The Backstory on Journalism, News, and Accountability – Part 2

Featuring Macie May, Executive Editor and General Manager of the Longmont Leader; Sergio Angeles, Executive Director of Longmont Public Media; Biff Warren, Founding partner, publisher, and managing editor of the Lefthand Valley Courier; John Vahlenkamp, Times-Call managing editor; and Sonia Koetting, of the League of Women Voters accountability for public institutions initiative.

This is the second panel of a two-part series of panel discussions on the past, present and future of journalism, reporting, and accountability.

Sunday, October 9, 3 PM Part I: The Big Picture (view here)
Sunday, October 30, 3 PM Part II: The Local Scene (view above)

Local newspapers provide the soundtrack of our communities, hold our public officials accountable, and help us better understand our nation and our world. But the state of local journalism has never been in greater peril. More than 2,000 local newspapers have closed since 2005. Over 36,000 journalists have lost their jobs, been furloughed or have taken pay cuts just since the pandemic. Many newspapers have cut days of publication or closed altogether because of the loss of advertising revenue. “Media Deserts”, geographical communities where there is no longer a local newspaper, are on the rise. In the last 18 years, the number of newspapers in Colorado has dropped by over 16%. This development concerns us all.

The panels are moderated by Tim Waters, Longmont City Council.

Click here for a list of other episodes of The Backstory by Tim Waters