Museum Advisory Board Meeting – May 2023

Video Description:
Museum Advisory Board Meeting – May 2023

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Okay, so, um, any public invited to be heard? You know that you work with the recording? Okay. Fantastic. And Did everyone have an opportunity to review the minutes from the last meeting? Is there a motion to approve?

Unknown Speaker 0:18
The minutes? Is there a second?

Unknown Speaker 0:23
All in favor.

Unknown Speaker 0:27
Any opposed?

Unknown Speaker 0:29
That is unanimous.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
And we’ll move on to extensions.

Unknown Speaker 0:36
Canada for

Unknown Speaker 0:41

Unknown Speaker 0:42
you just got the one donation one.

Unknown Speaker 0:47
This is a large selection of images that came in

Unknown Speaker 0:55
and Denise

Unknown Speaker 0:58
was a local historian and author of two books, Boulder Boulder County area and

Unknown Speaker 1:08
donated let’s see 237

Unknown Speaker 1:12

Unknown Speaker 1:16
117 images that are digital and these are a few examples on the screen

Unknown Speaker 1:25
or from this folder as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:39
The with the the range from the turn of the century

Unknown Speaker 1:45
1890s up to the 1980s some are scans of family photos from the turn of the century all the way up to the photographs that she took herself in the next few

Unknown Speaker 2:00

Unknown Speaker 2:02
It’s kind of unexpected.

Unknown Speaker 2:11
man’s been the road is burning for many years. Man. It’s for this is all for long on photographs.

Unknown Speaker 2:22
Outside so it’s exciting to have this because every Photoshop document where he took it story behind it because it scanned one from somebody else’s collection whose collection

Unknown Speaker 2:40
a lot of rich

Unknown Speaker 2:43
photograph on the top right.

Unknown Speaker 2:50
I think you start seeing cabbages

Unknown Speaker 2:54
I believe is one of the Japanese American families

Unknown Speaker 3:00
because several collections that were photographs from families

Unknown Speaker 3:09
it’s a big addition to that

Unknown Speaker 3:12
area really.

Unknown Speaker 3:20
Any other questions on these go to this motion?

Unknown Speaker 3:24
Is there a motion to accept or decline? exemptions?

Unknown Speaker 3:29
So taking those

Unknown Speaker 3:33
seconds, Ed All in favor?

Unknown Speaker 3:37
is unanimous. All right.

Unknown Speaker 3:42
That was easy.

Unknown Speaker 3:44
All right, moving on to reports handed out to you.

Unknown Speaker 3:50
So you’ve all received the direct report.

Unknown Speaker 3:56
Read it. I will set a couple of highlights. So the job announcement for the museum director position actually was posted on Mondays. Our goal is to have a position fill no later than mid August.

Unknown Speaker 4:11
And that search will be headed up by Jeffrey singer who is the director of recreation and culture is over the museum

Unknown Speaker 4:24
the word that exhibits we are next week we will be taking down the duality exhibits. A chance to see it it’s a wonderful exhibit.

Unknown Speaker 4:37
Please check it out before it closes on. Monday will be the last day and then we’ll switch over and tonight.

Unknown Speaker 4:49

Unknown Speaker 4:51
multi party collaboration between artists farmers Longmont newseum votaries

Unknown Speaker 5:00
In a very complex exhibit very interesting not only are there things here, but also a very fond

Unknown Speaker 5:10
Auditorium is kind of shifting from winter spring to summer programming, someone concert sort of starting out

Unknown Speaker 5:24
similarly, education right now shifting school, the last school tour was today

Unknown Speaker 5:33
over two weeks,

Unknown Speaker 5:35
and moving into summer camps, once again are all

Unknown Speaker 5:41
very excited about that.

Unknown Speaker 5:46

Unknown Speaker 5:51
Collections Eileen has been working a lot on various software projects and in our new collection management software up and running with doing a new mobile website that will connect for the agriculture

Unknown Speaker 6:10
installations with our public places

Unknown Speaker 6:14
we are seeing

Unknown Speaker 6:19
good visitation but duality exhibit kind of declined a little bit in the last month and we’re hoping to push and we extended the run a week in part because the guest curator Greg deal is actually the keynote speaker at that national museum Congress is going to be intended for starting this Friday.

Unknown Speaker 6:41
So the goal for a lot of folks from that museum conference will come up and check out the exhibit

Unknown Speaker 6:51
especially because it is

Unknown Speaker 6:57
a form of capital campaign for for

Unknown Speaker 7:04
marketing is

Unknown Speaker 7:06
marketing duality and this

Unknown Speaker 7:15
is a few of the highlights of how to

Unknown Speaker 7:24
set a marketing

Unknown Speaker 7:28
we also we’ve got a joint

Unknown Speaker 7:32
marketing piece that is a map of all the different locations where you can see our that as well as promoting all the programming

Unknown Speaker 7:44
was going off of the

Unknown Speaker 7:50
public art today they are until Sunday

Unknown Speaker 7:57
they are painting a bureau

Unknown Speaker 8:01
isn’t it

Unknown Speaker 8:04
there’s a box called Dirt bike

Unknown Speaker 8:08
trail pass next to open folder ditch

Unknown Speaker 8:12

Unknown Speaker 8:14
the yard

Unknown Speaker 8:18
and we started returning to Europe with the artist path in the very same day. It was weekends with volunteer community members.

Unknown Speaker 8:30
And it’s a it’s a repaint, but it’s a similar style

Unknown Speaker 8:38
it’s basically

Unknown Speaker 8:43
Are you involved is involved with the selection of

Unknown Speaker 8:48

Unknown Speaker 8:50
for that

Unknown Speaker 8:52
for better

Unknown Speaker 8:55
or worse program from aipp recently installed more sixth,

Unknown Speaker 9:02
seventh and

Unknown Speaker 9:04
eighth grade. So those will be rotated they will be within the art part of our program. So those are analog solutions

Unknown Speaker 9:16
will be switched

Unknown Speaker 9:21
the dancer for

Unknown Speaker 9:31

Unknown Speaker 9:37
thank you all

Unknown Speaker 9:40
for for the chairs that

Unknown Speaker 9:45

Unknown Speaker 9:49
so unfinished business wants to talk about resolution from the museum advisory board to the City Council in support of museum expansion and capital campaign. So Julian included

Unknown Speaker 10:00
that’s in the packet for today. So if you want to update a video on the council meeting, sure, sure. So April 26.

Unknown Speaker 10:10
City Council voted to place

Unknown Speaker 10:16
several city projects on the November ballot

Unknown Speaker 10:22
including a new recreation center, new branch library, performing arts center.

Unknown Speaker 10:31
The museum had elected not to be on that list, really the capital name but we did very much want council to be aware of operating funds

Unknown Speaker 10:47
set that’s really the key thing that the city is providing.

Unknown Speaker 10:52
And that was actually something that several council members did mentioned in that meeting that

Unknown Speaker 10:59
they thought once funding had been raised for museum expansion that a ballot issue should be placed on a future ballot

Unknown Speaker 11:12
subsequent year that would be dedicated interesting operating expenses so I thought that was very positive

Unknown Speaker 11:23
for operating

Unknown Speaker 11:28
so that’s that’s kind of where where we are staffed with obviously doing a lot of research and how exactly how much these validations cost in the final language that will go on for

Unknown Speaker 11:47

Unknown Speaker 11:54
speak multiple projects

Unknown Speaker 12:00
so yeah, there was some discussion about delay into 2024

Unknown Speaker 12:08

Unknown Speaker 12:15
so certainly, I think a resolution from the advisory board supporting that future

Unknown Speaker 12:26
museum operating

Unknown Speaker 12:29
expense ballot issue would strengthen our ability to go back one of the things that we are planning to do is go back to city council and have them pass their own resolution

Unknown Speaker 12:44
which wouldn’t be able to bind a future council but at least with provide a documentation this council feels strongly that

Unknown Speaker 12:53
this museum and operating

Unknown Speaker 13:00
having support from Roger board

Unknown Speaker 13:07
so should we do a motion?

Unknown Speaker 13:10
Yeah. Does anybody have any questions about the language of course infinity concert Beautiful job Nice.

Unknown Speaker 13:16
Cat wants to

Unknown Speaker 13:19
change it’s been

Unknown Speaker 13:22
just remarkable, you know?

Unknown Speaker 13:27

Unknown Speaker 13:30
Okay, so yes.

Unknown Speaker 13:32
We accept the resolution that was written

Unknown Speaker 13:38
there a second.

Unknown Speaker 13:40
All in favor?

Unknown Speaker 13:42
Okay. That was unanimous. Fantastic. So that resolution is

Unknown Speaker 13:54
great, so we’ll set that up.

Unknown Speaker 13:57
Back there and relatively short videos for all these statistics that you provided to me I think it was

Unknown Speaker 14:08
Tuesday so when you

Unknown Speaker 14:13

Unknown Speaker 14:15
so much, Tom and to

Unknown Speaker 14:18
be for speaking

Unknown Speaker 14:26
yes, sorry. Oh, Friday.

Unknown Speaker 14:29
But yes, appreciate the folks that have the soul

Unknown Speaker 14:39
forward to Fuqua.

Unknown Speaker 14:46
It seems like there’s lots of irons in the fire.

Unknown Speaker 14:51
So speaking of which, they if you want to talk about capital campaigns shown

Unknown Speaker 14:57
here for those of you I have met really nice to see you all

Unknown Speaker 15:00

Unknown Speaker 15:01
right. So also frost trucks on the capital campaign, we are having a capital campaign, which is very exciting to expand the museum in different capacities. And so currently where we are, we have contracted with prismatic consulting. They’re a local consulting group out of Guatemala, which has been really great and allowed us to move seamlessly to something. And they are wrapping up a feasibility study, which will inform a lot of how we are going to move forward. And then the other simultaneous thing that’s happening is I’m putting together a capital campaign committee. So if you or anyone, you know, they seem to be interested in

Unknown Speaker 15:48
being an outspoken advocate for the museum and our capital campaigns, please send them my way. Those are those are the big things are called periodic happy to answer any questions.

Unknown Speaker 16:06
Relatively, always in six or seven years now.

Unknown Speaker 16:12
What type of corporate support to the area?

Unknown Speaker 16:18
Organizations? Nonprofits see.

Unknown Speaker 16:22
Familiar? That’s a great question, examine something already exploring the past on partnerships that have that seen as in a more general model operating leg for currently resume projects, like,

Unknown Speaker 16:38
for example,

Unknown Speaker 16:41
elevation credit union, is the best advisor to David, and have been saying, Have you made this evening as an honor for us our classic series, so there definitely is corporate support towards the museum, we haven’t quite gotten to the place where we’re going to try to see what that was happening, but it certainly

Unknown Speaker 17:07

Unknown Speaker 17:11
So the total amount is 30 million.

Unknown Speaker 17:14
That’s the number that we price because of what we think would be a top amount. I can’t say that that’s what it’s going to actually be moving forward, it’s going to give you a lot on what we think we’re going to see for the lane study and how things go forward. And looking at the plans, and all that

Unknown Speaker 17:36
good stuff. Yes. Yes, I really recommend it.

Unknown Speaker 17:43
As well as 1.6 million citizens.

Unknown Speaker 17:53
Are you American spoken last time about the different phases of euthanasia? So are you planning on doing the capital campaign, you’re considering the capital campaign and phases as well, or trying to get a top line number and just create

Unknown Speaker 18:10
a little bit of both, certainly, the idea would be that the front loaded a lot the donations and get a lot of money in the door. On Friday, it’s so Lisa does move forward before

Unknown Speaker 18:22
completion and makes key movements and causes. But as with any fundraising, this isn’t really with capital campaign fundraising, we feel confident that there will be more support as you start to see things happening, you know, walls come down and f150 is more aware of that isn’t really happening. And then certainly there will be a large push at the end to get us over the threshold. And there are a lot of donors who like to come in and be the hero gifts. And so we’ll take a look. And so there’ll be some phasing, but that won’t really see the public persona of everything that we’ll be kind of

Unknown Speaker 19:07

Unknown Speaker 19:10
how much do you need to raise for

Unknown Speaker 19:15
physical property extraction?

Unknown Speaker 19:19
That’s a great question. The expansion has actually already

Unknown Speaker 19:25

Unknown Speaker 19:28
The contract for phase one A is designed to speak, which converts our

Unknown Speaker 19:36
textile storage,

Unknown Speaker 19:38
which we emptied out

Unknown Speaker 19:41
for off site

Unknown Speaker 19:43
to offices. So that just about 340,000.

Unknown Speaker 19:49
We’ll, we’ll start

Unknown Speaker 19:53
later than September.

Unknown Speaker 19:56
So that that’s already underway, and

Unknown Speaker 20:00
And the

Unknown Speaker 20:02
next phase is reviewing courtyard.

Unknown Speaker 20:06

Unknown Speaker 20:09
We hope to start

Unknown Speaker 20:11
really late this year, if we can get all the products

Unknown Speaker 20:16
in place because of money

Unknown Speaker 20:19

Unknown Speaker 20:23
and then face recording phase two,

Unknown Speaker 20:28
with the galleries.

Unknown Speaker 20:34
And this point that will still require

Unknown Speaker 20:42
that is still something where we’re working on. As you all may know, construction prices are crazy right now. So just trying to keep ahead of those hasn’t been a challenge in this project.

Unknown Speaker 20:59
And so we are working with our architects, and also with staff on prioritizing. And she was

Unknown Speaker 21:10
making sure we get what we really need.

Unknown Speaker 21:14
How many experiences

Unknown Speaker 21:17
right now as conceptualized there are three.

Unknown Speaker 21:22
So the third phase with the education

Unknown Speaker 21:26
and also the treatments and things like that as that would go where that would go.

Unknown Speaker 21:34
Basically, most of the extension would go to the west,

Unknown Speaker 21:39
education, main medical,

Unknown Speaker 21:42
all of this is still very much

Unknown Speaker 21:46
subject to change.

Unknown Speaker 21:51
So we are in the office. The issue is is that part of the

Unknown Speaker 21:57
budget is

Unknown Speaker 22:02
essentially the steward and city funding combined to allow us

Unknown Speaker 22:10
to do those phases.

Unknown Speaker 22:13
What if any role

Unknown Speaker 22:17
do you foresee naming rights?

Unknown Speaker 22:21
When you get to the expenditure expenditure?

Unknown Speaker 22:25
Great question. So

Unknown Speaker 22:29
one of the things that we’re really focusing on, and being able to be featured is communities that the local community really feels involvement and a buy in to what’s happening here. To that end, this is not meant to live while the idea that’s rising to the top is that certainly there are going to be some donors who are interested in E rights. And in their conversations. We’re hoping to shift a little from traditional naming rights to focusing on historical figures in Walmart, and making spaces

Unknown Speaker 23:09
on the way to where we are. And so

Unknown Speaker 23:13
again, those conversations are really evolving and see how I feel as in what our community engagement looks like. But as it stands, move down the line, we will hope to have a group of people come together and

Unknown Speaker 23:32
that for lack of a better word, names of different groups that can be presented as

Unknown Speaker 23:39
are there. Is there anywhere in expansion that smaller donations the way we did for students as seats in the Stewart auditorium or not.

Unknown Speaker 23:52
Yes, that one, yeah, to have an impact. You don’t have to donate a museum way. Certainly, again, we’re very focused on meetings and community members and making sure that every dollar is recognized and understood to be meaningful work, just we’re not going to get to where we need without a lot of support and on all different levels. And so actually Ganzel a call me earlier, and I can’t get over three so wonderful. And she was talking to a community member and they handed her $5 to be to go towards the reaction. And I think that you know if those are the first, if not the first 20 raised within the community, I think that’s really beautiful that people see the value in the museum and the value of art. And that’s the campaign that we want to we want everyone to know, no matter what they do is appreciated. It’s going towards making this museum

Unknown Speaker 24:55
a place for everyone.

Unknown Speaker 25:00

Unknown Speaker 25:05

Unknown Speaker 25:09
Megan, Could you walk us through a little bit about what the feasibility study is?

Unknown Speaker 25:15
Yeah. So, um, is the consulting group have been identified different people who are connected to the museum in different ways. So, program students, donors, members, different board members, all of the above. And describe did a

Unknown Speaker 25:35
broad across the board reach. And they are interviewing those people. That’s what their perception of the museum is, with a nice perception of museum is. And that will inform a lot of our marketing, and how we talk about this campaign in our communities. And then also ask them some of the questions around God can support this and itself out well, with no therapy, with no pleasure guarantee that that’s what it would be. But just to get a broad assessment of what

Unknown Speaker 26:11
the mind means

Unknown Speaker 26:13
to be totally crass about it.

Unknown Speaker 26:18

Unknown Speaker 26:25
But again, if anyone in this room would like to be more involved in the travel company, or know anyone doing really would like to do more?

Unknown Speaker 26:35
Of that. Okay. I’d love to talk with that.

Unknown Speaker 26:42
Thank you. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 26:45
All right. So it looks like we also need to have a nomination committee

Unknown Speaker 26:52
for interviews for the open positions on the advisory board. So we’ll get to members who are willing to volunteer to interview the candidates. And when we do that, it’s 734 candidates that have more positions. So three terms that are expiring people have

Unknown Speaker 27:14
plenty to renew or

Unknown Speaker 27:18
contribute to renew and that one unfilled position. So before

Unknown Speaker 27:25
so is there anyone interested

Unknown Speaker 27:30
in tickets?

Unknown Speaker 27:32
Yes, those

Unknown Speaker 27:43
and it’s a wonderful experience, but I think they’ve been somebody knows I don’t have the capacity

Unknown Speaker 27:52

Unknown Speaker 28:01

Unknown Speaker 28:03
Thank you, Catherine. So I don’t know how much I’m bringing the table that no I think

Unknown Speaker 28:10
your technical questions last time or to the to the council, sort of guide you in what questions do you want to talk a little bit about me?

Unknown Speaker 28:19
Just questions never call. But

Unknown Speaker 28:23
yeah, they were in what form issue with the questions. First of all, our minds are very short enemies, and I don’t know how they’ll be this time, but we did it by soon just because of the situation. And that’s almost easier when you’re

Unknown Speaker 28:42
when you when you want somebody to come in and talk to you for four minutes. It’s hard to have a job across tech, you know, so I would suggest if it’s all right, do it that way.

Unknown Speaker 28:56
But wait, then we sort of freewheeling we kind of we add our one or two lessons that we wanted

Unknown Speaker 29:04
and it’s just very basic.

Unknown Speaker 29:10
So I really need to feel so I guess is everybody here today

Unknown Speaker 29:16

Unknown Speaker 29:18
well, Kalin can count

Unknown Speaker 29:21
up for revenge. She was she was there last year.

Unknown Speaker 29:26

Unknown Speaker 29:29
and you are one of the most recent ones interviewed last year, so

Unknown Speaker 29:36
I was

Unknown Speaker 29:38
very busy. He would be a big

Unknown Speaker 29:41

Unknown Speaker 29:45
Okay, so thank you. Thank you for sending I’m about to

Unknown Speaker 29:50
assume, well, I could come in and do it.

Unknown Speaker 29:55
I don’t know I would imagine that this will be fine. Especially because there

Unknown Speaker 30:00
got fairly short. Joanne?

Unknown Speaker 30:03
Yeah, I’m enough to

Unknown Speaker 30:06
a range of topics that I think I’ll get with Katherine and Linda offline and we’ll schedule some times. How’s that worked out

Unknown Speaker 30:15
else? All right, thank you for volunteering to be with you soon. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 30:22
Perfect. Okay, any other new business or unfinished business or board comments

Unknown Speaker 30:34
which are brewing

Unknown Speaker 30:36
I’m waiting to hear back from Delhi marks will be talking to us

Unknown Speaker 30:42
just to try to find some time from him when he’s available to talk more about all of this

Unknown Speaker 30:55
criteria doesn’t doesn’t really have to get BSc in the family to really do some art was the foundation and they fight. Yeah. In fact, that’s one of the questions I have to find out I do know that he’s gone to other museums, or at least one or two

Unknown Speaker 31:18
in California for presentation settings. Plus he doesn’t at this club two

Unknown Speaker 31:29
three or four years ago, but they just started doing like the work and missing

Unknown Speaker 31:36
things and films and photos this past year so he’s got some he’s got a small and small a small presentation. I’ve got to find out I wouldn’t be able to forget what city went to I was going

Unknown Speaker 31:56
to see how extensive that was. So he may have more together than we think. And so hopefully that’s the case

Unknown Speaker 32:07
the latest to do

Unknown Speaker 32:11
something to work with just be fun. Yeah, we are you know, we usually plan a number of oh I know that errand I budget I’m figuring it might be something but that is the next step.

Unknown Speaker 32:25

Unknown Speaker 32:27
Not theirs.

Unknown Speaker 32:31
Although like I said last month, delay marks hurt

Unknown Speaker 32:36
as a security so that that means anyway, but in his body, it was just a funny

Unknown Speaker 32:46

Unknown Speaker 32:48
anything else?

Unknown Speaker 32:50
Okay, is there a motion to adjourn? Oh, I’m sorry.

Unknown Speaker 32:55
I have my finger

Unknown Speaker 32:57

Unknown Speaker 33:00
wait a minute. I have a problem

Unknown Speaker 33:08
after school, so

Unknown Speaker 33:10
just in time for us Twitter.

Unknown Speaker 33:18

Unknown Speaker 33:20
a second.

Unknown Speaker 33:26
Okay, we are adjourned it is 504

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