Senior Citizens Advisory Board – August 2023

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Senior Citizens Advisory Board – August 2023

Speaker 1 0:00
That’s executive. All those in favor say aye.

Unknown Speaker 0:04
Aye. All right, sorry, who second? I got a second. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 0:11
you can sit up here for the approval of the previous month’s minutes. Anybody got a copy as soon as anybody have corrections or additions to the minutes?

Speaker 1 0:27
Going once. All right, nobody has any changes to the minutes. Motion to approve them.

Unknown Speaker 0:35
And listen to your for

Speaker 1 0:37
your lane. Oops, and seconds. Any discussion? All in favor? Say hi. Hi. Any opposed? Motion carried unanimously. Public? Is there any public here to be heard? All right. In the interests of our guests will stick the old business right now. And we’ll go to the senior transportation needs wonderful folks with introduce yourselves and tell us about your office and so forth.

Speaker 2 1:11
So my name is Ron, I’m the transportation planning manager with the city’s long term, long range planning facility. We also work a lot with transit. So I’m joined by Angel bond who’s in the back, and she works with Boulder County, and she’ll introduce herself as well. And I think really, mostly comments and questions that you had really related to what angel is doing currently in her programming. So she’s got a lot of great information for you, I’m gonna present real quickly up front. And sorry, counselor, Martin, that you’ll get to see this a couple times. But now we’ll talk a little bit about micro transit, what that is, and what that means for the senior population, and a whole population for the city. So it’s not, it’s not relegated to just one serving the entire city. So with that, I’m going to go through a quick presentation. If you guys have any questions, let me know, we can stop anytime I really want to turn over to Angel and get her to introduce herself to you as far as promoter county after this is not really talked about the other needs, you have thought of the body sentence. So you always ask what is micro transit? It’s a great question, because it’s kind of a silly term, almost like a small little mini buses around town, it is actually a system of four to six vans, they can hold six passengers each can use an app on your telephone on your smartphone, or you can call the service. And the idea is that within 30 minutes from making the request for your ride, Uber Lyft type system but but it’s ordinated and more unified than that will actually be able to come and pick you up near your location where you’re trying to get the transit service, like with a block of your location, and then Tiki within 30 minutes to get you to your destination. So pretty excited about that idea. And this has been trying to drive in many different cities around the United States. And actually laundry as an example. I’ll talk about that later, too. But it has been it is something it’s not just us trying something brand new, that hasn’t been tried to do something that’s

Unknown Speaker 3:30
out there. So it’s not door to door.

Speaker 2 3:33
You can be but it typically is not. This is like an intersection Tour, where intersection to your location. So there’s some walk involved, if necessary, but these lands do also accommodate services. So they are immediately accessible.

Unknown Speaker 3:52
Okay, so far would they have to walk?

Speaker 2 3:55
Well, that’s a great question. I mean, I think it’s based on your mobility. And what you what you can do below the trend to do is get people to kind of get grouped in one location. So they can do a group pickup or pick up people in general, same location. So you don’t have an empty or one person in the van only you have a number of people using that service. So it isn’t like transit. And that’s transit piece of that. It’s not just individual, it’s trying to group rides, and you may have to stop along the road to pick other people up. So it’s not just you going for where you get picked up directly to where you’re going. It could be you get picked up and pick up some other folks and you drop off some other folks within within 30 minutes you should be able to get to your destination. So little bit sharing with us.

Unknown Speaker 4:47
Can we get a copy of your presentation?

Speaker 2 4:49
Absolutely. Yes. So, why why micro transit? Why micro transit? Sorry, the slides in Come because this guy. Really dynamic system really can adapt to different conditions. So there’s a lot of different things they can do. They can, you know, based on demand, you can add shuttles and illusions if the demand is low, that can come to other places you can share with other cities or other towns. So it’s dynamic that we’ve been trying to figure out how to like, share some of these resources so that we’re not taking on the entire lift on the system. It’s very similar to our bus shelter program, we contract out to a vendor or private party vendor. And they basically take care of the system, you pay them to do that. It’s all what they call turnkey. So the vendor does all the work, we, we sit back, and we administer that work, and we make sure that they get paid. And if there’s any complaints, we certainly take those and pass them on to the vendor. But it’s really the city kind of stepping back and administering the program having that kind of control that we more control than RTD has from their central location, I think in Denver, that’s my opinion. And so we would have more control over it, but we wouldn’t be putting it over to a third party. So we we control that level and location services. Obviously, we have to pay people so we pay for that level of service, but you can see kind of how it goes. And if it’s going well. You can talk about increasing resources and how it gives better service to folks or if it’s too much coverage in too much supply and not enough demand. And we can reduce it to additional costs. Again, there’s these existing microfinance models, sort of cities very similar to that don’t have many nurses that are smaller in size, less than 5000 people, typically around 120,000 people. And so we’ve seen that this has been very successful. So what are we doing right now?

Speaker 3 7:08
This, this may be a question that you’re going to answer. But what do these vehicles look like? What do they say on them?

Speaker 2 7:15
Well, they can say whatever we’d like we can we can build it out. Oh, yeah, this does not exist. Mama, thank you. That’s good to know, does exist in Walmart, I’ll just explain how it exists in Walmart. What we do is we have these current transit services in our TV does a lot of the service. Again, based in downtown Denver, we pay them sales tax, we also buy up local service, they provide the fixed routes, that are the locals and regionals, locals are currently free access arrived at something they have to provide in tandem with the work in coordination with the fixed ride, because it’s a requirement that they provide ADA accessible service within a certain distance. And that just becomes the whole city at this point. So they provide that accessorize. But you have to qualify for that service. And I think a lot of people know that, that that’s kind of a tough one to have to qualify for. Because you do have to go down to I think it was usually we bridge, I think it still is like little is a little further away. I don’t know, if you know,

Speaker 4 8:22
we’re, it’s pretty much three quarters of a mile from all of our TV service. To qualify where you know, you have to go to Denver, I can talk

Unknown Speaker 8:29
a little bit about that. We’ll talk more about

Speaker 5 8:33
that’s kind of contradictory, isn’t it? I mean, if you’re, if you’re disabled, you have to go.

Speaker 6 8:39
They’ll come and pick you up, they’ll pick you up, you go down to that office to talk to people and get called.

Unknown Speaker 8:47
I can talk about that a little bit more.

Speaker 2 8:50
Also, RTD provides flex right service, which is very similar to this what we’re talking about local bike like one to two vehicles, typically it’s a two by one vehicle in a day. So that’s a one or two vehicles trying to make all these trips so they don’t have that responsiveness that we’re looking for.

Unknown Speaker 9:11
What’s the difference between Flex Route and accessory?

Speaker 2 9:15
Anybody I could go out there right now and I did I did call or get on my phone. Hail a flashlight service. But you would always say you’ve got like four hours for that service. But you know, I could get service and accessorize write something right after qualify for it, then I have to stop that right. The answer is a

Speaker 1 9:38
senior center involved in this having given up staff coordinating any of this versus directly between

Unknown Speaker 9:45
we’re consumers.

Speaker 2 9:46
But we work with the Senior Center as part of the city team. So we would work with Lonnie and others to figure out how to make this best work. So as we’re talking through the micro transit system, we can do this but we’ve tried to provide the resources that rather today, an angel does a great job to of getting those resources to the senior center into the youth centers. And the schools.

Speaker 1 10:08
There’s a focal point in the scenes where we don’t want

Speaker 7 10:12
to give out the information. But it can be used as a place where people can catch the ride. So it can be a sight,

Speaker 2 10:21
it’s also a destination. So a great destination for a number of folks trying to get yours. Now, there’s via which we provide a yearly payment to they do paratransit only service. So they always provide service for older adults, and people with disabilities. So that’s, that’s mutual. No, we also have transfer, which is a service from Fort Collins, we give them a yearly payment as well to pay for portion of their services that they provide to Walmart, they provide that regional flex bus. And it goes basically, we can only get it from one month to four columns and back, but it also provides service to older. And with them being free, I think some people are taking advantage of that service without they’re not supposed to. But the bolt is really supposed to provide that service. That’s over here, the regionals. So those are kind of those things. And then what we’re trying to do with micro transit is really is really consolidate what’s happening with the Flex, right and really, basically beef it up, make it better. And we talked RTD, and we’re working with a program right now we’ll talk more about the student, we’re working in partnerships, get some dollars from RTD. And saying, they have to take some of this stuff over for you, we can both benefit by you saving money and getting a steal some of the money that you would have spent on the program and put it into our new micro training service. And we’re trying to do that, and really go from calling rides with one or two vehicles to call to a broader economy more fun.

Speaker 5 11:49
And so Phil, you and I have been in discussions with someone who have pretty profoundly disabled older adults who had been using VR because that’s what Medicare Medicaid pay for it and was being turned away or being kept on the phone for an hour, things like that. And she switched over flex, right and has had no problems since she was here. I don’t know, because I don’t see how she would ever have gotten down to Denver to sign up for assessment. And she’s insists she was using fear. So I think it was from there, because she certainly qualifies for that as well. But I still am interested in in knowing what what effective service levels we’re getting out of those. And if and specifically on this on a micro transit plan, whether there will be some sort of qualification where people who are disabled enough don’t have to make it to a block away, where it can be picked up, or

Speaker 2 13:09
something we can work into our contract before Microsoft, the company.

Speaker 3 13:14
So the people using these services, have to call each of the individual services to get things scheduled and to find out more information. I mean, what makes it easy for somebody that has some kind of cognitive issues, to use these services?

Speaker 2 13:32
Right? I mean, what we’re trying to do is work with a third party provider that would allow for people with just the issues that you’re talking about to be able to access the system. So we don’t want it to just be a phone app, or call on a phone, but we need it to be broader and make sure it also

Unknown Speaker 13:48
doesn’t exist right now. Is that what you’re saying? Well, I

Speaker 2 13:50
think it does, to some extent, but probably not to the level. And maybe we can talk more about that as well. But what we’re really trying to do is work the micro transit to be more flexible, more accessible, so that anybody can use it.

Speaker 5 14:07
So So Phil, I think you didn’t maybe make the context clear. This slide is what we have now, which is a collection of services that do overlap in terms of who they serve us. And what the different I’m transport doesn’t overlap with anything.

Speaker 2 14:24
But we will call you and call them and you would call our accessorize flicks, right? And via each models, you’d have to call kind of separately because they’re all separate systems.

Speaker 5 14:35
And nobody has to call the fixed routes or transport branches.

Speaker 7 14:42
So you may have said this, and I missed it. This thing that you’re proposing is strictly long run. So if I wanted to go somewhere other than long run, it would not apply.

Unknown Speaker 14:58
It would take you to a service no for you.

Speaker 3 15:04
It’s confusing. It’s really confusing. But what we’re trying to imagine how confusing it is for the consumer. It’s not available now

Unknown Speaker 15:13
in New micro trends

Speaker 8 15:20
Yeah. So what’s the next thing?

Speaker 2 15:27
So we just started that we’ve we’ve applied for this partnership program, I talked a little bit about it. It’s we’re doing extended services. $600,000 is the maximum you can ask for. And this is the first year of the program. So I’m trying to work with RTD to really get this thing off the ground for Walmart.

Speaker 7 15:45
So I have a question. Because I remember seeing this when you presented to the council, the 600,000 is total for the entire thing. I mean, we wouldn’t get that because other places could apply for that as well. Well, is that correct? It’s 2 million for the

Speaker 2 15:59
entire district. Okay, the RTD, the Regional Transportation District, which is seven counties, so

Unknown Speaker 16:08
600 bucks?

Unknown Speaker 16:10
Yes, yeah, yeah, we are competing with some other folks.

Speaker 1 16:12
Sorry, I missed that. 600 600 for the whole project of which we are apart.

Speaker 2 16:19
Boulder County, we’ll get six, we get somewhere up to $600,000. That’s the most we can get. But I didn’t find a number of folks that are applying for it. Yeah, we were in competition with a few folks. But we talked about a role good. The staff all kind of gets along. And so we’ve been working it out to figure out where we can move the shelves, you know, and get the biggest thing. Right now I’ll be honest with you, My proposal is scoring one of the highest in the region. So great. They really like the dollars that we’re bringing to, you know, the matching dollars that we’re bringing to, hopefully we’ll keep those in the budget, and we’ll see what happens, but noon today. So those are the things that are going on right now, kind of ions, which I shall let you know, to at this scale, hard to read. But RTDs is changing their fare structure for next year, which is a wonderful news, because we’ve been we’ve been really working to provide the right free bus system in Walmart, right pretty long line to the local for the locals and we we pay for that writing, it’s not free, really, it’s good to the consumer, but it’s costing us something what we do is we buy up that service, and is provided free to the public. If we can eliminate some of that. And really the reason why we did that with boulder counties in partnership with Boulder County was to prove to RTD the fares were impediments ridership. And we proved it couple times over so we feel good about that. But just to let you know that the fares are changing, so the current version $3 for a local bike goes to 150 if you’re if you’re if you can apply for if you can get the discount fare, which anybody over 65 can do. There’s also a low income version also available. And then there’s some other discounts or ways to get the discount there. But basically $3 And then half of that, for the discount 525 to get the regional like if you were to an older everything’s a regional out of town. So everybody’s out of town as a regional except for the flex bus deployed to Fort Collins, that’s not our buses to Denver buses, the boulder would count is that 525 or 260 if you get the discount, and then 1050 or 525 to get to the airport. So under Archie’s proposals, Canada’s next for the youth and and it will be free for 23 and 24. So that we’re going to try that out and see how that works. That’ll start with the school year. So that’s great. So we’ll start in late August, and we’ll start single speaker so we already know the local buses already free so I’m not sure we’re trying to figure out how this is going to affect students. Maybe coming from outside, you know, from Boulder and Denver, but the reduction of fares also from anybody else writing would be 275 for a typical local bus that also counts for regionals now so under the new system, it would be locals individuals will be one price in an agenda. Yes. Yeah. So and then 550 would get you know, the last $10 gets you to the airport. If you get an $8 per month pass and that would cover all the services including the airport service. So if you if anybody bought that any dollar pass anywhere in London in the RGB system for low income 65 people 65 And over people with disabilities will be $1.35 That’s interest anywhere in the system. But you sent me for an all day pass and a $27 month. So yeah, so RGV has really come to the table really seen or really listened to folks about this, because you talked about the accessibility to just the set of all the different pieces of the system. On top of that, there’s all different fair structures in the system. So a lot of people would just pay what they thought was right, fair, but they probably could have saved at least half of that rate, typically, because people are getting on the bus didn’t know that they qualify for a lot of discounts. And they didn’t know where they’re going either. If you take the right free long one, most you can actually get a transfer and transfer to the regional. This guy there, that’s all going to go away. So that’ll be nice. And then access, right? It’s more 15 to 25. That only 25 only plays a role in facilities for everybody else. So that’s only this company applies for accessories,

Unknown Speaker 21:01
and accessories as

Speaker 5 21:02
such, I’m sorry, is this app, this is like a taxi, it comes to your door.

Unknown Speaker 21:06
Yes, door to door services, that one

Unknown Speaker 21:08
actually helps you get started.

Speaker 8 21:13
This is not really pertinent to this. But actually do you ever going to get any? And last month?

Speaker 2 21:23
We are working with them to try to get that back. We’ve heard rumors that yes, it’s going to be back in January. So

Unknown Speaker 21:33
and under wet on the website. Can I see all these options?

Speaker 2 21:39
Yes. But what they’ll do is they’ll show you this fear structure right now. You kind of have to find what the new there’s a new fair kind of link that takes you to all the things that have been discussed and what’s coming in from within. So don’t want to put that upfront yet because it’s not that deal.

Speaker 3 21:57
So so someone to go to Denver from Longmont, you could go online RTD and they give you the options.

Speaker 2 22:03
They’ll tell you how, yeah, how you can do it. You can also just type in, where are you going from a to. And they’ll provide us options to go from point A to

Unknown Speaker 22:15
or call if you don’t have a computer, right?

Speaker 1 22:19
What what’s this, what’s the goal here is the goal, to have transportation available to anybody that needs it, including seniors, low income, disabled, that sort of thing. So that’s it,

Speaker 2 22:37
it’s about one month taking control of the services that are local test, we know about the local system. And we’ve turned it over to Denver, folks in Denver to run the buses. And what we keep on hearing is buses don’t go where I want to go where I want to go as often as I want to go. So to eliminate some of that pressure, we’re looking at this micro transit to help solve.

Speaker 1 23:02
So all this together should anybody that needs a ride should be able to get easily

Speaker 2 23:07
with them online. And then that should be able to take you to your kind of one of your rides could be I want to go to the Kauffman soon to be first name when you’re 2025 26, that disability hopefully opens. And that’s gonna be the centralized hub where all the buses, regional buses will interact with the local bus system that happens here in Taiwan. For the micro transit,

Unknown Speaker 23:34
I mean the whole package.

Unknown Speaker 23:36
Well, the old, just

Unknown Speaker 23:39
work in progress,

Speaker 2 23:40
we’re talking about all the things that are connected here. And it’s great point that there’s there’s a bigger package to this whole thing. But micro transit, we really want to see get off the ground

Unknown Speaker 23:49
early next year, or the next year, as

Speaker 2 23:51
soon as we hear back from RTD. Once we hear about our budget, and the council, hopefully sees what’s in the budget and can approve those dollars to move forward, then we can start a contract.

Unknown Speaker 24:07
Like my next summer,

Speaker 2 24:08
so many things that are that are happening with transit right now. It’s just amazing. And so the next three years are gonna be very intense as far as what happens in the city to facilitate transit.

Speaker 3 24:22
Arlene just made a comment that our resorts should hear this presentation.

Speaker 9 24:26
Yeah, so I’m gonna see whether they have to we need to take one.

Speaker 2 24:32
And just to wrap up, I just want to make sure you’ve got so much more information. So council did direct staff. At their June council meeting, it was really to go after this partnership is a partnership dollars and I said hey, go for the max, go for the 600,000 That’s what we need to do and show that we’re all into this program. So we really appreciate it that council approves that we apply for that partnership program, which we did We’re currently in the queue, I told you that it’s already kind of risen to the top of all the programs and all of Metro Denver looks like number two or three, I think on that list. And then we we do want to bring back that idea that, like three Longmont might have might be past its prime with the whole idea that we’re changing fares in January. So I should say RTB is changing fares in January. So as those fares change, we think that the more equitable for Walmart needs to be one price for all systems. So you can buy it for basically liquid to Aurora, for the same price, you can buy it from our park right here, to the Rec Center. So for us, it was like, hey, you know, give us a discount, and they only have one month to the discount before. And then they said, well, we want to make it easier for everybody. So we’re gonna make everybody the same. And that’s what killed our ridership at that time. And so we said, hey, to pull this back out of kind of the spiral downward that we had, we need to be worried about. So we’re gonna take another look at that we’re gonna ask Council to take another look at it, we’ve had some issues, quite frankly, you know, sort of people are riding the bus and they’re not going to any destination, there’s, there’s a way to figure out the bus system to make it where we, we say you can’t ride all the way to the right all the way to the bus drivers force to kind of kick you out. And then you’re supposed to have a destination on fixed route buses. But sometimes people have figured out how to cross over and get onto buses usually take the bus all day long. Certainly a need that we need to consider. But I don’t think the buses are the appropriate tool to accommodate those. So I’m going to try to say that to counsel as well as ask them if that’s true.

Speaker 5 26:52
I was going to say Isn’t that one of the rationales for for the free free office fairs is to let people get out of the heat by riding a bus?

Speaker 2 27:04
Well, the rationale for that was really to reduce pollution. Because this is our highest ozone season, July August. So the ideas come take the bus for free, see how well it works. During these high ozone times, get out of your car button. That was the fear work. So we do have a show opportunity where we’ve been looking at ways to kind of get this micro transit to provide a show in downtown. We think we can do this actually, before the micro transits started to take off. So LTVs in a survey their businesses, you have some incentives to employ to use to determine routes and stops. And this should help us tend to construction of the new hotel and Kaufman, which is coming next year. And so get ready for fun, Construction Code zones downtown all year round. Yeah, that’s going to take some parking. So the hotel, a lot of competition, different blocks at different times of the year, shut down to rebuild. And so I can talk to you more about that in a later meeting. But thank you for your time, and I’ll speak a little bit about what smaller counties don’t

Unknown Speaker 28:26
stick around a little bit.

Speaker 4 28:31
So I’m gonna pass my cards around, it did not create a presentation. But we work really closely with the city of Longmont, transportation staff. I’m the mobility for all program manager and mobility for all is a bridge program between transportation planning and the human services. So we do a lot of different things. But primarily, we focus on transportation access for people with all ages and abilities. So a lot of the questions that you all were asking were definitely like piquing my interest. And so our foundational document is the mobility and access for all ages and abilities plan. So that’s kind of where we get our direction we, that was adopted last year by the Boulder County Commissioners, and that really provides us our policy document to know like what, what funding to seek what programs to invest in. So we do a bunch of different things, but one is we foster collaboration between the human services and transportation. So our primary mechanism for this is the mobility and access coalition. So we host that monthly it’s a forum for nonprofits for senior centers, it’s for transportation planners, for providers, to come together. We listen to different types of stations, but really we’re looking at transportation from a human human centered lens. So we look for older adults, people with disabilities, youth, low income households, and we really try to find out what the needs are from that particular coalition. We’ve had a couple of projects that we’ve done invested time in one would be like the right frame Lafayette system which was in Lafayette, obviously, but at least there was a demand responsive system similar to what Phil’s proposing here in in Longmont, but also one with the accessory. So we’ve been working with RTD for quite a while to try to get certification to be easier for it’s not necessarily easier to certify. But the process could be a little bit more transparent. So about two years ago, RGB put in their next call for projects the option of having multiple site locations for certification. And so right now we’re exploring and option with the Center for people with disabilities to see if we can bring our TVs accessories certification to Boulder County, in particular, we’re looking at the Center for people with disabilities, this location in Boulder. But we can if we can do proof of concept to say that it works, then perhaps we can explore other locations. And just you were right to the for access, right? It is a barrier. A lot of times it’s a perceived barrier. People don’t want to go to Denver to get started. But it used to be like what they had to go to. But RTB does pay for people to go, they didn’t have a vehicle, they set up the appointment, and they get a free trip to go to the Certification Center.

Speaker 5 31:17
And but if you have a respirator in the battery for medica, we can’t do it from here because your battery runs out. Yeah.

Speaker 4 31:26
Yeah. And so we are working on that there’s certain regulations around. So it also is a civil rights service. Right. So there’s it’s regulated at the federal level with the Federal Transit Administration. And there’s certain things that transit agencies have to do. That’s like three quarters of a mile buffer around fixed route. But we do have a transportation options one on one presentation that we’ve given to different nonprofits, which I think running, maybe we could schedule with staff here. And we don’t just focus on the transit options. But we really do get into that like how to like access all of them. And one thing that we do also focus on mobility for all is education and outreach. So we actually work with the senior center to get workshops and the catalog. We weren’t able to get me in the fall catalog because I think you all have some turnover of whoever’s like putting together the catalog. But we recently did a travel training, which is basically teaching people how to write requests. We did a Ben and Jerry’s travel training and bilingual group left here from the senior center and went to Boulder on the boat and they got ice cream as part of it. So it’s kind of a fun trip that we did earlier this summer. But we’ve also done the mobility options one on one training here at the Senior Center, how to use Uber how to use Lyft and a lot of those we have volunteers who help us connect with older adults in the community and a lot of our volunteers are older adults themselves or have people with disability or disabilities themselves. So we really do work with the senior center and then also the City of Boulder at our city of Longmont sorry, city of online all disabuse across Boulder County to try to make sure that people have access to services and education. And as Phil was talking about the sub regional service council for RTD we are going to be deciding tomorrow like what projects get funded so I represent the mobility and access Coalition on that sub Regional Council so I’m supposed to be voicing the opinion of people who are underserved so older adults, people with disabilities low income households, and so I will be on that selection committee for the entire region and then now probably by the end of the week, I don’t know if they’re gonna announce it but like which projects gets selected as Phil was talking about we are really collaborative in Boulder County I think more so than other sub regional areas. So we do like keep each other in the loop on a lot of these things. I don’t know if you have any stories right for you, Longmont goes, like going away. Probably should talk about discussion. That’s not gonna just happen. Yeah.

Speaker 2 33:59
Can I see you how am I good transit? Yeah, it takes hold and if it’s successful, yeah, we don’t want to just Council is pretty clear that you don’t want to get rid of it. You want to talk about it? Because now, yes, costless, yeah. Which is great.

Speaker 4 34:15
Yeah, and we definitely so mobility for our we ever see some transportation supports for Boulder County Housing Authority as well. So there’s the spoke on Kaufman and we provide some transportation programming there like Erna bike workshops, and then also an eco PASS program where anybody who lives in a Boulder County Housing Authorities, I can get a free eco pass. So there’s lots of changes because we don’t know how much our Eco pass contract is going to be next year either because of the changing fares, but on the whole Phil presented the fares. That’s great news $27 For a month for older adults and disability or low income is just a huge win. And mobility for all we do try to incentivize people to sign up for the low income PASS program. Another big win is for people with visibility’s being able to get below income paths on accessorize, because that was not the case. If you got one discount, then that’s all you got under the current care structure. But in the future, that discount on accessorize is going to be huge for people with disabilities. But this is kind of an overview. I don’t know what questions you all have. I know that you were talking about various things. I think I addressed most of the questions that came up putting all the

Unknown Speaker 35:30
past there also used to be a special discount card, is that still a,

Speaker 4 35:34
it is a thing. So the special discount card that is for people who could qualify for the disability discount, or the older adult discount, if you had another state ID that showed that you were over 65, you wouldn’t need it, right. But it was kind of ambiguous. If you were over 65 or not, and you didn’t have a state ID, then you were encouraged to go to apply for a special discount card online. And that can be challenging. We used to have someone come here, yeah, years and years ago. So I didn’t know if that was part of what you’re talking about with accessorize, and a discount on their separate but mobility for all, we do have people who help people one on one, and we could help somebody like submit it online. Right. And I think RTD they’ve moved online for most of the applications with a special discount cards, which we know is a barrier for people. But we can help people. I don’t know if this has access to the internet, but you could search maybe Boulder County mobility options, on line, but we do have a webpage, it’s we’re updating it right now. But it does have a list of all the mobility options in Boulder County because it is a lot to navigate. We also have a button on that page, where you can do a one on one meeting with mobility specialists, we try to do those virtually like maybe through zoom or on a phone call first. And then if somebody needs a little bit more assistance, and we can meet them in a community potentially. Yeah, but it really does have it’s called it’s we are what’s called a mobility management type of a program, which means it’s human centered, customer centered. And it’s really trying to find the best option for whoever this one is the ability and access for all ages and abilities playing them, you want to go scroll down a little bit

Unknown Speaker 37:32
like doing it backwards.

Speaker 4 37:47
So this is we’re cleaning this up a little bit, so it’s a little bit less text. But down here we have mobility options by type, but we have it down here by city. So you can click on Longmont. And it’s an accordion that talks about supports that we have for each of these modes of transportation and which options are available currently. And then we we also have like some more like expensive route spray, but you can click on each of these and it would put it on opens up the information up here. So

Speaker 4 38:30
So opens up to that mode of transportation that you just clicked on. So it is a little bit I mean, it’s overwhelming for some people. But if you click right here, book an appointment with a mobility for all mobility specialist we can, we can set up a time to three minute time to meet with people and help make sure that it’s an individualized approach. We do have an individual mobility plan that we can help somebody develop. And then also we just we partner with community centers and senior centers to do training people I have

Speaker 8 39:07
an appropriate question. I have mine, Archie, calm. Will I have to reapply with new faces? Or do they automatically?

Speaker 4 39:23
You have to get the special discount card? Yeah, you should be fine. Yeah, you should do that. Yeah, you’ll just get a better a better price. They are pushing towards using the My Ride app, which is the bonus app. And that’s one of the reasons why we developed a workshop series on how to use apps because a lot of the transit agencies are pushing towards that app base. So what’s good about the new system and then we can also do a workshop or talk to you all about how to set up my ride. You have a card that you can get linked to an app but what’s great about it is that you fare capital now. So their system is like if you’ve pay that dollar 50 rupee when they institute the new shares in July or January, once they tap it like geography geography once you if you’re an older adult once you hit that $27 You wouldn’t have to pay anything after that. Right? So it’s good because a lot of especially for low income folks, a lot of the barrier is it, it’s hard to have that money upfront to be able to pay for like a monthly pass where you get a cheaper discount. But that fair capping hopefully it will be really good for everybody. You don’t have to like do the math, it will just calculate when you reach that monthly pass.

Speaker 1 40:34
Maybe covered this already. Now, this is really great stuff. Why are you deposing where most of the people around this table are probably pretty computer literate? Yeah. There’s a lot of people that aren’t. You get over 80? Yeah, a lot of people like my father in law used to trot across the room. Because he couldn’t function. Yeah. So is there an alternative?

Speaker 4 41:06
There is I mean, it’s not necessarily an alternative. But we have a technology ambassador program. So basically, we have a group of volunteers who are themselves older adults or people with disabilities. And then we have five workshops that talk about how to use different apps, right. So the apps that we do trainings on are the transit app, which if you’re using transit, that’s a pretty user friendly version. There’s also the Archie mobile ticketing app that we focus on, which is the my array. So if you want to purchase a bus pass, there’s Uber, there’s Lyft. And then there’s Google Maps. So we teach people how to access those fights. And we can provide one on one support, we host workshops on how to access those apps if people have smartphones. But we have to acknowledge that a lot of people won’t have a smartphone or that they can’t use it. And so that’s why we will hopefully be able to refer them to somebody who can have a phone right, like they can catch on the phone. So

Speaker 1 42:07
I’m just saying that needs to be an easy process. Yeah,

Speaker 4 42:10
it is. Like what we found, because we’ve done a couple of pilots, we did a lift pilot at one of the housing authority sites and Lafayette, where we were giving anybody who was at the Housing Authority Site $50 a month to use on left. And there’s a lot of resistance at first. But we trained six different ambassadors who were volunteers who got compensated with a few extra credits to use lift. And once people try it once or twice, like, even like pretty limited tech savvy people can learn how to use it, because it’s pretty intuitive, right? They just open up the app and say, like, I want to go to this address, and then click the button. Right. So I think at that point, we found that the financial payment was the biggest barrier, not necessarily the technology. But really, it’s getting people over that first hump to like, start and like try something and get out of their bubble, because that’s just really hard and intimidating. But yeah, so we do to help teach people who have smartphones, how to use other mobile options, or how to access information. Questions.

Speaker 7 43:14
So I have a question about demands. And did it did you say that there four to six best events for the what’s the point? Okay, so tell me where the people access, the ability to get on and off the van. And also where the wheelchairs gonna go. If you do a disability,

Speaker 2 43:36
each of the band should be that accessible, that will be part of our contract that we write back or so we don’t know, because we don’t know who the contract will be with. So how we imagined side? That’s probably typical for for at least kind of smaller bands. But we don’t know yet.

Speaker 7 43:55
So if I’m accessing it, and I’m getting on, I’m assuming I’m getting on the side. So am I getting on an van where I’ve actually got room to walk between the seats or the front of the van? And the seats? Or is it so pushed together that you have a real hard time getting

Speaker 2 44:18
that we don’t know? liability? Well, we can program that into the contract terms. If you have a preference of we want to talk to people as we can move through this and find out what they want what people want. And so that’s those are great things to put together as far as putting together maybe a small taskforce as we if we don’t get the money in 2024. Let’s put together a task force and start talking about what

Speaker 4 44:48
I would say that like there’s a lot of transportation regulations of what needs accessibility standards right. So it has a lot to do with the spacing of the the have seats. And when you’re using public dollars, you have to meet those accessibility standards. If it’s like a senior facility that’s buying it with their own money, they don’t necessarily have to have like spaced out seats with room for the wheelchair to maneuver. But for using any public dollars, you have to be able to have room for the wheelchair to be able to pull into the spot and be secured by the driver. And there’s certain for certain standards with a driver training and what they like the level of assistance that they have to provide. And I know that we talked a little bit about Door to Door Door through door, right. So generally speaking, somebody like via who is a nonprofit, they go above and beyond the ADEA, the Americans with Disability Act, right as far as like going through the door, right, they’ll help people carry their groceries and they go door through door to help people they would help people put their coats on, that’s not required by the ADEA by the ABA is requires your base level to be curb to curb, and you have a disability that prohibits you to get to the door, then you do a modification for a disability to go door to door. But the base level is going to be curb to curb for any transit service. And so for something like this, if there is a drop off point, kind of like a modified fixed route, where you have like a drop off point that’s on the corner, like you would write into your contract that they would have to take into consideration disabilities and they would go curve to curve for somebody with a disability or something like that. So you would just do one step above, like if it’s for the general public, you’re expecting people to walk from the intersection to their herd, then for people with disabilities, you would have that April go to their current rate. So it’s just one step above the curve to curve for everybody. Then for people with disabilities, you have to go to the door. Right. So it’s just spend, it’s regulated a lot more closely. I think.

Speaker 7 46:55
So currently, right now we we work with via and provide shopping. Vans for the people at the Housing Authority. Yeah. And the thing with the van, it’s actually it’s about Yeah, it has the steps are not right. Which I really think that they’re not legal, because they’re probably at least about this tall. Yeah. Which is really hard for the people to get in. And then the minute you get up to the top, it immediately turns in there’s another step. Yeah. So I mean, how do you how do you deal with that? Because it’s got to be? Yeah,

Speaker 4 47:28
yeah. I mean, I’m not sure which bus it is if they provided an chassis, or if it’s like, their envy ones or whatever. But the alternative is probably using the lift, right. So if somebody can’t get up and make that turn, then the driver is supposed to allow people, even if they don’t have a wheelchair, to use the lift to get up to the level and do straight boarding.

Speaker 7 47:52
And they do that, but they can, the majority of them can do that. It’s just that it’s extremely awkward. The way that it works, I write that thing every time I go shopping with them. So it’s just that’s those are the kinds of things that really kind of after the fact you can’t do anything, so yeah,

Speaker 4 48:09
yeah. And I think that it also has to do with like CDL licensing and like what level of vehicle because those vehicles that you’re talking about, they’re on like a regular truck chassis, and then they just put the box on top of it. So really, that base is a truck so that you don’t have to have a CDL license. Anything bigger than that truck, you have to have a CDL license. So that’s probably and I’ll you can research this offline. I know that I think we’re out of time. Yeah. Actually. Be glad to come back and talk I have to

Speaker 1 48:45
consider coming back at a later time, because I’m sure we’re gonna have some more questions again. Yeah.

Speaker 4 48:53
Definitely. And then also, Ronny, I know you’re on our distribution list for the mobility and access coalition. But like just all of you are open, you’re welcome to join that discussion. It’s open to the public, it’s the second Monday of the month at 2pm. It’s two to 330. And that’s where we do a lot of these discussions around what priorities as a region we want to

Unknown Speaker 49:18
focus on one

Speaker 2 49:20
limitation. They asked for the presentation. Let me put it as a PDF so it looks a little better. Know what you’re gonna get. So I’ll put that out for everybody.

Speaker 1 49:39
Thank you. All right. You must be from the city.

Unknown Speaker 49:58
yourself and where you’re from

Speaker 7 50:00
So, hi, my name is Becky Doyle, this is Director of Strategic integration, which is very.

Speaker 4 50:12
So what we do is we help all the services across the city district say yes, with the city of Vonda. So what we do is we help all the different services across the city incorporate some of our kind of overarching goals. So, you know, using

Speaker 7 50:29
data using GIS systems to make to make maps, you know, incorporating sustainability concepts into their work. And so a lot of those things are sort of overarching, but, you know, sometimes we need a little help to figure out how to bring those into our operations. So that’s what we do. So I’m here because we’ve been working with Ronnie on on a survey, and I think we need some help from you.

Unknown Speaker 50:56
Ronnie, do you want to say anything about that? Or should I?

Unknown Speaker 50:58
Yeah, well, about the leader that,

Unknown Speaker 51:02
yeah, he’s

Speaker 9 51:04
so well, that go, I’ll take the steps back. So you know, the data we’ve been collecting, been collecting since I’ve been here, working with advisory board to identify many things, right? Our building needs the rate in which we’re programming, the community growth, a lot of a lot of these things. And so we’ve collected a lot of good data since since I’ve been here. And it’s just keeps evolving and finding some some things like okay, well, we get an answer to that. Let’s look deeper than something like that. And so we’re at right now is just taking a look at who, who we’re serving for our programs. Right. So the age groups, we have three different age groups 35, to 65. Right, which five to 6566 to 76. And then 86. Right? So yeah, so we just group them together just to see who is registering for programs. And I meant to bring that data, and they did not bring it here today. So I can present this in our next board meeting. And I can even send them out before that just so you have it. And you know, the rate, the groups that were really serving, is that 66 and older group, right, so we’re struggling, just, I mean, huge difference, I’m talking about I think annually was like that big 66 to 76 group was like 13,000, over 13,000 people registering for our programs. And then looking at the divide to 65. It was like maybe like 1300, something very, very small. So we’re just kind of want to explore that and started back in that is too long. That’s, you know, wondering why we’re only getting such a minimal enrollment in our programs from from this age group. And so that’s, that’s, that’s the quick response, again, so what we really want to do is start unpacking that is it is that one reason is another layer. They’re not ready to commit to being in the military, right? It’s different programs are not meeting their interests or their needs. So we just again, just want to start with that as to the y’s. And so with that, we working with Becky and her team is to start generating a list of questions to impact the way and administer the Community Survey, not just a senior center survey, but most local community as a whole. So last time we did our customer service survey was just directly to our, to our Senior Center, which we received. Can’t even remember what to guess. But a lot of lot, I think was over. I don’t know, we generated a lot of responses from both in person and electronic submissions. And so now we’re just looking at a greater level, again, serving a whole community, not just our senior center participants, not those 1300 individuals for requests and programs for the year was really the whole the whole community.

Speaker 7 54:28
It’s definitely important to understand for folks who are coming into senior center, why are they coming in, you know, what,

Speaker 4 54:35
what would they also be interested in seeing? And what are some of the barriers that we can help them overcome, you know, and transportation may be a barrier for some of this, we’re just

Speaker 7 54:43
learning. So, so that’s those are some of the questions that we want to ask. But in exact reading is exactly right. We also need to figure out for those who are not coming to the senior center who aren’t participating in programs.

Unknown Speaker 54:56
What are some of the reasons for that are those things that we

Speaker 1 54:59
do want to Let’s start at the beginning with what? How do you collect your information? What I’m what I’m getting at is, Ronnie was just talking about a lot of data that has been collected. One problem, and I think everybody would acknowledge that is pretty much based on the existing population, you ask that people will come to the doors and bring together some of those people recently that are familiar with the senior center. So how do you go about collecting information, you know, to those elements of the community that aren’t being served by how you do that?

Speaker 7 55:34
What we’re proposing is to use three collection methods for this survey. So one of which is you know, intercepts. So, as folks come in the door, we ask them some of these questions. Here today, one would be an online survey. So anyone with you know, the access to it could could fill it out online, but because we know that there are varying levels of comfort with technology, we’re also proposing to nail a survey with a paper return or someone can fill it out online. So that’s, that’s what we’re looking for. As far as the information that I already have Ronnie’s done a really great work. You know, collecting information from registration for programs were programmed with frustration is required. And that’s where we kind of noticed that anomaly as far as age group.

Speaker 1 56:28
Oh, okay. I think I understand that. How do you ensure that you tapped into some element, some segments, for example, again, the same ones, we’ve been talking about? Older, disabled or low income cut, you know, you’ve got them represented? And

Unknown Speaker 56:45
so, usually what we would do is,

Speaker 4 56:48
we would ask a couple of those demographic questions. So we’ll probably asked will certainly ask about age brackets. And that’s what we’re most interested in. We do have a question about barriers where people can self identify as having, you know, mobility issues or other potential ability challenges that that keep them from coming. We could ask other demographic questions. And then we compare that to census information, and see if our responses and the distribution across those different demographic characteristics like age, do we get kind of the same representation from that age group, as we would expect in the population based on what we know from the census

Speaker 1 57:31
is just an ongoing thing. Something that will go again next year, for example?

Unknown Speaker 57:38
I find it useful.

Unknown Speaker 57:42
It’s a new thing.

Speaker 9 57:43
Yeah. Is that the plan? Well, I mean, I think we’re just taking it one step at a time. So time to work, whatever information we collect brings up new questions as to like, Oh, hey, this, let’s start exploring that to see why this is the way it is. And so could it continue? Possibly, depending on where we want it to go? And what information we collected and what answers we want to gain from Ramona.

Speaker 4 58:10
The city also has a practice of a biannual customer satisfaction survey, which is usually unveiled an online survey. And so what we might do is if we finally want to track things over time, we might include some questions in that survey, just so we have that, because that really is a statistically validated, like everything is weighted to match those two census parameters. So that might be something to tweak. If we flag an issue that we know we want to see over time.

Speaker 6 58:40
And you mentioned 55 to 6560 566 76. But what about 7687? We didn’t really give us an idea. I’m curious as to what it compares to 13,060 6730 was the total it was read the bracket of 66 to 76. Yeah, and then 1300 was a 5560. So

Speaker 9 59:14
we have three age groups 55 To 6566 to 76, and 77 to 87. And the data collected from 2019 to 2023. So current, that the time when I pull this information for the 77 to 87 year old bracket 13,554 participants registered for programs 66 to 76 16,132 participants, and then the 55 to 65 age group, only 3401 participants saying I was way off yeah. Don’t quote me on those topics. A very striking bar just to make despair.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:06
It’s still well

Speaker 9 1:00:10
that’s almost 30,000 participants from the 66 to 87 year old 3401.

Speaker 5 1:00:17
So are you interested? Should your third bracket go be? Shouldn’t this be end up rather than 287? Because I’m pretty sure we don’t absolutely top out there are some people out there 90, we

Speaker 9 1:00:32
don’t, but we didn’t notice it tapering off. And so, but again, so that we grew up those ages, yes. But after 87, it kind of started tapering off for different reasons. And we just wanted to capture those numbers, those those three age groups. So we go beyond that, sure. But then then, again, data collection just keeps going. And so

Speaker 4 1:00:56
in this data only comes from people who registered and gave us an accurate birthday in the system. So we have so many programs here that you don’t register for at all. So it doesn’t mean they’re not coming. It’s just

Speaker 7 1:01:12
so how do you ensure that people are not taking more than one survey so that they pack a certain thing to go

Unknown Speaker 1:01:19
their way?

Speaker 4 1:01:21
In this case, that would potentially occur. But again, since we’re kind of comparing it against the expected population amounts, we’re not overly concerned about it. If in the future, we weren’t used one of the statistically validated surveys, they have, like one time use, like specific codes, so that there aren’t those duplications. This one’s slightly less formal, you know, just to help us get an idea of where to where to start. So that is a possibility.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:54
We could do some IP monitoring. A lot of people are taking this app to seniors.

Speaker 9 1:02:10
Any questions? You may also be looking for some help. Yeah, so volunteers. So for our very in house surveys, so kind of like we did with our customer service. Surveys will have the same approach of identifying busy time, all week for one week. So for five days, identifying the busy times out of each day, and trying to pull together some volunteers to catch people coming out of classes specifically, will be willing to answer any questions, you

Unknown Speaker 1:02:44
know, me on the list, it will put me

Speaker 9 1:02:46
on the list. And so I have Bianca working on working on that. So she said she was going to bring here shortly that kind of identify those busy times for each day. See if anybody wants to sign up for those specific times. And whatever holes there are, I’ll reach out to our volunteers to see if anybody can kind of help fill in those spaces as well. Thanks so much for your interest in your help. And so glossy information. I do want to point out like this, this group is very data driven, which I very much appreciate as well and helps our story, right. And then voter needs are how to best serve as our community customers have a good program. Right? And Becky, our team has done a really good job kind of breaking all of this information down and raising these questions and bringing new ideas to the table. Okay, well, but what other sources of information or resources could pull together to generate more, more data, more information? So Ben has done a great job. And I which I appreciate it’s helpful to drive this work. And, again, the big focus of work are

Speaker 1 1:04:00
actually not the electrical. Question, What about heat mitigation? That’s getting

Speaker 7 1:04:10
it is getting to be a real issue. So we’ve recently completed a heat mapping exercise where we had volunteers that, Zach Yep, yeah, exactly that effort. So that that information was collected week and a half ago or so a couple of weeks ago, on a nice hot day, at a few points in time in various locations throughout the city. So all of the data collected through that exercise is currently being analyzed, and then we’ll go through an exercise where we’re, we’ll talk to the community about you know, what, what are you doing, you know, to, to mitigate heat, you

Speaker 5 1:04:50
know, what are some steps that the city can take where kind of those community solutions for,

Speaker 4 1:04:55
for addressing heat? I know this is a passionate topic. Have questions.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:03
So that’s absolutely something

Speaker 7 1:05:04
that we’re looking at exploring and funding in some different ways. Like you’re anxious

Unknown Speaker 1:05:11
to say something.

Speaker 5 1:05:13
For me. I sit the sustainability advisory board on on suggestions for heat mitigation needs on the city. So they may be turning a report, you know, similar beneficial electrification report only small. But no I

Speaker 4 1:05:45
we expect actual projects to probably be funded in to be occurring in 2025. And later, so we’ll kind of figure out what’s, what’s the plan, you know, through the next six months or so. And then mistakes in that following budget.

Speaker 1 1:06:02
The reason I asked if this was going to be an ongoing thing, like, next year, one of the things I’d like to say, to the, as a group as a board, we take various areas like transportation, for example. And as board, come to some recommendations that we will give to the city council on things that we think are important that they should consider doing. And then along with that, some benchmarks. We don’t have as a board, and we certainly don’t have the resources to do that. And you have limited staff and what you could do. So I’m just wondering if we, in our recommendations, we have some sort of goals or benchmarks. Could you then follow up on that to see how we’re doing? Absolutely, yes, I think that’s something that we can actually, I can say that for almost any area.

Speaker 7 1:07:04
Yeah, so we can talk about, you know, what, what we think are really good indicators to follow. And a lot of we have a lot of information is sitting, you know, all kinds of things. And so that’s something we can, we can put together and

Unknown Speaker 1:07:21
we’ve got offices as well.

Speaker 7 1:07:23
So the office of data and analytics currently is three people. So there’s that. But then we also have sustainability and a lot of that if these things are gonna fall kind of in that sustainability realm,

Unknown Speaker 1:07:35
there’s a lot of reporting that happens in that area. And then we have you know, GIS staff, we’re looking at geographic. All together, we’re about 40. Across all kinds of disciplines. Yeah. Any other questions? Thank you for having me to our partnership. We’ll have you back. Okay, great.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:20
So I guess we’ve covered let’s go back to the whole business,

Speaker 9 1:08:28
about vacancy updates in there. So we conducted interviews over the past couple weeks. For our vacancy revision, program coordinator and recreation program, supervisor positions, vary grades. There’s just very grateful it’s on average 20 on our constituents, various experiences, but we were able to pull out the most qualified individuals for interviews. And we made offers, so we made an offer for each position and we have our official program coordinator starting next Monday. The 20 presidents Monday there are no 1414 20 versa. Sorry, the 21st starting the 21st. And yes, that is Valerie Rodriguez. And she is coming to us with 18 years total experience between specific years experience with a City of Commerce with Commerce City, and it with senior program, and three years on top of that for for event planning for the city of brains, so she’s got plenty of experiences excited to join our team. And she’s just very passionate about supporting adult community and she’s just so sad to have her join our team. And then Amy, Amy Hodge will be joining us the week after the 28th. And she’s coming from the town of Eton. And she has 10 years of experiences in older adult programming, and supervisory experience collectively. So excited to have her she’s very excited to have her team as well. Fill in the last few vacant positions we have on our team. That’s been a nice help to get that

Unknown Speaker 1:10:37
last word work in this job market? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:40
It must be changing.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:42
A little bit I’ve heard.

Speaker 9 1:10:45
And so you know, what I’m excited for is not only did we get these positions, fill positions filled, you got the filled with qualified people who are just all right. And I made that very clear that we’re going to be very intentional with our hiring process as much as we want to get this position. So immediately, we want the right person and these two individuals, you know, for what we’ve seen, in the hiring team, we’ve seen, they’re just not only going to be a great support, and a great fit to our staff, each other, but for our community as well. So, again, being intentional with the hiring process of bringing those right, people. And so we’re excited. Excited to have them.

Speaker 8 1:11:27
Did you get any applications from within the senior center or within the city?

Speaker 9 1:11:33
Within the city? We did have? We did have interest? Yes. That’s when we were able to kind of have discussions. I can say decisions were made based off their own own their own personal needs. So again, just a discussion decided that was not the best fit this is their own personal needs. Give you a full stout Yes, that would that would give us a 14.

Speaker 1 1:12:14
So we got this new version. I think you mentioned that last time.

Speaker 9 1:12:17
Yes. Last time we did. It gives it so goes by Jr. Jr. joined us during the during our club reclosure. And this is his first full week. Here with us. All it’s only Wednesday. And again, intentional process, by the way, people and he’s just beginning jumps right in and gets along with everybody. And it just feels like he’s been in it for a long time. And, you know, checking in with him again, how do you feel you feel supported? You know what you need to be successful? And we love it here already. So that’s what we want.

Speaker 6 1:12:58
Now, did you say you were you would put in for a future position with the budget?

Speaker 9 1:13:03
I did? Yes. I made two requests, one for revision programmers, coordinators, and you know, what we’re focused on on Spanish programming. One of them was a request to Jay to get residents out of off the property here at the Senior Center, making connections relations, engaging in our in our programs, utilizing our resources. And an additional request for that I can’t remember how many hours at the top of my head for a part time hours. So we can try and read more stuff and facilitation of some of our programs.

Speaker 1 1:13:48
So we have to do we have an LHV coordinator. On staff week,

Speaker 9 1:13:57
we had a LHD resource specialist who Brandi supervised that person left for our city, so that was Valerie and almonds are Garcia.

Speaker 6 1:14:14
Okay, I remember I think she came over to village to place.

Speaker 9 1:14:17
Yeah, she’s fantastic. Yeah. And it just didn’t work out. Very secretly, along with all of our other teammates that were lost, right.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:29
Just left the room and it’s a no.

Speaker 9 1:14:32
That was a patriot. Somebody wanted to sit in and be a part of,

Unknown Speaker 1:14:38
oh, sorry, I didn’t catch.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:43
It was just a patriot. Citizens.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:47
A member of the public surprised

Unknown Speaker 1:14:51
they didn’t want to do.

Speaker 5 1:14:56
Somebody asked him if she got the at the beginning of the meeting. Oh, sorry.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:59
And he didn’t. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:05
Well, good job, yeah.

Speaker 9 1:15:13
We want to set these two individuals up for success. So we’re gonna evaluate our program as a whole, the rate and orator pro program mean. So we want them to come in, and they have to learn city systems or building systems through the resources are, who their programmers are, who they’re right, or who have all of these connections. And all of those things, they have to learn, learn day to day operations or support, they need to be available for that focus on future programming, learn each other, you know, developing that chemistry with with each other, learning our software systems, and so there’s a lot to learn quickly. And so we want to set them up for success to want to create that overwhelming the sense of overwhelming that we’ve we’ve heard about right, since I’ve heard about since I’ve been here in this position. So you know, we are, we will keep Terry Kelvin who’s jumped in and helped programming and the departure or last few positions. And she’ll be an additional resource to help help these individuals get acclimated. And Terry’s going to save this as long as we can keep her. So we just want to read the area of support, so they don’t feel overwhelmed right out the gate and have that have that sense of work life balance that we’ve been talking about for so long. And so we are going to evaluate programs. Again, going back to that array, what programs are we providing that, that there’s there’s little enrollments, we’re about programs that we’re losing money on, things like that, and we’re going to make some basic stats, we’re going to pull back a little bit of programming right out the gate, to allow, again, allow them the space to learn all of these things, but not feel overwhelmed with the pressure of trying to program hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of seven programs. 160 700 677 sentences. So again, so we just want to create that space for them to feel successful. And then with, we’ll see what happens with these additional staffing requests. We’ll see how quick it takes for them to get acclimated. And then we will build back up when we’re ready to. So again, we just want to create that space for them to to be successful right off the bat, we don’t want to create a sense of overwhelm.

Speaker 6 1:17:37
You know, I understand that nobody wants to need the programs cut. But if they’re low end, and losing money, and we’re in a position right now where we really have to look at that, then it’s not to say they’re going to be cut for good. And sometimes what happens is you’ve cut a program and all of a sudden everybody shows interest in it. And you’re like, Okay, I just needed to let them know, we’re taking it away for them to stay awake. We want to keep it Yeah, but I do understand exactly what you’re talking about and trying to turn things so that, you know, everybody’s only the new people are only learning what’s, you know, what’s well attended. And and I don’t want to make it sound like that. But the new people are learning the programs that are the most attended. And, and then down the line. Right, you know, learning them all. But yeah, I understand what you mean,

Speaker 9 1:18:38
and allows us at all 167 program sounds fantastic. And that’s what separates us from a lot of our, say, our community, surrounding communities, right? It appears right. And I don’t want to say competitors, but and then that feels great. And it sounds great. And it is great. It allows us to step back right now and focus on quality versus quantity. And the quality quantity will increase once these individuals become acclimated. And we see what additionally requests approved.

Speaker 6 1:19:17
Or more you can also make people have to show interest right now. Right? Say that they’re willing to attend something. If it’s been taken away. I really think that’s gonna be the case.

Speaker 9 1:19:32
And so to communicate that out, I mean, we’ve seen our book cover make sure or grabbing on the window sharing that again, you’re under SEC overhaul and we’re just communities patients at this time. And I’ve had so many conversations with a lot of our patrons who have had questions, you know, they’ve called talk to people on the phone. They’ve kind of knocked on the door and made appointments and and providing clarity what our plan is concerned is, we’re not going to have programs, right? This is what it’s going to look like and walking them through that fully understood. Okay, well, does this make sense? You know, the work we’ve done with this board, with our friends board, same thing. And I have a meeting with, with our network trip leads, who are also very passionate about our programs. Next Next Monday to kind of share this information, I’ve talked with a handful of them, but being able to talk to all of them collectively as a whole, this is what the plan is. And this is what it’s going to look like to put, put their mind at ease a little bit. So those who I have talked with our trades. Again, I know, this makes sense. This helps set them up for success and gets us moving away from that sense of overall, feeling overwhelmed, but that’s too many physicians historically. So everybody’s on board with that. And that just, we’re just continuing to get that message out. And so with this group, specifically, they’re great advocates in our community, they’ve worked with a lot, they’ll be able to help echo this message out to those who are not aware. So that they help they help facilitate our trips that are going to trips, oh,

Speaker 1 1:21:25
well, I think I speak for everybody, and I think we have the support of the board. As far as the direction, you’re going to support the staff and maybe make it easier for them to succeed. And part of that is probably reprioritizing, some of the things that are done. Seniors want to provide programs that maybe can’t be the same as it was before. Dois big

Speaker 3 1:21:54
changes, for a lot of people, change is inevitable.

Speaker 6 1:21:59
I think that’s a real struggle there. And yet, it is inevitable. And I think too, I’m sorry. Think to that.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:14
I think

Speaker 9 1:22:21
I’ll say nothing, but so that support from from this group from since day one, and then I really appreciate that. And, you know, the conversations we have the feedback and direction and suggestions that’s been provided from this board has helped help guidance guide not only his work, but again, this this goal that we have for our team.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:46
So we got more,

Speaker 3 1:22:49
I think to today, interesting, she just left.

Speaker 6 1:22:54
I think that when you have programs that go year after year, you just keep them you know, they just stay in the schedule. And then when you need to shake it up a little when something happens, and you need to say, Wait a second, are these working? Are these being attended? Are they even of interest, then you have to go through that process? And it scares some people? And they want to say no, because we’ve everything the way it is. But um, you know, like, Jean, with a woman who recently resigned. Janine, when she said, we used to be known for really having great services. And because of a lot of situations beyond our control, that is no longer the case. But that doesn’t mean we can, you know, we can do it again. We can find out really what really does work. Different Direction.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:52
Yeah. We don’t have great services,

Speaker 6 1:23:56
right? It may just look that way might be based on the past, and it may be kind of heavy with services to you know, but there are good ones also. Very, very needed ones also, because there’s so many that kind of gets lost in the shownotes the important ones the priority of listening

Unknown Speaker 1:24:21
early and I think you know something about that.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:25
How long did you work for aging?

Unknown Speaker 1:24:27
About 25 years?

Unknown Speaker 1:24:28
Oh, wow. I did

Unknown Speaker 1:24:31
a resident expert.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:33
I don’t know about expert. Okay.

Speaker 5 1:24:39
Honestly, just to wrap that topic up. I would not say that Walmart has lost its reputation area wide is having a fabulous Senior Center. I still hear from people who say we moved to Longmont for retirement and partly because of the senior center. So I think it’s more accurate to say A when the resignations happened, a bunch of people panicked and local publicity.

Speaker 3 1:25:07
And I think what we offer and there’s there’s classes. But I think the most important thing we offer is the resource and the source of resource resources. Finding out about resources,

Speaker 6 1:25:25
right, that’s the caddy replace system seniors having one place to come to, and have an answer for your questions.

Speaker 1 1:25:34
And come back to that. Under vacancies. This isn’t exactly the right spot. But we do have a vacancy or we have an opportunity to have another liaison person to the corporate combat area agency agency to cut that out.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:52
I don’t know. Are you interested in that long before,

Speaker 6 1:25:55
I had a good suggestion from our main she said to talk to Janine and kind of get an idea of what it’s about. I’m, I don’t want to jump in and take on things. And then not know what to do with. But or so I would prefer talking to her first. And I certainly don’t want to jump in front of anybody else and be the one taking out all these responsibilities and stuff. But if it comes down to it, I’m going to speak to Janine, I’m going to find out more information about what exactly it entails. And then I can let you know the next meeting.

Speaker 1 1:26:32
That’s too late. Isn’t the deadline for

Unknown Speaker 1:26:37
that? So let’s see.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:42
If I can get her on the phone. Do you think that would be appropriate and

Speaker 7 1:26:48
I can tell you a little bit about what it’s what it is what it is that they meet once a month. And it’s about two and a half hours. It’s the first Friday of every month now. Okay. And they do meet at different locations through Boulder County. So for instance, last Friday, we met in Nederland. Now, if you don’t have transportation that you provide transportation via but after that, it’s up to you how much more you want to get involved.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:18
And didn’t you say they also offered zoom?

Speaker 7 1:27:21
Yes. They appreciate it. Okay. And so you got most of them? Not know they’re they’re both now. Yeah, it’s it’s both? Yeah. So it’s Boulder County, Boulder County Area Agency on Aging. Okay. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:37
Boulder County. Area Agency on Aging.

Speaker 7 1:27:43
Yeah. And until you get somebody I can, you know, at least say a few things. But well, I

Unknown Speaker 1:27:52
think I’m, I’m happy enough to go ahead and apply.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:03
I don’t want to pressure you, but

Speaker 6 1:28:08
we’re running out of time. Yeah. Yeah, I think I’d be I’d be happy to do that.

Speaker 1 1:28:16
Actually, I thought about it myself, I thought it would be really interesting.

Speaker 6 1:28:24
Outside of Longmont, or boulder County’s gonna be hearing a lot of information here, you know, more expansive,

Unknown Speaker 1:28:33
is and it’s it’s great conversations. So

Speaker 1 1:28:37
network, you need to submit an application. Is that right? Yeah. Okay, and then it’s not going to be an issue if she just wanted to get appointed.

Speaker 7 1:28:46
Okay, so the way that it works is probably similar to what you guys do, you know, if any of the counties is that the applications will be turned into the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging, and then at that point, people will be called and given an over the phone interview. Yeah. And then the information will go back to them as these are the people that you know, we think need to be selected or that you need to approach or whatever. So, yeah.

Speaker 6 1:29:14
And will they be selecting one or more than one?

Speaker 7 1:29:17
I believe there are five vacancies right now. But one of course is long with a representative from longer, several from at large and then there are some from the mountain areas as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:28
No, Janine.

Speaker 7 1:29:31
Janine Kunene is the representative from Walmart. She was she was yes. What does

Unknown Speaker 1:29:36
she know? She was applying.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:38
She’s going to apply for an outline

Unknown Speaker 1:29:45
Yes. Joko Koecher.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:51
All right. Well,

Unknown Speaker 1:29:55
well, if you think that would be something that

Speaker 7 1:29:57
and you know, they they don’t Go around at the meetings and ask everybody to say something. They have a pretty well, with what’s going on then information that’s available. Okay. So yeah, it takes up to two and a half hours. Yeah, there’s 22 positions. Perfect. Thank you. Yeah, well, okay. All right.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:34
Guidelines for the annual report.

Speaker 1 1:30:45
Here’s, okay. And I don’t want to react to this. Because this is just my thinking. And if you don’t agree, I want you to say something. pixelate as best I can. Last time, we talked

Unknown Speaker 1:31:01

Speaker 1 1:31:03
each area, each important area, a board member take responsibility for with the objective of when we get to our annual report, or it would include recommendations in that specific area to the city council. I had a question about apparel, for example, who does he take his orders from? Does he take orders from the city council or a personal City Council? And then the department heads like a child? Who does she report to directly to the city manager?

Speaker 5 1:31:40
Yes, well, the department heads the top level reports directly to the city manager or the city attorney, the city attorney has a number of direct reports and not that they have met, they’re not big enough to have a management hierarchy. So there’s the city attorney, there is the city manager, the city manager takes direction from the city council and is responsible for carrying it out in terms of policy. But he is the ultimate authority in terms of operation, meaning which streets were paved first first and stuff like that. Now, obviously, he can’t micromanage his staff. So his directors really do most of that. His personal policy is that the council has reasonable access, I think they’re told to expect half an hour to an hour a week each from each city council member. So you know, that’s a lot of hours after if you if we really used all of it. But he doesn’t, he doesn’t restrict access to the senior staff very hard. But he’s he’s the ultimate authority on all operations. And we the City Council collectively are the ultimate authority on all policy. And individual City Council’s happen to have council members have no authority whatsoever, just influence. So that’s kind of the way it works.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:12
Okay, so

Speaker 1 1:33:15
one of the things I’d like to see when we make our recommendations are reported next summer, you know, before budgets all app.

Speaker 5 1:33:26
I’m sorry, spring, spring before budget, because we said to me last time, yeah. Okay,

Speaker 1 1:33:32
let’s say by next May we make our recommendations after a great deal of thought. And it goes, the letter goes to the city council. And let’s say that the recommendations are so good that you want to adopt two or three of them. Okay. And then what do you do you direct Harold to say, Okay, we think these are good recommendations, I would like you to implement these recommendations through the staff, you know, humans are key.

Speaker 5 1:34:03
Normally the when a presentation like this happens, the staff would, or the the council would a accept the report, they don’t have any, you know, find fault with it, they might ask you to go back and tell us more, you know, we can do that. Then we would template temporarily, typically direct staff to come back and bring recommendations on how it should be implemented. The reasons are to staff, right? And the reason is, because if we don’t do it that way, we will jump and stomp all over the structure around the organization. So usually, it’s a it’s a two step process that way and then sometime later, there would be recommended, you know, operational recommendations. I think an example would be Oh, opening Love the Youth Center. And I’m sharing some of our facilities with giving seniors seven senior events access to some being held over there was the last time I can remember this organization resulting in a recommendation by council that was implemented. Maybe another one would be the transportation services between the LH a properties and the senior center. So that kind of thing. You know, again, that’s the council says, Yeah, this is an important thing. Let’s do something. And then it comes back as a plan that the council approved.

Speaker 1 1:35:45
Okay, so as a board, that’s where I see us going

Unknown Speaker 1:35:50
for recommendations.

Speaker 1 1:35:54
Do that. If we don’t do that we’re just cheerleaders.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:01
Yeah, it’s a good process. Right. Good plan.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:04
It’s hard work.

Speaker 5 1:36:07
Although I would also say that policy resolutions are important process part of that process. Because if you know, if we write a resolution Oh, in saying that, that we’re a clearing house, which was essentially our, you know, a No Wrong Door policy that says, anybody can always call the Senior Center. And we don’t let go of them until they get an answer or get attached to the right service, which will may be understaffed for, you know, but that could be a rest of policy resolution that would then stay in effect, and automatically inform budget decisions and so on. So that’s another way of getting things into effect. Okay.

Speaker 1 1:37:10
Okay, let me go on, I just wanted to clarify that and for everybody, so they kind of understand, I want to make sure everybody’s on board. We’re going to kind of the same direction here. But what I said what I see is that last last time, we talked about who would take responsibility for for housing, and it was Lonnie, and Chaillot, the two of us have to take responsibility. I’m going to ask the same thing for transportation. So what I’d hoped for, by next May, before that would have to be before me, actually, is that we put into our report, I’m Sam, using the reporters have the right to those to the city council. Something like we would describe the activity, define the activity. This is what the this is what the senior center does, as far as transportation is concerned. Now, it’s always asking about your staff, you know, what connections do you have? Do you have specific staff? For example? You know, I don’t know if that’s a good idea or not, I’m just asking the question. So you kind of define activity, bliss, activity, whatever. And you go through maybe staffing and budgeting, I don’t know, that’s, that’s kind of creepy, but staffing and budgeting recommendations, some benchmarks that can be followed, as far as, as far as what we think would be important movement in the area of transportation, or housing, or whatever it would be, you know, we are not experts in any of these areas. So all we’re talking about, we’re talking about seems to me or general kinds of benchmarks, but it’s still measurable. That’s all I was asking, Becky, if that’s the sort of thing that could be done in subsequent years, and I don’t think so we get kind of a handle on this. Incidentally, we don’t network, we don’t want to work at cross purposes with Brazil at all, we are here to support you. And then finally, at a policy recommendation, you know, those kinds of things, but you get the idea. So I’m talking about something that’s going to take some work they get through. What do you think we need in terms of staff budget policy, and the hard part? benchmarks, you know, that sort of thing? That’s really the tough part. But we don’t if we don’t do something like that, we’re just spitting in the wind in my opinion, really. So we’ve got to take a step out. So that’s that’s kind of my We do that for only a certain number of areas. I’m thinking. We’ve already talked about recruitment, not recruitment, but outreach, outreach, housing, transportation, and maybe a couple of other areas that we only have so much to do.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:21
Here. Yeah. Okay.

Speaker 5 1:40:25
May I suggest severe weather response? Oh, yeah. embassador is stuck in a, you know, a mobile home. You know, how facilitating transit transit to a cooling center. Can the senior center be a cooling center

Unknown Speaker 1:40:46

Speaker 5 1:40:48
Well, it’s a cool, it’s yeah, a heat center in middle winter. Yeah. But I suspect we’re likely to Well, I have no idea what to expect. Yeah, whether that’s so so maybe part of that is making sure that the ward if we’re going to make recommendations like that, know what’s already there, because I didn’t know that you’re a heating center and a call center. And how will publicize does that so do we have as part of our recommendation that this city publicize cooling centers better? Because it doesn’t?

Speaker 1 1:41:23
Right. I agree. I think that definitely should be one of the areas we talked about

Speaker 7 1:41:28
that almost covered your transportation. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I wouldn’t. I can work on transportation.

Speaker 1 1:41:35
Okay, good. Excellent. Excellent. That was your focus in Salt Lake County was an ongoing effort. All right.

Speaker 8 1:41:46
So when Marshall fire entrepreneurship fund, find this information Center

Unknown Speaker 1:41:58
was actually a center for the people to come to.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:01
Does anybody want to work with our lane on transportation?

Unknown Speaker 1:42:04
I do take a shower occasionally.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:09
Anybody want to anyway? Okay, I know you’re more than capable of doing it herself. But it would be good. It’s nice to have just more than you will enter him.

Speaker 1 1:42:27
Marshall, let me ask you this. open meeting laws would be good probably to meet with you periodically, maybe between them.

Speaker 5 1:42:38
Okay, so I can meet with board members freely because we’re not a member of the same body. Okay, but so so the limitation is me and two or one members of the advisory board can meet so we could have three person meetings. So you what you want is to have subcommittees of two on each of these, which means that they can meet with each other freely, and the pair can meet with and check in, but then I couldn’t even meet with me individually as the chairperson. Right. And, and I can discuss what the board says, or the boards can report their progress to the entire board. And all of that is compliant.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:31
Okay, but you can only have two people with you. Right?

Unknown Speaker 1:43:34
From the same board. Yes,

Speaker 1 1:43:36
yes. Okay. So that means in our lanes case, I could go with our lane because as far as housing is concerned, you and the two of you will go unless one of you didn’t want to get out

Speaker 1 1:44:00
the committee’s? Okay, well, we’ll work that out. That’s the idea. I think I see a lot of communication among ourselves and with the council actually, before we get there through worship. And so that’s gonna take a little time, a little work, but I think it’s really going to be quite challenging. But anyway, that’s, that’s where we go. Yep.

Speaker 6 1:44:28
Can we see about filling outreach and severe weather?

Speaker 1 1:44:32
Yeah. Somebody? Well, we haven’t talked about that yet. But what do you mean,

Speaker 7 1:44:39
put severe weather under transportation and that would be Oh, and that would be what would take take

Unknown Speaker 1:44:46
get well, that’s a lot of responsibility. Responsibility. Well, David And aren’t we can volunteer art he was not

Speaker 7 1:44:58
absolutely guilt. Yeah, you’re here. And you’re not going to be able to fill positions until close to the end of the year. Right. So the positions on the

Unknown Speaker 1:45:13
board is that we? Yeah, yeah. It sounds like it

Speaker 5 1:45:18
opens up in in in October, and how many days? Two or one open? Three? No wonder we can’t fill committees? Yeah. Well, I know at least one person who has, who has sworn that he’s going to get through the application process this time.

Speaker 1 1:45:35
Do we have people that could go on ad hoc basis or something like that? It’s possible. To steal your

Speaker 6 1:45:46
power? Yeah. And I just don’t know what like outreach really? Well, power

Speaker 1 1:45:50
outages in operation, I think are going on the he’s sitting there is going on a corporation, okay. Anybody wants to serve a party?

Speaker 5 1:46:08
Well, you remember, it only has to be recommendations, because the city has an outreach staff. That’s true. So if this body recommends that we do outreach on this subject, and targeted it this way, based on what we know about our community, so that should be enough for them to go on. And they can develop the brand and the message and the message in Spanish, you know, and all of that stuff, and they don’t have to, and it’s not our charter to do stuff. end to end. It’s just look,

Speaker 1 1:46:48
all we want to do is come up with what we think are good directions. We can’t deal with the details of experts. Okay. I’m sorry,

Speaker 6 1:46:58
I can’t talk too hard about that and help him with that. Okay. Just see what he is thinking.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:06
We’ll be glad to know you’re on. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:10
All right.

Speaker 5 1:47:15
Thanks, reports. Quick, I have one, so

Speaker 1 1:47:18
Okay. I want to I have one other item to cover

Speaker 5 1:47:23
after your report. Okay. You keep covering it. We should do the manager’s report first. Oh,

Speaker 9 1:47:29
yeah. Well, the way I had it set up we kind of talked about in the past is everyone had a chance to review it. And we’re just getting it out questions. Does anyone have any questions on the managers report?

Unknown Speaker 1:47:41
was covered?

Speaker 8 1:47:44
Can I say orcs? The idea was, because we don’t have enough time to give report is to send them send them well, I get Ronnie’s Yo, I send me friends. But I never got anything from any of

Unknown Speaker 1:48:07
this one. No, ever.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:10
I’ve never got a sustainability area agency on aging report. Sorry.

Speaker 5 1:48:20
This case, you can’t have mine because I would have had to stay up until two in the morning to send

Speaker 1 1:48:28
this last month there was no Friends Meeting. I don’t believe I didn’t.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:33
There was a meeting but it wasn’t it

Unknown Speaker 1:48:37
wasn’t open to your recommendations.

Speaker 8 1:48:40
But I never got 12345 report.

Speaker 9 1:48:46
Yeah. So the past few months. Aside from this one, I didn’t get any reports from anybody. I attached them in my email initially no agenda manager’s report anybody else’s. And so that way everyone can kind of review in advance.

Speaker 6 1:49:02
So if you don’t send it, you don’t have it. In there. You didn’t get

Speaker 8 1:49:06
supposed to be instead of sitting here talking about.

Speaker 9 1:49:12
That’s right. Good opportunity to open it up. If everyone had a chance at the manager level. If you have any questions, just questions about

Speaker 1 1:49:21
top of my head questions on the forum and never get to it. But Marshall?

Speaker 5 1:49:26
Yeah. Well, so the big deal. It was a mundane council meeting last night, you know, nobody raised a fuss in public invited or anything. But we did refer three questions on public amenities to the ballot. They are

Unknown Speaker 1:49:45
pages this morning.

Speaker 5 1:49:49
You Yeah, well, I’d never get up early on Wednesdays. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, well, good. I’ll take a look. That’s good information, good intelligence. What they what they did, the senator for arts and entertainment is referred, that one has no new taxes for 2024 or 2025. Unless, you know, because the Alliance, a capital campaign has to raise $35 million before the taxes can start. So that’s pretty far in the future. And it also no sales taxes start until the Senator is six months complete for completion because the sales tax operates the thing. So that’s referred. And it is a it’s the property taxes the handle a $40,000 bond issue, it’s not going to be done as a bond issue. But, but it’s still that much property taxes. The library, branch and upscale service scale was referred to the ballot independently of whether there is a new rec center or not. So they’ll have some latitude, if there’s not if the rec center doesn’t pass, they’ll have some latitude about doing it in a storefront or something like that. And you may get a bigger or smaller branch, but you’ll get a branch, you know, the if it passes the then there will be a branch library somewhere in my mind. And and then the last one, which was the only one that there was any significant debate was the recreation center. And what the council decided to do with me as a semi dissenting voice. Was they smushed the white MCA proposal and the dry creek proposal together into one ballot question that’s gonna be $70,000 Roughly, I mean, million $70,000 shirt, no brainer. But so, um, it’s a it’s a big, big dollar question. If it passes, we get new rec in the north side and new rec on the west side. If you know I have deep reservations about it, because it’s such a big ticket item, but everybody else on the council thought that it would be more likely to pass if it had something for everyone.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:32
So So does that include the Lashley?

Speaker 5 1:52:37
Exchange? Yes, it does. So yeah, the wetland swap, swap with y, which means two things, okay. People will be able to use the fly pool instead of Centennial. When when Centennial pool is under demolition, and and then the city gets the land once the new AI is built. So I love that one. And I wanted it to be I wanted to be by itself on the ballot because I don’t I’m not that enthusiastic about the Dry Creek center. I think it’s a luxury and we could do it in a couple of years. But that’s not the way it went. And that’s exactly it.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:23
Just doesn’t even make sense to me.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:25
Yeah, just

Speaker 6 1:53:26
making it almost impossible. You know, yeah, making it very difficult to enhance.

Speaker 5 1:53:30
Well, you know, it’s it’s and I frankly, I’ve you know, I’m a big supporter of the Center for Arts and Entertainment, and I think it reduces its ability to pass, right? Because if if somebody really is into sports, they will know this on the Center for Arts and Entertainment because of sticker shock. So I don’t like to lay it out, frankly. But you know, everybody else on council is really pretty much spoke with one voice. So I did not cast a dissenting vote. You know, because

Speaker 8 1:54:09
the ultimate entertainments and is you’re going to get income from outside long term.

Speaker 5 1:54:15
Yes. Right. And the taxes. Yeah, the tax taxes are

Speaker 7 1:54:19
far in the future. But I think coming from homeowners standpoint, when I I listened to everything and thought it through, when you take a look at this particular thing is going to be this much meal. This is going to be this which will add it on top of the additional sales taxes that is added not to even think about the you know, the assessments that came through that were absolutely ridiculous. And I don’t know that I first off, I’m not going to vote for all of those because of the meals and

Speaker 1 1:54:55
costume the way they described it in the papers to over $200 increase Department flex for $500,000. Home. Yeah, that’s tough. That is.

Speaker 5 1:55:04
Yeah, yeah. I, I want to tell you guys I emphasize that message over and over. I am right out in public. You know, I heard it from the optimists who are pretty much over 75 The whole the whole organization, you know, that I feel like the people who were making the decisions have either never been constrained financially or or never been old.

Speaker 5 1:55:43
Right, well, you know, it’s bad. Yeah.

Speaker 3 1:55:49
When they see the no votes come in. Yeah, they’re gonna say we spent so much time and so much energy. And we got nothing.

Unknown Speaker 1:55:58
I was great. So

Unknown Speaker 1:56:00
I think that’s the handwriting on the wall.

Speaker 7 1:56:02
Yeah. And I hated to see that thing combined. Because, yeah, yes, it was. Yeah. Like,

Speaker 5 1:56:08
especially since I think everybody. Yeah, a lot of people hate the bright idea because it’s just not all city. A lot of the public emails really isn’t we don’t trust a vibe, you want it to be the city, we want it to be our recreation center, we know and love.

Unknown Speaker 1:56:34
Been around for a long time

Speaker 5 1:56:36
longer than long, longer than long on is a city that added amenities and institutions. Exactly. Alright. It’s 12 o’clock. Yeah, sorry.

Speaker 1 1:56:47
Actually, I’m trying to end this on time. Sale. Okay, the next the next meeting, I was thinking of, maybe we shouldn’t get support services here, or maybe the resource specialists and talk about you know, we’ve talked about some, a lot of stuff, maybe we should talk about some of your staff, or maybe you want to do it, how we’re involved, how the senior centers and bold and each of these areas, because I don’t have a good handle on expect most of you don’t maybe just talk about that stuff for most of the meeting. And then the the area reports, in real life sustainability, the area that I follow I, you know, I haven’t really talked about it, you know, for a long time, I’d like there’s some things I’d like to say. And it goes right in with the heating, heat mitigation. So second, maybe this next meeting, we just kind of step back a little bit and talk about some of the stuff that we’ve been talking about the first few names.

Speaker 5 1:57:54
I have an illustrate illustration of the way the city prioritizes activities as a whole, that I will send to you that you can use to organize the discussion, if you would like. Okay,

Speaker 3 1:58:08
all right. I have to I have to be at 1230. Okay, all right.

Speaker 7 1:58:13
I just understood this. say one thing about the last meeting area agency on aging, which I thought was something to think about. We had a person that is with the Area Agency on Aging in Washington state, who of course is you know, really well acquainted with what’s going on back there. And she said that one of the things that they are looking at that has been brought up is where do Why does every meal that that a senior takes or one have to be at the senior center, because some of your younger seniors are saying, why can’t we go to Panera, you know, and meet there and then have it be the senior center meal that particular time or something, just different locations for and I thought that was something kind of interesting to think about. I don’t know, you know how that’s going to work nationwide. But just yeah, it’s just something different to think about, would that be something that would bring in younger seniors if we had say, you know, a table up an error or a picnic table somewhere or something like that? I just I thought that was interesting that that came up. And I threw an error out because I didn’t know what else to

Speaker 6 1:59:26
say. Maybe more mobile, younger seniors. Right, you know, they came though and needed place and doesn’t have to be where they get dropped off for talent to the senior Senate.

Speaker 7 1:59:36
But it can be maybe addition to have still have people come in here that are used to live here. But maybe you have this other little option of you know, we’re gonna sell a place or do I don’t know.

Unknown Speaker 1:59:46

Speaker 1 1:59:49
Second, all right. seconded to adjourn. All in favor say aye. Aye.

Speaker 10 1:59:54
Any opposed? Motion carries

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