Historic Preservation Board – March 2023

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Historic Preservation Board – March 2023

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
We will go ahead and call the march 2 2023 meeting of the historic preservation commission to order because I have it, I used it. Can we call the roll please?

Unknown Speaker 0:19
Commissioner Sibley Here. Commissioner Fenster. Commissioner guy you here. Sherman lane here. Commissioner Norton. Yeah. Commissioner Jacoby. Councilmember Rodriguez. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 0:34
Okay, thank you. We do have a quorum. We’ll move on to approval of the February 2 2023 minutes. I know we did have one correction is that in the draft that’s online or just on them? It is both. The correction is also published. Okay, great. So we add one correction to the note of the approval of the bylaws to include applicable city, state and federal laws and regulations. That was a correction from Commissioner Barnard, which is now incorporated. Are there any other comments or corrections on those minutes?

Unknown Speaker 1:23
And if not, I’d entertain a motion. All right, I have a motion to approve the minutes from Commissioner Fenster and seconded by Commissioner Jacoby, all those in favor, please say aye. Aye. Opposed? None motion passes unanimously. Next, we have report from the chair. And I did want to make one comment that we can probably also address in the retreat. But But I did have a question come up about this body and how it operates and the kind of relative formality of it, say compared to other boards that might meet around a table in a conference room somewhere. And I guess I wanted to just remind us all, especially for any new commissioners that we are set up this way, because we are a quasi judicial body that has to act on applications that come in and take public hearing. And it’s a more formal situation. And so we are stuck in this sort of environment where it is not as free flowing is maybe a Parks and Rec board or something like that. But that’s in part because of how this commission is actually set up. And if we ended up with one of the staff attorneys at the retreat, maybe they could explain that in more detail if necessary. The one other thing I would like to note is that the Longmont Downtown Development Authority is actually hosting next Wednesday at six o’clock at the Longmont theatre, a building better cities kind of little seminar or discussion. And they’re going to be talking about how to grow downtown’s while retaining their character. Since that downtown is in a National Historic District, I thought that might be something worth attending. So I probably will be there. And if anyone else is interested, I encourage you to I think you can RSVP through their website. But I’m sure you can also just show up.

Unknown Speaker 3:37
I do have a link to the RSVP as well. So I will send that information around. I’ll send that out next week and not next week. Gosh, tomorrow, tomorrow.

Unknown Speaker 3:51
That’d be great. Thank you. All right, communications from HPC staff liaison.

Unknown Speaker 4:01
As I noted, I will be sending out that information to morrow regarding the LDA. panel discussion, and we’ll talk a little bit about the retreat. Once we get a little farther down. That’s the main thing I wanted to discuss as well. But I will be sending a calendar invite for that since we do have a time and location as well. So I’ll cover that a bit more. Otherwise, it was great to see folks at the seven places conference, so I thought it went well in the new location.

Unknown Speaker 4:35
I know you’ve been out of pocket for a little bit, but one of the things that we had on your list that was on the higher priority was was grant applications for cultural research surveys and I want to keep that you know, on the on the tip.

Unknown Speaker 4:53
Yeah. And I think Brian, at your last meeting said we have gone through an interview process where We’re trying to supplement our staff that is kind of short at the time being. So we found a very good consultant that’s kind of local has some good historic preservation and grant writing experience. So we just have to sign a contract. So I think that’ll really help build stress and get some of these things moving.

Unknown Speaker 5:23
Wonderful. Great. Good to hear. Any other commissioners have a question for staff? No. All right. Thank you. Okay, next is our public invited to be heard for topics that are not otherwise on our agenda? I am not seeing anyone in the audience. So unless someone comes barreling through the door in the next five seconds, we’re going to go ahead and close the public invited to be heard. And that moves us on to new business, which is the Terry Lake sanitary sewer project.

Unknown Speaker 6:04
All right, good evening. So this is kind of a weird one, there’s really kind of no other way to put it. So Boulder County Planning reached out to staff in the last couple of weeks. Their Historic Preservation Advisory Board has basically asked us to weigh in on some buildings at the historic Nishita farm upon 66 that could potentially be impacted by the sewer project. So its original sewer project, they are basically exploring either mitigation options for five structures, or possibly if we have ideas on any appropriate interpretive options as well. So the challenge is, this is a really not great map, but so yellow is city of Longmont. The pink is the sewer line. And then the properties in question are basically here. So these are kind of the properties in question. So as it stands, the sewer project has been designed to kind of loop behind the farm, so that they don’t necessarily impact the buildings. But there’s the challenge also of at some point in the future, highway 66 is probably going to be widened, which would impact the structures regardless, so. And they also mentioned, you know, having us weigh in on structures that were at a little farther to the east at 9911. You’d highway that is in the city of Longmont city limits, however. So I guess the idea is they could potentially reroute the sewer line they’re trying to figure out if if basically what if there are options if there’s a dog that’ll hunt on on what they’re looking for? Sorry, my southern just came out. But so basically, they’re trying to figure out if there’s a way to either maybe if we think the 911 buildings might be worth pursuing significance on or if they should be pushing harder on the initiative farm buildings. There is a cult we do have a cultural service, a cultural resource survey for the 911 that was done by Boulder County that was done. At some point it was a All right, my thing has come up just one second. Anyway, so there was a cultural search cultural resources assessment done for the 911 properties. And it they weren’t really found, the feeling was that they didn’t really meet any of the requirements for National Register listing. So really, this is mostly a discussion item for you guys. And if you have any feedback that we should be sharing with the if there’s feedback that we should be sharing with the county, that’s something that we can weigh in. After you guys weigh in, I can share that with the county. So there’s really kind of they’re not asking us to they’re not asking us to evaluate the risk. We’re saying Do we think it’s significant enough for them to push harder on and the other challenge is that this sewer project is pretty far into the process. The plans were approved fairly early last year. So it’s I think they’re trying to I don’t know if it’s a Hail Mary for them. or what but it’s very they’re, they’re basically trying to figure out what they can do. For lack of a better way of putting in.

Unknown Speaker 10:12
Ministers have questions for staff

Unknown Speaker 10:21
follows why is this pitcher Matt? Why is this of interest?

Unknown Speaker 10:30
Basically, it’s within our city’s planning area, is it with basically within our growth area, it’s adjacent to the city of Longmont and our governmental intergovernmental coordination and all of that. So we don’t have jurisdiction over the property in question. The the old Nishita farm, we don’t currently have jurisdiction over that it’s not annexed? We did a pre we did there was an annexation referral, done back in 21. But that since expired, so we don’t have anything active for this particular property.

Unknown Speaker 11:04
Are there any risks that we should be aware of?

Unknown Speaker 11:08
Not that I’m aware of. So when do you have thoughts on this?

Unknown Speaker 11:16
I think they’re just trying to widen up their scope of professionals who are looking at this and to give them a little bit more, I guess, feedback that is it worth rerouting the sewer line? I think they’re just looking for some professional recommendations. I don’t know that we’ve have a an example where this has come up before? Not that I’m aware of. I’m sure be great. I’m sure we can ask them for anything on our future.

Unknown Speaker 11:51
Commissioner to COVID. You have Yes. I

Unknown Speaker 11:52
have a question. Maybe Maybe you have an answer. I reading wading through all that paper that you sent, you know, the 11th hour paper. The engineers northern engineering said that the buildings are in poor condition, and due to the condition of the buildings, demolition will, would be recommended. The sun, Centennial archaeology said the integrity is passed where it can no longer support eligibility. But the historic the county Historic Preservation advisory board voted three to to preserve it. It sounds like if I’m reading this correctly, and I’m wondering, do we have any information on why they felt preservation three? Oh, why they felt it was worth preserving, when most of the data that you sent us suggests otherwise?

Unknown Speaker 12:47
Sure. So in speaking with Boulder County staff, the preservation context has to do with the Nishida farm, which is one of the examples of Japanese farming communities in Japanese farms after the internment camps were closed. So you had a number of Japanese farmers who came up to northern Colorado, etc. And, and began either began or continued farms that they had already had prior to the war. So because it is does still have a number of its buildings intact, and because it does have that historical significance, that was the rationale for for taking another look at it. The question to you know, from staffs perspective is, and this is definitely significant to this region, from a historical standpoint, but from a practical matter, given a sewer project, which is actually going to be going behind, you know, the, the current alignment would not necessarily impact the buildings. But I think the sense is because the condition is so poor, they’re just going to go out there, the plan is to take them down Boulder County does have a deconstruction ordinance, but it’s more of a sustainability oriented ordinance rather than a historic preservation, you know, historic, saving historic features type ordinance. So they do have an application for review for this deconstruction. And they’re basically are asking, you know, they’re looking for options that couldn’t avoid negative impacts to the structures. And if they’re, if that’s unavoidable, you know, looking for suggestions on what types of interpretive measures would be appropriate.

Unknown Speaker 14:50
Commissioner guy

Unknown Speaker 14:54
I mean, I would Yeah, so I was gonna highlight the fact that yes, this is a you know, Japanese American farmed, we don’t have very many of those left and who so that in and of itself elevates the significance of this property? I mean, it appears to me that they can easily bypass this property. Correct.

Unknown Speaker 15:15
Correct. And the current alignment seems to show it bypassing this property so well,

Unknown Speaker 15:21
and you know, well, yeah, it might not be, you know, in a shape to be on the National Register doesn’t mean it. It sounds like the county, at least at one point was supportive of it being on the County Register. And as we know, you know, the difference between additions and restoring something, is just money. So, you know, and especially at this period where people are very interested in diversifying preservation, this would probably be a good property to get grants except for for sure, for the restoration of it. So I would hate to see them just take it down, because that’s the easiest thing for them to do when they can just simply bypass it and mothball it,

Unknown Speaker 16:08
and actually looking at some maps as well, it looks like effectively. I take I take back what I said, because this is gosh, so this this alignment, this is the farm this, this would be impacted. So basically, the question is, can we flip this view or reroute the sewer line, so it would not impact it? So I do apologize for Miss speaking on that.

Unknown Speaker 16:42
I mean, from the pictures that they provided, there’s still, you know, a lot of original material there, it it might have been added to and window frames might have been filled in and things like that. But I you know, from Matt’s pretty, you know, goodly amount of photographs here, I would suggest that there are, there’s still enough there, I’ve seen a lot less come back to something meaningful.

Unknown Speaker 17:11
It’s really I think the question from the county, as I hate to say the for lack of a better way of putting it, they’re looking for backup?

Unknown Speaker 17:20
Well, I mean, if you look at the northern engineering plan, it’s their sheet SS one demolition and overall sanitary plan. If you I mean, it’s an enormous scope in terms of how, you know, the area, but it’s only a 15 foot sanitary sewer easement that appears to be straddling the property, which would be typical. And it doesn’t appear that there any, at the structures that they’re well, okay, so the structures that they’re identifying that would be impacted by it are the two on the far south. I mean, one of them’s running right through the middle of the middle of the house. So there’s, there’s no way to build this plan as as designed without taking that house down. And then I am what I don’t know, looking at that drawing is, you know, is there any, is that really the edge of the of the highway 66? Right away? Right? Because if it is, then the house is sitting half on the right away half on the property line. And if that’s the case, you know, it’s a little harder to say, well, we got to do everything we can to approve, you know, to keep this building, if it’s potentially gonna get wiped out by CDOT at their discretion, whenever they decide lines.

Unknown Speaker 18:54
And that’s what So, I will say, see, that will be held to a higher standard, we are for preserving that property. Yes, yes. So saving it for CDOT to make a decision might actually help save.

Unknown Speaker 19:08
Ah, yeah, so what I’m looking at with the property line, it looks as if, from what I can tell on this particular plan on page 23 of the packet on page 23 of it’s probably gonna be a little later a little farther along in your in your packet, but it’s, it looks like the property line kind of goes right to the edge of the of the building so it would be in the easement, but it’s not in the right of way. Commissioner. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 19:45
let me just get your mic on. Yep. Mr. Fenster.

Unknown Speaker 19:49
Yes, has any effort ever been made to preserve the remains of the internment Yes, yes. Yes, yes.

Unknown Speaker 20:03
Yes. Grenada and internment camp there. And it’s actually being moved into the park service currently. Yes. It will be a national park.

Unknown Speaker 20:15
Yeah, was there? Sure what was there federal money involved? Yes. It should have been you hate to see it anything torn down from that period of their original structures. That’d be sad

Unknown Speaker 20:42
see if I can get this detailed plan pulled up a little easier to see

Unknown Speaker 20:47
when this shows up pretty well. PAGE 120 shows pretty well. Good morning jog out

Unknown Speaker 21:18
Oh, I think I’m on the h2. I’m on the HTML agenda. So that makes it a little different.

Unknown Speaker 21:33
This 103

Unknown Speaker 21:36
Yes. 103. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 21:41
Don’t look too closely while I’m scrolling.

Unknown Speaker 21:45
Yeah, let’s see what those are.

Unknown Speaker 21:49
All righty. Here we go.

Unknown Speaker 21:57
There we go.

Unknown Speaker 22:05
Yeah, cuz you can see that little jog in the property line. And that’s typically Yeah, the right of way would ultimately come up straight now. That’s where the right of way would come out.

Unknown Speaker 22:22
So for example, we we think we see that would be obligated to move the building if the if there was a you have any idea whether their process would be would it be a case of they would have to take a cultural resource survey, if it showed significance, then they would be sort of obligated to move the building back off the right of way line.

Unknown Speaker 22:43
I don’t know if it would get that specific, but they definitely be obligated to mitigate it in some way. If it was going to be demolished. Sometimes they have stricter regulations with the four AF, which is some regulations from the Federal Highways. That only allows them to have certain options with cultural resources. But that gets that gets funky. Especially and I don’t always know the for Apple regulations. And it doesn’t look like they can move stuff. They could widen south and leave that in place. I also like is this sorry? Am I not talking loud enough for everybody? Let it go.

Unknown Speaker 23:32
It just won’t get recorded without the microphone.

Unknown Speaker 23:34
Okay. Um, is, is C dots involvement actually imminent? Or is this just one of those things like we all anticipate 66 Will Yeah, widened relatively soon.

Unknown Speaker 23:45
Exactly. We don’t have any plans on the table. It’s one of those at some point in the future, it will probably be widened. But we don’t have immediate there. I’m not aware of immediate plans to widen it. But you can definitely see that the right of way has been acquired that there is the right of way acquisition, or right away dedications that have that in mind. So I think the long range plans show for it being wide. Yeah, but there aren’t necessarily funds allocated for it. So it’s, you know, nothing has gone into design or anything.

Unknown Speaker 24:14
Okay. Federal involvement. Interior Department. Example.

Unknown Speaker 24:21
Yeah, it’s a state highway and

Unknown Speaker 24:23
the buildings themselves are subject to preservation.

Unknown Speaker 24:27
It’s, so the cert the surveys that have been done for these properties. They found that they’re locally significant but not nationally significant. So they would not trigger any necessarily federal protections. It would just it would really be at the county level.

Unknown Speaker 24:54
Sorry, my page 135 I’m in it’s showing remaining five structure ORs and arrows, and it looks like Building C, which is that lump that’s closest to the road. It looks like that’s what’s remaining remaining. I’m not sure that I’m reading this right? Are they saying that supposed to remain?

Unknown Speaker 25:18
These are the structures that are here now that they might be other properties. Were there in 97 when Carl did this, okay,

Unknown Speaker 25:28
I was looking at this and I’m like, I’m reading.

Unknown Speaker 25:31
This is from Carl McWilliams. He’s got a very particular style. This is from his 97 Cultural Resource survey that showed the property being of you know, a value. And then but all of those other buildings are now gone.

Unknown Speaker 25:52
Okay. Thank you for clarifying.

Unknown Speaker 26:05
I have another question. So are you are you on? Okay. All right. Great. All right. Sorry, okay. No, I’m on. Okay. So back in the 90s. Carl did the inventory forum and it went to the shippers office and it was determined officially eligible. So Centennial has recommended that they no longer think it has integrity. But I don’t see a change in the official determination of eligibility. So as far as the state is concerned, I think the State Historic Preservation Office would still identify this as officially eligible for the national register. If that helps Boulder County.

Unknown Speaker 26:47
This is good information.

Unknown Speaker 26:49
Okay. And I could be wrong, but I’m not seeing it on the forms that have been given to us. I’m also not sure why the shipper would change their previous designation.

Unknown Speaker 27:05
That’s good information. So this is the kind of information that I think will be useful to the county.

Unknown Speaker 27:22
It feels like it has a decent amount of sort of adjacency to the holes Latin barn property that we dealt with not too long ago, right. It’s, it’s a property that was valuable. At one point, there has an association with someone with a family that was, you know, important in long run for one reason or another. It was in much better shape 25 years ago than it is now. But there’s a story to tell. Right. And I think we’re at least in the more enviable situation of not having to make that final determination and split the hairs about whether the buildings themselves or how important they are individually versus the whole and what the appropriate solution is right. But I think I would certainly support Boulder County in pushing for some recognition on the property right, that there that there needs to be some value. Here.

Unknown Speaker 28:33
So this is this is a case where we don’t technically have jurisdiction, but the commission could certainly make a recommendation to Boulder County.

Unknown Speaker 28:44
Also wanted to bring up because it felt like in this in their original ask is that they were asking us as the Longmont HPC to comment on the other property. So if you look at the option to for the sewer line. Back earlier in the packet, there was another option that northern had proposed that went down a property to the west. That is in fact, in the city of Longmont and I got the impression that the there the Boulder County Preservation Commission was asking us to comment on that particular property and whether or not it had value and my my reading between the lines, which is just a guess, was if we said oh gee, that that property doesn’t have any value. Then they could push further to say why don’t you go back to option two and and move the line. Now we don’t have any resources. But you Jennifer, you said you had a cultural resource on that nine ad it is now if you So can you can share with us?

Unknown Speaker 30:03
Sure. So this is the cultural resource form or inventory form for 911, which was the big pray house. And ultimately, they found based on this inventory, that, let’s see. It’s officially not eligible. So it doesn’t have it’s not a whim was not a local landmark. It doesn’t meet national register criteria. It could meet local landmark significance, it meets three out of the eight, basically. So the question is, you know, would this be significant enough to warrant essentially sacrificing the Nishita properties? Or is there are the machine properties more significant? So?

Unknown Speaker 31:05
That’s what I’m that’s taking Steve’s interpretation. That’s, that’s effectively how are we splitting this baby up?

Unknown Speaker 31:16
Do we have pictures or any further information about the other property?

Unknown Speaker 31:20
I’ve got this particular I’ve got the survey pulled up that was completed. And so he picture Sure.

Unknown Speaker 31:29
If nothing else, might we get a Google Map? I drove by? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 31:32
I mean, because obviously, you know, if we’re going along the lines of determinations, then a sheet of forum has officially been determined eligible, and the MO pray form has been officially determined, not eligible. So you would sort of guesstimate that the Nisida is more significant than the Pope. Right? That’s the

Unknown Speaker 31:59
sense I’m getting,

Unknown Speaker 32:00
I would say, culturally,

Unknown Speaker 32:02
culturally, I think that’s true. Yeah, architecturally, I think I would say not. So driving past both, or, in fact, I just sort of went around and went in. So hopefully no one gets mad. But yeah, but the buildings on the boat for a property are kind of interesting. You know, there’s a, there’s a pretty cool, yeah, you can see that kind of our agricultural silo building, there’s a barn back, there’s a sort of chicken coop thing in the front here. And then there’s another barn in the back. That’s pretty, pretty interesting looking. The house that’s on the far left is sort of a brick. You know, pretty basic, but not. I mean, it’s still I’m sure it’s older than 50 years old and simple, little farmhouse. So from an architectural standpoint, there’s probably more material integrity, integrity in this property, not the cultural aspects. So now we’re in a more complicated, right.

Unknown Speaker 32:58
The does the forum indicate? Or do you have the official determination of eligibility and why it was determined to be in eligible?

Unknown Speaker 33:10
So I have the, what’s pulled up here, let me make it a little bigger so that our eyes can see it. So the National Register criteria, it did not meet any of the National Register.

Unknown Speaker 33:23
This is the form that somebody filled out. So do we have the letter from the Shippo? office saying, here’s why it’s ineligible? I’m not aware that we do because I mean, I could fill this out and say, yeah, yeah, I don’t think it’s eligible. But that’s not the official in eligibility.

Unknown Speaker 33:40
i Yeah, I do not. This is what was provided to me by the county. And it was this particular assessment, it did not have a an official Shippo letter. It was.

Unknown Speaker 33:54
Yes, thank you. So I think it’s pretty much just going off of what Commissioner guy you said, you know, if we’re looking at these official determinations of eligibility, it would make sense that the Nishita property after 25 years would probably only become more significant for a number of reasons. But it would also be reasonable that if the last time the bow pray property was looked at was 25 years ago, our ideas of significance have changed. And so there might be reasons that today the shippers office would identified a significant whereas it it wasn’t in the past, but if we I agree with Commissioner value for only going by what we currently have in a sheet of property is pretty significant. But I don’t think we should be asked to sacrifice there’s a lot of property out there can they not reroute in a way that doesn’t have to knock down any building go down?

Unknown Speaker 34:48
I know right? I mean, there’s so much open space there.

Unknown Speaker 34:51
Missions expensive.

Unknown Speaker 34:52
Yeah, it is it has to do with you know, easement acquisitions and such as well. So that’s kind of it I feel like we would be in a much better position if this question had been asked of us two years ago. Yeah, frankly. Yeah. And that’s really the challenge we’re faced with from a practical standpoint.

Unknown Speaker 35:17
Yeah, because I mean, when it was determined ineligible, well, maybe 15 or 20 years ago, you know, Longmont and surrounding areas had a lot more farms. Yes. And a lot of them are gone. Now. They’re going every week, you see another one, gone. And so, you know, this now might be significant because of its integrity, as a, you know, an example of a local farm. And so they might both be officially eligible and significant now. So I would suggest I know, I mean, it sounds like the machinery to farm, you know, has been currently, you know, recently assessed, I don’t agree with their assessment. But the bow prairie farm, if it if this was the last time has been assessed, and we don’t actually have an official assessment, then I would suggest that that needs to be currently assessed to if they’re suggesting that they’re going to choose between these two properties to

Unknown Speaker 36:27
cycle. So what I’m hearing is that staff we should be coordinating with Boulder County further coordinate with them to get Shippo determinations of eligibility for both of these farm properties before we can make an actual desert

Unknown Speaker 36:43
determination isn’t the boat prey farm in

Unknown Speaker 36:47
the city of Longmont so so I would be worried to have authority over that we have authority over the bug pray, and currently it’s about prayer is not being impacted? So it’s really, from our perspective, I think, you know, they’re they’re trying to figure out if, you know, we’re willing to sacrifice the bow pray versus the schita. And I don’t it doesn’t sound like we’re, it sounds like there’s enough. Think thinking that there’s enough potential significance for these properties that we would not necessarily be in favor of changing the alignment. That’s what I’m hearing. If I’m miss hearing, please let me know.

Unknown Speaker 37:29
I think we would like to change. Yes, it’s something else altogether. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 37:34
Right. Is there? Is there an option three that does not somehow negatively impact both potentially valuable properties? Right. Yeah, right is the sweet spot. But But I don’t think the bow pray is a sacrificial lamb to offer. And unless I’m wrong, there’s a general feeling of support for the boulder Preservation Commission, in in pushing back to, to some degree on this demolition at the cheetah farm, as well. Get you

Unknown Speaker 38:15
a quick point that is preservation of both agricultural properties? It’s one plus one equals three. I think you’re adding to the environment in the whole area. And so I think we should encourage them to look at opportunities to reroute the line. I mean, we know that the the sewer line could be rerouted. But we don’t know all the sewer line rerouting options. And so I don’t know if they’ve looked at it further. But I mean, I would think we would recommend they try to preserve as they can both properties.

Unknown Speaker 38:50
I’ll talk to our engineers who have been working on this project as well.

Unknown Speaker 38:59
With Do you have enough direction for mostly

Unknown Speaker 39:01
sounds like it so I’m going to talk to I’m so my direction as I see it. I’m going to first and foremost talk to county staff and let them know that we do think that the property is potentially has a level of significance to the city of Longmont that we are not willing to basically sacrifice it for the new sheet of farm. But that said, we also think the new sheet of farm is sufficiently significant that we should be looking at options to try to preserve both of them. Related to that, I’ll can coordinate with our Public Works Natural Resources staff who’ve been working on the sewer alignment project and talked through that talk to them as far as we’re in the process, you know how feasible it’s what other options there could potentially be given that we have two historic preservation boards and commissions who are very concerned about There’s loss of historic farmland farm properties, especially given that one of them is a Japanese American farm.

Unknown Speaker 40:10
I think that’s, that’s a pretty accurate summary of where, what I think we’ve tried to tell you.

Unknown Speaker 40:19
Yeah, I’m gonna go write that down right

Unknown Speaker 40:20
now. We’re talking about my

Unknown Speaker 40:25
Ford Escape. So

Unknown Speaker 40:28
Mike just had that engineering is reviewing that portion of I weigh 66. I don’t know how far west it goes from Main Street. But I know, at least a year ago, they were starting to look a preliminary plans at CDOT was bringing forward so it might not be too far in the distant future. And I don’t know if the bow pray is impacted by the widening of highway 66. So it might be a survey. The roadway itself, yeah, as at least for the length, that it’s going to be widened. And I’m just not sure how far west it goes from Main Street.

Unknown Speaker 41:19
Well, we certainly appreciate I think being asked to comment as well, you might also communicate that we appreciate being made aware and brought into the conversation, right, I think I think we have similar goals. And obviously, you’re talking about two properties that are adjacent to each other and one in each jurisdiction. So talking with each other is a good, a good thing. All right, thanks. Okay, we’ll close that portion of the hearing and move on to prior business. And the first item there is our retreat, which we have somehow miraculously managed to schedule. For April 21, sorry, April 1. I read that I read it too quickly, April 1, at 130 to 430, in the Longmont Public Library. So thank you for getting that. And do we have any further information that we want to discuss about that particular retreat in terms of Genda?

Unknown Speaker 42:20
And that’s really our ask. And the end, part of that is the demolition ordinance table that Brian prepared that we provided you. So really, you know, from our perspective, are there specific topics that you would like staff to do some additional research and work on to move forward? Any particular supplemental guest speakers to come in and do any sort of Commissioner training on the city’s and cetera? So if there’s specific agenda items that you would like for staff to set up? That was interesting.

Unknown Speaker 42:57
Glenn, you had a kind of a survey a few months back us, right. You asked us for some feedback,

Unknown Speaker 43:05
right? Yeah, I listed all the different items in that we talked about for amending the code, and we kind of did a more interactive what’s, what’s your top three priorities? There? We could certainly redo that if you’d think it’d be helpful. This has really been great. This has helped me out quite a bit. And also, our city attorney, we do have a new city attorney that’s representing our department. So he may really be happy to come and talk about quasi judicial proceedings. You guys, I think they do it for all boards and commissions, or they point you at a at a recording, the city attorney comes to planning commission and gives a really good presentation. So I think they’re their attorney would probably I think I’ve asked him, Can we do that with this commission as well, because you had a lot of the same responsibilities. So we’ll definitely try and get somebody there

Unknown Speaker 44:07
to do that. I think that’d be really valuable for for that reason, and for the discussion about demolition ordinance, so that we can talk through that. And then honestly, if we’re really going to talk more about, you know, potential plans and or, you know, overlays and whatnot, having that asset there to kind of provide lumbers would be really valuable. Other comments from commissioners about maybe the ones that I recall, would be, you know, cultural surveys besides the demolition ordinance, surveys, preservation plan, and then discussion about some kind of overlay district of sort, right. So if there are other are items that are we can go back to those meeting minutes. I don’t remember if that was a November or December meeting felt like it was last year.

Unknown Speaker 45:10
Was it last year? All right. We’ll find

Unknown Speaker 45:16
commission. Sorry, I lost you there. Oh, there. One more.

Unknown Speaker 45:24
One more,

Unknown Speaker 45:25
do it. I’m still green. There we go. The other thing I suggested we consider, and we don’t necessarily have to, but was, could we do something with the certificate of merit as a more effective tool for preservation in our community? Could we, I realize we can’t use state taxes, but maybe we could use you could waive permit fees, if people would agree to having exterior modifications reviewed by our committee, for example. So just adding that I’m sorry, landmark light? Yeah, there you go. Landmark light. Exactly. They wouldn’t get the brass plaque. They wouldn’t get that. Yeah. But so maybe adding that to the list.

Unknown Speaker 46:09
And that came up during a discussion about a property that was being asked to landmark and we had kind of a split board decision. So that that’s part of where that came from.

Unknown Speaker 46:26
Mr. Barnett?

Unknown Speaker 46:28
Yes. So first of all, my apologies for having a crazy day. But I thought, Should I be late, just not show or whatever I’m taking my chances. No worries, we got your corrections in the in the Thank you. Thank you, Maria, for accepting them gently. I was at the meeting in Boulder, a three day meeting. And I want to thank the staff staffer, and the city council for making funds available for us to register for that. One of the things that came up in conversations with people with various and also in listening to the various programs, where there are a lot of state programs available. And some of which they said, well, is Lama taking advantage of that? Really the new kid on the block, so I really don’t know, maybe for the retreat, since that’s what we’re talking about now. Other comments I can make during Commissioner comments. Yes. But right now, perhaps in the retreat, we could get some go go over some have a topic on what programs something that doesn’t really lend itself to the few minutes we have here with with staff, but maybe kind of an overview of what programs are available, what programs we take advantage of, such as the facade program, which person who I spoke to said she didn’t think that one of mine was participating in that. I said, Well, I really don’t I don’t know. I mean, I went to I went to a panel session on facade programs. And they seem to be good programs. But so I would be interested if you know, we could have a kind of a layout of what’s available to us, what we’re taking advantage of what we choose not to, and why. Because these are all state funded activities. So I don’t know what he was interested in the staff has any comments on that? They think that’s too big a thing. It should be a separate deal or whatever. Or leave it like that. And go with a good question. And then on the question, I wasn’t here. So I don’t know if we heard our monthly presentation on the east side Historic District. We did not need to not okay. So I’d go back to something I’ve gone over the minutes. Something that Commissioner Jacoby said was that, well, this has come up and it’s come up and nothing seems to move on it. So I think what I’d like to hear in the retreat is go over, what is it that we need to be doing? What can we be doing as a commission? Is this purely in the hands of staff and we just have to sit here and wait, or can the commission be having hearings or neighborhood meetings or whatever, to kind of get off of square one on this because I go back to the minutes from when I first came out. I read some of the old minutes and get every single month we hear the same exact thing and nothing seems to happen. So are there the reason Is why nothing’s happening? Is it waiting for bigger projects? Is that part of our can that be part of our whole discussion? And I think I came in on which is discussion on the historic preservation overlays and landmark light or whatever. So I don’t know. I don’t know if that lends itself, it seems to me, it would lend itself to retreat discussion. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 50:34
Any other discussion about the retreat itself? If there’s items, I mean, and I assume this comparison of demolition ordinances really, for us to take home and just to soak in, unless there’s any, I mean, it’s a decent amount of information on this one piece of paper.

Unknown Speaker 50:52
Yeah, I will mention that this is also Brian’s last month. So we’re losing a lot, as you can see in this one table. So

Unknown Speaker 51:02
I’ve been good on his threats to retire. So

Unknown Speaker 51:05
yeah. If you’d made your retreat on the 31st, I would have roped him into coming and explaining this table, but

Unknown Speaker 51:16
Right? Well, it may be for anyone who’s really the commissioners here might be worthwhile taking a few minutes to see if it’s accessible online at least did to take a look at any of the language in these various cities ordinances. If we really want to take a little time, earmark time during the retreat to, to sharpen meet, what I’d like to see is us get some pretty sharp detail on progress of where we want to go with this demolition ordinance during this retreat, so that that can be something that can get taken care of in a shorter period of time,

Unknown Speaker 52:02
if we didn’t have time to. If we didn’t have time to look at all of them, which would you suggest? By way of comparison, I guess.

Unknown Speaker 52:18
Even if you just took a one or two and just took Yeah, you know, I don’t I don’t know enough about any of them to know who’s

Unknown Speaker 52:29
got a better domain than others?

Unknown Speaker 52:32
Would it be helpful if I put together a basically a list of links to their ordinances and sent it to you in advance? That would be amazing. Okay. Got that on my task list. I will probably in the next week or so then put together, you know, a link a link list and send it to the commission members. So So you guys, so you folks can review these ordinances and see what what? Yeah, sir.

Unknown Speaker 53:03
When we were researching preservation plans, I know. I think it was Lafayette stood out. Correct. So I haven’t looked in detail at their ordinance, but maybe they’re tied pretty closely. So I would maybe suggest that

Unknown Speaker 53:20
yeah, that’s good point. Yeah, we did have I think Lafayette Boulder and I don’t know if it was Loveland or another community because Louis Mossville. I got the L Right. Although that’s not a 5050 shot. Those three were good. And yes, we did like the Lafayette’s plan more, more than others. Commissioner Bart? Yeah, no, I had.

Unknown Speaker 53:52
The other thing we talked about as a possible retreat item was this discussion of the some type of brochure or trying to remember the exact title of it, but where we had a presentation of different cities, and we liked the Lewisville one was, and when I raised this couple of meetings ago, the observation of staff was, well, they now have somebody that’s coming on soon, and there’ll be people will have staff time to talk about that. Is there any is there any point in talking about that at the retreat, what we’d like to see is something like that, or just an outline of what we might talk about to recommend to the staff to be included in something

Unknown Speaker 54:43
or you’re talking about something that would be potentially handed out to potential homeowners or something like that, or

Unknown Speaker 54:51
think of what the name of it was, but it was a historic, maybe it was a historical brochure. I’d have to go back into the minutes and look and see you know, Do staff know what I’m talking about?

Unknown Speaker 55:03
I think it’s what we just mentioned there, they have a preservation plan. It could have been Lewisville, I can’t remember. But we did show you as here’s a great example of what that can look like. I’m guessing maybe that was it. It was multicolored.

Unknown Speaker 55:16

Unknown Speaker 55:22
I mean, we have had discussions in the past over time about outreach to the community. And I think when when Karen was here, she did a little bit of that early on. And we did have a few people that came in and, and I think we might have had one landmark request and a couple of certificates of appropriateness, folks who decided to do a little work because they learned about the fact that they could get some tax breaks, and so on. And so we have talked in the past about this commission, doing a little bit more outreach. And as if I don’t know if it’s still there, but at one point, there was a small amount of budget that was going to be allocated towards the commission. You know, some 1000s, nothing giant, but but enough to spend, you know, on a little mailer, in particular, you know, in, in our stock neighborhoods, for example, just to kind of give people a little bit more, maybe they’re new homeowners, or what have you, it’s been a while, right, just, hey, you can come in here, and you can get some money, if you want to, if you want to. If you want to make an improvement to your property, you can have wait, you know, application fees waived, and you potentially could get some tax credit and money. And it might be worth it, you know, some of that. So, that might be where that’s coming from? Or I might, or maybe not, but

Unknown Speaker 56:49
would, would it be a possibility to get one of the media, one of the newspapers, for example, to put together an article about what we do that would perform that that function? I would think that one of the newspapers would be interested in doing that, and it would give us something to hand out later.

Unknown Speaker 57:12
I think that’s not a bad suggestion, I’m sure, between the call and the leader that somebody might be willing to make a little focus. Maybe as part of preservation month, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 57:34
So I guess what I would suggest is, you know, I think we can go back to that earlier meeting in terms of the hierarchy of, of items that we wanted to discuss if it would be possible for you to when you send that link out a proposed agenda, that we can, you know, because we won’t have a meeting between now and then. So if we can get our proposed agenda out with a, you know, week or two, preferably beforehand, just to kind of vet the information that we want to cover. Yep. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 58:08
cuz how you have a eight items? Yeah. So yeah, right, it’s gonna have to be, you’re gonna have to prioritize that priority. Right? We do

Unknown Speaker 58:19
have three hours allotted for this. Right.

Unknown Speaker 58:25
three day tour,

Unknown Speaker 58:27
good luck getting everyone together for three days.

Unknown Speaker 58:31
So I think that’d be good. We can we can pull up pulling them out. And maybe have you take a look and say, because as you’ve mentioned, its priority few to talk about demolitions, we get the city attorney’s probably a priority. Yeah, well, we can, we can do some outreach to the state as well, and put together, you know, maybe a couple of different agendas for you to look at. Right?

Unknown Speaker 59:00
I mean, my thought is, if there’s a decent amount of time on this ordinance, and we get real direction there, and we have some broader topics that we just identify as wanting to cover in our meetings, that we could, you know, we don’t have to solve everything at this retreat. We’re just trying to plan out some thoughts. And so then we can include, you know, one of those items on at a hearing, and then we have one item today, you know, as we have smaller, you know, if we have a meeting that has a ton of items, then maybe we don’t get to it, but if we have a meeting that either doesn’t have any here public hearing, or we have one small item, then we take one of those components from the retreat and we and we start talking about it in little more detail during one of the here one of our meetings. All right. Any other comments or discussion on the retreat? Great. Thanks. And then last on the agenda was Dickens barn Preservation Plan update anything? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:08
So I was hoping to have an agreement for all of you to look at this evening. But it is currently in the applicants, corporate people’s hands. So they’re reviewing it currently. So we have been working with the city attorney’s office to essentially put together a dedication agreement. That would function as a preservation plan, a step one and a preservation plan. So we have the applicant is dedicating a pretty good chunk of the property that includes the barn to the city. And the way it’s going to be handled is so we’ll record the final plat. And so we currently have a site plan and final plat under review, or waiting on to a recent middle of that. And so hopefully, by the April meeting, we’ll have basically a draft agenda that’s ready for everyone to sign for this commission to take a look at before it goes to I think Council will have the ultimate signatory authority authority on it. Basically, to, for this commission to give it its blessings. We’ve talked quite a bit about the plan for the barn. And at this point, the developer is planning to dedicate the land and the barn to the city, as well as a one time cash contribution of $70,000 to basically do some stabilization work on the barn as well. So once we have the barn in our own under city ownership, then we can move forward and determine if it’s something that we want to go through the landmark process cetera, figure out how we want to deal with it from there and really do some more detailed preservation or preservation planning for it. Right.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:58
Well, it’s exciting. Any questions or comments on them? Oh, yeah. Okay. Mr. Berner,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:06
yes. Do anything? No. Okay. I’ll just go during that you maybe guys never should have paid for me to go to Boulder. There were a couple of presentations, including absolutely magnificent keynote, on the concept of preserving the history of the land and preserving the history of the buildings, that it’s not just the building itself. But how do you and I’m screaming Dickens, Dickens barn, I’ve heard this conversation what’s happening? So I was glad to see it’s on the agenda. But I guess my question is, we know that this, this is not just a building that’s being preserved there that there’s some historical significance to that building things that happened there. And at one point, there was some discussion that the whether one of the buildings would have panels, or something which described what why this was us, historically significant place, is that still in the mix?

Unknown Speaker 1:03:15
So that was, that was a discussion that took place early in the planning process for this property that was assuming that the barn would be demolished and not dedicated to the city they were talking about? Well, we can do some interpretive murals or pant plant panels on the building. Now that we’re getting the bar, and we can actually do something that involves the bar, and as opposed to a 711, with some murals on it. So I think I think we have, I think we have an opportunity, ultimately to do some pretty interesting things here. And because there is a pretty substantial portion of the land, that’s going to be dedicated to the city as well, part of it for a greenway. This would be basically called Greenway land. So it’s not Greenway per se, but it’s property that would go with it. So basically working with our are open, or open lands, public natural resources, open space, Parks folks to figure out what box we can put this in. So it meets everyone’s program, protocol, programmatic needs and etc. It is

Unknown Speaker 1:04:29
rather close to a regional trail. So there is great opportunities to kind of educate folks of why this barn is there. So, yep, good thoughts.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:40
Very, now, we definitely have some unique opportunities. There’s definitely a very unique opportunity and was happy to be able to you know, it was great to be able to work with the applicant and make this happen. So yeah, once we have once the barn is in our possession, then we can really kind of move forward and figure out exactly Yeah, what to do with it? What grants to pursue, etc.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:05
Great. Sure. Good. So is this sorry, I think it’s been a it’s been a while since I’ve Is this the the property that is on highway 119? Correct. Okay, so but we are losing quite a few other buildings,

Unknown Speaker 1:05:20
we are seeing a few building other buildings. I

Unknown Speaker 1:05:22
mean, the suggestion I would make is that those needs to be documented and the interpretation, you know, whether it’s panels or QR code or whatever, you however you want to do it, you know, that that still needs to be interpreted, because a barn sitting by itself is not, you know, it’s not the story. It’s not the full picture of why, you know, there’s a reason why that barn was there. And, you know, and the barn doesn’t necessarily tell that story just by itself. So, yeah, so I mean, you know, the family was there, and they had a house and they didn’t, you know, they farmed, or they Ranch, whatever they did. So they had this outbuildings that are associated with their home and with their property and with the land as a larger future. So that’s probably what I would suggest we would be interpreting would be the actual, you know, the farm life that the barn was part of.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:16
Right. And I would, it seems that that would be part of the barn rather than some panels on the 711. Right now,

Unknown Speaker 1:06:23
yeah. I would suggest like along the Greenway, you would have maybe, you know, two or three, however, you know, however, many you wanted to have that would tell the story of that farm, not just the nice barn. Great.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:40
Shinder Jacoby?

Unknown Speaker 1:06:43
Yeah, I like to echo that the barn standing by itself, is maybe a little less interesting than if if we could include some information about the neighboring farm that came with it, driving by, you know, I drive, we all drive by that place all the time, right, going out to the i 25, some of the sheds look like they’re in Rio rehabilitate a bull, if that’s a word, state, or in reasonable state, and somewhere totally trashed. The structural assessments we have are from the original developer who really wanted to tear everything down. And I wonder if we could look at some of those, again, from the city standpoint, if it’s going to be on city land, and see if any of them can be preserved. And it might give it a bit more context to the barn. And the second thing I wanted to say was, yeah, you know, I’d love to see, especially if it’s gonna be right on the Greenway and the bike path is going there. I’ve written up a history of Mary Dickens that I submitted to the the newspaper that they promptly ignored for last year’s Historic Preservation month, I could give you that if you’d like to look at it, because that would be interesting to put on a panel. And another point that I think might be interesting for an educational panel, that property is at the intersection of the Homestead Act, which brought a lot of people out to the area before the city was even formed, and suffrage and women’s rights. Up until just about that time, women could not own property. So this is kind of brings up a number of factors of history that are kind of interesting. And that that could be put on a panel too. So just throw that out there.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:33
Thanks. So with regard to the other buildings that are on the property, those would stay on the property that’s to be developed, we’d have to get I need to double check on the plant. But I’ll have this for you at the next meeting. It’s really the only barn that would be or the only part, the only building that would be dedicated to the city would be the barn. They’ve really kind of adjusted some of their lot lines and dedications and such to make sure that the barn is outside of their development envelope. Which it was not prior to you, which originally they weren’t planning to do at all. Sure, go.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:09
Yeah. So I mean, I think probably what Rick was talking about is maybe, you know, they would let you move some of those smaller buildings onto your property. So that again, so I mean, they wouldn’t be in the original position, but they would, you know, allow for a little more context to the barn. Yeah. So I actually

Unknown Speaker 1:09:26
was have gone on the property and into the barns and the buildings and I would say the barn is the least sketchy structure of them all. There are some sheds and some chicken coops in there in various states, but I’ll go back and take a look at the historical surveys and such and the photographs but I know there were a couple that were in really rough shape. The house is not in terrible shape that I know it’s also been altered. Pretty, pretty heavily. So that it’s not really close to its original form. So definitely have some challenges. But that’s something you know, we can look at it. I mean, I know, I know that we’ve gotten a lot more out of the developer than we thought we were gonna get out of them. So I think that’s something we need to keep in mind.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:25
All right, any other comments or questions about this particular item? Okay, then we’ll move on to the last, which is comments from any of the HPC commissioners, general comments, Commissioner Jacoby,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:43
at the risk of meeting making this meeting longer. We’re talking about outreach. And you probably all know I live in a designate city designated home and I live in historic district, and I went to a neighbor’s house the other day, or about a month ago. And after our last discussion, our last meeting was kind of interesting, because they have all new double pane windows. And I thought about it, and they had actually installed it themselves. I don’t think I’ll bet they didn’t come before the Commission. This was about, oh, maybe 20 years ago, that they installed the windows. The same owners sold the house about a year and a half ago. But just before they did that, they installed a swamp cooler, and they put it on the roof. And this is a designated house as well. Which is interesting. So and also, last week, I was emptying cleaning out files, and I was looking at a file of paperwork on my house. And I received a letter August 2018, from Karen Bryant, senior planner, historic preservation planner, and it was sent to deer property owner your property is listed on the city of Longmont to register local landmarks. And it goes through and it explains to the owners of the house, what they’ve got, we should be reaching out to everybody in these districts, but we should be especially reaching out to the owners of these houses. Because I don’t think that the modifications made to this house that I was discussing was done with any malice, I think they didn’t think that they had to come before the board they had forgotten. Okay. This letter says examples of exterior alterations requiring certificate of appropriateness include painting, window or door replacement, roof replacement, siding, replacement room or deck additions and porch enclosures. Well, I can tell you, I have painted my house different colors, without coming to the board. I know many my neighbors have, if this is something we truly want to be in control of. And I’m not so sure we really care about what color they paint the house, so long as they maintain it. But if we want that, we need to get this letter out to them. I’ve also replaced the roof on my house, had hail damage, contacted my insurance, I didn’t think to come here, I put the same kind of roof on maybe we should modify this. And not say we need to know about painting. Maybe we only need to know about roof replacement if replaced with different materials, for example. But if they’re just going to renovate the roof, we don’t need to have to go through the whole dog and pony show. But I think we should send a letter like this out to all designated homes at least every couple of years. This is dated August 2018. And so because it’s really an honor system we have for maintaining these homes after we designate them. But it’s clearly you know, I’ve seen some violations just you know, locally, I’ll bet there’s a lot more out there. So I can

Unknown Speaker 1:14:10
tell you one thing with regard to roof replacement, what’s supposed to happen is if something if someone pulls a building permit for a property that’s flagged as a historic landmark, it’s supposed to get sent to me for for review. And at that point, I would also if it’s something that, for example, they’re doing like with like, you know, it’s one of those taking a look and saying okay, well, this either needs to go to the commission or staff can sign off on it. And that gets also to our code discussions as we’ve looked at our code updates because paint painting is not in the code anywhere. I’ve never I’ve I mean, I’ve never worked in a place that I know Do you know that there are historic districts and commissions that regulate paint color, right and regulate painting types? but it’s you know, they’re few and far between. They’re definitely few and far between. So that’s something as we do our code update and looking at, you know, major versus minor CoA is and, you know, what can staff approve versus what requires commission approval? That’s something moving forward, we definitely need to have you know, from the staff perspective, it’d be really useful to have some good guidance on that.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:30
Yep, see, I’ve got Yes, Commissioner guy next first.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:36
So I think part of the issue is that your friend may be in the historic district. But that’s a national register district, and we do not have purview over that.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:48
It’s also a city designated landmark her home, her home is

Unknown Speaker 1:15:51
also city. Okay, then, yes, they should have come. But I think, you know, a lot of times, you know, there’s there’s this idea, which I actually agree with, which if it’s on the National Register, it should probably be on the left, too. But that’s about you know, so we have those and then the only the only time we would have purview is if they came to us. And they wanted to know what a tax credit essentially. So yeah, it’s it’s hard.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:19
For sure, Friendster,

Unknown Speaker 1:16:21
isn’t there? Aren’t there any protocols in terms of turnover of these properties? When you take ownership, that informs the new owner, that there are limitations and that certain changes in the property would be subject to approval? I’m not aware of that. But it’s going to be very difficult to impose such limitations if the owner never knew that they existed.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:55
believe we do the designation by ordinance, and we do record the ordinance, I believe, to the property. So but does somebody read it in their title search?

Unknown Speaker 1:17:05
Do the real estate brokers know that they’re supposed to inform the new buyers?

Unknown Speaker 1:17:11
The real estate brokers usually use it as a marketing tool, like, own this landmark?

Unknown Speaker 1:17:18
Well, but there’s a downside. You know?

Unknown Speaker 1:17:20
It’s I mean, it shows up all the time. It was it should. Yeah, it should

Unknown Speaker 1:17:25
should. Okay. And

Unknown Speaker 1:17:29
I think the point is fair, like, what this board isn’t really in the, in the, at least, it hasn’t been since I’ve been on here, with a desire to see every paint color and roof change, and so on. That has been the idea has been that those sort of minor changes would be really, we rely on staff to be that first filter to say, Okay, this is pretty basic. We don’t need to worry about this. We can handle it. We’re I mean, we have we have staff that is, you know, educated and understands this world here, right? So they’re the filter to say, Okay, wait a minute, this is enough of a change that warrants coming before the board, you know, but but not like, we don’t want to be looking at paint color. And making people go through that either,

Unknown Speaker 1:18:19
right? I mean, they’re going to ask for asphalt shingles to asphalt shingles, that’s one thing, but if they’re going to asphalt shingles to metal roof, absolutely, they would be getting sent to the Commission for that.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:33
To get a letter out, especially to current owners.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:41
Thank you. Other clips you have gets somebody apparently, Mr. Bernard.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:50
One of the things that came up during the conference was that in the end of August, there’s a meeting in the hunter. And I was wondering if the city had any funds available for people who want to register for that? I’m planning to go I’ve made my hotel reservations. It’s, for those of you who don’t know that winter is a fairly significant city historically, including what I didn’t know, I had a nice conversation with one of the city managers there that one of the hotels there was in the green book. So it’s, and they’re gonna be there’s gonna be a tour of that hotel with a whole presentation of how it was used as a green book hotel. And there’s evidently that’s just one of many things that are architecturally significant and

Unknown Speaker 1:19:44
sports there was the Santa Fe Trail pen sport.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:48
That’s one of the first so like I said, um, I’ve I have made my hotel reservation, but in register yet, so I didn’t know if funds are available for them. We’ll look,

Unknown Speaker 1:20:01
we’ll look into it.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:06
Any other commissioners? Comments? Nope. Okay. How about our city council representative?

Unknown Speaker 1:20:19
Thank you Geralyn. First of all, as always, thank you for your work and your service to the city. I did want to update you that the mayor has started a new thing with City Council where, once per month, we’ve been meeting earlier than the normal city council time to specifically discuss boards and commissions. Because it’s become apparent that unless you’re the liaison, you generally do not know what the other boards and commissions are doing. And so our first one was a couple of weeks ago. And as it concerns this commission, first I explained that the quasi judicial nature of it and so there’s not a lot of special projects, compared to say some boards that don’t have that same, that same responsibility. But I did talk about the monthly updates that you’ve been getting about the East Side historic art, I don’t know if it’s just the site, but the historic overlay district concept, and that there is a desire by the Commission to have an another meeting with City Council on the subject. But I know that some of that is determinative of what staff and where they’re at. We’re staffs add on on the process, along with consultants and legal. And so the council is made aware and we will be having another update later this month. And so it’ll be before you retreat. So I’m sure that we’ll probably be able to do a better update after the retreat happens. So likely in April, I’ll be able to give that information to the council but they are aware of it and that that’s still something the commission would like to pursue and speak with council upon. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:01
Thank you, Councilman. We appreciate that communication. All right. That brings us to adjournment. Unless anyone has anything else burning fire. I see nothing. We have a motion to adjourn from Commissioner Jacoby and seconded by Commissioner guy who All in favor? Aye. We are adjourned. Thank you all for your time.

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