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Golf Course Advisory Board – January 2025
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The Advisory Board meeting on January 27, 2025, reviewed several key updates and decisions. The board voted Ann as chair and John Hay as Vice Chair. Financials showed strong performance, with Sunset exceeding projections by $790,007 and generating $37,002 in revenue from 184 rounds in January. Twin Peaks saw a record $1,757,000 in 2024, surpassing 2023 by $180,215. Ute Creek reported $2.4 million in 2024, up $272,000 from 2023. The board approved continuing monthly meetings and posted agendas online. An irrigation update highlighted progress despite delays due to weather, with a target completion date in early April. Future projects include deck repairs at Ute Creek and stabilizing a historic silo.
All right, I think it’s close enough. Are you good? Yes. All right, everybody. I’d like to call the January 27 2025 health first Advisory Board meeting to order, we’ll start with roll call, which is short now. Marshall Allen, Jesse reitinger, John Hay, myself and and city council
is none we believe he’s coming. He said, Yes, okay,
so and
so, just as a reminder, we finally have four people on the board right now. In July, council will do another round of applications and make appointments, so hopefully we get three more people at that time.
Jeff, what makes a quorum for reports?
Three, three.
And next on the list is board reorganization,
yep. So we would take nominations for the chair. Anybody wants to nominate, anybody, it has to be with you four.
Can’t be Amen. We both have done it once.
Not everyone jump up at once. I can continue. I have until I upgrade. I should be able to control my schedule. So
was that a way of saying no,
no? That was a way of saying that my schedule is unpredictable. I am afraid that upgrade is going to come in April or May, which means I will but means I will not be good, so I may not be a good candidate.
Would you say you won’t be here? Does that mean the rest of the year?
No, not this. Not necessarily. Is so once you upgrade? Well, my initial training was two months. I think it’s only a month, but then I’m driven by their schedule for the experience, I think, but it really happened until June or July. But
so would somebody make a motion for Ann to be the chair? I’m gonna make a motion.
Yay. All in favor? Say, aye,
congratulations, and
then we need to do the same thing for a Vice Chair,
I would volunteer
I nominate John
Oh In favor of me being Vice Chair.
Say, aye.
Okay. All right. Next up, approval of agenda. Do we have a motion to approve the agenda
as written? I move and be approved. I second. All
right, all in favor, say, Aye. Any opposed motion passes unanimously. Next on the list the approval of the previous month’s minutes. Are there any changes to the last meetings minutes in October?
No. So if not, make a motion, except the minutes is written.
All right, do I have a second also? All right, any opposed or All in favor, say, Aye, Aye. Any opposed, and motion passes unanimously. So next up, any public is invited to be heard. No public in attendance. All right, we’ll move on. My favorite part, the communications, which have you been on here first? What
would you like us to do? November,
December, total, total.
Alright, so I’ll go. I’m only gonna do sunset. I’ll let Pete do the but so for sunset, for the total, here we were projected, and. Four to do about 604,000 and actuals came in at 790,007 80, revenue or two rounds we were projected to do about 32,009 50. And actually came in at 37,002
courses are covered.
We in January, we’ve been over four days
full, and
we’ve done 2920 in revenue, and 184 rounds in those four days. It was very
lazy. It was fun,
but, yeah, it’s all I got for sunset, other than we’re getting ready make some changes.
So let’s go through all
right, we’ll move on to Twin Peaks. It’s like projected for 2024. Was 1,378,000 we got to 1,757,000 more importantly, 180,215 over the record year of 2023. So
pretty cool.
The difference, if you look down at the rounds we did 40, 43,614 rounds, which is again, more. 20 411 rounds, more than we did in 2023. 5.9 up on the rounds, 11.4 on the revenue. So that’s a really good year. Yeah, if, if you said, Would you just repeat that right now, I’d be pretty happy with that for next year. That’d be pretty good looking at ute Creek, which I, I’m certain was a record here at ute Creek as well, projected at 1.9
million, 820
82,000, came in at 2.4 so amazing, and then again 272,000 over what we did in 2023 looking down At the rounds up 4355 rounds over 2023, for 48,332 and I would say again, I would be happy to take those numbers again this year, just the way they are, and
that 48,000 there’s a chance to break 50. That would be pretty cool, pretty cool. But yeah, really good year for the for the revenue for all three dog purpose. It
must mean you had good management,
yes, outside, outstanding upper management, right?
You guys did a great job. That’s
very impressive.
So go ahead
any thoughts of, why has it been weather
looking great. We got off to a really good start early in the year, obviously going to be not, you know, doing that this year already, January was not great, and
I think I did. Okay. Sorry,
that’s right, January has not been so great. I would say to Daniel, we did get the rainfall thing from high school, so that worked out good at 6000 bank here at 20 so that’s good, but it’s been a quiet, quiet January. The days that we are open, we’re super busy, but the golf course is definitely we’re getting tired, and so little break is probably a good thing, but we’re definitely not going to be off to the kind of start we got. Off to last year. If you look at last year’s numbers, the actual numbers in you know, we did 41,041 and 41,000 in January, 63,000 in February, at ute Creek. 34,040 6000 at Twin Peaks. And you know now, if we get if we get back open pretty quick, we can make up numbers pretty fast, and the weather is good, but it’s going to be a while before we get over you don’t think it’ll happen
this week at all.
For real, we got another five inches on top of the couple that were already up here. We weren’t we weren’t
quite melted off of the storm from two weeks ago, which is now ice on Fauci. Then they five issues on top of that over this weekend, and that’s gonna make it. We’re gonna need some wind and some 63 temperatures for a couple days. But we
have gotten that video on Saturday. I got the text message. I.
So the other thing I wanted to add, and we talked a little bit about this at the October meeting, but Sam has retired. His last day is Friday. We are going through a shuffle that will be occurring, and if you went out in the front of the clubhouse, you see that that started. Heath is going to move from here to Twin Peaks out to you Creek. And then Brian is not only going to do sunset, but he’s going to do Twin Peaks as well. And again, that will start Saturday.
So congratulations. The Final Countdown. Yeah,
excited about that. And have two pros, they will both continue to come to this meeting, and we hope you didn’t have a great meeting. That’s why I put you down there. I
on there time distribution, realistically, to get things rolling, I’ll be here 70% of the time, more than likely, just to get my feet on the ground. Thankfully, the POS systems that we use are identical. Realistically, it’s the same operating system, and it’s all cloud based. So I can access, I can access sunset from here if I had to to do any kind of reports if necessary, or vice versa, if I’m at sunset. Most of my building structure for my companies are already all set up for 20 or for sunset, right? So I’ve added a, I believe it’s a ship to a sector of the account to where. Now just tell which, which course to send it to the products. But it’ll still be two separate invoices, but they’ll invoice everything to sunset still. So you could say that’s home base, but I’ll be here more often, yeah, just because these are a lot more happening at the moment with the change from the year, yeah, it’s been a few years. I started here around 16 back in the car park, so And Sam was the priority at that sucks. It’s been following with these guys a long time, so it’s gonna be fun. It’s gonna be a wild ride, looking forward to the
meetings or the
years. The years,
not too much the years, they seem to be going faster and faster
that would like to continue from there. Anything else? All right, any old business? Nope. All right. And on to new business. Jeff, would you like to take over
here? Yes, all right, so the both A and B, we can kind of talk about at the same time each each year at our at our organizational meeting, we have to designate our time, day and time, and our location of where we meet. So for quite some time now, we’ve met the fourth Monday of the month at six o’clock here at Twin Peaks. And just wanted to verify if that works for you all still
just for me, good. Yes.
So we would need a motion that would say that board will continue to meet on the fourth Monday at six at 20 golf course. All
right, can I get a motion for the golf course advisory board to continue this meeting on the fourth Monday of the month at 6pm
I would know who made the fourth Monday at 6pm
All right, all in favor. Say, aye. Aye. Any vote, no. Motion passes unanimously.
And then the next item is the posting of our agendas. We are required to post those on the city website under the agenda management system, we also post them at the city the City
Council offices.
Okay, so on the front door here,
so at all three of the golf courses team. So we just need a motion that approves the city website as our official agenda location.
All right, can I get a motion for the posting of our golf course advisory board agendas on the city website? I. Aye, any motion that be approved,
all in favor, say, Aye. Any opposed motion passes unanimously.
Okay? The next item is in your packet. Was a draft calendar of agenda items for the year. We continue to propose that after January and February, we go to meeting every other month, and wanted to just verify if you’re okay with that. And then you can see the different topics that we have proposed for the year. You would like to see something different. We certainly like to talk about that this evening. Or if you’re okay with this, we could move forward with this for a year, and that doesn’t mean later on, we can change as as this.
Does anybody have any thing they’d like to add to this
agenda being maintained in 2025
All right, before you vote yes, let’s make sure. I guess I was just curious,
like, is this pretty consistent with every other year? I think it’s really changed
much. It changes a little bit, not a lot, but it’s and it sounds like
it’s pretty fluid. It’s flexible things besides, really no meetings and so forth, right? Absolutely, yeah. So if you add other topics before that, right? Yep.
I Right? Sorry,
all in favor of passing this. The schedule, yeah, the yearly agenda, I guess I Yes, all right, any opposed? No motion passes unanimously.
All right. And the final thing is irrigation update. As you’re aware, in October, you went through the maintenance building on Amy Creek. We have, we’re about this close to final completion. We do have our certificate of occupancy up there, so you know, we’re probably 99% done. Have a couple of punch list items, so we won’t be reviewing that project anymore, but we are in the midst of the irrigation, and Brian is going to talk a little bit
about that. So since we met last week, well, we’ve had pretty good progress. The weather has slowed the crew down since after the holidays, but since middle of December, they were able to finish the main line installation on the back nine. So the big pipe, that’s the main artery that feeds all the sprinkler heads is installed on the back nine. So if you remember, the entire front line and the driving range is done and installed mainline sprinkler heads and everything main line has been installed on the back nine. And then before the weather hit, the crews were able to start working, installing lateral and sprinkler heads over on 13. So they went from 13 green to just past the 150 pole, working for to the tee box. So that’s about just over half the hole is down there, and then the weather moved in on them. So last week, they were able to work two days and started working to clear snow out of their way, to finish up a few things, to clean up areas on the golf course and get a few more hens installed on 13. And then that was the week before. And then last week, they were here for two days, and they started working on our winter hydrants. So every green out here will have a winter hydrant, so we can water in the winter. So since they’re not able to see the Sergio castles out on the back nine where the sprinklers are. They didn’t want to pull the line. So they’ve been working on installing the winter hybrids for us, talking for one of their instruction supervisors today, and right now, they’re just kind of plane it by ear to see when they’re going to be back. They need a little more snow to melt before they can come back and start working again. So once it’s everything’s melted, the crews will be back and getting the bottles installed. And right now, we’re still sitting on the completion date of the first week of April, and. So I think everything should be installed and complete. And beyond that, we’ll go through all the stuff to make sure it is up and operational. So not, not a very exciting update, but with the weather, that’s all that’s going on. And as the weather gets nicer, I’ll have more to share with everybody.
The snow melts and stuff. Do they how much of the concern is like damaging the turf, and long as they go? Is it pretty invasive?
There’s a little bit here and there, but it’s the moisture will actually help the pull lines and the trench lines to settle better. And then everything that they damage is part of the final punch list to get seated or sided and repaired before we sign off on the product. So
there’s something there is possible for receding
next, some of that that they’ll have to do again on that front night, as the weather is nicer
again, once the project is finished, they’ll still be here in some capacity, working on fixing and repairing some areas, as Seed doesn’t pay or stuff more attention that originally
We’re pretty optimistic, too about moving forward. What we’ve found on the back nine is that there aren’t as many rocks that we experienced at the front nine. And so, yeah, it’s been going much faster, so I’m hoping that continues.
It was quite remarkable, though, last year to play 43,800 rounds and have one of the busiest year, well, obviously the best revenue year we’ve ever had, and have all this going on. So a tribute to that, that construction company, and even more, a tribute to Ryan and his guys for just, I mean, I didn’t know what to expect going in and to get through the years as well as we did. I don’t think I had that in my vision, but things going so well. So, I mean, I played the golf course a lot last year, and it was, it was remarkably playable.
Yeah, I think it was like, early in the spring shut down. Yeah,
yeah. Because they’re going to pull the hole so you have half the hole shut.
We’ll have some of that spring as they as they install spring foot. They’re working on the green shut down agreement so they don’t get hit. They keep up the pace. They were working party a day to at the most when they move out of that area.
Do you mind if Dan talks a little bit about the deck out at you Creek?
No, I’d love to hear about that.
So the decay Creek is in. It’s in tough shape right now. We’ve got some areas that the plywood are deteriorating and there’s soft spots. We have that membrane over it so you can’t see and then make soft spots. And there’s definitely some chances of people falling through this last year. So, so my crew, we had them go out, and we took out about the first quarter of it from about the poles where the canopy starts to the door out there. We reply, wooded all that, and got that in, and that’s down and looks good, right now. We’re working with the company to put in a permanent waterproof membrane. ADA approved all that stuff, but the weather just hasn’t cooperated with us. They’ve been able to get out and at least get the waterproofing part on it, but right now we’re waiting. They have to have days of at least like 45 degrees and nights above freezing, because it has to sit for 24 hours to seal them here before they can put the final COVID on that so hopefully, maybe next week and the next it’s looking better coming up these first couple weeks of February, so so they can get out, and then we can see, hopefully, we like what this product is. And then we will go out to bid to do the rest of the deck in the spring, hopefully in the spring, as soon as the maintenance facilities actually completely finished. So we’ll redo the other three quarters of the deck. And if the construction company doesn’t like what we did there, then we’ll have to kind of redo it all. So it’ll be under their warranty and all that. But they’re also going to do the rails. The railings are our wooden railings. Right now we’re going to go to metal railings that are welded in and way more sturdy than what the wood railings are. So, so all in all, when we get there and can get a construction company out there, they’re thinking six to eight weeks something to repair the deck. So hopefully we can get started. I. Sooner than later and not be into, you know, the middle of the season and have it shut down so, but we still go up too. So it’s process. It’s the temporary fix. It’s like, usable as an owl. Oh, yeah, right, yeah, yeah. They just, we have a shut off right now, just because they just don’t want so much foot traffic on it, you know, people dragging butter goose poop through it, and all that coming off the course into the clubhouse. So, but, but as soon as they get done a day or so, after they get that final memory down, then we’ll be able to use it.
Yep, hopefully it all comes in any
questions on either of those two projects, the just since we have a few minutes, the other thing that we’ll be working on is stabilizing the silo that is out by the maintenance facility, we have a an engineer that is doing design or some foundation work that they need to do, and that will probably be done sometime by early May, June
- So is there a cost to that? Yep. Why is it on the board budget?
Because it’s on golf property. It has been named as a historic landmark, and we, we are required to take care of
it. Who named it a historic
landmark? The City did actually
okay. So the city deemed it, and then says, You
18 did
what’s Historic about the silo was built in 1938, 3638
property, EOB,
but yeah, it had, it has been identified, or had been identified by the historic preservation group within the city, someone within our community and asked for it to be protected. There was a real fear, as we were getting ready to do the maintenance facility, that they were afraid we were going to tear it down, which was really never one of our intentions, we feel like that’s a real marker for the golf course. And didn’t have that intention, but city council would agree that it should be preserved, and again, because it’s on Gulf property world responsible
for it can be used for anything. Is there
anything else you can do with it look more pretty,
no, because you have to restore to like original. And, you know, people have talked about, over the years where we’ve considered putting sub tower on it, and that wasn’t real well, well received. Yeah, there was talk about using it is a hard Public Places location, and we really wasn’t. We weren’t in favor of that. So restoring it to its original condition, or as close to it, is kind of the goal, and then we’ll continue to maintain it for years to come.
Is this a new definition?
Or no, it’s been two or three years, I think now probably,
yeah, it was before we did the construction of the maintenance building. So all the buildings were there, and
we didn’t want to do any work on it until the maintenance building was completed now we’ll start work on that
this year, and then I did a cost to it’s going to be around $100,000
and we’ve set that money aside and have that ready to go. The challenge with it is that a lot of companies could come in and do it for less money, but they don’t have the preservation skill set to do that, so there is a cost of that type of company coming in, but we do need to meet those standards. We could apply for grants, but would really like to. Get it done with and move on to other things. We’ve got quite the list of other projects that we want to do, and we’ll talk about those more detail next month, but one of the next things that we’re going to do is we’re going to be hiring a consultant to do some work over at sunset golf course to see if we can improve the area for tournaments and some of the outdoor seating. Look to see if we can do something there. We have a designated trail that we have to do on the north side of the golf course, at you creek that runs from the property on the west to the property on the east. We have to continue the trail that is out there, and it’s going to be fairly expensive because there’s a ditch that we need to go over. And we believe parks will have a ditch that they’re no or, excuse me, a bridge they’re no longer using. That will help reduce that cost, but we do need to make that connection. In the next seven years, the new development that is going on directly to the East has already put their section in so I’m sure that the city will be pressuring us to get our part done as soon as possible. So by three and four, kind of out by the other things that we’re looking at is doing some work here at Twin Peaks to see if we can further improve the opportunity to use the outdoor bar. Keith and I for years have talked about some type of additional shade for out here again. Those aren’t going to happen, but those are all are on our radar to build complete and then the final thing I’ll mention is the cart path on nine at sunset. It needs to have some work down there. The crusher fines just don’t work with all the slopes as much as we had hoped. So we’ll need to do something to improve that section of the car pass.
Yeah, about that. Would there be any reason to put some kind of siding along there such that the people that are driving the car wouldn’t go up that grassy
area come off there, and you got to then you Got the did he get this grass right here? You got guys just go right right through that instead of staying on that path? I didn’t know if that would be something that we
can look at. That might be easier just to widen it out so that the turf isn’t there anymore. Well, whatever, which is disappointing about number nine because the crusher fine cart paths have worked very well everywhere else, but there it just has too much runoff and we can’t compact it enough to stay in Place. Kind of a quick summary of what’s coming. I you staff comments again, you’ll see Ben. Benn is our recreation golf superintendent. As some changes are going on within recreation, you’ll probably see Ben a little bit more, and you’ll be much more vocal than
probably that
I will be still be here, yes, but
yeah, Mostly well, because, like I was going to ask is, are they going to help participate in that path building, or is that on the Parks and Recreation? No,
just because it’s just on the golf course. Okay, there’s no value to the pool for that path. If we were talking about the road base that goes right between the pool and the golf course. Recreation was certainly a it’s, it’s part Ben, you could you talk about the new,
yeah, so, all the, all the construction on the. The water tank. This happened. We had to make some massive adjustments. Were out there, Ryan, this guy has made just Herculean effort to get us a temporary parking lot just to the south of the road there in the practice area. They did a great job with that. We also kind of expanded some spots. We got really creative. Actually worked out pretty darn well. Well, these guys are getting done and, you know, they staged in that short area between the between where the road is split. So when you come out of the parking lot, you go straight across and then go left the area just to the left, right there is where they were staging. That was not a used area for anything. And so our idea rose to, let’s put some parking right there. It would be, it will be primo parking. It will be in the shade a lot, which will really be nice, closer spots than the ones up above. I think we can get Brian how many we have, 22 bumpers, parking, parking, yeah, ish, and we can easily fit that money in there and have it be pretty comfortable. So we’re actually pretty excited that we’re going to get a bunch of additional spots that, I mean, parking has always been a problem, and so this will just help. It’s kind of exciting. And the streets guys are actually going to help us
do the war, right? They’re going
to, unless they want to do some bulldozing. So they’ll be pretty cool, and it’s going to be happening here in a couple before we open. For example, I
watches, all right, so do you have any items from the board? It’s your first time.
Yeah. I mean, I think, I mean, I think I talked to Jeff about it more. It was just like, how many? I guess I’m just curious of like, how many ideas we have, I think just probably a fine line budgeting between what superintendents need for, like, turf care, like, what are some smaller upgrades that I would like to see around the golf courses? Like, why haven’t we done some of those to date? When will we, you know, like it seems like we, seems like you guys focus on the larger, like, more substantial projects and ideas. Have we, like, talked about the smaller details around the golf courses? That?
Can you give us some details from what your
Yeah, so I think, like, I personally hate the golf flag stick pins. I think that, like, there should be a clock at, like, you Creek at least, and hopefully twin or even sunset, right? Like, starting times are really important. We have, like, the great announcers, which are really helpful. Things like that where it’s like, oh, like, these are kind of simple things that make the golf experience a lot more enjoyable. And as an average golfer, I know I appreciate those. Maybe the average golfer would appreciate a nicer flag stick, but you touch it every single hole, every single round. Like, I think those details to me are important. And I just didn’t know, like, the history of what you guys have done with those improvements. Then turf care is obviously an important one that I think is I don’t know to go to, like, the budgeting of how much we spend on, like sand and seed. And I think we mentioned it just like, how much do we really spend on maintaining the turf? I think the first thing that comes to my mind is all the different like, updates. Like updates, increases in rounds, year over year, and the cost that gets the money that you’re making also a lot of round increases, right? So how do we have we increased the spending at least significantly to kind of match the wear and tear on the golf course, right? Do the superintendents feel very comfortable with the qualities of the golf courses, right? Like, on a scale of zero to 10, how would you rank that, right? Yeah. So I think, like that stuff comes to mind, like, how do we set up? And really, if you’re going to continue the growth of the number of rounds per year, like we should have, you should have planned for better course conditions, like, as you go throughout the year, right? If you have a huge number of increases, I think you will definitely lose off on some of the quality of the of the golf and I think a lot of what I’ve heard through random people that I meet on the golf course, like, they really create. Appreciate the value of that. Like the golf course in Longmont have, right? Like, it’s always new Creek is always well known for, like, oh, like, $52 or whatever, for, like, a really good, always good condition golf course, right? So, like, how do we improve that as we get more and more rounds around the golf course? So I’m just curious to hear more back from that side of things, from like the superintendents. I’m just curious to learn about how our spending has changed throughout the years, with the more and more wear and tear that the golf course occurs. Those are some of my ideas.
We will add that to the conversation with budget
cool. And I think you sent me the financials, I don’t say broken down into a different
not to that or tomorrow, right? But then Ryan will be able to help with that.
And I just, I just maybe it’s worth bringing up those ideas. I don’t know if it is or isn’t, but it’s just kind of like things that go around in my mind.
I know from just the history of coming from the meetings, like the irrigation updating and Twin Peaks happened at sunset too, right? I mean that at one time, 10 years ago, they were trying to figure out how to fund it like it was already 40 years old or older, so you’ve talked about the improvements it made of overall the golf course this past year, which is huge. So I mean, I think that stuff had, from what I can take is that stuff has been in process, but nothing like those. Large projects happened fast? Yeah. I was the deck. I was wondering, if that has they’re not gonna change anything about it, other than just resurface, resurface. What’s there? Yeah. So, because we’ve talked about improvements to you Creek clubhouse, which would be nice, but
golf, golf would need to do that. And finally, remember, right, there’s about $5.2 million to do that, which is cute to put in a clubhouse I thought
they would carpeting and like paint the walls,
entertain like, and that becomes the challenge for golf is, you know, 20 or you Creek is what 20 years old, 3628
2700 Yeah.
So as a part of that, we also have to put money aside to, you know, fully replace all the irrigation at sunset, we’re going to need to redo the irrigation at Twin Peaks at some point in time, hardly excuse me, in eucrike, at some point in time, any improvements to the building all has to come through that extra money that we generate and set aside because there is no other support other than the fees and charges and
things that we charge them, right? Operating course, it sounds like you just have to space out with larger projects, right? Yeah. Can’t do them all at once. Exactly, yeah, yeah. I think those are all huge improvements. I think the other thing is just like, what, what are the what do you foresee as the next, like concerns for the next 510, 15 years, right? Like, when do the Greens need to be replaced? Like, when do like, bunkers need to be updated? Like, when does that stuff? I guess that have Is there, like, a laid out plan for at least those larger some of
those, yeah. Well, comment was in 2019 I think when we did all
the bunkers, yeah, and then all the green side bunkers. And, of
course, one, one big rain storm, and you got to do it all over again, which is where we’re at in some places, Dan and his staff did some work this last summer on some of the drains that kind of help with that, so that it sinks in rather than floods all the sand out into the course, right? But we have, we also have what we call a replacement list that tries to identify all the tables and chairs and cooking items
and Expendables and, yes,
heaters, air conditioning, all of those kind of things that just toilets and sinks.
Yeah, right, yeah, so,
and then those add up over time. Yeah, thank you. We will address the turf,
yeah, I just, it’s kind of like I don’t get a chance to plan every day socialize with like a superintendent means giving siloes. And so it’s always kind of interesting to me. Just love to get feedback from like, directly being the hands on. How is the turf carried? How much interactions
you guys?
Anything else from the board?
Well, with that, do we have a motion to adjourn.
We have a motion to adjourn.
All in favor. Say, aye, aye, all right. Meeting adjourned at nothing, 40 4pm do.
Transcribed by