Longmont Housing Authority Advisory Board Meeting – March 16, 2021

Video Description:
Longmont Housing Authority Advisory Board Meeting – March 16, 2021

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is the march 16 meeting of the Longwood Housing Authority advisory board.

Unknown Speaker 0:05
Let’s roll to item number two on our agenda, which is approval of minutes from our February 16 2021. Meeting. Those are in the packet. Does anyone have any comments, minor revisions, I’m going to turn it over to actually we’re going to do something unusual today and start with someone that’s not named Jean.

Unknown Speaker 0:23
Good Arlene and see what your thoughts are?

Unknown Speaker 0:27
Well, on the

Unknown Speaker 0:30
discussion about the resident engagement,

Unknown Speaker 0:34
it says in there, I expressed an interest in conducting the meeting, I have no desire to conduct the meeting. And if I said that word that really misspoke. attending the meeting, is what I’d like to do. You guys are perfectly capable of conducting that meeting. And the residents know you. So

Unknown Speaker 0:53
that’s it.

Unknown Speaker 0:57
Catch. Jeanne, did you have any comments? I know I’d like to approve as amended.

Unknown Speaker 1:03
Second Move to approve as amended. Second move in Arlene seconds Any further discussion? If not all in favor, thumbs up?

Unknown Speaker 1:14
We are approved.

Unknown Speaker 1:16
I don’t number three is public to invite invited to be heard Olivia did we receive any contact from anyone. So with no one reaching out to Olivia to request to be heard at this public meeting, we will roll on to item number four new and old business. And the first item is an update on the inclusionary housing program.

Unknown Speaker 1:41
I’m not sure who’s going to leave that discussion. But that’s that’s Kathy Kathy.

Unknown Speaker 1:52
So I sent you a copy of our draft inclusionary housing snapshot,

Unknown Speaker 2:00
which this year also focuses on affordable housing information. Because all housing is now inclusionary. Housing, there’s very few of developments that are excluded anymore. Now that we’re to almost going on our third year in to this. So this just kind of gives you an overview of where we stand in meeting our 12% affordable housing goal

Unknown Speaker 2:31
at the city. So on that on the top first page that has the houses on it, you can see that we’re about 45% of our way to the goal. In 2018, we had about 2300 affordable housing units, which accounted for 6.2% of our total housing stock. And we’re trying to get to 12.

Unknown Speaker 2:54
We only added six units in 2019. Because Fall River didn’t get it certificates of occupancy until 2020. And the same thing with the mica housing project. So those six units were all habitat units, I believe.

Unknown Speaker 3:11
So that took us up to 2342. And it dropped us down to 6.06. Because of the increase we had in the number of dwelling units that came on in the city in 2019. So then 2020, we added 90 units, which did include Fall River, the mica home project, and then the in between

Unknown Speaker 3:34
acquired a market rate rental housing project, and is going to convert it to affordable so those units are included in there. And then we had I think was 14 for sale homes brought on either through habitat or the blue VISTA

Unknown Speaker 3:51
development for 20. And that brought us to 6.07% of our total housing stock as affordable. So then going forward 2021, we’re projecting we’ll have about 73 units come on board 2020 to about 175 units 2023, about 240 units. And these are our projections that 21 and 2022 numbers are probably closer to accurate once you get out to 2023 it gets a little more nebulous. And this is the pipeline timeframe is what we agreed to

Unknown Speaker 4:31
as part of the Boulder County Regional Housing Partnership Program. So we’re trying to align some of the statistics and data that we’re providing with the county wide data. So there’s a good comparison between Longmont and in the county.

Unknown Speaker 4:46
And then as you can see on the far right 5400 units is our goal, and that’s projecting what build out will be in 2035 and how many units we think we’ll have in total, and then what 12% of that is so

Unknown Speaker 5:00
5400 right now is our goal. And we have not been adjusting that because that would be kind of crazy making. So we took a picture of that figure when we started the Regional Partnership. And we’re sticking with that. And we probably do some adjustments maybe a little bit later down the road. But we’re not going to adjusted every year with new projections and everything that just be crazy. So of the 24, that 20 432 units that are affordable, and those are deed restricted as affordable 94% are rental homes, and 6% are for sale homes or purchased homes.

Unknown Speaker 5:41
In 2020, we invested or leveraged

Unknown Speaker 5:46
in federal funds about $746,000 233,000 in our local Affordable Housing funds, and then about 15 million in leveraged funds. So that is primarily the Fall River Project. And the acquisition of the in between home, as you can see on the 2019 figure and I’m looking at the chart on the far the bottom left, there was a larger leveraged investment because that is we did include Fall River, and the mica home project over in 2019, even though the units weren’t completed and counted until 2020.

Unknown Speaker 6:24
And then looking at the inclusionary housing program on the bottom right, the fee and Lu pipeline, we received $14,600 in fee in lieu that was paid into the local Affordable Housing fund in 2020. we’re projecting about 800,000 to be received and 2021. And then the projections go out to the next two years as well. And those again, are also a little nebulous fee, and Lu is not paid until certificates of occupancy are requested. So it’s a little hard to predict exactly when some of those are going to come in, we did receive a $50,000 payment though, last week, I think it was or it’s coming up. So we’re getting on our way to the 800,000. And then if you look on the back page, that kind of gives you some analysis of what’s happening in the broader market in Longmont.

Unknown Speaker 7:20
So the top left shows median sales prices in Longmont over the years and we looked back for a decade. This is a little bit past the recession, as we’re starting to come out of it. And you can see the top line is single family detached homes, median sales prices, and then single family attached median home sale prices.

Unknown Speaker 7:47
The chart on the right shows new homes versus existing home sales. So this is from the assessors data and they have a little bit of a lag. So this is only through October 31. So that’s why 2020 looks so low, that will bump up I don’t know that it’ll get all the way up to 2019 figure but it definitely will, will bump up. Because I remember from last year, it looked really low for 2019. And then it it bumped up, obviously to this to this point that it’s almost equal to 2018. But it’s just a comparison to show you that of all the home sales in Longmont, how small of a percentage, the new brand new home sales are the new construction and New South home sales. So that just kind of give kind of gives you an idea that with that small number coming on each year, that’s all that we can hope to achieve through 12%

Unknown Speaker 8:45
with the inclusionary housing program, so that program while

Unknown Speaker 8:51
is good, and is a great step for making it it’s not going to be the be all and end all of providing affordable housing. So just to put trying to put things a little bit in perspective on that.

Unknown Speaker 9:03
The middle chart kind of shows the income needed to purchase or rent in Longmont. So using the median sales prices for detached and attach product from that top chart, figuring out how much a family would need to pay or the income they would need to have in order to afford to purchase one of those medium priced homes.

Unknown Speaker 9:28
without excuse me without

Unknown Speaker 9:32
cost burdening themselves so not paying more than 30% of their income for their housing. So you can see that to afford a single family detached home. Medium priced, you’d have to make the pretty close to $150,000 for a family to purchase in there. And then for a

Unknown Speaker 9:55
attached home a townhome product or a condo product. It’s about living

Unknown Speaker 10:00
Over $85,000 that’s needed to purchase so and then to afford the median or average rents,

Unknown Speaker 10:09
it’s almost 75,000 is needed to afford a median, or the average rent in Longmont. And that’s the average. So it’s not a one bedroom, it’s not a two bedroom is the average of everything together. So that probably skews a little bit high.

Unknown Speaker 10:24
So it’s,

Unknown Speaker 10:26
it’s not for just a single person having to make 75,000. That’s a family income. And then the two dot dash line show you where the hood 80% median income is, and the 50% median income. figure is usually 50% is the figure that we use to afford rentals and they have to be a hit and be affordable at 50%. area median income in order to

Unknown Speaker 10:54
to be considered an affordable rental and 80% to be considered a forced affordable for sale. So you can see how much lower those are then than where our median home prices are in the incomes needed for the median home prices.

Unknown Speaker 11:10
There’s also a line and I can’t tell because I printed out in the in black and white, there’s a right in the middle the city’s median household income. So that’s from the census data, it is a lag behind a year behind. But that kind of just gives you an idea that city’s median income, household income is going up, but not at the rate needed to afford the housing prices in Longmont.

Unknown Speaker 11:37
And then finally, the bottom chart is just showing

Unknown Speaker 11:42
the actual permits issued in each of the years. And the affordable housing units provided in those years. Again, kind of getting back up to the top right one where new home sales are such a small percentage of the overall

Unknown Speaker 11:58
built environment, this is kind of showing the same thing. So the number of permits issued versus the affordable housing units that were provided. And then the lighter colored charts or are projecting that forward.

Unknown Speaker 12:11
So there any questions or anything

Unknown Speaker 12:15
different that you would like to see on something like this?

Unknown Speaker 12:20
I mean,

Unknown Speaker 12:23
I just have two questions.

Unknown Speaker 12:26
If a current facility does not have affordable housing, can they apply? Or be included in that in the future?

Unknown Speaker 12:37
You went on mute.

Unknown Speaker 12:41
That’s because I bumped my computer. What is considered the average rent in long run?

Unknown Speaker 12:53
average rent is

Unknown Speaker 13:03
Alright, let me see if I can find it here.

Unknown Speaker 13:06
Well, you can reach you know, get back to me eventually. It just seems to me the rents that I see in in my way of thinking are extremely high. But

Unknown Speaker 13:17
I thought the average I want to say it was around 1500.

Unknown Speaker 13:25

Unknown Speaker 13:27

Unknown Speaker 13:30
And what was your first question? First question was in the current facility does not have low income housing, can they

Unknown Speaker 13:39
apply for that or get into that in the future?

Unknown Speaker 13:42
They can, if they chose to deed restrict their units.

Unknown Speaker 13:48
You know, they could contact us and we could work with them on that I am

Unknown Speaker 13:53
probably they would want some type of subsidy in order to do that. And that’s something that we we have talked about. And at this point

Unknown Speaker 14:04
nobody has come forward and should have the data to Oh, here we are.

Unknown Speaker 14:11
Or the the funding to be able to do that than any kind of substantive way. I would say we don’t have we’re not to that point. But once we start getting some some payments in lieu that might be something that we could take a look at.

Unknown Speaker 14:26
So the current

Unknown Speaker 14:29
average rent in Longmont is 1504

Unknown Speaker 14:35
thank you

Unknown Speaker 14:43
yeah, so I mean it’s it’s this this is this really explains why we need affordable housing that income needed to purchase it just astronomical that it went that it basically doubled all of the income that’s needed, either mainly for a single family home.

Unknown Speaker 15:01
So getting to Arlene’s point that was kind of my question to do we can we put a chart in here to possibly that shows the rise in rent as well over how that same 10 year time period

Unknown Speaker 15:17
is now that yellow line does in committed to afford average rent, it doesn’t tell you what’s the income needed. But I think it’s more like, if we go to the previous page, we had like the medium sales in llama. I mean, that’s probably more readily available. I would I would imagine, but I don’t know if you would have something similar to that for the average rent? Yeah, I do have that charted. So I could add that to that table, or couldn’t put another one somewhere. But

Unknown Speaker 15:45

Unknown Speaker 15:53
So I have a big picture question. I look, I look at this. And I realize

Unknown Speaker 15:57
it’s clear that in the inclusionary housing program is not the the one the one vaccine shot solution to the problem.

Unknown Speaker 16:07
I say that because my arm is sore. I got my shot yesterday, my first one.

Unknown Speaker 16:12
But what does this tell us about the role of the London housing authority? What What should we take from this? And

Unknown Speaker 16:21
how is it all should we be thinking about adjusting our actions, our goals as a housing authority to help fill this gap?

Unknown Speaker 16:33
And maybe that’s for a more in depth discussion? Yeah, I think, I don’t know Kathy, or Karen, if you want to go first, I have some ideas, but I was gonna

Unknown Speaker 16:45
yield to the our experts in this one first. So I think when you see this, you know, so when you really look at new versus existing home sells, I mean, what it’s what this is showing is the lack of land that we have available to develop for new housing projects. So that’s sort of setting the bar there. I think for that the Housing Authority, and this is really part of the work that we’re doing. And understanding Lh DC, is this question of accelerating development of affordable housing projects

Unknown Speaker 17:22
in the future for land that we own, and land that we get through this process. And so

Unknown Speaker 17:30
I really think that for you all, and for all of us on the Housing Authority side is, is for us really to look at how we can potentially be more aggressive in the development of affordable housing, on the properties that we own, that are vacant, and how we can acquire new

Unknown Speaker 17:54
properties via different mechanisms. So the thing I’ll get put on the table on this, and is, when we really worked the when we created the deal for Costco. And, and and worked with Reggie golden on that partnership,

Unknown Speaker 18:13
we were able to buy nine acres of land for affordable housing, that had nothing to do with the traditional housing development in that world. And so I think for us, it’s using the staff on the city side, using opportunities like that to try to get more land for affordable housing, but then really working within the Housing Authority, housing, Li hdc, format, whatever that looks like, over time, to ensure that we’re, we’re not just sitting on land, but we’re converting that into units as quickly as we possibly can. And that’ll be a lot of what we’re going to be bringing to you all as part of the update, we may give this update first. But you know, it’s what we’re doing at sunset heights, which is the additional project with the element at the suites property.

Unknown Speaker 19:07
It’s were engaged with conversations with Chrisman about the development of additional affordable housing on North Main

Unknown Speaker 19:17
where they didn’t finish. It’s also looking at the property that we have to the west of the lodge and Hearthstone and developing that out for affordable units. And then also the then nine acres that I just talked about that we had with the Costco deal. And it really is about not sitting on that property. And getting it turned into units does a couple of things for us. A first and foremost provides affordable units or community. Second, it brings in operational revenue for our organization. And then if we can structure the partnerships, then we get a piece of the development revenue so it also strengthens us financially.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
And I think equally important, what we’re talking about is they need to be housing for families, and broad age groups, because we have a lot of

Unknown Speaker 20:13
facilities for older adults that we do is the Housing Authority. But we have very few that really is into that wide age group. And so that’s what we’re talking about, as we need to move forward. So I think for you all, it’s really we all needed then start focusing on the development piece. And I think, as I said, I don’t know if it’s this group or before, I’m surprised that we’re having that conversation so quickly in this transition.

Unknown Speaker 20:40
But I think we all realize we need to do it to get at this issue. Kathy, did I miss state anything? Or?

Unknown Speaker 20:47
No, I think Arlene asked the question. And the Housing Authority just by itself owns about 11 acres. And if we could put at least 50 unit per acre density on that, that would double your portfolio.

Unknown Speaker 21:03
In the next however many years that we could get that going, which also addresses as our lien brought up the

Unknown Speaker 21:12
goal to try and reduce the dependence on head within the budget. So there’s a number of different areas that continued development will help address for the agency to make it more solvent and more sustainable for the future. So

Unknown Speaker 21:31
as well as helping the community.

Unknown Speaker 21:35
You know, and I think the only thing that I would add is,

Unknown Speaker 21:41
even though the longer term goal would be to reduce our dependency on HUD, I think the other area that we want to continue to look at and pursue would be the acquisition of additional vouchers through HUD. So that in addition to building and managing properties, that we are also building our portfolio of, of vouchers through, you know, through HUD, so that, so that we’re also able to extend opportunities through our Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Unknown Speaker 22:16
And then I think, you know, Kathy has talked about

Unknown Speaker 22:21
as well as Harold is, again, looking at the inclusionary housing program, even even though it takes a whole range of options for increasing our affordable housing in Longmont being having the LA che being available as a partner with those developers who are needing to and looking for opportunities to meet their inclusionary housing requirements.

Unknown Speaker 22:51
For for llj, to be to be at the table, as one of you know, of several affordable housing developers in our community for partnerships is also something that would be a fabulous thing.

Unknown Speaker 23:09
And I think on top of that, it’s this is where it starts attaching to our planning world,

Unknown Speaker 23:16
is also looking at some of these new approaches that are being taken in different areas and how that fits within our overall development guidelines. And what we can do. And I say this, because

Unknown Speaker 23:32
as I’ve talked to one individual knows, specifically about the nine acres

Unknown Speaker 23:38
adjacent to the Costco location, there’s an interesting model that they’re looking at. That is can be potentially a for rent or for sale product. But it’s really dense, but has the feel of a single family detached home. And, and so it’s a really interesting concept. And we’re going to try to Kathy and Karen haven’t seen it, but we’re going to try to start talking about that concept. So I think it’s also really working then with Joanie and her group and maximizing the land that we have, and being able to really utilize the density but look at different models that may historically like this model has been a for rent product. But when I was looking at the layout, it really could also fit well in as a for sell product for affordable housing. And so I think it’s also understanding, you know, the creative models that are being developed across the state and nation where we’re folks are looking at it in a slightly different way. But, you know, that’s just the work we have to continue.

Unknown Speaker 24:43
Obviously, we’re not where

Unknown Speaker 24:46
ideally we’d want to be but we’re further ahead in terms of our potential ability to develop and partner with other groups.

Unknown Speaker 24:55
It will this this is helpful and as we go through this and has we’re now in what are

Unknown Speaker 25:01
Third meeting as an advisory board,

Unknown Speaker 25:05
I’m stepping back trying to figure out

Unknown Speaker 25:08
what’s our role of the advisory board? How do we add value to this process rather than just being a group of people that are going to hear a dress rehearsal of the same information that will be shared with the actual Housing Authority Board. And I, one thing that comes to mind for me is that as we are, this board is much less involved in the day to day operations of the authority and the financial pieces of the authority than, than we used to be. Maybe that opens up an opportunity for us to be living on a little bit bigger picture level and trying to identify and establish some longer term goals and, and nudge staff and, and council along a little bit in in those areas. So just searching for some traction for our group.

Unknown Speaker 26:04
I don’t want to have to ask a whole lot of questions. But I have a couple one.

Unknown Speaker 26:09
Is there any way that the city would allow a a building to be like, say 12? storeys?

Unknown Speaker 26:23
Are you stuck at four?

Unknown Speaker 26:27

Unknown Speaker 26:30
12 stories is not in the code. And so obviously, that would have to be

Unknown Speaker 26:35
a broad code discussion. I know that as part of some of the planning efforts that councils looked at, when we look at our,

Unknown Speaker 26:45
you know, obviously, you wouldn’t want a 12 storey building adjacent to a neighborhood. But one of the things that council did talk about as we were looking sort of, I’ll just call it the steam area, which is in that

Unknown Speaker 26:59
more urbanized area adjacent to downtown. And when you look at the topography, or the sense that it it’s flowing down council did talk about going higher

Unknown Speaker 27:12
in that location, but that would have to be

Unknown Speaker 27:16
a conversation initiated not only with the council, but the Planning Commission, and we’d have to really relook at zoning and what we would allow but today that we don’t have the ability to do that, but I know people have

Unknown Speaker 27:29
the council’s talked about it. Others have talked about it in areas where it makes sense. That’s not adjacent to other residential areas.

Unknown Speaker 27:38
But they haven’t moved on that. I think that’s sort of the evolution of that area south of downtown. In that more, what used to be industrial area.

Unknown Speaker 27:49
I think if what’s the max height, we can go to Kathy six, I think so I think six is max height. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 27:59
Um, and I was going to bring this up a little later. But since you guys have already brought it up to the dependence on

Unknown Speaker 28:06
and the goal that says you’re going from 45% to 25%, that seems to me to be a pretty aggressive goal. And I’m sure that someone on the board can kind of clue me in as to how that came about. But

Unknown Speaker 28:20
is there a way to say, maybe define that a little bit more and say, by 2025, we hope to go to,

Unknown Speaker 28:30
you know, 40% by 30 2030. And so on down the road, I don’t have a problem with not being dependent upon hurt. I’m just wondering how this is all gonna work out.

Unknown Speaker 28:52
I don’t have an answer. I don’t have an answer.

Unknown Speaker 28:58
I mean, obviously, we can we can

Unknown Speaker 29:02
we can put some kind of figure on it or do some kind of step down if that’s what and, and or maybe there’s a discussion is that even where we need or want to go? Is it is it realistic? I Arlene had asked the question, and, you know, I remember prior board talking about this and setting a goal around it.

Unknown Speaker 29:28
And to me, looking at where we’re at now, which the HUD funding the Housing Choice, voucher funding is about 48% of our 2021 budget.

Unknown Speaker 29:39
how, you know, this is really a stretch goal.

Unknown Speaker 29:43
Without knowing how far out and everything even even knowing how far out that’s a that’s a big difference.

Unknown Speaker 29:50
A big reduction. So I think that is open for discussion and potentially a change if, if that’s something that you all want

Unknown Speaker 30:00
We’d like to recommend to council they’ve never seen this, they are definitely not the ones that put this forward. You know, that is really from from prior prior board so well, and I think when you look at the HUD funding, you know, I want to talk about a couple of things to Arlene’s point one.

Unknown Speaker 30:20
And capture what Karen said, We want more Housing Choice vouchers, which brings in more HUD funding. Part of the reduction though, is when you create more developments, and you bring more properties in the portfolio, you hope to bring more non HUD revenue in. So what this is really to me about is increasing other revenue streams to reduce the percentage of overall impact that HUDs playing in even though we’re saying we want more HCV money. And and so for me, that goal says something a little bit different. It really says we need to focus on the development and bring more properties into our portfolio to bring additional revenue sources in versus reducing the HUD revenue. So that may stay the same or increase, but we want to bring more revenue sources in in different categories to ultimately offset that percentage and drive it down.

Unknown Speaker 31:26
I don’t know if that answered your question.

Unknown Speaker 31:31

Unknown Speaker 31:33
In the development of affordable housing,

Unknown Speaker 31:38
given what we’ve looked at, in terms of in, in family income needed, and especially in developing affordable housing for families,

Unknown Speaker 31:49

Unknown Speaker 31:51
wouldn’t the process to keep the rents at

Unknown Speaker 32:00
I’m going to call it a reasonable rate for affordable for

Unknown Speaker 32:07
the income, keeping the rent,

Unknown Speaker 32:12
lower so that families could afford housing, affordable housing, and I sound I know it sounds

Unknown Speaker 32:23
competitive, but affordable housing is becoming not affordable for a lot of people right now. Okay. So as we build, wouldn’t they

Unknown Speaker 32:36
rent required?

Unknown Speaker 32:40

Unknown Speaker 32:43
keep it affordable to the point that we’re not as dependent that we, as you mentioned, Harold, we keep the percentage of vouchers in any particular development lower, because the rent is so high, that everybody would need a voucher to move in. Do you understand what I’m saying.

Unknown Speaker 33:04
And part of this is going to be in the development cost. And it’s a matter of Is there something we can do to keep that cost down so that the rents aren’t so high?

Unknown Speaker 33:19
Because that’s something we can look at. It’s it’s really in the amount of subsidies that you bring into a development. So the more subsidy, which makes it work a more complicated project, because there’s so many multiple funding sources, but that is about the only way that you can keep rents pretty low without having to add a voucher in, you know, into every unit to keep it low. So really taking a look and increasing the amount of subsidy that’s put in, which again, also ties back in and what I think kind of our vision has been with the relationship with the housing authority in the city.

Unknown Speaker 34:01
And assuming that we will continue to get good V and Lu, into the affordable housing fund, that will increase the amount of subsidy that we can probably put into a project that’s going to keep very low income units. That’s exactly what happened. I did the last inclusionary housing program, we got payments in lieu, we turned around and put it back out with ficil or with the Housing Authority, and could invest more deeply and keep rents lower and got more units for lower incomes than we would have if the developers would have provided the units on site. So that the fee in lieu is a is a real bonus in this situation. Okay, so that’s one of the avenues where we can sumps we can subsidize really, the payment to the developers is basically what we’re doing. Right? I think it’s it’s taking relying less on the equity and knocking up city Yeah, okay.

Unknown Speaker 35:00

Unknown Speaker 35:02
On you look at the economics in this world. And you look at the one the one time development cost and the ongoing operational costs, I think what we’ve learned is we can’t skimp on the ongoing operational costs, because that creates other problems that we’re dealing with now in the facility. So you’ve got to be really regimented and setting that. So then you take the development cost and, and so there’s some things that you can’t move. So, you know, fortunately for us, we’re able to get land in different ways. So the land cost isn’t playing as much into the calculation. But when you look at construction cost and and the increase in construction costs, and you look at the construction index, mean that’s doing this, and again, you can’t adjust that either, like right now, all construction costs are going down because of lack of product, or they’re going up. And so things like metal, concrete, those things are just really expensive today.

Unknown Speaker 36:00
So you can’t adjust that. So then you look at the capital stack. And what cat what Kathy saying is what we’re doing is trying to augment the

Unknown Speaker 36:11
incentives in the capital stack, so that you’re reducing the reliance on the rent payments or the equity in the facility to make that up. And so that’s for us, then to look at it. So the example I would give you, as we’re talking about the christmann project, it really is about augmenting the capital stack, so that we can maintain that affordability. And that’s kind of the conversation. We’re in there. And now from a financial perspective, that, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 36:44
it’s amazing how much the three of us have learned about development. And I mean, really, I mean, this is this is a developer model, where you’re bringing this in, and I think the the value of this relationship is, at least on our, at least in my mind, in terms of what we need and where we’re going with the affordable housing fund. And inclusionary housing, we’re seeing it earlier. And I think it’s allowing us to plan better in terms of what could potentially happen within that fund. At least that’s my perception. I don’t know if that’s Kathy’s or not.

Unknown Speaker 37:21
And am I right, that from the perspective of the housing authority, and our role in facilitating that process, we’ve got a couple tools that we can use. One is we have money, we have revenue we have we have some money we can spend, we can use our money to pursue projects. Another option is we can partner with private developers and give them access to funding sources that they might not have access to on their own. And they’re probably some others I’m thinking of, but a lot of the the other subsidies are more city council level or outside organization level and trying to figure out what is what is the authority do and we’ve got a few things we can do.

Unknown Speaker 38:06
I’m also looking at the clock and the agenda and wondering if this is a good time to transition to another big picture question, which is our five year plan. Is there would anyone have any follow up final comments on

Unknown Speaker 38:20
inclusionary housing report before we do that, Tom?

Unknown Speaker 38:25
Yeah, I just had a quick question. So that first part there, it says units. We’re talking about, you know, our goal is 3400 units. We are not including Housing Choice vouchers in there, right, because these are just set aside units. Correct. Right. deed restricted. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 38:44
That’s kind of like in addition to this, we do have the Housing Choice vouchers to bring down to the market rate. Okay. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 38:52
All right, let’s roll on to item four B, which is a review of the five year plan and a recommendation to the LSU board.

Unknown Speaker 39:01
Alright, so this is a plan that’s required by HUD it’s pretty streamlined for small agencies. Um, so as you can see, it’s a five or six page document.

Unknown Speaker 39:13
Because of COVID in 2020, there was a waiver to submit in 2020. So it’s actually

Unknown Speaker 39:22
due in early 2021, but it will cover 2023 2024. it aligns with the city’s Consolidated Plan. And the goals and objectives within this plan also align with the city’s Consolidated Plan.

Unknown Speaker 39:39
It is not much different than the prior five year goal or five year plan, which also aligned with the city’s Consolidated Plan.

Unknown Speaker 39:51
So you know, basically creating affordable housing opportunities, protecting and enhancing our properties and programs developing and

Unknown Speaker 40:00
organizational structure to more efficiently manage operations and develop, enhance and strengthen external relationships for ongoing partners, partnerships. Item b three within the plan just was a progress report on on those goals and what we did in 2015, to

Unknown Speaker 40:22
2014 to 2019. To help address some of those, the goals that we had.

Unknown Speaker 40:31
And then the rest of it is somewhat boilerplate. Again, because of COVID, there was a waiver in public participation. So we weren’t required to do anything this year, which is kind of bizarre given HUD, it usually is all about that. But we did post this on the website, it’s been up since March 11. It’ll be won’t take it down until right before it goes to Council on the 30th. And so anybody wants to comment on that it’s available at the Lhh. Office. And so we did do what we felt we could do, to try and put it out there for the public comment.

Unknown Speaker 41:13
Even though we didn’t have to, so any questions or concerns about this, and particularly around the 45 to 25% goal, if that’s something that we want to adjust or make a recommendation to adjust?

Unknown Speaker 41:29
We happy to talk about that.

Unknown Speaker 41:35
guy just had a question on beat to number one, the last objective there, it says that we’ll have

Unknown Speaker 41:43
work with local property owners to increase the number of rental units available to program participants by getting 10 new private market property owners. Does that mean? We’ll have, you know, as a five year project, so a five year goal, we’d have to a year, is that doable? Is that or is that looking at not just the llama housing authority? This is looking at big picture for the city?

Unknown Speaker 42:09
Well, I think this was primarily looking at how do we increase the number of property owners that will accept vouchers within the city

Unknown Speaker 42:18
is really what I think we we were thinking about in in setting this goal, so Okay, so it’s not just two new properties. Okay, so it’s property owners. Okay, I find that okay. I could probably make that a little bit more clear. Yeah, two developments a year would be quite, yet quite aggressive. I was wondering, was that what we were trying to say here? Or? Okay.

Unknown Speaker 42:50
I’ll see if I can make that more clear.

Unknown Speaker 43:05
Any other comments?

Unknown Speaker 43:09
arleen, along the same line that Tom was talking about, because I had that highlighted as well, have you approached anybody about this? And if you have, what kind of pushback Are you getting from private owners?

Unknown Speaker 43:24
So I would say we have not done that. Too much to date. Since the city has become involved. I think that has been an ongoing goal is to try and keep it enhance the property owners that are are taking voucher billing to take vouchers.

Unknown Speaker 43:43
I don’t know, Karen, if you have a different take on it. I mean, that is something that, that the city has worked with, worked on as well, to get

Unknown Speaker 43:55
some incentives out there around security deposits or other assistance, particularly as it pertains to folks who are coming out of homelessness,

Unknown Speaker 44:07
where people might be a little bit more

Unknown Speaker 44:10
concerned about about renting even with a voucher.

Unknown Speaker 44:15
Yeah, it

Unknown Speaker 44:17
Yes. And so what I would add to that is

Unknown Speaker 44:21

Unknown Speaker 44:23
so certainly we’ve been having these discussions with

Unknown Speaker 44:28
among city staff, and you know, we have

Unknown Speaker 44:32
a landlord tenant mediation program and so so we have an active engagement with local landlords around.

Unknown Speaker 44:42
You know, positive tenancy is what we call that So, so we are working at it from you know, from that angle and and continuing to, first of all, encourage landlords who are accepting or property owners that do accept vouchers to stay

Unknown Speaker 45:00
The course and they continue to be involved in that program. So part of this is maintaining our existing property owners that are involved with the program. And we also have a, there’s a county wide effort.

Unknown Speaker 45:12
We have a county wide level received some grant funding to hire.

Unknown Speaker 45:20
We, her name is Beverly Miller, we call her she’s a landlord acquisition specialist, but as Kathy mentioned,

Unknown Speaker 45:29
is that we do have. So Beverly is working on a county wide effort to reach out and engage local property owners in

Unknown Speaker 45:40
in accepting and participating in the Housing Choice Voucher Program, that the target population is for folks who are at risk of or are coming out of homelessness is really our target population for Beverly his efforts. But but but certainly she’s building relationships with landlords across the entire county, and, and working to get them involved in the voucher program at all levels, not just for targeting people experiencing homelessness. So so we’re really encouraged by that. And because it makes a huge difference and having someone out there that is really focusing on that, and we are all benefiting from that countywide.

Unknown Speaker 46:30

Unknown Speaker 46:31

Unknown Speaker 46:34
Karen, I appreciate what you said. And I really am excited that there is somebody dedicated to this. One of the things that that I ran into a lot with

Unknown Speaker 46:47
residents that moved in,

Unknown Speaker 46:51
and is that their landlord would no longer accept vouchers, they had been accepting vouchers. But one of the consistent complaints was, it’s too much work on the landlord. And I was wondering is has there been some effort to minimize the impact on the landlord of what’s required for voucher

Unknown Speaker 47:21
for voucher participants?

Unknown Speaker 47:25
Has that been addressed to somebody looking at what it can we reduce the burden on the landlord for accepting a voucher? So what I would say? Yes, there See, there’s a quick answer.

Unknown Speaker 47:41
So, so again, we have as part of this work that we are doing with,

Unknown Speaker 47:49
with our landlord acquisition specialists, we we do occasionally here in Longmont, and we refresh that survey, countywide where we do

Unknown Speaker 48:00
survey property owners in you know, about participation in the Housing Choice Voucher Program. And and we have received some updated feedback from them. So certainly what you had talked about is the, you know, how to make it easier to navigate through what is required to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program is one thing that we are working on. And we are taking the input that we received from property owners to try to help make that more streamlined, easier to participate. You know, the other thing that we hear quite a bit from our property owners is

Unknown Speaker 48:41
as how to have successful tenancy. So if there is if landlords do experience a challenge, behavioral challenge, say with with a tenant in their in their property, they they do want and benefit from assistance to help resolve those issues and help make sure that there is an ongoing successful tenancy. So, so we’re working with that data to continue to help that be successful on both sides of the equation. And just a reminder is that, that there is new state law

Unknown Speaker 49:18
that, that if we’re Colorado, it’s the larger property owners that you know, that they cannot consider source of income in, in renting to tenant so so that would that would make it not in line with the law if you if you denied someone’s application because they have because of the source of the income to pay for their rent.

Unknown Speaker 49:48
So that’s a new law

Unknown Speaker 49:51
in Colorado,

Unknown Speaker 49:54

Unknown Speaker 49:56
So I’m putting trying to put this in context of the five year

Unknown Speaker 50:00
plan? And is it fair for me to say that under B to one that last objective, working with local property owners to increase the number of units, the discussion, we were just having kind of fit under that, that it’s not just that we want 10 new units, we probably don’t want to lose any. We want to make everything easier for the landlord to stay part of the program.

Unknown Speaker 50:22
Someone, are you comfortable with the language as it’s written? Or do we are we want to recommend any change to this?

Unknown Speaker 50:31
realizing that our job is to make a recommendation to the Housing Authority about whether they adopt this as written or with modifications, I

Unknown Speaker 50:48
think that’s my take on it is that as written kind of covers the issues that we’ve discussed? One item we haven’t discussed? A whole lot is

Unknown Speaker 50:59
the plan to move from 45% dependency on HUD down to 25?

Unknown Speaker 51:06
Are we comfortable with that concept? Or do you want to suggest some change to this before this goes to the board? Jim? Yeah, I agree with Arlene. I think 25 is way too aggressive. I would rather see something on the order of 35. Let’s go down 10%. And, and, and get there.

Unknown Speaker 51:32
I see some nods.

Unknown Speaker 51:35
Everyone comfortable. So I guess

Unknown Speaker 51:38
I don’t want to cut the discussion short. But what I’m what I’m hearing from this is that we’re generally supportive of jaql the way that’s written,

Unknown Speaker 51:47
but we would recommend that the board consider a modification of item B three, three B,

Unknown Speaker 51:56
to change it to a 35% target rather than a 25%. Target.

Unknown Speaker 52:07
And we don’t have a formal resolution in the packet to to consider but i would i would entertain a motion that we approve this as written with a change to be three, three v 230 5%.

Unknown Speaker 52:22
I serve.

Unknown Speaker 52:25
Again, okay.

Unknown Speaker 52:27
He moves in Tom seconds. Any further discussion here?

Unknown Speaker 52:32
So I just have a question as I’m reading this, so. So that particular reference to setting that goal is is that looks

Unknown Speaker 52:46
in the in the 2025?

Unknown Speaker 52:49
Or the 2014 2019 plan? Is that is that goal in our list of proposed goals for the the 2020 2024?

Unknown Speaker 53:01
a good point? Because it’s not in that it’s not that in there?

Unknown Speaker 53:06
No, it’s what it’s saying is that this was set during the 2015 to 2019 time period was the goal. We can move it to a more to be two as a formal goal if we want to do that, right, because it’s not in it’s not proposed as a formal goal in the 2020 2024 plan. Is that correct? I just needed a clarification. Yeah, didn’t see it. So

Unknown Speaker 53:36
that is good. Thanks for keeping us on track. And sorry for sending us down that path. So I guess the question would be maybe for, for

Unknown Speaker 53:46
Kathy and Karen.

Unknown Speaker 53:48
So that that goal from the last five year period was not specifically included this year in this for the next five? Is there a reason from your perspective that we ought to consider leaving it out? Or is it helpful to

Unknown Speaker 54:04
set a numeric target like that?

Unknown Speaker 54:08
I think if that is the over all, one of the goals we should keep it in and or amended which we could address it as amending

Unknown Speaker 54:21
the goal and just state it differently within be to an actual goal. But if that is of importance to us, in the 2020 to 2024 time period, then we should have it as a goal in either I would say probably two,

Unknown Speaker 54:44
two or four, probably two.

Unknown Speaker 54:52
So we can leave the one in three b b three, three B

Unknown Speaker 54:59
as it is

Unknown Speaker 55:00
But then under B to habit amend the goal,

Unknown Speaker 55:07
to move from 45 to 35

Unknown Speaker 55:11
instead of 25 to be more realistic about it. So if we were going to do that, I think what we would do procedurally as Tom would perhaps amend his motion to two, which was basically restating what I said. So I, so I’ll amend my recommendation, which would be that we might consider changing cause motion to us genes motion actually hirjis motion to add a new line at Cameron, who to Cameron? Yes. Let’s, let’s

Unknown Speaker 55:46
vote down the motion that I made first. Okay. Let’s all not agree to that motion. So that we get that off the table.

Unknown Speaker 55:56
Okay, that’s, that’s fine. I was just gonna have you just amend it. And that’s I’m agree, but go ahead. Oh, we I think it would be clearer if we we made it as one of the objectives. Kathy, would that be under the two, three listed as an objective under there?

Unknown Speaker 56:16
Kathy? Yes, I think, yes, it could be under three.

Unknown Speaker 56:22
Bad probably three or two, probably. Where I look, it’s it’s under infrastructure in the in the the past tense. So I figured we’d go through infrastructure and

Unknown Speaker 56:34
skip in the plan. So making an objective? Yep. Okay. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 56:44
So, my suggestion gene is that we just amend your motion. Okay. To that say you’re what you’re adding to be two, three, instead of Yes. And making it

Unknown Speaker 56:58
the objective is to reduce our dependence, let’s lightly say it is reduce our dependence on HUD by 10%. And leave it at that. So whatever it is now, we don’t go down. 10%.

Unknown Speaker 57:15
I mean, you could also say the with the exception of the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Unknown Speaker 57:20

Unknown Speaker 57:26
That a clear, clear amendment.

Unknown Speaker 57:31
reduce it by 10%. With the exception of Housing Choice Voucher Program. Is the the amended motion. Tom, do you? Are you comfortable with that? Yeah. Second, base. Now we have a motion in a second. Any other discussion?

Unknown Speaker 57:46
All in favor.

Unknown Speaker 57:49
It’s approved. Thanks for letting me be formalistic. Today

Unknown Speaker 57:55
won’t be up for the rest of my day.

Unknown Speaker 57:58
Let’s roll on to item four c, which is the review of our bad debt policy and the recommendation for the llj board.

Unknown Speaker 58:06
And I believe that policies in our packet. So with the changes made, are we okay with recommending the five year plan, go to council? Or go to the lhsaa? board? Sorry? Yes. Yeah. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 58:29
Kathy, do you need that as a formal

Unknown Speaker 58:33
thing that was that was included in Gene’s Original Motion, which was to do this, as written with that one. I got it. Got it. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 58:46
so bad that that Kathy, that Harold?

Unknown Speaker 58:50
and Lee. Yeah, it’s Kathy, Lisa and me. So

Unknown Speaker 59:00
sorry, I was having problems with my device behind me.

Unknown Speaker 59:05
So I think one of the things Lisa, do you want to you and Kathy want to jump in and talk about what we were seeing on the bad debt? And who is that? So I can start on the the bad debt policy itself.

Unknown Speaker 59:18
So this is the existing policy that we Lhh has had and operated under I think it was approved in 2017. With the exception of we added item number, see no this is number three

Unknown Speaker 59:36
and number

Unknown Speaker 59:38

Unknown Speaker 59:43
are the two changes. And so this is combined to a certain extent with

Unknown Speaker 59:51
the Proposed resolution 2021 dash oh three. So at least I can go into more detail but basically we had a tenant

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00

Unknown Speaker 1:00:02
was their rent was raised, and they were given the appropriate

Unknown Speaker 1:00:07
notification. But they continued to pay the lesser rent. And even though it was accruing within the yardie system, that they were not paying the correct rent Lh a staff with all the turnover and everything, or I don’t know what reason failed to correct that or notice it and call this out. And so, by the time it came to our attention, when the tenant moved out in January of this year, they had $1,000 debt in yardie, which we didn’t feel that we really could collect, since we had never done anything to bring this back to the tenants attention, etc. So

Unknown Speaker 1:00:52
the other impinging factor was that we only have a certain amount of time to return security deposits. And we were running up against that time. So we had to make a decision on this one and couldn’t wait to go to the board. So the executive director took the the step to allow staff to write off the debt, so that we could get it out of the yardie system so that we could then process their security deposit. So we’ve got two things happening here. So we did this kind of outside of the policy to a certain extent, with the executive directors approval so that we could make sure that we met the security deposit timing and didn’t get a finding from HUD around that.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:35
And then are amending the bad debt policy to allow the executive director because this is probably going to happen, until we get the full complement of issues, I’m fully go through every single tenant record and make sure it’s, it’s totally accurate, we’re probably going to run up against this again. So that’s why we added number three, and number four, allowing the executive director to write off up to $5,000 per tenant in in Baghdad if needed. And then after the fact going to the Lh a board for that approval, of course, we’re going to try and do that before the fact wherever possible, but we’re just concerned, we’re going to run into

Unknown Speaker 1:02:18
a couple of these issues again.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:21
So So there’s two of the two items, but the other changes, we made another change, another change. Oh, so on Section B, where it used to say if within 30 days,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:34
after sending notice, we actually extended that to 90 days, looking at the accounting standpoint, 30 days is virtually impossible for the accountants in the financial groups to manages. And so we thought 90 days is actually a more realistic timeframe

Unknown Speaker 1:02:51
to place in this agreement. And, you know, this is just something that in and I’ll let Lisa talk to the specific cases,

Unknown Speaker 1:03:00
it looks like this is something that sort of just been happening over time in for some time. And, and so we really want to stay up, we want to stay on top of this and, and really have these conversations on the front end versus letting this accrue. But we still have to resolve the issues that have been occurring over the last few years.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:22
Correct. And so also with extending it to the 90 days, this is going to give us a chance in house to try to collect from the previous residents as well, and then send to collection and try to recoup some of the money because what I have seen that’s been going on nothing, no attempts have been made to collect any charges, any password rents, any damage charges. So bringing this in extending that will give us a chance as well as Lh a to collect

Unknown Speaker 1:03:51
that debt. And then we are in the process of reviewing every tenant ledger going back anywhere from two move in 234 years to correct. So I know roughly what the snow day yesterday, a lot of the managers were able to dive in and get through quite a few. But it’s gonna take months to get through and audit and adjust and notify the tenants and try to collect from the tenants.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:23
Any comments or questions about the proposed policy?

Unknown Speaker 1:04:27

Unknown Speaker 1:04:29
So in numbers and number four, it says approval for write off on a periodic basis. Do we have that say their quarterly or say semi annually just so that it’s kind of like there’s a timing that can be expected for that? If it was to occur, or if there was no write offs. It could just be stated that there wasn’t a write ups during that time.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:54
Yeah, it makes sense quarterly is fine.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
Then question on that. So the managers are going through the tenant files now or the tenant accounts Now, what is their access to that? Are they able to post to the individual letters? Or does that have to go then back to accounting to have them? Correct? Say if there was an incorrect application? Yeah, they are going through correct. Kind of making their own ledger in an Excel format, coordinating with Kendra and accounting to correct, and then they’ll go back to the resident.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:32
So remember some of our audit comments that we had where you didn’t have the appropriate

Unknown Speaker 1:05:38

Unknown Speaker 1:05:40
Yeah, the segregation on the accounting piece. And that’s why we’re not allowing, I mean, we pulled most of that from the managers, because it’s the only way you can comply with your audit requirements in this and that segregation of duties.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:58

Unknown Speaker 1:06:01
and Cameron, of course, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:05
given us the circumstances you were describing of

Unknown Speaker 1:06:11
people paying the wrong amount of rent.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:15
And given that this board and Cameron prior, when we were on the other board, yardie was used as an excuse that we didn’t know what was going on.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:29
But when a manager receives a check, right then and there, they know whether or not that’s the correct rent. So it, it seems to me that

Unknown Speaker 1:06:41
what you’re doing now is cleaning that up so that managers today, when you get that check doesn’t match what’s required. Right? Correct. They all have keepa their sheets in front of them and what was posted for filling and then they come mark off from they’ve collected from, but some of our issues do fall back on contracts with other agencies, it could be boulder housing MHP. And when we were not set the correct contract, or there was a change in the contract, and it was never updated in the file, and never updated in yardie. So so I want to add a few other properties. They found those contracts don’t line up with what was the charges. So I think yesterday, she was able to get through six Ledger’s in eight hours, going back to 2016 2017 2018 and matching up every contract and requesting missing contracts. Right. So it is a bit of a process to get through each ledger. Yes, yes. Okay. Okay. Yeah, at least it’s happening now at, you know, on the front lines right away. Okay. Beautiful, because it wasn’t obviously. Okay. So we know by the fifth, the sixth of the month, who has not paid rent, if there’s any debt, or if it was the wrong amount, they’ve already been notified as soon as I bring that check in. Awesome. Okay. Well, to be clear about the next item, why I authorized it for this individual is we didn’t fulfill our obligation and requirement to let them know that they weren’t paying the correct rent. It’s not their fault. That was our fault. And, and so just like we do in the city, when that occurs, we cover it. Now I want to do I also want to call attention to there’s two kinds of issues we deal with one the rent side, the others damages. And in even in that. So typically, on the damage side, we are telling folks here your damages.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:36
That’s a different conversation. But it all falls into the overall conversation in terms of how we do it. So I just wanted you to know that there’s two different pieces in this as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:50
Arlene, Harold, I agree with you that it was you know, the lhhs fault that this was not picked up. However, if the client or the resident actually signed the lease that said, this is this is the new rent, it seems to me that they should have been held responsible for part of that, too. And if they weren’t, again, it goes back to that. You know, it is it is the board or the LMS fault for not doing that. But the resident actually needs to pick up some responsibility here too. I think I could be wrong.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:26
Yeah, I think when we talked about it, the hard pieces.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:31
Understand, really knowing and understanding whether or not the resident actually understood the contract they were signing, because that’s the other piece of this too. And I think that’s part of the work that we’re doing also with our Senior Services folks in in really realizing how we communicate with our residents. I think what I’ve learned in this process, and I’ve learned it in what we do as a city.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:57
different individuals have different challenges, understanding

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
In contracts and what they’re signing and how they’re doing it, and I think that’s another piece that least has been working on is really, how are we communicating with individuals and Howard, making sure they understand what they’re signing to, because that’s a big piece. And I think for us, that’s, we don’t know,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:17
what that really looked like. Because what’s interesting about the case that I overrode, the individual is very diligent about always sending in the amount that they needed to. And so that tends to lead me to to it wasn’t like, they sent the new amount in and then reverted to the old amount, they never changed. And so that tends to lead me to look at it as a potentially a different situation, which is why we do that, because I agree if they knew, and they understood it, and if we would have seen them pay the new amount and then default to the O amount. That’s a slightly different conversation. But this just never changed. And, unfortunately, none of us were here to understand why.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:01
So communication is the thing that Okay, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:06
And as I read this, what happened is we we, the executive director gets a report of, of bad debts that are deemed uncollectible and then the executive director has to assess that and make a determination. You don’t they’re not automatically written off. No, the debts might linger for years. And

Unknown Speaker 1:11:27
Harold or whomever the future executive directors might decide even though the initial report says they’re uncollectible, no, we’re not going to write those off, let’s leave them on the books.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:39
And so what this really does is just give us a procedure for how that happens. And some executive director discretion up to the $5,000 level to handle those without going to the board.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:51
Which is why I drew the attention to the math or to damages A lot of it, or maybe our math rooms is those we may never let off because we want to hold accountable for the damages and in the facility. So yeah, we have to look into each one of these.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:09
Good point camera.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:15
I said a really minor kind of word. choice. Question about item number one. It says upon the vacate of a tenant and or termination of the program.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:26
I think maybe it would sound better if it said upon the vacation of a unit by a tenant.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:33
And or termination of the program serving that unit.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:38
We don’t really vacate a tenant vacating.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:43
Right rather than vacation. That could get confusing.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:48
Kevin, yeah, upon upon the tenant vacating unit or, yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:54
I noticed that last night, and I left it because I was like, maybe this is a specific word that’s used? I don’t know. Yeah, yeah. That’s cool. I can make that change. Yeah, we take that just so you all know, we took the old policy and just made the changes where we need it. So we

Unknown Speaker 1:13:12
won’t make that change.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:15
Any other comments or questions or a recommendation to the board?

Unknown Speaker 1:13:26
We make big changes. The

Unknown Speaker 1:13:30
first one would be to

Unknown Speaker 1:13:33
number one.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:36
And then the other one would be to abort or lead to the or

Unknown Speaker 1:13:40
switch would be in number

Unknown Speaker 1:13:43

Unknown Speaker 1:13:47
that we make those changes and then approve the

Unknown Speaker 1:13:51

Unknown Speaker 1:13:55
I grew up watching Battlestar Galactica, and the Cylons would sound just like Tom’s microphone. Just

Unknown Speaker 1:14:02
very that was a nerdy teenage comment. Jean, did you have a second? Second? Okay. motion in a second. Any further discussion? All in favor.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:15
That is approved. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:18
We are burning through this agenda

Unknown Speaker 1:14:21
item for See, we just approved for the recommendation of a large resident debt write off.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:31
So this was an item that we brought into the other conversation on the individual that we had that was had a rent set. They were on time monthly with the original rent payment, but they weren’t paying the new amount. They then moved out they were requesting their deposit.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:51
No damage in the unit and in this was the issue of we weren’t sure how the rent increase was communicated. They were never late.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
With a rant.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:02
And so this is the one. Is this the one we’re talking about? Or is this the other one? I just thought about it?

Unknown Speaker 1:15:08
Yes, this is so this is the one where we’re recommending we write off the debt for this individual.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:19
Not retro. Yeah, retro actively affirming my decision on that.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:30
We discussed this one quite a bit. Do I go straight to a motion?

Unknown Speaker 1:15:35
Yeah. Let’s let’s move to support the recommendation.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:41
Second, Jean moves, Arlene. seconds. All in favor.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:49
Excellent. Moving on to I think we are now finished with the new and old business.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:55
Okay, let’s move on to item five, the city report with an update on operations.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:01
So I’m going to start off a little bit on the topic at hand, which is snow removal, and dealing with with the system that just came in.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:13
And I wanted to go over this, because you all may receive calls on this, and we’ve definitely been receiving calls. So as we were moving into this system, where we’re utilizing our golf staff, and our recreation staff to clear the Housing Authority properties, based on the amount of snow that was coming down, and what we had to do, we, we took the perspective of we need to first and foremost ensure

Unknown Speaker 1:16:41
emergency access to the facilities.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:45
And so what you saw at the facilities, and yesterday, I drove through,

Unknown Speaker 1:16:52
I think all but one, just because I didn’t make it to that side of town. But when we finished this meeting, I’m going to go out and do it again, is used to it looked pretty clear, it actually was very clear in terms of emergency access and moving through the parking lot. drove through Aspen meadows, Aspen Meadows neighborhood, there was a clear path to asphalt, same for Spring Creek and Fall River. What we didn’t get to is the parking spots in between the cars just based on the nature of the work and what we were trying to manage. I know they’re looking at that now.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:29
So what we were hearing was individuals requesting us to remove the snow from their cars.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:36
We obviously do not remove snow from people’s cars.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:41
They were requesting us to get access to their car, which that’s something that I’ve asked Jeff reasoner, who’s who’s working with the snow team to to look at with Lisa because there are some issues, just in terms of their getting access to cars. When I drove through Spring Creek, some people had basically pulled the snow out from their car and just dumped it in the middle of the the pathway that we had cleared. So you know, we were coming back to clear that.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:12
So generally, what I can tell you is very good emergency access was cleared down to pavement throughout the system. We started on the sidewalks had to kind of give up in the middle of the storm because it was clogging everything. They went back and it looked pretty good. Like they were able to move through that. And then as we got into yesterday, our parks team, I think had may have assisted with them. Until we went in and started doing single passes through the entire community. We’re going to continue working to to understand how we can get into between cars. This morning, we sent a group with a loader to clear access to the front of our office building. Because it was blocked with the wind row from the work that we do on our

Unknown Speaker 1:19:00
on Main Street. We then I asked Jeff last night to send that same front end loader to Aspen meadow. Because we have people moving in this morning. And where cars were parked. Actually, it was fine. But where you didn’t have cars parked we had like, we still had, let’s say approximately 12 inches of snow that hadn’t melted. And so I asked him to go in with the front end loader to clear those spots for the individuals that are moving back into the facility. Because we didn’t have any spaces available there. And then we’re going to continue to evaluating how we manage between cars. To be honest with you the challenge on that is we also can’t damage the cars either. And so it may not be possible for us to do it until the cars get out. But I wanted you to know people probably aren’t going to be happy with this because you know very clearly saying no we will not clean snow off of cars. We will only go in between cars, if it’s reasonable and we can ensure that we

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00
He won’t damage them. But if if there’s a potential for us damaging them, we’re just not going to go in because we can’t accept that liability. But otherwise, I was pretty happy from with throughout the storm that we had. What I felt was like really good emergency access through the parking lots if we needed it. And we saw, I don’t know if you have anything to add, or if there’s any questions, you’ve all heard from residents. No, I just the local team of maintenance guys that were able to go out and help on Sunday. And Monday was amazing. I had a manager out there at the sweet shoveling, nonstop, her and her husband all weekend, just to make sure that those residents had pass and emergency access to the building as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:42
Yeah. And yeah, I mean, everybody was just phenomenal

Unknown Speaker 1:20:47
in the part of the challenges, so you know, I mean, we dealt with this as a city, we had folks that didn’t live here,

Unknown Speaker 1:20:53
that we said, Don’t even try to come here, because even those that we were giving.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:58
On the city side, we gave them large trucks to get in the town. And we still had a couple of them get stuck.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:06
Come in. So we’re like, just stay there. So like on the Mr. side light ale. And Randy, I think we’re the two that

Unknown Speaker 1:21:14
were in town. And they were just ping pong in all over the place handling routine maintenance issues like elevator issues, to leaks, and so on, and so forth. So to all of the housing authority staff that were really engaged in this and helping us phenomenal job and just staying on top of it and partnering with their city teammates now, and getting into it. So Lisa and her group did did an amazing job.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:41
It should be much better today, as we continue, but so that’s my update on the snow, because I know you’re probably going to hear from it our counsels probably gonna hear from it. I’ll actually update him tonight on that as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:55
Yeah, yeah. About the snow. And I’m telling until I agree with you about not cleaning off cars. I think there was a and something through Boulder County that had cultivate, I believe had

Unknown Speaker 1:22:15
individuals who would come out and help on a on a one to one basis. So there are volunteers that would come out and help residents clean off because that is huge. The snow turned to ice. So it’s it’s hard for some residents. So there is an option that we reduces our liability. But the other question and lease, I’m sure you’re aware of this. We’ve got not only the move ins today, but we’ve also got parking lot starting. And so cars need to be moved. And we I haven’t looked Harold and maybe people have shown up by now. But you know, at 730 this morning, there were still a lot of snow in the parking lot. But they’re going to be moving the pods out. So cars have to move in a row, you know, we’ll have fewer spaces. So I’m just hoping that snow gets removed so that there’s room for all the cars to park in a crunched, crunched area for a while because we’ve got the pads going out. We’ve got residents coming back. It’s gonna be a little a little hectic. So I’m asking for priority. Okay. I think I think Kathy has an update on the parking lot rehab, Kathy.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:32
So I sent all this information to our project manager yesterday and she is working with Allison, we’re going to talk about it this afternoon. likely the pod removal will be postponed a bit. And then we’ll see whether or not we need to move back the parking lot. actual work or not, but we’re going to talk about that this afternoon. So we’re awesome. We’re on it. That was That was my first thought too. I’m like, wait a minute.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:59
That’s great. Great. Yeah, part of just so you all know, this is an thankful Tomalin in this side. But you know, when you look at, you know, what we talked about yesterday in the meeting on this parking lot is when when you redo parking lots and you’re looking at your sub base and your asphalt,

Unknown Speaker 1:24:18
temperature, weather systems, all of these things come into play. We have the potential snowed at night. I think there’s another storm that potentially will come in next weekend. You know, we’re hoping the weather forecast is good for us right now maybe saying trace. But we also have to watch the weather because you want to make sure that you’re you’re constructing that project in a weather window. So you don’t put something in that ends up falling apart because it really is. Asphalt especially is very sensitive to in the type of asphalt you can use in the weather that you’re in in terms of the curing piece is really important. So those are all things they’re going to they’re going to talk about plus

Unknown Speaker 1:24:59

Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
You know, we are using, we did go ahead and pull the trigger for some of the city contracts. And we’ll use lnm via the city. So the

Unknown Speaker 1:25:10
resolution that the Council adopted when they became the board and appointed me, the executive director, I think, also let me use city resources. And so I went ahead to make the decision to use contractors that we had on the city side to help with this.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:24
As we move through this, and right now, we don’t have the ability to use it. We’re using a lot of contractors right now to start pulling snow off the streets because we don’t have room for it. As we move through it, and we get a better handle on this, that may be something that we look at at these facilities, because we have some pretty big snow piles that you know, in their current condition, may be there for a while. And we then may evaluate is actually coming in and trucking and removing that snow off of these facilities. And I want to have that conversation with Karen, Kathy and Lisa.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:01
Probably tomorrow. But right now, our contractors we need to put. So last night they were there all night on downtown on Main Street because we really ran out of capacity. They’re driving today, we’re probably going to move to North Maine next based on what we were seeing. And then our own crews are going to be on ninth and seven, what they call zagging with the big machine that dumps it into trucks and start getting it out. So we can actually have capacity. So once we get through that we may evaluate may coming in and trying to remove snow, we are doing it on selective basis based on emergency issues and things like that. So that’s the next stage in this

Unknown Speaker 1:26:45
as Scott rochet said snow vid 2020

Unknown Speaker 1:26:50

Unknown Speaker 1:26:52
he’s so clever. He is

Unknown Speaker 1:26:56
a reminder, I think, to the advisory board, I don’t know if you recall, but

Unknown Speaker 1:27:02
when we had our first snow event of the season back the end of October,

Unknown Speaker 1:27:08
the Lh A’s snow removal contractor served us notice that they were no longer be fulfilling our contract as snow removal for the 2021 snow season. So, we and when we went to solicit additional bids for for this season, they they did come in like about twice the amount of what we had available. So just to clarify that because Harold mentioned our our golf staff and our recreation basically our athletic met athletic maintenance field staff, we

Unknown Speaker 1:27:49
bless their hearts, they they stepped up and they they agreed to provide that snow removal so that so that we wouldn’t have to break the bank in order to to get a contractor in for snow removal for the Lh a for the for the remainder of this winter season.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:12
And so

Unknown Speaker 1:28:14
and so thanks to Harold with backfilling with our our current parks contractors, for some, you know, because this this is more than a foreign snow. So. So anyhow, so we we have been making it work at a very low cost for the housing authority for this winter season. And we are in the process right now for you know, for the going out to bid for a landscape landscape contractor, landscape maintenance contractor and snow removal contractor for the subsequent years to see if we can get some economies of scale by by releasing those bids for both of those services for the for the coming spring summer season and the winter season. Next year into 2022. So, so anyhow, so yeah, it was a lot of folks trying to figure out how to make this work. You know, and thank gosh, that we don’t have these big snowstorms. This is why the fourth worst one, I think in Colorado history. But anyhow, but thanks to all of the the crews to golf and recreation and to the other city staff parks streets, Harold for for having a stay on top of this as well as we were able to do.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:46
Lisa, you have any other operational updates

Unknown Speaker 1:29:52
your mute

Unknown Speaker 1:29:54
your mute

Unknown Speaker 1:29:57

Unknown Speaker 1:30:00
are just a couple of quick updates, we are moving forward on the install the pendant system at hartstone in Lodge and removing the court system that that was signed last week and yesterday spent a lot of time working with Andrea and the company to get the install scheduled for the next over the next two weeks. So by the end of March, we will be alleviating the fire departments.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:23
Using this new pendant system,

Unknown Speaker 1:30:26
you actually reminded me We also then also authorized the new security system at village place, we had a few more things coming back and forth on that. We were allowed to use the replacement fund to do this. And so the cost of that

Unknown Speaker 1:30:45
all in if it took the amount of time we thought to install is 27,000 no ongoing expense this year. And then from here on out, I think as long as we’re under contract with them, that is the city’s contractor on security and fire monitoring.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:03
All in cost is roughly 18 $100 a year I think was the number that we came up with our purchasing agent.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:12

Unknown Speaker 1:31:13
we did all of that last week, I think they’re going to try to get her out here as fast as they can to install all the security at that facility. Obviously, whether it’s playing into it, we also they were there Friday, Thursday or Friday,

Unknown Speaker 1:31:30
Friday morning, doing a walkthrough finalizing the security that they were going to put at Aspen Meadows apartment and then also Aspen Meadows neighborhood. And so you all know the security consists of video cameras, mag locks on the doors, security for the offices, a monitored security system for the offices. In in they’re also working with Sarah Arnie,

Unknown Speaker 1:32:00
in our pool in our police department in terms of really looking at placement of these cameras into Lisa has done a great job. We’re having more issues around village place. So we’re going first there, then when they do the exterior work at Aspen meadows, they will tie this in with that. So it won’t, we obviously have to get the exterior work finished to the point where they can do their work. So they may do some wiring before intermixed in with the contract and Molly’s really managing that. And then we’re going to move to the neighborhood that’s are going to be integrated

Unknown Speaker 1:32:33
into an overall system for that area based on things that we’ve seen. So we’ll have a much better look at this, it will be cloud based, which means that we all will have access wherever we are. But it also means that we’re going to give access to our dispatchers and our police department, if they get calls, they’ll actually be able to look into it before they even get to the facility. So that’s moving forward, we’re in the process of We will then integrate all systems. So we’re gonna have the same key fob system in every facility, the same camera system and every facility

Unknown Speaker 1:33:12
versus having sort of the Miss mix match that we’ve had, so we can manage it better.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:21
That’s our operational update.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:25
All yours now. Lisa. Oh.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:29
And then I was just gonna say moving forward, we are working to hire our third manager since I came on board in December. So we’re placing an ad for that for and this will be for Spring Creek and Fall River. And then a lot of this past month has been focused on building the resident reach relationships. I’ve been officing out of Spring Creek two to three times a week getting to know those residents and we’re hoping to start some more resident meetings as soon as we go into Code Blue

Unknown Speaker 1:34:02
which by the way for everyone we just moved back into orange with our case rates so it may be a little bit longer before we get to blue.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:14
Just got that update just now. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:17
hot off the press. Yep.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:26
Any other comments or questions on the city report?

Unknown Speaker 1:34:31
think the only thing that that because we have a waitlist update

Unknown Speaker 1:34:37
there and, and, and and a couple of things so Olivia has been doing a stellar job

Unknown Speaker 1:34:47
and and helping get our wait lists in order and and basically getting everything entered into yardie and really helping yardie help us to to manage the way

Unknown Speaker 1:35:00

Unknown Speaker 1:35:02
so we did clean up the Housing Choice Voucher waitlist, we we did that over the last couple of months sent out because I don’t think we had updated the waitlist. And since 2008 teen if I believe so Olivia, certainly hop on if I make anything, if I if I miss anything. So we we did send out notification to to everyone that we still had on our HCV waitlist. We were that was roughly around 900 households, I believe we gave them a date certain to send information back, we received back

Unknown Speaker 1:35:40
information from about 120 or so households that are still

Unknown Speaker 1:35:46
around are still interested in being on the Housing Choice Voucher waitlist for the Housing Authority. And so so basically Olivia updated their records have inserted all of that information into into yardie. And so now we do have an updated HCV waitlist in that’s that’s in yardie that we can do a random poll whenever we do have vacancies in in our Housing Choice Voucher Program. So that will help us to keep updated on that and have active households who are interested. And then we are looking at

Unknown Speaker 1:36:31
you know how to do you know to maybe have a

Unknown Speaker 1:36:36
basically update that waitlist

Unknown Speaker 1:36:39
annually, or maybe two times a year, but really being on being on on top of that a Olivia’s or anything else that you would add to that work. And maybe you want to talk about the other property wait lists that you have, you’re also managing.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:57
I think you’ve covered it on the HCV side, the key for the property waitlist, I think is just getting enough people in the queue to move into our vacancies. So you know, when we have more than one person give notice in the same month, all of a sudden we have two or three vacancies. So I think just getting more organized going forward to have those people ready to go. Right now what we’re kind of doing is just leaving it open for application. So if an individual comes in and is interested in qualified, they kind of have the opportunity to just stay on that waiting list.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:34
That’s kind of that’s kind of the just unless Lisa has anything to add. Now and I was just gonna say we did have river Spring Creek and village place they their waitlist was open March 5 through March 8, which gate got us a good new pool which a lot of our vacants do have applicants from that waitlist now pending. And then we’re opening Aspen Meadows senior and Aspen Meadows neighborhood on the 26th so that we can get those vacancies filled.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:05

Unknown Speaker 1:38:07
Do we have that we have the vacancy aged receivable reports.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:16

Unknown Speaker 1:38:21
the vacancy whereas other properties.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:25
I think that’s Lisa, do you want to

Unknown Speaker 1:38:29
the vacancy Report.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:32
I’m not going to go into too many details, but we do have a lot of pending applicants at the moment due to opening these waitlist to fill those vacancies. We’re hoping to see the movements here within the next two weeks as the units get turned. We’ve had a little bit of turn over at the suites. We went from nine vacancies down to seven to our only lsj. They both have pending applicants, but one of those is being housed by the flood victim so as soon as she is able to go back into her unit, we will move the pending applicant in so we are kind of pre leased there on that one.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:07
Let’s see. So Meadow Sr.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:12
The ones being used as an office, the other ones are all hoping to get filled when we open the waitlist on the 26th.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:28
And then the also the age receivable report is in the packet and if board members has have any questions about that Kendra’s on and would be able to answer those questions.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:51
I’m hearing no questions.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:55
So a couple of updates operationally on this

Unknown Speaker 1:40:00
ability to use yardi.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:03
And Kendra popped on, but thanks to Kendra and Lisa, in terms of taking advantage of the training sessions,

Unknown Speaker 1:40:10
our ability to use yardie is increasing dramatically, it seems like every week, and what we’re able to do and what we can look at and how they’re really cleaning up the system with h2, which is the consultant we brought in. So I think the,

Unknown Speaker 1:40:28
we’re going to be able to have more robust reports on this as well as we’re going into the future. So we’re really excited about that. Couple of other things I wanted to update, we’re still trying to understand the cares act. So we have a more clear understanding on the city side, but in the cares act, it looks like there’s going to be some potential for more vouchers specifically to house homeless and people and to keep people housed. And so we’re going to try to understand what that means in terms of expanding the voucher piece that Karen talked about.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:00
It also looks like there may be some funding that can go direct Kathy, and I don’t know what you’ve heard if you’ve heard anything new on this one. But when you look through it, there may be some funding for housing authorities directly. And we’re trying to understand what that means. And so when we talk about all of the funding associated with Kara’s act, and when we look at this, it is also tied directly to the development stuff work that we’re looking at and how we can fund it to leverage more dollars for additional

Unknown Speaker 1:41:34
development opportunities. And then just understanding what we can do. We don’t know right now, we will report to both the Advisory Board and the board as soon as we have a better understanding of this, but it is a bit of a

Unknown Speaker 1:41:48
challenge trying to figure out this legislation. Kathy, do you have any updates? I do not. Other than there was a line in the summary that said that housing authorities would get additional vouchers with funding for and through 2034 for particularly for emergency situations and folks exiting homelessness, or that are homeless to get them into housing. So I think it’s going to primarily focus on that. But we don’t know any more about if there’s any kind of cut offs as far as size of agency, or if it’s just, you know, going to be put forward as part of the regular formula. However, they calculate the formula allocation for Housing Choice vouchers. So yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:42
And then finally, Lisa mentioned this on the hat on the unit that was impacted by the sprinkler system bursting in the last cold storm. I know you all may have, the individual may have reached out to you.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:57
When we look at this in terms of the time that it’s taking to get that individual back in the unit compared to what we’ve encountered at the was at the lodge, when we had a similar issue. This is actually moving pretty quick. And the challenge that we had is we had to clear it, we then had to bid out the reconstruction. And that was signed off on I think, last Friday, or Friday, but

Unknown Speaker 1:43:22
proximately a week ago. And when I was there, I was there Friday, and they were their contractor was actually working on the unit

Unknown Speaker 1:43:33
when I was there, so they’re moving forward with this, we just had to go through the appropriate processes that we needed to

Unknown Speaker 1:43:41
to get that the work done on that facility. So they’re moving forward in case you get if they reach out to you, you all know that we’re in the process. And we just had to go through our bidding procedures on that.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:54
Finally, what I wanted to say to you all in terms of looking you’ve heard about the work that they’ve done in the snow, the work that they’re doing on you’re already in these issues. And this is really for me to give a shout out to

Unknown Speaker 1:44:08
my to the entire team, both city staff and Housing Authority staff and the folks that are still here, and the folks that have joined us.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:20
This is an exciting moment for me because what we have is a group of folks that are fearless. But caring

Unknown Speaker 1:44:29
in are committed to moving forward very quickly. And so you can see what I like is the pace of the work is really starting to move and what we’re able to do and big thank you to the entire group that’s on here and the group that’s not on here. Because I think we’re we’re poised

Unknown Speaker 1:44:52
to do some amazing things and a really big shout out to Lisa

Unknown Speaker 1:44:58
just want you all to know if

Unknown Speaker 1:45:00
I’ve learned a ton from Lisa. And when when you bring people on, at least as a manager, you want to learn from them as much as they can learn from you. And I think I’ve learned more from Lisa than she’s learned from us, or for me. And so I wanted to give her a big thank you, because she’s she’s really been an integral part of, of helping us. And so I just wanted you to know that because a lot of times we don’t talk to you all about these pieces.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:27
But without each and every one of these folks and where we’re going, I don’t think we’re talking to you about the things that we did today. It probably is much further down the road. So Karen, Kathy, Kendra, Lisa,

Unknown Speaker 1:45:43
Olivia, everybody’s on here. And everyone. That’s not Thank you. You have made this

Unknown Speaker 1:45:51
as concerning as it’s been, at times. And Cameron, I mean, we were just in we were all in this conversation. It’s now exciting. And I think the future of the housing, Housing Authority housing group,

Unknown Speaker 1:46:07
and in for our communities really bright. And I think this is what we all wanted.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:13
Thank you all.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:15
And I would add to that, that Harold’s a pretty darn good Housing Authority director.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:21
So he that wasn’t in his career path. But he has embraced that role

Unknown Speaker 1:46:29
in ways that

Unknown Speaker 1:46:31
that are also very, very exciting. So I also want to give a shout out to to our housing authority director, Mr. Dominguez,

Unknown Speaker 1:46:39
thanks care.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:42
Absolutely. It’s it’s it is it is pretty cool to start looking at

Unknown Speaker 1:46:47
what we’re going to do to change things for the better rather than just putting out fires. So there’s still some fires. But

Unknown Speaker 1:46:57
there’s, you can start to see the sun coming up over the horizon. And it’s and it’s exciting.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:04
Any other business under the city report?

Unknown Speaker 1:47:09
I don’t think so.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:11
Any other business that anyone would like to raise?

Unknown Speaker 1:47:17
Arlene, there was a article in the paper A while back that talked about

Unknown Speaker 1:47:24
senator Tracy Burnett, introducing a bill to encourage private and nonprofit agencies owning and leasing out low income units to reduce those residential units energy use? How is that going to impact the units here? And I don’t know if that bills have been introduced or not. But what kind of impact will that have on the unit’s here?

Unknown Speaker 1:47:51
I don’t, I’ll have to get with Sandy to understand the bill itself. Typically, when we see this, there is a time period. Typically, they’re not retroactive. And in that they don’t make you go back. But if they do you, they give you time to retrofit that within your structure.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:10
So don’t know the answer to it. But we will look into it. One of the things where we eventually will sort of evolve is working with some of our sustainability folks and our power folks to do some audits, and figure out what we can do in our facilities, because there’s also other funding sources to do some of that work that we will look at, but that’s down the road. Now, obviously, when we retrofit all of the units, like we just did at Aspen Meadows that has to go through the building code, and the building codes, pretty aggressive in terms of some of the sustainability components that you have to build into it. But that’s a quick update, we’ll get back to you on that piece to understand what that really means for us. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:59
One, one brief item of other business I’m going to add, you know, we’ve we’ve applauded the efforts of

Unknown Speaker 1:49:08
Harold and Kathy and Karen and Lisa and Olivia and Kendra and others who have really gotten us through some challenging times and to some exciting times.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:20
Another thing that I’ve typically run into on nonprofit boards is what after you finish serving on a nonprofit board, there’s a little bit of fanfare when you end your term.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:33
But one thing that’s been pretty consistent over the past three years, is that we’ve had a number of board members who have put in some serious time and commitment that they didn’t sign up for when they joined

Unknown Speaker 1:49:47
that as they transitioned off the board, we were so busy fighting fires. We didn’t even pause to say goodbye. They just didn’t show up for the next meeting. And it

Unknown Speaker 1:50:00
It may be a little too little too late. But but I’ve been talking

Unknown Speaker 1:50:04
with Karen and Livia and some others about something we might do to commemorate them. And just just as a point of information,

Unknown Speaker 1:50:14
we’ve we’ve

Unknown Speaker 1:50:17
purchased some books that are that have just been published called Longmont, the first 150 years, it was written by Eric Mason, who’s a curator of history down at the museum.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:29
And there’s also a little book plate to put in that. And the plan is I was going to come by Olivia, I’ll probably collect those, right, a little something to a list of the board members that have been

Unknown Speaker 1:50:44
pretty instrumental during the last three years or so. And we’ll figure out how to get those to those folks, just to let them know that we noticed, and that they were pretty valuable to the process of keeping us afloat during some tough times.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:02
So just wanted you all to know that was happening. And if you had any other suggestions or reservations about that, let me know. But I’ll roll that plan out with Olivia this week, if that’s okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:15
All right. Seeing that there’s no other business.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:19
I think we can officially adjourn. And I said we’re fairly informal. We’ll adjourn without a motion. So thank you all and we’ll see you next month.

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