Video Description:
Water Board Meeting – March 15, 2021
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
I’d like to call the march 15 2021 Longmont waterbird meeting to order. Heather, could we please start with a roll call?
Unknown Speaker 0:07
Sure chair Williams. Here. Vice Chair Peterson here. Remember Gould? allisyn are you here? She is I saw her. BOARD MEMBER Horwich. Here. BOARD MEMBER Lang here. Can Houston.
Unknown Speaker 0:40
President Nelson Tipton.
Unknown Speaker 0:43
Unknown Speaker 0:43
Wes Lowery. Here. Kevin Bowden. Nancy Jaffe, here. Jason Elkins here. And Heather McIntyre is here. Councilmember Barbie here. And Alison, have you joined us yet? Not seeing where she is. She is on a call.
Unknown Speaker 1:20
Why don’t we just we can keep going. And she can join in. thrown me threw her off was starting two minutes early.
Unknown Speaker 1:27
So yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:30
So the next item item three is approval of the previous month’s minutes. We need a motion in a second. And a vote on February 22 2021. Meeting Minutes. Everybody had a chance to review? Are there any questions and comments on those minutes?
Unknown Speaker 1:54
moved to approve. Mr. Chair.
Unknown Speaker 1:57
Okay. We have a motion. Is there a second? Second? Okay, a motion by Scott a second by Roger. Any further discussion? Hearing none, all those in favor say aye.
Unknown Speaker 2:11
Unknown Speaker 2:12
Opposed, okay. But it’s approved and I see Allison is on the I can see her on the video. So welcome back. The next item four is the water status report. is Scott alluded to I don’t know if we really need to do that today given the storm but just
Unknown Speaker 2:33
make it really short. How’s that? Because it it’s definitely going to be short so I’ll just be because a lot of the gauges were frozen in are snowed in the flow city brain Creek at lions. Today is 55.4 CFS and the 24 year average is approximately 18. CFS for this date. I’m calling the st grand Creek is Highland Lake same as last last month admin number 8917. And the priority date is May 31 1874. So calling the main stem that impacts district five is Riverside reservoir. And the admin number is 26 302 priority date. January 5 1920. Do so brought button rock is currently at 63 97.7 which is 15,737 acre feet. So it’s 96.5% full release and approximately 50 CFS now. So the regulating date is is repaired and I won’t go in any details on that just in case jF space is going to give an update. But it is working. We’re making releases union reservoirs that proximately 19 feet down roughly. That’s approximately six 7000 acre feet. So down approximately 6008 feet and currently released at nine and a half CFS. And that’s that’s all
Unknown Speaker 4:11
okay, are there questions for Nelson on the water status report? I’m not seeing any notes. I remember right the flow on the state brain was about half of the historic average the last few months and then it went up to about triple the historic flows Is that about right? That that’s
Unknown Speaker 4:29
Yeah, cuz the button rocks at regulating gate like I said is repaired so we’re see Walmart’s making releases out of raw price was around 50. CFS. So so the flows pretty much the same as what it’s been for last three or four months now. Okay. Without the without the releases. I see. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 4:52
All right. Any other questions? If not, we’ll move on to item five. The public invited to be heard and special presentation Heather, I believe there’s no public invited to be heard. Is that right?
Unknown Speaker 5:05
That’s correct. We have no one with us today.
Unknown Speaker 5:07
Okay. And any special presentations? We have none. Okay. All right, we’ll move on to six can Is there any agenda revisions or submission of documents?
Unknown Speaker 5:21
Have no agenda revisions, we do have a little bit more information in the drought plan that Wes will present on screen some of the snotel graphs.
Unknown Speaker 5:33
Great. Look forward to that. item seven development activity once again, there is no development activity. Is that right? That’s correct. Okay. Moving right along. Item eight, under general business is the cash in lieu review, Wes.
Unknown Speaker 5:54
So what we’ve included in your board packet is the same type of information that’s been in there in prior quarterly reviews. There’s been a small amount of late Macintosh and oligarchy dish still trans acting at the same cost per acre foot, that it was transacting at your last meeting, cost for new water supplies. We were hopeful that we might have some updated when you get firming project data. But we don’t have that at this time. We’re hopeful that we’ll have it for the next meeting. The other the other three items that we have on there, they remain unchanged, based on the construction cost index. So what we really have that’s new to this month for you guys to look at is that CVT a lot my unit transfer cost, there were 60 units that were transacted in December, and an average cost of $73,684 per acre foot. And then in January 27 units, and an average cost of $71,759 an acre foot. And then in February, there were 17 units that are an average of $73,762 an acre foot. And so when we took a weighted average of those total cost was around seven, just over 73,070 $3,197. So it’s actually went down slightly from the prior quarter. But one thing that probably might be of note, a couple of those transactions, one in January for a was from a church to a to a class C contract. So that might have possibly influenced a little lower price per unit. And then in February, there was 12 units that made up the bulk of what transacted in February and that went from an irrigator out of an inactive account. Also a 54,000 acre foot so so basically, not a whole lot of change cash in lieu or the I’m sorry, the CVT selling price went down slightly. It’s it’s got some preliminary March sales that are suggesting it’s probably coming back up just slightly. But again, we don’t have any any new information on the cost of new water supplies. So that’s really all I have to report to the board for this quarter.
Unknown Speaker 8:32
Okay, thanks was any questions for us on the cash in lieu? Do you know what it sounds like in the next month or two, you’re gonna get a additional cost estimate for kind of ongoing, windy gap activities while this litigation is pending. Is that right? And then I guess the follow up question, are there other projects that you see on the development side that are going to be coming in in the near term?
Unknown Speaker 9:02
So one of the big things was windy gap is they’re still trying to renegotiate their contract for some of that work. And that’s, I don’t know how long that’s going to take. Hopefully that renegotiated since we had to make a longer timeframe, not 100%. Sure. Again, I’m hopeful that we’ll have updated numbers in the next quarter, but no guarantees. As far as water rights coming in. There’s there might be some cash in lieu. And then there might be some some non historic coming in, in a lot of these projects have been sitting out there for quite a while, and they haven’t yet decided to move yet on them. I don’t I’m not certain whether or not those will come through in the next month or so. Oftentimes when they waited this late, they waited until early summer. So if I get any of that, though, that would that would be reflected in the native water or native basin water rights transactions. So yeah, I really just don’t i don’t have a real good finger on it. But there’s not anything I know for certain that’s coming in.
Unknown Speaker 10:20
Okay. All right. Any other questions on that? If not, I guess we will leave unless somebody has a comment. We currently have the price set at the at the windy gap. firming project cost of $17,683. Is that right was?
Unknown Speaker 10:40
That’s correct. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 10:41
So if I think we can leave it at that without any action, unless there’s any questions, comments By the waterboard on that? Everybody Okay, with leaving it? at the current rate?
Unknown Speaker 10:55
I think it shouldn’t be left at the current rate, it wouldn’t make sense to change it at this point.
Unknown Speaker 11:00
Agreed. Okay, it sounds good. And then we’ll revisit it, we should hopefully have those additional the revised costs when we revisit that at the next kind of regular session for the cash in lieu update. Okay, that sounds good. Thank you. We move on here. So the next item is a B, water supply agreement with St. Brain and lefthand water Conservancy district can?
Unknown Speaker 11:29
Yes, thank you, Chairman. Mr. Chair,
Unknown Speaker 11:32
sorry, can if I may, I needed to disclose publicly that I am General Counsel for the Conservancy district and participate in the drafting of this proposed agreement. So I’m going to sign off. And you can let me know when I should come back in Mr. Chair, or Heather? She can.
Unknown Speaker 11:51
Okay, thank you, Scott. Heather, can you give a way to get a hold of Scott before he leaves to get him back on the call once we’re past this item?
Unknown Speaker 12:00
Yes, I can email him. Okay. Thanks. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 12:12
Super. Thank you, Chairman. So the item we have before you today is a water supply agreement between the city of Longmont and the same rain and lefthand water Conservancy district. This is actually a renewal of a lease we’ve been doing the last few years with the district. The district operates in augmentation plan in the basin, augmenting our priority depletions generally, that smaller bleeders, people who have say a cabin in the mountains or pull water out of a well the irrigate more a little bit larger area and you’re able to with the domestic water well, so it’s really it’s it’s augmenting depletions that have been occurring for years and years. And rather than shut people off, they run a program where the rivers made whole for that out of priority depletions that actually is a benefit to the city of Longmont because the water that they put back in the creek becomes available to all water users including the city of Longmont. So it helps keep the basin whole. The district had water storage reservoir called Lake number four, located just east or west, and just a little bit south of McCall lake. During the flood of 2013. The flood, went right through that lake took it out. It’s an old it’s a spank gravel pit. And so it took the lake out. And they just did finish reconstruction of that lake this last year. In fact, they just did a liner test this winter. And so they they have that project up and running. And if we’re real lucky, they’ll come in priority and be able to store and they’ll use actually like for to augment the stream. One of the concerns they’ve had is that because of the drought, which is you know, the snow has helped quite a bit but because of the drought they were they were concerned that they wouldn’t be able to fill this year wouldn’t come in priority. There’s there’s going to be a little bit of a timing issue for them whether or not they come in Priority just because of how much stories still needs to be filled including union reservoir, as long as union reservoir is. And so we have worked out this agreement. Really it’s it’s kind of a win win for both of us he gets the district water they need for their odd plan. It also gives long mode, direct water out of out of Carter Lake CBD water which we can use in our wastewater treatment plants. So we we benefit by having that additional water supply, we deliver the water, the water will be delivered out of union reservoir. And so that’s water that’s downstream that we currently can’t get into our treatment plant other than by exchange, which is not really easy, and probably would be fairly difficult this year. So our staff is recommending approval of this agreement. Not a lot of not a lot of acre feet. And, and even maybe less than is in the agreement, if the district can come in and get water stored under Lake for, but there’s no guarantees. So this helps make sure that they can keep their augmentation program running strong. So we’re happy to answer any questions if
Unknown Speaker 16:00
there are any. Thanks, Kim. Any questions on the agreement? Roger? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 16:08
can just out of curiosity,
Unknown Speaker 16:10
when did this agreement first go into effect? How long have we had it?
Unknown Speaker 16:16
So in its current form, we’ve done it for two years. This will be the third year or originally after 2013 the district was able to do a temporary substitute supply plan. And and but you can only do that for five years. And so they basically used up their five years. Now. Now that plan also involved Longmont releases some water out of our system as well. So really, it’s it, we’ve been working with the district to try to help make sure their plan maintains viable ever since the flood of 2013. And this is hopefully the last year that they’ll have to have to do this now that their facility is up and running. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 17:17
Unknown Speaker 17:20
Other questions or comments? Alison?
Unknown Speaker 17:24
Oh, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 17:24
this isn’t specifically related to the contract. But I was wondering if we had any follow up from the Conservancy district in regard to their budgeting. On the the plan that we heard more about, when was it? January, December?
Unknown Speaker 17:47
Yes, actually. We have no talk about an under future agenda. The future agenda is what we currently have the same rain lefthand water Conservancy district scheduled to present to waterboard at the April water board meeting. Their stream management plan is done now. Their their tax is approved. And they are their board is looking pretty hard at about how how they bring all that together. And they’re they’re ready to give us an update and talk about that plan. And they’ll do that April meeting.
Unknown Speaker 18:29
Okay, anything else? All right. If not, we need a motion to recommend the water supply agreement with St. Green lefthand water Conservancy district for approval by the City Council. Okay, Kathy is making the motion. Roger, are you the second? Yes. Okay. We have a motion a second. Any further discussion? Seeing none, all those in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed. Okay. Thank you can thank you. Now we’re on to nine A, which is a monthly water supply update. And I guess we get to hopefully have more good news as well. So
Unknown Speaker 19:17
yeah, so as everyone knows, we’ve we got some snow. Finally, and that really did help us out it it. It’s it didn’t. I was kind of hoping for even more out of it. But in terms of water, it was really good. But I just want to hit a few of the highlights of where we’re at. And then I’m going to ask Heather to pull up after I do that. I’ve got some graphs of some different snotel sites that I wanted to just highlight. So as we talked about Nelson kind of mentioned, we’re starting to release some water out of view or out of button rock. Some of that water that’s being Released out of storage is due back to the Highland Lake, they were in priority. But we were, at the same time delivering some water to our water treatment plants. And but we didn’t have an ability to get that out of storage. So we worked with the state and been tracking that. And so that’s kind of why we’re, you’re seeing a 50 CFS release out of button rockets, it’s water that would have otherwise stored in in Highland Lake already. But we’re gonna have that water to them here by the end of the week and they’ll be made whole, then what we’re going to make a decision on is whether or not we’re going to continue to take some water out of button rock and put some of that previously stored fully consumable water in the Union reservoir. Nelson mentioned how far down it was about 6000 acre feet being an off channel reservoir, it takes a while to fill that it’s probably it probably be a couple months to fill that. And so what we may do is actually move some of our decrees that are allowed to be stored in union. And this month, early next month, move some of those that were or are currently stored in button rock and put those into union, that’ll help us leverage that time we we kind of need, then with button rock being on channel, we have nearly all of our change water rights are able to store in there. And those can be stored at a much higher rate than you could in in union. And so we’re doing some things administratively that’ll put us in a good position to but not only button rock filling, but also hopefully get union much fuller than it might otherwise if we were only relating or waiting for it to fill under its own decree or during runoff. So those are some things that we’re thinking about. And we’ll report what we’re doing a little more. Next month, I’ll let Jason when it’s his turn to talk about the outlet repairs, we’re really thankful to have that up and going that’s such a critical component for what we’ve what we what we do in the winter. Um, so looking at the Colorado snotel sites, South Platte River Basin, when I put this tag together, at the time, we were at 83% of normal. And I’m sorry, I think that was for the Colorado was at 83 in the and soundflower was at 86. After this now it looks like the South Platte is at 97%. And the Colorado is at 88%. So we’ve seen a bigger bump, this side of the Continental Divide, which we all kind of expected, then put is clear over 100%. However, we still have some time on our side, a lot of these snotel sites don’t actually realize their peak until sometime into April, even towards the end of April. So another snowstorm or two will help kind of continue to push us over. So the other part that we talked about each month is our CVT quota, the northern will have their spring water users meeting on the sixth of April. So you can mark your calendars for that. There’ll be taking input from municipalities and irrigation companies, they’ve been hearing from some as you might expect, some of the municipalities are, you know, championing, you know, a quota maybe in the 70 to 80%, where a lot of the irrigation companies are in the 80 to 100%. And so it’s it’s likely there’ll be a supplemental quota set by the board on the eighth, we’ll see what it’s going to be. It could be anywhere from 70 to 100%. What after the supplemental is added, we’ll just have to wait and see. But regardless, I think we’re in pretty good shape there.
Unknown Speaker 23:58
local storage is at 62%. We’ve, again, this this snowpack is going to help us quite a bit. It’s a it’s a wet snow, it’s a it’s not like when you get in November, it’s going to help have a higher peak runoff, these types of snows do and that’ll all that should all get caught into storage, which is going to be really good. Um, Heather, if you wouldn’t mind, go ahead and start taking the screen over and if you could pull up some of those graphs. The first one that we have up and let me make sure Yeah, perfect. So the first one we have is Willow Park. So we’re kind of gonna, I’m gonna kind of get these real fast and understand that they’re kind of from north to south. And when you look at the lines that you’re kind of paying attention to the black line is where we’re at now. The green line is kind of the the normal or the main And so on the willow peak snow site, it kind of it’s done pretty good after this snow, it’s 110%, of median, so and it reaches its peak not until about the 26th of April. So, still a lot more time left for it to kind of peak out, we go to the Bear Lake graph, very similar there on the on the Bear Lake is single storm really pushed us over that 100% actually at 112%. of median. And I think it’s true. It’s peak date for snowpack is the 30th of April. So again, a long time there. So hopefully, we can keep getting a little bit more in these next six weeks for that one will wild basin. So that one kind of gets closer to home we’re all familiar with that feeds the northstate brain sitting at 93%. of median. So I’m certainly better than we were before the storm. But again, I still need we’re looking like we’re probably somewhere around 1213 inches of snow water equivalent. And we’d like to see that get up to 15 or 16. So definitely looking for some more snow out there. sawtooth, it, it to have a nice jump, but it’s at 85% of median. The next one at university camp, it got closer to normal with at 97%. It actually is a site that doesn’t peak out until the second of May. So quite a bit of time on that on that one. But you can see where the normal is we still got where we got a lot more snow to get up there to finish off at normal. So Lake Irene. That one there is at 84% of average. Good job. But hopefully we can get some more Phantom Valley, not one moving south, that one’s at 92%. That’s kind of on the actually on the upper feed some of the Upper Colorado. But it’s a it’s one we like to watch. And it’s probably the the earliest one to hit its peak, which is usually around April 1. And then the birth ID summit one, again, it’s at 94% of the median with a peak date on the 29th of April. And so you can see that the snowpack that we just got definitely did help us quite a bit. I think everybody’s probably got sore shoulders and wouldn’t necessarily like to have another dump like this. However, we definitely appreciate having this moisture that it did provide. So we we really live on these spring storms. And but the spring is not over at least for the run off. And so we’ll see what happens in the next month. And hopefully by the time we talk again, we’ll be real close to having all those close to that 100% of average. So that’s really all I had to report at this at this point in time. Unless there’s some questions.
Unknown Speaker 28:38
Any questions for Wes on the water status report?
Unknown Speaker 28:41
Hey, Wes. So my at 4288 Brandon Avenue, we are well above average. I’m sure everybody can agree with that.
Unknown Speaker 28:53
Yeah, yeah. It’s very wet. And it’s, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s amazing, though, you know, 20 inches of snow or whatever is, you know, it also shows the impact that a good hard rain will have but this was over a bigger area and so glad to have it.
Unknown Speaker 29:14
Do we know what the liquid equivalent?
Unknown Speaker 29:18
It seemed like such a heavy wet snow? It’s
Unknown Speaker 29:20
like slush, basically falling down. Yeah, it was over. It was over two inches of snow water equivalent in this and so it kind of vary. But usually when you get it, if you get an inch per foot that’s considered pretty wet. And we had just over that. So yeah, it was definitely very wet.
Unknown Speaker 29:38
Unknown Speaker 29:41
Any other questions for Wes? Okay, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 29:47
You’re welcome.
Unknown Speaker 29:48
All right, next item is the monthly legislative report. Ken.
Unknown Speaker 29:54
Thank you, Chairman. We don’t have any action items on the legislative report. This month, you may recall that we had brought forward just for informational purposes, the bill in the legislature concerning the turnback provision for water court that I thought we might actually be bringing that this month. But it’s, you know, a slightly more controversial bill. And so, the Colorado water Congress’s state affairs committee, assembled a group of interested people on both sides of the issue. And they have been amending that bill, the bills introduced in the legislature, but it’s kind of hang it up, hold being held out. They’ve got it on hold until the state affairs committee can come out with some more language, I think, I think they’re really, really close if they haven’t actually come out with a kind of a consensus bill on that. So that’s probably one more we’ll want to look at and who knows it may, it may run ahead of us and may may actually start moving before next month. But we’ll certainly as soon as soon as we get up a bill that more final will try to move forward that I’ll email that out to waterboard so you can all see it.
Unknown Speaker 31:27
Scott, you have a question?
Unknown Speaker 31:30
And not not a question just to comment. And can I I don’t even pretend to know where that bill is at. But I did get an update from state affairs this morning. And it says that the bill will go to committee meeting on Wednesday. It’s in the ag committee with Colorado water Congress support. So I think they did take action and Colorado water Congress this morning. And again, I didn’t attend but somebody in my office is our liaison. And it looks like it’s the least get up. Go to committee hearing. So I think they have agreed on a final version. I just haven’t seen it either. So I already can’t share any news with you.
Unknown Speaker 32:04
They’re good. Yeah, no, that’s good. No, yeah. I had not heard that yet. So that’s good. Good to hear. And we’ll we’ll forward that soon. As I get it, I will forward that bill on to you.
Unknown Speaker 32:17
Okay. Okay. Great. So next night, I’m Ken, you’re up again with a windy gap firming project update.
Unknown Speaker 32:27
Yes, thank you, Chairman. Just wanted to update the board. We really obviously, it’ll be a while before the appeals action on the appeal to the federal lawsuit on the permit occurs. So still probably looking late, late winter, maybe even even early spring next year before that, hopefully sooner than later. But before that goes forward. The West did allude to it in the in the cash flow review. But the Northern District is currently negotiating with the monard construction, who is the contractor to adjust our current contract with Barnard construction, has the last start date can be May, like may 5 of this year, which obviously won’t be happening. And so we’ll need to renegotiate this, this negotiation might be a little more difficult than the last ones. Because one of the you know, one of the real big elements of constructing a large project like this is fuel cost. You know, you’re you’re spent a lot of fuel to grow rock blast rock, and then haul rock. And a lot of the cost of the construction is fuel just to do the construction work. Unfortunately, fuel is I’m sure you’ve all gassed up lately. And fuel is going up. And so for the contractor to be sitting in, in a situation where they’re trying to look out a year from now to want to fuel costs might be we I believe we’re probably going to be hit a little bit with that situation. Hopefully it won’t be you know, it won’t be real, real significant. But we will have to we’ll we’ll we’ll see what that comes. Once we get that then we’ll know where those costs are going to go. And, and that will that will. We don’t know if those costs are going to be so high that that we require an immediate amendment to the code tract to the to the allotment contract. The current allotment contract has not a real big contingency, but it has a few 10s of millions of dollars of contingency, I believe it was. Then when we signed it last December, the contract was signed at a $600 million project. And the cost estimate, I think, was if I remember, I was like 580,000. So there was some contingency sitting there available. We certainly are probably a burn through that. And we’ll when we get the fuel costs back, but we may be looking at coming coming back to look at that allotment contract. Once we get those dollars. One of the one of the other things is happening is the a lot my contract anticipated funding the fall of $600 million this spring, because we were that close to being able to get the contractor going and started, obviously with the allotment con with the appeals for the permits, that that postpones the issuance of bonds, especially the pooled financing bonds. And so we may the districts located whether or not there’s language in the allotment contract that allows us to put to pull a partial payment on the full 600. Or whether or not we have to come back in and amend that, to allow us to pull that and they’re their attorneys are looking at that right now. So should know that in the next month or so, whether or not we have to amend that. The reason why, you know, we are going to be spending some money. There is are a number of the mitigation projects that became do when we got the permit.
Unknown Speaker 37:15
And so those have, those are ongoing, and those costs are ongoing. Also the Colorado River conductivity channel around the windy gap reservoir, that’s something we’ve wanted for years, we got a very healthy Soil Conservation Service, grand net Natural Resource Conservation Service grant for that project. And that but that grant requires it to be started and completed by a date certain which if that project doesn’t continue to move forward, we could lose five to $6 million in NRCS. funding, we are going to ask the NRCS for at least one more year. But that, you know, that’s a little bit of tender negotiations there. So I guess right now, the short answer is financing is the thing we’re gonna be looking at and probably coming back in the next month or two with additional information on that. Other than that, we’re kind of in a holding pattern waiting for the federal lawsuit to play out. So be happy to answer any questions if there are any.
Unknown Speaker 38:27
Any questions for Ken? On the winning app update? I’m not seeing any. Okay. Thank you. Thanks, Ken. item nine D is the birch Lake lease. Kevin. Thanks, Todd. What we have is a basically a housekeeping item. It’s a lease city alone, my husband leasing the recreation rights to birch lake. Since about 2006. The primary purpose for doing that is for water quality. In our for our way gas water treatment plan.
Unknown Speaker 39:12
Basically, this is an extension of that lease for another five years. And this is a council communication that’s going to Council on that 31st or 30th.
Unknown Speaker 39:28
So if anybody has any questions, I’d be happy to answer. Okay, any questions as I read it, Kevin? It’s it’s a lease but it really the only people that would have access is are the neighbors that immediately surrounded? Yes, that’s correct, correct. Yeah, one of the issues with birch Lake as they as there’s so many of those houses around the lake, and instead of trying to keep them out, basically we’re just letting them use that reservoir in exchange for just kind of policing itself policing that reservoir. And it’s worked out pretty well so far. Okay, any questions on the the lease and I talked to Ken before the meeting, this is a renewal of an existing lease, it does not take, I guess, council consideration or approval Canada, right. So we don’t need to make a recommendation on this. It’s just trying to give staff feedback if there is any.
Unknown Speaker 40:32
That’s correct, Chairman. It’s just we it’s going to show up in a couple of weeks on the council agenda, and we wanted to make sure waterboard knew I’d be showing up there and would know knows what it’s about.
Unknown Speaker 40:48
So does that end up on their consent agenda? Since it’s a renewal of a previous lease? Are they do they actually do more than that?
Unknown Speaker 40:56
Yeah, it’ll just be on their consent agenda. It’s fairly standard, so probably wouldn’t come off.
Unknown Speaker 41:03
Okay. Any questions or comments on the renewal? The lease? Okay. Looks good. Sounds good. Thank you again. Looks like we’re on to item 10, which is review of major project listings and items tentatively scheduled for future board meetings. Alison brought up It sounds like same brain lefthand will make a presentation next month. To us on the base implementation plan? If I understand right, is there anything else can or does that board have any other items that they are curious about on future? upcoming meetings?
Unknown Speaker 41:42
Yes, Chairman, there was one quick conversation I want to have with the waterboard about the April board meeting. Just I guess, maybe by chance, or maybe, because it took us a little while to get some items together. We’re little concerned that we’re going to have a fairly busy April board meeting. We do have it appears right now. We’ve got a development activity that will take a little bit of time. A little bit more than normal. We’ve got we weren’t, we weren’t able to get all the water use the per capita water use numbers together. That board member lying asked us to return but we believe we’ll have all those together for the April board meeting. So we’ll have that water, the water use per capita data, tie that in with our you know, water conservation, water efficiency programs will have the same rain presentation. And then April is also the time when the board reviews, the annual water supply and drought management plan. And more than likely have one or two other little things, but between now and then. So just wanted to make sure the board was okay. With that agenda for next month. I think we can get it done in two hours. But it’ll it’ll be a little more hefty agenda than normal.
Unknown Speaker 43:13
Okay, any issues there for the board? If we have a little longer than normal meeting and April? Everybody looks like they’re they’re okay with that can so I guess we’ll proceed. Does the board have anything they want to bring up? on upcoming topics? I’m not seeing any. Okay. on to item 11. Is informational items and waterboard correspondence. Anything there that anybody has a question on or anything that the board wants to bring up at this point? I’m not seeing the chair. I,
Unknown Speaker 43:56
I did have one graph that I was gonna ask Heather just to pull up. It’s kind of a precursor to some of the information that we’re going to bring to waterboard hopefully next month, as it relates to US per capita. This doesn’t actually necessarily speak to us per capita, but and I and I realized it’s kind of compressed here, what we’re looking at is a graph of water use or water production, starting back in 2002. And so you can see in 2002, the last that would really spurred the first initial drought, we had, we had pretty good participation and cutting back the next two or three years. So in 2003, four and five, it was it was definitely less than 2002. Then in 2006, we kind of had our peak year that’s kind of 2007 both we had in those two years. If you look at the most that the treatment plant put out on a given month, I think we had eight records broken those 24 months period. And, and so and understand that during all this time, the population, the service population has increased. So this kind of kind of abdun flowed a bit. Last year in 2020, our total production was about just about 104% compared to 2002. So if you took a line from 2002, and moved it over for the last almost 20 years, you see that we only had about four years since that time, that is exceeded that total amount of water production so that probably, you could argue translates into a lower per capita water use. Now, we’ll go into more than numbers, what that kind of looks like, but I wanted to kind of at least give you a sense of what it looks like in terms of limelights water production, since that 2002 drought.
Unknown Speaker 46:16
Okay, Roger, you had a comment or question?
Unknown Speaker 46:21
You’re muted Roger, Roger.
Unknown Speaker 46:26
There we go.
Unknown Speaker 46:28
And defining water production?
Unknown Speaker 46:30
I mean, is that the equivalent of water usage? Or what’s the
Unknown Speaker 46:34
Unknown Speaker 46:35
So the water production, that’s going to be the what that number actually represents is how much raw water we put into the water treatment plant. So there’s some water that’s lost through backwash, and things like that, then there’s gonna be additional water that’s lost, you see the transmission. So this is the this is the amount of water that’s shown at the Nelson Flanders water treatment plant.
Unknown Speaker 46:59
Okay, thanks. And then Roger, I think the what they’ll be bringing back will be some of the per capita de use numbers. Right? Well, so then you’re, you’re kind of normalizing it based on population, and you’ll, you know, as was alluded to the population has been increasing their water demand has not, so that’ll show up in the per capita usage that’s been going down to. So anyway, that ought to be you know, and that’s kind of what we’re looking at is the yardstick of the conservation measures and how effective those are. Over time. So.
Unknown Speaker 47:34
Yeah, and, and, and also bear in mind, there’s different classifications, you know, you have just beyond residential, you’ll have industrial and commercial and some of those, which can influence a total production amount, depending on what those are. And so we’ll see, when we bring that information, hopefully we can kind of break some of that out. So just looking at a single per capita number sometimes can be misleading if you’re not careful. Okay, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 48:03
Okay, any other questions, comments on that? Thanks for the preview there, Wes. All right. So next item, we’ve got items tentatively scheduled for future board meetings. So we’ll revisit the cash in lieu in June, again, and hopefully be able to capture the revised windy gap cost estimates they can went over. And that’s like all we’ve got for that the next board meeting is scheduled for April 19. of next month. So Mark the calendars for that. And with that, we’re on to item 13, which is to adjourn the meeting. Anybody else have any questions, comments for the good of the order? Ken?
Unknown Speaker 48:45
Todd, one thing we did forget to mention is that the spring water users meeting for the Northern Colorado water Conservancy district is going to be the first week of April, and that’s going to be a virtual meeting. So if anybody wants to attend that, you can just go to northerns website and sign up directly. If you do sign up, please let Heather know. So because if we have more than three board members attend, we’ll need to three or more will need to notice that as a meeting, but that kind of nice to know. It’s nice to meet in person, but it’s quick and convenient. Since it’s going to be virtual. Well, it
Unknown Speaker 49:27
is so the most you know, I’ll be there. So I guess it’ll be if two more board meeting members want to join. So, anyway, Marsha, did you have some I thought I’d say your handbook. Okay. All right with that. I’m sorry, you were muted there,
Unknown Speaker 49:43
waving goodbye. Well, you
Unknown Speaker 49:47
beat me to it with Allah during the meeting. So thank you guys. Bye everyone. Have a good day.