Video Description:
Art In Public Places – November 2024
It’s 601, I’m going to call the meeting order, roll call. Sage Alexander will be here later, and I will say, Okay. Pamela, bachelor, okay. Iris, Hannah, yes, quite yet, yes,
oh yes.
Susan Horowitz,
Susan Jaggers,
Michelle Jones, Ben Daniel COVID Here, Lacey here, Jennifer Miller is excused here. What was not excuses on the thing? Hi, Jennifer. I gave her their head. Yes. Hi, darling.
He said there’s an agenda over there, and goodies too.
And sage Alexander is over here? Yes. Melanie neski Here, Betty. Jenny ravalino Here, me Cindy Tiger,
Scott excellent
for all here. Hi guys.
Okay, public invited to be heard.
Corrections to the october 17 minutes. Does anybody have questions? Okay, I need a motion to approve the minutes, as is ease
and a second, second,
all in favor. I
11, and I have to abstain because I wasn’t here.
Oh, I have two children, so I wasn’t here.
Oh, okay,
everyone who was here would like to yay to a group of minutes. Okay,
What’d you get? Whatever did you get? 11 and two abstentions, 333, okay,
and just a point of clarification on this one, you can vote for meeting minutes even if you weren’t there, although it tends to be not best practice, right? Because how would you be able to confirm something that you weren’t there, we could, because we’re so large, get into a sticky wicket sometimes, if we have too many abstentions, and then we can miss more. Does that make sense? Yeah, great. I’m talking about so. But yes, as best practice in board meetings, if you aren’t in the meeting, you should have stayed.
We have any additions or corrections to tonight’s agenda?
Did you say no? Nope. Council comments. Susie will be here later, so we’re going to table this one until she gets here. Okay, we’re consistent. Thank you. Love her. Man.
Thank you, Laura. Man, professional
artist, business full time. You’re so great. You were in her time with Aiki. She was instrumental in increasing our social media policy, our new website, and updating and organizing the collection files, which so needed. Thank you. You also marketed shock art to garner more attention, more submissions, and shock our training videos that you made are going to help us for years. Thank you so much. Another good job to applaud. You. Okay, so now we’re at the meeting, location discussion,
Laura and I even made you because we were over there saying for other business, because some people don’t know where we’re talking about, when we’re talking about where the meeting could go, we may do a video. Okay, so hold on, I’m going to have to pause and then I can share my screen. So everyone can see zoom people you might not be able to hear too well. So Angela can share the video later if you need an actual voice of me being offered.
Okay, so we’re proposing to move the the Jennifer,
you gotta unmute.
What were you gonna say so I can see,
okay, so we’re proposing to move to the city council chain. No City Council study room is on the main floor with the City Council Chambers floor and of the Civic Center, and this is on the east side. The reason that we are proposing this, of course, as you’ve discussed previously, the museum will be going under construction spring of next year, and if I am going to secure the space, I need to know, because it’s in another building, I have to work with other people and just sooner would be better. Sooner to make a decision just makes life easier. So to pitch this the right way, and there are other options, I should say there are other options, but I personally think this is the best option. So take it away, Laura, except you can’t hear it anyway. So I’m I’m talking here you you can get into it. Just go into the governance, because I don’t have any audio, right? Oh, yeah, so sorry y’all. Hold on. Hold that thought. Go into the the 2020, I can just talk through it, yeah, but it’s funnier. Other ways funnier. Oh, well, that’s okay, alright, okay. So here we are. Okay. So we’re basically on Emory, and then I’m facing third. It’s basically third is to your right. That’s the parking lot that you can park in, right across the street of Emory. There it is. There’s parking all along. Yeah. So there’s a lot of street parking. There’s parking in that church parking lot. There is some parking underneath the library, but I think it’ll be ample parking, especially at that time of night. You’re going to see that sign, the civic center sign, and then there’s a walkway that basically heads directly to the door that you want to go through the libraries. Library is on my right. Yeah, north. And so we’re saying, so this corner right here is where the actual meeting room is,
and there’s windows, so if you were late, all that’s where we’ll see your feet. And you could just knock on the window and say, I’m here, because at this time the it’s the door is accessible with the keep a key card there also to see that city council chambers sign as walking to the door right so someone before the meeting will be here to let make sure that that door is open and let People in right now she’s having to use a keeper. You go left, left, and then underneath, like there’s the stairway, but you go around so there’s chambers. Keep going left. This is where Laura comments about their fancy New Jersey, very fancy snacks, because we got a really good selection, a selection of power drinks,
stuff to keep you wake
Yes, wait, what? Whoo, oh, really nice room. It’s all set up. No stacking chairs, big screen, nice and bright. More chairs for the people and the snacks are terrible, yay. So this is where we’re proposing. Has the screen
It does. We keep we could stay here for the first couple of months and switch halfway through. It’s true. It’s my preference that if we just get moving in the right direction, the other option too, of course, is we could switch just to online. See chambers flipping pretty good. So that’s my pitch, yeah, both
Yeah, yes, because we need to publish it, yeah, yeah,
where our meeting location is, and the time, the date, which you’ve already determined, we’re sticking with the third Thursday, and we’re sticking with their same time. So that’s. Done. It’s just for 2025, what that means? So we could
have the next meeting in January there, so we can see how the light sure is December.
Oh, I should have put that,
no, I had a chance the next
meeting, whatever the next meeting, whatever the next whatever the next meeting is
okay. What do people think about that? I think January is fine. Do you think having a meeting there or moving starting in January and staying there, or should we have a meeting there and then while we’re there? But whether we want to keep going there? Oh, I see what you’re saying.
I think that would be fair, more fair
discussion. Does anybody have feelings about this?
I mean, unless, okay, to me, yeah. I mean, it’s got light, it’s got windows. I’m very, I’m very into Windows. So, you know
that’s, that’s good. It looks like it’s easy to get to, yeah, yeah,
I go to the library at least five times. I know.
I’m like, right over here.
You’re a brave man. You
might have to fight with a train every now
there is a train app. I think
we just made a
decision to go there tonight.
I think we make a decision to go there tonight and start in January and just
and just stay there, just here, or until the museum is back in business. Yeah. But
you know, Christine flee book it for the whole year, and that four space scenario, she dances up, but other people are going to realize that this meeting space is not available, and so be nice to just know that that is where. If we ever have public participation and someone does start coming, or people do want to come, start start coming, it would be very confusing for them if we were moving all over the place. So to either have one big move in spring or
so, we want to move all the 2025 meetings to the study session room. Yes, yes, that we move, that we move all the 2025 study session room. Is there a second? Theresa eyes,
yeah, got everybody. No, that’s everybody 15. Is everyone? Remind us of the construction timeline?
Well, we can start with pay
and be done by late
summer, or maybe later. Yeah, right,
yes, okay,
thank you. All item nine, the December 19, historically, we’ve always voted to cancel the meeting in December because people are planning for the holidays or out of town or planning to go out of town, and it’s just, it’s just a burden to have people talk to this. It was fun to do the flowers
last year, but we did do that
on the night. That’s true. Yeah. Okay, yeah. So how do you feel about that? Do people want to skip next month?
Okay, I need a motion to ask questions.
Okay. Do we have things that discussed in
December pending, things that we don’t have a meeting.
We don’t have anything that can’t wait till January.
I can still send an update to then an email, just I
don’t want to delay things. I just wondered if there was any at
this Yeah, at this time, there is nothing that has a decision that needs to be made that would be that
has to be made before the end of the year. Correct? Okay, see the question, if we think that we would like to cancel the December 9 meeting, we have to legally vote to cancel. So I need a motion to cancel the December meeting. Somebody, anybody?
My motion to cancel the December
19, 2024,
and many seconds, and All in favor, opposed, I
don’t care. So I guess I’m, I don’t know you can hear me, yeah,
I don’t care either way. Okay, motion passes. Thank you all very much.
Sorry your second
awesome item, 10 Clover Meadows parks grand opening was successful. Oh, we lost.
Are you waiting
for me to say so? Yes, I was hoping Jennifer could tell us about the grand opening. Okay, it was very nice. It was. There was a big crowd, all kinds of people, and Angela and Laura and I were there, and the weather was cool, but not terrible. And this, I can’t remember who cut the ribbon and but we saw our friends from the parks department, and they had a table, and we had a table that said, No sculpture coming soon. And I thought it was just really fast if they were all kind of refreshments, and they had apples and they had hot cider, all just it was really fun and warm. And kids were all playing on the bicycle thing and the playground. And it was quite the neighborhood event. So I think it was just really great. And I look forward to our time when we have our sculpture. The next step of it will be our sculpture. So we did have a sign saying, public art coming soon, or something like that.
Do we know when that is? Does
the artist have any idea? Yes, so he is in fabrication. He it took, as you know, it’s quite a while for him to get his structural engineering drawings. The scale is bigger than it originally was supposed to be, but not that much bigger, but enough bigger that the hole that it’s going to the footer is going to be in, needs to be bigger. So, but that’s done now. So the structural engineering is done. The footer needs to go in, obviously, before it can be installed. And I would anticipate very early in the year, maybe, if I say spring, what does that mean? That means March 21 I think it’ll be before then. So here are some process images of his fabrication. You can see his welds nice and clean, like some clean welds, pieces of the spoke. Here’s the pedal that this it. This is not the decking that will be on it. But can you put this decking on just to give us an app and this idea,
I can’t remember, it’s going to be a table, or
it’s could be treated as both, really, I mean, and then it’s got this, like, nice reflective pedal material. So see if you can see the big pedal itself in the COVID piece on the end. And again, this decking is just for show, but it still will be kind of like that, but it’ll be something, not wood, that will hold up far
better. So
yeah, it was,
it’s coming along. It looks great. And
so this obviously will all be filled in with that mesh, and then the mesh will be colored. So there’s no color yet, but there will be, isn’t not a big social media guy, so he’s been one of the reasons he was having trouble himself sending fabrication issues is he said he didn’t want you to seek his dirty shock. And I was like, I don’t think that anybody cares that your ankle grinders are on the ground, and then you have tools. Like, it looks pretty cool, right? So you can tell that he kind of like, staged, right? This is
very much.
So, yeah, he’s excited, yeah. This is very clearly like,
Yeah, that’s great. It’s really great. Cool. Okay, so in the first quarter of 2020, ask, Oh, okay, the country port that it cures, and
then he puts it up. As soon as it’s finished fabricating, yeah,
okay. Cool Fox Meadows.
Speaking of concrete Monday and at present, the weather’s looking nice and good hobby is well, actually, parks are corn concrete Okay, hopefully you can see that. Jennifer, you see sculpture forever. Okay, so where we had originally discussed, and I’ll show a different image, bounce back and forth so you get was like, kind of this curve on the east side of the park, and we had talked about it, kind of nesting there. Well, that’s a sewer line. So, yeah, I’m going to go next to the sewer line. So it’s going to be, this is about seven feet. And then these yellow flags are trees. So COVID and project manager and I discussed kind of tucking it so the trees don’t really like beef out and drop on it, but still kind of in this area, so these tiny little yellow flags that is irrigation. So the irrigation line, even though it’s native seed, to get the native seed started, you have to water it. So the first couple of years in, native seed gets watered fairly regularly, and then they turn it off, unless there’s summer where it’s really hot. And then they feed those native seed plants, you know, a little bit of water. So she was concerned with it getting hosed down. And Steve, the project manager, manager Steve, assure us that’s not going to happen. So this is looking from Deerwood, looking north and east. And so this is the lawn area. This is the path that kind of runs north, south this, that’s where all the dog walkers are going to be. There’s a lot of dog walkers in this neighborhood. And then the sculpture is going to be right there in the orange. So there’s, this is like, irrigation, that sewer, that sculpture, that’s, and that should be. That’s about, that’s about to scale. So it’s, I mean, it’s a monumental, it’s a large, it’s a large sculpture. Um, this is from the site looking west. So when you are on this playground here, when you’re coming around this curve, it’s going to be basically right in front of you, a little bit left over here. That makes sense.
Basically, this way it’s going
to be, well, we’re not going to pre drill the hardware, so when it gets to the site, the footer is square and it’s at grade, also slightly angled, so water will run off. Yeah, right. The plate that the rock is on is also square. But that doesn’t mean that the plate and the footer have to have parallel lines. We if the sculpture looks better. Oh, and it comes in two parts. Rock is one piece, elf is piece two. So when we’re on site, if it looks better like say it’s bugling out and it’s bugling to the north, but it would look better if it were shifted a little bit. There will be enough room to just turn the plate a little bit, and because it’s in native grasses, eventually the native grasses will grow up enough that you won’t see the hardware, and the fact that the plate isn’t parallel to the footer. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah.
Cool, yeah.
And what is she? She says the concrete is going to be poured Monday. Yes, Monday. And when did she think that she’s going to leave her at the floor? Or quarter one? Same the first quarter.
And just because I know there’s no sound, but it’s okay. Yeah, she’s been posting a ton of stuff on social media, yeah. So it’s like, insane. So that’s the plate. The plate probably weighs 200 pounds, I can do the math, but so here she is figuring out exactly where the concrete anchor holes are going to be. That’s her welding the structure that will be underneath the rock. So it’s tubular steel. That’s her dog. Yeah, I think welding is clearly her joy, right? So do. Yeah, but so she’s been posting quite a bit, and it’s making amazing process progress. Haven’t seen any of the like, I’m going to say, mache work, the application to the stone, but yeah, she’s making three birds. Is this,
does some of this heads up. Can be, have some of it to post, like, on the AI sites, yeah, for people to be
able to, I’ve been fresh airing, like, I can’t take her post and read like post an artist, I put it on our stories,
but in the future, you know, like, I wanted to see, like, how
is it made? Yeah, yes, yeah. And we could absolutely ask her, what could we have, the raw video even? Well, we should ask, we should just stick that in the minutes to ask Fauci about some of those video assets. It would only be good for her to share that. Yeah, yeah, so check it out and see more of it on our
Any questions, comments, okay, shock art,
yeah. So I know if anybody has been around town, but we have four out of the seven that have finished. Um, those three that we’re waiting on, they are very close to being finished. They actually have to be done by the 30th, as opposed to the contract, but Angeles going to probably scoot a little bit to get the graffiti ceiling done. Of the ones that are already completed, just because with the weather, we have to time it correct with the the warmth of the material to do the graffiti coating. So depending on what happens to begin, which is supposed to be really nice, if those arts can finish, then we can get everything sealed. But so far, everything’s been going really well. Everybody’s been getting really good, positive feedback, and have been really happy to be a part of the program. So I think we chose some really, really cool ones this year,
and the
dogs are funny, yeah, okay,
and the task force on that needs to move it. R says, Oh, these are done. We need to go look at it right away, because we want to get it.
Yeah, they have to right now. They have till Monday. If they’re not done on Monday, then I’m similar, because I I have, we have to steal them. Yeah, and Laura and I also discussed, artists are so interesting. And if you give them extra time, some artists just say, Hm, I don’t have to start yet, and that actually doesn’t benefit us. So we agree that last year we had Halloween, August 34 October 31 as the deadline. And next year we will absolutely that’s it. So they, they have eight, three months ample time, and we, we don’t want to sneak up on the weather and
the cold. So what’s that? So you have to start by the same, finish by the same, yeah,
that’s in the contract. We gave them an extra month this year, and that just meant that some people, for whatever reason, just didn’t start.
Yeah, okay, alright, any questions? Comments, excellent, yeah, I think that we did say we have three left. Yeah, three, one these
abstracted choice and then the birds. Okay, the birds and the bees and the plants.
That’s funny. Okay? History of the wraps, alright? So research is underway. People in the task force are turning in their choices. It was so fun to look through, but I know it really is fun. Uh, remember people to keep track of your hours when you’re looking at pictures, so that Laura or or whoever will will have a record of it. So, yeah, I submitted my choices.
So just for the rest, you know, we’re talking about these traffic cabinets, and there’s. Four faces, right? We’ve got large face, one, large face, two, small face, one, small face, two. But as you consider, as you consider, what of an image to choose boogers. Sorry.
Why is it doing that same one? Okay, fine.
There we go. It needs, you know, it’s never a full image, because it needs to be a crop of the landscape, and each of those panels needs to have something that, independently and of its own accord, is visually interesting. So the research is actually part of that, right? Because there’s a lot of really fun images, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s conducive to this format. So good job research team, because this is not easy, and we have to narrow it down to like a dozen, and there’s 1000s, yeah,
there should be something, some kind of visual interest on every panel.
And then to add to it, of course, we also have the tour page from the tour page, which has additional context. So from So, from the Q R code, or if you want to come this way, you can come from our web page, and then go to discover a public tour. Then it takes. So we’re just going to obviously add to this. So the research team not only will be choosing images, but I’m hoping I will convince some folks to also write some interpretive text. We also could lean on the curator of history as well.
Cool, you want recommendations on boxes as well? Yes,
And we can’t do state highways, so 119, r2, 87 Yeah, yeah, and they have the best locations. Okay, yeah, this
one’s on third. So, yeah, very cool. Alright. So coming to to a Traffic Talks near to by January, I have a question.
You’ll see those finals. One of the pictures I chose is pretty light. It looks kind of stated, can we make them darker? Yes, okay. Is that?
Does that mean it can be fixed all the way? Like, sometimes, yeah, the Yeah, like the sheets didn’t work. We have to get the originals and scan them super, super high resolution. So we’re starting from scratch.
Okay, excellent, Alright, next on the agenda, any comments questions? Okay. Next on the agenda is walnut lights, which is going to be Saturday, December 14. It’s the break of the lit up floats that citizens can create. And we need people to judge because we agree to judge them.
And yep, so we need a task force. Mourn the merrier. It usually takes about two hours. You would need to arrive at the memorial building about three o’clock. Have some snacks for you there and wear your mittens and your hat because it gets chilly this year, we are going to have technology, so like an iPad, and you will judge by a number, like if this one is the heritage culturally relevant, like one through 10, or whatever. Sam decides it’s going to be one is low, five is high, or something like that. And we’ll put the scores in, and then we’ll meet back together. It’ll tally the scores for us and tell us who the winners are. And if it comes to a moment where there could be potentially a tie, then we’ll have the discussion. It’s it has to happen pretty quick so some of. The people who have floats like want to stand there and talk to you a lot, and you have to say, You know what? Thank you very much. We keep moving on. The other thing that Sam agreed to do is because, of course, it’s an evening righted parade, and we are judging them at dusk. We are allowing each of the floats to bring with them a physical, printed out picture of what it is lit up. But they they have to bring it themselves, and they can hand it over to us. No digital like on phone, it looks like this, like you have to have it printed out. You can hand it over, and then that can help us judge what we need to make sure that it’s, you know, equitable to fair opportunity for everyone. What we noticed from last year and Jennifer, I know that you were there, I know that there’s some other folks who have opinions about this was like the people who do this often are the ones that are always there. They’re always ready to go. They already have their music going. They kind of know the formula, and so we want to make sure that we’re giving everybody the same opportunity. So at 330 they have to be ready to go, and they have to have their picture so we can judge them all fair. So so a lot of fun. And depending upon how many people we have, sometimes we divide and offer. Stan is trying really hard to have all of the fluids that are going to be judged, both large and small, all on mountain. And so we won’t have to turn the corner onto the Ross also, because there’s construction on Kimber this year. So things are switching up.
Yeah, that’s a lot of fun. And there’s reads.
Reads this year, when the award is given, we will actually, as they come and enter into the parade, they will receive their award at that time, their certificate, their prize. And we’ll have SIP ties, and we’ll help them SIP tie the wreaths to their float, however, and then they’ll enter the break, kind of like the rose gold you know, they award before the parade, so that that’s the Oh, in the social media. People will be there, so we’ll get our pictures, and then it sounds good. There are, will be box, if you, if you, if it has to go perfectly. And then, this is not great, but it’s a it is a lot.
So who would like to help judge,
not all at once. Oh, yeah, I will. It’s really, I just want to say, sorry. It really, really is fun, and you can feel like you’re part of the parade, which is one of the traditions of law. Box is quite cold, so I have a lot of the hand warmers that you can put down under your mittens, which I will bring. But if you have those you want, those you definitely want those, it’ll be six because it’s real smart, or maybe it’ll be warm this year
and but it is fun, and it’s still true that all family and friends are welcome, right? Yes, oh yeah, yeah, absolutely. And we do pretty fast. You gotta kind of, it’s kind of a Yeah, fast walk situation. Sage
and Jennifer, anybody else did you have a question? Sage, um, yeah, I
was just wondering, what day, Saturday, Saturday 14th.
Is that it? Michelle, yeah, sweet.
That’s I’m sorry I’ve got sage and I got Michelle and I got Jennifer,
yeah, that’s all, yeah. Let us know, yep, how many? How loads are there? Usually,
they’re usually eight. I think there’s close to 50. Yeah, so she said, she said that there’s, Well, right now, there’s 40 floats registered, um, there’s 18 of those 40 that we already have to judge. She imagines that there will be between 25 and 30 to judge in like 45 minutes. That’s my job.
It’s on real questions to the table. That’s great, kind of too far away. Now,
that’s fine. That’s
a question. Yeah, put me in a quick question mark.
Okay, okay, sounds good. Anybody else? Good time? Sure there’s a COVID.
Sweet. Thank you, babe.
New business legacy by Harriet Lee, the. Is a piece in our collection that’s at the Boulder County Courthouse, which is on, I think, 11th of May, and Angela has
worked in front of the door.
so it’s come to our attention that the piece has been painted, not by us. Oh, so this is the original. Yes, correct, powder coated steel. Mm, hmm. And and it there was some herb work done. So these stairs obviously weren’t there before, yeah, and so they have been repainted gray. So we are in talks with the county, because obviously it’s our Art Park, but it’s their building, and I’m trying to get a hold of the artist. I don’t have an update as of presently trajectory of the conversation, but I just wanted you to know that we’re aware of it, and yep, it’s new business, and we’ll continue to address the next steps. Much
better was the artist choice for them, that’s right, and they did that specifically. No, yeah, no, really, that’s
and that’s boring.
And then the other piece of this that actually just came to light today, which I didn’t even think about previously, the plaque actually wasn’t on the building. It was here in the flagstone. So when the curb work was done, the plaque was removed.
Oh, wow.
So I can’t seem to get brass there’s
not there. So anyway, just wanted to let you know that, yeah, because I know Theresa, I think it’s on your maintenance Oh, and I should mention that, thank you very much for completing your maintenance form, and by putting it into the smart sheet application, I have a time stamp of the last time that our commission visited it. And this is just a perfect example of why doing our maintenance reports is so unbelievably important. You know, there are responsibility to take care of and to maintain and make sure that they are next in the shape. And if and when the smart sheet does go away, we’ll make sure that we have a replacement for it before it goes away. But even if you fill them out paper and in hand, just hand them over to us and we’ll take care of it. But those records are really important, so thank you.
Alright, so I hope we’re all working on our maintenance reports. The holiday get together. Do we want to schedule a date to meet socially and have a socially and have a little party to the holidays?
I like our parties. Yeah, because we want to social schedule I’m available. Except because my special schedule was
available, so yeah, so we thought about maybe meeting at the food hall, and I myself would purchase, like, some appetizers to share, and then you all are welcome to partake in whatever kind of food you would like, or drink or other, because they have a lot of space, and it would be enough room, or we wouldn’t have to plan a meeting room, but there’s lots of tables and chairs and things like that. So that was the idea of
units or partners in some kind. Yeah. Um,
right, yeah.
And currently we’re kind of thinking sometimes, right,
and I have no either, yeah. What
do you think about that?
Yes, good
look at a date. We did talk about it a little bit last month. Of course, we tabled the final decision, but I would suggest we do it the first two weeks of January, because the. Will run into our meeting, and then you know how it goes. Yeah, so I would suggest that we try to do it. Let’s hope we don’t have a giant snowstorm, and let’s have the first couple weeks of
January. Sure. Did y’all
say Friday before a Friday? Sure, Friday. Just Friday. A bad day for anyone. Raise your hand if Fridays are terrible, yeah, okay. What about weekends? Weekends bad for anyone. Danielle and up, just keep it up. Okay, okay. What about if you prefer a weekday? Raise your hand if you prefer we, yeah,
I don’t go.
Aaron France,
getting flushed now,
yeah, week, week night, sweet night. Preferable for most people, weeknight. Okay,
so let’s look weeknight. Maybe that probably not the first week of January, because that’s the New Year holiday, but Saturday week is the week of 6789, 10. Yeah. Raise your hand if Mondays are the best day of the week for weeknight. Raise your hand if Tuesdays are the best night of the week. But Wednesdays too, all over the place. Thursdays.
Yeah, I’m good for any day too.
Okay? I like, I like Wednesday, because I tell the low stance for Wednesday, okay?
I feel like a weekday too. Plus, like, aside from my own schedule, but a place like that, it’s going to be a lot busier on a Friday or Saturday, yeah? Like to get us all together that could play into it. Just throw
that up. No? Well, that’s, oh, that’s some alcohol there. That’s a draw for anybody, right?
Come on Wednesday, who cannot? Yeah, good question. Cannot.
So we’re thinking Wednesday the eighth. Yeah, so Okay,
what about? What about that? Tuesday, seven,
Thursday, Thursday, the night. Raise your hand. Thursday the night. Thursday of the night. It is 535 30. Give everybody who is awardee time to get to away from work V stuff and do party card stuff. Yes, sir, I will not be working on late start. Uh, yeah. What about? What about 530 so that gives everybody goes towards Greece and you don’t tweet it properly, yeah, don’t leave me hanging all by myself for too long.
Okay, it’s
pretty quiet.
Okay, thank you. Okay, Thursday, I will send a proper invitation, okay, and it’s going to come, you know, BYOB, but I’ll buy some appetizer.
B, y, y, O, B, I eight. Alright, hey, look at that. I will send an invitation, and just sure, Thursday, January,
yeah, there we go.
Excellent, and you’re invited. I will be there, yeah, as a regular person, celebrating
2024, so we’re at Commissioner COVID. Does
anybody have any comments? Anybody want to approve anything I do? I want to collect in rooms hours, if they are willing to talk to me about their hours? Oh yeah. Basically, just, what if you put any work in last month to AIP outside of the meeting, just let me know if you have any hours this month or last month. Sydney said that she spent a lot of time doing the photo. Asked, so I included those before everyone came here, so let’s just go around the room, Danielle and nothing more to the side of the meeting. That’s okay. This did not change. Yeah. Well,
I, I did go look at the shock heart and drove, I forgot about that. Yeah, the shock drove and pictured and actually got em loaded up. Sweet, yeah. I was so proud of myself. Like, Oh yeah, okay, so that was like an hour and a half because, you know, drip, Dr rim looked at him. So I’m going to
put two up
against teens, guys, we’re up against teens. They beat us every year. On your Sage,
September, alright.
Melanie, I had
from two inspections,
like an hour. I Great
absolutely, yeah. And also, I know that you’re doing maintenance and faces, so yeah, so I’d say six. Alright, perfect. Events of your email. Okay, great, good. It is a radical, isn’t it? It is fun, but it’s like, oh, shoot, where’s the tacos?
So two hours in the library, and then I helped write up something that Angela asked me to do. Okay,
Susan, Susan, don’t forget our meeting
you and Jennifer sat together.
Oh, thanks, Jennifer, okay,
so we got thanks, Jen, we got Pamela down. Scott tell you
that’s close to eight. Okay,
inspection, yeah, awesome. Okay, going. Yes
party later.
Jennifer, do you know?
Jennifer, I have my tally in the studio. I’ll have to email. Okay, great. And then Iris, did you have any Yes, I had three hours in October for Bateman, awesome.
Okay, perfect. Alright, thank you. Thanks everybody. And speaking of the library, maybe Susan and Jennifer and Susan already talked about the altarpiece dedication, because I realize now that wasn’t on the agenda. Did you want to No pressure. It
was mostly AIP library, Eric Angeles and the family. So at first, I think we
felt like, well, that’s not right.
But then Angela made that very pertinent comment, which was the most important, which was very, very true and the same. Family was so emotional. I mean, it made all of us so emotional. And they looked at it, just tears started flowing. And
who was it?
Angeles, Garcia’s Okay, so, it was mine, it was grandma’s,
grandma’s cat. Had they brought the scrap? Anything? Was just heart, the heart, tragedy, they adored the way it was done. They could have been happier, and the best part was listening to the stories from the. To do friends for since, like childhood, and another tragic aspect of it was that there have been since wedding that day, and they’d all been there just happened to them. So it just became real intimate and hopefully still the narrative for Angeles she wants to put up to all staff, to go right and see it will really draw people in, because it’s so important and It’s so thoughtful that it’s
a beautiful presentation.
Looks wonderful.
I like this place. The library is extremely happy, speaking of Library’s behalf, but Don has expressed his things the interpretation, I think, is, is just right, and it came from the original exhibition The work was in. So the artist context isn’t completely lost, but it certainly focuses on the historical event first, before really talking about the art itself, and then there’s the QR code to the video of the artist talking about the creation of the work. So right now, there’s a write up that’s going to go to all staff. It’s with the family, and they’re deciding if they want to comment or not, and I’m just letting it Yeah, I’m not pushing, but when that’s done,
it’s hard to see.
Maybe go over together, yeah,
you know, yeah, it’ll be certainly in John, in his comment, Eric made a nice comment, but inviting people to please, please go and see this work, and it’s
hard to see in the pictures, but it’s pretty deep flowers are,
and the flowers are all day prints of the newspapers that were valid. So yeah, it was, and the Fauci was blown away, I would say, just so emotional, but also tears of joy, not just sorrow, But it was an unbelief, full remembrance and dedication to
Yeah, so stop on by and see it next time you heard the library. And as soon as I get the full comments back that’s going to all staff, obviously,
would you?
Alright? Anything else? I need a motion to adjourn. Our
motion to adjourn.
I need a second Teresa. It is 659, whoo, all in favor and miss you.
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