Museum Advisory Board – October 24, 2022

Video Description:
Museum Advisory Board – October 24, 2022

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

Read along below:

Unknown Speaker 0:00
It’s a day. So it’s worth 35. Let’s call the meeting to order.

Unknown Speaker 0:05
And let’s see, do you want a roll call or Goddess that thinks on him to fantastic. All right. So we do have Sheila here, but I don’t see any other public invited to be heard. So unless you have something to add she left.

Unknown Speaker 0:26
Alright, so we have the revised minutes that Joanne provided, indicating that our meeting was in person last month. Does anyone have any changes or corrections, or is there a motion to approve the minutes?

Unknown Speaker 0:45
Thank you limit in a second. All right. All in favor.

Unknown Speaker 0:50
That’s unanimous. Grace.

Unknown Speaker 0:56

Unknown Speaker 0:58
All right. So to get over to Eric for sessions. All right. We have another week slated session this month. So diving right in, we start with some vintage technology, a Palm Pilot, yay. With the charging cradle, as well as this large mentor robotic arm on pilot

Unknown Speaker 1:26
used by alumni firefighter the robotic arm from the same great school district.

Unknown Speaker 1:34
Next up, we have a bracelet that honors a long month, service member Captain James ham he was missing an action and 1968 was ultimately declared killed in action I can said before but these bracelets they were made all across for for service members all across the country who are missing an action and this one is worn by an active duty member of the armed forces so has a lot of meaning.

Unknown Speaker 2:07
wasn’t just something picked up in the shop

Unknown Speaker 2:13
was the service member who donated it was he here in LA. He did not grow up here. He was actually in in Washington State but lives in this area now.

Unknown Speaker 2:32
Next up, we have a collection of things related to both youth baseball and the FAA.

Unknown Speaker 2:41
We have photos from the FAA jets baseball team as well as

Unknown Speaker 2:47
a Jets shirt and then a number of photographs from the FAA facility

Unknown Speaker 2:55
and also a long sleeve Short Sleeve Baseball shirt from the north Johnson corn giants.

Unknown Speaker 3:05
Interestingly enough, the donor of this his father was actually on the museum board in the 1970s really longer

Unknown Speaker 3:18
next up we have a small collection of items from two local families coffin and Biederman.

Unknown Speaker 3:29
There’s a souvenir tray of pumpkin pie days.

Unknown Speaker 3:35
Little hard to see in the photo but this is a clothing stud

Unknown Speaker 3:40
from the Grand Army of the Republic, which was union veterans of the Civil War, this little probably some kind of a piece of jewelry or part of a necklace is inscribed in DC probably Merton the coffin.

Unknown Speaker 3:57
And then this is a little probably like a toilet kid with a

Unknown Speaker 4:03
nail file to

Unknown Speaker 4:10
those came from our local house and both families have a lot of connections to this.

Unknown Speaker 4:18
Next, we have

Unknown Speaker 4:22
objects from Chino, Japan, Longmont sister city.

Unknown Speaker 4:28
So in the 1990s, the museum director at that time, had actually family in Japan, so he

Unknown Speaker 4:38
visited Japan and long one sister city a couple of times. And part of the culture of Japan is there’s always a lot of gift given and so every time he would go he would give more gifts. So these are all items that were given to him in Chino, some of them really relate. Have some specific gene

Unknown Speaker 5:00
No symbolism. So, and these are a little hard to see.

Unknown Speaker 5:04
I’m sorry, I can’t see my question.

Unknown Speaker 5:07
So down in the lower corner, there’s two triangular items. Those are bookmarks with the symbol of the Venus of gemstone, which is

Unknown Speaker 5:18
a fertility figure that was dug up near Chino, one of the oldest pieces of pottery found

Unknown Speaker 5:26
in Japan, and then the green item kind of around item, that’s actually the Chino city. So the talk of a museum, which is

Unknown Speaker 5:41
the museum that long Art Museum didn’t exchange with in 1997.

Unknown Speaker 5:47
The other items are just kind of general, relating to Japanese culture.

Unknown Speaker 5:54
They were all

Unknown Speaker 5:56
significant issue.

Unknown Speaker 6:00
Next up, we have two chafing dishes that are found in the basement of Callahan house,

Unknown Speaker 6:08
made probably from silverplate.

Unknown Speaker 6:12
Callahan house has been an event space, really since the 1930s, even to the cities on these document that period. And

Unknown Speaker 6:25
then we have a number of maps that were basically retrieved from the Emergency Operations Center

Unknown Speaker 6:37
at the city operated during the 2013 flood,

Unknown Speaker 6:42
so many of them have and our patients and in our notes, you know, what buildings are safe, what areas where roadblocks have been added. So they really do help tell the story of

Unknown Speaker 6:56

Unknown Speaker 7:00
Next up, we have one of the last photos taken of the old Burlington School. So in 1869,

Unknown Speaker 7:12
it was community called Burlington, a little bit south of downtown Long long.

Unknown Speaker 7:18
They built a new school house and occupy the biggest building in town.

Unknown Speaker 7:25
That building ultimately was moved out to the Leroy Ryder Farm and was torn down

Unknown Speaker 7:33
in the 1990s to make way for a subdivision. So this is a photograph of what it looked like just shortly before it was torn down. And we have another photo from the early 20th century. And there were two doors, you can just see kind of the shades of on and facing us here. And then interestingly enough, that gap in the bores originally where that gap was it said Burlington School. So

Unknown Speaker 8:10
next up, we have the first item from our top 10 most wanted list that we’ve acquired. So we’re we’re still kind of putting this together. It’s part of our collections plan. But something we’ve had a group discussing the museum’s collections plan, which I showed you all some months back, talking about

Unknown Speaker 8:38
kind of guiding what the museum would like to collect. So we put together a top 10 list one of the things on it was a tortilla roller

Unknown Speaker 8:47
and the item up at the top, which just sort of looks like a piece of wooden rod was in fact used by the woman in the photo to make tortillas for many years. So

Unknown Speaker 9:03
a nice item it was actually donated by a member of our collections plan review group.

Unknown Speaker 9:11
And last but not least, we have a frame sign

Unknown Speaker 9:16
called Learn a class that says CW pace was found in his former home. It was a prominent farmer

Unknown Speaker 9:26
died in 1959. The age of 93 was one of the founders of the Great Western Stock Show and also helped me found the Boulder County Fairs seemed appropriate to

Unknown Speaker 9:40
any questions on any of those items.

Unknown Speaker 9:45

Unknown Speaker 9:48
the telehealth house objects seem to have all of their own stuff. How much the museum house and how much

Unknown Speaker 9:56
exactly for

Unknown Speaker 9:59

Unknown Speaker 10:00
So what they have are kind of things that are

Unknown Speaker 10:06
things that they still use. And this when, when facilities brought these and I checked a pallet and houses.

Unknown Speaker 10:14
If these are things you would want or want to display, then we wouldn’t accession now. Because the Callahan house is in a separate division of the city.

Unknown Speaker 10:26
We work with them a lot, but we don’t really trade objects back and forth. So they do have a lot of their own material. But these were things they said they didn’t really have any interest in and having so I think we’re appropriate

Unknown Speaker 10:43
notice on your top 10 list,

Unknown Speaker 10:45
so some of the other things are a Komal, which is what you would cook that tortillas on a

Unknown Speaker 10:56
red Dale camper. That’s the largest thing on the list. So red Dale coach was a local company that made travel trailers and campers

Unknown Speaker 11:08
love to have one of those

Unknown Speaker 11:12
a photograph that’s actually of old Burlington, we have a few photos of buildings after they’d been moved or many years later, but nothing from old Burlington itself.

Unknown Speaker 11:26
And see objects from some of the iconic Longmont businesses like trailer hardware,

Unknown Speaker 11:36
loops, drug, things like that

Unknown Speaker 11:42
blanking on the rest, but that’s and it’s still very much kind of a evolving list. So that’s one of the things we will hopefully bring back to us with the collections plan for adoption. And we can have a discussion about kind of what we’ve got on the list now and see if there’s there’s things you think should be included or swapped out.

Unknown Speaker 12:12
Any other questions?

Unknown Speaker 12:14
Someone want to make a motion to accept or not any or all of the exceptions? Or

Unknown Speaker 12:25
is there any discussion?

Unknown Speaker 12:29
All in

Unknown Speaker 12:34
a second.

Unknown Speaker 12:36
All in favor?

Unknown Speaker 12:38
That’s unanimous.

Unknown Speaker 12:46
All right. Before it’s

Unknown Speaker 12:50
taking away

Unknown Speaker 12:56

Unknown Speaker 13:00
that you

Unknown Speaker 13:02
City Council last or last few days, that is of interest. So if you’re not the museum, our national staffer gallery interests.

Unknown Speaker 13:17
Thank you all.

Unknown Speaker 13:20

Unknown Speaker 13:22
watching the exhibition and we didn’t want to make this available. We

Unknown Speaker 13:31
also have some

Unknown Speaker 13:35
really interesting things that are related to the box

Unknown Speaker 13:42
in order to continue business as usual, so annual subscription to our worthy citizens in the US that currently

Unknown Speaker 13:52

Unknown Speaker 13:54
Past Perfect is a database that we use to build reflections.

Unknown Speaker 14:01
And that’s what I want to talk about and Arizona

Unknown Speaker 14:07
is working on for, like watching the piece of the puzzle. And then in

Unknown Speaker 14:13
order to score using

Unknown Speaker 14:18
digital money for our kids lives, which is the way that we are able to be our partners in order to

Unknown Speaker 14:26
validate the wants to leave black people sales in minutes and to do that and continue that out. But it has to be a resource.

Unknown Speaker 14:37
It has to be in our budget as previously reported.

Unknown Speaker 14:42
So that was a huge because

Unknown Speaker 14:46
those types of equations and so by additional $100,000.

Unknown Speaker 14:53
And then we also started to make videos about the mobile app and the app and so it was able to get to

Unknown Speaker 15:00
We’ll continue the app and then some some products available for companies to develop.

Unknown Speaker 15:09
So right now we’ve got a

Unknown Speaker 15:13
walking tour of downtown.

Unknown Speaker 15:18
And we’re working on

Unknown Speaker 15:21
Article replaces, we’re also

Unknown Speaker 15:26
working in collaboration with.

Unknown Speaker 15:29

Unknown Speaker 15:32
little app. So that’s great.

Unknown Speaker 15:38
addition to that there’s also a report or timecard. With Oasis assistance, Angeles, darkness, this was about

Unknown Speaker 15:49
to happen in

Unknown Speaker 15:51
checkpoint with Moore’s

Unknown Speaker 15:54
law. And so she really doesn’t

Unknown Speaker 15:57
have that. So she

Unknown Speaker 16:00
can show you

Unknown Speaker 16:02
all the methods that

Unknown Speaker 16:05
we’re also going to work with

Unknown Speaker 16:08
Next, on our last few developments. And so really, what we’re not during the second phase of corporate events is they’re going to do design work, basically.

Unknown Speaker 16:21
But we’re going to phase that out so that we’re able to do complete phases, that expansion aspect. So the first portion of that is going to be, well, Eric has just recently vacated a textile storage space, whether there’s off space and a little bit of processing space for our class. And then we’ll move on to the corner, and some additional gallery spaces. And so that’s going to be funded by the

Unknown Speaker 17:01
word going for the galleries as of

Unknown Speaker 17:06
right now for mobility.

Unknown Speaker 17:13
Issues, also

Unknown Speaker 17:15
parts of badly funded and we’re hoping to then launch application software with

Unknown Speaker 17:22
us and really get it all. A lot better.

Unknown Speaker 17:27
Look forward to that conference.

Unknown Speaker 17:31
You guys have seen our tape with Verizon. And some of you guys I know, we’re downtown. One of the big celebrations to that. This was completed on June 7, and you got to see the

Unknown Speaker 17:47
big picture that

Unknown Speaker 17:51
turns out

Unknown Speaker 17:58
Yeah, you don’t know when we came out here for a field trip.

Unknown Speaker 18:03
And I took my class to go. Oh, that’s right. That’s right. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 18:12
I think first school for theater. So that’s, I think it was, it was a really good experience for that. And then because it was so important, the innovation center and currently we’re doing urban rural suburban communities and in our social cities contact with building

Unknown Speaker 18:30
regions. So we will kind of tie in what we did at the

Unknown Speaker 18:35
tiny house

Unknown Speaker 18:39
rules show

Unknown Speaker 18:42
where you’re presented with buffalo.

Unknown Speaker 18:46
It has a lot that they did, they didn’t provide newcomers who don’t speak English. So I had to translate. So that was the only thing he was, you know, they kept on going and was

Unknown Speaker 18:59
trying to slow down, slow down. Yeah, some of the work you know, they’re talking about the CPU and

Unknown Speaker 19:06

Unknown Speaker 19:19
That’s like, yeah, because looked at that.

Unknown Speaker 19:25
Yeah. Oh, yeah. That was

Unknown Speaker 19:30
there some data there that we had as part of the year of that 30 design process, which

Unknown Speaker 19:40
is to offer services that offer that best solution and in that graph, we also included some execution data evaluation. So we have questionable

Unknown Speaker 19:53
use and evaluation what so you get to see today’s media they’re

Unknown Speaker 19:59
a former science

Unknown Speaker 20:00
Double audience found which was an interesting practice and childish, which was, that was one of the things that Jared is two years nervous about that he didn’t want. He wanted there to be a balance between being friendly and being interesting for adults. And so I think that they are really suggests that was, so that was really good

Unknown Speaker 20:23
reinforcement that we did like that there

Unknown Speaker 20:27
was I thought, the number of questions

Unknown Speaker 20:31
I thought that there was a lot of explanation, the label tonight

Unknown Speaker 20:38
an 81% of his children that have flaws.

Unknown Speaker 20:44
And, as you might expect.

Unknown Speaker 20:49
So heart failure really does suggest that

Unknown Speaker 20:57
this exhibition is ending in the sweet spot. And so different ways in terms of trying to balance kids

Unknown Speaker 21:06
and adults.

Unknown Speaker 21:08
interest levels and so

Unknown Speaker 21:11
internationally, I think is a really good exhibition for us to be able to

Unknown Speaker 21:17
collect the data on because then you kind of take these lessons forward to understand how we can, we will never replicate this exactly. But certainly in terms of the way that we differentiate the distribution of activities and

Unknown Speaker 21:34

Unknown Speaker 21:35
in electrical really present.

Unknown Speaker 21:39
So that’s it.

Unknown Speaker 21:41
I did not include this in the report that it reminds me, as this just happened, officially recently,

Unknown Speaker 21:51

Unknown Speaker 21:53
coordinator who is here with us in our last meeting,

Unknown Speaker 21:58
presentation on some points, she is with us as a VISTA volunteer. And we now hired her

Unknown Speaker 22:07
to try trying to employ you as an evaluation. And

Unknown Speaker 22:13
so that’s it as they

Unknown Speaker 22:16
move forward for us because she is going to be able to really take a lot of this

Unknown Speaker 22:23
tools and their question and really moving forward. Eric’s been doing this for years, and is there anybody.

Unknown Speaker 22:34
And so it’s gonna be a real challenge for us to do what we’ll do well, while we can move on to our people perceiving what we’re doing online. And so I think those are the tools that he was able to provide for us, we’ll be able to apply those accusations going forward. And then exhibition over exhibition.

Unknown Speaker 23:00
So that’s the world so so.

Unknown Speaker 23:06
And as you can tell from Courtney’s presentation, she was like the perfect person.

Unknown Speaker 23:15
for that.

Unknown Speaker 23:18
We really enjoyed having her on staff, and our time has a list of volunteers. And so we’re all it

Unknown Speaker 23:32
just includes a lot of data here about the programs that we have to offer. And during the cycle, we’ve really had a great fall of that year, the start of the fall season with the site specific requirements for particular players. They are super dynamic, and really transformational through services to help them in concert with them done. We have a third installment on the basis of change. And so this is a program that we

Unknown Speaker 24:05
multicultural action. So this particular word was about the rest of the country. So I was not there as I am to really reverse that I missed it because by all accounts, it was one of those

Unknown Speaker 24:23
primaries, which was moderated and more direct from alcohol and tobacco JCC, the Jewish Community Center and

Unknown Speaker 24:36
that they really, really long time, a lot of the issues and

Unknown Speaker 24:42
challenges that we’ve been seeing over the last 10 years so that I think we follow up. Very pleased with the way that we just created as environmental

Unknown Speaker 24:56

Unknown Speaker 25:00
Another another to be successful we also have continuation or contract seasons

Unknown Speaker 25:08
we’ve watched the first climate action set a program

Unknown Speaker 25:12
to interact with

Unknown Speaker 25:15

Unknown Speaker 25:16
outside the city to change

Unknown Speaker 25:20
really bad evening shorts

Unknown Speaker 25:23
that was about to make that the city as a family as usual Florence’s

Unknown Speaker 25:31
first day breeding grounds and it’s not such at all it’s not that isolated

Unknown Speaker 25:38
Jamie still use it now

Unknown Speaker 25:41
sort of as if it’s a museum and he’s gonna

Unknown Speaker 25:46
remember that whole area

Unknown Speaker 25:49
and so

Unknown Speaker 25:51
this is sort of good news musicians

Unknown Speaker 25:59
so then you see September by the numbers

Unknown Speaker 26:03
it’s nice to see the good times together phone number is the total number of unity partners in total attendance of 100 circle is yours 1000 And as counted percent of our goal and ticket sales were up to 65,000 and that was total sold in the whole year so quite bottles are turning

Unknown Speaker 26:31
then you get all this stuff on October 8.

Unknown Speaker 26:39
And then in education that’s 30 days is doing really really well do that physical movements

Unknown Speaker 26:47
as part of the offering is in addition to the regular our bonus we’ve got a

Unknown Speaker 26:56
contractor who’s helping us out with that and then she achieves that last layer which is really nice to hear

Unknown Speaker 27:05
music coming out which gives me more time

Unknown Speaker 27:09
we’ve got our Thursday night TV program and we do

Unknown Speaker 27:15
a new free program on Thursday nights for more activity this is something that

Unknown Speaker 27:22
coordinate developed and it really is her role as the volunteer she really was getting

Unknown Speaker 27:31
over and over and over again she she flipped out

Unknown Speaker 27:35
and said this is

Unknown Speaker 27:38

Unknown Speaker 27:39
provide services that we really

Unknown Speaker 27:46
I think the audience there is

Unknown Speaker 27:50
so much of the

Unknown Speaker 27:58
answer it was done very well I think all of those processes

Unknown Speaker 28:03
and we found ways to deliver

Unknown Speaker 28:06
that channel

Unknown Speaker 28:08
as well.

Unknown Speaker 28:10
Just as a recap of that activity

Unknown Speaker 28:15
centers and the

Unknown Speaker 28:20
free to use the bank accounts she was with us to do the coordination and she was

Unknown Speaker 28:30
more active.

Unknown Speaker 28:32
So it’s really

Unknown Speaker 28:35
great to do

Unknown Speaker 28:37
that authorization data

Unknown Speaker 28:41
as it was shuttled

Unknown Speaker 28:44
back and forth between here and

Unknown Speaker 28:48
and Suzy was our moderator on stages in that new job with all that really impressive music that was just it felt so fast that I didn’t have it was just like

Unknown Speaker 29:01

Unknown Speaker 29:04
people who are just you know ready to fire me or what but it just was so great.

Unknown Speaker 29:12
That was great.

Unknown Speaker 29:17
So Cory groups and that is actually a lot more than a task. So it’s it’s looking like I think this just grow over time. I think that especially post COVID

Unknown Speaker 29:33
part of

Unknown Speaker 29:35
sort of ethos, it’s

Unknown Speaker 29:40
like that

Unknown Speaker 29:55
and we are here but

Unknown Speaker 29:58
I was particularly

Unknown Speaker 30:00

Unknown Speaker 30:02
we were able to get over

Unknown Speaker 30:04
do boosters, and

Unknown Speaker 30:11
I got

Unknown Speaker 30:15
my arms hurt.

Unknown Speaker 30:18
For that reason, I felt like it was really great community service.

Unknown Speaker 30:24
Events, I’m learning a lot.

Unknown Speaker 30:26
So, and you know, there were a lot of us that got shot. So it’s like,

Unknown Speaker 30:31
it was just convenient.

Unknown Speaker 30:34
So it was, it was really good.

Unknown Speaker 30:37
And then during this was they’re presenting that awards worth of work. And so that was really nice to help turn around.

Unknown Speaker 30:47

Unknown Speaker 30:49
it’s nice to have that

Unknown Speaker 30:51

Unknown Speaker 30:53
So that was after the Foley, aka the war, the award. Yes. So it was the Polish often I use this job and

Unknown Speaker 31:04

Unknown Speaker 31:06
So I sent over like, you know, Advisory Council for the Congress.

Unknown Speaker 31:12
So she was in

Unknown Speaker 31:16
the labor activist, Oh, wow. labor rights

Unknown Speaker 31:28
are former states

Unknown Speaker 31:33
in years past, and she actually was kind of like the trailblazer.

Unknown Speaker 31:39
So we made the award after her, and it goes to the upcoming.

Unknown Speaker 31:47
Your rising activist judges.

Unknown Speaker 32:03
Already got to do the rest of

Unknown Speaker 32:06
the other thing that we’ve been challenged is that especially as

Unknown Speaker 32:13
data providers,

Unknown Speaker 32:17
they fire up

Unknown Speaker 32:21
sort of accounting,

Unknown Speaker 32:25
auditing measures in order to account

Unknown Speaker 32:29
and we’ve not been able to do that well. So we just

Unknown Speaker 32:33
work with a company that does geofencing and our unique cell phones.

Unknown Speaker 32:42
So we were actually able to get

Unknown Speaker 32:47
a count from

Unknown Speaker 32:50
you that you know, that there were 4.6 1000 people

Unknown Speaker 32:56
and then sort of added children

Unknown Speaker 33:01

Unknown Speaker 33:03
have some

Unknown Speaker 33:06
sort of correlating accounts that

Unknown Speaker 33:10
we estimate that there was at least

Unknown Speaker 33:15

Unknown Speaker 33:19
there you that have stations?

Unknown Speaker 33:22
So that’s great. That’s a great job.

Unknown Speaker 33:24
I think that our our largest potential candidates was the year before and asked about this. So I think we’re getting back out there

Unknown Speaker 33:40
are collections Eric’s been really busy doing the

Unknown Speaker 33:44
walking tour. So lots of I think it’s seven of those.

Unknown Speaker 33:51
And then

Unknown Speaker 33:53
he’s also been working on physical about this, the videos or photos stored? Right, so a little bit about

Unknown Speaker 34:03
using that material, yeah. So you can see on the walls here in this room, we just install a new exhibit. This is about music, and particularly diverse spaces and in music, this was put together by in turn,

Unknown Speaker 34:19
assistant of Jairus. Thompson’s, so next fall, and try to change this about once a year. So next fall, we will change this to photographs of the flood, and we may be able to include a few small objects or other other things that aren’t just photographs, but we put out a call on Facebook and have gotten

Unknown Speaker 34:45
over 300 photographs and videos. St. Dan, and so we’re still trying to figure out exactly whether we’re going to put those into the collection or whether it

Unknown Speaker 34:58
will kind of pick and choose but

Unknown Speaker 35:02
We’ve got a lot of video photos.

Unknown Speaker 35:05
One person does have a camera that was buried in mud, it’s kind of cool, you can see

Unknown Speaker 35:13
a flood. So we’re excited to be able to commemorate the 10th anniversary of blood. And we may also have an online component report angle, our new collection software has a lot of capacity for online exhibits. So if we’re able to get it fully up and running and good things, including time for that anniversary

Unknown Speaker 35:38
probably have an online component of the flooding survey as well

Unknown Speaker 35:46
as educators about the four sites that we’ve been talking about, so

Unknown Speaker 35:54
we’ll be moving that forward students

Unknown Speaker 35:57
to be able to adopt

Unknown Speaker 36:00
the platform

Unknown Speaker 36:04
are no places that really does prove to them that we can see this point is their first major improvement project

Unknown Speaker 36:13

Unknown Speaker 36:19
resources so until that point, four hours of cleaning work is only 53 painters 19 versus two boxes gross out 70 rubbers 80 Scientists 5015 gallons I think and a lot of colors and 96 to 100 degrees

Unknown Speaker 36:39
was blazing

Unknown Speaker 36:42
blazing hot and people were out there having so much fun and painting that it’s amazing that the basketball court and this is the first of all, it was going to interview several of us hey, there’s a lot of these cases that

Unknown Speaker 36:58
don’t look great. And so being able to get it sorted out really activates this uses a lot and it’s a special counsel that they use in order to do it’s too fast. It’s basically this nothing’s happened after that Samuel so that you know business live live and things like that that didn’t

Unknown Speaker 37:24
really fit in so

Unknown Speaker 37:28
Angeles Here’s a test to see how well the colors

Unknown Speaker 37:33
stay and then also it means

Unknown Speaker 37:39
a Walmart says she has to always

Unknown Speaker 37:42
be on top of that. And what that does is basically it creates a barrier so that there isn’t going to be cheating just put it off

Unknown Speaker 37:52
there’s no barrier that it damages itself. But the problem is is if you put the review code as it eliminates the

Unknown Speaker 38:06
the benefit did you get that same you know so it’s she’s passing it out she’s got three patches that she’s working with so she knows

Unknown Speaker 38:15
exactly how it’s doing these days so she’s becoming a scientist

Unknown Speaker 38:22
we’ve also got a finalized artists group

Unknown Speaker 38:27

Unknown Speaker 38:29
is underway and they announced last night

Unknown Speaker 38:34
and then she said shots are just noticed I think some of us have a minute already starting to work with neighbors working with

Unknown Speaker 38:44
patients in order to get those boxes

Unknown Speaker 38:48
that reference

Unknown Speaker 38:52
visitor services the gift shop is really just reviewing wonderful and I think it’s gonna be really low in the team ordered a lot of Stanford did did and we did some of that data Elizabeth as a team to actually finish that fast. So to really, really good, right, well in terms of your shop issues goes down

Unknown Speaker 39:20
and a lot of things so

Unknown Speaker 39:23
she had three T shirts that

Unknown Speaker 39:28
you guys are down and people were asking that because we all wore T shirts you guys and we were packing

Unknown Speaker 39:36

Unknown Speaker 39:37
People ask them

Unknown Speaker 39:41
constantly sending people

Unknown Speaker 39:44
T shirts and so different jobs.

Unknown Speaker 39:48
And then obviously $1,800 in September sales were up to $2,700 Compared to last year.

Unknown Speaker 39:59
So in

Unknown Speaker 40:00
In staffing, she’s always a challenge to most

Unknown Speaker 40:05
of us, but she just I think, as property companies more and

Unknown Speaker 40:12
more people on board

Unknown Speaker 40:15

Unknown Speaker 40:18
She’s seeing similar herbs, but but just elevated from this year from last year. So, for instance, this August, we saw over 15 people last year. And then in September, almost 1000 people versus six months or so, I think we are

Unknown Speaker 40:40
seeing an uptick in attendance and

Unknown Speaker 40:49
participation and all of that. And we do have, she’s got some numbers here that are memberships membership. So I’ve been thinking more this year than

Unknown Speaker 41:01
last year in August, and in September, we’re

Unknown Speaker 41:05
going to watch her.

Unknown Speaker 41:07
She let us know, yesterday,

Unknown Speaker 41:11
yesterday that we now are all

Unknown Speaker 41:15
for the same things we’re

Unknown Speaker 41:18
doing to rescue 892, eight, and so on.

Unknown Speaker 41:27
So that’s

Unknown Speaker 41:30
one of those will along with it. So

Unknown Speaker 41:33
how does a

Unknown Speaker 41:36
magnetometer work like crazy examples. Those are

Unknown Speaker 41:46
the 31st

Unknown Speaker 41:52

Unknown Speaker 41:54
and then

Unknown Speaker 42:00
we’re working on scholarships for

Unknown Speaker 42:03
agriculture esthetician to do

Unknown Speaker 42:07
that. Right. That is

Unknown Speaker 42:12

Unknown Speaker 42:21
The other thing that we have requested, and we’ll see how this goes, is that the city of Lompoc would like to see district investors

Unknown Speaker 42:37
and as a result

Unknown Speaker 42:41
the robbers were sold. Just recently, the city ended up getting

Unknown Speaker 42:47
almost as a result.

Unknown Speaker 42:51
So we put in a request to the city manager to be to use that money

Unknown Speaker 42:59
to help fund the children’s

Unknown Speaker 43:02
expansion. So we’ll see is another step to suspend so we’ll see the RBA is asking us but I think that it would be a really wonderful thing to have happen because the simulation economy is for it to use specifically for the program activities and there’s gonna be some of those dollars

Unknown Speaker 43:25
in perpetuity or lifetime dollars and so how do you make the best impact for those

Unknown Speaker 43:33
so that that’s that as long as

Unknown Speaker 43:37
this this investment a

Unknown Speaker 43:41

Unknown Speaker 43:44
years ago

Unknown Speaker 43:50
and then from marketing the last interview there was that that was a lie was about are

Unknown Speaker 43:57
excited to have for you the

Unknown Speaker 44:03
members and if you

Unknown Speaker 44:06
don’t like the way the Spanish speaking radio station and you know there are so excited to be able to do a demo

Unknown Speaker 44:16
actually really appreciate

Unknown Speaker 44:20
that. And then you have a new brand I’ll show you that. If you don’t know where

Unknown Speaker 44:31

Unknown Speaker 44:34
to be entertaining hospitals will continue to promote that.

Unknown Speaker 44:38
The end of the violence

Unknown Speaker 44:41
holiday visitation.

Unknown Speaker 44:50

Unknown Speaker 44:52
Yes. Yeah, yeah, the only thing between the report and the chair and I don’t have a report so you’re good to move on to the museum brand.

Unknown Speaker 45:00

Unknown Speaker 45:03
alpha, let you drive if you don’t mind. So the end, we talked a little bit about this exam, you can actually see the, the ways to act on agency, post this together for us. So

Unknown Speaker 45:19
next time

Unknown Speaker 45:26
he’s down.

Unknown Speaker 45:30
So it’s just sort of helps us understand why we’re doing what we’re doing. But it’s more than just a logo is actually about identity.

Unknown Speaker 45:42
And these are the sort of objectives that we gave to the happiness.

Unknown Speaker 45:50
So we’re going to be CMC aligned with the city brand. And this that’s

Unknown Speaker 45:58
the current react, that’s actually

Unknown Speaker 46:01
how we’re headed. So

Unknown Speaker 46:04
keep that, we’ll see what we come up with.

Unknown Speaker 46:08
And then

Unknown Speaker 46:11
thinking about the ways that we might do represent ourselves is our culture diversity, education, hands on access, we want to give it architectural elements that make it appealing to original audience and beyond not just one last

Unknown Speaker 46:28
but not asleep.

Unknown Speaker 46:31
And then

Unknown Speaker 46:33
the scale has world class institution. And, you know, the challenge really, is to keep up marvel at the same time, because when the references are so wide,

Unknown Speaker 46:47
yeah, in a big asset to do all of these things, okay.

Unknown Speaker 46:53
So this is the current city of Walmart brand. And the only other issue within the city that has a separate log is next time. And so everybody else uses the city will be there. And so, as we were developing the sub plan, trying to keep

Unknown Speaker 47:15
next night, that’s the only

Unknown Speaker 47:19
city being able to do this to see. So we’re happy to see that fights are similar. And that dark news similar recommend Robin, that sort of alerts sort of made that its own special.

Unknown Speaker 47:38
So here are some concepts.

Unknown Speaker 47:41
So this is after much, much deliberation

Unknown Speaker 47:47
where it has all the

Unknown Speaker 47:50
services in front of the city manager, for him to decide

Unknown Speaker 47:58
how we’re going to proceed from here. And really, the key words that they use when they’re trying to develop this are welcoming Weber’s coachable and trustworthy action. And, you know, we talked about things like should we use artists remember that and what order should or should you science and shooting performance and

Unknown Speaker 48:23
ultimately, there was a time accesses when we were looking at the ways that all of those things

Unknown Speaker 48:33
look visually, but I could say that

Unknown Speaker 48:38
you know, I have a preconceived notion about where I want to go and I change my mind process and I think everybody else

Unknown Speaker 48:46
so this ended up being the

Unknown Speaker 48:48
habit most sort of rallying cry around. And so uses the colors of

Unknown Speaker 48:57
some of the photos from the city ground has that side sort of baffles polar

Unknown Speaker 49:04

Unknown Speaker 49:06
Oh, this

Unknown Speaker 49:10
is the brown colors.

Unknown Speaker 49:15
Oh, this is kind of fun to see

Unknown Speaker 49:18
the different applications and yeah.

Unknown Speaker 49:24
So this one, you get to see the kind of

Unknown Speaker 49:28
portfolio of different brands and I think they do really beautiful.

Unknown Speaker 49:34
Yeah. So yeah, I’m, I’m pleased with the result of this. And so we just need to see how the city managers

Unknown Speaker 49:45
respond and that will be

Unknown Speaker 49:49
really rolling this out. What we have in mind is that we’ll do a

Unknown Speaker 49:56
level of plant awareness.

Unknown Speaker 49:59
So really

Unknown Speaker 50:00
Getting this as small as possible, and

Unknown Speaker 50:05
using it as an opportunity

Unknown Speaker 50:08
to say to people, like,

Unknown Speaker 50:11
wherever you find your image of the law he’s

Unknown Speaker 50:17
searching for so let’s

Unknown Speaker 50:22
get started

Unknown Speaker 50:41
All right, great.

Unknown Speaker 50:44
I like it. I like the way they all kind of work together to get things

Unknown Speaker 50:55
up think it’s okay to start running around? Yep, yep. Well, we’re going to have that approval and launch time.

Unknown Speaker 51:16

Unknown Speaker 51:24
on everything and

Unknown Speaker 51:29
the timing is good to

Unknown Speaker 51:31
go, as well, because it’s

Unknown Speaker 51:35
a big shock. But

Unknown Speaker 51:39
I gotta tell you

Unknown Speaker 51:47
it’s usually the made of tiles.

Unknown Speaker 51:53
And some other things I have an older and take them on piece.

Unknown Speaker 52:00
I have. All right. So next on the agenda is the use of a man acknowledgement statement.

Unknown Speaker 52:10
We had discussed this last time, I wanted to make sure if it wasn’t just something that was being repeated by rote, and that it was something meaningful. I think there was discussion around checking and seeing

Unknown Speaker 52:27
what would be the best use of the statements?

Unknown Speaker 52:33
Would it be in line with that best use?

Unknown Speaker 52:36
Music’s better case? So

Unknown Speaker 52:41
where that discussion equates to

Unknown Speaker 52:46
that’s not where we left it. That’s my recollection.

Unknown Speaker 52:50
I mean, I remember back

Unknown Speaker 52:56
when the church was trying to develop a state

Unknown Speaker 53:01
of the

Unknown Speaker 53:03
soon as and the fees that attributed to it, I think that covers Assad to the

Unknown Speaker 53:13
back of a very was saying and I remember

Unknown Speaker 53:16
our former they’re

Unknown Speaker 53:19
saying that they didn’t release to the council that

Unknown Speaker 53:24
was probably no better. But if I remember and I kind of agree with what he said in that case,

Unknown Speaker 53:35
the statement that stopped there were some suggestions at that time that city council open every meeting

Unknown Speaker 53:44
and I think his comment was basically

Unknown Speaker 53:49
they don’t want to be in the data that’s not really said but

Unknown Speaker 53:53
you know, because that will be coming in because if you just become so

Unknown Speaker 53:59
over the US here so common or so try the February meeting and nobody’s going to be listening to it. At least that’s the impression I got.

Unknown Speaker 54:11
And so we in a similar

Unknown Speaker 54:17

Unknown Speaker 54:19
You didn’t normally vote on anything but I think we discussed

Unknown Speaker 54:25
that would work for us too. In a way just do it once a year or special meeting or something. I don’t we don’t have like a candle that is ordered. But some boards do they have

Unknown Speaker 54:41
a Walmart ball but they have either a violinist

Unknown Speaker 54:45
and there’s especially in every year we gonna do it in January. Whenever we start them and just my thoughts

Unknown Speaker 54:55
is correct. It’s just a lot

Unknown Speaker 54:59

Unknown Speaker 55:00

Unknown Speaker 55:01
not to

Unknown Speaker 55:04
necessarily over that review, because I do think it’s

Unknown Speaker 55:09
going to become a meme. I don’t want to say meaningless, but it just become so common that we rarely think about it. I think our fold is this community to

Unknown Speaker 55:22
have people thinking about something like this. Having a channel that

Unknown Speaker 55:30
just shows you

Unknown Speaker 55:33
the Native American trade.

Unknown Speaker 55:38
There were a lot of tools, a lot of information.

Unknown Speaker 55:43
Almost too much for my brain to absorb anymore. And some of them

Unknown Speaker 55:48
already kind of blocked out, because I didn’t want to have to accept it right. away. It’s challenging.

Unknown Speaker 55:55

Unknown Speaker 55:57
that’s just my that’s maybe

Unknown Speaker 56:00
to make it really meaningful.

Unknown Speaker 56:03
Start each record year someday. I don’t know. But there’s a lot of other board members.

Unknown Speaker 56:14
We didn’t have Yeah, we did in the lobby. Yeah. It’s not a wall there. There is.

Unknown Speaker 56:26
I think there is.

Unknown Speaker 56:30
Momentum out a little bit more.

Unknown Speaker 56:34
Yeah, that’s

Unknown Speaker 56:36
something that you know,

Unknown Speaker 56:41
creative possibilities,

Unknown Speaker 56:44
is something that you’ve given out.

Unknown Speaker 56:53
And then another thing I was going to do is your advocate, the statement at the bottom of our borders

Unknown Speaker 57:04
a way of

Unknown Speaker 57:06
reminding us

Unknown Speaker 57:12
that’s just

Unknown Speaker 57:16
so maybe I’ll

Unknown Speaker 57:19
let some history here.

Unknown Speaker 57:22
That, really the way that this develops is when you are working on

Unknown Speaker 57:30
an exhibition.

Unknown Speaker 57:34
or 150 years ago, that was the beginning need to now. And so Eric started working for

Unknown Speaker 57:43
me, May.

Unknown Speaker 57:48

Unknown Speaker 57:51
She worked at First Nations Development Institute, and then she’s moved on.

Unknown Speaker 57:58
So one of the things she had just volumes of resources that cost us more. And yeah, one of the things that she said is

Unknown Speaker 58:11
I’m going to write this for you, this needs to be authentically you. And also there needs to be a

Unknown Speaker 58:21
substance as on the on the

Unknown Speaker 58:27

Unknown Speaker 58:30
So you see that part of what’s included in it, is that we we make a commitment to educate communities

Unknown Speaker 58:39
to ensure peace.

Unknown Speaker 58:43
And so there is a there really is an many believers, right? I mean, we can after that.

Unknown Speaker 58:51
It was really nice to be here. Well, Steven was saying

Unknown Speaker 58:55
that other people notice that we are actively doing.

Unknown Speaker 59:02
And we will continue to do this. And I think that that was part of what Kathy was saying is that you can’t just have a statement you have to have real action. It has to happen.

Unknown Speaker 59:18
And I believe that I

Unknown Speaker 59:22
genuinely believe that.

Unknown Speaker 59:28
Is there anything that you could do some sort of involvement with Cheyenne, Arapaho, indigenous tribes to have something more or just something that indicates that somewhere?

Unknown Speaker 59:46
Well, there is the ultimate point of this.

Unknown Speaker 59:51

Unknown Speaker 59:53
that was such a strong reaction is that he was really into

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
validate the relationship that we have.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:04
And there’s now a sister city relationship that is

Unknown Speaker 1:00:09

Unknown Speaker 1:00:11
between long life and

Unknown Speaker 1:00:15
with illustrations.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:18
And so that is nearly as a student moments because

Unknown Speaker 1:00:24
sister city relationships to different

Unknown Speaker 1:00:27
countries. And so what this demonstrates is that impressive native tribes are sovereign entities, they are light

Unknown Speaker 1:00:39
and so presentable it may seem like

Unknown Speaker 1:00:45
friendship that is way more

Unknown Speaker 1:00:48
and more that was years ago.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:53
And so for one year anniversary of the sister city relationship that was passed, and we’re planning on going to the reservation.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:06
reservation to celebrate that.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:09
And so I think that a lot of opportunities

Unknown Speaker 1:01:14
develop applications from

Unknown Speaker 1:01:17
what I know, will return to the podcast

Unknown Speaker 1:01:25
that it’s, it was all about developing relationships, it’s all about

Unknown Speaker 1:01:32
building trust, and

Unknown Speaker 1:01:35
that is considerable and

Unknown Speaker 1:01:39
we don’t want there to be any

Unknown Speaker 1:01:44

Unknown Speaker 1:01:46

Unknown Speaker 1:01:49
being able to ensure that we’re getting responses

Unknown Speaker 1:01:56
so yes, and also we need to be making sure that

Unknown Speaker 1:02:07
question Do you have internal policies how you intend to stay

Unknown Speaker 1:02:12
in the lobby but wasn’t sure

Unknown Speaker 1:02:17
kind of what we’re discussing

Unknown Speaker 1:02:22

Unknown Speaker 1:02:25
I would love to see form guide and one more thing is broken down into Zendesk

Unknown Speaker 1:02:32

Unknown Speaker 1:02:35
brought by underage children to

Unknown Speaker 1:02:41

Unknown Speaker 1:02:43
border and, and I didn’t think they were really paying very

Unknown Speaker 1:02:50
much attention to what was being said. But

Unknown Speaker 1:02:56
they brought things up on the way home and they heard the Chiefs talking

Unknown Speaker 1:03:03
and explaining so I thought that was very good. I mean,

Unknown Speaker 1:03:09
that’s our futures are kids and

Unknown Speaker 1:03:12
they they actually hurt and retain

Unknown Speaker 1:03:18
some information that they heard

Unknown Speaker 1:03:25
that made me think of my residence

Unknown Speaker 1:03:30
Yeah, I think there’s there needs to be a balance and and

Unknown Speaker 1:03:37
yeah, I don’t think that was the right moment that led me

Unknown Speaker 1:03:44
to say this is somebody that

Unknown Speaker 1:03:46
I think

Unknown Speaker 1:03:49
you should urge our board.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:53
I want to talk to you more about an hour to help me deal with rather

Unknown Speaker 1:04:02
than asking people to

Unknown Speaker 1:04:06
get into the

Unknown Speaker 1:04:09
discussion with the way things

Unknown Speaker 1:04:13

Unknown Speaker 1:04:15
especially if this is very serious and

Unknown Speaker 1:04:19

Unknown Speaker 1:04:23
Not seeing anything

Unknown Speaker 1:04:29
relate something to you that

Unknown Speaker 1:04:31
is very personal for me.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:36
My son was in Germany, and Germany and

Unknown Speaker 1:04:41
does a remembrance, etc. To the special global remembrance

Unknown Speaker 1:04:48
was a Holocaust. And we will make

Unknown Speaker 1:04:53
we will work this in a town in Germany, which turns out some pretty nasty times

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
to smile,

Unknown Speaker 1:05:02
and these are put into the ground is their spin off their goals on

Unknown Speaker 1:05:08
educating the Jews, family that live in either, you know, wherever

Unknown Speaker 1:05:18
where they did in the town

Unknown Speaker 1:05:22
we did the first ceremony

Unknown Speaker 1:05:24
filming this channel last year. And it was momentous. We have

Unknown Speaker 1:05:31
my, my eye and my daughter and my son’s girlfriend and his mother remained slow to the polygraph, we cut it up at night for ceremony and gave it out

Unknown Speaker 1:05:50
to people who came out of all this, but during the day, people came out.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:55
And this was again another sale

Unknown Speaker 1:05:58
this year, also they will families. So and this is what Germany is doing in terms of

Unknown Speaker 1:06:07
remembrance, and honoring the thing keeping.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:12
So it doesn’t happen again.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:17
So that’s how I’m thinking, you know, like how, what to do to lower level of happiness tribe?

Unknown Speaker 1:06:24
What can you do here in the town to remember and

Unknown Speaker 1:06:30

Unknown Speaker 1:06:40
And I think that, you know, he should be involved in in

Unknown Speaker 1:06:44
Grand small.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:47

Unknown Speaker 1:06:49
so that that’s fine.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:53
So what happened after

Unknown Speaker 1:06:57
that statement?

Unknown Speaker 1:06:59

Unknown Speaker 1:07:02
that she also said, Well, you know, the city council favor of adopting disputes. And this is something you should consider. So I’ve contacted a friend of mine who is in charge of that process in Denver. And he says he, yes, that not only

Unknown Speaker 1:07:24
are they really, before every single customer. And every member of the Council in Denmark has to take a turn.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:36

Unknown Speaker 1:07:39
he felt that that was absolutely appropriate. I don’t I mean, you were there. I don’t think that I’ve seen counsel felt comfortable with it. Yeah, it was, it was a little frustrating to me.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:53
To be honest.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:55
Because it was, while I want to take the time, while we take the pledge, I guess that’s the argument to me. Like, if you want to grow, there’s a certain thing like throat can be negative. But I also

Unknown Speaker 1:08:11
I think, yes, as a student, you should not take that literally, seriously, maybe every single day. But if you ask most Americans, can you save as much of a liter, they can, because it is a becomes a part of you. And I guess to me, this idea that we’re going to make a commitment to Tasty justices, by not talking about it, and bringing it up one time a year. I don’t like

Unknown Speaker 1:08:36
that is. So to me, I felt like there needs to be more education. So that’s something I want to bring up where we have our retreats, but we have our day together as counsel. You know, I rotated back over money to get some of that educational piece behind this. And I’ll tell you, my kidsave pledge, I have five newcomers this year.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:00
They say with such time as a Spanish and I said and, and it because they have a sense of, of appreciation for being in this country. They all my students have had good experiences and remember where they were coming from, whether it be South America, Central America and Mexico.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:24

Unknown Speaker 1:09:27
you know, so they didn’t need something, you know, say every day. It’s meaningful. And in fact, when we were online, you know, we kind of stopped in touch because it just has to come on WebEx. And then it was like there’s only a certain amount of time but

Unknown Speaker 1:09:45
it was really capturing their attention. And so I had to make, you know, most calendars, search engines on it’s like, okay,

Unknown Speaker 1:09:53

Unknown Speaker 1:09:58
So we dropped it.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
When I had kids asked me publicly I do have a little taste

Unknown Speaker 1:10:05
so it was interesting so and I think because in their homes they there’s been an education around where we’re saving lives will be meaningful for them. So I think was as adults

Unknown Speaker 1:10:21
it’s like sorcery

Unknown Speaker 1:10:26
is there as an initiation piece that has to happen to understand that yes we’ll say this every day we take turns saying this every day but then it also has me and I think about your doing sister city right having the connection with

Unknown Speaker 1:10:44
the tube is building that trust and so I think we as a community we are taking action to to educate and to remember and to to honor

Unknown Speaker 1:10:58
those people that have been here before and

Unknown Speaker 1:11:03
I just Yeah, I just felt like it was kind of

Unknown Speaker 1:11:08
TV and so I feel like if you do more education

Unknown Speaker 1:11:13

Unknown Speaker 1:11:15

Unknown Speaker 1:11:18
we’ve been working

Unknown Speaker 1:11:21
on the

Unknown Speaker 1:11:26
train boss which is essentially state in America we’re so you know, and there were several people who died and

Unknown Speaker 1:11:39
I wanted to go to the home it was during the day

Unknown Speaker 1:11:45
was that awkward for all the city

Unknown Speaker 1:11:49
shirts likely the afternoon 1/3 of

Unknown Speaker 1:11:56
the afternoon

Unknown Speaker 1:11:58
morning session I thought it would be more highly attended

Unknown Speaker 1:12:05
and obviously retired

Unknown Speaker 1:12:08
pick and choose the type of day I go to looking at

Unknown Speaker 1:12:14
various angles

Unknown Speaker 1:12:18
or to see something like that Yeah. And and have more we wrapped up we can in fact break up into small groups I think three out what we do it

Unknown Speaker 1:12:32

Unknown Speaker 1:12:34
three hours it was a lot of information yeah

Unknown Speaker 1:12:39
just a lot to sit Yeah, I mean it

Unknown Speaker 1:12:43
my business and the games are so many things

Unknown Speaker 1:12:50
not needed to be two hours and 33 hours with a grain of salt water on just to stand up

Unknown Speaker 1:13:01
here it

Unknown Speaker 1:13:03
was hard

Unknown Speaker 1:13:05
it was

Unknown Speaker 1:13:07

Unknown Speaker 1:13:09
listen to some things

Unknown Speaker 1:13:13
Susie Campbell doesn’t mean nothing everything that

Unknown Speaker 1:13:19
you have a discussion on it

Unknown Speaker 1:13:23
although those were the

Unknown Speaker 1:13:29
two or three so revisit this right.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:35
So well December 6, we will be setting the date and putting the agenda

Unknown Speaker 1:13:44
so we’ll have the discussion at city council on what

Unknown Speaker 1:13:48
we want to ask you

Unknown Speaker 1:13:51
that is an all day

Unknown Speaker 1:14:00
I’ve gotten opposed to doing this that every meeting but I just don’t want it to become meaningless.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:10
Like say just called me ordered

Unknown Speaker 1:14:15
rap and when I was off I mean there has to be some

Unknown Speaker 1:14:20
sense of

Unknown Speaker 1:14:22
sort of sincerity to

Unknown Speaker 1:14:26
talking to

Unknown Speaker 1:14:30
each one I was going to be talking

Unknown Speaker 1:14:33
around monthly basis.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:37
I would say at my organization, their statement physically gathered together, but we got to it

Unknown Speaker 1:14:48
I guess the question in my mind was maybe

Unknown Speaker 1:14:53
that would be taking that

Unknown Speaker 1:14:58
you know, what is it

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
It sounds like it isn’t some

Unknown Speaker 1:15:05

Unknown Speaker 1:15:07
topic that triggers

Unknown Speaker 1:15:12
a take off of eating. Good. It’s not a

Unknown Speaker 1:15:20
so about for our union to Colorado education systems National Education Association, we do so when we had our national education Assembly

Unknown Speaker 1:15:33
Education Association assembly in Chicago this year,

Unknown Speaker 1:15:39
we actually had members

Unknown Speaker 1:15:43
tried to try to we’re in that Chicago area to present it just kind of gave a little history. Our president did read the statement. So it was kind of at the beginning of our

Unknown Speaker 1:15:55
assembled and then but when we have breakout sessions if you had as many things in class wasn’t

Unknown Speaker 1:16:02
decided every meeting during that he was at the open. So

Unknown Speaker 1:16:07
at some kind of event, or

Unknown Speaker 1:16:14
that’s kind of what we say in that in that regard.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:21
So it does look a little different as opposed to

Unknown Speaker 1:16:25
the Advisory Board meeting.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:28
But I think you know, city council that is a

Unknown Speaker 1:16:32
that’s an event

Unknown Speaker 1:16:34
and it’s public.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:36
I read that city county I thought that was very

Unknown Speaker 1:16:41
sort of smaller in the evenings

Unknown Speaker 1:16:46
I just didn’t know is it necessary

Unknown Speaker 1:16:52
I’m also going to talk to you about that

Unknown Speaker 1:16:56
sort of

Unknown Speaker 1:16:58
tendonitis, the

Unknown Speaker 1:17:00
people who are

Unknown Speaker 1:17:02
training one of the things that they’re getting out of

Unknown Speaker 1:17:07

Unknown Speaker 1:17:12

Unknown Speaker 1:17:20
yeah, we got the same conversation it’s like I’m just doing

Unknown Speaker 1:17:25

Unknown Speaker 1:17:27
we don’t want to have access to all of that stuff in our organization.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:34
So it’s it’s not simple

Unknown Speaker 1:17:38
though that we do

Unknown Speaker 1:17:41
need to approach that we

Unknown Speaker 1:17:46
have to

Unknown Speaker 1:17:47
be able to solve

Unknown Speaker 1:17:52

Unknown Speaker 1:17:54
I thought that was about two years so just trying to understand that

Unknown Speaker 1:18:03

Unknown Speaker 1:18:10
but if you wouldn’t mind bringing it to that conversation as well Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:17
It would be nice

Unknown Speaker 1:18:20
to have a PDR just just

Unknown Speaker 1:18:25
because it

Unknown Speaker 1:18:28
is so

Unknown Speaker 1:18:32
powerful to possibly advise the library

Unknown Speaker 1:18:40
so the this is this video

Unknown Speaker 1:18:44
so I don’t have anything

Unknown Speaker 1:18:48
so I saw their minutes there that

Unknown Speaker 1:18:52
are posted in the library and I saw

Unknown Speaker 1:18:55
it so I don’t know what they decided. or So lives I

Unknown Speaker 1:19:00
believe for the library as well. It has not stated okay, it’s included in

Unknown Speaker 1:19:13

Unknown Speaker 1:19:18

Unknown Speaker 1:19:23
what to do

Unknown Speaker 1:19:25
while I’m

Unknown Speaker 1:19:30
really starting to talk talks,

Unknown Speaker 1:19:33
I do want to revisit that sorry, you’re not gonna last 30 years if that doesn’t work around.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:39
Racial social justice.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:42
Mental health

Unknown Speaker 1:19:44
issues always consider the movie Shawshank Redemption organization. That’s what one of these days through

Unknown Speaker 1:19:54
patience and

Unknown Speaker 1:19:56
perseverance and just keep plugging away every day.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00

Unknown Speaker 1:20:02
let’s wait for

Unknown Speaker 1:20:08

Unknown Speaker 1:20:15
to say what you really

Unknown Speaker 1:20:25
even have excuses

Unknown Speaker 1:20:31
for the short term

Unknown Speaker 1:20:36

Unknown Speaker 1:20:38

Unknown Speaker 1:20:48
that was

Unknown Speaker 1:20:52
so, so good to be continued. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:57
All right. The only thing I wanted to add was to take a vote. Those of us that are here we want to meet in person in November. We want to be via Zoom In November

Unknown Speaker 1:21:11
I think we decided that the meeting did not interfere with the holiday

Unknown Speaker 1:21:18

Unknown Speaker 1:21:21
so crazy, but that’s a personal preference.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:30
I’m sorry. I’m having trouble hearing everyone to your mask. What do you prefer? What numbers zoom for November? Okay, so zoom for November.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:43
So it’s it’s the week before Thanksgiving until Wednesday? Not the way Dave nothing.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:51
Before was the day 60.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:59
All in favor of a Zoom meeting that week. Difference to holiday insanity.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:10
Right? In person.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:14
Okay, so it’s three to two.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:21
So I think November’s meeting will be via zoom.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:26
Everyone is okay with that.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:30

Unknown Speaker 1:22:39
And at that time, we will vote again on December’s meeting.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:45
Is that Is everyone in

Unknown Speaker 1:22:48
agreement with that continuing to make that decision? Month by month? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:55
All right.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:57
Do I have a motion to adjourn? Are there any other comments or

Unknown Speaker 1:23:03
more business?

Unknown Speaker 1:23:07
Nope. These are a motion to adjourn.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:11
Thank you. Is there a second?

Unknown Speaker 1:23:14
All in favor?

Unknown Speaker 1:23:16
Okay. That is unanimous. It is 558. Thank you, everyone. Appreciate the time

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