you.

Yeah, I have a question around. So I’m trying to wrap my head around that 150 feet and how it’s justified, that it’s more of like a block.

Can I get a further explanation on that?

Because if that’s the case, then yeah, the 300 feet would seem excessive, if we’re extending it to two blocks over.

So how is that determined that 150 feet from the the perimeter of the lot? Is that? Correct? Mayor Bagley, Councilmember Hidalgo fairing That’s correct. It’s taken, we take it from Boulder County assessor, there’s a mapping tool that we use, we do take it from the edges of the property line, we’ve done a 300 foot radius, just to kind of see what that looks like in 150 foot when we do test, noticing, in terms of creating a list, the 300 feet really gets you out. Like I said, it gets you out two blocks away, we felt like in a residential zone, if you’re living two blocks away from somebody, you’re probably not as interested in what they’re building on their property than the neighbors who are in excuse me in that surrounding block. And that’s where that 150 feet get you. In addition, I would also like to note that we also signpost, the property. So and as part of this also this ordinance, we would also be signposting the property so that anyone Driving through the neighborhood would see the sign as well. Okay, and so these notices are individually delivered to the residents within that radius. Yes, correct. Okay. Okay. Thank you.

Alright, Councillor Martin?

Thank you, Mayor Bagley. I just wanted to clarify it what a Navy vote would do would it Nay, the amendment, and there would need to be another motion the motion is only to change the motion is to amend the ordinance on second reading from 150 to 300, for detached accessory dwelling unit descriptions. Thank you. But then after that, we will need another we would need another motion. All right, Councilman Christiansen,

I would like to point out that in my block in the last

two years, an accessory dwelling unit has been built just to next to me, and across the street for me, and I have not seen a sign for either of them, nor have any of us gotten any notification. Just saying that’s the reality of my experience with this.

Alright, I’m just gonna try nobody else’s in the queue. I’m gonna I’m gonna go ahead and vote for it only because it is 100 and 20 feet, and the radius is 150. Basically, it means that your side neighbors, the person in your backyard, but across the street, I probably want to know and if we notice it 300 feet and nobody responds. Oh, well, so I personally don’t have a problem with it. So I’ll vote yes. Because rummer you’ve only voted you’ve already spoken twice on the matter.

Your characterization? I know. But you’ve already know. I know. But what I’m saying is you’ve already voted. You’ve already spoken twice. Now so no. And that is true because Martin, welcome back.

But you were still out of order because you’ve woken twice in the matter. Alright, let’s go out and vote.

blister lobby counts memory will be more if you were right.

I’ve never right.

I don’t have anything popping up on my screen.

Oh, you have to be back at the Live Meeting.


I’m now back in the Live Meeting. Okay. Thank you, Councilmember Robert.

Alright, Has everybody voted?

They voted.

Can we clear the voting vote again? Yep. All right.

All right. It’s already it’s still already voted.

Alright, well, we figured that out. All in favor say aye.


Raise your hand if you’re an aye.

Opposed say nay.

Because maybe I’ll have a fairing. How do you vote?

Yay. Yay. All right. So the motion carries four to two.

So do we have a motion to actually pass the ordinance as amended?


all right.

Yeah, we have a public hearing.

Good point. I don’t. We don’t have anybody signed up for public hearing. But Does somebody want to come take three minutes to address this issue?

All right. Considering that there’s such a stampede, no one is allowed to talk.

We’ll go ahead and vote.

I’m sorry, Councillor Martin.

Before we vote, you’re in the queue.

Did you like to chastise me? You technically could theoretically.

You couldn’t vote on last one. But there’s an emotion so you just speak twice? Again? See how cool am

Oh, it would be a lot cooler. If you I let you speak. Go ahead. Thank you. Mayor Begley. What I wanted to point out before and I suspect it should have been some kind of a point of order was that your characterization of how the radius was computed was different than the one that came out of planning. In the you spoke as though it was a radius from the center point of the property. And in fact, there’s 150 feet from the edge of the property in every direction, which is a lot farther, and that was why I didn’t support the motion

to have a motion from my votes to reconsider

where we’ve been open. Okay. Right. No, but I know we do. But yeah, so anyway, we don’t but we’re gonna go ahead. We currently have a motion on the floor. And that motion is to pass the ordinance as amended.

And that passes six to nothing with Councilmember Pac absent. Okay. All right, let’s move on to 10 b public hearing on consolidated Annual Performance Report, aka caper for 2020 Community Development Block Grant and CDBG CB programs or COVID programs.

Is fetlar.

dipping my head to anything. So

Kathy feather Housing and Community Investment division manager for the city. And tonight I’m here to present the consolidated Annual Performance Report for the CDBG program. And this year for the CDBG Cb COVID recovery program, and our affordable housing funds. How do I do the


It’s a PDF caper.

May 22.

She said it was a PDF, not a PowerPoint. Did you download a PDF?

One of these when we

got one? Yes.

And so just hit your Thank you.

Alright, here we go.

So the first program that I want to talk to you about that we completed with CDBG funds, is our rehab program, and I summarized it this year instead of breaking it out into the four different programs that we operate, because during COVID we had to suspend the program. Nobody wanted us in their homes. We didn’t want to go into people’s homes, contractors wouldn’t go into people’s homes. So we suspended the program in April of 20. And reopened did just this past May.

So during the time period of 2020 we completed 20 household rehabs

for a total of about $196,600. That’s a decrease obviously in volume from 2019, where we spent about $380,000 and assisted about 43 households. So the assistance that we did provide in 2020, ranged from one full general rehab, several mobile home repairs and several architectural barrier removals. And I think there was one emergency grant


we did provide a grant to Boulder County for housing counseling program.

That total 50,000 they spent about 43,500. About 242 residents were assisted, and it did leverage about $364,500. We also funded a security deposit program to support our locally funded vouchers to get homeless people experiencing homelessness into housing 5800 was set aside from 2019 funds, and 59 300 from 2020 funds. We will be contracting for that in the third quarter again, COVID kind of got in the way of implementing that program as well.

We provided two different grants to the in between one for 121,742. Rehab 1901, Terry Street, they had to take down the exterior stairs that were deteriorating and put up new stairs, they spent about 116,812 of affordable homes were preserved by doing that. And they we leveraged about $20,000 with that project. And then another 154,000 was given to acquire 2011 Terry Street, which were market rate apartments. So 10 new affordable homes will be created with that as people move out and their leases expire and they choose to to move out that did leverage about 1.4 million with the acquisition and other funding.

Two grants were made to the Longmont Housing Authority one for $475,000, which helped with the refinance and preservation of the Aspen Meadows apartments, senior apartments, they did spend the full 475. So 50 affordable homes were preserved and leveraged about 13 point 8 million with the full renovations that went on there. And then another 150,000 was set aside for relocation of residents during the rehab following code COVID protocols, we really felt we were going to need more money than what we had set aside

for the project within the project funding. Actually, we didn’t end up using any of this money sufficient funding was within the budget. And part of that was due to the superior work that Molly O’Donnell as project manager did, as well as our senior services, staff, and recreation staff that came in and filled in and helped with the relocation, we got a really good deal on the motel rooms because of COVID.

And we’re able just to do a much better job than we really anticipated. With that in the contractors were phenomenal as well during cleanup during the whole thing and following code COVID protocols, etc. So what we’re proposing is that at some point, we’ll come back and we’ll reallocate that funding, probably to make a principal payment on the mortgage for Aspen Meadows apartments, which would lower the overall payment on that project then.

So to give you some comparisons with past years, and what we did accomplish this year, so we had about a 60.4% expenditure rate compared to what we had available to us and what we were able to spend, we were at about 33% expenditure rate in 2019 and 50% in 2018. So a little bit better, actually, this year, our 2020 timeliness ratio was 1.4. were required to be at or below 1.5. And that is about the same as what we did in 2019. We did leverage about $14 for every $1 and CDBG funds this year, primarily because of the Aspen Meadows apartments and the

in betweens theory street project. About 15.4% of our 2020 funding was spent on administration. The cap is 20%. We can’t go over that amount. So we were well below that. And then 99.7% of the funding spent in 2020 benefit in low and moderate income residents. we are required to spend at least 70% to benefit low and moderate income so we we knock that out of the park.

So this kind of just shows what came in during the year so we entered 2020 with about 1.1 million and unexpended funds from 2019 we received 610,800 in our 2020 CDBG grant we recognized about 100 and

5600 and program income. We have about 99,000. In projects to be repurposed, that gave us a total budget of 1.7 million. For 2020, our expenditures were 1.1 million. And that leaves us a carry forward into 2020 of 730,000. So we did a good job of decreasing the funds that we’re carrying into 2020. At least for this.

Why were some of the CDBG funds and spent again, primarily, there were issues because of COVID. Our architecture barrier removal program in our mobile home repair program, were the only two rehab programs where we did spend more than we left unspent. So our general rehab program and our emergency grant, we need to do a better job there.

We do need to get all of the rehab funding out into the community, we’re carrying over about 209,000 going into 2021. And we’ll probably come with a recommendation to add another thing. It’s another 100,000 115,000 when we come back with the 2021 funding recommendations, so that we can get that program up and running again and back out into the community. Again, as I said, COVID, stop the rehab in the security deposit programs. And we are struggling to spend the CDBG CV funds and the regular CDBG funds for individual assistance due to regulations on that. And I’ll get into that in a little bit.

So one of the areas that we did look at this year, we look at it every year, but I wanted to include it this year, with the emphasis on equity and inclusion. Over 53% of the households served had incomes below 30% of the area median income, and 81% or below 50% of the area median income. And 22% had heads of households that were people of color. So really looking at who are we serving? Who are we marketing to how are we getting the word out into the community, always we can do a better job at that, but it looked fairly decent for this year.

So for the CDBG CV funding, which is the extra COVID money that we received, we did allocate 558,000, almost 600 for individual assistance, and that was made up of primarily Well, that was the CB funding. And then plus we added another 180,000 from regular CDBG.

At the end of 2020 27,500 was spent and another 213,000 has been processed so far in 2021. That’s leaving about 497,800 unspent that could be reallocated the word that we’re getting from the our center is that they’re struggling to get the funds out because of some of the requirements that are on the CDBG funds. And that there’s so much money coming in through the county that has unfettered, not unfettered, but they have much less regulatory compliance on it, that that is probably the way that they would prefer to send people to that less burdensome

funding resource, which makes a lot of sense. So we’ll be coming back with some recommendations. We’re looking right now on how else we could reallocate those funds. And then we did set aside 70,000 for the COVID Recovery Center, that long month share of that recovery center that was set up right at the beginning of COVID and operated through the major part of 2020. Again, likely to consider reallocation if FEMA funding is approved for the CRC. My understanding is that the county or city of Boulder is pursuing FEMA funding for that so might have more money to reallocate

looking at our affordable housing program accomplishments, and some of this you got with the inclusionary housing snapshot, but not everything.

fee waivers that were provided in 2020, total about 151,300 and they were for 26 for sale homes in blue Vista, which is averaging about 5800 per home.

We lent to three different projects in 2020. prospect development was a $500,000 loan for the construction of Longmont family apartments. their plans are approved they’re pulling permits, and they should start construction in late summer of 2021. That’ll be 88 total homes, all of them below 60%. area median income 45 of the 88 will be deed restricted permanently deed restricted under our programs with 23 of those 45 homes affordable at or below 50% area median income the in between us $200,000 loan to help acquire 2011 Terry street that I talked about under the CDBG program. So they use the two funding sources and then Element Properties received 100,000

And dollar predevelopment loan for preparing sunset heights for tax credit application and they are now in for development review and are going to continue on with that process so that they can apply for 9% credits in February 2022.

Some of the ongoing programs that Council approved in the past and that we have been continuing to to work on the planning facilitator program receive 25,000 in additional funding

at the end of 2021 or 2024 21.

Six projects are in process in that one was completed and 10 rental homes are being leased on under that three of the developments are still in the DRC process. One just entered the pre application process and Longmont mobile home park if you remember that we funded with CD or affordable housing funds. A couple years ago, they had a single family home that was on their property, they use the planning facilitator to help them said divide that lot and they were able to sell that home. And then they use the proceeds from that to re pay down some of their

rock Rok loan, so their main financing for their

resident own community. And then the adu program, plans were approved by permitting in 2020. We halted rollout due to the pandemic, we are in process of reviewing and updating, picking that back up again with all the changes that there have been two construction costs. Looking at that, again, to see what kind of subsidy cost structure we probably have to offer in order to have those units stay as affordable and be offered as affordable. So we’ll be bringing some information back on that.

We did conduct two application cycles and 2020 with three applications reviewed and one project approved for affordable housing funding and to funded under the CDBG program. And as I reported earlier, we implemented the inclusionary housing program resulting in 90 new affordable homes created 76, rental and 14 for sale.

Excuse me.

We also continued participation in the regional Affordable Housing Partnership, a community present presentations were made. This is the Boulder County wide effort. The ballot measure was postponed from 2020. For obvious reasons, we are continuing to explore that as an option. The home wanted education and support campaign moved into a home together campaign during the pandemic to highlight how important a home is, in a stable home is during what we have have gone through. And that generated a lot of interest in affordable housing and

education around housing and in general. So I’m happy to answer any questions. And then we do just a reminder, we do need to hold the public hearing. And then consider approval of submission of the caper to HUD. All right, so there’s no there’s no questions. So thank you. So let’s go ahead and open it up to sorry.

Mr. Christiansen.

Let’s go ahead with you cuz I saw you first and let Dr. Waters up. I don’t have a question. I just thank you for doing this. This has made me happier than anything I’ve read in a long time. This is such a comprehensive strategy and creative strategy for dealing with affordability from counseling people on how to buy a home if they want to, to helping people who are just struggling to get downpayment or utilities or whatever to to actually buying and rehabilitating right now because of the cost to so many things. Building is really difficult. But we can still rehabilitate things, and that keeping the housing that we have is really critical.

And a lot of us as we get older, we just get poor. And so we would like to fix our house. But we cannot afford to fix our house. So if the city will help a little bit that that can really be a help in having people be able to stay in their homes or people who become disabled and can’t really live in their homes without some help to rehabilitate it. But this is just an excellent report of all the creative and

very effective things we’ve done. We helped save 284 households, and that’s probably about 600 people. And that may not seem like a lot but it is a lot to each one of those people. So thank you so much for all the work you do I really I think we all appreciate that. Kathy thanks.

Customer waters.

Thanks for your bag like Kathy, could you back to slide 10 I

I’m gonna want to spend just a couple minutes on slide 10 and 11.

of the $497,800 is recall,

as we were

dealing with the recreational vehicle issue and, and committed to, to housing people in more permanent, healthy settings

that you were able to aggregate funding. I think this is part of that

to get people into hotels for vouchers into more stable housing, is that is that an accurate route? recollection? I believe that’s an eligible activity. It’s not one that we have done with this funding. But so what so what were we going to do with this 497,000 that we were unable to do, that it was going for rent assistance and utility assistance to keep people housed during the reasons, you know, off the top of your head, why that didn’t get spent?

Primarily because of the additional paperwork that’s required, and documentation that’s required to document the COVID tie back, that they hadn’t received other assistance. We weren’t duplicating said to be tight. Okay, I see there’s a cut. Yeah, got it. All right. It’s really tied to the COVID. funding. And so so the degrees of freedom or highest and best use of that money moving forward is what I think that’s what we need to explore. I was on a car, I was telling somebody, I was on a call last week, and a lot of CDBG communities are having this issue, because of the other funding that’s come in for rent assistance and utility assistance that is less burdensome. And so a lot of them have pivoted to doing childcare programs, childcare assistance, which I think is a great need some homeless, that would be a legitimate use for these funds. Okay, well, it’s good to know. Yeah, so I think we’re gonna, what we’re going to do is going to sit down with the other members in community services in particular, because a lot of our divisions, work in these areas, and talk through what might be possibilities. Some of the other things that we’ve talked about is in the QC T’s, the qualified census tracts, might it be possible to do some type of neighborhood analysis of what needs to happen or what how we could better serve those neighborhoods around

precautions, around pandemics around public health issues around

getting in touch with the community, keeping them informed those kinds of things. So that might be another thing that we could we could take a look at. But I think there’s a number of things that we could take a look at, and come back and give you some ideas. So what we’re doing is, so you have the CVE funds that came in at the first part of the pandemic. Now, you have the ARPA funds, and so CV funds,

cares, cares funds, the big chunk that we allocated CVX funds through CDBG, it’s really the cares funds that put the pressure on the CDBG, because the restrictions are different in that world. Now, we have the ARPA funds on top of that, and we’ve had, we know what the Safe Harbor areas are, but there’s continuing to push the guidance down from the Treasury on it. So we’re understanding that. And then as we have the conversations, we’re planning to come back to Council in terms of the council goals that you all have said in previous sessions and taking the funding that that exists in the CV in the ARPA funds, and present to you all how we see that fitting in your council goals and priorities, what’s eligible and what’s not eligible, because I think the misconception in some of this is that it’s pretty open ended, there has to be a COVID tie back, unless it’s in one of the Safe Harbor areas of which one is the qualified census tract, the other is affordable housing. And then the other one’s going to be infrastructure in different ways. But those are the only safe harbor zones after that, there really has to be the COVID tie back in this and so we’re still working through all of that and bring that forward. Well, I won’t pressure anymore on I’m possibilities out of box, you’re gonna have to check but I’ve got some ideas or thought. So on slide 10, or on slide 11.

Be more specific about the fee waivers, we waived what kind of fees in for what kind of builders or these would be fees way for builders. Okay. So I should be clear, these are not the fees that were just waived. So those are in addition to these, these are the fees that we paid from the affordable housing funds. So they’re the fees that are offset.

So they fall in the category of the water sewer system development fees. The wasn’t offset we paid we covered that cost covered from the affordable housing fund right

There was another probably at least 150,000. That was waived.

It was waived by the city just didn’t was not for developers for likely water and sewer connections as well. Well, it was for those are like the plan check fee and

just the range of development fees.

In addition to the builders of affordable housing, I know this is a question for you. Or Or maybe for Joanie.

We’ve read a lot lately and in the in our local newspaper about fee waivers for builders of housing.

What kind of waivers do we provide or do we grant for for builders of housing if it’s not affordable housing?

Mayor Bagley, Councilmember waters, so the affordable fee waivers are solely for affordable housing projects. And that’s outlined both in the affordable housing program and then the specific impact fees all have clauses that we can waive for affordable housing, which matches state statute, there’s no other waiver, so there are no other waivers. So all the housing gets built in Longmont, there are no waivers for builders, unless they’re building houses that qualify as affordable, which would be permanent would be for incomes of 50%. ami or below 80% 80% for the forest, and 50%. for it. I just think that’s an important reminder that when people read that somehow builders are getting a pass on on paying the fees. That’s just not true. Unless they’re delivering on the very kind of housing product. We’ve said we needed in this town for this population. sack correct. Thanks.

cosmin. Martin,

thank you, Mayor Bagley.

I just wanted to verify that

the spot despite the fact that there was money left unspent, that we were not able, we there are no people who needed housing assistance that went away with no money, is that correct? Or they’re being served in other ways. They still can go to the Art Center, they still can call the Boulder County housing helpline and get assistance. It’s just being redirected to that other funding source. Right to direct it to that. Okay. And then

we are we believe, by all accounts in the last month of the eviction moratorium.

can’t say for sure. But so far, that’s what it looks like, will this money be

able to be used for people who suddenly find themselves in need of money in order with which to negotiate with their landlords and void eviction. So we’re not going to pull it back from the our center until we know what else we would be doing and that they agree that they’re done. So the contract is still in place. And if people are coming in and that they want to serve them with this funding, they still can do that. This is just their estimates based on what they’re seeing coming through the door and what they think

the invoices they’ve already submitted, and how they’re kind of projecting forward that they are intending to forward folks to the Boulder County housing helpline for funding.

But um, but if there’s somebody they can help, and they can access before we’re ready to reallocate the funds, they have the ability to do that. I’m not sure I exactly understood that answer.

There is money unspent there. There are people who

have the COVID tie back that they lost their jobs because of the pandemic and that’s how they fell behind on their rent. Is that a legitimate tie back? Okay. So they should have asked for assistance long since

because this day was coming. But we know that a lot of times people don’t

ask for assistance until the crisis is upon them. So whether they go to the housing helpline or whether they go to the our center is this money going to be available to those people. So this money is only available to the arts center because we have a contract with them. The Boulder County housing helpline is a whole different source of funds. But the our center is primarily referring people that come in to the housing helpline because it’s quicker, easier to get the funding passed on to them and get resolution. They don’t have to do the duplication

Benefits and prove all the other assistance that they have gotten. There’s citizenship requirements, they don’t have to do that kind of stuff. I understand that there’s less bureaucracy but how does the our senators puddle of money ever get spent? That it is not that is that is why we’re talking about reallocating the funding and trying to think ahead. So what they’re what we’re trying to do is push people to the most readily available funding that has the least amount of requirements based on their condition,

or their situation. And that’s right now, where the funding at the county via the housing helpline is really, that’s where we’re pushing people because it’s easier to move through.

When we talk about things like duplication of benefits, and we talked about the audit and what that looks like in the HUD audits. The difference in the CVE funds, is you have to go through and you have to verify that there weren’t any other federal funds that were that you received associated with being impacted by COVID. If there were then you have to reduce the funding on the CV side by that much. And so here’s now where it gets even more interesting. If you were a business owner, you were in there and you received the PPP loan. That’s a duplication of benefit under the HUD rules. And so that’s why we keep we collectively are saying the housing hotline hotline is where folks need to go.

Based on my understanding, they have a lot of funding available to assist individuals if they’re in this situation. So to your question, are there funds to assist people in this situation today? Yes. Is it this bucket? This is probably not

the easy the bucket that is the most easily accessible at this time. So

what I guess want to what the question I’m really trying to ask is, are we making sure that nobody gets evicted until we’re out of money?

to pay their rent?

I would say the answer is yes. The answer yes to that.

Yeah, the county got over 15 million. Okay.

All right. So we we need to open it for public hearing for the caper. That actually, yeah, we need to open a public hearing on the Collins consolidated Annual Performance Report for 2020 Community Development Block Grant and the COVID programs, the CDBG CV programs. So does anyone want to come up and express their opinion?

Alright, so you know, one, we will go ahead and close the public hearing. And then we need to have you need to have a motion just for one or both. Kathy Feller. Just want to correct just one paper submission? Yes, correct. So we have a motion to approve the caper submission.

All right, Councillor waters has moved or made a motion to approve the caper submission and Councilmember Christiansen is seconded that Seeing no one in the queue for further discussion and debate. Let’s go ahead and take about

Have you voted yet?

Go to Yeah.

All right. Motion passes. six to zero with Councilmember Peck. Absent. So Motion passes. Thank you. Alright, so that said, let’s go back to items removed from consent agenda. Let’s go ahead and Polly, let’s go ahead and start Councilman Christiansen, can we go ahead and address h i and l before we turn to staffs presentation. Let’s start with resolution 2021 68 or nine h a resolution the Longmont city council authorizing assignment to the Colorado housing and Finance Authority of a private equity bond allocation of the city of Longmont pursuant to Colorado private activity bond ceiling allocation act.

Oh, just to be clear, I didn’t really I don’t have any questions or anything. I just want to make some comments on these. This one has to do with

a grant that we got from Java for the Crispin apartments, which is the second part of that project. It’s an excellent project. It’s for family housing, and I wanted to thank Carol Domingo’s and Kathy fetlar and Karen Roni and Chapa and mgL partners for producing an excellent project and getting us the funding for it. I think that’s, you know, thank you very much.

Would you like to

Make a motion.

I move that we

pass resolution 2021 68.

Alright, it’s been moved by Councilmember Christiansen and seconded by Councilman Martin, specifically that we passed resolution 2021 dash 68. Let’s vote.

All right, motion carries motion motion passes six to nothing with Councilmember Peck absent. counsel Mr. Christiansen you want to go ahead and move on to nine I resolution 2021 dash 69. Please.

Help. Sorry. You’re right. Do you want to hit your microphone?

Now, all right. This has to do with the UN intergovernmental agreement that we got for a library grant, which is wonderful.

The library grant is only $22,000.08 193, which is not. It’s nice. It’s generous. It’s not enough for our library, our library

is far underfunded. And even for Colorado.

Everybody loves libraries, but we just ignore them when it comes time for the budget, we don’t give them enough. And so most libraries are going to

the special district

way method of financing which

I don’t object to I just don’t see why we don’t fund them in the first place. Because when you go to a special district to fund a library, then the library has to drop out of the sister city system in a way and then contract for services like janitorial and


You know, employee pay all kinds of things. I if we and we’re still paying more taxes, so let’s just pay the taxes in the first place. Let’s just fund them correctly. When the budget comes around, we just don’t find them. We think we do. We just ignore them and tell everybody how much we love them. But we don’t really clearly because we don’t find them and this library. It’s been proven for the last, I don’t know 10 years that they are underfunded even for Colorado as I said. So let us think about how we can fund this library properly. Or let us do a special funding or a special district for the library. But it would be so much easier if we just funded them in the first place. Thank you. Alright, that’s it. I wouldn’t I move resolution 2021 69

it’s been Moved by Councillor Christiansen and second seconded by Councilmember waters that we pass resolution 2021 69 aka issue nine Aye. All in favor say aye actually not just vote yay or nay?

All right, motion carries or passes six to nothing with Councillor Peck absent Councillor Christianson, can we go on to nine l approval of 2021 Neighborhood Improvement Program grant recommendations?


All right, then I’ll, I’ll shut up for a minute. The comment I had is that this is for neighborhoods that don’t understand this are people out there who don’t understand that we have a Neighborhood

Improvement Program run through the neighborhood group leaders Association, of which Councilman waters is the council liaison. It’s a really good program. And there is a list in that you can read in the packet of what


have come up with their own little special improvement things. So talk to your neighbors because it isn’t a lot of money. But it’s a little money that you can do use to fix up your neighborhood in some little way that makes it a little bit better. The East Side.

Old Town is very active in this. They’re always doing the stuff. The west side where I live, we all just can’t really get off our dogs. We just we don’t ever do anything because we really just kind of want to be left alone. But there if you can, if you see something in your neighborhood that you want to fix, get together with your neighbors and fix it and then apply for a grant through this because it is a good program. And it allows people really the ultimate control over their own little neighborhood to do something useful that that will improve things. So I’m just putting in a word for that.

That said I move approval of the Neighborhood Improvement Program grant recommendations.

Alright, it’s been moved by Councilmember Christiansen and seconded by multiple people. But I’m just gonna go with Councillor Martin because I heard her loudest. So the motion is resolution the approval of 2021 Neighborhood Improvement Program grant recommendations. We could have the voting screen up.

The motion carries or passes six to nothing with Councilmember Peck absent. Are we doing okay on time, folks? It’s 830. Just want to take a quick break. Are we okay, let’s go ahead and take a five minute break.

I’m going to vacate Thank you.

You’re welcome to use.

Okay, so you’re checking into

some of my stuff.


Yes. So how are you? How’s the system works?


the system

right now.

No, don’t do that.

That’s fine.

So if I were going to

is that thing

there’s the right so what’s this good? Oh, public.

Oh, sorry. You’re gonna launch this thing while I’m talking from the outset. But you want me to try to do I can launch it for you before I leave as you leave here.

And then I’ll probably just hand Raven clicker

at the end.




Let’s start making our way back to the Dyess and our seeds.

Staff he could prepare ordinance 2021 days 32 to presentation on an ordinance authorizing the issuance of the city of Longmont enterprise water revenue bonds. We have a public hearing second reading on July 31. So

let’s wait just a few minutes for for all of council to get back.

Alright, let’s go.

Alright, let’s go ahead and start. Hey, good evening, Mayor Bagley members of council I’m Becky Doyle, Assistant Director of Business Services. And I want to give you a quick update as we prepare to sell the bonds for the wind gap firming project about the overall financing of the project. Last time we spoke about this last fall,

which seems an impossibly long time ago, we talked about the the contributions that we’d previously made to the project. Since then, we’ve made another interim contribution at the start of 21. So that amount has changed slightly. That has slightly brought down the remaining contributions that we have yet to to submit to Northern water for the construction of Jimmy hollow reservoir. And you can see the overall that the the total project costs that we expect to have for construction of the reservoir has increased ever so slightly over the last year.

Although final project costs won’t be known until the reservoir is completely


Well, another important event that has happened that is allowing us to move forward with construction of the reservoir is that the lawsuit challenging the federal permit for, for the project has been settled, as part of that settlement, a $15 million will $15 million will be paid to a nonprofit on the western slope for the improvement of watershed on the west slope.

Those payments will be made in installments at Project milestones, long lion’s share of that is $1.25 million dollars. That is not reflected in the construction costs that we just spoke about on the previous slide. That will be paid from the water cash acquisition fund as part of our operating budget. So you’ll see this as a request in the operating budget for a third of that amount. So $416,000 is requested in the 2022 budget. So just wanted to make sure that was very clear that that that was happening part of the operating budget, and not reflected in the construction costs.

So what we’re doing here tonight is the first reading of the bond ordinance. And so the taking into account the changed funding allocations from the first slide of 49.98 down to 49 point 4 million. With we have a very slight adjustment in the overall amount of the the bonds that we we plan to sell. In either case that 32 point 9 million is less than the 36 point 3 million that was approved by voters in 2017. So just wanted to make sure that it was clear what what’s the amount of bond funding that we’re contributing to this project, as well as the overall project costs. So with that,

I’ll let you consider the

Alright, great to have a motion for ordinance. I’m sorry for night item nine B ordinance 2021 dash 32.

All right. It’s been Moved by Councillor Martin. I’ll go ahead and it’s been seconded by Councilmember waters. Let’s go ahead and vote seeing that there’s no further discussion or debate.

Councilman Christiansen Have you voted yet?

That’s all right. new system new system.

I’ve already learned that if I have wet fingers, I can’t get it to vote. All right, the motion carries and passes six to nothing with Councilmember Peck absent. So that concludes our consent agenda. Let’s move on to general business staff rate study on capital expenses. Mr. Rademacher Hello, nice to see you again. I don’t remember you being so tall or good looking.

Mayor Bagley and members of council, you have me

dumbfounded there a minute. So tonight, we’re going to be talking to you about the another presentation on the rate study on two funds on the electric fund. And on the storm drainage fund. staff has made two previous presentations to you, on this matter, the most recent being on the operating costs and expenses of these funds. Tonight, we’re going to talk a little bit about the the capital side of the equation on the two funds.

What I would say is that both of these funds have significant capital expenses in front of them both to maintain the infrastructure of the overall system, as well as to make certain improvements in the case of the electric fund. Probably the most significant project on the on the near term is the the AMI project that you’ve also heard several presentations on. We will also be coming back to you in a few weeks on the AMI project to give you an update on that.

The good news on that is that we have received proposals from several very qualified firms. We are currently analyzing each of those to ascertain that they meet all of the requests and requirements that we have. And we we hope to be making a final contract on that later this year and getting underway with the project

on the storm drainage side of the utilities. That particular fund is

probably nearly on life support when it comes to its ability to maintain the system that it’s charged to do both from simple asset management, let alone making improvements to deficient areas of storm drainage in the community. And so, staff is going to talk to you about that a little bit.

Once they make their presentation, I think we’ll come back and see. First of all, if you have any questions on that, then also sort of talk about the next steps, both with the rate setting process as well as how it ties in with your 2022 budget process. So with that, I’m going to turn it over to Raven and Brian.

Good evening, Mayor Bagley, members of council. My name is Brian McGill. I’m the utility rate analyst with long long power can communications. And tonight we will be continuing our rate study conversations for the electric construct drainage utility, and tonight’s presentation is specific to the capital projects for those two utilities.

We will we will begin with a general overview of asset management followed by a summary of the electric utilities, capital projects and revenue requirements. And then Raven and Josh will finish the presentation by discussing the storm drainage utilities, capital projects and revenue requirements.

So infrastructure asset management is the discipline of sustaining public infrastructure through maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement of set infrastructure. Asset Management is key to both of these utilities to help maintain a resilient and reliable utility system. And this can be funded in either the operating or capital budgets. However, in both cases, the repair and replacement of utility assets is funded by utility rate revenues.

Proactive maintenance and replacement of assets not only maintains the resilience and reliability of the system, but can also help utilities avoid rate shocks that can occur due to catastrophic failures, which result in unplanned outage and reactive repairs that generally have higher costs associated with them.

Before we jump into the actual capital projects, we want to briefly talk about the different funding sources available for these projects. The projects we will be focusing on tonight are funded through utility rate revenue. Therefore, they need to be included in the cost of service studies, and also included in the overall revenue requirements for the two utilities. Development fees are paid by developers through permits for connecting to and using the capacity of the existing utility systems. However, there are restrictions on what these funds can be spent on. They can only be used for the expansion of a utility or were allowable to meet regulatory requirements.

The storm drain ages plant investment fee and the electric Community Investment fee are examples of development fees.

Developer participation is the obligation developers have to install or pay for certain public improvements to serve new buildings. And this is how the electric eight two construction project is funded.

The final funding sources grants, both utilities are always looking for grant opportunities to offset capital expenses. And Raven, we’ll be talking about the potential impact of grant funded capital in the storm drainage presentation.

Now we’ll be going over some of lpcs proposed 2022 through 2026 C IP projects. The overall proposed five year ciap budget for the electric utility is $31.4 million,

of which approximately half is accounted for in the aid to construction project. And as I just mentioned, this project is funded by developer participation revenue. Therefore this project does not affect the electric rates. I will be going into more detail on the four projects listed because they do have the largest impact on the current rate study.

The ami project was originally budgeted at $16 million, with a three to four year deployment. But based on current projections, that amount has been reduced to $14 million in the proposed five year C IP. However, as Dale mentioned, the AMI vendor RFP submittals have been received and are currently being reviewed by the selection team. As exact projects costs and timing are refined. The project budget or review will be reviewed and adjusted further if need be.

This project is being funded through electric rates and the ECF fund per Council’s direction during last rate study in 2019. This project is being funded through rates at $2.5 million per year. So as long as there are not dramatic changes in project costs that would cause a change in the $2.5 million annual funding level. This project should not have any impact on this year’s rate study.

The next three projects are the electric system reliability and grid modernization, electric system rehab and improvements and distributed energy resources, innovation and solutions. LPC is envisioning these three projects were working as a team, and they will be crucial to meeting the 2030 goal of 100% renewable electric energy. They will also work together to ensure the district that as distributed energy resources or ders are developed and integrated into the electric distribution system will remain safe, reliable, resilient, compliant, and sustainable.

Now, I will go into more depth on these three projects, with the first being the electric system reliability and grid modernization. Funding for this project is split between two sub categories. The first is for system reliability improvements, which includes improvements to the system such as additional distribution loops, and fault indicators with advanced communications. The second sub category is for the modernization of the distribution system. This will fund the deployment of emerging technologies to prepare the system for beneficial electrification and integration of jurors, while ensuring LPC can maintain the high reliability our customers have grown accustomed to. In other words, this will allow LPC to evolve its distribution system into the grid of the future.

The electric system rehab and improvement project is lpcs asset management project. This project funds the renewal rehabilitation and replacement of current assets, which is vital to maintaining a reliable and resilient utility. This project also helps avoid rate shocks that can often be caused due to catastrophic failures. This is accomplished through proactive replacement of infrastructure as it ages or becomes obsolete, as well as reactive replacement of damaged and failing infrastructure.

The distributed energy resources innovation and solutions project funds the development and deployment of ders such as solar battery systems and electric vehicle chargers onto the grid. This is going to be paramount for long muncher reaches 100% renewable energy goal by 2030.

LPC is working on developing a dearth strategy and is proposing a new distributed energy resource strategy management manager position in the 2020 budget to assist with the identification and the development of dirt dirt projects that will be most beneficial to Longmont.

There are also a couple of studies that are currently underway that will help guide lpcs jers initiatives. PRP is currently preparing a dir strategy report which will be completed later this year. This report will contain recommendations and next steps for PRP a and is for honor communities. LPC is also working with several partners such as the renewable Ansari, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and the American public power association to identify community solar opportunities in Longmont.

Now, I will give a brief overview of the electric Community Investment fee Fund. The ECF fund is funded through developer revenues. And as mentioned earlier, these funds can only be spent to expand the electric utility

in the 2022 through 2026 proposed tip there are two projects funded, the electric system capacity increases, which is where additional main features and the electric substation expansion project. The ECF androids have developed under the philosophy that development pays its own way, which allows LPC to keep electric rates lower because the developers are paying for the expansion of the system rather than the ratepayers. These fees were last updated in 2017. So staff is currently working on a rate study for these fees using the current fee calculation methodology. And we’ll be bringing back fee adjustments for these fees using to I’m sorry to account for changes in material contractor and labor costs.

Next year LPC will be hiring a consultant to assist with a comprehensive review of the cost of service methodology to ensure accurate accounting for the inclusion of beneficial electrification jers integration and the increased adoption of EBS.

LPC will be proposing a two year rate schedule for 2222 and 2023. So this chart is displayed as displaying the proposed revenue requirements for the next two years.

which are shown with the multi colored bars, as well as the projected revenue using current electric rates, which is represented by the purple bar. As mentioned in the present presentation earlier this month about operating expenses, you can see that the purchase power expense makes up the majority of the electric utilities revenue requirements. And we have included PRP as projected 3.2% increase in both 2022 and 2023.

As you can also see there’s a shortfall between the projected revenues and the currently proposed revenue requirements.

So that concludes the electric utilities portion of this presentation. So now I’m going to pass it to Raven and Josh to give the storm drainage presentation. Thank you.

Mayor Bagley and members of council I’m Raven Martin, business analyst with pw and our business services. The five year capital plan for storm drainage includes asset management projects for repair and replacement of infrastructure, stream maintenance and restoration, as well as projects for Channel improvements. Currently, only a minimum amount of projects are funded in the ccip. Because current revenue is only sufficient enough to cover operating expenses and require debt payments. The total need for system capital maintenance and improvement is over $78 million.

several projects have been identified as high priority. These projects total just under 23 million. However, a rate increase would be required in order to fund them. Two of these projects are DRM zero to one storm drainage rehabilitation and DRM 039 resilient st frame.

DRS zero to one storm drainage rehabilitation and improvements is a citywide effort focused on asset management and capacity improvements of the city’s aging storm drainage system. Asset Management includes the identification and prioritization of storm drainage pipes, culverts, manholes and inlets needing rehabilitation or replacement. Capacity improvements include replacement of undersized drainage facilities along with improvements at areas prone to reoccurring flooding. The overarching goal of this project is developments of plans and projects that will ensure funding is spent at the right place at the right time. And for the right reason.

total costs for DRM zero to one over the next five years will be just over $13 million of which projects identified with a high priority account for $5 million.

And now I would like to turn it over to Josh Sherman, who will speak more about the resilient st brain project.

Thank you Raven.

Good evening Mayor members of council. My name is Josh Sherman, senior civil engineer with public works and natural resources and one of the project managers on the city’s resilience st brain project.

As a reminder, the resilient st brain project is the city’s multi year multi phase project to fully restore the st. Brian Greenway and make channel improvements to protect people property and infrastructure from future flood risks. The limits of resilience, same brain are from the city’s Western planning boundary at Airport Road and continue all the way downstream out to sandstone ranch.

The resilient st brain is approximately $140 million project. What is on the slide in front of you is the city reach. And the areas that are colored are the reaches that are funded. In fact some of those reaches beginning at the downstream side there in the yellow in the red and the green are phases of the project that are complete, including replacement of some of the roadway crossings across St. Bryan Creek.

The area in blue on that exhibit is currently under construction between the railroad bridge upstream to Boston Avenue.

And then we’re in final design on the replacement of the Boston Avenue Bridge. And we had a meeting today with the US Army Corps of Engineers to kick off final design for the area showing there in pink, which is the Isaac Walton reach to section that we’ve partnered with the Army Corps to do channel improvements adjacent Isaac Walden Pond.

Moving further upstream from sunset is what we refer to as city reach three, sunset to Airport Road is currently unfunded.

This next slide focuses on what we would consider the next phase so similar to downstream reaches, we would approach city reach three in a phased manner

for completion, this shows the overrode reach. So on the right

of this will actually in the middle of the slide there is sunset Street. This shows the preferred alternative for what we referred to as the overrode reach, which is a split flow channel through the Rogers Grove nature area in the fairgrounds pond to collect out of bank flows west of over,

construct a new culvert or bridge over over and collect those flows and put them into the main stem of St. Bryan Creek. This exhibit shows the floodplain boundaries, which is sort of the heavy dashed red line, the area in blue would be the remnant floodplain, the area in sort of the pink or salmon color would be the area that if we can get project improvements completed to overrode would be the areas that are removed from the floodplain. So significant benefits in getting the project up to hoever. Road.

We have submitted a FEMA brick grant application for this reach from sunset to over road and crew, including replacement of that structure at Hoover are a new structure at Hoover. That’s approximately a $20 million project, the maximum grant amount from FEMA would be 75%. So approximately 15 million, and the local match would be a minimum 25% or approximately 5 million.

This slide highlights again, those total costs for the resilient st brain project.

The the line items in green are those segments that are funded, again, the conceptual level design and permitting for the entire project, several of the reaches that are complete. And some of the features that are in final design. City reach three again is shown in red as unfunded, total, approximately 60 million. Again, that first phase overrode reach approximately 20 million of that 60. The line item in blue is again that total number of approximately 140 million. And below at the bottom of the table just wanted to highlight some of the bridge replacement projects that have been integral to you know the total improvements. They’re shown as a separate line items because they were funded outside of RSVP.

And I believe with that, I will turn it back over to Raven and we’ll talk a little bit more about some of the grants that have been utilized in this fun. Thank you Josh.

I’d like to mention grants which pw nr has received for storm drainage projects to demonstrate how we are working with partners to complete needed infrastructure projects related to RSVP. Through the FEMA Public Assistance Program pw nr has received 75% cost share reimbursement for flood related expenses. A partnership with the Housing and Community Investment division secured CDBG dr funds for disaster relief and long term recovery. This partnership includes recognition of RSVP as the governor’s signature flood recovery project. pw nr is also collaborating with the US Army Corps of Engineers on Isaac Walton as part of the 205 program for small flood damage reduction. The total of grant funding coming into this project through various grants is approximately $60 million.

The Isaac Walton reach will cost 20 million as Justin mentioned, with 15 million scheduled to be paid out of the storm drainage fund. pw nr has applied for the FEMA building resilient infrastructure and communities or brick grant to offset this cost.

I’m going to present two scenarios to demonstrate the storm drainage fund revenue needs one with the FEMA brick grant and the other without scenario a here shows the planned budget for the years 2022 through 2024.

This budget plan includes the receipt of the FEMA brick grant which would offset the $15 million cost to the storm drainage fund. Current expected revenue in 22 is 7.8 million, which is not sufficient to cover operating capital and that also the storm drainage fund has a policy which requires an unappropriated reserve of at least 60 days operating and maintenance expense. A goal of this financial plan is to meet the reserve requirement in 2024.

As shown with the purple bar, the projected revenue from current rates will not be sufficient to cover the proposed budget, a rate increase will be required to generate sufficient revenue.

Scenario be shown here does not include the $15 million FEMA brick grant. So in order to fund the Isaac Walton reach a $15 million issuance of additional debt would be


This is consistent with the financial plan for post flood channel improvements presented in 2013, which anticipated the need for additional bond funding, a bond election would be required in 2022. And this would increase the revenue requirement by $1 million each year beginning in 2023.

As shown with the purple bar and similar to scenario a, the projected revenue from current rates will not be sufficient to cover the proposed budget. In order to cover the operating capital reserve requirement and additional debt, a rate increase will be required to generate sufficient revenue for this plan.

The next step in this process is to review the components of the rate study as that we have outlined through these presentations. We will be coming back to Council in August to present the cost of service calculations as well as rate proposals.

Please let us know if you have any questions or would like further information. I believe Dale will be adding a final comment. But first, I would like to thank you very much for your time this evening.

Mayor Bagley and members of council I’m sure you’ve got questions about what was presented tonight. And certainly we want to take those questions. I do want to add just a couple of things to what you heard from from both Brian and Raven tonight.

You know, on the on the LPC side of the equation, you know, the biggest

challenge or opportunity depending on how you see it is the 100% renewable goal. And and some of the efforts that we are underway with here at LPC in particular with the distributed energy resources is going to be, I think, central to our success, both as the city of Long lead as well as a partner in the Platte River organization to achieving that 100% goal. Councilmember Martin, you’ve been kind enough to to

consult with us on some of those issues, I know you have expressed interest in that matter. And I do want to acknowledge and appreciate the the work that you have, that you have sort of tirelessly put him on this subject. And to say, I hope you’re not done because we’re not done, we’re just getting started on this effort.

That being said,

this is ultimately going to take the community to make this thing happen. And I think coming up with innovative solutions that allow for a greater level of community generation of power, likely most likely in the solar with battery components, or is going to be essential to making it happen in Longmont, we’re going to have to do our share as part of the overall Platte River scheme. And I know Brian touched on that, I think the other important thing as we look to beneficial electrification in the community, on everything from the transportation system that you’ve heard about, you know, recently from staff proposals to, you know,

minimizing if not elimination of natural gas use and those types of things in the community, that’s going to put a an additional load on the electric grid. And, and so the the wires into and out of houses, the panels, everything is going to have to be at least considered and looked at, in order to, again, to be sure that what we’re doing is safe. And what we’re doing is feasible and workable.

We also have to, I believe to do this in order to be successful with a keen eye on equity. We can’t leave people behind in this. In other words, we can’t just do this for the folks that that can go buy the Tesla or can go by their, their, their latest gadgets, right? We need to make sure everybody’s with us on this and that’s going to take some creativity on how we fund that and how we do that again as as the overall community

on the storm drainage side.

I don’t know how many I can’t remember who all was on council back in 2013 timeframe, I think. I think a couple of you were if not then just Brian was was Brian and maybe Joan or or Polly. Polly. Okay. So, um,

first of all, thank you for all of you that have been here for the whole ride from the flood.

I used to not be able to talk about this without getting emotional, but I’m not going to do that tonight. But I do want to it’s, it’s feels fresh in my mind.

You know, the shock of the flood was was was something that

those of us that live through it will never forget.

If there’s one thing I potentially regret

Was that when we were making presentations to the council back then we had a very similar discussion as we’re having tonight on rates within the store and drainage utility. And we had two options in front of the council at the time. One was to go for upwards of $40 million of debt servicing, raise the rates to cover that, which I think would take the rates up into the $17 per month range, or just go for 20 at the time, and try to bring in additional federal dollars, I think we wisely took the $20 million option, because we have been pretty successful at bringing federal and state dollars into the project.

I’d like to be able to assure everybody that that’s going to continue and happen. But as Raven noted tonight, if it doesn’t come through, I think the question for the council and the community is do we stay the course? And do we try to complete this project, at least up to the overrode reach that, as you can see from the map makes a fundamental difference on on that center, core, if you will, of this community. And so I just wanted to ground everybody in that that.

That’s sort of what’s on the table. The only thing I want to say is that even though we’re coming back to you in August with some rate options for you to consider. We also know that in September, you’re going to be going through in detail the the overall budget of the city, including electric and storm drainage. And I want to assure the council that you will have opportunity obviously, as you go through the budget process to make changes to what we are proposing tonight, I don’t want you to sort of feel like you’re hemmed in on on sort of where we are at this stage of the game. We expect that to be a further discussion and dialogue with the council. In other words that the staff get it close, did we get it right? To the extent that you make changes as it goes through the budget process, we’re just going to need to check our assumptions on the rate setting side of the equation to make sure that it’s still relevant and accurate. So with that, I’ll shut up. And I’ll let you ask the questions as I’m sure you have.

All right. Council Member Mayer, if I can

close it, also another gap, one of the things you didn’t see in this, and

I’m actually going to bring it full circle back to the presentation that we had at the beginning by the auditor in terms of the performance of the CDBG dr funds and what that looks like we’re opting, although we will probably close out all of the programs,

let’s say September in the fall, we’re actually opting to keep that program open. And the reason we’re going to do that is because as other programs in the state don’t utilize the Dr. fund, what we’re finding is they can’t use it. Not that they don’t or they can’t. And we’re seeing different prop problems developing in projects. As that starts freeing up because of where we’ve really positioned ourselves. In this project, how we’ve managed those funds, we found that the state actually then will push funds back into it. So we’re going to keep that CDBG Dr. program open to the to the very end to ensure that if there’s anything that’s left available that we can get that pulled back into

the RSVP program, and that was part of the agreement that we had with the Boulder County collaborative. After everything was funded, they said Lyons in Longmont, the only two communities with projects left, here’s what we’re going to do. Now we’re at the end with really the only project still going. And so we’re going to keep that open till the bitter end. And they didn’t include it in it because we just don’t know.

But we’re hoping we do get more funding coming in from from that source.

If I could, I wouldn’t add one other thing, not belabor it. But our meeting today with the the Army Corps of Engineers,

I think was very helpful and productive. We took him on a tour of the work that’s been accomplished today. And this is a fairly unique project, I think in the country, where we have so many federal agencies coming to bear between FEMA, HUD and now the Army Corps of Engineers, all coming together with their different programs, to to benefit the community. And what we told the Corps today is that

they really sort of get to be the heroes because they’re going to come in and do their their leg at the project that goes through the Isaac Walton pond area. That’s the area with a river breached and really caused all the flooding on the north side of the river. And so I believe they left fairly excited, which is our goal. And and and we assured them that this community stands to be a good partner with them and to provide whatever assistance and support and information that we can to to make them successful.

The timeline that they gave us was that they are, they’re hoping to be about 65% done with the design in August of this this year,

and then going, they need to then go and get their construction funding for their fiscal year of 22, which starts in October, on your on the federal budget cycle.

They sort of assured us that that’s pretty well set. But But we said, If you need any support, either at the state level, or the municipal level, let us know. And we’ll certainly see if we can’t get our senators and other folks to back this program, which we think is not going to be hard to do.

Assuming that all comes together, they would be looking at starting construction on their phase of the project about made July of next year.

We’re going to be starting on the Boston Avenue Bridge even before that, and so you’re going to see continued construction all the way up to the sunset Street Bridge. And so

what we’re talking about tonight, though, is that next push, if you will, to get up to overrode. And that’s sort of what’s on the table and what’s in front of us going forward. And the reason it’s important is because while the work that the Army Corps is going to do is important in terms of

eliminating or minimizing the floodplain on the north side of the river. If If you remember the flood, when it crossed over, it really then went down Boston, fairgrounds area, but then moved across. And what we’re concerned about is the impact on St. brane, mobile home park and affordable housing. And so there’s still a significant piece of work that we have to do to really protect our community. And that’s why this section is important, I think critical.

I promise I’m done. Oh, that’s okay. Dale, I like hearing from you. It’s okay.

Councilmember Martin, you’re in key first. I’m sorry. Sorry, Councilman Christiansen you’re on the queue first,

or not?


So thank you for this presentation. It’s, it’s a nice broad presentation.

I came into this job eight years ago in the flood, and I’m leaving in the pandemic. So none of this is anything any of us plan. But that’s life.

I want to thank again, the city, all the city staff who did an incredible job of quickly addressing these things, I went up to button right, I was taken on a little trip up to button rock, which I didn’t really want to go to because it was scary. But

I looked at 15 feet of silt. And I thought,

wow, I don’t know how that’s ever gonna happen. But we did that. Ronald Reagan was wrong. Government is part of the solution. It isn’t the entire solution. But when government works effectively together and coordinates, it is an incredible part of the solution. And, and this city worked also with a lot of wonderful contractors who did incredible work all over to repair this. So I want to thank you very much for for doing that. I, we got to finish this. I swore

that that would be my main goal. But you know, it does take a long time, we’re almost done that we can’t fail this town. And we won’t fail this town. I know that long after I’m gone. You guys will keep working on and it’ll get done. But

I do want to say I’m glad you mentioned the

you know, the rate increase again.

I’m not the only little old lady in this town, who who’s terrified.

We’ve raised the rates on water, we’ve raised the rates on everything, and they just keep going up. But they also need to go up. And I don’t know how we’re going to deal with this. Because

I look at my bill every month and go oh my god, I and I live in a very tiny house. And I don’t use much electricity. But

there are lots of people like me in town who don’t know how they’re going to pay their bills in the future. I can pay it now.

So we have to figure out a way that that is equitable and a way that people cannot be terrified that they’re going to live in a town that is increasingly

unaffordable. Our housing rates are already unbelievable. And that’s true all over the country, but especially in Colorado, and

we do

have low rates comparatively. But that comparatively doesn’t matter. Because, you know, I can’t say I can pay my rates compared.

So I just hope you will keep that in mind that we have to figure out ways to help people.

Or you know how I help people who can’t afford these new the rates that we have to pay to repair things. People have to keep in mind, though, that a lot of this town was built in 1880. And

that chickens are coming home to roost, we have

sewers that are failing, we have electrical work, you know, as you said, as was mentioned, my, my electrical work is from 1941 in my house, that’s not going to really cut it, you know, I’ve repaired some of it, but

and that’s true all over the place. So we have to think about how we can do this in a way that actually is safe, and affordable. So thank you very much that way. I appreciate it.

Councillor double fairing, let’s go ahead and go with you. Since this will be your first comment tonight.

not judging Just saying.

You get you get the floor. You get a skip to the head. No, I was I push the button. Oh, God, let me get you back on

to hold on a second.

All right. Let’s try that. Okay, now. Can you hear me now? Okay. Very good. Okay. Thank you, Mayor. So I appreciate the focus the department’s focus on equity, and care having that in mind, especially our lower income homes, we have, you know, I think about back on the flood happened, I lived on the north side of the Save rain on Bowen Street. And second. And, you know, it’s pretty frightening for a while. But we also have a lot of folks here now who are not living here during the time of the flood. So it’s that, well, why do we need that it’s not that important. You know, for those of us who live through that it was, you know, we know that this work is really essential for our community and our future.

So what kind of education? You know, as far as educating the community, I think, you know, around the time that we’re wanting to put out the proposed rates and fees, how are we kind of giving some background for, for residents who maybe weren’t around at that time or have kind of forgotten?

If I could, Mayor Bagley and Councilmember fairing?

Great, great question, right. And

I know, working with mica and Becky school and our communication staff.

This has got to be something that we do focus on as we go through the next several months, because we can’t just talk to the seven of you, we need to be talking to the community and listening to them as well.

Having said that, it’s never a perfect world, right, we can never stay on message and stay on topic enough to really effectively communicate, you know, the critical nature of what we’re doing and why it’s important, and how it affects everybody, whether whether you live in the floodplain, or you’re simply trying to get across town during a flood. And so what I would say is, we will continue to do our best, our, we’re going to need ambassadors out there, they’ll helping us in the community and talking along with us because

it’s again, it’s difficult to connect with everyone in in a really effective way. But so I don’t have a great answer for you. But there are experts that I will be working with to develop that strategy and that plan as we go forward. It’s probably also something we had to do just in general, to talk about the overall budget of the city. Yeah, so number of things we could do. This isn’t always the most exciting topic though, for folks. And so

strategy might be to, to marry it up with with other things that are in great interest, right to a particular neighborhood or a particular area of the city. And try to try to, you know, get into that discussion. So here’s what else is going on around the city that that you might be interested in, or might want to comment on or participate in. So you have ideas, you know, well, I mean, just even you know, when we talk about buy in or just kind of something that resonates with the community. I mean, even if you didn’t live in that area, Hey, remember when sunset bridge went out? You couldn’t you couldn’t get from A to B across across town. If I can jump in, I think one of the things. So we’re in the middle of our budget presentations right now, and I’m going to hit your question on to friends.

I think one of the things that we’ve learned coming out of the pandemic is really the different venues that we have to communicate and utilizing our cultural brokers as we’re doing this. And really specifically, as you heard me talk about st bring mobile home park,

we replaced a number of mobile homes in that location, we know that, you know, when we look at housing that’s remaining, that’s probably the most vulnerable until we get that other channel across, over. So I think it’s talking about that.

Because you’re right, once the further you get away from a disaster, and frankly, the Army Corps made this comment today, the further you get away, communities tend to lose focus.

To put it in perspective, when you take that recovery in the pandemic, I’ve been here nine years, I, I’ve only had a year and a half where I haven’t had one of those issues since I’ve been here

dealing with.

But But I say that because it’s at the forefront of our mind. And we have to remember that it may not be in the forefront of everyone else’s mind. We talked today after the budget presentation, when you look at the electric side, there’s also a message to really come across there. So when we talk about ders, and the AMI and all of these things, and we look at the rates that are being charged by Platte River, and the rate increase there, you know, we’ve talked about the more that we can minimize our peak, it gives us the ability to utilize a lower rate structure via PRP, we can’t model that now, because we need to get a little bit further. But the better we do at minimizing our peak, we can take advantage of that lower rate. But then as you look at the rate structure coming in with all of these things, you then have the ability for people to take some control of it. And so it also gives them the ability as you’re utilizing the various Smart Home Services to manage their cost structure differently. And we’ve even gotten to the point of how do we look from an equity perspective of providing those Smart Home services to people who may not have them. Because we know that if we can do when we do this, and when we structure it, people can really start managing at it, managing their cost at a different level. And we talked about how do we deliver that message as part of this conversation. So that it’s not just seen as a rate increase, but it’s seen as we’re preparing to get here. But once we get here, there are opportunities, so you can really manage your usage and your costs. And so we need to continue that conversation. So that’s the second piece on the electric side. And I think you’re just utilizing all the community groups that we have as exactly as, you know, it does those ambassadors to to get out. And, you know, the other thing that I kind of want to piggyback off of what Councilmember Christiansen said about, you know, a lot of people are, you know, money strapped, we are, you know, fixed income. You know, I was talking to the mayor earlier, and it was like my every other week, my $380, after taxes goes into my bank for divine work on Council. And, you know, for some of us, we’re watching that really, really closely. And so those, you know, I’ve appreciated how the city has tapped into grants and an extra source of funding for that. So so you know, if we can add, I think about what we did with next light, you know, when we started the pandemic, and we were going virtual, I had of my 23 kids, I only had three that had access to internet. And it was a lot of it was just getting them hooked up the next slide and having conversations, you know, with Valerie Dodds and you know, what can we do to get internet in the hands of

folks that need it, because it’s essential now.

And we’re taking that to the next level with the IGA with the savory Valley School District then also will be coming in front of you as well that I think will be foundational on

the accessibility of the next light system for everyone in the community.

To me, that’s, that’s what we should be doing when you have a community owned.

Viper system. Yeah, that’s the cool part of it, that you get to do so. Okay. Thank you.

All right, great. Customer waters. Got Hold on. There you go. Thank you very badly.

Brick, I may be the only one up here who doesn’t know what brick stands for? Be Ric? It could be Brazil.

Like the brick? I don’t think so. Which brick

Thank you, Councilman waters. brick is the building resilient infrastructure and communities. In that’s the the acronym at the fit for the federal program. Thank you FEMA program. I didn’t think it was

the other the first part of mortar

Yeah. So I appreciate that now, we have a proposal submitted, what are our prospects is already How do you do, I’m certain you do some kind of calculus, what your prospects are for winning those kind of grant proposals.

Good evening, Mayor and Councilmember waters. So I’m not sure that there’s a calculation for the probability.

We are a sub applicant as a city, to the state to the state is the applicant state is the applicant to FEMA.

There, and I don’t know the numbers off the top of my head, several dozen applications in the category that we’re looking at from a state perspective, I have no idea how many from the federal level,

the state does go through sort of a ranking and stacking of those applications.

And when they put together their application to FEMA, although what we’ve been advised about the state is that

the beds may or may not sort of follow what the state recommends, to the best of my understanding, at least one project from each applicant, and so that states,

other territories, Native American tribes, things like that. So at least one applicant from each

does get funded. I do think that the resilience brain project is on I know it’s on Themis radar. They use this project as an example, when they talk about resiliency when they talk about natural stream design, and those types of things.

The other piece I would mention is that it is an annual program.

And it has been funded. It’s the old pre disaster mitigation program. And they’ve sort of rebranded it as brick. They’ve also

picked up a lot more funding, because now they base their funding on the last year’s federally declared disasters. So at some percentage of previous year’s federally declared disasters is how much they’re putting into funding for the next fiscal year.

I think COVID counts. So

what I would say is, if we’re not successful this year, we’ll repackage it up, take whatever constructive criticism we can, and submit it again next year. So you may we may or may not know the result of that that proposal by by decision time relative to each 20 budget, we should know, the best information I have from the state right now is that maybe around July 4 timeframe. So actually sooner, okay. Hopefully we can get like this week. I notice.

In the past when when brick was PDM was a smaller program notices came out in the May June timeframe, the city has received and utilized PDM grants in the past for things like left hand Creek improvements, there was some of that funding on the Main Street Bridge and South Park Parkway bridge improvements. So we are familiar with with that program as well. So because I heard there’s that we may be talking about,

except willingness to accept or at least ask the community to authorize debt if we don’t get the brick award. So so the timing is going to be critical. Dale, you mentioned other creative, thank you, by the way. You mentioned other creative types or sources of funding, could you be more specific in terms of what you watch in your head in terms of creative?

mayor, bam, put you on the spot mayor. And Councilmember waters, you know, what I mean about that is

not just looking at the to the traditional sources of revenue.

You know, we now have a full time grant

administrator, which is a new position for us.

My my hope with that position is that they get very creative on going after any number of different opportunities that might be out there. Each of these grant applications, by the way, have different local match requirements and so on, some of which we we may not have participated in in the past because we didn’t have the capacity to go after him, you know, with the staff resources to do that. So that’s one that’s one piece, I think the other is

again, getting creative on on how we utilize the different funds at the city to come to bear on a project. So in resilience St. Brain we have been bringing in some of the the parks in Greenway fees to you know, to reestablish the st. Green Greenway, we brought in transportation street fund money to do you know, portions of the transportation system. So again, it’s looking at the totality of the city’s resources again, instead of just one segment of the same, so that’s what so I’m not looking at creating about counting. I’m just looking at it

A broad way of trying to figure out a way to fund it. And there’s a lot of money moving around. So the infrastructure bill was just, yeah, that’s what does that mean? So we’ve really just got to watch all of this to try to find any opportunity we can. Yeah, well, this probably is it, there probably isn’t ever been a better time right now. Right, in terms of what’s flowing in terms of federal money, to be where we are with decision making, that that and and, and being in a position to act, I think that’s always been our strategy is to have a number of projects that are that are shovel ready, whatever terminology you want to use.

That’s one of our best strategies, and it’s been successful in the past. You know, I think Josh was actually sort of underselling how favorable FEMA has seen this project over the years. And for them to to use Longmont and the resilient st brain project on a national level of of how projects can and should be done, both from a resiliency perspective, as well as from an environmental perspective. Those are the two elements that that we’re bringing to the table.

That doesn’t mean however, that’s a guarantee that we’re going to get funded. And I think that’s an important part because to really,

how do they view it? Molly O’Donnell on the resiliency work has been asked to really present at national conferences. And that was a basis of this. I know they’ve worked with Josh, in terms of where how we’ve designed where we’ve gone to Peter has gone in and presented on the FEMA pa side and even went to DC to advise on PA. So what we’re trying to do and I say this because

it’s a cumulative effect and everything that we do. And that’s what we’re constantly trying to build on. So you’re right, I think there, there’s an undersell, but that’s really the I think the impact that this project has had more globally on FEMA, and in how they look at the PA program, which was new when we went into it.

In the in the cams communication, you’ve laid out capital improvement

priorities, what’s funded what’s unfunded, it’s I’m going to assume that everything that’s in the unfunded bundle of projects are deemed non essential or non critical.

For the storm date drainage for the utility and for the other things we talked about, I would say less essential, and, and therefore not funded.

If there’s something showing in your ciap funded or unfunded, it means it’s on our radar, it means it’s something that we know, ultimately, we’re going to have to tackle and figure out all the funded or unfunded is saying is relative to these other projects, it’s less essential and less important. The last, I guess, comment would be at some point, as we talk about rates and and public engagement or education, we ought to have a pretty clear understanding of the implications of failing, not doing right if we choose not to, here’s what’s predicted.

And I mean, I get everything that’s been said about affordability and in the cost of everything is going up. But but the cost of failure is so much exponentially higher than what we’re asking ourselves to do. And I think we just need to frame that really clearly, that we just the cost, the cost of failure are exponentially higher than the incremental cost that we’re talking about to get this right. In many times the cost of failure disproportionately impacts the equity issue at

the least able to manage through that kind of a tragedy or an enemy. So just in terms of how we messaged this, I think that’s absolutely it’s an important part of that messaging. So thanks. Thanks for the nice job with the presentation. Thank you.

My mic wasn’t on either. Just knows I might like was it on either. The the. He says thank you. And he told me I was an idiot, which which is okay. All right. Councillor Martin. I’m sorry, your turn up. Sorry, Dr. Waters.

Thank you, Mayor Bagley and Deputy Dale, I don’t have any critical remarks or gotcha questions. Appreciate that.

But I really don’t have any because, you know, on the on the electric side, I have spent a certain amount of time in that industry. And I just have to say that the preparedness, the ordering

The recognition of what has to be done is, in my mind, at least, absolutely spot on. And I think that in this on this side, especially, there are a lot of very creative opportunities for minimizing the impact of this in the out years. Absolutely. And so I wanted to acknowledge and praise that. And then I don’t know anything about flood restoration. I’ll be the first to say that, but what I do know is what I see. And I think that the reason that Longmont has not lost focus on the fact that we are still in restoration mode is because of what we see, which is the extreme beauty of the already restored reaches. And I think I can on behalf of the entire community, thank public works as a whole for that. Because whatever came in from outside, you guys caught it and made the most of it. So thank you. Appreciate that. Thank you.

Thank you do anything else? I think we’re good. Maybe from now till the end of this this council, just an ideas.

Maybe what we’ll do is take turns thinking, Dale, so we all don’t have go through and thank him who would like to thank Dale take their turn thinking Dale, anyone?

I know just check in. From now on just know that I’m going to start asking everyone who wants to take their turn thinking? I don’t want to do it. That’s okay. As mayor, I don’t have to who every time Yeah, that we have members of the public that would surely like to thank. But no. So we’ll we’ll try to do that to try to limit down the time. But we’ll take turns thanking you. But thank you. All right. We don’t need to do anything other than the Thank you. So let’s go ahead and go on to general business 12 b resolution 2021 to 72 resolution Aloma city council amending the city of Longmont, 2021 classification and pay plan. Do we have a presentation? Yes. All right. Mayor Bagley members of council I’m Jim Goldman Chief Financial Officer. And also here tonight is joannes. z is the Chief Human Resources officer. So I wanted to just make a brief presentation about this item. But it is a proposal to amend the 2021 pay plan for a mid year pay increase for city employees of 2%. So you may recall that during the budget process last year, we reported that we would not be able to include a pay adjustment within the original proposed budget. And the reason for that was because of concern about potential revenue constraints, and the uncertainty of pay increases provided by other public employers. So we also reported that if the revenues for 2021, as well as 20, were to continue to exceed expectations, that we might be able to recommend a mid year pay increase within 2021, some sort of market adjustment. So after four months of activity, the reports for sales and use tax revenue that you’ve been getting from the finance department are showing 17.9% growth and sales and use tax over 2020 levels. And in fact, I can also add that that in through may actually, that’s continuing at that level or beyond.

So with that strong performance in in 2020 that we had last year that exceeded our conservative projections. And so the mount that we have budgeted for sales and use tax currently in our 2021 budget is actually 2.65% and below our actual 2020 level of collections. So now this activity so far for the third through first five months,

it’s you know, really don’t expect to see that through the rest of the year. We have we did have some strong growth in the second half of last year that we certainly wrote out the second half on. So I would think that would come down to some degree but it is clear that that we do have a significant amount of sales tax compared to the budgeted level.

Currently, salary surveys are probably just becoming available. We’ll be seeing them soon, early next or sometime next month for the 2021 2022 budget process. The information so far regarding market wages are that

actual salaries have increased during 2021 calendar year. Some other public entities did start with pay increases during the year and some others also are have also considered the same type of mid year pay adjustments as we are currently so as budget

realities allow, it’s imperative that the city continue to ensure that it offers market salaries. As noted in our compensation philosophy, particularly in an environment that we have currently have a high competition for staff, as well as high projected turnover.

staffs proposing this two year mid year market adjustment for all city positions. In the general fund, the cost is projected at $571,183. Just for regular employees. This is about 1.52% of the 2021 sales and use tax citywide the cost is projected at $1,043,000. And the temporary employees is about another $52,000. So all this can be easily covered by revenue exceeding projections in the individual funds with sales and use tax revenue. And then for enterprise funds that can also be covered as their rates are have already been considering that there will be annual pay increases. We are examining some of our smaller funds with very few employees on it, and they have with limited revenue sources, we think they should be able to cover the cost but where they may not we will come back with an appropriation ordinance that will address each and all of these amounts and all of these funds. And if necessary, we may look to the general fund to help out those smaller funds that really went through some revenue shortfalls and throughout code that year last year due to COVID.

So you’ll see that additional appropriations ordinance soon, we wanted to bring you that the pay plan adjustment so that we could make that effect effective on June 28, which was yesterday in the beginning of a pay period. We’ve we are again working on Pay ranges for 22 budget that will be worked into our our budgeting process currently underway. So that’s all I have I can answer any questions or Joanne might be able to help as well if you have any.

I think we’re okay. Who would like to thank Jim Gordon.

I’m gonna move resolution. Resolution 2021 72. Would you like to thank Jim Gordon at the same time? Hold on. I need I need to make sure you’re on the mic. Where you’re I don’t see you got to do three. So you can make the motion? Aye, Aye.

All right. So there’s a motion. I’ll second that motion.

Councilmember Christian, you’re out of the kuna. Okay. All right, seeing that there’s nobody else in the queue. Let’s go ahead and vote. We’re voting on item 12. b, the motion is to pass resolution 2021. desk 72.

Go ahead and record your votes. The Motion carries unanimously are sorry, six to zero with Councilmember Peck absent?

Yeah, I would like to thank Jim because all right, y’all, but I’m going to start keeping track. Harold, your turn to thank our presenter, Harold.

The reason why I want to do this is as we went through this process over the last year,

when you’re in this position in the value of somebody like that, that you can fundamentally trust and rely on and not losing focus on what they say is, is something that’s really important. And you know, I don’t say this a lot, but

definitely made my life easier made the decision making process easier. But I think positions as well, not only as we looked at the budget next year, but as we’re starting to look in the budgets in the next few years. And so I say that because

you see we’re performing really well. But I also want to set the stage of we’re having a lot of conversations about how well is well in can we continue it because I want to manage expectations too as we’re looking into this budget process and so, but the value

that he brings in the conversation is tremendous. And I haven’t said it enough and I needed to say it tonight.

Who would like to thank Harold

because we’re Christian, would you like to

be half of the Council of Kaos workers. Thank you. Alright, let’s go and take just a brief break. Hit the restroom that kind of stuff. Come back in five minutes. We’ll do our do our board and commission appointments before final call public invited to be heard.

Alright let’s get started again.

Alright mirrors last item is board

And commission appointments. And you all did interviews June 15. With people he had 55 applicants.

A couple of those were not eligible and a couple were not able to interview. Pardon me.


I think Harold was asking to be appointed, but I misunderstood his signaling. So the first one is art in public places, you have four candidates. We did not do ballots for that one thinking that you might do this one by motion. unless I’m mistaken, and you haven’t. I’m actually I’m going to move that we appoint Laurel Alterman, Stephanie Burris, and Iris Hannon to each to a full term

of the art and public places board.

All right, all in favor by show of hands say aye.

Aye, abstaining since I was not

Alright, so the Motion passes. Five to nothing with Councilmember waters abstaining. And Councilmember Peck not present. I’m not going to say that anymore, because just let it be known that Councilmember Peck is not here. And for all future votes tonight, and Councilmember waters, at least for these purposes, will be abstaining as a result of him not being part of the interviews, but he was excused. Alright, so next one board of adjustment and appeals you have two positions in two candidates, although one of those candidates was not available for interviews. And the other candidate is a current board member. Alright, so did the Jenny Rick still want to serve? She serves currently does she not or no, she does not Mark flowers the current I’m gonna actually move that we appoint Mark flower to the Board of adjustment appeals as a regular member as a regular member.

Alright, it’s been moved by me and seconded by Councillor Christiansen, raise your hand if you were in favor of the motion.

All right. That’s five of us. Opposed. None of us. All right. The motion passes with Mark flower being appointed to the regular term of the board of adjustment appear appeals five to nothing. And then we have the unexpired term. Did you want us to re advertise that or appoint? I think we should re advertise it. Anybody opposed to that? I mean, and Janie can also come in and reapply and I think we’d like to meet her. Great. Okay. Thank you very much for the downtown Development Authority you have

for eligible candidates in two regular member terms ending 2025 you do have ballots for this one.

doggo fairing vote selected. Creighton and pellicer


selected Creighton and pellicer Bagley Creighton and pellicer.

And a soda Martin Creighton and pellicer.


Creighton and Lavelle. So it looks like john Creighton and Kristen pellicer. And then Councilmember waters is I did not get a ballot just confirming. So by nothing those two Correct, correct. All right. So looks like well for for one more one on Kristen pellicer. Yes. She got four votes and john Lavelle got one. All right. Then on the group general employment or employee retirement pension board, you have one applicant and one regular member term.

Gert kircher offline.

So I move that we appoint Tiffany gobbler or is it Gabler

as the regular term

Alright, I moved Kazmir Lago farrowing seconded. All in favor, raise your hand.

Opposed. All right. Motion carries five to nothing. Very good. Thank you. Next is golf course advisory boards, to applicants for one unexpired term. You do have ballots for this one.

And they’re both neither one of them are on the board. Correct. Neither are currently on the board.

Thank you.

Bagley voted doors in ski.

He toggle fairing doors in ski Rodriguez doors in ski Martin burzynski.

Christiansen Eng halt so and doors in ski

by a vote of four.

And for an angel taking the one shirt wallet. They’re both they’re both excellent candidates. I was taught coin toss for me, so I would encourage Mr. enkelte to apply again. Great. We will pass that along. Thank you. Next one is Historic Preservation Commission. You have two applicants again for one unexpired term there so you do have ballots for this one as well.

Thank you that well.

That’s why you went to Berkeley right there.

All right. Bagley Jacoby,

Martin Jacoby, Christiansen Jacoby.

Iago fairing, Burke. Rodriguez Jacoby so Jacoby will be your appointee for the Historic Preservation Commission. Housing and Human Services Advisory Board. You have two applicants, one unexpired term, ending the end of this year. So a very short term. You do have ballots for this one.

So this is the housing and Human Services. Human Services. Yes.

They’re both Great.

Thank you.

Bagley Duncan Christiansen ohnaka. Martin Duncan

indigofera. fairing or NACA Rodriguez ohnaka.

So three voted for a NACA and two for Duncan.

Oh, NACA takes it. Is that sufficient of a majority? I’m sorry. Say that again? Oh, NACA would? Yeah. With the majority. You got it. Yeah. So just to be clear, the reason why is it’s a core. So even if we are counting Council, we had four people present. If we get three, that’s still a majority quorum. Very good. Library advisory board. Next one, three applicants one regular member term ending 2026. You do have ballots for this one.

Thank you.

Double Fairing for Melissa Davis Rodriguez for Scott commerce. Bagley Melissa Davis. Martin Scott Converse, Christiansen for Scott Converse. So Scott Converse will be the appointee to library advisory board.

Longmont Housing Authority Advisory Board has one regular member term and one applicant who is also a current board members. So we thought this one might be a I’m sorry, say that again. The housing authority when one seat one applicant who is a current member, I move that we appoint Cameron grant to the Lecce.

That was seconded by Councilmember waggle fairing moved by me All in favor Raise your hand. All right, I’ll pose say nay.

All right, motion carries five to nothing. Thank you. The mo PC money accumulation pension board has two applicants and one member you do have ballots. One of the applicants is a current board member.

And that is Eric Mason is the correct Yep.

Yes, more DOJ.

You got a few more to go. You might you might

might get it vaguely for Mason E double Fairing for Mason Rodriguez for Mason Martin for Mason Christiansen for Mason. So all five Eric Mason will be your appointee to mo PC museum advisory board. I move that we appoint Dale Barnard and Katie McDonald to the to each of full term of the museum advisory board. Okay. All right. I seconded by Councillor Christiansen, I made the motion All in favor say aye. I’d actually put your hand. All right. Five to nothing. Motion carries. Thank you. Just a couple more senior citizen advisory board, you have two unexpired terms. And two applicants. On this particular board. We listed one as an alternate that is our wording on this board. They are both treated as same. The Senior Citizens Advisory Board does not really use the alternate functions they’d be I’m going to move that we appoint David Brenner. I’m going to put I’m going to move that we appoint David Brenner as the and Ruth Ellis is members of the Senior Citizens Advisory Board.

I made the motion counselor Martin seconded it, raise your hand if you agree.

Opposed. All right. Motion carries five nothing. Thank you. Next one is sustainability advisory board. You have three regular member terms three candidates. One of those candidates didn’t was not able to interview but did send you an email is my understanding. So neither of the candidates is a current customer Christiansen Do you want to

wait? Okay, go. No, I just had it takes me a second to click on your mic. takes me a second to do it.


I would just like to put in a word for Kate collard since she’s been the president and she’s actually a wonderful and very knowledgeable about a lot of sustainability issues. So I’d just like to put an award for her. And then who was the one who sent the email that I’m gonna actually move that we actually appoint Kent collards and Robert Davidson and James Metcalf each to a regular term of the spit sustainability advisory board.

I made the motion. Councilmember Christiansen seconded it all in favor, raise your hand.

All right post. All right. Motion carries five to nothing. Thank you, Mayor. Second. The last is transportation advisory board. You have three regular so you can actually move that we appoint Steve lanner and David mechanic makenna makenna. And Mickey McInerney. Sorry, Mr. McNerney. I’m slaughtering that I’m sure if I move that we appoint Steven David both to a full term for the transportation advisory board. Second, it’s been moved by me and Mayor Pro Tem is seconded it all in favor Raise your hand.

Motion carries five to nothing. And the last one is the waterboard you have two applicants and one regular member term. You do have a ballot. Ready to Oh, no runners.

Let the record reflect that Mr. Mays tired. He said. It’s okay, Eugene. It’s still 10 It’s all right. It’s all right. We appreciate you being here. You’re in a suit and tie for once it’s okay. It’s been a year and a half. We understand cue

it up a Fairing for duster, Rodriguez for duster. Begley for duster, Martin for Eastman Christiansen for duster. So Thomas duster is your appointee to the water board.

And that is all of your board appointments. Thank you. Thank you very much. All right, let’s move on then to final call public invite to be heard. At this time, I would like to apologize to a member of the public who a

member of the public who

tried calling in earlier. I do not know your name, sir. But he drove down after the system wasn’t working. So let’s have you come on down. So your name and address. And I am going to probably just start this at some point.

But sorry, thanks for coming down and driving. No problem. Nicholas Allen’s 1314 Venice Street.

So I wrote this before, I was calling you at the time I’m calling in or now I’m here to voice my unequivocal support for the plan to improve the cycling infrastructure along ninth Avenue. I’ve seen complaints from people on next door about the proposed plan that it’s going to remove some parking along the route. The comments ranged from things like cyclists should just ride on the sidewalk to cyclists to just ride a different routes, which I’ll call those, maybe the thoughtful comments. And then there were things that more raised high blood pressure where people just yelled in caps that roads are only for cars. So as a homeowner, a taxpayer, a driver and a cyclist I frequently cycle at least a section of night. As part of my daily commute. I often bring my three year old daughter along this route and a bike trailer on our way to and from her preschool. And I thought I would address some of the objections to improving infrastructure for cyclists. First, while it is possible and legal to cycle on the sidewalk, it tends to be quite dangerous for cyclists. As with motor vehicles, the majority of crashes occur at intersections and when one rides along a sidewalk, it greatly increases the number of intersections as every driveway and laneway becomes a an intersection essentially, and drivers often did not anticipate a cyclist on the sidewalk and pull across it. While I frequently ride along other less busy parallel routes. None of them had the same directness as ninth to North 10th ends at the high school, Long’s peak to the south all but ends at the pool, eight zigzags and it’s not convenient for some types of trips. And certainly many of these issues are surmountable, and I do take those routes. But I also find it frustrating that, and I’m not saying this is coming from the city council, but how people who think that the cyclists need to the onus is on the cyclists to find these special workaround routes, rather than when I get my car, I never have to consider how am I going to I’m going to get somewhere I just go there and the roads open up before me and the lights turn green when I pull up to them. And that doesn’t happen when you’re on a bike. And I think at some point, we should get to a point where that’s where to be a cyclist is to be as easy as it is to be a motorist.

I don’t think a city street should be a limited access highway or should be modeled after one and I hope that that’s we’ll move in a direction where they’re not. I’m under no illusion that the plan pain along ninth Avenue will overnight lead to a massive influx of cyclists taking to the roads. It’s a slow process, but I believe it’s one that’s important cycling has has many benefits. For me, it makes me healthier. It saves me serious money. And I’ve heard that throughout this meeting tonight at all the money pinches. I think the average American spends $500 per month on a car and my wife and I with our two kids we share a car and otherwise just cycle and that saves us 500 bucks a year.

For 500 bucks a month, essentially not having a second vehicle.

It also, I have a Dutch cargo bike. So I have a wooden bike with this wooden box in front where both kids can sit. And it has a real benefit that I get to talk to my kids as we ride around town.

I the benefits not limited just to me, I think the externalities are extremely positive. Cyclists help keep the air quality better. It promotes health that in turn, benefits the economy and puts downward pressure on the health insurance for everyone even though that’s only slight. And I believe that these benefits weren’t more aggressive action, but I’m happy for every small step along this path. I trusted those live long nights will no longer have access to public. I’m sorry, though, I realized that people live long nights will no longer have access to publicly subsidized free parking and merely in front of their homes. I think they’ll adapt quickly. I hope they’ll get to ride along ninth and enjoy the wind in their hair. And they might even benefit from increased property values if the traffic is calmed. So to the city council, Mr. Mayor, I ask that you would press forward this initiative and other cycling initiatives. Thank you, sir. And sorry again for that, that imposition on your time tonight. No problem. I saw how the whole sausage was made. I’ve never waited this long into the meeting. I

wish it was good sausage.

All right, the Anybody else? And then Do we have anybody? All right. So that will go ahead and conclude tonight’s

final call public invited to be heard. All right. Let’s go ahead and go ahead and mayor and council comments. Anyone have any comments?

All right, seat seven.

No, I’m just verifying I got a little list here.

Councillor Martin?

Thank you, Mayor Bagley. I’ll try to be quick.

I want to correct the public record. I’m sorry, Marsha.

Sorry, Marsha.

I still wanted the beep. Go ahead. I still want to correct the public record.

from something that was said in in public invited to be heard the first time I thought that the second the final call was very accurate and thank you.

But the windy gap bond issue did not go away. The windy gap bond issue was CES was not done because there was a lawsuit pending against the project. And so there was no point in issuing bonds when we didn’t know whether the project would go forward at all. It was withheld because of the lawsuit by climate activist Gary Walker, who settled

with northern water for $15 million, as was

mentioned earlier in the council meeting, and that money when we were talking about the sustainability of of our rivers in general, that money went to a western slope nonprofit, for climate mitigation on the river, so exclusively for that purpose. Today, I heard a report on the windy gap water distribution.


you know, if you turn off your mic, Mayor Bagley then it won’t do that Thank you.

On the distribution of when to get water, when to get pumping has actually been called a halt for the rest of this year for the pumping season and water will be pumped into the Colorado River to lower than water temperature to make the environment healthier for the fish. So

we are using our windy gap water rights responsibly. And I want everyone

to know that

it’s important to understand that Colorado water law doesn’t really allow us to do what was being suggested by the speaker.

When water rights are granted, especially diversion rights, the water right either allows us to use the water to exhaustion or it allows us to use the water once and then let it flow on down and be used by water users farther

down the slope in this case to the eastern slope. And neither of those kinds of water rights allow us to store the water. In fact that was the crux of the lawsuit was whether we had properly established our right to store the water. If

Longmont did not

issue these bonds and pulled it out of the windy gap firming project, the water would not go back into the Colorado River, the water

rights would be or the capacity rights in the project would be bought by one of the other project participants. So there’s no way for

the water to be used any more healthily under present water law than what we are already doing by responsibly using that water right.

And finally, the suggestion was made by that that the recommendations of the climate asked action taskforce on water conservation be

resurrected and used instead of windy gap water capacity. Unfortunately, there is no Climate Action Task Force recommendation to be resurrected, because the water conservation proposal was not backed by science, it was very extreme. And all of the boards like the water board and the sustainability board that had a say, in evaluating those Climate Action Task Force recommendations, rejected it outright. And that was the only recommendation out of the whole mess. That was that was treated that way. I would like to thank the waterworks have the city of Longmont and all the way back to the beginning of, of the founding of the city, because the incredible prudence of the city leadership in securing water rights and storage amazes me every time I go to any of those water meetings, we are the best provision city on the front range, and we use our water responsibly. And we’re doing the best we can.

So I just wanted to correct the record. Thank you very much.

All right.

Councilmember eight, that would be up Councilmember Christiansen and I’m sorry, the new system only says 12345678 1011 or 12. So the delay What? No nine?

There is no nine or maybe there is Stay tuned. But no, there’s no nine on the system that I know whose Nine.

Nine is right there. Our beloved nine. So anyway, Councilmember Christiansen

required to remember

you. You are not required remember your number, but right now, I don’t have enough brain power left.

Okay, so I was going to

make some comments to Mr. Farnsworth. They left and I was gonna make some comments that there’s the bicyclist who came in, which was very nice of him. But I’ll I’ll save that for our discussion of ninth Avenue or ninth. Yeah, ninth Avenue when we do discuss it, by the way. So I drove along ninth Avenue, slowly each direction and loved carefully who didn’t have garages because that was my fear is that we were going to shut old lady out old ladies that have garages, of course,

as the cyclists said that he wanted people to ride along with the wind in their hair. I used to ride along with the wind in my hair, I’m riding along with the wind so much anymore. I don’t think if you’re 90, you’re going to be riding along with the wind in your hair. But anyway.


yes, I, we need to keep in mind when that ninth Avenue thing comes along that it’s not just about providing

lanes for cyclists and room for cyclists. It’s also about improving some dangerous intersections like at night and Francis, which everybody knows is this kind of a mask. And so it is a very carefully thought out plan. That is, I think very sound but anyway, so it’s nice to be back. I know the only people left here are those of us who have to be here but it’s still nice to see you in the flesh. So may you have a lovely weekend.

Seat seven.

Council Member Martin.

Oh, you were that’s okay, though. I know. I just thought you wanted to say something else. And I have some things to say about how politics runs in this town. But I’m going to wait a few weeks. So I’ll hold off because nobody’s here and you guys you don’t care. So Dale’s like Thank you. So but I’m not running again. I got some things to say stay tuned. Alright, let’s go ahead and move on to

city manager marks no comments Mayor Council.

Eugene, may Mayor still awake? Nope.

All right. Do we have a motion to adjourn?

Second. All right. It’s been moved by Dr. Waters seconded by Councilmember Lago fairing. It’s quite nice. Our voting system, shall we?

All in favor, just go ahead and record your vote.

Are you in favor? We cannot as soon as it’s been pointed out, we cannot end in love. Just kidding. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed. All right. We’re out of here. It’s unanimous.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai