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Longmont Housing Authority Board of Commissioners – May 2023
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Welcome to the London Housing Authority Board of Commissioners regular meeting Tuesday, May 16 2023.
Unknown Speaker 0:07
Can we have a roll call please?
Unknown Speaker 0:10
Unknown Speaker 0:12
Commission chair Peck. Share chair Jones.
Unknown Speaker 0:17
Commissioner hearing whatever your mission remark should larger mission you’re
Unknown Speaker 0:23
listening to.
Unknown Speaker 0:26
In our executive director Herald news,
Unknown Speaker 0:29
as in compliance manager, Tracy,
Unknown Speaker 0:32
accounting supervisor Kinderdijk. Housing director Molly
Unknown Speaker 0:37
basic out Ghana Regional Development Manager.
Unknown Speaker 0:41
Commissioner, Suzie voluntary commissioners, she can do that.
Unknown Speaker 0:46
Unknown Speaker 0:48
right, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 0:51
Do we have any agenda revisions or submission of documents here? No.
Unknown Speaker 0:58
Need to approve the minutes for a
Unknown Speaker 1:02
Unknown Speaker 1:06
with a team
Unknown Speaker 1:11
Okay, so the
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most improvements were made by Commissioner McCoy, seconded by Commissioner Gregory’s.
Unknown Speaker 1:22
Is there any discussion?
Unknown Speaker 1:25
On the minutes? Seeing none? Can we let’s have a vote. All those in favor? Aye. Suppose
Unknown Speaker 1:33
so that passes. We have heard
Unknown Speaker 1:38
or you can speak Yes. Yes. Great. Okay. You have three minutes in
Unknown Speaker 1:43
advance please.
Unknown Speaker 1:49
Refer to anyone who’s
Unknown Speaker 1:54
over room numbers. No names because this is recorded and available. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 2:01
No names No, nothing. Just talk no numbers No, where they did not where they live.
Unknown Speaker 2:07
This talk? Yes, that’s why I came. That’s it you’re
Unknown Speaker 2:18
so wrong, the housing advisory board and city council, Joe, arrow,
Unknown Speaker 2:27
please serve and all of these special people. Thank you for letting me come and talk.
Unknown Speaker 2:34
I come because I care about where I live, where I’ve lived for seven years because I care about what’s kind of things that are my neighbors myself. I tried to show kindness and caring, but we’re kind of having some chaos and a lot of noise. Since more in situations since I’ve been living there seven years. That’s kind of getting interesting to kind of deal with.
Unknown Speaker 3:05
A lot of neighbors where I live has shared with me the same thing that I’m talking about a lot of noise late at nights like people leaving their TVs on loud machines running their sweet burger like one did above me through the night dragging their furniture.
Unknown Speaker 3:25
It’s kind of hard to sleep. And you never there’s no never no quiet time.
Unknown Speaker 3:33
We, you know, we can expect the dishwasher the air conditioner, the garbage disposal to make noise but when people aren’t considered of others, when it’s quiet time when you when you got to have some quiet time to rest and sleep. And otherwise, that can cause health problems, which is not really there’s a lot of people there and they have taught. I like my managers. And I try not to have problems with anybody show kindness, caring or show kindness to different neighbors and stuff. But
Unknown Speaker 4:11
it’s kind of like that we keep getting different ones. And the thing is, is I think they themselves can only do so much they don’t really have the authority to do certain things. So they kind of just brushed it off and act like Well too bad living and that really is not good. So I just came to say that myself that I feel like that some way we ought to be able to dress this because I’m getting older and precious might not look like it but safety and you know you got to have breast it’s just not comfortable to deal with that often aren’t my neighbor above me. I did go and dress it to her and she quit for a little while and she had some misses one down below me. She complained a little bit about me. And we worked it out too. So
Unknown Speaker 5:00
The reason you know is I don’t try to be unkind. I try to be compassionate show kindness, and safety. I feel like this is not even safety because after a while, people get agitated. So I just wanted to come and say this in a nice way that I like where I live. It’s a wonderful place. I like the people we have. We’re kind of like, family, we care about each other. And we show I show kindness, I feel caring. I don’t try to be unkind in any way. And I feel like the same way that this is not being addressed. So that’s why I came to say, say about it in a nice way. Because I feel like that
Unknown Speaker 5:42
it shouldn’t be that way. Thank you. Thank you very much for listening. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Lord bless you. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 5:53
Are you going to
Unknown Speaker 6:00
so we have all the new business when all the I guess it is old business resolution 2316.
Unknown Speaker 6:11
About the CDBG CD grant coats, accessibility?
Unknown Speaker 6:18
Sure. So
Unknown Speaker 6:20
missioner Board of Commissioners and board chair,
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switch gears.
Unknown Speaker 6:28
This item is just the acceptance of those CDBG CB grant funds for those accessibility improvements. The City Council approved this year if
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you’d like any other questions or comments on that or have questions,
Unknown Speaker 6:43
move acceptance.
Unknown Speaker 6:46
So Commissioner Martin moved acceptance of the CDBG grant 2023 sixteenths and invite Commissioner waters.
Unknown Speaker 6:58
I do have a question. Have you started when I’m when I’m reading this, it says
Unknown Speaker 7:04
sign permit construct Creek rehabilitation improvements.
Unknown Speaker 7:09
And you start the video again, and you’re in bidding and bidding. Construction started. Okay, great.
Unknown Speaker 7:16
So those all those in favor? Aye. Those opposed?
Unknown Speaker 7:22
So that passes, you
Unknown Speaker 7:24
know, investigation 2023 First amended case IGA to accept ARPA fund grants, riposte development.
Unknown Speaker 7:33
So this whole other statement on this, you, as a board accepted ARPA funds already in the amount of $800,000. For the hopper project that is going into the purchase of the land. This is an additional 600,000 That is becoming coming in because of a reorganization of the budgets across the projects in the in the ARPA affordable housing project list. So that’s why it’s so important. So it’d be used more on a project expenses, pre development, expenses are a
Unknown Speaker 8:04
motion for resolution 2020 precepting. approval. So
Unknown Speaker 8:11
commissioners, the Donald very moved approval of 20 2317 Seconded by Commissioner record. Is there any discussion? All those in favor say aye? Aye. All those opposed?
Unknown Speaker 8:25
Resolution 20 2318, a limit to the Xenu shared use agreement.
Unknown Speaker 8:32
Again, we are preparing for the Zinnia project to close on its financing on May 24. And so this is the second to last item that will come to you for consideration. The last one, we have to bring a special item at the City Council meeting on the 23rd. So this one is just it’s just amending our existing shared use agreement between the suites LP which is the entity that owns the suites and the city who owns a portion of the land there on that site
Unknown Speaker 9:04
to ensure responsibilities and just allow the use basically. And so this amendment to allow the Zinnia project into that as well as their responsibilities and specifically allows the construction easement to occur on the land around the property. So that’s a distance.
Unknown Speaker 9:23
I have a motion for 2023.
Unknown Speaker 9:26
So who
Unknown Speaker 9:31
Unknown Speaker 9:34
All right, so that was my condition your waters seconded by Commissioner Yarborough. Any discussion of this one?
Unknown Speaker 9:43
I’d almost say.
Unknown Speaker 9:46
So that passes unanimously.
Unknown Speaker 9:49
We need to review it accept the 2022 audit.
Unknown Speaker 9:56
So I’ve done three slides, just kind of as a synopsis
Unknown Speaker 10:00
I got the eight page document.
Unknown Speaker 10:04
So to start off with financial highlights, we received pretty much the same amount of grant funding last year
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5.8 million. And we also received 5.8 million in 2021. So there was no really changes, they’re cashing in debt investments, we did increase about 681,000. And that was related to about 523k. And developer fees, okay, from MSA, and the suites. And then we also had an increase in our HCP admin, as we’re starting to,
Unknown Speaker 10:38
when we came on board at 2020, we were actually at a negative net position, we were spending too much our HCV admin. And a lot of that is because of the executive director and that those costs that come with that.
Unknown Speaker 10:56
So we were in a negative position, we’ve got ourselves in a positive position now. And we’ve kind of increased, we didn’t have as many expenses on our HCV program, as we had in years past. So that brought up our cash investments and stuff. Our current ratio is that 9.95. And so that’s, that’s really good. We made a big jump, and a big piece of that is hardware with them. Last year, it was a current liability, which was like 5000, this year, and we refinanced it to long term. So
Unknown Speaker 11:29
we’re fit over 15 year period.
Unknown Speaker 11:32
Sorry, ratio of one to one. Oh, so the current ratio is like, How well can you rotate your funds. So if you want it higher, not lower, because then it means you’re not at a good like if something happened, and you needed to pay all of your current liabilities and assets, if you were too low.
Unknown Speaker 11:53
So the higher we are, the more cash we have training and the more AR we’d have to pay all the liabilities that are on the books.
Unknown Speaker 12:02
And then the expendable funds, we also went up on that too, and that’s just the ability to pay our expenses.
Unknown Speaker 12:10
Our net position.
Unknown Speaker 12:14
Okay, we did increase there, about 2.7 million and that was noted in the next slide.
Unknown Speaker 12:21
We have
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seven different phones. We have our general fund, we have our housing choice vouchers. We have our mod rehab, which is our SRO. We have Briar woods 615 Eight, the NRA program, which is funded by the City of Ottawa, and the lawsuits. Most of them all had increase except for 615 Main Street. And I that is because of this note,
Unknown Speaker 12:48
because our snow removal contract was so much different this year. It increased our expenses, which lowered our net position for that particular address.
Unknown Speaker 13:00
Our general fund was basically due to our operating grant and developer fees. And our non operating interest is where that 2.4 million increase comes in our net position. And for housing choice vouchers. We were in a negative position in 2021. And now we’re in a positive a lot of that is because of the the playing catch up with our admin expenses. We had overspent when we came on in 2020. We had overspent way too much of our admin expenses. So what were your plans and catch up? And our were caught up? But we’re trying to figure out how in the in the long term, will we be able to bring an executive director on and be able to find out both of our management piece and RHCP better
Unknown Speaker 13:47
Unknown Speaker 13:50
And then last is our single audit findings. So we have for this year, we didn’t have any financial statement findings. But we did have two HQ s inspection findings. They inspected about 20 files, they found that one had didn’t have an inspection before their certification was done. When we fix that in the system there was what we call an engine check.
Unknown Speaker 14:18
That was checked and so basically that’s now checklist says you can’t move forward on the certification until the inspection is done. So all of these have been corrected. The HQ s inspection for the second one was there is a 24 hour argument that if an inspection fails is the H Qs. Health and safety standards that you have to do another inspection within 24 hours and the landlord told me
Unknown Speaker 14:45
the landlord has to get those corrections done those 24 hours and we make that mark on that one.
Unknown Speaker 14:54
We couldn’t verify it that consultant that we use for the inspections
Unknown Speaker 15:00
I couldn’t find a document that would show the tone for the repairs in her email. So
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we couldn’t, we couldn’t prove that it was
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Unknown Speaker 15:14
The next one was due to rent reasonableness. So when they go through certification, they have to print off or read things, because it’s a particular part of the process. Unfortunately, for several of these files, they were the HCV specialists knew they had to do that, but they were printing on document. So because we had to print that correct document during audit, we received
Unknown Speaker 15:40
that name correctly.
Unknown Speaker 15:44
So anytime that
Unknown Speaker 15:47
voucher person lease is up for the first time, or if the landlord is planning on raising the rent, we have to compare that unit to three other units in one want to make sure that the rent that they’re charging is reasonable, and comparable to the rest of the properties.
Unknown Speaker 16:07
And the staff member that was doing that just
Unknown Speaker 16:13
listen was an interesting one, we actually have the right form, and they did it right.
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just printing out the wrong.
Unknown Speaker 16:21
And because they had to print it out at the time they have.
Unknown Speaker 16:27
And then the last one was our ARPA funding that we received, there was a reporting requirement that was missed, but it was corrected. On it was submitted all of our quarterly reports that we
Unknown Speaker 16:40
had to, and is it on our compliance monitoring
Unknown Speaker 16:46
to get those fix to those issued every quarter? So those are the four findings that we received. They’ve all been corrected.
Unknown Speaker 16:56
And we’ll have that corrected. I mean, we’ll have a corrective action plan that actually
Unknown Speaker 17:05
those are all labeled as
Unknown Speaker 17:08
the causes and lack of internal control
Unknown Speaker 17:11
for all four of those.
Unknown Speaker 17:14
And so, the remedy is one thing and then the the corrective actions. So are Is there a correspondence you you are generating? that outlines the corrective action? Yeah. So I have a copy of that. Yes. Yes. So for example, the first one would be our corrective action list, we fix yardian to not allow
Unknown Speaker 17:37
that document.
Unknown Speaker 17:40
To be part of that
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will be dialed into that.
Unknown Speaker 17:46
So if I can maybe turn that question sideways a little bit?
Unknown Speaker 17:54
Is there a
Unknown Speaker 17:57
process and then it’s gonna happen to train women so that all of this was people making mistakes? How do you keep people from making mistakes?
Unknown Speaker 18:09
What’s changed is that I can address the H Qs. stuff.
Unknown Speaker 18:14
We started
Unknown Speaker 18:17
J Mark doing inspections during the COVID 19. They were self certified. So when we came in, they weren’t using their module for H Qs inspections.
Unknown Speaker 18:30
But Oh, ha before us.
Unknown Speaker 18:35
Yeah, they weren’t using
Unknown Speaker 18:37
them module. So we implemented it. And then there was an update that because they hadn’t updated their their ERP system for several years, so then there was nothing. And what that did is when when
Unknown Speaker 18:54
reports are random, important, so it wasn’t capturing all the units that needed to be inspected for all the problems that that they saw here.
Unknown Speaker 19:07
And we’re dialing that in.
Unknown Speaker 19:10
already looking at that module, and trying to figure out why it’s not pulling all of the information that we need, in order to do the inspections.
Unknown Speaker 19:22
Would you spell yardie and define y Ari di, di,
Unknown Speaker 19:29
di and I don’t know what that means. But it’s a software
Unknown Speaker 19:34
issue. The Property Management is a property management software. And there’s modules there’s, you know, the right tech module, there’s the HCV module, there’s the waiting list module. And then there’s the H Qs inspection module. And so we’re just getting into h Qs module and so we can work out some of the topics. Part of the question, or part of the answer is on the other side
Unknown Speaker 20:00
With the residents and
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certifications, one of the things they also did
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implement that we have heard in the last Advisory Board meeting is really the online portal for both landlords and voucher holders to utilize which we’re utilizing it.
Unknown Speaker 20:23
And so that’s something we’re looking at to use, we’re trying to automate it. Because if you can automate it, and you can start minimizing some of those pieces, they’ve got one number for that, you know, I want to evaluate it in terms of what that means some staff time and some other issues. And that very well, something that we’re going to break through
Unknown Speaker 20:44
more quickly, if we can verify that.
Unknown Speaker 20:49
Question. Are the audits random? Or do you all know in advance when they’re coming to the talk? So they do a scene?
Unknown Speaker 21:00
So they have this? Give us their so give them several lists, you know, who are the people who are the what are all the valence factions, and then they do a sample.
Unknown Speaker 21:13
And then we weren’t given that right ahead of time to get the files from correct. So do you audit? One of the questions I have?
Unknown Speaker 21:25
Do you ever have a compliance, go in before the audits, and I know, you all are super busy, but when you know, there’s audit, you can go in and just review those files just to make sure, because that’s very important thing to catch stuff like that, if the forms are the documents are not right, then you can replace them halfway between within a map correctly. So it is important to get a compliance to go in prior to the audit to do a pre audit beforehand. And then those eyes are captured beforehand. So So I did.
Unknown Speaker 22:05
Unknown Speaker 22:07
so on the
Unknown Speaker 22:15
the document that she was putting out wrong,
Unknown Speaker 22:20
I didn’t, because it was the wrong thing. So I didn’t I didn’t catch that I saw I saw that it was therapists
Unknown Speaker 22:29
and inspections that in 24 hours, we rely on consultants to have that and he didn’t. So now what we’re going to do is have them send us the document, that they usually get just a picture or a recorder, showing them like many smoke detectors. So we’re going to add have them give that to us. And so we’re going to attach it to the failed inspection. So that should take care of that.
Unknown Speaker 22:57
Before they add them on would just send it to the consultant that does the inspections and they would approve the 24 hour inspection and then do another one and couple of in engineering.
Unknown Speaker 23:11
Not going through, you know, they do we do it on their handheld device. And then when they’re done and they upload it, it goes into yardie. And then it goes supposed to go to the tenants file.
Unknown Speaker 23:26
So interesting. That is so interesting to me, because
Unknown Speaker 23:33
snap just mentioning this was so long ago since I was in housing, but
Unknown Speaker 23:40
they had there was a separate housing and HTTPS inspection. But it was still part of the housing authority that they had their own separate department. And so that department, you know, in is when you said consultant that just blew my mind, like, you know, consultant that going through.
Unknown Speaker 23:57
It’s a company that does HPs inspections, and I think housing, older Housing Partnership uses them.
Unknown Speaker 24:07
And we had decided to use them because when we walked in and the sell certifications that were done for a couple of years, we had to go in and do all of those inspections again. Right? And it was just it was just too much. And I think it would be too much for the staff to do right now. We’ve we’ve gone through we’ve got one person that’s been here for a year, and now we’re training a third person. Well, we got two other people and now we’re training another person. So I think eventually it would be nice to be able to do it in house. I do reach QoS inspections, I do the quality control inspections. So here’s a training there. That can happen but we’re just gonna
Unknown Speaker 24:51
do it maybe on the next slide. But do you have the comparison to the last audit? Or is this all in stuff that you didn’t need to because of the
Unknown Speaker 25:00
We didn’t have any last audit. So there’s nothing to compare it to we have zero lines.
Unknown Speaker 25:06
This is
Unknown Speaker 25:08
because how long have we been? You know, just
Unknown Speaker 25:14
how long have we been
Unknown Speaker 25:16
the authority. So last year was the first year that we had no findings. The year before that we had like four or five, we still have several, we have a lot of financial statements, along with
Unknown Speaker 25:30
some high findings. But a lot of what has also happened is there’s been a lot of waivers in Saskatoon later, so they haven’t had to test everything that they have to share. I do know the rent reasonableness was actually a finding near side with HUD, HUD told them they weren’t doing their job. And in testing the rent reasonableness. So that was something added that might not have been testing in prior years. And it was tested this year. I think these are good to see where we do have brakes on the system now that we’re actually trying to utilize ability to see, I think we’re paying more features that we’re not utilizing. But we need to have checks and balances and reports that are functioning correctly because it wasn’t being used correctly in the past. So that’s what we’ll try. I know she’s working on inspections and trying to get
Unknown Speaker 26:24
Unknown Speaker 26:26
loose for me as that other financial side, we don’t have any findings. Because of all the waivers. The first time we really got, again, added into this piece based on what we were doing. And so, I mean, obviously learning from this,
Unknown Speaker 26:44
the arbor woods are for five is actually interesting, because if you do that sort of stuff in that the money that we we put in as a city contract
Unknown Speaker 26:58
requirement for quarterly reports that went in as a one time fund. So in our minds have spent because
Unknown Speaker 27:09
but because the project is not closed, and the agreement that we create, on our side, requires quarterly reports, even though the money spent and you’re not doing anything with it. So that’s another lot and learning more like for us in the sense of money from Trenton, we need to think about how we write the agreement for the city on our side on the city side
Unknown Speaker 27:33
to not create that issue happen. So it’s a quarterly report that says put the money in but the project is not closed.
Unknown Speaker 27:42
Just two observations. One is having been in those conversations when he started the conversion. It is not as simple as the major and complex software package. So the learning curve is steep.
Unknown Speaker 27:58
Number two, everybody, the first thing I look at
Unknown Speaker 28:03
letter management, and what the deficiencies are the kind of that’s what it’s about. But not to focus too much on that so much as we’ve learned what we need to learn. But if you’ve looked at the audits before, nine findings,
Unknown Speaker 28:17
both non compliance and financial issues, you know, to see the audit now compared to what it was. So Shawn, just know, this is a lightning improvement over what we have seen.
Unknown Speaker 28:32
We definitely think that this is the year that everyone says OK, city, you’ve been with Ellijay now for going on for years. Show us show us what you’ve done. And so we’re getting monitored heavily on everyone wants to see what things look like this stuff is very much down to the
Unknown Speaker 28:54
crossing T’s and dotting eyes is. So I will also say that our auditors gave us a compliment that we have terminated housing like 360 Because when they would show up, they would not even have files
Unknown Speaker 29:24
so why do you think she said
Unknown Speaker 29:30
Unknown Speaker 29:31
they were able to actually draft our audit at the very end and they’ve never actually ever been able to really so within the five days they were here they had a draft on it at the very end. So as opposed to having to go and come back to come back in and follow up and follow up follow up because
Unknown Speaker 29:52
you know that rarely happens. Rarely
Unknown Speaker 29:58
they haven’t seen that any
Unknown Speaker 30:00
Having authority.
Unknown Speaker 30:02
So that was kind of
Unknown Speaker 30:04
just, you know, for a manager perspective, this is what I want to see.
Unknown Speaker 30:09
Because if you’re trying to dig in now really get to the nuances and the details. You don’t want to see Academy get to this level, because now it’s not surface level, you’re digging down into the granular information. And so that’s also good. And then
Unknown Speaker 30:28
we’re learning stuff about Yardi in those traces, and how do you fix them, you check the box? Well, that’s a learning moment. And you’re already in what you need to do.
Unknown Speaker 30:39
And like I said, on the ARPA, we created ourselves based on our own contract, meaning that it was going to be spent on the front end of the project. So we’re learning also, how do we structure contracts, when the money is just dropping in
Unknown Speaker 30:56
Scotland, so
Unknown Speaker 31:00
back in the day, we would do
Unknown Speaker 31:05
internal audits, and then we’d have we hired somebody to audit us and then the rallies.
Unknown Speaker 31:16
Unknown Speaker 31:18
so the thing that you’re talking about is, is just
Unknown Speaker 31:24
is the federal
Unknown Speaker 31:28
or outside or outside. So financial, but because we get federal funds, we have an additional requirement that they have to do a single audit. And what the single audit is, is
Unknown Speaker 31:40
the White House basically does this compliance supplement every year, and it says, You have to test on these certain things. So for every type of federal funding they come in, they have to test to make sure that we’re complying with what God wants us to be in compliance with that year.
Unknown Speaker 31:57
So that when you find something and fix it, like that,
Unknown Speaker 32:04
and you don’t find something,
Unknown Speaker 32:08
but they find it. They like it, too, I think to certain.
Unknown Speaker 32:14
Everybody makes a little bit of a statement, as you’re, you’re learning through this journey is coming on, you’re getting better at that. Yeah, and I would say even in years past, what they were seeing as the exact same things over and over and over again. So they were doing corrective action plans, but nothing was getting corrected, because it said your accountability for for me shouldn’t be we shouldn’t see the same fight. Right, my accountability for them is we shouldn’t see the same findings, again, because needlessly that gets into so that gets into systemic issues. And what you’re trying to do here, you’re fixing the system as part of the article.
Unknown Speaker 32:57
You mentioned, the tenants files and the landlord’s files to your cousin.
Unknown Speaker 33:03
Or these paper files at the beginning of the end of the project process is still good Steve used to be
Unknown Speaker 33:10
that was a software that I talked about earlier,
Unknown Speaker 33:14
to doing a conversion to doing an online.
Unknown Speaker 33:18
We know that that landlords like it a lot more.
Unknown Speaker 33:22
When it’s online, and we’ll
Unknown Speaker 33:25
we’re hearing decisions as to which voucher to take based on that.
Unknown Speaker 33:30
We have recently been involved with residents and aren’t physically able to update online, we’ll always have somebody that
Unknown Speaker 33:40
you have to manage.
Unknown Speaker 33:43
And the thing that I’m most interested in in this is that when you automate it, I think there’s the carrying capacity building that occurs and in the amount of time it takes staff to dig into to each one of these files. So we’re, we’re evaluating that right now. I think Tracy sent me an email. And it’s 20,000 ish. Now, and then 3137 35,000 year after that, so what we’re trying to do is figure out financially
Unknown Speaker 34:14
start shaking.
Unknown Speaker 34:16
But that that doesn’t mean we want him to get their files because when they come in and do the audit, they will, they want to see the paper files.
Unknown Speaker 34:25
Unknown Speaker 34:27
we’ll always have the paper files but the tenants can come in and do all their paperwork online and submit it to us online instead of coming in and filling it out by hand and handing it to us. It will also
Unknown Speaker 34:44
cut down on misplacing files. You know we get a lot of people that says well I came in and
Unknown Speaker 34:50
I turned it in and you say well, so it’ll be really helpful. I’ll add on to that. I don’t think we know exactly fully what this package is capable
Unknown Speaker 35:00
Okay, so So with that said, the auditors do have access to Yardi, they have, you know, access to be able to use. So we can
Unknown Speaker 35:10
make it an online type of process, the auditors would have access to that what we just did. So if somebody’s fills a form in my hand, somebody wrote physician have to transcribe it. And you
Unknown Speaker 35:25
know, the information that we get, I mean, there’s his it’s a federal program, there’s several documents that have to be signed every year. And then income verification, and so a lot of a lot of paperwork. And then they take that information like the income verification, and they’ll put that into yardie. And that’s where they will calculate the rents in Altium. Sorry, but that didn’t answer my question.
Unknown Speaker 35:52
How much? How much cop how much transcription from a paper form to have
Unknown Speaker 36:00
on online? That’s what we’re exploring.
Unknown Speaker 36:05
We have a twist in your current process, when they get the forms, what do they have to enter into your just the interest income and assets and any daycare and medical deductions? It’s the tenant that has to fill out the paperwork and sign it.
Unknown Speaker 36:21
So they’re the ones who have it takes them a lot of time. Yeah. And my question is, after they’ve done that, what do you do? You have enough like you have to,
Unknown Speaker 36:33
so we can get we made sure that all of the documents that that are required is there. And then all they do is they take the income information and put that into your? Okay, so a fraction of
Unknown Speaker 36:49
what you’re asking is how that if you have to just basically go and put in? Yes, for them. Is that right? Well, not not for them.
Unknown Speaker 37:02
System? Is there, the possibility of somebody? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 37:09
It’s also just time that it takes for you to start removing human elements in it to do and that’s what we want to assess in this new software package. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 37:26
For the audit anymore. Looks like we’ve asked a lot of questions.
Unknown Speaker 37:32
So you have
Unknown Speaker 37:34
acceptance of the 2022 audit. So you’re certainly. Right. So Commissioner Martin, moved.
Unknown Speaker 37:44
Seconded by Commissioner McCoy. Let’s go. All those in favor say aye.
Unknown Speaker 37:50
Aye. Those opposed. So that passes. Thank you. I don’t know what the steps were needs. So
Unknown Speaker 38:01
if you recall, in February,
Unknown Speaker 38:05
we submitted our sea map its yearly goal right for that we, we sent ahead. And when we sent it out, we showed us at a 98%, which is the high performer.
Unknown Speaker 38:18
When they got it, they looked at so when.
Unknown Speaker 38:25
So when we do our documents in yardie, we send them to hive to what we call.
Unknown Speaker 38:33
And so it takes everything that we’ve done. And it’s sensitive to head and then head we’ll look at it and and check to make sure our numbers are correct. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 38:46
Unknown Speaker 38:48
we got a response from HUD, it says that we went down from 98 to 92, which we’re still high performers.
Unknown Speaker 38:58
So So what had changed on this is there’s this 14 indicators. And
Unknown Speaker 39:06
that continuing to do HKS inspections, but down to zero, we showed that we were doing
Unknown Speaker 39:15
so so their information that they have in past shows that we’re not doing them every two years like we’re supposed to.
Unknown Speaker 39:24
And what we’re finding is that the reports that we’re regenerating in order to show us what inspections need to be there are missing
Unknown Speaker 39:36
files. We don’t know why it’s kind of random. So you already is looking to get in and they’re they’re looking at those ones that aren’t posting to so
Unknown Speaker 39:51
the files are in ERP system.
Unknown Speaker 39:55
They’re not leaving the ERP system and getting into big
Unknown Speaker 40:00
curtains not consistent. So
Unknown Speaker 40:03
this is our first version. This was yes. So our first question is, we have thought
Unknown Speaker 40:11
it’s not automatically shifting,
Unknown Speaker 40:15
and sometimes not seeing. And so that’s what we’re trying to resolve. Actually, we’re a software company to figure out why this forms winning process in our building purpose. Can you see the video, I can see a missing ones, I can, I can see the inspections, I can see the inspections when you do
Unknown Speaker 40:38
when you do the
Unknown Speaker 40:40
pic report, what it does is it takes those inspections and it throws them into the tenants file. Okay, so then you can look in the tenants file and see the see the inspection. Well, it’s not throwing it into the tenant file.
Unknown Speaker 40:56
We can we know that inspection is done because we have we have the inspection. But it’s not taken from
Unknown Speaker 41:06
the approval of the inspection and sending it to I don’t know how well we can. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 41:14
Unknown Speaker 41:16
shifting out
Unknown Speaker 41:18
buttons. So unfortunately, HUDs processed, they don’t call us and say, I don’t see anything. They just gave us a zero and then certified it. And we said, Um, can we appeal that? Because this is a technical issue, we have a ticket. They said no, because you’re already a high performer. So there’s no reason to appeal, it will still be a high performer. So we can’t appeal our score, because we’re already at the right threshold. But from a perfectionist point of view, and also just fairness, we wanted to but at this point, we can just tell them, how we’re correcting it via that you’re going to get well and when one other thing is the lease ups, there was an calculation that we had done. And and we put ourselves down as a zero. We didn’t get any
Unknown Speaker 42:08
any points for that, because we still weren’t really stuck. Well, they said that we were pleased that they gave us 20 points.
Unknown Speaker 42:19
So yeah, we’re at least up so
Unknown Speaker 42:23
Kendra, and I had talked to
Unknown Speaker 42:25
me about our two year total. And we talked about this and they are like that the auditors they are very, very pleased with how how we’re doing, especially with Lisa. We’re above average. Yeah. She said we haven’t seen that in a long time. Oh, that’s great. So we were we haven’t fixed you already. Yep. But you already is looking at it. And me.
Unknown Speaker 42:54
Sounds like already you already have trying to fix you all.
Unknown Speaker 43:00
Unknown Speaker 43:05
For Success, no, it was
Unknown Speaker 43:08
in 2018.
Unknown Speaker 43:10
successfully. So without with them not doing the upgrades to
Unknown Speaker 43:18
do we just did it this year. So since 2018.
Unknown Speaker 43:24
Your Yard was so bad. When we took it over that the ACE
Unknown Speaker 43:30
counselor waters made me remember this. They were still going into the old system.
Unknown Speaker 43:38
To process HCV applications I like about
Unknown Speaker 43:44
my computer I’ve been trying to get into
Unknown Speaker 43:48
that maybe some of what we’re seeing is that they were still doing work in the old system. And they didn’t fully migrate.
Unknown Speaker 43:57
They didn’t fully migrate. And they just didn’t set it up successfully. And we found you know, like there’s there’s several files that they have long social security number and the way that he already works is the head of that.
Unknown Speaker 44:11
Client is trapped by Social Security numbers. So they had wrong social security number. So then they changed it. Well that made a new
Unknown Speaker 44:20
and they didn’t delete old ones. So now.
Unknown Speaker 44:23
So those are showing up as not being inspected. Because of course they’re not it’s a debit don’t live.
Unknown Speaker 44:33
So So those are the kinds of things that we have to clean up in the air by the yardie software two years ago. Shouldn’t have done that.
Unknown Speaker 44:44
That’s the name of the it’s true what
Unknown Speaker 44:48
we were trying to work out and
Unknown Speaker 44:51
we were
Unknown Speaker 44:52
the other the thought was very confined to volunteering.
Unknown Speaker 44:56
You had to you lean into that before we can go
Unknown Speaker 45:00
What is the status of the volunteer?
Unknown Speaker 45:03
We have completed everything on the list that was due. Our last word from HUD in February was Thank you, we’ll check out the last deliverable. And we’ll let you know. And I’ve been told by that you just should know that. I don’t remember the number of pages of finding that was staggering. The interest rate costs were overwhelmed. And it looked like the end of the authority. I mean, it did the challenge of working it out, was there was thought you had no no capacity to work. It was part of the motivation, and thinking, so we just got to understand how far it’s come. Since those moments you have to look at this volunteering.
Unknown Speaker 45:46
It was, it was it was frightening. Well, Martin opposers the CDBG funds on the accessibility issues. That’s that’s the last piece right? Actually. So the the actual capital project is not required by the BCI. But it is related where we did that physical accessibility survey, we had a plan for the next seven years of capital improvement.
Unknown Speaker 46:10
Do you get fined if you’re?
Unknown Speaker 46:15
Not we did not be the VCA. Is there fines related to I don’t think so it’s just there HUDs processes, they do findings, they can recapture funds.
Unknown Speaker 46:26
That has not happened
Unknown Speaker 46:29
in the past llj. So
Unknown Speaker 46:33
what can happen is HUD can come in, and if it’s not working,
Unknown Speaker 46:39
they can put housing authorities into receivership, which I’ve actually seen a few times.
Unknown Speaker 46:47
And they basically come in and take you over and redo things. For those of you that were here, when we took out some Commissioner waters perspective,
Unknown Speaker 46:59
this voluntary compliance agreement, we actually stepped in before we were involved, and helped facilitate a conversation with how to not go 100 miles an hour on this lift with either voluntary compliance agreement.
Unknown Speaker 47:16
What we subsequently found out from conversation,
Unknown Speaker 47:20
is you They told us we were getting ready to kind of talk to the cities to sit down. Oh, really? Yeah. So
Unknown Speaker 47:30
that’s kind of the dominoes are falling. And we just stepped in at a different time there, avoided maybe some of those and got hit with them.
Unknown Speaker 47:41
But stepped in and pointed before we got to the most significant,
Unknown Speaker 47:48
Unknown Speaker 47:51
So do we need to do anything on the HCV program or see map, it’s just a, just a demonstration.
Unknown Speaker 47:59
Okay, at the project based voucher requests,
Unknown Speaker 48:04
I’ll take this one as as an informational update as well, we plan on so if you recall,
Unknown Speaker 48:11
back in February, we opened up our project based voucher customer proposals period for senior housing. And then in
Unknown Speaker 48:21
in March, we went ahead and awarded that to the village boys project village on a project.
Unknown Speaker 48:27
So we’re now opening up a second round up to 18 vouchers focusing on family housing, and we do know we’ll have at least two applicants. One will be the Hoover project and when will be a
Unknown Speaker 48:41
a privately operated affordable housing development. It’s also technical for tax credit. So this is just an a heads up that we plan to open that up on Friday. It will be open through June 30. And then you all will consider that in July, the award.
Unknown Speaker 48:57
That’s just a heads up because there’s a very process driven lot of hydrocarbons behind it. So it’s just information.
Unknown Speaker 49:08
Yes. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 49:12
So we’re turning it over to you girl, we’re
Unknown Speaker 49:16
gonna try to move pretty quickly pure our updates.
Unknown Speaker 49:20
First thing I wanted to talk about is, you know that we’ve been moving through a number of evictions
Unknown Speaker 49:27
during the last one, and I’ll
Unknown Speaker 49:30
briefly give you the details, but judge Martin expressed praise and things on the team approach to avoid metafiction and one of the individuals we’re dealing with.
Unknown Speaker 49:41
Can you really quickly at a high level, working through a weaver? Well, just Martin was just impressed out along the Housing Authority, our attorneys, the Valmont, mediation services of the city sponsors all can get together and he’s seen in so many cases that we can sit down and actually have a conversation that we’re not
Unknown Speaker 50:00
We’re getting the a part of that today we will negotiate with the tenants. One of the cases that he was referring to this last week is they they need to go. But we sat there and went back and forth, mediation got four or five times to their attorneys, our attorneys mediation services, and really came up with a plan that was workable for the family so that they have adequate time to be out and also the timeframes that we needed.
Unknown Speaker 50:27
So that’s kind of the work that you can do all built is
Unknown Speaker 50:32
these processes we have to go through are extremely time consuming.
Unknown Speaker 50:37
In one of the things that we’re doing, and we have a turnout from trainings coming out.
Unknown Speaker 50:44
So one of the things that when we’re dealing with all of these issues is the number of requirements that we have to manage. So first and say, first and foremost, all the fair housing rules are front and center for us anytime we’re dealing with a situation. And that’s really the holy grail in terms of how we have to deal with it.
Unknown Speaker 51:05
The second piece, you know, touch ADA issues,
Unknown Speaker 51:09
which can cover anything from physical disabilities and
Unknown Speaker 51:14
reasonable accommodations, which actually was one of the things that started the voluntary compliance agreement was the lack of reasonable accommodations in terms of dealing with ABA issues, so that, you know, front and center, so we have to
Unknown Speaker 51:29
work with all of those components. So you know, the time you just see the time commitment that you’re dealing with in terms of planning out a situation and how you’re going through developing the documentation, but even up to when they go into action report for eviction. There’s a lot of work that even occurs at that point. So I mentioned this to you all before we have a lot of
Unknown Speaker 51:53
we do everything we can to keep people housed. Because, you know, the issue just gets snagged by
Unknown Speaker 52:01
monitoring trends for us. Kind of get a sense of what we just talked about. But
Unknown Speaker 52:08
hey, I think one of the things that none of us realized we took it over is these organization, housing authorities are monitored to the 10th degree.
Unknown Speaker 52:20
And that’s because you get monitored by HUD, you get monitored by investors, you get monitored by doba. We get monitored by CHAFA, a mortgage company, Morgan, I mean, so everybody’s monitoring you. And I think what we’re experiencing now to the point that Molly made earlier, is they’re digging in, because they’re like, Okay, let’s really see how you’re doing. And so we’re just continuing to be in that
Unknown Speaker 52:48
monitoring phase, they’re also catching up on the COVID backlog. As we talked about earlier, a lot of things are required to be monitored. But they’re now requiring those and anytime you get into it, like the commissioner Yarborough made earlier, we’re bringing in almost the entire staff in terms of getting files ready and working to make sure that everything’s running and available for monitorings.
Unknown Speaker 53:16
We talked a little bit last time about the regional voucher program impacts.
Unknown Speaker 53:21
Boulder County Housing Authority and bover Housing Partners are raising payment standards. And so we’re looking at that because that really could impact us in terms of
Unknown Speaker 53:33
whether or not landlords will accept our vouchers. What’s interesting, what we’re seeing is that, at this point, we’re not seeing people denying our voucher holders are taking. But what we’re hearing, I think, from our counterparts in the county and older housing, is that they’re having trouble with it uptaking vouchers, because I’m assuming it’s because of the red levels and where it said.
Unknown Speaker 53:59
And so we’re watching that to really understand what’s going on, we’ll probably talk more detail about this.
Unknown Speaker 54:07
We’re just now as we talked about earlier, growing and gaining gaining HUD funding increases, the Housing Authority hadn’t had increases for a significant number of years of housing choice vouchers, we’re now starting to see him. Therefore we didn’t have as much of an increase in colder and lower county during that process coming into those that really is performance related. I think I mean, a big part of that performance related and the number of vouchers that you actually have out and we talked about before the number is 420. The number 30. Correct. By the end of the year, we should get 440. So you’re seeing us being able to have more vouchers out
Unknown Speaker 54:48
even though 520 is the limit as we’re managing it to your tool. That’s what’s allowing us to do that. So
Unknown Speaker 54:55
watching it pretty close. You know, one of the things that we can say is the regional relationships and
Unknown Speaker 55:00
The impact of community, we are seeing that starting to show itself as you are probably absorbing
Unknown Speaker 55:09
more vouchers than any other community.
Unknown Speaker 55:14
In the county, we’re digging into some numbers.
Unknown Speaker 55:18
To really understand what that impact is. And we’ll be back to you, I’ll have to present that information once you get it. But I do think we’re taking a lot of vouchers, or we have a lot of voucher holders, from Boulder County and bullet in Boulder housing partners that are actually renting using the vouchers in Walmart. And then we’re also going to look at mental health partners who receive state managers, as well to get a better sense of the number of voucher holders that we have in our community. Secondly,
Unknown Speaker 55:47
does that mean that we are getting more people moving into our community with vouchers, maybe from another place? Correct. So the way that they prepared the agreements that dated back to 1989 8789, to where
Unknown Speaker 56:06
their respective group said that if somebody has a voucher from over counting, in the utilizing Walmart, you’re not going to engage in a portal process importing the vouchers over
Unknown Speaker 56:22
online, if somebody has a voucher from Loveland Housing Authority, and they come to one but we have a choice as to whether or not you more important that voucher into our system. There’s financials associated with it, admin fees, you don’t necessarily get all of them, but you at least have a choice to do.
Unknown Speaker 56:40
So what you have is basically within Boulder County is freeform flowing vouchers in and out of different communities. And, and so
Unknown Speaker 56:53
that’s what we’re trying to figure out exactly how many are coming in from where and what does that look like?
Unknown Speaker 57:02
Could it be because they’re not building is much housing for the people?
Unknown Speaker 57:09
I would say that can potentially be an issue. I think the rental cost in those other communities is probably the most significant issue as a whole the rental costs. I think when we look at our rental numbers are starting to see some draft information coming in in terms of the housing report. And our rental fees are lower than they are in Boulder and other places within boulder counties that are it’s combination of the amount of units, the rental rates. And so we want to get a little more depth in this when we bring it back to you. But you know, it wouldn’t surprise me. If we say we have 440 at the end of the year, we’re going to be able to issue
Unknown Speaker 57:56
based on some numbers that I’ve seen that we’ve got to verify. I would expect that there’s potentially more vouchers coming in from outside of Walmart than we have in total.
Unknown Speaker 58:08
And that’s a different conversation that we have to figure out. Malina
Unknown Speaker 58:12
tried to figure it out and start having this conversation with others.
Unknown Speaker 58:19
At 123, is something that we’re looking at this is one of these weird words, because it impacts the housing authority.
Unknown Speaker 58:27
But the city has to do it. I will say I think it’s an advantage of having a structure we have, because we can look at it from a different perspective versus just purely a municipal perspective. It’s not a housing authority. And so I asked you a question that
Unknown Speaker 58:45
is how the Housing Authority commission, but would you like to see this as the city council. So
Unknown Speaker 58:53
when you think that the Housing Authority, we really think community will greatly benefit from problem 23 funds,
Unknown Speaker 59:00
we have to submit the commitment for llj habitat in between to participate in the portal that just opened a few days ago. And also, right, so the city has to connect in order for any other agency, including the housing authority to request funding to use in the city.
Unknown Speaker 59:20
So we’re working on some baseline selections to really give us give us a chance to understand the numbers and wanted to know if you would like us to consider condeco parameters as a council before we we submitted which you want to see the commitment parameters as the council before we submit to the state to participate before you submit as the city participant. Yeah, we can submit a staff but because it’s impacting the housing authority and
Unknown Speaker 59:50
see if any other was
Unknown Speaker 59:57
very interesting to see what we’re up to
Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
Unknown Speaker 1:00:04
to go? Oh, I can do. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:09
So moving to development update, we wanted to pick a couple of quick ones. One is just a heads up that on June 6, the city council will see an informational item describing this in more depth. But the plan right now that we’re moving forward with is to go ahead and use $2.1 million of ARPA funds to purchase the former royal mobile home park property out of the storm drainage fund. And how is it in the Affordable Housing Fund,
Unknown Speaker 1:00:40
which is an eligible arco expenditure, the price is $2 million. That’s a negotiated price based on the remnant property, what is left for development. And the work still required to get that ready to develop and also the appraised value, it’s kind of a middle ground there. And then it moves an extra $100,000 Just for storm drainage staff to keep maintaining it since LBJ doesn’t have that function really built in. That would just be nice to have that
Unknown Speaker 1:01:10
maintained as it is until we’re ready to develop it. The other thing is we’re planning on keeping the affordable housing fun for now not moving it to La J onto the Lhh books for the moment, because there’s so much going on with the first and main transportation redevelopment, we just want maximum flexibility to see if there’s, there’s some sort of mixed use that could happen there. It would still be affordable housing. But that is the plan for that. So when you see that on our LNJ goals, it might be housed within the city for the time being. So it’s up to one in Boston, across from the materials. Yeah. Yeah. Part of that. But also when you drop the land into these gills. And when you think about it today, when you make concession impacts every year, it’s just cleaner to hold it in the affordable housing, but knowing that we’re going to use it for Ellijay, which is why we wanted to talk to you all like this. So we’re all in the asset. Yes, yes. It would be a concern an asset of affordable housing, cash,
Unknown Speaker 1:02:17
knowing that we’re going to at some point transferring something within the Housing Authority.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:23
Unknown Speaker 1:02:25
Yes, that will happen right away. Yeah. So when you see that project on your LH and goals, that’s just how it’s gonna sit for, for the time being.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:36
Video one time, say you’re looking at you were looking at that as attainable.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:41
No, that was always affordable. So when we purchased
Unknown Speaker 1:02:46
going back to the flood, this, this goes all the way back to the flooding that we knew we needed the property for the channel expansion. And then we talked to the council at that time about utilizing it for affordable housing.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:00
We were trying to figure out how we would get the dollars to do it. We’re using the ARPA funds. But in terms of looking at first and main is that’s now moving along, you know, we have an alignment. And so there may be more than we can do to really figure out what’s the most advantageous way there leverage that for affordable housing in the broad scheme
Unknown Speaker 1:03:24
and an excuse for transit oriented development.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:30
The next one is
Unknown Speaker 1:03:34
that promotion is simple question. Will you laid out for us an overall plan for reserve funds?
Unknown Speaker 1:03:45
It would be it would be useful given what you just said. least from my perspective, if we could get an update. How is that how we deviated from or how consistent? Or what does our actual expenditure look like compared to others priorities? Would
Unknown Speaker 1:04:01
you like to see that as an LHD update or
Unknown Speaker 1:04:04
whatever, I just I just think it would be useful. I couldn’t, honestly I couldn’t, especially if you’re just not certain I can answer the question and ask where are relative to what the plan was? Just next.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:22
So the next one, I wanted to update on the affordable assisted living. So these both of these two projects are further planned out ones, they’re not necessarily totally active at the moment. We’re just planning ahead for them. And that is our that’s the biggest lift on our archives project list that has Ellijay related because it’s just it’s a big undertaking, and it’s a specialty type of project. So we’ve done a ton of research already about development partners and ways to do this. But given the ARPA funding, wanting to spend
Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
out as quickly as possible, just as safeguarded in case, somebody yes in case somebody considers recapturing we are considering whether we go ahead and try and search and do a land banking process and maybe hold land, we have to, of course, talk about the some development, potential earliest art development consultants that can advise on this if we hold that land with that Sony advantageous to a future deal. But in order to get the ARPA funds spent, that is something we could do and haven’t spent this year. So that’s something we’re going to research and look into as an option. And then pick up the development when we’re actually ready capacity wising and ready to take on the next one.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:45
I was gonna move to Sydney unless there’s questions on that one.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:49
So then yeah, we already mentioned the closing is coming up we are in the final push. Compared to Chrisman which happened in June, this just about this time last year, you’ll probably remember it was a lot of documents lying around at the very last minute, we definitely paced it out much more, they’re still in the end, a couple that are flying, we’re out of the last minute, but not because the volume is Chrisman. I just wanted to kind of reflect on what has gone well with this one, especially considering that this is our second full go at this person being the first we plan to have well on our timelines, we’ve had really creative solutions for filling gap funding, and our relationship with our partner element has been really productive and positive.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:37
I’m just being brief. But the challenge is, the utilities and the easements at this location just were a real challenge. It is chock full of utilities. So that presented challenges in the entitlement process and making sure we got designed approved in time for building permits, and getting easements and vacations and everything sorted here towards the end. And then this is also our first time as a third party property manager. So this was the potential model that the LHC could use going forward for non LHC owned properties, to manage them and collect fees for that management service. And so we really dug in deep on that management agreement, which is what you’d be considering as the city council next May 23. Because we really wanted to get it right, as far as we could projects, not ever having done one of these to date. So that it turned out to be pretty pretty in depth making sure we’ve got a staffing plan and how are we going to manage the bank accounts and financials and who’s doing what and a lot of arranging of responsibilities and negotiation of
Unknown Speaker 1:07:49
our return on this. So that was it was productive and positive and we’re getting there, but it was a big lift to make sure that we were trying to consider the future as much as possible.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:03
So that’s what I’d say on Zinnia that’s almost kind of a closing closing statement
Unknown Speaker 1:08:12
for hoever so first of all, we’re at the point where we need to decide a name for them over development, the one that has risen to the top of the development partnership team so far is ascent at overcrossing. But SMA s c, e and t because A is kind of a mountain theme and the hearthstone and lodge are kind of you know, rustic mountain fields as well but then we’re gonna have pretty good mountain views on that top couple floors and then really it’s about the people living there where it’s it’s you know a stepping stone to improving your life and just an upward trajectory so that was the proposal so far so um unless it is objected to by this board then that’s what we will move forward with you have any feedback on that
Unknown Speaker 1:09:05
any ideas was always welcome
Unknown Speaker 1:09:15
graphic company is something
Unknown Speaker 1:09:18
I there’s a lot of a sense things
Unknown Speaker 1:09:21
to make sure that it wasn’t gonna get confused with something else but
Unknown Speaker 1:09:26
there was a property called Ascendance but then they changed their name to Alpine so
Unknown Speaker 1:09:32
it doesn’t seem like there’s anything directly comparable in last month’s
Unknown Speaker 1:09:38
um, we are probably a minute by probably by the end of May. We’re trying to draft up those partnership documents so that some of them can come to your youth or consideration at the gym
Unknown Speaker 1:09:54
we’re trying to sell you we’re doing kind of plants and flowers at the sunset campus so we didn’t want to do
Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
too far into plants.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:03
So it’s really interesting the marketing team of our development partner
Unknown Speaker 1:10:08
Unknown Speaker 1:10:13
While you think about that, you can always get back to us with ideas, the land transfer, so your Board approved the purchase and sale agreement at one of your most recent meetings, we are planning on having that land close by next Friday the 26th to the latest, hopefully a little bit sooner, but we’re trying to sort out some some clear subtitle, title. Exceptions, just mentioned, we have everything really straightforward. So that will be occurring. And then the land will be held by LBJ at that point. And then we would
Unknown Speaker 1:10:48
be working on a purchase option agreement to the development partnership that they would want in play for the tax credit application on this verse. So that would be coming back to you as well.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:59
We’re continuing to look for gap funding, make sure we’ve got our funding plan set for August tax credit application, including for the ECB.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:10
We’re doing final design concept design to the point that you need for a tax credit application. So that’s pretty exciting, seeing some of those
Unknown Speaker 1:11:19
visuals come together. And we’ll we’ll close they’re a little more fleshed out and have color on that we’ll bring them back so you can see them as well. They will be a big lift through the summer because of that August 1 tax credit application goal. And yeah, that’s actually everything I have for over. There’s any questions on that one?
Unknown Speaker 1:11:41
as well.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:44
And it’s finally for village on Main. We’re completing our third party design review and budget prioritization process right now. So we’ve hired actually a third party owners rep, which has been really helpful just to help us work that prioritization and schedule out how we’re going to plan for cost escalation, how do we plan ahead for that, and then prioritizing what to do now on the initial budget and what to say for contingency and how to work this off. So that’s been really productive. And we’ve hired our relocation team as well, that we’ve hired a firm that we worked with for all seven years of art. It’s actually been 10 years, but we worked for for seven of the 10 years of the CDBG, Dr. flood recovery program, and they’re really what they’re doing. And they’re going to help us
Unknown Speaker 1:12:36
work, coordinate all of our resident temporary locations. And we’re going to get them into working on contracts right now. And we’ll get them into start working with residents here in the center.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:47
And finally doing final gap funding. So both I should say both over and village on Main, were selected recommended by the advisory board the housing and Human Services Advisory Board to receive affordable housing funds in Andover CDBG funds. So the city council will consider that in June. But that’s all
Unknown Speaker 1:13:09
in process between the city side and Ellijay side. So that’s everything I have
Unknown Speaker 1:13:16
done one thing I wanted to say, um, you know, so you can have heard us go through audits high level, briefly turn it over to Lisa to talk in kinder, if there’s anything you need to cover on the numbers, are you good. But
Unknown Speaker 1:13:31
when we talked about all of this,
Unknown Speaker 1:13:33
give you a sense the development team at Boulder County Housing, they finish the smoke off moment, they’re starting to build the corridor.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:45
That’s yet
Unknown Speaker 1:13:47
and then won’t be multifamily, in May of 2020 30 can get a sense of the development we’re doing.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:56
As he talks about this work, I wanted you all to think about this piece of it. And obviously there’s tax dollars going into this. But when we compare staffing levels, they have 55, staff members, nine managers and an executive director. So you get a sense of
Unknown Speaker 1:14:15
the bulk of work, they have 900 vouchers, and 450, so roughly half
Unknown Speaker 1:14:22
Bible British vouchers. And so when you look at just kind of scope of work and
Unknown Speaker 1:14:28
kind of impress this teams under
Unknown Speaker 1:14:31
and get a sense that it’s more in some cases, significantly smaller staff in terms of what we’re doing. And that’s the piece that we’re bridging in with the city HMC projects. So kind of wanted to throw that out at the end and say, here’s the world. And here’s what we’re doing it with.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:51
Now, we’re doing a different I mean, we’re not self performing these projects, we’re leveraging public private partnerships, which I think is the best way to do because you can be more
Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
have a bathroom. And so there is a distinct difference in this group is handling capacity.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:08
If we had five more people in this group, we were gonna give people the doors off of our competitors, just based on what I’m seeing.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:34
Fortunately, fortunately, you know, we’re still struggling with the financial issues that we inherited. And so, you know, we’re tactically adding as we continue to move forward in the budget processes. But that’s why you see is pressing the development authorities addressable because that’s going to generate revenue. Yes, partnerships generate, I mean, a lot of what we’re focusing on is revenue generation, because there’s just not enough revenue generation units that
Unknown Speaker 1:16:06
we are adding,
Unknown Speaker 1:16:10
Unknown Speaker 1:16:12
hurt recently from Boulder City person that they were stuck at 8% of Florida. So far.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:24
You can see now that your percent of our total are 12, six and a half, whereas six and a half. But it depends.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:34
When you look at state numbers, and you look at naturally occurring, affordable units, I think our percentage is much higher, which actually connects to the voucher issue. And this is why we’re trying to figure all this stuff out. We would have never have understood the voucher issue and just being a city without being an allergy to start seeing things. So depending on how you look at it, we only count
Unknown Speaker 1:17:03
the affordable units that we build permanently.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:08
At certain affordability levels. Right. And that was worse.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:14
The reason they asked the question is because there were at least two answers naturally occurring included in the ones who know we can throw restricted. So the six and a half is deed restricted. We haven’t attempted to kill the naturally occurring, that’s what we’re seeing in the state. Yeah, that’s all pulled from census information and average rents. And
Unknown Speaker 1:17:40
Unknown Speaker 1:17:43
there’s some issues because that’s committed to right.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:49
So that’s, that’s an option when you’re talking about the prop 123 commitment that is an option using their data. But one thing that we’re finding, and we’ve been talking to our regional partners as well, is if you use just the census data, what the state has provided as an option in our market, then a lot they’re counting are naturally occurring affordable. But we really don’t have control over what that does in the future. So if you need some, right, so if our prices continue to go up, and it leaves that naturally affordable market, no matter how many units we generate, and call are restricted, the things that we count, then we will never meet that baseline if you so we can’t predict exactly what would happen in that instance, brings back to you because
Unknown Speaker 1:18:39
it’s a madness conversation right now. And so we’ll bring it back and explain it. So yeah, we can theoretically be at 9% affordability, if you include naturally affordable, but you can’t guarantee that it’s going to stay. Right and that was actually not talking about Prop 12123. But let the 12% commitment we made to this, you can’t guarantee that it will stay there so you can if you counted in the 12% you can profit so both Boulder and lawn not count currently deed restricted, affordable units, because those are the ones that we have control over. So we could if someone is about to leave, Exodus deed restriction or aged out, then we can go we have ways to track that we don’t have ways to track and manage all of the naturally affordable
Unknown Speaker 1:19:32
but it needs to be recognized to service can
Unknown Speaker 1:19:37
look at this as a whole module to try to figure out right and then the other side of that on this.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:46
Your housing needs assessment on
Unknown Speaker 1:19:51
June 27
Unknown Speaker 1:19:57
We’ll bring them in they’re gonna come in and do a presentation for counseling
Unknown Speaker 1:20:01
Unknown Speaker 1:20:02
are king for you, right? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:20:08
You know, it’s many
Unknown Speaker 1:20:15
believers, I’ll have this on your desk, because I’m pretty sure,
Unknown Speaker 1:20:18
you’re gonna be able to see that. So we do have quite an outstanding balance of our past few tenants. And within the next couple of months, we are in her data meeting with my accountant next week, we are going to start transitioning the some of these over to collections,
Unknown Speaker 1:20:35
which they get written off our books. So we’ll be bringing approvals on your end, to get those written,
Unknown Speaker 1:20:43
they’ll proceed through collections for a period of time, if we can collect on them,
Unknown Speaker 1:20:51
you do do a pretty high percentage of allowance on most of these.
Unknown Speaker 1:20:56
With it being affordable housing, and
Unknown Speaker 1:20:59
it’s gonna be really hard to see some of the study come back unless we have judgments.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:06
And we can have some judgments.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:09
But not not enough.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:12
So that’s what’s gonna happen here. I mean, you have, right now, our current tenants, we have about a $14,000 balance. So the biggest piece is our past to an A lot of it is on that deals that are occurring meth units and eviction units.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:35
cost to store units, we got our first test.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:42
So we’re now has worked, we’re gonna work working through that one to understand how it works.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:53
Just without possessing.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:56
So based on how they’re describing how it works is we have a unit that test positive and we have the industrial hygenist number, we will take that unit, obviously with personal protective equipment, and then see what the number is that it generates, and compares it prepared to to that.
Unknown Speaker 1:22:21
So the next year, the financials
Unknown Speaker 1:22:24
highlighted those areas of concern. So we have Aspen Meadows neighborhood, we have senior apartments, these are basically that we’re over 50% of our agency that works.
Unknown Speaker 1:22:42
For us, and I know we still don’t
Unknown Speaker 1:22:46
know where their vacancy rates are at today. But for those those instances right there, we’re getting over 30% of our vacancy already. So it continues working on turnovers. And then what happens there is what if you’re not getting that money in you’re not getting the management fees, which pay for the admin. I mean, it’s just a trickle down effect. The peak are just insurance proceeds. So obviously, these two areas have met units, I believe a MSA and order have both met units. And we’re working through the insurance proceeds on those.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:28
For the launch, Spring Creek and the suites, we have the same situation, the suites has several claims
Unknown Speaker 1:23:37
that we have insurance proceeds coming in on and some of these are also continuous last year’s claims. We do have
Unknown Speaker 1:23:51
these, sorry, I can barely see you. So these yellow ones. These are over 770 5% annual vacancy. So we’ve hit 75% of what we budgeted for vacancy at both the lodge and the suites. So those are getting extremely tight and in fact, Suites is at 80%. And the lock is at 96. So we got to
Unknown Speaker 1:24:21
I know they’ve started outreach, not just going to the waitlist and starting to advertise because we’re having issues with certain properties based on the percentage of AMI that it’s just too high for some of these people that 50 or 60% So we’re having to outsource outside of that list to get these units house.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:43
So people are on the waitlist but they can’t afford the unit rent to somebody else. That what’s happening. It’s because like if they if they had a voucher and probably be very easy to read 50% unit, but what they have to tell them
Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
Is that 50% unit is that this rental rate? Can you afford that?
Unknown Speaker 1:25:06
So they can’t even go at that route, because they don’t have a voucher, or it’s not a PGP,
Unknown Speaker 1:25:13
that type of thing. So we’re having to outsource to different agencies to see if they have anybody
Unknown Speaker 1:25:20
Unknown Speaker 1:25:22
that can live, if people are people down, the waiting list might have shelters, even though the first person doesn’t, they’ve reached out to So my understanding is they’ve exhausted all of them. So all the moving automobiles, and then they even went and looked at other properties. So if somebody was on the waitlist for Fall River, they would contact them and say, Hey, we have a unit and MSA to 50% unit with warranty. And
Unknown Speaker 1:25:51
Diana said she reached out for a MSA, there’s like 55 different people. And we found they just had to outsource it because we’re getting in a point where
Unknown Speaker 1:26:03
our debt to income ratio
Unknown Speaker 1:26:06
might not pass the loan
Unknown Speaker 1:26:10
that are required. So
Unknown Speaker 1:26:13
Unknown Speaker 1:26:15
a new thing, a new thing.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:18
Because we’re being monitored on the load side, for MSA
Unknown Speaker 1:26:24
minimum wage because
Unknown Speaker 1:26:28
well, this is an age restricted union. So
Unknown Speaker 1:26:33
Unknown Speaker 1:26:35
are so many issues, and that’s related to how it’s financed via Wi Fi chat. But
Unknown Speaker 1:26:41
in terms of if it’s a 50%, a value that we may have to start evaluating based on where we are from, can you get someone to connect the problem is that creates a snowball effect.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:55
And they are on the waiting list when they come in to put their name on the waiting list. Diane is explaining the programs and what the rent is. And I think what was happening was people were putting their name on a waiting list thinking it was gonna be 30% of their income.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:14
Even though their income supported that amount, they couldn’t actually afford it. So we’ll try to upfront
Unknown Speaker 1:27:22
let them know what this program is
Unknown Speaker 1:27:29
Unknown Speaker 1:27:31
so for Le j, the only the only thing is we’re over in some administrative expenses on 615 main, but that’s because we also have reasons. So we can have some information to say
Unknown Speaker 1:27:46
and then LH DC had some additional income and that was due to the exit of the investor village place LH a mount LH DC money to give the investor the investor out before you go into the syndication. They are very fortunate that they knocked exit tax in half. So we do $200,000 With that will get paid back to
Unknown Speaker 1:28:18
LH TC which will pay back LBJ
Unknown Speaker 1:28:21
in the closing.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:28
So that’s kind of first quarter in a nutshell.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:32
Unknown Speaker 1:28:34
other than that, we’re pretty much within 25% 25 to 20% of
Unknown Speaker 1:28:41
Unknown Speaker 1:28:43
which is
Unknown Speaker 1:28:47
doing if
Unknown Speaker 1:28:50
you’re outsourcing
Unknown Speaker 1:28:53
Unknown Speaker 1:28:56
be able to take you back from the brink.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:04
I don’t even know what I think might is maybe the increase in vouchers is going to 100% as we start to increase those vouchers as they move through certification. That may cushion the vacancies we’re seeing but I don’t know what
Unknown Speaker 1:29:24
we had five units all at 50% at the end of March, so borderline out of April, so far affordable, more now rented and just to correctly
Unknown Speaker 1:29:36
Oh from outsourcing off about sourcing. So that’s very good.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:41
And now you’re saying you can get five more belts or six five more people who can afford
Unknown Speaker 1:29:47
where they vouches? I believe so because we went to
Unknown Speaker 1:29:51
love what’s your services and we let them know hey, do you have people looking we have immediate opens openings if they can support this rent or have a voucher we can do
Unknown Speaker 1:30:00
Get them in
Unknown Speaker 1:30:04
somewhere last outro count at 12, one to 2022. At 405. We’ve been trying to get to 420 for a really long time. But it’s like a rollercoaster ride people get off fraud,
Unknown Speaker 1:30:17
losing their vouchers, we’ve finally reached in April 450 ventures, and we currently have three that were leased at the very end of this month. So you’ll see those representative in May, and then we have eight on the waitlist. So we’re out about 441.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:41
And that’s where we plan to be by the end of the year,
Unknown Speaker 1:30:45
as we start to,
Unknown Speaker 1:30:48
and we have pretty much the two year two, pretty down to
Unknown Speaker 1:30:55
so they we are getting like attrition rate, which is being like people leaving the program on a monthly basis is about 10%. So it’s almost like four or five doctors and
Unknown Speaker 1:31:08
we’re actually losing. So Tracy and her team are keeping up on that. And that’s what wasn’t happening. So we were losing vouchers with them. They weren’t reissuing those. So then when they don’t reissue those, you’re still looking for these five that already been issued. But now you really shouldn’t.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:25
So they got they gotta go, we gotta go.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:32
So yeah, and we did get 400,000 extra dollars this year.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:41
And that will push in the 440 that we can go up to along with 105%.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:48
Increase to fair market
Unknown Speaker 1:31:51
to go to 5%. And the more we lease up the more admin admin costs that we
Unknown Speaker 1:31:58
are about your
Unknown Speaker 1:32:07
occupancy reports. So we ended April slot maybe 3%. But I just pulled the numbers in the last two weeks my team last time I reported we changed how we were doing the waitlist. We’re keeping them open we’re we have Diana, the admin, calling on those and helping to pre fill those pulling the numbers right your first meeting we are projected to end the month at 97%.
Unknown Speaker 1:32:29
Most of these units have been leased across the board, like we talked about asking senior but most of them were at least from the waitlist, even the suites have a couple of their down units. ones don’t flood ones down from Mexico, projected to be done by the end of the month are already leased and ready to go. So we’re very active on our side.
Unknown Speaker 1:32:48
For messiness, we did add two new units this month at the briar wood, we have two that came in positive and
Unknown Speaker 1:32:58
that’s where our occupancy is any questions on occupancy.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:03
And then just a quick overview of the property updates. One thing that’s not on here is we are having our annual fair housing training that you’re all invited to we’ll have our fair housing trader out of Denver, come up West is a great trainer. It’s June 20, from 830 to 1130. And we’ll be doing it in the chambers.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:25
We held Cinco de Mayo events the whole first week of May and all the properties and it was amazing. My staff is sick of chicken, but it is nice. We had the dancers from Long Island Senior Services show up at one of the properties and magician at another singers at another so it was quite active that a lot of the properties were that they did a full on events.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:47
Great turnout. We tried to guess the numbers of residents. I’m going to show up and we were surprised at each each yes we made there was more participants.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:59
We’re doing currently doing declutter events and we bring it upstairs to the properties and Stephens helping residents get stuff to the dumpsters, you can get in three of them where we go to property. We even had the dumpster halfway through a 30 yard because it was so full of stuff. So
Unknown Speaker 1:34:13
very helpful. And LSA is currently fully staffed for the first one
Unknown Speaker 1:34:20
Unknown Speaker 1:34:24
suites. We got rid of security last year in Brighton building attendance and I have never seen the suite so clean and these building attendants are hands on opening the night shifts are calling public safety and they see something out of the norm around the building down the street. They’re very involved in working with Sarah and other members of the police department and
Unknown Speaker 1:34:47
foreign public safety have been playing a major role at the suites lately. We’ve had a lot of increased mental health situations but for Sarah, Dave Kennedy, they’ve all been there right by our side helping us navigate those
Unknown Speaker 1:35:02
And one other thing I just want to touch on for Spring Creek in Fall River management teamed up and partnered with elder Sharon think Elder Sharon’s been bringing in through distributions for years at these properties, but we saw some ways that we can improve it. So the manager and assistant manager when it got trained to elder share, and have taken over the distributions, and we have a little bit more saying the kind of foods that are coming, what our residents are requesting, and actually seeing some participation and residents who have not participated in yours
Unknown Speaker 1:35:33
are excited to be more hands on.
Unknown Speaker 1:35:38
So I’m gonna be doing public health and safety updates on behalf of Sarah Arnie. We already mentioned the meth detector, that was one of the things she wanted to make sure y’all knew about that, that’s been received. And now we’re going to go over with our testing,
Unknown Speaker 1:35:55
tacking on to the issues that we’ve been having around mental health and bringing in core and, and MHP really been working all the way around the residents to try and address there, help them get through their issues and make sure they can maintain successful housing, do everything we can to make sure that happens. But I really do, which Lisa touched on. But I really do want to stress that we’re working with MHP, that we had a meeting with them to really dig down in it, we got to some of the issues that have been really needing to be talked about for a long time. And I think that we’re on a good foot and we’ve got use that as a jumping off point to coordinate with them and partner group that partnership ongoing as well. So the issues were with MHP not issues with the residences needs. It’s more of it’s we’re coming together around residents of the suites who are needing support from all of us. And then it’s coming down to figuring out just things that people may have misunderstood or about how what referrals and responsibilities are, what to expect when you know MHP person or a resident calls the police. And once there’s just a lot of there was just a conversation that happened about working with NXP as a partner for the resident.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:18
Unknown Speaker 1:37:21
Core? I always have this question.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:25
It seems to be that crisis events do not respect the clock. But core does. What’s the procedure when
Unknown Speaker 1:37:37
when there’s a crisis at 8pm
Unknown Speaker 1:37:41
comms handles that.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:44
So chairs here next time, in the budget, we added the fourth quarter.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:51
So we are adjusting that fourth step down. But we do train our officers
Unknown Speaker 1:37:58
with some of the similar
Unknown Speaker 1:38:01
they go through similar training,
Unknown Speaker 1:38:03
in terms of managing is that I think we’re we’ve definitely extended the hours, I just can’t remember what it is. But that’s part of this conversation is to understand who those wins, because what he can do. So I can ask that question again.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:22
And then her last update was just that we’re using in, in concert with the HCI team for the city to get the security cameras across all properties, make sure they’re all on the same system to talk to the city system. So she’s been helping us manage that project. And we have bids and we’re looking to move forward here next week.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:44
So that was everything that I had Sarah assist.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:47
Alright, any other discussion from commissioners?
Unknown Speaker 1:38:52
I’m always amazed at the amount of work.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:56
You’re always smiling. And I know that doesn’t translate everywhere, but
Unknown Speaker 1:39:02
I appreciate
Unknown Speaker 1:39:13
Unknown Speaker 1:39:21
as a
Unknown Speaker 1:39:23
as an ex boss, again, it seems like
Unknown Speaker 1:39:27
even when things aren’t working, you can describe the problem now as opposed to digging into mysteries.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:37
So better okay, I’m starting to think
Unknown Speaker 1:39:45
well, it looks like two commissioners moved and seconded
Unknown Speaker 1:39:50
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