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Harold was getting ready for the day and okay.
We moved over to the Innovation Center. So
I’ll catch up to you
DU Good evening
everyone. Can everybody hear me? Okay? All right. So welcome to the statement Valley School District Board of Education meeting. If you could all stand and join us.
We’re just gonna stay the flag we
made the accommodations for everything but that solid protocol, just the same
Thank you, and thank you to you and the Innovation
Center and everybody who made it possible for us to the board meeting over here this evening at literally the very last minute. And so everybody who’s in the audience, thank you so much for being willing to travel that short distance over here to make sure that we’re we’re all safe and take care of all the business that needs to happen over in that direction. Before we get started this evening, I did want to make just a comments. It is January is National Honor is a board of education Appreciation Month. So do I do want to take a moment to thank my fellow board of education members, I think we’re very fortunate here in St. brain that
we have a board of education
that has such a strong relationship with our superinten And the rest of the district. And we really do make decisions from a standpoint of what’s best for students. We don’t bring our individual beliefs to the board room. We’re very fortunate in that. And we’re also I think, very lucky, as a school district, that we’re in a position we have such a strong foundation that we really are able to govern. And Don is able to operate with his team amongst the schools in an environment that can ask the question what’s possible for our students, we are not spending our time at board meetings, Don’s not spending his time talking about you know how to make it from year to year with all of the the requirements and commitments that we have. So thank you to my fellow board of education members and found things through outstanding leadership. It’s certainly a privilege and an honor to work with all of you.
We do need to call the roll now. out of myself.
out of order or completely my out anyway.
Yes. Can you please call the roll?
Yes. Mr. errands is excused tonight. Mr. Garcia, your doctor murder. Miss Pierce here. I miss Ragland in here, Miss Seacrest here. Mr. Smith. Oh, sorry, Mr. Berthold
long here,
autopilot. I don’t know anyone got it. Thanks, Karen.
All right.
Karen, were there any attendance or changes to the agenda this evening and actually, I’ve been probably over motion.
I do.
I would like to move that we adjust the agenda to move our discussion item number one, Colorado business group on health Letter of Intent into an action item, I second.
Namaste board members, I guess can be the call for the vote we would be moving our discussion on an h1 one Colorado. House Letter of Intent to an action item 7.4.
And for the vote Mr. errands is absent Mr. Garcia? Yes. Dr. Murder. Yes. Miss Pierce. I miss straggling. Yes. Miss Seacrest? Yes. And Mr. prefilled. Yes.
Great, thank you. Now we’ve moved on to audience participation. And I believe we do have somebody who signed up to speak this evening principal nestling from Twin Peaks charter Academy, and I believe we have a guest. We don’t have our usual setup here. But if you could go ahead and list your name and your address that would be very helpful.
I’m Joe wrestling director of Twin Peaks charter Academy
21, rich drive in Berlin. And I would like to introduce Michelle Keizer, one of our newest board members from Twin Peaks charter Academy. Going to have a
just a few requests for you this evening.
Good evening. Welcome. Thank you. My name is Michelle. He’s around
Twin Peaks charter Academy.
I actually have four kids in the same Green Valley School District, all enrolled at Twin Peaks. We’ve had some good discussions with Mr. Hayden and Mr.
And so we just have a few formal requests we’d like to
submit to you guys
from our board your board.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
All right. On to our visitors and harden. And Cassie, I would like to welcome you here this evening. So cat Cassie mahaki. Did I say that? Right. There we go win for me. So do you want to welcome you to the Board of Education meeting this evening and Cassie serves on the Student Advisory Council. She represents speery High School and serves a very important role. I often like in this Student Advisory Council to the Board of Education. We represent the community and you represent your school community. So thank you very much for your service and your time and doing that. If you could tell us a little bit about yourself, anything that you’re comfortable sharing maybe about you know what you’re you’re in what what else you do what you’re in high school, what you love about your earring High School. Well, that would be great. I’m going to pass the microphone over to you.
I am a senior this year.
And I really enjoy the
things that I’ve involved in
as well as the AP Thompson program. I will
Last year with my research projects, and
I’ve also been involved in the
engineering program as well and I
so help me get my stepson for the day.
That brings us Kathy, welcome. I do want to let you know at any point if you have any questions or thoughts that you would like to interject throughout the meeting, please don’t hesitate to raise your hand get Chico’s attention. We would love to hear any comments that you might have. Dina 4.1 on our agenda this evening is the High School Student Advisory Council. Cassie attendees
report. Thank you. Thank you, and thanks for having us. tonight. I have with us five of the six students who are attended the Caspi conference with us. These are students who are all in our Student Advisory Council and service student leaders in their home high schools as well. Keegan culpa with us to kasnia Casspi, but he had another engagement of a wrestling engagement. And so he could not come tonight. But I think I’ll just start by having all five of them come up and introduce themselves and what school they’re with. And then they would just like to share with the board appreciation for attending has been, and of course, some things that they learned and kind of their takeaways from Cosby. And as always, it is the area’s assistant superintendents who
help bring them along and
we make sure that they get to the destinations and all the you know that all the right times and it is really our pleasure to spend this time with our student leaders. They’re amazing, young people with amazing ideas. And I think that we’re just really fortunate to have that experience with them. So if I can have you guys come on up, and I think We’ll start with a Laura introducing herself and then we’ll move into the presentation.
Hello again, everybody.
I’m Lori homes I tend to focus. I’m a junior
I’m honored to be here once more. Thank you for having us on to present tonight.
Hi, I’m JC Fisher I go to skyline High
School. I’m a sophomore.
I’m Sarah Davis. I am a junior at Skyline and I wanted to thank you for letting us all go because
this was a fantastic experience for
A white shirt from from Frederick high school and I would like to thank you for the opportunities that this gave me.
I’m Olivia co I’m from lions little senior high school and I want to say thank you so much for all the opportunities that came from Kathy.
for starting out because we got to go around the lot. We brought Moreno
five star hotel, it was absolutely amazing store, and to have dinner with the superintendent and board.
That was
quite an experience. And I thought it’s something I will always remember and something I will cherish because not a lot of students get to do that. And I thought it was absolutely incredible that you gave us all the opportunity to have an open discussion with you.
So thank you for this experience
explore the frogmore those.
And then
next we have some of the
student sessions. So what we have is well, you all went and have your sessions, we had our student sessions. And during those we pretty much had a kind
of first day of school activities get to know each other. And one of those was where we would go around New
Circle and you would look at person and you would speak for two minutes
or about a minute and they would only not so
it was working on communication with people and There were other
activities of the sort, it was actually a really fun experience at first very awkward, but something that everyone pushes through. And we all that’s how we get to know each other become better people. But one of the activities that really made me thankful and fortunate to be in this district
was one where it was called fishbowl and where you have people inside of a circle and we would discuss the topic and spectators outside of the circle.
And during this, I experienced,
multiple students from across the state Tell me these stories of how depression and suicide and gun violence and things of that sort are not discussed or handled the way they wish they were. And
it just made me so thankful to be in this district
and to say I didn’t have any of those stories. I haven’t had something where someone’s been neglected for whatever has happened or for
an event that’s taking place in our district, and it’s been recognized. We’ve worked through it together
as a district, so
I thought it was all very, very
eye opening and
amazing to see the different perspectives of different students throughout the state. So
thank you for your time.
Hi, I’m the
first speaker at the conference is Tai Chi. He was a professional violinist and
speaker. The big thing I took away from his talk
was how
he would play the air violin. He said, in
his orchestras, and how he would kind of fake it till you make it and he talked about
trying your best and working your hardest even when those struggles are prevalent in what you’re doing,
and how you
can reap the benefits
when you do push through and when you do work hard and really give it your all and recognize those moments when you might not be
doing your own. Giving your best and I thought
that was
really inspirational and helpful. We also got a dinner with the
assistant superintendents and I was doing.
So on Saturday morning, we had Roseland Weissmann as our second keynote speaker. She is the author
of queen bees and wannabes, which is the book that the movie Mean Girls is based on.
So that was a really cool experience for us to listen to somebody who really understood our student perspective and could put
up words to some of the things that we all knew was happening, but maybe we weren’t entirely sure about it.
So we actually got to have lunch with her afterward, and she sat at our table and we’ll talk and she offered us a chance to do an internship with her company. So I applied and I started one day So her company does a really great job of providing a voice to students in my experience that has been made me realize how important that is. And I wanted to kind of
work with working a place that really made sure that that that experience has been given to students all across the country. So thank you.
On Saturday morning, we had breakfast with the board. And we talked about our first day of the student sessions, and our first student session, our task was to come up with an issue that we really cared about, and we found our district with prosper, we address it. And we talked to the board during our breakfast on Saturday morning, and we went through the logistics and it felt really nice to be heard by the district and be able to have a voice because there’s a lot as we found out during the student session that there’s a lot of students that don’t feel able to Voice of the they’re not heard other for me. So I appreciate that opportunity.
So right as we were on our way out on the last day, we met Andrew Romanov, who’s the former Speaker of the House in 2009. And he was a really amazing guy who’s running for national, US Senator in this coming election, and for me wanting to be a politician someday, that was really cool experience for me to meet him. And he actually offered that I’d be an intern on his campaign the summer so I am going to get contact with him soon.
Going to soon and
just want to get board members of comments as an opportunity to ask any questions or comments and then Chico, I’m gonna be around
you does it come up? I was nervous. I was afraid of breakage. How was stronger?
Yeah, thanks for coming back. That was a great experience. I especially love the breakfast where we get to sit with you guys and your thoughts and so impressed with the thoughtfulness of
everything you put into the experience. And bringing that bringing those ideas and thoughts to to us
when I was a particularly particularly impressed with was during that discussion, where everyone had really good ideas, and he didn’t always agree on some of your experiences, so impressed with how you guys disagreed with each other and hurt each other and respected what other people’s experiences were. And you know, stuck to your your points, internet cafe. And so I was just really inspired by the way y’all communicate. together when you disagree when you agree no one else and it was, it was awesome to see it. And I took a lot away from from that day. So
it’s always my favorite part of Cascada spend time with the students. You guys are so wonderful and articulate and so interesting. They’re going to be just adults that change this world. And it’s just so nice to spend time with you. It’s refreshing. So thank you.
I’ll just quickly thank you for stepping up and taking the opportunity because it’s sometimes it’s not easy to see it’s December finals are closing in, you’re busy. But it really I think is one of those things that you benefit from and it’s just sort of a lesson in showing up in life taking those opportunities and then maximizing those opportunities. Personally, I’m not really a believer in luck. I’m a believer in maximizing opportunities. That’s how those things go down. So thank you for seeing that and maximizing it. That’s what makes us happy. That’s what we’re here to do. Thank you.
So I’ll echo what the board has said. Do you want to give you an opportunity? Do any of you have parents here this evening that might have a company do I know that you all drive you might have any parents that we can recognize?
Would you like to introduce your family?
My father,
and then the lady on the left to my mother,
and she works.
Thanks for taking the time. But
we don’t have to get into it. Curious Have you guys started checking in with your schools about star times? Yeah, we actually went through advisor to graduate high school. And so there were some groups of people that took the surveys where it was everyone wanted eight o’clock. Then there were others where it was everyone wanted 7.5. And it was happening.
Welcome to
Lions, it was a very different result. Because it doesn’t it actually benefits lions in a different way than it does other schools. So we surveyed 126 kids, and 114 said, Yes. So that was about 90%. Want to change it?
I don’t want to later but
we just been serving the same school. We just needed today with Mr. Green.
We have a survey play now. We’re going to do that tomorrow and Friday.
Yep, we’re going into classrooms and different things and
serving people. We don’t
have an advisory. So we kind of had to coordinate a little bit and split up and delegate figure out how that all is going to work. So
mine’s a completely different experience than everyone. Yeah.
Because we you
know, we’re now maximizing I 150 students at sloka. And about, I’d say 30 of those students show up every day. So those that’s my pool of people. And then I’m also going to be sending out an email poll for students who either
can’t show up to school or any specific circumstances for those students
who I don’t see on a day to day I don’t
personally know but everyone who I did, ask
very indifferent about it,
they act because that and then we also don’t know if this
will affect us at scopa.
cc streusel was saying it might not we might not
change the time at all,
depending on the schedules and everything else. We’re not sure we’re kind of,
we’ll go with the flow.
Alright, well, we’ll look forward to those results. That’s great.
Yeah, absolutely. So agenda item 5.1 is the earring High School Student Advisory Council field
feeder report.
Hi, Brian. Good evening.
Thank you for having us tonight.
It’s my pleasure tonight to I want to introduce the principles that are here and the Erie feeder. They’re amazing group of dedicated professionals and Lauren make sure I don’t miss anybody. So Kathy O’Donnell the updates
from BlackRock. We have Lauren eternality night, elementary school, can watch me from here in middle school. So it’s my mother from soaring heights. And then Mr. Garcia,
from Red Hawk as a concert this evening. couldn’t go to that. And now of course, the Miss McNeil from grandi has the flu. And so I said You are excused.
We don’t want to get so in it, like I said, and of course last but not least, the tallest member of our
The wonderful
and amazing, Mr. Butler, so thank you.
Now you can take him out. Yeah. Thanks.
Hi, Matt. How are you guys doing? Good.
Nice to see. Yeah, it’s great to be here. Again, I’m not going to say a whole lot. I’m going to ask the students to come up and you guys can just look around me. I’ll let them introduce themselves. I do want to set the stage for them because I I shared with them when we were looking at the topics to present. I just spent Doctor had said that you all were looking at how the strategic priorities are actually manifested in the schools themselves. So they’re going to talk to you tonight about the amazing co curricular opportunities in the years. So I’m going to turn it over to Cassie and
take charge,
right? Start off by introducing yourself and saying what grade you’re in. So I already introduced myself, but I’ll go again. I’m Kathy mahaki, and I’m a senior.
I’m Riley and I’m a senior at URI. Hi,
I’m Kayla. I’m a junior. I’m Barry machinery.
And Megan and I’m a senior
Ryan and I’m a junior at high school.
Alright, so we’re going to talk about the Erie theater system. We really wanted to focus on the wide variety of CO curricular options that the new system offers, because we felt that this has been a really big benefit for
us throughout all of our school groups. So we really feel That
the Erie theater system offers a wide variety of options that serve a wide diversity of kids. We’re both Katrina, all of these schools and our feeder system. Each of us got to speak with around one or two schools to see what they were up to with their co curriculars. I’m going to hand it off to Riley to start us off with Black Rock. Okay, so um, all these schools have great aspects that make them unique, and I got the privilege to witness the amazing work being done at Black Rock Elementary. So the program I got to focus on was called modern band and it’s an accurate after school activity that invites students to join the choir teacher to learn an instrument. When I talked to Loretta Harvey, the choir teacher, she said, modern band is accessible to all students and provide students with an opportunity to learn to play an instrument not found in traditional school band programs. That guitar, bass guitar, keyboard and drums the students work together to make musical decisions about the performance of a song such as what should we do for an introduction and How many times should we play the chorus. Caleb is now going to explain the opportunistic values of the newest addition to the Erie feeder system. Grandview Elementary. Thank you Riley.
I was able to meet with principal McNeil a brand new elementary
about their school’s new Robotics Club and students at Grandview and great opportunity to participate in a co curricular Robotics Club event school. students meet once a week after school to work in teams of four on unique design challenge presented to them each year. And they’re actually hosting a tournament this year on this Saturday the 25th. So the robotics club is a source of confidence for the students inside and outside of school and encourages them to push themselves and work together others. This allows for a diverse group of students to use creates When innovation and collaborate with their peers have overcome a common challenge,
I’m going to hand it off to Cassie with rebels.
Alright, so I have the opportunity to learn about the middle schools National Junior Honor Society program. I learned that this group contains a diversity of kids with a common love for service. The main goal of the group is to encourage kids to become invested in their volunteering. Every year the kids choose a particular service project that they work on for the entire year as part of the program. And after all of their work, at the end of the year, there’s a big showcase where all the kids get to communicate with the community, all of the work that they’ve done.
In kids get really excited about their volunteering and become really invested.
I’m going to talk about Erie high school next, which is where we all attend I’m the opportunity to learn about your high school’s Model United Nations program. In this group, members learn about foreign policy and settings similar to the actual United Nations. They, they create speeches and papers around foreign policy and once they’re assigned a given country, and then create an argument based on what their country would do in any given situation. What’s really cool about this program is the travel opportunities. Last year, a group of kids from the Model UN group got to go to Copenhagen for a Model UN event. This year, they are planning to travel to Vancouver for a similar event. And every year in the future, we plan to do at least one travel event to go outside of the country and explore the world outside of our town. I’m going to hand it off to Reagan Elementary. Thank you happy I was luckily able to meet with Miss Shelley hair here One of their many different co curricular activities is there before school and after school care programs that they call this.
Their status change help students think about their actions, which gives the students the opportunity to think about how their actions directly impact others.
This alternate way of thinking has allowed this orange
box program to support a secondary program with it, known as a leadership program.
This program works by allowing each third, fourth and fifth grade students to earn points for doing different tasks. These can range anywhere from reading a book to younger students helping some helping set up something in the library or to help run an activity. Through the system. They observed tremendous changes within some of the students who may not necessarily be natural leaders. This program emphasizes how leadership is so much more than just being kind. It’s about how everyone can be a leader through leading by example, being a part of this program has enabled these students to step outside of their comfort zones and it’s allowed them to feel recognized and valued for their skills. leadership can look like so many different things So having these different opportunities for leadership has become a priority. And now because of the starting Haas program decided to enable students with a unique co curricular activity. Next up will be Craig highlighting here Yama.
Thank you very much. And so that every elementary school I had the opportunity or the wonderful opportunity to talk to Speaker about the various robots co curricular opportunities at the high
school or elementary school.
So when you look at the elementary school, you can see first of all that there are a lot of clubs at the
elementary school.
For example, there’s the tiger trails running club, and also the arts club and a drama club, the drone phone in particular, they meet up about once in the fall, or rather in the fall to make a play by memory, and the drama club. It also has a arts club to support as well, which makes props and costumes for them. And so they do this by memory, and being about once after or once per week after school. Fall. And let me talk about the music department as well. So the music department, it has a choir and also a band which is part of its feeder system. And they meet up or rather they have a concert regularly throughout the year, which students and parents can attend at the elementary school. And also there’s a karate reporter club, or not a club rather, it’s something that all students at the elementary school go through. And their display of skill is shown through a colored belt which each student is given based on their master. So I’m going there myself as a kid, I can definitely tell you that these clubs as well as third quarter program had a very big impact on how I created my school life material mentioned and also in terms of the stem, which is a very big part of the school as well. Teachers are constantly talking about how they can turn a lesson two a stem opportunity. So an example I can give was a teacher recently wants to redesign the library at the elementary school. And so she got students help her out with that. And this example of just how stem interacts with our students really made a huge difference in how my life as well as how my high school career went. Because of my experiences of the elementary school, I am now very focused on the stem area, my high school, and I also plan on becoming a computer engineer. And I can barely see say that the elementary school at URI had a huge influence on me that
all right, and I’ll hand it off to Ryan here from slides. All right. All right.
So I’m Ryan and I had the opportunity to go over to sewing heights to observe all their co curricular activities, and sewing heights has wonderful co curricular opportunities all ranging from a neuroscience focused STEM program to a robotics program to wonderful things in the arts programs. All of these co curricular opportunities are meant to To help students have a more enjoyable school day in and outside of school. So one of their programs the robotics program and gathers a group of team or gathers a group of students together to solve help solve problems by building robots. Now this can be applied outside of school by helping their problem solving skills strengthen so they can be more prepared for higher grades and high school. This robotics program also works with the area high school engineering program and aerospace program often to help build these robots and solve these problems. Now, the STEM program at soaring heights has a neuroscience based focus. Now this, this neuroscience based focus is to provide younger kids kids with the opportunity to learn more about their brain and the chemistry within their brain to help them understand how their emotions work, and how to combat or how to aid with
coping with some of the more negative emotions you can experience in life. Exposing these kids to coping mechanisms and how the brain works at a younger age
prepares them much better for their older lives and in high school to cope with these
So their arts program as well has wonderful effects by giving kids a way to express themselves through theatre band
and kind of giving them giving kids
a love for the Arts at an early age or the opportunity to join the arts in an early age.
drama program at soaring heights puts on a production every year last year it was Peter Pan and this year it is seussical and as well as that their drama program which is the high school for their springs, and their middle school band program will work with the high school for marching band and things such as the year after Christmas. Spread or the one on Halloween grid.
And now, two verticals.
We just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to hear about the CO curricular options that the earring theater system has to offer. We feel that we really appreciate the opportunities that they have given us and the support that they provide to our academic funds. As of now, we’d like to open the floor for any questions that you have for us about the feeder system or any other questions you might have.
Thank you.
Is this working and now I’m sure I have to turn it on. So I’m gonna
I’m gonna just talk loudly.
Do board members have any questions or comments? know
if you’re speaking for john? So
I have Okay, hi, my own question and then john errands who is our Board of Education Director that actually lives within The Erie feeder system and represents the area to send a very long text message of. I’m curious,
have Did any of you travel all the way
through the Erie feeder system? Anybody go on? If so, okay, so what was it like to go back and visit the elementary schools? What were your observations was a different? I’m hoping it than your sign there
for elementary.
So the school itself, they kept a lot of its core values, for example, the STEM field. And when I went back, I can also tell that a lot of its opportunities also expanded, like the clubs I talked about, for example, that was a pretty big change. There were a lot more clubs than there were back then. And as I said before, to be pretty safe to say that the elementary school
had a huge impact and Mark turned up now
and yeah, it’s been just amazing.
I went to BlackRock Elementary. I actually work at Black Rock elementary right now in their rock pile program. And I actually went through their rock pile program and it’s a before and after school program for kids. When their parents drop them off in the morning, they have to drop them off early. And they get after school care and to feed them snacks, and we have the new homework and stuff. And I sit I think, going through that I made a lot more friends and also being able to go back and work with the kids there in the same program that I went through
just seeing the growth
that’s happened like it was so small when I started there and how we have 80 kids a day now and I think it’s really cool to see that kids are able to make friends there but also they can get homework done and they’re able to get some exercise going outside as well. I actually did not attend to talk I went to BlackRock before with briley. But it’s insane going to redhawk and seeing just how diverse not only the students in the Sapphire but how their ways of teaching the students on the apprentice. in so many different ways, not only just a classroom, but for clubs, and even like out on recess, like on the play structures. It’s just like this different approach that we, I don’t ever remember experiencing. So it’s cool to see that, like, integrate into the daily classroom living and then just how students will grow up with this different way of thinking and their futures.
Well, thank you, I like that you all, you all experience something different at those elementary schools, which is so appropriate because so many things have changed in that short time since you’ve even been there.
But that,
you know, it was interesting. You mentioned one thing that eerie had retained a lot of it. Its core values and sort of core personality, I guess is what I’m going to call it, which fits into what Mr. errands is saying. Because he says you know, areas a very fast growing community. But in spite of that the schools have established and kept a personalized Sound feel and something that he appreciates appreciates is the principles being out front to greet the students, each one of them by name. The robust curriculum during the school day, always going the extra mile. And it’s really his belief that the community pride is a built around the schools, and that everyone presents such a united front to make here is such a unique and wondrous place to live. So no doubt if you were here, he would be so impressed by your presentation, and have many many questions for you. So I’ll let him know you guys did a great job and I wouldn’t want you to leave without an opportunity to if you have any parents here for us to recognize and thank your parents or friends or loved ones. No. Oh, and before Paula has a comment and then I want to take an opportunity to thank and recognize all the leaders and educators that are here from the feeder system also.
So very quickly, I just wanted to thank you for the focus of your presentation because I don’t think we’ve had one that’s really kind of zeroed in on the CO curricular opportunities. So I appreciate that for the reasons that I kind of said to the Cosby kids that were here a minute ago that I think I don’t really, I think what luck really is, is when you break it down, it’s showing up, it’s it’s seen as opportunities, having the opportunities and then having the skills to maximize those opportunities. And I think what co curriculums do, a you guys show up to them, but it creates all those opportunities and it gives you so many more of those those skills, whether we’re through understanding how how the brain works at a young age, or a lot of the arts in so many different ways that just can’t be doing more done and more of a structured classroom. So I just appreciate your picking that picking that focus. I really love that you picked up on on our work and focusing on the strategic priorities and then aligning it with your work, what you do every day. So thank you for that.
Thank you.
Agenda Item 5.2 is the Innovation Center updates.
I Patty
Thank you
Good evening, thank you so much for having me Innovation Center give you an update this evening. And we’re really excited to share some of our work that we have done in the past year. We’re here to really talk in terms of not only our growth but also the exciting work that’s being done by our set. I’d like to introduce some of our innovation center staff members that are here with us this evening that will help to do this presentation, and also mentioned that we have given you a packet of information we’ll send you the slideshow after the meeting. But just a little bit more information of going in depth with what we have done with and also the Daniels fund. foundation allowed us to create a roadmap of advancing innovation in our school district. So, a little bit more about our historical progress that were made from beginning to now. So we’re really excited to share those thoughts with you. I’d like to take this time to introduce axle right, who is our coordinator of innovation. Eric version, our coordinator of innovative programs and workforce readiness, Tom Darcy, Director of innovation and advanced technologies, Jake Marshall, or aeronautics coordinator, and Kristen brome, our standard and maker space coordinator,
rest of our team
are working with students and we’re not able to come to CP, although they’re here
we’d like to really
give you our vision statement because I think that for us, it’s really imperative that we talk about That we are the next step in education. We are that movement, we want to really talk in terms of real world problems that students are able to solve, provide advanced technologies at their fingertips, and also really be that incubator and opportunity to bridge not only academic foundation with innovative practice, and one of the things is that we need everybody at the table to be able to do those things. We need our industry partners, we need our community to really understand where we’re going with our students, and also our teaching and educational staffs to understand that we all are in this together. And we are just kind of that icon of showcases ability to be able to do that the things as far as our innovative practices are happening in all of our schools across the brain. So we feel that it’s really important for us to be able to
schools develop those innovative practices. Moving forward.
I’d like to
have Axel come up and talk. In terms of our next slide.
Do you think things are happening tonight
as we’ve grown the last two years and become a district program, we’ve had to define ourselves more clearly what we do for the district and how we operate within the district.
So we’ve identified
four main ways that we serve our community and our students. So the first is through offering advanced classes that are here at the Innovation Center, and our high school students are able to enroll these classes. Second, in their after school space, we provide the
project teams, and we’ll talk a little bit more detail about those but those are
opportunities to get hired and do agents for my face work. Third, we work together with other district partners to cultivate music. Several partnerships with industry, higher education, and other community organizations. And then finally, we work to take the work that we do here the innovations that we’re exploring and find ways to start stealing or diffusing those throughout our system. identify those that are worthy of doing that kind of work. So the next few slides will be exploring into these a little bit more detail. Like a dessert Perfect.
Thank you. I’m not as tall as math. So I
promise I’ll go right. So I have the honor of talking about the advanced courses. So I thought as a mentor, look closely at my notes here, because there’s a lot of good data points to share with you. So in terms of course offerings, we are coming this next year will have 30 unique course offerings and inside of your folders, you should see our course offerings for next year. And that’s really tremendous growth because last year We only had 16. So we’re almost doubled for next year. And as I mentioned, we’re extensions of all the focus programs. So for instance, aeronautics and Erie, and we offer unique pathways, so aeronautics, PTG robotics, and very soon coming will be designed. In addition to that, we also offer a variety of professional certification some worthy of noting is the Tricaster certification, which is an industry recognized certification in the film industry for operating the equipment behind the scenes. The come to a plus certification, which readies our students to do entry level desktop support and laptop support. The Apple certification which when students will see that they can become geniuses at the Apple Store
doesn’t sound quite as prolific as the gym.
And then the part 107 for unmanned aerial systems for Aeronautics
in addition that we have concurrent enrollment opportunities through from range industry college, cu Denver, and as of this semester at CSU with our biomedical program, so students taking the biomedical technology course received three college credits that then transferred to CSU. And then lastly, you’ll hear me kind of talk about this over and over again, but we are experiencing very, very rapid good growth.
So excellent. I’ll talk about the product team portion.
As I mentioned, the project teams are after school opportunities for students to work here at the Innovation Center. So those students who are 15 or older are eligible to be hired to work on these project teams. We feel that the project teams are one of the things that really define us and make us unique and provide us with the energy that that we have here. They also provide our students with authentic and meaningful opportunities to apply the skills and knowledge that they’re gaining the courses not only here, but that they’re taking it their high schools. Our project teams are opportunities for us to engage more meaningfully with our partners. We connect with them. And Tom Dyson will share some details here shortly what that looks like in detail, but we connect with them through mentors to project opportunities and through paid engagements. So they do hire students to do meaningful work. In addition to that, our students have access to industry standard equipment, so when they leave st frame, they enter the workforce and are comfortable with whatever equipment they’re expected to use. And they have the opportunity to work with experts in the field. We have retired engineers, active engineers, all kinds of mentors from different professions who provide time and sit with the students to share that expertise. We I want to point out to that some of our partners are internal partners in the district. So an example of that is our Community Schools Program, who has really supported and work closely with us on our competitive robotics program in the district. And then also they’re bringing in our students to teach in their after school. get sued engagement states, so we have kids of credit classes and teach for community schools. So this kind of internal partnerships are really, really important for us to provide our students and great opportunities. So like, introduce some Darcy, and he’s going to share some details about his project.
And then tell you I’m going to be sure to say course you are.
So first, I’d like to give a shout out to two members of our extended team who all of you know but Hillary son Todd, you couldn’t do without her with all the financial assistance she gives us. Support she is it’s an Matt Wiggins with community strong. He’s really created the conduit and the glue that enables us to actively engage community and this In World of academics, so I wanted to talk quickly about a couple of things. But number one, the teams that I get to work with on the virtual reality and advanced technologies and things of that nature, we have a theme, which is we’re opportunistic, we always look for opportunity. And the opportunities we look for is to equally infuse that a in STEM so we engage as best we can the art side of the history, as well as the music side of the district in actual project, and I’ll cite one of those for you. Second thing we look for is equal opportunities to do applied learning and project based learning, we really can take what we’re learning academically in the classroom theoretically, and put it to good use in either community engagement or project based learning activity. And then last thing is we really actively look for opportunities to cross work across all of it easier in the Innovation Center. So two examples Our team is working on right now with FCI constructors who built this innovation center, we’re creating a center in virtual reality, water that will give us an ability anywhere in the world to put a VR headset on a new virtual for innovation center. So Anything some of our students are working on for those of you who know St. Jude’s and who has something they call the whole full of heroes, and basically, they create figurines or statues of all the children have successfully gone through cancer treatment. And you walk into this virtual reader and you see these statues, the statues come alive and tell you the story of the child. So we want to do something similar to that that same variant to recognize our students, both what they accomplished in classroom and academically as well as what they get back in the community. So those are some of the examples of the projects that we’re
currently working on. And that turned me over to Excellent. Thank you.
I just to wrap up about our project to do some data to share with you this year we have 31 active project teams that are working here. 230 students are working on these teams of those 179 are paid student designers and from June 1 2019 so by summer through a couple days ago, we have approved 5016 Four total paid hours with our staff, which blew me away when I put those numbers together. And in addition to that we have 10 client based projects, which means the money is being paid by the clients to support that work. So we’re really excited this decided growth also, for the side of our program is also growing really rapidly. And we’re excited to kind of see what, what comes in the next couple years. Betty’s gonna talk now about partnerships.
You know, as I mentioned before,
partnerships are really important, not only for the Innovation Center, but all of st frame. Don talks about, you know, we have over 100 partners that contributes to what the work is here at St frame. But here at the Innovation Center, how we have tried to make sure that we’re utilizing those partnerships in a focused way is that we have created advisory boards. We have an innovation center, advisory board is a larger umbrella advisory board that really is working board. And we have, for example, the city manager on that we have representation from IBM from C. CU Boulder. So those people are really engaged in the work that we do and help us to really think through some challenges and how we approach those challenges. So it’s great to kind of have that conversation on a quarterly basis. And then we’ve decided that because we’re growing so quickly that other divisions really could benefit from the work of an advisory board. So we have created the science advisory board started last year there are 18 participants on that board. And that includes not only UC health, CU Boulder, and shoots, we also have some of our pharmaceuticals, so Agilent Technologies, we have tomar. So they’re all sitting at the table really talking in terms of what they do. Feels important for our students to have as far as the work that we do and the skill sets that we are trying to provide for our students. The newest one is our aerospace advisory board that Jake will mention a little bit later. He has seven members on that board. And again, that’s just started this year. And then our AI cyber advisory board, we have 12 to 15 members with more coming on board every time and we’re trying to make sure that they have some quality work to help us focus on these programs. The other thing that I think is really unique is that we provide events and boot camps for our students. And there are some that are mentioned we had a great turnout. sitelinks had a week long workshop or boot camp this summer and they had middle school and high school students with some of our teachers and there were 40 people out there learning what silence does with a
board that they’re using. They had all kinds of mentors and all kinds of people that were involved that helped our students to understand that project. We have our newest members, Northrop Grumman came in with some cyber security camps this summer. And then misty with robotics has been a real integral part in developing some of our events. As far as work based learning for the first time, we had a small group of students that were hired by an arc and arc is works on quality assurance and software testing. And we said let’s really focus on trying to create an internship that not only pays our students but has expertise comes in the door and allows them to work at this level. It is amazing what these students are doing and they started with six students over the summer. The kids did such a great job, but now we have 10 students working in their paid $15 an hour with already an investment by NRK of 28. thousand dollars for our students. Not only do they bring two of their employees here on a weekly basis to help to instruct our students about what they’re working on, but their you know, CEO has come in quite a few times to also offer his expertise is not just, you know, the lower level managers or project leaders but it’s also at the top of their, of their company. So those are just some examples of what is really happening here with students in the after school space. The other thing is our tech team that continues to grow. We have a memo of understanding with our D DTS department and so far we have 23 technicians that are working on projects and are working on tickets. So from the beginning of the school year to now they have completed 95 work tickets, which means that they are fixing computers or fixing those items and then sending them back to DTS and DTS is sending them out to schools. And so our students are actually repairing and doing the work so that we don’t have to have those adults work and do that. So it’s pretty exciting to try and create that opportunity. Some of the companies that we are engaged in, we’re creating a partnership board and the front of our entryway. But I just want to mention sparkfun has been a longtime partner of us. And they also have continued to not only support professional development events, but also our mobile lab. They donated quite a bit of equipment to us. Boeing is our newest partner, and Jake will talk about the two exciting projects that he’s working on with Boeing and our students. And then our UC health partnership, where in bio science, we’re doing some work and I’ll talk about that a little bit later. Amazon is also another company. There’s Come in and said that we want to be part of a winning team. So it’s really exciting for us to continue to grow and those partnerships. But as As you know, there are also things that we need to do for them to create that Win Win opportunity. So there’s a lot of time invested in research that goes into creating really meaningful partnerships for our students. And I want to just talk a little bit about funding. Tom mentioned Hilary Sontag and the work that she’s done, I will tell you that it’s great to have a team to go out and find some additional external funding and resource. So for us, as you can see, the larger pie is definitely foundations foundations have really contributed to some of our work at the Innovation Center. And we just kind of mentioned some of those foundations that have contributed since January of 2018. Daniel spawn came in strongly with helping us to not only be Develop the roadmap that you see in front of you in the booklet, but also to help establish our entrepreneurial zone. Auto cares foundation just gave us a check for helping to develop our maker space. And that includes field trips for students, extra duty for teachers to be involved in creating those experiences. And also for Christian to be able to really work on our STEM educational side of house, ci, which is Colorado education initiative. Also for our work with the Daniel Foundation, we are they have created a homegrown talent initiative, where they’re really trying to spark innovative practice in rural settings and rural districts. And we are one of the exemplars and our third think partners for them. And we’re very excited by the work that we’re doing. They will be coming here March 3, and fourth. So I invite you to come in and just listen to where those girls are with what they are doing in their districts and How we say free, can help them and give them exemplars and really talk in terms of what they can do, to try to focus to get those kinds of opportunities for their students. And then if you look on the left hand side, we definitely have corporate and government, which is we have state grant, through Colorado Department of Ed around our Computer Science Initiative. Our companies, specifically Amazon, Google, Boeing, have all contributed this past year to really talking in terms of helping our programs and our divisions develop, so that they have quality experiences for all of our students. And now I’m going to
for sharing those thoughts.
So you’re the fourth component of our defining ourselves and we want and the role we want to play in the district is what we’re calling innovation impact. So being the Innovation Center, we want that to mean something. And, you know, we can use ourselves as contributing or being that leader in that respect for innovative practices. Innovation Center itself, or innovation shouldn’t be just here, this one discussion we have a lot. I mean, no innovation is happening across the system. So how do we kind of participate within that ecosystem? What’s that role that we should play? So one primary role is being a sandbox for the district where we can experiment with new advanced technologies, learn from our partners, and explore ways that we can incorporate what’s happening in industry and higher education into the classes and the project things that are happening here. And then part of that is sorting through those experiences and identifying what’s really meaningful, important for our students and keeping an eye on our district strategic objectives and ensuring that whatever we’re looking at is aligning with When we find a good match, then we can start asking the question of do we start scaling this up? What does that look like? So the next step would be identifying and working with some early adopters throughout the district, collaborating with them, supporting them, finding how what happened here, the Innovation Center plans within a more traditional school setting in our district. Once we identify and understand how we can make this new innovation, this new technology work within that ecosystem, we can look at scaling into a more mainstream, so kind of find those early mainstream partners. And then ultimately looking at this is something that should be standard across the district. Two examples for illustrate this. First thing, most of you are familiar with our competitive robotics program, which has really grown tremendously over the last six years. That’s one example I think of a successful innovation that has diffused pretty broadly So six, seven years ago, we had maybe 20 students with three schools, five teams, something like that. Excuse me, this year, we have 175 Kids participating at 41 schools across our district that’s reaching about 900 or more students. So clearly, we have some room to grow. So I’d say that’s already been early mainstream success. But in two, three years, I could see this big almost every school across the district. We are now in the early phases of developing an AI and cybersecurity initiative and implementing that. So we’re that sandbox space trying to explore you know, and define what is artificial intelligence, what is cybersecurity, talking with our partners to kind of understand what the key things are that we need to be doing at K 12. And we’ve created a three year rollout plan and got support from our superintendent and other stakeholders in the district. So we’re looking ahead to next year being kind of maybe that early adopter phase, and then two years from now we’re starting to look at how we might start scaling up some of the work that What we’ve done here so that’s that’s kind of a snapshot of what we’re looking at in terms of defining ourselves as innovation program within
say Britain.
So I believe the expression is if you build it, they will come. And we have built it and they are coming from all over the place. So this year, we have a two new systems that are in place on our website. People from throughout the district can do facilitation requests on the forum. And we also have a tour request on the forum, on the website as well. So this year, we have accommodated just to this point. 85 facility use requests coming from all throughout the district. So it really speaks volumes about the demand for for our building. We’ve also had over 65 tours just to this point, and as I mentioned or jokingly, they are coming from all over. We had Scott stump here last week, as Majority of you were a part of, and we’ve had groups from Palm Springs. We have a group coming from Tennessee from Oregon. And we also had a representative from from the United Arab Emirates. And then on the 30th of January, this month or this the 30th of this month, we will have a group coming from Quebec. So I asked him how he found out about us, he said that he read about the work that we’re doing wanted to come see in so they have a group coming on the 30th. We’re not only getting requests from on a small scale, but we have some that are requesting to bring their whole schools. So we literally have 27 people that are coming from the school district just outside of Glenwood Springs. And then we also have a group coming from Delta from all the way over my Grand Junction is going to come visit us as well. So not only are we giving external tours, but we’re also giving a lot of internal Doors, trying to create awareness and buzz about the good work that we’re doing. So we have had over to my count over 1050 people that have toured the facility. This is not including the 400 plus students that visited on open house, roughly within our community, we’ve had over 1400 people come and visit. So in terms of just growth numbers, we’ve had nine schools that have been provided focus tours, those include longs, peak, trail Ridge, Timberline, middle corporate skyline, and mean high school just to name a few. So the data this year we were unable to calculate individual students so we got to speak in terms of seats. So how many bodies are in classes, and this year, we’ve had over 1066 seats for the year and then includes p tak, p th and innovations in our programming. Now, I mentioned that stat to mention this We have had for next year, we have over 1510 Class C requests just for innovation center program. So really speaks volumes to the work that our team has done. Additionally, in terms of year over year growth, if my IBM blue colors aren’t coming out of me, those data points are now but we went from 148 student requests and last year to over 670 this year. So just that’s roughly over a 445% growth. So really, again, just speaks volumes to to the work that our team has been doing. So no better transition than to segue over to aeronautics Jake Marshall, and he’s going to come talk about some innovative things that he’s doing. Cool.
alright, so speaking of growth,
kind of the pain growing out of the classroom and all you’re going to space. So thank you for Down with me, I started see as brought over here stolen from top School District. People we’re here to do one thing that was created aviation program. And then both school district was it all the high schools and middle schools. And so I had one john, my name went to all the high schools around the area and comply with me. Castle was actually one of the students that they came in and sat in the back of the older data center. We got through that with 10 kids. And today that was a workforce team over 14 days over 30 students strong. In fact, we just had a group of lions finally getting lions come over, they have eight students that want to join the team together, where I’m going to put them or how I’m gonna pay for them. We’re gonna figure it out. Those kids were were huge. If I would not be around that the program would not be where it is. Without the kids. The biggest thing that I really wanting to do is if I’m going to create a program that has to be student involved, it has to have student focus and it has to have their input. And so we as that pilot or that pilot class, the very beginning with those kids, they help create these programs that you
see here. And that will be talking about
we first started off with one or two classes was just us fly concepts compare all the classroom games community college that sir a huge partner. And that class has grown to now in immediate over seven sections
just for next year.
And that class is geared towards training kids to be productive citizens are using drones commercially. Drone increasing in industry today, they’re going to be set when they move out here to go and work with those companies. And then we just, you know, like Eric said, If you build a calm, we got a donation from a community college of did not expect to get that but we got about $300,000 worth of simulate simulators. Everything made a pilot ground. So now We truly have an aviation program called pilot ground, and unmanned aerial systems. Pilot ground. We started with just six kids last semester, just six kids last semester. We, an angel in disguise came. Name’s Steven kershner. He’s a instructor for pilot ground and it’s helped me t stack last. Unbelievable with the kids. And next year we’ve had 170 pilots that are requesting pilot ground. Now just put that number in perspective, a good aviation program
with millions of
dollars of resources, 20 aircraft, ATC programs, ampie programs, all that a good number for them is 85 students that gloat about that. So we just have pilot ground simulators and we have 170 students that want to be in it. So it’s a true testament to the program. And the kids who actually helped build that curriculum that was the the unmanned aerial systems we have over 275 students who are wanting to get noticed Classes next year compilot up to about 14 sessions that we need to fulfill next year. unmanned aerial systems. We do the training and then we also do the engineering piece so we’re not only my objective is is to not only get the kids train, but get the kids to be innovative and create these things that fly one of our slogans is innovate to fly. And we also train commercial and general aviation pilots. So these kids are moving from me going to we got kids right now. It’s awesome to see their text messages and emails talking about the program they’re in right now is in Washington already learned this and killing it. We’ve got CU Boulder to Boulder is taken all of our kids that applied CSU Embry riddle both Arizona and in Florida. University of North Dakota both piloting and us, Indiana State University for drone, the US major. We also got Carl school mines Cal Poly tech And Community College. And those are just some of our first Stanford aerospace going this year. So it’s pretty impressive when kids are going and taking this stuff they’ve learned. Some of these kids, seniors, juniors are picking us up for the very first time they see it, I want to get into it. And now they’re using this as a career. So that’s, is awesome to see. And then of course, we do all this education, we have these courses, you know, that build up both pathways of hologram and then we kind of got to, you know, we tell the kids, this is how it’s done in in the real world. So this is where we actually have to prove it. So we have our project teams, and our project teams, pretty five weeks to start building these little Gremlins when they first started off, just as training and just in about a month or two. We picked up a $10,000 contract within tronics doing defense work, which is awesome for the kids to be able to do and then we for this year, we’ve picked up seven contracts. Just in the first semester alone. The kids actually told me to stop too much work. Let’s calm down for a second semester. Some of the seniors just want to do some r&d, get some stuff that they can focus on, because
that’s what they’re going to go to school for.
And so we’re starting to slow them down. So we’ve had defense contracts, real estate contracts. We did our first wedding. It was
awesome. The boys got cake. We also are doing
seed defense, real estate construction. And then custom builds. We just custom built a $15,000 room to carry some stuff for a company which is awesome. It’s actually still down there. Partnerships going boys been huge for us this year. We have a army of mentors that come and help support two big going projects. They are developing out of heavy lifters so multicolor octocopter that’s going to carry heavy payloads that we get requested to do we still have so be nice to have going to give you that. And then we also have one for agricultural space. We have some farmers near they have some really Small intricate form, they want to be able to have john come in and spray. So the kids are working on that, by test is is another one of our partners, they helped with the DIY aspect. A big part of what I tell the kids is look at this beautiful building Lego fun stuff you got, who got it for you who voted for you as the community. Let’s give it back. Again. So how we give it back is to actually showcase what the kids are learning in the classroom back to them through our YouTube channel, and doing build videos. The kids design these DIY build kits that we actually give away free plans and community they can build them right along the student because the student has a built in fly. And speaking of flight and doing that we have a roadway that we’ve taken up space out there that we do our arrow fest events every year and last year we did for the first time over 500 people came over 100 pilots came and flew lots of crashing involved Lots of fun, lots of excitement. Lots of networking was was a lot of fun. Kids right now are currently fighting over a date in June so they can all be there. As Community College is big, in fact, this year because of how many pilots we have, they actually want to do some sort of like CDFIs certified flight instructor teaching program, where the kids who are in their pilot program, going to be C advisor should come and teach our kids. So take a look at that and how many sessions we have to actually have some college kids coming up to some of the classes and get those kids prepped up. Like I said, we have a consciousness this year 21 overall system first ours is two years ago. And
like Eric was talking about,
you know, you start off with 10 seeds just for the project team and now over 400 seats that are being requested. So definitely a great problem to have for next year, hopefully fly into next year. Successful and
do my homework, apparently my slide, but I’ll go through and give you some details. All these categories here to robotics and AI cybersecurity, these kind of overlap and have done that for me for the last four or five years. In terms of the courses, we’re offering for robotics looking to develop a defined kind of pathway a little bit harder than other fields, because there aren’t robotics degrees. So it’s not so easy missler to align to an existing degree pathway at a university or Community College. But there are strands that we should align to so developed, we’re developing classes that would be introduction to robotics, and then advanced robotics because of the opportunity to do more advanced skills. And then sort of a unique angle, which is applied robotics. And the idea of applied robotics is to encourage kids to come here not to just focus on the technology, but to understand technology is a tool we can use to do, you know, solve important problems that that they’re passionate about. So example that is, of course that my colleague ego is teaching and that’s a collaboration with Boulder County open space and it’s focused on a habitat restoration program to developed and also the unique fish breeding opportunity we have there’s a fish in the same frame of the door, the red bellied days that’s endangered. And they are we at the state fish entry down Alamosa to breed this fish in captivity. We know programs like lines elementary have problem the classroom programs and said well why don’t we kind of upped the game. And let’s actually raise fish in our classrooms that are of importance to our community. So that’s going to be starting this spring, we’re really looking forward to that partnership with lions, high school and middle school to work on that, as well as Boulder County open space, ocean first Institute, you know that as well. So that’s the idea. There’s applied robotics classes that the kids are using the technology and applying them to things like conservation. And then the fourth category which we all have our what we call our Co Op or independent study classes. So those are four students to three baby who have a passion about something and they have the opportunity to kind of define what their course study for this semester and then we just support them as they do that work. robotics as well covers a wide range of skills from design to fabrication, electronics, Applied Engineering, Computer Science, and then of course, professional skills. In AI cybersecurity, computer science, we’re looking to develop an internet AI class next year, we already have an existing intro to cybersecurity course that has been done here as well as a couple high schools. So we’re looking to develop some intermediate cybersecurity course. That’s a pathway that as you know, in a couple of years will align with the P tech that will start at silver pig High School.
we also look at doing some data science and game design. So there’s kind of some what we call Creative Computing opportunities that will be developing to project teams. I really love the project side of things here. But those have really grown over the last few years for me. So I’ve got a plethora of teams ranging from our product robotics group, robotics leadership team that helps with the tournament’s. We’ve got five groups that are tied to our as service Security Initiative. So AI leadership group, we have a Watson development group, they’re developing a Watson chat bot with IBM. So when that’s ready to be shared, we’ll get it to you can ask a question about the Innovation Center. We have a cybersecurity team. And then a now robotics team and a mystery robotics team that’s in conjunction with the robotics up border. And so that kind of leads to partnerships or partnerships, like any of our divisions, are really crucial to how we kind of move forward with all this. And we have a wide range of different groups of universities, corporations, industry, nonprofits, like the Denver zoo. And finally, innovation impact. A lot of what’s happened in robotics and computer science is allowed us to start working with our schools throughout the district. So we do events robotics events and also the robotics showcase which we have November, I was very well attended. I think it’s a couple of you maybe made it to that. And then also professional development. So how do we support our teachers in the district who are interested in doing these things in their classrooms? How do we help them develop those skills? So we’ve got a lot of workshops in the summer, we have an ongoing computer science collaborative that has 30 or so teachers working together for over the course of the year to develop curriculum. And then we we also host a lot of events here with partners. So this summer we’re going to be a site location for an IBM mind spark initiative around artificial intelligence. So we have about 100 teachers from not only st brain but around the front range that would be attending that too. So that’s kind of robotics and AI cybersecurity.
Okay, we’re gonna speed this up. I know we have love to talk about bio science we hire Question How long you been public for five minutes. So Michelle Kennedy is running our bio Science Division. As you can see, we mentioned these new courses in that arena. We also have partnered with quite a few pharmaceuticals and UC health. You see, health has allowed us to really partner with creating the hospital room of future which is what we’re designing in that area. So Michelle Kennedy is just a great fine, and we’re so excited for her to develop out this pathway, and she can talk with you individually.
Hi, I’m my position at the innovation centers gonna look a little bit different than what you’ve been hearing tonight because my primary clientele is preschool students through fifth grade. I work with the schools, the staffs and the students there. I do have some experience with our high school group as a former kindergarten teacher. It’s been very interesting Me. But one of the things that we’re currently working on is creating a stem ethics course through cu Denver, and this will be something that’s taught to our P teach students starting next spring. In addition to that, I have a curriculum design team. And what we focus on actually mentioned it before. What we focus on is curriculum development, not just for community schools, but also for any events that we have in the evening at the Innovation Center, as well as our superstone program, which is our summer program for elementary students at the at the Innovation Center. We do have several partnerships in the seven maker space program. The first one is auto cares, which we talked about earlier, where we got a grant for them, so I’m excited to work with them over the course of next year. We also partnered with the Walmart Museum, which we’ll talk about just a moment. And then we also have partnership with IBM teacher skills. And then we impact innovation through the STEM program in a variety of ways. Firstly, we have a group of STEM coordinators, we have about 12 in the district, and we work really hard to diffuse innovation. Take it out Innovation Center and put it into the schools. They do a lot in our monthly meetings where they work on some initiatives. They develop PDS for their own schools that we can share with other schools around stem. And they also focus on supporting the implementation of STEM by design, which is our guiding document that we’ve created. In addition to that, we do some district projects. We have projects in robotics, preschool maker space, field trips, design challenges, learning technology and integration. And we’re also working on a data team where we can measure some of the impacts that stem has had in our district. In addition to that we have challenge sessions at the Innovation Center. This is something that our staff has taken on and we invite additional folks to come and support whether it’s teachers or students or community partners, and we’re really looking at identifying some of the challenges that we face and finding solutions to those. Another piece that we do as a teacher skill. This is something that’s really impactful to partnership with idea which is a design firm out in San Francisco and we use it as a Thank you model to support our teams through problem seeking and solution finding. And so with this process, we’re really helping teachers create an opportunity for them to determine what are the needs in their spaces, and what are the needs with their students. And through this process, we develop a cohort of critical friends for them to really work on on these ideas. And there’s a saying that we have in the teachers Guild, and as the teachers are the innovators education has been waiting for. And I think this is really a very impactful statement and something that we truly believed in the teachers though. And then finally, with our p K through five group, we do a lot of different events with them. We have some community events. Our next one is April 24. So extending an invitation for you to that and we also have a preschool maker space, which is really unique. We don’t have a lot of preschool on Fridays. And so our preschool teachers, students and parents all get to come together into the innovation maker space area and look at stem through the lens of the three year
old, very excited.
We also have field trips by design and this is where we Create standards based field trips that match whatever it is the teachers doing in their classroom. And so we work very closely with them to create that experience. And then finally, we partnered with the one month museum. And here we create an experience called Walmart past, present and future, what we do is we take a look at students are able to go to build the museum, an innovation center all in one day, they take a look at the history of st brain of the st Grand Valley, they come to the Innovation Center, they look at current events and issues that are occurring in Longmont in the surrounding areas. And then finally, they get to go through a design challenge where they’re able to design some future changes that they may want to see when they’re adults. And so all of these projects are kind of what make us who we are. And in order for us to continue doing this, we really need to continue with the teachers, teachers guild and one of the focuses that we have there, excuse me is that we have two schools of the 15 that are involved who are actually using the teachers guild as a personalized professional development, school wide. Everybody is in Gage, and that’s what they’re doing for their PD this year. So we would like to continue that process to really get more teachers involved. And in that problem seeking and finding solutions, we also want to increase our field trips. This is not just an exposure for students, it’s a way for teachers to come and see what stem is, and really demystify some of those pieces that they think they can’t do. And it provides an opportunity for them to see that this is something they really can include in their classrooms. And then finally, we really need to keep keep our work going with our STEM coordinators, in order for them to continue to diffuse innovation, we need to have that collaboration, on on what our sound model.
Okay, so we’ll just touch on one
bullet point on each of these for time sake. So entrepreneurship is run by Jeff one, and he’s really done a phenomenal job. I think one of the things that I wanted to or two things I wanted to highlight and this is his entrepreneurial summit, which he had In the beginning of the year that was led by students, for students that took place over the weekend, the students booked the speakers they created all the marketing materials. And lastly, marketing was a wildly successful. That’s another piece that I wanted to touch on is that through the innovative work that he’s done in his entrepreneurship classes, he actually has eight students that are going to be pitching for live dollars this semester. So this means that they’ve crafted and created their idea and really drove drill it down so that they can actually pitch and become hopefully a funded business. One of these ideas and I think that this one is really a great one is eating healthy while staying in your culture. So if your regardless of your culture is healthy, so she’s working on a cookbook for that piece, and then lastly, I wanted to highlight the work that Wendy has done in terms of P teach. She’s really done a great job in terms of growing the amount of students that we have in this program. If you’re not aware of students in this program can get 21 can have the opportunity to earn up to 21 college credits that directly transferred to cu Denver to do go towards a teaching license. So I really think that that’s phenomenal. And the growth shows it. So this year is roughly been about 70 students. And the next year we’re anticipating someone area 100. So, that being said, I’m going to turn it over pettyfer.
Thank you so much. We appreciate your time. I know we went over our extended time, but we really felt like it’s important to be in front of you and really talk about all of our programs that we’re initiating and the hard work that our staff here at the Innovation Center has done. And as you can see, we have some pretty passionate people and we continue to offer competitive advantage to all of our students here in St. Brain. So thank you for your time and your support of what we do here at the Innovation Center.
We answered them well
Got board members questions or comments?
Well, it was worth the time. That’s you’re doing so much here. I remember when the Innovation Center was being built, or new or transferring over. I was like, it was hard to imagine what it was going to look like for me. I just thought how when is this going to happen? And it’s just amazing. I mean, you’ve done an amazing job. So great work. Thank you very much.
So I just, again, the time well spent,
because it’s crazy. Like it’s just kind of what you guys what you guys do, right?
Um, and I even saw it last week, I was one of the board members that was here when Assistant Secretary son was here. And the time he spent here engaging the students and talking about the programming was incredible like that, just that he was so engaged with it. And they just know he had during that visit talked about the work based learning which I guess is something they had been talking about at a national level, and in the work that we’ve done here to support that, he threw out some incredible statistics around how few kids are working now. And they’re unsure why. But the fact that we’re kind of bringing that level of experience to kids here is amazing. I don’t know. I mean, I just kind of go back to the closing remarks. I mean, nobody was left here. But I just said that, you know, we, as a school district, we do what we can with our resources to maximize the potential of all of our students. And if you break it down, it goes to time, to programming and to the staff to the professional development that can do I can tie all those things together and be and be present for the students. And you guys are just doing that. You’re just breaking down so many barriers. The time that you’re here is outside of traditional school time. The work that you’re doing is so non traditional. It’s kind of getting back to the old apprenticeship days. It’s really it’s it’s just it’s incredible like the just the new I don’t want to say anything. basin I was invited over over you, it’s just the creativity here and just re crafting what what education and skills and fulfilling potential looks like.
It’s amazing. And and you know, we’re really proud that it’s filtering and diffusing to all of our schools in St. Frank, because really the opportunity to do that and all of our schools, if we can really lay that foundation and allow not only teachers to be inventors and creators, but also our students to feel empowered to do the same. The sky’s the limit. It really is. And so we’re very excited for the future and what we can do and the possibilities that can occur in our school district.
Yeah, it does feed on itself. And I’ll just share very quickly, I know when my oldest son, he graduated in 2015. And I remember he took compute AP Computer Science as a sophomore, and he was done. That was it. And he loved it. And I remember I think it was happening with Jean Renault he and I was saying what is going on like really needs to stop at the age of 14 right.
We’ve come a long way. No, that wasn’t that long ago, and we’ve come a really long way. So it’s incredible. Really, thank you so much.
You know, I was thinking while everyone was presenting, and actually, Jake, I took a million notes. I’m not going to share all my comments in the interest of time. But Jake, I don’t pick up this. Absolutely. He said something he just mentioned when he talks to the students about you mentioned, you know, give it back, right. But when I take it all the way back, and I think about the melody, the first melody that passed and the focus programs, and did you start stem at salling, because that mill levy with the Coco’s program. So think back to that and so you think about that original mill levy. And then of course, the most recent bonds where the community supported building the Innovation Center, the focused programs and then you look at the project based learning the work experience the business partnerships, you know, establishing that funding stream, you’re always talking about, Don, really, you know, I always think when, when the middle of each when the Board of Education chooses to the mill Levy, or a bond on the ballot we’re all really doing is making a promise. And then Don and his team are executing and fulfilling that promise, right. And that includes all of you, all of you. But talk about a promise and a commitment that was delivered upon and fulfilled. And then think about the return on investment of that in all of the everything that we’ve talked about today, and how far that’s come. And I think that’s what I was talking about when I mentioned that at the beginning of the board meeting, that we really do live in a space here in St brain about what’s possible. And this is an excellent example of that because you are you really showed us what’s possible for kids and education, partnerships, communities, fulfilling a promise I mean, those are all My notes in a tiny nutshell, I could talk for
a long time. But at the end of that, just thank you to all of you really appreciate
your work.
Thank you very much. Any other comments?
Thank you. I just want to say you talked about how the work at the Innovation Center has grown beyond
and also spreading the Peace
Corps and students throughout history. I would say that in addition to that, the vision is
done for leadership and your focus the focus of your team is affected the entire state of Colorado and beyond.
So not only are you
having influence and elevating the expectation of what students are able to accomplish within our district quarter influencing that discussion at the state level in the hundred 78 school districts throughout the state, as well as having influence throughout the country.
So, watch education communities.
And we’re also been benefiting from that cross pollination of ideas and expressions of possibilities that we are not aware of until we have research on places.
So I just wanted to express my appreciation. amazing work is happening here.
it’s great
to see this all the time. here and all
the others it’s pretty amazing. The other thing we were talking about student achievement, we had a conversation
jacket had a conversation with the
colored part of education.
And it really is an amazing thing to see, you know, a body of legislators and the Department of Education, spend
months and months on which curriculum we should use to teach to
have these conversations never, you know, make their way into that building, never make their way into the capital C. And it really takes leadership, the way that you demonstrate
to take the bull by the horns and make it happen. You know, I really just that stark contrast between what everybody else is talking about and what’s happening.
I’m really glad to
see what you’re gonna get another call
Hey really did you think that this is what
you probably did?
Well thank you all for your support. We really appreciate your time. You know we just are pretty passionate about what we do and you have to find the right people to put in those positions and it really happens. So thanks again so much. We appreciate it.
Just one quick side Come on. I mean, I know this in December just building the construction project is picked by the state of Colorado is the most innovative construction project in the state. We took a lot you can get something at the national level.
Nice. District financial
statements second quarter. Hi Greg. For second quarter fiscal year 2020.
Me. So we present financials on a quarterly basis for the first two quarters of the year. And then we do a monthly after this. But we went through this at 530 or 540 whenever we made it over, but we outline things, move posters to the district website, I encourage people to go look at the the dashboard, if nothing else, and look at that. And just keep in mind that we will be
potentially mending your budget tonight to get a clearer picture of how we will perform for the rest of the year. And so
that will occur and when we present the January financial in February, there will be changes between now and that in terms of the budgets
Cassie, I thought I’d check in with you real quick. Any questions? Comments, thoughts? Good. All right. Great. Thank you. We have one concern. I don’t know see me 6.12 board members want to discuss that but we’re prior to voting. Then I would entertain a motion for approval of the construction easement for springle. Jetro, rich Middle School.
so moved by Karen and the second second
by Jim and Karen, can you please?
Mr. errands is absent. Mr. Garcia? Yes. Doctor murder? Yes. Miss Pierce. Hi. I’m Miss Raglan. Yes. Miss siegrist. I am Mr. Berthold. Yeah.
Actually, I’m 7.1 is the recommendation for adoption and resolution proclaiming student registration Awareness Week as February three through 720 20. Hi, Greg. All right.
So Again recent changes to election law allows 17 year olds who will be 18 by general election to vote in primary elections. The county older county Carter and Carter’s offices ask our has asked you to adopt a resolution to proclaim February 3 through seventh as student voter registration awareness. We talked about this just last week, Molly Fitzpatrick came in the Boulder County Clerk and recorder and presented to
Thanks, Greg, we discussed it. It’s at the study session, but I would like Dr. martyr to go ahead and read that resolution, please. And then we’ll move on after that. Thank you,
President. See, voter registration Awareness Week is February 37, whereas the right to vote is working civil liberty The Court of the American democratic system and whereas, voters are you registration for high school students are 16 or 17. And registration for high school students who are, are both turn 18 before an election should be accessible and convenient agents and whereas educators play a critical role in the development of their students as productive and active citizens. And participation in the electoral process is one way the students can become informed and engaged citizen. And whereas older county clerk and record elections division will work with the st. Green Valley School District, as well as other interested parties to conduct voter registration outreach and education to high school students across the same Green Valley School District. Four as February 3 through seventh 2020 will be the first annual county level school voter registration Awareness Week in which teachers and staff will be encouraged to educate their students on public registration and the ability of 17 year olds to vote in primary elections. If the 18 year olds 18 year old by the general election, all the registration and civic engagement opportunities and make voter registration accessible and convenient for eligible high schools throughout the district, and whereas students kind of like to register to vote by submitting paper applications to their appointed school liaison or local county clerk and the queer office, completing the online forum on the Colorado Secretary of State’s website or a voter registration Pride and grass. Voting is a vital part of our democracy and ensures that everyone’s voice is heard, therefore be resolved that the Sacred Valley School District supports the growing involvement of the student body and democratic process and designates the week of February 3 through the seventh 2000 playing as a student voter registration Awareness Week.
I would entertain a motion for approval of the adoption of resolution proclaiming student voter registration Awareness Week.
So we’ve
actually got a second
five day
and a call for the vote Mr. errands is Excuse me, Mr. Garcia? Dr. Murder? Yes, Miss Pierce. I miss Raglan. Yes, Miss Seacrest I and Mr. Berthold.
Yes. Thanks Karen, Greg, and 7.2 is the first selection contract award for educational furniture supplier on products.
Yes, so we’re recommending that you approve the selection and contract amount of $190,500 to hurts furniture systems. And basically this is for to finalize the purchase of innovative educational furniture for the Walmart high school student commons area renovation through the bond construction project. Back in 2016, when we pass the bond and we started down the
to capital construction, we did a bid. We did a request for qualifications to pre establish a list of people who can supply furniture to us and hurts his own that was, they can meet
our deadlines or commitments to quality all those types of things. We’re recommending
there aren’t any comments or questions, then I would entertain a motion for approval of
similar by Karen in a second.
But I should
call for the vote. Mr. Evans. Excuse me, Mr. Garcia. Dr. Murder? Yes. Miss Pierce. I was driving. Yes, Miss siegrist. I am, Mr. Berthold. Yes.
Absolutely. action item 7.3. The adoption of superintendents and the amended budget all funds for the fiscal year 2020. And we discussed this at great length at our study session last week.
Good evening. So this recommendation is for the adoption of the superintendent’s amended budget for Sacred Valley schools for the current 1920 fiscal year. As you know, this budget is the comprehensive spending plan tracking all resources and expenditures for all funds. Use the edge here students can support the vision and mission of the district for the date suspending July 1 2019 through June 3 June 30 2020. This action amends the original budget adopted last June and contains updated amounts related to student growth, assessed evaluation, total program, compensation estimates, additional staff capital needs and other local state and federal revenue sources issues. As you know, last week at the board study session, we had the opportunity to delve a little deeper into this budget, especially from the general fund perspective, there have been no changes to the amounts of presented at that session. But for the benefit of those who may have missed that meeting, I like to provide a brief recap of the general fund budget changes compared to the initial adopted budget last year, and then make myself available to the board to answer any questions regarding any of the month’s budgets. So for the current fiscal year, the district’s general fund budgets amended to contain a surplus of revenues in excess of expenditures in the amount of $3.8 million. This is coming pair to the originally adopted budget prepared last June, which contained a plan spend down at $12.4 million. This change is a result of increased revenues in excess of increased expenditures. And compared to the adopted budget. This budget represents approximately $25.2 million that we identify as additional revenue. This is mostly due to some one time items, including unusual tax abatement Levy, the best capital construction and fully care of our startup grants, as well as an accounting entry requiring us to record our share of the state’s payments to pair on our behalf. This budget also contains an increase in expenditures of $8.9 million, which is mostly a result of corresponding entries for the previously mentioned grants, as well as some expenditures for additional staff or growth, instructional program and student support and some reductions as a result of savings due to conservative estimates last year. This means that the district will plan to increase its fund balance bye bye dollars quite 20 a difference of approximately 16.3 million compared to the budget we additionally adopted last year in aggregate. So those are the changes that talked about the stuff about just the general fund budget in aggregate. The total general fund expenditure budget will sit at about 350 million dollars. revenues are expected to be at about 350 $4 million. That’s that difference will be increased. In addition to the summary tonight, we will also make this budget document available on our website at SPV SD. org and the printed copy available for public inspection industry prophecies to be my pleasure to address any
Any questions?
Yeah, I’ll just share that at the last Finance and Audit Committee meeting was two Monday’s ago. Tony went through this same level of detail that he went over at the study session and They they were fine with it there was like you explained very well, why we are looking at such a swing in from the adopted budget to the amended budget but it’s all was honestly very unpredictable as far as the increase in assessed valuation and increases in abatements, things that we should not have been budgeting for but but happened to fortunately hit our bottom line this year. So they were really fine with it. The only other thing I want to point out is that we had originally kind of adopted a budget that was looking at a plan spend down and now we’re looking at even before now performance growing the fund balance. But I just wanted to point out when you compare this amended budget to the first six months of the year that Greg went over earlier, the number that we see in any budget is always as of July 1, which is usually kind of a higher watermark for red. A new because we collected in the second quarter where were tax collections actually come in. So the actual fund dollars right now is closer to 72 million. Because once we collect those tax amounts, and then we spend off of that throughout the year, and just before we get a subsequent year’s tax collections, it actually can dip, it dips much lower than what the printed number looks like. And so right now, at least in December, we’re looking at about 72 million and it’s gone down from there until we get our next revenue collection. So I just kind of wanted to point out that when we’re looking at 120 million dollars in a fund balance, it’s a sort of a number on paper. It’s a snapshot number. Yeah, and it’s not, it’s not really doesn’t really reflect cash flow. Could you
I just have those things to share. Thank you.
Thank you any other comments or questions?
base with energy and emotion. Then
amended budget officer fiscal year 2020.
so moved by Karen in a second. Second by Paul.
And I’ll call for the vote. Mr. errands is absent Mr. Garcia. Dr. Murder? Yes. Miss Pierce. I miss Raglan. Yes. Miss siegrist. And Mr. Berthold. Yes.
Thank you. Our last action items tonight is 7.4, which is the recommendation, the approval of letter of intent with Colorado Business Health, which we discussed last week at our study session. Karen, you mentioned that you had an opportunity to visit with Bob about this on Monday. And I think she go pollen, you and Paula had an opportunity to visit So any questions or comments from board members? Paul, I think you mentioned you had something on this also. Yeah.
I just sort of wanted to share
some understanding some clarification around the letter of intent. Since Bob spoke to us, at our last study session, we did a little bit of wordsmithing on the letter of intent to put some clarifications around, if and when we would implement any changes to our benefits plan. But, and we also attached to the letter of intent the handout that we received at the meeting, you saw it in the packet and the handout itself, I think, explains Well, what we are committing to which is essentially, Bob and his organization are putting together a group to look at controlling healthcare costs, which are a national problem. It is chewing up a huge chunk of the American economy. And we have a unique opportunity with Bob as a former board member and a subject matter expert to have a seat at the table to be part of a steering committee that he’s putting together to see what can can be done about it. So, we wanted to include that explanation of what the next steps look like as far as sitting on that committee. It’s a non binding letter of intent. We’re simply being invited to sit at that table to put a staff member on that group to strategically work out some some potential solutions. And my understanding, having talked to Bob about it is they’re really looking to be very collaborative with the healthcare community. nobody’s looking to be overly punitive. Because it’s a it’s a collective problem. And we understand that our healthcare local healthcare providers are also our community partners in education. So we want to take this opportunity to, to see what to see what can come out of it to create sort of a win win where we can control our costs, put our money in the classroom, but keep our healthcare providers viable members of the community in their business. So yeah, this We’re we’re just publicly acknowledging that we were being invited to that steering committee that we’re going to talk about putting resources and time toward it and see what comes out of it, see what kind of agreement can be reached. There’s some legislative hurdles that have to be overcome. And then subsequent decisions will be made from there, but I also appreciate that see, Villareal was at the study session. And he’s kind of understanding you know, what the reality is today with health care costs, the impact financially to the district and that we’re just we’re moving forward with our staff, with our teachers in mind
about controlling those those costs. So
that’s kind of a summary of what this is and what this isn’t. This isn’t an over commitment to anything. Now. It’s a it’s a step forward and being part of the steering committee Look, look for and build solutions.
resources and time.
He mentioned other resources besides
just an hour a month. We didn’t even it’s not that’s not even not even the hour a month is committed to it. It was really just a person. It was a seat at the table. So we can we can talk about what that looks like.
Well, the only other thing I would support members now is the bob is actually
the one who who tweaked the letter of intent to be more reflective
of the discussion that we’ve had at the start of session. So any other questions or comments? All right, then I would entertain a motion for approval to sign a letter of intent with CGH. I shall second
second by Karen.
And Mr. errands is absent Mr. Garcia? Yes. Dr. Murder. Yes, Miss Pierce. I miss Raglan. Yes, Miss siegrist. I am Mr. Brown. Voltage
differences to our discussion items this evening, the only discussion and we have our board reports. Cassie, I’ll give you an opportunity to ask questions and the board will be at your disposal since the board reports completed but please interrupt us if you have a comment, anything you’d like to make. A
couple of things I’d like to show what I wanted to miss an opportunity to acknowledge the visit of the first gentleman. Marlin racing visited Eagle crest elementary school to see firsthand their greenstar program which is a comprehensive cycling program race waste reduction and reuse program. Students here Marvelous tour of the facility described each of the phases of the work that they were involved in. The show is very much involved and taken by the level of
knowledge and interest of the students. And was just a marvelous time that highlighting some of the amazing work that our students are doing, particularly in the cycling area.
And I’d like to recognize the leadership of Brian Paul Ryan, welcome fall
and his
press for not only hosting program but also
being at the cutting edge of
history important issue to
awareness and practice of commercial design.
So that was one part, I had an opportunity to visit and talk with
a number of teachers and students, so great High School. They’re very excited about the coming. The cyber security program is in the final stages. And
we heard about it from the other side of this evening.
And again,
I’d like to just from Monday, as of this week, recognize the work that American sentence separate in hosting Martin Luther King, celebration of a very successful celebration on the sideline and
the tough times on other newspapers.
And the final thing about so great, is we’re planning a Chinese New Year celebration will be on the April February from beautified its wireless. intercultural, it’s time to join with the community members and experience
a wonderful celebration.
A couple of things. Well, with regard I think I will end with
my work on the college’s Association school boards. As
you as I reported before, the board is working on initiatives to strengthen Cassie, we’ve gone through transition leadership, we now have an executive director. She’s six months now. And working with us the board is focusing on continued initiative we had last year to possibly revise the bylaws. proposed changes under consideration would provide, provide for increased continuity points leadership, strengthen financial oversight, oversight, clarify that only school districts have million members of the association.
point and that establishing
for me, we assess those.
We develop proposals through the years assessment board level, the board felt that it would be to regulate and so we step back from that word to continue with this coming year. And hopefully, we’ll
be in a position where he knows it might be machine
improvements in language Catholic evidence itself and help us via a more effective
see my
Lastly, we have our annual 3d board meeting this weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
At that point, we have more leadership elected. Nine new members come have been elected to the 22. member board. One
it is the one
and the avatar. Well, what are the chat challenges?
That we have
the term I was sort of like battling for the board members but they’re even shorter term limits for the officers, the President, sir one year.
didn’t need to
be listenership. So anyway, this weekend, we’re going to like our nice President Elect
I want to seven members.
Thank you. I think that’s
sort of my first one. Yeah, I’m still I’m still, you know, working my way through being a board member.
by one thing I’d like to report on this, it wasn’t the only one that was there. john was at the leadership. Same thing. He had tables, and I just complimented South with a stimulating those parents were so involved in the way they they kept them involved in the information they got from them and way work with that. It was just, it was just a big nose for a lot of years. It was like one of the best. Best you had, ever. I mean, it’s just it was a solo.
Parents were just so they are so into it everything if they came in broke up in groups and everybody was participating and a lot of good questions came out and I think that that’s a way to
the best ways to engage those parents is now leadership
continue to grow big numbers this year. certain ones people come to because they’re more interested in one than another and you can’t make them all but I thought the turnout and participation in ways that stimulated me and kept them going because their
I’ll just haven’t been brought up yet so I but I just want to thank Don and the staff for our board appreciation dinner that we had last week. Thank you all for coming because we know you put in a lot of long hours and to add a Tuesday night to that to hang out with appreciated thanks to the Career Development Center to because it was delicious.
And we appreciate the appreciation. So thank you for that. Also, the deputy
Education Secretary of Education, who visited last week, I mentioned it a little bit earlier. And Patty and myself was here. It was really it was a fantastic visit. I know a number of us were here. He was here for all day between the Career Development Center and coming through here. Just super, super engaged, really, really wanted to hear from the kids and their stories and opportunities for providing so I just I just think that was really it was a great visit. And I think it’s going to resonate. I think he’s going to really take that visit back to inside the beltway back to DC and, and hopefully they’ll be some people listening to the work that’s being done up here.
Also the nightwatch I’ll let you
know I’ll just stop there. It’s just thank you everybody for kind of hitting the ground running in January. There’s no money, no breathing room. After we come back up the holidays, so thanks for that and
we’ll keep going.
Um so the nightwatch ribbon cutting ceremony reopening after the construction there was held earlier this month and it was so well attended by, I think the greatest community that I’m a little biased. There were a ton of alumni their Student Alumni was so great to see them. And it was just a really nice event. So thank you for all of that work and the money put into NIH what it looks beautiful, it looks amazing and there’s like larger than poster size photo of my daughter and one of the walls so just makes me want to cry every time. Also, I’m sorry I missed the board appreciation dinner and thank you for hosting that I really, those kids do the best cooking and I’m sorry I missed it was on a business trip. And also thank you to Silver Creek for hosting the Martin Luther King celebration festivities on Monday, I wasn’t there. But I heard it was just a fabulously attended event and always a very meaningful event in the multicultural Action Committee is very appreciative of Silver Creek for all their support, and is also the multicultural Action Committee is continuing to look for ways to work with the schools to develop our community together. So if you think of anything, let me know as I stand on the board representing the board on that committee. So thank you,
Karen. And Paul, I
was just gonna tell you about nightwatch. Hi, the, you know, one of the highlights that no pun intended, but solar lights, you know, yeah. So,
Brian sitting back there, too, but
thank you both for initiating that, because it turned out to really be the icing on that project. And, you know, it’s hard to kind of speculate what it’s going to be like, but when you see it in contrast to what it was. So thank you for bringing that up, and giving us a support and Asking for us to do that. Because had you not, we wouldn’t have that we’d be without that great situation. And Brian back there. Thank you as well.
Anyways, thanks.
Thank you.
A couple things. One, I have had a chance to look a whole lot of the data and graduation rates, but I did see there’s some good gains there throughout the school district that we should be celebrating. In particular, I saw that it was a good increase with with Latin x students. And so really proud of the work that’s happening and it’s kind of the ultimate goal right? And so what we’re here for and so proud of everyone who’s doing that work to persecute, you can see increases in those areas. And then just following up on Paul’s statement about the visit from Scott somewhat low. So what I took away from that was
Patty and her team, as well as Denise took over at CDC, just the work that they are doing and especially seeing the students and how they represented us And how that’s hopefully going to go back in and,
you know, be seen at a national level if students were amazing that day and and the work that’s happening, I think it was.
I think it warrants having made it easy for them, you know, to be just to say what’s happening and see what they’re experiencing makes it easy for them to be as impressive as they are. And so that was my takeaway, just to actually serve students in action and know if it’s happening, so I’m going to be here.
Thanks, everyone. I don’t want to repeat, but I do I am going to repeat I said I didn’t want to repeat in here and repeating. I just wanted to take another opportunity to recognize all the students and CDC for making their wonderful dinner possible, really was delicious and it’s fun to see, you know, all those students work so hard and so listen to them mention and talk about what their future plans are and what school silk face Plans to attend graduate what careers they’re interested in. And there was such a nice variety students that were students from several different schools, different grade levels. So it was a wonderful event. So thank you very much appreciate bar for arranging that. And all of you for attending, it’s wonderful rest of the night time together. Didn’t want to mention some board members at your seats at the Dyess this evening, which was back in the boardroom, of course, was a four frames book. That’s for you to take home, obviously, he and then we’ll be doing work around that with the guidance and leadership from Don and Jackie, at our February study session. so that you know where that was coming from. I think I’ll stop there. We do have our next regular meeting on Wednesday, February 12, in the boardroom at 6pm. And then I’m sure all of you are well aware that everything is in full throttle mode for all of that athletics and Fine Arts and whatnot going across the district. So please stick around offers opportunity to attend some of those events. It sure is fun to really enjoy that. Cassie, you have the Board of Education at your disposal this evening. Any thoughts on anything we talked about this evening? It doesn’t even have to be what we talked about any thoughts that come to mind whatsoever? We’re here and we’re happy to listen. Yeah, I
I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity.
You’re out all of the decisions are made.
For me being able to come in
here as students here about, like, I like the decisions that are being made that affects how I receive my education. And thank you for all the work that you
do to make sure that education is that
I’ve been in every school since
fifth grade. all through high school and I
have to say it’s a wonderful experience. I
love the education and the opportunities that I have received. Thank you.
That’s good feedback. Thank you for being here. And thank you for the very important role
that you plan a Student Advisory in the bit you most often see this his peers and and Dr. martyr and then of course, Dr. Haddad in this confusion and everyone else in the room, but please know that that information comes back to the rest of the board. And we appreciate that feedback. Best of luck to you the rest of the year. And at any point if you have any questions for any of the board, you can find our contact information on the website any of us would be happy to happy to visit with you. Thank you. Thanks for taking the time to be here.
One thing I’d like to thank everyone for being flexible tonight, especially in Patty and Ryan and everyone investigating kind of what’s going on but just wanted to thank everyone for getting here. We had a pretty seamless meeting and is amazing that that happened in, you know, 15 or 20 minutes. So very cool that that we can do that and that it worked. We have a space like this to do this in is more of it as to what they can probably present it on. Something that was really great. It’s appreciate everyone.
Thanks. All right. Any other comments?
All right, then I would entertain a motion for adjournment please.
So moved.
Second, all in favor.
Thank you. Yeah