Longmont City Council – Regular Session – August 9, 2022

Video Description:
Longmont City Council – Regular Session – August 9, 2022

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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Unknown Speaker 14:30
Good evening, everyone. I would now like to call the August 9 2022. Long run city council regular session to order. Don weigh me. Would you please have a roll call? Absolutely. Mayor Beck present. Councilmember Hidalgo Ferring. Here, Councilmember Martin, Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, Councilmember waters. Councilmember Yarbro. Mayor, you have a quorum. Thank you. Let’s stand for the Pledge.

Unknown Speaker 15:00
ages to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Unknown Speaker 15:14
As a reminder to the public Anyone wishing to speak at first column public invited to be heard, will need to add his or her name to the list outside the council chambers. Only those on the list will be invited to speak at the first public invited to be heard. speakers who do not place their names on the list will have the opportunity to speak during public hearing items this evening or at the final call public invited to be heard on any item at the end of the meeting.

Unknown Speaker 15:41
Next on the agenda is the approval of July 26 minutes.

Unknown Speaker 15:47
Can I have a motion? Okay.

Unknown Speaker 15:50
All right. It’s been moved by Councillor waters seconded by Councillor Yarbrough. Let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 16:05
Yay for me.

Unknown Speaker 16:12
So that carries unanimously.

Unknown Speaker 16:16
Thank you, everyone.

Unknown Speaker 16:19
Are there any agenda revisions done?

Unknown Speaker 16:22
I do not have any mayor back. Thank you. Are there any motions from counselors to direct the city manager to add agenda items to future agendas?

Unknown Speaker 16:32
Seeing none, we will go to the city manager’s report.

Unknown Speaker 16:38
Report Mayor Council. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 16:41
Special reports and presentations. We don’t seem to have any this evening. So we will go straight to the first call public invited to be heard. The first person on the list is Buzz Feldman.

Unknown Speaker 17:08

Unknown Speaker 17:11
good. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 17:14
Good evening. My name is Bose Feldman. I live at 3135 Lake Parkway. I am here tonight to tell you a little bit about fun sport with an equally funny name. I’m talking about pickleball.

Unknown Speaker 17:33
It’s a young sport started in 1965 in on Bainbridge Island, Washington near Seattle. It’s easy to learn. but hard to master

Unknown Speaker 17:47
takes about 30 minutes to initially learn the basics of the game, and someone can be playing that very same time.

Unknown Speaker 17:55
It’s a very social sport, but it’s also athletic and strategic. Nationwide, it is considered the fastest growing sport in the country. Here in Longmont, we have approximately 1500 people playing pickleball

Unknown Speaker 18:16
many think it is tennis light. It’s not tennis light, it’s its own sport. The only similarity to tennis is you’re hitting a ball across a net. But instead of a racket, you’re using a paddle that’s very reminiscent of a ping pong paddle.

Unknown Speaker 18:37
The ball is basically a wiffle ball. It’s played on a court the size of a badminton court, and the net is a few inches lower than a tennis net.

Unknown Speaker 18:50
prior to January or to June of this year, in Longmont, we had 10 pickleball courts. Now for comparison, the city of Fort Collins has 44 courts

Unknown Speaker 19:03
in this past winter, several of us who represent different factions, different areas of the pickleball community got together to form what is called the Longmont pickleball club.

Unknown Speaker 19:17
With the help and blessing of the city’s Department of Recreation and golf, and the city parks department, the Longmont pickleball club has recently completed the striping of 10 Additional courts in town now giving the city 20 courts. So doubling the number that we previously had. A lot of these most of these are at Clark Centennial Park where we now have 10 courts. Previously we had two

Unknown Speaker 19:48
tomorrow afternoon from five until eight o’clock. We’re having a rollout function at Clark Centennial Park so people can come see you

Unknown Speaker 20:00
little bit of what the sports about play it we’re going to have our 10 cord set up, you everybody will be able to play they will be able to learn of what Longmont pickleball club is doing. We’ll have some games. We have a raffle with some fantastic prizes be a couple of food trucks. A band live band The Robert Wilson blues band

Unknown Speaker 20:26

Unknown Speaker 20:28
up I’m sorry so your time is up but thank you

Unknown Speaker 20:34
Kim Edmondson.

Unknown Speaker 20:45
Hello, my name is Kimberly Edmondson and I’m here to again voice my concerns about your smart meter rollout. And I have this book here. It’s from the 5g summit, and basically 5g EMF, all this radiation is in the hem basically, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but would you mind giving us your address 814 bittersweet lane, thank you here in town. And there’s 824 pages of science by 40 plus experts saying how dangerous this is. And I’m going to read a little bit out of this book.

Unknown Speaker 21:14
And the first person I’m gonna quote from the mostly all of it is Dr. Paul Martin Paul, he’s one of the leading experts. He says here there are 38 different reviews arguing effects of EMF swell blow our safety guidelines that cause cancer. The only reason we’re discussing is is because the industry puts out so much propaganda. But there’s extraordinary evidence that cancer is in fact caused by EMF exposure. Almost every hormone system is affected. First cardiac effects EMFs cause immediate caca, cardio, rapid heartbeat, they all produce arrhythmias, bradycardia, slow heartbeat, all these are highly associated with sudden cardiac death. There was also a thing in Canada, in the Simcoe County School District in Ontario, where they talked to the school board and they were told that the Wi Fi was installed several years ago, in a short period of time, there was too sudden deaths from students to others cardiac arrest that were assassinated. This all happened shortly without after the wiced Wi Fi was installed in the school.

Unknown Speaker 22:16
There’s total of 997 bodies of evidence, each of which show that one of these things is occurring ot levels well below our safety guidelines. So there should be no question about any of this. We’re talking about cell phones, cordless phones, cell towers, people who live now sitting near cell towers and smart meters, they all have major effects on us. We have 13 different reviews that each show that pulse EMFs emits the pulse up and down rapidly are most cases much more biologically active, which is exactly what your smart meters do. They pulse to anywhere between 90 to 190,000 times per day. That’s a lot of radiation, not only yours, but your neighbor’s house and the one next to you. I emailed most of you, I didn’t get checked. How do you say your name chiquitos email, but most of the rest of you, I send an email. And we went over how these towers communicate. And the patterns of this radiation, you can’t avoid it. When we start installing this mesh, it’s going to be unavoidable. And also I was an x ray tech for 20 years and studied Radiation Physics. And there’s a thing of a Laura, I brought this up before we do not know what minimum amount of radiation it takes to cause a biological effect on the body. We also know that children are way more susceptible to the effects of radiation. So I’m wondering how you can continue to ignore all of us people coming forward talking about how it impacts human health, bees, pollinators, insects, plants, all of it. I’m just wondering, you know, can I take and have the money that you’re going to charge me to not have my meter put in to have a digital analog pendant? If I can have one? If I can get my hands on one? Can I instead have that installed? Is that an option for me?

Unknown Speaker 23:52
Just kind of curious if you know, are you going to pay to have my aspen trees cut down after the meters? It’s between two sets of smart meters and next to are you going to pay for that to happen when my trees get damaged from them? I’m just kind of curious. I’m really concerned about this. This is going to be catastrophic.

Unknown Speaker 24:09
Thank you for your comments.

Unknown Speaker 24:12
Rock no clapping. I’m sorry. There’s no clapping. Everybody has different opinions. And we don’t want to put anybody down for their opinion. So thank you for being respectful.

Unknown Speaker 24:23
Roxy Olson.

Unknown Speaker 24:32
First, could I say it’s almost impossible to hear and back? Is there a way it could be turned up for the people and back? I wasn’t back and I couldn’t hear it at all. Thank you. Roxy. Are you talking about the speakers at the podium or the counselor the speakers at the podium? This one? You need to put your mouth closer to that microphone and see if I’m talking about when I was back there hearing so it was me not being close enough to the

Unknown Speaker 24:55
Oh, okay. Thank you for telling us. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 24:59
I am

Unknown Speaker 25:00
Roxie Olson 1678 Jetson drive in Longmont, and I’m in no way an expert in any of this stuff. I am very concerned about the EMF radiation. I am a gardener. I’ve watched my pollinators disappear from my garden over the years. I’ve gotten the same plot for 20 years now. And I’ve seen a steady decrease in the number of bees. Even though three families in my neighborhood have bees, they they have decreased in population greatly. I’ve even had to had to hand pollinate some squash and stuff, because I just haven’t had enough pollinators to do it. So I’m really concerned about it. But I’m also concerned about the effects on the human body as well as the pollinators bodies. And what I have tonight is is a summary of international EMF scientists appeal their call for greater health protection, I have a copy for each one of you. If I can hand you one. When I’m done here, I’m just going to read a couple things out of it.

Unknown Speaker 26:04
There concerns the scientists as of September 1 2018 244, scientists have signed the appeal, many have signed it. Since then, the scientists have published over 2000 research papers on electromagnetic fields on biology or health. Their concern is based on the vast number of studies that reported biological and adverse health effects of non ionizing EMF or electromagnetic fields. Far below the current exposure guidelines set by the FCC, and other international EMF exposure guidelines setting organizations. Their concerns mainly include radiofrequency radiation, emitting devices such as cellular and cordless phones, cell towers, Wi Fi, radio and TV broadcast antennas, smart meters, and baby monitors, as well as extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields emitted by electrical devices and infrastructures used in the delivery of electricity. So this is an appeal that you study this, probably the most important part on this page is down at the bottom, it tells you how to read the whole thing because this is a one page summary of a mini page document that the top scientists in the world have contributed to.

Unknown Speaker 27:22
One thing I’ve been interested in, I saw in the little newsletter that comes with your utility bill that you guys want to survey people you want to hear input, you want to know what people are thinking, well, a large number of people, a lot of the people sitted seated behind me are really concerned about this. We represent probably 10 people for every one person who showed up here tonight that are very concerned about the plans that were put in place without consulting the people of Longmont at all. So where is our opportunity to express that and and the money was allocated without any input from the citizenry.

Unknown Speaker 28:05
And that violates transparency. So thank you very much. Thank you, Roxy.

Unknown Speaker 28:12
Doe Kelly.

Unknown Speaker 28:26
Okay, my name is Joe Kelly. I live at Barbary drive in Longmont and good evening, everyone. Tonight, I have in my hand a letter that’s been sent to each of you from the esteemed EMF scientists Olli Johansson. It is long but I will quote from select portions please read it in its entirety in your inboxes quote. My name is Ola Johansson and I am a neuroscientist retired from the world famous Karolinska Institute, and the equally famous Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden, both with their close associations to the Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine, chemistry and physics respectively. I write to you today from my home in Stockholm at the request of my dear friend, Miss doe, Kelly. For many years I’ve been studying the adverse health and biological effects of wireless gadgets such as cell phones, DECT phones, Wi Fi, wireless baby alarm, smart meters, laptops and similar during this work, I’ve been contacted by many residents around the world in connection with different legal bills, appeals and public calls and in connection with proposed base station installations, wireless systems near and in schools, smart meters in homes and in workplaces. One G 2g, 3g, 4g 5g six g and much more. I am aware of your impending installation of wireless smart meters in your city. I am also aware that as a city

Unknown Speaker 30:00
You are very much concerned about the steep decline in pollinators in our world and are taking active steps towards implementing a strategy for your city to help the pollinators. For this. I applaud you, as a research scientist who is actively pursuing answers as to why our pollinators are disappearing at such an alarming rate more than 75% gone in Germany already five years ago, especially the honeybees down by more than 90% in Canada, and bumblebees down by more than 90%. In the USA, I cannot yet definitively state that there is a causal relationship between the disappearance of Bs and the introduction of wireless smart meters, only that the former the Bs in different scientific studies do not appreciate the radiation used for wireless telecommunication. However, as a scientist who is highly interested in the continuation of not only pollinators but also of Homo sapiens or humans, instead of adding more wireless infrastructure in the form of smart meters in a mesh network, I urgently advise you to consider instead staying with wired analog metering that has served you well for many decades. In Europe, we call this the precautionary principle it is based on common sense. Your thoughts around becoming energy dependent are admirable, but mine and others research show the possibility of unintended consequences that these meters bring. And the possibility that they contribute to species extinction is very real. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 31:41
Jamie Sima.

Unknown Speaker 31:51
Jamie SEMO 517 Independence strife. I’m here tonight on behalf of Stan with our St. Vrain Creek to thank city manager Dominguez for his willingness to meet with us regarding our concerns about the potential impacts of the RSVP flood mitigation project on the existing banks while investing site at Rogers growth. We appreciated the transparency with which he explained the challenges inherent in preserving the current nesting habitat. And we were heartened to hear that the city is committed to providing alternative banks while habitat through restoration.

Unknown Speaker 32:20
During our meeting, we recommended that Long Island’s Natural Resources Department have the loudest voice string flood mitigation work in the overreach given the construction will be happening within what have long ones natural areas, and the city has agreed to a to appoint a liaison likely the Natural Resources director David Bell to keep standard abreast of timelines process etc for the RSVP in this reach. In addition, we were encouraged to hear that the city is committed to a public engagement process to share project designs and updates with city residents once those designs and project funding have been finalized slash secured. This process will also heavily involve long months Natural Resources staff. Finally, we are excited that the city has committed to experimenting with replicating big swallow habitat prior to the birds return next spring. This is important not only because it demonstrates the city has heard the public’s concerns and is dedicated to protecting long months Bank Swallows. But because these efforts will serve as a dry run for the completed RSVP when it is crucial for the future of this colony. The nesting habitat replication slash restoration is successful. Successfully restoring banks while a habitat at Rogers Grove would put Longmont on the map. It could be Longmont and other municipalities used as a model for restoring banks while a habitat impacted by flood mitigation. Thank you. Thank you, Jamie. Sherry Malloy.

Unknown Speaker 33:38
Che Malloy 1632 Sherman way. On August 5 console admin Martin had an opinion piece published in the Longmont leader, the first sentence read in 2013 flash flooding destroyed over 300 homes in Longmont. The truth is 54 homes were destroyed in Longmont all at the mobile Park, thinking she submitted her piece to the times call. I emailed the manager with this fact and other falsehoods in her letter. He verified my hunch and contacted Ms. Martin. Apparently yesterday August 8, she amended a piece for The Times call and also altered her already published three day old piece and the leader. She wrote a correction at the bottom of her leader piece days after publication when it had already been read. To clarify some things she continued even in her direction to misrepresent stayed with her San Fran creeks actions. She’s still repeatedly misstated the actions of stand stand is made up of Longmont residents who want to protect our riparian corridor. That’s our only agenda. Former Mayor Begley called us the same frame protectors. Right now we’re trying to save our Rogers Grove Bank Swallows Martin’s piece stated that Stan lobbied for extra wide setbacks. Not true. The 150 foot setback was already in the Longmont municipal code. We simply lobbied to keep this language in and staff did two revisions 150 foot setback is not extra wide. It’s the minimum for riparian Tegrity into secure bank stabilization for flooding and experts

Unknown Speaker 35:00
a wildlife biologist with Boulder County said setbacks should be at least 300 feet. Martin’s August 5 letter said Stan supporters supported the split flow channel designed for overreach, not true. Her so called correction said we did not directly endorse the split flow. The truth is we took no position on this period. Martin said stand insisted the city design and environmental assessment. While it is true we initially advocated for assessment measures. That’s not what happened a week and narrowly applied system was adopted. Contrary to Martin’s correction in the leader stand never endorsed the triple bottom line. People can read the link she refers to when hurt leader correction to verify this. The 2019 letter she cites was a stand letter suggesting a timeout on development. The sustainability evaluation system was incomplete at that time, Stan never endorsed the final product. Martin twisted this to serve her agenda. Martin’s piece had Stan wants the city to commit to leaving the swell colony untouched when doing flood mitigation. And we are asking voters to reject the bond issue. Both not true. We met with Harold last week. We’ve never asked voters to reject the bond. What we will keep saying is that we don’t want our tax dollars to use to destroy this habitat. What the city does with that basic core value statement is up to this council and staff. Martin says swallows adapt to changes, not true. Clif barn and Tree swallows adapt well. Bank Swallows do not. That’s why they’re threatened with 95% population decline. They migrate 1000s of miles and require very require very specific habitat to survive successful habitat replication, though rare might be possible. However, for this to succeed it will take political will and significant investment. We hope that the city will do what is necessary to demonstrate its commitment to save our swallows. Thank you. Sure.

Unknown Speaker 36:49
Nadine Lister.

Unknown Speaker 36:56
Good evening, I’m Nadine Lester 1517. Mayfield lane. Councilmember Martin’s recent letter to the editor of the Longmont leader and today’s guest editorial in the Times Cole explained the city’s triple bottom line, accounting methodology for making decisions about as she claimed any enterprise, she applied the three P’s that make up the triple in this model, profit people and planet to the upcoming bond issue in the debate about the Bank Swallows habitat at Rogers grove. I think this model offers us some terminology to prioritize what’s important at Rogers grove. So in the interest of advancing communication efforts between city council and the public, I have the following remarks. The question is Should one of these factors be given more weight than the others who assigns the value? I would say people and planet are critical priorities for governmental decisions. But profit. It’s optional and entirely dependent on the project. I think it would be outrageous if profit were to dictate the outcome of the RSVP design at Rogers Grove. And I would argue that you can’t separate people from the planet that a decision in favor of the planet is also in favor of the people and vice versa. People are not going to thrive unless the planet is habitable. It’s clear that all of us have an interest in profit people and planet to one degree or another. We need to remember Rogers Grove is not private property. It’s a public park, meaning it belongs to the people of Longmont. In addition, Boulder County holds a conservation easement in the area. And so it’s a very unique stretch of the floodplain and the bank swallow habitat at Rogers Grove creates a special situation for RSVP project engineers. As a decision maker, maybe you’re inclined to put profit first. If that’s the case, you appreciate that RSVP, will enhance economic opportunities along the banks of our st brain, as land downstream is removed from the floodplain and become suitable for development. But profit should not be a critical attribute of decisions about wildlife habitat on publicly owned land. If the concept people is your primary concern, then I say thank you for your public service. And when it comes to people, let’s remember the folks who live in mobile home parks and whose safety comes up in this debate. Also visit Roger Scrope. Some of them might like the idea of protecting Bank Swallows. They’re not just living in mobile home parks or flood prone prone neighborhoods like mine along left hand Creek waiting for government to build things to protect them. Let’s be careful when we single out certain people toward home we want to demonstrate special concern. Also, there’s a difference between mitigating flooding in areas where housing has already been built and removing empty land from the floodplain so that someone can put apartments on it. The people of Longmont have needs for natural recreation spaces too. Which brings me to Planet council member Martin said save our swallows is focused into

Unknown Speaker 40:00
hardly on the planet bottom line. Not true. We have been talking with city officials. Thank you, Nadine. Thanks, really Bowman?

Unknown Speaker 40:17
Hi, my name is Ruby Bowman 1512 Left hand dry. I’ve been involved with Longmont wildlife issues since I first moved to Longmont over 25 years ago. The longer I’ve lived in Longmont, the more I’ve learned about the city’s unique habitat. Take for instance, the same Spring Creek is regarded as a conservation priority for CPW because of his high native fish diversity, more so than the poor pooter Big Thompson and Boulder Creek, who would have thought that the river I was jogging next to on the Greenway was such a very special habitat. That’s why I and my friends at Stanford fought so hard to keep the 150 foot setback along the same frame. We didn’t lobby for extra wide setback. We advocated for the same 150 foot distance that was adopted by the Longmont City Council over 15 years ago.

Unknown Speaker 41:16
Just recently, I learned from Jamie SEMO, about how special thanks swallows are in Rogers grove. They traveled 1000s of miles from South Africa, South America to make their nesting colony here in Longmont. We should celebrate their arrival to our town each year and ensure they have a home to raise their young. I was one of the attendees of the swallow meeting with city manager Harold Dominguez last week. I appreciate the promises he made to us to restore swallow habitat and I hope the city keeps those promises. It’s also important for the city to acknowledge and comply with the intent of the following provision in the Rogers Grove conservation easement. Quote this easement is granted in perpetuity for the purpose of preserving and protecting for scenic, open space, passive recreational, wildlife habitat and environmental uses the natural condition and aesthetic and ecological features of the property unquote. We should embrace our wildlife. Certainly, our imperiled wildlife, like the Bank Swallows as an asset to be protected and preserved, particularly if they live in one of the city’s premier nature preserves of Ross Rogers grove. Thank you so much. Thank you, Ruby. David Goldberg.

Unknown Speaker 42:54
Good evening. My name is David Goldberg. I’m a resident of Loveland, Colorado. Good to be back here. Can you state your address 200 East 23rd Street. Thank you. Good to be back. I’ve been attending by remotely in the past but good to be in chambers with you all. I’m here as a Loveland resident but to support my friends who are very concerned about the rollout or the proposed or coming rollout potentially coming rollout of smart meters in Longmont.

Unknown Speaker 43:28
First, I want to just reiterate what you’ve heard about the effect on pollinators. And I’m so thankful that the city has taken the pollinator issues seriously. I even implemented I know mow may in my own yard and Loveland be inspired by you guys. But the threat to pollinators by electromagnetic fields is absolutely real. It’s there have been many scientific many, many science peer reviewed scientific studies done including putting a cell phone right in a bee’s nest and followed by the beads absolutely freezing and then going berserk and then eventually dying. You should really read those studies. They are very eye opening. What I wanted to talk about what what we’re doing in Loveland. Fortunately, we’re not having to deal with a smart meter rollout. We are more concerned right now with cell tower setbacks, cell towers and smart meters pretty much one in the same, both huge emitters of radiofrequency radiation. Putting smart meters in would be like putting a little mini cell cell tower in everybody’s home. Sometimes this sounds pretty theoretical, some of the harm the potential harms of cell towers and of

Unknown Speaker 44:57
smart meters. But what we found in

Unknown Speaker 45:00
LoveLing we have a situation right now a building called the Artspace building in downtown Loveland, that has a 5g base station right on the roof emitting huge amount of radiofrequency radiation. Nine people in that building have actually been forced to leave the building due to the effects on them, including insomnia and headaches and flu symptoms. And you name it, they were affected, some could not even function and like I said, nine of them were forced to leave the building.

Unknown Speaker 45:37
I think the I know the consequences of EMF radiation on people and what is coming if you do roll out these smart meters, you’re gonna eventually deal with the same.

Unknown Speaker 45:53
This same situation if you’re not already I know you have plenty of cell towers right here in Longmont, I urge you You still have time study the issue. There are ways to to make Longmont safe, including keeping

Unknown Speaker 46:11
your analog meters and think Oh, go ahead with the the wireless. Thank you for your comments. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 46:22
Next we have Chris alread.

Unknown Speaker 46:37
Good evening Council. My name is Chris. I’ll read and tonight I’m commenting on behalf of the Colorado Coalition for prevention of nuclear war. Chris and Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center. Yes, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but would you give us your address, please? Yes, I live at 949 Danny’s court here in Longmont resident for about seven years. Thank you. Welcome. Yeah, I’m here to follow up on a request to pass a proclamation in support of the Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons. And there is a local precedent for this. Our neighbors in Denver, passed a proclamation last year and I’ve sent that to the Council for your review. And at the last community forum, I reviewed some of the injustices that have been caused by nuclear weapons. And this includes Rocky Flats, which is a former nuclear bomb plant that operated from 1952 to 19 8916 miles northwest of Denver, and they produced 70,000 plutonium pits at that facility. It left contamination in the area it made workers sick and it made download downwind residents sick.

Unknown Speaker 47:53
Nuclear bomb testing has occurred at

Unknown Speaker 47:58
Western Shoshone land and then in the Nevada Test Site and on the Marshall Islands, it is very much impacted indigenous people and also uranium mining.

Unknown Speaker 48:11
that’ll affect people for countless generations that we we

Unknown Speaker 48:16
only barely begun to comprehend.

Unknown Speaker 48:20
Nuclear weapons complex continues to use.

Unknown Speaker 48:25
Much of our country’s resources approximately $2 trillion over the next 30 years is budgeted for nuclear weapon modernization. Now let’s look at some of the justices that have occurred.

Unknown Speaker 48:38
Rocky Flats was closed in 1989. Due to an FBI raid, it was the first federal raid on another federal agency. And that was very much due to the popular movement here in the local region. And that included a year of civil disobedience between 1978 and 1979. Protests year after year at the site drawing large crowds and in 1983, there was an encirclement where 17,000 people held hands around the Rocky Flats plant.

Unknown Speaker 49:13
There was even people who went and risked their lives at the Nevada Test Site to stop a nuclear bomb test and

Unknown Speaker 49:22
they are my friends, I’m proud to say and it’s a privilege to know them and they still live here in this community here in Longmont. There is a legacy here of speaking out against nuclear weapons and and I’d like to ask this council please help to take the next steps and keep that legacy going and reduce our risk of nuclear war and abolish this dangerous technology of war. And

Unknown Speaker 49:48
today marks the 77th anniversary of Nagasaki. I’d like to ask that we just please take a moment of silence to reflect on the meaning of this day and how we can seek reconciliation.

Unknown Speaker 50:08
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 50:10
Thank you, Chris

Unknown Speaker 50:13
Lance Whitaker.

Unknown Speaker 50:24
As Whitaker’s 1750 Call your street have been here a couple times you guys know what I’m looking for.

Unknown Speaker 50:33
But today I’ve come bearing gifts for Aaron.

Unknown Speaker 50:39
Today I bring in an album that hasn’t been played since 1971 When the city or Longmont became a city. And I’m hoping that you can find a home for this, whether it be in the museum, or some other

Unknown Speaker 50:57
historical place.

Unknown Speaker 51:02
Just a simple album.

Unknown Speaker 51:06
As a gardener, I don’t know much about bees. But I’ll tell you, I have no problem with bees. And I’ve been in gardener for a very long time. So if you ever need bees in my garden, I’ll give you plenty of bees.

Unknown Speaker 51:25
I also just like I said, I’ll be here from time to time. And Aaron, I hope you can find a home for this. Like I said it’s never been played so it’s in perfect condition. If you do find a home for it, please make sure that I get a digital copy because like I said, I’ve never played it before. So I would love to hear it. And it’s done by the Longmont high school choir in 1971. Also the year I was born.

Unknown Speaker 52:02
So thank you

Unknown Speaker 52:09
Dr. Rubinstein. Oh, are you finished? Lance? I’m sorry. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 52:14
Oh, and I’d like to also remind you that I

Unknown Speaker 52:21
would like to also remind you that it is national brownie month. So everybody has a good brownie. And maybe we all can just get along and have a good brownie this month. And enjoy. Thank you. You’re welcome, Scott, you’re Bidston

Unknown Speaker 52:52
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 52:55
I’m Schroeder, benched and 951 17th Avenue. And

Unknown Speaker 53:02
things are really crucial right now. And we are in the very throes of fighting to save democracy and our country. And just the example of people speaking here is what democracy means. And it will be abolished if the people who are trying to destroy it by worshipping violence and deciding that the answer to every question is more guns and more violence. That’s what we’re facing right now. And I love the pollution

Unknown Speaker 53:40
up and the base and the survival of life on this planet, including carbon pollution. And

Unknown Speaker 53:52
I think it was Eleanor Roosevelt who said, do not despair. If you’re a small group of people who seek out to change the world and make a better world, indeed, it is the only thing whichever haves have so for the pollinators for the honey base, the bumble bees, the butterflies, the flowers, food,

Unknown Speaker 54:20
the entire planet. We have to deal with this and those who would like to learn about what happened at Rocky Flats. The ambush Grand Jury off explains how it was pulled into a jet bland, grand jury. The facts came out but they were suppressed because grand juries are sacred and they prevented the public from finding out what’s really going on. On I have seen geese and ducks and other animals up a mile east of Rocky Flats who are deformed eating there

Unknown Speaker 55:00
own babies, I mean absolutely hard. It’s a direct effect of Rocky Flats. But I support the treaty on prohibition of nuclear weapons, which has now been ratified by 66 nations. The United States, of course, is not one of those yet. But the basic thing, this kind of forum will not be able to occur if the gun thugs take over the country and have guns deciding everything instead of dialed out on violence begets violence, discussion begets thought, read, write, listen, speak, vote. And the great poet of the Western Federation of minors, Joe Hill, who was killed by the state of Utah, because he was support.

Unknown Speaker 56:00
His final words were don’t mourn, organize things he’s straighter.

Unknown Speaker 56:06
So that was the last person on public invited to be here and I want to thank everybody for your comments. You’re all very passionate in what you believe. And that is what makes us a great city. Hopefully, we will make the decisions that move us forward. Thank you. Now we are at the consent agenda. Don, would you mind reading the consent agenda into the record?

Unknown Speaker 56:32
Absolutely, Mayor. The items the ordinances on this agenda will be on second reading and public hearing on August 23 2022. Item nine A is ordinance 2022 32. A bill for an ordinance making additional appropriations for expenses and liabilities of the city of Longmont for the fiscal year beginning January 1 2022. Nine V is ordinance 2022 Dash 33. A bill for an ordinance amending title of the Lamont municipal code on revenue and finance by creating the state and local fiscal Recovery Fund. Nine C is resolution 2022 Dash 122. A resolution of the Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city city and Boulder County or the conduct administration of the 2022 coordinated election to be held on November 8 2022 90. Is resolution 2022 Dash 123. A resolution of Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and Weld County for the conduct and administration of the 2022 coordinated election to be held on November 8 2020 to nine years resolution 2022 Dash 124 a resolution of Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the Colorado Department of Natural Resources for grant funds from the Colorado strategic wildlife Action Program. For the button rock watershed protection protection project. Nine F is resolution 2022 R Dash 2020 Dash 125 a resolution of the Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for grant funds for water quality monitoring of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Nine G is resolution 2022 Dash 126 a resolution of the Longmont City Council authorizing agreements between the city of Longmont and JTM paint real estate LLC for the purchase of real property at three South Main Street for the first and main transit station facilities project. And nine H is resolution 2022 Dash 127 a resolution of Lamont City Council authorizing an agreement between the city and borough Melinda’s real estate ventures LLC, the acquisition of real estate for the construction of the first and main transit facilities. Thank you Don. Do does anybody on council want to? I see. And I don’t see any more.

Unknown Speaker 58:42
Councillor Martin?

Unknown Speaker 58:45

Unknown Speaker 58:47
I moved the consent agenda if nobody else has anything.

Unknown Speaker 58:51
Actually, I do want to pull some a couple of items I want to pull a f and g just for comments.

Unknown Speaker 59:06
Then I move the consent agenda minus A F and G

Unknown Speaker 59:12
It’s been moved by Councillor Martin seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairing Let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 59:33
It didn’t come up on. Let’s have a hand vote. All those in favor.

Unknown Speaker 59:39
And that passes unanimously. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 59:43
We are now at ordinances on second reading and public hearings on any manner Do we need a bio break before we go into the second reading?

Unknown Speaker 59:54
Let’s take a five minute break.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:26
Ready to start it up?

Unknown Speaker 1:05:30
We are now at the Curt the

Unknown Speaker 1:05:35
no joke

Unknown Speaker 1:05:40
we are now at ordinance on second reading and public hearings on any matter.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:47
So the first one is 022022 Dash 27. A bill for an ordinance submitting to the registered electors of the city of Longmont, Colorado, at a special municipal election to be held on November 8 2020. To an amendment to the city of Longmont Home Rule charter to remove outdated language and allow for modernization of the conduct of city business.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:12
Do we have anybody from the public that would like to comment on this ordinance?

Unknown Speaker 1:06:18
Seeing none at all. Oh, do I have any questions or comments from council?

Unknown Speaker 1:06:24
So at this point, I’ll close the public hearing and ask for a motion of a council member for to move this ordinance.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:36
Thank you. All right. It’s been moved by Councillor waters seconded by Councillor Martin. Let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:44

Unknown Speaker 1:06:47
So that carries unanimously. Thank you. The second one is a bill for an ordinance submitted to the registered electors of the city of Longmont, Colorado, at a special municipal action election to be held on November 8. Nope, I’m sorry. I already did that one.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:05
It’s the same language as the first one.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:11
But I have to read it. So let me start over 2020 22 Dash 28 a bill for an ordinance submitting to the registered electors of the city of Longmont, Colorado, at a special municipal election to be held on November 8 2022. And amendment to the city of Longmont Home Rule charter to allow for prospective vacancies in city elections. I would like to open it to the public. Is there anybody in the public that would like to speak to this ordinance? Seeing none, I’ll close the public hearing. Does anyone on council like to speak to this ordinance?

Unknown Speaker 1:07:46
Seeing none would like a motion to move?

Unknown Speaker 1:07:54
I’ll second that. So 2022 Dash 28. Then Moved by Councillor waters seconded by myself. Let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:06
That passes unanimously.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:09
B is ordinance 2022 Dash 29. And Bill for an ordinance amending sections 2.0 4.201 through 2.0 4.2 14 of the Longmont fair campaign Practices Act.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:25
Are there any questions from Council on this ordinance?

Unknown Speaker 1:08:30
I’ll open it up to the public hearing. Is there anybody from the public that would like to comment on this? Or notes? Seeing no one? I’ll close the public hearing. Can I have a motion?

Unknown Speaker 1:08:42
I’ll move ordinance 2022.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:48
So 2022 Dash 29 has been Moved by Councillor Hidalgo fairing seconded by Councillor waters. Let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:00
And that passes unanimously.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:03
C is zero 2022 Dash 30 a bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of Longmont to amend and consent to assignment of the lease for Vance brand Municipal Airport, hangar parcel H dash 18. C. Do we have a staff report on this? No.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:20
Are there any questions from Council on this ordinance?

Unknown Speaker 1:09:24
I’ll open it up to the public hearing. Is there anybody in the public that would like to comment on this ordinance? Seeing none I’ll close the public hearing and ask for a motion to move this ordinance.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:39
So 2022 Dash 30 has been Moved by Councillor Martin and seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairy, let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:49
And that passes unanimously. Now we’ll go back to the items pulled from the consent agenda and I’m the only one that pulled these pulled anything so I’ll go

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
back to A, which was a bill for an ordinance making additional appropriations for expenses and liabilities of the city of Longmont. I actually, I would just like to

Unknown Speaker 1:10:10
comment on

Unknown Speaker 1:10:14
that I appreciate the reason in our council come, I’m not saying this very well am I

Unknown Speaker 1:10:22
as to why these appropriations are being made, I really liked the fact that you spelled out what it was going to be what they’re going to be spent on, and that you explain to us why they were in my other comment is, when we have appropriations, I understand that there are appropriated, the funds are appropriated to the different division or department. But I, this is just my opinion, I would like to know exactly what

Unknown Speaker 1:10:52
project or what they are being used for. I don’t know if that is something I can talk to Jim or Becky about it later.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:03
That’s just some more information, information and transparency. As to we go forward and we’re constantly appropriating dollars and taking them out of other funds. What exactly project are they going to be spent on?

Unknown Speaker 1:11:17
Just Just a question. So with that, I am going to move 2022 Dash 32.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:27
So it’s been moved by myself seconded by Councillor Martin, let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:32
And that passes unanimously. The second one I pulled is F, which is a resolution of alongwith City Council approving the inter government governmental agreement between the city and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for grant funds for pee fast, I want to compliment our water department for recognizing that pee fast is kind of a new area in which we need to be testing our water for because of all of our fires using foam that is in our water supply. And there’s a lot of it’s a new way of looking and testing, we don’t really know what it’s going to do, or how much this is going to affect our water our human population. But we should be testing for it. And I’m really proud that they saw this immediately and are doing it. The next thing that is coming up that I am a little concerned about is the plastic particles. And that’ll be the next big thing that we probably are going to have to test for. So I just wanted to congratulate our water department for having the foresight to put this on our agenda. And with that, I’m going to pass

Unknown Speaker 1:12:47
resolution our 2022 Dash 125.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:53
So that has been

Unknown Speaker 1:12:56
oops, sorry, Marsha. I didn’t see that she had.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:59
Oh, essentially, I just wanted to just second that because this is very new money. You’ve probably heard about it and in the news

Unknown Speaker 1:13:08
within the past few days, as well as the past few weeks. Really quick work on the part of the city. And

Unknown Speaker 1:13:16
yeah, it’s just incredible good work. This is what we need to do

Unknown Speaker 1:13:22
to keep our city protecting everyone the same as work. So yeah, thank you, Councillor Martin. So that has been I moved the motion and seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairing. Let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:43
And that passes unanimously. Thank you. So my last one was g, a resolution of alarma. City council authorizing agreements between JT and paint real estate LLC for purchasing property for our Main Street transit station facilities project. And I just wanted to say I’m really excited about this. We’ve waited for a while, we’re really starting to get traction on building our bus and rail station. So I just want everybody else to be really excited about this too, because we’ve been working on it for a very long time. So with that, I’m going to pass our 2020 to 127.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:27
I do want to move approval. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:31
Elsa also want to pass it

Unknown Speaker 1:14:36
so that’s been moved by myself seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairing so let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:55
And that carries passes unanimously. Thank you, everybody. We are now on to gender

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
Hold business.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:02
It is resolution are 2022 Dash 121 a resolution of the Longmont City Council submitting a ballot question to the registered electors of the city of Longmont, Colorado, at a special municipal election to be held November 8 2022. Concerning issuing bonds payable from the city storm drainage enterprise revenues, to finance storm drainage capital projects. Do we have a presentation on this? You do mayor and council? Can you all hear me? Yes, sir. Okay, good. So I’m going to start it off a Josh is going to come in behind me to talk about the engineering project. Like he’s going to talk about the financials and how we look at it, and then David’s going to talk about the environmental. So you’re gonna have a few of us in here.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:49
It really is going to follow. I know, they mentioned having a conversation with me, it’s really going to follow the conversation that I had last week. But you know, we also had questions from council about so why are we doing this? What’s driving this. And so,

Unknown Speaker 1:16:04
you know, we had different pictures, we were still finding pictures, as we were looking at this. This actually, I think, was in the green, so it wasn’t in the exact location. But there, some of you all may have seen the video and Boston Avenue where we had the ladder truck and water was really coming over the top of it. And at the end of the day, why we look at these projects, as I said to the group that I met with is really first and foremost, in terms of staff safety, we really have to look at safety issues. And so this wasn’t really an uncommon sight in many of those areas. during the flood. Some of these pictures actually were taking down I took him when we were flying over. And some are slightly after the water started going down. But we’ll try to work through the issues. So this is really a look at the area here. And you can see that this is Isaac Walton here where it was breaching back here at breached here.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:00
This is Boston, where it’s coming through, I think this is Colorado materials. And this is St. Bryan mobile home park, you’re really going to hear st very mobile home park a lot in this conversation for us, because this is really the last piece of significant housing that we have in place to move out of the floodplain. And that was something that we were talking about. And so basically, what you can kind of see in this picture here, as you can see where the water was moving through this location, moved through Colorado materials, because it was really trying to find its way into back into the river, which is what water does. We did spend

Unknown Speaker 1:17:42
Carmen and I spent a fair amount of time and St. Primo mobile home park replaced a number of mobile homes in there because of flooding that we went through. And so that’s first and foremost at the front of our mind in terms of what we’re looking at.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:57
This is another example of this. And you can kind of see where some of that water movement came again, it had already started receding in this picture. But basically this is the fairgrounds Lake, though that we were talking about, it was also moving through this direction here. And you can see where these buildings are still underwater, these are underwater. And then you can see based on the patterns in the ground where it was continuing to move in the direction that I mentioned earlier.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:26
Again, a different look, water still holding this is actually Boston Avenue. This was the location that we actually probably came the closest to having a fatality, you may remember the 911 call our dispatcher won an award. That’s where we actually had a car get caught in and we had to have our first responders but you know, at one point to the water was really here off of Third Street, just on the other side of Home Depot. So at that point, the water was about close to a mile wide at that location as it was moving through. And so the project that we’re talking about, what you will see is really the split flow channel is to to pull the water as it’s moving through what is probably the historic channel out of moving this direction and moving back into the same frame.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:17
Again, kind of another example where you can see this.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:22
This may have been Payton Peterson who took some of these photos actually, when I see the foot hanging out of the airplane.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:29
But again, you can you can definitely see the movement of this water. So why this is the why that we’re looking at this project and why we need it because it’s really pulling the water off of this developed area. One of the things that we talked about is when we get and Josh will talk more intelligently about this but once we get under hoever we pull a significant part of existing developed area out of the floodplain once we can get that split flow channel connected back into the state

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00
Ain’t brain we really had will have removed the majority of the developed area out of the floodplain, which is your I don’t think anyone was here, actually on council maybe councilmember back later, but that was really kind of what we were shooting for most of the work that comes West is not really anything removing developed area out of the floodplain. Can I interrupt for just a moment, I am getting signs from the people that they cannot hear you. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:29
I’ll try it this way, then. Okay, so So really, what I was saying is once we can move, get the split flow underneath over that removes a significant part of the developed area out of the floodplain.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:41
And you’re gonna see a distinction in this significant versus majority, once we connect it into the same brain, I think there may only be one parcel that’s remaining in the floodplain.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:52
And it’s, I think, I believe the storage unit. So this really is what gets the develop existing developed area in Longmont out of the floodplain based on the work that we’re looking at.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:05
Again, just more pictures kind of working through the same issue. And now I’m going to ask Josh to come up and talk about the resilient St. Brain Project.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:20
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:24
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:27
Thank you, Harold. Good evening, Mayor and members of council Josh Sherman, civil engineer with public works. One of the project managers that’s been working on the city’s resiliency and brain project or RSVP. Thank you, Harold for the summary of the origin of RSVP and the 2013 flood. I’m going to briefly touch on just some of the completed work and the funded work to date, and highlight some of the and remind you of some of the benefits of the work that’s been completed. This slide shows the city reach. And the areas that are shown in colors such as yellow and red and green, and blue are areas that are complete, including several of the roadway crossings, such as Main Street and South Pratt Parkway.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:10
And it also shows in magenta the areas that are funded for final design and completion which takes the project up to sunset Street.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:19
The area sort of in the beige, moving to the left off to the west, from sunset to airport road is that area that we refer to as the city reached three. And I’ll speak a little bit more about the phasing of that in a few more slides.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:37
So again, this is a map that shows the lower downtown area downstream of Isaac Walden Pond. What this map illustrates is the area that’s hatched with the area in blue is the is the 100 year floodplain on St. Vrain Creek. And the area that’s hatched is the area that will be removed from the 100 year floodplain with the completion of work up through Isaac Walden Pond into sunset street.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:02
So a significant portion of the area north of the same brain and through the what we call the Isaac Walton split will be mitigated with the work that’s currently funded. The area south and west of the the railroad and sunset Street is the area that we’re talking about.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:22
That will be been a benefit with the funding and completion of the workup to overrode and

Unknown Speaker 1:23:31
this was a brief slide on the area at the mobile home park St. Mary mobile home park one of the things that we wanted to speak to here was that during the conceptual design for that reach that’s adjacent to the park,

Unknown Speaker 1:23:44
it was considered that we might have to take up to six or eight mobile homes to be able to widen the channel through that area. And that was in the conceptual level design. Once we were able to move to final design and really sharpen the pencil and look at how we could make the improvements to that area, we were able to maintain the channel improvements within the right away and not take any mobile homes. So again, once we have the opportunity to fund the final design and move it forward, we can really dive in and take a deeper look at a lot of things.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:17
So to talk a little bit more about city reach three again, a reminder it’s from sunset Street, upstream or West Airport Road. We would anticipate completing this reach very similar to how we’ve completed the rest of the work from downstream to upstream and in phases. And the first phase that we’re looking at is the overrode reach, so from sunset to overrode.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:38
And back in 2019, we evaluated two primary options within the overrode reach the single thread option and the split flow option.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:51
This slide is

Unknown Speaker 1:24:53
what we presented as the single thread option that shows channel improvements along the mainstem at St. Brian Creek from sunset all

Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
All the way up to Golden Pond, you really have to get all the way to Golden Pond to be able to capture the out of bank flows that are generated on the South that create that floodplain that you see there in sort of that orange color. And so this again, this reach would include

Unknown Speaker 1:25:18
replacement of the Overstreet bridge channel improvements to be able to carry the full flow capacity that of the 100 year storm, and includes impacts to Rogers Grove for overbank grading to accept that additional flow in that area.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:33
And for various reasons that we presented in the past, we moved away from this option and looked at the split flow option. And so this is the split flow option in its entirety, that would show it going all the way up to Golden Pond from sunset Street. The split flow is really capturing those out of bank flows on the south, creating a channel through the existing gravel ponds in fairgrounds pond, bringing the water under over with the new bridge. And then bringing it back into the main stem of st bring Creek, sort of just at the east end of Rogers grove.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:10
We further evaluated the over road reach and the split flow option and looked at it as well in phases. And so what we came to realize is that by completing the split flow option and phases and getting just up to over and capturing that out of bank flow, we can bring it back into the main stem and protect the majority of the existing develop area that’s south of the creek and east of overrode. So that’s the area that that’s shown there and the orange or the sort of pinkish color. That’s currently the 100 year floodplain. And by completing the project improvements up to over that area south of the creek and Eastover would come out of the 100 year floodplain as has been mentioned before,

Unknown Speaker 1:26:54
about 250 structures, including 150 ish homes, including 136 homes in the mobile home park, several commercial properties and small businesses

Unknown Speaker 1:27:07
would all be protected from that future flood risk.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:13
Now I’m going to turn it over to Becky and talk a little bit about the rate.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:18
Good evening, Mayor pack and members of council Becky Doyle strategic integration. So one thing that we we’ve talked about is that we had contemplated since 2013, the possibility of this additional $20 million bond issuance. When we first talked to council about the financial plan for resiliency and brain in 2013, we said, you know, we think we’re going to need $40 million in bonding in total. And we could do all 40 million now. Or we could do it 20 Now and 20 later, so we decided on 20. Now and right now we’re at the point of 20. Later,

Unknown Speaker 1:27:54
and we designed rates when we came to you with with you know rate designs last year for a three year period, we designed rates with that $20 million issuance in mind.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:04
If project costs were to change,

Unknown Speaker 1:28:08
you know, because utilities are run based on the cost of providing service to residents, that that increased project costs would necessarily be borne by residents in the form of rate increases. So if we were to increase that, that bonded amount from 20 to 25, that would mean that we would need an additional four and a half percent rate increase, there abouts. Similarly about a $10 million dollar increase in the project cost would equate to about a 9% increase. So something to keep in mind as we also think about

Unknown Speaker 1:28:45
the triple bottom line. So rather than thinking only about, you know, what is the potential cost? We think about also, you know, what are the what are the costs potentially to people? What are you know, what are the social and environmental cost, as well as those financial costs. So, keeping all of those things in mind, you know, the safety, cost to residents, potential environmental impacts. That’s that’s how we apply the triple bottom line lens in evaluating project alternatives. And I think I’ve got David,

Unknown Speaker 1:29:17

Unknown Speaker 1:29:20
David comes up and talks in more details. I want to talk a little bit about what was mentioned earlier. So as we were moving through this, one of the things that you can find in the memos, we talked a lot about mitigation, specifically on the Bank Swallows and my conversation was is that yeah, as staff we’re committed to mitigation restoration of the bank swallow habitat and, and that’s going to be a focus of ours. And so that is what I committed. That is something that we’ve been contemplating in this project. And you know, we tried to do it in different cases, or we’ve tried to do it throughout the river in you know, the quality of the rivers better when we get

Unknown Speaker 1:30:00
through the net it was before. And so did commit that restoration is something that has been that we’re going to do. And we’re going to look at this area, Bob did in the meeting, talk about utilizing some of his maintenance staff to do some tests that don’t cost us anything, because we have that embedded within our structure. Obviously, David’s going to talk about doing some research and really understanding what that’s going to look like. So we did that. Because it is important for us to really respect you know, the environment and what we’re looking at in this. Just wanted to counsel to know that that’s been part of what we were planning to do. When I did make the commitment that we’re focused on restoration.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:44
Mayor Council David Bell, Director, Parks natural resources, and basically what Harold said, I think he

Unknown Speaker 1:30:52
kind of covered most of it. But talking about that I had the chance to meet Sherry And Ruby out on site to lift the bank’s walls and talk about them a little bit and share some of the concerns. And they shared with me that they were gonna meet with Harold the next day to talk about this. And I can tell you, this was not surprised at all the commitments that Harold made, because that’s been coming from Longmont from beginning. I remember the other days after some of those first floods, when the first crews from FEMA and the Corps showed up in Longmont and in Boulder County. And those members from FEMA that were from Louisiana said, why don’t you just concrete it be done with this.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:28
That’s not the direction Longmont chose to go. So I think there’s been a deliberate process throughout that was able to take a creek that really served to function as a water delivery system, from years of farming and ranching had a pretty monolithic cover crop of non native species of trees, and had a lot of diversion structures that impacted the ability to fishery fisheries to move up and down that creek. In this process of protecting and trying to enhance, if you look at this slide, we’ve been able to give the creek a lot more room to move. We’ve increased the diversity of habitat. And even though we didn’t have a good baseline of whatever wildlife what is out there, I was telling you from a perspective of you know, increasing habitat, increasing diversity of cruising space, we’ve done everything we can to make that better habitat, our fisheries by removing some of those drop structures have allowed for our native fish to move up the creek in ways that they haven’t been able to in the past. So again, I think as I look at this and what we’ve done in the past, I confident we can move forward with that collaboration between engineering and natural resources to come up with a project that not only tries to protect that people and property but also protects the habitat where we can but also looks at ways that we can enhance it.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:46
As we look a little more specifically at the Bank Swallows one things that being out there on site with the residents and talking about it really was the fact that we recognize it. During this project, we’re not going to be able to not impact that site per se. But we have a lot of ability to look at the site and say we have elevation changes, we have what we need to potentially go through. And it’s Josh with the engineering piece of time where we have to drop the creek a bit. So we’ll have the ability to

Unknown Speaker 1:33:14
restore and enhance suitable habitat for Bank Swallows. This is a piece that you know, I think, as Harold talked about, we have some opportunities to do some experimental pieces in between to see if we can provide some temporary prefabricated habitat that could serve to help the Bank Swallows because that’s a piece is more we can do on that the more we can learn because I’m very confident in Josh’s engineering skills once in the past we can we can provide that habitat, we can always tell what the birds are going to do. So more we can try to go in front of this and figure that out, we’ll do that. As Charles mentioned, we have committed from my staff that we will go ahead and continue to do literature research on what that might look it to look like to provide the greatest opportunity for big swallows. And I think you’ve heard tonight, you know, this is a species of concern. And one of those reasons for concern really is habitat if you look a lot of wildlife issues and what the real underlying causes is habitat. So I feel even though these birds go through a lot to get up here, once they get up here, once they know this area, they get back and find habitat, we’ve done the best we can to try to assure that they end up back in long mod in the in this area. And before you move the slide, this was an interesting one, as we were looking at this and so what you can see in this slide from 2012 to 2021. There’s actually natural movement in the bank. And so we do know that that the bank structure itself has shifted to the northeast, if I’m getting my daughter’s correct to the northeast based on where it was at 2012. And so it’s kind of from that conversation where we really talked about what is that restoration look like? And again, kind of what Harold said was my next piece there, Harold, the closer you’re great, I mean that’s a good I think, you know, having staff has been through this twice since 2013. I think we’ve learned a lot from each other. And that’s great and and as Harold talked about that habitat because of the undercutting that bank can have

Unknown Speaker 1:35:00
Having that steep bank there, it naturally will undercut and drop and change to those, those walls may come back. And then this habitat they had last year may not be the same as this year. So there they are used to seeing some change there the things we can do, we’ve learned about as how if we’re going to create some sort of habitat, how do we help maintain and stabilize that we learn things from just basic engineering to also bioengineering and using root wads and National Natural materials helps stabilize that bank. So not only guy thing, can we recreate habitat, I think we do a better job and make sure that habitat stays there, probably longer woodenness natural state.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:34
And that would be it for me unless there’s any questions.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:40

Unknown Speaker 1:35:44
give you a quick overview, kind of where we were, did commit to communication as we’re moving through the design, it is hard for us to say what it’s going to be until, as Josh indicated until we can really get in and start doing the detailed design. But we did commit to communicating and we need to communicate as as we’re looking at these designs and what that looks like, but wanted to kind of give you a why are we doing this? What does it mean? How are we approaching the environmental issues? And so now Council, do you have any questions for us? Councillor mountain?

Unknown Speaker 1:36:17
Thank you, Mayor pack. Yeah, I have questions about the other bottom lines.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:24
First, I would like to clarify that profit because you know, it’s the three P’s in in the context of a nonprofit agency, like a municipal

Unknown Speaker 1:36:35
government enterprise, that really means the return on the investment of tax revenue, which means the ability of the municipality to serve the people. Okay, that’s not a question. But it is true that our evaluation system did something that chose the architecture that would not only do the least destruction to the river town channel in terms of deepening it and making it less hospitable for our shallow

Unknown Speaker 1:37:09
water Creek habitat. But it also returned more lands to be developable and wasn’t as expensive as deepening the channel, if I read the

Unknown Speaker 1:37:23
material on the website correctly. So Is that true, really, that if we evaluated all three bottom lines, the split flow

Unknown Speaker 1:37:35
turns out to be the winner on all three. So I’m gonna let Josh talk about the design generally, and what we were looking at, I’m gonna, before he gets in there, I want to talk about a few issues. So when we were talking to the council early on about the different options, we spent some time talking about the Rogers Grove option. And Council, we all agreed that we didn’t want to do that. Because we didn’t want to impact Rogers Grove, it would have basically pulled the majority of trees down. And people go well, did you have to do that? There’s a technical engineering term. But basically, what I say is, when you leave the trees in there, you actually don’t have the impact on the floodplain that you would have because it counts against you. And none of us wanted to really have that impact Rogers gross. So that was part that was the first part of the decision making process. I’ll let Josh talk about the engineering piece. The second thing is I really look at it in terms of cost. And I want to go into some depth on the cost component of this.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:39
Mayor, Councilmember Martin, so we did evaluate those different design alternatives, as I had in this up in the slides before and maybe I can get back there.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:50
So the single thread option, you have to take it all the way up to Golden ponds to yield the same benefit in terms of floodplain mitigation. That’s a more costly project in terms of just sheer improvements. Harold spoke to the to the impacts of some of the existing park and nature areas that that option would have.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:13
So we evaluated the alternative, which was the split flow option.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:17
And realize that, to yield the same benefits, you only need to get the overrode and really cut off that out of bank flooding that’s already occurring, and bring it back into the main stem to which would yield a

Unknown Speaker 1:39:32
cheaper project less cost. It did.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:37
It mimics what Harold said before in the sense that the same brain Creek has moved through this area before that’s why there’s gravel mining pits there and historically at some point, the channel was there once before so not trying to force it to go somewhere else but accepting it where it is and then bring it back into the main stem.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:55
So I will also say that early on in the master plan with resilient St. Brian

Unknown Speaker 1:40:00
And we looked at the entire project and this really before my time on the project, but when Nick Wolfram was still managing it, they brought it through the one of the early iterations of the SCS tool. And what we’ve talked about internally, as we go to final design, we can bring just this phase back through that same evaluation system again, to reevaluate just this specific piece as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:21
And I have one last tag question is, and you may not have this number. But

Unknown Speaker 1:40:29
if this last reach mitigation, were not done,

Unknown Speaker 1:40:34
what is long months exposure

Unknown Speaker 1:40:38
under 100 year flood scenario, which we can’t really estimate anymore as being 100 years away, statistically.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:48
So I can tell you that through some federal grants that we’ve applied for, for this, for this specific reach, they go through very detailed cost benefit analysis for those types of grant applications. So those grants have a minimum requirement of a cost benefit of greater than 1.0 or more

Unknown Speaker 1:41:08
this this reach this specific phase, so $20 million dollars, or just a little over $20 million nets, just above a positive 1.0. So I’m trying to answer your question by saying that the damages are equivalent to the cost of the project long term. So there is a net benefit of the costs that would be recognized if we experienced another 100 year flood or something similar in this area of upwards of $20 million to those structures that exist today. So that’s the damages to that the city would have to mitigate. How about the human cost of people getting washed out?

Unknown Speaker 1:41:49
I think we don’t have we don’t have those. There’s

Unknown Speaker 1:41:55
I don’t have an estimate on that. We, you know, we did an unmet needs analysis after the last flood. And

Unknown Speaker 1:42:04
maybe we could get it, but we’d have to derive it out of that. But it’s it’s I mean, if if I, we just look at St. Vrain, mobile home park, and I think, Carmen, how many

Unknown Speaker 1:42:16
136 units, we have 136 units, we had to I don’t know how many we had to replace, but there was a fair amount that we had to replace. And so I think you have to look at it in a slightly different way. And what’s the what’s the human impact? If you get in this? What’s the cost of restoring it? And then what’s the what’s the loss that you have in terms of affordable housing and people that you have to house? And so we did that, and we can pull that back out somewhere. But the number was,

Unknown Speaker 1:42:46
I want to say after the 2013 flood, I think for the city, the unmet need was somewhere in the neighborhood of $330 million.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:57
Is that right, Carmen? That sounds about right. That’s a guess. But I think it was in that neighborhood in that unmet needs analysis. That’s individual assistance, homeowner assistance, business assistance, everything we had to go through.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:13
So we got at least the 30 we had to and that’s not including the individual assistance that was received a FEMA, I think that was capped at what was that capped at McKernan individual assistance you remember.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:30
So she come on up, you’re gonna have to help me in this one. I’m remembering.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:35
So maybe just real quickly, when we talk about the impact on individuals, we can talk about the replacement of home belongings, we can talk about loss of time, several folks lost time from work, in addition to the emotional and mental trauma that folks went through, and having to be relocated. And sometimes, Royal mobile home was a good example of that we had to relocate over 50 families. So were they were not able to go back to their home. So you can just continue to total that up and see that it would be well beyond what we’re looking at.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:12
And I think part of the question is why does st Vrain mobile home park stick in our head saying brain mobile home park sticks in our head because we actually were having issues with FEMA early on in that process, and communication and we actually, and this is why it’s front and center for me. We actually had a meeting at the school adjacent to it. And that was the meeting where we actually flipped the script. And we did the meeting all in Spanish because of the number of monolingual speakers that we had there. And so it’s front and center in my mind, because we did spend a lot of time in that area and really working with FEMA on that issue.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:50
But the 300 million number was citywide.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:53
I also want to touch on cost too. So when we look at cost, one of the things that I have to think about in the

Unknown Speaker 1:45:00
So is it’s not just the cost in the stormwater fund. Also, in our minds, we know that we have electric rates that are going to increase. We have water rates that need to increase, we have regulatory pressures. And so a lot of times when when I’m looking and working with Becky and the financial focus on this, we’re actually having to also look at what are those going to be? Because when you start adding all of those costs together, it really is what is the impact to the resident? And so

Unknown Speaker 1:45:31
I naturally go to what’s the aggregate impact? And what does that look like based on what we have coming at us, because, as you’ve seen in our rate studies, we’re showing you what the cumulative impact on these costs are. So you can put that in a framework and understand what you’re voting on. And so I wanted to make that clear. on the cost side, I’m looking at a larger pie just because I know that can impact the residents in different ways.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:58
Thank you, counselor waters, they smear peg, just building on the cost your your last few comments about cost. Becky’s slide had a $5 million number and a four and a half percent rate increase a $10 million figure and a 9% rate increase?

Unknown Speaker 1:46:19
Can we assume that that would be above the 20 million those that the rate increases, we’ve done accommodate or fund the debt of a fund debt service up to $20 million. That the numbers that Becky presented would be if there was some change in the design that ended inflated costs, then we’d come back to look at more rate increases. Is that correct? I just want to make certain I was interpreting your numbers. And I want to be clear.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:51
That is a fairly educated guess we think five to 10 is where it needs to be. We can’t guarantee that that we’ve had a lot of conversations on that five or 10 is where it needs to be five, we think five to 10 millions a range

Unknown Speaker 1:47:05
of what the additional cost would be if if we were to deviate correctly. With the split flow split Flow Plan and the in the bond language that that we would vote on tonight.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:21
All that rolls into the $20 million and is covered the cost of debt service covered by the rate increases we’ve already approved. Correct.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:36
So thank you for all that information. It’s a lot.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:41
Harold, would this be the right time to discuss the ballot language and the cost of inserting language that does not really address the RSVP? We can we as staff actually, council didn’t direct us to change the language, we included the same language kind of talking about this. Becky can probably talk into more detail, what we did find out is that it’s not common

Unknown Speaker 1:48:09
for that type of language to be put in ballot initiatives specific to this. And I want to go back to something that was part of my conversation.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:19
You know, I said, if you mean preserve, as in preserve the location,

Unknown Speaker 1:48:25
I said, I can’t look at counsel and say we need to do that. If if preserved means preserve the nesting habitat via restoration. That’s what’s always been in our plan. So I want to be clear on That’s what I said and in the conversation.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:44
Becky, did you have anything more to add to that? I’m available for questions. Okay. And the reason I asked is that I also talked to some financial people. And I think the risk to the city might be and you correct me if I’m wrong is that the financial institutions may not even want to take that bond to market because of the risk of not having investors wanting to accept that language.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:15
I’m not sure is that true? Or is it

Unknown Speaker 1:49:20
we’re advised that that it’s unlikely that we’d have trouble necessarily marketing the bonds, but that the additional costs would come on the back end as far as compliance with that that language so there would be additional costs but exactly what the impact is is unknown. Okay, great. Thank you. Um, I would like Who are we counselor, Duggal theory.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:45
Thank you, Bear. Thank you, you. You pretty much essentially answered my questions through the presentation. I appreciate the thoroughness. But I just you know, I did want to confirm that, you know, that, that there will be a group that’s going to

Unknown Speaker 1:50:00
be looking at like a test, a test run prior to well, so So David is going to be doing the research trying to figure it out. David and Bob have talked about Bob looking at some different options that we can do as a test. We also as part of this, consult with experts, you know, in different fields. So, obviously, we have to interact with

Unknown Speaker 1:50:28
Colorado Fish and Wildlife, because it’s a 404 permit, I’m assuming we have to interact with the Environmental Protection Agency, we will also reach out to probably experts that have done this kind of work in the past to to inform what we do. We rely on consultants that have, you know, detailed expertise in each one of these, but they’ll be working on that. Okay. And then will there be opportunity for us to kind of get an update or not to put extra work but you know, as it’s kind of coming through just kind of CCS on emails or communications? Yep, that would be great. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:07
So you’re looking for us to direct you to is there any action so we actually need a vote on the resolution so we can put that all right. So I’m asking for a motion

Unknown Speaker 1:51:24
right that 2022 Dash 121 was Moved by Councillor water seconded by Councillor Martin. Let’s vote

Unknown Speaker 1:51:33
if I can get me.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:53
Chapter number waters.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:06
Excuse me.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:18
So that carries unanimously. The second thing under general business is the land development code amendments to create appropriate design standards for industrial buildings. Do we have a presentation on this?

Unknown Speaker 1:52:31
Mr. Angstadt?

Unknown Speaker 1:52:33
No, I did it again. You look too, too much alike for me. Okay. All right, I’ll take that as a calm Colin van DeMorgan.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:49
I stand side by side.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:54
quick presentation, mayor and city council again, Glen vanderwagen, your planning director and what this first swing at the this amendment to the land development code really has to do with the architectural design of buildings. It’s out of a section of our code that addresses what residential buildings should look like and a number of guidelines that recommend what is required of residential buildings. But then there’s another category that is kind of a catch all, which is for mixed use developments, or

Unknown Speaker 1:53:33
anything non residential. So what staff has been doing since the code has been adopted is trying to fit industrial buildings into that very specific set of criteria for mixed use development. So there are ways of dealing with it, the code does allow a certain amount of discretion on the part of the planning director, but only to a certain point, and then we have to go to the planning commission basically to rule on it. So I first presented a list of code amendments that we were playing with back in last October, and gave you some timeframes of when we thought those would be done. The first had to do with some land development code issues regarding affordable housing, that’s kind of grown into a much bigger effort that includes the whole code. And it’s really being led by the city manager’s office and is also addressing middle tier or attainable housing. So that’s taken a little bit broader brush. We did some presentations on a rental housing program. Council decided to take another approach with that. So that’s kind of off our plate at this point.

Unknown Speaker 1:54:48
And then we are right in the midst of amendments of the historic preservation code. And in fact, next Tuesday, you’ll be meeting with your historic preservation commission.

Unknown Speaker 1:55:00
to talk about some of those amendments, so we’re moving that along. And then we have, you’ll also see on Tuesday is

Unknown Speaker 1:55:10
the development standards in the mixed use corridors of Main Street that were recommended by the Main Street corridor plan. We also have in there and and council has approved funding for some compatibility standards, that ties into the land development code regarding historic preservation. So those will kind of come together. And then we have this issue, which I’ll dive into a little bit deeper. And a couple of things that

Unknown Speaker 1:55:39
we’ll have to see we’ll bring forward the steam and the sugar factory plan, we’re guessing there’s going to be some recommendations of code amendments or overlay zoning, but I’ll get right into so one thing I mentioned is we are a couple of months behind. So

Unknown Speaker 1:55:57
there’s probably maybe overestimated how little time it would take to do some of these big carries. And certainly the stork preservation code has taken a lot more effort than we originally proceeded, but not too far off on the overall schedule.

Unknown Speaker 1:56:16
So design standards for industrial buildings, again, we don’t have a section in the code, we’re trying to use the mixed use standards and addressing them to large industrial buildings. And these are the main areas I provided the exhibits from the code, one has to do with vertical articulation. So there needs to be some change in the building facade up and down, basically, and you can do that by in this case, they recommend that you have to have a clear base, a middle and a top.

Unknown Speaker 1:56:49
For mixed use buildings. Transparency is another issue, we actually state that the ground floor should be 50% glass, and then that reduces as you go up. So the second floor could be 15%. And then we also have horizontal articulation. So taking the wall planes of the building, and moving them in and out to create more shadow lines and a little bit more play. And the reason why these are so important in a in a mixed use areas because it’s usually a very active pedestrian area. So you’re trying to create architecture, that’s interesting glass that causes some interest. And you don’t want a blank facade adjacent to a pedestrian area, it just creates a very hot environment and boring environment. So that’s the reason for these standards.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:43
But here’s kind of the product we’re trying to address with these standards.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:49
The city is done a study I can’t remember how many years ago but identified that we do have a great market for distribution buildings, warehouse buildings, and what they call flex industrial buildings. So a building like this, this is a building that recently was completed on forum Street, could potentially house a lot of different employers. And it can be kind of divided up in that large space, basically, to fit someone’s needs and also allow a business to expand. So there’s not a lot of openings, because they could be a warehouse building or it could be a manufacturing building. Not a great place to put a whole lot of glass down on the ground floor. We do some horizontal articulation, you see that in this building. And it’s basically just blank planes that are in front of the building. And the main mass of the building.

Unknown Speaker 1:58:49
The one we really struggle with is the roofline articulation. And

Unknown Speaker 1:58:55
when you have this large of a building, our code says every 30 feet, you should bump that roof up two feet, or bring it down two feet. So when you get a facade, it’s maybe 300 feet long, it’s going to look kind of cartoonish, really, it’s going to look like a castle or something. But that’s one of the things we struggle with. And then of course, the rear end is the business end of a building like this, where you have a lot of dock high

Unknown Speaker 1:59:24
openings in the back and a lot of semi building semi trucks. But something we generally want to screen. So I just want to run through real quick these are the major changes in these areas as far as horizontal articulation. The code says to vary the wall planes on all elevations. We’re trying to bring that down to something that makes sense and highlight the main entrances to industrial buildings. So that’s where we’ll see the most architectural change in the in the wall of elevations. Vertical arches

Unknown Speaker 2:00:00
halation these are tall buildings, but they’re not multi storeys. So

Unknown Speaker 2:00:05
we don’t really need to clarify what’s a base? What’s the middle, and what’s the top. It’s really one edifice. So we’re basically stating that that’s not applicable. I mentioned the building or the glass transparency, right now our code says 50% of the page should be Windows, and they have to be clear windows. And that’s because in a retail building, you want people to be able to see inside and create that interest. But it doesn’t work so good with an employment building or an industrial building. So we’ve changed that number to 25% of the length of the facade, so it doesn’t necessarily have to be the whole area. But there needs to be some kind of openings along that area. And

Unknown Speaker 2:00:52
really identify what’s publicly visible. So those facades that are adjacent to a public street, and the main entrance as well.

Unknown Speaker 2:01:02
Let’s see building materials, there’s really only three primary building materials that’s allowed in our mixed use standards. Actually, four, sorry. So that’s brick, glass, stone or stucco. A lot of these industrial buildings are tilt up concrete.

Unknown Speaker 2:01:22
The good thing about that is there is some elasticity that’s allowed with concrete, you can do a lot of things as far as different textures, different openings,

Unknown Speaker 2:01:33
shadow lines, but again, concrete is not a stated allowed use. So we get into a game of well, can you do some stucco on that comp perfectly good concrete. But this would have give us the flexibility of saying, Okay, it’s a concrete building, it should look like that. And we’re allowing tilt up concrete panels. And then also, there’s engineering metal panels now that are very high end. In fact,

Unknown Speaker 2:02:05
there are some that evoke the look of stucco and other materials as well. And then the roofline, I mentioned that, basically, we’re stating, let’s get out of the formula as far as how much it has to go up and down and provide some variation. But again, on those public facing facades of the building,

Unknown Speaker 2:02:27
we also have a requirement that the upper storey has to step back, so the upper storey square footage has to be reduced by 10% of the base. Again, that doesn’t make sense. In this case, I wanted to start with actually the smallest print and here is this is not across the board, we realize that there could be some mixed use areas in the mue area that do have that pedestrian environment or it could be adjacent to a residential neighborhood. And in that case, we go back to the old rules and try and create a different looking building. So in this case, this is really would affect those areas that are a business park and industrial park where we it’s an employment center, and it’s not a retail or a pedestrian type of Senator.

Unknown Speaker 2:03:22
So from here, if if you think we’re headed in the right direction, we’ll try and get some more input from some of the construction folks that are building these type of buildings. We’ll bring it to the Planning and Zoning Commission to get a recommendation. We’ll work with our legal staff, of course, to get a draft that maybe makes better sense than what we put in the first go around in your packet. And then we’ll come back to city council for first and second readings. So realistically, I think we’re will probably be fourth quarter 2022 versus second quarter 2022. But I’d be happy to answer any questions that the city council may have. Councillor Martin?

Unknown Speaker 2:04:07
Thank you, Mayor pack.

Unknown Speaker 2:04:10
I am reminded by this and I’m afraid that it’s old style mixed use.

Unknown Speaker 2:04:16
But I think it matters a lot because we’re going to be doing a lot of squeezing things in kind of infill, I think in the future. And we had what I consider a pretty sad event.

Unknown Speaker 2:04:31
I’m on pandemic time. So I think it was about two and a half years ago because we were in person. But

Unknown Speaker 2:04:39
there was in sophomore Park, which is one of my favorite neighborhoods in my ward. There was going to be a little strip mall

Unknown Speaker 2:04:48
that I think would have been a real asset to the walkability of the neighborhood. And we couldn’t approve that building because there was just no way to make it do what the

Unknown Speaker 2:05:00
code required, which was see all the way through the building?

Unknown Speaker 2:05:05
I didn’t see that in here, because this is all about big commercial stuff. Right, got to do anything about that.

Unknown Speaker 2:05:13
That’s a good point. There are some tweaks that we have done throughout the code to make it make more sense. I know that because that was, I think one of the first things that I was here when we presented it, and it was appealed from the city council. And again, we were up against that transparency requirement. We did work out some things with that developer that we were able to do, you know, with the discretion that’s allowed in the code.

Unknown Speaker 2:05:42
They for whatever reason, I don’t necessarily think that was the total reason they’ve just decided to do something different. But we can certainly look at that. And in that case, they had roads on both sides. And that’s what was tripping us up. And so what’s the front? So we could certainly add that to the list. Yeah, it’s kind of a thing that I think will happen more than once, when you when you get into close quarters when you’re trying to add walkability to a neighborhood.

Unknown Speaker 2:06:10
So I was just reminded of that, man, thanks for taking.

Unknown Speaker 2:06:19
So Glen, I do have a question I, I like all the standards, but what I’m not seeing is anything for green building or alter, turn into the energy sources on these buildings as we are planning to move toward 100% renewable.

Unknown Speaker 2:06:37
In your research, I, I would like maybe perhaps get with David Hornbacher. And with all the all of the money that is coming down for green energy for climate, we need help. And it would be these large buildings,

Unknown Speaker 2:06:57
if they could put some alternative energy into it to are building green building materials.

Unknown Speaker 2:07:06
I would like to see what is out there and what we can do with our codes.

Unknown Speaker 2:07:11
Typically, you would use your your building codes to do that, which we just adopted. But yeah, we can certainly see what’s what’s new and coming down the pike on that, right? Because, because that’s really important for us, and we might, we should do it at the onset of these codes, not wait until it’s too late. And the buildings are all built. We start thinking of that now in our building codes. So any research you can bring back on that would be really appreciated. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:07:47
I don’t see any comments from any other counselor waters where you will if you’re gonna stick around the last year? Good. Sure. Okay. All right. Thank you very much. Thank you for the update

Unknown Speaker 2:08:07
sorry, we are now at final call public invited to be heard. Is there anybody in the public that would like to comment at this time?

Unknown Speaker 2:08:15

Unknown Speaker 2:08:21
because I’ve lived in this area that you’re talking about.

Unknown Speaker 2:08:27
I’ve had two friends, one that lived in a mobile home park up in Lyons. I also had one that lived right in the mobile home park across from budget rental that was also displaced. So I

Unknown Speaker 2:08:48
I like your idea of the split flow. But I also remind you that

Unknown Speaker 2:08:55
we’ve tried that before, if I remember correctly, in trying to split the flow and that was why the ditch that was built right in front of Walmart was built was to handle a lot of that overflow. And we did not see that work like it was supposed to in my opinion.

Unknown Speaker 2:09:24
So I would really like to see you guys dig deeper, if possible. Just because that area has been known to flood I’ve lived in South more Park I’ve seen it I’ve seen

Unknown Speaker 2:09:45
go to park flood left and right. And I’ve heard him say you know while it’s supposed to flow and flood the park and stuff like that when NAT Creek overflows. So I do

Unknown Speaker 2:10:00
like to split flow. But I would really hope you guys dig deep enough this time. So dig deeper and not show shallow this type.

Unknown Speaker 2:10:14
So, thank you. Thank you for your comments, Lance

Unknown Speaker 2:10:22
Marion Council comments, you have any comments from

Unknown Speaker 2:10:27
Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez?

Unknown Speaker 2:10:29
Thank you, Mayor Peck, I just wanted to acknowledge, thank you, Mr. Whitaker for this record, I’ll make sure it gets to the appropriate place, and also that you get a digital copy of the recording of it. So thank you again, and I will definitely let you know. I’m sure it’s more likely to go to the museum collection and the library collection. But

Unknown Speaker 2:10:48
I will make sure that we reach out to you and get you what you asked for. And thank you again for the record and the donation to the city essentially.

Unknown Speaker 2:10:58
Never heard it, I would love

Unknown Speaker 2:11:13
Thank you. I want to just make a statement about CSR. Guzman, I went there for five days in Mexico was sister cities. And it was an enlightening incredible experience. And I would encourage anybody on council, if you had the chance to go to one of the sister city that we sponsor, we have an incredible Sister Cities Program. And I met a lot of the children who have gone through it and they are now

Unknown Speaker 2:11:46
incredible, incredible children, incredible adults, they are now doctors, lawyers, school teachers, and these are from very low income families who would not have the chance to have those experiences, unless some organization like our sister cities, took a special interest in them. And we our exchange program is incredible. So I want to thank the city for allowing me to go and it’s was amazing. A counselor waters. Let me just reinforce your observation. This is a for what it’s worth. But as you as you commented, what it provoked for me was thinking about Trey Lyon, who 30 years ago this year, I think was we went to see it a Guzman it may have he may have gotten to Chino, but that was his first experience to international travel today or tonight Trey sets. He may have gone home from work by now. But he works in the West Wing. He reposted reports to Andy Sullivan, the National Security Adviser.

Unknown Speaker 2:12:54
And his his expertise is Ukraine. And is is daily briefing the President the Vice President on on strategic options. His inspiration came from Sister Cities. I mean, that’s the long term effect. And and I think the world is in the country’s in better hands than it might have been. We’re trying not they’re advising the president but but it’s a great success story that was its has as its origin, Longmont Sister City program. Thank you for that. And the conversation coming back on the bus

Unknown Speaker 2:13:28
to Guadalajara was we would like to get the Northern Arapaho and the Sierra Guzman students together. We think that that would be very interesting for both of them to see that exchange and they probably would have more in common than not, so

Unknown Speaker 2:13:48
I was really excited to be part of it. Thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 2:13:55
City Manager comments, no comments, Mayor, Council.

Unknown Speaker 2:13:59
City Attorney. No comments, Mayor.

Unknown Speaker 2:14:03
Well, I would like motion to adjourn.

Unknown Speaker 2:14:09
It’s been moved by Councillor your toggle fairing and seconded by Councillor waters that we adjourn. All those in favor just raise your hand. We are adjourned.

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