Senior Citizens Advisory Board – November 2023

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Senior Citizens Advisory Board – November 2023

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Speaker 1 0:00
All right. Should we get started today? Is this just going to be us folks? I think I mentioned already, you may not have heard this joke, but the offices in Australia, and arts running around the Mediterranean someplace areas. So it’s just some warmer than here. Anyway, it’s just us. I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is. And yeah, I’m sorry. And we got our job. And the good news is we’ve got six applicants. And is that right? rolling this up to seven the other day? It was after review. The it was? Well, that’s still we’d still have enough to fill

Unknown Speaker 1:02
in they had enough.

Unknown Speaker 1:03
Yeah, we brought that up. That was really,

Speaker 2 1:07
if we can do that, we need to verify what we used to have that but we moved the the alternate to an actual board seat. So I don’t know if we’re allowed to have that 10th person. If if we do that we’ll be able counsel thing.

Unknown Speaker 1:25
So I gotta take that as a no. Yes. Well, I’ll call the meeting to order. Roll call I, oh, we don’t have

Speaker 1 1:43
like a stream. So we have two, two people with excused absences is over. But do you have any extra copies of agenda?

Speaker 3 1:54
So our period is down? I’m sorry, our printer is down right now. They have the ETS or tech support to come in and take a look.

Unknown Speaker 2:05
Excellent. Get a copy.

Unknown Speaker 2:10
Oh, it’s not working?

Unknown Speaker 2:18
Well, we can share this, if you’d like.

Speaker 1 2:25
No, and I didn’t look at it. I assume everybody’s got an opportunity to review the agenda. Are there any additions to the agenda? Excuse me, I got one. I would like to add under new business. I see the election of the secretary. That only takes a couple of minutes. But I think we need to talk about that. All right. That’s the only addition. Okay, I’ll have a motion to accept the agenda. Second line. All right. All those in favor say aye. All right, public, you have anything you wanted to say this morning? All right. board goals. So did we do this? I’m sorry, what the agenda versus the agenda?

Unknown Speaker 3:26
Are there any corrections or additions to the minutes?

Speaker 4 3:32
Some thoughts? So I’m thinking that when we do this, that under the roll call thing that we also need to excused? And then they frown on that last time, right. So like this time, it will be an arch that we need to and then that way it accounts for the losers?

Unknown Speaker 3:53
Yes. If they’re

Unknown Speaker 3:54
not here, then they are.

Speaker 4 3:57
Yes. And then the other thing, because I’m assuming that you were not going to last time, I was wrong. Okay. So there’s a couple of places where the minutes lists Dave’s name. And I think really probably should have been arch or Jeff. And one of them is see under outreach update. And the other one is under I just

Unknown Speaker 4:23
read the board. And then

Unknown Speaker 4:30
that CNB

Unknown Speaker 4:32
C under Reports

Speaker 1 4:42
actually, actually, that wasn’t are you talking about this? This one right here? That actually was you actually did talk to talk to both we we had a meeting between the two of us and we’re talking Oh, okay. Actually, that’s that’s associates right? Yeah. have the number eight a very large items for the board. Yeah,

Speaker 4 5:12
it says Dave will invite friends President stitch in the next board meeting. I think that is going to do that. All. So okay. Did you contact them?

Unknown Speaker 5:31
I haven’t actually talked to them. I guess I can talk about that right now as far as corrections.

Speaker 1 5:40
That is accurate. I was going to contact Linda. But I was sick last time. And there was another absence, I think anyway, I wanted to be here when Linda was one reason. And then the other reason is I found out and Beth called was that she was resigning. That’s not why I have Linda here with four of us. And so I thought, let’s wait until after the first year, we get everybody on board, the new board members and everything. And then we’ll have Linda’s comment. So that’s okay, I’ll just invite her in June. That’s why I didn’t ask any other corrections or additions to the minutes.

Speaker 3 6:24
So there’s, those are suggested corrections and there are no questions.

Unknown Speaker 6:29
Actually, it was awkward. Okay. Did you want to set up a table?

Unknown Speaker 6:34
This is actually better for me. But thank you.

Speaker 1 6:38
All right. All right. Those have a motion to accept the minutes wanting and second. Our lane? All those in favor of accepting? say aye.

Unknown Speaker 6:54
Aye. All right.

Speaker 1 6:58
Every time I miss the minutes for some reason, okay. Public invited to be heard. Old business. All right. This is okay. board goals. Does anybody have anything under board goals? Yes, I have a

Speaker 5 7:14
question. We’ve been going back and forth about what the goals of the board are. And we had housing, we have transportation, and we have outreach. But I looked back at minutes for another reason. So we actually also had mental health. In any do we are we going to pursue that or hit the draft that?

Unknown Speaker 7:35

Speaker 1 7:36
I guess that’s a good question. Three meetings ago, we talked about might have been before you started, how long? Have you been on the board? Since August? I guess it was since anyway, we I think it was the first time a person outside took mental health. We didn’t have a motion, but I thought we accepted the ordinances or statement of goals.

Unknown Speaker 8:04
Say that again?

Speaker 1 8:05
The ordinates creating the the the Advisory Board would be our statement of goals. If they’re all looking at me like what? Okay. All right.

Speaker 2 8:29
You’re saying what’s in the charter, municipal code.

Speaker 1 8:36
Okay. And I handed this out a couple of times a couple of meetings. And we can we can do something different. But that was my understanding. Okay, under the powers and duties that says, I don’t know, paragraph D. There’s, well, actually almost to the whole thing. The powers of the Board shall be advisory to the City Council, and the board shop and following duties to establish recommendations for guidelines and policies facilitating the most beneficial and productive use of the senior center. Being to review budget requests relating to senior citizen programs seem to always serve as liaison between the city council and community of senior citizens in matters of public interest as determined by the board. And to me, this is the big thing to report annually in writing to the city council concerning the operation of the senior center and relating to matters of current participation at the close of the calendar, the financial aspects of the center, maintenance and condition of the facility and any other matters needs to be proved to report on upon request of the Council or the initiative. So that’s that’s what I handed out really like two or three times and that’s what I thought we could use as the statement of goals. golfer? That’s not okay, fine.

Speaker 4 10:03
I just have a question about, I think it’s the the thing about

Speaker 1 10:08
finance, review at budget requests,

Speaker 4 10:11
what exactly is happening? Because I don’t know how much info is really have on the budget.

Speaker 2 10:22
This year, the board invited the city to come talk, I had a meeting over at Lashley. And he kind of summarized what he thought, for my words, the state of the city and the opportunity that you all might have to get things in the budget. And then ultimately, jump in here, Ronnie, the senior getting the new recreation coordinator, as well as funding for some templates to be able to expand ours. Did I miss anything? No. Okay, so So you all did have that impacted? Before? Are the head and body that the two of you were on board that happened to you? Is that April or? April? So I think that the input that you all have, is I just through conversations that we have all all year long giving Ronnie and I feedback on priorities are, and then we carry those those things forward in the budget requests.

Speaker 4 11:52
Well, okay. So so then it isn’t, because I was concerned that it’s not us actually going line to line, the budget. It’s just giving it giving okay.

Unknown Speaker 12:02
But you know,

Speaker 1 12:05
I agree with everything that jumps up, just said, but I have a little different twist, see Isaiah as part of our responsibility to to to, to take a good look at the budget. We don’t need to do it line by line. We, we don’t know, all of the factors that go into that. But if we’re thinking of a program, if we’re thinking that you need certain staff, I think that we should make recommendations, in our best judgment as far as what the budget should include.

Speaker 6 12:36
Yeah, probably word to most recent additions were about the board. We talked about the budget timeline. So there’s a period of time in February and March, when ultimately, I think it’s you, right, that puts request budget requests into the tool. And the time for a board or a poker site? Is them before he even starts that process? What are you going? What are you thinking about running or based on the findings of the board through the year. But budget items could go there. So for example, we couldn’t really talk about keeping the facility open later. Or different hours, when we were down in so many positions. But maybe next year, if it’s a good year, we can we can talk about evening staff, we can talk about evening hours for recreation, which would be a really good thing for getting the you know, 55 to 65, still working with seniors involved with the center, so he would have strength going forward. That’s just off the top of my head in the example. But those are budgetary items that the board could recommend on. But it’s it’s something that you plan for early spring

Speaker 1 14:12
is up. Does that answer your question wanting? Is it sufficient?

Speaker 5 14:16
You know what, I actually jumped the gun now that I’m looking at all this because the next thing says updates. And these are the three things housing, transportation and outreach. And what I’m saying is that there was a fourth and it was mental health. And we never got anybody to to accept that. Does everybody remember that? Yeah,

Speaker 1 14:39
I did. We talked about mental health. As matter of fact, I brought it up.

Speaker 5 14:45
And then as people chose what they wanted, I take housing, you can transportation. Nobody ever did mental health. Are we going to continue with that and maybe get somebody on that? Are we going to put that aside for now?

Speaker 1 14:57
Well, I think I think there’s concern So this was we didn’t have a motion on it. But I think the consensus was, we’ve only got a small board. And we can’t we can’t blow the people up too much mental health would be a big one. You know, I think it’s just as important as the others. But it’s extra work, you know. So

Speaker 7 15:18
I agree with you the current size, and even going on into next year, it’s going to make it difficult to get people more interested, or willing to do

Speaker 4 15:31
more. No, I agree. I remember that, that we just set on those three because of the size of the board. As we add to it, though, those people are going to need some time to put their feet on the ground before they can.

Unknown Speaker 15:41
We got our hands full.

Speaker 5 15:44
Okay. Sheila, now, you’ve been attending meetings with various groups. And I kept saying to her, I think there was a fourth as well, I think there was a report that was done redacted came down. But I’m not advocating that we add it right now. And I totally understand that we need to get our board, you know, our new people on their feet and knowing what’s going on before we introduce that. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 16:08
I think mental health is critical.

Unknown Speaker 16:11
Yeah. Okay. That’s fine with me.

Speaker 1 16:14
Okay. Let me I was, before you came in, we were talking about the under board goals, whether we had a conversation, the three of us had a conversation about maybe using the lashes. And arch, and Beth have been talking and approach. And I agree with that. So I’d like to lay that out. So I can tuck it under the floor goals, or I can talk for old business, I shouldn’t say or I could talk about it under outreach. I gotta lay it out now. Because I might it might impact what you guys like.

Speaker 7 16:53
The question maybe millennial, Jeff can answer this. Yeah. Probably the Martian. Open Meetings have to be open to the public, if there are more than a certain number of board members discussing for business. And I don’t know what that number is.

Speaker 6 17:17
It’s it’s two. If it’s only three, you don’t have to post it. But you have to hold this in a public place where people could walk in and join the conversation. So that’s, that’s what the rule is. So if you want to have a board committee, three of you could meet as the yeas. If you’re going to do it regularly, you should probably ask to be posted, even if it is only three

Unknown Speaker 17:44
and sure to post to.

Speaker 6 17:49
Well, it’s a one off I think probably that’s not necessary. If it’s if it’s a recurring meeting of freedom, I think you should. But that’s just to get the why doesn’t say that. Just and where we posted? Oh, you go to the city, or the city manager’s office if they she puts it in there and Ronnie would

Speaker 2 18:09
do that for you. Oh, see what

Speaker 7 18:15
our agenda is not at the Civic Center. I’m sorry, I don’t agenda is not posted at the Civic Center. Everybody else’s agenda.

Speaker 2 18:26
That’s surprising because they have been responding to emails saying that, that was so it maybe got missed this month. But normally, we’ll make sure that that happens. But just just for the primary posting location is on the city’s website and under agenda management. That is that is all all boards and councils location, the official poster agendas and packets.

Speaker 4 19:01
So I progression. Yes. When you’re talking about Lastly, are you talking about having these meetings at Lashley? Now,

Speaker 1 19:07
let me get into that anymore on this item. Okay, let me let me get into this. This is something that Beth and I have talked about art and I have talked about our method talked about the three of us at any given time. We’re thinking about and this is some of this is not new, this is um, this is so this is the Lashley Street Station is available. We could use the lashing Street Station everybody know where that is what it is? Okay, I didn’t so everybody knows what that is. That is available through this and Thursdays from eight to three o’clock. Okay. So we don’t necessarily have access to that. But there would be that would be times that we wouldn’t be able to use it. We were thinking why couldn’t we use it This kind of an outreach section. And we thought we could start by important for the Hispanic community. Focusing on the Hispanic community doesn’t have to be just focusing on that is an area of town that I understand where the Hispanics are concentrated more than other areas of town. So it’s a logical sight. I went earlier yesterday, and I just looked in the windows because it was all locked up and I go to big conferences, I don’t really have Office, Office rooms back on the side is just coming. This was

Speaker 3 20:36
one, one room that is split into two. And one

Speaker 1 20:41
looks like they should change their kitchen base. So it’d be just a couple of big conference room. Anyway, but

Unknown Speaker 20:50
we did talk about this last time you did

Speaker 1 20:52
that. So I’m kind of picking up from where are our left off? Art said, why don’t we have a foreign focus group? Or he didn’t say I don’t think he said what was said, but why don’t we get some people from the Hispanic community, it’s better to get them together and talk face to face than it is to talk to them individually. I think he said something. I thought that was great. And so I talked to art before he took off to the Mediterranean. And I think he agrees with us. And I think Beth agrees with us, she was big on using restriction. And so what we could do is, arch handlers you have your staff member is what’s your name again, Pete Pina, you’re a volunteer deputy staff. To work with us, I understand that the Hispanic community, and the idea would be to get representatives from the Hispanic community, not through the center, but through pm dinos, connections, arts connections, and other people within the community. And maybe we have a meeting over the last few streets. The idea would be to what is it that the Hispanic community wants in the way services and, and or programs, I think, to be services are more important than programs. But anyway, just leave it open while they want. And then I don’t know how long that will take. But once we do that, then we could bring that back and make some suggestions to this group. As far as how we might approach that in terms of services, programs, staffing, implementation, all of those kinds of things. And if we were saying put together kind of a pilot project. Purpose, and then that would be our recommendation next march to the city council. And we’d probably be good to talk to Harold about it before, you know, so he’s on board with and then after that, we make a recommendation to the city council on that. That would be our work. You know, as far as that particular part, I’m thinking we could do the same kind of thing with housing, transportation, and 1000 things they also don’t want to do it anyway. That’s one approach where he’s like yes,

Speaker 7 23:20
I have said I find it not offensive. And this isn’t directed at you threat to the public at large. So what did they want people who are Spanish speaking or described as Hispanic by themselves or the city, just one big

Speaker 7 23:51
all the same? Well, I didn’t know I know I know you didn’t know what you’re saying is generally a good idea but I think we have to be I think we have to be more receptive of the idea that the let’s say the Hispanic or Spanish the community as many different goals and backgrounds as we the angles what white people think that we should keep in the back of our minds one way I’m doing well, I think it’s good idea what you want but what do you suggest

Unknown Speaker 24:31
more often? What is your I’m sorry. Okay, so

Speaker 4 24:41
I go along with with what she’s saying. I guess my My thing is, we talked so much about inclusion, that I don’t see this really as inclusion and I’m trying to try to, in my mind, figure out how, how we can pull a Spanish community In the US, this almost sounds like it’s kind of a separate thing. How do we, how do we? And yes, there’s different you know, we’re trying to get, as far as the elders go, and I’m thinking, that’s, I think that’s kind of where it goes, we’d all be, we need to learn from them. And then that, you know, they make and

Speaker 1 25:24
I know Allah was written because really influenced by Carmen is currently. Anyway, she, she said, we need to be incremental, took a little piece and try to, we don’t have that trust or respect and all that for them to come in. So we need to do something little piece at a time to gain their trust to do something but successful and build it that way to build it rather than say, what are these people taught? You don’t do that, you know, you’re

Unknown Speaker 25:55
told this is what you want.

Speaker 3 26:00
So I just wanted to hear everybody’s thoughts on that piece. But we already have this already in motion. With our new position that has been funded for January, starting January, allows current staff and modalities focus on going our Spanish program. So we’re going to be very intentional with that. We go and slow karmic sayings, right. So we already have a plan in place to not only go Spanish programs being intentional. So with that, having these focus groups that you’re talking about survey, or current Latino customers, right, have those, bring them to the table of new ones, brochures, programs, what would you like to see? What would you like to see more of what do we not offer that we can have? And having those same conversations outside of customer or outside those who currently come into our facility? Right. That allows that allows her to feel the trust that you’re talking about that Carmen was talking about, again, these recommendations from our border. Fantastic, right. But we need, we need a staff member inside doing that work, building those relationships, building that trust, having those conversations, so we can slowly grow our Spanish programs. When I say intentional, can we easily turn around and say, Okay, we’re gonna offer 10 more Spanish programs? Absolutely. Right. We don’t know what number one, that’s what their needs are. So we heard to be part of those conversations, having those meetings. So that that is part of our growth plan, as we move into 2024. I’ll say it again, it’s been intentional and growing our staff programs through those conversations and relationship building. With Lashley, you know, it’s that we do have availability there, we implemented a plan for starting in December, actually are moving that to our on site location for for for trips. So we have have all of our day trips, it’s been particularly set nationally. So there’ll be the check in point for for check in and drop, check in vehicle, transportation, transportation pickup and drop off. So we’re shifting outside of this facility to that location. So that that does that does identify a lot of days throughout the week, not just our Tuesdays and Thursdays that Lashley may not be available because of we’re having multiple trips going up on those days. But is there still availability? Yes, right. I do want us to be careful with having these types of conversations, those focus groups offsite outside of our facility, because then it creates that perception of separation separation. And that’s not my perception. That is feedback I received from some of our participants who are in some force groups, we have a beautiful kitchen over there with hardwood floor and mirrors. That’d be good for one of our dancers to say, Hey, we got the space available, would you like to use it? And it was a sense of, why are you trying to relocate us? Do you not want us here in the facility, we’ve always been here and decided a great place to better meet your needs for a period of dance practice, right? So I just wanted to be mindful of that. Because again, relationship, it feels that disconnected. We’re trying to move something upside outside of this facility. So keep in mind it is good idea to have these conversations here in our building. Because of its if there’s that sense of inclusion, right, we’re in the facility, we’re doing this work, we have these conversations, programs on how to be more equitable in our programming, how to create a better sense of equity. So I just wanted to share that again. I wanted to hear what everyone had to say but also Again, we are, this isn’t worse. This is our plans, we have already identified

Unknown Speaker 30:06
a new program coordinator starting

Speaker 3 30:08
January 1, January, we’re looking at intensive January official. We are getting this position posted ASAP to try and program for program coordinator. So now focusing on outreach. So Val was mentioned current staff, she’s going to be shifting a lot of person gets acclimated, we’re going to again want to be intentional, one of our whole goal has been focusing on the manageability of workload, right? So we don’t want the person to start January of one and dump everything on them. We want them to learn our systems, learn our structures, learn our context, learn how we operate, when our customers and our programs that takes time. We want them to learn those things. And then so we shift those responsibilities over. And then that allows Bell, Valerie, to those things have shifted over focus on our show be focusing on our volunteers, and Spanish programs, specifically with a small piece of things that she used to have, right, absolutely, and shifting all of those. So she can be intentional in these spaces. With that, again, giving her that time and energy to host these, these meetings to host these roundtable discussions, collect feedback, bring it back to the table. These are some contexts I found within our community outside of our community, that are Spanish speaking, that can’t offer these things. But it gives her the time to, to. And that’s a lot of phone calls alone one day, right to be able to make those connections outside of in a day, then outside of our community, finding these instructors finding these contractors finding these presenters, who can meet those specific needs that are specifically Spanish speaking, right? That we’re not bringing somebody who’s English speaking and bringing them translated with that, again, being intentional. So that’s going to take time to build that inventory. So we’re slowly going to keep increasing it as we go. But again, allowing her the time to have these conversations with our patrons with these contractors, create this plan, move forward. Put these start programming these these new programs, advertising these programs, right, it’s it’s, it’s a lot. So we just don’t, we don’t want to just say here’s 10 new programs, right? That’s, that’s not satisfying, you just really want to be intentional with building it up. So that is our plan. So we’ve already had those discussions, we have an idea of what it’s going to look like identifying preliminary timelines of this work, identified some some goals in this work. And so it can fluctuate, can they change? Absolutely, we’re going to evaluate as we go, because the same thing for about, she’s doing something that we’ve never done here, which is going to finish programs are hopeful focus on segment care is finding that manageable workload, so we don’t want to dump a lot on her because she’s grown up program within a program, right? And allow her the space to be intentional with that and feel like she hasn’t managed or whatever, as well. So she has

Speaker 2 33:15
to continue on with her role that until the new person saw right,

Speaker 3 33:20
and not only just hired but acclimated to work and start shifting those things over. Right. So that may be two, three months into the year. Right? And training. Right? And they will allow us to evaluate new person, how do you feel? Are you ready to transfer Okay, can you feel comfortable because again, we don’t want to if we just say you have 30 days to learn all these things, and then we’re gonna dump everything on you recreating that, that same sense of that same sense of non natural workloads, you know, support, feel like I’m doing too much with the little tools and skills that I have. And I can create the turnover again, right? So we’re trying to be supportive of those faces while we go.

Speaker 4 34:11
Hi, so I want to make sure that I’m not understanding this incorrectly. Are we also going to do some of the regular programming over there Lastly, so that it doesn’t look like we’re specifically saying this is going to be the Hispanic population. So okay, you come up with 10 programs, would you have some of them over there and bring some here and then take regular so that it looks like we’re doing the programs? Yeah. Is that what we’re doing? Or are we is doing Hispanic fair and

Speaker 3 34:42
if it were the program, Yes, that sounds of balance both locations. We’re right now we’re doing this we shifted our trip, trip destination or that’s a trip site for me that’s already a lot. We had meaning we have to, sometimes to to to do things Going out each day, but at least something almost something every day coming out of there. So he’s done a really good job working with recreations. We only have two days, right? What kind of recreation and showed you the family to say, Hey, this is what we want to do, we’re gonna add that to your site for a trip for trip departure drop off, you know, but this dips into some of your days and times, you know, are you using these using this space? Or these days or times? Where can we utilize the space? And so she’s made those connections on both sides, children and family and recreation to where they said, Oh, yeah, we’re not using them. But put in calendar. Go ahead, go ahead and use that space for this time. So that has been 100% shift trips to that location? Marshall?

Speaker 6 35:46
Yeah, that was a question that I had was, I know that children, youth and families is trying to expand their offerings at that location as well. So are there going to be conflicts, but it’s certainly the pickup and drop off, it makes huge sense. Because that parking lot is really under underutilized. And this one is always crowded. So

Speaker 3 36:12
there’s a day trip they’re leaving, am I getting back at 7am we have a charter bus of 50 people in our parking lot is jammed all the way up to recreation the entire day. And somebody who’s coming in for a drop in class right now and a half has to park a mile away to get

Speaker 2 36:31
there, the impact of building Lashley is limited because people are using the restroom and

Speaker 6 36:38
right and the person with the clipboard standing around.

Speaker 3 36:41
So they’ve been so let’s see if representative and recreation coordinator have been working together for I’ll say he has a good job of coordinating that those conversations to make sure that when we are utilizing your space of time that we have the approval number one before we move forward with anything. So once you had all those approvals in place, then we were able to put that in a bill, which we’ll talk about here shortly on my managers report that that we’re going to advertise them as trips are now 100% Over there. And so now as we plan for our next live cycle, right, same conversations we have now these are the dates that we’re planning in userspace during these times, and if there’s a day or two where we have to figure something out, or there’s a no, no, we have something we have plenty of time to say, Okay, this day that we were planning this trip, we can go to a different date, or we can leave that later time kind of thing. So we’ll be able to work around and still, or a small enough group is a parking car, and you go straight to the vehicle for checking, right. We’re still working on this. So there’s still ways around it, if the space is utilized. But back to your question for programs specifically when we get there. Yeah, we’ll just it’s an extension of our facility, we’re not going to just plan on one specific thing program over there. It’ll be right, because we want to want you don’t want that division. Again, I didn’t I didn’t even think about it that way. It was just a suggestion I made. But that is the perception of Oh, are you trying to lose weight? Do you not want to see a very long time? For me? It’s like, well, if they want the Bears Bears great. And so it’s a hardwood floor. Right? And but you know that, that that was the perception and the feeling. So I had to, I had to respect that perception and at the back and just put that in my pocket for learners moving forward to be mindful of their sense.

Speaker 5 38:41
And maybe once they see it, it becomes a regular part of my programs for everybody that they can say, You know what, it really does work very real. You like that Mary’s in the hardwood floors.

Speaker 3 38:55
And that’s all we started with. With trips, a lot of people go on those trips and benefits live in the building for 15 minutes. That is to take a little tour around become familiar, become comfortable utilizing that space. And if there’s a program that’s over there and said, Okay, well, no, I, I’ve been okay. This is I know what to expect. And we’re using it for other things. So it is okay that my group is now meeting over there. But like

Unknown Speaker 39:28
I get along.

Speaker 3 39:29
As we started getting, like we’ve had meetings over the recreation programming team have had meetings identified and we’re just talking about, but as we started getting closer to where he was higher, and solidifying some of these timelines, goals within those timelines, I’ll be reporting back to the advisory board throughout that process of hey, this is what our goals are. And again, we exceeded our goal or we get our goal that we wanted, but allows us to evaluate shifts, at the same time when we’re going to be very mindful, nothing’s going to be concrete, those deadlines are. That’s why we needed to. We needed to happen intentionally and naturally in not operated off of timelines.

Speaker 7 40:19
People don’t want to change. And then they say, well, here’s what we’re doing the conversation classes. Now this will be moved to action, I’m sure people will get used to it. Because this, this lovely building, we will begin talking about expanding it. We are expanding it to actually make sense it’s a much cheaper and more efficient way of expanding the usage.

Speaker 3 40:52
roundtable discussions take place, of course, are aware of that and be invited to be part of those conversations. But again, once we start nailing down the details of this work, there’ll be presented for the students. It’s at the forefront

Speaker 1 41:10
of question is more observation. On Carmen was here a few months ago, she really impressed me with her point of view and understanding community. And like I said, the one word that impressed me was incremental results, trying to do things a little bit at a time, don’t try to just do everything that wants to not be all kinds of sense. And art, I wasn’t at the meeting, but I did look at the video. And art seemed to be saying, and we’ve had conversations, too, is part of the problem we don’t have the representation of Hispanics here is because of the past history. And it’s not that there’s been outright discrimination or anything like that. That’s not the issue at all. It’s just that as they don’t feel comfortable, they can Hispanic community doesn’t feel comfortable. Because I guess, say, there aren’t enough people of similar culture around. I don’t know how to cite Exactly. But that’s been basically the problem. And just saying, Oh, we’re going to have a program for Hispanics over here. It doesn’t work. I mean, so that’s why I think RT was saying, we need to deal directly with some of the leaders, some of the contacts within the community. And I think that’s where the idea of getting together and so on,

Speaker 3 42:41
absolutely equal in this conversation so that we can make the picture. And it is true, right? representation does matter. Right? It’s hard. And this is a 30 seat, it’s, it’s not. If I’m going to Spanish program, talk, fighting the speaker, having a translator communicate with me, it’s hard for me to get excited for a program, I want to be a part of when, when that’s how I’m learning, right? And and I’m not alone, I’ll leave it at that that representation does matter. Then again, it goes back to the relationship piece too, as well. If I’m, if I know who this presenter is, or identifier of some of their other presentations or or programs, I’m more likely to continue going to additional things that programming will do to opportunities because I know who that is. And I know what to expect. And and that trust will go back to the relationship preset trusted relationships that are established. So that’s the feedback. And that’s I want to be intentional, right finding these presenters in programmers, I’m sorry, contractors who are Spanish speaking. Translator. Marshall? Yeah,

Speaker 6 44:00
I think there is, is is still a, I’m sure it’s not an intent but of the sound of segregation is on in even in terms of saying we’re going to have a program for Hispanics. That’s really not the way we should be thinking about it. We should talk about leadership. And because the presumption shouldn’t be all our programs are for anyone. And there should be no presumption that some programs are only of interest to one community. Instead, we can think about programs being led. If they if they are something that emerges from a particular culture, we recruit the leadership from the volunteer portion of the leadership from that community, and then invite everyone that’s a much more inclusive and airy way of doing it. And there’s nothing separatist, about recruiting a leadership, a leader from a specific community that’s inclusion. So I think that that just kind of gives us a different metaphor for talking about it. As well as I think it would work better. You know, I’d be more interested. Interesting. Yeah. But I mean, you know, if you want, if you want inclusion, you want things to be of interest to multiple groups.

Unknown Speaker 45:37
Yes. And, yeah.

Speaker 7 45:41
Great, 100%. Because otherwise, we’re going back to the days of separate but equal. Integration is what we have struggled for in this country. It’s been a tough road. Separate but equal in terms of, we are here, and we are here. On the same, we’re all doing the same thing, you’re suddenly impression of exclusion instead of inclusion. So,

Speaker 3 46:16
so Spanish programs is a is a type of special program specifically, it’s not creating that division screen opportunity. Because I want to use a generic example for having somebody talking about diet and health. Right, culturally, those are two different conversations, right? In English presenter, their their their their message on diet. Of course, eating healthy is the wrong message. Right. But let’s say they’re talking about meal planning. Culturally, that’s different conversation. Right? So same message, but culturally responsive to what their needs are specifically. So there’s no, there’s no division, and just not, I mean, how many I can rephrase that. You’re so weird. So many Spanish speakers that come in here that they don’t speak English at all right? Then you’d have the same opportunities to learn problems from present around diet and health, and exercise and have exercise classes and all of these educational opportunities that we currently offer in English. So that’s the whole purpose of inattentional blindness match program specifically, is to meet those needs. Gretton same opportunities.

Speaker 1 47:38
Okay, let me I’m probably a slow learner. So bear with me. So you’re saying, I got the idea of shutter? Just not doing them separately? And maybe that’s not a good idea? And so are you saying the focus of the future effort should be working with the leadership of the community, key people within the community? In regards to whatever you’re trying to do?

Speaker 3 48:08
Yes. Right. And again, this whole purpose of focus groups and finding these people within our business, use that word leadership role within our community and come in and provide those educational opportunities, providing us fitness classes.

Speaker 1 48:23
Everybody agrees with that. I think I see nodding, yes, you’re

Speaker 3 48:27
so so those are the those examples for talking about day trips, and things like that. And that is an option for everybody. We don’t need depending on the trip, so no direction anyway. Right? We don’t need a translator for for that.

Speaker 2 48:43
We wouldn’t define what program people would go to, they would choose the program that works best for them. Not not, this is yours. This is your that would never be. I think that’s kind of Marshal what we were trying to say

Speaker 6 48:59
is, you know, another, an example that sort of, I think Ronnie mentioned it, this idea of color culinary programs, you can you don’t have to necessarily identify community leaders, you can also create them. So in this community, we have a number of small ethnic grocery stores, not just Spanish we have we have South Asian grocery stores that I can at least think of. And that can you know, a program that that works that way can be incredibly inclusionary because you create the leader by inviting the store proprietor or will you know, is tend to be a family business, inviting someone from the family to come talk about products and how you tell what’s fresh, and you know, where you get the fresh food and whether it’s local, and, and all kinds of stuff like that you can turn it into a language, too. way, language lesson, because you can talk about the terminology and the recipes in their home language, and then translate them for the non native speakers or native English speakers, you know. So it’s of, of, I think, equal interest to everybody there. As opposed to being something that’s just really Anglo centric, which too many programs are

Unknown Speaker 50:30
right now. That’s what I’m trying to get away from.

Unknown Speaker 50:34
Yeah. Well, that that want to do that.

Speaker 1 50:41
So what next? Do we, what’s your pleasure? Should we just monitor? You know, what, they’re what? Ronnie just laid out for us? What about the idea of focus groups? Should we just let that go and let them handle it?

Speaker 5 51:03
I think that, to avoid duplication of effort, we should monitor what Ronnie said is already in the plan for 2024. And just he seems to have what your suggestion was already in place, and RV moving forward. So I think the best thing we can do is just keep that as being a report that we get anytime. You know, you come up with something new, you could just say, hey, as far as this, you know, subject here’s where we’re at. But I don’t think anything else is necessary. It sounds like conservative play.

Speaker 7 51:46
I would think that tonight calm again, to speak to

Unknown Speaker 51:50
sovereign. Yes. Okay, specifically

Speaker 7 51:53
to this issue. invaluable.

Unknown Speaker 51:57
Oh, she was great.

Speaker 8 52:00
Veronica, because we’ll talk more about what we’re doing here. Sorry, Veronica, our staff member. She’s been doing the programming here. So I think her insight would be very valuable. Yeah.

Speaker 3 52:11
And rock as well, as work as well. So as Robin mentioned, she has those connections, she has that relationship, she has that information. Right now she’s doing work with gallery, Bell, Robin cambiare. Free to hedge my historical knowledge. I know you’re working on this and running with it. I’m gonna work with you just to support you with information and how to make those connections as context to to help it grow. So we do have that resource that that historical knowledge inside of our building,

Unknown Speaker 52:47
may I ask you something?

Speaker 5 52:50
Do you see saying in the next, the beginning couple of months of 2024 would be a good time to have Veronica come in. And talk to us about this. So that we give you guys time to kind of start the ball rolling. If that’s what we’re looking towards, when these it would be a good time to be able to get a substantial analysis damn job, but a good solid report on how things are moving.

Speaker 3 53:21
I think February will be good point. And it will be raillery. Because Veronica will be able to work with Valerie to give her the knowledge she needs to grow program

Unknown Speaker 53:30
in the program.

Speaker 3 53:31
So I’d say February because that allows me personally building the best to gauge an actual timeline like we draw it up. But we need them to begin we want to go slow to go fast. become acclimated again, have that sense of support, not feeling overwhelmed learning at a rate that is manageable before they take over her programs. Right? I think February gave us a good idea of okay, well, new person has been in they’ve been here for 30 days, we’ve been here for a month. We we are anticipating in into February or early March to hand everything over to allow Valerie’s to just to be intentional and grow and expand programs. And this is what we’re envisioning is what we have in place. Focus groups. We’ve identified information we’ve already received conversations we’ve already had, and be able to give them accurate projection of timelines from

Speaker 5 54:29
there. And let me ask you, do you think March would be the better?

Speaker 3 54:33
March would be we’d have probably have have with there’s

Speaker 5 54:37
no need to rush this. There’s no need for us to

Speaker 3 54:41
report everywhere. Check in point wise we’d be like, Okay, well, this is where we’re at, and this is what they’re controlling.

Speaker 4 54:48
And along those lines, I’m thinking, I don’t know that we need to have a report every month. I’m thinking quarterly, quarterly because then that gives you time to say here’s what we’ve done over the last last three months, you know, rather than So, February, March, whatever you

Speaker 3 55:04
like to brag about my team. So when we have these new things coming up, I have no problem. Hey, just, you know, this is the progress we’ve made, or, Hey, this is where we were projecting things to be here. We’re really here. We evaluated in in one pullback.

Speaker 1 55:21
Okay, so our role done, like, I guess we just decided that our role is going to be out of just monitoring what they’re doing with quarterly reports basically agree with his approach. The objective is to penetrate the Hispanic community, in terms of whatever their needs are. Potential. But that’s the objective, right? We’re all on board on that. Marshall?

Speaker 6 55:49
Yeah, a couple of couple of things. First of all, in terms of quarterly is fine. Let’s let’s make sure that we don’t get our goals out of sync by making sure by talking about reports of this kind coordinate in the spring with the budget cycles so that the advisory function is possible. Because if we get a real report, right after it gets done with the budget, we don’t have any way to add ideas into the budget, or, you know, or discuss trade offs or anything like that. And that’s what an advisory board is supposed to be

Unknown Speaker 56:30
concerned about that too. Did I cut you off?

Speaker 6 56:34
Well, I had, I had a second, just to comment on language, which is, you know, penetrate the community is not what we’re trying to do.

Speaker 6 56:56
What time? What time is Becky scheduled to speak? I assume. Okay. But no, that that was my other support. But I do think we need to keep all our timelines and be mindful of all of our timelines.

Speaker 5 57:14
So just to clarify, we said March, would that be too late to do that? We moved up to February, February.

Speaker 4 57:23
Okay, that’s probably to give you an update before that, like to branch managers,

Speaker 5 57:30
you know, and just put it in there and how quick update is how it’s gone

Speaker 2 57:35
in March would not be too late. Really, the the budget requests have to be in during May. So it will allow you March, April, May there abouts to have those conversations

Speaker 5 57:48
does the case then I would think I would just like to send that

Unknown Speaker 57:53
we go back to March.

Unknown Speaker 57:53

Speaker 3 57:57
And I’ll probably still get an update in February. Right. Okay. Well, we could focus on

Speaker 1 58:03
February because, you know, maybe it’s not a big deal. To me, it’s a big deal. We’re supposed to put something in writing to the city council. And I know a lot of times I’ve just done the monitor the fingers down. But I’m trying to make it something worthwhile, you know, something that looked at and listen to, you know, better not only are they looking.

Unknown Speaker 58:24
But anyway,

Speaker 1 58:25
that’s what that’s why I keep saying it needs to be specific, unreasonable, practical, and that sort of thing. I guess part of what you’re saying is we need to get our stuff. We need to get our recommendation in motion before March. And that’s the vehicle that we have other than maybe, maybe Harold would come to another meeting like

Unknown Speaker 58:54
I requested for

Unknown Speaker 58:55

Speaker 5 58:56
Do we can we do a March meeting? I mean, could we do a March report and still be able to make recommendations to the budget?

Unknown Speaker 59:05

Unknown Speaker 59:06
that’s what you said in that. Okay. Yeah.

Speaker 5 59:09
I still think we should go back to having the March update because there’ll be more information and more quantitative as far as what you could report and we still have time to make any recommendation.

Speaker 6 59:23
And to answer Dave’s question, my recommendation from from care in the trenches is a report to council should be a presentation because otherwise people will not. You know, if something is just 15 pages in the packet, it might skim. So, yeah, it doesn’t need to be long but it should be there.

Speaker 4 59:54
What I have seen in the past is that so like the larboard video Same order sending like an action item to the council and get the report. Is that more effective?

Speaker 6 1:00:06
It’s the only thing that’s effective. Okay.

Speaker 1 1:00:09
Okay, so who should do that? Should it be someone like Jeff wanting me, somebody else who should do that?

Speaker 6 1:00:19
I think that we should work with Ronnie and Jeff, to make sure that the content is directed properly and and is within our scope than within, you know, is isn’t contrary to the managerial plans. But I think a new face is effective. And so we should have a board member do at least part of it.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:44
And I,

Speaker 4 1:00:45
I agree, because what I have seen is that a council member will ask a question, if you’re doing your presentation, which can always be answered by foreign member. Yeah. So it needs to be Ronnie, somebody will call in and help you.

Speaker 1 1:01:09
Well, some of the stuff we don’t need to decide today, but I guess we agree on our general direction.

Speaker 6 1:01:14
Sure. But I would just say, a board member stands up and this happens over and over and over again. What happens is somebody gets up and talks, the council starts asking questions, and the staff converges

Unknown Speaker 1:01:28
on right? Oh, yeah. Yeah, no, I mean, you’ve been lots

Speaker 3 1:01:33
of counsel. It’s scary. I do want to share her team is very excited that we are in a position to not only voice that we could be intentional in growing Spanish programs as a whole. And so the excitement, the energy is there, and in that space to be intentional with his work.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:01
So how many Spanish programs now?

Speaker 3 1:02:05
So we have, I got a look. And I don’t want to give any numbers. This is a report that I presented to the Board in May. And I think it was nine programs to my programs and 24 droplets. Okay, and so that was in comparison to 2007 where we left five spectrograms to apply and dropins voltage and then begin looking in or, or standard programs, right? From 80 to 100 EVs in same span of time. So again, there’s definitely the inequity of inequity in our in our programming, and that’s why we want to be intentional. Okay,

Speaker 1 1:02:54
everybody, okay. Everybody wants to make a motion? I don’t we don’t need a motion necessarily. A motion for anything. Okay. So

Unknown Speaker 1:03:05
February, February, we said March.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:08
I don’t really care.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:11
I’m still having the March will be identified focused on for more. I was saying was another concrete but more realistic timelines. Right. Sure. Right. Right. Well,

Speaker 1 1:03:27
we’ll have to have a report at a future date, February, March problem. All right.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:43
Do you want me to go I’m sorry, Jeff. So

Speaker 2 1:03:47
I know. Becky said that she was here for as long as we can. And

Unknown Speaker 1:04:07
how easy and quick is it to turn that off? He’s talking about

Unknown Speaker 1:04:11
get a car.

Speaker 2 1:04:12
So did ever does everybody have the PowerPoint that you could refer to right now? Yes, so they at least through the results

Speaker 9 1:04:40
Hello, I’m Becky Doyle and basically Director of Strategic integration. This is leading the army is our data and analytics manager. At the time, we helped to support this array we were the sum total of the data team. Since that we we to have some data analysts so we may be able to do some more I thought that was kind of interpretation of some of the results that we received. So you needed the army. Yes. Position Data and Analytics manager.

Speaker 9 1:05:23
First of all, thank you all so much for your support of the intercept surveys here. Overall, we got a really great response rate to, to this survey. We have been receiving requests response rate quite decide to survey of this nature. Really it was that good? Yes. Yeah. I think he was very

Unknown Speaker 1:05:43
impressed with the numbers.

Speaker 9 1:05:45
Yeah. Yeah, so really great. I think that really speaks to, you know, the strength of the community. And, you know, if you’re helping and doing some of that legwork. We did also try something new in this, where we also, we did a mailed component of the survey, which like, usually helps get a more statistically representative sample. In this case, we did not see great results from the survey. So that’s going to help us I think, as we think about how best to gather feedback from, you know, especially communities of particular interest, that that male survey was was bilingual, I think 10 surveys back into male to vanish. So we’re gonna have to reach specifically into those communities for great information, if we want that. So that’s, that’s an interesting thing. So the very first kind of graph here in the, in the PowerPoint is about the the distribution of the responses across the age categories. And these are the age categories from the census. So on the left is what our response distribution looks like. And on the right is what that census population distribution is, we talked a little bit about this kind of on the front end of like, how do we know how representative the sample is. And as you can see that 55 to 64 age group that we’re particularly interested in, is underrepresented in the sample. So what we did about that was, we waited some of the responses to account for that, to kind of make sure that we had as much of the 55 to 64 voice as, as we wanted to hear us and as is warranted by the population. Otherwise, I think the distribution is pretty good across across those age

Unknown Speaker 1:07:53

Speaker 9 1:07:56
So overall, great, obviously, great attendance. And part of that has to do with the fact that we did the intercept survey, but you know, the fact that we did get a lot of folks answering no to that question about whether they visited the senior center in the last 12 months, it’s we believe we have some some good coverage than what was really interesting. Then on slide four, there was the was that distribution, again, between age groups, where you have had split, are you in the 65 to 74, you have you know, that kind of 70%, attending 30% not attending, and it’s almost split enough to be by the 64, which is something that you all had unexpected to see. The hours. Right, but that was that was working. So then we also asked about, you know, what’s, what’s bringing you in today. Obviously, a lot of really wonderful programs, as you all have discussed, and those program items are really what what people are coming for, they’re coming for classes and workshops are coming for exercise and fitness. So that’s, that’s helpful. And I think really affirming as far as the approach that you’re taking, moving forward. So that’s next slide on six, and then again, on our studio five, and then on slide six. Again, that’s that’s broken down by age group. So you can see that there’s a little bit of a difference in terms of what programs people are attending. So, particularly for the 55 to 64 age range, there’s there’s less attendance at exercise and fitness. I think we could probably interpret that in a number of ways that could be that they’re even, you know, other other things, but you know, so this, this one is The reason that they’re currently attending it will also be, I think, helpful to look at the areas of interest as we move forward. So for 55, to 64, exercise and fitness is lower than the rest of the population. And then there was a slightly higher interest, or kind of uncharacteristically higher interest in special events. So as we think about like, kind of the lifecycle of a senior center participant seems like maybe special events are gonna start their their relationship, and then move to other classes and programs

Unknown Speaker 1:10:42
as that into the years.

Speaker 4 1:10:44
So I just have a question of clarification. When we’re seeing Meals on Wheels. does that actually mean the center’s luncheon? Yes. Not the Meals on Wheels? Not right.

Speaker 9 1:10:56
Not participation in the meals? Center? Yes. Why are they coming to the center? The actual Saturday? Yes.

Speaker 7 1:11:04
I have one more. I think you said it was slide five, and six reasons for attending. The Quran total that goes on are different.

Speaker 9 1:11:15
Yes. And that is because I think the top one is according to that population piece so that we can get the ranking? Correct. Whereas the one that is actually split out a actual? Actually, no, that’s too high. Maybe I had that reverse, I believe. So.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:43
And then slide seven, which is Question four,

Speaker 9 1:11:48
is about, you know, ranking, you know, that that ranking of interest in programs. So exercise, and fitness is kind of the number one like highest interest across the population, followed by, you know, dropping activities, classes and workshops. So, in fact, so interestingly, like across the population, there’s lower interest in special events. But that’s a good entry point for your typical types of supports that that might kind of help target marketing, or how do you go about that. So definitely some things of interest here. And extension that we weren’t able to get to in time for this was do this breakdown by age group for this, there’s just a lot here is it’s a ranking exercise, but that I think, could also be really helpful. Following that, we asked about barriers to participation, great news across that whole population, the most common response was I don’t have carriers, I can easily purchase. Again, that could be related to a little bit of a sample bias, because we had a really high percentage of intercept surveys here. But I think it’s really good news. And then right after that we see in our program types don’t match my availability. So which is great, because I think you all are working towards solving that problem. And also kind of talking about the rodents and awareness pieces that come with those. Similarly, the barriers are about 55 to 64 age range, and love the numbers off of this goes like this waiting, not waiting. We’ll get that age group. The number one barrier that that age group identified was the open hours program types, there certainly were a lot of comments about, you know, work schedules and things like that, that were happening. So and the other thing, the other difference that you see here is that I don’t consider myself a senior kind of pops up a couple spots in terms of writing. So that that’s maybe something to take a look at.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:18
I still don’t consider myself

Speaker 9 1:14:32
the other one that I think is interesting is that, you know, relevance goes down whereas in the kind of the overall population, there’s there’s that discussion of like, oh, yeah, these are relevant. This one really is ours and awareness. And so it’s how are we reaching that population in the first place?

Speaker 6 1:14:56
I would like to point out the programs are offered in my languages, the The very bottom. So maybe we need to focus on cultural diversity rather than language diversity. Although it could be that we’re not getting people here who have language barriers.

Speaker 9 1:15:14
And I think that is something that we see by thinking about the survey response you’re getting, like kind of that that, that sample versus population, I’m not sure that the the sample really reflected reflects the population in terms of language. So we may want to do focus groups or something.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:35
I know that the surveys that I handed out I had to in Spanish, so I don’t know. Yeah, that actually needed it, it’s

Unknown Speaker 1:15:55
just gonna

Speaker 5 1:15:56
say quick, I was glad to see this transportation was in California, I really liked that idea that that’s not keeping people from being us.

Speaker 1 1:16:07
Seems to be a really cool observation has done a couple of short surveys, we did one last about a year ago. And we did another one, but six months ago. And the results are that it wasn’t as structured as well as this one. But the results are similar. The kinds of things that people like, you know, classes, workshop exercise, you know, they’re always up there. And then like computer technology, technology, technology assessments in the lower half and anyway, the overall ranking, very similar between all of these even though this surveys are quite

Speaker 9 1:17:04
happy to help, you know, longitudinal work, vaccinations are pouring

Unknown Speaker 1:17:11
in focus groups.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:15
We got lots of folks volunteering for those focus groups.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:24
Any other questions?

Speaker 3 1:17:27
So the folks recorded with this practice is deplorable. Intentionally Okay, so that would be unpacking those things is, you know, is it a combination of programs awkward, amazing. News engineers unemployed for hours, apply for programs offered? Is it because it’s programs speak to 66 and older

Unknown Speaker 1:18:03
they also

Speaker 6 1:18:08
all coming back to the extended hours thing, which I think got more useful. We may be ready to take the next step with that if especially if you’re doing organizing additional surveys and focus groups. Which nights are better for extended hours or our for our weekends better for extending hours? Because then we can look at Alright, how much does it cost to extend ours? And those are all things that we’re going to want to know by April.

Speaker 3 1:18:48
Longevity Very good. Worked with Jeff to identify those costs. But now we’re looking at intentionality what days? Yeah, if that is the question, right? What days, tarps

Speaker 2 1:19:05
our proposal was to stay open until seven and then be open, at least to start with on Saturdays from like eight to four. And then depending on how well that went, then maybe future just to include Sunday or later.

Speaker 6 1:19:27
Or even early? Yeah. For even less than it’s hard to squeeze in, you know, I’m alright, I will admit to not doing anything at eight o’clock on Saturday. So it might be 10 to four would be plenty good.

Speaker 1 1:19:48
I just mentioned that we’ve done three or four surveys over the last year and a half or so. And all on programs. And have we ever done well Some services. And one more in detail like counseling or any of these, you can take any of those categories and break them down. But, you know, the legal, financial, and mental health and all all of the services. I’m not quite sure if I’ve ever seen anything quite done.

Speaker 3 1:20:20
And it’s okay. And I appreciate you saying that, because after seeing these, these results around programs specifically, that’s exactly where my mind went. Okay, this is fantastic information we got through school had such a great response. So we manage participants, how do we shift that to, to that specifically, right, those counselors support counseling services or resource support and support services as well as kind of seeing what the needs are there the what we can do to improve in those spaces, does that allow me to

Unknown Speaker 1:20:57
go back and

Speaker 3 1:21:01
should operate a position that already that doesn’t exist based on this information or request an additional person that already exists? In our physical

Speaker 1 1:21:12
mental health, on human health, you know, that’s a huge area, we need information on I know you I know you’re established as good fuel for nice to get some numbers.

Speaker 3 1:21:24
And that was my, that was gonna be my next ask is, is there any way to shift this towards that? What can that look like?

Speaker 1 1:21:33
This goes back to the issue of data collection to what we’ve talked about several times. That’s that’s another discussion. I’ve got some ideas on how we might approach that that’s another discussion

Speaker 7 1:21:48
I also add in this is not a criticism conducted I noticed from my experience handing out questionnaire forms one there was people were in a class and they came out and so 4560 We’ll do this but somebody is coming in for counseling or one on one very come out to them even if they want to fill this form out. They’re just one person so the getting a little bit of a virus I had several people who were looking for a solution J meet in the they looked at now this is the only time I come here but they weren’t included in the results. So I’m not sure what’s what’s the best way

Speaker 2 1:22:59
I don’t either. But people also had the opportunity online to fill out a survey as well so you didn’t even have to come here if you wanted to provide

Speaker 7 1:23:12
you said that there was deep recruitment yeah most of the online

Speaker 9 1:23:21
yes the male survey results were the low double digits

Speaker 7 1:23:27
in person and online person and online there

Speaker 9 1:23:31
was a fairly useless actually a lot of of online results

Unknown Speaker 1:23:44
it’s pretty easy

Speaker 5 1:23:44
to win I would stop people and ask them if they wanted to do it so they said Oh, I already got it online and I already did it or save didn’t I’m gonna do it and so I’m just gonna go on lines

Unknown Speaker 1:23:59

Speaker 1 1:24:02
anything else? Like there’s so much it was very good.

Speaker 5 1:24:05
Thank you very much. I really liked the results

Speaker 1 1:24:09
and you’re telling us Am I reflecting the feeling bored maybe we need information on services and

Unknown Speaker 1:24:24
I was like I was

Unknown Speaker 1:24:31
okay. suspects

Speaker 7 1:24:39
have been looking at housing issues and somewhat split it up. No one’s popular populations growing at some turn alarming rate. So we have now cleared the senior population which is the purposes of the 655 is growing at a faster rate than the general population 1/3. That long, dense population today is over 55. And the artists often cited population growth, growth of seniors over eight years old, on 244% increase by 2050 is worth bearing in mind even though base numbers for this projection are few and far between over 50% of Walmart, homeowners, Asia, the 55 and the percentage of all seniors who are homeowners is well it all sounds very prosperous, but there are still 25% of seniors over 55 who are either renters or living in some type of assisted living facility, while older homeowners often finds themselves still living with a mortgage to pay but now there’s only one income or surviving on inadequate income Social Security and small private pensions. So what is long look like for the seniors? Okay, why they have long wants affordable housing program describe the senior housing needs in the city as complex. Right Marsha. The city’s downpayment assistance program is popular and helpful for prospective homebuyers trying to get together a downpayment. Most loans fall into the zero payment bucket. But this does not help see it’s trying to stay in the home ownership and downsize improvements to difficulties that is not just because house prices have risen so dramatically in the last decade, that seniors lose their Homestead Property Tax Deduction they move in this is maybe the one bright spot the scene has been the complexity of Proposition H. H, the homestead exemption portable and tied to the property owner rather than the actual property. I have to say, after reading the complexities of H H. This is the one thing that popped out at me, that’s the one thing that will make you vote for it. So where does that leave seniors for renting or who decide that you’d leave the property market and rent instead, they find along with younger renters that rents have also increased exponentially. monthly payments for even modest apartments are now in the 12 to $1,500 range. And now we get into the world of affordable or attainable housing and h i which is median housing, household income, rental place vouchers, and the FHA loan and I will review research and report. This is the third quarter there will be more complex

Speaker 5 1:28:03
than we started to meet with people. We met with three different representatives of Japan area of housing, we met with I met with four people here from the city center.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:14
Sheila met with

Speaker 5 1:28:17
you know, I guess we both we met with Alice from hope. And we also met with Kaylee from the city.

Speaker 7 1:28:24
And I have some email contact with somebody.

Speaker 5 1:28:29
And we’re also going to be meeting with Molly as soon as she can kind of fit it into a schedule. But right now one of the people there is on medical leaves. So she’s kind of taken over that too. So she’s kind of busy. But this is an ongoing thing for us going up looking to hurry up and get. We just wanted to start the process. I met with Veronica Melissa and Amy from the senior center. And the big thing we heard from everybody is more affordable housing if needed in Monmouth. Another thing we heard is more assistant affordable assisted living housing visit

Speaker 6 1:29:08
since most well, you know leave that historically and in almost dogmatically the lhsaa has stayed away from assisted living because that’s Medicare Medicaid. And now that we have some current fakers focused on the problem now the LA j is kind of thinking el maybe we need a public option for assisted living but that’s just working just to the human chromosome. So the answer we have right now is no the city slash bail ha doesn’t offer anything for assisted living. And that’s one of the reasons why there are some cultural, cultural problem looks at the senior housing because people are hanging on to their senior housing and they really assisted living because they can’t afford it.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:08
Right. Since most of the housing

Speaker 5 1:30:13
in the last 10 years has been built for seniors from college, a new building will be geared towards family, single people and housing the unhoused. I’m getting a message here. And some seniors will be able to get into some of the new housing. It’s not strictly non seniors, seniors. So my computer’s doing secondary function here, just one moment, your

Speaker 5 1:30:53
eligibility for affordable housing is set with different tiers based on AMI, average median may come affordability is a relative term, what’s affordable for a working person would be different than what’s affordable for seniors. And I’m gonna go through a few the quick issues that we discuss.

Speaker 5 1:31:19
Affordable housing for seniors, people 55 to 62 years old, and the unhoused. And what they’re finding is people who are 55 to 62, are also becoming a noticeable population needing housing, they’re finding that their apartments are getting too expensive. Sometimes they lose a spouse, so they only have one income coming in. So it’s not just seniors 62. It’s working people who are older, and their life changes as caught has caused them to have to redo their housing situation.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:57
I’m really sorry about this computer, you guys.

Speaker 5 1:32:09
Okay, I’m going to try to remember what they said. So, if people have their homes, and they have what’s called the home, paper, there’s this advantage, people wanting to age at home, can they afford extra character need to bring it into their home? And can we cover expenses like possible mortgage payment when income changes, property taxes, maintenance, accessibility modifications to their home, so they may own their home, and they may not even have a mortgage. But if they start running into problems with property taxes going up, and modifications needed to be done on their home, then that’s that’s running into their income, too, that’s running into the problem with their grandparents raising grandchildren. What they find here is that different levels of help is needed. Different level of help is needed for a grandparent, as opposed to the child who’s living with the loss of spouse or partner loss of income to probably meet and possibly needing to take over running the household. So could be the person who did all the chores, all the tasks and running the household tasks. And then the other spouse has to take over, not only paying the bills, but making sure the taxes are paid, and all that sort of thing when they’re not even aware how to do it. People renting for many years have their home sold, and they can’t find affordable replacement. for that. I’m going to address that at the seniors who own homes and get benefits like the homestead will lose them if they sell their home. So they would have to wait, you said five to 10 years for it to be reactivated if they move to a new place. It’s

Unknown Speaker 1:34:00
it’s a complete reset.

Speaker 5 1:34:02
Right? And how long tenure? So the question is seniors who own home, know if they sell their home to downsize, they’ll have to find a reasonably priced replacement, which is not a lot of inventory longer. And we’ll have to navigate the question of what to do with the money made on their sale of the original home mobile homes or have some restrictions on what they can sell or if they can sell depending on their age. But what I was told was because they do start depreciating right away. But what I was told was people were surprised because of the demand that they can sell their mobile home for higher than they expected. When they go to sell it they find out that they’re actually going to make more than they realized because of the fact that people are finding that an affordable alternative to housing to when they sell their own home, or when they need to find another rental. But again, replacement home homes also always have. And the biggest shame is that people who have spent their careers working for long been supporting its growth, keeping it clean, keeping its citizens supplied with full fuel, food resources to help the city grow, are now finding their long term rentals are being sold, or their rent is now out of range. So the very people that helped to bid Bill one month now cannot afford to stay here to retire, they must move away from the community that they helped to build. And that was the biggest shame that I got out of the whole meeting was the people who worked hard for long stayed here, they had great landlords who rent a decade after decade didn’t do a lot of the rent increases, what a landlord passes or sells the home, and everything goes in flux, you know, they don’t know who’s gonna own it, they don’t know what’s going to be charged, the low rent is no longer an option. And they’re forced to move away from the area just to retire, because they can’t afford to live where they worked their whole lives. That’s it. That’s my report.

Speaker 4 1:36:20
That I think is critical. And it has kind of an eye opener when it comes to so much under housing as daycare, adult daycare, because that would be a tremendous help to everybody. And right now, I think we have maybe one your church was called the big post or something like that. So I think that we experienced that ourselves. But I think that that’s something that needs to really be looked at.

Speaker 1 1:36:50
You know, I listen to this, as good information, good report. I just feel overwhelmed

Unknown Speaker 1:37:00
with how many people exactly when

Speaker 1 1:37:06
I just listened to what, what are we going to do? You know, just my reaction. I don’t honestly know how much it really is, because the board can do it. And in the whole scheme of things, except direct people to the proper sources that your resource specialists are already are already doing that thing. They know that resources in the community. So I don’t, I’m frustrated.

Speaker 6 1:37:48
I think that that information gathering is the value that this word brings, you know, some of those things were useful to some ideas that I’ve been thinking about not just in the context of seniors particularly but a probably one of the reasons that rents are going up, you know, are pegging at the top of what the market will bear is because rental, single family rental properties are the latest venture capital target. And so I’ve been thinking about policy changes that Longmont can make that would discourage corporate buyers from investing in Long Island. Now, it’s illegal to just pass a statute that says outside corporate investors can’t buy our houses, they get out there. There are federal laws that say you can’t do that. But deed restrictions are a tool. And so perhaps if the city offered favorite financing, the kala deed restrictions so that either local local landlords or local homeowners could could get money from the city to improve their property. And then if they sold the property, it would come with a deed restriction that says you have to be either owner occupied or you have to be a resident of long locked if you’re a landlord, and that’s linkable. So information of that sort situational stuff that we can capitalize on to the policies that would that would tend to depress rents and keep things local, are something that we can that that we as people who experience and talk to people who are experiencing these problems, that’s a big deal. And in lanita, you know in your talk you you have several more points of over this is a way we could stick a deed restriction to that property, because it does not hurt a senior who wants to stay in the house to have a deed restriction. It may hurt their children. But you know what? Those kids are grown

Unknown Speaker 1:40:14
around the worry about it. Yeah.

Speaker 4 1:40:19
Well, Nashville right now with affordable and attainable housing. Places Seoul does not have to fill rebate. And of course,

Unknown Speaker 1:40:28
that’s what a deed restriction does.

Speaker 4 1:40:30
But isn’t that being looked at in some instances, as they’re not putting a deed restriction on some of those?

Speaker 6 1:40:38
Well, there’s, I say, I’m using deed restriction a little bit loosely, first of all, so deed restriction has a really precise meaning. And there are other other ways of, of attaching conditions to what happens to the property, you know, so income qualification to take over either to buy or to come in next renter? You know, you have to be income qualified for this amount of time. And often, we call it a deed restriction, because if the city has a lien of some sort on it so that it comes past the administrative stuff, because you know, I could rent my upstairs and there’s no, there’s no statutory transaction at all. But, but if there’s a lien on the property that generates, so does that answer your

Speaker 4 1:41:37
question? It seems to me that what I’m seeing is that, okay, so I bought it bought an affordable house, I have to sell that at an affordable price, but the next person in there may not have to abide by that may have the option to go market value at that point. So then we are doing affordable housing into perpetuity. We’re doing affordable housing, just certain point. And then those are things I’ve seen talked about, and I’m just wondering, how do we keep it for right and attainable? And it

Speaker 6 1:42:08
was right? Yeah. So the city is really just dipping its toe into attainable housing, and most of our affordable housing is rental. So you know, that was a lot easier, because it has to stay in the affordable, passes to income qualified, it’s easier with rentals. But yeah, we’re now discussing that. And I don’t think that that there’s a huge amount of settled statutes right now. And honestly, I’m not entirely sure. So this is like a report that I can go back and others. Lottie,

Speaker 5 1:42:49
I just want to say to when we’ve approached people to talk to him, we’ve let him know that we are information gathering, we just want to find out as much information as he can. And being the type of person I know I am, it’s very frustrating, because I can’t look at something and say, Okay, let’s head in this direction. To solve this. Let’s try to figure out ways to solve this, this is such a bigger issue. We’re not looking for saw, you know, to solve issues, we’re not even looking to make recommendations, we’re looking defect. And we’re looking to put a good comprehensive list together of the things that we find are needed in Walnut are the problems. When I was speaking to the Senior Center, resource specialists, they all said the same thing, they end up putting people on waiting lists. And that’s very frustrating to them, because they can’t always get someone into a place immediately when they need. It’s very rare for them to be able to do that. They have to go through the process. And what I’m starting to think is, let’s find out how we could make that process shorter, you know, we can do something, let’s find out if there is anything, but we are fact finding. And we’ve told them that, you know, our ideas just to find out all the different areas of housing, not just affordable, but all the different areas of housing hearing longer and and then be a good source of information if nothing else. So

Speaker 1 1:44:21
my next question is going to be what are you planning next? You just answered the question.

Speaker 7 1:44:30
Mark, you are talking about federal restrictions on what can be done. And that was something that the Affordable Housing section or some financial assistance programs for housing that are federal. I’m suing federally funded, but also under federal regulations, and she said if we could find a way to do that At the state level, or even the local level, that would give more freedom to help people in the local community. With federal oversight of federal rules to fire, it’s very difficult to do to be creative and to move quickly to solve immediate problems in our city. So that’s something we’re looking at.

Speaker 1 1:45:25
Okay, so look forward to another report. With your additional facts, or lane, you have any word you want to get up to last,

Speaker 4 1:45:42
just just a couple of famous laws, because that micro transit bus, I think, is something that we still need to continue to advocate for. As far as it being available for not only seniors, but also low income families or anybody in town, it does need to be reasonably priced on this micro channel. And I think we’re still looking at 2024 for that to start. So any way that we can, we can advocate for the city to say, okay, you can write for $1, you can rent for $2 chicken right free, which would be wonderful. I think we need to advocate on that. As far as cross lines go for people trying to go across, I have noticed, and I’ve never noticed this before, but I noticed it that it’s called traffic stops, and then the light turns to the little person before traffic goes again. And I thought you know, that’s kind of neat, because it gives you the chance to start going across the street before traffic is going. So I had not noticed that. I noticed that some of the street lights Yeah, new software. Okay. Yeah. Is that is really, that is really neat. So I’ve seen that’s more user friendly. Yeah. street sign, of course, you know, that’s gonna be forever, I guess, the trademark, of course, still, you know, advocate for quiet zones. And getting getting people to city services. How can we do that? Now I thought about something. And I thought if we could find volunteer drivers. And we can find a volunteer bus. So what this is, you guys, were here last week? Last time. We have people that ask us, How can we get to some of these city events take a lot in the summertime, on the weekends, when there’s no buses available, you know, as far as vs to do it and all that right, Gigi probably doesn’t matter where they are. And so if we could get and I know some of the drivers for via, if they would be willing to say volunteer their time to do this. Could we give us could we get a senior center bus or recreation vest or something? If the people up at some of the different places, take them to these and pick them up again. So that’s just something I’ve been, I’ve been thinking about. Anyway, that’s, that’s pretty much where, let’s go, let’s

Unknown Speaker 1:48:06
let’s pursue that a little more.

Speaker 5 1:48:11
We discussed that kind of in the last few weeks a little saying that the fact that the recreation bus and Senior Services plus really with no formatting options available for them.

Speaker 3 1:48:25
Jeff said that he pressured me to look into that for the city city vehicles be operated by city staff.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:33
It couldn’t be volunteer.

Speaker 4 1:48:37
So you’re saying the city staff could no volunteer their services that day? They

Speaker 3 1:48:41
would just have to be separated via staff members you’re in you’re right. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:50
That’s hard. You have to ask city staff members to volunteer their time to get them repeat hoops

Unknown Speaker 1:48:58
to jump through

Speaker 6 1:49:05
you’ve got a lot of specific subtle suggestions we can work with. Okay, so So, excuse me, I’m sorry, but I just got a couple of transit organizations. A black is the one that comes to private so it might be worth approach and to see if they would volunteer a bus driver

Unknown Speaker 1:49:41

Speaker 6 1:49:44
you know, some sort of consideration like ad free advertising and the guy

Speaker 5 1:49:51
you know, finish. Yeah, yeah. They don’t eat buses at the end of every year. And buses in nature. and over, they donate them to organizations to have seen where there’s a call for people to, to apply, apply and to have another, you know, apply for another organization to recommend another organization. So they are civic minded, and they are community minded. So that may be absolutely right.

Speaker 4 1:50:22
And their services, but that is something that I thought about was them because their drivers would be off

Speaker 1 1:50:32
roading. At our last meeting or between you and I, I said, you deserve more time for the manager.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:43
That’s okay, nice. You got some

Unknown Speaker 1:50:46
funds yours.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:47
And that’s the whole purpose. A

Unknown Speaker 1:50:48
lot of those we’ve talked about.

Speaker 3 1:50:51
We’ve covered a lot of these organically. And that’s why I am okay, putting it out in advance. Everybody has chest view. And as I always say, don’t have any questions no one, if not, then I can just say some key points. So I’m okay with seven to 10. Because the report is out there for you to read at your own convenience as well. And I prefer these conversations, compensations right versus just things like that. So we do have a posted a part time position for our office assistant, Becky Milner, Rebecca Miller has resigned her position. So Becky was with us for and helps us out, on average on it 10 hours a week, I’m sorry, 10 hours a month. For a regular setting shifts to cover our staff meetings. And if somebody’s out, or taking vacation time, she’s able to, we’re able to plan her schedule to come in and cover. So she resigned her position for her own reasons. And so we have posted that position, it’s up right now. So we’re looking fill that vacancy. And we’ll be posting our new renovation program position within the next week or so. That’s we were discussing the hope is to have a posted here within the next week or so to set up interviews for students separately, we’d have all of November to have this is posted this position post quality candidate we’re not going to rush it, you know, we’ll be just like all of our, our my hires that we’ve made very intentional or open that we have qualified candidates to get rid of December. With the help of the January 2 Start date, you post

Speaker 1 1:52:34
your positions internally within the city. First, we’re going to do everything simultaneous externally. And

Speaker 3 1:52:43
with that, to deal with anything right. We have set up advisory board interviews. I don’t work for seven Lon a&r will be participating in the interview process with Jeff. So we’re set up is identified date and times for five, five applicants Wow rotary five applicants to go through for the C sharp or visual art or art so they’ll be helping out with the interview process. And as for our friends board are currently working with our with our friends board to identifier to actually work budget so they gave me our dollar amounts on just identifying the line items. And what’s what it is we’re not getting to those sliders presented that said executive board last Friday going into the November we just presented a whole board have a word review and then we’ll move into December were

Unknown Speaker 1:53:55
fine, finalizing our budget et Cie l plan and some point in time we will be addressing the heat mitigation report so don’t have that right now. But we’ll be dressing that here

Speaker 1 1:54:11
thank you for forwarding that to me by the way. I did talk to Zach about it. It’s gonna be it’s gonna be more of a

Unknown Speaker 1:54:22
complex and it is complicated.

Speaker 3 1:54:28
As mentioned, we’re moving to opt for first of all are new goes out, or December through February just came out last week. A new feature that our program team has offered in there is the addition of the walkthrough operability scan. So identifying the little difficulty for each trip. Something that has not been featured allows our patients to who are interested in these specific trips to take a look at it to see if it’s based off of the amount of momentum Have difficulty and if that’s something that they want to register for. And so that’s a really neat addition into our into our bill. And then also, we advertise that we’re moving trip check into Ashley Street Station starting in December. Our program team already also had the essentially poor kickoff program pick up me, where they started generating ideas for trips, and programs for 2024. So they have a great goal of programming things that I can, of course, have done some pieces here, there, they feel that a lot of our trips have been recycled for an extended period of time, and have a goal of introducing Close to close to, of course, taking the ones that are pretty popular trips that will say, Black Hawk trips, right? Here are those things consistent, or close to 100%. Improvements from 2024. To have, through their experiences have a plethora of great ideas that they’ve implemented in the past or have seen successful, different with different organizations who want to bring opportunities for our center. So they’re doing that work and already have generating those ideas for work. Again, like bragging on our team and just seeing seeing the direction you’re going, what we how long they work together. So a lot of fun stuff. Tonight, and I won’t read up again, any questions for anything on a report?

Speaker 7 1:56:40
I had sent you an email, because I was not on the engineering community. The ordinary members can have copies of the applications is that

Speaker 3 1:56:53
I have to look into that one logistically. I don’t know. I think everybody outside of that, even though

Unknown Speaker 1:57:01
it’s part of our boards,

Speaker 3 1:57:04
hiring or for the interview committee specifically, can have access to those. So I’ll look out look into that and get back to you.

Speaker 7 1:57:12
I understand if it’s not okay to do that.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:15
Right. So I just want to make sure.

Speaker 5 1:57:18
If not, could they could everybody get a list of names of the people that apply?

Speaker 3 1:57:26
Same question. Okay. Are we allowed to publicize that running right now, so I have to table with it for that.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:37
Time, so I can just drag and drop things together, I can see them together.

Speaker 3 1:57:49
Appreciate that. I appreciate the support from our advisory board. Specifically, it’s I appreciate the feedback, appreciate the support, I appreciate my ideas. And a lot of great things come out of this. And I’m very thankful for that. I skipped to say something quick, sorry, one

Speaker 5 1:58:10
of the things that I’m really caught me was, I’m impressed with the steadiness of what you’re doing. The incremental isation idea is just fantastic. Because you’re doing everything slowly and methodically intentional. And it just it, it allows everything to be to come out flush everything out as you’re moving, and you’re not jumping to decisions and then finding out where you missed the boat for things to work out or didn’t weren’t made aware until after, you know, you’re way ahead of it. You’re not doing things so nicely and clearly and intentionally not in love. incremental innovation, idea, incremental wisdom, incremental ism.

Unknown Speaker 1:58:59
I love that.

Speaker 5 1:59:02
I want to compliment you on how things are going. We talked about how you doing the slow and steady but to see it in action.

Speaker 1 1:59:11
You get craps on times when you start off that way. looks out the sheriff.

Speaker 3 1:59:19
Okay, and I appreciate that. Thank you. And I feel one of my greatest strengths and curse at the same time is is the attention to detail, but being able to evaluate systems and structures to identify areas of improvement but using that, that’s focusing on the detail to put it into action. So of identifying overall goals, objectives and timelines and all these little details that come into that to see it come to life is internet to me, it’s a strength but I always call it a curse, right because I always wondered about themselves right? And I appreciate that. Thank you very much.

Speaker 5 2:00:02
It gives me a feeling of confidence to know that if you’re doing something, you’re handling these things, you’re covering these things as you’re moving forward. Right. And that as a new member, it’s nice to know that things are being done. So.

Speaker 1 2:00:16
So well, tables for just a second, I want to go back to the item I added to the agenda, which was elect secretary. And I just wanted to point out we never did, and we have no secretary. And that’s because Rob and his staff have helped us out as far as keeping minutes but that’s not the only duty of a secretary although it’s just mean that keep track of correspondence like we probably shouldn’t help them. But at this late date, myzel wait until January, we’re

Unknown Speaker 2:00:53
members, maybe somebody

Speaker 1 2:00:57
would like to say something about if you want to be an officer, President, Vice President, Secretary. So do I have a motion for adjournment? Yes. Okay, so it’s like a secondary adjourn in favor say aye. Aye. All right.

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